phu luc so 05 bao cao tinh hinh quan tri cong ty...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai...

PHU LUC S O 0 5 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY (Ban hanh kern theo Thong tu s6 155/20]5/TT-BTC ngay 06 thdng 10 nam 2015 cua Bo Tai chinh huang dan cong bo thdng tin tren thi truang chung khodn) CONG T Y C O PHAN CONG H O A X A H O I C H U NGHIA VIET NAM BOTGIATLIX DOC lap - Tir do - Hanh phuc S6: 02/2017/CV-HDQT TP.Hd Chi Minh, ngay 20 thdng 01 nam 2017 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY NIEM YET nam 2016 Kinh gui: - Uy ban Chung khoan Nha nuac - So Giao dich Chung khoan - Ten cong ty niem yet: CONG TY CO PHAN BOT GIAT LIX r t r - Dia chi try sa chinh: So 3 duong so 2, Khu pho 4, Phuang Linh Trung, Quan Thii Due, Thanh Ph6 H6 Chi Minh, Viet Nam - Dien thoai; 0838963658 Fax: 0838967522 Email: [email protected] - Von dihu le: 324.000.000.000 VND - Ma chung khoan: L I X 1. Hoat dong cua Dai hoi dong c6 dong: Thong tin ve cac cuoc hop va Nghi quySt/Quylt dinh cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong (bao gom ca cac Nghi quyet cua Dai hoi dong c6 dong dugc thong qua dual hinh thuc lay y kien bang van ban) Stt So Nghi quyet/ Quyet dinh Ngay Noi dung 1 01/2016/NQ- DHDCD 28/04/2016 1/ Thong qua Bao cao tai chinh nam 2015 da duac kiem toan. 2/ Thong qua ke hoach phan phoi Igi nhuan va chi tra c6 tuc nam 2015. 3/ Thong qua viec phat hanh c6 phieu tang v6n dieu le tir nguon von chu so huu cho c6 dong hien huu nam 2016 va cac van de lien quan. 4/ Thong qua k l hoach kinh doanh va chia c5 tuc nam 2016:

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Page 1: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong


(Ban hanh kern theo Thong tu s6 155/20]5/TT-BTC ngay 06 thdng 10 nam 2015 cua Bo Tai chinh huang dan cong bo thdng tin tren thi truang chung khodn)


B O T G I A T L I X DOC lap - Tir do - Hanh phuc

S6: 02/2017/CV-HDQT TP.Hd Chi Minh, ngay 20 thdng 01 nam 2017


nam 2 0 1 6

Kinh gui: - Uy ban Chung khoan Nha nuac - So Giao dich Chung khoan

- Ten cong ty niem yet: CONG T Y CO PHAN BOT GIAT L I X r t r

- Dia chi try sa chinh: So 3 duong so 2, Khu pho 4, Phuang Linh Trung, Quan Thii Due, Thanh Ph6 H6 Chi Minh, Viet Nam

- Dien thoai; 0838963658 Fax: 0838967522 Email: [email protected]

- Von dihu le: 324.000.000.000 V N D

- Ma chung khoan: L I X

1. Hoat dong cua Dai hoi dong c 6 dong:

Thong tin ve cac cuoc hop va Nghi quySt/Quylt dinh cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong (bao gom ca cac Nghi quyet cua Dai hoi dong c6 dong dugc thong qua dual hinh thuc lay y kien bang van ban)

Stt So Nghi quyet/ Quyet dinh Ngay Noi dung

1 01/2016/NQ-DHDCD 28/04/2016

1/ Thong qua Bao cao tai chinh nam 2015 da duac kiem toan.

2/ Thong qua ke hoach phan phoi Igi nhuan va chi tra c6 tuc nam 2015.

3/ Thong qua viec phat hanh c6 phieu tang v6n dieu le tir nguon von chu so huu cho c6 dong hien huu nam 2016 va cac van de lien quan.

4/ Thong qua k l hoach kinh doanh va chia c5 tuc nam 2016:

Page 2: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

• Tong doanh thu : 1.850 ty dong

• Lgi nhuan truac thue : 160 ty d6ng

• C6tuc :20%

5/ Thong qua viec uy quyen cho HDQT can cu tinh hinh hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh trong nam de quyet dinh thai gian va ty le tam ung c6 tuc nam 2016,

6/ Thong qua viec uy quyen cho HDQT lira chon mot trong hai don vi kiem toan doc lap cho Cong ty nam 2016.

