prevalence and functional significance of transient st-segment depression during daily life...

Prevalence and functional significance of transient ST-segment depression during daily life activity: Comparisons of ambulatory ECG with stress redistribution thallium 201 single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging To assess the prevalence and functional significance of ischemic ambulatory ECG responses, we prospectively performed ambulatory ECG monitoring in 244 patients (mean age 61 + IO years) referred for stress redistribution thallium 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. The prevalence of ST-segment depression during ambulatory ECG was 33% among patients with a positive exercise ECG, but prevalence varied in selected patient subgroups. Among three groups with coronary artery disease (CAD), the group with ambulatory ECG ischemia (group 1) had a greater frequency of ischemic thallium responses (p = 0.07), a greater median number of reversible thallium defects (p < 0.05), and a greater summed thallium “reversibility” score (p < 0.05) than did the group with a positive exercise ECG but negative ambulatory ECG response (group 2) or that with negative exercise and ambulatory ECG responses (group 3). Exercise ST depression in group 1 versus group 2 was significantly greater (p = 0.002), occurred at a lower heart rate threshold (p = 0.002), and lasted longer after exercise (p = 0.001). Notably, one third of group 1 patients also manifested evidence of transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle after exercise (p < 0.01 vs groups 2 and 3), a sign of severe ischemia. However, although functionally less “sick” than group 1 patients, 66% of group 2 patients and 50% of group 3 patients still had an ischemic thallium response, which was sometimes severe. Thus transient ischemia during ambulatory ECG monitoring identifies a functionally sicker cohort of patients with CAD and occurs in approximately one third of CAD patients with positive results of exercise tests. A negative ambulatory ECG response, however, does not exclude functionally significant disease among CAD patients. These results imply that caution should be applied in the interpretation of a negative ambulatory ECG response for the purpose of patient risk stratification. (AM HEART J 1993;125:1247.) Jacob Klein, MD, Erwin A. Rodrigues, MD, Daniel S. Berman, MD, Florence Prigent, MD, Susan Y. Chao, MS, Tamara Maryon, PhD, and Alan Rozanski, MD New York, N.Y., and Los Angeles, Calif. From the Division of Cardiology and Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ce- dars-Sinai Medical Center and the Department of Medicine, University of Los Angeles, School of Medicine; and the Division of Cardiology, Depart- ment of Medicine, St. Luke’+Roosevelt Hospital Center and the Depart- ment of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the KROC Foundation. Performed while Dr. Klein served as Save a Heart Foundation fellow in preventive cardiology. Received for publication Sept. 21, 1992; accepted Nov. 6, 1992. Reprint requests: Alan Rozanski, MD, Division of Cardiology, St. Luke’+ Roosevelt Hospital Center, 114th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10025. Copyright 1993 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 0002.8703/93/$1.00+.10 4/l/44921 Because of the prognostic relationship between myo- cardial ischemia and cardiac events1 the assessment of myocardial ischemia has become a central compo- nent in the clinical treatment of patients with coro- nary artery disease (CAD). Ischemia is most com- monly and generally first measured by its laboratory induction during exercise ECG. Radionuclide stress testing2-4 and ambulatory ECG5-8 both add incre- mental information to exercise ECG for patient risk stratification. For this reason and because of differ- ences in cost, approach, and ease of performing these two tests, comparisons between them are warranted. 1247

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Prevalence and functional significance of transient ST-segment depression during daily life activity: Comparisons of ambulatory ECG with stress redistribution thallium 201 single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging

