presentation work addictions mar/2014

Addictions Oral presentation 26-02-2014 / 08 – 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 1

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Work done by Tiago Cascais about addictions on March 2014. All Rights Reserved.


  • 1.Oral presentation 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 1

2. - Definition of addiction - Different kinds of addiction and respective description - Consequences of getting on drugs and on gambling - If that does so bad, why people try it? - Am I an addicted? - How to overcome an addiction - How to overcome an addiction Gambling addiction - Kanye West Addiction (Music + lyrics) - Bibliography 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 2 3. Addiction is Habitual psychological or physiologic dependence on a substance or practice that is beyond voluntary control. Withdrawal has many meanings, one of which is A psychological and/or physical syndrome caused by the abrupt cessation of the use of a drug in an habituated person. Approximately 10% of any population is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is more common than diabetes, which occurs in approximately 7% of the population. Addiction crosses all socio-economic boundaries:10% of teachers, 10% of plumbers, and 10% of CEOs have an addiction. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 3 4. Addiction - there is a psychological/physical component; the person is unable to control the aspects of the addiction without help because of the mental or physical conditions involved. Habit - it is done by choice. The person with the habit can choose to stop, and will subsequently stop successfully if they want to. The psychological/physical component is not an issue as it is with an addiction. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 4 5. There isnt only one kind of addiction. Its important to understand that addictions is not just to consume alcohol, tobacco or drugs. There is much more beside that. Lets see some of them. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 5 6. Many people are addicted to substances that are considered drugs. That include: heroin, painkillers, Xanax, alcohol, nicotine (cigarettes) and caffeine. (Yes, coffee is a drug, too) 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 6 7. People who are addicted to food tend to overeat or eat in binges, and theyre unable to control their eating. People who are addicted to food are often overweight or obese, or they suffer from addictive eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, or extreme calorie counting. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 7 8. Shopping is an addiction that can cause great financial difficulties for people. People who are addicted to shopping find it to be a stress reliever, and ironically, it helps them forget about their problems, especially money problems. They buy things compulsively. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 8 9. People enjoy the thrill they get from gambling and the risk that comes with it. Like shopping, gambling is a type of impulse control disorder. Those who are addicted to gambling often become obsessed with the thought of winning back the money theyve lost, and so they continue to gamble. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 9 10. Some people are addicted to emotional intimacy, which is a love addiction. They seek the high that comes from being in love. They immediately jump into relationships and fall into what they think is love very quickly. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 10 11. People who are addicted to exercise are seeking out the rush of endorphins and adrenaline they feel from working out. Too much exercise can even lead to physical problems. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 11 12. The term workaholic refers to a real disorder. Its possible to be addicted to working, no matter what type of work it is. Some people engross themselves in their work to the detriment of other areas of their lives, like relationships or their health. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por. Tiago Cascais 12 13. Other kinds of addiction include: internet, pornography, lying, stealing, video games, money, books, fame, power, television, rage, body image, adrenaline and self-cutting. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 13 14. Is important to understand that all the addiction is a brain disease. All addictions change the brain circuitry, which is turn affect human behaviour. We can not talk about all addictions and all the consequences, so we selected the most important. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 14 15. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 15 16. The consequences of getting on drugs addiction are: HIV, Hepatitis and other infectious diseases. Heart problems like: collapsed veins and bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves. Respiratory problems like: bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer and exacerbate asthma symptoms. Gastrointestinal effects such as: nausea and vomiting soon after use. The bones can stop growing earlier than they normally would have, leading to short stature. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 16 17. Some drugs can cause kidney damage or failure. Liver damage Seizures, strokes and problems with memory, attention an decision-making. Paranoia, depression, aggression and hallucinations. Cancer and dead. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho elaborado por: Tiago Cascais 17 18. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 18 19. The health consequences of gambling are related vision problems and problems related with the brain and concentration. Beside some people say, gambling dont affect the intelligence. In fact, the gambling makes you smarter. The consequences of the game are much more social than any other addiction. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 19 20. Addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their personal relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear altogether. Gaming takes priority above all else. For instance, an addicted gamer who loses sleep because he's playing so much simply doesn't have the energy to do anything else. Suddenly, he's 21 but has the social skills of a 15-year-old. He doesn't know how to make friends, talk to girls, or just "hang out and enjoy people's company. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 20 21. If addictions are so bad to health and causes other problems like problems related with relationships, why people try it? We going to talk just few of them. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 21 22. Genes: Genetics play a significant role: having parents with alcoholism, for instance, makes you four times more likely than other children to become alcoholics. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 22 23. Mental illness: Many addicted people also suffer from mental health disorders, especially anxiety, depression or mood illnesses. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 23 24. Early use of drugs: The earlier a person begins to use drugs the more likely they are to progress to more serious abuse. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 24 25. Social environment: People who live, work or go to school in an environment in which the use of alcohol and other drugs is common - such as a workplace in which people see heavy drinking as an important way to bond with coworkers - are more likely to abuse drugs. People do that to enter on respective social groups and to be accepted. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 25 26. Childhood trauma: Scientists know that abuse or neglect of children, persistent conflict in the family, sexual abuse and other traumatic childhood experiences can shape a child's brain chemistry and subsequent vulnerability to addiction. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 26 27. Only you can answer to that question. If you cant stop and you still lie to yourself that you can. If youre life is not why you want and if you is giving up day after day of being someone of your life, but you cant because some thing is predicate you probably you are an addicted. Internet is an addiction too, and one of the principal addictions on teenagers. If internet is harmful to your projects, you should stop. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 27 28. 1 Deciding to quit. Think about how your addiction has affected your physical health, your mentally, your financial situation 2 Make a list of positive changes you want in your life. Maybe you feel some freedom you dont feel for years, maybe you have more time to another hobbies 3 Set a date to quit. 4 Search for personal/professional help. 5 Remove reminders of addiction of your life and start a new routine. 6 Dont listen the others when they say that you have to start the addiction again. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 28 29. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 29 30. 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 30 31. Music: Kany West Addiction Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash, John Martin Reload Avicii - You Make Me Capital Cities - Safe And Sound OneRepublic - Counting Stars Avicii - Hey Brother Images: I use google images for search the respective images, Tumblr, CISC Database. Some images were alterated with Photoscape. Im sorry for I dont know who belongs the images. Links: (Links consulted on 28/02/2014) 26-02-2014 / 08 03 - 2014 Trabalho realizado por: Tiago Cascais 31