plataform o advogado · 2019-11-19 · and are required to pay amounts often incompatible with the...

1 Business Plan Plataform O Advogado"The lawyer" Alexandre Araujo [email protected] Telefone.: +55 11 94937 2320

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Business Plan


“O Advogado”

"The lawyer"

Alexandre Araujo

[email protected]

Telefone.: +55 11 94937 2320





Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Business Concept ............................................................................................................................................................ Erro! Indicador não definido.

Market and Competitors ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Strategy ........................................................................................................................................................................... Erro! Indicador não definido.

Marketing and Sales .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Structure and Operation ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Finances ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20


Summary Executive

Business Summary:

Generation of quick, informative and objective web pages dedicated to lawyers, describing the profile of the

professional lawyer or his office, with name, photo, summary qualification, main areas of professional practice

within the various areas of law, integration with the social network Facebook and WhatsApp (if you have one),

office and electronic address data, contact phone numbers, interactive Google Maps on the page, and a unique

appointment form for your customers.


The work team will be made up of people with legal background, graphic design, website design, database

programming, advertising and communication, business administration and accounting, as well as business

assistants for maintenance tasks. pages and general attendance.

Projects of Results:







Ano 1 Ano 2 Ano 3 Ano 4 Ano 5



2018 2019 2020 2021

Publication of the first

version of the site, for the

perception of the pattern.

Generated 100

subscribers without

advertising and SEO

Professional Management

Installed mass

dissemination platform

traction and accelerated


Seek resources to have

traction and


management, with a goal

of a 200 thousand


Marketin Consolidation

with growth trough both

adversiting and organic,

consolidated presence in



Business Concept

Who we are:

This is a startup designed by a law student and designed to create web pages that facilitate communication between

lawyers and society, especially for its audience, and allow everyone in society to locate lawyers by various means

of searching the platform, by area, by name, by city, among other criteria.

Problem to be solved:

Lawyers have difficulties in disclosing their services due to the current restrictions of the Brazilian Bar Association.

Thus, they are exposed to all types of website creation services, often without warranty and without maintenance,

and are required to pay amounts often incompatible with the service provided. Another important point is the fixed

costs of registering a domain, hosting, and the time and money invested in creating a website, even a basic one.



The platform standardizes the pages, creating templates in harmony with the established by the OAB, as well as

being practical, informative, objective, responsive and ethical. And one cannot fail to mention here that the benefit

of the name of our domain is directly identical to the name of the profession: "the lawyer". It's the perfect domain

name, short, straightforward, clean, easy to remember and type, with low risk of misspellings, not associated with

other names, not a “fancy” name, and is among the top ten keywords typed on Google Brazil.



Partner 1 – Position that will occupy

Founder of the business, he will operate in the strategy sector, designing projects that make the work

increasingly agile, scalable and technological, aiming to improve the use experience of both lawyers and

people visiting the site. Desirable legal training, combined with a 360-degree business vision for software

aspects, to design projects in compliance with the law and attorney statutes.

Board 2 – Position that will occupy

Desirable to have training in technology, preferably in web design or database programming, as it is sensitive

area in communication companies and websites.

Board 3 – Position that will occupy

Commercial area, contact with the press, elaboration of the entire textual area of the platform,

communication channels with society and sales of products and services related to the site, as well as

announcements in general.


Board 4 – Position that will occupy

Desirable training in finance, accounting or business administration will take care of the financial, HR and

day-to-day business administration and its financial resources.


Business Model:

Lawyers, law

students, and


advertisers and

servisse providers

Information pages

for R$ 49,90

membership and R$

24,90 annual


Generation of

digital addresses for

lawyers and various

advertisiments on

the other pages. Banks, Insurance

Companies, Mobile

Operators, Notebooks

Manufactures, Credit

Cards, Digital

Payments, OAB,

Insurance Brokers,

Legal Softwares

Companies and


Digital Addresses for attorneys, advertisers on state and city

pages, and others internal pages on the platform. Domain registration, hosting, advertising, payroll, physical

structure, equipment spending.

Google, Facebook,


YouTube, Linkedin,


The attorneys will

be served at

Facebook, Chat,

Email, Website,


Maintain mass

advertising, site





payroll and



Market and Competitors

Market Size:

There are 1,131,898 active lawyers in Brazil. Source: OAB Brazilian Bar Association, accessed on

04/04/2019 at 16:50

Work goal: To have 20% of the active lawyer base in Brazil fixed in up to 4 years.

