power bartering: the ultimate way for anyone to -

Power Bartering: The ultimate way for anyone to prosper in this terrible recession. Time-Sensitive Special Report Urgent and Important Read Immediately The following confidential, proprietary income-generating information is so valuable and timely it’s vital you read it NOW and respond immediately. (Inside, 15 actual ways to do it -- right now.)

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Power Bartering: The ultimate way for anyone to prosper in this

terrible recession.

Time-Sensitive Special Report

Urgent and Important

Read Immediately

The following confidential, proprietary income-generating information is so

valuable and timely it’s vital you read it NOW and respond immediately.

(Inside, 15 actual ways to do it -- right now.)

Bartering Your Way to Greater Profit, Freedom and Unlimited Opportunities -- In a Bad Economy

RE: Confessions of Three Barter Barons Dear Seeker of Recessionary Business (and Income) Opportunities: If this sounds like some hyped-up promotion you’d be seeing in good times --- it’s not. This IS the “real deal.” It’s a rock-solid, profit-certain, recessionary income- generating strategy that can work “Prosperity Wonders” for anyone…business owners, employees, start-up, entrepreneurs, alike. What follows in this Special Situation Report I’ve included is merely a brief glimpse beneath the surface at the incredible profit opportunities available to anyone who learns to use barter intelligently. You can do it for your own business. You can do it for your employer. You can do it for other businesses. You can do it for yourself and family. You can do all four, your choice. Right now, I'll dispense with the basic commentary on how barter is done. Instead, I want to take you beneath the surface into the most fascinating -- and lucrative avenues of “Recessionary Bartering” transactions opportunities you can easily be doing yourself. Hopefully, I'll be able to teach you some ingenious methods you can personally put to use, starting tomorrow, to pick up huge chunks of money (or equivalent value) for yourself or business. What follows is a Special Situation Report I did for you all about the closely guarded secrets on barter and about my friends and mentors, Barter Baron’s David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer. I think this may be the most fascinating, captivating, stimulating and profit-provoking report you've read in a long time. Certainly, it should be the most important report you’ll read about recessionary barter income opportunities --- if you act on what I’m sharing, now. The report fully explains 15 very specific ways YOU can put barter to immediate use in your life, career or business, today! In case you've been too busy managing your business or working for a living, the business press has started to really get excited about barter. Why --- when cash and credit is tight --- people who know how to barter masterfully --- are king in business. In case you missed them, articles have been written in some of the most important business publications, putting more and more focus on bartering’s recessionary “profit power.” The Washington Post just ran a major article titled "Businesses Are Cashing In Big On Barter." Nation's Business ran three separate articles. Their titles were, "When Money Is No Object," "Can You Benefit from Barter?" and "Let's Make A Deal”. Inc. Magazine ran an article called, "How Swap Deals Pay Off."

Management Today ran a major article entitled "The Billion Dollar Swap Shop." Forbes ran an article titled "Barter Meister." Investor's Daily did a story titled "How Firms Trade Radios for Airline Tickets." And even futuristic Magazine, Omni, ran an article entitled "Barter Exchanges: Gateway to a Cashless Society?" Perhaps the greatest indication of barter's under-utilized recessionary value is Family Circle's article, "Don't Pay for It - Trade for It." The enclosed urgent “Special Situation Report” helps explain why everyone's so excited about barter and (I think) it is the best short-course primer, "how-to-do-it" guide I've seen on understanding the subject. If you get inspired and want to learn even more, I have persuaded both David Wagenvoord and Spike, together with me, to share a lifetime of their secrets through a special series of teleconference call-based barter training I’m doing in just one week (because the need is so timely…and acute) for people like you. It’s to prepare you to use bartering’s mega money-making force, starting right after New Year’s Day. So right now, sit back, and prepare for a tour-de-force journey through one of the most little-understood areas of massive recessionary wealth-building I’ve ever discovered. And above all, enjoy the process - and this stimulating education. I'm certain you'll find it abundantly rewarding. Warmly,


Jay Abraham P.S. Particularly focus on the examples in the report for provocative money-making strategies YOU can easily apply in your own specific situation, right now. P.P.S The Report is only 21 pages. I strongly urge you to read it attentively, right now. Then re-read it again, this time with pen and paper and a focus on how you can directly apply what you’re learning. P.P.P.S. The irresistible teleconference details and invitation for you are at the end of the report. It’s urgent you read the report now! It’s critical you act immediately.

(Continue right now ---go to the Special Report that follows and prepare to prosper!)

The Most Jealously Guarded

"Profit Secret of the 21st Century” Revealed by three remarkable men who have personally used it to produce nearly $500 million worth of profits for themselves, their partners and an "insider" group of business owners, entrepreneurs, investors and prosperous opportunity seekers they’ve assisted in some of the most unlikely places in America... Plus the actual story of how one company used this secret to help sell their business for $400,000,000 (that's four hundred million dollars)!!! ALSO, the exact tactics a famous cruise line used to create a $100,000,000 advertising success --- using zero cash, whatsoever! The owner of this company became a billionaire through THIS ingenious process. (He's been listed in the Forbes 500 richest people.) Fifteen actual (highly detailed) multi-million dollar success stories are documented below.

The Ultimate Business and Money-Making Strategy You’ll Learn How To Barter Your Way to "Monster" Six- and Seven, Even Eight Figure Profits Inside Your Business - or outside of it (during this recession). Starting Just a Few Days from Today! You can start with absolutely no capital whatsoever, without any risk and without sacrificing a penny of your existing cash sales or job security. I can teach anyone (irrespective of the business you're in the company you work for or the situation you’re struggling with in your life) - or any serious seeker of business opportunity - with an open mind, a bit of ambition and an understanding of the vast opportunities that a highly distressed economy creates-- how to create a constant flow of windfall sales, unlimited new customers and more positive cash flow in your pocket or treasury than you ever thought possible. Plus, I can help make you "bushels" of money from outside deals --- so simple --- you'll laugh when I explain them to you. Most importantly, I'll show you more ''profit-certain'' ways to have fun and start turning your business /job (or any other person’s business you desire to work with) into the 24-hour a-day money-making machine you always wanted it to be. All this is possible, precisely because of the recessionary climate the business world is facing. Actually, I won't be teaching you this by myself. I persuaded two of the greatest barter experts in the world - the master virtuoso of them all, David Wagenvoord, and the greatest trade master, Spike Humer, to reveal to you for the first time in both their prosperous lives, the actual methods and strategies they have privately used to personally make more money for themselves, their clients, or their public company, in a year than most of us make in a lifetime. Dave is a man who has personally bartered over $450 million worth of goods and services that include exotic travel, capital goods and equipment, luxury cars, electronics - actual homes and condominiums, and even entire businesses...you name it and Dave has most likely traded for it. Spike Humer has:

• Engineered and presided over the successful turnaround of the largest publicly traded barter exchange in North America

• Worked as an executive consultant for the United States franchise of the largest international barter exchange in the world.

• Served as a board member of the International Reciprocal Trade Association.

• Utilized barter as a major component in restructuring, reorganizing, and turning around the financial performance of business clients for more than fifteen years.

• Designed, developed, and registered a franchise model of a nationwide barter network throughout the U.S.

He has: Traded, brokered, facilitated, or managed mammoth-sized transactions for:

• Office space, company cars, printing, hotel room nights, and airline flights • Television, print, outdoor, internet advertising, convention facilities, cruises, time shares, vacation properties, and

storage facilities • Professional services, consulting, public relations and investor relations activities • Real Estate, building supplies, landscaping, office furniture and high-end computer equipment • And just about anything else you could ever need or use in any business, large or small

In doing business turnarounds in a recessionary economy, he used the above items and more. He’s ingeniously structured barter transactions to achieve dramatic and impressive results for businesses around the world. Spike has used barter as a tool to negotiate debt-reduction and create legal settlements, hired specialized consultants, used barter credits as collateral, and even used barter as a component in business acquisitions, and mergers. Spike was the CEO of the largest publicly traded barter exchange in the world. I was so impressed with his knowledge, ability and amazing skill including Super Trading ---I hired him as a consultant and I asked him to run OUR company.

