platinum executive coaching


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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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ExEcutivE Platinum CoaChing Program

arE you a managEr rEady to takE thE nExt stEP into an ExEcutivE lEadErshiP rolE?

looking for that EdgE? arE you rEady for changE and PErsonal growth?

This is the Year You Can achieve Your Full Executive Leadership & Business Potential.

DisCovEr how To TransForm YoursELF From CaPaBLE To ouTsTanDing! TakE ThE nEXT sTEP in Your CarEEr or BusinEss!

Many smart people rise quickly to a Manage-ment role but find themselves stuck there.

The reasons are many. They:Don’t see themselves as leaders Lack confidence, resilience, and self-awarenessDon’t understand the differences between Management and LeadershipGet caught up in day-to-day detailLack leadership skills and toolsDon’t have a developed sense of emotional intelligence Have no mentor to give them help and directions

The reality is that taking the next step into Executive Leadership is difficult. It requires planning, personal growth, new learning, energy, and direction. This is why I have developed the One on One Platinum Executive Coaching Program!

If you want to be the BEST LEADER you can be or bridge the GAP to your goal of being a CEO, this program is for you! It’s already clear that you are a talented Manager, or you would not have come this far. But if you wake each morning feeling that something is missing or that you’re capable of much more than you’re giving, it is time to reassess where you’re at.

You see, it’s probably not about learning new skills or buying new tools to help you perform better. You’re past that stage. Cookie-cutter training courses are not the answer.

No, this is all about YOU.

You’re ready to start working on yourself. It’s what is going on inside you that holds the key to your personal happiness and career success.

It’s time to invest in your own development.As a leader, that can be easier said than done. After all, who do you speak to? The leadership role can be lonely when you need some help.

That’s where an executive coach proves truly valuable.

Your CoaCh is Your sounDing BoarD, Your insPiraTion anD Your guiDE To aChiEving FuLL PoTEnTiaL.

Why choose Executive Coaching?Well, you could try meditation or reflection, and although they are valuable processes, they take far too long to generate real results.

A coach is an independent set of eyes, an impartial mind, a supporter and an accountability partner when you need it. A coach won’t let you fool yourself or let you get away with giving yourself less than the best.

You DEsErvE To rEaCh Your FuLL PoTEnTiaL.I’m Sonia McDonald, CEO of LeadershipHQ and executive coach to leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs who have the commitment and drive to be the best leaders they can be. It is my role to help you discover and reach your full potential.

For most people, that involves changing their awareness of themselves.

Jillian Michaels said “Transformation is not five minutes from now; it’s a present activity. In this moment you can make a different choice, and it’s these small choices and successes that build up over time to help cultivate a healthy self-image and self-esteem.”

It’s my job to help you be the best you can be, and I do that through

my One on One Executive Platinum Coaching Program.

whaT DoEs ThE Program CovEr?When we work together, we start by helping you understand what’s going on in your heart and mind, and how you can use that to stimulate your personal growth. Because this is a highly personalised one-on-one process, the coaching program may cover a broad range of topics. We focus specifically on your needs at this time, and we look at the choices you have in front of you.

TYPiCaLLY, Though, CoaChing CovErs:• The development of skills missing from your skillset• The shaping of your true leadership mindset• Boosting your motivation and drive to be the best you can be• Becoming an inspirational leader• Polishing the skills needed to lead a great team• Keys to climbing the corporate ladder• How to increase your revenue.

Executive coaching predominantly focuses on managing yourself more than managing your team. Why?

TaP inTo sonia’s EXPErT skiLLs anD EXPEriEnCE.As your Executive Coach, I bring you a wealth of experience that I can share with you. Sonia McDonald was recently named in the Top 250 Influential Women across the Globe by Richtopia. Sonia is the CEO & Founder of LeadershipHQ as well as being the recent author of Leadership Attitude and Neuroscience of Leadership. She brings an extensive knowledge of human resources, organisational development and leadership through a career spanning over twenty years.

Sonia is a thought leader, leadership coach, entrepreneur, keynote speaker and facilitator in the field of leadership development, neuroscience and team development. She is an expert in building leadership and strategy confidence and capability in Australia and is renowned for her innovative approach to leadership, organisational development and neuroscience as it applies to leadership.

Her company, LeadershipHQ, is the Headquar-ters of Exceptional Leadership.

BECausE whEn You arE in ConTroL oF YoursELF, You Can morE EasiLY managE Your CirCumsTanCEs anD Your TEams.

What you will get. » 12 Sessions: 60-90 Minute One on One

Leadership Coaching via Skype or Face to Face

» Leadership Toolkit » LeadershipHQ 360 Assessment » Social Intelligence Assessment » Strengths Finder 2.0 » Leadership Resources and Articles » Unlimited Call and Email Support » Wellness and Balances Techniques » Monthly Books » Leadership Action Plan » Free Subscription to our LeadershipHQ


» Free access to LeadershipHQ Platinum

sonia mCDonaLD is ThE auThor oF LEaDErshiP


Cameron McConville - Director at KMC Partners Pty Ltd”I had the pleasure of working with Sonia for 2 years as my Coach. I appreciated her genuine interest in my development and the trusting atmosphere she created. Sonia is intelligent and insightful. She challenges your thinking to bring out your best. I would be happy to work with her again and recommend her working with individuals or teams to gain alignment and increase performance.”

Su (Sunayana) Shetty - Senior Brand and Communications Specialist”Sonia is passionate about leadership development and uses innovative training techniques to bring out the best in you.

I have been working with Sonia for the last nine months as part of a leadership skills coaching program. I have gained immense value out of the program she has so relentlessly delivered.

I would recommend Sonia to individuals or companies looking for a motivated, innovative and strategic leadership skills development guru.”

Lachlan Tipler- Construction Manager”Sonia is a skilled professional Leadership Coach. Sonia approaches her work with passion and pace and achieves excellent results in coaching leaders to discover their full potential. I highly recommend Sonia as an effective leadership coach.”

ThErE arE LimiTED PLaCEs avaiLaBLE in ThE onE on onE EXECuTivE PLaTinum CoaChing Program.This is Your YEar, anD This is ThE FirsT sTEP TowarDs FuLFiLLing Your LEaDErshiP PoTEnTiaL.

hErE’s whaT mY CoaChing CLiEnTs havE To saY.

Check out our Website at or contact 1300 715 665

Sonia McDonalD cEo of lEaDErShiphQ haS bEEn publiShED in