plasticity of bone marrow-derived stem cells

116 Ple nar y Prese nt ati o ns [hat co mmuni cat ion with th e micro-e nvironme nt in rurn dete rmin es the se lf - renewa l and diff erentiati on progra ms. Among epitheli al ce ll s, intera ct ions between ce ll s is mediated through fo rma ti on of junc ti onal complexes. Data from the literature and o ur pre li minary expe ri ments also supporred this norion, and showed th at a specifi c dif fe rentiati on program mig ht be switched on aft er juncti onal compl exes are formed with the surroundin gs. We have ev idence that these mig ht also be responsible for com muni cat ion betwee n HSC and their ni che. References Weissrnan IL. Translating stem and proge ni tor ce ll biology to th e clini c: barriers and oppo rtunities. Science 2000;287: 1442 - 6. Simin ov itch L, McC ull oc h EA, T iIlJ E. T he distribution of co lony-fo rmin g ce ll s among spl een co lo ni es. J Cell Comp Physiol 196 3;62:323 - 7. Becker A, McCulloch EA, Till J E. Cytological demonstr a ti on of th e clonal nature of spl ee n colonies de ri ved from tr anspl a nted mouse marrow ce ll s. Nalllre 1963; 197:452 - 5. 4 Fuchs E, Segre J A. Stem ce ll s: a new lease on li fe. Cell 2000;100: 14 3 - 55. Kiirbling M, Do rken B, Ho AD et al. Autologous transpla nt ati on of bl ood- d erived hemopoie ri c stem ce ll s aft er myeloabl ati ve the rapy in a patie nt with Burki tt's lymphoma. Blood 1986;6 7:529- 32. Haas R, Ho AD, Bredrhauer W et al. Successful aut ologous tr anspla nta ti on of blood stem ce ll s mobili zed with reco mbinant human granul ocyt e- macroph age co lony-stimulating fac tor. Exp Hematol 1990; 1 8:94- 8. Lane TA, Law P, M a ru ya m a M et al. Harvesting a nd enric hme nt of hematopo ie ti c proge ni tor ce ll s mobilized into the peripheral bl ood of normal donors by granul ocyte macrophage- colony stimulatin g facto r (G M-CS F) or G- CSF: Potential role in all oge neic mar row transplant ati on. Bl ood 1995;85:275 - 82. Pere ira R F, Halfo rd KW, O'Hara MD er al. Cultured adh ere nt ce ll s from marrow can serve as long-lasting precur sor ce ll s for bone, cartilage, and lung in irr adiated mice. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 1995;92:4857 - 6 1. 9 Pitte nger M F, Mackay AM, Beck SC et at. Multilineage potential of adult hum an mesenchymal stem ce ll s. Scimce 1999;284: 14 3- 7. 10 E mura M, Ochiai A, Horino M er al. Developme nt of myofibrobl asts from human bone marrow mese nchymal ste rn cell s coc ulrured with human colon carcinoma ce ll s and TG F beta I. 1 11 Vitr Cell De-u Bioi 2000;36:77 - 80. 11 Lagasse E, C onno rs H, AI- Dh alimy M et al. Purified hematopoie ti c stem ce ll s can differentiate in to hep atocytes in vivo. Nat Med 2000;6:1229- 34. 12 Orli c 0, Kajstura J, Chimenti S et al. Bone marrow cell s regenerate in fa rcted myocardium. Nature 2001 ;410:701 - 5. 13 Kocher AA, Schuster MD, Szabolcs MJ et al. Neovascula ri za ti on of ischemic myocardium by hum an bon e- marrow- de ri ved angio bl asts prevents cardiomyo- cyte apo ptosis, redu ces remodeling and improves cardiac fun ction. Nat Med 200 1 ;7:430-6. 14 Ki ge r AA, White-Cooper H, Jull er MT Somatic suppO rt cells restrict ge rmline stem ce ll se lf -renewal and promote diff erentiation. Nature 2000;407:750 - 4. 15 P un zel M, Moore KA, Lemischka fR, Ve rfa illie CM. T he type of stromal feeder used in limiting diluti on assays influences fr equency and maintenan ce assess- me nt of hum an long-te rm culture initi at ing ce ll s. Leukemia 1999; 13: 92 - 7. 16 Hu ang 5, Law P, Francis K et 01. Sy mme tr y of initi al cell divisions among primiti ve hematopoietic p roge nitors is independe nt of o ntoge nic age and regu latory molecules. Blood 1999;2:595 - 604. 17 Pun zel M, Zhang T, Liu 0 et al . Fun ctional analysis of initial cell divisions defines the subseque nt fate of individual human C D 34 + / C D 38 - ce ll s. Exp Hematol In press. PLASTICITY OF BONE MARROW-DERIVED STEM CELLS Diane S Krause Rece nt discove ri es in multiple laborato ri es, including my own, have shown th at BM- de ri ved stem ce ll s can migrate into a va riety of diff ere nt ti ss ues and diff ere ntiate into nonhematopoie ti c epithelial or paren chymal cell s. St andard paradi gms of ce ll differentiative potential need to be broadened to accommodate these findings. Several recent re port s suggest that th ere is far more pl as ti cit y th an prev iously beli eved in the develo pme nt al pote ntial of many differe nt adul t cell types. Recently, we and o ther s showed th at a BM populati on enriched for HSC ca n differentiate into mature hepa tocytes in the li ver of rode nts, and this diffe rentiati on of BM ce ll s into mature ce ll s of th e li ver also occur s in human. Oth er exampl es of this surpri sing pl as ti city are appearing rapidly in the scientific litera ture, includ in g, for example, the