To assess the prevalence and functional significance of ischemic ambulatory ECG responses, we prospectively performed ambulatory ECG monitoring in 244 patients (mean age 61 + IO years) referred for stress redistribution thallium 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. The prevalence of ST-segment depression during ambulatory ECG was 33% among patients with a positive exercise ECG, but prevalence varied in selected patient subgroups. Among three groups with coronary artery disease (CAD), the group with ambulatory ECG ischemia (group 1) had a greater frequency of ischemic thallium responses (p = 0.07), a greater median number of reversible thallium defects (p < 0.05), and a greater summed thallium “reversibility” score (p < 0.05) than did the group with a positive exercise ECG but negative ambulatory ECG response (group 2) or that with negative exercise and ambulatory ECG responses (group 3). Exercise ST depression in group 1 versus group 2 was significantly greater (p = 0.002), occurred at a lower heart rate threshold (p = 0.002), and lasted longer after exercise (p = 0.001). Notably, one third of group 1 patients also manifested evidence of transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle after exercise (p < 0.01 vs groups 2 and 3), a sign of severe ischemia. However, although functionally less “sick” than group 1 patients, 66% of group 2 patients and 50% of group 3 patients still had an ischemic thallium response, which was sometimes severe. Thus transient ischemia during ambulatory ECG monitoring identifies a functionally sicker cohort of patients with CAD and occurs in approximately one third of CAD patients with positive results of exercise tests. A negative ambulatory ECG response, however, does not exclude functionally significant disease among CAD patients. These results imply that caution should be applied in the interpretation of a negative ambulatory ECG response for the purpose of patient risk stratification. (AM HEART J 1993;125:1247.)

Jacob Klein, MD, Erwin A. Rodrigues, MD, Daniel S. Berman, MD, Florence Prigent, MD, Susan Y. Chao, MS, Tamara Maryon, PhD, and

Alan Rozanski, MD New York, N.Y., and Los Angeles, Calif.

From the Division of Cardiology and Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ce- dars-Sinai Medical Center and the Department of Medicine, University of Los Angeles, School of Medicine; and the Division of Cardiology, Depart- ment of Medicine, St. Luke’+Roosevelt Hospital Center and the Depart-

ment of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the KROC Foundation. Performed while Dr. Klein served as Save a Heart Foundation fellow in preventive cardiology.

Received for publication Sept. 21, 1992; accepted Nov. 6, 1992.

Reprint requests: Alan Rozanski, MD, Division of Cardiology, St. Luke’+ Roosevelt Hospital Center, 114th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10025.

Copyright ’ 1993 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc.

0002.8703/93/$1.00+.10 4/l/44921

Because of the prognostic relationship between myo- cardial ischemia and cardiac events1 the assessment of myocardial ischemia has become a central compo- nent in the clinical treatment of patients with coro- nary artery disease (CAD). Ischemia is most com- monly and generally first measured by its laboratory induction during exercise ECG. Radionuclide stress testing2-4 and ambulatory ECG5-8 both add incre- mental information to exercise ECG for patient risk stratification. For this reason and because of differ- ences in cost, approach, and ease of performing these two tests, comparisons between them are warranted.


1248 Klein et al. May 1993

American Heart Journal

So far, however, the systematic comparison of ambu- latory ECG measurements of ischemia with those measured by radionuclide imaging have been rela- tively limited. Previously we used Bayesian theory to predict the potential strengths and weaknesses of ambulatory ECG as a clinical monitoring technique in patients with suspected or known CAD.g-ll For in- stance, on the basis of Bayesian theory, there should be a limitation to interpreting positive ambulatory ECG responses when the pretest probability of CAD is low (frequent false-positive responses) and to

interpreting negative ambulatory ECG responses when the pretest probability is high (frequent false- negative responses). ‘J l1 Because ambulatory ECG monitoring has generally been promulgated as a test for prognosis, patients with a high likelihood of or with known CAD are the group to whom the test is usually applied. Thus understanding the potential limitation(s) of ambulatory ECG in this subgroup would be clinically important.

Thus we compared the results of ambulatory ECG monitoring and stress redistribution thallium 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy among patients having a high pretest probability of CAD. Using thallium scintigraphy as an independent marker of myocardial ischemia, we evaluated the relationship between positive and negative ambulatory ECG responses and the presence and magnitude of induc- ible myocardial hypoperfusion.

