piphany. - peace camarillonewsletter of peace lutheran church of camarillo ... also known as...

February 2/1 Snow Retreat 2/9 LoveFest 2/10 Voters Meeting 2/11 Applebee’s 2/12 SuperTuesday 2/14 Many Meals 2/19 Church Council March 3/1 F&FF 3/6 Ash Wednesday 3/12 SuperTuesday 3/13 Soup Supper 3/20 Soup Supper 3/22 Junior High DYG 3/27 Soup Supper April 4.3 Soup Supper 4/5 F&FF 4/8 SuperTuesday 4/10 Soup Supper 4/18 Maundy Thurs. 4/21 Good Friday. 4/21 Easter In the bleak midwinter Darkness… then light. This winter is looking especially bleak for most of our country. Chicago, for example, has been colder than Antarctica on some days here in 2019! The reason? The Polar Vortex. What happened to Global Warming? It seems more like a new Ice Age! As it turns out, meteorologists are explaining how the Polar Vortex that is freezing our relatives in the Midwest (and 87 million other Americans) is strangely connected with Global Warming. Who knew?! The so-called “Polar Vortex” is a large current of frigid air that circulates counterclockwise on a normally tight path around the SAVE THE DATE IN 2019 Newsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo 4 More Weeks oF E piphany . . . cont’d next page …

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Page 1: piphany. - Peace CamarilloNewsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo ... also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster

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February 2/1 Snow Retreat 2/9 LoveFest 2/10 Voters Meeting 2/11 Applebee’s 2/12 SuperTuesday 2/14 Many Meals 2/19 Church Council

March 3/1 F&FF 3/6 Ash Wednesday 3/12 SuperTuesday 3/13 Soup Supper 3/20 Soup Supper 3/22 Junior High DYG 3/27 Soup Supper

April 4.3 Soup Supper 4/5 F&FF 4/8 SuperTuesday 4/10 Soup Supper 4/18 Maundy Thurs. 4/21 Good Friday. 4/21 Easter

In the bleak midwinter

Darkness… then light.

This winter is looking especially bleak for most of our country. Chicago, for example, has been colder than Antarctica on some days here in 2019! The reason? The Polar Vortex.

What happened to Global Warming? It seems more like a new Ice Age! As it turns out, meteorologists are explaining how the Polar Vortex that is freezing our relatives in the Midwest (and 87 million other Americans) is strangely connected with Global Warming. Who knew?!

The so-called “Polar Vortex” is a large current of frigid air that circulates counterclockwise on a normally tight path around the


Newsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo

4 More Weeks oF

Epiphany. . .

cont’d next page …

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Arctic Circle. But that tight path can be disrupted in rare circumstances. According to the Associated Press, this is exactly what happened last month when an unusually warm blast of air from the (Eurasian) south dramatically heated the frigid air 20 miles above the North Pole and, in effect, knocked a big chunk of the Polar Vortex off its normal path in a southernly

direction. It is one of these rogue pieces of the Polar Vortex that now bears down on the northern part of the US. Scientists expect warm air from the south to cause more of these same polar blasts going forward.

That means, among other things, more snaps, crackles and loud pops coming from out of the earth - like the ones that have been surprising unwary Midwesterners in Indiana, Illinois and other places. Scientists call these seemingly random noise outbursts cryoseisms, and they occur when moisture in the ground freezes, then expands, releasing an ear-splitting burst of pressure. The bark of these “frost quakes,” as they are also sometimes called, is worse than their bite, however; they register more on the ear than on the Richter scale.

Frost quakes are not the only strange phenomena manifesting under these extreme weather conditions. Halos and so-called “sundogs” have become part of the visual spectacle in the Midwestern sky. Reminiscent of the rainbow, sundogs form from a thin veil of atmospheric ice crystals that refract a spectrum of colors starting from red to blue on either

side of the sun, like a set of hovering parentheses. Halos, on the other hand, fully encircle the sun or the moon with their bright luminescence.

All these unusual weather phenomena have inspired a playful spirit on the part of many Midwesterners, as they try to make the best of it. One young lady dampened her long hair before going outside, hung her head forward in the freezing air, then aimed her rigid hair straight up to the sky like a frozen Christmas tree. Others made a game of spraying water and watching it transform into icicles before hitting the ground.

It is certainly not all fun and games, though. With wind-chill factors below –50℉, hypothermia has sadly claimed over a dozen lives already in this current storm system. And emergency workers are concerned for many more whose lives are endangered by frost bite, power loss and other cold-related risks.

