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POL 201 Week 1 DQ 1 The U.S. ConstitutionPOL 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Week One RefectionPOL 201 Week 1 Learning Actiit! The ConstitutionPOL 201 Week 1 Qui"POL 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Po#ic! an$ %our Li&ePOL 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Week T'o RefectionPOL 201 Week 2 Learning Actiit! (e$era#is)

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POL 201 Week 1 DQ 1 The U.S. Constitution FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



The U.S. Constitution Pre+are, Prior to 'riting !our initia# +ost- rea$Cha+ters 1 an$ 2 o& A)erican oern)ent. /n a$$ition- 'atch the i$eo

 +roi$e$ on the U.S. Constitution- +iso$e / 3ui#t to Last. Refect, TheU.S. Constitution is the cornerstone o& our &e$era# goern)ent. TheConstitution esta4#ishes a 4asic o+erationa# &ra)e'ork that ena4#es thethree 4ranches o& goern)ent 5 e6ecutie- #egis#atie- an$ 7u$icia# 5 tointeract an$ &unction as a unit. )4e$$e$ in this o+erationa#&ra)e'ork are t'o ke! +rinci+#es, se+aration o&

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POL 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Week One Refection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Week One Refection. Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning !our refection this'eek- co)+#ete a## course rea$ings- !our intro$uction- an$ theDiscussion- 8The U.S. Constitution.9 Refect, Once !ou hae co)+#ete$these assign)ents think a4out ho' A)erican +o#itics hae an$ cou#$a:ect !our career as+irations. The (oun$ing (athers create$ ana)a"ing goern)enta# structure that a:ects a#)ost eer! as+ect o&our #ies een to$a!. (or instance- i& !ou are a cri)ina# 7ustice )a7or-'hat +arts o& the U.S. Constitution are a++#ica4#e to 'hat !ou are#earning in !our )a7or; /& !ou are a 4usiness )a7or- 'hich 4ranch o&

goern)ent 5 e6ecutie- #egis#atie- or 7u$icia# 5 has- or 'i## hae- thegreatest infuence on !our 4usiness a)4itions; /& !ou are a +o#itica#science )a7or- ho' $oes se+aration o& +o'ers in the U.S. goern)enta:ect the o+erations o& )ost econo)ic- socia#- an$ +o#itica# +rocessesthroughout the Unite$ States;

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POL 201 Week 1 Learnin !cti"it# The Constitution FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


The Constitution. The 'eek#! 'orksheets 'i## he#+ !ou 4ui#$ a## thenecessar! +arts &or !our (ina# Pa+er. This 'eek- !ou 'i## ea#uate thestrengths an$ 'eaknesses o& the )ost i)+ortant $ocu)ent &or

 A)erica<s nationa# goern)ent- the U.S. Constitution. /n !our

'orksheet- !ou 'i## $escri4e one strength an$ one 'eakness o& theConstitution. /n a$$ition- !ou 'i## nee$ to reco))en$ a 'a! to)aintain the strength o& this a)a"ing $ocu)ent an$ a 'a! to correct a'eakness. This e:ort 4egins the +rocess o& critica##! ana#!"ing ke!&eatures o& our nationa# goern)ent.

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Question 1. The A)erican s!ste) o& goern)ent can 4e )ostaccurate#! $escri4e$ as a =========. Question 2. /n 1>0?- the ng#ish)onarch @ing a)es / grante$ a charter to 'hich organi"ation toesta4#ish a sett#e)ent in the Chesa+eake region; Question B. TheConnecticut P#an- a#so kno'n as the reat Co)+ro)ise- co)4ine$e#e)ents o& 'hich t'o other +#ans $uring the Constitutiona# Conentiono& 1??; Question . What Unite$ States $ocu)ent esta4#ishes thecore +rinci+#es on 'hich our goern)ent is 4ase$;