METHODS Patient population. We prospectively recruited 244 pa-

tients, referred to our laboratory for stress redistribution single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging (SPECT) thallium 201 myocardial scintigraphy, for 24 to 48 hours of ambulatory ECG monitoring. Thallium testing was performed for either diagnostic evaluation (93 pa- tients) or functional assessment of known CAD (151 patients). The latter group included 74 patients with prior myocardial infarction, 45 patients with prior angioplasty, and 32 patients with prior coronary bypass surgery. There were 198 men and 46 women, with a mean age of 63 t 10 years (range 35 to 85 years). Patients unable to exercise and those with potentially uninterpretable ambulatory ECGs were excluded because of significant resting ST segment depression, conduction abnormalities, left ventricular hy- pertrophy, or digoxin therapy. For relevant analyses, patients were subgrouped on the basis of CAD probability, determined according to the method of Diamond and For- rester,r2 with Bayesian analysis of patient age, sex, symp- toms, risk factors, and results of exercise ECG.

Exercise testing. Maximal exercise treadmill testing was performed by the standard Bruce protocol. The ECG was monitored continuously in three leads (aVF, VI, Vs), and 12-lead ECG was recorded at rest, during each minute after exercise, for at least 5 minutes or until all exercise-in-

duced ECG changes disappeared. The exercise ECG ce- sponse was considered positive if horizontal or downslop ing ST segment depression of at least I mm or of at least 1.5 mm upsloping depression occurred in any lead com- pared with the baseline value, measured at 0.08 seconds after the J-point. Blood pressure was recorded with a cuff sphygmomanometer at rest, during each stage of exercise, at peak exercise, and at 2-minute intervals after exercise. Our endpoints for premature termination of exercise by the supervising physician are severe angina, high-grade ven- tricular arrhythmia, severe hypertension, or exertional hy- potension. All patients referred for stress redistribution thallium scintigraphy were routinely instructed to with- hold P-blocking medications for at least 48 hours, calcium channel blocking agents for 24 hours, and long-acting nitrates for 6 hours before testing; 231 patients (95”; ) were tested without anti-ischemic medications, and only 13 pa- tients (5’; J were tested while receiving anti-ischemic medications. This proportion is representative of the com- pliance rate for acute drug cessation before stress testing in our laboratory.

SPECT thallium 201 scintigraphy. At near maximal ex- ercise, 3 to 4 mCi of thallium 201 was injected intravenously and exercise was continued for an additional minute. Im- aging was begun approximately 7 minutes after the injec- tion of thallium with the acquisition of a 5-minute planar anterior view. Tomographic images were then obtained by rotating of the camera. Thirty-two projections were ob- tained along a circular 180-degree arc, extending from the 45-degree right anterior oblique projection to the left pos- terior oblique projection. The stress and 4.hour studies were obtained with 40 seconds per projection. If a stress defect was persistent at 4 hours, late (24 to 48 hours) redis- tribution tomographic imaging was performed, with 60 seconds for image acquisition in each projection, Repeated planar images were also obtained at 4 hours. A large field- of-view scintillation camera containing 75 photomultiplier tubes and a 0.25-inch (0.64 cm) sodium iodine crystal was used, equipped with a low-energy, all-purpose parallel hole collimator. A 20’; energy window centered on the 80 keV peak and a lo’*, window centered on the 167 keV peak were employed. All projection images were stored on magnetic disk with a 64 X 64. 16-bit matrix. Each of the 32 projec- tion images was corrected for nonuniformity with a 30 mil- lion count image of a uniform cobalt 57 flow source. The mechanical center of rotation was determined from the projection data to align the detector data with respect to the reconstruction matrix. Filtered back projection was performed on each clinical data set with a low-resolution Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of 0.45 cycles of pixels, order 5, to reconstruct transverse axial tomograms, each 6.2 mm thick, encompassing the entire heart. Vertical and horizontal long-axis tomograms and short-axis slices were extracted from the filtered transaxial tomograms by performing a coordinate transformation with the appro- priate interpolations. No attenuation or scatter corrections were used.

