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    The Italian Delegation of Young Entrepreneurs


    a project of hosted by


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    G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ AllianceThe G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (G20 YEA) is a global network of young entrepreneurs and the organizations that support them. In conjunction with the 2013 G20 Leaders ‘Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, more than 400 young entrepreneurs meet at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit in Moscow from June 15th to 17th 2013.

    An exciting 5-year journey

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    G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit 2013Organized by Centre for Entrepreneurship, the Russian Association of Young Entrepreneurs, G20 YEA Summit 2013 in Moscow (15-17 June 2013) is included in the official G20 program and it is the natural continuation of a project which started in July 2009 in Stresa and became well established with Toronto (June 2010), Nice (November 2011) and Mexico City (June 2012) Summits. The G20 Summit of Young Entrepreneurs is a three-days conference which involves 20 national delegations with the aim to create and share a joint declaration, called the Final Communiqué, with their position on key social and economic matters. This declaration is therefore presented to the G20 leaders meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia on 5-6 September 2013.

    This three-day Russian Summit aims at:

    Discussing job creation and youth employment; Putting into contact 400 Young Entrepreneurs from the 20 most powerful economies in the world; Comparing the experiences of leaders from several entrepreneurial ecosystems; Working out the G20 YEA communiqué to be submitted to the G20 leaders and to the international media; Promoting the vital role of Young Entrepreneurs in fields like growth, employment, innovation and competitiveness; Detecting key actions in order to promote entrepreneurship amongst young people; Providing governments with sound proposals; Launching the results of the research of G20 YEA knowledge partners.

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    Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs

    The Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs Division was formed within the framework of the Confindustria associations system as a group of individuals whose aim is to strengthen awareness of the entrepreneur’s role and to set it apart from conventional organizations set up as business associations.The Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs Movement is proud of having started the idea if identifying, searching and connecting several young entrepreneurs’ associations all around the world, bringing them all together for the first time at the first G8 Young Entrepreneurs Summit held in Stresa (Italy 2009). It is also an honor to be amongst the founding members of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance, a fundamental step towards building up a global awareness about youth entrepreneurship.

    The group seeks to play the role of “critical conscience” within the Confindustria System, and as “innovation laboratories” with respect to civil society.

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    The C.Y.E. Movement is composed of individuals aged between 18 and 40 years old, who hold management positions within companies that are registered with Confindustria local member associations. The Division has greatly expanded over the years and today counts 12.500 members associates, organized across 105 Provinces and in 20 Regional Committees.

    Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs in figures:

    60% of them are under 3520% are first generation entrepreneurs75% have a key role in their companies

    30% are women

    The main activities of the Young Entrepreneurs Movement include:

    Encouraging the spread of business culture and the growth of entrepreneurial opportunities within society; Supporting the affirmation of the free market and competition, merit and social mobility with a view to furthering Italy’s competitiveness; Enhancing the role of the entrepreneur, the latter being viewed as an active and responsible player for Italy’s economic, social and civil development.

  • 6 Delegates

    C.Y.E. Delegation Composition

    President Italian Delegation Cristiano Todde

    Intrapresa Turistica Generale [email protected]

    Head of G20 YEA Global Projects Subcommittee Marco Oriolo

    Tuvia [email protected]

    Sherpa Italian Delegation Luca Donelli

    Euros – Holding of Donelli [email protected]

    Nicola AltobelliEceplast [email protected]

    Antonella BalloneBaltour [email protected]

    Daniele BarboneBPSEC [email protected]

    Andrea BosBos Umberto & [email protected]

    Paola CarnigliaOtim [email protected]

    Massimo CiagliaWisegroup [email protected]

    Lia CorrezzolaTecnogroup [email protected]

    Debora GarettoNuova Portalupi [email protected]

    Marco [email protected]

    Federico GhidiniWavegroup [email protected]

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    C.Y.E. Delegation Composition

    Donato GrassiLaser [email protected]

    Stefano ManasseroFimet [email protected]

    Vittorio Marangoni [email protected]

    Michele MontinaroMonticava [email protected]

    Cristian [email protected]

    Stefano PolianiJTS [email protected]

    Davide RinaldiEmulsion Power [email protected]

    Sara RoversiYou Can [email protected]

    Riccardo RuscallaTubosider [email protected]

    Marco SalvadeoManpower [email protected]

    Filippo SottoviaTrans-Cel [email protected]

