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Legal Helices COUNTY ALLOWANCES GENERAL COUNTY FUND Wilbur O. Decs, Clerk, 3 days and 2 days attend, clerk and deputy, 78.00; James Ira Qrlmsley, Sheriff," 2 days Bttend., self and deputy, 20.00; Carl A. Megehee, salary, 150.00; Donald W. Cumbcst, salary. 350.00; Donald W. Cumbest, amt. due. 175.00; Marie F. Graves, salary, 237.04: Vertls G. Ram- say, Co. registrar, 400.00; Marvin P. Lewis, salary, 272.50; Willie J. Hardy, salary, 172.78: Mrs. Charlotte M. Gar- ner, salary, 217.50; Miss Sandra M. Pryor, salary, 100.00; Mrs. Leonle H. Bulkin, salary. 110.00: Ruth H Car- ter, salary. 135.00; Pride of Pasca- goula Lodge No. 435 F.A.M. rent. 50 00; Norman T. Lyons, salary, 510.41; Miss Juanita Holland, salary, 275.00: Mrs. A. L. Hancock, salary, 250 00; Lee E. Randall, salary, 300.00; Mrs. Vadis D. Peden, salary, 150 04; c. J. Patton, salary, 250 00; Alma Patton, Genretta I arklns, Loree Fountain. Beatrice ] Henry, salary each, 97.50; Orvell F. Thornton, Madison G. Cox, Howard E. Tllrcy, salary each, 350.00; Advertiser Publishing Co., pub allowances. 60.00; Southern Bell T&T Co., service & tolls, 677.10; Lawrence A. Watts, salary, 700 00; Miss, Nat. Guard, 14Sth Eng. Field Malnt. Co., donation. 17.50; Miss. Nat. Guard. Battery “3" 631st Field Artillery Bn. donation, 17.50; Wri!bur G, Dees, clerk, salary, 250.00; Mrs. Minnie L. Tootle, salary, 102.57, Ivey E. Atwell, 6r., salary, 240.00; Mrs. Gladys Furby, salary. 125.00; Leon Lambert, care of bloodhounds, 15.00; Boyce Holleman, Dist. Attorney, allow- ance for office. 100.00; Carrie R. Mit- chell. excess bid, .79; Edna <fc Everett R. Holton, same. 6.57; Frank H. Shows, same, 2.61; H. R. Evans, same, 10.43: O. L. McLeod, same, 22.07; H. B. Gautier, same, 13.19; Odette Kuhn, same, 105.61; J. K. Lemon, same, 13.61; Fred Lemon, same. 118.54; Otiy Chris- tian. same, 24.08; Gulf Hills, Inc., same. 13.48: J. J. Whitehead, same, 59.01: Js retell, Inc., same. 32.67: Wil- bur G. Devs, clerk, refund. 20 00: N P. Gautier. Supt. of Ed., refund, 20.00; Frlden. Inc., agreement, 52.00; Heder- man Brothers, seal. 21.08; Arnold Fears Business Machines, rentals, II.CO; Standard Office Supply Co., file, binders & jackets. 383.04; Parsley Printing Co., envelopes, 59.75; Pasca- goula Business Machines Inc., ribbons. 12.75: Tom L. Retchings Co., supplies. 124 32: Xerox Corporation. 4 cases record fixer. 50.00; M. M. Flechas Eh in;.' rd, lab r & material, 45.25; Sin ring Rive; "lospital, fee. 2.50; State Department of Audit, auditing i960 records. 1,245.00; Pascagoula Mat- tress Co., renovating. 38 50; Malter Supply Co.. Inc., supplies. 171.31: Mer- chants Cash Grocery, Inc., supplies, 51.75: City of Pascagoula, gas <& water, 48.01; Shell Oil Co., gas. 69.51; Hunt & Whitaker, Inc., supplies, 24.61; Ba- ber’s Firestone Dealer Store, labor <fc parts. 35.50; George "Pontiac” Pattl- son. Inc., parts. 22.63; Earl’s Esso Bervlce. gas & oil, 159 20; Long & George’s Auto Service, labor & parts, 92.50: Phillips Petroleum Co., gas, 322.77; Texaco Inc., gas, 169.36; Mo- torola Com. and Elec., Inc., mainte- nance, 295.90; Max Wilson, shoes, 34.75; Standard Office Supply Com- pany, binders & Jacket. 157.05; Pasca- goula Mattress Co., pads, 11.00: Zep Manufacturing Corp., supplies, 152.93; Mrs. Betty E. Hedman, services,175.00; Alice S. Cauiey, services, 11.60; John D. Henley, acting coroner, inquest. 10.00; Harold Jones, bailiff, same, 6 00; W H. Pope, Sr., D. B. Pope, Jr., Cecil Byrd. W. L Taylor. Howard Ell- ley, Matt Cox. jurors each 2.00; Vertls G. Ramsay, circuit clerk, fees. 112.25; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, fees, 18.50; Matter Supply Co., Inc., waste baskets, 13.60; Advertiser Printing, Inc., supplies, 221.65; Standard Oil Co., gas & oil, 107.84; City of Pasca- goula, gas & w’ater, 44.38; Dr. C. H. Gray, services, 4.00; Crawford Plumb- ing & Heating, material & labor, 252.80: Delcomyn’s, supplies, 9.36; Pal- ace Pharmacy, supplies, lb.58; Build- ers Supply, Inc., lumber & supplies, *94.81; Concrete Products & Supply Co., Inc., concrete, 600.80; L. E. Lam- bert, Jr., salary, 225.00; Eugene Furby, helping, 4000; Claude Pierce dragline rental, 80.00; Roland M. Miller, labor, S4.00: Mississippi Power Co., service, 190.32; Cecil E. Byrd, salary, 400.00; Mrs. Gail Bosarge, salary, 100.00; Bush Office Supply Co.. Inc., supplies, j 433.90; Pickett Radio & Television, jadio equip., 37.00; Mrs. Charlotte M. Garner, refund, 32.00; Singing River Elec. Power Assoc., serv., 1.80: Missis- sippi Power Co., service, 926.42; Sing- ing River Hospital, emergency room serv., 15.50; Smittie’s Plumbing & Heating Serv., work, 35.00; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, tag & privilege tax, 14.CO; Sandra M. Pryor, material for float, 13.45; Mary Virginia Higgin- botham. work, 40.00; Tom L. Retchings Co., supplies, 64.14; Concrete Products & Supply Co., Inc., concrete, 65.60; J. Leslie Nelson, coroner, inquests, 71.40; M. D. Johnson, bailiff. Inquests, 20.00; Roy Tootle, bailiff. 5.00; C. T. Wilson, bailiff. 5.CO; Dr. C. L. Ezell, inquest, 75.CO; R. H. Miller. J. T. O’Neal, Ray- mond L. Sasser, Harold Holder A. F. King, Curtis Prine, inquests. 6.00; Eari Norris, A. A. Ross, Bernard Beau gez. Penny Cates, Jim Dennison, Vir- gil Byrd, L. G. Doty, T. E. Green. E. C. Miller, M. S. Dempsey. H. L. Smith, Louis P. Linder Elvy Flanagan, Earl Turnage, George Holder. S. P. Furby, W. L. Greer, Vincent Torres. Inquest Jurcrs each 2.CO; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, refund, 52.00; Nich G. El- chos, D.D.S., service, 10.00; Drs. Mc- Jlwain & Winstead, services, 214.00; Remington Rand, ribbon, 1.40; Friden, Inc., maint. agreement, 52.00; Parsley Printing So., supplies, 157B0;Redd Pest Control Co., services. 15.00; Clarke's Photography Service, serv., 3.75; Pascagoula Business Machines. Inc applies. 2.60;'Biloxi Stationery & Typewriter Co., ribbon & serv., 2.80: W. S. Darley & Co., supplies, 8.30; Jerry lee Grocery, dog food, 6.17; Wayne Lee’s Grocery Sz Market, Inc.. same, 27.36; Burroughs Corporation, jnech. serv., 15.00;McLelIan Stores Co., osh trays. 2.75; Ferrer Electric Serv- ice, labor & material, C3.50; B. F. Goodrich Siore, tire repair. 2.50; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, transport- ing patients. & serving summons. 67 00; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff transporting boys & prisoner. 88.90; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, costs in- curred on persons sent to Co. Farm, 173.35; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, victualing prisoners, 967.50; Tom’s Su~ py-r Market, supplies, 30.86; Willie J. i Hardy. Asst. Ayri. Agt., refund for j expenses, 37.71: N. T. Lyons, Tax As- sessor. travel expenses, 75.00; Erdie G. j Barrow, work. 105.00; Mary G. Me- i Phearson, work. 220.00; Nellie Schatz. work, 125.00; Xerox Corporation, pa- j per, 498.00; Everett Furniture & Hard- ware, supplies, 63.77; City Lumber fz Supply Co., Inc., lumber & sand. 23.57; Mitchell Brothers Const. Co., 1 ber Fz materials, 1.70C.88; Richard L. Yarbrough, attorney, fee, 350.00; Cjty of 'Pascagoula, gas &. water. 145.76; Mississippi Power Co., service, 13.00; Bingin'; Liver Sign Service, sign, 3.00;’s Super Market, groceries, 296.47; Vann’s Cash Grocery, same, 300.74: Krebs Auto Mart, repairs, 92.00; Jan- itorial Supply Fz Equipment Co., Inc., supplies, 11.50: Palace Pharmacy, sup- plies, 8.41; M. M. Flechas Shipyard, materials & supplies, 554.84; Singing River Electric Power Assn, service. 1.85; Harry E. Burrow, Jr., M. D., service, 6.C0; Standard Parts, Inc., radios, 1.233.00; Palace Pharmacy, sup plies, 107.75; McAdams Sheet Metal Works, labor <Sc parts, 230.25; Pasca- goula Ice Fz Freezer Co., ice, 7.75; M. M. Morgan, Zoning Officer, fees, 397.33; John D. Henley, J. P., fees 30.00; C. T. Wilson, constable, fees, 34.00; Henry Fletcher, constable, fees, 10.00; Lawrence Baker, J. P. fees, 93.00; Arnold Fears Business Mach. : Co., labor & parts, 6.26; City of Pas- j cagonla, gas, 2.50; Pickett Radio & Television, labor & parts, 199.99; Ad- [ vertiscr Publishing Co.. Inc., pub. legate 12220; Southern EeU T&T Co- service A- tolls, 17.81: American Oil Co- gas & oil, C5.31; Milnor Laundry Sz Cleaners, Ir.c.. laundry, 103.65; South Miss. Forestry Field Day, advertising Count-; P.p-r-rces, £0.09. COUNT! HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND Mrs. Thelma Garrett, registrar, *8.00; Mrs. Thelma Garrett, expense. 50.00; Dept, of Agriculture, Meat Insp. Dir., salary, 165.00; George Mowing Co., mowing, 8.00; B. F. Goodrich Store, tires, 132.68; Ferrer Motor C*., labor & parts, oil & grs. & supp. 66.20; F r.brook Motor Co., Inc., labor & parts, 157.60; Allied Equipment. Inc., parts. 29.09; Floyd Fairley, Sr., Hardy Salisbury, Cayce Sumerlin. A. O. John- son, Zelmon Barnett, Winfred Cooper, salary each, 240.00; J. M. Eptlng, Sr., salary, 100.00; J. M. Eptlng, Sr., re- fund, 69.00; Standard Oil Co., gas <fc dsl & lube, 377.81; Virginia Simms Wilson, salary, 240.00; Marie Colson, salary, 110 00; Bernice Webb, salary, 90.00; Pascagoula Battery Co., battery, 12.90; L. R. Centannl, M. D., child guidance clinic, 600.00; Jackson Coun- ty Health Dept, appropriation. 