ill v ivo regener ation of murin e skeletal muscle ce ll s from BM cell s, a nd th e reconstitution of BM from cul tu red br ain and g li al ce ll s. Th e bo und aries determined by embryologic trilaminar o ri gin are th eref ore not maintained in the adult. We have shown th at ra re cell s which home to BM ca n lo ng-ter m reconstitute the hemaropoietic system of primary and secondary recipie nts. During the homin g, C D34 and SCA- I exp ression in creases uniqu ely on ce ll s that home to marrow. T hese adult BM ce ll s have treme nd ous diff erentiative capacit y, as they can also diff erentia te into epithe li al cell s of the li ver, lung, gas trointes tinal tract, and skin. Th is fi ndi ng m ay contri bute to clinical treatme nt of ge net ic disease or ti ss ue repair. Wh en female mi ce are transplanted with male BM and then exposed to va ri ous fo rms of tissue damage, th ose forms of injury that more prof oundl y affect the ability of the intr a-o rgan stem cell s to function are more likely to lead to a recruitme nt of marrow- deri ved ce ll s as p art of the ir repaired epithe li al layers. For example, the cholangiocyte toxin DA PJ\1 , whi ch causes pe ri po rt al necrosis in rh e li ver, leads to a 5 - 20 fold increase in th e number of marrow-derived hepatocytes, whereas removal of 2/ 3 of the liver d oes not cause rec ruitme nt of mar row- de ri ved ce ll s durin g regrowth of th e li ve r to its o ri gin al mass. Brief bibliography on plasticity 1 Abkow itz J L. Ca n human hematopoie ti c stem ce ll s become skin, gut, or li ver ce ll s? N ElIgl] Med 2002;346:770 - 2. Ferrari G, Cusella-DeAngeli s G, Co le tt a M et al. Mu scle regeneration by bone mar row- de ri ved myoge ni c progenitors. Scie1lce 1998;279: 1528 - 30. G ussoni E, Son eo ka V, Stric kl and CD et al. D ys tro phin expression in the md x mouse res tored by stem ce ll tr ansplantation. Natllre 1999;401 :390 - 4. 4 Imasa wa T, Utsun omi ya Y, Ka wa mura T et al. Th e potential of bone marro w- de ri ved ce ll s to differentiate to glomer ular mesangial ce ll s. J Am Soc Nepbrol 2001 ;12: 140 1- 9. 5 J ackson KA, M ajk a SM, Wang H et al. Regenerati on of ischemic cardiac muscle and vascular endoth elium by adult stem ce ll s. J C/ill Invert 2001 ; 10 7:1395 - 40 2. 6 Kawada H, Ogawa M. Bone marrow o ri gin of hematopoietic progenitors and stem ce ll s in murin e muscl e. Blood 2001 ;98:2 008- 13. Korbling M , Katz RL, Kh anna A et al. Hepatocytes and epithelial cells of donor origin in rec ipi e nts of peripheral-bl ood stem cell s. N Engl J Med 200 2;3 46:738- 46. Kotton ON, M a BV, Ca rdoso WV et al. Bone marrow-derived cells as progenitor s of lung alveolar epit helium. De-ue/opment 2001 ;128:5 18 1 - 8. 9 Krause O S, Th eise N O, Coll ector Mf et at. Mul ti-o rgan, multi-lin eage engraftme nt by a single bone marrow- d erived stem ce ll. Cell 2001 ;10 5:3 69 - 77. 10 McKinn ey-Free man SL, Jackson KA, C am argo FD et at. Mu scl e- de ri ved hemaropoie ti c stem cell s are hematopoietic in origin. Proe Nad Aead Sci USA 2002;99: 1341 - 6. 11 Orlic 0, Kaj stur a J, Chime nti 5 et al. Mobilized bone marrow ce ll s repair the infarcted hea rt , improving fun cti on and sur viva l. Proe Nat! Acad Sei USA 200 I ;98: I 0344 - 9. 12 Petersen BE, Bowen WC, Patrene KD etal. Bone marrow as a potential source of hepa ti c oval cell s. Scietlce 1999;284: 1168 - 70. 13 Poulsom R, Forbes SJ, Hodival a-Dilke K et al. Bone mar row co ntributes to renal parenchymal turnover and regeneratio n. J Patbol 2001 ; 195:229 - 35. 14 P rill e r J , Persons DA, Kl e tt FF et al. Neogenesis of cerebe ll ar Purkinje neurons from gen e- marked bone marrow ce ll s in vivo. J Cell Bioi 2001 ;155 : 733-8. 15 F, Urbanek K, Be ltra mi AP et al. C hime ri sm of th e transpl ant ed heart. N Engl J Med 2002;346:5 - 15. 16 T heise N O, Badve 5, Saxena R et al . De ri va ti on of hepatocytes from bone marrow ce ll s in mice after radiation - indu ced m ye lo abl ati on. Hepatology 2000;3 1 :235- 40. 17 T heise ND, N imm akayalu M, Gardn er R et al. Li ver from bone marrow in humans. Hepatology 2000;32: 11 - 6. BLOOD STEM CELLS REPAIR MYOCARDIAL INFARCTS Donald Orli c Th e BM stem ce ll s (BMSCs) of adult mice are be li eved to have the potential to generate nonhemato poie ti c ce ll types, includin g epith elial ce ll s, skeletal mu scle ce ll s, hepatocytes, os teocytes, and ne ur al cell s. Thi s newly discovered ability of stem ce ll s is refe rred to as plas ti city. We have inves ti gated th e potential of BMSCs to di ffere ntiate into cardiac myocytes in myoca rdium that has been damaged by isc he mi a. Inf arcts were produ ced in the le ft ventricle of adult female mice by li ga ti on of the lef t co ronary a rtery (LCA). T he in fa rcts were treated wi th Lin - c- kit + ce ll s isolated from BM from adult male tr ansgenic mi ce that ex pressed enhanced gree n

