planned commission initiatives until december_2009

Ref. N° POLICY AREA / DOMAINE POLITIQUE TITLE / INTITULÉ LEAD SERVICE(S) / SERVICE(S) CHEF(S) DE FILE ESTIMATED DATE OF ADOPTION / DATE ESTIMÉE D'ADOPTION LEGAL BASE ENVISAGED / BASE JURIDIQUE DU TRAITÉ ENVISAGÉE A CE STADE (*) PROBABLE PROCEDUR E / PROCEDUR E PROBABLE POLITICAL MOTIVATIONS AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION / MOTIVATIONS POLITIQUES ET BREVE DESCRIPTION BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS / CONSEQUENCES BUDGETAIRES 2008/JLS/023 Justice, liberté et sécurité Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2005/85/EC on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status JLS septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63(1)(d) codécision (COD) O O Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives stratégiques The basic layout of the Common European Asylum System according to the Hague Programme consists in the establishment of a common asylum procedure and a uniform status valid throughout the EU For this objective to materialize the Asylum Procedures Directive will need to be amended, based on the results of the wide consultation process launched by the Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System, and according to the Policy plan that will subsequently be adopted. 2008/JLS/024 Justice, liberté et sécurité Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2004/83/EC on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted JLS septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63 1(c),2(a),3(a) O O Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives stratégiques The basic layout of the Common European Asylum System according to the Hague Programme consists in the establishment of a common asylum procedure and a uniform status valid throughout the EUB. For this objective to materialize the Qualification Directive will need to be amended, based on the results of the wide consultation process launched by the Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System, and according to the Policy plan that will subsequently be adopted. 2008/JLS/147 Justice, liberté et sécurité Proposal for a directive on the conditions of entry and residence of seasonal workers JLS 2ème trimestre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63(3) consultation (CNS) Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires The proposal aims at establishing common entry and residence conditions for seasonal workers from third-countries. It's part of a comprehensive package of measures, proposed in the Policy Plan on Legal Migration of 2005 and further developed in the Communication on circular migration and migration partnerships of 2007. A more specific objective is to to ensure a secure legal status and a reinforced protection against exploitation to a particularly weak category of third- country workers, such as seasonal workers. Another objective concerns the development of the circular migration policy. 2008/JLS/148 Justice, liberté et sécurité Proposal for a directive amending the Council Directive 2004/114 on the conditions of admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of studies, pupil exchange, training or voluntary service JLS 2ème trimestre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63 consultation (CNS) Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires The main objective of this scheme is to encourage brain circulation, beneficial for both the sending and receiving country. 2009/JLS/006 Justice, liberté et sécurité Framework decision on providing assistance to crime victims in the EU JLS septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: Art.31 consultation (CNS) O Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires To ensure that victims of crime receive the necessary assistance in all Member States of the EU 2009/JLS/047 Justice, liberté et sécurité Proposal for a Framework Decision on Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings JLS septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: Article 31 (1)c consultation (CNS) X Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires To set common minimum standards to ensure fair trials within the EU in order to promote mutual trust and thus to facilitate mutual recognition. Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009 LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS / PROPOSITIONS LÉGISLATIVES CONSULTATION CESE / CoR (x=mandatory / o=optional) Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Strategic Initiatives Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Priority Initiatives (*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 1/86

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Page 1: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009
















2008/JLS/023 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2005/85/EC on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status

JLS septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63(1)(d)

codécision (COD) O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiativesstratégiques

The basic layout of the Common European Asylum System according to the Hague Programme consists in the establishment of a common asylum procedure and a uniform status valid throughout the EU For this objective to materialize the Asylum Procedures Directive will need to be amended, based on the results of the wide consultation process launched by the Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System, and according to the Policy plan that will subsequently be adopted.

2008/JLS/024 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2004/83/EC on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted

JLS septembre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63 1(c),2(a),3(a)


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiativesstratégiques

The basic layout of the Common European Asylum System according to the Hague Programme consists in the establishment of a common asylum procedure and a uniform status valid throughout the EUB. For this objective to materialize theQualification Directive will need to be amended, based on the results of the wide consultation process launched by the Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System, and according to the Policy plan that will subsequently be adopted.

2008/JLS/147 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a directive on the conditions of entry and residence of seasonal workers

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63(3)

consultation (CNS)

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiativesprioritaires

The proposal aims at establishing common entry and residence conditions for seasonal workers from third-countries. It's part of a comprehensive package of measures, proposed in the Policy Plan on Legal Migration of 2005 and further developed in the Communication on circular migration and migration partnerships of 2007. A more specific objective is to to ensure a secure legal status and a reinforced protection against exploitation to a particularly weak category of third-country workers, such as seasonal workers. Another objective concerns the development of the circular migration policy.

2008/JLS/148 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a directive amending the Council Directive 2004/114 on the conditions of admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of studies, pupilexchange, training or voluntary service

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63

consultation (CNS)

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires

The main objective of this scheme is to encourage brain circulation, beneficial for both the sending and receiving country.

2009/JLS/006 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Framework decision on providing assistance to crime victims in the EU JLS septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne:



Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

To ensure that victims of crime receive the necessary assistance in all Member States of the EU

2009/JLS/047 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Framework Decision on Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings

JLS septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: Article 31 (1)c

consultation (CNS) X

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

To set common minimum standards to ensure fair trials within the EU in order to promote mutual trust and thus to facilitate mutual recognition.

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



(x=mandatory / o=optional)

Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Strategic Initiatives

Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Priority Initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 1/86

Page 2: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/JLS/048 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Council Framework Decision on attacks against information systems, replacing Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA

JLS septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: 29, 30 31 and 34

consultation (CNS)

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

The objective of the proposal is to secure a high level of protection information systems against criminal attacks. The proposal should update the level of protection currently granted by FD 2005/222/JHA, to take account of new criminal phenomena and technological developments, and to incorporate a more comprehensive legal framework.

2009/JLS/013 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the council amending Regulation (EC) N°44/2001 concerning jurissdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

JLS décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.65

codécision (COD) O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

Simplification Rolling Programme

Analysis of the report to be presented in 2009 , public consultation and impact assessment will lead to the presentation of a legislative proposal for the amendment and the modernisation of Regulation N°44/2001 to ensure free circulation of all judgments in the EU by the abolition of exequatur and to adapt theprovisions of the Regulation to the new international instruments in the area concerned. The amendment of the Regulation will abolish intermediary steps which citizens have to go through in order to have a judicial decision recognised and enforced abroad.

2009/SANCO/005 Santé Council recommendation on cross-border aspects of childhood immunisation SANCO novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Art.152 TEC (4c)

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

The Recommendation concerns childhood immunisation practices for families with children taking up residence in another MS and addresses inadequate vaccination coverage for certain childhood vaccine-preventable diseases. As a result of the free movement in the EU, more and more EU citizens come into contact with healthcare systems that are organised differently, including differences in childhood immunisation schedules. An incomplete or deviating vaccination course may fail to adequately immunise the child, thereby leaving the child vulnerable to infection. In addition, there is inadequate vaccination coverage for some vaccine preventable diseases (e.g. measles) in some MS. This causes unnecessary morbidity and mortality in children

2008/TREN/047 TransportsRevision of Regulation 1406/2002 establishing a European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

TREN 22 juillet 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 80, paragraph 2.

codécision (COD) X X

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiativesprioritaires

The revision aims to ensure that the EMSA regulation is coherent with other legislation in the field of maritime safety in order to avoid uncertainty and encourage "better regulation". This will include looking at activities on the area of Port State Control, new tasks in the area of security, research and general maritime policy. (Part of package with 2008/TREN/17 and 2008/TREN/20)

2009/AGRI/009Agriculture et développement rural

Council Regulation repealing a number of obsolete agricultural acts. AGRI 4ème trimestre


Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37 of the Treaty.

consultation (CNS)

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective of the Regulation is to repeal Council texts that are obsolete and of no practical relevance or broader interest, thus contributing to the objectives of updating and simplifying the Community acquis [COM(2003)71]. Their removal willclarify the "essential" acquis of acts that are active and generally applicable. SIMPLIFICATION – REPEAL


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Community initiative on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (follow-up of the second phase of consultation of the social partners)

EMPL décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 137 Par 2

codécision (COD)

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective of this initiative is to integrate into a single legislative instrument the provisions on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders at work. These provisions are currently fragmented over different directives, namely Council Directive 90/269/EEC and Council Directive 90/270/EEC. A single legislative instrument would be more comprehensive, clearer and easier to apply. It will benefit employers in terms of legal clarity and workers in terms of providing better protection against the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders. RECAST

Simplification Rolling Programme

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 2/86

Page 3: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENTR/004 Entreprises et industrie

Draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to fertilisers for the purposes of adapting Annexes I, III, IV and V thereto totechnical progress

ENTR juin 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: 95

Simplification Rolling Programme

It is intended to amend Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 in order to ensure that CEN Standards can be considered as official methods of analysis to be used as reference for official controls. Their updated version delivered by CEN will no longer be included in the legal act but will exist in the form of separate standards to which the Community law will refer - the detailed description of test methods currently contained in the Annex will be deleted.

2009/ENTR/001 Entreprises et industrie

Regulation relating to the type-approval of agricultural and forestry vehicles (repeal of 24 Directives)

ENTR juillet 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: 95

Simplification Rolling Programme

The proposal will simplify EC legislation on agricultural and forestry tractors by replacing existing legislation (including the present Framework Directive and the separate Directives) by one main Regulation. The proposal will repeal 24 Directives. It will introduce improved requirements for tractor brakes as well.

2009/ENTR/002 Entreprises et industrie

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the type-approval of two- or three-wheel motor vehicles (repeal of 14 Directives)

ENTR 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X

Simplification Rolling Programme

The proposal will simplify EC legislation on 2 and 3-wheel motor vehicles by replacing existing legislation (including the present Framework Directive and the separate Directives) into one main Regulation. The proposal will repeal 14 Directives. It will introduce a) modern emissions legislation b) ABS and c) Automatic emergency braking for two- and three-wheelers

2008/ENV/003 Environnement

Proposal of Regulation (or Directive) of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market

ENV 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X X

Simplification Rolling Programme

Article 18 of Directive 98/8/EC stipulates that the Commission has to prepare and submit to the Council a report on the implementation and simplified procedures of the Directive, 7 years after its entry into force. At the same time, and based on the conclusions of this report, the Commission may submit proposals for the amendment of the Directive. The Commission intents to seize this opportunity and propose a number of amendments in order to deal with specific problems that were identified during these seven years of implementation.

2008/ESTAT/047 Statistiques

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/98 of 25 May 1998 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road

ESTAT 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 285(1)

codécision (COD)

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective of this simplification action is to create an instrument within the European Statistical System (ESS) that allows to manage road freight statistics surveys by means of reporting requirements (thresholds of the number of vehicles per reporting country), scope of the surveys (types of vehicles included) and precision standard. In agreement with the ESS (Statistical Programme Committee), the population (focus on international operations and heavy vehicles that perform the majority of transport) and sample (precision measures to be adapted to data needs) of road freight vehicles subject to reporting may be decreased.

2009/JLS/013 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the council amending Regulation (EC) N°44/2001 concerning jurissdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

JLS décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.65

codécision (COD) O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiativesprioritaires

Simplification Rolling Programme

Analysis of the report to be presented in 2009 , public consultation and impact assessment will lead to the presentation of a legislative proposal for the amendment and the modernisation of Regulation N°44/2001 to ensure free circulation of all judgments in the EU by the abolition of exequatur and to adapt theprovisions of the Regulation to the new international instruments in the area concerned. The amendment of the Regulation will abolish intermediary steps which citizens have to go through in order to have a judicial decision recognised and enforced abroad.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 3/86

Page 4: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARE/002 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation on the reform of the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products.

MARE novembre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Articles 26, 36 and 37.

consultation (CNS) O O

Simplification Rolling Programme

The common market organisation (CMO) was created to achieve the objectives laid down in Article 33 of the Treaty in the fishery sector, in particular to provide market stability and to guarantee a fair income for producers. More recent objectives focus on sustainability-supportive fishing and marketing activities. In place since 1971, the common market organisation has undergone many changesover time, and a reshaped CMO has been in operation since 1 January 2001. The effectiveness and efficiency of this policy is currently being evaluated. The proposal aims at the CMO revision to take account of market developments, changes in fishing activities and the shortcomings detected in the implementation of the provisions currently in force.

2009/MARKT/004 Marché intérieur et services

Recast of Decisions 2003/542/EC, 2004/332/EC, 2005/849/EC, 2007/482/EC) on the application of Council Directive 72/166/EEC relating to checks on insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles.

MARKT juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 2(2) of Directive 72/166/EEC, OJ L 103, 2.5.1972, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2005/14/EC (OJ L 149, 11.06.2005, p. 14). Communication of the Commission of 25/10/2005 on a Strategy for the Simplification of the Regulatory Environment (COM/2005/0535 final)

codécision (COD)

Simplification Rolling Programme

As the EU enlarges, new Commission Decisions are necessary to extend to vehicles normally based in new MS certain provisions of the 1st Motor Insurance Directive. These provisions state that Member States should refrain from conducting insurance checks on vehicles registered in other MS as their registration alone is deemed to be proof of civil liability insurance. RECAST

2009/MARKT/044 Marché intérieur et services

Proposal for amendment of the Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 4 November 2003, on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/ECor admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC (Text with EEA relevance)

MARKT septembre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 44 and 95 of the Treaty

codécision (COD)

Simplification Rolling Programme

Review certain aspects of the functioning of the prospectus regime like the scope of the exemption for employee shares schemes, certain definitions, review of certain thresholds in offers, clarify the regime of offers that are exempted of the publication of a prospectus ("retail cascade", "passportability" of the equivalent documents mentioned in Article 4), harmonisation of the liability regime, rationalisation of disclosure requirements and harmonisation of the supplement mechanism of the prospectus.RECAST

2009/MARKT/043 Marché intérieur et services

Recast of the operation of Directive 2003/6/EC of the EP and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse) and of 3 implementing directives.

MARKT novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95 of the Treaty

codécision (COD)

Simplification Rolling Programme

In line with the Commission's better regulation approach the Commission serviceshave started a review of the Market Abuse Directive regime in the EU. The outcome of this review will be made public.In the report we are focusing on areas where improvements could be achieved in terms of: i) rationalising /reducing administrative burden associated with compliance of private operators with the MAD [for example, concerning the disclosure duties on company executives, and the duty to draw up and maintain insider lists, ii) facilitating and strengthening supervision exercised at the level of Member States. RECAST

2008/TREN/004 TransportsProposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Marine Equipment

TREN septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 80

codécision (COD) X X

Simplification Rolling Programme

Reform of the existing system established by Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment. Its main objectives are : 1) to produce a consolidated version of the text following the successive amendments of the Directive 2) to improve the functioning of the Directive's system by adressing the existing shortcomings ; 3) to adapt it to the reform of the New Approach. It is intended to abrogate the existing Directive and replace it with an entirely new one, though recourse to recast is not excluded. RECAST or REVISION

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 4/86

Page 5: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TREN/015 Transports Revision and repeal of the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED) TREN septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Article 75(1)(c)codécision


Simplification Rolling Programme

Revision and repeal of Directive 1999/36/EC on transportable pressure equipment (e.g. cylinders, pressure drums, tank containers), as certain clauses have become obsolete and certain issues are currently dealt with in the international agreements on the transport of dangerous goods. Need to eliminate contradictions stemming from these international agreements taking into account transitional agreements at intergovernmental organisations level (UN for road transport, OTIF for rail)

2006/TREN/004 Transports

Recast of First Railway Package legislation: simplification and modernisation of the legislative framework for access to the rail transport market

TREN octobre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 71

codécision (COD) X X

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective of the initiative is to simplify, clarify and modernise the current legislative framework concerning access to the rail transport market. The three Directives will be merged and restructured, eliminating cross-references. Certain provisions will be clarified. Other legal provisions, in particular institutional arrangements will be enhanced to promote the emergence of a genuine internal market and to eliminate barriers to the provisions of international rail transport services. By enhancing the legal and institutional framework the Commission hopes to see market access cost of railway undertakings being reduced.

2008/TREN/005 EnergieRecast of the Community regulatory framework regarding transport of radioactive material

TREN novembre 2009 Traité Euratom: 33 consultation (CNS) X

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective of the initiative is to codify and simplify the Community regulatory framework for a safer,more secure and transparent transport of radioactive materials. Currently at Community level more than 30 Directives, Regulations, Recommendations govern the transport of radioactive material. This complexity creates uncertainty, unjustified delays and denials of shipments. SIMPLIFICATION-RECAST

2009/AGRI/037Agriculture et développement rural

Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

AGRI juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 36 & 37.

Législation secondaire: Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005.

consultation (CNS)

The scope of the proposal is to introduce payment deadlines for certain area and animal-related measures under Rural Development similarly to those in applicationfor Direct Payments. The objective is both that payments to farmers are made within a limited period of time and that deadlines would help to carry through an appropriate planning of controls, thus ensuring that these controls are effective, carried out to the required standards, and are not putting controllers under undue time pressure. Proposal would ensure sound financial management.

2009/AGRI/040Agriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 247/2006, (EC) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003.

AGRI juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 36 and 37.

consultation (CNS)

The scope of the proposal is to correct technical errors in the Council Regulation on direct payments that resulted from the 'Health Check'. The technical correction concerns notably the mechanism for the financial discipline in relation to optional transfers of amounts from the direct payments national envelopes to the rural development programmes.

2009/AGRI/032Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Directive amending Council Directive 2001/112/EC relating to fruit juices and certain similar products intended for human consumption.

AGRI juillet 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37.

Législation secondaire: Directive2001/112/EC, Art. 7.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

Revision of Directive 2001/112/EC consists of introduction of minimum Brix levels (used to facilitate the testing for minimum quality requirements) for a list of 18 fruit juices from concentrate. This modification of the Directive follows the evolution of the technical progress and the last developments in relevant international standards, in particular the Codex Standard for fruit juices and nectars (Codex Stan 247-2005) adopted in 2005, and the Code of Practice of the European Fruit juice Association (AIJN).

Other initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 5/86

Page 6: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/AGRI/038Agriculture et développement rural

Council Decision on a common position of the European Community on the modification of the Annex 3 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products.

AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

Article 133 (ACC)

Following the liberalisation of trade in cheeses between the European Community (EC) and Switzerland, Annex 3 to the Agricultural Agreement between the EC and the Swiss Confederation has to be updated. Indeed, as a result of the liberalisation, a number of the provisions in Annex 3 to the Agreement became obsolete.


Entreprises et industrieAgriculture et développement ruralCommerce

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part.


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

Article 133 (ACC)

The objective of the proposal is to establish further steps in the process of liberalisation of trade between the European Community and Chile regarding agricultural products.

2009/AGRI/015Agriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) N° 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union (POSEI).

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.299.2.

consultation (CNS)

Modification of the Regulation (EC) 247/2006 will cover the following issues: (1) simplification of requirements concerning checks and penalties (Art. 12 f), (2) update of a transitional rule on sugar (Art. 5.1), (3) update of certain rules related to the wine sector and the grubbing-up scheme following the wine reform (Council Regulation N° 79/2008, Art. 18), (4) postponement of the deadline for the submission of the first impact report on the POSEI reform to 2010 (Art. 28.3).

2009/BUDG/012 Budget

Commission Decision amending Decision 97/245/EC, Euratom laying down the arrangements for the transmission by Member States to the Commission of certain information under the Communities' own resources system

BUDG mai 2009Législation secondaire: Article 17.2 of Council Regulation 1150/2000

To modify the Commission Decision 97/245/EC, Euratom in order to update the annexes VI and VII (adaptation and improvement of reporting procedure mainly as regard the write-off system of irrecoverable debts laid down in art 17-2 of R/1150/2000) and to update the annexes I and III (laying down the arragements fothe transmission fy Member States to the Commission of certain information underthe Communities' own resources system).

2009/BUDG/016 Budget

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the allocation of Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in own resources GNI

BUDG mai 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: Article 8 of Council Regulation (EC) No 448/98; Article 2(7) of Council Regulation No 2000/597

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

A special provision excludes the FISIM allocation from being automatically included in the definition of GNI for own resources purposes. Indeed, article 8 of Council Regulation (EC) No 448/98 specifically indicates that "the decision to allocate FISIM for the establishment of the GNP [now GNI, since 2002, pursuant toarticle 2(7) of Council Regulation No 2000/597] used for the purposes of the Community's budget and its own resources shall be adopted by the Council, actingunanimously, on a proposal from the Commission". The objective of the Commission proposal for Council decision is to include the FISIM allocation in the own resource GNI.

2009/BUDG/025 BudgetCouncil Regulation laying down the MAFF. Article 312 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

BUDG 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 312

According to the Article 312 the regulation on the Multiannual Financial Framework shall determine the amounts of the annual ceilings on commitments appropriations by category of expenditure and of the annual ceiling on paymnent appropriations and it shall also lay down any other provisions required for the annual budgetary procedure to run smoothly.

2009/COMP/011 Concurrence

Review of Commission Regulation (EC) 2790/1999 of 22 December 1999 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices, and Commission Guidelines on Vertical Restraints, of 24 May 2000. (adoption of Draft Regulation and of Draft Guidelines)

COMP 22 juillet 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 81 EC and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 19/65/EEC

The Commission's adoption procedure for this regulation is set out in Council Regulation No 19/65/EEC of 2 March 1965 on the application of Article 85(3) of theTreaty to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices. This requires the Commission to consult the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant positions; before publishing a draft regulation for public comment, and again prior to adoption of the final text. Adopoption of draft Regulation and draft Guidelines 2nd quarter 2009.

2009/COMP/012 Concurrence

Review of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2658/2000 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of specialisation agreements, Commission Regulation (EC) No 2659/2000 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of research and development agreements, and Commission guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 of the Treaty to horizontal cooperation agreements.

COMP 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 81 EC and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2821/71

Review of the current Block Exemption Regulations for specialisation and R&D agreements with a view to their amendment at the expiry date in December 2010; in parallel review of the Guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements. The Commission's adoption procedure for these 2 regulations is set out in Council Regulation No 2821/71 of 20 December 1971 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices. This requires the Commission to consult the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant positions; before publishing a draft regulation for public comment, and again prior to adoption of the final text.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 6/86

Page 7: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/EAC/016 Education et culture

Proposal for a European and Council Decision concerning the European Year ofVolunteering

EAC 28 mai 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 308 or 308 combined with a sectoral article

consultation (CNS) O O

The European Year of Volunteering 2011 is proposed to celebrate volunteers for their efforts, to raise the visibility of volunteering activities in the European Union and to facilitate volunteering, to give recognition to volunteers and to their organisations and to enhance civic participation in an EU context.


2009/ECFIN/042Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible Commission proposal on new MFA ECFIN 2ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. xxx

consultation (CNS) Proposal of decision of the Council

2009/ECFIN/028Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible draft EU regulation on the purchase of euro coins in another euro area MS

ECFIN septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. xxx

consultation (CNS)

Possible draft EU regulation on the purchase of euro coins in another euro area MS

2009/ECFIN/040Affaires Économiques et Financières

Draft regulation on the cross border transport of euro notes and coins ECFIN 4ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art xxx

consultation (CNS) Facilitating other free movement of euro cash within the euro area

2009/ELARG/004 Elargissement

Commission Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 of 12 June 2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 establishing an instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA)

ELARG juin 2009Législation secondaire: Article 3(3)of Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

Alignment of certain linguistic versions with the EN version Correction of inconsistencies found in the IPA IR

2008/ELARG/002 Elargissement

Commission Decision modifying Commission Decision C(2006) 6533 of 15.12.2006 establishing a financial assistance programme to encourage the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community – Part II

ELARG 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation n°389/2006

consultation (CNS)

Commission Decision C(2006) 6533 has been adopted in December 2006 establishing a financial assistance for the Turkish Cypriot community under Council Regulation 389/2006. It provides 197.55 million euro of financial assistance. Changes needs to be made to the programme (modification of contentof listed projects and reallocation of financial resources between projects) requiring a decision by the Commission.

2009/ELARG/010 Elargissement

Commission Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the first withdrawal of the suspension of the acquis in the (future) Turkish Cypriot Constituent State

ELARG 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité d'adhésion 2003: Article 1 (2) of Protocol 10 to the Act of Accession 2003

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

In the event of a Cyprus settlement the suspension of the acquis as stipulated by Article 1 (1) of Protocol 10 to the Act of Accession 2003 needs to be lifted. This second decision does provide for the withdrawal of the suspension of further areasof the acquis with regard to the Turkish Cypriot Constituent State

2009/ELARG/011 ElargissementCommission Proposal for a first Act of Adaptation on the terms of Cyprus' accession to the EU

ELARG 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité d'adhésion 2003: Article 4 of Protocol 10 to the Act of Accession 2003

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

In the event of a Cyprus settlement this Act will include arrangements concerning the application of the acquis in the (future) Turkish Cypriot Constituent State of a united Cyprus

2009/ELARG/012 Elargissement

Commission Decision modifying Commission Decision C(2006) 6533 of 15.12.2006 establishing a financial assistance programme to encourage the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community – Part II and/or Commission Decision C(2006) 5000 of 27.10.2006 establishing a financial assistance programme to encourage the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community – Part I

ELARG 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation n°389/2006

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

Commission Decision C(2006) 5000 and Commission Decision C(2006) 6533 have been adopted respectively in October and December 2006 establishing a financial assistance programme for the Turkish Cypriot community under Council Regulation 389/2006. They provide respectively 38.1 and 197.55 million euro of financial assistance. Changes might need to be made to the two financing decisions (modification of content of listed projects and reallocation of financial resources between projects) requiring a decision by the Commission in order to maximise take up of funds by contracting deadline. The decision of whether to proceed with an amending decision will depend on progress on implementation within the next 6 months.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Council Directive giving legal effect to a possible agreement between European social partners amending the agreement on the organisation of working time in international rail (Directive 2005/47)

EMPL juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 139

consultation (CNS) Under Article 139 ECT and conditional upon agreement by social partners


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Council Directive giving legal effect to a possible agreement between European social partners on the organisation of working time in internal navigation.

EMPL juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 139

consultation (CNS) Under Article 139 ECT and conditional upon agreement by social partners


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Council Directive giving legal effect to a possible agreement between European social partners transposing the ILO Convention on fishing into Community law

EMPL juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 139

consultation (CNS) Under Article 139 ECT and conditional upon agreement by social partners

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 7/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Council Directive giving legal effect to a possible agreement between European social partners amending the agreement on parental leave

EMPL 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 139

consultation (CNS) Under Article 139 ECT and conditional upon agreement by social partners


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal to amend several directives with the purpose to include seafaring workers or vessels in their scope

EMPL décembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: A number of 8 Directives are potentially affected by those amendments. Exact legal bases will thus depend on the outcome of ongoing and forthcoming public consultation on the need to revise those Directives

consultation (CNS)

To improve the quality of work in maritime activities and attract more skilled people. To end less favourable treatment of seafaring professions. Follow-up of the Communication of October 2007 on the social dimension of the maritime policy


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Council Decision on Employment Guidelines EMPL décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 128 par 2consultation

(CNS) Part of the Annual Lisbon Package


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending directive 2000/54/EC on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work

EMPL 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 137(2)

codécision (COD)

Improvement of prevention of workers against the risk of infections due to needle stick injuries


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a Directive providing for paternity, adoption and 'filial' leave. EMPL 4ème trimestre


Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Legal base to be decided on the basis of outcomeof negociations between social partners

consultation (CNS)

In its Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006-2010, the Commission has announced its intention to review the existing EU gender equalitylegislation not included in the 2005 recast exercise with a view to updating, modernising and recasting where necessary. In addition, reconciliation of professional, private and family life has been identified, in the Roadmap, as one of the priority areas for action in the period 2006-2010.

2009/ENTR/017 Entreprises et industrie

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Earth observation programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011–2013)

ENTR 13 mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: tbd

codécision (COD) O O

The specific objectives are to: • enable provision of emergency response services to civil protection authorities; • enable provision of land monitoring services to public authorities (including environmental agencies) in Europe; • contribute to the production and availability to the public of environmental information; • stimulate the growth of the downstream Earth observation sector in terms of jobs, innovation and international competitiveness.


2009/ENTR+/018Entreprises et industrieEnvironnement

COMMISSION REGULATION amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards Annex XVII

ENTR / ENV mai 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: 95

The Commission is reviewing the text of Annex XVII of REACH to improve the drafting with a view of facilitating implementation, to adapt the text to the definitions contained in REACH and for coherence purposes with other EU legislation.

2009/ENTR/044 Entreprises et industrie

Regulation relating to efficiency of mobile air-conditioning systems in motor vechicles and amending Directive 2007/46/EC

ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X

To provide for the framework addressing the efficiency of mobile air-conditioning systems (MACs) in motor vehicles. Whereas the proposed act will specify possiblemeans to improve the efficiency of MACs, the specific technical requirements will be laid down by implementing measures adopted following comitology procedure. In principle MACs of newly type approved vehicles would be subject to the physical or virtual (as soon as it is available) test, upon the choice of the manufacturer. The measured additional fuel consumption/CO2 emission due to MAC operation would have to be communicated to the customer.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 8/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENTR/028 Entreprises et industrie

Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery, enlarging flexibility scheme's provisions.

ENTR septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X X

Directive 97/68/EC specifies limit stages for emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery. Exhaust limit stage IIIB enters in force as of 31-12-2010. Complying engines are technically advanced with sophisticated after treatment systems requiring high R&D costs. The current flexibility scheme allows engines of the previous stage to be placed on the market during the next consecutive stage, at maximum 20% of annual sales of previous year or using a fixed number of engines. This proposal, enlarges flexibility from 20% to 50% and relevant fixed engine numbers alleviating compliance costs for stage IIIB and protecting environment and human health using a strict timetable.

2006/ENTR/011 Entreprises et industrie

Commission Directive on restrictions on the marketing and use of cadmium ENTR 4ème trimestre


Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 95 of Treaty and Council Directive 76/769/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of dangerous substances and preparations, and in particular Article 2a thereof.

consultation (CNS)

The objective of the proposal is to complete the harmonisation with regard to cadmium to be used as a stabiliser in plastics, as a pigment and for metal plating, thus preserving the Internal Market.

2008/ENV+/010 EnvironnementRecherche

Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an Environmental Technology Verification scheme in the European Union.

ENV / RTD 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 175.1

codécision (COD) X X

The ETV scheme would offer a credible verification of the performance and the effects on the environment of new technologies, on the basis of the claims established by the developers or vendors of these technologies. The objectives are to accelerate the introduction of environmentally sound technologies in the market, to promote technological developments favourable to the environment andto facilitate the choice of technologies by buyers and users.

2008/ENV/028 Environnement

Regulation on emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles and minibuses as part of the Community's integrated approach to reduce CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles

ENV 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X O

This proposal seeks to reduce the CO2 emissions of new vans and minibuses that are introduced onto the market in the EU. The proposal extends the principlesadopted in the CO2 and cars proposal to a wider range of vehicles so that all light duty vehicles are covered by the emissions requirements.