    Ivan Antonio [email protected]

    Matteo TombaPert [email protected]

    Matteo Vagli [email protected]

    Italian C.Y.E. embedded in the E.U. delegation

    Giovanni Soffietti - SherpaSoffietti [email protected]

    Massimo SpenaSpena [email protected]

    Alessandra GuffantiGuffanti [email protected]

    Matteo BaireBaire [email protected]

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    Cristiano ToddePresident Italian Delegation

    Intrapresa Turistica Generale

    40 years old, he graduated in Economics. He is a Director and the sole shareholder of I.T.G. Srl, a company operating in the building sector, in particular on tourism and residential field. Executive Member of building company ITIF Ltd., Promoter Ma.To. Ltd. for the development of the craft of Tortoli. He is a member of the Hotel Victoria Spa, which has been operated as a Hotel for 50 years.

    In Confindustria, since 2000, he has held different roles: President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Nuoro; President of Confindustria Sardinia Young Entrepreneurs; Vice President Confindustria Sardinia (Senior); Sardinia Regional board member ANCE (National Association Building Sector). Since 29 April 2011 he joined the National Team of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria as a Representative of the “International Relations and YES Committee”.

    Founded in 1998, operating since 2004, General Turistic Enterprise ltd deals with Real Estate investments, and tour operating.

    Design, construction, structural building, finishing work, supply furniture and furnishings, real estate agencies and tour operators. There are many investment properties and projects being completed for the development of industrial and artisanal services area.

    The aim is to attract foreign clients to Sardinia to live or invest in real estate.

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    Marco Oriolo Vice President C.Y.E.

    Head of G20 YEA Global Projects subcommitteeTuvia Group

    Marco was born on the 28th February 1977 in Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan). He graduated cum laude in Business Administration in 2001 at the Bocconi University, with a specialization in Corporate Finance. At present, he is President and CEO of Tuvia Italia spa and Tuvia Group holding, and Director General of Saga Italy Spa.

    He is member of the Young Entrepreneurs Movement since 2007, besides participating in numerous thematic commissions. In April 2011 he entered the office as Vice President of the National Young Entrepreneurs Movement for Economics, Finance and Internationalization.

    He says that entrepreneurship is in his genes. When he graduated in 2001 he was seriously intentioned to take up a career in the financial world, but after a few years he had to come back to family business – a freight forwarding company specialized in project logistics and material management – and finally he realized he liked that kind of business much more than finance. Then he decided to start his own company with a precise goal to reach: raise the bar and move from being simple freight forwarding agents in order to become a complete logistics operator, with fleets stationed in strategic world trade points and industrial packaging services, so to give way to a complete portfolio of services to ensure our customers an easier and more efficient supply chain management.

    Nihil difficile volenti is his motto. In fact, he managed to bring his company from 7 to 26 offices worldwide in 3 years only, with a 13% increase in terms of turnover.

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    Luca DonelliSherpa Italian Delegation

    Euros - Donelli Group

    Born in 1982, he graduated in International Economics and Management at Bocconi University in Milan. After an experience in McKinsey&Co. as a Business Analyst, Luca has started working with his family business, incorporated in 1911 and specialized in coating, maintenance & finishing services for Oil&Gas, industrial plants and building construction.Luca joined C.Y.E. Alto Milanese Chapter, where he has held the VP position and he is now President. As part of the International Relations Committee, Luca has contributed to the establishment of MAME YE Network, a network of Young Entrepreneurs of Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. Then, in July 2011, he was appointed Sherpa of the Italian delegation at G20 YEA.

    His decision to become an entrepreneur took place from a mix of sense of responsibility and willingness to have a riskier, but more rewarding life. He is learning how to be a fourth generation entrepreneur. He is reshaping part of the concept of the company through internationalization, establishing branches in the Balkans, and innovation, introducing energy saving services and more environmentally friendly technologies. His next challenge is to further introduce and promote the use of an innovative technology, already identified and currently being tested, which would revolutionize the way the company carries out maintenance projects offshore.

    Ad astra per aspera is his motto as well as that of the State of Kansas, where Luca was an exchange student in High School.