• Cong ty TNHH Ki^m toan va Tu vdn A&C (A&C)

• Cong ty TNHH Hang Kilm Toan AASC (AASC)

I I Thong qua viec sua doi dieu le Cong ty theo Luat Doanh N|hiep s6 68/2bl4/QH13 ngay 26/11/2014 va theo V6n dieu le mai sau khi phat hanh c6 phieu tang von dieu le tu nguon von chu sa hixu cho c6 dong hien huu nam 2016

8/ Thong qua muc thu lao cho Hoi dong Quan tri va Ban Kiem Soat nam 2016:

• Thu lao cho Hoi dong Quan tri: 228 trieu dong/nam

• Thu lao cho Ban Kiem Soat: 66 trieu dong/nam

9/ Thong qua viec cham dut hoat dong cua Chi nhanh Cong ty Co phan Bpt Giat LIX tai Ha Noi theo chu truang di dai nha may cua UBND TP Ha Noi trong nam 2016.

10/ Thong qua viec bau cu bo sung thanh vien Hoi dong quan tri va Kiem soat vien nhiem ky 2012 - 2017

- Thanh vien bd sung vao HDQT, bao gom:

+ Ong Cao Thanh Tin

+ Ong Nguyen Xuan Bac

- Thanh vien bo sung vao Ban Kiem Soat: Ba Truang Thi Tram.

11. Hoi dong quan trj (Bao cao nam 2016):

1. Thong tin ve thanh vien Hoi dong quan tri (HDQT):

STT Thanh vien HDQT Chuc vu Ngay bat dau / khong

con la thanh vien HDQT

So buoi hop

tham du Ty le

Ly do khong

tham du

01 Lam Van Kiet Tu nhiem Chu tich va Thanh vien HDQT tu ngay 11/04/2016

7/21 33%

02 Nguyin Xuan Bac Chu tich HDQT

Tham gia HDQT tu ngay 11/04/2016 14/21 67%

Page 3: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

STT Thanh vien HDQT Chuc vu Ngay bat dau / khong

con la thanh vien HDQT

So buoi hop

tham du Ty le

Ly do khong

tham du

03 Cao Thanh Tin Thanh vien HDQT

Tham gia HDQT tu ngay 11/04/2016 14/21 67%

04 Doan Thi Tam Thanh vien HDQT 01/10/2003 21/21 100%

05 V6 Thanh Danh Tu nhiem Thanh vien HDQT tu ngay 15/10/2016

18/21 86%

06 Bui Cong Than Thanh vien HDQT 30/03/2012 21/21 100%

2. Hoat dong giam sat cua HDQT doi vai Ban Giam doc:

HDQT thuong xuyen theo doi cac hoat dong ciia Ban Tong Giam doc va cac cong viec quan ly dieu hanh khac, phoi hop voi Ban kiem soat kiem tra viec thuc hien cac van de:

• Chi tieu ke hoach do Dai hoi ddng c6 dong va HDQT d l ra. • Tien do va bien phap thuc hien Nghi quyet Dai hoi dong c6 dong,

HDQT va cac Quylt dinh cua HDQT.

• Ke hoach san xuat kinh doanh va cac chi tieu kinh te lien quan. .\

• De cu bo nhiem chuc danh Tong Giam Doc r \

• Viec chap hanh va tuan thu cac quy dinh cua Luat doanh nghiep, Dieu le Cong ty va cac qui dinh hien hanh ciia Nha nuac

•) >

3. Hoat dong cua cac tieu ban thuoc Hoi dong quan tr i : khong c6 4. Cac Nghi quyet/Quyet dinh ciia Hoi dong quan tr i :

XT So nghi quyet Ngay Noi dung

01 01/2016/NQ-HDQT 18/01/2016 Thong qua ket qua kinh doanh nam 2015 va ke hoach kinh doanh nam 2016, Quy 1/2016.

02 02/2016/NQ-HDQT 05/02/2016 Quyet dinh quy tien luang nam 2015

03 03/2016/NQ-HDQT 26/02/2016 Dieu chinh chuc danh cua nguai dai dien theo phap luat cua Cong ty tren Giay phep dang ky kinh doanh.

04 04/2016/NQ-HDQT 09/03/2016 Bo sung ke hoach dau tu xay dung nam 2016 va dieu chinh tong muc dau tu cua du an LIX Bac Ninh.

