point of care - cmimedia.com · communications media inc. (1) the 2014 webmd point of care study...

Communicaons Media Inc. (1) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study (2) 2003-2013 AccentHealth Health Panel Ad Effectiveness Research Norms:Research conducted by: WB&A Market Research, Kennedy Marketing Services, Inc., GfK, MarketForce (3) Wolters Kluwer Health 2011 Point-of-Care Survey (4) Pew Research Internet Project http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/01/15/health-online-2013/ (5) 2013 AccentHealth Custom Viewer Research; Nielsen 2013; 2008-2012 AccentHealth TV Ad Effectiveness Research Norms: Research conducted by: Arbitron, GfKCustom Research, MarketForce & AccentHealth (6) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study (7) Liberate Health 2014 "Revolutionizing Patient Education at Point of Care" Deck (8) RxNT January 2014 Measurement Study (9) 2012 Kantar Media Readership Survey (10) Co-pay Mobile Device Survey, Pharmacy Times, December 2012 (11) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study (12) http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/06/23/fampra.cmu034.full 12 80% of patients 4 1/3 of patients believe POC ads are supported by their physician 2 63% of patients of US adults 31% CONNECTING THE DOTS OF POINT OF CARE ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 2/3 have an Internet-capable mobile device with them during their POC journey 1 of adults talked with a physician about the information they found online believe that a lack of resources at the point of care is a challenge to physician-patient communication use the Internet to determine their medical condition (or the condition of another person) 26 is the average time a patient spends in the waiting room 4 53% 23% 3 of patients 30% 6 discuss 5 look up something related to their health on a mobile device while in the waiting room something they see in the waiting room with their HCP seek out information online after visiting their physician 100% 6 of patients said materials found in the waiting room were credible 6 1 who use mobile devices believe they help expedite decision-making 7 56% of physicians is the average time spent by physicians on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) 8 8 minutes 10 6 of pharmacists encounter patients looking for co-pay cards at least a few times per week 11 50% of patients have their prescriptions filled the same day go online during patient consultations, with 31% using tablets 40% 8% of physicians More than 7 2 hours per day 9 is the average time pharmacists spend counseling patients of physicians minutes

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Page 1: Point of Care - cmimedia.com · Communications Media Inc. (1) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study (2) 2003-2013 AccentHealth Health Panel Ad Effectiveness Research Norms:Research

Communications Media Inc.

(1) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study

(2) 2003-2013 AccentHealth Health Panel Ad Effectiveness Research Norms:Research

conducted by: WB&A Market Research, Kennedy Marketing Services, Inc., GfK, MarketForce

(3) Wolters Kluwer Health 2011 Point-of-Care Survey

(4) Pew Research Internet Project http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/01/15/health-online-2013/

(5) 2013 AccentHealth Custom Viewer Research; Nielsen 2013; 2008-2012 AccentHealth TV Ad

Effectiveness Research Norms: Research conducted by: Arbitron, GfKCustom Research,

MarketForce & AccentHealth

(6) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study

(7) Liberate Health 2014 "Revolutionizing Patient Education at Point of Care" Deck

(8) RxNT January 2014 Measurement Study

(9) 2012 Kantar Media Readership Survey

(10) Co-pay Mobile Device Survey, Pharmacy Times, December 2012

(11) The 2014 WebMD Point of Care Study

(12) http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/06/23/fampra.cmu034.full

1280% of patients


of patientsbelieve POC ads are supported by their physician


of patients

of US adults



2/3have an Internet-capable mobile device with them during their POC journey


of adultstalked with a physician about the information they found online

believe that a lack of resources at the point of care is a challenge to physician-patient communication

use the Internet to determine their medical condition (or the condition of another person)

26is the average time a patientspends in the waiting room



of patients




look up something related to theirhealth on a mobile device while inthe waiting room

something they see in the waiting room with their HCP

seek out information online after visiting their physician


of patientssaid materials found in the waiting room were credible



who use mobile devices believe they help expedite decision-making


56% of physicians

is the average time spent by physicians on Electronic Health Records (EHRs)


8 minutes

106 of pharmacistsencounter patients looking for co-pay cards at least a few times per week

1150% of patientshave their prescriptions filled the same day

go online during patient consultations, with 31% using tablets

40% 8% of physicians

More than7

2 hours per day9

is the average time pharmacists spend counseling patients

of physicians