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116 Plenary Presentations

[hat communication with the micro-environment in rurn dete rmines the self­

renewal and diffe rentiati on programs.

Amo ng epitheli al ce ll s, inte ractio ns be tween ce lls is medi ated th rough fo rm ation

of junctional complexes. Data fro m the lite ra tu re and o ur pre li min ary experi ments

also supporred this norion, and showed th at a specifi c diffe renti atio n program might

be switched on after juncti onal compl exes are form ed with the surroundings. We

have evidence th at these might also be responsible for com munication between

HSC and the ir ni che.

References Weissrnan IL. T ranslati ng stem and progeni tor cell biology to the clini c: barrie rs

and opportunities. Science 2000;287: 1442 - 6.

Siminovitch L, McCulloch EA, T iIlJE. T he d istribution of colon y-forming cells

among spl een colonies. J Cell Comp Physiol 1963;62:323 - 7.

Becker A, McCulloch EA, Till J E. Cytological demonstration of the clonal

nature of spleen colonies de ri ved from transpl anted mouse marrow cell s. Nal llre

1963; 197:452 - 5.

4 Fuchs E, Segre J A. Stem cell s: a new lease on li fe. Cell 2000;100: 143- 55.

Kiirbling M, Dorken B, Ho AD et al. Autologous transpl antati on of blood­

derived hemopoieric stem cells afte r myeloabl ative therapy in a patient with

Burkitt's lym phoma. Blood 1986;67:529- 32.

H aas R, Ho AD, Bredrhauer W et al . Successful autologous transpl antation of

blood stem cells mobilized with recombin ant human granulocyte- macroph age

colony-stimul ating factor. Exp Hematol 1990; 18:94 - 8.