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POL 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Po%ic# an& 'our Li(e FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Po#ic! an$ %our Li&e Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning 'ork on this $iscussionEuestion- rea$ Cha+ters B an$ in A)erican oern)ent. /n a$$ition-'atch the i$eos +roi$e$ on &e$era#is), Quick Stu$! o& (e$era#is)Part 1- Quick Stu$! o& (e$era#is) Part 2- an$ Quick Stu$! o& (e$era#is)

Part B- an$ the U.S. Constitution, +iso$e / A Fore Per&ect Union.Refect, The U.S. goern)entGs e6+ansie ro#e in +u4#ic +o#ic! is caughtin a s'ir# o& conficting crosscurrents. On the one han$- +o+u#are6+ectations a4out goern)entGs res+onsi4i#it! to so#e +ro4#e)s o&tene6cee$ the ca+acit! o& state an$ #oca# authorities to res+on$e:ectie#!. On the other han$- +o#icies $ee#o+e$ at the nationa# #ee#

)a! not suHcient#! refect the great $iersit! o& interests across theU.S. to 4e e:ectie at the #oca# #ee#. Foreoer- the search &or e:ectie

 +o#ic! is &urther co)+#icate$ 4! theoretica# $e4ates a4out theconstitutiona# &ra)e'ork o& &e$era#is)- that is- 'hat #i)its on nationa#

 +o'er can 4e $erie$ &ro) the Tenth A)en$)ent;

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POL 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Week T)o Refection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning !our refection this 'eek- co)+#ete a##course rea$ings an$ assigne$ i$eos- an$ the Discussion- 8Po#ic! an$%our Li&e.9 Refect, Once !ou hae co)+#ete$ these assign)ents- think

a4out ho' &e$era#is) an$ the U.S. Congress hae or 'i## a:ect !our#i&e. The &e$era# structure ensures that there is a c#ear #ine 4et'een#oca#- state- an$ &e$era# goern)ent regu#ations- +o#icies- an$ oersight Iso)eti)esJ Think a4out ho' &e$era# statues a:ect !our 'ork or 'i##a:ect !our 'ork in the &uture. Does Congress hae oersight o& an! o&the +rocesses or +ro$ucts in !our 'ork+#ace; Do the goern)ent

regu#ations- +o#icies- an$ oersight so)eti)es confict 'ith #oca# orstate regu#ations- +o#icies- an$ oersight; Write, /n !our initia# +ost o&-4ase$ on !our current or $esire$ 7o4- co)+#ete the &o##o'ing,K Descri4e ho' a &e$era# +o#ic! a:ects !our current or$esire$ 'ork+#ace.

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POL 201 Week 2 Learnin !cti"it# *e&era%is+ FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



(e$era#is) This 'eek- 'e continue co)+#eting the 'orksheets in +re+aration &or the (ina# Pa+er. One o& the )ost i)+ortant structures inthe nationa# goern)ent is &e$era#is). Un$erstan$ing the re#ationshi+4et'een #oca#- state- an$ nationa# #ee# goern)ents is critica# in 4einga4#e to un$erstan$ a## o& the ke! &eatures o& our nationa# goern)ent.Descri4e an a$antage an$ a $isa$antage to a nationa# +o#ic! that anagenc! in the &e$era# 4ureaucrac! )ust i)+#e)ent. /n a$$ition-reco))en$ an o+tion to )aintain the a$antage an$ one to i)+roethe $isa$antage. To co)+#ete the assign)ent- sae the Week T'oLearning Actiit! Worksheet aai#a4#e in the on#ine c#assroo)M to !ourco)+uter- N## it out- an$ su4)it it. Dee#o+ a $etai#e$ out#ine o& !oursecon$ )ain +oint using the Week T'o Learning Actiit! Worksheet.