2009/ENV/013 Environnement

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 concerning the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+)

ENV 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 175(1)

codécision (COD) O O

LIFE+ is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environment and nature conservation projects in the EU. The co-financing rate given by the LIFE+ programme is 50%. In the context of the current economic slowdown, we are beginning to see the first signs of some project beneficiaries finding it difficult to come up with their 50%. In order to facilitate access to the LIFE+ Programme to potential beneficiaries, the Commission proposes to modify the LIFE+ Regulation by changing the EC co-financing rate in art. 5.3., which reads "For action grants, the maximum rate of co-financing shall be 50% of eligible costs". The amendment would consist solely of replacing 50% by 70% in this article.

2007/ENV/055 Environnement

Proposal for a directive amending directive 1999/94/EC relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars

ENV 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 175 EC

codécision (COD) X X

Objectives described in COM(2007)19 final (review of the CO2 and cars strategy): "The Commission will adopt in 2007 an amending proposal to improve the effectiveness of the fuel efficiency labelling directive 1999/94/EC. This proposal will inter alia aim at extending the scope of the labelling scheme to light-commercial vehicles (N1), harmonising the design of the label and at introducing energy efficiency classes in order to better raise consumer awareness at the time of car purchase. Attention will also be paid to the definition of the LEEV (see 3.3.1)and to the possibility of indicating on the label annual running costs and where appropriate vehicle tax levels as a function of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption"


(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 9/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/ENV/011 EnvironnementDirective on the quality of water intended for human consumption replacing Council Directive 98/83/EC.

ENV 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 175

codécision (COD) X X

The general aim of the drinking water Directive is the provision of clean and wholesome water to EU citizens. The revised Directive will address the existing problems as regards the assessment of the costs and benefits related to the implementation of Water Safety Plans for the production and distribution of drinking water in water supply zones of varying size and in Member States in various geographical and climatic conditions; the costs and benefits related to addressing smaller water supply zones in a regulatory/non regulatory way; and thecosts and benefits related to the change of parameters and parameter values and a change in monitoring practices.

2006/ESTAT/013 Statistiques

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on tourism statistics (replacing Council Directive 95/57/EC)

ESTAT 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 285(1)

codécision (COD)

Council Directive on Tourism Statistics dates from the years 1994/1995, the related Commission Decision dates from the years 1997/1998. Since then, both the tourism market itself and the policy concerns relating to tourism have changed considerably. The enlargement of the European Union is having a further impact on both tourism and tourism policy. In addition to this, new statistical tools like the Tourism Satellite Account methodology have been introduced. As a result of thesechanges, the present legislation in the field of tourism statistics does no longer correspond fully to the need of the users of tourism statistics and thus needs to be critically reviewed with a view to adapting it to current expectations.

2008/ESTAT/044 Statistiques

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees. Revision of the current Directive 2001/109/EC of 19 December 2000 in force.

ESTAT 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 285(1)

codécision (COD)

The Commission, in order to perform the task conferred upon it by the Treaty andby Community provisions governing the Common organisation of the market in thefruit and vegetable sector, needs to be kept accurately informed on the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees within the Community. This information is currently provided for within the framework of the EP and the Council Directive 2001/109/EC of 19 December 2001. Now that new amendments are being made, it is appropriate on the grounds of clarity and eventual simplification purpose to repeal the said Directive and replace it by a new legal act

2008/ESTAT/045 Statistiques

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of the areas undervines in the Community. Revision of the current Regulation (EEC) N° 357/79 of 5 February 1979 in force.

ESTAT 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 285(1)

The Commission, in order to perform the task conferred upon it by the Treaty andby Community provisions governing the Common organisation of the market in wine, needs to be kept accurately informed on the production potential of the areasunder vines within the Community. This information is currently provided for within the framework of the EP and the Council Regulation 357/79 of 5 February 1979. Now that new rules for a common market organisation for vines have been fixed, itis appropriate on the grounds of clarity and eventual simplification purpose to repeal the said Regulation and replace it by a new legal act.

2008/ESTAT/048 Statistiques

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending DIRECTIVE (EC)No 95/64 of 8 December 1995 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods and passengers by sea.

ESTAT 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 285(1)

This proposal is part of a more general set of proposals intended to modernise the legislation according to user needs and taking into account the statistical burden. The rest of the proposals will follow the comitology procedure. This modification will allow data by type of goods to be available for all the relevant countries and all the relevant modes of transport using the same common goods classification.

2009/INFSO/010 Société de l'information

Recommendation on media literacy in the digital environment INFSO juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Art.157codécision


Highlighting good practices; encouraging the authorities in charge of audiovisual and electronic communication regulation to cooperate in the improvement of media literacy; promote research.

2008/INFSO/027 Société de l'information

Decision of the EP and of the Council on the follow-up to the Digital Dividend INFSO octobre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 95codécision

(COD) Coordinated approach to managing the DD from an EU perspective.

2008/JLS/018 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EC) No … of … establishing a Management Authority for large-scale IT systems in the JLS area

JLS mai 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 62(2)(a), 63(3)(b) and 66 TEC

X The aim of this legal proposal is to establish the Management Authority for the Schengen Information System II and Visa Information System (and possible other systems) as well as to describe its structure and tasks.

2008/JLS/129 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Regulation establishing a table of travel documents of third country nationals for the purpose of visa issuance and the crossing of borders

JLS mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 62 (2)(b)(ii)

codécision (COD)

The current Table of Travel documents was drawn up in 1998 and based on SCH/Com-ex (98) 57. The purpose of this exercice is twofolde: to bring the Table of Travel documents into the Community legislative framework and to update its structure and enhance hamonisation in order to make this a practical and comprehensive intrument that is also userfriendly for practioners (border guards and consular staff).

2008/JLS/348 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Republic of Andorra

JLS mai 2009 Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 25(6) and art.31

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Republic of Andorra

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 10/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/JLS/045 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission proposal for a Council Decision concerning the signature and conclusion of the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance by the European Community

JLS mai 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Articles 61 c and 300

consultation (CNS)

The European Community negotiated in 2007 a multilateral international Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance and the related Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations. This should be signed and concluded by the EC, given that the relevant internal instrument, Regulation on the Maintenance Obligations, isexpected to be adopted by the Council in 2008

2008/JLS/143 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a legislative framework concerning access for consultation by law enforcement authorities as well as Europol to data recorded in EURODAC and additional biographical data for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences

JLS 18 juin 2009Législation secondaire: Art 67(2)2nd hyphen j° Council Regulation 2725/2000/EC

consultation (CNS)

Decision (third pillar) to set out the details of access for consultation by Member States authorities and Europol to EURODAC. This will be enabled by the introduction of a bridging clause in the Eurodac Regulation.

2008/JLS/336 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Decision concerning access for consultation of the EURODAC system by designated authorities of Member States and by Europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of certain criminal offences

JLS 18 juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 67(2) 2nd hyphen j° Council Regulation 2725/2000/EC

consultation (CNS)

Decision (third pillar) in view of enabling the access under certain conditions by police and other law enforcement authorities to the Eurodac System for the prevention, detection and investigation of certain criminal offences. This Decision will be presented in parallel to first pillar legislation, esp. amending the Eurodac Regulation to include a bridging clause. This Decision is linked to the Council conclusions of 12-13 June 2007.

2008/JLS/131 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Draft Council Decisions on the signature and conclusion of a short stay visa waiver agreement between the European Community and Brazil

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: Article 62 (2) (b)

consultation (CNS)

Agreeement aiming at achieving mutual visa free travel for EU and Brazilian citizens.

2009/JLS/033 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Recommendation to the Council in order to authorise the Commission to open negotiations for the conclusion of agreement(s) between the EC and with ENP country (ies) on facilitation of issuance of short-tem visas

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 62(2)(b)ii

consultation (CNS)

Subject to a successful outcome of the discussions within the competent Council working parties , to obtain mandate(s) to negociate the agreement(s) in accordance with Article 300(2) TEC

2009/JLS/059 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a directive on the procedures regulating the entry into, the temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate Transferees (ICT)

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 63

consultation (CNS)

This scheme will set out common procedures to regulate the entry into, temporary stay and residence in the EU of ICT, in those fields which are not covered by the GATS negotiations. These procedures will therefore be without prejudice to international commitments entered into by the EC or by the EC and itsMember States. Document will be adopted together with doc 2008/JLS/148- Directive on the entry, the temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate Transferees.

2009/JLS/054 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a legislative initiative to create a EU resettlement scheme JLS juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Art 66codécision


The EU wide resettlement scheme, in which Member States would participate on a voluntary basis, will establish common criteria and coordination mechanisms. Cooperation on practical and logistical aspects will lead to more financial and quality effectiveness (organisation of missions, medical and security screening, travel arrangements, preparation and submission of cases by UNHCR).

2009/JLS/016 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposition de décision du Conseil modifiant la Décision 2005/387/JAI du Conseil du 10 mai 2005 relative à l’échange d’informations, à l’évaluation des risques et au contrôle des nouvelles substances psychoactives

JLS 18 septembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: Art. 29, 31(1)(e) and 34(2)(c)

consultation (CNS)

Purpose of the amendment is to improve the assessment process and some of the procedural steps, taking into account the experiences gathered and limitations encountered with this legislative instruments in the past three years. Amendments may include a closer linking with the pharmacovigilance system and with the publichealth domain

2009/JLS/040 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Amendment of Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in a possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement

JLS septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 62(2)(b)(i)

consultation (CNS)

Amendment of Visa Regulation No 539/2001 in the light of the progress reached during the visa dialogue, on the basis of the roadmaps towards a visa-free regime with the Western Balkan countries

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 11/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/JLS/347 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Amendment of the Commission's decision of 27 December 2001 on contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established inthird countries under Directive 95/46/EC (2002/16/EC)

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 26(4) and art. 31

Amendment of the Commission's decision of 27 December 2001 on contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries under Directive 95/46/EC (2002/16/EC)

2009/JLS/034 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Draft Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Georgia on the facilitation of issuance of short-stay visas

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 62(2)(b)

consultation (CNS)

Subject to a successful outcome of the negotiations, to propose to the Council to conclude and sign the agreement in accordance with Article 300(2) TEC

2009/JLS/036 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Draft Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Cape Verde on the facilitation of issuance of short-stay visas

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 62(2)(b)

consultation (CNS)

Subject to a successful outcome of the negotiations, to propose to the Council to conclude and sign the agreement in accordance with Article 300(2) TEC

2009/JLS/181 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 377/2004 of 19 February 2004 on the creation of an immigration liaison officers network

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article63(3)(b) and Article 66

codécision (COD)

Projet de Règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil modifiant le Règlement (CE) No 377/2004 du Conseil du 19 février 2004 relatif à la création d'un réseau d'officiers de liaison «Immigration»

2008/JLS/350 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Israël

JLS 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 25(6) and art. 31

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Israël

2008/JLS/351 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Chile

JLS 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 25(6) and art. 31

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Chile

2008/JLS/352 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Uruguay

JLS 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 25(6) and art. 31

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by Uruguay

2008/JLS/353 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by New Zealand

JLS 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive95/46/EC art. 25(6) and art. 3

Commission decision on the adequate protection of personal data provided by New Zealand

2009/JLS/032 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Draft Council Decision(s) on the signature and conclusion of the Agreement(s) between the European Community and ENP countries on the facilitation of issuance of short-stay visas

JLS 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 62(2)(b)

consultation (CNS)

Subject to a successful outcome of the negotiations, to propose to the Council to conclude and sign the agreement in accordance with Article 300(2) TEC

2008/MARE/021 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a long-term plan for anchovy in the Bay of Biscay.

MARE juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37.

consultation (CNS)

This Council Regulation will lay down the main principles that will inspire the Commission's approach on the annual management of fish stocks through catch limitations (TACs).

2008/MARE/073 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a catch documentation programme for bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus and amending Regulation (EC) No 1984/2003.

MARE juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37

consultation (CNS)

The proposed Regulation will transpose the bluefin tuna catch documentation programme that was adopted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICATT) at its Annual Meeting in November 2007. ICCAT Recommendation N° 07-10 on the introduction of a bluefin tuna catch documentation programme has become effective on 4 June 2008. The relevant provisions of Regulation (EC) N° 1984/2003 related to ICCAT bluefin tuna statistical document and re-export certificate will be repealed and replaced by the proposed Regulation.

2009/MARE/068 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 43/2009 as regards fishing opportunities and associated conditions for 2009 for certain fish stocks.

MARE juin 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 20 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP.

consultation (CNS)

1) The measures agreed by the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) in February 2009 on the fishing possibilities for redfish in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters and certain associated conditions need to be implemented into Community law. 2) According to Art. 11 of Reg. (EC) No 1342/2008 (Cod plan) the Council may under certain conditions exclude certain groups of vessels from the application of the effort regime under that Regulation. Following the assessment of the requests from several Member States it is appropriate to exclude certain groups of vessels and that the effort ceilings for the respective gear groupings of the Member States concerned, established in Annex IIA of Reg. (EC) No 43/2009, are adjusted accordingly.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 12/86

Page 13: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/MARE/026 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council regulation laying down certain technical measures applicable to fishing activities in the Convention Area of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO).

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37.

consultation (CNS)

This proposal will transpose the decisions adopted by the South East Atlantic Fisheries Commission into EU legislation.

2008/MARE/046 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) of 28 December 1978 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of the Convention on future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 37, in conjunction with article 300 of the EC Treaty.

consultation (CNS)

The Contracting Parties to the Convention launched an overhaul of the Convention in 2005. The conclusions of this overhaul were adopted in the form of a global amendment to the Convention at the Annual meetings of NAFO in September 2007 (English version) and in 2008 (French version). The amendment was formally notified by the Depositary of the Convention (Canada) to our Delegation in Ottawa on 19 December 2008 for their ratification. The main aim of this amendment is to modernise the current Convention that entered into force in 1979 in order to incorporate a more modern concept of fisheries management. The entering into force of this amendment is pending the approval of the present proposal to amend the Convention.


2009/MARE/032 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

This proposal aims to ensure that adequate directives are given by the Council tothe Commission on matters falling within EC competence, ahead of the Annual Meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) at which the decisions will be taken, so that the Community positions can be expressed at this meeting.

2009/MARE/033 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

This proposal aims to ensure that adequate directives are given by the Council tothe Commission on matters falling within EC competence, ahead of the Annual Meeting of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) at which the decisions will be taken, so that the Community positions can be expressed at this meeting.

2009/MARE/036 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

This proposal aims to ensure that adequate directives are given by the Council tothe Commission on matters falling within EC competence, ahead of the Annual Meeting of the Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) at which the decisions will be taken, so that the Community positions can be expressed at this meeting.

2009/MARE/080 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1139/2008 of 10 November 2008 fixing the fishing opportunities and the conditions relating thereto for certain fish stocks applicable in the Black Sea for 2009.

MARE juillet 2009

Législation secondaire: - CouncilRegulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP, and inparticular Article 20 thereof. - Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96 of 6 May 1996 introducing additional conditions for year-to-year management of TACs and quotas, and in particular Article 2 thereof.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The proposal aims to review the Black Sea turbot TAC and the allocation between Bulgaria and Romania, on the basis of new scientific data, as foreseen in Council Regulation (EC) No 1139/2008 of 10 November 2008 fixing the fishing opportunities and the conditions relating thereto for certain fish stocks applicable inthe Black Sea for 2009. New scientific data should be available following meetings of the STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries) working group on the Black Sea review of 2009 management decision and the plenary session in March-April 2009.

2009/MARE/009 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic Sea for 2010.

MARE septembre 2009Législation secondaire: Art. 20 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 2371/2002.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Regulation is setting the annual fishing opportunities and associated technical measures for the Member States concerning the commercial most important fish stocks in the Baltic Sea for the year 2010.

2008/MARE/025 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) N° 2347/2002 on specific access requirements and associated conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Regulation (EC) N° 2347/2002 on specific access requirements and associated conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

Other simplification

The Council Regulation will update the current rules on the access requirements and associated conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks, on the basis of experience accumulated in the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) N° 2347/2002.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 13/86

Page 14: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARE/005 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision for the signature of an Agreement on port State measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 37, in conjunction with art. 300 of the EC Treaty.

consultation (CNS)

An international agreement is being negotiated within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ("FAO"), aiming to put in place minimal standards that States should implement towards foreign-flagged fishing vessels seeking access to their ports, with a view to deterring vessels engaged in illegal fishing to land their products or receive services in those ports. The EU takes active part in those negotiations. They will continue in the course of 2009. Once the agreement is finalised, it will have to be signed by the Council (possibly in 2009).

2009/MARE/028 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the fishing opportunities and the conditions relating thereto for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Black Sea for 2010.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 20 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Regulation will set maximum catch levels for certain species in the Black Sea for the year 2010, including some technical measures to ensure sustainable fishing by Community fishing vessels.

2009/MARE/030 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

This proposal aims to ensure that adequate directives are given by the Council tothe Commission on matters falling within EC competence, ahead of the Annual Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) at which the decisions will be taken, so that the Community positions can be expressed at this meeting.

2009/MARE/083 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37 and 300

consultation (CNS)

This Decision intends to establish for the coming years the main orientations for the positions to be adopted by the Community in the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC). This regional fisheries organisation may, on the basis of scientific evidence, make decisions designed to maintain the populations of highly migratory fish stocks (including tuna and tuna-like fishes) thatmay be taken in the Convention area at levels which will ensure the long-term sustainability of such stocks.

2009/MARE/084 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of the Community position to be adopted in the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37 and 300

consultation (CNS)

This Decision intends to establish for the coming years the main orientations for the positions to be adopted by the Community in NEAFC

2009/MARE/086 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing for the 2010 fishing year the guide prices and Community producer prices for certain fishery products pursuant to Regulation (EC) n° 104/2000.

MARE novembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 18(3) and 26(1) of Council Regulation (EC) N° 104/2000 on the Common Market Organisation in fishery and aquaculture products.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

Fixing the guide prices and the Community producer prices is an annual exercise and a regulatory obligation under the Common Market Organisation (CMO). The guide prices are the essential parameters for the CMO intervention mechanisms. A Council Regulation is required to ensure direct and uniform implementation throughout the EC.


2008/MARE/035 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a multi-annual plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea.

MARE décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37.

consultation (CNS)

Management of salmon stocks in the Baltic Sea does require long-term planning and a various set of measures in correspondence to its life cycle and the different anthropogenic impacts affecting the sock dynamics. A Salmon Action Plan adopted under the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC) has been in force since 1997. However, the IBSFC ceased to exist in 2005 and the objectives under the SAP have expired in practice. For these reasons the development of a new long-term management scheme for salmon in the Baltic Sea is required.

2005/MARE/021 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down measures applicable to certain stocks of highly migratory fish.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37

consultation (CNS)

As a Contracting Party to various Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), the Community is legally bound to implement the measures adopted through the transposition of the adopted measures into Community legislation. This proposal aims at laying down rules for the application by the EC of measures adopted by the following RFMOs: - International Commission for the Conservationof Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) - Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) - Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC) - Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT).

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 14/86

Page 15: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2006/MARE/051 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the conclusion of a Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and Mauritius.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 37 together with Article 300, paragraphs 2 and 3.

consultation (CNS)

The Commission negotiates and implements Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) with third countries with a view to guaranteeing the conservation and sustainable exploitation of resources in their waters. The partnerships are based on a scientific assessment of the third country stocks, which could be exploited by the EU fishing industry and take into account the economic and social interest of the third country concerned. The protocol expired on 2 December 2007.


2009/MARE/024 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation on the conclusion of a Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Solomon Islands.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37 together with art. 300, paragraphs 2 and 3.

consultation (CNS)

The Commission negotiates and implements Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) with third countries to guarantee the conservation and sustainable exploitation of resources in their waters. These Parnership Agreements are based on a scientific assessment of the stocks which could be exploited by the EU fishing industry in those waters and take into account the economic and social interests of the third country. The Agreement also foresees specific measures to support the implementation of a sustainable fisheries policy by the third country.


2009/MARE/041 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation ... laying down conservation and enforcement measures adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Marine Living Resource (CCAMLR).

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation ... laying down conservation and enforcement measures adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Marine Living Resource.

consultation (CNS)

As a Contracting Party to the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic MarineLiving Resource (CCAMLR) the Community is legally bound to implement the measures adopted through the transposition of the adopted measures into Community legislation. This proposal aims at laying down rules for the application by the Community of measures adopted by CCAMLR.

2009/MARE/042 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down conservation and enforcement measures adopted by the Commission for the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Organisation (SIOFA).

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37

consultation (CNS)

As a Contracting Party to the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Organisation (SIOFA), the Community is legally bound to implement the measures adopted through the transposition of the adopted measures into Community legislation. This proposal aims at laying down rules for the application by the Community of measures adopted by SIOFA.

2009/MARE/044 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature, on behalf of the European Community, of a South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Community is participating in the preparatory work for the creation of a new Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) which will provide for regional cooperation on the conservation and management of fish stocks in the South Pacific Ocean (SPRFMO). This new RFMO will exercise its responsabilities for the effective conservation and management of non-tuna species in the high seas of the Southern Pacific Ocean according to the principles and standards laid down in the Law of the Sea. The signature - and ulterior ratification - of this text by the Community will allow it to join this RFMO.

2009/MARE/045 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature, on behalf of the European Community, of the Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT).

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Community is participating in the functioning of the Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) as a co-operating non-Contracting Party. As such, the EC is required to implement the measures adopted by this organisation for the management and conservation of the species under its mandate. In order to fully participate in the working of the organisation and in particular its decision making process, it is appropriate that the EC become a full party to the CCSBT.

2009/MARE/046 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature, on behalf of the European Community, of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources - Central Bering Sea.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Community is participating in the functioning of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources - Central Bering Sea through the participation of Poland as a party to the Convention. Following accession to the EC Poland is required to withdraw from the Convention and for the EC to accede to the organisation in its place. In order to fully participate in the working of the organisation and in particular its decision making process, it is appropriate that the EC become a full party to the Convention.

2009/MARE/053 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing for 2010 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 20 of Regulation (EC) N° 2371/2002.

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)

The Council Regulation will fix for 2010 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required.

2009/MARE/082 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Regulation openingand providing for the management of autonomous Community tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the period 2010 to 2012.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 26

Article 133 (ACC)

The goal is to guarantee, through the total or partial suspension of import duties, the supply of raw material to the EU fish processing industry applying variable customs duties in accordance with the sensitivity of the product in question on the Community market.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 15/86

Page 16: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARKT/028 Marché intérieur et services

Revision of the Capital Requirements Directive on trading book ,securitisation and remuneration issues

MARKT 17 juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 41 of directie 2006/49/EC

codécision (COD)

Ensuring adequate risk management and capital requirements for positions held by banks on their trading book, securitisation and remuneration issues.

2009/MARKT/045 Marché intérieur et services

Proposal for a Directive for the full review of the 4th and 7th Council Directives, to result in a proposal(s) for (a) Directive(s).

MARKT décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 44(2)(g) TEC

codécision (COD) X X

Other simplification

Overhaul of the 4th & 7th Accounting Directives to take into account the specific interests of SMEs. REVISION - LINK TO 2009/MARKT/051

2009/MARKT/061 Marché intérieur et services

Proposal for amendment of Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 3 March 1997 on investor-compensation schemes

MARKT décembre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 47(2) of the Treaty

codécision (COD) X X

Review and reinforce certain aspects of the functioning of the investor-compensation schemes in line with Commission Communication on "Driving European Recovery" COM(2009)114 of 4 March 2009.

2009/MARKT/050 Marché intérieur et services

Directive on Legal certainty in securities law MARKT 4ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

codécision (COD) X O

Other simplification

The main objective of the measure is to reduce the divergence between national substantive laws on book-entry securities and therefore to make a substantive contribution to the simplification of financial markets operations and to their legal safety.

2005/OLAF/012 Lutte contre la fraude

proposition de modification du règlement CE 1469/95 relatif aux mesures à prendre à l'égard de bénéficiaires d'opérations financées par le FEOGA-section garantie, ainsi que du règlement CE 745/96 de la Commission portant modalités d'application du règlement 1469/95

OLAF 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37

consultation (CNS)

Suivi des conclusions du 2eme rapport d’évaluation de la transposition du reg.1486/95

2009/OLAF/002 Lutte contre la fraude

Request for a delegation of power in favour of the Director General of OLAF within the framework of Council Regulation 2182/2004 of 6 December 2004 concerning medals and tokens similar to euro coins

OLAF 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 2182/2004 of 6 December 2004 concerning medals and tokens similar to euro coins (in particular the modification of this Regulation which is currently ongoing)

Request for a delegation of power from the Commission to the Director General of OLAF for the implementation of Council Regulation 2182/2004, in order to deliver an opinions as to whether: -a metallic object has the appearance and/or technical properties of a coin - a medal/token falls within the prohibition mentionedin the Regulation

2009/OLAF/004 Lutte contre la fraude

Implementing rules related to the modification of Council Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001 laying down measures necessary for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting

OLAF 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 123(4)

consultation (CNS)

Specification of the rules to be implemented for authenticating euro coins and banknotes

2009/REGIO/009 Politique régionale

Annual Report of the Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-Accession (ISPA) 2008

REGIO octobre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 12 of the ISPA Regulation (Council Regulation n°1261/1999)

consultation (CNS)

This report is presented in accordance with Article 12 of the ISPA Regulation. It isthe 9th Annual Report covering the ISPA acitvities during 2007. Since Bulgaria and Romania ceased being ISPA beneficiary countries in 2006 this report relates exclusively to Croatia, which became an ISPA beneficiary country following the June 2004 European Council decision to award her the status of candidate country.


Relations extérieuresCommerce

Council Decision on the signature of a provisional application of certain provisions of an Agreement establishing an association between the EC and its Member states and the Mercosur and its Member states


2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300, 133

Article 133 (ACC)

EU-Mercosur Political Dialogue and cooperation Agreement. EU-Mercosur free-trade agreement where no sector would be excluded, in conformity with WTO provisions.

2005/RELEX/001 Relations extérieures EC-CHINA Readmission Agreement RELEX 4ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 63

consultation (CNS)

The Agreement will establish obligations and procedures for identification and repatriation of persons who do not, or no longer, fulfil the conditions for entry, residence, or other presence in China or one of the MS of the EU

2005/RTD/014 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing and conclusion of a Scientific and Technological agreement between the European Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

RTD 13 mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 170 (2) et 300 (2)

consultation (CNS)

Create an enhanced S&T policy dialogue between EC and Jordan and foster research cooperation activities, contributing to the objectives of the ENP. Prepare Jordan for an eventual association (in the long-term) to the Research FP.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 16/86

Page 17: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/RTD/032 Recherche

New Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) grant agreement to be drafted, further to the modification of the legal basis of the RFCS programme (revision of the multiannual technical guidelines, adopted by the Council on 29 April 2008). Once adopted, the translation in all official EC languages has to be foreseen.

RTD juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 2008/376/EC - Council Decision of 29/4/2008

- New RFCS model grant agreement (English) - Translations into all official EC languages of the new RFCS model grant agreement

2003/RTD/19 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of a Scientific and Technological Agreement between the European Community and Japan.

RTD 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 170 (2) et 300 (2)

consultation (CNS)

A Science & Technology Agreement between EC and Japan will broaden the scope of cooperation in S&T cooperation in a number of areas of common interest in areas of mutual interest and for mutual benefit thus contributing to enhance European competitiveness.

2009/RTD/033 Recherche

Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation to implement Joint Programming (JP) in the research area of Neurodegenerativ

RTD juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: -

Adoption simple par le

Conseil (ADO)


To develop a new approach, through cooperation & collaboration between national research progr., for more effectively tackling common European challenges in the area of Nuerodegenerative Diseases, making better use of Europe's limited public R&D funds. JP involves MS engaging voluntarily & on a variable geometry basis in the definition, develop. and implementation of common Strategic Research Agendas (SRA)that address major societal challenges. It will ask the Council to endorse the preliminary vision and SRA that is being drafted by a steering board gathering MS representatives, active in the area of public funding of research in the area of NDs, including in particular actions related to Alzheimer'sdisease."

2008/RTD/043 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of a Scientific and Technological Agreement between the European Community and the Faroe Islands

RTD 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 170 and 300(2)

consultation (CNS)

Science & Technology Agreement between EC and Faroe Islands according to Article 170 in conjunction with Article 300(2) of the EC Treaty

2009/RTD/004 Recherche

Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the participation by the Community in a research and development programme aimed at structuring and integrating Baltic Sea Research through a joint programme, undertaken by several Member States (BONUS-169)

RTD décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 169

codécision (COD) X O

BONUS-169 aims to create a cooperative, interdisciplinary, integrated trans-national research programme for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) that will address thefragmentation issues related to environmental research in the region and facilitate the unified approach to be taken by the States concerned. Specific objectives include: - Structuring and integrating the research area in the BSR to make it more efficient in view of contributing to solve common environmental and economic problems and to the sustainable development of the Region. - Facilitating knowledge acquisition, transfer and exploitation. - Sharing and improving access to research infrastructures and databases. - Contributing to a wide range of policies and initiatives.

2008/RTD/018 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of an Agreementbetween the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the Republic of Croatia on its association to the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2007-2011).

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009 Traité Euratom: 101 consultation

(CNS) Specifying terms, objectives and conditions of association of Croatia to the 7th FP - Euratom

2008/RTD/019 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of an Agreementbetween the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the Republic of Serbia on its association to the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2007-2011).

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009 Traité Euratom: 101 consultation

(CNS) Specifying terms, objectives and conditions of association of Serbia to the 7th FP- Euratom part.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 17/86

Page 18: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/RTD/020 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of an Agreementbetween the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the Republic of Turkey on its association to the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2007-2011).

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009 Traité Euratom: 101 consultation

(CNS) Specifying terms, objectives and conditions of cooperation between Turkey and the 7th FP - Euratom

2009/SANCO/057 SantéCommission proposal for a Council Recommendation on seasonal flu vaccination

SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 152 (4c)EC

In line with the WHO and European Parliament Resolutions, the Recommendation will propose to increase seasonal flu vaccination coverage in risk groups.

2008/SANCO/010 Santé

Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 on the animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals

SANCO juillet 2009Législation secondaire: Articles 6 (3) and 23 of Regulation (EC) No 998/2003

codécision (COD)

According to Articles 6, 8 and 16 of that Regulation, certain Member States have been allowed to retain a transitional period of 5 years for pre-movement testing for detection of neutralising rabies-antibodies, tick and tapeworm treatments. This transitional period has been prolonged until 30 June 2010 by Council Regulation (EC) No 454/2008. According to Article 23, the Commission should send a report to the European Parliament and the Council providing appropriate proposals determining the regime to be applied with effect from the end of the transitional period. Based on this report, an impact assessment is being prepared to determine what would be the best options after teh end of the transitional period.

2008/SANCO/027 Santé

Council Regulation on journey times and space allowances amending the annexes of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations.

SANCO octobre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37

consultation (CNS) O O

The regulation proposes a revision on travelling times and space allowances based on the same elements proposed by the Commission in 2003 and not accepted by the Council. One of the purposes of the proposal is to put in line legislation on animal transport with the social legislation applicable to drivers in Europe and to facilitate the implementation of existing EU rules and controls from the competent authorities

2009/SANCO/072 SantéAmendment of Council Directive 2000/29/EC as concerns requirements for delegation of official plant health tasks

SANCO 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Dir. 2000/29

consultation (CNS)

Article 2.1(g) (ii) of Council Directive 2000/29/EC provides that a legal person to whom tasks are delegated is charged exclusively with specific public functions, excluding the possibility to delegate tasks to organisations that would perform them impartially and independently, but that at the same time are also involved with activities for third parties. Thus, as suggested by the Chief Plant Health Officers and European Commission in December 2007, these provisions are amended to provide a suitable framework for delegation of official controls to organisations that also perform activities for third parties.