David Is My Own Personal Mentor By the way, I've personally traded, (in behalf of clients), probably $100 million worth of transactions over the last 30 years so I understand just how powerful and profitable barter can be. David Wagenvoord is the mentor I turned to back in 1977 when I knew absolutely nothing about barter. Now, the same great man who taught me everything I know has agreed to teach you everything he knows - and believe me, he knows a lot!

Let me ask YOU this question: How would YOU like to pay almost all of your business (and personal) bills with "soft," "cashless" dollars you create out of thin air? By that I mean you can actually create your own paper credits (literally print your own negotiable “currency”) at will. Without being facetious -you can produce (or generate) buying power at will, just like the printing presses of our Government. Think about how they bail out Wall Street and the banks. Now, YOU can create your own “currency”, too! Whenever you want (or need) to buy ANY product or service for your business, for someone else’s business, for your employer’s business, or your own or someone else's personal needs --- you can merely produce a "trade" credit that is redeemable by the recipient for future purchases of your (or any other company's or people's) goods or services at full “market value” list price. Sound interesting? Read on.

How to Cut Many of Your Bills in Half Then Pay Them Off Using No Cash Whatsoever!

Not only can you get more time to pay for any purchase you make this way - up to two years totally interest-free, (and credit is immediate and no person’s guarantees required)...but when and if you ultimately do "payoff' on your end of the deal, you end up doing so, using the full retail value on your goods or services.

(Plus, literally 20 percent of the people you trade with never even redeem all their credits with you, it’s weird). That means you actually get to discount any bill you settle (by bartering) by a rate equal to your gross profit margins, or more! Simplified - this means you can cut many of your bills in half or more and not use ANY cash (out of pocket) to pay for them! In a tight money economy (or outright recession) like we're in today...more and more business people are willing - actually eager in many cases - to accept barter for their goods or services. They’re getting less cash sales, so their own bank account and capital supply is tight, now. Barter is an appealing alternative to them. Why are they so happy to trade? Because they've probably got a surplus of goods and services, or excess capacity - and a shortage of cash. And they need or want what you've got, too! Also, it's probably the only active way many of them can generate any increased business today, or acquire desperately needed goods and services. Barter is probably the easiest way to increase your sales, expand your wealth, grow your customer/client base and solidly expand any business in a time of economic turmoil and flux.

Barter is the Most Enjoyable Business or Money-Making Opportunity (Or Financial Strategy) You Can Get Into, Right Now!

It's also probably the most stimulating, lucrative and rewarding separate business activity (or business opportunity) to go into full or part-time in a recessionary - or merely as an occasional "money hobby" - for fun and "monster" profits, or to provide all the nice things you or your business wants or needs. WHY? Because, you can do things with (and through) barter (in this bad economy) that you can't do otherwise. Amazing and wonderfully miraculous things you couldn't normally accomplish --- if you're short on cash (or have no job)...if you don't have a super successful business...if you don't own any business...or if you don't have unlimited capital or buying power, bartering is now your secret prosperity weapon.

Create More Purchasing Power…at Will! In essence, when you barter, you create purchasing power, almost at will! You can, quite literally, write your own credit line (or barter checks) to unlimited and dizzying levels. You can buy goods and services at far better discounts and at far more advantageous terms than you ever could (or ever can, for that matter) do with cash (it’s even better in a recession). Plus - you have much more time to pay. And here's the best part of all. The longer you want to take to pay - the less it ends up costing you! (It’s like being charged negative interest). I know that’s hard to fathom, but I’ll prove it to you below. As you know, when you deal in cash, the longer you wait to pay, the more it ends up costing you (interest, service charges, etc.). With barter, the exact opposite is true. Bankers pray you don't learn these facts and secrets because barter is a banker's worst nightmare come true. The Treasury Department probably hopes you won't discover how to create your own “currency” and purchasing power at will just like it does) and legally beat them at their own game. You still have to pay taxes --- but barter multiplies and extends your purchasing power beyond belief.

Buy Without Money, Spend Without Cash - Never Borrow or Pay Interest Again!

(And you’re purchasing power gets better and better, the worse the economic picture)

You see, once you learn how to masterfully trade and barter, you no longer need to be dependent on cash borrowing --- ever again. You no longer need to wait for your bank account to be full to purchase ANY product or service you or your business needs - or wants, if you use barter. You no longer even need to have a dime in your bank account to ethically acquire a virtually limitless amount of goods or services. Barter offers you the profit --- and money-making "vehicle" --- that can finally take you to stratospheric income heights (ironically, you’ll do it during bad times). Billions of dollars in profit have been made over the bad years by people (much like you) who learned to harness the power of barter. Now it's time for YOU to get your fair share, too.

You Can Put Bundles of Windfall Cash Into Your Bank Account ...Whenever You Want!

And - this is one of the most provocative aspects of barter - whenever you want to, you can put bundles of cash in your company bank account (or own pocketbook) so quickly, it'll almost scare you. Once you start using barter to transact your business or personal financial dealings, you will no longer need to incur onerous credit approvals, interest expenses, processing fees, etc. - since all your barter purchases are automatically “approved” (never denied) and totally interest-free. No one will ever ask to see your financial statement or make you pledge assets or personally guarantee any barter transaction you engage in. So your downside risk is low --- or nil! No one will question you about your credit or your ability to pay. You'll never have a ceiling put on your purchasing levels, either. So you are only limited by your aggressiveness, creativity, energy and ambition to achieve or prosper. The sky is REALLY the limit --- if you follow my lead here….

Unlimited Purchasing Power ….You're able to create unlimited purchasing power, borrowing power and 24-karat solid-gold business credit --- at will. Whenever you need it. As much as you need it. As often as you need it. Barter provides ALL the purchasing power you'll ever need. In essence, you can create your very own “currency”, and it's 100 percent legal and oftentimes tax deductible, as long as the resulting use is for a business-related purpose and you document the transaction properly. (Consult your accountant for more specifics.) If you use it for personal gain, barter still allows you to accomplish Herculean financial achievements with the most minimal of cost or tax consequences of any other wealth-generating or financial acquisition strategy you could use. Getting Excited? If you are starting to get excited - you should, because in today's tight-credit, cash-short recessionary and volatile economy, barter offers you possibly the greatest profit potential your business (or you personally) could possibly take advantage of. In fact, there's a better-than-even chance that - IF executed properly - a barter program instituted in your business (or for your employer) could produce the biggest (or only) profit you make for the year.

Or as a personal Money Hobby, orchestrating barter deals for others could make you more money than anything else you ever do. Certainly it could dwarf any salary you currently earn.

Large Corporations Use Barter as an Edge/Hedge Against the Competition

I have in my possession confidential reports on seven well-known corporations that employ barter as their major business “edge/hedge” over the competition. One is a hotel chain. Another is an airline. One's a television network. Another's a car company. One's an electronics conglomerate and the last one's a (seemingly) low-key bottling giant. I'm in a position to know the level of monster-sized profit that barter has added to THEIR bottom lines, and it's in the tens of millions. How much of a profit could barter add to your bank account? A lot but it depends on what kind of products or services your business or employer sells (or the companies you could work with offers), the extent of your current market penetration, and your ability to understand and master a relative handful of surprisingly simple principles and transactional barter concepts. However, a six-figure net cash profit or more IS very reasonable. Even though you're dealing in trade - you can end up with massive "cash" profits of seven figures and higher. I'll explain "how" a little later in this report. And it's easier than you can possibly imagine. Soon, you’ll see why.