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    Nicola Altobelli - EceplastYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1979, his company, Eceplast, creates special packaging solutions, such as liner bags, to ship bulk product in containers. His company was founded by his father, who hand him down the passion for entrepreneurship, in 1995 when he was still an high

    school student. Nicola has joined the Company in 2002 after h graduation, and started working in the sales department with focus on expanding the European market. Since then, the Company never stopped its growth, becoming a market leader, assisting big multinational Companies in finding the best packaging solution to optimize their supply chain, especially in

    the Chemical and Food Industry. From a small and young family company, he is transforming Eceplast in an International well known company, open and ready for new challenge. In fact, he is working to expand the fields of its activity, from chemical and food industry to building material industry, with the aim to try to extend its market to new booming economies. He uses to think big and that is his suggestion: think big but different!

    Antonella Ballone - BaltourYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1981 in Teramo, Antonella has always dreamt of turning her family business into an international business, taking over the Eurolines Network. She has always been involved in her family business, having seen some amazing opportunities for expansion. That was a challenge that prompted her to take the first steps in entrepreneurship.

    Her company, Baltour Group, has started as a small local operator who had the grounding and networking possibilities to expand both nationally and outside the country. She remembers the signing of contracts for the acquisition of Eurolines as her best moment as an entrepreneur. Her next challenge now is to put some new lines across Europe.

    Her motto is “aim for the sky, at least we’ll get the eagle”.

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    Daniele Barbone - BPSECYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in Alessandria in 1971, Daniele wanted to realize something that could contribute to make the world a better place. That is what he has tried to do with his company, Bpsec, offering environmental consultancy and services. He thinks failure is not an option. Daniele has tried to use the expertise of his partners to build a group of successful companies in the field of ecology and food business, increasing the value of young resources by introducing them in the group and offering high quality services. Today he’s proud to be the one who has started up several companies and strengthened a successful team. Now he wants to empower projects he has started up, identifying and increasing the value of new talents that could join him in starting other new projects. Daniele is also currently member of the Energy and Environmental Sustainability group of the Civil 20.

    Andrea Bos - Bos Umberto & C.Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    His company is Bos Umberto & C., which activity concerns shipping and logistics. Born in 1976, Andrea decided to become an entrepreneur thanks to his passion to discover new borders. He had a firm will to change reality around him and not just being a part of it. That is why he decided to become an entrepreneur.

    His best moment as an entrepreneur was when he started a profitable new company in a different sector from the one he begun with. He does not want to stop here: his intention is to give birth to some other projects of startups.

    His motto is “Stay hungry, stay foolish, but always be careful”.

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    Paola Carniglia - Otim Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1974 in Milan, Paola represents the third generation of a family business, Otim, a freight forwarding company. She says that her family put entrepreneurship into her dna. While studying at University, she used to work in Otim offices worldwide during

    summer holidays, experience that led her to love her future job. As she finished University she went for an internship with a steamship line in New York City, experience which gave her the kick to start seriously in her family business. She has had many great moments in her entrepreneurial life: when she had her trade show alone, being appointed as the official forwarder for all

    the Italian Pavillion at the World Expo Shangai 2010. She has also been nominated exclusive freight forwarder for the Italian team at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver 2010.

    So many moments of success led her to her motto: never give up!

    Massimo Ciaglia - Wisegroup EuropeYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Degree in Computer Science, achieved with 110/110 cum laude from the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. His experience started in 1993 with the role of WIP Semea Spa Manager for the IBM corporation in the ICT field. In 1995, he founded Euronet Consulting srl and in 1999 he sold it to the Vertex Intercative Corporation, a multinational company which was on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. He then worked for the company with the role of European technical director. He was also a Municipal councilor in the town of Magliano de ‘Marsi (2004-2009), Advisor to the Board of Directors of Web Reality (2001-2007), Managing Director at the Ltd. with duties of Technical Director and Commercial Director (2002-2011). Currently he is the founder and President of Wisegroup Europe SpA, a holding company incorporated in April 2011. It has offices in Rome, Avezzano and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

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    Lia Correzzola - Tecnogroup Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1980, after a degree in Political Sciences and a master in Publishing, Lia’s first work experience was in a publishing house as project manager for Italian classical books and manuals. It’s been a great experience but in 2010 the need to develop her own ideas with her own quality standards, took her to come back to the family company, Tecnogroup, which trades components and solutions for industrial automation and lean production. Now she’s in charge of the marketing sector of the group, but for her being an entrepreneur is also a way of thinking. Understanding and solving problems concerning communication in her company is her next challenge. She thinks that North Italian industrial sector has produced without communicating in the last years: she wants to invert the trend, for her company but also for the territory.

