postal service electric vehicle act

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  • 8/14/2019 Postal Service Electric Vehicle Act



    (Original Signature of Member)


    To provide that the delivery vehicle fleet of the United States Postal Service

    be replaced by electric motor vehicles.


    Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia introduced the following bill; which was referred

    to the Committee onllllllllllllll

    A BILL

    To provide that the delivery vehicle fleet of the United States

    Postal Service be replaced by electric motor vehicles.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1

    tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,2


    This Act may be cited as the Postal Service Electric4

    Motor Vehicle Act.5

    SEC. 2. FINDINGS.6

    Congress finds that7

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  • 8/14/2019 Postal Service Electric Vehicle Act


  • 8/14/2019 Postal Service Electric Vehicle Act



    (3) carry out the preceding provisions of this1

    subsection, in coordination with local electric dis-2

    tribution companies, in a manner consistent with the3

    goals of4

    (A) maintaining electric grid reliability;5


    (B) minimizing charging costs of electric7

    motor vehicles in the Postal fleet.8

    (b) BUY AMERICAN.Notwithstanding any other9

    provision of law, electric motor vehicles acquired to carry10

    out this Act shall be electric motor vehicles manufactured11

    in the United States. The Postmaster General shall ensure12

    that manufacturers of electric motor vehicles so acquired13

    solicit competitive bids for electric drive components and14

    storage devices from domestic manufacturers that partici-15

    pate in the Department of Energys Electric Drive Vehicle16

    Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative (or suc-17

    cessor program, as determined by the Postmaster General18

    in consultation with the Secretary of Energy)..19

    (c) OVERSIGHT.Not later than 30 days after the20

    end of each fiscal year, the Postal Service shall submit21

    to the Postal Regulatory Commission a report that in-22

    cludes a detailed accounting of the expenditures made,23

    savings realized, and revenues received by the Postal Serv-24

    ice pursuant to this section. Within 90 days after receiving25

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  • 8/14/2019 Postal Service Electric Vehicle Act



    a report under the preceding sentence, the Postal Regu-1

    latory Commission shall submit to Congress a copy of such2

    report, together with any findings and recommendations3

    which the Commission considers appropriate. In addition4

    to any information otherwise required, each report under5

    this subsection shall include6

    (1) an assessment of how replacing gasoline-7

    powered motor vehicles with electric motor vehicles8

    meets goals or objectives established by the Postal9

    Service for the replacement of the Postal fleet; and10

    (2) the economic and environmental impact11

    which the actions taken by the Postal Service under12

    subsection (a) have had, including with respect to13

    (A) projected per vehicle operating costs14

    per mile;15

    (B) projected revenues from vehicle-to-grid16

    and other grid-related services; and17

    (C) emissions reduction and other environ-18

    mental benefits.19


    For purposes of this Act21

    (1) the term motor vehicle means any self-22

    propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons23

    or property on a street or highway;24

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  • 8/14/2019 Postal Service Electric Vehicle Act



    (2) the term electric motor vehicle means a1

    motor vehicle powered solely by an electric motor2

    that draws current from rechargeable storage bat-3

    teries, fuel cells, photovoltaic arrays, or other4

    sources of electric current;5

    (3) the term Postal fleet means that portion6

    of the Federal fleet (within the meaning of section7

    303(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C.8

    13212(b)) which is owned, operated, leased, or oth-9

    erwise controlled by or assigned to the Postal Serv-10

    ice and used primarily in the delivery of mail;11

    (4) the term Postal Service means the United12

    States Postal Service; and13

    (5) the term United States, as used in a geo-14

    graphical sense, includes the District of Columbia,15

    the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United16

    States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the17

    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,18

    and any other Commonwealth, territory, or posses-19

    sion of the United States.20

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