One man I know of averaged $4-5 million a year off of barter activities. You probably won't do that well.

On the other hand, there is absolutely no reason why you couldn't do even better. It all depends on your effort, situation and your level of focus, time invested and commitment. The more inventive or agile-minded you are, the more profit opportunities you'll create - the more money you'll rake in. After all, there is NO limit to what you can do.

Secrets Only About 500 People in the World Probably Know Right Now! You probably won't make seven figures, but you certainly could - with the techniques and secrets I will reveal- and the strategies I'll help teach to you – right now! Secrets that arguably only 500 people in the entire world probably understand right now. And believe me, those who do know are so tight-lipped about it they'll never tell anyone, as it would lessen their personal or business profit advantage. I pride myself on being a no-nonsense, bottom-line oriented businessman who expects my efforts and activities to pay off handsomely - just like you should! And years ago I learned just how much of a difference barter could make to our own sales and profit figures and the profits of ALL my clients. So I became proficient at understanding and transacting every facet of barter negotiation and execution that paid off big dividends.

Let me share with you a mere "few" of the incredible things we were able to help our clients accomplish:

• One client got over a million dollars in advertising that cost them -- absolutely nothing! • Another got a 50-person telemarketing firm to work for them for free - in exchange for services. • Many clients received free rent. • One of my clients averaged an extra $150,000-a-quarter profit off their internal barter profit center. • Another paid for ALL his business travel through barter - which was a significant amount.

• Another acquired all of his company cars through barter.

I could tell you a lot more and have your eyes jump out...but it would fill 100 pages ... and I'm sure you get the idea. Instead, I'll make a statement that should arouse and stimulate your avaricious side: Few business people, let alone individuals, know this - but there are no less than 40 different ways you or your company or employer can profit substantially using barter, right now! You can do it for – (and through) - any business you own or control. You can do it outside any business as a middleman, deal-maker or matchmaker. You can do it for any business --- for raking in huge fees or for massive shares of the barter "spoils."

Let Me Know Share 15 Specific Barter Strategies Let me share a few of the actual barter strategies you can use/do-- so you can start to see and appreciate the lucrative money making, profit-boosting opportunity I want to reveal to you.

1. Save cash on capital expenditures Say you're buying a computer. After you've negotiated the lowest price you can get, you agree to the price if the seller will take a portion (or all of the transaction) of that negotiated price in your product or services. Ideally 25 percent to 50 percent or 100%. What's that accomplish? It just lowered the true cost to you of that computer by one-third to eighty percent. And gave YOU dating on the barter portion of the purchase, while allowing you to pay it off later, interest free.

2. If you become really good at trading, you can probably get a higher percent trade ---

up to 100 percent You could even trade a lesser dollar value of your more desirable goods or services for a larger dollar value of computer --- and your cash savings could be 70 percent or more. Car dealers trade cars for many times more value in advertising, for example.

3. Increase your total sales (or the total sales of any business you help)

Since many businesses focus their attention on the "total gross", barter accentuates your gross while continuing to minimize your overhead. This means that the cost of producing barter instead of 100 percent dollars lets you increase your gross sales at a fraction of what doing it with cash expenditures would be; consequently, your bartered sales could be many times more profitable.

4. Barter lets you pay operating expenditures - even payroll- with soft dollars

That means that you could be low on (or even out of) cash and still continue to operate - and prosper and continue to employ critically needed people using barter as your means of commerce. Check with your accountant, but the strategy does work when funds are low or gone.

5. You can print your own “currency”, i.e., "scrip" which is usable only at your place

of business While only your imagination can limit the advantages that having your own legal tender can do to benefit your business, here's just one to think about. Say there is something your company or employer (or you, personally) really needs or wants to acquire but you can't afford it on a cash-paying basis. Using your own ‘currency”, where the cost is based on the cost of supplying the goods and services and where you take delivery now but pay for it much, much later - you can afford to acquire the needed, item. I’ve gotten a Porsche convertible, Land Rover Supercharger, mammoth diamond rings, travel, and luxurious furniture – all from my consults.

6. Automatically get terms, credit and discounts far more easily than you ever could by

paying cash You issue a $5,000 credit to a printer. He gives you $5,000 worth of printing and delivers it -- immediately. You pay with your barter script or credits that give the printer one-to-two years to use his credit with you. Until the

printer actually uses those credits, you haven't paid out a thing. And since he probably will only use a smaller portion of his credit with you at a time, its cost will be easily handled a little at a time, as opposed to all at once.

7. Breakage

Breakage represents the barter certificates you issue when you trade with someone that are never used. A certain percentage of all barter credits issued, if they have an expiration date (which we recommend), will not be used. A major New Orleans hotel traded $125,000 worth of radio and TV time and issued barter script in that amount with a one-year expiration date. Right up front the hotel got $125,000 in advertising at regular cash rates. This was advertising they had been paying $125,000 for in real cash. At the end of twelve months an audit revealed that only $35,000 worth of the barter script had been redeemed within the time limit period. The rest expired unused. The cash cost of the hotel delivering $35,000 worth of rooms was only $5,000. The hotel had leveraged up $125,000 in advertising for 5,000 hard dollars. However, that doesn't take into consideration two overlooked (but extremely significant) other factors. • Statistically, $35,000 in room trade produces $17,500 in "cash" food, beverage and miscellaneous sales with a

gross profit in excess of $8,000 for the hotel. The hotel actually got paid $3,000 net after all costs to enter into the trade ($8,000 profit less $5,000 cost to fulfill on the $35,000 worth of rooms).

• All $35,000 worth of rooms were not used at one time. It was spread out over twelve months. Meaning that the hotel got to pay the $5,000 over twelve months totally interest free. In essence they got $125,000 worth of advertising up front and got paid to do so.

• You always stand ready to fulfill, but if people don’t take advantage, your discount on the transaction increases.

8. Cash Conversions

Many barter items, merchandise or services you acquire (in addition to paying bills with) can be sold or "converted" to cash at a fee well above the cost of acquiring them. Chrysler Corporation traded a Spanish television network 92 cars a few years back. The seven-station chain sold the cars to their employees at a 30 percent discount over what the cars normally "stickered" for. The employees were overjoyed because the most the dealer would discount them was I 5 percent. The average value of each car was $10,000, and the television network received from the sale more than $1,920,000 in real cash for unsold air time that cost them nothing (time that probably would have gone unused and, thus would have produced zero revenue unless it was traded). Forty-five of the cars were traded to a television transmitter manufacturer by the radio station in exchange for a half million dollars' worth of transmitter equipment that permitted the station to open up a new "full-power" UHF station in San Francisco - without using any cash. The ability to trade for this equipment set the time table to get the San Francisco station on the air ahead by more than one full year and enabled the station to operate in the beginning without draining all their cash. They became a runaway success before any other Spanish station ever penetrated the San Francisco market. The stations subsequently were sold for $400,000,000 (that's four hundred million) and that same San Francisco station today is worth in excess of $50,000,000 by itself.