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Question 1. The nationa# goern)ent can atte)+t to gain thecoo+eration o& state goern)ents 4! using 'hat t!+e o& coercie)easures; Question 2. The Tenth A)en$)ent 4a#ances out nationa#authorit! 4! Question B. A +resi$entia# eto o& a 4i## can 4e oerri$$en4! 'hat +ercentage ote o& a## )e)4ers o& Congress; Question .Which #egis#atie act is a goo$ e6a)+#e o& intergoern)enta# re#ationsthat are the ha##)ark o& Coo+eratie (e$era#is); Question . The

 +rinci+a# +o'ers o& Congress inc#u$e a## e6ce+t Question >. /& thePresi$ent reEuests a Congressiona# authori"ation &or the use o& &orce-Congress Question ?. /n &e$era#is)- the nationa# goern)entQuestion . ohn C. Ca#houn +ro+ose$ the &o##o'ing to assert states<right, Question . When Congress +re+ares a 4u$get Question 10. Aunitar! s!ste) o& goern)ent has so)e a$antages co)+are$ to a&e$era# s!ste). Which o& these choices is OT an a$antage o& aunitar! s!ste) o& goern)ent; Question 11. A congressiona# 'hi+ is a

foor #ea$er that gauges su++ort &or 4i##s an$ tries to en&orce +art!$isci+#ine in accor$ance 'ith a +o#itica# agen$a.

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POL 201 Week , DQ 1 The E%ectora% Co%%ee FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning 'ork on this $iscussion Euestion- rea$Cha+ters an$ > in A)erican oern)ent. /n a$$ition- rea$ the&o##o'ing artic#es, 8What Are the Argu)ents Fa$e in (aor 5 an$

 Against 5 the #ectora# Co##ege;-9 8OP Lea$ers Unite$ in De&ense o&the #ectora# Co##ege-9 an$ the ProQuest artic#e 8Wh! the #ectora#Co##ege is 3a$ &or A)erica.9 A#so- +#ease 'atch this 'eek<si$eos- +iso$e / A Fore Per&ect Unionan$ +iso$e // /t<s a (reeCountr! regar$ing the U.S. Constitution. Refect, As the te6t4ook authorasserts- the (ra)ers intentiona##! $esigne$ a +rocess &or se#ecting

 +resi$ents that 'ou#$ )ini)i"e the +resi$ent<s +o#itica# +o'er 5 the#ectora# Co##ege. The! ho+e$ this institution 'ou#$ insu#ate the chie&e6ecutie &ro) the +u4#ic 4ecause the! &eare$ the +o'er o& +resi$ents'ho )ight 4e e#ecte$ 4! the +eo+#e. o'eer- the #ectora# Co##ege hasa#so s+a'ne$ a #ong ongoing $e4ate a4out 'hether the #ectora#

Co##ege shou#$ 4e a4an$one$ in &aor o& ne' )etho$s- 'hich 'ou#$ensure that the can$i$ate e#ecte$ has the )ost +o+u#ar otes. The

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POL 201 Week , DQ 2 Week Three Refection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Week Three Refection A)erican oern)ent. Reie' thei$eos- +iso$e / A Fore Per&ect Union an$ +iso$e // /t<s a (reeCountr! regar$ing the U.S. Constitution. Refect, The e6ecutie an$

 7u$icia# 4ranches o& the U.S. nationa# goern)ent o&ten see) too+erate in$e+en$ent#! an$ 'ith #itt#e confict. Fan! #a's are signe$ 4!the Presi$ent an$ then i)+#e)ente$ 'ithout a 'or$ &ro) the 7u$icia#4ranch. o'eer- there are ti)es 'hen e6ecutie $ecisions arecha##enge$ 4! the 7u$icia# 4ranch in a +rocess ca##e$ 7u$icia# reie'. /na$$ition- there are ti)es 'hen a 7u$icia# reie' has $irect i)+act on

 !our #i&e. (or e6a)+#e- 'hen the Su+re)e Court $ec#are$the A:or$a4#e Care Act constitutiona#- )an! +eo+#e 'ithout hea#th careinsurance 'ere Nna##! a4#e to +urchase hea#th care insurance.