La ne TA, Law P, M aru yama M et al . Harvesting and enri chment of

he matopo ie tic progeni tor cell s mobili zed into the peripheral blood of norm al

do nors by granulocyte macroph age-colo ny stimulating facto r (G M-CS F) o r G­

CSF: Potenti al ro le in all ogeneic marrow transpl antation. Blood 1995;85:275 - 82.

Pereira R F, H alford KW, O ' Hara MD er al. Cultured adherent cells from marrow

can serve as long- lasting precursor cells for bone, cartil age, and lung in

irradiated mice. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 1995;92:4857 - 6 1.

9 Pittenger M F, M ackay AM, Beck SC et at. Multilineage potenti al of adult hum an

mesenchymal stem cell s. Scimce 1999;284: 143- 7.

10 Emura M, Ochiai A, Horino M er al. Development of myofibrobl asts from

human bone marrow mesenchymal ste rn cells coculrured with hu man colon

carcinoma cells and TG F beta I. 111 Vitr Cell De-u Bioi 2000;36:77 - 80.

11 Lagasse E, Connors H, AI- Dh alimy M et al. Purified hematopoie ti c stem cells

can di fferenti ate in to hepatocytes in vivo. Nat Med 2000;6:1229- 34.

12 Orlic 0, Kajstura J, C himenti S et al. Bone marrow cells regenerate infa rcted

myocardium. Nature 2001 ;410:701 - 5.

13 Kocher AA, Schuster MD, Szabo lcs MJ et al. Neovasculari za tio n of ischemi c

m yoca rdium by hum an bone-marrow-derived angiobl asts prevents cardio myo­

cyte apoptosis, reduces remodeling and improves cardiac fun ction. Nat Med

200 1;7:430-6.

14 Kiger AA, White-Coope r H , Julle r M T Somatic suppOrt cells restrict germline

stem cell self- renewal and promote diffe renti ation. Nature 2000;407:750 - 4.

15 Punzel M, Moore KA, Lemischka fR, Verfa illie CM. T he type of st romal feeder

used in limiting dilution assays influences frequency and maintenan ce assess­

ment of hum an long- te rm culture initi ating cell s. Leukemia 1999; 13: 92 - 7.

16 Huang 5, Law P, Francis K et 01. Symmetry of initi al cell divisions among

primitive hematopoietic p rogenitors is independent of o ntogenic age and

regulato ry molecules. Blood 1999;2:595 - 604.

17 Pun zel M, Zh ang T, Liu 0 et al . Functional analys is of initi al cell divisions

defines the subsequent fate of individu al human C D 34 + / C D 38 - cells. Exp

Hematol In press.


Di ane S Krause

Recent discoveries in multiple laboratories, including my own, have shown that BM ­

derived stem cells can migrate into a variety of diffe rent ti ssues and diffe rentiate

into nonhematopoie tic epithelial or parenchymal cells. Standard paradigms of cell

di ffe rentiative potenti al need to be broadened to accommod ate these findin gs.

Several recent reports suggest th at the re is far more pl as ticity th an previously

believed in the developmental potenti al of many different adul t cell types.

Recentl y, we and others showed th at a BM popul ation enriched for HSC can

di fferenti ate into mature hepatocytes in the liver of rodents, and this diffe renti ation

of BM cells into mature cells of the liver also occurs in human. Other examples of

this surprising pl as ticity are appearing rapidl y in the scientific lite rature, includ ing,

for example, the ill vivo regeneratio n of murine skeletal muscle cells fro m BM cells,

and the reconstitution of BM from cul tu red brain and gli al ce lls. The bound aries

dete rmined by embryologic tril amin ar origin are the refore not maintained in the

adul t.

We have shown th at ra re cells which home to BM ca n lo ng-term reconstitute the

hemaropoietic system o f primary and second ary recipients. During the homing,

C D34 and SCA- I expression increases unique ly o n cells that home to marrow.

T hese adult BM cells have tremendous diffe rentiative capacity, as they can also

diffe rentia te into epithe li al cells of the live r, lung, gastrointestin al tract, and skin.

Th is fi ndi ng may contri bute to clini cal treatment of genetic disease or ti ssue repair.