05 05/2016/NQ-HDQT 10/03/2016 Chot danh sach c6 dong tham du Dai hoi c6 dong thuong nien nam 2016.

06 06/2016/QD-HDQT 06/04/2016 Quyet dinh nghi huu huang che do BHXH doi vai PTGD V6 Thanh Danh.

07 07/2016/NQ-HDQT 11/04/2016 - Bau bo sung thanh vien HDQT va Chu tich HDQT

- Thong qua noi dung chinh chuan hi cho DHDCD

Page 4: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

11 So nghi quyet Ngay Noi dung |

thuong nien nam 2016

- Kk qua SXKD Quy 1/2016 va k l hoach cua Quy 11/2016.

08 08/2016/NQ-HDQT 28/04/2016 Bau Chu tich HDQT Cong ty.

09 09/2016/NQ-HDQT 04/05/2016 Chot danh sach co dong de chia c6 tuc dot 2 nam 2015.

10 10/2016/NQ-HDQT 12/05/2016 Lira chon don vi kiem toan doc lap nam 2016.

11 11/2016/NQ-HDQT 01/06/2016 Thong qua viec phat hanh c6 phieu tang von dieu le tir nguon von chu sa huu cho co dong hien huu nam 2016.

12 12/2016/NQ-HDQT 01/06/2016 Thong qua bo ho sa dang ky phat hanh them co phieu tang von dieu le tu nguon von chu sa huu trinh Uy ban Chung khoan Nha nuac.

13 13/2016/QD-HDQT 22/06/2016 Chdm dut hoat dong Chi nhanh Cong ty C6 ph^n Bot giat LIX tai Ha Noi.

14 14/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/06/2016 Thong qua ngay dang ky cuoi cung de phat hanh c5 philu tang v6n dieu le tu nguon von chu so huu cho CO dong hien huu nam 2016.

15 15/2016/NQ-HDQT 11/07/2016 Quyet dinh thanh lap Van phong dai dien Cong ty CP Bot giat LIX tai TP. H6 Chi Minh.

16 16/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Nghi quyet ve nhan sir dieu hanh Cong ty.

17 17/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Quyet dinh nghi huu huang che do BHXH doi vai TGD Lam Van Kiet.

18 18/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Quyet dinh giao thuc hien chuc trach, nhiem vu, quyen han cua Tong Giam doc cho Ong Cao Thanh Tin.

19 19/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Thong qua ket qua kinh doanh 6 thang dau nam 2016 va ke hoach kinh doanh 6 thang cuoi nam 2016.

20 20/2016/NQ-HDQT 15/08/2016 Thong qua viec dang ky tang von dieu le Cong ty tir 216 ty len 324 ty ddng.

21 21/2016/NQ-HDQT 22/08/2016 Giao Ong Cao Thanh Tin dai dien Cong ty ky ket cac ho sa lien quan den viec vay von tai VIETIN Bank.

22 22/2016/NQ-HDQT 20/10/2016 Thong qua ket qua kinh doanh Quy III/2016 va ke hoach kinh doanh Quy IV/2016.

23 23/2016/NQ-HDQT 09/11/2016 Chot danh sach co dong de tam ung co tuc dot 1 nam 2016.

24 24/2016/NQ-HDQT 20/12/2016 De cu bo nhiem Tong Giam Doc Cong ty.

Page 5: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

I I I . Ban kiem soat:


STT Thanh vien BKS Churc vu Ngay b̂ t dau/khong con la thanh vien


So buoi hop BKS tham du

Ty le tham du*


Ly do khong tham du hop

1 Le Dinh Vy Truang ban

-Ngay bat dau: 30/03/2012

-Ngay tu nhiem:


1/5 20% Tu nhiem Truang ban va Thanh vien BKS tu ngay 11/4/2016

2 Truang Thi Tram Truang ban

- Ngay bat dau:


4/5 80% Tham gia BKS tu ngay 28/04/2016

3 Nguyen Ngoc Quang Thanh vien

-Ngay bat dau: 01/10/2003

5/5 100%

4 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

Thanh vien

-Ngay bat dau: 17/04/2010

5/5 100%

2. Hoat dong giam sat ciia B K S doi voi H D Q T , Ban Giam doc dieu hanh va

CO dong

Trong nam 2016, BKS da tham du day du cac cuoc hop HDQT hang quy va

theo yeu cau. Ban kiem soat danh gia hoat dong cua Hoi dong quan tri trong

nam phu hop vai quy dinh cua phap luat va Cong ty, dap ung kip thai yeu cau r

hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh ciia Cong ty.

