preparing for the hsc

Preparing for the HSC MATHEMATICS EXAM

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Preparing for the HSC. MATHEMATICS EXAM. The Syllabus. A complete copy of the syllabus is available from the Board of Studies website: Up to 20% of the paper may be based on the Preliminary course so you need to revise the whole course. Syllabus Outline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Syllabus

A complete copy of the syllabus is available from the Board of Studies website:

Up to 20% of the paper may be based on the Preliminary course so you need to revise the whole course

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Syllabus Outline

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Draft Performance Descriptors

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The typical performance in this band:

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Draft Performance Descriptors

Which band best describes your performance now?

Which band are you aiming to achieve in the HSC?

What do you need to do to achieve this?

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Using the 2002 Standards Package

Exemplar solutions are given in the 2002 Standard Package

To see samples of the band cut-offs, check Assessment Resource Centre

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

Your mathematics teacher, any mathematics teacher, your friends, older brothers or sisters.

School assessment task exams.

Your own class notes and summaries.

NSW Mathematics Stage 6 Syllabus Outline

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

Board of Studies website HSC exam paper & Notes from the Marking

CentreHSC examination timetableEquipment List

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

NSW HSC Online website

This website provides study strategies, tutorials in more than 40 HSC subjects, references, links to useful websites and other important materials for HSC students and teachers.

It is hosted by Charles Sturt University and maintained by the NSW Department of Education and Training.

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

MANSW - Mathematical Association of NSW T (02) 9878 1487 E [email protected] W

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

“Excel HSC Maths” Study Guide

“Cambridge - Mathematics.” HSC Study Guide (D. Arnold & G. Arnold)

“HSC Mathematics” Study Cards Hartman

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Useful Resources for Mathematics

TEXTBOOKS: “Maths in Focus 2 Unit ” Books 1 and 2 (M. Grove) RRP $50

“Cambridge 2 Unit Maths” Yr 11 (B. Pender) RRP $44.95

“Cambridge 2 Unit Maths” Yr 12 (B. Pender) RRP $44.95

“New Senior Maths 2 Unit” 11 & 12 (Fitzpatrick) RRP $49.50

“2 Unit Maths Bk 1” (Jones & Couchman) RRP $47.00

“2 Unit Maths Bk 2” (Jones & Couchman) RRP $47.00

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HSC Exam Instructions TOTAL MARKS = 120 10 Questions each worth 12 marks. Reading Time - 5 minutes (work out your plan of attack!) Working time = 3 hours (i.e. 18 minutes per question!) Write using blue or black pen. Board-approved calculators may be used. Check yours

on the List of Approved Calculators A table of standard integrals is provided at the back of

the paper.

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Table of Standard Integrals

Make sure you are confident with using the table of Standard Integrals

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An Overview of the Marking Process for the HSC Mathematics Exam

Each of the TEN questions is marked by a team of ten experienced maths teachers - two Senior Markers and eight markers.

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An Overview of the Marking Process for the HSC Mathematics Exam

MARKING GUIDELINES, developed by the examination committee, are given for all questions – these guidelines indicate the process for which marks will be allocated.

PART MARKS for each question are awarded according to the guidelines.

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Online Marking

All mathematics papers are marked online. This means your answer booklets are

scanned. Do not highlight answers as they may not

be legible.

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An Overview of the Marking Process for the HSC Mathematics Exam

HALF MARKS are never used –full marks may be awarded before the correct numerical answer is reached

TRANSCRIPTION ERRORS (which do not make the question easier) are not penalised.

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Using the Marking Guidelines

Marking Guidelines are given on the BOS website for all past HSCs

These guidelines are used byHSC markers

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Examiners’ Comments HSC Mathematics

SHOW substitutions and working out clearly—marks are allocated for the PROCESS and the answer, not just the answer.

Watch the number of MARKS allocated to each part of the question — don’t write 1/2 a page of explanation for 1 mark!

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Examiners’ Comments HSC Mathematics

Take CARE—make sure you recall the FORMULA correctly — marks lost from careless errors are as ‘expensive’ as marks lost by not doing the more difficult questions.

When PROVING or SHOWING a given result, check that your answer is the SAME as the result given in the paper!

CORRECT answers from INCORRECT working are not awarded marks - if you have made a mistake, fix the error in EVERY line of working - don’t fudge!

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Examiners’ Comments HSC Mathematics

LINK parts of a question—If (a) has parts (i) and (ii), often using the result in (i) makes answering (ii) easier.

Draw large, clear DIAGRAMS in pencil—about 1/3 a page is a good size.

If drawing axes, use a RULER, start horizontal axis on a line and mark off points EVENLY.

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Examiners’ CommentsHSC Mathematics

Write working out CLEARLY—some students can’t read their own writing, so markers have some difficulty awarding marks. (i.e. ‘r’ & ‘n’ & ‘x’ often look similar, as do 5 & 8 and 4 & 9)

Read the question carefully — watch for KEYWORDS

e.g. 3 significant figures.


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Examiners’ Comments HSC Mathematics

Use NOTATION correctly.

Keep an eye on the TIME—don’t spend so long on the early questions you don’t get to Q10!

Remember Q2 is not as difficult as Q10 —don’t look for trouble!

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If you make a mistake, just put a LINE THROUGH it—NEVER use liquid paper.

When using a CALCULATOR, don’t round off too early and watch for radians/degrees.

Check that your answer is REASONABLE.

Examiners’ Comments HSC Mathematics

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How to Study for MathsBy: Robert Yen - Hurlstone Agricultural High School. 2001

Practise your maths Rewrite your maths Attack your maths Test your maths

Just Do It !!!

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HSC Mathematics Exam

ENJOY!! May You Get the Marks You Deserve!!