2,860 63; Pascagoula Ice & Freezer Co., Ice, 3.15. COUNTY INDIGENT FUND Jake Cunningham. Miss Maude Goff, Cowan Baria, William B. Stork, El- vin OiU, Mrs. Rose Hollerman, Mrs. M. F. Deloney. Mrs. Corlnne 8tokes, Daniel W. Alexander, Mrs, Edwina Clapp, J. E. Fairley, Otis Tanner, Willie Williams, Clara Holliman, Mrs. B. Jorgensen, Linnle Galloway. Mrs. Norman Reus, Mrs. John Sheiman, Douglas Mizelle, Mrs. Anna Ehlers, Mary Sterling, Oscar Tillman, Mrs. Bertha Rush, Ada Seymour, Mrs. Barney Parker, Mrs Nellie McKelvain, Thomas Kennedy, Mrs. Emmltt Allred. Lula Fondren, Nara Nix, Martin Young, Mrs. Florence Dees, allowance, each, 15.00. Mrs. Emma Isham, same. 30 00. Mrs. Jos Salisbury, Edna Wells,, Van Crawford. Miss Iola Graham, Mrs. Eva Harper. Thomas Salisbury, Miss Annie C. Ehlers, James Goff. Mrs. Maybelle Myers, Mamie Lee Pait. J. L. Williams, Sr., Mrs. John Entrekin, James Howard, Nettie Alexander. Mrs. Will Myers. Joanna R. Havens, Elmer Roberts, Mrs. Carrie Baggett, Arthur Ecklis, Mrs. Carl Dammen. Mrs. Ag- nes Goodin, Emma C. Parker, allow- ance each, 15.00: Jackson County Welfare Dept, allowance, 15.00; Mrs. W. G. Groves, rent, 25.00; Southern Bell T&T Co., serv. & tolls, 17.98; Mississippi State Sanatorium, board, 277.00; Willie R. Bragg, salary, 375.00; Jackson County Welfare Dept, handl- ing commodities. 25 00; Elnora Barnes, sa.arv, 85.00; C. L. Barnes, work, 12.50; Morgan Farmer, mowing. 6.00; Jackson County Welfare Dept. amt. due, 267.57; Jackson County Welfare Dept., appro- priation, 1,000.00; Burnham Drug Co- supplies, 41.97: Mr ak's TV Service, re- pairs, 26.SO; Dr. A. V. Mortensen, ser- vices, 5.00: H. G. Jones, supplies, 15.49; Hamilton’s No. 2, supplies, 14.44; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 2.15; Josh Wells, work. 176.00; S. D. Cron- ier. services, 24.00: Mrs, J. E. Cole- man, salary & upkeep of Co. Home, C23.56; Een franklin Store, supplies, 3.86; Hamilton's Appliance & Furni- ture, labor & parts, 40.00; Singing River Electric Power Assn, service. 10.85: Thompson Clinic, services. 30 00: Brumfields, supplies, 25.11; Pascagou- la Ice & Freezer Co., storing butter, 126.72; Alfred Gladney, transporting patient, 15.00; R. L. Rosco, work, 331.70; Dickson’s Store, supplies, 7.95. GENERAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION FUND Piping Engineering & Contracting Co., est. No. 6, 11.084.14; Carl L. Ol- schner and Associates, services, 30 44; Tom L. Retchings Co., rebinding, patching, binders & covers, 9.176.75. PUBLIC HOSPITAL NURSES’ HOME CONSTRUCTION FUND Carl L. Olschner and Associates, est. No. 4, 250.09; McClendon Build- ing Service, est. No. 5. 26,364 28. COUNTY AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND Smittie's Fire Protection Service, re- charging extinguishers, 12.50; South- ern Bell T&T Co., service & tolls, 29.30; G and G Tobacco Co., Inc., supplies, 18.76; Alton G. Neal, salary, 225.00; Hollaway Electric Service, la- bor & parts, 20.60. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Jackson County Library Board, ap- propriation, 1.254.21. JACKSON COUNTY WITHHOLDING FUND fTjoiic employees neuremenv eys., annuity, 471.55. DISTRICT NO. 1 ROAD FUND Lum R. Cumbest, Supervisor, salary 433.33; Mississippi Export Railroad Co., freight, 1,157.72; Siokley Motors, labor & parts, 110.00; Hot* GMC Trucks. Inc., parts, 25.42; Stribling Bros. Machinery Co., labor ft parts, 187.24; Standard Oil C.o., gas ft lube, 540.57; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 773.90; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 446.58; Bell Auto Parts, parts, 60.61; Bayou Casotte Shell ft Supply Co., Inc., shells, 162.40; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 341.43; B. P. Goodrich Store, labor & parts, 92 67; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 427.23; 'J. E. Coleman, salary, 250.00; William Ward, salary, 250.00: William H. Goff, labor, 239.20; Edward Jones, labor, 228.80; Hubert Clark, labor, 220 00; W. D. Holder, labor. 211.20; Billy Martin, labor, 176.00; Joe Jackson, labor, 96.00; Can Stringfellow, labor, 80.00; Mar- vin Waltman, labor. 64.00; H. D. Cun- ningham, labor, 176.00: S. D. Cronier, labor, 114.40: Leroy Hearndon, labor, 32.CO; T. E. Parker, labor, 32.00; Don- nie Hinton, labor, 40.00: B. B. Parker, labor, 48.00; R. R. Coleman, Jabor, 32.00; M. B. Coleman, labor. 40.00; S. R. Hearndon. labor, 32.00; T. E. Goff, labor, 18.00; G. M. Spear, labor, 12.00; Tom Polk, sand. 8.50; Frank Snell, sand, 20.50; Hamilton’s No. 2, sup- plies, 17.19; Ogborn Garage, labor ft parts, 76.69; Jones Auto Service, la- bor ft parts, oil & grs. & gas, 31.35; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 29.90; Swendsen Motor Parts & Repair, la- bor & parts, 33.80: Leo Scarbrough, gas, 13.08, Deas Tire Co., tires ft tubes, 19.77. DISTRICT NO. 1 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pipe, 499.75; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber. 409.85; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 843.75; Choctaw Inc., pipe, 322.00; Wells Industries, Inc., treated lumber. 198 55. DISTRICT NO. 2 ROAD FUND Edward A. Khayat, Supervisor, sal- ary, 433.33; Jesse Cox, extra services, 50.00; Seth Cox. same, 30.00; District No. 3 Road Const. Fund, repayment of loan. 4,000.00: Standard Oil Co., gas, 630.27; Mississippi Power Com- pany, service, 15.06; Bell Auto Parts, supplies, 17.71; J. C. Cox. salary, 250.00: Otis Stauter, labor. 228.80: A. E. Rogers, labor, 218.40; J. L. Easter- ling. labor, 218.40; Willie Hearndon. labor, 218.40; L. L. Lampkin, labor, 224.70; Dan Henderson, labor, 218.40; Floyd Bryant, labor. 218.40; L. W. Weaver, salary, 255.00: Arthur Clark, labor, 218.40; W. C. Hearndon, labor, 218.40; R. H. Terreson. repairs, 24.35; Choctaw Inc., pipe, 1.524.78: Leon Bo- sarge, shells, 20.00; James Ira Grims- ley, tags ft priv. tax, 140.80; B. F. Goodrich Store, tires, tubes & sup- plies, 251.72; J. W. Roberts Welding Shop, lepairs, 9.00; Estabrook Motor Co.. Inc., labor & parts, 20.27; The Spann Hardware Co., file, 1.10; Pres- l"y Tire & Supply, tires ft tubes, 234.96; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt ft rental, 5.279.61; Foster Len- r.ep ft Sons, gravel. 1.50: Beckham’s Amoco Station., labor, parts, oil. grs. ft supplies, 41.05; Moss Point Service Station, labor, parts, oil & grs., 35.20; H. E. Furby, labor ft rental. 30.00; Pascagoula Battery Co., battery, 13.91; B&W Service Station, labor, parts, oil, grs., gas ft supp.. 629.60; Blades Hard- ware Store, supp.. 31.85: Glenn E. Eeckham. rental. 268.00: D. L. Bar- field, rental. 220.00; C&G Auto Parts, parts, 7.61; James T. Byrd, labor, 8.00; Delmas Service Station, tire, 89.75; Glenn Barlow, labor, 99.00; Dickson’s Store, supplies. 31.76. DISTRICT NO. 2 BRIDGE ft CULVERT FUND J. A. Byrd, labor, 70.00; Andrew Ny- man. labor, 50 00: Willie Hearndon. labor, 15.00; Otis Stauter, labor, 30.00; Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pips. 2.991.30; Trans Mississippi Mfg. Co., pipe, 1,547.19; S. H. Cox, salary, 253.00; Robert S. Byrd, labor. 226.80: Emmit Wells, labor. 171.00; Elliott Nicholson, labor, 163.00; Henry Cannon, labor, 168.00; Richard Stringfellow, dirt, 51.75. DISTRICT NO. 3 ROAD FUND Mar.e..-, BartUfi, Supervisor, salary, 433.33; Southern Bell T&T Co., serv. & tolls, 63.69; Crystal Ice Co., ire, £2.00; South ix;’. Airways, Inc., freight, 104.69; Irby Bros Machine & Iron Works, repair, 56.07; John M. Warren, supplies, 28.75; G&G Tobacco Co., Inc., supplies, 0.13; Allied Equipment, V ) Inc., parts, 15.63: District No. 3 Road Const. Fund, repayment of loan, 1,000.00; County Lirbary Fund, same, 5.500.00; Standard Oil Co., lube, 6.25; Builders Supply, Inc. brick, 5.00; Treated Materials Co., lumber, 2,400.00; Choctaw Inc., pipe & bands, 4,484.55; Shook & Fletcher Insulation Co., sup- plies, 13.84; Bell Auto Parts, parts, 141.30; Bush Office Supply Co., Inc., supplies, 6.51; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 62.80; Temple Construc- tion Co., rental, 2,440.00; Louis W. Temple, rental and refund, 270.75; Leroy Poole, Jr., salary, 260.00; James Green, salary, 260 00; Benny F. Scovel, labor. 250.00; Carl Demouey, salary, 250 00; Betty Lou Cook, salary, 225.00; Horace Culpepper, labor. 60.00; Claude Bosarge, shells, 120.00; Mrs. C. L. May, rental, 36.00; Sam Bosarge, shells, 30 00: Eld red White, labor, 250 00: Ern- est E. Bang, labor, 250.00; Robert Toney, labor 119.38; Walter Coch’an. labor, 56.85; R H. Terreson, repairs, 120.15; Standard Oil Co., gas & dsl, 056.67; Louisville & Nashville RR Co., fregiht, 814.08; Magnolia Welding Sup- ply Co., Inc., supplies, 7.92; B. F. Goodrich Store, repairing flat, 3.50; Estabrook Motor Co., Inc., labor & parts. 361.25; Mississippi Road Sup- ply Co., labor & parts. 319.64; City j Lumber & Supply Co., Inc., lumber & supplies, 15.27; McConnell Radiator Service, labor, parts, oil, grs. & supp., 22.