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POL 201 Week , Learnin !cti"it# -ranches o( o"ern+ent FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



3ranches o& oern)ent. The three 4ranches o& our goern)ent each +#a! crucia# ro#es in the U.S. nationa# goern)ent. ach 4ranch hass+eciNc +o'er- $uties- an$ res+onsi4i#ities that are the )ost a++arent&eatures o& our s!ste) o& se+arate +o'ers. eerthe#ess- each 4ranchhas 4een critiEue$ &or haing $eNnite strengths an$ 'eaknesses that4eco)e o4ious in certain situations. Ana#!"ing these strengths an$'eaknesses 'i## ena4#e !ou to ea#uate an$ reco))en$ 'a!s toenhance an$ correct these &un$a)enta# assets an$ $eNciencies o& the4ranches o& our nationa# goern)ent. To co)+#ete the assign)ent-sae the Week Three Learning Actiit! Worksheet aai#a4#e in theon#ine c#assroo)M to !our co)+uter- N## it out- an$ su4)it it. Dee#o+ a$etai#e$ out#ine o& !our thir$ )ain +oint using the Week Three Learning

 Actiit! Worksheet. K 3ranches o& oern)ent, K Proi$ea to+ic sentence that 4rief! $escri4es one strength an$ one 'eaknesso& one 4ranch o& our goern)ent, e6ecutie- #egis#atie- or 7u$iciar!.

K Proi$e a to+ic sentence that

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Question , /n the rea#) o& &oreign a:airs- +resi$ents are usua##! 'eakan$ )ust so#icit congressiona# a++roa# 4e&ore entering intoagree)ents 'ith other countries. Question 2. Question , Prior 7u$icia#e6+erience is reEuire$ to 4e a++ointe$ as a 7u$ge on the &e$era# #ee#.Question B. Question , The +resi$ent an$ Congress are una4#e tocontro# the 4ureaucrac! or ho#$ it accounta4#e 4ecause, Question .Question , The i$ea that citi"ens shou#$ 4e sus+icious o& a strongcentra# goern)ent 'ou#$ 4est 4e $escri4e$ as, Question . Question ,The sco+e o& +resi$entia# +o'er has e6+an$e$ oer ti)e $ue to

 +resi$ents caring out their o'n +o'ers as the! hae nee$e$. Question>. Question , The Su+re)e Court conce+t o& 8stare $ecisis9 is theconce+t o& ru#ing 4! $ecisions that 'ere, Question ?. Question , The

 +osition o& Secretar! o& De&ense 'as create$ 'ith the +assage 'hich Act o& Congress; Question . Question , Which o& these organi"ationshas #a!ers o& 4oth +o#itica# a++ointees an$ cii# serants; Question .

Question , The (e$era# Register is the oHcia# 7ourna# o& the &e$era#goern)ent.

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POL 201 Week / DQ 1 n&i"i&ua% Rihts an& the O%iations o( o"ern+ent FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


/n$ii$ua# Rights an$ the O4#igations o& oern)ent. Pre+are, Prior to4eginning 'ork on this $iscussion- rea$ cha+ters - - an$ 10

in A)erican oern)ent an$ 'atch the i$eo- +iso$e // /t<s a (reeCountr!. Refect, Our +o#itica# s!ste) is characteri"e$ 4! certain&un$a)enta# &eatures to inc#u$e a s!ste) o& #a's- rights- an$ #i4erties.The #a's- create$ an$ su++orte$ 4! the Constitutiona# &ra)e'ork- are$esigne$ to +rotect an$ secure the rights an$ #i4erties o& in$ii$ua#san$ grou+s throughout the U.S. o'eer- the goern)ent a#so has an

o4#igation to +roi$e &or the securit! o& its citi"ens &ro) serious interna#an$ e6terna# threats that cou#$ cause grae or seere $a)age to ourcountr!. The nee$ &or ho)e#an$ an$ nationa# securit! can create a$i#e))a 'here conficts e)erge 4et'een these securit! nee$s an$ the$e)an$s &or cii# rights an$ #i4erties.

