portfolio guillaume dopchie 2015


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This portfolio is an excerpt of the work of Guillaume Dopchie from his graduation project to his career at HHF, along with his internship at dataAE..





    p.8: Collective fields

    Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York

    Graduation project

    Sint-Lucas University


    p.24: Guardia Urbana

    Nou Barris, Barcelona

    Technical Drawer

    dataAE arquitectura i enginyeria


    p.50: Scheron

    Scheron, Geneva

    Coordinator & Technical Drawer

    HHF Architekten, LRS architectes


    p.78: Manifest & Phd

    p.38: Sant-Pau Hospital

    Horta-Guinardo, Barcelona

    Technical Drawer

    dataAE arquitectura i enginyeria

    p.60: Expo 2027

    Lake of Constance, St. Gallen

    Project leader

    HHF Architekten, AWP

    p.66: Sports complex Blotzheim

    Blotzheim, Haut-Rhin

    Technical Drawer

    HHF Architekten, TOPOTEK1

  • 4Since my first steps into architecture at the Sint-Lucas school of science and arts in Ghent, I continuously tried to question

    and recalibrate my perception of architecture and reflecting on the possibilities of new spatial and social typologies. I became

    therefore very critical about the way the role of architects is perceived to be in service of the matter rather than the social

    dynamics it generates. Architects of the new generation are often compared with artists and designers rather following the

    intrinsic definition of their profession. Architecture of objects and imagery has reached a significant role within the global

    understanding of how we perceive space. A certain freedom of expression became correlated to the barren plot rather than

    the freedom to explore the diversity of human behavior through existing conditions a context has to offer. The public realm and

    communal spaces seen as hubs for activity and social mix is in my opinion the true embodiment of the greatness of human

    desires on every possible level. Consequently, my goal as an architect is to disentangle and observe distinctions between

    private, collective and public spaces related to each culture, topography and scale as a base for the design-process towards a

    better integration of functions, social interaction and physical relation with a particular environment.



    New York abstraction: Guillaume Dopchie


    Willamsburg, Brooklyn, New York

    Final Thesis - Sint-Lucas Ghent

    New Yorks street life is conducted by the

    stratification of its physical environment

    through the grid, and community based

    neighborhoods. Its underground and

    elevated public transportation systems

    differentiate themselves from it and act

    as disconnected parts of the city. Both

    entities are distinguished by different

    perceptions of space, social interaction,

    movement principles and more. This project

    disentangles these differences in an attempt

    to elevate the richness of the transition

    spaces and its peculiar social relevance to

    the level of the dynamic street. As the subway

    and elevated train system reflect a certain

    public identity as collective enhancers, they

    withhold a great potential to invite a certain

    dialogue between the street and the indoor

    private and public environment it relates to.

    This verticality as a specific programmatic

    strategy in New York is yet to be assimilated

    to the public space to associate itself in a

    more organized way with the space inside

    the private domain. Staircases act as an

    important layer in the collective strategy by

    inducing movement aswell as creating the

    possibility to appropriate space towards a

    more static activity, providing therefore an

    urban stage with its own specific use and

    significance for the multy-culturality of the


    The site of Williamsburg has a rich diversity

    of public-private layering through the use

    of stairs and permeability of the blocks,

    generating an effective soft border between

    two areas and/or programs. Introducing this

    new vertical planning in a current changing

    urban setting, reinforces this richness and

    enables the identity of the area to be more

    impervious to alternations towards spatial

    introvercy by the occuring gentrification

    process. The result is a diversification of

    public-private relations as they are mostly

    integrated in urban projects as horizontal

    interactions or as distinct entities.

  • 10

    Diagram of the gentrification process from Manhattan to Williamsburg guided by the public

    transportation system. The project proposes the use of this process to calibrate the investment on

    the level of urban planning throughout the area most subjected to be gentrified.


    Gentrification diagram: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 11

  • 12

    The potential of the fire-escape stairs, renound informal platform for social activities in New York,

    is maximised and linked to an added layer of the existing structure of the public transportation

    system. Consequently, the collective gradient between private and public domain is enriched on a 3

    dimentional level.


    Bow-wow vertical connectivity: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 13

  • 14

    COLLECTIVE FIELDS The mirror line in the middle of the plan distinguish the base typology of the collective gradient on the left and the possible use of space according to the desires of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood

    on the right.

    1st Floor, Housing typology: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 15scale 1/500

  • 16

    Example of a reinforcement of low-rise buildings connected to the urban fabric through program,

    permeability, materiality and multy-functionality with the existing conditions of the site.


