pitch and treatment final final

Pitch and treatment By Zoe, Lauren and Abby

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Pitch and treatmentBy Zoe, Lauren and Abby

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What does our music video contain?

•There is a relationship between visuals that is illustrating as well as contradicting the lyrics (Goodwin)•We’ve ignored common narrative and gone for something completely different – i.e using dolls as well as people to twist the narrative a bit•Target Audience- Mainly aimed at teenagers due to the popular Indie genre which is seen most favoured by them. This could be seen as ironic as the video contains the use of Barbies, giving it a childish, carefree feel, like in Matt the Electrician – All I know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnBlCkAzbiU•Our song is called ‘Hourglass’ by Joni Savero. •On our video pitch, the song is our original choice, which was called ‘She’s all angles’ by The Sleepless.

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•Decided to use stop-motion and live action – makes the video come to life, effective, different.•Abstract/narrative•Indie genre•Narrative- Our initial idea's have changed, the previous idea isn't working completely, however we are going to keep the photo shoot idea but only make that a small part of the video. The woman (Zoe) is going to be terminally ill, she isn't going to look it, but she feels it and at the end she is going to pass away. The barbies are still going to be in use, but it's going to look as if the barbies are going through the motion but it's actually happening in real life. The man (Chris) and Zoe are going to spend the video enjoying themselves, having a day of just themselves (sadly we don't all live in an area where we can use adventurous surroundings) but we will make do with this. The angel (Abigail) will come in at a few points of the video, where she's going to have a small minute timer and is going to keep turning it over and over, at which point Chris is going to be running out of time with Zoe. Lauren will be using the camera to video most footage, whereas we'll all help to video too. Towards the end of the video Zoe will start getting weaker and weaker, and right at the end we'll add a slow motion effect as she falls to the ground and Abigail will pick her up. This will happen while she is in Chris's arms.

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Conventions we’re going to use are: •Bright and happy tone, matching the tone of ‘She’s All Angles’.•Extreme close ups and long shots •Fast paced•Vintage costumes as well as modern, colourful, clothes that stand out.•Lighting – artificial use of key and back lighting in close up shots to provide a ‘halo’ like effect on the performer/actor•Influences - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10YmixzFSDw – influenced us because of the use of barbies and stop motion.

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•A slow, relaxing song, indie song, with a short chorus that expresses the background clearly•Our idea – At first with our original song, it was going to be happy, fun and quirky. However due to the change of song, it’s sad, emotional and matches the lyrics of the song.•Appealing to indie lovers, a younger audience, barbies are symbolic of femininity and girliness, also childish, which contrasts with the emotional feel the video is hopefully going to have. • A mix of stopmotion and live action. Cardboard cut outs were going to be used be used•We’ve decided to have live action, and our idea has not completely changed, but changed quite a bit.

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These are the allocated roles:

• Abigail- Actress within the video, filming, editing, help with setting up, idea maker

• Zoe - Actress within the video, filming, editing, help with setting up, idea maker

• Lauren- Filming, editing, involvement with lighting (e.g setting up), idea maker