For visual interpretation by the physician, all short- and long-axis tomograms were displayed on transparency film,

Volume 125, Number 5, Part 1

American Heart Journal Klein et al. 1249



Mid-Ventricular Basal


1 2 6

69 3 5 4


0 12

0 9 11

10 16


65 20

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic presentation of thallium 201 SPECT images. Short-axis slices are divided into three regions, as indicated, and vertical long axis is used to evaluate apex. Twenty myocardial segments are an- alyzed per patient, as shown.

with the intensity of each image normalized to the maximal pixel value in that image. Segmental scores were assigned to six evenly spaced regions in the apical, midventricular, and basal cuts of the short-axis views and the two apical (inferoapical and anteroapical) segments of the midverti- cal long-axis cut (Fig. 1). A 4-point scoring system was used to assess each segment as follows: 0 = no decrease in regional thallium 201 uptake, 1 = mild decrease, 2 = mod- erate decrease, and 3 = severe decrease.13 An initial post- stress perfusion defect was considered present when a my- ocardial segment had an initial poststress score of at least 2. Stress defects with a score of 1 or less at 4 or 24 hours re- distribution imaging were deemed reversible; stress defects with 4- and 24-hour scores of 2 or greater were deemed nonreversible. A thallium test result was considered posi- tive if two or more of the 20 myocardial segments showed evidence of reversibility. If only nonreversible defects were present, the thallium study was considered negative for the presence of ischemia. To assess the global magnitude of in- ducible ischemia, we calculated a summed thallium revers- ibility score, defined as the sum of the scores in the 20 seg- ments after stress minus the sum of the scores at 4 hours, or at 24 hours if further redistribution occurred. The im- mediate poststress and redistribution anterior view planar thallium images were used to identify two additional scin- tigraphic abnormalities: (1) transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle (TID) after stress and (2) abnormal pul- monary thallium uptake. TID was considered to be present after stress when there was a definite reduction in the size of the left ventricle between the stress and the 4-hour re- distribution images.14 The amount of lung uptake of thal- lium was graded according to a 4-point system: 0 = no in- crease, 1 = mild or moderate increase, 2 = moderate in- crease, and 3 = marked increase (approaching intensity of myocardial thallium activity), with disappearance at the time of redistribution imaging.15 Scores of 2 or more were considered abnormal.

Ambulatory ECG. All patients underwent 24 hours, and 66 patients underwent 48 hours, of continuous ECG mon- itoring within a median of 0 days after thallium exercise

testing; 90% of patients were tested within 7 days of the thallium test. As with thallium testing, anti-ischemic med- ications were also withheld by patients before and during the period of ambulatory ECG, according to the same reg- imen described for thallium testing. A Cardiodata AM re- corder (MK4, frequency response of 0.05 to 100 Hz) was used, with automatic calibration of the EGG signal with a 1 MV = 10 mm signal at the start of the recording. After careful skin preparation two pairs of bipolar pregelled electrodes were attached and taped to the precordium. The exploring electrodes were attached to Vs, and a modified inferior position and the two indifferent electrodes were attached to the right side of the manubrium. A ground electrode was placed in all patients on the right lower ribs.16 Patients were instructed to carry out their usual daily ac- tivities and to fill out a structured diary.i7

The calibrated 24-hour ambulatory monitor tapes were visually analyzed by an experienced technician at 60 times real time with a Cardiodata MK 4 computer. An ambula- tory response was considered positive if significant ST seg- ment depression occurred, defined as horizontal or downsloping ST segment depression of more than 1 mm, (or >1.5 mm, if upsloping), less than the isoelectric base- line, measured at 0.08 seconds after the J-point, and per- sistent for at least 60 seconds. Separation of one episode from the next required that the ECG return to baseline level for at least 3 minutes after an earlier episode. Base- line and representative strips for each ischemic episode were saved and printed out in real time to be read blindly by two independent physicians. Disagreements were set- tled by consensus interpretation of the two observers.

To test the accuracy of our ambulatory ECG system for measuring ST-segment depression compared with 12-lead ECG, 25 randomly selected patients underwent simulta- neous maximal treadmill exercise testing (with a Marque- tte Case 12 system) and ambulatory ECG monitoring. These patients had a high CAD probability and were referred for exercise thallium 201 testing for further exam- ination; the aforementioned exclusion criteria were ap- plied. An exploring electrode positioned at the Vs-like lead

1250 Klein et al.

A. 8.

May 1993

American Heart Journal

: 4.0

-5 3.0

z 2.0

e ,o

I .o

a 3 0

% -1.0

:, -2.0

5 -3.0

‘74 g -4.0

,h -5.0

; -6.0 cn

-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0-1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