    Axonometry Bus stop typology: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 17

  • 18 scale 1/500


    Ground level and 1st Floor, Bus stop typology: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 19

  • 20



  • 22


    Barcelona abstraction: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 24


    Nou Barris, Barcelona

    Reconstruction & New project - Collaboration with dataAE

    During the six months internship at dataAE

    arquitectura i enginyeria, I spent most of

    my time working on a project for the police

    department near the center of Barcelona,

    Spain. Through this project, I learned a great

    amount about construction details and the

    importance of the latter to raise the concept

    to its full potential. Throughout the several

    visits to the construction site, I witnessed

    the relevance of care and research for every

    decision to be made and the problematics of

    dealing with changing desires of the client.

    As rather often occuring in the center of

    Barcelona, the project elevated itself from a

    very defined spatial typology as of this existing

    historical building. Through this, I could

    observe a distinct vision in todays catalan

    architecture and often admired their spatial

    comprehension, the great simplicity in their

    design language and the refined elegance

    in the meeting between the existing and the


  • 25

  • 26

    The floor to ceiling windows of the office space open up the view towards the green patios along the

    underground volume. The patios not only generate a direct relation to the outside from each office but

    enable more indirect sunlight to penetrate the volume aswell. The latter forms here a dialogue, acting

    as an antagonist to the formal and material expression of the preexisting surrounding building as to

    reveal the functional distiction between them.


    Pictures: Adria Goula

  • 27

  • 28

    To balance the desire for additional space and a preservation of the existing building, a new floor is

    introduced below the former green patio. Following a logical programmatic sequencing of the space,

    the first floor contains the reception desk, the interrogation rooms and prison cells. The offices,

    changing rooms, conference rooms and storage areas requiring a more resticted access, is situated

    on the lower level.


    Underground level and Ground level: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 29scale 1/500

  • 30

    To preserve the identity of the existing building, the former pavilion in the courtyard was renovated

    and acts as a light shaft for the underground floor.


    Picture: Adria Goula

  • 31

  • 32 scale 1/75


    Section Lanterna and window details: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 33 scale 1/5

  • 34

    The view from the entrence of the building is rather minimalist. A new volume is introduced containing

    the interrogation rooms, the bathrooms and the reception desk. Inspired by the faade of the Yellow

    house project by Olgiati, the texture of the walls is put to use, to contrast the new elements introduced

    to the environment through the renovation.


    Pictures: Adria Goula

  • 35

  • 36

    Section and plan of the an interrogation room on the ground level.GUARDIA URBANA

    Section and plan: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 37scale 1/50

  • 38


    Horta Guinardo, Barcelona

    Urbanisation project - Collaboration with dataAE

    The innovative modernist project was directed

    by Llus Domnech i Montaner in 1930. The

    Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau was

    a modern, spacious facility, consisting of

    separate pavilions surrounded by gardens

    and streets. The complex of buildings formed

    a small town which took into account the

    patients quality of life.

    The pavilions were surrounded by streets and

    green areas to walk in. An underground tunnel

    connected the wards and other facilities,

    making it easier to move casualty patients

    around the complex. The brick building at

    the main entrance with its clock tower, is the

    hospital reception. It is here, and in the ten

    pavilions surrounding it, where Domnech i

    Montaner and his associates, who included

    the modernist sculptors Pau Gargallo and

    Eusebi Arnau, proved their talents in the

    execution of sculptures and mosaics.

    In 2011, a competition was launched for a

    new urbanistic concept for the whole complex

    and was won by dataAE in collaboration with

    GRND82. The historic element of the area, as

    it has been proclaimed an unesco heritage,

    together with the urbanistic aspect of the

    project made it very interesting to work on. As

    the project of Guardia Urbana, the meeting

    between two century designs revealed each

    other perfectly and intensified the experience

    of the architecture to the wanderer. As often

    noticable in urban projects in Barcelona,

    the focus of the design was the gradation of

    the green areas surrounding the pavilions

    together with the paved walkable areas and

    the main boulevard leading towards them.

    As I was assigned to this project at a late

    stage, I mostly worked on finetuning the

    execution plans and drawing up details for

    windows, stairs and their railings. Though my

    implication in this project was rather brief, I

    particularly enjoyed studying the design of the

    soft borders in this project and their potential

    for multy-level interactions for my own future

    urban designs.

  • 39

  • 40

    View towards the central plaza of the historical complex. The competition image reveals the chosen

    approach to generate a gradient combining nature and stone paths from the central collective spaces

    towards the pavilions surrounding them.