Midwinter is certainly looking bleak. Haywire weather systems are just one sign of a world spinning out of control. But, as Christians, we already knew these things would and will continue to worsen until Jesus comes again, when He who is Light of Light ushers in the light of a New Day. Jesus gives a preview of that bright New Day on the Mount of Transfiguration, which brings Epiphany season to a climactic close. But not till next month... We have four more weeks to consider Christ’s proclamation: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Jn 8:12). We have four more weeks to see in the blinding light of His divine glory how all our worries and cares of this world will ultimately fade into nothing. All the pain and suffering which we must endure on this earth cannot hold a candle to the joy, peace and love that await us in the New Heaven and New Earth. In Him there is no darkness at all. In the meantime, He who is no stranger to pain and suffering promises to be with us in ours. It pleases Him to give us the Kingdom, where there is only “everlast ing r ighteousness, innocence and blessedness to all eternity.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

- Deacon Mike

"Out of the south comes the storm,

And out of the north the cold.”

(Job 37:9)

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Y outh Gatherings are a very exciting way for

students t o gr ow both upward ly in the Lord and

outward ly in relation t o fel low bel ievers…


March 22-24th, 2018. Same place back by popular demand: Full weekend at the Boy Scout USA’sIrvine Ranch OutdoorEducationCenter.org. $160  by FEB 28, 2019 (scholarships available)Go to: PeaceCamarillo.com/junior--high


JUNE 24-28, 2019

Dear Friends,

Save the date! June 24-28. God always seems to bless this major outreach with the Good News of Jesus that our church puts on each summer. But we can’t do it without YOU! We are always so grateful for the generous volunteers who roll up their sleeves and pitch in for the sake of the children whom the Lord draws to this week-long, exciting event. This year’s theme takes us on a journey to outer space where the heavens declare the glory of God. Sign up & join us in the countdown to VBS!

Linda La Jeunesse


PARENTS NIGHT OUT Saturday, March 16, 2019 2 -5 PM

“No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.” (John 3:13)

LOVEFEST ’19 Saturday, FEB 9, 2019 Leave at 7:30am

⚫ ︎music ⚫ ︎speakers ⚫ ︎ ⚫ ︎workshops ⚫ ︎In’N’ Out

& more! Return at 9:30pm

LoveFest for both Jr & Sr High students: Only $25! (Confirmation students can get extra credit for attending)

NYG Minneapolis July 9-15


Page 4: piphany. - Peace CamarilloNewsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo ... also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster


Last month’s article was on “health-wise” goals and an introduction to Vaccine Health. Early in the Fall, the Flu Vaccine is encouraged. Hopefully you did receive this vaccine a few months ago. But, if you did not, you can and should still receive it at your local pharmacy or possibly at your primary care physician’s office. Remember the vaccine fact – it takes several weeks for the vaccine to be effective, so the sooner the better. The Flu Season lasts into May and is known to peak from December through March. Along with getting the Flu Vaccination, frequent and thorough hand washing, containing your cough and sneezes, avoiding crowds, and staying home whenever ill will aid in decreasing the spread of the virus. Some of the symptoms of the flu include:

Fever Chills Cough Runny or stuffed nose Sore throat Chills Body aching or headache Fatigue

If you believe you have the Flu, visit your primary care physician, then stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever subsides.

Perhaps you are not aware of the changes in the shingles vaccine. Shingles, also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you get chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in your body and can cause shingles later in life. Shingles most often occur in persons who have cancer, HIV or other diseases that decrease the immune system, persons who take steroids or other medications to suppress the immune system, persons over 50 years of age, persons who have had physical trauma, and persons undergoing high stress. However, it also appears in persons with none of those characteristics. Early symptoms include chills, fever, nausea, fatigue, and headache. Shingles appears as a rash with fluid filled blisters on one side of the face or body, following nerve paths. Shingles is not contagious to those who have had chicken pox, however when you have the disease, you must stay away from pregnant women, persons who have never had chickenpox and those who have never received the chickenpox vaccine until the blisters are dry and crusted over. The rash and the affected nerves are extremely painful, the rash usually healing within two to four weeks. About 20% of people who have shingles suffer pain long after the rash has cleared. This long-term pain is known as post-herpetic neuralgia or PHN. Antiviral medications, prescribed by your physician, when begun early in the course of the disease, may decrease symptoms or shorten the duration of the disease. Until 2006, there was no vaccine for Shingles. In 2006, Zostavax, a live vaccine was introduced, for adults 60 years of age and older. In 2011, it became available for adults 50 years of age and older. This vaccine is on average 51% effective, with the effectiveness decreasing as one ages. In late 2017 a new vaccine, Shingrix, was introduced. It is a recombinant or genetically engineered vaccine, given in two injections two to six months apart. Both doses of Shingrix are necessary for immunization. The effectiveness of this vaccine is greater than 90% regardless of age. If you are over 50 years of age, speak to your primary care physician regarding the vaccine. If you previously received the Zostavax, you can and should receive the Shingrix vaccine.