2009/SG/013Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the COuncil adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, as amended by Decision 2006/512/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny

SG 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 152

codécision (COD) O O

The "Comitology Decision" (Council Decision 1999/468/EC) was amended in July2006. The amendment introduces a "regulatory procedure with scrutiny" ("RPS"). The RPS gives both legislative arms, the Parliament and the COuncil, a right of control over the substance of draft implementing measures. The objective of this proposal is to respond to the Parliament's request and to complete definitively the alignment exercise to the new comitology procedure introduced in 2006

2004/TAXUD/011 Fiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC as regards the VAT treatment of multipurpose vouchers and certain other promotions schemes.

TAXUD mai 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: Art 93

consultation (CNS) X

La proposition vise à définir des règles claires en matière d'exigibilité et de base d'imposition des opérations concernant les systèmes de promotion par bons et certains autres systèmes de promotion commercial. The proposal aims at modernising the existing VAT legal framework, by including specific rules on the treatment of multipurpose vouchers and certain other promotional schemes.

2008/TAXUD/017 Fiscalité et union douanière

Commission Recommendation on VAT Grouping TAXUD 2ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 93

Provide interpretative guidelines on the implementation/application of the grouping rules of Art. 11 of Directive 2006/112/EC

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 18/86

Page 19: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/TAXUD/019 Fiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation 1798/2003/EC on administrative cooperation in the field of value added tax with a view to prevent and fight against cross border tax fraud Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax to include provisions aiming at preventing and fighting against cross border tax fraud

TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 93 X Preventing and fighting against cross border tax fraud

2008/TAXUD/008 Fiscalité et union douanière

Council Regulation laying down implementing measures for Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax

TAXUD 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 397 of Directive 2006/112/EC

The proposal builds on the 2003 VAT Strategy commitment (COM(2003)614) to ensure a more uniform application of VAT legislation across the EU. It puts into binding legislation agreed, but currently voluntary, guidelines on the VAT treatmentof specific supplies or situations. Putting these into directly applicable legislation will ensure consistent treatment by all Member States

2009/TRADE/017 Commerce

Commission Decision deciding the termination or prolongation of the GSP+ investigation launched under COMMISSION DECISION of 31 March 2008 providing for the initiation of an investigation pursuant to Article 18(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 980/2005 withrespect to the protection of the freedom of association and the right to organise in El Salvador

TRADE mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133

The Commission Decision will either terminate the GSP+ investigation and set out its main conclusions or it will extend the period of the investigation, if more time to finalised the investigation is deemed necessary.



Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 as regards the procedures to be followed for export ofwaste to certain countries

TRADE / ENV juin 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne:

175avis conforme


Regular routine update to the Regulation which sets out the choice of proceduresor restrictions, if any, that non-OECD importing countries have elected to ask the EU to follow when sending them non-hazardous waste.

2006/TRADE/027 CommerceCouncil Decision on the application of certain guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

This Council decision will implement into EU Law the modifications introduced at the level of OECD in the Arrangement on Officially supported export credits (annexe III on aircrafts and annexe IV on renewable energies).

2007/TRADE/003 Commerce

Council Decision concerning the Conclusion of a Free Trade Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, on the one part, and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, on the other part (exact title tbc)

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Establishment of a free trade area between the parties to the Agreement Conclusion of the negotiations for a free trade agreement with the GCC

2007/TRADE/023 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the Conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and the Government of Argentina on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Preparation of implementation of agremeent reached with Argentina in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6

2007/TRADE/024 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Coucnil Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the Eruopean community and the Government of Brazil on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Preparation of implmentation of agreement reached with Brazil in the context of GATT Art XXIV.6

2007/TRADE/031 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European community and the Government of Canada on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Conclusion of agreement reached with Canada in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 19/86

Page 20: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/TRADE/033 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and the Government of Australia on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

conclusion of agreement reached with Australia in the context of GATT Art XXIV.6 negotiations.

2007/TRADE/034 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and hte Government of New Zealand on the conclusion of GATT ArticleXXIV.6 negotiations.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Conclusion of agreement reached with New Zealand in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations.

2007/TRADE/036 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implmentation of the Agreement between the European Community and Canada on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations amending and supplementingAnnex 1 to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomencalature and on the Common Customs Tariff.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Canada in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations.

2007/TRADE/040 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and the US on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with the US in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

2007/TRADE/042 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and Argentina on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Argentina in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

2007/TRADE/043 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and Brazil on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Brazil in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 20/86

Page 21: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/TRADE/044 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and Costa Rica on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Costa Rica in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

2007/TRADE/045 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and Ecuador on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Ecuador in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

2007/TRADE/046 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and Australia on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Implementation of agreement reached with Australia in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations.

2007/TRADE/057 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and China on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations, amending and supplementing Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Implementation of agreement reached with China in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6 negotiations

2008/TRADE/008 Commerce

Decisions flowing from concluding an agreement finalising the multilateral trade negotiations under the World Trade Organisation's Doha Development Agenda

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Decision by the Council to conclude the final agreement incorporating the results of the negotiations on the DDA. This agreement is likely to concern liberalisation oftrade in industrial and agricultural goods (tariff cuts) and of services; reduction of domestic agricultural subsidies, the phasing out of agricultural export subsidies as well as the reform of WTO certain rules governing international trade (inter alia trade defence instruments Depending on the content of the agreement this may imply adaptation of community regulation or legislation (e.g. customs tariffs, trade defence instruments, customs regulation) by the end of the implementation period(s) foreseen in this agreement –These implementation periods will go beyond end-2008

2008/TRADE/039 Commerce

Council Decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement amending the agreement between the European Community and the Russian Federation on trade in certain steel products

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

Adoption on behalf the European Union of the amendments to the bilateral steel agreement negotiated with Russia.

2008/TRADE/043 CommerceRecommendation for a negotiating mandate on Information Technology Agreement - Expansion

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

The recommendation shall propose to Council the expansion of the product scope and the membership of the Information Technology Agreement as well as the elimination of non-tariff barriers affecting ITC products.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 21/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TRADE/010 Commerce

Commission Regulation amending annex II to Council Regulation (EC) No 732/2008 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

The Commission Regulation will amend annex II of Council Regulation 732/2008 to update it as per the new modifications introduced in the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

2009/TRADE/011 Commerce

Commission Regulation amending annex Ito Council Regulation (EC) No 732/2008 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011 so as to include the list of beneficiary countries of GSP+

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

The Commission Regulation will update annex I of Council Regulation 732/2008 to include the list of beneficiary countries of the special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance for the period 20009-2011

2009/TRADE/016 Commerce

Commission Decision amending Commission decision 2008/938/EC on the list of the beneficiary countries which qualify for the special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance, provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 732/2008 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

The Commission Decision envisages the removal of Venezuela from the list of GSP+ beneficiaries. Venezuela did not fulfil all the necessary requirements under the GSP Regulation to be granted GSP+, as it did not ratify by 31 December 2008 the UN Convention against corruption.

2009/TRADE/014 Commerce

Council Decision on the signing and the provisional application of an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Republic of Belarus on trade in textile products

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133 Extension of bilateral agreement that will end 31 December 2009

2009/TRADE/022 Commerce

Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1342/2007 on administering certain restrictions on imports of certain steel products from the Russian Federation

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133 Implement negotiated outcome to amend Russia steel agreement

2008/TRADE/040 Commerce

Commission Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000 introducing exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union's Stabilisation and Association process

TRADE octobre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

The regulation is amending the Council Regulation No 2007/2000 to take into account the signature of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 June 2008 and the entry into force of an Interim Agreement on trade with this country, on 1 July 2008. Hence, the trade concessions to Bosnia and Herzegovina on the same products identified in the autonomous trade preferences are withdrawn by this regulation from Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000.

2007/TRADE/004 Commerce Review of the EU's trade defence instruments: proposals and guidelines TRADE décembre 2009 Traité sur l'Union européenne:

133Article 133


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

The aim of this review is to see, also drawing on the outcome of a wide-ranging public consultation conducted with stakeholders in 2007, what are the necessary targeted changes to the rules and practice of the trade defence instruments in lightof changes in the global economy and with view of strengthening the consensus among Member States over the application of these instruments.


2008/TRADE/032 Commerce

Council decision establishing the Community position within the General Council of the World Trade Organisation on the accession of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organisation

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Article 133 (ACC)

The EC needs to have a position on Kazakhstan's WTO accession in the WTO General Council where this accession is approved.

2008/TRADE/044 Commerce

Council Decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and Kazakhstan on trade in certain steel products

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Adoption on behalf the European Union of the bilateral steel agreement negotiated with Kazakhstan.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 22/86

Page 23: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TRADE/018 Commerce

Commission Decision deciding the termination or prolongation of the GSP+ investigation launched under COMMISSION DECISION of 14 October 2008 providing for the initiation of an investigation pursuant to Article 18(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 980/2005 withrespect to the effective implementation of certain human rights conventions in Sri Lanka

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

The Commission Decision will either terminate the GSP+ investigation and set out its main conclusions or it will extend the period of the investigation, if more time to finalise the investigation is deemed necessary.

2009/TRADE/023 CommerceCouncil Regulation on administering certain restrictions on imports of certain steel products from Kazakhstan

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133 Implement the negotiated agreement.

2009/TREN/020 Transports Proposal on financing of aviation security TREN mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 80(2)

codécision (COD) X X This legislative proposal will define the basic principles concerning aviation

security financing. Consultation of stakeholders has been finalised in August 2008.

2009/TREN/019 Energie

Review of Council Regulation 736/96 on notifying the Commission of projects of common interest to the Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity sector

TREN juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 284 TCE Article 187 Traité Euratom

codécision (COD)

Review of a Council Regulation 736/96 on notifying the Commission of projects of common interest to the Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity sector in order to determine whether the text should be reinvigorated, and if yes what amendments would be necessry. Depending on the Impact assessment results, there could be less or better targeted notification obligations on Member States and Industry.

2008/TREN/055 Transports Proposal for a Directive/Regulation on limiting nitrogen oxide (NOx) from aviation TREN juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Article 80codécision


The legislative proposal to extend the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) to aviation adopted on 20 December 2006 says: 'To address other gases (ie other than carbon dioxide, CO2) by the end of 2008, the Commission will put forward a proposal to address the nitrogen oxide emissions from aviation after a thorough impact assessment'.

2009/TREN/042 Energie Revision (or new proposal) of security of gas supply Directive (2004/67) TREN juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: Art.100codécision


EU needs to be equipped with a much more robust instrument to effectively address gas supply crises. The new proposal for amending Directive 2004/67/EC will aim to respect the appropriate balance between responsibility, solidarity and subsidiarity.

2008/TREN/054 Transports

Revision of Directive 2002/30/EC establishing rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions

TREN septembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 80 TCE + Article 14 de la directive 2002/30

codécision (COD) X X

Directive 2002/30/EC established rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions. It does so in the framework of a “balanced approach” to noise management which implements and develops further at Community level the ICAO guidance on noise. As it stands, the Directive enables airports to adopt measures which address a specific noise situation. A report on the implentation of the Directive will be adopted in December 2007 by the Commission. In accordance with Article 14 of the Directive, the Commission is obliged to consider a revision of the Directive.

2009/TREN/086 Energie

Proposal of the Commission for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 737/90 on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station

TREN septembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133

The aim of the proposal is to extend for another ten years the system for checking compliance with the maximum permitted levels of radio-caesium in imported agricultural products laid down by Council Regulation (EEC) No 737/90.

2009/TREN/004 Transports

Regulation of the EP and the Council on civil aviation accidents and incidents investigation repealing Council Directive 94/56 of 21 November 1994 establishing the fundamental principles governing investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents

TREN octobre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 80(2)

codécision (COD) X X

This initiative replaces the simplification initiative no TREN/2008/007 Modernise the oldest Directive after the establishment of EASA and following the advice of the Group of Experts, established by EC Decision 2003/425. This includes the creation of a structure to execute a minimum set of centralised functions, the creation of a data base to allow appropriate entities to keep track of the safety recommendations, establishing the basis for a dialogue with judicial investigators and specifying the rights and obligations of EASA in this field

2009/TREN/047 Energie règlement concernant les aides d'Etat dans le secteur du charbon TREN novembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: legal base to be determined later

exact scope is to be determined after the impact assessment

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 23/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TREN/087 Energie

Revision of Commission Recommendation 99/829/Euratom on the application of Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty

TREN décembre 2009 Traité Euratom: 37 X

Under Article 37 the Commission delivers opinions on whether, and to what extent the implementation of plans giving rise to releases of radioactive effluents isliable to result in radiological consequences for neighbouring Member States. These consequences are examined under normal conditions as well as in the event of an accident. The aim of the revision is, on the basis of the experience gained, to clarify, simplify and improve the provisions of the current Commission Recommendation on the application of Article 37.

2005/SJ+/028Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the operating space, access to the driving position and the doors and windows of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (codified version) (1980L0720)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale ENTR est de procéder à la codification de la directive 80/720. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

2006/SJ+/014Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels (recast version) (1990L0396)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale ENTR est de procéder à la codification de la directive 90/396 du Conseil. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle enpréserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

2006/SJ+/040Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on rear- mounted roll-over protection structures of narrow-track wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors (codified version) (1986L0298)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale ENTR est de procéder à la codification de la directive 298/86. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

2006/SJ+/041Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on roll- over protection structures mounted in front of the driver's seat on narrow-track wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors (codified version) (1987L0402)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale ENTR est de procéder à la codification de la directive 402/87. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/018Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement and on the repeal of Directive 71/354/EEC (1980L0181)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 80/181. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal of a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in, and imports from third countries of, poultry and hatching eggs (1990L0539)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 90/539. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

Codification initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 24/86

Page 25: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/SJ+/080 Conseil juridiqueEnvironnement

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein (1997R0338)

SJ / ENV 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art 175 (1)

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 338/97. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/089 Conseil juridiqueStatistiques

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community (1996R2223)

SJ / ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 285

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 96/2223. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification

2007/SJ+/090 Conseil juridiqueStatistiques

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road (1998R1172)

SJ / ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 285

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 98/1172. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification

2007/SJ+/094Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the installation, location, operation and identification of the controls of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (1986L0415)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 86/415. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/095Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment (1989L0686)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 89/686. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/097Conseil juridiqueEnvironnementSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species (1989L0556)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 89/556. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.

2007/SJ+/098Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices (1990L0385)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 90/385. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 25/86

Page 26: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/SJ+/100 Conseil juridiqueStatistiques

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION Regulation on waste statistics (Text with EEA relevance) (2002R2150)

SJ / ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 285

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification Du règlement 2002/2150. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade in and imports of semen of domestic animals of the porcine species (1990L0429)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 90/429. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (1991L0068)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 91/68. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A (I)to Directive 90/425/EEC (1992L0065)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 92/65. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community (2000L0029)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 2000/29. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/111Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road (1995L0050)

SJ / TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 71 and 251

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 95/50. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/112Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DECISION on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (1996D1692)

SJ / TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: ART 71 and 251

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 96/1692. La nouvelle directivese substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 26/86

Page 27: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra- Community trade in and imports of deep-frozen semen of domestic animals of the bovine species (1988L0407)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 88/407. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE introducing general Community measures for the control of certain animal diseases and specific measures relating to swine vesicular disease (1992L0119)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 92/119. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the marketing of seed potatoes (2002L0056)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 2002/56. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/130Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on recording equipment in road transport (1985R3821)

SJ / TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 71

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 85/3821. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/131Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the harmonization of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation (1991R3922)

SJ / TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 80 (2)

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 91/3922. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAffaires Économiques et Financières

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (1997R1103)

SJ / ECFIN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art 123 (5) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 97/1103. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAffaires Économiques et Financières

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the introduction of the euro (1998R0974)

SJ / ECFIN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art 123 (5) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 98/974. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 27/86

Page 28: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueAffaires Économiques et Financières

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation (1998R0975)

SJ / ECFIN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 106 (2)

coopération (SYN) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 98/975. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/177Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking devices of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (1976L0432)

SJ / ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 76/432. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/183Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the development of the Community's railways (1991L0440)

SJ / TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 71 and 251

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 91/440. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.

2007/SJ+/196 Conseil juridiqueStatistiques

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on statistical surveys of areas under vines (1979R0357)

SJ / ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte du règlement 79/357. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE introducing Community measures for the control of Newcastle disease (1992L0066)

SJ / SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 92/66. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueSanté et protection des consommateurs

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on pure- bred breeding animals of the bovine species (1977L0504)

SJ / SANCO août 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 43 et 100 X

Indicative codification programme

An amended proposal will be presented by the Commission to replace COM(2006)749. Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale SANCO est de procéder à la codification de la directive 77/504. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueSanté et protection des consommateurs

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the marketing of fodder plant seed (codified version) (1966L0401)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale SANCO est de procéder à la codification de la directive 66/401. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 28/86

Page 29: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueSanté et protection des consommateurs

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the marketing of cereal seed (codified version) (1966L0402)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale SANCO est de procéder à la codification de la directive 66/402/CEE. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAffaires Économiques et Financières

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION empowering the Commission to issue Euratom loans for the purpose of contributing to the financing of nuclear power stations (1977D0270)

SJ / ECFIN 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité Euratom: Art. 2, 172 and 203 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la décision 77/270. La nouvelle décision se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAffaires Économiques et Financières

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the implementation of Decision 77/270/Euratom empowering the Commission to issue Euratom loans for the purpose of contributing to the financing of nuclear power stations (1977D0271)

SJ / ECFIN 3ème trimestre 2009 Traité Euratom: Art. 1 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la décision 77/271. La nouvelle décision se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/088Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to passenger seats for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (1976L0763)

SJ / ENTR 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 76/763. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/093Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the power take-offs of wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors and their protection (1986L0297)

SJ / ENTR 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 86/297. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (2001R0999)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art 152 (4) (b)

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2001/999. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION on freedom of movement for workers within the Community (1968R1612)

SJ / EMPL 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 40 and 251

codécision (COD) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 68/1612. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 29/86

Page 30: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/SJ+/021Conseil juridiqueEntreprises et industrie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (1998L0034)

SJ / ENTR 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 95, 284 and 37

codécision (COD) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification de la directive 98/34. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/023Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports (1993R0095)

SJ / TREN 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 80 (2)

codécision (COD) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 93/95. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION establishing a system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals and amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and Directives 92/102/EEC and 64/432/EEC (2004R0021)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37

consultation (CNS) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2004/21. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (2002R0178)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 37, 95 and 133

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2002/178. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2007/SJ+/132Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorized dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorized weights in international traffic (1996L0053)

SJ / TREN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 71 and 251

codécision (COD) X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte de la directive 96/53. La nouvelle directive se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION on the control of salmonella and other specified food-borne zoonotic agents (2003R2160)

SJ / SANCO 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 152(4)(b)

codécision (COD) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/2160. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/036Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION on the accelerated phasing-in of double hull or equivalent design requirements for single hull oil tankers and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2978/94 (2002R0417)

SJ / TREN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 80(2) X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2002/417. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 30/86

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2009/ELARG/001 Elargissement

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the 2009 Enlargement Package composed of: • Strategy Paper on Enlargement (Commission Communication to Council and Parliament) • Progress Reports on Croatia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244 • Partnerships (proposals of Council Decisions) on Croatia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania,Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244.

ELARG octobre 2009 O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

The Commission has been invited by the European Council to regularly report on the enlargement countries and to propose Accession or European Partnerships. The "Strategy Paper" contains the main findings of the Progress Reports and includes proposals for policy recommendations. Progress Reports assess the progress made by Croatia and Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia towards accession as well as the progress made in implementing the SAP by Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244. The Partnerships define for each country priorities to be met in the short or medium term. They are based on the findings of the Progress Reports.

2008/JLS/119 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the further development of the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme)

JLS 10 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires

This initiative will present the common priorities and objectives for the future development of the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice, to determine the means and plan the initiatives to best achieve them, at EU level. It will build on key strategic documents such as the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, the Communications of 17 June 2008 on Immigration and Asylum, the Communication on e-justice and the Action plan on drugs.


Marché intérieur et servicesAffaires Économiques et Financières

European Financial Supervision MARKT / ECFIN 27 mai 2009 O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

The main policy objectives should be the following: Prudential legislation should be reinforced, incentives structures (e.g. remuneration schemes) should be rethought, risk management in financial institutions should be strengthened, more efficient supervisory arrangement should be put in place, international cooperation should be enhanced.

2009/REGIO/002 Politique régionale EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region REGIO 10 juin 2009 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

The European Commission is developing an EU strategy for the Baltic Sea regionas a response to a specific request from the European Council. The cross-sectoral strategy for this macro-region will promote more cooperation and aim at better alignment and coordination of EU/national/regional policies and instrumentswith a view of using existing resources and instruments in a more efficient way. This will support realising the potential of the Baltic Sea region and help addressing problems and challenges of transnational character.

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



(x=mandatory / o=optional)

Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Strategic Initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 31/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Coordination des politiques de la CommissionBudget

Budget Review SG / BUDG 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires

The objective is to examine what reforms are needed to optimise Europe's contribution in addressing key challenges of the next decade, based on the principles of adde-value in prsuing the common interest and effectiveness of spending.

2009/SG/010Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Communication from the Commission to the 2010 Spring European Council - Strategic report on the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs and proposals beyond 2010

SG décembre 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

The Commission's annual Lisbon strategy package centred around the Strategic report, which will not only assess progress with implementing the Strategy but alsoset out proposals for the Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs beyond 2010. The package will also comprise a proposal for country-specific recommendations.

2009/AGRI/003Agriculture et développement rural

Communication on Agricultural Product Quality: Product Standards, Farming Requirements and Quality Schemes.

AGRI 27 mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Articles 32-38 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Communication will present options for the development of agricultural product quality policy instruments, drawn up in the light of the results of responses to the Green Paper on agricultural product quality policy. Taking into account the results of the Green Paper consultation, the communication might cover the following issues: requirements and standards met by farmers that go beyond hygiene and safety, EU marketing standards, EU quality schemes (especially those related to geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed) and food quality certification schemes.

2009/DEV/004Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Communication on Financing of Health Systems and Social Protection in Health in Developing Countries

DEV septembre 2009 O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

Les pays en développement doivent être capables de délivrer de manière équitable des services de santé de qualité à la population et contribuer au progrès pour renforcer la cohésion nationale et atteindre les objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD). Sans plan national de financement clair, global et prévisible des systèmes de santé, élaboré avec l’ensemble des partenaires nationaux et internationaux impliqués, il ne peut y avoir de développement pérenne. Dès lors, il est particulièrement important d'élaborer des dispositifs de couverture du risque maladie adaptés aux contraintes des pays à ressources limitées.

2009/EAC/007 Education et culture

Green Paper on new approaches to promoting cross-border mobility of young people

EAC 24 juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Green Paper is the starting point for an initiative seeking to develop mobility beyond the Erasmus programme. It invites stakeholders to get involved in a debate on possible new ways to encourage and support cross-border mobility of young people. The scope of the initiative includes the university sector but goes beyond existing schemes by involving young people more generally, for example in vocational training, adult learning and voluntary activity and among young entrepreneurs and the culture sector. The objective is to establish a view on how best to deliver future EU support for mobility, how to coordinate with national and regional programmes, and how to address barriers to mobility.

Commission Legislative and Work Programme - Priority Initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 32/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Communication on Sectoral Social Dialogue EMPL décembre 2009 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The aim of the Communication is to analyse and assess the development of Sectoral Social Dialogue since 1998 and where appropriate, to propose modifications

2008/JLS/119 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the further development of the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme)

JLS 10 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires

This initiative will present the common priorities and objectives for the future development of the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice, to determine the means and plan the initiatives to best achieve them, at EU level. It will build on key strategic documents such as the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, the Communications of 17 June 2008 on Immigration and Asylum, the Communication on e-justice and the Action plan on drugs.

2009/JLS/020 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Communication on Strengthening Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Security in the European Union - an EU CBRN Action Plan

JLS 10 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The main purpose of the Communication is to present the general context in which the CBRN Package is proposed, the goals of the package and its implementation. In addition, the Communication presents the main elements of theCBRN Action Plan, which will be annexed to the Communication

2009/JLS+/022Justice, liberté et sécuritéSanté

Bridging security and health: towards identification of good practices and recommendations on response to CBRN incidents and security of CBR substances

JLS / SANCO 10 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The initiative aims to identify good practices across the EU27 on response to CBRN incidents and security of CBR substances. It is one of the elemetns of the CBRN package.

2009/MARKT/006 Marché intérieur et services

Recommendation on partnerships in implementing the Single Market MARKT 24 juin 2009 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Recommendation will set out a partnership approach and good practices for Member States in implementing, applying and informing citizens about Single Market rules.

2009/MARKT/012 Marché intérieur et services

Communication on the monitoring of the retail sector MARKT novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: articles 43 & 49 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Communication will set out the findings of the market monitoring announced by the Single Market Review in retail distribution markets. The objective of the monitoring exercise is to identify possible market malfunctioning of the retail sectorboth from consumers' and suppliers' perspectives. This means that retail services will be analysed as key intermediary services in the modern economy, acting as the conduit between thousands of product suppliers and final consumers. The Communication will therefore cover both the retail sector and its associated upstream and downstream markets.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 33/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/SANCO/001 Santé Communication on action against cancer: European platform SANCO 24 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

Establishing a European multi-stakeholder platform, engaging stakeholders at all levels (EU, national, regional, local) for Action against Cancer, as a model for non-communicable disease in general: - comparable data and evidence to support learning and sharing knowledge; - priorities for cancer research; - prevention; - identification and promotion of good practice in cancer-related healthcare across Europe; - updating the "European Code Against Cancer" giving concrete science-based recommendations to citizens to minimise their cancer risk. The College will adopt, in the form of a Communication, the guidelines for the multi-stakeholder platform, including those on the multi-annual financing of the platform and its activities.

2009/SANCO/029 Protection des consommateurs

Communication on Enforcement of the consumer acquis SANCO 24 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The communication would build on/extend the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) report to Council and EP and lay down some crucial issues that emerge from the first years of operation of the CPC regulation.

2009/SANCO/030 Santé Commission Communication on Alzheimer SANCO 14 juillet 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Health Strategy adopted by the Commission in 2007 identifies healthy ageing as the first key health objective for the Commission, and Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases are one of the central challenges, because of the over 6 million sufferers from these conditions in the EU, and the wide inequalities in response. The main objectives of EU action on Alzheimer’s are to: 1)provide political leadership on the importance of Alzheimer’s and related conditions as a vital issue for European as a whole; 2)improve and share knowledge on Alzheimer’s; 3)and provide a toolbox of policies and practices on how to respond to the challenge of Alzheimer’s on which Member States can draw.


SantéEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Communication on Solidarity in Health: Reducing Health Inequalities in the EU

SANCO / EMPL septembre 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The initiative embraces: 1. support action by Member States to tackle inequities inhealth. 2. establish mechanisms to monitor inequities in health across the EU 3. ensure that relevant EU policies contribute to reducing inequities in health DG SANCO expects to implement this initiative in co-operation with other interested DGs notably EMPL and REGIO.

2009/SANCO/033 Santé

Communication on combating HIV/AIDS in the EU and the neighbourhood - strategy and second action plan (2010 -2014)

SANCO septembre 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

HIV/AIDS presents a major challenge in many Member States and neighbouring countries. Despite considerable progress in diagnosis, treatment and care, the number of new HIV infections is still rising in Europe. Depending on the situation, main problems are, e.g. the infection of young people, the restricted access to treatment and medicines, or the stigmatisation of the disease and the discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS. The new strategy will focus on priorities and actions towards an improved access to treatment, care and support throughout Europe and on activities against stigmatisation and discrimination and will link to broader Public Health issues such as injuries, drug use and sexual health.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 34/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Coordination des politiques de la CommissionBudget

Budget Review SG / BUDG 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives stratégiques

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2008 / Initiatives prioritaires

The objective is to examine what reforms are needed to optimise Europe's contribution in addressing key challenges of the next decade, based on the principles of adde-value in prsuing the common interest and effectiveness of spending.

2009/TREN/012 Transports Communication on the future of transport TREN 17 juin 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The initiative is linked to the 2001 Transport White Paper and its 2006 Mid-Term review. The purpose of the initiative is to stimulate a wide-ranging debate on transport scenarios with a 20- to 40 - year time horizon and to develop tools and provide technical support for an overall sustainable transport approach, which will allow identifying problems and opportunities that from now to 2050 may require action.


EnergieAffaires Économiques et FinancièresRecherche

Communication on Financing Low Carbon Technologies


RTDjuin 2009 O O

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2009 / Initiatives prioritaires

The Communication will address resource needs and sources, examining all potential avenues to leverage private investment, including private equity and venture capital, enhance coordination between funding sources and raise additional funds. In particular, it will examine the opportunity of creating new mechanisms for the industrial-scale demonstration and market replication of advanced low carbon technologies and will consider the costs and benefits of tax incentives for innovation.

2009/AGRI/004Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation (EC) N° 1973/2004 of 29 October 2004 laying down detailed rules for the application of Health Check Regulation as regards the support schemes provided for in Titles IV ('other aid schemes') and IVa of that Regulation and the use of land set aside for the production of raw materials.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 129 of the Health Check Regulation (CS/2008/09656).

Simplification Rolling Programme

Council Regulation 1782/2003 covering Direct Payments has been replaced by a new Council Regulation No 73/2009. The objective of the recast of Regulation 1973/2004, implementing the Health Check as regards the support schemes provided for in Titles IV ('other aid schemes') and IVa of that Regulation and the use of land set aside for the production of raw materials, is to do away with obsolete provisions linked to aid schemes to be abolished or decoupled pending Health Check outcome. SIMPLFICATION-RECAST

2009/AGRI/005Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation (EC) N° 795/2004of 21 April 2004 laying down detailed rulesfor the implementation of the single payment scheme provided for in Health Check Regulation establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 129 of the Health Check Regulation (CS/2008/09656).

Simplification Rolling Programme

Council Regulation 1782/2003 covering Direct Payments has been replaced by a new Council Regulation No 73/2009. The objective of the recast of Regulation 795/2004, implementing the single payment scheme provided for in Health Check Regulation, is to do away with obsolete provisions linked to the setting up of the single payment scheme introduced by the 2003 CAP reform or temporary rules linked to subsequent integration of sectors into the single payment scheme. SIMPLIFICATION – RECAST

2009/AGRI/006Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation (EC) N° 796/2004laying down detailed rules for the implementation of cross-compliance, modulation and the integrated administration and control system provided for in Health Check Regulation establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 129 of the Health Check Regulation (CS/2008/09656).

Simplification Rolling Programme

Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 covering Direct Payments has been replaced by a new Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009. The objective of the recast of Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 is to adapt the relevant implementation rules to the new provisions in the Council Regulation and delete rules that have become obsolete, in particular, following the continued decoupling of certain payments. Further, structural improvements of the Regulation, facilitating the reading of the text will be done. SIMPLIFICATION – RECAST

Simplification Rolling Programme

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 35/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/AGRI/007Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation establishing common rules concerning buying-in under public intervention.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) N° 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) as modified bythe "Health Check".