9. Create a Barter Profit Center

Some sales people who are not effective in "cash" selling are extremely successful in bartering. So you might have a "sleeper employee" whose sales will sky-rocket and will give you huge "bonus" margins on the products or services you sell if you trade for products and services at full rate then turn right around and sell the merchandise you acquire to the open market at a slight discount under the going price for that merchandise. For example, a prominent travel magazine traded airline credit for full pages of advertising in their magazine. A

page sells for $15,000 so they receive $15,000 worth of first-class tickets every time they run an ad. The actual "hard-cost" of the page of advertising to the magazine is a mere $750 or one twentieth the rate they are charging. The magazine has a barter liquidation department that takes the airline credits and immediately resells the tickets for 80 cents on the dollar (20 cents less than anyone could buy the tickets for directly from the airline itself). As a barter "profit center", the magazine takes ad pages that cost them $750 and turns them into $12,000 of revenue. Does this give you any imaginative ideas of ways you could profit from operating a barter profit center of your own inside or outside your business? You can net profits of double or quadruple your costs in a few weeks. Annualized, the income a barter profit center can produce dwarfs any other division your company may operate. The Home Shopping Network, which is now a billion dollar business, was actually conceived and started by the owner of a small radio station in Florida who was having difficulty making payroll. The owner traded 1,400 electric can openers with the hardware store and "cash converted" them over the air and the company was saved. He then began trading and auctioning goods and services he traded for over the radio to the listening audience. Within 60 days the small station was in the black and the "seller on the air" concept was further tested on the local cable television channel. When this also proved successful, investors backed the concept into a satellite up-link and went national. The stock run-up was bigger than Xerox. The company's sales now exceed more than one billion dollars a year. And it all started with 1,400 can openers and trade.

10. Vastly expand your available advertising budget without using any cash

An international air courier company in competition with Federal Express hired a barter firm to pay for its upcoming television schedule. The barter company put up the cash - ran the television - and took credits with the air courier service as payment, which it cash converted over the next two and one-half years. Only new accounts (no existing ones could purchase or use the credits so no existing "cash" revenues were ever displaced) were allowed to use these credits. The barter company made a profit in the cash conversion. The courier had two and one-half years to pay for the advertising time - without any interest charge. And many of the cash conversion barter sales (some were Fortune 400 companies) have continued to use the air courier on a full-cash-paying basis long after their barter credits were used up. In other words, people who were originally not customers of the air courier service developed such a habit of doing business with them through barter usage, they stayed on and paid full cash after the barter credits were used up. We estimate that the cash business which continues exceeds $3,000,000 a year for the courier service. So far, in the eight years since the original trade was done, nearly $24 million dollars worth of resulting "cash continuation" business has occurred as a lucrative "by product" of the initial one-time barter transaction.

11. Finance rapid growth without cash

Carnival Cruise Lines, a Florida-based cruise line which is now the largest cruise line in the world, started with one ship and insufficient operating capital. The line traded empty cabins for radio, television and newspaper advertising in 100 cities over a ten-year period. The cost of an empty cabin once the ship sails is minimal. Plus the passengers may spend considerable cash in the bar, casino, gift shop and shore excursions; thus the net cost to the cruise line to fill an empty cabin was literally less than zero. Stated differently, they made a massive profit off the bartered cabin being occupied instead of going out empty. Here's the payoff to the cruise line. They used this technique to become the largest cruise line in the world and continuously advertised in 100 cities for more than ten years without spending a penny of hard cash. A conservative estimate of the amount of sales generated was $100,000,000. The owner of the cruise line is now a billionaire and in the top ten on the Forbes richest list. And it all started with one 30-year-old ship and heavy barter advertising.

12. Ability to instantly and continuously generate a steady stream of profits at far above close-out prices A cosmetic company traded a deodorant that was no longer being manufactured for advertising credits at their full wholesale price, thus getting their full market price in value for undesirable items. The advertising was used to advertise a new line. The old goods, which probably would have only brought in ten cents on the dollar as a "close-out" item, brought full wholesale as an advertising trade; thus the chief financial officer did not have to "write down" the product. The company was saved not only the book loss - but the cash loss too! And they were able to take an item and benefit from it at full price while also saving millions of dollars in cash. In a different twist, a major Japanese auto manufacturer had 1,000 cars that were in the US that they had been unable to sell at any price. The cars were bartered through radio and TV stations in selected markets at full retail, i.e. "window sticker." The advertising was used to introduce a new sports car that became a runaway success but which the company couldn't afford to previously run advertising for. The bottom line - the cars were sold at full retail and millions of dollars were saved on the advertising schedule and the introduction of the new sports car became the basis of a blockbuster success for the car company because they advertised it constantly with the advertising they acquired solely on trade.

13. Turn excess inventory into cash without losing regular business A major international hotel corporation issues its own barter certificates in the amount of $7,000,000 per year. The certificates over the years have become extremely popular in the advertising community since they are used at more than 1,500 hotels around the world. The hotel corporation is able to trade for advertising on nearly any radio, TV, or outdoor advertising company on a trade basis because of the popularity and desirability of their hotels which have developed over the years. An estimated $10,000,000 a year in cash is saved through this process by the hotel corporation.

14. Recycle dollars right back to your own pockets

The City of Palm Springs ordered advertising for its tourist bureau. In order for the media (radio stations, TV networks, or magazines) to be paid for the advertising they had run, the Palm Springs tourist bureau required that the media had to travel to Palm Springs and spend money in the city itself. In essence, the media had to spend an equal number of dollars in Palm Springs and show proof of purchase - before they got paid. The entire multi-million dollar budget was 100 percent recycled back into the hands and bank accounts of Palm Springs merchants. The tourist bureau didn't care if a magazine bought a car in Palm Springs, stayed at a hotel, booked travel through a Palm Springs travel agent or ordered furniture from a furniture store so long as they did it with a Palm Springs merchant. Many shopping centers have also adopted this technique to recycle their advertising dollars back to their center merchants.

15. Stockholder benefits

Many companies issue employee and stockholder benefits in barter, either for the company itself - or for other barter they have acquired. They give Christmas presents, sales bonuses, customer inducements - all without using cash.

25 More Ways You Can Benefit From Barter, Also Equally as Doable There are easily 25 additional barter profit strategies any business owner or individual can use to make, save or preserve cash…or generate serious income. There are simple, quick and remarkably easy ways YOU can use these same methods to make money for yourself by engineering all kinds of wonderful trade deals for other companies, too. I've only "touched the outer surface" of the enriching possibilities barter offers in a recessionary economy, just to get your mind thinking. Barter techniques can provide you with the ultimate edge against not only your local competition but foreign competition who don't understand or use it.

You can use barter, operating off your own business. You can do it playing off all kinds of other peoples' businesses. You can do it as a consultant. You can do it by the hour. You can do it for a share of the wealth or the trade credits. You can do it for all of the above. You can do it full-time or part-time. Or you can buy and sell barter credits as an arbitrageur. And that's just for starters! The possibilities --- and profit potential is monumental.

The Opportunities Are Nearly Limitless! And frankly, in an unraveling economy like this, the opportunities to profit through barter transactions are nearly limitless. Barter is not only recession-proof - but it actually thrives and works better, more successfully, in a money tight economy. You owe it to your skills as a business person or seeker of recession-based opportunity --- to master the "simple" techniques necessary to pull off these powerful and lucrative financial transactions for yourself, your company, your employer or any other company you want to help and profit from. There is only one problem though - (call it "the rub”) The people who are raking in the fortunes right now and doing all the business and "racking up" all the trades and converting all these barter deals into cash upon cash, don't want you to learn their secrets. Why? Because it's a tremendous competitive edge for them to know it --- and for you not to.

But Call me the “Equalizer” I want YOU to gain all this knowledge. And I want to help train you in all the best methods and most workable strategies you need to know to become a barter maven, right away! Sure, I'll probably make a little money doing it. But it will dwarfed by the money you could --- make if you learn to do it right!