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POL 201 Week / DQ 2 Week *our Refection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Week (our Refection. Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning 'ork on this$iscussion- rea$ cha+ters - - an$ 10 in A)erican oern)ent- 'atchthe i$eo- +iso$e // /t<s a (ree Countr!- an$ reie' !our resu#ts &ro)

the Po#itica# T!+o#og! Qui". Refect, Po#itica# +arties )o4i#i"e oters to'in e#ections an$ i)+#e)ent +o#ic! goa#s. Parties use their state$

 +o#ic! goa#s i.e.- their +#at&or)sM as a 'a! to )o4i#i"e oter su++ort.enera##!- in or$er to 4e success&u# in a t'o+art! s!ste)- +arties )usthae +o#ic! goa#s across a 4roa$ range o& issue areas to a++ea# to a4roa$ range o& oters. Write, /$enti&! one issue area that !ou 'antinestigate. Use the assigne$ resources reEuire$ &or this $iscussion togather in&or)ation a4out the goa#s an$ +ro+osa#s- in that issue area-o& three U.S. +o#itica# +arties 5 the De)ocratic an$ Re+u4#ican +artiesan$ a thir$ +art!. Su))ari"e each o& the three +arties< +o#ic! goa#s in

 !our issue area. a#uate each +art!Gs goa#s &ro) t'o +ers+ecties,

K Accor$ing on !our o'n +o#itica# +hi#oso+h!- a#ues- or 

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POL 201 Week / Learnin !cti"it# Po%itica% Parties nterest rou3s an&E%ections FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


Po#itica# Parties- /nterest rou+s- an$ #ections. The arious +o#itica#actors ino#e$ in the +rocesses- actiities- an$ +o#icies o& the U.S.

goern)ent each hae eo#ing goa#s an$ o47ecties. /n a$$ition- theseactors hae +ro$uce$ $i:erentia# e:ects- 4oth +ositie an$ negatie-on the +rocesses- actiities- an$ +o#icies o& the &e$era# goern)ent. /nthis #ast 'eek#! 'orksheet- !ou 'i## assess the +ositie an$ negatiei)+acts o& +o#itica# +arties- interest grou+s- or &e$era# e#ections on thenationa# goern)ent. /n a$$ition- !ou 'i## reco))en$ one o+tion to

enhance the +ositie i)+act an$ one to $i)inish the negatie i)+act.This Nna# e:ort 'i## conc#u$e the +rocess o& critica##! ana#!"ing ke!&eatures o& our nationa# goern)ent an$ +re+are !ou &or co)+#etion o&

 !our (ina# Pa+er in Week (ie. To co)+#ete the assign)ent- sae theWeek (our Learning Actiit! Worksheet aai#a4#e in the on#inec#assroo)M to !our co)+uter- N## it out- an$ su4)it it. Dee#o+ a$etai#e$ out#ine o& !our &ourth )ain +oint using the Week (our Learning

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Question 1.What constitutiona# a)en$)ent guarantee$ 'o)en theright to ote; Question 2. o' are interest grou+s are $i:erent &ro)

 +o#itica# +arties; Question B. Which Su+re)e Court $ecision state$

that aHr)atie action inten$e$ to +ro)ote greater eEua#it! 'asacce+ta4#e +u4#ic +o#ic!- 4ut the use o& Euotas 'as not. Question .True or (a#se, The +eace&u# trans&er o& +o'er &ro) one goern)ent tothe ne6t has a #ong historica# #egac! an$ +re$ates the &or)ation o& theUnite$ States. Question . The 1> Cii# Rights Act, Question >.T'o+art! e#ectora# s!ste)s- such as 'e hae to$a! in the Unite$States- ten$ to 4e e6a)+#es o& 'hat t!+e o& +o#itica# +art! )o$e#;Question ?. What is the 4asic &unction- or +ur+ose- o& e#ections;Question . Persona# &ree$o)s that a## A)ericans en7o! thanks to the3i## o& Rights are ca##e$, Question . At the en$ o& the 1th an$4eginning o& the 20thcenturies in the U.S.- +o#itica# 8)achine 4osses,9

Question 10. /n the Unite$ States- 4e&ore U.S. citi"ens are a##o'e$ toote in an e#ection-