ST Depression on Exercise ECG (mm) ST Depression on Exercise ECG hm)

Fig. 2. A, Comparisons of magnitude of ST segment at peak exercise. B, Magnitude of change in ST seg- ment from resting to peak. Values are in millimeters, measured for ambulatory ECG (each vertical axis) and exercise ECG (each horizontal axis) during exercise treadmill testing in 25 randomly selected patients. Each point represents at least one paired observation. Diagonal line represents line of identity. Close agreement between ambulatory ECG results and simultaneously recorded exercise ECG results was found.

was split through a common junction box, so that the same bipolar signal was read by both the 12-lead ECG and the ambulatory ECG system. Real time ECG strips were taken simultaneously on both ECG systems with the event marker, at rest and at peak exercise. All strips were read in a blinded manner.

Fig. 2 shows the comparison of the magnitude of the ST segment at peak exercise and the magnitude of the change in the ST segment from rest to peak exercise as measured simultaneously by ambulatory and exercise ECG. The am- bulatory ECG correlation coefficient (rc) was used as an index of agreement.18 The ambulatory ECG provided ex- cellent agreement with the magnitude of the ST segment at peak exercise and the magnitude of the change in ST segment recorded by the exercise ECG (rc = 0.99, 95% confidence interval = [0.97, 0.991; rc = 0.99, 95% confi- dence interval = [0.98, 1.001, respectively).

Statistical analysis. Data were expressed as mean _t SD or as proportions. Unevenly distributed data were ex- pressed as median and range. Univariate analysis of cate- goric variables was performed with chi-square analysis or Fisher’s Exact Test. When two groups were compared, quantitative variables were analyzed with the Student t test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test. When more than two groups were compared, quantitative variables were ana- lyzed with analysis of variance of the Kruskal-Wallis test. All significance testing was done at the 0.05 level.


The prevalence of ST segment depression during ambulatory ECG for the total patient population and various clinical subgroups is listed in Table I. Among the 55 patients having a positive ambulatory ECG during 24-hour monitoring the mean duration of ST- segment depression was 19 + 18 minutes and the

median number of episodes was two (range one to seven). Among the 82 patients with a negative exer- cise ECG, the prevalence of ST-segment depression during 24-hour ambulatory monitoring was rare (2%). By contrast, in 53 of the 162 patients with a positive exercise ECG (33%) transient ST segment depression developed during 24-hour ambulatory monitoring. When patients with a positive exercise ECG response were further subdivided on the basis of general clinical characteristics, the percentage of patients with a positive ambulatory ECG response varied considerably but never reached 50 % in any of the clinical subgroups in Table I, including the patients with typical angina and a positive exercise ECG response. However, when patients were sub- grouped on the basis of the magnitude of exercise ECG responses (Fig. 3), cohorts with a high preva- lence of positive ambulatory ECG responses could now be identified. The prevalence of a positive am- bulatory ECG response was particularly high (~60 % ) among patients in whom the onset of ST segment depression occurred at a low work load (<75 % of maximal predicted heart rate) (p < 0.001 vs higher work loads) and in those who had a relatively prolonged duration of ST segment depression (~3 minutes) after exercise (p < 0.001 vs lesser dura- tions). (Two patients had missing data for ST dura- tion.) The prevalence of positive ambulatory ECG responses also increased with increasing magnitude of ST depression on exercise testing (p < 0.01).

In the subgroup of patients undergoing 48-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring, there was no signifi- cant difference in the frequency of positive ambula-

Volume 125, Number 5, Pan 1 American Heart Journal Klein et al. 1251

Table I. Prevalence of ST-segment depression during 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring

24 hr monitoring




No. of % (No.) patients positive


All patients Exercise ECG

Negative ECG Positive ECG

CAD probability 280 SO CAD probability 21% -79% CAD probability <20% Typical angina

Angiographic CAD Tl scintigraphy:

No reversible defects

244 23 (55)

82 2 (2) 162 33 (53) 119 33 (39) 26 42 (11) 17 18 (3) 32 41 (15)

54 31 (17)

124 15 (19)