Page 5: piphany. - Peace CamarilloNewsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo ... also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster

A Word from the Elders

Grace, Mercy, and Peace to you from God our Father and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! When we think of February, we think of Valentine’s Day. We often think of red roses, candy in heart-shaped boxes, mushy valentines, and winged cherubs flying about shooting starry-eyed lovers with arrows. But did you know that the origin of Valentine’s Day, or Saint Valentine’s Day, comes from the life and death of a Christian Martyr? According to author Martha Zimmerman, the date traditionally celebrated as St Valentine’s Day finds it origin in the Roman festival of romance called Lupercalia, when the gods Juno and Pan were honored. It was a fertility festival or a lover’s holiday looking forward to the return of spring. In the fifth century, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia and its February 15th date to February 14 and called it Saint Valentine’s Day. Even though the names and the date were changed, the emphasis continued to be focused on love. The real Valentine was a Roman Christian martyred during the third century A.D. by Emperor Claudius II. Prior to his death, Valentine continued to minister in prison by witnessing to his prison guards.

One of the guards was a good man who had adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter. Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family, 46 people, believed in Jesus and were baptized. When Emperor Claudius II heard about this he was furious that Valentine was still making converts even in prison, so he sentenced Valentine to death. Just before being led out to his execution, the young Christian wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter, signing it, “From your Valentine.” The first valentine was really a Christian witness. Remember that the day we know as St. Valentine’s Day actually commemorates the death of an early Christian martyr, Valentine, who was put to death for refusing to renounce his faith in Christ. As we celebrate with those we love this February 14th, also remember to point your family toward the true significance of St. Valentine’s Day this year. Share with those around you and friends of the perfect love, God’s Love of redemption through the life, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ. May your day be shared in love and the true blessings from God.

Remember in Your Prayers

For health and healing: Lili & Ted Baehr, Christy Burckhard (Gary & Karen Taylor’s sister-in-law), Jim Daniels, Bill Fitch, Cindy Fox, Elias Fraser, John Gingerich, Dennis Harding (Susan and Helmet Klein’s son-in-law), Ken Haugrud, Damon Hermann (friend of Greg Olewiler), Kathryn Hinker, Jim Hogan (Robin Schmidt's brother-in-law), Helmut Klein, Joan (Bev Toro’s sister), Joanne, (Greg Foley’s co-worker), Judy (Phil Deck’s mom), Katie Kirker & also her mother, John Klphstein, Mickey Kohut, Pat Lehman, Steven Liu, Mrs. Mai, (friend of Greg Olewiler), Jack McNally (relative of John Capodice), Mark (Donna Pickler’s son), Seza Mirzarian (Phil Hamilton's son-in-law's aunt), Doug Morrison, Jim Pedersen, Hedy Pein, Phillip (Phil Hamilton’s nephew), Savina, (Joyce Snow's in-law), Joyce Snow, Llewyn Rae Spencer (infant grandson of Gary & Char Spencer) Gertrud Stenke, Heidi Swanson, Noreen Taylor, Tom Taylor, Bev Toro, Diana Townsend, Carol Troglia, Caroline Wentlandt, Tom Wiltjer, (Carol Troglia’s son).

For peace and comfort: Tami Ullerick and family as they mourn her father, Tom Gumfory’s death

Pray for all military men and women especially: Jacob Chiles, Andrew Geib, Daniel Gross, Michael Hanson, Brian Miller, Kevin Palos, Kevin Schleicher, Stephen Volpei, Amy Waddell, Lucas Wentlandt. Also remember their families in your prayers.

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Out2Eat… It’s been a while since we’ve enjoyed a meal out in the community together. We hope you can join us Monday, February 11 from 11am to 11pm. Funds go to help senior high students attend the 2019 LCMS NYG.

Chaos, then creation Darkness, then light

Creation, the first day And it was good.

Blackness, then stars Creation, the fourth day.

And it was good. Broken and blessed In darkness, called

In darkness, shout back Darkness, shattered by light Darkness, shattered by truth

Lost, claimed by God Light embodied

Light from Light. Child of the Light No Darkness at all

Death, then life The Brightness of God

By Carolyn Sowinski (March 16, 2015)

Page 7: piphany. - Peace CamarilloNewsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo ... also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster

Gary & Charleene Spencer 2/17 David & Margaret Stafford 2/20

Ethan Dickson 2/5 Melissa Pettit 2/8 Melissa Poore 2/11 Cindy Klittich 2/15 Ingrid Poehler 2/19 Janet Harter 2/20 Charleene Spencer 2/22 Daniel Klittich 2/23 Marisa Denninger 2/24 AnthonyTiongson 2/24 Diana Wanke 2/25 Doug Morrison 2/25 Bob Lacy 2/26 Logan Krause 2/28 Hayden Supple 2/28