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POL 201 Week 4 DQ 1 5otin an& 5oter Turnout FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



oting an$ oter Turnout. Pre+are, Prior to co)+#eting this $iscussionEuestion- reie' Cha+ters an$ 10 in A)erican oern)ent an$ the&o##o'ing artic#es, 8o' oter /D La's Are 3eing Use$ to Disen&ranchiseFinorities an$ the Poor-9 8(raught 'ith (rau$-9 an$ 8Proo& at the Po##s.9

Refect, The U.S. has one o& the #o'est oter turnout rates a)ong)o$ern $e)ocratic +o#itica# s!ste)s. One stu$! ranks the U.S.120th on a #ist o& 1> nations co)+are$ on oter turnout Pintor-ratsche'- Su##ian- 2002M. During the #ast $eca$e- )an! initiatieshae 4een un$ertaken to increase oter +artici+ation- !et concernsa4out the +ossi4i#it! o& e#ection &rau$ hae a#so increase$. A$$itiona##!-so)e +o#itica# interests &ee# threatene$ 4! the increase in turnouta)ong so)e tra$itiona##! #o'turnout ethnic )inorities. Seera# stateshae recent#! +asse$ #egis#ation i)+osing ne' registration an$i$entiNcation reEuire)ents. This has s+arke$ $e4ate a4out 'hetherthese are tactics inten$e$ to su++ress turnout or to +reent &rau$.

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POL 201 Week 4 DQ 2 Week *i"e Refection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 



Week (ie Refection. Pre+are, Prior to 4eginning !our refection-reie' a## course rea$ings an$ i$eos as reEuire$. Refect, The U.S.nationa# goern)ent is 4ase$ on the &ra)e'ork $etai#e$ in the U.S.

Constitution. The +rocess that the (oun$ing (athers use$ to )a+ outour nationa# goern)ent is &ascinating an$ i##u)inating. TheConstitution creates a s!ste) o& checks an$ 4a#ances an$ se+aration o&

 +o'ers that hae 4een &oca# +oints &or c#ass $iscussions. /n a$$ition-the Constitution i$entiNes three )ain 4ranches &or the nationa#goern)ent, the #egis#atie- e6ecutie- an$ 7u$icia#- 'hich are taske$-res+ectie#!- 'ith the creation o& the #egis#ation to gui$e the countr!-the i)+#e)entation an$ e6ecution o& that #egis#ation- an$ the reie' o&that #egis#ation &or constitutiona#it! an$ #ega#it!. /nteracting 'ith the&e$era# goern)ent inc#u$es a ariet! o& $i:erent actors an$ +o#itica#

 +rocesses such as the states- +o#itica# +arties- interest grou+s- an$

&e$era# e#ections.

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POL 201 Week 4 *ina% Pa3er !+erica6s De+ocrac#7 'our Re3ort Car& 82Pa3ers9 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


This Tutoria# contains 2 Di:erent Pa+ers A)erica<s De)ocrac!, %ourRe+ort Car$. The +ri)ar! goa# o& !our #ast assign)ent is to critica##!ana#!"e the +ri)ar! &eatures o& the A)erican nationa# goern)ent. The

resu#ts o& !our ana#!sis 'i## in$icate 'hat !ou hae #earne$ oer the#ast Ne 'eeks. /n or$er to acco)+#ish this task- it is i)+ortant tocritica##! ea#uate the ke! &acets o& our A)erican $e)ocrac!. %ou hae4een +re+aring &or this Nna# assign)ent each 'eek 4! constructing a$etai#e$ out#ine o& the (ina# Pa+er<s )ain +oints through the 'eek#!Learning Actiities. /n a$$ition- !ou hae rea$ the course te6t an$course rea$ings- reie'e$ i$eos- an$ researche$ a$$itiona# )ateria#&or each 'eek<s assign)ents an$ &or this +a+er. This 'eek- !ou 'i## +uta## o& those out#ines- rea$ings- reie's- an$ research together into aone su))atie +a+er. As 'e 'ra+ u+ our course- refect 4ack on 'hat

 !ou hae #earne$ a4out the ke! structures- s!ste)s- ro#es- an$

 +rocesses that e)4o$! our nationa# goern)ent.


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