When female mice are transpl anted with male BM and then exposed to va rious

fo rms of tissue d amage, those forms of injury that more profoundl y affec t the ability

of the intra-organ stem cells to fun ction are more like ly to lead to a recruitment of

marrow-deri ved cells as part of the ir repaired epi the li al layers. For exa mple, the

cholangiocyte toxin DA PJ\1, which causes peri portal necrosis in rhe liver, leads to a

5 - 20 fold in crease in the number of marrow-derived hepatocytes, whereas removal

of 2/ 3 o f the liver does not cause recruitment of marrow-derived cell s during

regrowth of the li ver to its origin al mass.

Brief bibliography on plasticity 1 Abkow itz J L. Ca n human hematopoieti c stem cells become skin , gut, or liver

cell s? N ElIgl] Med 2002;346:770 - 2.

Fe rrari G, C usella- DeAngelis G, Coletta M et al. Muscle regeneration by bone

marrow-deri ved myogenic progeni tors. Scie1lce 1998;279: 1528 - 30.

G ussoni E, Soneoka V, Strickl and C D et al . Dystrophin expression in the mdx

mouse restored by stem cell transpl anta tion. Natllre 1999;401 :390 - 4.

4 Imasawa T, Utsunomi ya Y, Kawamura T et al. The potenti al of bone marrow­

derived cells to differentiate to glomerul ar mesangial cell s. J Am Soc Nepbrol

2001 ;12: 140 1- 9.

5 J ackson KA, M ajka SM, Wang H et al. Regene rati on of ischemic card iac muscle

and vascular endothelium by adult stem cells. J C/ill Invert 2001 ;107:1395 - 402.

6 Kawada H, Ogawa M. Bone marrow o rigin of hematopoietic progenitors and

stem cells in murine muscle. Blood 2001 ;98:2008- 13.

Korbling M , Katz RL, Kh anna A et al. Hepatocytes and epitheli al cells of donor

origin in recipients of peripheral-blood stem cell s. N Engl J Med 2002;346:738-


Kotton ON, M a BV, Cardoso WV et al. Bone marrow-derived cells as progenitors

of lung alveolar epi thelium. De-ue/opment 2001 ;128:5 181 - 8.

9 Krause OS, Theise N O, Collector Mf et at. Mult i-organ, multi - lineage

engraftm ent by a single bone marrow-derived stem cell. Cell 2001 ;105:369 - 77.

10 M cKinney-Freeman SL, J ackson KA, C am argo FD et at. Muscl e-de rived

hemaropo ie tic stem cells are hematopoietic in origin. Proe Nad Aead Sci USA

2002;99: 1341 - 6.

11 Orli c 0 , Kajstura J , C himenti 5 et al. Mobili zed bone marrow cells repair the

infarcted heart, improving fun cti on and surviva l. Proe Nat! Acad Sei USA

200 I ;98: I 0344 - 9.

12 Pe te rsen BE, Bowen WC, Patrene KD etal. Bo ne marrow as a potential source of

hepatic oval cells. Scietlce 1999;284: 1168 - 70.

13 Poulsom R, Forbes SJ , Hodivala- Dilke K et al. Bone marrow contributes to renal

parenchymal turnover and regeneration. J Patbol 2001 ; 195:229 - 35.

14 P rille r J , Persons DA, Klett FF et al. Neogenesis of cerebe ll ar Purkinje neurons

from gene- marked bone marrow cells in vivo. J Cell Bioi 2001 ;155:733-8.

15 ~aini F, Urbane k K, Beltrami AP et al. C hime rism of the transpl anted heart. N Engl J Med 2002;346:5 - 15.

16 T heise N O, Badve 5, Saxen a R et al . Deriva tion of he patocytes from bone

marrow cells in mice after radiation- induced myelo abl ation. Hepatology

2000;3 1:235- 40.

17 T heise ND, N imm akayalu M, G ardner R et al. Liver from bone marrow in

humans. Hepatology 2000;32: 11 - 6.


Donald Orlic

The BM stem cells (BMSCs) of adult mice are be lieved to have the potential to

generate no nhematopoie tic ce ll types, including epithe lial cell s, ske letal muscle

cells, hepatocytes, osteocytes, and neural cells. This newly discovered ability of stem

cells is refe rred to as p lasticity. We have investigated the potential of BMSCs to

di fferentiate into cardiac myocytes in m yocardium th at has been d amaged by

ischemi a.

Infarcts were produced in the left ventricl e of adult female mi ce by liga tion of the

left coron ary arte ry (LCA). T he infa rcts were treated wi th Lin - c- kit + cells

isolated from BM from adul t male transgenic mice that expressed enhanced green