    Her motto is: don’t go where the path lead but go where there is no path and leave a trail.

    Debora Garetto - Nuova Portalupi SalumiYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Debora was born in 1978, graduated cum Laude in Business Administration in Turin University, worked as consultant in the Montecarlo’s branch of a UK company, in charge of projects in Croatia, Turkey and Poland’s banks. Trained-on-the job entrepreneur, 27 years old, she became C.E.O. of Portalupi, delicatessen company, almost out of business, led by

    the only aims to change the company’s path, to retain workers in employment, developing lean-structure, talent, know-how, brand and tasteful products. Today an allergen-free tasteful and competitive production , exporting the Italian food tradition to more and more foreign customers, continuously testing new recipes, valuating young talents make Debora a tired, sometimes stressed, but happy

    entrepreneur. Strongly believing in the value of participation, she joined C.Y.E. as soon as she became entrepreneur, feeling the big opportunity it represents.

    Her motto is in medio stat virtus, in Portalupi stabit excelsior

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    Marco Gay - Webworking President C.Y.E. Piemonte Region Chapter

    Born in Turin, Italy in 1976. He lives in Turin with his wife and their three children. Family is a fundamental value in Marco’s life and a large component of his self-motivation. His roots come from an entrepreneurial family, whose values and ethics have formed his character

    and his perspective on life. The latter has been enriched and strengthened with the experiences that he has had the good fortune to live. Growing up with the company and its management was an enlightening and practical education.Since 2000, he is founding partner and CEO of WebWorking, a company specializing in communication and multimedia. Since 2007, because of a WebWorking acquisition, he is also CEO of Ottovolante, a company working in advertising and digital projects. From 2010 to

    2011, he served as CEO of the advertising agency GSW WorldWide Italy. From 2008 to 2011, he has held the VP position at Confindustria Y.E. Piemonte Regional Chapter; then, he became President. This is not only an honor, but also enriches his professional activities, allowing Marco to contribute to our society and to discover and share opportunities with entrepreneurs who, like him, recognize, the social role of their position.

    Federico Ghidini - Wavegroup President C.Y.E. Brescia Chapter

    Born in 1979, Federico is Board member of Wave Holding a company in the ICT industry specialized in ICT consulting, contact center and outomatic documentation archiving. He’s son of an entrepreneur, in 1998 when is father past away, decided to follow the family company Elettrofiamma srl specialized in stainless steel products manufactoring and he became entrepreneur. He is on the Board of Zenith srl (development of cold-processed aluminium as the standard in food preservation and storage) and co-founder of IClub VC started up by young entrepreneurs.

    Since 2011, he is President of C.Y.E. Brescia Chapter, an industrial town in the north of Italy.

    His motto is: Innovation Makes Wonders.

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    Donato Grassi - Laser Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1980, graduated in law thesis on civil rights. After an experience in the legal sector in the most important legal offices in the city of Foggia, achieving the degree and qualification as a lawyer. Soon after having consolidated the culture and knowledge in a general sense, decides to become a full time entrepreneur in the family company the “Laser srl”, founded by his father Giuseppe Grassi in 1992.At first founded as an average size company the Laser srl thanks to constant hard work on behalf of its managers is today a reality in constant growth, and in fact builds fuel stations for the most important petrol companies, apart from all the technological components for industrial constructions, ports and public buildings in general. The dream that we manage to bring forward everyday as our company and for all of us, is that to see hard work done became service and completed construction that improve the quality of people’s life. all this respecting high business etiquette and being socially correct.

    Stefano Manassero - FimetYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in Torino in 1974, Stefano represents the fourth generation of Fimet, a group producing electric motors, gearboxes and inverters.

    His company has more than a century of history and has now offices worldwide.

    His best successes were the opening of new markets, developing new products and becoming one of the leaders of European electric motors manufacturers.

    His next milestone is increasing their business to the double with, probably, a venture capitalist entering his company.

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    Vittorio Marangoni - MarangoniYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1987 in Milan, Vittorio belongs to the second generation of a family business in the tyre industry, the Marangoni Group. The Company was founded in the 1950s and now it is a multinational specialized in tyre retreading.

    Vittorio started his career at the age of 22 when he graduated in Management Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan, although since he was a university student follows the activities of the family business.Presently, Vittorio manages the family’s Holding Company where he is involved in various different

    business. Since he thinks that “a true entrepreneur never focuses on a single business”, he kept investments diversified and he developed some initiatives in renewable energies. Now he is looking for new opportunities without forgetting where he comes from.