Triangulation Deals! Still another way to profit through barter is to arrange very unique and highly lucrative "triangulation" barter deals when you act as a combination "middle man/principal" and receive commission and "bonus" barter credits to keep for yourself - from three or more parties in one blockbuster super-trade deal. I know one man who bought an exclusive beach-front home in Malibu with all the furnishings included, all with an ingenious barter approach he developed. Lots of real estate can be traded/for. Hundreds of people take luxury vacations, own or control (by the way, the operative word here is "control") expensive cars, art, jewelry, stocks, electronics and virtually any desirable goods or services imaginable strictly on a cash-free, barter basis. Want to drive a luxury automobile? We'll show you how to trade for it. David traded for 900 Chrysler Imperials in one year. He traded for a Ferrari Roadster, a classic Mustang, a Rolls Royce and a luxury leased car. You can learn to do it, too!

It's Better Than Being On "Let's Make A Deal"! Same goes for TVs, furniture, airplane tickets, tickets to theaters, movies, sporting events, radio and television advertising time, newspaper and magazine advertising, direct mail - and on and on.

Our Generous Offer -- Learn to Barter Risk Free Learn to barter risk free in one of the most stimulating, fascinating, conceptually challenging and, above all, lucrative teleconference-based of learning experience of your life, David Wagenvoord, Spike Humer and I want to teach you everything you need to know to barter your way to monster profits and life-changing prosperity. You see, I got Dave and Spike to agree to conduct a four-session, 90-minutes per session, teleconference-based, fast-track tutorial course in Super Bartering, with me. I asked both barter mavens to share more scenarios, to detail and document more of their most successful barter transactions than either ever shared in life. This is priceless money-making information that has never before been told. It’s expert training that can move your recessionary income prospects from mediocrity to earning, maybe millions. Really, it’s that powerful!

The Barons of Barter David Wagenvoord (pronounced wagon-vord), Spike Humer, and (immodestly) me, are probably the most agile-minded, truly inventive and downright brilliant barter conceptualists and business strategists you’ll ever meet in your life. That may sound brash, but facts are facts. David is the seminal thinker, the maestro - the absolute master of all the barter experts I've ever dealt with. The man’s in a class all by himself. Spike is the big strategic thinker, the supreme negotiator, the finder of humongous overlooked opportunity, hidden assets, and secret wealth. Me, well, I’m me. Probably the least skilled of the three. But I’ve still helped engineer upwards of 100 million dollars in barter deals over my career. If you to do 1/4th that number at conventional commission and transaction fees --- you’d personally net a cool $2.5 million cash, plus as much as five million more in barter credit. If your business could use an extra $100,000 to $2.5 million profit advantage, or if you personally would like to learn how that caliber of money can be realistically made, read on, please.

They Taught Me Everything I Know About Barter These two geniuses are the men who taught me everything profitable I personally know about how to make a fortune in barter. They taught me the mindset of how to think, act and transact like the barter maven I am now, thanks to them. They taught me to clearly and cleverly understand the simple, psychological basis barter works on - They showed me the best ways to use its leverage points to maximum profit advantage. They walked me through all kinds of actual deals -which made me millions of dollars and my clients tens of millions more! They ultimately changed my entire business mindset about what IS actually possible. Now - I've persuaded Dave and Spike to do it for you, too, along with me serving as the host, moderator, advocate general for you. Why? What is Dave and Spike’s Motivation for Sharing Their Secrets? Dave is a good friend - and my mentor. Spike is a business colleague, dear friend and advisor. They’re also very good businessmen. They know a good business deal when they see it. I've showed David and Spike how they can make money now, and tens of millions later, by helping my clients make (or save) many millions for themselves through the intelligent use of barter. David likes to refer to the concept of opportunity "costs" and "rewards." He expects to source dozens of great barter opportunities that he can get directly involved in from the people he trains on these calls. Spike expects to find dozens of people to do barter deals for and with OUR company. I expect to learn even more from my two barter heroes.

I demonstrated to each of these Barter Mavens that the four sessions they'd both invest their time in revealing their secrets, would probably pay each one an "opportunity reward" in the seven, and maybe eight figures, long-term - but only if they told you everything! It made good business sense to David and Spike. So they agreed to do it with me and for you - but only this one time. This is NOT intended to be the first in a series of repeat programs we’ll do. This is probably the only opportunity of its kind you will ever be offered in your personal business lifetime. And regrettably, the only time I could get all three of our schedules to work was the week of December 15th. Specifically, the conference calls are scheduled on Monday, December 15, Wednesday, December 17, Friday, December 19 and Monday, December 22 at 2pm PST. I'm not trying to be theatrical or dramatic. Only honest. David and originally only agreed to do one session, live, with me. No one, including their own business partners, has ever pinned both men down on as many specific barter issues and answers as I will in these four sessions. To appreciate the opportunity to be taught live by two virtual grand-masters of David and Spike's level, you need to learn just a few of their combined amazing personal barter feats:

• David traded 900 Chrysler Imperials in six weeks. Only 1100 were manufactured that year. • He traded 16,000 guitars for Yamaha for more than $2,000,000 worth of radio advertising. • He traded $5,000,000 worth of DHL Air Courier credits for television in a matter of months. • He traded 350 Mazda's for advertising credits. • He traded for advertising on hundreds of radio stations for ten years for Carnival Cruise lines. • He's a personal friend of the founder of the Home Shopping Network, Lowell "Bud" Paxton . • He built Channel 26 TV in New Orleans which is now owned by the Chicago Tribune. • He owned the Peter Lawford home on the beach in Santa Monica that was used by President Kennedy as the

"Western White House." This was originally built as the home of Louis B. Mayer, the founder of Metro Golden Mayer, and is the place they actually created the concept of the Academy Awards. David traded for most of the house and much of the contents.

• He recently purchased a radio station in Northern California and paid 60 percent of the down payment in furniture trade credits.

• He bought $1 million worth of network air time from a bankruptcy court in one of the wildest, wackiest and most profitable "little" barter deals of all time.

• They’ve arranged, developed or brokered trade transactions for these well-known companies:

o Best Western Hotels o Sheraton Hotels o Outrigger Hotels o Beverly Wilshire Hotel o L'Ermitage Hotel Beverly

Hills o Carnival Cruise Lines o Aero Mexico o KLM o Continental Airlines RCA o Citizen Watch o Turner Broadcasting o NBC Radio o Budget Rent-A-Car Avis

Rents o Hawaiian Tropic Suntan Oil o Costa Cruise Line

o Conrad Cruise Line o Peal Cruise Line o Royal Caribbean o Mexican Airlines o Air France o Curtis Publishing o Lufthansa o TWA o Samsung o Carl's Jr. o Mutual Broadcasting o Levitz Furniture o General Rent-A-Car o Coty Perfume o Aeroflot o And over 5.000 radio and TV

stations in America!

And this is only a small part of the deals they’ve facilitated. Dave’s been doing it - actively trading, avidly arranging and brokering high-seven figures barter transactions for 30 years - and is probably the shrewdest and quickest-witted business person you will ever rub shoulders with. Plus - as a pretty formidable expert in my own right, I know the right questions to ask him and the right topics to get him to thoroughly explore.

The Promise I Had To Make Neither David or Spike will let me offer the four teleconference series to you unless I deliver the goods. In other words, unless I induce at least 500 of you to enroll risk-free, the deal's probably off! I’m paying a per enrollment royalty to each of them, so I need to make it worth both their whiles to “spill the beans,” if you will. How can I pull off such a feat at the last minute of this year -- with only a week before the actual calls begin? Simple - by "shamelessly bribing" you with more money-making information than you've ever learned in your life - and by pricing the series so embarrassingly low that you'd be foolish not to learn this money-making skill even if you, your business or employer are low on funds. Also --- when you see the enormous collection of wildly profitable bonuses I'm throwing in with the offer, you'd be just short of crazy to say "no." But, more on the extraordinary barter bonuses and the unprecedented risk reversal later. Here's just a sample of what David and Spike are willing to reveal on these teleconference calls:

• How to trade your goods and services and always make a profit. • How to lower your cost of overhead in operating your company, using barter as a technique. • How to issue and control your own “currency”. • How to keep exact barter records so you'll never screw up, lose control of the inventory or get

taken advantage of • How to deftly handle the tax consequences of barter and stay straight with the IRS. A

powerhouse CPA who specializes in barter helped David answer some critically important questions. He co-wrote some of the actual barter club law that the IRS uses as its guidelines.

