post trip reflection

Hao Djur After several reflections it is safe to say that our service trip lived up to my expectations. I personally believe that I served the community of Wilmington and by doing so I have learned more about the issues of poverty and how it effects individuals who are currently living through it. I anticipated to accomplish my goal of becoming more aware about poverty and homelessness and I did so by participating in the service projects. Helping at the urban garden was the project I was most excited about since it involved gardening. Although I never expected to restore a hoop house, it was a great experience. The garden showed me that many ordinary people are generous enough to help others out. The families who came together and used their land to start a garden to donate its produce showed me that there are many kind people in the world. Sometimes I think that not many people want to help others, but that is not true after learning about the urban garden. Volunteering at the food bank was another experience that allowed me to see that people are willing to give their time to

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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My post service trip reflection for LBST


Hao DjurAfter several reflections it is safe to say that our service trip lived up to my expectations. I personally believe that I served the community of Wilmington and by doing so I have learned more about the issues of poverty and how it effects individuals who are currently living through it.I anticipated to accomplish my goal of becoming more aware about poverty and homelessness and I did so by participating in the service projects. Helping at the urban garden was the project I was most excited about since it involved gardening. Although I never expected to restore a hoop house, it was a great experience. The garden showed me that many ordinary people are generous enough to help others out. The families who came together and used their land to start a garden to donate its produce showed me that there are many kind people in the world. Sometimes I think that not many people want to help others, but that is not true after learning about the urban garden. Volunteering at the food bank was another experience that allowed me to see that people are willing to give their time to serve others. The church members work at the food bank every week and they keep it running for people who need food. It warmed me when I saw all the hard work that goes into the food bank such as unloading, sorting, and giving out the food. Also getting to see the after school program was eye opening. Programs that aim to help students are much needed and they make a huge difference it the lives of the children who go to them. I could see that when some of us were helping the students with their homework.Other than learning more about the issues of poverty, the trip allowed to explore my skills and helped me get a deeper insight into my personality. A strength I found that I possessed was my ability to be an attentive listener. I used this strength when I talked to Joe when we were serving dinner at the food bank. I never thought I would have the courage to go up to a stranger and ask if they wanted someone to talk to. I dont regret following my gut because I had a chance to meet a wonderful person. His story is one I wont forget because of all the adventures he has had in such a short time in his life. From our conversation I believe he chose to leave his home and start on his adventures by train hopping. Its been six years since he has left home, so I think during that time period he became homeless. One thing that stood out was when Joe told me about how he felt when he held out his cardboard sign and asked for money. He said it was embarrassing sometimes, but it was something he had to do to get his basic needs.Now when I drive pass by a homeless person on the street with a sign I always think about Joe and what he has to go through. Before the trip I had thought that people who begged for money were lazy or wanted money for drugs. These stereotypes I had about homeless people are wiped out of my mind. I no longer have those thoughts, instead I think of the different ways I can help and now understand of the struggles that they must be going through. The trip gave me some great memories, but I think meeting Joe would be the one I wont ever forget. Not only did I have deep conversation with a stranger, I also got the chance to get to know some of my classmates. When most of us had gone to bed some of us stayed in one of the rooms and would stay up late talking about random topics. During these nights, we would to go in depth about our views on politics, religion and things that we were going through in college. I enjoyed these talks because I learned that there were others who had similar outlooks. It was great getting to know my classmates, who I know call my friends.Another thing I liked was the idea of having leaders for the day. Sean and I have two opposite personalities. He is more outgoing that I am and at first we didnt get along. Having the reflection at the end of the day gave us a chance to see how each other felt that day. The more I worked with Sean the more I saw what his personality was like and I got a better understanding of how I could approach him. After the trip, I believe we are better friends, which I would have never expected prior to the trip. Overall, the trip was life changing. I cant seem to sit in my room and not do anything anymore. Last week, I volunteered at Hope Haven, an organization that helps homeless people who deal with addiction. Im thinking about making it a weekly commitment, and I would not have this motivation if I had not gone on the trip.