Simplification Rolling Programme

The initiative is a consequence of the Health Check proposals. The project concerns simplification and harmonisation in a horizontal legal act of the detailed rules for intervention, in particular for cereals, dairy products and meat. In addition the readability of the existing texts on intervention will be improved. SIMPLIFICATION – RECAST / REVISION

2009/MARE/029 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Regulation laying down rules for the implementation of Council Regulation ... establishing a Community system for inspection, monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement of the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy and amending Council Regulation (EC) N° 768/2005 of 26 April 2005 establishing a Community Fisheries Control Agency.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Simplification Rolling Programme

The objective is to modernize the procedures and facilitate a better enforcement by alleviating the burden and constraints for the sector and public administrations, and increasing the use of IT tools to reduce reporting obligations. All aspects related to control and monitoring of fisheries activities (declaration of catches, tolerance margins, landing declarations, transport, localisation of the fleet, ...) will be simplified. The proposal will establish detailed rules for the implementation of the new Control Regulation and will be presented if and when the Council will have adopted the basic Regulation on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy control system (item 2008/MARE/001 - CLWP 2008 initiative).

2009/SANCO/015 Santé Implementing Measures for the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) SANCO octobre 2009

Simplification Rolling Programme

a) The overall objective (scope) of the implementing measures is the uniform operation of the RASFF by all the members of the network. 1.defining the scope ofthe system 2.setting requirements for contact points 3.defining the role of the Commission 4.setting requirements for the elaboration and transmission of a RASFF notification 5.setting requirements for the assessment and follow-up of a notification 6.defining rules for exchanging RASFF information with third countries 7.setting confidentiality requirements for the RASFF b) to be included c) yes: simplification potential for subsequent years exists

2009/SANCO/038 Santé Commission Regulation on plastic food contact materials and articles SANCO décembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directives on plastic food contact materials

Simplification Rolling Programme

Recast of Dir. on plastic food contact materials into one Regulation with the aim to speed up authorisation of new additives and monomers and to simplify rules on migration testing. Rules for migration testing on plastic food contact materials will be clarified and updated Obsolete rules are for example the analytical methods in Directives 80/766/EEC and 81/432/EEC which are outdated. Certain parts of the legal text in Directive 82/711/EEC are not testing criteria but interpretations and explanations and belong in guidelines and not in a legal text. Contradicting rules in 82/711/EEC and 2002/72/EC exit as regards its applicability. Contradicting rules in82/711/EEC and 85/572/EEC exist as regards the definition of some food simulants.

2006/ADMIN/009 Administration Revision of senior management compilation decision taken in 2004 ADMIN juin 2009 Review of the current senior management decision (SEC(2004)1352/2

2008/AGRI/051Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the Sapard programmes in 2006 and 2007.

AGRI mai 2009Législation secondaire: Art. 13 of the Council Regulation (EC) N° 1268/1999.

Article 13 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1268/1999 requires the Commission to prepare an annual report on the support granted under Sapard programmes and progress made towards achieving the objectives set out in Article 1 of that Regulation.

Other initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 36/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/AGRI/013Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) N° 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy .

AGRI mai 2009 Législation secondaire: Art. 8 of Regulation (EC) N° 814/200.

Article 8 of Council Regulation N° 814/2000 requires the Commission to report every two years on the financing of information measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy. These measures are aimed at explaining, implementing and developing the CAP, promoting the European model of agriculture, informing farmers and other rural actors, and raising public awareness of the issues and objectives of the CAP. They include annual work programmes presented by farmers' or rural development organisations, consumers' associations and environmental protection associations, and other bodies including the public authorities of the Member States, the media and universities. Activities implemented at the Commission's initiative are also included.

2009/AGRI/024Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation laying down detailed rules for the application of CounciRegulation (EC) N° 479/2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine and amending certain Regulations asregards vineyard register, compulsory declarations, accompanying documents and register in the wine sector.

AGRI mai 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 36 and 37.

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) N° 479/2008 onthe wine CMO.

Other simplification

The scope of the proposal is to implement the reform of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) of wine, which has been decided by the Council in December 2007. This implementing Regulation deals with the issues entering in force for the marketing year 2009/10: vineyard register, compulsory declarations, accompanying documents and register. The Regulation will simplify and recast three existing Commission Regulations into one new Regulation. simplification of the acquis - recast

2008/AGRI/033Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council on the application of voluntary modulation (Council Regulation N° (EC) 378/2007).

AGRI juin 2009Législation secondaire: Art. 7 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 378/2007.

In 2007 the Council decided that certain Member States (Portugal and the United Kingdom) could apply voluntary modulation, involving the transfer of funds from the first to the second pillar of the CAP, in addition to compulsory modulation. Council Regulation (EC) N° 378/2007 provides for the Commission to present a report on the application of voluntary modulation by 31 December 2008. The report is intended to fulfil this legal obligation.

2009/AGRI/020Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the Council on the functioning on international agreements pursuant to Article XXVIII of GATT as regards the imports of rice in the Community.

AGRI juin 2009

The purpose of the report is to provide the Council with information on the functioning of international agreements pursuant to Article XXVIII of GATT as regards the imports of rice in the Community. It will also include an assessment of the impact of these flows on the Community market.

2009/AGRI/025Agriculture et développement rural

Règlement de la Commission fixant certaines modalités d'application du Règlement du Conseil (CE) N° 479/2008 en ce qui concerne les pratiques œnologiques et les restrictions qui s'y appliquent.

AGRI juillet 2009Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) N° 479/2008 onthe CMO of wine.

The scope of the proposal is to implement the reform of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) of wine, namely the provisions of Title III, Chapter II of the Council Regulation (EC) N°479/2008 (oenological practices and restrictions).

2009/AGRI/026Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation laying down certain rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) N° 479/2008 as regards protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms,labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products.

AGRI juillet 2009Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) N° 479/2008 onthe wine CMO.

Other simplification

The scope of the proposal is to implement the reform of the Common Market Organisation of wine (Council Regulation N° 479/2009) as regards regulatory measures relating to protected designations of origin (PDO) and geographical indications (GIs), traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sectoproducts. simplification of the acquis - recast


Agriculture et développement ruralPêche et affaires maritimes

Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) no 834/2007, as regards laying down detailed rules on organic aquaculture animals and seaweed production

AGRI / MARE juillet 2009 Législation secondaire: Council

Regulation (EC) No 834/2007.

Regulation lays down new detailed implementing rules for the production, labelling and control of organic aquaculture products. It covers organic aquaculture animals (fish, crustaceans, echinoderms and molluscs), seaweed cultivation and harvesting of wild seaweed. It shall enter into application as from 1st January 2010.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 37/86

Page 38: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/AGRI/036Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Document on the role of European agriculture in addressing climate change.

AGRI juillet 2009

The Commission Staff Working Document provides an overview of the agricultural sector's contribution in addressing climate change. It presents current greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sources and emission trends, as well as climate change mitigation measures in agricultural sector. Instruments to address climate change in the framework of agricultural policy and climate relevant measures in Member States' rural development programmes are analysed. The document will also present orientations for future actions to enhance the contribution of agriculture to meet the climate change objectives of the EU.

2009/AGRI/023Agriculture et développement rural

Report on the recovery of export refunds for live animals in 2008. AGRI septembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Commission Regulation (EC) N° 639/2003.

Commission annual report to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of Regulation (EC) N° 639/2003 on the recovery of export refunds related to the welfare of live bovine animals during transport and granted in the year 2008.


Agriculture et développement ruralCommerce

Council Decision for the conclusion of an agreement with Latin American banana suppliers on a new bound EU tariff and other modalities of the EU banana import regime.


3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

The decision concerns the agreement with Latin American countries, which supply bananas on a most-favoured-nation basis to the EU on a new bound EU tariff for bananas and on the future evolution of the EU tariff regime for bananas in the context of the Doha Development Agenda. The objective is to find a definitive solution for the EU banana import regime which has been the object of dis-putes inthe WTO for more than 10 years.

2008/AGRI/024Agriculture et développement rural

Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and Switzerland on recognition and protection of Geographical Indications of agricultural products.

AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

The objective of the proposal is to protect Geographical Indications in order to enhance trade opportunities.


Agriculture et développement ruralRelations extérieures

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

The objective of the proposal is to improve the degree of liberalisation of trade in agriculture with a view to reaching the highest level of liberalisation beneficial for both parties.

2009/AGRI/035Agriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) N° 889/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007, as regards laying down detailed rules on organic wine-making.

AGRI novembre 2009 Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007.

Regulation lays down new detailed implementing rules for the processing, labelling and control of organic wine. It shall enter into application as from 1st January 2010.


Entreprises et industrieAgriculture et développement ruralRelations extérieuresCommerce

Council Decision of the EC-Mexico Joint Council amending Decision N° 2/2000 of the EC-Mexico Joint Council 23 March 2000.


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.133

The objective is to establish further steps in the process of liberalisation of trade between the European Community and Mexico regarding agricultural products.

2007/AGRI/045Agriculture et développement rural

Council Decision for the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Communityand the Republic of Iceland concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

Législation secondaire: Art. 19 of the European Economic Area Agreement.

The objective of the proposal is to increase bilateral trade concessions in agriculture with Iceland. Yes

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 38/86

Page 39: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/AGRI/017Agriculture et développement rural

Council Decision on the Community position concerning the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee established under article 19 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa on trade in wine and article 17 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa on trade in spirits.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.133 in conjunction with the second paragraph of Art. 300(2).

The aim of the proposal is to lay down a common position of the Community within the Joint Committee in order to implement the agreements on trade in wine and in spirits between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa, which entered into force provisionally on 28 January 2002. The proposal determines the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee.


Agriculture et développement ruralCommerce

Council decision for the conclusion of an agreement on the binding of EU tariffs for maize and sorghum in the World Trade Organisation (WTO).


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

The objective of the proposal is to replace the current EU duties for maize and sorghum bound in the WTO by a more stable, transparent and predictable import regime.

2008/AGRI/025Agriculture et développement rural

Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Georgia on recognition and protection of Geographical Indications of agricultural products.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133.

The objective of the proposal is to protect Geographical Indications in order to enhance trade opportunities.


Entreprises et industrieAgriculture et développement ruralPêche et affaires maritimesCommerce

Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Morocco concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 3 to the EC-Morocco Association Agreement.


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.133.

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.300.

The objective of the proposal is to improve the degree of liberalisation of trade in agriculture with a view to reaching the highest level of liberalisation beneficial for both parties.

2009/AGRI/012Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the derogation regardingstate aid in case of German Alcohol Monopoly.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 184(3) of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1234/2007.

The report will analyse the particular situation in Germany where national support is currently granted to producers of ethyl alcohol under the specific conditions of the German Alcohol Monopoly, which constitutes a derogation from the Community state aid rules.

2009/AGRI/016Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the Sapard programmes in Bulgaria, Romaniaand Croatia in year 2008.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Art. 13 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1268/1999.

Article 13 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1268/1999 requires the Commission to prepare an annual report on the support granted under Sapard programmes and progress made towards achieving the objectives set out in Article 1 of that Regulation.

2009/AGRI/017Agriculture et développement rural

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the impact of the action taken under Regulation (EC) 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 247/2006, Art.28.3.

The objective of the report is to present the results of the evaluation of the impactof the action taken under Regulation (EC) 247/2006 to support agriculture in the outermost regions, following the 2006 POSEI reform. Further to the Council request, the report shall be presented for the first time no later than 31 December 2009, and thereafter every five years.

2009/AGRI/021Agriculture et développement rural

Commission regulation laying down (new) rules of the food distribution scheme for the benefit of the most deprived persons in the Community.

AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Proposal for a new Council Regulation COM(2008)563

Following the Commission proposal COM(2008)563 for a new legal framework atthe Council level (Council Regulation establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets), the purpose of the proposal is to provide for clearer, simpler and more effective new implementing rules in the field of distribution of food to the most deprived persons in the Community.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 39/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Entreprises et industrieAgriculture et développement ruralPêche et affaires maritimesCommerce

Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Tunisian Republic concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 3 to the EC-Tunisia Association Agreement.


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 133 and 300.

The objective of the proposal is to improve the degree of liberalisation of trade in agriculture with a view of reaching the highest level of liberalisation beneficial for both parties.

2009/BUDG/021 BudgetCommunication and Commission decision concerning the reduction in the risks of management of fines provisionally cashed

BUDG mai 2009

The Commission is requested to approve a draft communication repealing the arrangements approved on 14 September 1999, under which the Accounting Officer was required to deposit provisionally cashed fines in commercial bank accounts, and to approve a proposal to invest new provisionally cashed fines in a fund to be managed by the Commission (DG ECFIN– L).

2009/BUDG/014 Budget PDAB 6/2009 - Own Resources - impact on the 2009 budget BUDG juin 2009 The revision of the forecast of the own resources

2009/BUDG/007 Budget Annual Accounts 2008 BUDG juillet 2009 Presentation of the EC's annual accounts as required by the Financial Regulation

2009/BUDG/008 Budget EDF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2008 BUDG juillet 2009 Presentation of the EDF's annual accounts as required by the Financial Regulation

2009/BUDG/009 Audit Annual report of the Court of Auditors for the financial year 2007: State of play BUDG septembre 2009

Presentation of the likely findings of the European Court of Auditor's annual report and the replies of the Commission, and recommendations to services on measures to be taken

2009/BUDG/010 Budget AL 1/2010 - Agriculture and International Fisheries Agreements BUDG octobre 2009 Update the budget for agriculture and international fisheries agreements

2009/BUDG/011 BudgetCommission Decision on the Allocation of human resources and decentralised administrative appropriations for 2010

BUDG décembre 2009 Confirmation of pre-allocation of human resources & decentralised administrativeexpenditure, taking in particular into account the result of the budgetary procedure 2010

2009/COMP/030 Concurrence Cas d'application de l'article 82 du Traité COMP 13 mai 2009 antitrust case

2009/COMP/014 ConcurrenceGuidelines on criteria concerning in depth assessment of individual large amount of training, employment and regional aid.

COMP 3 juin 2009 The guidelines should explain the criteria taken into account by the Commission when investigating individual large amount of State aid.

2009/COMP/031 ConcurrenceCas d'application du Règlement (CE) nr 139/2004 relatif au contrôle des concentrations

COMP 10 juin 2009 merger case

2009/COMP/013 Concurrence

Report on the Application of the Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the EC Merger Regulation).

COMP 17 juin 2009

Report on the implementation and functioning of the jurisdictional thresholds and the referral system put in place by Regulation 139/2004. Articles 1(4) and 4(6) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004. These provisions set forth the Commission's obligation to report to the European Parliament and the Council on the functioning of the application of respectively Article 1 (jurisdictional thresholds) and Article 4(4) and 4 (5) (referrals to and from the Commission).

2009/COMP/032 ConcurrenceCas d'application du Règlement (CE) nr 139/2004 relatif au contrôle des concentrations

COMP 17 juin 2009 merger case

2009/COMP/009 ConcurrenceReview of the Communication from the Commission on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting.

COMP 2 juillet 2009 Amendments to existing communication. Review of the Broadcasting Communication in light of developments since 2001 and changed media environment.

2009/COMP/007 Concurrence

Final Report for the inquiry pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 into the pharmaceutical sector (Case No COMP/TF/39.514).

COMP 8 juillet 2009

The sector inquiry concerns prescription medicines for human use in the EU and has the objective to assess certain commercial practices by pharmaceutical suppliers, including patenting or the exercise of patents which may not serve to protect innovation but to block innovative and/or generic competition, litigation, which may be vexatious, and agreements, which may be collusive.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 40/86

Page 41: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/COMP/021 Concurrence

Communication on the antirust regulatory framework for the motor vehicle sector following the expiry of Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector.

COMP 22 juillet 2009

Following the publication of the Report on the Regulation on 28 May 2008 pursuant to Article 11(2) of the BER and the ensuing public consultation, DG COMP must identify suitable competition policy options for the sector in view of theexpiry of the BER on 31 May 2010, concomitant to the review undertaken in the field of Vertical Restraints as reflected in Regulation (EC) No 2790/1999.

2009/COMP/003 Concurrence Report of the Commission - XXXVIII. Report on Competition Policy (2008). COMP juillet 2009

Report to EP on the main activities in the field of competition policy in the EU (antitrust, anti-cartel enforcement, mergers, liberalisation and state aid), including international aspects.

2009/COMP/015 Concurrence

Modification of Commission Regulation 794/2004 of 21.04.2004 concerning the implementation of Council regulation 659/1999.

COMP juillet 2009

Following adoption of the new General block exemption (07/07/2008), notification forms are necessary for the notification of individual large amount of aid concerning training and employment. The notificaion forms will increase transparancy and predictability for member States regarding information to be provided by the Commission.

2009/COMP/020 ConcurrenceCommission communication concerning the private investor principle and the salesof land and buildings by public authorities.

COMP septembre 2009

The market investor principle was explained in the 1993 communication on private investor and in the 1997 communication on the sales of land. A new communication is necessary to take account of the case law and experience gained by the Commission since 1993. Moreover, one single communication couldcover both issues and contribute to administrative simplification.

2009/COMP/006 Concurrence

Review of Commission Regulation (EC) No 611/2005 of 20 April 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 823/2000 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices between liner shipping companies (consortia).

COMP 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 81

The block exemption for liner shipping consortia allows for capacity co-ordination and sharing in the context of operational agreements between liner shipping companies. The project aims at a first comprehensive review of the consortia block exemption which is in force since 1995. The review will take into account the new regulatory framework in maritime transport and changes in market conditions.(Before adopting the Regulation, having consulted the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions, the Commission publishes a draft for public comment. A second consultation of the Advisory Committee follows before final adoption.)

2009/COMP/022 ConcurrenceMethodology for an economic assessmentof the compatibility of State aid under article 87.3 of the Treaty.

COMP 3ème trimestre 2009

The general principles regarding the economic analysis of State aid have been announced by the Commission in the State Aid Action Plan adopted in 2005. The document to be finalised in 2009 should explain into details these general principles, in light notably of the experience gained with the preparation and adoption of new guidelines in the fields of RDI, risk capital and environmental protection.

2009/COMP+/010ConcurrenceSociété de l'information

Commission Recommendation on the regulated access to Next Generation Access Networks (NGA).

COMP / INFSO octobre 2009

The Recommendation aims at providing National Regulatory Authorities with guidance on the remedies to impose following the analysis of relevant markets under the Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework when the deployment of fibre in the access network has the potential to change competitive conditions.

2009/COMP/002 Concurrence State aid Scoreboard - Autumn Edition 2009 COMP 4ème trimestre


Peer review and transparency instrument to monitor MS efforts in relation to the Lisbon and Stockholm targets to reduce the overall levels of state aid and the re-direction of aid towards horizontal objectives.


Développement et relations avec les pays ACPRechercheRelations extérieuresSanté

Commission Staff Working Document A European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis through External Action (2007-2011) - 2009 Progress Report and Policy Updat



mai 2009

The EU Programme for Action specified clear commitments from MS and EC in various fields (political and policy dialogue, capacity building, financing, access to drugs, human resources for health, research, HIV in workplace policies for EC staff), and proposed indicators for the follow-up. It asked for a mid-term report against these indicators in 2008 (and a final report in 2011).

2009/DEV/027Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Communication de la Commission au Conseil relative à l'ouverture de consultations avec Madagascar en application de l'article 96 de l'accord de Cotonou

DEV mai 2009

Following several weeks of demonstrations in Antananarivo, the constitutional crisis in Madagascar came to a head of the 17th March 2009, when President Ravalomanana ceded power to the military who in turn transferred power to Andry Rajoelina, the former Mayor of Antananarivo. Therefore, the Commission is issuing a proposal to open consultations with Madagascar in view of the application of Article 96 of Cotonou.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 41/86

Page 42: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Développement et relations avec les pays ACPFiscalité et union douanièreCommerce

Communication on a new partnership between the EU and the Overseas Countries and Territories


juin 2009 The Communication will draw conclusions from the consultation launched throughthe green paper adopted by the Commission on 25/06/2008 and will set out its policy line for further dialogue.

2009/DEV/005Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Policy Coherence for Development: A newperspective on the Millennium Development Goals

DEV septembre 2009

Based on the second EU Policy Coherence Report for Development, the Communication will highlight key messages to further promote the coherence of itspolicies with development objectives. The Communication will put forward key recommendation on how the EU through its wide array of policies can contribute toachieving the Millennium Development Goals.

2009/DEV/030Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Biennial EU Report on Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) DEV septembre 2009

The second EU PCD report will assess progress in enhancing PCD in 12 policy areas (trade; environment; climate change; security; agriculture; fisheries; social dimension of globalisation, employment and decent work; migration; research; information society; transport; energy) at the MS and EU level. The report will be drafted following an improved method for assessing PCD notably by better taking account of the impact of EU policies on the development objectives. The policy framework was set in 2005 by the adoption of the Communication on PCD, the ensuing Council Conclusions in May and the European Consensus on Development in December. These Council Conclusions have mandated the Commission to prepare a biennial report on PCD.

2008/DEV/007Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament including a Biennial Report on the Special Framework of Assistance for traditional ACP suppliers of bananas

DEV 3ème trimestre 2009

Article 9 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 856/1999 establishing the scheme specifies that “by 31 December 2000, and every two years thereafter, the Commission shall present a report, accompanied if appropriate by proposals, on the operation of this Regulation to the European Parliament and the Council".

2008/DEV/008Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Proposal for a Council Decision adopting Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) Ghana

DEV 3ème trimestre 2009

The Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) regulation, together with a FLEGT Partnership negotiating mandate were adopted by the Council and published in December 2005. A FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) has been negotiated with Ghana.

2009/DEV/010Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Proposal for Council Decision adopting Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) Congo

DEV 3ème trimestre 2009

"The Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) regulation, together with a FLEGT Partnership negotiating mandate were adopted by the Council and published in December 2005. A FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) is being negotiated in Congo other countries are starting negotiations (Liberia, Gabon, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic ofthe Congo).


Développement et relations avec les pays ACPEnvironnement

Proposal for Council Decision adopting Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) Cameroun

DEV / ENV 3ème trimestre 2009

The Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) regulation, together with a FLEGT Partnership negotiating mandate were adopted by the Council and published in December 2005. A FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) is being negotiated in Ghana, Cameroun Congo other countries are starting negotiations (Liberia, Gabon, Central African Republic and DemocraticRepublic of the Congo).


Développement et relations avec les pays ACPRelations extérieures

EU response to situations of fragility : Implementation Plan

DEV / RELEX octobre 2009

The Council requests the Commission to present by 2009 an implementation plan based on its conclusions dated 19/11/2007 on the Communication 'EU response to situations of fragility'. Experience acquired in thematic discussions and country pilot cases, the work carried out by international organisations, civil society contributions and close cooperation with Member States and Council secretariat will frame the implementation plan.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 42/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/DEV/008Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Fostering more and better education in developing countries DEV novembre 2009

The document will explore the different dimensions of quality in basic education pulling together current research by EU Member States and outlining the Commission's approach to the issue, feeding into a Communication on Education to be drafted in 2010. EU donors are actively researching ways to effectively describe, support and measure the different factors contributing to improving the quality of education and how they articulate together towards improved learning outcomes for all children. During the last 8 years the focus on MDG2 has produced great advances in increasing access to education, however there are many children who complete a full cycle of primary education without having mastered basic literacy and numeracy skills.


Développement et relations avec les pays ACPRelations extérieures

EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in External Action


4ème trimestre 2009

This document follows the 2007 Communication and Council Conclusions on gender equality and women's empowerment in external action. Its objective is to implement and translate into concrete measures the gender equality policy presented in the Communication and the recommendations of the Council Conclusions. It will have a strong country focus. The SWP will be prepared jointly with Member States.

2009/DEV/014Développement et relations avec les pays ACP

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing and conclusion on behalf of the European Community, of the International Cocoa agreement

DEV 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Artcile 133 in conjunction with art 300

The overarching objective remains the promotion of the international cooperation in the cocoa trade. The concept of sustainability, based on economic, social and environmental model should be strengthened in order to let the Cocoa Organisation to translate the general principles into the cocoa economy. The character of forum for the international dialogue between members should represent an additional priority. The transparency of the world cocoa economy through the collection, dissemination and publication of information on the cocoa market should, in end, characterise the new Agreement for the achievement of stability in the markets. As usual, though the cocoa trade, the new instrument should encourage the achievement of the MDG.


2008/DIGIT+/005 InformatiqueAdministration

Communication on the evolution of the Corporate Data centres (2009-2016)

DIGIT / ADMIN mai 2009 Long-term plan for Data Centre space requirements Yes


InformatiqueEntreprises et industrieSociété de l'information

Challenges for the construction of Pan-European eGovernment Services: proposal for the European Interoperability Framework.


2ème trimestre 2009

Proposal for endorsement by the Community of a revised version of the European Interoperability Framework developed under the IDABC Programme, in line with the expectations from the MSs as expressed by the Lisbon eGovernment Ministerial Declaration of 21.9.2007.

2009/DIGIT/001 Informatique Communication on the final evaluation of the IDABC programme DIGIT 2ème trimestre

2009 Final evaluation of the IDABC programme, as required by art. Art. 13 of Decision 2004/387/EC (IDABC).

2008/EAC/017 Education et culture

Proposals for Council decisions concerning the signature and the conclusion of an agreement with the Swiss Confederation on the participation of the Swiss Confederation in the Youth in action programme and in the action programme in the field of lifelong learning

EAC 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 and 150 in conjuction with article 300

The decisions will allow the signature and the conclusion of an Agreement establishing the terms and conditions for the participation of the Swiss Confederation in the EU Community programmes in the fields of youth and lifelonglearning

2009/EAC/015 Education et culture

Commission staff working paper on the results of the public consultation on education policy for children from a migrant background.

EAC 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 149 O O

A public consultation was launched in the framework of the Green Paper on migration and mobility adobted by the Commission in June 2008. Interested parties were invited to communicate their views about education policy for childrenfrom a migrant background. The paper will report on the results of this consultationthat ends in December 2008.

2009/EAC/011 Education et culture

Report on Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training, 2009 – indicators and benchmarks

EAC novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 and 150

Annual report published since 2004. The report represents countries (EU, candidate countries, three EFTA/EEA countries) following up on the Lisbon objectives in the fields of education and training on the basis of a tool of 16 indicators and 5 benchmarks for 2010. The report draws on up-to-date statistical material from the European Statistical System and on available research results in the fields of education and training, published by our research centre CRELL of theJoint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra and international organisations such as the OECD.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 43/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/EAC/012 Education et culture

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Draft 2010 Joint Progress Report of the Council and the Commissionon the implementation of the "Education and Training 2010 work programme".

EAC novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 O O

The Commission will take stock of the progress made on the implementation of the Lisbon strategy in the fields of education and training. The Communication will form the basis for the 2010 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission which consititute the two-yearly reporting mechanism in the field of education and trainingon progress towards the Lisbon objectives

2009/EAC/013 Education et culture

Commission staff working paper accompanying document to the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Draft 2010 Joint Progress Report of the Council and the Commissionon the implementation of the "Education and Training 2010 work programme".

EAC novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 and 150 O O

The staff working paper will accompany the Commission's Communication for a draft 2010 Joint Report as an annex, containing an analysis of the 2009 national reports on the implementation of the Education and training 2010 work programmeplus analysis of developments at EU level

2009/EAC/017 Education et culture

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the e-post evaluation of the Erasmus Mundus Programme 2004-2008.

EAC décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149

This ex-post evaluation is launched according to Article 12 of the Erasmus Mundus Decision. The Commission’s ex-post evaluation report will focus on the results achieved by the Erasmus Mundus 2004-2008 programme and on the qualitative aspects of its implementation. This is a general evaluation that should cover all actions and geographic areas of the Erasmus Mundus programme duringthe period 2004-2008, with a specific focus on activities since 2006 that were not covered by the interim evaluation (COM(2007) 375 of 2.7.2007).

2009/EAC/018 Education et culture

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, and the Committee of the Regions on the ex-post evaluation of the European Capital of Culture events 2007-2008: Sibiu, Luxembourg, Stavanger and Liverpool

EAC décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 151

According to the legal basis, the Commission ensures the external and independent evaluation of the results of the European Capital of Culture event of the previous year and presents a report on that evaluation to the other European institutions The current evaluation report covers the European Capitals of Culture 2007 (Sibiu and Luxembourg) and 2008 (Stavanger and Liverpool). The results of the evaluation will help to improve understanding of the impact of the initiative with a view to feeding into the policy-making process at European level in the field of culture. It will be used as input in the debate about the new Decision concerning the European Capitals of Culture, due in the coming years.

2009/EAC/019 Education et culture

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the ex-post evaluation of the Tempus Programme, phase 3 (2000-2006)

EAC décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 235

The evaluation will assess the impact of the Tempus III programme (2000-2006),as well as qualitative aspects, covering all actions and geographic regions. The Tempus IV programme (2007-2013) has already been designed on the basis of the interim evaluation carried out in 2003 and the final evaluation of the second phase of the Tempus programme (1994-2000) carried out in 2003. It also took intoaccount the Impact study of Tempus III performed in 2006/2007. However, the evaluation should identify lessons learned and any other relevant measures to support the implementation of Tempus IV.

2009/EAC/003 Education et culture

Report on the implementation of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 February 2006 on further European cooperation in quality assurance in higher education (2006/143/EC)

EAC 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149 O O

The Report will describe progress in the development of quality assurance systems in the Member States and on cooperation activities at European level, including the progress achieved with respect to the European Quality Assurance Register in Higher Education (EQAR).

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 44/86

Page 45: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/EAC/014 Education et culture

Commission decision approving, on behalfof the European Community, a Memorandum of Understanding on the participation of Croatia in the programme lifelong learning and Youth in Action

EAC 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 149

Législation secondaire: Framework Agreements establishing the general principles for the participation of the candidate and potential candidate countries in Community Programmes (OJ L 192 of 22.7.2005)

The decision will allow the signature and the conclusion of the Agreement establishing the terms and conditions for the participation of Croatia in the programme lifelong learning and Youth in Action

2009/ECFIN/055Affaires Économiques et Financières

Country-specific budgetary surveillance instruments (opening of the EDP, further steps in the EDP, issue of an early warning...) in view of the spring 2009 fiscal notification and the spring 2009 forecasts results.

ECFIN 13 mai 2009

The EDP (Art. 104 of the Treaty and Council Regulation 1467/97) specifies that the Commission has to provide a report (Art. 104(3) when there is evidence of (or a risk of)an excessive deficit and that constant monitoring is needed of the countries already under the procedure. Art.6 of Council Regulation 1466/97 provides for an "early warning" to Member States in the case of a significant divergence of the budgetary position from the medium-term budgetary plans. Art. 211 of the Treaty also leaves the possibility for the Commission to formulate a policy advice in case MS do not follow the required adjustment path.

2009/ECFIN/019Affaires Économiques et Financières

Report from the Commission to the Council and the E.P. on the Guarantee Fund and its Management in 2008 (art.7 Règl. 31 October)

ECFIN mai 2009Traité Euratom: Règlement CE Euratom du Conseil n° 2728 du 31/10/1994

Rapport de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen sur la situation du fonds de garantie et sa gestion au cours de 2008. Political justification : Art.7 Règlement CE Euratom du Conseil n° 2728 du 31 octobre 1994.