Market size reached: 200,000 lawyers subscribing to the site, equivalent to 20% of the market.



Audience Empathy Map:

You know the importance of having a

website, but still thing that only the

business card and word of mouth is

enough, scorning the publico f the


The registration of a good domain name, the hiring of

the ideal hosting and the creation and maintenance of

the site.

A company thats builds and maintains your site ,

leaving you free only to post articles occasionally and

spread to Google, Facebook and their customers.

Postpones the project because of not

knowing where to look and everyday


The site as something complex , claims “lack”

of time to think about it, thinks that only large

law firms need to have site.

Want a website,

but don’t know

where hire.


Competitors Value Curve:

OAdvogado – “The Lawyers”

Main differential: Domain name and price (R$ 49,90) charged annually makes it irresistible to join and maintain

Competitor 1 - Main differential: JusBrasil, has been in the air for 10 years, well positioned in search

engines, but has a monthly fee (R$ 49.00), in addition to charging a fee for "alleged" clients who need

lawyers in their platform. .

Competitor 2 - Main differential: MeuAdvogado, has been online since 2012, well positioned in search

engines, but charges monthly to create the pages of lawyers (R$ 39,90).




Our goal is to create the most cost-effective quick pages for lawyers on the internet and give the best usability

experience to your audience with an easy to use and responsive design.


Create a database of law firms that is of public use so that society can consult and easily locate law firms to meet

your needs.


Goal Map BSC (Balanced Scorecard):

We want to give clientes, attorneys and advertisers a simple and functional experience to communicate with your audience

from all over Brazil using the main existing communication applications, Faceboo, WhatsApp, Contact Form, integraded on

the same lawyer page and that commercial advertisers have a well-visited page to promote their business and services.

The Firm is aiming to have a fixed base of 200,000 attorneys, wich may increase to 400,000, as growth is driven by

advertising, the public’s and lawyers’ own recommendations. Thus, with 20% sponsored subscrivers and advertisers, the

annual revenue will be aproximately R$ 20 million of real. (Brazil).

Develop a page format thats is highly editable and allows for the insertion of subsequent enhancements withouth losing

identity and making duplication of these templates scalable and massed to automate page creation and manintenance as

nedded by customers.

The gain in learning focuses mainly on seeking to facilitate the communication of lawyers with society and especially with

their clients, using software the streamlines their work, leaving them increasingly free to advocate, their essential

function. We want to make the platform so “common” that people get used to seeking lawyers through the platform



Marketing and Sales

Product / Service:

Product 1 – Digital Addresses for lawyers;

Product 2 – Advertisements for utiliy products and services for lawyers and society.


Acting in national territory through the internet;

Focus on the southeastern region, concentrating the majority of lawyers;

Initial states for testing: São Paulo and other Southeast States.


Entry strategy – Value – High quality product with a low price;

Maturation Strategy – Gradually rising prices using loyalty promotions


Online marketing, on major social networks, bye mail marketing, messaging applications and search engine



Product Evolution:

May, 2018: The first

version of the site:

br, will be aired for

testing and MVP

perception. Whitout

SEO or paid

advertising, it raised

100 subscribers and

proved viable. Example

of actual model




October, 2019: The 2nd

version of the site is

being developed, with

more features, SEO

enhancement, now

seeking resources for

traction. The product is

viable and can be


The “principle” of the

product is its visual

identity and functional

practicality. The

changes are always to

make the page creation

and maintenance

process more scalable

and automated, as well

being practical and

easy navigate. It has

good margino f growth

in value, without

impacting lawyers and

other advertisers.

The evolution of the

site is continuous, as

small daily adjustments

are shaping ate

platform. The ultimate

goal is to make the site

so “common” that is it

the first idea of

someone who is

looking for a lawyer in

na intuitive, natural

way. To do this, we

always want increase

our subscriber base, to

the point that few

profissionals “are not

on the site”.






Structure and Operational







Receita Projetada: R$ 40.000.000 (em até cinco anos), somando as assinaturas dos advogados e anúncios

nas páginas do site.

Investment necessary: R$ 200.000,00 (two hundred Thousand brazilian reais).

Custos e Despesas Projetados: Estrutura Física, Folha Salarial, Equipamentos, Publicidade, Transporte,

Alimentação, Hospedagem.

Ponto de equilíbrio: 12 meses.