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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Phobia's


Page 2: Phobia's

1. Omphalophobia –Fear of navels As weird as it

sounds, some people do have this phobia where they

can't touch their own or others' belly buttons. In fact, the very idea of a belly button, or simply seeing one is also feared by people who suffer from

this phobia.

Page 3: Phobia's

2. Somniphobia –Fear of falling asleep

Imagine having the fear of falling

asleep! While some people just can't do

without their regular eight hours a night, sufferers of

this phobia may associate going to bed with dying, or losing time while

asleep, or may fear lack of control.

Page 4: Phobia's

3. Nomophobia –Fear of being without

mobile phone coverage

Ah! I am sure we all have a little

percentage of this hidden somewhere

in us. But people with this phobia

take it up a notch. They have a fear of

losing mobile network, mobile battery, or even

losing the sight of their mobile phone!

Page 5: Phobia's

4. Globophobia –Fear of balloons


People who have this phobia can fear balloons in general

or the sound produced when a

balloon is popped. I have no idea how on Earth people with this phobia

will ever be able to arrange a birthday party for their kids!

Page 6: Phobia's

5.Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia –Fear of long words

Quite an ironic

name for a phobia

of long words! It's

almost cruel. Ideally,

this phobia wouldn't

matter much to

people who don't

have to deal with

long words in their

daily routine. But if

you aspire to be a

spelling bee champ,

god save you!

Page 7: Phobia's

6. Anthophobia–

Fear of flowers

And I used to think flowers are pretty and a refreshing sight! But for some people with

this phobia, flowers are their worst fears come alive! Sufferers of this phobia have a fear of

flowers or even of their petals or stems, even

though they know that flowers pose no danger

to them whatsoever!

Page 8: Phobia's

7. Pentheraphobia –Fear of mother-in-laws

This is the discovery

Indian bahus have been waiting for. The sufferers of this phobia have extreme fear of their mother-in-laws. Better start

looking for an orphan partner


Page 9: Phobia's

8. Chrometophobia -Fear of money

I wish everyone around me had this phobia so they'd pass all their money to

me! People who have this phobia

fear having excess money on


Page 10: Phobia's

9. Phobophobia -Fear of having a


Finally, there's a phobia of

having phobias! People

suffering from this phobia live in the fear that

they might develop a

phobia. Far too ironic.