• How to conduct a three-sided (or more) transaction where everyone benefits - and everyone makes tons of money.

• How to set barter goals and achieve them. • How to get things you only dreamed of, using barter as a leverage. • Specific what-to-do's, how to do them, answers and what not to do to avoid screwing up. • Advice, recommendations and tons of real-life case study examples you can easily learn from.

David will actually spend considerable attention discussing direct applications barter has on your business or your personal income generating potential. He’ll work very hard with me to help you identify your single best barter opportunity and to show you how to conceive, develop it and formulate your entire business barter strategy. Then, how to harvest the profit potential you’re sitting upon. But that's only Part One. The second part -- Spike's "Trading and Training" program is even far more exciting. Spike has agreed to personally work by telephone with as many participants as possible on Call #4, assisting YOU with any important individual barter situations, problems, opportunities and questions that may you want to pose to him.

Plus, they'll both consider any profitable deals you may want to do with Dave or Spike as a participant, broker, advisor, middle person or principal --- or financier. Of course, the deal's got to make sense to David or Spike for them to even consider it. But if it does, they’re willing to look at getting personally involved in all sorts of ways to make a deal happen and pay off gangbusters for you both.

Finance, Orchestrate, Liquidate, Triangulate or Formulate Any Deal

David can help show you how to finance, orchestrate, liquidate, triangulate or formulate virtually any barter transaction you want to do. If you need Spike’s individualized help to pull it off, he's available to help as many people possible personally by phone, on Session #4. But only if you're committed to using barter at a high profitable level. I can go on, but YOU get the general idea. Nothing remotely this timely, lucrative and uniquely rewarding has been available to capitalize on the recession. This four-session program and super three expert-based teleconference training process is different from any other business or money-making seminar, coaching or training program that YOU have ever received. It's, frankly, the most enriching (and inexpensive) and enjoyable business opportunity I've ever presented, particularly given the state of the world economy. Barter is the key to the kingdom – once you learn the right methods to follow. It will stretch your mind - and your bank account. It’s rare that I bring two other experts in to do it with me. But facts are facts - and everything I know, do or use to make my clients immense amounts of money through barter was taught to me by David Wagenvoord or Spike Humer. If you only learn a fraction of what David and Spike have both taught me - you'll stand to make so much darn money this recession that your accountant won't understand what happened. But that's OK, because David knows an accountant that specializes in barter and can help you with dramatically reduce your tax bill -- legally. But the four-session training is only one fraction of the powerful package I'm offering. That is just the training portion of the program. The written part could, actually, be even more valuable, long-term. You see, when I persuaded Dave Wagenvoord and Spike Humer to share everything they both knew about barter - I wanted to know what every other barter expert knew - and I wanted to present their ideas, methods, secrets and strategies right alongside David's. Why? Because the barter industry is a highly discreet, low-profile field where tremendous amounts of money are being quietly made by a few knowledgeable individuals. Selfishly, I wanted to learn this newest strategies for myself. But, I also wanted to share these advanced barter strategies with you, so your barter education could be complete.

So, I’m Including a Massive Reference Work So, I invested a small fortune and put together an approximately 200-paged, massive lifetime reference work I call "Confessions of a Barter Baron." It explains bartering and all its exciting possibilities and opportunities from over 100 different perspectives. You get an extraordinary understanding when you read this manual - after first listening carefully to all four of the Wagenvoord barter tapes.

Here are the subjects Confessions of a Barter Baron covers:

1. The Advantages of Barter 2. How to Determine Your Exact Barter Leverage Position 3. Where to Start 4. The Wild Possibilities 5. How to Become a Middleman and Barter Deal Maker 6. Triangulation; the Hidden Key to Even Greater Riches Where to Find Hidden Profits 7. Some Possible Variations 8. Making Your First Trade 9. Checklist for First Time Trader 10. Understanding and valuing "Hard" Versus "Soft" Barter Goods 11. Testing Your Barter Aptitude 12. Ways to Build a Barter Inventory 13. Items You Should Never Barter 14. Hidden Barter Treasures 15. Vacation Exchanges Through Barter 16. Writing a Winning Barter Ad 17. Creating Your Own Paper Money) 9. Bartering for Professional Services 18. Barter and Taxes 19. How to Become a Professional Trader 20. The Sultan of Swap and Other Big-League Traders 21. A Life in Barter 22. How to Become a Horse trader; or the Fine Art of Negotiation 23. Triangulation - The Hidden Key to Ever Greater Barter 24. Riches 25. Personal Property Exchanges 26. Barter's Role in Big Business 27. Pitfalls to A void 28. Trade Clubs and Barter Exchanges

All twenty-eight sections are rich in ideas, explanations, examples and highly actionable illustrations. These are all different extensions and expansions on the basic lessons Dave Wagenvoord and Spike will reveal in the four-session teleconferce-based program. It's sort of like being taught basics of basketball from Phil Jackson and then getting all the players from the Lakers to teach you the specifics. All right, we're down to the final stretch. It's finally time to reveal- the cost! You probably wonder just how expensive it will possibly be to engage the two greatest barter experts in America I know to personally teach, advise and program you for four continuous sessions by teleconference. Well, Dave told me if he conducted a "one-on-one" advisory session with a large company his fee might be upwards of $50,000 a day. Plus, they have to come to him. He won't go to them. Spike gets $25,000 a day when we go out and consult on barter. Nor will David ordinarily allow anyone to record his strategies and tactics. He strictly forbids it, and he's turned down dozens of requests for interviews by some very important people in the media. Yet, David is my mentor. So, too, is Spike. I am both of their barter protégé, and so they were open to doing some very uncharacteristic things to create this four session training program for you. Like allowing me to record every word of every conversation they and I shared for all four sessions.

That way, if you can’t make a live session, you can re-listen to the replay line we’ll have available on a security-protected private website. Four sessions of 1 ½ hours each, six rich and fast-paced hours with David and Spike, personally could cost you as much as $75,000 to experience privately, one-on-one. If they gave you a deal because of their relationship with me and offered it at half price, it could still be $37,500 -- and you probably wouldn't know or think to ask one-tenth of the critical questions I introduce for you on each session. Nor would you have thought to discuss the lucrative, little understood, money-making issues I’ll grill David and Spike on for 90 minutes each session. But - I'm an amazingly persuasive and an emphatically value-oriented business man. I didn't feel that any of you could afford the minimum $37,500 that it could end up being to privately pick David and Spike's combined minds as long and deeply as I will for you. You quite possibly, make $100,000 or multiples of that figure in your first year alone in barter transactions. But I still wanted you to jump at the price I offered this one-time-only program at. So I told David if could get 500 like-minded, stimulated, seriously committed business men and women (or seekers of recessionary opportunity) together, through a few well-placed e-mails, I thought a fair price for them to pay was just $495 --- a fraction of a fraction of the amount you could possibly make off of just one, or two, good barter deals you transact. Private Access to David Absolutely Free If You Have Any Big Barter Opportunities He Can Get Involved In David asked me how much more we should ask for his personal access and I think I almost gave him a heart attack when I told him "nothing". It has to be included free in the deal for this thing to really payoff since David only wants to offer it to people who have deals he can profit from and with. Again, it’s got to make sense for him and for you but if the deal is solid, Dave would love to have a crack at it. Because, while everyone is bound to get excited with the ideas and concepts David reveals -learning how to effectively execute and transact requires "on-the-job training". So it's essential to me that this training program includes all access to David absolutely free -- as long as you pose deal meaningful barter situations he can get professionally involved with. Again, you could argue that alone, is a $25,000 value in its own right, since that's what Dave would charge you for the personal access if you retained him privately. But, he agreed to do be there to consider deals with you for absolutely free as part of this program. But again, only if you have profitable deals he’ll like doing -- with you.