£5; Leary & Owens Equipment Co., Inc., labor & parts, 44.60; Deas Tire Co., labor & parts, 183.61; Whitehead Const. Co., shells, 1,003.20. DISTRICT NO. 3 ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUND Paino Supply Co., parts At supplies, 1.509.81; Pascagoula Equipment Rental Co., rental, 1,026.00: Donald J. Sim- mons, C. E., services, 850.00; Temple Construction Co., rental, 4.568.24; Al- fred Ray, labor, 125.07; Rollie Emer- son, Jr., rental, 390.00; Milton Hamp- ton, Thanyus Tyrus, Abraham Broth- ers, Clarence Davis labor, 250.00; Ern est E. Bang, Leroy Poole, Jr., James Green, Benny F. Scovel, Carl De- mouey, Jessie F. Barrow, John G. Collier George Cronler, Eldred White, extra labor each, 35.00; Kennedy Ma- rine Engine Co., Inc., repairing clutch, 4.50; Hawkins Equipment Co., parts, 116.70; Paine Supply Co., supplies, 30.63. DISTRICT NO. 3 BRIDGE & CULVERT FUND Johnson's Concrete Pipe Co., pipe, 3.761.15; Trans Mississippi Pipe Mfg. Co., pipe, 1,214.40; County Library Fund, repayment of loan, 500.00; Fas- cagoula Shell As Gravel Co., shells, 1915.40: Mississippi Road King Sales, Inc., Gallon Patrol, 1 Road King at- tachment, 3,475.00; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber, 272.96. DISTRICT NO. 4 ROAD FUND A. P. Moran, Supervisor, salary, 433.33; L&N Railroad Co., freight, 469.20; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 920.43; Stribling Bros. Machinery Co., labor & parts, 6S7.34, County Library Fund, repayment of loan, 6,900.00; District No. 5 Bridge Const. Fd., repayment of loan. 9.500.00, E. N. Voivedich, salary At refund, 282.24; Clifton Seymour, labor, 156.40; Oneil Seymour, labor, 153.60; Wade Campbell, labor, 214.50; Jessie Tan- ner, labor, 195 50; Coast Lawn it Pav- ing Service, asphalt At labor, 750.20; Salcedo Products Co., kerosene, 4.45; Dixie Peed At Seed Store, fertilizer, 4.90; Clint's Texaco Recapping At Alignment Service, labor, parts, gas, lube, oil, grs., tires At tubes, 355.92; Standard Oil Co., gas, dsl., lube it grs., 440.60; P. C. Zeigler, labor, 200.00; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, j 369.13; Mississippi Road Supply Co., labor At parts, 92.89; Bayou Casotte Shell At Supply Co., Inc., shells, 46.15; CAtV Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 32.84; J. B. Morgan, Sr., sand. 71.00; Mississippi Power Co., service, 35.38; Blossman Oas, Inc., gas, 19.71; Terry's Service Station, kerosene. 4.33; Lamey Electric Co., repairs, 4.50; Moss Point Engineering Co. services, 234.00; Southern Bell TAtT Co., service and toils, 70.11. DISTRICT NO. 4 BRIDGE A CULVERT FUND District No. 5 Bridge Const. Fd., repayment ol loan, 2,500.00;Hilton & Sons, labor, parts, oil & grs., 33.19; Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., p^pe, 53.40; Builders Supply Co., supplies. 23.10; W. E. Dorroh, services, 43.00; Marine Mart, paint, 5.37; Howard Holley. Sr., Dolphie Holley, Elvin Hol- ley, Howard Holley, Jr.. James Hol- ley, labor each 40.00; Steve Barhono- vich, labor & rental, 359.60; Frank Quave. labor, 170.10; Munro Hill, la- bor, 173.50; James Tanner, labor, 187.35. DISTRICT NO. 5 ROAD FUND Olin H. Davis, Supervisor, salary, 433.33; L&N RR Co., freight, 638.40; Stribllng Bros. Machinery Co., labor & parts, 132.16; Builders Supply Co., lumber & supplies, 48.10; Shanteau’s Garage, labor & parts, 137.31; Missis- sippi Road Supply Co., 1 payloader, 16,197.00; Standard Oil Co., gas, lube & grease, 394.21; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 506.30; Builders Supply Co., lumber & supplies, 10.23; Gulf Asphalt Plant, Inc., asphalt, 87.00; Mississippi Road Supply Co., parts 84.75; B. F. Goodrich Store, tire, tube & supplies, 103.40; O. H. Wilson, sal- ary, 260.00; Coy Allen, salary, 250.00; Ray Roberts, salary, 250.00; Otto Flurry, salaryV* 235.00; Ernest Goff, salary, 235.00; Mathew King, salary, 194.25; M. E. Overstreet, salary, 199.50; John Kates, salary, 199.50; Clarence Bosarge, labor, 42.00; Ruble Moe, la- bor, 215.25; Gerald Holden, labor, 189.00; I. W. Ramsay, labor, 56.00; Jake Overstreet, labor, 80.00; Riley Holden, labor, 80.00; Ray Wilson, la- bor, 56.00; Lester Mallette, Jr. labor, 80.00; Will O'Neal, labor, 80.00; Alma Goff, labor, 80.00; J. B. Ramsay, labor, 28.00;C. C. Cochran, labor, 24.00; Bon Webb, labor, 160.00; H. M. Smith, labor & parts, 33.68; R. L. Vaughan, labor, 80.00; Nolle J. Roberts, obtain- ing deed, 77.70; Kelley's Service Sta- tion. labor, parts, gas, oil, grs. and supplies, 87.05. DISTRICT NO. 5 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pipe. 496.15; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber 764.40; Wells Industries, Inc., same, 315.81; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 464.12; Moss Point Engi- neering Co., service. 100.00. ROAD MAINTENANCE FUND Dist. No. 3 Road Const. Fund, main- taining & improving roads in city limits, 1.COO.00; City of Moss Point, same, 800.00; Town of Ocean Springs, same, 2,500.00; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 4.296.07; Hub Equipment Co., labor & parts, 1,341.81; Leather- bury's Service Station, labor, parts, oil & grs., 33.14; Standard Oil Co., gas & lube, 305.76; Jim’s OK Recaps, part, tire & tube, 28.70; Bell Auto Parts, labor & parts. 31.18; Builders Supply, Inc., lumber, 37.06; J. L. Bar- low. salary, 350.00; H. F. Dubuisson, salary. 290.00; Lester Mallett, Sr., sal- ary, 290.00; Clinton Jones, salary, 255.00; Rollie Emerson, Jr. rental, 32.00; Clyde Stokes, rental. 54.00; M. G. Barlow, labor, 16.00; Singing River Electric Power Assoc., service, 8.10; Mississippi Power Co., service, 10.43; Homer Goff, salary, 240.00; R. H. Terreson, labor & parts, 103.07; James Ira Gi-imsley, sheriff, tag & priv. tax, 8.50; S. D. Cronier, dirt pit, 200.00; Magnolia Welding Supply Co., Inc., supplies, 19.43; Clarence Goff, erect- ing signs, 49.00; Harold's Shell Serv- ice. labor & parts. 39.27; Singing Riv- er Sign Service, signs, 8.00; District No. 1 Hoad Fund, iransfrr of funds, 29,000.00; District Nos.2. 3, 4 and 5, same each, 29.000.00; Singing River Elec. Power Assoc., service, 1.80; Moss Point Engineering Co., services. 34J.39, J. L. Barlow, refund, 30.00; Fred H. Cox, refund, 8/5; Fagan Service Elec- tric. repairs. 46.88. BRIDGE FUND Frank Joachim. salary, 150.00; Southern Bell T&T Co., serv. & tolls, 11.90; Howard Medlock, labor 72.00' Joe V. Krebs, Sr., salary, 350.00; John Carniey, Dan Miller, Carl Hawley, la- bor each. 208 00: Steve Krebs, labor, 16.00; Joe V. Krebs, 8r„ refund, 21.00, Standard Oil Co., gas, lube & grease. 133.15; Builders Supply, Inc., lumber & nails. 377.96: Bell Auto Parts, parts, 81.46; Presley Tire & Supply, repair. 3 00; Ferrer Service Station, gas, oil, grs. & part, 9.6": Pitalo's Hardware & Eoat Supply, supplies, 6 52: Pasca- goula lee & Freezer Co., ice, 1.65. WADE-VANCLEAVE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, recording deed. 1.60; Moss Point Engineering M Co., services, 633.33. _ SEAWALL MAINTENANCE FCKD Irby 8urdlch, salary. 30.00; South- ern Bell T&T Co., service to tolls. 20.00; Strlbllng Bros. Machinery Co., labor to parts, 670.48; Oordon Mathleu, labor, 224 80; Alva Deloney. labor, 224.80: Merlin E. Ryan, labor, 190.80; Earl King, labor, 64 40; E. Volvedlch. labor, 63 0C; Shanteau’s Oarage, labor to parts, 122.72; Hurley Creosote Co., posts, 40.00; Mississippi Export RR Co., freight, 1,421.86; W. E. Dorroh, C. E., services. 100.00; James Tanner, work. 200.00: Mrs. Ethel Cates, serv- ices, 63 30; Bell Auto Parts, labor to parts, 169.98; Builders Supply, Inc., supplies. 5 00;Earl Herndon, salary. 255.00: A. L. Olaskox. salary, 340.00; John H. Lambert, salary, 255.00; Char- les Spicer, labor, 220.00; Ronnie Tap- per same, 220.00; Donnls Atwell, same, 220.00; Coda Lloyd Vice, labor, 318.40; Denson Allen, labor, 318.40; D. L. Bar- Held, labor, 226.80; Jessie F. Barrow salary. 255.00; John O. Collier, labor, 250.00; George Cronler, same, 255.00; Rollle Emerson, Jr., salary, 260.00; Clyde \V. Stokes, salary, 290.00; Keith Howell, rental, 225.00; James Clifton Isham, labor, 250.00; Knowles Mate- rial Co., crack filler, 345.27; Radcllff Materials, Inc., caulking to filling seams. 1,523.77; C&V Construction Co. asphalt, 1,509.51; American Bltunruls A Asphalt Co., asphalt, 470.46; R. H. Terreson, repairs, 149.25; Walter L. Huff, saw chain, 26.50; Mississippi Export RR Co., demurrage, 8.00; Esta- brook Mctor Co., Inc., labor, parts to grease. 72.83; Jones Auto Service, gas, oil, grs., labor to parts, 74.23; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 3.25; Bayou Casotte Shell to Supply Co., Inc., -shells, 1,383.55; C&V Construction Co., Inc., rental, 1S6.00; B. P. Goodrich Store, tires to tubes. 299.11; M. M. Gautier, C. E.. services. 719.50; Missis- sippi Power Cc,.. service, 37.83; White- head Construction Co., shells, 1,837.35; Deas Tire Co., labor, parts, tires to tubes, 257.45; Pascagoula Hardware to Supply Co., parts, 288.20; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 962.50; Gulf Motor Parts. Ir.c., parts, 12.58: Choc- taw Inc., pipe, connecting bands, pre- cast units to caps, 2.327.04; Steve Krebs, labor, 90 00; American Bitum- uls to Asphalt Co., asphalt. 485 18. BAYOU CASOTTE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pascagoula Chamber of Commerce, trips to Jackson and Hot Springs, 571.06; Conway Woodworking Co.. 2 frames, 70.70; Builders Supply. Inc., lumber At supplies, 24.95; Temple Con- struction Co., cleaning out ditch, 168.00; Whitehead Construction Co., shells At rental, 597.70; Pickett Radio At Television, sound system, 30.00; Radio Station WPMP, Standard Oil Refinery dedication. 260.00; Grover E. Merritt, hauling dirt. 36 00; Long's Transfer & Storage Co., transporting industrial display. 330.00.. PORT OPERATION AND DEVELOP- MENT FUND Jackson County Port Authority, omt. due, 1,547.29; Jackson County Port Authority, loan, 500.00; Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, compensation. 