    Competition image: dataAE-GRND82

  • 41

  • 42

    As often used in recent urbanisation projects throughout Barcelona, the formalisation of the gradiant

    relates to the keys of a piano. The elements of both parties seem to introduce themselves to one

    another in an orthogonal way. The stone tiles produce a similar effect according to privatisation of

    the collective space.


    Plan: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 43scale 1/250

  • 44

    View from the entrence of a pavilion. The light color of the sandstone tiles accentuate the pavilion

    ornaments and reflect the cleansy attributes of a hospital environment to the outside space of the



    Picture: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 45

  • 46

    Section and plan of a stairwell typology deserving the entrences of the pavilions.SANT-PAU HOSPITAL

    Section and plan: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 47scale 1/100scale 1/50

  • 48


    Basel abstraction: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 50


    Scheron, Geneva

    Renovation, Reconstruction & New project - Collaboration with HHF

    The client being mostly concerned with

    retreiving as much as possible from his

    investment in this real estate project, the

    main concerns during the design process

    were dealing with a low budget and needing

    to maximize the number of rooms according

    to the Geneva housing legislation. As a result,

    it is not purposed to be that glittering thing

    on that corner with its seal of architectural

    renoun, but is considered carefully and this,

    without forgetting to open a window for the

    participation of the dweller. The practicality

    of assessing the qualities, the lacunae and

    the potential for change, provided a certain

    clarity to the methodology for recalibrating the

    existing architectural language.

    The project itself was a three part project,

    containing a minor renovation and

    transformation of an existing building and

    a new construction next to it. As the project

    takes place at the corner of the dialogue

    occuring between buildings of an urban block,

    the approach towards its environment and

    the potential conflict between architectural

    generations became one of continuousy and

    enlighthened reinterpretation of its base. The

    pronounced elements of the 70s grid of the

    faade were reassimilated in the new building

    and elements as the balconies, the parapets,

    the windows and the railings were revived and

    transformed for a lightened experience of the

    added floors.

    On the inside, sequencing a variety of

    appartment typologies containing displays of

    high density repartitions of spaces became a

    very interesting exercice throughout the SIA

    phases 2 and 3.

  • 51

  • 52

    Faade studies acccording to the maximum volume capacities of the reconstruction part of the

    project. These initial studies demonstrate the desire to incorporate privatised terraces with bow-

    windows directed towards the lake of Geneva.


    Images: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 53

  • 54

    The images on the left show the existing building and the project image at the end of phase SIA 33.

    The concept for the faade at this stage, consisted of a formal reinterpretation of the parapets into

    set-backs in the slabs of the two added levels.As to obtain an uniform building, the language of the

    existing southern faade was assimilated to the new building project next to it.


    Image: Igor Brozyna

  • 55

  • 56


    scale 1/500 Plans: Guillaume Dopchie58

  • 57 59

  • 58

    The approach towards a soft transition of space between inside and outside on the levels of the

    surelevation is translated by the use of floor to ceiling windows. Through the reproduction of the set-

    backs in the faade as existing on the lower levels and the curtain walls at the edges of the balconies,

    the distiction between both spaces becomes blurred.


    Image: Igor Brozyna

  • 59

  • 60

    EXPO 2027

    Lake of Constance, St. Gallen

    Competition - Collaboration with HHF

    A national exhibition in Switzerland has been

    long overdue since the last one dates from

    2002. This idea-competition for the Swiss

    exhibition of 2027 at the lake of Constance

    and its surrounding territory reveals a great

    challenge as it will reflect not only domestic

    identities with the participation of each Canton

    but also its position towards foreign countries

    on a socio-political level.

    The lake of Constance offers a prime location

    for these issues as the nationality of the lake

    is shared with Germany and Austria. The

    entry for this competition tries to take profit

    of this location by promoting and engaging a

    dialogue with the visitors around themes of

    territorial borders, geographical and political

    limits, felt or symbolic. These themes would

    be those of a country like any other (that

    distinguishes itself) within Europe. The global

    issues represented during this exhibition at the

    scale of the Cantons as of Europe, will enable

    a new take on the position of Switzerland and

    its interactions, as the nature of which might

    alter the very idea of territorial identity of

    which the Swiss are so found of.

    The physical projection of the exhibition

    can be assimilated with a great cultural and

    narrative migration from the peaks to the

    lake. This process of refection and inventions

    initiated prior to the event would take attractive

    and welcoming shapes at temporary adresses

    in the form of pavilions, gardens, transport

    systems and more.