MPHR>BSX MMR> 75-85x YPHR < 75% ln=333) (n=36) h=30)






Reversible defects 120 30 (36) Positive exercise ECG 93 39 (36) Negative exercise ECG 27 0 (0)

I-2mm H/D >2-SmmH/D ond > I.5 Up


h-45) h=35) (n=39) 100 EX ST DURATION


tory responses for 24- versus 48-hour monitoring: the frequency in patients with positive exercise responses (n = 47 patients) was 42% for 24-hour monitoring versus 49% for 48-hour monitoring (p not signifi- cant). Of 11 patients who had positive results on only 1 day of monitoring, just three (27%) were positive on the second day of monitoring.

Correlation between ambulatory ECG and exercise ECG responses. For subsequent analyses we divided our patients into three groups on the basis of the re- sults of exercise and 24-hour ambulatory ECG mon- itoring. For these analyses we excluded the patients whose posttest CAD probability after exercise ECG was less than 80 % (n = 87), to confine our analyses to a CAD population (n = 157) consisting of the pa- tients with either a CAD probability of at least 80% or patients with known CAD (i.e., those who had had infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting, or percu- taneous transluminal coronary angioplasty). Group 1 consisted of the 39 CAD patients with both a positive exercise ECG and positive ambulatory ECG re- sponse, group 2 consisted of the 80 patients with a positive exercise ECG and negative ambulatory ECG response, and group 3 consisted of the 38 patients with both negative exercise ECG and negative am- bulatory ECG responses. (Among this CAD popula- tion the fourth combination of a negative exercise ECG and positive ambulatory ECG response was not observed.) The clinical, hemodynamic, and exercise ECG variables in the three patient groups are listed in Table II. Compared with groups 2 and 3, group 1 patients exercised for fewer minutes (p = 0.06) to a lower peak heart rate (p = 0.07) and achieved a lower

% 60



O-I min >I-bmin *3min - (n=3) (n=71) k43)

Fig. 3. Frequency of positive ambulatory ECG response (vertical axis) was evaluated according to three different ECG criteria. Top, Frequency was assessed in patients ac- cording to heart rate at onset of ST-segment depression, expressed as percentage of maximal predicted heart rate (MPHR). Subgroup with lowest threshold for onset of ST depression had highest frequency of positive ambulatory ECG responses (JI < 0.001). Center, Frequency was evalu- ated when patients were subdivided according to magni- tude of ST-segment depression during exercise. The greater the magnitude of ST-segment depression, the higher the frequency of positive ambulatory ECG response (p < 0.01). Bottom, Patients were divided on basis of duration of ST- segment depression into recovery. The more prolonged the duration of ST-segment depression into recovery, the higher the frequency of positive ambulatory ECG re- sponses (p < 0.001). EX, Exercise; HID, horizontal/ downsloping; %MpHR, percentage of maximal predicted heart rate, ST, ST-segment depression; UP, upsloping ST-segment depression.

peak systolic blood pressure (p = 0.05). This was ac- companied by a significantly worse ECG response during exercise testing in the group 1 versus group 2 patients, including a greater magnitude of ST seg- ment depression (p = 0.008), occurring at a lower heart rate threshold (p = 0.001) and persisting for a longer duration after exercise (p = 0.001). Thus group 1 patients had both poorer clinical and exercise ECG responses to exercise.

Thallium 201 stress redistribution scintigraphy. Fig. 4

1252 Klein et al May 1993

American Heart Journal

Table II. Clinical, hemodynamic, and exercise ECG responses _--__ ._

Group I * (n = XII

___. .-- Clinical and hemodynamic variables

Exercise duration (min) 6.4 t 2.7 Peak exercise HR 138 i 22 Peak exercise SBP 170 i 29 Peak exercise DBP 83 I 11 Exercise chest pain (%) 11 (30)

Exercise ST-segment depression

Magnitude (mm) 3.0 t 0 HR at onset (beats/min) 122 r 19 Min of onset 4.1 +- 2.2 Postexercise duration (min) 3.5 * 2.0