200.00; Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, recording deeds, 40.35, The Yellow' Cab Company, transport- ing guests, 39.00; Jackson County Port Bonds Redemption Fund, repayment of loans, 48.000.00; C&V Construction Co.. Inc., rental, 418.50; Harold Efler, labor, 54.00; Lee Busby, labor, 36.00; Buddy Heights, same, 36.00; Evangel- istic Temole Church, tent rental, 50.00. JACKSON COUNTY PORT IMPROVE- MENT CONSTRUCTION FUND XJ. S. Geological Survey, services, 750.00; Karl Wiesenburg and Car) A. Megehee. )ega) services, 12.401.63. Pascagoula Moss Point Bank, 5 cou pons, 656.24; Merchants At Marine Bank, 1 coupon. 12.50. Pascagoula- Moss Point Bank, to be invested, 338.548.00; Merchants At Ma- rine Bank, to be invested, 225,698.67. SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, J. P. Walker and Georgia Avis Walker, husband and wife, executed their certain Deed of Trust on February 15, 1960, to Anris V. Cumbest, Trustee, to secure the payment of a certain Indebtedness evidenced by their Promissory Note of even date therewith to Bevls Con- struction Company, Inc., which said Deed of Trust is of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jack- son County, Mississippi, in Book 136. Pages 78 and 79; and. WHEREAS, Bevls Construction Com- pany, Inc., later assigned the afore- said Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to Confidential Loan and Mortgage Company, by instrument of writing dated March 7, 1960, and re- corded In Book 136, Page 564, in the records of the olflce of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County, Mississippi; and, WHEREAS. Confidential Loan and Mortgage Company later assigned the aforesaid Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to First National Bank cf Tampa, by Instrument of writing dated May 11, 1960, and re- corded in Book 139 at Page 158 in the office cf the Chancery Clerk of Jack- sen County, Msisissippi; and, WHEREAS, First National Bank of Tampa later assigned the aforesaid Deed of Trust and Note thereby secur- ed to Bevls Construction Company, Inc., by Instrument of writing dated January 27. 1961, and recorded In Book 149 at Page 53 In the records of the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County, Mississippi; and, WHEREAS, Bevls Construction Com- pnay, Inc., later assigned the afore- said Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to B St P, Inc., by instrument of writing dated November 16, 1961, and recorded in Book 160 at Page 523 in the records of the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County. Mississippi; and, WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust and the Note thereby secured provides for the payment of said indebtedness in monthly installments of principal and interest, and provides further that in the event of default in the payment of any installment for a penod of thirty (30) days, the holder may. at his option, declare oil the remainder of said indebtedness due and payable, and, WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness; and. WHEREAS, the holder of the said indebtedness has exercised the option provided for in said Deed of Trust and Promissory Note secured by the same, and has aeclared the principal of said Indebtedness, together with all interest due thereon, immediately due and payable; and, WHEREAS, the owner and holder of said Note and Deed of Trust has duly substituted William L. Waller as Sub- stituted Trustee, pursuant to a duly executed Substitution of Trustee, re- corded in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County. Mississippi, in Book 160 at Page 529; and, WHEREAS, the holder of said In- debtedness has directed the under- signed, as Substituted Trustee, to ex- ecute this trust in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Trust afore- said. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM L. WALLER, Substituted Trustee in said Deed of Trust, will, within legal hours on the 19th day of January, 1962, at the front door of the County Court House of Jackson County, Mississippi, offer for sale, and will sell at public auction and outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the land and property situated In Jackson County, Missis- sippi, and described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the NE corner of the SE'4 of the SE'/« of Section 33. Town- ship 5 South. Range 5 West, of Jack- son County, Mississippi; thence runn- ing West 240 feet to the point of be- ginning. Thence continuing West 200 fed; thence South 100 feet; thence East 200 feet to road: thence Ncvth 100 feet to the point of beginning. Title to the above described proper- ty is believed tc be good, but I will convey only such title as vested in me as Substitute Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this the 20th day of December, 1961. S/WILLIAM L. WALLER, Substituted Trustee 4t 12-26, 1-2, 9. It Iona, Scotland’s sacred isle, was a center of Christianity in the 7th Century. Macbeth and, Duncan are among more than 60 Scottish kings buried there. ( By Diana Jonas and Cheryl Scarborough The few unexpected holi- days that we received last week seemed to boost every- body’s morale. For a couple of those days we had even for- gotten about mid-term exams. The weather conditions gave us hints that there might be snow but all we saw were a few flakes. BROWSIN' AROUND Teresa Shimp, what hap- pened to your pet duck? We thought we saw its intestins in a jar. Our last basketball game was canceled because of the weather, but there will be another one in our gym to- night. Steve Binion got a car and he and Glenn Adcock really let us know it Last week in our issue we named the honor roll and this week we will name the people receiving honorable mention. These are only ninth grad- ers—Debbie Barron, Jerry Toney, Gerald Hinton, Buddy Hilifield, Gloria Comans, Jan Devereaux, Cleamon Downs, Billy Goff, Judy Ezell, Ra- chell Feldman, Brenda Fort- ner, Sandra Rogers, Barbara Sanders, Leroy Trussler, June Warren and Fran White. Everybody seems anxious to know more about Junior High’s Carnival Ball. The Jun- ior High Herald staff has now acquired a mystery writer but it isn’t a mystery to some people. REMEMBER WHEN? Pat Sibley, Iris Hart, Ro- chelle Feldman and Shirley McElvoy were elementary school cheerleaders. MANNED SPACE FLIGHT We’ve lost another on! Tom- my Thornhill chickened out too! So we’ll make a last des- perate attempt (and we mean desperate). Our next adven- turer will be Mike Bemis. Mike, a giggling boy, Is HARRY J. GRAY, LEFT, A VICE PRESIDENT OF LITTON INDUSTRIES, RECEIVES a "colonel'* commission'* in the "Confederate Armies of the West" al a recent parly in his California home. Making the presentation is Frank Cunningham, author and com* mentalor, who is "major general commanding." Litton is owner of Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. mostly known as the “Long- fellow” of Junior High, ever since his last theme. Incident- ly the theme was on nothing more than himself. We would like to congratu- late him on his fine theme and maybe now he will write a book entitled “My Attempt Into Orbit.” Farewell, Long- fellow. Thought For The Week Needles and scissors turn out wifely wizards. Postposement of play tryouts ■ue to weather Tryouts for “Laura,” third production of the Paspoint Little Theater season, were postponed until Monday and Wednesday due to the weath- er. The play is under direction of Dick Dale. The cast has fiv« men and three women. Tryouts will begin at 8 p.nx both evenings in the play- house on Market Street in Pascagoula. They are open to the pubic. Mosquitoes are especiaHy at- j tracted to people who eat .bananas, according to a Fili- jpino experiment. The Hon. Ross R. Barnett, Governor of Mississippi, believes that the State can grow ond prosper •illy through creating more jobs and bigger payrolls. This is his personal goal for his term of office. Mississippi on the march ... Jobs and Payrolls Wherever Mississippi Is on the march, phone folks are helping with ample, dependable telephone communica* tions. In the three-year period 1961-63 over $70 million of new construction is being done to be sure telephone facilities are ready for expanding needs of homes, farms and industry. The industrial “Bill of Rights,” enacted by the 1960 session of the Mississippi legislature, heralds a new era in Mississippi. Results have been almost immediate... attracting 277 new and expanded industries since January 1960, creating an estimated 20,431 new jobs. There was further proof of progress in the action of all Mississippians and their elected representatives which brought the new refinery to Pascagoula. This alone represents a $125 million investment of which $40 million will go directly for construction payrolls over the next 18 months. And there is promise of other dramatic gains as more industries accept Missis- sippi’s invitation to grow and prosper here. Yes, Mississippi is on the march ... in November, the number of people employed in Mississippi business and industry reached an all-time high of 503,834 ... 24,128 more jobs than a year ago! More industry means more jobs ... bigger payrolls ... greater opportunity for all Mississipp.‘"ns today... and tomorrow. Southern Bell In Mississippi EVERY PROGRESS PICTURE HAS A PHONE IN IT