    The extent of the experience retrieved from

    the expo wouldnt be solely confined to the

    duration of it, but would transform the region

    indefinitely. This entry aims to constitute a

    remarkable and sustainable cultural heritage.

    The notion of heritage would generate a

    reinvented genius loci, or a rebirth of the

    territorial story for the East of Switzerland

    beyond the pictural and romantic postcards.

  • 61

  • 62

    From their manufacture to the final stage of the procession, the pavilions interact with their environment

    and themselves in various ways to generate a dynamic exhibition. This evolution of the exhibition will

    create a wide range of approaches towards the different locations as the implementation of the hybrid

    structures will vary from the single unit on the land, to floating elements circulating on the lake or even

    merging with each other to generate bridges and islands.

    As the heritage of previous exhibitions has thought us to have left a minor physical and spiritual

    imprint on their surroundings, the aim of the expo 2027 is to expand the life cycle of its physical

    elements by a process of scattering and repurposing them throughout the country and further.

    EXPO 2027

    Diagrams: Guillaume Dopchie & Brnice Gentil

  • 63

  • 64

    The boards of the competition identify the relevance of this proposal in relation to the national

    dimention of the exhibition. Whereas a national exhibition is demonstrating the know-how of ones

    land, the location of the lake of Constance bordering no less than 3 countries creates a ideal setting

    for debating the reigning international concerns of the diplomatic relations of Switzerland.

    To strategize both physical and logistical issues of the exhibition, several guidebooks and terms of

    references are implemented to direct and recalibrate each subject to be dealt with.

    EXPO 2027

    Illustrations of the competition boards: Guillaume Dopchie & Brnice Gentil

  • 65




















    St Gallen





    tranhumanz 2027



















  • 66


    Blotzheim, Haut-Rhin

    Competition - Collaboration with HHF

    The competition for a new sports complex

    in Blotzheim was designed in collaboration

    with landscape office TOPOTEK1 with whom

    HHF has often worked in the past. The

    territorial planning of the area rest on a simple

    functionnal approach favouring density and

    proximity of the multiple elements.

    As a first leading concept, a H-shaped canopy

    was elected to connect the spaces, sheltering

    the building and the tribunes along the fields.

    As a result, the required parking spaces, the

    land reserves and running track were able to

    be kept as seperate entities in the surrouding

    area of the site. Moreover, the structure of

    the canopy disguises the use of fences by

    elevating them from a functional purpose to a

    visual part of the whole.

    In this way, other than representing a shelter,

    the canopy embodies the functionality of

    conducting and regulating the circulation of

    the user and delimits the different layers of

    privacy throughout the complex.

    The building itself has a central position in the

    masterplan of the complex and is placed in a

    perpendicular position to the respective fields.

    This typology allows a certain constriction

    of the supporters to the main tribunes at

    the edge of the building and thus creating

    closer proximity and enhancing the collective

    experience during the sports events.

    The overall architectural language of the

    complex is kept very simple, allowing a great

    clarity for the user. The materials used for the

    building reflect the respective needs of the

    program it enfolds as the more robust ground

    floor for changing rooms and storage spaces

    at close proximity of the fields.

  • 67

  • 68

    The division of space between the respective fields, training field and multysport area is defined by

    the H-saped canopy. By aplying this concept to the sports complex, the privatisation of the different

    areas can be regulated in a more specific way as each field is seperated by the canopy and its

    underlying fences.


    Axonometry: Guillaume Dopchie

  • 69

  • 70

    The canopy represented in the images create a certain continuity throughout the whole complex

    and offers a shelter to the tribunes and the clubhouse terrace aswell.

    As the budget was one of the main concerns for this project, the choice of materials and structural

    complexity of both building and canopy were reduced, therefore generating a visual simplicity

    providing a certain elegance to the built elements.


