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Pilgrim Station Dry Cask Storage August 19, 2013

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Power point presentation by Entergy Nuclear about fuel storage at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.


Pilgrim StationDry Cask Storage

August 19, 2013

Table of Contents

• Brief history of Pilgrim

• Pilgrim facts

• History of spent fuel legislation

• Pilgrim’s current spent fuel situation

• Dry cask storage nationally

• Pilgrim’s dry cask storage program

History of Pilgrim

• Initial operation 1972

• First owned by Boston Edison

• Sold to Entergy 1999

• License renewed for an additional 20 years to 2032

Pilgrim Facts

• 650 employees

• $10M annual PILOT paid to Town of Plymouth

• 680 MW power generated – enough for 680,000 homes

• Carbon free

• $350,000 in annual community contributions

• $2.6M to state and local emergency preparedness programs

• $145M annual regional economic impact

History of Federal Spent Fuel Policy

1972 1982 1987 1998 2009

Pilgrim Starts Operation

Nuclear Waste Policy Act established

Yucca Mtn. established as federal repository

Statutory date to start spent nuclear fuel disposal

President Obama eliminates Yucca Mtn. as option

Nuclear Waste Policy Act 1982

• In 1998, U.S. Department of Energy (D.O.E.) was to start to take title to spent fuel

• Operators pay 1/10¢ per kWh to cover cost of long term storage solution

• National Nuclear Waste Fund stands at $26B1

• Pilgrim has paid over $150M into the fund

• If D.O.E. fulfilled its obligation Pilgrim would not need dry storage


Dry Cask Storage Nationally

• The first dry storage installation was licensed by the NRC in 1986 in Virginia

• 34 states have dry fuel storage

• 69 dry fuel sites are present in the US and 9 are under construction

Why Dry Cask at Pilgrim?

• Failure of DOE to develop national spent fuel repository

• Pilgrim’s pool is at greater than 80% of licensed capacity

• Conservative Margin – Need to keep space in pool available for full core offload

Pilgrim Dry Cask Storage Facts

• Phase 1 Project: • Roadwork (hardened cask travel path out to pad)

• Concrete pad with ability to hold up to 40 casks

• Crane upgrade and ancillary equipment

• First 3 Casks to be loaded by end of year 2014

• Additional phases: 3 casks every 24 months

• NRC licenses casks used

• Only Pilgrim’s spent fuel will be stored onsite

• Casks are monitored daily and subject to continuous security surveillance

Pilgrim Dry Cask Storage Facts

Pad:• 25’ above mean sea level

• Not in flood plain

• Extreme storm tide = 13 ½’ above mean sea level

• Can hold 40 casks

• Seismically designed

Overview Dry Cask Location

Location of Dry Cask Pad

Pilgrim Dry Cask Storage Facts

Casks:• Each weighs 360,000 lbs.

• Each is 20 feet tall and 11 feet wide

• Can sustain 360 mph tornado and tornado missile (EF-5 tornado = 200+ mph)

• Withstands floods

• Seismically designed

• Uses passive cooling; no reliance on mechanical or electrical systems

• Seal welded shut

• Licensed by the NRC for 20 years; license renewal required in 2020

• Fuel canister designed to be transportable to federal repository or other offsite storage facility

• Fuel could be put back into pool if necessary

Dry Fuel Storage Cask

•Model: HI-STORM 100S

•Carbon Steel liner filled with Concrete. (2.5’)

• Interior Multi-Purpose Canister holds 68 assemblies


Loaded Transfer Cask in Pool @ JAF

Vertical Cask Transporter

Spent Fuel Casks @ JAF

Thank you!