    Michele Montinaro - Monticava GroupYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1985 in Lecce, he graduated in law at Università Cattolica in Milan. He practiced firstly in a London law firm but he realized gradually he prefers the family business to a “boring” career as a barrister. Therefore, he has decided to join his family business activities - Monticava Group - where he now represents the second generation of the family business entrepreneurship. The company was initially focused on constructing public works and currently operates in the field of ecology and environmental technologies. All its activities are aimed at enhancing the environment; for this reason it provides services combining technology, safety, and innovation. Michele’s aim is to make his family business stronger and to improve the company through innovation and internationalization, always considering both its environmental technologies and its innovative services. He actively contributes to the development of the company, endeavoring to expand its market in new booming economies.

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    Cristian Poli - SiaprogettiYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in Brescia (Italy) in 1974 and with a diploma in surveying from the Technical Institute for Surveyors of the same city. Worked in the Studio started by my father in 1976 as a self-employed person since 1993in SIAPROGETTI, becoming a partner in 1995. My work scopewidened in 2006, reaching an international level with the development of an architectural project and the co-ordination of an Italian-Latvian planning team involved in the building of three, 25-storey towers in the capital city of Riga. SIAPROGETTI collaborate with an important Italian company that produces machines and plants for the iron and steel sector, co-ordinating the development of projects concerning all civil works and infrastructures for turnkey projects. The countries involved with the iron and steel plants and rolling mills are Russia, Iran and Tunisia. I love everything concerned with IT, innovation and technology and have transferred this passion to my daily working tools and methods, employing the best software to aid planning. In my spare time, I like scuba diving and off-road motorcycling.

    Stefano Poliani - JTS GroupPresident C.Y.E. Lombardia Region Chapter

    Born in Monza in 1975, Stefano graduated at the technical college ITIS Carcano Setificio (Como), one of the most important institute for textile industry. Then, he continued his studies at the LIUC University of Castellanza (Varese). He is currently Director of JTS Jasquard Textile Solution Ltd and of other two companies: Consultex, also operating

    in the textile sector and SDM Energia Srl, delivering services in renewable energy sector. Stefano Poliani has been also a Board Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Como and of Sviluppo Impresa of since 2009. In July 2011, he has been elected as President of C.Y.E. Lombardia Regional Chapter. It federates 12 industrial association and represents almost 19,000

    companies and about 900,000 employees and its key player of the national economic system.

    His motto is: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” - Albert Einstein

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    Davide Rinaldi - EmulsionpowerYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1985, Davide is now focusing, with passion and persistency, on a… greener way to move! With his company, Emulsion Power, he is trying to earn a stake in the rapid growing market of on-demand emulsions, a new green fuel.

    The company has achieved a high performance union of chemical additives and advanced mixing systems. This synergy allows to insert different amounts of water in the classical energetic substances (diesel emulsion, oil emulsion, vegetable oils emulsion, heavy oils emulsion, fats emulsion), allowing significant environmental and economic benefits.

    Sara Roversi - You Can GroupYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Serial entrepreneur and startup specialist, constantly inspired and motivated by the search for new social scenery and new trends of communication. Together with her husband Andrea Magelli, she founded Lifeinaclick, You Can, Sosushi and has many other numerous food concept for the Italian and international market. These projects now enclosed within You Can Group, where Sara as well as being a head of marketing and communications, and is a creative director and constant driver of innovation. Co-author of the book “Sushi Gusto e Benessere (Sushi Taste and Wellness)”, winner of the “Gourmand cook book award 2010” in Paris in the category “Best Japanese Cook Book”. Then engaged in the training area as a professor of communication and business networks, Sara is active since 2010 in Unindustria as Vice-President of the Tertiary Sector Innovative, Member of the Board of Directors, President of the Section Fairs, Marketing and Communications and in short she is operating within the Y.E. Group. Awarded several times among the emerging talents of the Italian entrepreneurship, follows the last major recognition with the Marisa Bellisario Award 2012 dedicated to young entrepreneurs, which comes in addition to the prize Y.E. of the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna.