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Page 1: Postposement play tryouts weather - Chronicling …...Legal Helices COUNTY ALLOWANCES GENERAL COUNTY FUND Wilbur O. Decs, Clerk, 3 days and 2 days attend, clerk and deputy, 78.00;


GENERAL COUNTY FUND Wilbur O. Decs, Clerk, 3 days and 2

days attend, clerk and deputy, 78.00; James Ira Qrlmsley, Sheriff," 2 days Bttend., self and deputy, 20.00; Carl A. Megehee, salary, 150.00; Donald W. Cumbcst, salary. 350.00; Donald W. Cumbest, amt. due. 175.00; Marie F. Graves, salary, 237.04: Vertls G. Ram- say, Co. registrar, 400.00; Marvin P. Lewis, salary, 272.50; Willie J. Hardy, salary, 172.78: Mrs. Charlotte M. Gar- ner, salary, 217.50; Miss Sandra M. Pryor, salary, 100.00; Mrs. Leonle H. Bulkin, salary. 110.00: Ruth H Car- ter, salary. 135.00; Pride of Pasca- goula Lodge No. 435 F.A.M. rent. 50 00; Norman T. Lyons, salary, 510.41; Miss Juanita Holland, salary, 275.00: Mrs. A. L. Hancock, salary, 250 00; Lee E. Randall, salary, 300.00; Mrs. Vadis D. Peden, salary, 150 04; c. J. Patton, salary, 250 00; Alma Patton, Genretta I arklns, Loree Fountain. Beatrice ] Henry, salary each, 97.50; Orvell F. Thornton, Madison G. Cox, Howard E. Tllrcy, salary each, 350.00; Advertiser Publishing Co., pub allowances. 60.00; Southern Bell T&T Co., service & tolls, 677.10; Lawrence A. Watts, salary, 700 00; Miss, Nat. Guard, 14Sth Eng. Field Malnt. Co., donation. 17.50; Miss. Nat. Guard. Battery “3" 631st Field Artillery Bn. donation, 17.50; Wri!bur G, Dees, clerk, salary, 250.00; Mrs. Minnie L. Tootle, salary, 102.57, Ivey E. Atwell, 6r., salary, 240.00; Mrs. Gladys Furby, salary. 125.00; Leon Lambert, care of bloodhounds, 15.00; Boyce Holleman, Dist. Attorney, allow- ance for office. 100.00; Carrie R. Mit- chell. excess bid, .79; Edna <fc Everett R. Holton, same. 6.57; Frank H. Shows, same, 2.61; H. R. Evans, same, 10.43: O. L. McLeod, same, 22.07; H. B. Gautier, same, 13.19; Odette Kuhn, same, 105.61; J. K. Lemon, same, 13.61; Fred Lemon, same. 118.54; Otiy Chris- tian. same, 24.08; Gulf Hills, Inc., same. 13.48: J. J. Whitehead, same, 59.01: Js retell, Inc., same. 32.67: Wil- bur G. Devs, clerk, refund. 20 00: N P. Gautier. Supt. of Ed., refund, 20.00; Frlden. Inc., agreement, 52.00; Heder- man Brothers, seal. 21.08; Arnold Fears Business Machines, rentals, II.CO; Standard Office Supply Co., file, binders & jackets. 383.04; Parsley Printing Co., envelopes, 59.75; Pasca- goula Business Machines Inc., ribbons. 12.75: Tom L. Retchings Co., supplies. 124 32: Xerox Corporation. 4 cases

record fixer. 50.00; M. M. Flechas Eh in;.' rd, lab r & material, 45.25; Sin ring Rive; "lospital, fee. 2.50; State Department of Audit, auditing i960 records. 1,245.00; Pascagoula Mat- tress Co., renovating. 38 50; Malter Supply Co.. Inc., supplies. 171.31: Mer- chants Cash Grocery, Inc., supplies, 51.75: City of Pascagoula, gas <& water, 48.01; Shell Oil Co., gas. 69.51; Hunt & Whitaker, Inc., supplies, 24.61; Ba- ber’s Firestone Dealer Store, labor <fc parts. 35.50; George "Pontiac” Pattl- son. Inc., parts. 22.63; Earl’s Esso Bervlce. gas & oil, 159 20; Long & George’s Auto Service, labor & parts, 92.50: Phillips Petroleum Co., gas, 322.77; Texaco Inc., gas, 169.36; Mo- torola Com. and Elec., Inc., mainte- nance, 295.90; Max Wilson, shoes, 34.75; Standard Office Supply Com- pany, binders & Jacket. 157.05; Pasca- goula Mattress Co., pads, 11.00: Zep Manufacturing Corp., supplies, 152.93; Mrs. Betty E. Hedman, services,175.00; Alice S. Cauiey, services, 11.60; John D. Henley, acting coroner, inquest. 10.00; Harold Jones, bailiff, same, 6 00; W H. Pope, Sr., D. B. Pope, Jr., Cecil Byrd. W. L Taylor. Howard Ell- ley, Matt Cox. jurors each 2.00; Vertls G. Ramsay, circuit clerk, fees. 112.25; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, fees, 18.50; Matter Supply Co., Inc., waste baskets, 13.60; Advertiser Printing, Inc., supplies, 221.65; Standard Oil Co., gas & oil, 107.84; City of Pasca- goula, gas & w’ater, 44.38; Dr. C. H. Gray, services, 4.00; Crawford Plumb- ing & Heating, material & labor, 252.80: Delcomyn’s, supplies, 9.36; Pal- ace Pharmacy, supplies, lb.58; Build- ers Supply, Inc., lumber & supplies, *94.81; Concrete Products & Supply Co., Inc., concrete, 600.80; L. E. Lam- bert, Jr., salary, 225.00; Eugene Furby, helping, 4000; Claude Pierce dragline rental, 80.00; Roland M. Miller, labor, S4.00: Mississippi Power Co., service, 190.32; Cecil E. Byrd, salary, 400.00; Mrs. Gail Bosarge, salary, 100.00; Bush Office Supply Co.. Inc., supplies, j 433.90; Pickett Radio & Television, jadio equip., 37.00; Mrs. Charlotte M. Garner, refund, 32.00; Singing River Elec. Power Assoc., serv., 1.80: Missis- sippi Power Co., service, 926.42; Sing- ing River Hospital, emergency room

serv., 15.50; Smittie’s Plumbing & Heating Serv., work, 35.00; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, tag & privilege tax, 14.CO; Sandra M. Pryor, material for float, 13.45; Mary Virginia Higgin- botham. work, 40.00; Tom L. Retchings Co., supplies, 64.14; Concrete Products & Supply Co., Inc., concrete, 65.60; J. Leslie Nelson, coroner, inquests, 71.40; M. D. Johnson, bailiff. Inquests, 20.00; Roy Tootle, bailiff. 5.00; C. T. Wilson, bailiff. 5.CO; Dr. C. L. Ezell, inquest, 75.CO; R. H. Miller. J. T. O’Neal, Ray- mond L. Sasser, Harold Holder A. F. King, Curtis Prine, inquests. 6.00; Eari Norris, A. A. Ross, Bernard Beau gez. Penny Cates, Jim Dennison, Vir- gil Byrd, L. G. Doty, T. E. Green. E. C. Miller, M. S. Dempsey. H. L. Smith, Louis P. Linder Elvy Flanagan, Earl Turnage, George Holder. S. P. Furby, W. L. Greer, Vincent Torres. Inquest Jurcrs each 2.CO; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, refund, 52.00; Nich G. El- chos, D.D.S., service, 10.00; Drs. Mc- Jlwain & Winstead, services, 214.00; Remington Rand, ribbon, 1.40; Friden, Inc., maint. agreement, 52.00; Parsley Printing So., supplies, 157B0;Redd Pest Control Co., services. 15.00; Clarke's Photography Service, serv., 3.75; Pascagoula Business Machines. Inc applies. 2.60;'Biloxi Stationery & Typewriter Co., ribbon & serv., 2.80: W. S. Darley & Co., supplies, 8.30; Jerry lee Grocery, dog food, 6.17; Wayne Lee’s Grocery Sz Market, Inc.. same, 27.36; Burroughs Corporation, jnech. serv., 15.00;McLelIan Stores Co., osh trays. 2.75; Ferrer Electric Serv- ice, labor & material, C3.50; B. F. Goodrich Siore, tire repair. 2.50; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, transport- ing patients. & serving summons.

67 00; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff transporting boys & prisoner. 88.90; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, costs in- curred on persons sent to Co. Farm, 173.35; James Ira Grimsley, sheriff, victualing prisoners, 967.50; Tom’s Su~ py-r Market, supplies, 30.86; Willie J. i Hardy. Asst. Ayri. Agt., refund for j expenses, 37.71: N. T. Lyons, Tax As- sessor. travel expenses, 75.00; Erdie G. j Barrow, work. 105.00; Mary G. Me- i Phearson, work. 220.00; Nellie Schatz. work, 125.00; Xerox Corporation, pa- j per, 498.00; Everett Furniture & Hard- ware, supplies, 63.77; City Lumber fz Supply Co., Inc., lumber & sand. 23.57; Mitchell Brothers Const. Co., 1 ber Fz materials, 1.70C.88; Richard L.

Yarbrough, attorney, fee, 350.00; Cjty of 'Pascagoula, gas &. water. 145.76; Mississippi Power Co., service, 13.00; Bingin'; Liver Sign Service, sign, 3.00;’s Super Market, groceries, 296.47; Vann’s Cash Grocery, same, 300.74: Krebs Auto Mart, repairs, 92.00; Jan- itorial Supply Fz Equipment Co., Inc.,

supplies, 11.50: Palace Pharmacy, sup- plies, 8.41; M. M. Flechas Shipyard, materials & supplies, 554.84; Singing River Electric Power Assn, service.

1.85; Harry E. Burrow, Jr., M. D., service, 6.C0; Standard Parts, Inc., radios, 1.233.00; Palace Pharmacy, sup plies, 107.75; McAdams Sheet Metal Works, labor <Sc parts, 230.25; Pasca-

goula Ice Fz Freezer Co., ice, 7.75; M. M. Morgan, Zoning Officer, fees, 397.33; John D. Henley, J. P., fees 30.00; C. T. Wilson, constable, fees, 34.00; Henry Fletcher, constable, fees, 10.00; Lawrence Baker, J. P. fees, 93.00; Arnold Fears Business Mach. :

Co., labor & parts, 6.26; City of Pas- j cagonla, gas, 2.50; Pickett Radio &

Television, labor & parts, 199.99; Ad- [ vertiscr Publishing Co.. Inc., pub. legate 12220; Southern EeU T&T Co- service A- tolls, 17.81: American Oil Co- gas & oil, C5.31; Milnor Laundry Sz Cleaners, Ir.c.. laundry, 103.65; South Miss. Forestry Field Day, advertising Count-; P.p-r-rces, £0.09.


Mrs. Thelma Garrett, registrar, *8.00; Mrs. Thelma Garrett, expense. 50.00; Dept, of Agriculture, Meat Insp.