    Images: Mariana Santana

  • BLOTZHEIM - Plaine Sportive - FORUM DES SPORTS Equipe B 12

    Rangement MatrielComunal 2

    Rangement MatrielCLUB 2

    VestiairesJoueurs 6

    VestiairesJoueurs 5

    VestiairesJoueurs 4

    VestiairesJoueurs 3

    Medical room

    Rserve du Bar


    Sanitaires Public Hommes

    Sanitaires Public Femmes

    Sanitaires Arbitres

    Local Mnage

    Zone de sche

    Douches Douches

    Zone de sche

    Douches Douches


    Clture 6m hauteur

    Clture 2m hauteur


    Circulation Extrieure


    VestiairesJoueurs 2

    Zone de sche

    Zone de sche



    VestiairesJoueurs 3

    Local Technique

    Rangement MatrielCLUB 1

    Rangement ExtrieurTerrasse

    Bar Extrieur

    Sanitaires Public Hommes

    Sanitaires Public Femmes



    Bureau AdministratifClub

    Salle de Convivialit

    Sanitaires Joueurs


    Le btiment du club bnficie dune position centrale au sein du forum des sports, plac de faon perpendiculaire aux terrains de jeux. Cette typologie permet de regrouper les spectateurs sur les tribunes principales, rectangulaires et compactes, et de maximiser la proximit avec les vnements sportifs. Le premier tage du club et sa terrasse offrent une vue panoramique sur les terrains de jeu et la place des sports. Lauvent en forme de H gnre des zones de passage et de dtente, protgeant les utilisateurs des conditions atmosphriques. Il unifie lespace en vitant que les cltures deviennent le motif central du projet. Le langage architectural choisi est celui dune grande simplicit et clart: les matriaux utiliss ref-ltent un aspect robuste au rez-de-chausse en rapport avec le contenu du programme.

    Vue Intrieure

    Coupe CC 1:200

    Coupe AA Coupe BB Facades

    Club House 1:200

    Tribunes 1:200


    R +1

    Vue sur les tribunes

    Vue (terrain entranement) Vue (terrain dhonneur)


    Cltures Toit Espace communautaire dactivits

    BLOTZHEIM - Plaine Sportive - FORUM DES SPORTS Equipe B 12



    Lamnagement de la plaine sportive de Blotzheim sappuie sur une organisation fonctionnelle simple, privilgiant la den-sit. Le forum des sports regroupe les terrains de jeu, et les activits de loisir dans un cadre privilgiant la densit. Lauvent en H connecte les espaces, abrite le btiment, et les tribunes couvertes. Les places de stationnement, et les rser-ves foncires, sont disposes en priphrie et traites de ma-nire extensive.

    Place des sports

    La place des sports marque lentre du forum. Elle est amnage en asphalte peint de lignes graphiques blanches, agrmente de revtements de stabilis et de sol souple, et plante dessences ornementales de type ginkgo biloba et zelkova. Des bancs cir-culaires compltent lamnagement. Lensemble des activits de loisirs, ddies aux jeunes et aux habitants du quartier sont implantes sur la place : agrs, terrains de ptanque, skate parc, piste dathltisme, basketball, handball, volleyball, et

    Plan 1:500

    tennis de table. Lorganisation dense des programmes permet dobtenir un niveau dactivit lev, qui amne la convivia-lit et la rencontre.

    Terrains de football

    Le terrain en herbe est situ lest du forum. Il dispose louest de tribunes couvertes par lauvent le long de la place des sports, et de tribunes paysages sur sa partie est. Le ter-rain dentranement dispose de tribunes couvertes sous auvent le long de la place des sports. Le demi terrain dentranement est situ entre les terrains principaux. Les trois terrains disposent dun accs direct au club house direct, ses vesti-aires, et sa salle de convivialit.

    Les terrains sont dlimits par des cltures mtalliques de couleur argente, en harmonie avec la matrialit du btiment. Le clos vue du terrain dhonneur est assur par lajustement de bches textiles sur lest cltures, sur lesquelles sont in-

    diqus le nom du club sportif, des joueurs, et des sponsors ventuels. Les cltures sont de 6 m de hauteur sur les faces nord sud, et de 2m de hauteur sur les faces est ouest. Ce dispositif permet de grer les limites et de contrler les ac-cs du forum des sports.

    Espaces fonctionnels

    Le parking est accessible depuis la rue de lindustrie, qui pour-rait tre rebaptise rue des sports. Il est plant dessences indignes et champtres, de type aulne, saule, orme, et peu-plier, qui assurent couvert et continuit paysagre avec les alentours. Un accs de desserte permet de longer la plaine spor-tive sur lensemble de sa longueur. La desserte permet laccs aux vhicules dentretien et sert galement de piste de course secondaire de distance. Les rserves foncires se trouvent de part et dautre du forum des sports. Elles sont traites de ma-nire extensive, amnages de gravillons rcuprs sur site.

    Vue Extrieure



    Terrainsde jeux

    Placedes sports

    Espaces foncionnels

    Placedes sports







    Terrain entranement

    Terrain dhonneur

    Entre piton

    Accs secondaire


    Accs vhicule

    1/2 terrainentranement