2009/ECFIN/024Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission Communication on professional cross border transportation of euro cash by road between Member States in the euro area

ECFIN mai 2009 Commission Communication on professional cross border transportation of euro cash by road between Member States in the euro area

2009/ECFIN/086Affaires Économiques et Financières

(Possible) Commission proposal on medium-term financial assistance to a Member State facing balance-of-payments challenges

ECFIN mai 2009 Proposals for Commission approval of Memoranda of Understanding under existing medium-term financial assistance Yes

2009/ECFIN/094Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing macro financial assistance to third countries

ECFIN mai 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision 2007/860/EC of 10 December 2007

The present Commission decision concerns the first EUR 25 Mio instalment for the macro financial assistance to the Lebanese Republic (Lebanon 1)

2009/ECFIN/047Affaires Économiques et Financières

Country-specific budgetary surveillance instruments (opening of the EDP, further steps in the EDP, issue of an early warning...) in view of the autumn 2009 fiscal notification and the autumn 2009 forecasts results.

ECFIN 17 juin 2009

The EDP (Art. 104 of the Treaty and Council Regulation 1467/97) specifies that the Commission has to provide a report (Art. 104(3) when there is evidence of (or a risk of)an excessive deficit and that constant monitoring is needed of the countries already under the procedure. Art.6 of Council Regulation 1466/97 provides for an "early warning" to Member States in the case of a significant divergence of the budgetary position from the medium-term budgetary plans. Art. 211 of the Treaty also leaves the possibility for the Commission to formulate a policy advice in case MS do not follow the required adjustment path.

2009/ECFIN/121Affaires Économiques et Financières

Recommendation for a Council Opinion in accordance with Art. 5(3) and 9(3) of Council Regulation (EC) n°1466/97 on the updated stability/convergence programmes.

ECFIN 17 juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation n° 1466/97, Art.5(3) and 9(3)

Under the stability and growth pact, Member States each year submit updated stability of convergence programmes, on which the Commission prepares recommendations for Council opinions.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 45/86

Page 46: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/ECFIN/049Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission decision requiring a beneficiary to pay the sums due in repayment of the amounts obtained from an interest-free financing awarded under the JOP programme

ECFIN juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union, and in particular Article 72(2) thereof, Article 256 of the EC Treaty

DG ECFIN's attempts to recover the funds have proved unsuccessful and therefore, a Directly Enforceable Decision (DED) procedure is envisaged in order to enforce the payment.

2008/ECFIN/147Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission decision requiring a beneficiary to pay the sums due in repayment of the amounts obtained from an interest-free financing awarded under the JOP programme

ECFIN juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union, and in particular Article 72(2) thereof, Article 256 of the EC Treaty

DG ECFIN's attempts to recover the funds have proved unsuccessful and therefore, a Directly Enforceable Decision (DED) procedure is envisaged in order to enforce the payment.

2008/ECFIN/169Affaires Économiques et Financières

Communication sur le bilan des accords monétaires conclus entre la Communauté et le Saint-Siège, la République de Saint-Marin et la Principauté de Monaco.

ECFIN juin 2009 Les 10 ans des accords monétaires conclus entre la Communauté et le Saint-Siège, la République de Saint-Marin et la Principauté de Monaco.

2009/ECFIN/022Affaires Économiques et Financières

ECSC in liquidation at 31.12.2008 - approval of the financial report and distribution on the result

ECFIN juin 2009Législation secondaire: Council Decision n° 2003/76/EC of 1 February 2003 - Art.3

Activity report of the ECSC in liquidation, financial statements and allocation of the result. Setting of net revenue available to finance the Research Fund for Coal and Steel 2010

2009/ECFIN/032Affaires Économiques et Financières

Report from the Commission to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 31/12/2008

ECFIN juin 2009 Législation secondaire: 130 Financial Regulation

Rapport semestriel de la Commission à l'Autorité budgétaire sur les garanties couvertes par le budget général - situation au 31/12/2008

2009/ECFIN/093Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment

ECFIN juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 and Council Decision (EC) No 2009/102/EC of 4 November 2008 (14953/2/08) providing Community medium-term financial assistance for Hungary

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment (Hungary 3)

2009/ECFIN/096Affaires Économiques et Financières

Annual Statement on the Euro - Communication from the Commission to the Council, the EP, the EESC, the CdR and the ECB

ECFIN 22 juillet 2009

The Annual Statement will set out headline political and policy messages for the euro area economy, drawing on the Annual Report on the euro area (which will take the form of a Commission Services document). The Annual Statement will discuss economic developments in, and challenges for the euro area economy in a manner that is accessible to a broad, non-specialised audience.

2009/ECFIN/097Affaires Économiques et Financières

Annual Report on the Euro Area ECFIN 22 juillet 2009

The euro area is an economic entity in its own right, facing a unique set of economic challenges. The annual report will discuss how economic policies at the euro area and Member State level should be geared towards meeting these challenges.

2009/ECFIN/127Affaires Économiques et Financières

Public Finances in EMU 2009 ECFIN 29 juillet 2009 The annual Public Finance Report reviews fiscal developments in the EU Member States and discusses topical issues in the field of fiscal policy making andfiscal surveillance in the EU.

2009/ECFIN/016Affaires Économiques et Financières

Designation of a Commission nominee at the Audit Board of the EIF ECFIN juillet 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision 94/375/EC of June 1994

As the term of the current member at the EIF Audit Board will expire in 2009, the member has to be re-appointed or a new member has to be appointed

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 46/86

Page 47: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ECFIN/034Affaires Économiques et Financières

Communication and Report from the Commission to the Council and the EP on the implementation of MFA to third countries in 2008

ECFIN juillet 2009 Report on the implementation of MFA with an accent on the economic reform in the beneficiary countires

2009/ECFIN/092Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment (Latvia 2)

ECFIN juillet 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 and Council Decision (EC) No [xx] of 20 January 2009 providing Community medium-term financial assistance for Latvia

Borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment

2009/ECFIN/130Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment

ECFIN 3 août 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 and Council Decision (EC) No 2009/XXX/EC of XXX providing Community medium-term financial assistance for Romania

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment (Romania 1)

2009/ECFIN/033Affaires Économiques et Financières

Report from the Commission to the Council and the E.P. on the borrowing andlending activities of the European Communities in 2008

ECFIN août 2009 Rapport sur les activités liées aux emprunts et prêts de la Communauté en 2008 Political justification : Council Decision on EIB lending mandates, Euratom and MFA

2009/ECFIN/125Affaires Économiques et Financières

Recommendation for a Council Opinion in accordance with Art. 5(3) and 9(3) of Council Regulation (EC) n°1466/97 on the updated stability/convergence programmes.

ECFIN 2 septembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation n° 1466/97, Art.5(3) and 9(3)

Under the stability and growth pact, Member States each year submit updated stability of convergence programmes, on which the Commission prepares recommendations for Council opinions.

2009/ECFIN/126Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possibly : country-specific budgetary surveillance instruments (opening of the EDP, further steps in the EDP, issue of an early warning...) in view of the autumn 2009 fiscal notification and the autumn 2009 forecasts results.

ECFIN 2 septembre 2009

The EDP (Art. 104 of the Treaty and Council Regulation 1467/97) specifies that the Commission has to provide a report (Art. 104(3) when there is evidence of (or a risk of)an excessive deficit and that constant monitoring is needed of the countries already under the procedure. Art.6 of Council Regulation 1466/97 provides for an "early warning" to Member States in the case of a significant divergence of the budgetary position from the medium-term budgetary plans. Art. 211 of the Treaty also leaves the possibility for the Commission to formulate a policy advice in case MS do not follow the required adjustment path.

2009/ECFIN/025Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible Commission recommendation onthe use of euro stocks ECFIN septembre 2009 Possible Commission recommendation on the use of euro stocks

2009/ECFIN/029Affaires Économiques et Financières

9th report on the practical preparations to the euro ECFIN septembre 2009 9th report on the practical preparations to the euro

2009/ECFIN/035Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible Commission decisions on MFA implementation in Mediterranean countries

ECFIN septembre 2009 Proposals for Commission approval of Memoranda of Understanding under existing MFA

2009/ECFIN/039Affaires Économiques et Financières

Sustainability report 2009 ECFIN 3ème trimestre 2009

Report that provides a thorough sustainability assessment based on new EPC common projections of age-related expenditure. The assessment is complemented by systematic sensitivity tests and by proposals for methodologicalimprovements.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 47/86

Page 48: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/ECFIN/069Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission decisionon a Loan Agreement between the European Community as Lender and a Borrower under the Euratom Treaty

ECFIN décembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision 94/179/Euratom of 21 March 1994 authorizes the Commission to contract Euratom borrowings in order to contribute to the financing required for improving the degree of safety and efficiency of nuclear power stations in certain non-member countries (OJ L 84, 29.3.1994, p. 41).

Projects in the nuclear sector are very complicated and politically sensitive so it is very difficult to estimate when a loan application is to be received. The promoters of several potential projects (in member and non-member countries) have already indicated their interest to receive Euratom loans but their expectations that an application would be submitted earlier in 2008 have proven to be optimistic. Consequently it is not realistic to envisage any decision on Euratom loans before 2009 at the earliest.

2009/ECFIN/114Affaires Économiques et Financières

Final report of the follow-up of the food prices communication ECFIN décembre 2009 As a follow-up to the Communication on "Food Prices in Europe" the task forces

co-chaired by DG ECFIN will ensure implementation of the defined roadmap.

2009/ECFIN/115Affaires Économiques et Financières

Final report of in-depth market monitoring of sector to be determined ECFIN décembre 2009

The main objectives of the in-depth sectoral analysis which will start beginning of 2009 will be: to better understand the degree of competition and the role of regulations in the selected sector, to identify possible problems hampering the competitiveness of the selected sector, to identify some best regulatory practices in MS and to identify possible actions at the national and the Community levels.

2009/ECFIN/116Affaires Économiques et Financières

Lessons to be learnt on the basis of the first two years experience with market monitoring

ECFIN décembre 2009

The methodology of the market monitoring has been substantially developed and is now recognised within the Commission as a valuable tool for policy formulation. The evidence-based approach allows for the better identification of inefficient markets and sectors where adjustments can deliver gains in terms of growth, job creation and consumer welfare. The work has also increased the partnership with Member States and relevant stakeholders. By the end of the year, DG ECFIN will have two years of experience on market monitoring and can draw conclusions about the prioritisation of reforms in European markets and sectors and continue with further investigations at the Member State level.

2008/ECFIN/012Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission communication on the implementation of the information and communication campaign on th euro and EMU

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Update of Commission communication from 2004 in order to define a work programme for the next three years. Following the adoption of a Communication on the communication strategy on the euro in 2004, the implementation of a broad rage of communication activities in the newer MS and in the euro area in the following years and the conduct of an extern in-depth evaluation of the PRINCE communication activities in 2007, it is suggested to define in 2009 a framework on how to communicate on the euro in the years to come in particular in those MS which still prepare for the euro introduction.

2008/ECFIN/033Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible Commission decisions on MFA implementation in Kosovo ECFIN 4ème trimestre


Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision 2006:880/EC

Proposals for Commission approval of Memoranda of Understanding under existing MFA

2009/ECFIN/041Affaires Économiques et Financières

Possible Commission decisions on MFA implementation in the Western Balkans ECFIN 4ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 308

Proposals for Commission approval of Memoranda of Understanding under existing MFA

2009/ECFIN/043Affaires Économiques et Financières

Report from the Commission to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 30/06/2009

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Rapport semestriel de la Commission à l'Autorité budgétaire sur les garanties couvertes par le budget général - situation au 30/06/2009

2009/ECFIN/081Affaires Économiques et Financières

Commission decision on the implementation of medium-term financial assistance to Hungary

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision ofproviding Community medium-term financial assistance for Hungary

Proposals for Commission decision on the disbursements of instalments of the medium-term financial assistance to Hungary Yes

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 48/86

Page 49: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ECFIN/095Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing macro financial assistance to third countries

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Decision 2007/860/EC of 10 December 2007

The present Commission decision concerns the second EUR 25 Mio instalment for the macro financial assistance to the Lebanese Republic (Lebanon 2)

2009/ECFIN/128Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment (Latvia 3)

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 and Council Decision (EC) No [xx] of 20 January 2009 providing Community medium-term financial assistance for Latvia

Borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment

2009/ECFIN/129Affaires Économiques et Financières

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment

ECFIN 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 and Council Decision (EC) No 2009/102/EC of 4 November 2008 (14953/2/08) providing Community medium-term financial assistance for Hungary

COMMISSION DECISION on borrowing of the EC for the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payment (Hungary 4)

2009/ELARG/009 Elargissement

Third annual report on the implementation of Council Regulation No 389/2006/EC establishing an instrument of financial support to encourage the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community

ELARG mai 2009

The report covers the period January 2008 until December 2008. It reports on the implementation of EU-assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community. It informs about actions financed during the reporting period and assesses the results achieved.

2009/ELARG/008 Elargissement

Fourth Annual Report on the implementation of Council Regulation n° 866/2004/EC on a regime under Article 2 of Protocol 10 to the Act of Accession

ELARG juin 2009 The report covers the period 1 May 2008 until 30 April 2009. It reports on the movement of persons and goods across the so called Green Line in Cyprus.


ElargissementAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a Council decision on signature and conclusion of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part, on reciprocal preferential concessions for certain wines, the reciprocal recognition, protection and control of wine, spirit drinksand aromatised wine names


2ème trimestre 2009

Grant and obtain further concessions taking into account the development of wine trade between the contracting parties and establish a list of reciprocally recognized and protected names of wine and spirit drinks


Entreprises et industrieElargissementPêche et affaires maritimesAgriculture et développement ruralConcurrence

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on a Community Position concerning a Decision of the EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Council implementing further liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fisheries products


3ème trimestre 2009

Granting and obtaining further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 49/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Entreprises et industrieElargissementPêche et affaires maritimesFiscalité et union douanièreAgriculture et développement ruralCommerce

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on a Community Position concerning a Decision of the EU – Croatia Stabilisation and Association Council implementing further liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fisheries products


3ème trimestre 2009

Granting and obtaining further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products

2009/ELARG/007 Elargissement

Commission Decision Granting DIS (Decentralised Implementing System) accreditation for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

ELARG 3ème trimestre 2009

The DIS accreditation aims to develop and strengthen candidate countries' capacity to manage and control pre-accession aid. Purpose is to prepare Candidate Country for implementation of Pre-Accession funds in adherence to principles of sound financial management.

2009/ELARG/002 Elargissement

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Multi-Annual Indicative Financial Framework for 2011 - 2013

ELARG octobre 2009 The MIFF is designed to provide information on the indicative breakdown of the overall IPA envelope proposed by the Commission. It acts as a link between the political framework within the enlargement package and the budgetary process

2009/ELARG/003 ElargissementCommunication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of IPA for 2008

ELARG novembre 2009 Report on the implementation of the IPA covering the year previous to the reports' publication

2009/ELARG/005 Elargissement

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of Phare, Pre-Accession, Transition Facility and CARDS

ELARG novembre 2009 Report on the implementation of previous financial instruments i.e. Phare, Pre-Accession, Transition Facility and CARDS covering the year previous to the reports' publication

2005/ELARG/014 ElargissementAssociation Council decision replacing annex II of the Decision 2/97 of the EC-Turkey Association Council

ELARG 4ème trimestre 2009

Association Council decision replacing annex II of the Decision 2/97 of the EC-Turkey Association Council List of country instruments relating to the removal of barriers to trade and the conditions and arrangements governing their implementation by Turkey


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Communication to June European Council. Common principles for sustainable recovery towards more and better jobs

EMPL 27 mai 2009

Leading to the establishment, before the end of 2009, of a set of EU Common Principles to which Member States and social partners would be asked to sign up, following the example of flexicurity. These Common principles would inspire the renewal of the post-2010 European Employment Strategy.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Staff Working Paper on Social Situation Report 2008 EMPL mai 2009 To be updated


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

COMMISSION REPORT on the evaluation report on the practical implementation of directives 92/29/EC on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels and 93/103 concerning the minimum safety and healthrequirements for work on board fishing

EMPL juin 2009 Need of ex-post evaluation in view of determining simplification needs or updating.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 50/86

Page 51: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

COMMISSION REPORT - Evaluation report on the practical implementation of directives 92/91/EEC concerning the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in the mineral- extracting industries through drilling and 92/104/EEC on the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extracting industries

EMPL juin 2009 Need of ex-post evaluation in view of determining simplification needs or updating.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

(First) Consultation of the European socialpartners on the revision of Directive 2004/40 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields)

EMPL juin 2009 Revision of directive


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Second) Consultation of the European social partners on the content of a legislative initiative banning tobacco smoking at work places

EMPL juin 2009 to be updated


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the 2002/73 Directive

EMPL juin 2009 O O

Article 2.2 of Directive 2002/73/EC obliges the Member States to communicate to the Commission within three years of entry into force of the Directive all information necessary for the Commission to draw up a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the Directive. Thus, it indirectly imposes on the Commission an obligation to prepare such a report. The EuropeanParliament, especially the FEMM and EMPL Committees, has enquired about the report. The Parliament is preparing its own report on transposition and application of the Directive, recently adopted by the FEMM Committee, in which the forthcoming Commission report is mentioned


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

COMMISSION DIRECTIVE establishing a third list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC and amending Directive 2000/39/EC

EMPL 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 137 EC

Adoption d'une troisième liste de valeurs indicatives communautiares d'exposition professionnelle pour les agents chimiques repris à l'annexe


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Report on application of Directive 2003/88/EC (Working Time Directive) EMPL 2ème trimestre


Fulfilment of the Commission's legal obligation under Art. 24 of Directive 2003/88/EC to report to the Parliament, Council and Economic and Social Committee on the application of that Directive


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Mise en œuvre de l'Année Européenne del'égalité des chances pour tous 2007 EMPL 2ème trimestre


Article 14 de la Décision N° 771/2006/EC du Parlement européen et du Consil du17 mai 2006 établiassant l'Année européenne 2007 de l'Egalité des chances pour tous


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

2009 work programme of the roadmap for equality between women and men EMPL juillet 2009 to be updated


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Staff Working Paper on Social Situation Report 2009 EMPL septembre 2009

SWP is to assess progress towards the common OMC objectives as well as general social trends in the EU. It includes statistical portraits for a wide range of social policy issues and a set of statistical tables. It serves notably as analytical material to the Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 51/86

Page 52: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

COMMISSION REPORT on the Implementation of the Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed-duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship

EMPL 3ème trimestre 2009

Required by Article 10(3) of the Directive. Regular reports to be submitted by the Commission to the Council , the EP and the EESC.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

COMMISSION REPORT on the implementation of Council Directive 94/33/EC of 22 June 1994 on the protection of young people at work

EMPL 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 137

Council Directive 94/33/EC of 22 June 1994 on the protection of young people at work states in Article 17.5 that the Commission shall periodically submit to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee a report on the application of this Directive.The objective of this report is to give effect to this provision of the Directive.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Interim Report on the Implementation of the Job Mobility Action Plan (

EMPL octobre 2009 Staff Working Paper on the implementation of the Job Mobility Action Plan


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Communication on Employment in Europe 2009 (+ DTS) EMPL novembre 2009 The Communication will highlight the main political messages of the 2009

Employment in Europe report.


Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Staff Working Paper on "Flexicurity stocktaking" EMPL décembre 2009

Flexicurity has set the framework for the employment strand of the jobs and growth strategy in 2008. With the presentation in 2007 of the Communication on common principles for flexicurity this policy concept has taken up a major place in the 2008-2010 cycle of the renewed Lisbon strategy. This SWD will take stock of the contribution of the flexicurity debate on the achievement of the Lisbon growth and jobs agenda.


Coordination des politiques de la CommissionEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Communication on Joint Employment Report, including post-2010 employment policy priorities

EMPL / SG décembre 2009 O O Part of the Annual Lisbon Package

2008/ENTR/026 Entreprises et industrie

Commission Directive: ATP for Directive 76769EEC on organostannic compounds ENTR mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: tbc

The Directive would modify the existing restrictions on marketing and use of organostannic compounds by adding further restrictions of these substances in articles a range of consumer applications.

2009/ENTR/008 Entreprises et industrie

White paper on future policy options for Standardisation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

ENTR mai 2009

This initiative will launch a consultation on the options arising from the policy review which was set up to ensure that the EU's ICT standardisation policy serves legislative and other policy needs while also contributing to competitiveness and innovation.

2009/ENTR/022 Entreprises et industrie

Commission Decision amending Council Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations andadministrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (Lamp oils and grill lighters)

ENTR mai 2009

The measure is intended to protect human health, in particular small children, by restricting the marketing to the general public of grill lighters and lamp oils that may cause lung damage if accidentally swallowed (i.e lamp oils and grill lighter fluids labelled with the standard phrase R-65). The measures should also ensure the free movement of grill lighters and lamp oils within the Community by imposingsimilar provisions in all EU Member States

2009/ENTR/023 Entreprises et industrie

Communication from the Commission on beverage packaging, deposit systems and the free movement of goods

ENTR mai 2009 Interpretative Communication of the Commission to clarify community law (art 28, 30, 81, 82, 90 / Dir 94/62) in the sector of beverage packaging, deposit systems as regards aspects of free movement of goods

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 52/86

Page 53: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENTR/026 Entreprises et industrie

Communication recognising all forms of entrepreneurship for growth and jobs ENTR mai 2009

The communication will highlight the importance of those legal-organisational forms of businesses, in particular cooperatives and social enterprises where distribution of profit on invested capital is not the main objective. Their main purpose is to satisfy the needs of their members or of society at large. It will reporton the Commission policy concerning those forms of enterprises and identify future actions to ensure visibility of those enterprises and to help them overcome specific barriers. It will be accompanied by a staff working document reporting on the implementation of the Communication of the Commission COM (2004) 18 of 23.2.2004 on the promotion of cooperative societies in Europe.

2009/ENTR/011 Entreprises et industrie

Staff Working document reporting on progress on Commission initiatives to improve financing of innovation

ENTR juin 2009 The document will assess the progress achieved through Commission initiatives in the field of innovation financing and indicate further policy developments.

2009/ENTR/013 Entreprises et industrie

Staff working document on the implementation of Lead market initiative (to be combined with the Communication on Broad-based Innovation Strategy 2009/ENTR/014)

ENTR juin 2009

To take stock of progress made in implementing the lead market action plans and to tentatively assess the commitment of public and private stakeholders. Furthermore, it is to present a methodology to measure the medium-term economic impact in the six pilot areas (this methodology will be applied to make the final report in 2012/2013). The Communication will cover the sector measures (e-health, bio-based products, construction, textiles, recycling, renewable) as well as the horizontal measures taken or started, e.g; relating to public procurement and standardisation.


Entreprises et industrieEducation et cultureMarché intérieur et servicesRecherche

Innovation policy under the renewed Lisbon strategy – achievements, set-backs and outlook


RTDjuin 2009 O O

The paper will take stock of progress of innovation in the EU since 2005. It will explore innovation performance in the EU on the basis notably of the Innovation Scoreboard, assess progress in implementing the 2005 Communication "More research and innovation – investing for growth and employment: a common approach" and the 2006 Communication "Putting knowledge into practice - a broad-based Innovation Strategy for the EU". It will also analyse, as an outlook to possible further actions, whether further support of non-technological innovations is needed.

2008/ENTR/029 Entreprises et industrie

Report on the functioning of Regulation N°273/2004 on drug precursors ENTR 2ème trimestre

2009 In accordance with Art. 16 of the Regulation, the Commission has to evaluate its implementation three years after entry into force.

2008/ENTR/031 Entreprises et industrie

Commission Communication on Social Economy Enterprises following Communication of 2004 on Cooperatives.

ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

The Communication will give details of the implementation of the Regulation on the European Cooperative Society by Member States, will report on the use of this instrument by SMEs and will explain the progress made in relation to the objectives set out in this Communication of 2004. It will also report on the ways enterprises having social or societal objectives may be promoted. It will also provide recommendations on how public policies can best support cooperatives and social enterprises efforts to achieve growth.

2008/ENTR/045 Entreprises et industrie

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions 'The Contribution of the European Electrical Engineering Industry to the Community's Climate Action Plan and the Agenda for Growth and Jobs'

ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

VP Verheugen decided end July 08 to have a Com adopted within FR presidencyand debated at Dec 1st Competitiveness Council, that would respond to the Electra findings • Contrib of this industry, as technology and equipment provider, to energy efficiency and environmental 2020 targets • Exploring future lead markets for electrical and electronics industry that would provide more growth and jobs. The objectives of the Communication are to: • Link the Electra report recommendations with the relevant COM policies, namely on Climate Change and Lead Markets and how to best apply them by this industry, given its specific and peculiar characteristics • exploit the potential of this industry for the creation growth and jobs

2009/ENTR/020 Entreprises et industrie

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and Council: secondProgress Report on the application of Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE)

ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

To inform the Parliament & Council on the operation of the Directive, to outline the activities of the Committee, assess the progress in achieving an open, innovative and competitive market, in allowing the convergence between the telecommunications, audiovisuals and information technology sectors, and in enabling harmonisation at international level. Where necessary, propose further measures for full implementation of those goals.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 53/86

Page 54: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENTR/024 Entreprises et industrie

Commission Directive amending Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery

ENTR 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

Dir 97/68/EC sets limit stages for exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines used in non-road mobile machinery.For a smooth implementation of limit stage IIIB entering into force from 31/12/2010, some of the current provisions in the Annexes need to be amended.Art 14 allows adaptation of these Annexes, through a Cttee procedure, taking account of technical progress.For some provisions in the Annexes an explicit ref. exists to this procedure for resolving acknowledged needs for adaptation.The amending proposal will also address the need for extending the derogation for some professional, hand-held equipment, as requested by Art 14a.An adaptation of the notification requirements of the use of a flexibility scheme is also addressed.


Entreprises et industrieJustice, liberté et sécurité

Communication from the Commission to the Council and Parliament on public-private dialogue in security research and innovation to meet the future security agenda

ENTR / JLS juillet 2009 O O Present intermediate results of ESRIF (European Security Research and Innovation Forum) in light of the future security agenda

2009/ENTR/027 Entreprises et industrie

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee - Third Report on the application of Council Directive 93/7/EEC on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State

ENTR juillet 2009

The Directive lays down that every three years the Commission shall send a report reviewing the application of the Directive to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee. This is the third report and covers the period 2003-2007; it assesses the application of the Directive in the 27 Member States.

2009/ENTR/005 Entreprises et industrie

Communication on the Competitiveness Report ENTR septembre 2009 The Commission will present the key messages of the 2009 Competitiveness

Report as a Communication

2009/ENTR/029 Entreprises et industrie to be completed ENTR septembre 2009 to be completed

2009/ENTR/030 Entreprises et industrie

Challenges and opportunities for a European strategy in support of innovation in services: Creating new markets and jobs through innovation

ENTR septembre 2009

The objective is to provide further arguments on needs and opportunities to strengthen services innovation in Europe as an enabler for growth and new jobs. Itpresents the latest available statistical info on the drivers, barriers and potential impact of services innovation and identifies a number of policy challenges to be addressed at EU level as a matter of high priority in order to fully valorise the potential of services innovation in Europe. Only an approach which combines support to all forms of innovation – including services innovation – with a strategic vision on how to create conditions to facilitate the emergence of high growth companies in innovative services markets, can make a substantial difference.

2009/ENTR/031 Entreprises et industrie

Towards more effective public support for in innovation in Europe: Lessons learned from a public consultation

ENTR septembre 2009

The Staff Working Document accompanies the Communication “Reviewing Community innovation policy in a changing world” with the objective to support an open and informed discussion on how to best improve the effectiveness of public innovation support mechanisms in the EU. Innovation is considered as the key to fight the current economic downturn. In order to promote innovation in the EU as effectively as possible, innovation support needs to be based on a clear policy rationale and to demonstrate the capability to make a real difference. This paper isnot about whether innovation support efforts in the EU are too big or too small, but about whether they are effective and how their effectiveness could be further improved

2009/ENTR/019 Entreprises et industrie

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on the operation of Directive 98/34/EC from 2006 to 2008

ENTR octobre 2009

The aim of the report is to highlight the contribution of standardisation and of the preventive control of technical regulations through the notification system to the improvement of the national regulatory environment and thus of the functioning of the Internal Market.

2009/ENTR+/012Entreprises et industrieEnvironnement

Commission decision on the authorisation of dangerous substances of high concern (REACH)

ENTR / ENV 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 95

This initiative concerns the implementation of REACH. The Commission decision concerns the authorisation of dangerous substances of high concern and will adapt the Annexes to the REACH regulation.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 54/86

Page 55: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENV/001 Environnement

Communication on the Status of protectedspecies and habitats in the EU -based on reports submitted under art.17 of the Habitats Directive.

ENV mai 2009

Under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, Member States are required to submit a report to the Commission concerning the conservation status of the over 1000 species and over 200 habitat types covered by the Directive. The reports were submitted by the MS in 2007. The data is being assessed by the European Environment Agency and on the basis of this assessment, the Commission will issue a Communication bringing together the main conclusions regarding the status of the species and habitats covered by the Directive.

2009/ENV/009 EnvironnementCommunication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament 2008 Environmental Policy Review

ENV mai 2009

Report on main developments in environmental policy in 2008. Highlight priority issues for the years to come in EU and national environmental policies; to contribute to the Spring European Council debate. The Review complements Community reporting mechanisms set in place to monitor the implementation of the economic (Broad Economic Policy Guidelines) and social (Employment Guidelines) pillars of the Lisbon Strategy now integrated into the ‘Integrated guidelines for growth and jobs 2005-2008’.

2009/ENV/010 EnvironnementCommunication on Financing CCS and Other Clean Carbon Technologies in Emerging and Developing Countries

ENV juin 2009

The objective of the communication is to set out the EC position on cooperation on sustainable power generation from fossil fuels with emerging economy and developing country partners with a view to specifying the EC’s own actions and garnering support from MS for them.

2007/ENV/039 Environnement Report on the Application and Effectiveness of the SEA Directive ENV 2ème trimestre

2009 O O As required in Article 12.3 of the SEA Directive ((2001/42/EC) the Commission isrequested to send a first report of the application and effectiveness of the Directive to the EP and the Council.

2008/ENV+/031 EnvironnementStatistiques

Beyond GDP – European initiative on measuring progress, true wealth, and well-being in the European Union.


2ème trimestre 2009 O O

Presenting a road map for action to establish and use measures of societal progress that are as solid and appealing as GDP, but more inclusive, especially in the social and environmental field. This road map builds on the outcomes of the Beyond GDP conference held in November 2007.


2008/ENV/038 Environnement

Commission Decision determining the respective emission levels allocated to theEuropean Community and each of its Member States in terms of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent for the first quantified emission limitation and reduction commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to Article 3 of thatDecision

ENV 2ème trimestre 2009

To determine the assigned amount for each one of the 27 EU Member States and the use of the surplus of emissions following the review by the UNFCCC.

2009/ENV/002 Environnement Report on the Application and Effectiveness of the EIA Directive ENV 2ème trimestre

2009 O O

As required in Article 11.3 of Directive 85/337/EC, Article 2 of Directive 97/11/EC and Article 5 of Directive 2003/35/EC the Commission is requested to send a five-year report of the application and effectiveness of the Directive to the EP and the Council.