Dir., salary, 165.00; George Mowing Co., mowing, 8.00; B. F. Goodrich Store, tires, 132.68; Ferrer Motor C*., labor & parts, oil & grs. & supp. 66.20; F r.brook Motor Co., Inc., labor & parts, 157.60; Allied Equipment. Inc., parts. 29.09; Floyd Fairley, Sr., Hardy Salisbury, Cayce Sumerlin. A. O. John- son, Zelmon Barnett, Winfred Cooper, salary each, 240.00; J. M. Eptlng, Sr., salary, 100.00; J. M. Eptlng, Sr., re- fund, 69.00; Standard Oil Co., gas <fc dsl & lube, 377.81; Virginia Simms Wilson, salary, 240.00; Marie Colson, salary, 110 00; Bernice Webb, salary, 90.00; Pascagoula Battery Co., battery, 12.90; L. R. Centannl, M. D., child guidance clinic, 600.00; Jackson Coun- ty Health Dept, appropriation. 2,860 63; Pascagoula Ice & Freezer Co., Ice, 3.15.

COUNTY INDIGENT FUND Jake Cunningham. Miss Maude Goff,

Cowan Baria, William B. Stork, El- vin OiU, Mrs. Rose Hollerman, Mrs. M. F. Deloney. Mrs. Corlnne 8tokes, Daniel W. Alexander, Mrs, Edwina Clapp, J. E. Fairley, Otis Tanner, Willie Williams, Clara Holliman, Mrs. B. Jorgensen, Linnle Galloway. Mrs. Norman Reus, Mrs. John Sheiman, Douglas Mizelle, Mrs. Anna Ehlers, Mary Sterling, Oscar Tillman, Mrs. Bertha Rush, Ada Seymour, Mrs. Barney Parker, Mrs Nellie McKelvain, Thomas Kennedy, Mrs. Emmltt Allred. Lula Fondren, Nara Nix, Martin Young, Mrs. Florence Dees, allowance, each, 15.00.

Mrs. Emma Isham, same. 30 00. Mrs. Jos Salisbury, Edna Wells,,

Van Crawford. Miss Iola Graham, Mrs. Eva Harper. Thomas Salisbury, Miss Annie C. Ehlers, James Goff. Mrs. Maybelle Myers, Mamie Lee Pait. J. L. Williams, Sr., Mrs. John Entrekin, James Howard, Nettie Alexander. Mrs. Will Myers. Joanna R. Havens, Elmer Roberts, Mrs. Carrie Baggett, Arthur Ecklis, Mrs. Carl Dammen. Mrs. Ag- nes Goodin, Emma C. Parker, allow- ance each, 15.00: Jackson County Welfare Dept, allowance, 15.00; Mrs. W. G. Groves, rent, 25.00; Southern Bell T&T Co., serv. & tolls, 17.98; Mississippi State Sanatorium, board, 277.00; Willie R. Bragg, salary, 375.00; Jackson County Welfare Dept, handl- ing commodities. 25 00; Elnora Barnes, sa.arv, 85.00; C. L. Barnes, work, 12.50; Morgan Farmer, mowing. 6.00; Jackson County Welfare Dept. amt. due, 267.57; Jackson County Welfare Dept., appro- priation, 1,000.00; Burnham Drug Co- supplies, 41.97: Mr ak's TV Service, re-

pairs, 26.SO; Dr. A. V. Mortensen, ser-

vices, 5.00: H. G. Jones, supplies, 15.49; Hamilton’s No. 2, supplies, 14.44; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 2.15; Josh Wells, work. 176.00; S. D. Cron- ier. services, 24.00: Mrs, J. E. Cole- man, salary & upkeep of Co. Home, C23.56; Een franklin Store, supplies, 3.86; Hamilton's Appliance & Furni- ture, labor & parts, 40.00; Singing River Electric Power Assn, service. 10.85: Thompson Clinic, services. 30 00: Brumfields, supplies, 25.11; Pascagou- la Ice & Freezer Co., storing butter, 126.72; Alfred Gladney, transporting patient, 15.00; R. L. Rosco, work, 331.70; Dickson’s Store, supplies, 7.95. GENERAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION

FUND Piping Engineering & Contracting

Co., est. No. 6, 11.084.14; Carl L. Ol- schner and Associates, services, 30 44; Tom L. Retchings Co., rebinding, patching, binders & covers, 9.176.75. PUBLIC HOSPITAL NURSES’ HOME

CONSTRUCTION FUND Carl L. Olschner and Associates,

est. No. 4, 250.09; McClendon Build- ing Service, est. No. 5. 26,364 28. COUNTY AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT

CONSTRUCTION FUND Smittie's Fire Protection Service, re-

charging extinguishers, 12.50; South- ern Bell T&T Co., service & tolls, 29.30; G and G Tobacco Co., Inc., supplies, 18.76; Alton G. Neal, salary, 225.00; Hollaway Electric Service, la- bor & parts, 20.60.

COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Jackson County Library Board, ap-

propriation, 1.254.21. JACKSON COUNTY WITHHOLDING

FUND fTjoiic employees neuremenv eys.,

annuity, 471.55. DISTRICT NO. 1 ROAD FUND

Lum R. Cumbest, Supervisor, salary 433.33; Mississippi Export Railroad Co., freight, 1,157.72; Siokley Motors, labor & parts, 110.00; Hot* GMC Trucks. Inc., parts, 25.42; Stribling Bros. Machinery Co., labor ft parts, 187.24; Standard Oil C.o., gas ft lube, 540.57; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 773.90; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 446.58; Bell Auto Parts, parts, 60.61; Bayou Casotte Shell ft Supply Co., Inc., shells, 162.40; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 341.43; B. P. Goodrich Store, labor & parts, 92 67; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 427.23; 'J. E. Coleman, salary, 250.00; William Ward, salary, 250.00: William H. Goff, labor, 239.20; Edward Jones, labor, 228.80; Hubert Clark, labor, 220 00; W. D. Holder, labor. 211.20; Billy Martin, labor, 176.00; Joe Jackson, labor, 96.00; Can Stringfellow, labor, 80.00; Mar- vin Waltman, labor. 64.00; H. D. Cun- ningham, labor, 176.00: S. D. Cronier, labor, 114.40: Leroy Hearndon, labor, 32.CO; T. E. Parker, labor, 32.00; Don- nie Hinton, labor, 40.00: B. B. Parker, labor, 48.00; R. R. Coleman, Jabor, 32.00; M. B. Coleman, labor. 40.00; S. R. Hearndon. labor, 32.00; T. E. Goff, labor, 18.00; G. M. Spear, labor, 12.00; Tom Polk, sand. 8.50; Frank Snell, sand, 20.50; Hamilton’s No. 2, sup- plies, 17.19; Ogborn Garage, labor ft parts, 76.69; Jones Auto Service, la- bor ft parts, oil & grs. & gas, 31.35; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 29.90; Swendsen Motor Parts & Repair, la- bor & parts, 33.80: Leo Scarbrough, gas, 13.08, Deas Tire Co., tires ft tubes, 19.77.


Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pipe, 499.75; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber. 409.85; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 843.75; Choctaw Inc., pipe, 322.00; Wells Industries, Inc., treated lumber. 198 55.

DISTRICT NO. 2 ROAD FUND Edward A. Khayat, Supervisor, sal-

ary, 433.33; Jesse Cox, extra services, 50.00; Seth Cox. same, 30.00; District No. 3 Road Const. Fund, repayment of loan. 4,000.00: Standard Oil Co., gas, 630.27; Mississippi Power Com- pany, service, 15.06; Bell Auto Parts, supplies, 17.71; J. C. Cox. salary, 250.00: Otis Stauter, labor. 228.80: A. E. Rogers, labor, 218.40; J. L. Easter- ling. labor, 218.40; Willie Hearndon. labor, 218.40; L. L. Lampkin, labor, 224.70; Dan Henderson, labor, 218.40; Floyd Bryant, labor. 218.40; L. W. Weaver, salary, 255.00: Arthur Clark, labor, 218.40; W. C. Hearndon, labor, 218.40; R. H. Terreson. repairs, 24.35; Choctaw Inc., pipe, 1.524.78: Leon Bo- sarge, shells, 20.00; James Ira Grims- ley, tags ft priv. tax, 140.80; B. F. Goodrich Store, tires, tubes & sup- plies, 251.72; J. W. Roberts Welding Shop, lepairs, 9.00; Estabrook Motor Co.. Inc., labor & parts, 20.27; The Spann Hardware Co., file, 1.10; Pres- l"y Tire & Supply, tires ft tubes, 234.96; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt ft rental, 5.279.61; Foster Len- r.ep ft Sons, gravel. 1.50: Beckham’s Amoco Station., labor, parts, oil. grs. ft supplies, 41.05; Moss Point Service Station, labor, parts, oil & grs., 35.20; H. E. Furby, labor ft rental. 30.00; Pascagoula Battery Co., battery, 13.91; B&W Service Station, labor, parts, oil, grs., gas ft supp.. 629.60; Blades Hard- ware Store, supp.. 31.85: Glenn E. Eeckham. rental. 268.00: D. L. Bar- field, rental. 220.00; C&G Auto Parts, parts, 7.61; James T. Byrd, labor, 8.00; Delmas Service Station, tire, 89.75; Glenn Barlow, labor, 99.00; Dickson’s Store, supplies. 31.76.


J. A. Byrd, labor, 70.00; Andrew Ny- man. labor, 50 00: Willie Hearndon. labor, 15.00; Otis Stauter, labor, 30.00; Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pips. 2.991.30; Trans Mississippi Mfg. Co., pipe, 1,547.19; S. H. Cox, salary, 253.00; Robert S. Byrd, labor. 226.80: Emmit

Wells, labor. 171.00; Elliott Nicholson, labor, 163.00; Henry Cannon, labor, 168.00; Richard Stringfellow, dirt, 51.75.

DISTRICT NO. 3 ROAD FUND Mar.e..-, BartUfi, Supervisor, salary,

433.33; Southern Bell T&T Co., serv.

