pre-columbian societies, european exploration and transatlantic encounters

Pre-Columbian Societies, European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

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Pre-Columbian Societies, European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters. Essential Questions. What were the Americas like prior to Columbus? What motivated European exploration and what new technology made it possible? What are some effects of colonization in the Americas? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Pre-Columbian Societies, European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Page 2: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

1. What were the Americas like prior to Columbus arriving?

2. What motivated European exploration and what new technology made it possible?

3. What are some effects of colonization in the Americas?

Essential Questions

Page 3: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Pre-Columbian Societies:What were the Americas like prior to Columbus?

Page 4: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

The First Americans• Siberian hunters crossed

Bering Land Bridge– Nomadic people who

followed herds of animals• Agricultural Revolution

begins in the Americas 7,000 years ago– Settle into villages– Domesticate animals

Page 5: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Cultures of Central and South America• Maya 400 BCE-1500 CE– Known for developing

“zero,” their own writing system, and religious pyramids

• Aztec 1400-1521 CE– Known for their large

empire and tributary system, huge capital Tenochtitlan, and human sacrifices

Page 6: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Aztec Sacrifice

Page 7: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Earliest North American Cultures• Different environments

led to different types of societies

• Anasazi 200 BCE-1300 CE– Multistory adobe

buildings called pueblos

Page 8: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

North American Cultures in the 1400s• Over 2,000 different tribes• Population between 1- 10M• Villages organized by kinship• Some villages headed by

chiefs, others by a council of elders

• Shared land• Spiritual connection to

natural world• Large trade network based

on bartering system

Page 9: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Native-American TradeThose living in fertile regions traded surplus food…

Some traded desirable minerals likeflint, copper, turquoise…

Native-Americans in the southwest traded cotton seed and cloth…

Native-Americans living near oceans traded shells and pearls…

Others would trade crafts like baskets and pottery…

Page 10: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Talk to your neighbor:

What were the Americas like prior to Columbus arriving?

Page 11: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

European Exploration:What motivated European exploration and what new

technology made it possible?

Page 12: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

The Crusades Spark Curiosity• Fears of sea monsters

and boiling seas• The Crusades 11-13th C

– Pope Urban II calls on Christian kings and princes to recapture the Holy Land

– Effects: open eyes to world outside Europe, increased trade with ME• Spices, sugar, silk, carpets,

fruits, perfumes

Page 13: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

The Age of Exploration Begins• Desire to explore– Rulers want to increase power and wealth– Marco Polo travels to China and writes “Travels”– Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal funds

voyages to find sea route to India• Better sailing technology– Caravel, astrolabe, improved magnetic compass

Page 14: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Searching for a Sea Route to India

• Overland trip too long• Progress is made w/

courageous explorers from Portugal– Bartolomeu Dias

rounds Cape of Good Hope

– Vasco da Gama lands on Indian coast


Page 15: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Talk to your neighbor:

What motivated European exploration and what new technology made it possible?

Page 16: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Transatlantic Encounters:What are some effects of

colonization in the Americas?

Page 17: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Christopher Columbus

• Vikings are first Europeans to land in N.A., not Columbus– Greenland in late 900s, Canada in

1000– Settlers left after three years

• Christopher Columbus– Before Vasco Da Gama’s success– Dreams of reaching India by crossing

Atlantic– Convinces Ferdinand and Isabella of

Spain to fund voyage

Page 18: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Columbus cont.

• Miscalculates the diameter of the world and distance to India

• In Oct 1492 his crew lands on an island in the Caribbean– Names the island San

Salvador– He believes he is in India

“in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”

Page 19: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Columbus cont.

• Founds the colony La Navidad in Hispaniola and leaves for Spain

• Upon his return learns men acted wildly in his absence and have been killed by Indians

• Some Indians are enslaved, others sent to Europe to be slave labor

Page 20: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Columbian Exchange:Exchange of products and species between old world and new


Page 21: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

How is this picture evidence of the Columbian Exchange?

Page 22: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

• Spread of European diseases to New World– Native Americans

had no resistance – Influenza, measles,

chicken pox, mumps, typhus

– Smallpox killed millions

– 95% of entire Aztec population died within a few years of contact

Biological Exchange

Page 23: Pre-Columbian Societies,  European Exploration and Transatlantic Encounters

Talk to your neighbor

What are some effects of colonization in the Americas?