- Hoi dong quan tri da ban hanh nhieu Nghi quyet va Quyet dinh lien quan

den hoat dong ciia Cong ty trong pham v i trach nhiem va tham quyen cua Hoi

dong quan tri . Cac Nghi quyet, Quy8t dinh ciia Hoi d6ng quan tri ban hanh diing

trinh tu, diing tham quyen va phii hop vai can cu phap ly theo quy dinh ciia

phap luat va Cong ty.

3. Sy phoi hgp hoat dong gifra B K S doi voi hoat dong cua H D Q T

- Trong nam 2016, Ban kiem soat dugc Hoi dong quan tr i va Ban Tong Giam

Page 6: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

doc tao dieu kien thuan lgi trong viec cung cap day du cac thong tin ve tinh hinh

hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty.

- Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong quan tri ,

tham gia y kien theo chuc nang va nhiem vu ciia Ban kiem soat.

Ban kiem soat da phoi hgp chat che vai Hoi dong quan t r i . Ban Tong Giam

doc nhung van duy tri su doc lap ciia minh trong viec thuc hien chuc nang r t •>

nhiem vu dugc giao, phoi hgp trong hoat dong kiem tra, giam sat va kiem soat

ngi DO.

4. Hoat dong khac cua B K S Ban Kigm soat thuc hien tham dinh cac bao cao tai chinh theo quy do Ban dieu hanh cung cap ciing nhu bao cao kiem toan doc lap 2015.

IV. Dao tao ve quan tri cong ty;

Cac thanh vien HDQT, Truang BKS, Ban dieu hanh, va Thu ky cong ty da tham gia chuang trinh dao tao Quan tri cong ty cho cac Cong ty Co phan dai chiing tu ngay 14/04/2016 den ngay 15/04/2016 tai TP. H6 Chi Minh do Trung tam Nghien cuu Khoa hgc va Dao tao Chung khoan to chiic.

V. Danh sach ve ngu-ai co lien quan cua cong ty niem yet theo quy djnh tai khoan 3 4 Dieu 6 Luat Chu-ng khoan va giao djch cua ngu-m c6 lien quan cua cong ty voi chinh Cong ty:

1. Danh sach ve nguai c6 lien quan ciia cong ty:

SI 1 Ten to chuc / cd nhan

Chuc vu tai cong ty (neu


s6 CMND,ngay cap,nai cap

Dia chi tru so chinh/

dia chi lien he

Thai diem bat dau la nguai c6 lien quan


Thai diem khong con la ngucfi co lien quan

Ly do / Ghi chu

1 Lam Van Kiet TP. HCM 01/10/2003 31/07/2016

Tu nhiem Chu tich va TV HDQT tu 11/04/2016. Nghi huu theo luat dinh tii 31/07/2016

2 Nguyen Xuan B4C

; Chu tich HDQT Bic Giang 11/04/2016

3 Cao Thanh Tin TV HDQT kiem Pho TGD

TP. HCM 11/04/2016

i 4 1

V6 Thanh Danh TV HDQT TP. HCM 01/10/2003 15/10/2016 Tu nhiem TV HDQT

Page 7: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

Ten to chuc / ca nhan

Chuc vu tai cong ty (neu


s6 CMND,ngay cap,nai cap

Dia chi tru sa chinh/

dia chi hen he

Thai diem bat dau la nguai CO lien quan

Thcridilm | ^ khong con Ly do / Ghi la nguai co chu lien quan j

5 Doan Thi Tam

TV HDQT, Cong bo 11 kiem Ke Toan Truang

TP. HCM 01/10/2003

6 Bui Cong Than TV HDQT kiem Pho TGD

Dong Nai 30/03/2012 !

• 1

7 Truang Thi Tram

Truang BKS TP. HCM 28/04/2016

8 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

TV BKS kiem PP. Tieu Thu

Binh Duong 17/04/2010

9 Nguyen Ngoc Quang

TV BKS kiem Pho GDCN Binh Duang

TPHCM 01/10/2003

2. Giao dich giua cong ty vai nguai c6 lien quan cua cong ty; hoac giila cong ty vai CO dong Ian, nguai noi bo, nguai c6 lien quan cua nguai noi bp: khong co.

3. Giao dich giixa nguai ngi bg cong ty niem yet, nguai c6 lien quan cua nguai ngi bg vai cong ty con, cong ty do cong ty niem yet nam quyen kiem soat: khong CO.