& tolls, 63.69; Crystal Ice Co., ire, £2.00; South ix;’. Airways, Inc., freight, 104.69; Irby Bros Machine & Iron Works, repair, 56.07; John M. Warren, supplies, 28.75; G&G Tobacco Co., Inc., supplies, 0.13; Allied Equipment,



Inc., parts, 15.63: District No. 3 Road Const. Fund, repayment of loan, 1,000.00; County Lirbary Fund, same, 5.500.00; Standard Oil Co., lube, 6.25; Builders Supply, Inc. brick, 5.00; Treated Materials Co., lumber, 2,400.00; Choctaw Inc., pipe & bands, 4,484.55; Shook & Fletcher Insulation Co., sup- plies, 13.84; Bell Auto Parts, parts, 141.30; Bush Office Supply Co., Inc., supplies, 6.51; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 62.80; Temple Construc- tion Co., rental, 2,440.00; Louis W. Temple, rental and refund, 270.75; Leroy Poole, Jr., salary, 260.00; James Green, salary, 260 00; Benny F. Scovel, labor. 250.00; Carl Demouey, salary, 250 00; Betty Lou Cook, salary, 225.00; Horace Culpepper, labor. 60.00; Claude Bosarge, shells, 120.00; Mrs. C. L. May, rental, 36.00; Sam Bosarge, shells, 30 00: Eld red White, labor, 250 00: Ern- est E. Bang, labor, 250.00; Robert Toney, labor 119.38; Walter Coch’an. labor, 56.85; R H. Terreson, repairs, 120.15; Standard Oil Co., gas & dsl, 056.67; Louisville & Nashville RR Co., fregiht, 814.08; Magnolia Welding Sup- ply Co., Inc., supplies, 7.92; B. F. Goodrich Store, repairing flat, 3.50; Estabrook Motor Co., Inc., labor & parts. 361.25; Mississippi Road Sup- ply Co., labor & parts. 319.64; City

j Lumber & Supply Co., Inc., lumber & supplies, 15.27; McConnell Radiator Service, labor, parts, oil, grs. & supp., 22.£5; Leary & Owens Equipment Co., Inc., labor & parts, 44.60; Deas Tire Co., labor & parts, 183.61; Whitehead Const. Co., shells, 1,003.20.


Paino Supply Co., parts At supplies, 1.509.81; Pascagoula Equipment Rental Co., rental, 1,026.00: Donald J. Sim- mons, C. E., services, 850.00; Temple Construction Co., rental, 4.568.24; Al- fred Ray, labor, 125.07; Rollie Emer- son, Jr., rental, 390.00; Milton Hamp- ton, Thanyus Tyrus, Abraham Broth- ers, Clarence Davis labor, 250.00; Ern est E. Bang, Leroy Poole, Jr., James Green, Benny F. Scovel, Carl De- mouey, Jessie F. Barrow, John G. Collier George Cronler, Eldred White, extra labor each, 35.00; Kennedy Ma- rine Engine Co., Inc., repairing clutch, 4.50; Hawkins Equipment Co., parts, 116.70; Paine Supply Co., supplies, 30.63.


Johnson's Concrete Pipe Co., pipe, 3.761.15; Trans Mississippi Pipe Mfg. Co., pipe, 1,214.40; County Library Fund, repayment of loan, 500.00; Fas- cagoula Shell As Gravel Co., shells, 1915.40: Mississippi Road King Sales, Inc., Gallon Patrol, 1 Road King at- tachment, 3,475.00; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber, 272.96.

DISTRICT NO. 4 ROAD FUND A. P. Moran, Supervisor, salary,

433.33; L&N Railroad Co., freight, 469.20; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 920.43; Stribling Bros. Machinery Co., labor & parts, 6S7.34, County Library Fund, repayment of loan, 6,900.00; District No. 5 Bridge Const. Fd., repayment of loan. 9.500.00, E. N. Voivedich, salary At refund, 282.24; Clifton Seymour, labor, 156.40; Oneil Seymour, labor, 153.60; Wade Campbell, labor, 214.50; Jessie Tan- ner, labor, 195 50; Coast Lawn it Pav- ing Service, asphalt At labor, 750.20; Salcedo Products Co., kerosene, 4.45; Dixie Peed At Seed Store, fertilizer, 4.90; Clint's Texaco Recapping At Alignment Service, labor, parts, gas, lube, oil, grs., tires At tubes, 355.92; Standard Oil Co., gas, dsl., lube it grs., 440.60; P. C. Zeigler, labor, 200.00; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, j 369.13; Mississippi Road Supply Co., labor At parts, 92.89; Bayou Casotte Shell At Supply Co., Inc., shells, 46.15; CAtV Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 32.84; J. B. Morgan, Sr., sand. 71.00; Mississippi Power Co., service, 35.38; Blossman Oas, Inc., gas, 19.71; Terry's Service Station, kerosene. 4.33; Lamey Electric Co., repairs, 4.50; Moss Point Engineering Co. services, 234.00; Southern Bell TAtT Co., service and toils, 70.11.


District No. 5 Bridge Const. Fd., repayment ol loan, 2,500.00;Hilton & Sons, labor, parts, oil & grs., 33.19; Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., p^pe, 53.40; Builders Supply Co., supplies. 23.10; W. E. Dorroh, services, 43.00; Marine Mart, paint, 5.37; Howard Holley. Sr., Dolphie Holley, Elvin Hol- ley, Howard Holley, Jr.. James Hol- ley, labor each 40.00; Steve Barhono- vich, labor & rental, 359.60; Frank Quave. labor, 170.10; Munro Hill, la- bor, 173.50; James Tanner, labor, 187.35.

DISTRICT NO. 5 ROAD FUND Olin H. Davis, Supervisor, salary,

433.33; L&N RR Co., freight, 638.40; Stribllng Bros. Machinery Co., labor & parts, 132.16; Builders Supply Co., lumber & supplies, 48.10; Shanteau’s Garage, labor & parts, 137.31; Missis- sippi Road Supply Co., 1 payloader, 16,197.00; Standard Oil Co., gas, lube & grease, 394.21; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 506.30; Builders Supply Co., lumber & supplies, 10.23; Gulf Asphalt Plant, Inc., asphalt, 87.00; Mississippi Road Supply Co., parts 84.75; B. F. Goodrich Store, tire, tube & supplies, 103.40; O. H. Wilson, sal- ary, 260.00; Coy Allen, salary, 250.00; Ray Roberts, salary, 250.00; Otto Flurry, salaryV* 235.00; Ernest Goff, salary, 235.00; Mathew King, salary, 194.25; M. E. Overstreet, salary, 199.50;

John Kates, salary, 199.50; Clarence Bosarge, labor, 42.00; Ruble Moe, la- bor, 215.25; Gerald Holden, labor, 189.00; I. W. Ramsay, labor, 56.00; Jake Overstreet, labor, 80.00; Riley Holden, labor, 80.00; Ray Wilson, la- bor, 56.00; Lester Mallette, Jr. labor, 80.00; Will O'Neal, labor, 80.00; Alma Goff, labor, 80.00; J. B. Ramsay, labor, 28.00;C. C. Cochran, labor, 24.00; Bon Webb, labor, 160.00; H. M. Smith, labor & parts, 33.68; R. L. Vaughan, labor, 80.00; Nolle J. Roberts, obtain- ing deed, 77.70; Kelley's Service Sta- tion. labor, parts, gas, oil, grs. and supplies, 87.05.


Faulkner Concrete Pipe Co., pipe. 496.15; Wells Industries, Inc., lumber 764.40; Wells Industries, Inc., same, 315.81; American Bitumuls & Asphalt Co., asphalt, 464.12; Moss Point Engi- neering Co., service. 100.00.

ROAD MAINTENANCE FUND Dist. No. 3 Road Const. Fund, main-

taining & improving roads in city limits, 1.COO.00; City of Moss Point, same, 800.00; Town of Ocean Springs, same, 2,500.00; C&V Construction Co., Inc., asphalt, 4.296.07; Hub Equipment Co., labor & parts, 1,341.81; Leather- bury's Service Station, labor, parts, oil & grs., 33.14; Standard Oil Co., gas & lube, 305.76; Jim’s OK Recaps, part, tire & tube, 28.70; Bell Auto Parts, labor & parts. 31.18; Builders Supply, Inc., lumber, 37.06; J. L. Bar- low. salary, 350.00; H. F. Dubuisson, salary. 290.00; Lester Mallett, Sr., sal- ary, 290.00; Clinton Jones, salary, 255.00; Rollie Emerson, Jr. rental, 32.00; Clyde Stokes, rental. 54.00; M. G. Barlow, labor, 16.00; Singing River Electric Power Assoc., service, 8.10; Mississippi Power Co., service, 10.43; Homer Goff, salary, 240.00; R. H. Terreson, labor & parts, 103.07; James Ira Gi-imsley, sheriff, tag & priv. tax, 8.50; S. D. Cronier, dirt pit, 200.00; Magnolia Welding Supply Co., Inc., supplies, 19.43; Clarence Goff, erect- ing signs, 49.00; Harold's Shell Serv- ice. labor & parts. 39.27; Singing Riv- er Sign Service, signs, 8.00; District No. 1 Hoad Fund, iransfrr of funds, 29,000.00; District Nos.2. 3, 4 and 5, same each, 29.000.00; Singing River Elec. Power Assoc., service, 1.80; Moss Point Engineering Co., services. 34J.39, J. L. Barlow, refund, 30.00; Fred H. Cox, refund, 8/5; Fagan Service Elec- tric. repairs. 46.88.

BRIDGE FUND Frank Joachim. salary, 150.00;

Southern Bell T&T Co., serv. & tolls, 11.90; Howard Medlock, labor 72.00' Joe V. Krebs, Sr., salary, 350.00; John Carniey, Dan Miller, Carl Hawley, la- bor each. 208 00: Steve Krebs, labor, 16.00; Joe V. Krebs, 8r„ refund, 21.00, Standard Oil Co., gas, lube & grease. 133.15; Builders Supply, Inc., lumber & nails. 377.96: Bell Auto Parts, parts, 81.46; Presley Tire & Supply, repair. 3 00; Ferrer Service Station, gas, oil, grs. & part, 9.6": Pitalo's Hardware & Eoat Supply, supplies, 6 52: Pasca- goula lee & Freezer Co., ice, 1.65.


Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, recording deed. 1.60; Moss Point Engineering


Co., services, 633.33. _


Irby 8urdlch, salary. 30.00; South- ern Bell T&T Co., service to tolls. 20.00; Strlbllng Bros. Machinery Co., labor to parts, 670.48; Oordon Mathleu, labor, 224 80; Alva Deloney. labor, 224.80: Merlin E. Ryan, labor, 190.80; Earl King, labor, 64 40; E. Volvedlch. labor, 63 0C; Shanteau’s Oarage, labor to parts, 122.72; Hurley Creosote Co., posts, 40.00; Mississippi Export RR

Co., freight, 1,421.86; W. E. Dorroh, C. E., services. 100.00; James Tanner, work. 200.00: Mrs. Ethel Cates, serv-

ices, 63 30; Bell Auto Parts, labor to

parts, 169.98; Builders Supply, Inc., supplies. 5 00;Earl Herndon, salary. 255.00: A. L. Olaskox. salary, 340.00; John H. Lambert, salary, 255.00; Char- les Spicer, labor, 220.00; Ronnie Tap- per same, 220.00; Donnls Atwell, same, 220.00; Coda Lloyd Vice, labor, 318.40; Denson Allen, labor, 318.40; D. L. Bar- Held, labor, 226.80; Jessie F. Barrow salary. 255.00; John O. Collier, labor, 250.00; George Cronler, same, 255.00; Rollle Emerson, Jr., salary, 260.00; Clyde \V. Stokes, salary, 290.00; Keith Howell, rental, 225.00; James Clifton Isham, labor, 250.00; Knowles Mate- rial Co., crack filler, 345.27; Radcllff Materials, Inc., caulking to filling seams. 1,523.77; C&V Construction Co. asphalt, 1,509.51; American Bltunruls A Asphalt Co., asphalt, 470.46; R. H. Terreson, repairs, 149.25; Walter L. Huff, saw chain, 26.50; Mississippi Export RR Co., demurrage, 8.00; Esta- brook Mctor Co., Inc., labor, parts to grease. 72.83; Jones Auto Service, gas, oil, grs., labor to parts, 74.23; Hurley Hardware Co., supplies, 3.25; Bayou Casotte Shell to Supply Co., Inc., -shells, 1,383.55; C&V Construction Co., Inc., rental, 1S6.00; B. P. Goodrich Store, tires to tubes. 299.11; M. M. Gautier, C. E.. services. 719.50; Missis- sippi Power Cc,.. service, 37.83; White- head Construction Co., shells, 1,837.35; Deas Tire Co., labor, parts, tires to tubes, 257.45; Pascagoula Hardware to Supply Co., parts, 288.20; Mississippi Aggregate Co., Inc., slag, 962.50; Gulf Motor Parts. Ir.c., parts, 12.58: Choc- taw Inc., pipe, connecting bands, pre- cast units to caps, 2.327.04; Steve Krebs, labor, 90 00; American Bitum- uls to Asphalt Co., asphalt. 485 18.


Pascagoula Chamber of Commerce, trips to Jackson and Hot Springs, 571.06; Conway Woodworking Co.. 2 frames, 70.70; Builders Supply. Inc., lumber At supplies, 24.95; Temple Con- struction Co., cleaning out ditch, 168.00; Whitehead Construction Co., shells At rental, 597.70; Pickett Radio At Television, sound system, 30.00; Radio Station WPMP, Standard Oil Refinery dedication. 260.00; Grover E. Merritt, hauling dirt. 36 00; Long's Transfer & Storage Co., transporting industrial display. 330.00.. PORT OPERATION AND DEVELOP-

MENT FUND Jackson County Port Authority, omt.

due, 1,547.29; Jackson County Port Authority, loan, 500.00; Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, compensation. 200.00; Wilbur G. Dees, clerk, recording deeds, 40.35, The Yellow' Cab Company, transport- ing guests, 39.00; Jackson County Port Bonds Redemption Fund, repayment of loans, 48.000.00; C&V Construction Co.. Inc., rental, 418.50; Harold Efler, labor, 54.00; Lee Busby, labor, 36.00; Buddy Heights, same, 36.00; Evangel- istic Temole Church, tent rental, 50.00. JACKSON COUNTY PORT IMPROVE-

MENT CONSTRUCTION FUND XJ. S. Geological Survey, services,

750.00; Karl Wiesenburg and Car) A. Megehee. )ega) services, 12.401.63.

Pascagoula Moss Point Bank, 5 cou

pons, 656.24; Merchants At Marine Bank, 1 coupon. 12.50.

Pascagoula- Moss Point Bank, to be invested, 338.548.00; Merchants At Ma- rine Bank, to be invested, 225,698.67.


WHEREAS, J. P. Walker and Georgia Avis Walker, husband and wife, executed their certain Deed of Trust on February 15, 1960, to Anris V. Cumbest, Trustee, to secure the payment of a certain Indebtedness evidenced by their Promissory Note of even date therewith to Bevls Con- struction Company, Inc., which said Deed of Trust is of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jack- son County, Mississippi, in Book 136. Pages 78 and 79; and.

WHEREAS, Bevls Construction Com- pany, Inc., later assigned the afore- said Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to Confidential Loan and Mortgage Company, by instrument of writing dated March 7, 1960, and re-

corded In Book 136, Page 564, in the records of the olflce of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County, Mississippi; and,

WHEREAS. Confidential Loan and Mortgage Company later assigned the aforesaid Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to First National Bank cf Tampa, by Instrument of writing dated May 11, 1960, and re- corded in Book 139 at Page 158 in the office cf the Chancery Clerk of Jack- sen County, Msisissippi; and,

WHEREAS, First National Bank of Tampa later assigned the aforesaid Deed of Trust and Note thereby secur- ed to Bevls Construction Company, Inc., by Instrument of writing dated January 27. 1961, and recorded In Book 149 at Page 53 In the records of the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County, Mississippi; and,

WHEREAS, Bevls Construction Com- pnay, Inc., later assigned the afore- said Deed of Trust and Note thereby secured to B St P, Inc., by instrument of writing dated November 16, 1961, and recorded in Book 160 at Page 523 in the records of the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County. Mississippi; and,

WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust and the Note thereby secured provides for the payment of said indebtedness in monthly installments of principal and interest, and provides further that in the event of default in the payment of any installment for a penod of thirty (30) days, the holder may. at his option, declare oil the remainder of said indebtedness due and payable, and,

WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness; and.

WHEREAS, the holder of the said indebtedness has exercised the option provided for in said Deed of Trust and Promissory Note secured by the same,

and has aeclared the principal of said Indebtedness, together with all interest due thereon, immediately due and payable; and,

WHEREAS, the owner and holder of said Note and Deed of Trust has duly substituted William L. Waller as Sub- stituted Trustee, pursuant to a duly executed Substitution of Trustee, re-

corded in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Jackson County. Mississippi, in Book 160 at Page 529; and,

WHEREAS, the holder of said In- debtedness has directed the under- signed, as Substituted Trustee, to ex-

ecute this trust in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Trust afore- said.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM L. WALLER, Substituted Trustee in said Deed of Trust, will, within legal hours on the 19th day of January, 1962, at the front door of the County Court House of Jackson County, Mississippi, offer for sale, and will sell at public auction and outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the land and property situated In Jackson County, Missis-

sippi, and described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the NE corner of the

SE'4 of the SE'/« of Section 33. Town-

ship 5 South. Range 5 West, of Jack- son County, Mississippi; thence runn-

ing West 240 feet to the point of be-

ginning. Thence continuing West 200

fed; thence South 100 feet; thence East 200 feet to road: thence Ncvth 100 feet to the point of beginning.

Title to the above described proper- ty is believed tc be good, but I will

convey only such title as )» vested in me as Substitute Trustee.

WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this the 20th day of December, 1961.

S/WILLIAM L. WALLER, Substituted Trustee

4t 12-26, 1-2, 9. It

Iona, Scotland’s sacred isle, was a center of Christianity in the 7th Century. Macbeth and, Duncan are among more than 60 Scottish kings buried there. (

By Diana Jonas and Cheryl Scarborough

The few unexpected holi- days that we received last week seemed to boost every- body’s morale. For a couple of those days we had even for- gotten about mid-term exams. The weather conditions gave us hints that there might be snow but all we saw were a few flakes.

BROWSIN' AROUND Teresa Shimp, what hap-

pened to your pet duck? We thought we saw its intestins in a jar. Our last basketball game was canceled because of the weather, but there will be another one in our gym to- night.

Steve Binion got a car and he and Glenn Adcock really let us know it Last week in our issue we named the honor roll and this week we will name the people receiving honorable mention.

These are only ninth grad- ers—Debbie Barron, Jerry Toney, Gerald Hinton, Buddy Hilifield, Gloria Comans, Jan Devereaux, Cleamon Downs, Billy Goff, Judy Ezell, Ra- chell Feldman, Brenda Fort- ner, Sandra Rogers, Barbara Sanders, Leroy Trussler, June Warren and Fran White.

Everybody seems anxious to know more about Junior High’s Carnival Ball. The Jun- ior High Herald staff has now

acquired a mystery writer but it isn’t a mystery to some


REMEMBER WHEN? Pat Sibley, Iris Hart, Ro-

chelle Feldman and Shirley McElvoy were elementary school cheerleaders.

MANNED SPACE FLIGHT We’ve lost another on! Tom-

my Thornhill chickened out too! So we’ll make a last des- perate attempt (and we mean

desperate). Our next adven- turer will be Mike Bemis.

Mike, a giggling boy, Is

HARRY J. GRAY, LEFT, A VICE PRESIDENT OF LITTON INDUSTRIES, RECEIVES a "colonel'* commission'* in the "Confederate Armies of the West" al a recent parly in his California home. Making the presentation is Frank Cunningham, author and com*

mentalor, who is "major general commanding." Litton is owner of Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp.

mostly known as the “Long- fellow” of Junior High, ever

since his last theme. Incident- ly the theme was on nothing more than himself.

We would like to congratu- late him on his fine theme and maybe now he will write a

book entitled “My Attempt Into Orbit.” Farewell, Long- fellow.

Thought For The Week Needles and scissors turn

out wifely wizards.

Postposement of play tryouts ■ue to weather Tryouts for “Laura,” third

production of the Paspoint Little Theater season, were

postponed until Monday and

Wednesday due to the weath-


The play is under direction of Dick Dale. The cast has fiv« men and three women.

Tryouts will begin at 8 p.nx both evenings in the play- house on Market Street in Pascagoula. They are open to the pubic.

Mosquitoes are especiaHy at-

j tracted to people who eat .bananas, according to a Fili-

jpino experiment.

The Hon. Ross R. Barnett, Governor of Mississippi, believes that the State can grow ond prosper

•illy through creating more jobs and bigger payrolls. This is his personal goal for his term of office.

Mississippi on the march ... Jobs and Payrolls

Wherever Mississippi Is on the march, phone folks are helping with ample, dependable telephone communica* tions. In the three-year period 1961-63 over $70 million of new construction is being done to be sure telephone facilities are ready for expanding needs of homes, farms and industry.

The industrial “Bill of Rights,” enacted by the 1960 session of the Mississippi legislature, heralds a new era in Mississippi.

Results have been almost immediate... attracting 277 new and expanded industries since January 1960, creating an estimated 20,431 new jobs.

There was further proof of progress in the action of all Mississippians and their elected representatives which brought the new refinery to Pascagoula. This alone represents a $125 million investment — of which $40 million will go directly for construction payrolls over the next 18 months.

And there is promise of other dramatic gains as more industries accept Missis- sippi’s invitation to grow and prosper here.

Yes, Mississippi is on the march ... in November, the number of people employed in Mississippi business and industry reached an all-time high of 503,834 ... 24,128 more jobs than a year ago! More industry means more jobs ... bigger payrolls ... greater opportunity for all Mississipp.‘"ns today... and tomorrow.