2009/ENV/016 Environnement

Commission Decisions concerning notifications from AT, BE, DK, DE, EL, ES, FR, HU, and SK of an exemption from the obligation to apply the ambient air quality limit values for PM10

ENV 2 septembre 2009 Législation secondaire: Article 22 of Directive 2008/50/EC.

Article 22 of Directive 2008/50/EC permits the postponement/exemption from applying certain air quality limit values if certain conditions are satisfied. The Member States must notify the Commission and the Commission has 9 months within which to raise objections.

2009/ENV/005 Environnement Commission Report on the State of Play of Horizon 2020 initiative ENV septembre 2009

To present the progress in implementation of the H2020 initiative, in preparation for the Euro-Med Environment Ministerial that will take place under the Swedish presidency.


Entreprises et industrieEnvironnementRecherche

Communication: Report of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (2007-2008)


3ème trimestre 2009 O O Bi-annual report on the implementation of ETAP as required by COM(2004)38,

covering the period 2007-2008. Yes

2009/ENV/006 Environnement

Staff Working Paper on Effective Financing for Environment in nearby Partner Countries: Mechanisms for Project Prioritisation and Preparation

ENV 3ème trimestre 2009

To promote a better coordination of project prioritisation and preparation mechanisms for environmental investments in the countries and territories surrounding the EU, including through closer collaboration between donors, IFIs and the European Commission.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 55/86

Page 56: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/ENV/008 Environnement

Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Community with regard to certain proposals submitted to the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES),Qatar, January 2010

ENV octobre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300(2); 175(1)

The Commission will submit a proposal to establish the Community position for relevant agenda items at the 15th Conference of Parties to CITES on issues that are likely to affect the implementation of Community legislation (EU Wildlife Trade Regulations).

2008/ENV/032 Environnement Progress report towards achieving our Kyoto objectives ENV novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 175(1) Requirement under Decision 280/2004

2008/ENV/033 Environnement The European Community's 5th National Communication to the UNFCCC ENV novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 175(1)

Under the UNFCCC, all Parties should report on the steps they are taking to implement the Convention (Articles 4.1 and 12). The core elements of the national communications are information on emissions and removals of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and details of the activities a Party has undertaken to implement the Convention. National communications usually contain information on policies and measures, national circumstances, vulnerability assessment, financial resources and transfer of technology, and education, training and public awareness. The 5th National Communication of the European Community has to be submitted by 01.01.2010.


2009/ENV/015 Environnement

Report on the Implementation of the Community Waste Legislation (Directive 75/442/EEC on waste, Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste, Directive 75/439/EEC on waste oils, Directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge, Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste and Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste) for the period 2004-2006

ENV novembre 2009 Législation secondaire: Directive 91/692/EEC (defined in full title)

2008/ESTAT/049 StatistiquesCommission Recommendation on reference metadata for the European Statistical System

ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009

Other simplification

Standardisation of the contents and the reporting of reference metadata within theEuropean Statistical System (ESS)

2008/ESTAT/058 StatistiquesReport to the European Parliament and the Council regarding the implementation of the Steel Statistics Regulation

ESTAT 2ème trimestre 2009 Report on the implementation of the Steel Statistics Regulation

2008/ESTAT/046 Statistiques

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on experience obtained from the 2007 basic survey relating to areas planted with certain species of fruit trees.

ESTAT 3ème trimestre 2009

According to Article 7 of Directive 2001/109/EC of the EP and of the Council of 19 December 2001, the Commission will submit to the EP and to the Council a report on experience acquired during the survey 2007

2009/ESTAT/009 Statistiques

COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (EC) No …/..on the use of the International statistical classification on occupations (ISCO-08)

ESTAT 3ème trimestre 2009

The ILO has proceed to a revision of the previous version of the International Standard Classification on Occupations (ISCO-88) with the objective of making available a more effective classification, which can be used by countries in the next round of Population Censuses, as well as in national employment services and other client oriented applications. In order to ensure comparability between data on occupations from the EU Member States and the rest of the World it is important to adopt this revised classification (ISCO-08) in the main ESS surveys collecting data on occupations before the next round of Population Census which will take place in 2011.

2009/ESTAT/013 Statistiques

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98

ESTAT 4ème trimestre 2009 No 577/98

2009/IAS/002 Audit Annual Report to the Discharge Authority on Internal Audits 2008 (FR 86.4) IAS 2ème trimestre

2009 Information de l'autorité budgétaire sur les audits réalisés en 2008 conformémentà l'article 86.4 du RF

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 56/86

Page 57: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/INFSO/048 Société de l'information

Recommendation on privacy, DP and security aspects of RFID usages. INFSO mai 2009

This Recommendation focuses on the privacy and information security aspects of RFID technology deployment and is intended to provide guidance to EU Member States and to stakeholders on the practical implementation of the principles defined in the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, the Directive on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment 1999/5/EC and the Directive on Privacy and electronic communications 2002/58/EC.

2009/INFSO/023 Société de l'information

Commission Decision - First phase selection for MSS INFSO mai 2009

The Decision will conclude the first phase of the selection process whereby the Commission will assess the level of development of the applicants' satellite systems according to milestones listed in the Decision 626/2008/EC. If no spectrum scarcity is identified, the decision will in addition identify the selected applicants, the reasons on which the decision is based, as well as the frequencies which each selected applicant is to be authorised to use, in each Member State.

2009/INFSO/003 Société de l'information

7th Application Report on the Television without Frontiers Directive INFSO juin 2009

The 7th application report to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee will deals with the application of the Directive during the period 2007-2008.

2007/INFSO/022 Société de l'information

Commission Decision on the 900 and 1800 MHz Band INFSO 2ème trimestre

2009 Harmonisation measure aiming at allowing the usage of the 900 MHz bands by 3G access networks (link to the repealing of the GSM Directive)

2008/INFSO/014 Société de l'information

Commission Decision: annual update of Commission Decision 2006/771/EC of 9 November 2006 on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices.

INFSO 2ème trimestre 2009 Framework for harmonisation spectrum usage conditions by SRDs

2008/INFSO/051 Société de l'information Communication on the Internet of Things INFSO 2ème trimestre


The Communication on the Internet of Things (IOT) will follow up one aspect of the RFID Communication of March 15th, 2007 (COM(2007) 96). It will describe theevolution scenarios from today's RFID systems to an Internet of Things conceived as a world-wide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable, based onstandard communication protocols. The scope will include Architectures and Governance , Research and Innovation, Spectrum, and Standardisation. Horizontal issues like trust and acceptance, awareness and education, privacy andliability, and security will also be addressed.

2009/INFSO/005 Société de l'information

MEDIA 2007-Work programme for the financial year 2009 (2ème train) INFSO 2ème trimestre

2009 2d series of calls to be published by EACEA to complete the 2009 financial year

2009/INFSO/013 Société de l'information

Commission Decision on the selection of operators of pan-European systems providing mobile satellite services (MSS)

INFSO 2ème trimestre 2009

The Decision will conclude the selection process and will identify the selected applicants, the reasons on which the decision is based, as well as the frequencies which each selected applicant is to be authorised to use, in each Member State. If spectrum scarcity is identified, the decision shall in addition specify the ranking order of the selected applicants on the basis of the extent to which they meet the selection criteria.

2007/INFSO/021 Société de l'information

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the collective use of radio spectrum

INFSO juillet 2009 Building on the results of a 2006 study, this communication will outline the preferred policy options and action plan to promote the shared use of spectrum including licence-exempt usage

2007/INFSO/033 Société de l'information

Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions reporting on the final evaluation of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan and Modinis

INFSO juillet 2009

The principal objectives of the evaluation will be to provide an assessment of the action’s relevance, effectiveness and impact, efficiency and utility. An overarching aim of the evaluation is to assess the EU added value of the action, its impacts at national level and lessons to be learned for the further development of i2010.

2008/INFSO/024 Société de l'information

Communication on the outcome of negotiations with automotive industry on voluntary inclusion of eCall device in all new vehicles.

INFSO juillet 2009 The objective is full-scale roll-out of eCall in Europe by 2010. To this effect, the Commission will start in 2007 negotiations on voluntary inclusion of eCall device in all new vehicles starting from 2010, and will report on the outcome in 2qr 2008.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 57/86

Page 58: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/INFSO/057 Société de l'information

Commission Decision granting a derogation requested by France pursuant to Commission Decision 2008/477/EC on the harmonisation of the 2500-2690MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community

INFSO juillet 2009

France has informed the Commission that since the 2500-2690MHz band is currently used exclusively by the RUBIS communication system for national security needs, it is not in a position to implement on time the requirements set outin Decision 2008/477/EC and has therefore requested a derogation. This Decision thereby authorises France to postpone the implementation of Decision 2008/477/EC until 13 December 2011 subject to certain conditions.

2009/INFSO/011 Société de l'information

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Report on the implementation, functioning and effectiveness of the “.eu” TLD

INFSO juillet 2009

According to Article 8 of Regulation 733/2002 the Commission shall submit everytwo years a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation, effectiveness and functioning of the .eu TLD. Following the previous Communication in July 2007, the Commission will prepare a Communication in 2009.

2009/INFSO/018 Société de l'information i2010 Annual Report 2009 INFSO juillet 2009

The Annual Report on i2010 addresses and reports progress and evolution in thedigital economy, and analyses the Member States information society performances through published indicators

2009/INFSO/026 Société de l'information

Communication on Internet Governance, next steps INFSO juillet 2009

Given the expiration of current Internet governance mechanisms and the discussion on their future, the Communication outlines current Internet governancemechanisms and highlight the responsibility of governments and of the public sector in this area.

2008/INFSO+/017Société de l'informationConcurrence

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on Market Reviews under the EU Regulatory Framework (3rd report) – consolidating the internal market for electronic communications.

INFSO / COMP septembre 2009

Annual report on the market reviews and possible first experiences in applying the revised Recommendation on relevant markets. To contribute to the ongoing discussion on the review.

2009/INFSO/024 Société de l'information

Commission Recommendation on mobilising information and communications technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy

INFSO septembre 2009

Following the adoption of a first Comm. in May 2008, the EC had conducted an extensive consultation process where several barriers to the full deployment of ICT solutions for energy Efficiency were identified. This Recommendation identifies some of those barriers, proposes actions to overcame them and encourages the relevant stakeholders to take initiatives to ensure a quick deployment of ICT solutions.

2009/INFSO/027 Société de l'information

Communication on next steps for Europeana and public domain related issues

INFSO septembre 2009

The Communication will address: 1) the next steps for Europeana and in particular the development of a stable financing model, as part of a broader reflection on the role of cultural content and public tasks of cultural institutions in the internet age. 2) the practices of cultural institutions and problems in legislation that limit the potential of public domain material as a driver of creativity (commercial products as well as Web 2.0 applications). The Communication will be accompanied by an online consultation on a series of concrete questions on theabove issues.

2009/INFSO/028 Société de l'information

Staff Working Paper on the External Dimensions of Audiovisual Policy INFSO septembre 2009

Document sets out to analyse the current legal and policy framework and, against this background, various initiatives and actions that have been undertaken at EU level to strengthen the external dimension of audiovisual policy in order to improve the readability of this process and to highlight the elements of coherence, as well as the distinctive complementary and added value character of the EU action in this area.

2009/INFSO/029 Société de l'information

European High Speed Broadband Strategy: Communication chapeau INFSO septembre 2009

This Communication provides the Commission’s response to the Council's call todevelop a European broadband strategy in close cooperation with stakeholders by the end of 2009. It summarises the three key elements of the strategy and provides an overview of how it will develop in the course of 2009. The elements are (1) the Broadband Challenges Communication from INFSO; (2) a COMP Communication setting out guidelines for State aids; and, (3) the NGA Recommendation

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 58/86

Page 59: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/INFSO/030 Société de l'information

European High Speed Broadband Strategy: the Challenges INFSO septembre 2009

The Challenges Communication forms part of the Commission’s response to the Council's call to develop a European broadband strategy by the end of 2009. It analyses the Challenges to be overcome in achieving wide availability of High Speed Broadband and proposes political solutions. The Challenges are: (1) establishing the right regulatory framework to stimulate the investment in NGA; (2)releasing spectrum for wireless broadband; and, (3) Broadband for all.

2007/INFSO/019 Société de l'information

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions reporting on the implementation of Spectrum Policy

INFSO 3ème trimestre 2009

Annual report on implementation of radio spectrum policy (overview of results from reporting period, review of existing acquis to identify needs for update or withdrawal, report on national implementation of acquis)

2008/INFSO/006 Société de l'information

Communication on the results of the World Radiocommunications Conference 2007 (WRC-07)

INFSO 3ème trimestre 2009

This communications will report on the results of WRC-07 and will present proposals for an approach to WRC-11

2009/INFSO/006 Société de l'information

MEDIA 2007-Work programme for the financial year 2010 (1er train) INFSO 3ème trimestre

2009 Publication of calls by EACEA to anticipate the 2010 financial year

2009/INFSO/012 Société de l'information

Commission Opinion on the draft Work Programme 2010 of ENISA – the European Network and Information Security Agency.

INFSO octobre 2009 Opinion on the draft WP 2010 of ENISA, as mandated by Article 6(8) of Regulation (EC) No. 460/2004 establishing ENISA.

2009/INFSO/020 Société de l'information

Interim Evaluation of the ICT Policy Support Programme of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme

INFSO octobre 2009 This Communication will inform on the results of the interim evaluation of one of the CIP specific programmes, the ICT Policy Support Programme.

2008/INFSO/015 Société de l'information

Commission decision on Spectrum for Mobile Communications onboard Vessels (MCV)

INFSO novembre 2009 Harmonisation measure for 5.8 GHz bands for MCV

2009/INFSO/016 Société de l'information

Recommendation on authorisation of mobile communication services on board maritime vessels

INFSO novembre 2009

The Recommendation will aim to coordinate national authorisation conditions andprocedures relating to use of the radio spectrum for mobile communication services on board maritime vessels in order to facilitate their introduction in the Community and to avoid harmful interference caused by MCV services.

2009/INFSO/031 Société de l'information

Commission Decision amending Decision 2007/116/EC as regards the introduction of additional reserved numbers beginning with 116.

INFSO novembre 2009

Two additional services, namely Helpline for victims of crime and Medical on-call services, have been identified as services of social value that may benefit from harmonised numbers. Decision 2007/116/EC should accordingly be updated and these additional reserved numbers introduced.

2009/INFSO/017 Société de l'information

Recommendation on a Common Format for Spectrum Usage Rights INFSO décembre 2009

Article 19 Recommendation approximating the format of spectrum usage rights in the Community to make them comparable and enable development of cross-border services.

2007/INFSO/057 Société de l'information Communication on creative content online INFSO 4ème trimestre


The Communication on Content Online, now scheduled for adoption in September 2007, will launch a further consultation to investigate whether further action should be taken – possibly in the form of a soft law instrument ( a Recommendation) - in the field of: Digital Rights Management, Community-wide ormulti-territory wide rights licensing, Orphan works and Fair compensation mechanisms for private copying. On the basis of the contributions received to the public consultation, which will complete the public consultation of July-October 2006 (see the draft Recommendation will be prepared in the Autumn, accompanied by anImpact Assessment.

2008/INFSO+/010Société de l'informationConcurrence

Commission Recommendation on harmonised regulation of next generation networks


4ème trimestre 2009

Recommendation pursuant to Article 19 of the Framework Directive establishing a common -European approach to regulation of next generation networks.

2009/INFSO/007 Société de l'information

Mid term evaluation report on the first 2 years of MEDIA 2007 and the EU's participation to the European Audiovisual Observatory

INFSO 4ème trimestre 2009

Evaluation of the first 2 years of MEDIA 2007 and of the EU's participation to the EAO.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 59/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/INFSO/019 Société de l'information

Commission Decision on the Annual WorkProgramme 2010 of the ICT policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

INFSO 4ème trimestre 2009

The adoption (and financing decision) of the annual Work Programme of the ICT PSP defining the priorities for calls for proposals, calls for tender and other supporting actions to be launched in 2010.

2008/JLS/161 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Communication from the Commission on evaluation of policies in the field of Justice, Freedom and Security

JLS 13 mai 2009

Législation secondaire: follows up on the Communication of 28 June 2006 (COM(2006)332) on the evaluation of JLS policies

The aim of this Communication is to evaluation ongoing policies in two policy areas: migration and mutual recognition in civil and criminal matters.

2009/JLS/053 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the tracking method for monitoring the implementation of the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum

JLS 13 mai 2009

The European Pact explicitly invites the Commission to present a proposal for a follow-up method ("tracking method") to monitor and report on its implementation with a view to holding an annual debate at the level of the European Council, commencing in June 2010.

2008/JLS/141 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Council decision on the signature and conclusion, on behalf of the Community, of an Arrangement between the EuropeanCommunity, on the one hand, and the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein, on the other hand, on themodalities of the participation by those States in the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Boarders of the Member States

JLS mai 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 62, 66, 300

According to Article 21(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 of 26 October 2004 establishing a European Agency for the Management of OperationaCooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union,countries associated with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis should participate in the Agency. The modalities of their participation are to be determined in further arrangements to be concluded between the Community and those countries.

2008/JLS/312 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the operation of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) on stamping travel documents.

JLS mai 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 10(6) of the Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code)

Submission of the report to the European Parliament and the Council on the operation of the provisions of Schengen Borders Code on stamping travel documents.

2008/JLS/325 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission Decision supplementing Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the surveillance of the sea borders in the context of operations coordinated by the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of theMember States of the European Union

JLS mai 2009

Decision laying down additional rules regarding the surveillance of the sea borders in the context of the operational cooperation between Member States coordinated by Frontex. The proposal aims at ensuring that surveillance operations under Frontex coordination are conducted in accordance with a homogeneous set of rules and in full compliance with international law.

2008/JLS/346 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report on the application of Commission Decision 2000/518/EC of 26 July 2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided in Switzerland

JLS mai 2009Législation secondaire: Commission decision 2000/518/EC art.4

Report on the application of Commission Decision 2000/518/EC of 26 July 2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided in Switzerland

2008/JLS/349 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report on the implementation of Commission Decision 520/2000/EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Safe Harbour Principles and related Frequently Asked Questions issued by the US Department of Commerce

JLS mai 2009Législation secondaire: Commission decision 2000/520/EC art.4

Report on the implementation of Commission Decision 520/2000/EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Safe Harbour Principles and related Frequently Asked Questions issued by the US Department of Commerce

2009/JLS/027 Justice, liberté et sécurité


JLS mai 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Decision 2004/EC/512 of 8 June2004 establishing the Visa information System


(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 60/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/JLS/030 Justice, liberté et sécurité

"COMMISSION DECISION of […]on the the integration of the Vision functionality into Visa Information System "

JLS mai 2009

Législation secondaire: "REGULATION (EC) No .../2007 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas "

COMMISSION DECISION of […]on the the integration of the Vision functionality into Visa Information System

2009/JLS/031 Justice, liberté et sécurité

"COMMISSION DECISION of […] on the implementing measures deriving from article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No .../2007 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas "

JLS mai 2009

Législation secondaire: "REGULATION (EC) No .../2007 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas "

COMMISSION DECISION of […] on the implementing measures deriving from article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No .../2007 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas

2009/JLS/041 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation and functioning of the local border traffic regime as established by the Local BorderTraffic Regulation EC 1931/2006 and implemented by the bilateral Agreements concluded or maintained in conformity with this Regulation

JLS mai 2009Législation secondaire: Article 18 of the Local Border Traffic Regulation EC 1931/2006

The report will give an overview of the implementation of the local border traffic regime, established by the Local Border Traffic Regulation 1931/2006 as implemented by the bilateral agreements in the relevant Member States.


Justice, liberté et sécuritéRelations extérieures

Fifth Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on certain third countries' maintenance of visa requirements in breach of the principle of reciprocity in accordance with Article 1(5) of Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in a possession of visaswhen crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement.

JLS / RELEX 4 juin 2009 Législation secondaire: Article

1(5) of Regulation 539/2001 To describe the progress made on achieving full reciprocity for the citizens of all Member States

2008/JLS/339 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Evaluation of the Hague Programme (temporary) JLS 17 juin 2009 Evaluation of the Hague Programme (temporary)

2007/JLS/034 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission staff working paper on EU guidelines and mechanism on detecting, monitoring and responding to emerging trends

JLS juin 2009 Objective 41 of the EU Action Plan on Drugs asks the Commission to bring forward a proposal by 2007

2008/JLS/342 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Recommendation in order to authorise theCommission to open negotiations on the Agreement between the European Community and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland on service of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters and Agreement between the European Community and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland on taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters

JLS juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 61(c) and Art. 300

To recommend to Council the opening of negotiations between the European Community and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland on service of judicial and extrajudicial documents and on taking of evidence would facilitate judicial cooperation in these areas in the relations between EU Member States and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, taking as the basis existing Community acquis on service of documents and taking of evidence.

2007/JLS/070 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Daphne II Programme Final Evaluation Report (2004-2006) JLS 2ème trimestre


Traité sur l'Union européenne: Decision No 803/2004/EC of EP and Council of 21 April 2004, OJL 143/1 of 30 April 2004

Final evaluation, report to EP + Council.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 61/86

Page 62: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/JLS/085 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Signature/conclusion decision concerning the agreement with Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein on their association with the work of the Committees which assist the European Commission in the exercise of its executive powers as regards the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 62, 63

Participation of Schengen associated countries to the Comitology Committees dealing with the Schengen acquis

2007/JLS/217 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Final Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the Framework Programme for Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters (2002-2006)

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Decision No. 743/2002 of 25.4.2002, Art. 15 (2)

Final Report on the Framework Programme for Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters (2002-2006).

2008/JLS/136 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Recommendation from the Commission tothe Council in order to authorise the Commission to open negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and a third country on the facilitation of issuance of short-stay visas

JLS 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 62(2)(b)

To recommend to Council the opening of negotiations with a third country on facilitation of the issuance of short-stay visas.

2009/JLS/005 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Green Paper on gathering and admissibility of evidence in criminal proceedings

JLS 2 juillet 2009 To extend the consultation process to a wider audience

2009/JLS/180 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Guidelines on the practical application of Directive 2004/38/EC JLS 2 juillet 2009

The Commission intends to offer information and assistance to both Member States and EU citizens by issuing guidelines on a number of issues identified as problematic in transposition or application, such as expulsions and fight against abuse, in order to offer guidance as to how those may be resolved.


Justice, liberté et sécuritéRelations extérieures

Evaluation report of the first pilot mobility partnership for mobility


22 juillet 2009 X X

Evaluer la pertinence des premiers partenariats pour la mobilité en tant qu'outil pour la mise en œuvre de l'approche globlale dans le domaine de la migration de façon à permettre au Conseil de se prononcer sur leur réplication avec d'autres pays tiers.

2007/JLS/032 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission staff working paper on the definition of drug-related crime JLS 18 septembre 2009 Action 25 of the EU Action Plan on Drugs (2005-2008) asks the Commission to

propose such a definition

2008/JLS/340 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report from the Commission based on Article 9 of the Council Framework Decision of 25 october 2004 laying down minimum provisions on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit drug trafficking (2004/757/JHA)

JLS septembre 2009 The Framework Council Decision No 2004/757/JHA calls for a Commission Report to be submitted to the Council and the Parliament by 12 May 2009 to assess measures taken by MS to comply with the Decision.

2009/JLS/057 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission Communication - Green Paper on the right to family reunification ofthird country nationals

JLS septembre 2009 As a follow up of the implementation report of the Council Directive 2003/86/EC on the right to family reunification the Commission launches a wider consultation inthe form of a Green paper on the future of the family reunification regime.

2008/JLS/154 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Arrangements between the Community, on the one hand and the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Iceland, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein, on the other hand, on supplementary rule s in relation to the External Border Fund

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 62, 300

Determine the financial and budgetary responsibilities for the Schengen associated countries when implementing the External Border Fund. Yes

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 62/86

Page 63: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/JLS/177 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Recommendation from the Commission to the Council to authorise opening of negotiations between EU end USA for an international agreement for the transfer and processing of financial messaging data to prevent and combat terrorism and terrorist financing

JLS 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: art 24/38

Recommendation from the Commission to the Council to authorise opening of negotiations between EU end USA for an international agreement for the transfer and processing of financial messaging data to prevent and combat terrorism and terrorist financing

2009/JLS/001 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Green Paper on the legalisation of documents in the EU JLS 1 octobre 2009

To deal with the difficulties faced by EU citizens and economic operators because of the obligation to legalize documents between the EU. Objective is facilitating the mutual recognition of legal documents, abridging or even abolishing the legalisation requirements

2007/JLS+/033Justice, liberté et sécuritéElargissement

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia onthe participation of Croatia in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

JLS / ELARG octobre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art 300 combined with 152; article 13 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 302/93

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia on the participation of Croatia


2009/JLS/042 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Title III of the Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code)

JLS octobre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 38 of the Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code)

Submission of the report on the application of Title III of the Schengen Borders Code to the European Parliament and the Council. Particular attention will be payed to the difficulties arising from the reintroduction of border control at internal borders and where appropriate, proposals will be presented in order to resolve the difficulties

2009/JLS/026 Justice, liberté et sécurité


JLS novembre 2009Législation secondaire: Council Decision 2004/EC/512 of 8 June2004 establishing the VIS


2009/JLS/029 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission report on the availibility and readiness of the biometric functionalities JLS novembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of 20 December 2006 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II)

Commission report on the availibility and readiness of the biometric functionalities

2007/JLS+/213Justice, liberté et sécuritéElargissement

Commission proposal for a Decision of the Association Council EC-FYROM on the participation of FYROM in the Fundamental Rights Agency

JLS / ELARG décembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art.28 Council Regulation No 168/2007

Taking the Decision that FYROM participates in EFRA, and defining its modalities. Yes

2008/JLS/123 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission Communication on improvingthe efficiency of the enforcement of judgements in the European Union: the attachment of bank accounts

JLS décembre 2009 O

The Communication constitutes the follow-up to the Green Paper on the same subject, published in October 2006. On the basis of the comments received on theGreen Paper, the Communication will set out concrete proposals on how to improve the attachment of bank accounts in the European Union.

2009/JLS/046 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Commission Report on the application of the Council Directive 2003/8/EC to improve access to justice in cross border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes

JLS décembre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Articles 211 and 284

The Commission will prepare a 5-year report on the application of the Directive which has been applied since end 2004. The report examines both legal and factual application of the Directive aiming to consider if the Directive has improved access to justice in cross-border disputes. It also looks for the development of the legal aid schemes for cross-border disputes. As a background, it is necessary to obtain an empirical analysis of the implementation of the Directive through a study

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 63/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/JLS/052 Justice, liberté et sécurité

Evaluation report on the European Refugee Fund II (2005-2007) JLS décembre 2009 X X

Article 28§4b of Decision 2004/904/EC establishing the European Refugee Fund II foresaw an intermediate evaluation report on ERF II. ERF II was established originally for 2005 to 2010 but was repealed for the period 2008 to 2010 by the new legal basis for ERF III (2008-2013) within the framework of the General Programme Solidarity and management of migratory flows. It is therefore proposed to issue a simplified evaluation report covering the period 2005-2007. It will also correspond to the 10th anniversary of ERF.

2009/MARE/070 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Communication from the Commission to the Council on fishing opportunities for 2010

MARE mai 2009

Other simplification

This Communication will lay down the main principles that will inspire the Commission's approach on the annual management of fish stocks through catch limitations (TACs).

2008/MARE/038 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Commission Staff Working Document - Cetacean incidental catches in fisheries: Report on the implementation of certain provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 and on a scientific assessment of the effects of gillnets on cetaceans in the Baltic Sea as requested through Council Regulation (EC) No 2187/2005.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

In 2008, the Commission will report on the implementation of Regulation (EC) N° 812/2004, as provided for in Article 7 of the Regulation. The working paper will be based on the 2005 and 2006 Member States' national reports and on the opinion of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. It shall consider in particular the application of this Regulation to types of vessels and areas, the quality of information derived from observer schemes and the quality of pilot projects.

2009/MARE/063 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Action Plan for simplifying and improving the Common Fisheries Policy.

MARE 2ème trimestre 2009

The Communication will report on the achievements attained and initiatives whichmay be taken for the simplification and improvement of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

2009/MARE/066 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Communication from the Commission "Towards an Integrated Maritime Policy in the Mediterranean".

MARE juillet 2009 O O

The Communication stems from launching the new Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP), the IMP Communication/Action Plan of Oct. 2007 and the general understanding that successful implementation of IMP requires a regional/sea-basin approach. It aims at identifying the maritime specificities and challenges inherent to the Mediterranean sea-basin, taking stock of maritime governance and implementation of correlated sectoral policies, demonstrating the added-value of IMP/management in the Mediterranean basin. It shall build upon consultations with national authorities/stakeholders from third countries in the Mediterranean to devise a coherent and shared framework for action, encompassing EU and non-EU countries bordering the Mediterranean sea basin.

2009/MARE/011 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Regulation on the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures in the South Western Waters.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article (22) of the proposed Council Regulation concerning the conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures (COM(2008)324 final).

Other simplification

The proposed Council Regulation on technical measures (COM(2008)324final) applies to fishing activities in all Community waters except the Mediterranean SeaBaltic Sea, Black Sea and fisheries for highly migratory stocks in all waters. It foresees the adoption of specific regional measures corresponding to the areas allocated to the Regional Advisory Councils established under the Common Fisheries Policy ("CFP"). The proposed art. 22 lays the basis for their adoption by the Commission (procedure of art. 30(2)of Regulation N° 2371/2002). Pending its adoption, it is necessary to programme 3 Commission regulations in 2009 (South Western Waters, North Western Waters, remaining waters including those around the EU's outermost regions).

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 64/86

Page 65: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARE/012 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Regulation on the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures in the North Western Waters.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article (22) of the proposed Council Regulation concerning the conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures (COM(2008)324 final).

Other simplification

The proposed Council Regulation on technical measures (COM(2008)324final) applies to fishing activities in all Community waters except the Mediterranean SeaBaltic Sea, Black Sea and fisheries for highly migratory stocks in all waters. It foresees the adoption of specific regional measures corresponding to the areas allocated to the Regional Advisory Councils established under the Common Fisheries Policy ("CFP"). The proposed art. 22 lays the basis for their adoption by the Commission (procedure of art. 30(2)of Regulation N° 2371/2002). Pending its adoption, it is necessary to programme 3 Commission regulations in 2009 (South Western Waters, North Western Waters, remaining waters including those around the EU's outermost regions).

2009/MARE/013 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Regulation on the conservation of stocks of herring, blue whiting, horse mackerel and mackerel through technical measures in Communityand non Community waters, excluding the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article (22) of the proposed Council Regulation concerning the conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures (COM(2008)324 final).

Other simplification

The proposed Council Regulation on technical measures (COM(2008)324final) applies to fishing activities in all Community waters except the Mediterranean SeaBaltic Sea, Black Sea and fisheries for highly migratory stocks in all waters. It foresees the adoption of specific regional measures corresponding to the areas allocated to the Regional Advisory Councils established under the Common Fisheries Policy ("CFP"). The proposed art. 22 lays the basis for their adoption by the Commission (procedure of art. 30(2)of Regulation N° 2371/2002). Pending its adoption, it is necessary to programme 3 Commission regulations in 2009 (South Western Waters, North Western Waters, remaining waters including those around the EU's outermost regions).