4. Giao dich giiia cong ty vai cac doi tugng khac: khong c6.

4.1. Giao dich giixa cong ty vai cong ty ma thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien Ban Kiem soat, Tong Giam doc dieu hanh da va dang la thanh vien sang lap hoac thanh vien HDQT, Tong Giam d6c dieu hanh trong thai gian ba (03) nam tra lai day (tinh tai thai diem lap bao cao) : khong co

4.2. Giao dich giiia cong ty vai cong ty ma nguai co lien quan cua thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien Ban Kiem soat, Tong Giam doc dieu hanh la thanh vien HDQT, Tong Giam doc dieu hanh : khong co

4.3. Cac giao dich khac cua cong ty (neu co) co the mang lai lgi ich vat chat hoac phi vat chat doi vai thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien Ban Kiem soat, Tong Giam doc dieu hanh : khong c6

VI. Giao dich co phieu ciia ngu-oi noi bo va ngu^oi lien quan cua ngirai noi bo :

1. Danh sach nguai ngi bg va nguai co lien quan cua nguai ngi bg:

Page 8: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

STT Ten to chuc / ca nhan

Chuc vu tai cong ty (neu co)

S6 CMND,ngay cap,nai cap

Dia chi tru sa chinh/

dia chi lien he

So CO phieu sa huu cuoi

ky (31/12/2016)

Ty le so hiiu CO phieu cuoi ky


Ghi chu

1 Lam Van Kiet TP. HCM

Tu nhiem Chu tich va TV HDQT tir 11/04/2016. Nghi huu theo luat dinh tu 31/07/2016

2 Nguyen Xuan Bic

Chu tich HDQT Bac Giang 0

3 Cao Thanh Tin TV HDQT kiem Pho TGD


4 V6 Thanh Danh TP. HCM Tu nhiem TV HDQT tu 15/10/2016

5 Doan Thi Tam

TV HDQT, Cong bo i 1 kiem KI Toan Truang

TP. HCM 179.500 0,554% So cp so huu vao thai diem 10/01/2017

6 Bui Cong Than TV HDQT kiem Pho TGD

Dong Nai 0

Tran Pham Thuy Vy Dong Nai 36.624 0,113% Vg Bill Cong


7 Truang Thi Tram

Truang BKS TP. HCM 0

8 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

TV BKS kiem PP. Tieu Thu

Binh Duang 3.600 0,011%

9 Nguyin Ngoc Quang

TV BKS kiem Pho GD CN Binh Duang

TPHCM 29.085 0,090%

To Thi Ai TPHCM 14.976 0,046% Vg Nguyen Ngoc Quang

2. Giao dich cua nguai ngi bg va nguai c6 lien quan doi vai co phieu cua cong ty niem yet:

Page 9: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

STT Nguai thuc hien giao dich

Quan he vai Cong ty

So CP sa huu dau ky S5 CP sa hiiu cudi ky (10/01/2017) Ly do

tang, giam

Thai gian STT Nguai thuc

hien giao dich Quan he vai

Cong ty So CO phieu Ty le So CO

phieu Ty le

Ly do tang, giam thuc hien

1 Doan Thi Tam

TV HDQT, Cong bo TT kiem Ke Toan Truang

269.280 0,831% 179.500 0,554% Ban

Tu 12/12/2016

den 10/01/2017

V I I . Cac van de can liru y khac: khong

Page 10: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong


(Issued under Circular No. 155/2015/TT-BTC dated October 6th 2015 of the Ministry of Finance On guidelines for information disclosure on securities market)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hochiminh City, January 20^^ 2017


In 2016

Kind attention: - State Securities Commission of Vietnam - Stock Exchange


- Head Office: No. 3, Road No. 2, Quarter 4, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Due District, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.

- Tel.- 0838963658 Fax: 0838967522 E-mail: [email protected]

- Charter capital: 324,000,000,000 VND

- Stock code: LIX


The information of meetings and Resolutions/Decisions of the AGM (including resolutions of the AGM passed in the form of taking opinions by the written word)

No. Resolution/

Decision No. Date Contents

1/ Passing the Audited Financial Statement in 2015.

21 Passing the plan o f profit allocation and dividend payment in 2015.

1 01/2016/NQ~ DHDCD 28/04/2016

3/ Passing the issuance o f shares to increase the charter capital from owners' the equity capital for existing shareholders in 2016 and relevant affairs.