.__-..- ~- - Group -‘I (;mup Xl- tn = 80) ,I = .Ylil /I ctrlur

-- ____-.---

7.5 i- 2.n 7.X -1 .i 0.059 146 + IX 145 1 20 0.068 180 + “4 184 2 :31 0.050

85 t l-1 86 r 13 0.630 18 (231 *i (14) 0.240

2.4 f 0.9 0.008 133 + 18 0.002 5.6 + 2.6 0.001 1.8 + 1.6 0.00 1

Values expressed as mean + SD. DEP, Diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure

*Positive ambulatory ECG; positive exercise ECG. iNegative ambulatory ECG; positive exercise ECG. $Negative ambulatory ECG; negative exercise ECG.

demonstrates the frequency of a positive thallium response in the same three patient subgroups and the number of reversible thallium defects, summed thal- lium reversibility score, and frequency of TID. Group 1 patients tended to have a greater frequency of pos- itive thallium results compared with the other two groups (p = 0.07), and they manifested a greater me- dian number of reversible thallium defects (p < 0.05) and a greater median summed thallium reversibility score (p < 0.05). The frequency of TID of the left ventricle after exercise was also much higher (p < 0.01) in the group 1 patients. The frequency of abnormal thallium lung uptake was 14 % in group 1, 4% in group 2, and 16% in group 3 (p < 0.05). Thus group 1 patients manifested both a higher frequency and greater magnitude of exercise-induced thallium perfusion abnormalities.


Stress redistribution thallium 201 myocardial scin- tigraphy2m4 and ambulatory ECG5-8 both add incre- mental information to exercise ECG in the prognos- tic assessment of patients with CAD. Nevertheless, the usefulness of ambulatory ECG relative to nonin- vasive stress imaging modalities remains unclear. First, the prevalence of ST-segment depression dur- ing ambulatory ECG is highly debated. Second, there has been relatively little direct comparison of this technique to radionuclide stress testing, the other widely used supplement to exercise ECG. In this study, therefore, we employed stress redistribution thallium 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy as an independent standard of myocardial ischemia, to as- sess the functional significance of ST segment de- pression during ambulatory ECG monitoring.

The frequency and magnitude of thallium abnor- Prevalence of ST-segment depression during ambu- malities were further assessed in just the 108 patients latory ECG. A positive ambulatory ECG response oc- who had clinically confirmed CAD, on the basis of curred in one third of patients with a positive exer- prior cardiac events (myocardial infarction, bypass cise ECG response in this study. In prior reported surgery, or angioplasty) (Table III). Exclusion of the studies the observed prevalence of ST segment de- high-likelihood CAD patients yielded the same pat- pression during ambulatory ECG monitoring varied tern of results among the remaining patients with markedly, from a low of 23 CA lg to a high of 82 % ,“‘I confirmed CAD: patients with known disease who with an average prevalence of 464‘0 among 1382 had a positive ambulatory ECG response had greater patients accumulated from 10 studies in the litera- values for frequency of positive thallium responses ture.5‘“, lgW2* Differences in patient selection may (p = 0.02), median number of reversible thallium de- have contributed to these wide differences in re- fects (p = 0.02), and median summed thallium re- ported prevalence, because selection criteria varied versibility score (p = 0.01). This subgroup also had a markedly among these studies. Analysis of subgroups tendency toward a greater frequency of TID (p not in our own patient population supports this explana- significant). tion. For instance, among patients with positive ex-

Volume 125, Number 5, Part 1

American Heart Journal

Table 111. Results of stress redistribution myocardial per- fusion scintigraphy in patients with known CAD

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 P

(n = 20) [n = 55) (n = 33) value

‘% positive Tl result 80 (16) 75 (41) 48(16) 0.02


No. of reversible Tl 5.5 (O-13) 4 (O-13) 1 (O-9) 0.02

segments* Summed Tl 9.5 (O-29) 7 (O-27) 3 (O-16) 0.01

reversibility score* % with TID (No.) 30 (6) 11 (6) 15 (5) 0.16

*Data expressed as median (range).

ercise ECG findings who have typical angina-a common selection criterion-the frequency of a pos- itive ambulatory ECG response increased to nearly 50 % . Among positive exercise ECG subgroups, pa- tients with the onset of ST-segment depression at a very low level of exercise, those with prolonged ST- segment depression after exercise and those with in- creased magnitude of ST depression also had a par- ticularly high frequency of ST-segment depression during ambulatory ECG monitoring.