2009/MARE/078 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Commission services working paper on the Guardians of the Sea: the role of the fisheries sector in the wider context of Integrated Maritime Policy.

MARE 3ème trimestre 2009 O O

The objective of the "Guardians of the Sea" project is better integration of fishermen with other maritime sectors and activities, and encouraging the use of fishermen's maritime experience and practical know-how, for the benefit of society in general and the maritime sectors in particular. The Commission services working paper will form the basis for a consultation with the broadest possible range of potentially interested stakeholders.

2009/MARE/006 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on a strategy for the external projection of the European Union Integrated Maritime Policy.

MARE octobre 2009

The scope of this initiative is to propose a strategy for the external projection of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, which will contain specific proposals for a structured dialogue with third countries and to enhance European participation in key maritime international fora with a view to supporting the implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy agenda and promoting compliance with commitments under international law. The final objective is to promote Europe's leadership in international maritime affairs.

2009/MARE/058 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Regulation modifying Commission Regulation (EC) N°391/2007 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council regulation (EC) N 861/2006 as regards the expenditure incurred by Member States in implementing the monitoring and control systems applicable to the Common Fisheries Policy.

MARE octobre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 31 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 861/2006 of 22 May 2006 establishing Community financial measures for the implementation of the CFP and in the area of the Law of the Sea.

Other simplification

Commission Regulation (EC) N°391/2007 establishes detailed rules regarding theCommunity financial contribution for expenditure by Member States in the area of control and surveillance. The amendment aims at updating the content of claims for reimbursement in order to simplify and accelerate the treatment of the paymentfiles.

2009/MARE/003 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Commission Communication on an Action Plan for a European Marine Observation and Data Network.

MARE novembre 2009

At present, responsibility for collecting data on Europe's seas and oceans is fragmented between regional, national, public and private organisations who collect data over open ocean and coastal, territorial and jurisdictional waters. The European Marine Observation and Data Network action plan will outline a set of steps enabling public and private operators to provide better services by: 1. Setting up a framework to determine the coverage and quality of marine data collected within the EU; 2. Supporting the integration of these data so as to develop complete pictures of maritime basins; 3. Encouraging the collection of further data where it will improve their fitness for purpose; 4. Facilitating access to these data by these operators.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 65/86

Page 66: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARE/004 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Towards an Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU – Draft Commission Report to the European Council on progress made on the implementation of the 'Blue Paper' andthe Action Plan 2008-2009.

MARE novembre 2009

This Report follows from the European Council's invitation to the Commission to report on progress achieved at the end of 2009. It will show how the Integrated Maritime Policy as described in the Blue Paper and Action Plan has been implemented until then. It will thereby report on: 1) Structural measures taken to reinforce coordination of EU maritime affairs within the Commission; 2) Progress on the various EU initiatives launched as part of the Action Plan and 3) Further initiatives towards integrated maritime governance and stakeholder consultation throughout the EU.

2009/MARE/054 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Annual report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Member States' efforts during 2008 to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities.

MARE décembre 2009Législation secondaire: Art. 14 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 2371/2002.

The report describes the evolution of Member States' fishing fleets during the previous year, especially in relation to the adjustment of the size of the fleet to available fishing resources, and assesses Member States' compliance with the fleet management provisions established by Community law.

2009/MARE/071 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Communication on a Community Plan of action for reducing incidental catches of seabirds in fishing gears.

MARE décembre 2009

In ways to integrate environmental protection requirements into the Common Fisheries Policy, one of the Community objectives is to improve the fishing methods with a view to reduce the incidental and unwanted catches, and the impacts on the marine environment. Recent scientific information shows that seabirds by-catch is a serious problem in Community areas. The "Community Planof action for reducing incidental catches of seabirds in fishing gears" aims to present best practice measures for assessment and mitigation of incidental catches of seabirds in fishing operations and areas, ensuring both sustainability of seabirds populations and fisheries.

2009/MARE/072 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Report from the Commission - Annual Report on implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2008).

MARE décembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 68 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) of 27 July 2006.


Article 68 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) of 27 July 2006 requires the Commission to compile each year (for thefirst time in 2008) an annual report on the implementation of the European Fisheries Fund during the previous year. This second implementation report covers the implementation of the Operational Programmes (OPs) co-financed by the European Fisheries Fund in 2008.

2009/MARE/008 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Draft Commission Communication - Progress report on the integration of existing maritime surveillance systems.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009 O O

At present, several maritime surveillance systems are in operation (coastguards, fishing inspectors, border guards, police forces, maritime safety authorities, port authorities, naval forces and customs inspectors). Information is not being systematically exchanged on a cross sector basis with negative consequences for their operational effectiveness and cost-efficiency. The Communication's objective is to report on maritime surveillance within the EU and to layout the Commission's current work towards the promotion of cross border cooperation by national authorities in charge of surveillance activities.

2009/MARE/023 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters concerning the provisional application of the Protocol defining for the period from 9 October 2009 to 8 October 20.. the fishing opportunities and the financial contributionprovided for in the Agreement between the European Community and Solomon Islands on fishing off Solomon Islands.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300, paragraphs 2 and 3.

The Commission negotiates and implements Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) with third countries to guarantee the conservation and sustainable exploitation of resources in their waters. These Parnership Agreements are based on a scientific assessment of the stocks which could be exploited by the EU fishing industry in those waters and take into account the economic and social interests of the third country. The Agreement also foresees specific measures to support the implementation of a sustainable fisheries policy by the third country.

2009/MARE/056 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Commission Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the measures laid down in Council Regulation (EC) N° 744/2008 of 24 July 2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishing fleets affected by the economic crisis.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 22 of Council Reg. N° 744/2008 of 24 July 2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishingfleets affected by the economic crisis.

In accordance with article 22 of Council Regulation (EC) N° 744/2008, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the measures laid down in that Regulation by 31 December 2009 at the latest. The report will describe the extent to which Member States have, until the end 2009, made use of the possibilities offered by the regulation to improve the economic situation of the fleets. The report will also assess the likely or measured effects of the measures, especially in terms of an improved balance capacity/resources. The objective of the report is to inform the European institutions of the effectiveness of the regulation and eventually to suggest immediate corrective action if required.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 66/86

Page 67: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARE/067 Pêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Understanding concerning the conservation of the swordfish stocks in the South Eastern Pacific between the European Community and the Republic of Chile.

MARE 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 37, in conjunction with article 300.

The Understanding - to be considered as an International Agreement - between the EC and Chile shall provide the basic framework for the conservation of swordfish in the South Eastern Pacific Ocean, its management and cooperation thereof.

2009/MARKT/063 Marché intérieur et services

Report on the use of derivatives and appropriate initiatives to increase transparency and to address any financial stability concerns

MARKT 24 juin 2009

The report will focus on the relevant OTC derivatives contracts for which Central Counterparty (CCP) Clearing can be introduced or enhanced. It will assess industry progress toward CCP clearing of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and suggest the possible ways forward. In order to address the financial stability concerns, the safety and soundness of CCPs must be ensured, the report should then possibly include forthcoming actions in this space. As regards transparency of trading, the report should take stock of progress within the working group on derivatives and indicate where more binding requirements may be necessary, along with other possible changes in MiFID (e.g. transaction and position reportingto regulators).

2008/MARKT/043 Marché intérieur et services

Recommendation on the removal of fiscal procedure barriers in securities post-trading infrastructure

MARKT juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: article 95 X X

Building on the findings of the FISCO Group, the Commission will recommend the removal of a number of fiscal procedure barriers in securities post-trading infrastructure.

2009/MARKT/005 Marché intérieur et services

Commission Decision on accession of the EU to the Council of Europe Convention on conditional access

MARKT juin 2009 O O The Commission helped negotiate this Convention of the Council of Europe. Its ratification would extend the protection of conditional access (encrypted) services beyond the EU, where many problems of piracy have been identified.

2009/MARKT/056 Marché intérieur et services

Commission Reports to the Council on progress made in international negotiations on opening of procurement markets in the domains of utilities and services

MARKT juin 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Articles 58 & 59 of Directive 2004/17/EC

Pursuant to articles 58 & 59 of Directive 2004/17/EC, the Commission should submit periodic reports to the Council concerning progress made in international negotiations regarding access for EU undertakings to utilities markets (art 58) and the opening up of service contracts (art 59).

2009/MARKT/057 Marché intérieur et services

Commission Decision on the financing of "Sectoral activities and cross-sectoral training in the field of financial supervision"within the framework of Internal Market activities for the year 2009 to be financed under Article 12.0201 of the general budget of the European Communities.

MARKT juin 2009

The proposal is part of the framework of Internal Market activities for the year 2009 to be financed under Art 12.0201 of the general budget of the European Communities. The objective is to financially support sectoral activities (i.e. in the banking, securities and insurance fields) and cross-sectoral trainings organized by the EU Committees of Supervisors aiming at achieving supervisory convergence and cooperation between European supervisors and fostering the emergence of a European common supervisory culture.


2009/MARKT/008 Marché intérieur et services Internal Market Scoreboard Bis MARKT juillet 2009

To measure Member States' performance in transposing Single Market rules andto give an overview of the number of infringements. Individual sectors will be highlighted and economic analysis on the functioning of the Single Market will be included. In line with recent editions of the Scoreboard, the document will aim to look beyond the statistics of transposition, and consider the effective implementation of EU law by MS.

2009/MARKT/011 Marché intérieur et services

Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market MARKT juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: art 95 TEC X

The Communication will propose a number of practical, non-regulatory measures(such as better coordination between IPR enforcement bodies within MS, information exchange and administrative co-operation, data gathering and analysis,inter-industry agreements, consumer awareness campaigns etc.) to enhance IP protection.

2009/MARKT/009 Marché intérieur et services

Communication on copyright in the knowledge economy MARKT octobre 2009 O O

To take stock of opinions and wishes voiced in a successful public consultation (450 responses) and to identify areas of copyright policy that are relevant for facilitating the emergence of a European 'knowledge economy'. The communication thus covers the fields of science, research and public access to knowledge services and goods.

2009/MARKT/017 Marché intérieur et services

Possible Commission progress report on cooperation between European companies registers

MARKT octobre 2009

The working paper could be a possible follow-up to the BRITE project (run by DGRTD)which is run by the European Business Register with financial support from DG INFSO and which will come to an end in spring 2009. Additional work with MS and national registers will then be needed in order to ensure that technical solutions can be put in place. A working paper might outline options for follow-up.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 67/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/MARKT/015 Marché intérieur et services

Report on the Enforcement Directive (2004/48) MARKT novembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 18 of the Directive 2004/48/EC

The Report on the implementation of the Enforcement Directive will summarise reports provided by Member States (by 29 April 2009). The report will also analysethe quality of Member State implementation with a view to assessing the need for improvement in the legislative framework.

2009/MARKT/033 Marché intérieur et services

Annual Report to the Economic and Financial Committee on the situation of capital markets.

MARKT novembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 114 EC Treaty

Report on the situation regarding capital movements and capital markets in the EU and the implementation of Treaty provisions in this area.

2009/MARKT/018 Marché intérieur et services

Report on the conclusions of the UNIDROIT Convention MARKT décembre 2009

Provide the Commission with an overview of the outcome of the UNIDROIT Convention, with a view to concluding the negotiations for a Convention on intermediated securities.

2009/MARKT/039 Marché intérieur et services European Financial Integration Report MARKT décembre 2009 Assessment of the state of integration of financial markets in the EU. Yes

2009/MARKT/048 Marché intérieur et services

Report and, if appropriate, proposals on a harmonisation of the funding mechanisms of deposit-guarantee schemes and the possible introduction of a Community deposit-guarantee scheme

MARKT décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: art. 47(2)

By 31 December 2009 at the latest, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report on a harmonisation of the fundingmechanisms of deposit-guarantee schemes and the possible introduction of a Community deposit-guarantee scheme, together with any appropriate proposals.


2009/MARKT/053 Marché intérieur et services

Ex-ante evaluation to assess the need for a multi annual training and exchange programme for the administrative cooperation provisions of the Service Directive

MARKT décembre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 34.3 of the Services Directive (2006/123/EC)

The Commission believes that the current level of investment in training and awareness for administrative cooperation needs to be intensified in order to bring about the desired outcomes. It is currently running the IMI Services Directive pilot project, which will be an important opportunity to explore different potential approaches to training and awareness and to assess the most effective means to support competent authorities in their use of IMI. To complement the pilot project, the Commission will carry out an ex-ante evaluation to look at different options andto assess whether there is a need to set up a possible multi-annual training and exchange programme for the administrative cooperation provisions of the Services Directive.

2009/MARKT/019 Marché intérieur et services

Report on conflict of laws for intermediated securities MARKT 4ème trimestre

2009 To lay the basis for a comprehensive conflict of laws rule for intermediated securities in order to enhance legal certainty.

2009/OLAF/006 Lutte contre la fraude

Commission Annual Report on the protection of the Communities' financial interests and fight against fraud

OLAF juillet 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 280

Report on the measures implemented by the Commission, the Member States and on the results of operational actions taken by the Member States and the Commission to detect and fight fraud affecting the Communities’ financial interestsas stipulated by Article 280 para 5 of the EC Treaty

2008/OLAF/004 Lutte contre la fraude

Commission Communication on Corruption Prevention Strategy for the Commission

OLAF 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 280

Publication of a set of measures providing for a comprehensive anti-corruption policy within the Commission (and the direct expenditure policies). It should be complementary to the activities identified in the planned Ethics Communication (ADMIN) and the Commission Communication on corruption (JLS) planned for 2008.

2009/OLAF/001 Lutte contre la fraude

Communication related to the implementation of Council Regulation 1338/2001 of 28 June 2001 laying down measures necessary for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting since its entry into force with regard to the coordination between Member States and with third countries, and to the implementation of the obligations and sanctions provided for in the Regulation

OLAF 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001 of 28 June 2001 laying down measures necessary for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting

Providing an overview of the implementation of the Regulation in order to assess the need for further measures to enhance the protection of the euro against counterfeiting


Politique régionaleEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

6th progress report on economic and social cohesion

REGIO / EMPL juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 158 O O The report will provide an update of the public debate on cohesion policy and of situation and trends in European regions in certain key areas and on the basis of the latest statistics.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 68/86

Page 69: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/REGIO/008 Politique régionale EU Solidarity Fund - Annual Report 2008 REGIO juin 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 12 of Council Regulation (EC) n°2012/2002 establishing the EU Solidarity Fund

The report contains information on the mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund for disasters in Member States and candidate countries and on the implementation of the related financial assistance during the preceding year. In particular, it contains information on the processing of pending applications, the treatment of new applications, the monitoring of the ongoing implementation and the assessment of the implementation (Article 12 of Regulation (EC) n° 2012/2002).



Politique régionaleEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Draft COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No …/…. amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund


3ème trimestre 2009

The objective of the modification is to simplify and clarify certain provisions laid down in the Regulation based on the experience with implementation of cohesion policy programmes from the start of the 2007-2013 programming period up to-date.


Politique régionalePêche et affaires maritimesEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chancesAgriculture et développement rural

20th Annual Report on the implementationof the Structural Funds (2008)


octobre 2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 45(2) Regulation EC n°1260/1999

Report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions on the implementation of Regulation (EC) n° 1260/1999 during the preceding year. Article 45(2) Regulation (EC) n°1260/1999).

2009/REGIO/007 Politique régionale

Annual Report on the Cohesion Fund (2008) REGIO octobre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) 1164/1994

The report contains information on the implementation of the assistance granted under the Cohesion Fund (Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC)1164/1994). The 2008 annual report will focus on the implementation of projects adopted under the 2000-2006 programming period: financial execution; closure of projects; implementation in the beneficiary Member States; conditionality; inspections; irregularities; evaluation; information and communication activities.

2009/REGIO/003 Politique régionale

Ex Post Evaluation of the European Regional Development Fund, 2000-2006 REGIO décembre 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté

européenne: 158 O O A series of phased and interlinked evaluations were launched in 2007 and the results will be published during 2009, culminating in a synthesis report to be published in early 2010


Politique régionaleEmploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

Commission Communication on the progress in the delivery of Cohesion Policy objectives in support of the Lisbon Growth and Jobs

REGIO / EMPL décembre 2009 X X

Following on from Communication adopted as part of the Strategic review of the Lisbon Agenda in 2007, the communication will report on the first 12-18 months of implementation of the new programmes.

2005/RELEX/014 Relations extérieures

Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation with Indonesia RELEX 2ème trimestre


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Conclusion of a framework agreement on partnership and cooperation

2005/RELEX/015 Relations extérieures

Bilateral Cooperation Agreement with the Philippines RELEX 2ème trimestre


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Conclusion of a framework agreement on partnership and cooperation

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 69/86

Page 70: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2005/RELEX/016 Relations extérieures

Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation with Singapore RELEX 2ème trimestre


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Proposal for a decision to conclude a framework agreement on partnership and cooperation

2005/RELEX/017 Relations extérieures

Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation with Thailand RELEX 2ème trimestre


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Conclusion of a framework agreement on partnership and cooperation

2006/RELEX/008 Relations extérieures

new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with China · Type of proposal or act: Third country agreement · Lead Service : RELEX · Adoption procedure : Adoption by the College (written procedure) · Estimated N° of pages : 15-20 · Main language of the document : EN ·Translation: Legal Act: yes to all official languages · Description of scope and obj: · Foreseen adoption date : Fourth quarter 2006 · Responsible unit : RELEX H2 · Contact person : James Moran

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

'first generation' EC-China agreement of 1985 currently provides the 'chapeau' for the relationship and is seriously outdated, covering only trade and developmencooperation. New partnership accord given high political priority by both sides in recent EU-China summits. Will cover all aspects of the relationship. Mandate in discussion in Council and expected to be ready November 2005.

2007/RELEX/005 Relations extérieures

review of progress in negotiations of a new framework agreement EU-Russia and possible proposal for a decision to conclude the agreement

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Traité sur l'Union européenne: Articles à préciser

The new agreement should establish a comprehensive, ambitious, permanent basis for the further development of the EU-Russia strategic partnership. It should cover all relevant policy fields, including CFSP/ESDP, economic/trade relations, Justice & Home affairs, research, education, culture, and provide the basic elements for an appropriate institutional framework. The new agreement should replace the 1997 Partnership & Cooperation Agreement.

2007/RELEX/007 Relations extérieures

proposal for a Council Decision to conclude an Association Agreement between the EU and Central America

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

in case the negotiations for an Association Agreement between the EU and Central America are completed during 2008, to propose the signature of this Agreement

2007/RELEX/014 Relations extérieures

Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation with Malaysia RELEX 2ème trimestre


Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Proposition de décision de conclure un accord cadre de partenariat et de coopération avec la Malaisie

2007/RELEX/019 Relations extérieures

proposal for a Council decision on the accession of the EC to the ASEAN treaty of Amity and Cooperation

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

Programme législatif et de travail de la Commission / 2007 / Initiatives prioritaires

Accession of the EC to the ASEAN treaty of Amity and Cooperation

2008/RELEX/010 Relations extérieures

Communication from the Commission on a proposal for a Council decision on the modification of the EU Tunisia Associationagreement

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 310

The objective is to amend the Association Agreement to ensure the application ofits provisions to Romania and Bulgaria and to introduce a number of amendments or new provisions (trade regime for processed agricultural products, dispute settlement mechanism, customs cooperation committee)


Justice, liberté et sécuritéRelations extérieures

Council decision concerning the conclusion of the agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation


2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 63

Agreement with Pakistan consisting of reciprocal obligations concerning the readmission of own nationals and third country nationals and stateless persons illegally residing on the respective territories.

2008/RELEX/013 Relations extérieures

Proposal for a Council Decision for the conclusion of an Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, on the one part, and the Andean Community and its member countries, on the other part

RELEX 2ème trimestre 2009

Following consecutive EU-LAC Summits (Madrid, 2002; Guadalajara 2006 and Vienna, 2006), it was agreed to negotiate a comprehensive Association Agreement between the European Union and the Andean Community. The Commission adopted draft negotiating directives in December 2006 and the latter were approved by the Council in April 2007. The negotiations were launched in June 2007 and the first round took place in September 2007. The Association Agreement aims at consolidating and strengthening the relations of both regions inrespect of their political dialogue, cooperation and trade

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 70/86

Page 71: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Justice, liberté et sécuritéRelations extérieures

proposal for negotiating directives for an agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation


2ème trimestre 2009

Agreement with Azerbaijan consisting of reciprocal obligations concerning the readmission of own nationals and third country nationals and stateless persons illegally residing on the respective territories

2007/RELEX/006 Relations extérieures

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature of an Additional Protocol to the 2003 Political Dialogue and Co-operation Agreement between the European Union and the between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the and the Republics of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Romania

RELEX 3ème trimestre 2009

To adapt the bi-regional Agreement to Romania's and Bulgaria's accession to theEU


Relations extérieuresCommerce

decision to conclude an Enhanced EU-Ukraine Agreement


4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 310; à confirmer et/ou compléter

content to be defined, subject to further discussion with Member States and Ukraine, on the basis of the negotiating directives proposed by the Commission in September 2006. Objective is to define the overall framework for EU - Ukraine relations after the end of the initial 10 year period of the PCA.

2007/RELEX/013 Relations extérieures

Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with India RELEX 4ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 300

Proposal of negotiating directives for a partnership and cooperation agreement with India

2008/RELEX/008 Relations extérieures

Commission proposal for a Council decision on the modification of the EU -Algeria Association agreement

RELEX 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 310

The objective is to amend the Association Agreement in order to ensure the application of its provisions to the two new EU Member States.


Justice, liberté et sécuritéRelations extérieures

proposal for negotiating directives for a readmission agreement between the European Community and the Republic of ARMENIA


4ème trimestre 2009

Agreement with Armenia consisting of reciprocal obligations concerning the readmission of own nationals and third country nationals and stateless persons illegally residing on the respective territories.

2009/RTD/030 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion, by the Commission, of the Agreement for co-operation between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of the Republic of India inthe field of fusion energy research.

RTD mai 2009

The objective of the bilateral Euratom – India agreement is to intensify cooperation between the Parties in the areas covered by their respective fusion programs in order to develop the scientific understanding and technological capability underlying a fusion energy system. The areas of cooperation under this agreement may include the following: tokamaks, including the large projects of thepresent generation and activities relating to those of the next generation; alternatives to tokamaks; magnetic fusion energy technology; plasma theory and applied plasma physics; programme policies and plans; and other areas.

2008/RTD/056 Recherche

Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate an agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria.

RTD 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 170(2) and 300(2)

Create an enhanced S&T policy dialogue between EC and Algeria and foster research cooperation activities. Prepare Algeria for an eventual association (on the long-term) to the Research FP.

2009/RTD/012 Recherche

Report from the Commission - Annual Report on research and technological development activities of the European Union in 2008 Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

RTD juillet 2009

In accordance with the Treaty provisions, at the beginning of each year the Commission shall send a report to the European Parliament and to the Council that shall include information on research and technological development activities and the dissemination of results during the previous year, and the work programme for the current year.

2009/RTD/020 Recherche

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee: Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies: An action plan for Europe 2005-2009. Second Implementation Report 2007-2009

RTD septembre 2009 X The implementation report aims at describing the advances that have been maderelated to the actions described on the above mentioned Action Plan on nanotechnology.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 71/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/RTD/024 Recherche

Communication from the Commission to the Council and European Parliament on the report from the independent experts on the review of the structures and mechanisms of the European Research Council

RTD septembre 2009

To ensure the best possible structure in the longer term for the ERC, the Commission will ensure that all the necessary preparatory work, including any legislative proposals which it considers necessary, is undertaken and presented tothe European Parliament and the Council, as required by the Treaty, with a view toa transition to any modified structure required, as soon as possible.

2009/RTD/036 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion, by the Commission, of the Agreement for co-operation between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil in the field of fusion energy research.

RTD 3ème trimestre 2009

The proposed agreement would support bilateral cooperation with Brazil in fusion energy research. The objective is to intensify cooperation between the Parties in the areas covered by their respective fusion programs in order to develop the scientific understanding and technological capability underlying a fusion energy system. It could also facilitate ITER Council decision if Brazil decided to cooperate with the ITER Organization.

2009/RTD/016 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and conclusion of a scientific and technological agreement between the European Community and the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria.

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Art. 170(2) and 300(2)

Create an enhanced S&T policy dialogue between EC and Algeria and foster research cooperation activities, contributing to the objectives of the ENP. Prepare Algeria for an eventual association (on the long-term) to the Research FP.

2009/RTD/026 Recherche

Communication responding to the Interim Evaluation of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for nuclear research and training activities (2007 to 2011)

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009

Objectives of the Euratom FP7 Interim Evaluation are set in the article 6(2) of theCouncil Decision: "Not later than 2010, the Commission shall carry out, with the assistance of external experts, an evidence-based interim evaluation of the Seventh Framework Programme and its specific programmes building upon the expost evaluation of the Sixth Framework Programme. This evaluation shall cover the quality of the research activities taking place, as well as the quality of implementation and management, and the progress towards the objectives set."

2009/RTD/035 Recherche

Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion, by the Commission, of the Agreement for co-operation between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the field of fusion energy research.

RTD 4ème trimestre 2009

The objective of the bilateral Euratom – China agreement is to intensify cooperation between the Parties in the areas covered by their respective fusion programs in order to develop the scientific understanding and technological capability underlying a fusion energy system. The areas of cooperation under this agreement may include the following: tokamaks, including the large projects of thepresent generation and activities relating to those of the next generation; alternatives to tokamaks; magnetic fusion energy technology; plasma theory and applied plasma physics; programme policies and plans; and other areas.

2008/SANCO/060 SantéAnnual report to Council and Parliament on Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) activities in 2006 and 2007

SANCO mai 2009 Législation secondaire: Decision2000/57/EC art 3

Under Art 3 of Decision 2000/57/EC Commission has to report to the Council andParliament the activities of the Early Warning and Response System. The report will refer to the EWRS activities from January 2006 to December 2007 (Total messages circulated: 2006: 138; 2007: 85)

2009/SANCO/002 Santé

Report on the experience gained in the implementation of the Hygiene Regulations 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council

SANCO mai 2009 X X The food hygiene package imposed an obligation on the Commission to submit, not later than 20 May 2009, a report on the experience gained from the application of the food hygiene regulations.


2009/SANCO/020 SantéCommunication to the European Parliament and Council on the state of play of Salmonella controls in the EU

SANCO mai 2009

The purpose of this Communication is to inform the Parliament and the Council on the state of play with regard to the implementation of Community provisions intended to control Salmonella and its results since the adoption of Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the control of Salmonella and other specified food-borne zoonotic agents and of Directive 2003/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 72/86

Page 73: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/SANCO/063 Protection des consommateurs

First bi-annual Commission Report on the application of the CPC Regulation (EC 2006/2004) covering years 2007-2008

SANCO 24 juin 2009

The Biennial Report is a legal obligation under the Regulation on Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC), Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004. The Commission is to report every two years on its application based notably on reports prepared by Member States. This will be the first Biennial Report. It will focus in particular onthe administrative set up of the CPC Network and on the practical experienced gathered in this first two years of the Network's operations. -Administrative set up (powers, resources, positive experiences and difficulties) - The Cross border enforcement network (enforcement best practices, statistics, new trends, means or methods of intra-community infringements, common activities, significant national judgements).

2009/SANCO/047 Santé

Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Directive 2002/65/EC on distance marketing of consumer financial services

SANCO juin 2009 Législation secondaire: Art. 20 Directive 2002/65/EC

The report focuses on the application of the Directive in the Member States and on possible persisting internal market barriers due to leeway for Member States. This report represents an obligation under Directive 2002/65/EC.

2005/SANCO/040 Santé

Commission Directive amending Directive 2001/15/EC on substances that may be added for specific nutritional purposes in foods for particular nutritional uses. Possibly in addition - Amendment of Directive 2002/46/EC on substances that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements

SANCO 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Directive 89/398/EEC on foods for particular nutritional uses, and specifically Commission Directive 2001/15/EC on substances that may be added for specific nutritional purposes in foods for particular nutritional uses Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on food supplements. Both can be amended through the cometology procedure.

There is a need to regularly update the positive list of substances used for specific nutritional purposes following a positive evaluation by the EFSA of an appropriate dossier submitted by a petitioner.

2009/SANCO/019 Santé Second Report on the prudent use of antimicrobial agents in human medicine SANCO 2ème trimestre


The report analyses the implementation of Council Recommendation 2002/77/ECin MS. Council Recommendation asks MS and EEA countries to put in place specific strategies on prudent use of antimicrobial agents aiming to contain antimicrobial resistance. These strategies have to comprise measures in relation to surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, surveillance of antimicrobial use, controand preventive measures, education and training, and research. The Recommendation invites the Commission to facilitate mutual information, consultation, coordination, action and to keep matters covered under review and to submit reports on basis of Member States’ reports. The first report of the Commission was issued in 2005.

2009/SANCO/037 Santé

Communication on Animal Welfare labelling and the establishment of a European Reference Centre for the protection and welfare of animals

SANCO juillet 2009

The Communication will cover different options for indicating animal welfare related information on products of animal origin, in relation to a broader communication strategy on animal welfare to consumers, and to assess different options for establishing a Community Reference Centre for the protection and welfare of animals.

2009/SANCO/062 Protection des consommateurs

Commission Recommendation and Communication on the development of a harmonised methodology for classifying and reporting consumer complaints in the EU and the EEA

SANCO juillet 2009 Develop a harmonised EU-wide methodology for classifying and reporting consumer complaints Yes

2009/SANCO/066 Santé Commission Services Working Paper: Financial Services Report SANCO juillet 2009

The report presents the final outputs from the analysis phase of the Consumer Markets Scoreboard and will focus on bank fees and their implications, as well as an analysis of the situation on switching, on pre-contractual information and on financial education.

2009/SANCO/060 Protection des consommateurs

Communication on Guidelines for the application of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive

SANCO septembre 2009 Create a shared understanding between national authorities and the Commissionof the interpretation of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 73/86

Page 74: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/SANCO/052 Santé Communication to EP and Council on Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM) SANCO 3ème trimestre

2009Législation secondaire: Article 9 (2) of Regulation (EC) 999/2001

Regulation 999/2001 requires MS to submit a report to the Commission on the use and production method of MSM in their territory . The Commission is required,subsequently, to present a communication to the EP and Council on the future necessity and use of MSM in the Community, including the information policy towards consumers

2009/SANCO/006 Santé

Report on the implementation of the Council Recommendation of 2 December 2002 on the prevention of smoking and on initiatives to improve tobacco control

SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

The objective is to report on the implementation of the proposed measures in theCouncil Recommendation, to assess if they are working effectively and the need for further action.

2009/SANCO/056 Santé

Setting of nutrient profiles by regulatory committee procedure with scrutiny in the context of Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods

SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods

The Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 sets conditions for the use of nutrition claims such as "low fat", "high in vitamin C" and health claims such as "helps lower cholesterol". It foresees the setting of nutrient profiles. These will provide the criteria which foods and/or categories of foods must respect in order to bear claims. The profiles will, primarily, be based on the levels of nutrients intake of which in the overall diet are shown to have incidence on health and in particular on obesity and non communicable chronic diseases.