4/ Passing the operating plans and dividend allocation in 2016:

• Total revenue : 1,850 bil l ion V N D

• EBT : 160 bi l l ion V N D



No.: 02/2017/CV-HDQT

Page 11: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

• Share dividend : 20%

5/ Passing the authorization for the BOD basing on operating situation in the year to determine time and proportion o f making an advance of share dividends in 2016.

6/ Passing the authorization for the BOD to select one o f two independent auditors in 2016.

• A & C Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd. (A&C)

• AASC Auditing Co., Ltd (AASC)

I I Passing the amendment o f the Charter of the company under the law on Enterprises No. 68/2014/QH13 dated 26/11/2014 and under the new charter capital after issuing the shares to increase the ovmers' equity capital o f existing shareholders in 2016.

8/ Passing the remuneration for the BOD and the IC in 2016:

• Remuneration o f the BOD: 228 mil l ion VND/year

• Remuneration of the IC: 66 million/year

9/ Passing the termination o f the branch of L I X Detergent Joint Stock Company in Hanoi under the policy o f moving the plant o f the People's Committee o f Hanoi City in 2016.

10/ Passing the election o f supplementation of members o f the BOD and the IC o f the Office Term 2012-2017.

- Additional members o f the BOD, including:

+ Mr. Cao Thanh Tin

+ Mr. Nguyen Xuan Bac

- Additional members o f the IC: Ms. Truong Thi Tram.

11. Board of Directors (Report in 2016): 1. Information of members of the Board of Directors (BOD):

No. Members o f the BOD Position Date o f starting/

ceasing the member o f the BOD

Number o f meeting

attendance Rate

Reason of absence

01 Lam Van Kiet

Resigned from the Chairman and the member o f BOD since 11/04/2016

7/21 33%

02 Nguyen Xuan Bac Chairman of BOD

Participated in BOD from 11/04/2016 14/21 67%

03 Cao Thanh Tin Member o f BOD

Participated in BOD from 11/04/2016 14/21 67%

04 Doan Thi Tam Member o f BOD 01/10/2003 21/21 100%

Page 12: PHU LUC SO 05 BAO CAO TINH HINH QUAN TRI CONG TY...hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh va tinh hinh tai chinh cua Cong ty. - Ban kiem soat dugc mai tham du tat ca cac cuoc hop ciia Hoi dong

No. Members o f the BOD Position Date o f starting/

ceasing the member o f the BOD

Number o f meeting

attendance Rate

Reason o f absence

05 Vo Thanh Danh Resigned from the member o f BOD since 15/10/2016

18/21 86%

06 Bui Cong Than Member o f BOD 30/03/2012 21/21 100%

2. Supervision of the Board of Directors upon the Board of Management:

The Board of Directors regularly supervises operations of the Board of Management and other managing affairs, to cooperate With the Inspection Committee to check implementations of:

• Targets and plans proposed by the AGM and the BOD. • Progress and measures of implementations of resolutions of the AGM,

the BOD and decisions of BOB.

• Operating plans and relevant economic targets.

• Appointing the position of General Director

• Compliance with regulations of the enterprise, the charter and current regulations of the government.

3. Activities of subcommittees of BOD: None

4. Resolutions/Decisions of BOD:

No. Resolution No. Date Contents

01 01/2016/NQ-HDQT 18/01/2016 Passing the operating result in 2015 and operating plans in 2016, Quarter 1/2016.

02 02/2016/NQ-HDQT 05/02/2016 Determining the salary fund in 2015

03 03/2016/NQ-HDQT 26/02/2016 Adjusting the title o f the legal representative o f the company under the Certificate o f Business Registration.

04 04/2016/NQ-HDQT 09/03/2016 Supplementing the plan o f construction investment in 2016 and adjusting the total investment o f L I X Project in Bac Ninh.

05 05/2016/NQ-HDQT 10/03/2016 Closing the list o f shareholders participating in the A G M in 2016.

06 06/2016/QD-HDQT 06/04/2016 Determining the resignation for retirement pension o f Vice General Director V o Thanh Danh.

07 07/2016/NQ-HDQT 11/04/2016 - Supplementing members o f BOD and Chairman of BOD

- Passing main contents to prepare for the A G M in 2016

- Operating result o f Quarter 1/2016 and Plans o f Quarter 11/2016.

08 08/2016/NQ-HDQT 28/04/2016 Voting Chairman o f B O D of the company.