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    Riccardo Ruscalla - TubosiderYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1983 in Turin, Riccardo represents the third generation of family business. After his master degree in economics, Riccardo began his career in U.S.A. as business analyst for a primary consulting firm. During 2008 he started his way in Tubosider S.p.a. main company of Gruppo Ruscalla Holding S.p.a. today a world leader in the production of guard rails, steel culverts and stormwater tanks in which he’s company controller and board of director’s member. Intrigued by the many facets of the business Riccardo follows several investments through the family holding company, particularly focused on real estate investments, industrial and civil works, green energy and financial operations. In 2011 Riccardo founded NOI S.r.l. a financial company controls various investments in the italian’s regulated gambling field. Since 2012 is Co-founder of iStarter S.p.a. the first private business incubator-accelerator in Italy that provides initial capital and extensive coaching to inventors and startuppers through a highly diversified network of young professionals and senior advisors. He is member of the C.Y.E. Movement since 2011.

    Marco Salvadeo - ManpowerYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Marco was born in Pavia in 1979, university culture in Pharmaceutical, at present he is Vice President of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Pavia. Executive of Manpower Group, a Talent Company market leader, he attained interesting targets spreading the talent culture into businesses and the growth of individual capabilities of talents

    themselves which have grown with companies raising their business level.He held various positions both at local level and in voluntary associations, he spends his spare time in what he believes: increase awareness of the potentialities of every single individual. He believes in Italy as a European region and he encourages enterprises to think

    global maintaining a local identity typical of Italian Companies who stands out in the world. Thanks to his personal capabilities, he succeeds in creating interesting contacts and business developments.

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    Filippo Sottovia - Trans-CelYes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1975 in Padova, Filippo is a second-generation entrepreneur and a first generation start upper. His company is Trans-Cel, working in transports and logistics sector.

    His family was a great reason that prompted him to take the first step to become an entrepreneur. He thinks that the first step to solve problems is to share, match and synchronize in real time information and tools.

    The best moment for his company is represented by the upgrade from paper based to hi-tech management. His next challenge is very ambitious: creating a global network.

    His formula for the right solution is: share, syncro, act.

    Ivan Tanzariello - MedibreakPresident C.Y.E. Brindisi Chapter

    Born on 14th October 1972 in Brindisi, Ivan has always dreamt of strengthen the Made In Italy all over the world. After graduating in Economics, he began to work in family business and soon he becomes CEO of Liomatic Puglia, a company in the vending industry, which is growing rapidly. Parallel to this experience, his strategic planning skills help him to become responsible for new projects at Elivend, another family business specializing in the production of vending machines. His next challenge now is a new business model development based on the potentiality of Made in Italy food awareness and this project is the new company Medibreak. The mission of this company is to offer to the consumers of vending machines a wide range of healthy foods, respectful of the principles of traditional foods of the Mediterranean diet.

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    Matteo Tomba - Pert

    Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in Udine in 1978, for Matteo family business has become his business philosophy. His company is Pert, producing industrial plant EPC contractors.

    He thinks every problem has a solution and that every solution can be a business as well. He wants his company to become a reference in the steel field worldwide and every time a plant designed by them starts to be productive, it is always a great success to him.

    Memento audere semper is his motto.

    Matteo Vagli - V.I.P.I

    Yes and International Relations Committee C.Y.E.

    Born in 1972 in Italy, he graduated in Law at the University of Milan. After working in England for 2 years, at 21 he started working in family businesses, which today is CEO: VIPI Ltd., a manufacturer of racks and components for electro domestic appliances, for vineyards and orchards. Since 1999 is founding partner and managing director of the

    Lead Extrusions, specializing in extrusion and molding cold lead for the ballistic and steel industry, for covering electrical cables and optical fibers and the nuclear industry. The company gets the lead in the implementation of a key component for the construction of eight “calorimeters” (measurers of light and energy) at CERN in Geneva. From 2011 is a founding member of Eolenergy, which operates in the production of electricity using renewable sources. The commitment of the company is in the wind and pursues the

    free use of clean Energy with 3 innovative wind turbines. Is adviser to the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Lombardia since 2003 and has played over the years the positions of Vice-President of the regional committee, with responsibility for internationalization and to Yes for Europe (European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs).

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    Knowledge partners:

    Supported by:

    General media-partner:


    International media-partner and official TV-partner:

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    Giovani Imprenditori di ConfindustriaConfindustria Young Entrepreneurs (C.Y.E.)

    YES and International Relation Committee

    Daniela Cannizzo: [email protected] Twitter:

    G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance, Twitter: @G20_YEA

    G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit