ppt - writing a book review & book report

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  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Writing a


  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report



    Share with the class whatbooks you have read or


    Voluntarily As a requirement in school

    Be ready to discuss the following: The book title

    What is was about

    What ideas you acquired from the

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Summary or Review?

    A book reviewis distinct from a

    book summaryin that it demands

    an analysis of and reaction tocontent that a summary does not.

    Whereas a summary is a report of

    what is written, a review bothreports on and evaluates a book.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report



    REVIEW typically evaluatesrecently-

    written works


    discussesa book from anobjective stance, i.e.

    commonly describes what

    happens in a work offers a brief description of

    the texts key points and

    provides a short appraisal

    of the strengths and

    weaknesses of the work

    is most often a college

    assignment, but it also

    appears in manyprofessional works:

    magazines, newspapers,

    and academic journals typically ranges from 500-

    750 words,but may belonger or shorter

    focuses more on asummaryof the work than

    an evaluation of it

    its focus is primarily on

    giving an account of themajor plot, characters,

    and/or main idea of the


    most often ranges from 250

    to 500 words

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Writing a Book


  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    The Function of a Book

    Review Your review should do 3 things:

    Describe what is on the book

    Analyze how the book tried to achieve its

    purpose Express your own reactions to the book.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Ways to Approach your Book


    Outlinethe contents of the book Evaluate and make critical commentson

    the book

    Use quotations or references to the newideas in the book to illustrate your theme

    Compare the book with a similar workby a


    Point out the author's intentions, including

    the audience for which the book is intended

    Relate the workto a social or literary trend

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Before You Read

    Before you begin to read, consider theelements you will need to include in

    your review. The following items may



    Who is the author?

    What else has s/he written?

    Has this author won any awards?

    What is the authors typical style?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report



    What type of book is this: fiction,

    nonfiction, romance, poetry, youthfiction, etc.?

    Who is the intended audience for thiswork?

    What is the purpose of the work?


    Where does the title fit in?

    How is it applied in the work?

    Does it adequately encapsulate the

    message of the text? Is it interesting?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Preface/Introduction/Table of

    Contents: Does the author provide any revealing

    information about the text in the

    preface/introduction? Does a guest author provide the


    What judgments or preconceptions dothe author and/or guest author


    How is the book arranged: sections,

    cha ters?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Book Jacket/Cover/Printing:

    Book jackets are like mini-reviews. Does the book jacket provide

    any interesting details or spark

    your interest in some way? Are there pictures, maps, or


    Do the binding, page cut, ortypescript contribute or takeaway from the work?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    As You Read

    As you read, determine how you willstructure the summary portion or

    background structure of your review. Be

    ready to take notes on the books key

    points, characters, and/or themes.


    Are there characters in the work? Who are the principle characters?

    How do they affect the story? Do you

    empathize with them?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Themes/Motifs/Style: What themes or motifs stand out? How do they contribute to the work? Are they effective or not? How would you describe this authors

    particular style?

    Is it accessible to all readers or justsome?

    Argument: How is the works argument set up? What support does the author give for

    her/his findings?

    Does the work fulfill its purpose/supportits ar ument?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Key Ideas:

    What is main idea of the work? What makes it good, different, or



    What quotes stand out?

    How can you demonstrate theauthors talent or the feel of the book

    through a quote?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    When You Are Ready to Write

    Begin with a short summary orbackground of the work, but do notgive too much away, i.e. give

    information about the first couple ofchapters or lead the reader up to therising action of the work.

    The final portion of your review willdetail your opinion of the work.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    When you are ready to begin yourreview, consider the following:

    Establish a Background, Rememberyour Audience: Remember that your audience has

    not read the work; with this in mind,

    be sure to introduce characters andprinciples carefully and deliberately. What kind of summary can you

    provide of the main points or maincharacters that will help your readersgauge their interest?

    Does the authors text adequatelyreach the intended audience?

    Will some readers be lost or find the

    text too easy?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Minor principles/characters:Dealonly with the most pressing issuesin the book. You will not be able tocover every character or idea.

    What principles/characters didyou agree or disagree with?

    What other things might the

    author have researched orconsidered?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Organize:The purpose of the review isto critically evaluate the text, not just

    inform the readers about it. Leave

    plenty room for your evaluation byensuring that your summary is brief.

    Determine what kind of balance to strike

    between your summary information and

    your evaluation. Often the ratio is half

    and half.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Your Evaluation:Choose one or afew points to discuss about the book.

    What worked well for you?

    How does this work compare withothers by the same author or

    other books in the same genre? What major themes, motifs, or

    terms does the book introduce,

    and how effective are they? Did the book appeal to you on an

    emotional or logical way?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Final CopyWhen making the final touches to your

    review, carefully verify the following: Double-check the spelling of the author

    name(s), character names, specialterms, and publisher.

    Try to read from the vantage point ofyour audience.

    Is there too much/enough summary? Does your argument about the text

    make sense? Should you include direct quotes from

    the reading? Do they help support your arguments?

    Double-check your quotes for accuracy.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Writing a Book


  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Before You Read

    Before you begin to read, considerwhat types of things you will need towrite your book report. First, you willneed to get some basic information

    from the book:Author Title Publisher location, name of publisher, year

    published Number of pages

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    You can either begin your report withsome sort of quotation, or you can

    incorporate some of these items into

    the report itself.

    Next, try to answer the following

    questions to get you startedthinking about the book:

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Author:Who is the author? Have youread any other works by this author?

    Genre:What type of book is this:fiction, nonfiction, biography, etc.?What types of people would like toread this kind of book? Do you

    typically read these kinds of books?Do you like them?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Title:What does the title do for you? Does

    it spark your interest? Does it fit well withthe text of the book?

    Pictures/Book Jacket/Cover/Printing:What does the book jacket or book coversay? Is it accurate? Were you excited toread this book because of it? Are there

    pictures? What kinds are there? Are theyinteresting?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    As You Read

    While reading a work of fiction,keep track of the major characters.

    You can also do the same with

    biographies. When readingnonfiction works, however, look for

    the main ideas and be ready to talk

    about them.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Characters:Who are the maincharacters? What happens to them? Did

    you like them? Were there good and badcharacters?

    Main Ideas:What is the main idea of thebook? What happens? What did you learnthat you did not know before?

    Quotes:What parts did you like best? Arethere parts that you could quote to make

    your report more enjoyable?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    When You Are Ready to Write

    Announce the book and author.Then, summarize what you have

    learned from the book. Explain

    what happens in the book, anddiscuss the elements you liked, did

    not like, would have changed, or if

    you would recommend this book toothers and why. Consider the

    following items as well:

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Principles/characters:What elementsdid you like best? Which characters didyou like best and why? How does theauthor unfold the story or the main idea of

    the book?

    Organize: Make sure that most of yourpaper summarizes the work. Then you

    may analyze the characters or themes ofthe work.

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Your evaluation:Choose one or a fewpoints to discuss about the book.What worked well for you? How doesthis work compare with others by thesame author or other books in the samegenre? What major themes, motifs, orterms does the book introduce, and howeffective are they? Did the book appealto you on an emotional or logical way?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Recommend:Would you recommendthis book to others? Why? What would

    you tell them before they read it?

    What would you talk about after youread it?

  • 8/10/2019 PPT - Writing a Book Review & Book Report


    Final Copy

    Do a quick double check of your


    Double-check the spelling of the authorname(s), character names, special

    terms, and publisher. Check the punctuation and grammar


    Make sure you gave enough summaryso that your reader or instructor can tellyou read the book.

    Consider adding some interesting

    quotes from the reading