How do you really know you'll profit from this four-session, live barter training program?

That's the best part, yet, of this offer! Test Drive the entire first session before you decide --- or commit. You see, I refuse to consider your purchase binding until after you've completed the first full, 90-minute mentoring session with David, Spike and me, and read all 22 sections of the confidential reference manual as possible (it’ll be up on a private resource on-line vault for your benefit and easy access). That's unprecedented risk reversal. If it's not better (not even equal to, but demonstrably superior) than I promise here in this report, you can ask for your entire payment returned to you on-the-spot. No questions asked. No hard feelings on David’s, Spike’s or my part, either.

If you ask for a refund, you must agree not to use ANY of the techniques learned in the course. But I think that the probability of not getting value from what you'll learn here is exceedingly low. Again, there’s nothing remotely close that can help you prosper in this recession.

Irresistible and Invaluable Additional Bonuses Finally, to make the proposition totally un-refusable, we’ve added these bonuses to the program: Bonus 1 You'll receive a complete set of transcripts of all four separate sessions David and Spike will conduct with me. This allows you to re-review each idea as much as you like. As you will soon see, this transcript bonus could easily be worth $495 additional. It's yours free as a bonus. Bonus 2 Buy any advertising barter credits from David's inventory at wholesale distributor price. At any given time, Dave controls or has access to millions of dollars in barter credits all over the world. He normally sells these as a profit center for 25 percent off retail. He has a network of five wholesalers he sells these for much more percent off. But You Can Buy Like a Pro at an Average Discount of 40 Percent Off or Higher You can buy any credit you want he has available for personal use or for resale as long as you do so discretely and you can buy at the full wholesale rate of up to 40 percent off. The same goes for radio, television and magazine advertising credits as well. Time on major national TV that others pay $5,000 a minute for, you could buy for $3,000. It all depends on Dave’s inventory availability at the time, but those deals are available to you if you enroll in this session. Full-page ads that everyone else pays $20,000 for, you could buy for $12,000, etc., etc., etc. Details and buying instructions will be explained on the last session. Bonus 3 Templates to model for creating your own “Due Bills”, “Script” and other barter instruments. All you need to do is fill in the detailed amount, product/service specifics, expiration dates, sign off on each instrument, and you could immediately start trading these future credits for valuable items you want the day they arrive. Bonus 4 Discount radio time to be used by you or your clients on Dave's personally-owned radio stations. David owns four radio stations that are perfect to test ads or infomercials on. He'll give you a huge discount on radio credit up to $2,000 (at retail rate) to be used any time by you (or your assignee) for up to six months after the series, subject only to scheduling availability warranted by the station. You can test any new commercial you're thinking of running or trying out a lead-generating or mail order concept you may want to take national. You can try out radio “infomercials,” too! David reserves the

right to buy time for you at "steep" discounts in other markets -- IF this test on his station proves successful enough to "roll-out." Bonus 5 26-minute-long radio infomercial interview for 25 cents on the dollar. Plus, the complete recording to use as you like. Guaranteed 26-minute, informational interviews on one of David's talk radio station - and free taping of the interview for you to use to promote your own business --- for 25 cents on the dollar! Having a half-hour infomercial interview on a prestigious major market radio station that you tape and send out to customers or prospects can be immeasurably valuable. It can credentialize you, demonstrate your expertise, turn you into a celebrity in your field, city, market, etc. (You can make copies and give them to prospects.) Ordinarily, it costs thousands of dollars to create a radio infomercial. Dave will have his staff do it with you for a few hundred dollars, which is basically his hard cost. (Exact cost will depend on where you live and whether they do the production by phone or you come to the station). This bonus can be used by you or assigned to anyone you choose. I personally used a tape interview to sell $18,000,000 worth of just one product in one year’s time. How YOU benefit from your 26-minute professional "infomercial" interview is up to you. Bonus 6 Spike Humer's personal "special" barter resource guide. Spike knows just about everybody worth knowing in the barter and trade industry. He'll share with you key resources you should know about -- depending on the kinds of deals you're transacting. He'll give you a modified mini-listing you can use by your phone that he put together over the years. This alone can give you or your business associates a million dollar advantage. It took Spike 10 years and probably $50 0,000,000 worth of transactions, countless business trips and incredible goodwill to earn this knowledge. He's giving you an abbreviated copy of his special resource guide absolutely free. Bonus 7 Letters of introduction examples for you to use and model to send to radio station managers, barter prospects, business contacts and corporate heads around the country. By having powerful sample letters you can use to get or your foot in the door in places you otherwise might not get accepted, you stand a much better chance of doing barter and discount advertising deals with all kinds of media sources you ordinarily wouldn't get through to. No guarantee it’ll get you the fat discount you’re after. But, a high possibility these letters could save you, your business, employer or client – a fortune in advertising. Bonus 8 Transactional help to finance or joint venture any "qualified" big brother deals you want to do or discuss. If you uncover a deal that's "oozing" “monster-sized” profitability - but is too big or too complex or too expensive for you to transact on your own - David will agree to consider joint venturing, facilitating, advising or financing the deal for you and sharing the profits generously. He always will reserve participation to those deals he finds acceptable. But he's open and willing to consider some very broad or unusual deals you want to bring him for serious consideration.

Bonus 9 Two brilliant new friends and mentors for life -- in David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer! Once I prove to them both the worth of having done this teleconference program, they'll turn into two of your closest mentors (like they’ve both been to me). The value of their perspective and brilliant mindset influencing your thinking and decisions (on deals they can justify getting involved in) is incalculable. No fixed commitment on their part. But they love getting involved in good (high payoff) deal opportunities. Remember, I'm certain it helped make ME an extra $6,000,000, by changing my sense of what's possible – and teaching me to make creative deals happen! It's got to be priceless to you, also, particularly now in today’s recessionary economy. Bonus 10 Dave will stretch your mind, stimulate your imagination and regenerate your profit-generating enthusiasm, while teaching you to have more fun and make more money (in this recession) than you ever thought possible in your life. Spike will “rock your boat” with the number of little-known barter opportunities he opens up for you. That's what this four-session teleconference series and lifelong reference manual….enormous bonus collection AND money-making experience will hold for you – IF YOU CAN MOVE FAST. (Because the calls are slated for next week!) See details – below.

Do You Qualify? Is barter teleconference series right for you? Can you REALLY profit from it? Will it provide key answers and financial opportunities you've been searching for right now --- when all else you’ve tried may have failed you? Is it worth changing your schedule to be on the calls next week --- or at least to sit down at night and listen to the download, “replay” session?

I believe the answer is an unequivocal. Yes! Yes! Yes! On all counts.

However, as a courtesy, I think it's reasonable to check out this basic criteria I’ve come up with --- to make certain you really DO qualify (and can benefit financially) for purchasing, participating --- in this unprecedented teleconference-based session) even though your first session is without risk, on your part. You see, I'm quite confident I'll more than sell out the 500 participants David and Spike both insisted I promise, in order to get them to sit down four times and agree to be interviewed-unhedgingly – on their most closely guarded barter secrets. At $495 total price (on a totally risk-free, first call “Try Out” basis), this live training program, combined with the lucrative bonus offer attached to it, should sell through the roof! So, I'm only interested in having the very best, most-qualified business people (or seriously committed opportunity seekers) for "David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer’s Barter Training Program." I want to put David and Spike in touch with real "take-action" people they can end up doing a lot of richly rewarding barter deals with --- in the future. I’ll probably profit handsomely too, when this happens from deals Spike gets involved with.

I suspect YOU are the caliber of person I'm looking for. But, I don't know for certain. So, here are the qualifications you should possess to expect to truly profit from this four series barter program:

• You own, control or have access to a business that produces a product, service or has access to raw materials, equipment or items that other companies or people would be eager to trade for.

• You want to add greater flexibility, profitability and challenge to your personal life, career or business in a tougher recessionary economy.

• Cash flow is tight - and increasing your buying power, purchasing and transactional ability could be of significant value to you.

• You'd like (or need) a way to add an extra $1,000 to $100,000 a month to your own personal --- or your company's bottom line.

• You are interested in learning a key (yet little understood) facet of business that could provide your company (or financial prospects) with an edge over the competition.

• You have dozens of business friends or professionals who'd love to have you engineer barter deals for them.

• You advertise a lot (or want to) and could really save money buying credits or advertising directly from Dave --- at wholesale prices.

• You could make a lot of money if you had two barter wizards like David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer personally teaching and guiding you for six solid hours live, by teleconference.

• You’re a seeker of fresh, new, screaming “sleeper” opportunities and you act on what you learn.

Frankly - once you are taught this powerful, “money amassing” information, we expect you to use and apply it properly, honorably AND ETHICALLY - and NOT avoid paying tax on all your barter “winnings.” (There are taxes due whenever you make money. Barter "WINNINGS" are no different.) A few unscrupulous people trying to avoid paying taxes on “huge” barter profits could kill the whole opportunity for us all. So, if you 're unwilling to pay a modest tax bill on some very substantial barter windfall and monster-sized rewards you’ll make - please don't enroll in this "tell-all” super barter trading program. But. if you can answer "Yes" to one or more of these qualifying questions, you should seriously consider enrolling for this four session barter program. The offer is subject to possible cancellation - if we don't fill 500 orders. However, I'm more worried about "overselling" the 500 places David and Spike say I can sell. (They both DON’T want this information put into too many people's hands. It's a lot like small "cap" stocks. Too many people knowing and trading can kill the profit opportunity – for them, and for you! So, right now, I'm only authorized to enroll and sell 500 participants. This sounds like a lot, until you realize I have 250,000 people (so only one in 500 people reading this now can possibly even get in on the series). So understandably, confirmation is based on how quickly you contact us (see enrollment form below). Once we fill up all 500 spots, we'll put you on a waiting list and notify you if someone cancels, unless David and Spike let me offer more spots.

No one (of this combined expert caliber) has ever offered to reveal secrets this powerful and profitable about bartering in a recession. This IS the first, (and possibly the only) opportunity you may ever have to personally learn them directly from David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer and, of course --- from me, too! If barter represents a potent source of recessionary profit and “Prosperity Opportunity” for you and/or your business or employer, I strongly encourage you to sign up, right now - before every set is gone! Complete the reservation form below - Or for more certain availability, call your confirmation in by phone weekdays between 9 – 4 PST, charging the modest $495 fee to your credit card. The phone number is 310.265.1840. Please be patient if the lines are busy or you are “respectfully” put on hold. Remember - you have a full “First Session Risk-Free Tryout” protecting your modest commitment on this series. So, 100 percent of the performance risk is on all three of OUR shoulders - none is on you, other than your commitment to attentively listen and read all materials --- and then participate in all four teleconference session -- or listen to the downloads. Spike, Dave and I only want to attract participants who are going to do something with this powerful money-making knowledge. I've seen barter make people fortunes, save companies from ruin - add lucrative new profit centers, increase people's prosperity- lifestyles, open up tremendous --- nearly limitless capital opportunities never before available - and stretch people's minds to incredible levels of possibility, creativity and achievement. How many ways will barter help YOU profit during this terrible recession? You'll find out on the four teleconference call series with David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer --- and me! To you and your business prosperity,


Jay Abraham Post Script: One final thing. It may be important. A few years ago, I wrote a very fascinating and provocative little short course primer on barter to "whet" people's palates. It's "sophomoric" compared to the powerful things David and Spike will be teaching and showing you in this teleconference series, but I'm enclosing a copy as my gift when you enroll in the program. It’ll motivate your interest even more until next week. My wish is for YOU is to enjoy and profit-handsomely, from barter whether you enroll in this barter teleconference training program --- or not. In this terrible recession, barter offers a lucrative, little known, highly profit way out for you, your business, employer and family. Don’t let this “once-in-a-recession” mega-opportunity pass YOU by. For a mere $495 --- with zero downside on your part -- it’s a “No Brainer” participation decision. I hope you “Go-For-It” and…get in before all the spots are taken.


Yes, please reserve a place for me on Dave Wagenvoord's, Spike Humer and your four teleconference series on “Super Barter Training” series. The live calls are schedule to be held December 15th, December 17th and December 19th, all at 2:00pm PST. The special interactive call is December 22nd at 2:00pm PST as well. But if I can’t participate live on any --- or all the calls --- they’ll be available within 36 hours of each call for me to download and listen to. I want to learn all the secrets, concepts brilliantly ingenious transactions, techniques and powerful methods that Dave, Spike and you have mastered to transact more than $500 million in lucrative barter and trade deals. I want to be taught how to adapt and apply those same techniques to MY business or for my personal use in this terrible recession. I understand that you, Dave and Spike will NOT consider my $495 payment binding and committed on my part until 24 hours after the first full 90 minute training session is over, which is at 2pm on Tuesday, December 16. Therefore, if I have not received tremendous value (above and beyond my own very high expectations) -- I am welcome to email your office ([email protected]) the next day to ask for my entire payment back --- without further obligation. No questions will be asked by your office – there’ll be no hard feelings on your part, either. On the other hand, if I DO receive the "education of a lifetime," you will keep my modest $495 one-time payment and let me participate on the additional three sessions (or listen to them on replay), and I’ll receive access to all the amazing bonus additions you’re so generously including. If I stay in the program after the first session, I understand that I will receive all of the bonuses you described above in addition to the five full hours of tightly focused, unprecedented money-making “Super Barter” information that you three will be revealing. Also --- I’ll have a chance at posing specific questions on the fourth session call. On this better-than-risk-free basis, please accept my modest, one-time credit card payment of just $495 and immediately sign me up for the entire four session series. Again, if I can’t participate live, you’ll give me the confidential download information to use instead. To sign up, visit www.abraham.com/barterbaron or fill out the form below and fax it to 310-541-3192.

Barter Baron Registration Page You may fax this form in to our office at 310-541-3192 or sign up online at www.abraham.com/barterbaron.


Company Name

Mailing Address

City, State and Zip

Day Phone

Cell Phone

Payment Method My payment of $495 is enclosed, too. Charge the credit card I have indicated below.

I’ll be participating live, so reserve a telephone line exclusively for the number below.

I cannot attend in person but want to be able to listen by replay to the entire four part sessions.

Visa MasterCard American Express

Account Number

CCS/Verification Code

Expiration Date

(Please Note: Your enrollment will be immediately confirmed as long as spots are still available. If you respond too late, you’ll be alerted to that fact, your credit card will not be charged. But, you’ll be placed on the “Waiting List” and notified immediately if a spot becomes open. Include information about how to process payment—fax, e-mail form, and order page.)

○ I read, understand, and agree to the terms laid out in the program description. I also understand that if I choose to cancel, I must notify you by email ([email protected]), not later than 24 hours after the first call (Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008 at 2pm PT). As long as I do this, I am free to cancel and receive a complete refund of all I have paid you. If I do not notify you within the risk reversal period, I AM obligated to the terms of this agreement.