2009/SANCO/073 SantéCommission Communication "Global Health Security: European Union Contribution"

SANCO octobre 2009

The Communication will review the work of the Health Security Committee during2008 and 2009. In addition, International links on Global Health Security will be elaborated and the following key health security issues will be addressed: new challenges, EU cooperation, cross-border aspects and international cooperation.

2009/SANCO/024 Santé

Review of the provisions related to the total feed ban: Commission Regulation amending total feed ban provisions (the use of non-ruminant animal proteins in aqua feed)

SANCO décembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 23 (a) of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

Other simplification

This initiative refers to the re-introduction of non ruminant processed animal proteins in aqua feed. Since 2001 there is a total EU wide suspension on the use of processed animal protein in feed for any animals farmed for the production of food. The introduction of this measure will introduce specific labelling and channelling requirements which will again allow the use of non ruminant processedanimal proteins in aqua feed. Taken into account the very specific industry for aqua feed production and the aqua feed sector, the absence of species specific detection methods can be balanced by stringent channelling requirements, dedicated establishments and the use of rapid screening methods.

2009/SANCO/025 Santé

Review of the provisions related to the total feed ban: Commission Regulation amending Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No999/2001 with regard to the introduction ofa tolerance level for fishmeal in ruminant feed

SANCO décembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 23 (a) of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

Other simplification

The initiative introduces a tolerance level of fishmeal in ruminant feed, currently prohibited in feed intended for ruminants and with specific conditions applying for non-ruminants. Total feed ban provisions have a zero tolerance approach. Any finding of fish meal in ruminant feed is considered a breach. Although fishmeal is authorised for non-ruminants, feed mills are reluctant to use this derogation due to the potential cross-contamination which would be a breach of the total feed ban requiring tracing and destruction of contaminated consignments. This tolerance level will prevent a disproportionate destruction of feed consignments where the scientific evidence indicating that there is no risk linked to this contamination.

2009/SANCO/026 Santé

Review of the provisions related to the total feed ban: Commission Regulation amending Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No999/2001 with regard to a tolerance level for processed animal proteins in feed for farmed animals

SANCO décembre 2009

Législation secondaire: Article 23 (a) of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

Other simplification

This initiative refers to the introduction of a general tolerance level for insignificant amounts of processed animal proteins in feed. Under the total feed ban provisionsa zero tolerance approach is taken. Based on available scientific evidence and if the control tools are available to quantify the amount of processed animal proteins in feed, a tolerance level for insignificant amounts of processed animal proteins in ruminant feed might be considered. This tolerance level will allow preventing a disproportionate destruction of feed consignments where the scientific evidence indicates the negligible risk linked to this contamination.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 74/86

Page 75: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/SANCO/027 Santé

Commission Regulation establishing maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals in fortified foods and in food supplements

SANCO 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Directive2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council onthe approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements

The establishment of max amounts in vitamins and minerals in foods and food supplements is a legal obligation under the food supplements directive (2002/46/EC) and the Regulation on the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods (EC 1925/2006).

2009/SANCO/065 Protection des consommateurs

Council decision for the conclusion of an agreement with the US on consumer enforcement

SANCO 4ème trimestre 2009

The purpose is to provide a legal framework in the field of consumers for international enforcement activities with the US.

2009/SANCO/068 Santé Annual Report to European Parliament and Council on food irradiation (2007) SANCO 4ème trimestre


Art. 7 pt. 4 of the framework Directive on food irradiation 1999/2/EC requires the Commission to publish in the Official Journal the details of the irradiation facilities approved by the Member States as well as a report on the information on the results of the checks carried out by the Member States both in the irradiation facilities and on products in the marketing stage.

2009/SG/004Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Rapport annuel 2008 de la Commission sur les relations entre la Commission européenne et les parlements nationaux

SG mai 2009 Décrire l'état des relations entre la Commission et les parlements nationaux en 2008

2009/SG/016Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Rapport de la Commission concernant l'application au cours de l'année 2008 du réglement (CE)n° 1049/2001 relatif à l'accès du public aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission

SG mai 2009Traité sur l'Union européenne: Article 17(1) of Regulation 1049/2001

Regulation 1049/2001 requires the institutions to publish an annual report on the application of the rules on public access, including the number of case in which access to a document was refused and the reasons for such refusals

2009/SG/002Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2008 SG 3 juin 2009

In the synthesis report the Commission takes stock of the achievements and management performance of the services and decides on the necessary measures to address major management and control weaknesses identified.

2009/SG/006Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Second Report from the Commission on the implementation of the EU sustainable development strategy

SG juin 2009 O O The report will assess progress made on the EU SDS and consider options for the future.

2009/SG/012Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Annual Report on the Working of the Comitology Committees - Year 2008 SG 2ème trimestre


Article 7(4) of the "Comitology Decision" (Council Decision 1999/468/EC) states that the Commission shall publish each year a report on the working of the committees. This report will cover the year 2008.

2009/SG/015Coordination des politiques de la Commission

Communication on the implementation of the new framework for relations with interest representatives (lobbies)

SG juillet 2009 When adopting the new framework (register, code of conduct, etc) in 2008, the Commission has announced that it will examine and review it if appropriate after one year. This recommendation will provide the result of the review.

2009/SG/014Coordination des politiques de la Commission

2008 Annual report on monitoring the application of Community law (2008) SG septembre 2009

Annual report on the Commission's work monitoring and enforcing the applicationof Community law in 2008 and on the priorities and programming for future work inthis area

2008/TAXUD/010 Fiscalité et union douanière

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on inheritance taxes

TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009 O

To promote coordination of inheritance taxation between the EU Member States in order to avoid double taxation and double non-taxation in cross-border situations. Ultimately, the proposal will improve the smooth functioning of the Internal Market.

2007/TAXUD/004 Fiscalité et union douanière

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on withholding taxes in cross-border situations

TAXUD 3ème trimestre 2009 O To clarify the scope for withholding taxes in cross-border situations in the light of

ECJ case law and to promote coordination between Member States in this area.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 75/86

Page 76: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2006/TAXUD/005 Fiscalité et union douanière

Communication by the Commission on theimpact of Internal Market principles on double taxation Tax Treaties.

TAXUD 4ème trimestre 2009 O

La Communication veut sensibiliser les Etats membres sur la nécessité d'une amélioration substantielle et rapide des conventions fiscales qui règlent les opérations transnationales opérées à l'intérieur de l'Union. En particulier il semble indispensable de rendre ces instruments juridiques conformes au principe d'égalité de traitement et aux libertés fondamentales du Marché intérieur, dans le plein respect de l'interprétation extensive de ces principes donnée par la récente - et nombreuse - jurisprudence communautaire. La Communication examinera aussi le sujet des conventions fiscales avec les Pays tiers.

2009/TRADE/019 Commerce

Recommendation from the Commission tothe Council authorising the Commission toopen negotiations on an amendment of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, on the one hand andthe Republic of Uzbekistan on the other.

TRADE mai 2009 The existing Partnership and Cooperation Agreement does not include the textiles and clothing sector and should be amended in order to include this sector.

2009/TRADE/013 Commerce

Recommandation de la Commission au Conseil autorisant la Commission à engager des négociations concernant un nouvel accord portant renouvellement de l'accord entre la Communauté europeénne et la République de la Biélorussie sur le commerce des produits textiles

TRADE juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: Article 133

The existings bilateral textiles agreement with Belarus is due to expire on 31 December 2009. It establishes restrictions in the form of quotas on imports of certain textile and clothing products and contains tariff commitments from Belarus.

2009/TRADE/015 Commerce

Commission Recommendation to the Council and negotiating directives for the Review of the EU-Chile Association Agreement

TRADE juin 2009

Article 100 of the EU-Chile Association Agreement provides for a review of the services chapter three years after its entry into force (i.e. by 1 March 2008), and Article 101 provides for the review of the rules and conditions applicable to the movement of natural persons (mode 4), with a view to achieve further liberalization(within two years after the entry into force of the Agreement, i.e., by 1 March 2007).

2005/TRADE/006 Commerce EU-GCC Free Trade Agreement TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133

EU-GCC free-trade agreement, WTO+ agreement, notably: agreement will comprise general provisions as well as specific provisions on areas such as Tradein goods, Services, Government procurement, Competition, Trade defence, Dispute settlement, Customs, SPS, TBT, Rules of origin.

2007/TRADE/021 Commerce

Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and the Governement of the United States of America on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Preparation of implementation of agreement reached with US in the ocntext of GATT Article XXIV.6

2007/TRADE/022 Commerce

commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European community and the Government of China on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations.

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Preparation of implementation of agreement reached with China in the context of GATT Art XXIV.6

2007/TRADE/025 Commerce

Conclusion of an Agreement with third country. Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European community and the Government of Costa Rica on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Preparation of implementation of agreement reached with Costa Rica in the context of GATT Article XXIV.6

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 76/86

Page 77: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2007/TRADE/026 Commerce

Commission proposal for a council decision ont he conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and the government of Ecuador on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV.6 negotiations

TRADE 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

Preparation of the implementation of agreement reached with Ecuador in the context of GATT Art. XXIV.6


CommerceDéveloppement et relations avec les pays ACPProtection des consommateurs

Consumer assurance schemes based on fair, ethical, and sustainable trade initiatives



2ème trimestre 2009

Since the last Commission Communication on "fair trade" in 1999 many developments have taken place in the field of consumer assurance schemes relating to fair, ethical or sustainable product qualities. Discussions have taken place, and action taken in various Member States, in the the European Economic and Social Committee, and in the European Parliament. The Commission paper will not settle a new Commission doctrine, but provide an up-to-date account of theissues that arise for trade policy, for consumer protection policy and for development policy.


CommerceRelations extérieures

Protocols establishing a Dispute Settlement Mechanism under certain Euromed Association Agreements (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, PLO/Palestinian Authority, Tunisia) [depending on outcome of bilateral negotiations]


2ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

These Protocols/Agreements set out the rules and procedures to be followed by the Parties to the Association Agreements in case of disputes on the interpretationor application of the provisions of the chapter on trade in goods of the Association Agreements.

2003/TRADE/162 CommerceAmendment to the Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the EC and New Zealand

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133 Will simplify the operations of the MRA and remove origin restrictions

2003/TRADE/163 Commerce Amendment to the Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the EC and Australia TRADE 3ème trimestre

2009Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133 Will simplify the operations of the MRA and remove origin restrictions

2006/TRADE/029 Commerce

Proposals for a Council decision on the conclusion of negotiations concerning the consolidation of the EU 25 GATS schedules

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Following the conclusion of the negotiations concerning the consolidation of the GATS schedules of the EC of 25 Member States, it is necessary that the Council adopts the relevant decision in this regard. Need to have a single GATS schedule for the EU-25 to reflect past enlargements and to allow for possible conclusion of DDA negotiations on services on behalf of EU-25.

2008/TRADE/009 CommerceCouncil decision for the conclusion of the FTA between the EC and its Member States and South Korea

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

A comprehensive free trade agreement with the objective to ia remove tariff and non-tariff barriers in goods and services between the EC and Korea

2008/TRADE/010 Commerce

Council decision on the conclusion of the relevant agreement under Article XXI of the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services on the necessary adjustment resulting from the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Following the conclusion of the negotiations concerning the consolidation of the GATS schedules of the EC of 25 Member States, it is necessary that the Council adopts the relevant decision in this regard

2009/TRADE/002CommerceRelations extérieures

Protocols on the Liberalisation of Trade inservices and Establishment between the European Communities and its Member States and certain Euromed countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, PLO/Palestinian Authority, Tunisia) [depending on outcome of bilateral negotiations]

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

These Protocols/Agreements set out the regulatory rules and specific commitments to be followed by the Parties to the Association Agreements under the Trade in services and Establishment titles/chapters of the Association Agreements.


CommerceRelations extérieures

Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the Republic of Iraq


3ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133 TEC

This Agreement is a mixed agreement that sets out the basic framework of the trade relations between the EU and Iraq

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 77/86

Page 78: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TRADE/020 Commerce

Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of an amendment of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part to include the textiles and clothing sector

TRADE 3ème trimestre 2009

Traité sur l'Union européenne: 133

The existing Partnership and Cooperation Agreement does not include the textiles and clothing sector and should be amended in order to include this sector.

2008/TRADE/016 CommerceCouncil Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with Central Africa

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Signature and conclusion of a full EPA with the Central Africa region following conclusion of negotiations in 2008

2008/TRADE/017 CommerceCouncil Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with West Africa

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Signature and conclusion of a full EPA with the West Africa region following conclusion of negotiations in 2008

2008/TRADE/018 Commerce Council Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with SADC TRADE 4ème trimestre

2009 Signature and conclusion of a full EPA with the SADC EPA region following conclusion of negotiations in 2008

2008/TRADE/019 CommerceCouncil Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with Eastern and Southern Africa

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Signature and conclusion of a full EPA with the Eastern and Southern Africa EPA region following conclusion of negotiations in 2008

2008/TRADE/020 CommerceCouncil Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with the East African Community

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Signature and conclusion of afull EPA with the East African Community following conclusion of negotiations in 2008

2008/TRADE/021 CommerceCouncil Decision for the signing and conclusion of an Agreement with the Pacific

TRADE 4ème trimestre 2009

Signature and conclusion of a full EPA with the Pacific EPA region following conclusion of negotiations in 2008


Coordination des politiques de la CommissionCommerce

Market Access Report – external dimension of the Lisbon strategy: Progress made under the Market Access Strategy

TRADE / SG 4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133 (Coreper, GAERC)

The objective of the Market Access Report is to inform about the progress made under the Market Access Strategy in the framework of the Commission Communications "Global Europe – Competing in the World" of 2006 and "Global Europe: A Stronger Partnership to Deliver Market Access" of 2007. This report willidentify countries and economic sectors where significant barriers remain and will suggest a series of specific actions the Commission should undertake. The Market Access Report is part of the Lisbon Package of the spring European Council 2010.


Conseil juridiqueCommerceFiscalité et union douanièreMarché intérieur et servicesSociété de l'information

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement



4ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 133

The proposed ACTA aims to improve global standards for the enforcement of IPR to more effectively combat trade in counterfeit and pirated goods. ACTA will focus on 3 areas: 1) increasing international cooperation 2) establishing best practices for enforcement and 3) providing a more effective legal framework to combat counterfeiting and piracy.

2009/TREN/007 Transports

Commission report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the application of the Black List Regulation (2111/2005)

TREN mai 2009 Législation secondaire: Art 14 O O Commission's report to inform the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Black List Regulation.

2009/TREN/043 Transports

Report of the Commission to the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the GNSS programme and on the challenges ahead

TREN 9 juin 2009 Annual report on the implementation of the GNSS Programmes, to be presented together with the preliminary draft budget, as required under Regulation 683/2008

2007/TREN/020 Transports GNSS Applications Action Plan TREN juin 2009 O Etablir une stratégie d'action pour assurer un meilleur développement des marchés pour les services commerciaux de Galileo.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 78/86

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Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2008/TREN/063 Transports Plan européen de déploiement ERTMS TREN juin 2009

Afin d'assurer un déploiement cohérent de l'ERTMS, les Spécifications Techniques d'interopérabilité adoptées le 28 mars 2006 (Décision 2006/679/CE) demandent aux Etats membres d'élaborer des plans nationaux de déploiement et de les soumettre à la Commission au plus tard pour le 28 septembre 2007. Une fois ces contributions nationales reçues, la STI demande qu'un plan européen de déploiement soit élaboré sur la base de ces plans nationaux. Adoption par comitologie.

2009/TREN/003 TransportsAnnual Report on Implementation of Regulations 2320/02 and 300/08 on Civil Aviation security

TREN juin 2009 In line with Article 11 of Regulation (EC) 2320/2002 and Article 16 of Regulation 300/08 on Civil Aviation Security the Commission shall present a report after the application of these Regulations and of its impact on improving security

2009/TREN/013 TransportsCommission services working paper on the social dimension of the internal aviation market

TREN juin 2009 Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 80§2, 137

Sur base des études commandées par la Commission européenne en 2007 et 2008 sur l'impact du marché européen de l'aviation sur l'emploi et les conditions de travail, la DG TREN propose de tirer bilan sur la dimension sociale du marché européen de l'aviation

2009/TREN/017 Transports Communication Rail Market Monitoring Report TREN juin 2009 X X

Le rapport "RMMS" présentera un tableau de bord de la mise en œuvre du marché intérieur dans le secteur ferroviaire et répondra aussi aux dispositions de l'article 1.9 de la Directive 2007/58/CE.

2009/TREN/018 Transports Interoperability and Safety Report TREN juin 2009

Ce rapport répondra de manière intégrée aux dispositions des articles 24 de la directive 96/48/CE, 28 de la directive 2001/16/CE et 31 de la directive 2004/49/CE. Il présentera également un bilan de la mise en œuvre de la politique européenne en matière d'interopérabilité et de sécurité ferroviaires.

2009/TREN/041 Transports Communication providing guidance on State aid to ship management companies TREN juin 2009

The Communication will cover the extension of eligibility to State aid such as foreseen by the 2004 Community Guidelines on State aid to maritime transport (C(2004)43) to crew and technical ship managers (companies providing recruitment, training and administration of crewas and safety and seawothyness compliance by ships). The Commission made a commitment to review the eligibility of ship managers on the occasion of the adoption of the mentioned 2004 guidelines (footnote 3). This communication aims at fulfilling that commitment.

2009/TREN/044 Transports Communication on Interconnecting Africa TREN juin 2009

The launch of a process for establishing an Action Plan for the coming two-three years with two aims: - to support the development of African Transport Systems -to interconnect the TEN-T with the African Networks The action plan will be focussed on: - Framework for Planning of the existing and future infrastructure networks - CIVITAS - Aviation (black-list, Windhoek Conference, Yamoussoukro Decision) - Maritime - Road Safety - MOS - Railways (Modal Balance)

2005/TREN/048 Energie

Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the assistance of the Community to the International Decommissioning Support Funds (IDSF) managed by the EBRD

TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

The Commission has agreed to produce an annual report on the use of the fundsunder the Igalina and Bohunice Protocols, paying particular attention to the evolution of the cost estimates involved in decommissioning and consequences following the early closure of the reactors concerned.

2007/TREN/026 TransportsCommission staff working document on the development of an acces policy to the Public Regulated Service of Galileo

TREN 2ème trimestre 2009

- définir les conditions d’utilisation du PRS à travers une gestion efficace destinéeà maintenir la sûreté du PRS , - mettre en place les interfaces nécessaires entre l’infrastructure décisionnelle (Conseil, Etats Membres, Commission) et l’infrastructure technique du PRS (Autorité de surveillance, Concessionnaire, utilisateurs), - mettre en place les mécanismes techniques et décisionnels en temps utile pour que le PRS puisse être utilisé dès le début de la phase opérationnelle de Galileo.

2008/TREN/025 Energie

Communication on the guidelines for the implementation of the biofuel sustainabilityscheme proposed as part of the directive on the promotion of renewable energy (*) Directive to be proposed in January 2008

TREN juillet 2009 O O

The communication will set out practical measures to be undertaken at Community level to facilitate the implementation of the scheme, in particular in the area of: - establishment of base data on land use - establishment of tools to modelland use change and food security impacts - updating of default values for greenhouse gas emissions - tools for the accreditation of certification schemes - incentivising the development of a clearing house for sustainable production certificates

2009/TREN/031 EnergieCommunication from the Commission to the Parliament and to the Council on the gas diversification policy

TREN juillet 2009 Building on the work done in the last 18 months, the Communication will covers at least Southern corridor, Baltic Interconnection Plan (signature in a Prime Ministers' conferenec in July), LNG contribution.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 79/86

Page 80: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TREN+/037Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for electric motors

TREN / ENTR juillet 2009

The Regulation aims at limiting the energy consumption of motors and their drives, which are responsible for a large part of electiricty consumption in industry and tertiary sector in the EU. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for consumer. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2009/TREN+/038Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for circulators

TREN / ENTR juillet 2009

The Regulation aims at limiting the energy consumption of circulators used in heating systems in buildings with imporant energy consumption in the EU. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in termsof their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2008/TREN+/034Conseil juridiqueTransportsConcurrence

Guidelines on State Aid to Ports TREN / COMP / SJ octobre 2009 Legal framework for public financing of port infrastructure

2009/TREN/033 Transports

Communication on Regulation [EC]261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights

TREN octobre 2009

Evaluation of the impact and the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the stakeholders further to the Communication 168 (2007) pursuant article 17 of Regulation 261/2004, and the need for further measures, including a possible amendment of Regulation (EC) 261/2004

2008/TREN/056 EnergieCommission Directive implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the energy labelling of Televisions

TREN décembre 2009

The Directive aims at pulling the market towards more efficient Televisions beyond the minimum values laid down in the Eco-design measure. The associatedeffects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 92/75/EEC energy labels shall be set by the Commission for pulling the market towards more efficient appliances throughout raising consumer's awareness on the energy consumption of products during the use-phase, hence their running costs.

2009/TREN+/022Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Decision implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for Water Heaters

TREN / ENTR décembre 2009

The Decision aims at limiting the energy consumption of water heaters. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2009/TREN+/023Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Decision implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for Washing Machines

TREN / ENTR décembre 2009

The Decision aims at limiting the energy consumption of washing machines as well as water consumption. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2009/TREN+/024Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Decision implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for Dishwashers

TREN / ENTR décembre 2009

The Decision aims at limiting the energy consumption of dishwashers, as well as water consumption. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 80/86

Page 81: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TREN+/025Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Decision implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for domestic Refrigerators and Freezers

TREN / ENTR décembre 2009

The Decision aims at limiting the energy consumption of domestic refrigerators, freezers and their combinations. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2009/TREN+/026Entreprises et industrieEnergie

Commission Decision implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for Televisions

TREN / ENTR décembre 2009

The Decision aims at limiting the energy consumption of Televisions. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements shall be set by the Commission for energy using products representing significant volumes of sales and trade, having significant environmental impact and presenting significant potential for improvement in terms of their environmental impact without entailing excessive costs.

2009/TREN/027 EnergieCommission Directive implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the energy labelling of Water Heaters

TREN décembre 2009

The Directive aims at pulling the market towards more efficient water heaters beyond the minimum values laid down in the Eco-design measure. The associatedeffects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 92/75/EEC energy labels shall be set by the Commission for pulling the market towards more efficient appliances throughout raising consumer's awareness on the energy consumption of products during the use-phase, hence their running costs

2009/TREN/028 EnergieCommission Directive implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the energy labelling of Washing Machines

TREN décembre 2009

The Directive aims at pulling the market towards more efficient washing machines beyond the minimum values laid down in the Eco-design measure. The associated effects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 92/75/EEC energy labels shall be set by the Commission for pulling the market towards more efficient appliances throughout raising consumer's awareness on the energy consumption of products during the use-phase, hence their running costs.

2009/TREN/029 EnergieCommission Directive implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the energy labelling of Dishwashers

TREN décembre 2009

The Directive aims at pulling the market towards more efficient dishwashers beyond the minimum values laid down in the Eco-design measure. The associatedeffects will be a decrease of CO2 emissions and water consumption and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 92/75/EEC energy labels shall be set by the Commission for pulling the market towards more efficientappliances throughout raising consumer's awareness on the energy consumption and of other essential resources by products during the use-phase, hence their running costs.

2009/TREN/030 Energie

Commission Directive implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the energy labelling of domestic Refrigerators and Freezers

TREN décembre 2009

The Directive aims at pulling the market towards more efficient domestic Refrigerators and Freezers and their combinations beyond the minimum values laid down in the Eco-design measure. The associated effects will be a decrease ofCO2 emissions and life cycle cost of these devices for the consumers. Under Directive 92/75/EEC energy labels shall be set by the Commission for pulling the market towards more efficient appliances throughout raising consumer's awareness on the energy consumption of products during the use-phase, hence their running costs.

2009/TREN/046 Energie

Report, possibly accompanied by a legislative proposal, on extending sustainability criteria to all types of bioenergy

TREN décembre 2009

To assess the requirements for a sustainability scheme for energy uses of biomass as required by art. 17 (9) of RES Directive. If found appropriate, a legislative proposal will accompany the report, to supplement biofuels/bioliquids sustainability scheme in RES Directive.

2009/TREN/039 Energie

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the Trans-European Energy Networks programme in the period 2007-2008.

TREN 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Regulation EC N° 680/2007/EC, Art. 17 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 June 2007

O The Commission shall report on the activities carried out under the TEN financial regulation. It shall evaluate the results with Community aid in different fields of application (TEN-E).

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 81/86

Page 82: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2009/TREN/040 Energie

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the Trans-European Energy Networks Guidelines in the period 2007-2008.

TREN 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: DecisionN° 1364/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006, Arts. 9.2 and 15

O The Commission shall report on the implementation and progress of projects of European interest and priority projects under the TEN-E Guidelines.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION DECISION listing the products referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1898/87 (recast version) (1988D0566)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: règlement (CEE ) no 1898/87 duConseil, et notamment art. 4 § 2 point b)


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale AGRI est de procéder à la refonte de la décision 88/566. La nouvelle décision se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION on rules of application (cereal sector import duties) for Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 (codified version) (1996R1249)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: règlement (CEE) n° 1766/92 du Conseil, et notamment art. 10 § 4


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale AGRI est de procéder à la codification du règlement 1249/96. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATIO laying down certain detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (version codifiée) (1995R1501)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of30 June 1992, art. 13 (11) and 16 (2)


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale AGRI est de procéder à la codification du règlement 1501/95. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION applying the agreements between the European Union and third countries on the mutual recognition of certain spirit drinks (codified version) (1994R1267)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Traité instituant la Communauté européenne: 37/95

Législation secondaire: règlement (CEE) no 1576/89 du Conseil 1), modifié par le règlement (CEE) no 3280/92 (2) et notamment son art. 11 § 1


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale AGRI est de procéder à la codification du règlement 1267/94. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulations (EEC) No 1418/76 and (EEC) No 1766/92 as regards the import and export system for products processed from cereals and rice and amending Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 laying down special detailed rulesfor the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice (codified version) (1995R1518)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92, and in particular Articles 10 (4), 11 (4), 13 (11) and 16 (2)

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EEC) No 1418/76, and in paricular Articles 12 (4), 13 (4), 14 (16) and 17 (11)


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale AGRI est de procéder à la codification du règlement 1418/95. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.

Codification initiatives

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 82/86

Page 83: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009


2006/SJ+/091Conseil juridiqueFiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3911/92 on the export of cultural goods (codified version) (1993R0752)

SJ / TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EEC) No 3911/92, and in particular Article 7


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale TAXUD est de procéder à la codification du règlement 752/93. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés ; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l’opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION concerning the selection ofreturning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings (1982R1859)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification Du règlement 82/1859. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of securities for agricultural products (1985R2220)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 85/2220. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down common detailed rules for verifying the use and/or destination of products from intervention (1992R3002)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 92/3002. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION on detailed rules for administrative assistance with the exportation of Emmentaler cheese subjectto quota restrictions that qualifies for special treatment on importation into the United States of America (1985R2248)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EEC) 2931/79, art. 1 (2)


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte du règlement 85/2248. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice (1998R0327)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte du règlement 98/327. Le nouveau règlementse substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for applying Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards the grant of aid for skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder intended for animal feed and the sale of such skimmed-milk powder (1999R2799)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: reglement (CE) 1255/99, art. 10 et 15


Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 99/2799. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 83/86

Page 84: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products (1999R0800)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte du règlement 99/800. Le nouveau règlementse substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards intervention on the market in skimmed-milk powder (2001R0214)

SJ / AGRI 2ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: reglement (CE) 1255/99, art. 10 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2001/214. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/009Conseil juridiqueFiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION establishing the list of biological or chemical substances provided for in Article 60 (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (1983R2288)

SJ / TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 83/2288. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/010Conseil juridiqueFiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down provisions for the implementation of Articles 70 to 78 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 establishing a Community system of duty-free arrangements (1983R2289)

SJ / TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 83/2289. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/011Conseil juridiqueFiscalité et union douanière

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down provisions for the implementation of Articles 50 to 59 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (1983R2290)

SJ / TAXUD 2ème trimestre 2009 X

Indicative codification programme

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 83/2290. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION on the characteristics of olive oil and olive-residue oil and on the relevant methods of analysis (1991R2568)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1234/2007 Art. 113(1)(a), 118 and 121(h)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 91/2568. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION establishing implementing rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 as regards proceedings before the Community Plant Variety Office (1995R1239)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 2100/94 Art. 114 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la refonte du règlement 95/1239. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la refonte.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 84/86

Page 85: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for the application of the tariff quota for beef and veal originating in Chile (2003R0297)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1234/2007 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/297. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice (2003R1342)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1234/2007 and 3072/95


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/1342. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/018Conseil juridiquePêche et affaires maritimes

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down implementing rules on the Community Fleet Policy as defined in Chapter III of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 (2003R1438)

SJ / MARE 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 2371/2002 Art. 11(7), 12(2), 13(2) and 14(2)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/1438. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2236/2003 of 23 December 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1868/94 establishing a quota system in relation to the production of potato starch (2003R2236)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1868/94 Art. 8 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/2236. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION opening and setting administrative rules for certain annual tariff quotas for sweet potatoes and manioc starch (1996R2402)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1095/96 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 96/2402. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/024Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organisations (Text with EEA relevance) (2003R1702)

SJ / TREN 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: EP and Council Regulation 216/2008 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/1702. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

2008/SJ+/025Conseil juridiqueTransportsEnergie

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks (Text with EEA relevance) (2003R2042)

SJ / TREN 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: EP and Council Regulation 216/2008 X

Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2003/2042. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 85/86

Page 86: Planned Commission Initiatives Until December_2009

Commission actions expected to be adopted / Actions prévues pour adoption par la Commission: 01/05/2009 - 31/12/2009



Conseil juridiqueProtection des consommateursSanté

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION establishing implementing rules as to the suitability of the denominations of varieties of agricultural plant species and vegetable species (2000R0930)

SJ / SANCO 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Directive 2002/53 Art. 9(6) and Council Directive 2002/55 Art. 9(6)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2000/930. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for implementing the system of export licences in the egg sector (2004R0596)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) 1234/2007 Articles 161(3), 170 and 192(2), in conjunction with Article 4 thereof; and Council Regulation (EC) No 3290/94 Article 3(1)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2004/596. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION laying down detailed rules for implementing the system of export licences in the poultrymeat sector (2004R0633)

SJ / AGRI 3ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation (EC) 1234/2007 Articles 161(3), 170 and 192(2), in conjunction with Article 4 thereof; and Council Regulation (EC) No 3290/94 Article 3(1)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2004/633. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.


Conseil juridiqueAgriculture et développement rural

Proposal for a COMMISSION REGULATION on marketing standards for olive oil (2002R1019)

SJ / AGRI 4ème trimestre 2009

Législation secondaire: Council Regulation 1234/2007 Art. 113(1)(a), 118 and 121(h)


Other codification

Le but du présent projet, établi par le Service juridique en liaison avec la direction générale est de procéder à la codification du règlement 2002/1019. Le nouveau règlement se substituera aux divers actes qui y sont incorporés; elle en préserve totalement la substance et se borne à les regrouper en y apportant les seules modifications formelles requises par l'opération même de la codification.

(*) La base juridique mentionnée est celle à ce stade par le Service chef de file; elle sera définitivement établie lors de l'adoption de l'acte par la Commission, sur base de son but et de son contenu PAGE 86/86