09 09/2016/NQ-HDQT 04/05/2016 Closing the list o f shareholders to allocate dividends o f

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No. Resolution No. Date Contents

stage 2 in 2015.

10 10/2016/NQ-HDQT 12/05/2016 Selecting the independent auditor in 2016.

11 11/2016/NQ-HDQT 01/06/2016 Passing the issuance of shares to increase the charter capital from the owners' equity capital for existing shareholders in 2016.

12 12/2016/NQ-HDQT 01/06/2016 Passing the registration documents for issuance of additional shares to increase its charter capital from the owners' equity capital to the State Securities Commission o f Vietnam.

13 13/2016/QD-HDQT 22/06/2016 Terminating the operation o f the branch of L I X Detergent Joint Stock Company in Hanoi.

14 14/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/06/2016 Passing the fmal registration for issuance of shares to increase its charter capital from the owners' equity capital for existing shareholders in 2016.

15 15/2016/NQ-HDQT 11/07/2016 Determining the establishment o f the Representative Office o f L I X Detergent Joint Stock Company in Hochiminh City.

16 16/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Resolution on managing personnel of the company.

17 17/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Determining the resignation for retirement pension of General Director Lam Van Kiet.

18 18/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Determining to appoint Mr. Cao Thanh Tin as the general director to implement responsibilities, obligations and powers.

19 19/2016/NQ-HDQT 27/07/2016 Passing the operating result o f 6 beginning months o f 2016 and operating plans o f 6 ending months in 2016.

20 20/2016/NQ-HDQT 15/08/2016 Passing the registration o f charter capital from 216 bil l ion to 324 bil l ion V N D .

21 21/2016/NQ-HDQT 22/08/2016 Assigning Mr. Cao Thanh Tin to be on behalf of the company to sign relevant documents of loan at VIETIN Bank.

22 22/2016/NQ-HDQT 20/10/2016 Passing the operating result o f Quarter III/2016 and operating plans o f IV/2016.

23 23/2016/NQ-HDQT 09/11/2016 Closing the list o f shareholders to make an advance of share dividends o f stage 1 in 2016.

24 24/2016/NQ-HDQT 20/12/2016 To appoint the general director o f the company.

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No. Member of I C Position Date of


the mebers of


Number of



Rate Reason of


1 Le Dinh V y Head -Date o f



-Date o f



1/5 20% Resigned from

the Head and

the member o f

IC since


2 Truong Thi Tram Head - Date o f



4/5 80% Participated in

the IC from


3 Nguyen Ngoc Quang Member - Date o f



5/5 100%

4 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van Member - Date o f



5/5 100%

2. Inspection activities of the Inspection Committee upon the BOD, the BOM

and the shareholders

- In 2016, the Supervision Committee has attended fully the meetings of the BOD

quarterly and on-demand. The Supervision Committee evaluates that activities of

the BOD are in conformity with regulations of the law and the company, timely

meet the requirements of business operations of the Company.

- The Board of Directors has issued several resolutions and decisions relating to

the activities of the Company within responsibilities and competence of the

Board of Directors. Resolutions and Decisions of the Board of Directors have

been issued in order, right with jurisdiction and in accordance with the legal basis

under the provisions of law and the Company.

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3. Combined operations between the Supervision Committee on activities of the

Board of Directors

- In 2016, The Supervision Committee has been created flavor conditions by the

Board of Management and the Board of Directors to provide full information on

the situation of production and business activities and financial position of the


- The Supervision Committee is invited to attend all meetings of the Board of

Directors, express opinions on their functions and duties of the Supervision


- The Supervision Committee has cooperated closely with the Board of Directors,

the Board of Management, but still maintained its independence in the

performance of their assigned functions and tasks, coordinated in inspection,

control activities.

4. Other activities of the Inspection Committee

The Inspection Committee has evaluated the quarterly financial statements provided by the Executive Committee as well as the independent audit report in 2015.

IV. Training on corporate governance; The members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the company secretary joined the training program on Corporate Governance for public joint stock companies from 14/04/2016 to 15/04/2016 in Hochiminh City held by the Securifies Research and Training Center.