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 College Retreat 7:45 AM PreK Pancake Breakfast 6:00 PM F&FF

2 College Retreat 10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal

3 College Retreat 8AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Adult Bible Study(Coffeehouse) 9:30 AM Children's Sunday School (Preschool) 9:30 AM Jr. High OT (coffeehouse) 9:30AM Praise Service (FH) 11AM Traditional Service (S) 11:30 AM New Life (FH) 3PM New Life Choir (FH) 4PM Boy Scouts (F. Hall)

4 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

5 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Community Outreach Comm. (Fellowship Hall)

6 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

7 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM GSA Council Meeting 7:00 PM Choir

8 6:00 PM Confirmation Class

9 7:30 AM LoveFest 10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal

10 8AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Adult Bible Study (PCH) 9:30 AM Children's Sunday School (Preschool) 9:30 AM Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 12PM Voters Meeting (FH) 12:30PM New Life (Sanctuary) 3PM New Life Choir 4PM Boy Scouts (F. Hall)

11 Applebee's Out2Eat 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

12 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Super Tuesday

13 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

14 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:00 PM Many Meals 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearse

15 6:00 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Praise Band Rehearsal


17 8AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Adult Bible Study (PCH) 9:30 AM Kid’s Sunday School (Preschool) 9:30 AM Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM SS Adult (PCH) 11AM Traditional Service 11:30AM New Life (FH) 3PM New Life Choir 4PM Boy Scouts (F. Hall)

18 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

19 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting

20 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

21 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 10:00 AM LifeLight 5:30 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Choir (Sanctuary)

22 6:00 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Praise Band Rehearsal


24 8AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Adult Bible Study (PCH) 9:30 AM Kid’s Sunday School (Preschool) 9:30 AM Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM SS Adult (PCH) 11AM Traditional Service 11:30AM New Life (FH) 3PM New Life Choir 4PM Boy Scouts (F. Hall)

25 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

26 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH)

27 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

28 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Choir (Sanctuary)


6:00 PM Faith & Fun Friday


10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal


Happy Valentine’s

Page 9: piphany. - Peace CamarilloNewsletter of Peace Lutheran Church of Camarillo ... also known as “herpes zoster” or simply “zoster”, is a disease caused by the varicella zoster

February Servers Date Elder Ushers Altar Readers Greeters Acolytes

Feb. 3 Communion

Dave Schmidt

+++++++++++ Scott Klittich

Ken Anderson* Glenn Bentitz Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt

+++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Matt Schultze

Peter Sandstrum Mike Elbert

Sharon Fraser +++++++++

Marsha Larson

Ele Zorkocy ++++++++++++

Linda Elbert

Gary & Charleene Spencer

++++++++++ Mike & Linda Elbert

Anna Pettit +++++++++++

Connor Stevenson

Feb. 10

Dave Schmidt

+++++++++++ Scott Klittich

Blaine Wanke* Gene O’Neal Keith Hedrick Todd Harter

++++++++++++ Mike

McCracken* Tom LaJeunesse

James Miller

Sharon Fraser +++++++++

Marsha Larson

Craig Frye ++++++++ Al Bosman

Gene & Beulah O’Neal ++++++++

Blaine & Diana Wanke

William Frye ++++++++++++ Melissa Poore

Feb. 17 Communion

Dave Schmidt

+++++++++++ Scott Klittich

Craig Frye* Karen Taylor Gary Taylor Bill Young

+++++++++++ Rick Poore* Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Sharon Fraser +++++++++

Marsha Larson

Peggy Frye +++++++++++

Bob Hutchison

Karen Taylor ++++++++++

Connie Morris

Judy Nomi ++++++++++ Gabby Liu

Feb. 24 Dave

Schmidt +++++++++++ Scott Klittich

Bob Lacy* Jim DeVries Dale Sieber +++++++++

Dave Schmidt* Roy Poehler Mike Hale

Sharon Fraser +++++++++

Marsha Larson

Sarah Harter +++++++++

Bob Hutchison

Susan Klein +++++++++

Mike & Ruth Hale

Carter Supple ++++++++++

Hayden Supple

Mar. 3

Tom Waddell ++++++++

Scott Klittich

Ken Anderson* Glenn Bentitz Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt

+++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Matt Schultze

Peter Sandstrum Mike Elbert

Bill & Linda Young

Todd Harter +++++++

Dave Schmidt

Carmene Meyer ++++++++++

Cindy Klittich

Carter Supple +++++++

Hayden Supple

9:30 Service Elder Reader 2/3/19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Tom Waddell 2/10/19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Susan Weaver 2/17/19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Jane Capodice 2/24/19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler John Capodice 3/3/19 Greg Olewiler/Dave Hutter Craig Frye