plumbobs week 6


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Plumbobs week 6
Page 2: Plumbobs week 6

Hello again folks. I’m back for a short update on me and my family, the twins will be growing soon! I’m afraid me and Melissa haven’t really been up to

much. I’ve been skilling for promotions, I’m still a while away from becoming a World Class Ballet Dancer, and Mel has been working on gaining Tinkering


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We did find time to greet the new neighbours together though, and we even got invited to a couple of


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That day was a busy day. The kids bought a lot of friends home with them. Isaac and Elliot like to play together

mostly though.

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They had a mad dance around the living room and then settled

down for some grilled cheese sandwiches. They are Oscar’s favourite food after all, he’s

always cooking up batches of them.

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That same day Brody left for University. He’s gone to La Fiesta Tech to study Drama. I’ll miss him a great deal,

he’s my first baby!

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I did manage to get the rest settled down after their friends and Brody had left and got them to do their


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Life went on as usual after Brody left. Although if he’d have been here he

probably would of stopped Oona eating that mouldy toaster pastry and getting

food poisoning.

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When I got up the next morning I found Melissa asleep in an omelette. She’s been working a little too hard for this challenge I think. We both need to max our

hobby enthusiasm but I’ve not even started working on mine yet. It’ll require a few full nights on the telescope I bet.

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company but sometimes they take some time out to work on the skills for Uni. And Captain Gnomington was stolen by little Ruby Seiff from round the corner. Wait until I tell her mother!

Over the next couple of day the kids were just kids. They enjoy each others

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Oona quite often goes to sleep early on in the

evening and is up by herself during the night. She seems

to be able to keep herself amused though, and she’s

learnt from her food poisoning mistake and can

cook for herself too!

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And then it was time for our little twins to grow up! I can’t believe that we have 5 teenage children and one at university, the time has flown by!

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Isaac has decided he needs many friends if he’s to become a General in the army, but he wants to have a bit of fun first. He looks a lot like Brody did at his age, they both have Mel’s chin

I think.

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And Elliot also wants lots of friends, but he wants to be a policeman! Bless him, he’ll make an excellent bad cop seeing as

he’s a bit on the mean side, and very serious. He looks very similar to Oscar, and me I reckon.

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I think you can see in this pic how much Oscar and Elliot take after me, and Genesis too probably, whereas Brody, Isaac and Oona look more like Mel. They are all gorgeous though, and so different in personality. It’s up to you guys to choose one of our babies to move back home after Uni, be our heir and carry on the Plumbob family name. I’ve put up some pics of them and their details over at Boolprop so you can make and informed decision. Choose wisely! And thanks for reading!