V. List of afflliated persons of the listed company under the provisions of paragraph 34 of Article 6 of the Law on Securities and transactions of affiliated persons of the company with the company itself:

1. List of affiliated persons:

No. Name of

organization/ individual

Position in the company ( i f


I D Card, Date o f

issue and place o f


Head office

address/ mailing address

Date o f being

affiliated person

Date o f ceasing

afflliated person


1 Lam Van Kiet HCMC 01/10/2003 31/07/2016

Resigned from Chairman and the Member of BOD since

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No. Name of

organization/ individual

Position in the company ( i f


I D Card, Date o f

issue and place o f


Head office

address/ mailing address

Date o f being

afflliated person

Date o f ceasing

afflliated person


I D Card, Date o f

issue and place o f


Head office

address/ mailing address

11/04/2016. Retired under the law since 31/07/2016

2 i

Nguyen Xuan Bac

Chairman of BOD

Bac Giang


3 Cao Thanh Tin

Member o f BOD cum Vice General Director

H C M C 11/04/2016

4 Vo Thanh Danh

Member o f BOD HCMC 01/10/2003 15/10/2016

Resigned from the

member o f BOD

i 5 Doan Thi Tam

Member o f BOD, Spokesperson cum Chief Accountant

H C M C 01/10/2003

6 Bui Cong Than

Member o f BOD cum Vice General Director

Dong Nai


7 Truong Thi Tram

Head o f I C HCMC 28/04/2016

8 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

Member o f I C cum Deputy Chief o f Consuming Department

Binh Duong

17/04/2010 AW 'Si?


9 Nguyen Ngoc Quang

Member o f IC cum Vice Director o f Binh Duong Branch

H C M C 01/10/2003 4

2. Transactions between the company and the affiliated persons of the company; or between the company and the major shareholders, the insiders, afflliated persons of the insiders: None

3. Transactions between the insiders of the listed company, relevant persons of the insiders with its subsidiaries, the companies under control of the listed company: None

4. Transactions between the company and other entities: None

4.1. Transactions between the company and the companies that members of the Inspection Committee, CEO have been the founder members of members of BOD, CEO for a period of last three (03) years (as at the time of reporting): None

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4.2. Transactions between the company and the companies that the affiliated persons of members of the Board of Directors, members of the Inspection Committee, CEO are the members of the Board of Directors, CEO; None

4.3. Other transactions of the company (if any) may be materially or immaterially beneficial for members of the Board of Directors, members of the Inspection Board, CEO: None

VI. Share transactions by insiders and afflliated persons of the insiders:

1. List of insiders and afflliated persons of the insiders:

No. Name of

organization/ individual

Position ( i f any)

ID Card No., Date o f

issue and place o f


Head office

address/ mailing address

Number o f holding

shares at the end o f period


Rate of holding

shares at the end o f period



1 Lam Van Kiet HCMC

Resigned from Chairman and Member of BOD since 11/04/2016. Retired under the law since 31/07/2016

2 Nguyen Xuan Bac

Chairman of BOD

Bac Giang


3 Cao Thanh Tin

Member o f BOD cum Vice General Director


4 Vo Thanh Danh


Resigned from member of BOD since 15/10/2016

5 Doan Thi Tam

Member o f BOD, Spokesperson cum Chief Accountant

HCMC 179,500 0.554%

Number of holding shares as o f 10/01/2017

6 Bui Cong Than

Member o f BOD cum Vice General Director

Dong Nai


Tran Pham Thuy Vy

Dong Nai

36,624 0.113% Bui Cong

Than's wife

7 Truong Thi Tram

Head o f I C HCMC 0

8 Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

Member o f IC cum

Binh Duong 3,600


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No. Name of

organization/ individual

Position ( i f any)

ID Card No., Date o f

issue and place o f


Head office

address/ mailing address

Number o f holding

shares at the end o f period


Rate of holding

shares at the end o f period



Deputy Chief o f Consuming Department

9 Nguyen Ngoc Quang

Member o f IC cum Vice Director o f Binh Duong Branch

HCMC 29,085 0.090%

To Thi A i HCMC 14,976 0.046%

Nguyen Ngoc

Quang's wife

2. Transactions of insiders and afflliated persons on shares of the listed company:

No. Transactor Relationship of

the company

Number of holding shares at the

beginning period

Number of holding share in the ending period (10/01/2017)

Reason of increase/ Decrease

Execution time No. Transactor

Relationship of the company

Number of shares

Rate Number of shares


Reason of increase/ Decrease

Execution time

I Doan Thi Tam

Member of BOD, Spokesperson cum Chief Accountant

269.280 0,831% 179.500 0,554% Sell

From 12/12/2016

to 10/01/2017

VII. Other notes: None