Increasing the monitoring period to 48 hours did not significantly increase the frequency of a positive ambulatory ECG response. This was because only three of the 23 patients with a positive ambulatory response during 48-hour monitoring had a positive response only on the second day of monitoring. Sim- ilar results were reported by Tzivoni et a1.25 Further evaluation in more patients is needed to determine whether this observation is a consistent finding.

If the exercise ECG response was normal, the like- lihood of a positive ambulatory ECG response was extremely low (2%). This confirms the results of other investigations.16,26,27 Thus there is little use- fulness in performing ambulatory ECG among pa- tients known to have a negative exercise ECG re- sponse.

Functional significance of ambulatory ECG responses: Comparison with exercise ECG. Compared with pa- tients with a negative ambulatory ECG response, the CAD patients with a positive ambulatory ECG re- sponse had a significantly greater magnitude, earlier onset, and longer duration of exercise-induced ST- segment depression. Further, they tended to have poorer exercise tolerance and achieved lower peak heart rates and peak systolic blood pressure eleva- tions during maximal exercise. These results suggest that CAD patients with a positive ambulatory ECG

Klein et al. 1253


1” 16


14. 0 12.




4. 3 2. 1.5 0 -

C. P<O.O5 26- 24- 20- 16 - - 12 -







(+Amb, +I%) Wnb, +W 6-h -4

Fig. 4. Thallium findings in groups 1, 2, and 3. A, Fre- quency of positive thallium (Tl) response in each group. Group 1 patients had highest frequency of positive thal- lium response, and group 3 had lowest (p = 0.07). B, Me- dian number and range of reversible thallium defects. C, Median and range for thallium reversibility scores in each group. In B and C data are presented according to “box plot” method. Bottom and top edges of box represent sam- ple’s 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Central dark horizontal line is drawn at sample’s median. Central ver- tical lines extend from box to distance of at most 1.5 times the middle 50% interquartile ranges. Any value more ex- treme than this is marked with a circle. Group 1 patients had greatest median number of reversible segments-five per patient-and highest median thallium reversibility score (p < 0.05). D, shows percentage of patients in each group who demonstrated TID of left ventricle. Group 1 patients had markedly higher frequency of TID compared with groups 2 and 3 (p < 0.01). Amb, Ambulatory ECG; Ex, exercise; Tl, thallium.)

1254 Klein et at


Fig. 5.


Test efficacy is dependent on population to which it is applied. This figure illustrates a Bayesian curve for application of exercise ECG. Relationship between pretest probability of CAD (horizontal axis) and posttest proba- bility of CAD (vertical axis) for positive exercise ECG (top, conuex curue) and negative exercise ECG (bottom, concaue curve) is shown. Application of exercise ECG is shown for two hypothetical patients (A and B). Patient B has a very low (5%) pretest probability of CAD. If exercise ECG in such a patient is negative, posttest probability of CAD re- mains very low (point B- on vertical axis), but if exercise ECG is positive, posttest probability of CAD still remains relatively low (<2041; point B+ on the vertical axis). Thus in asymptomatic adults with low pretest CAD probability there is a greater than four in fifth chance that positive ex- ercise ECG will be false positive. The converse is true if test is applied to a patient with high pretest probability of dis- ease (such as patient A, who has >90% probability of CAD). In such a patient, whereas positive exercise ECG now has high predictive accuracy (point A+ on vertical axis), negative exercise ECG is frequently false negative for CAD (point A-) in more than four fifths of cases. Whereas these curves refer specifically to issue of anatomic diagno- sis, they indirectly reflect principles for detecting ischemia per se, as discussed in text.

response are functionally sicker than their counter- parts with a negative ambulatory ECG response.

Functional significance of ambulatory ECG response: Comparison with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. To confirm the possibility that patients with positive ambulatory ECG responses are functionally sicker, we evaluated the presence and magnitude of exercise- induced hypoperfusion, as assessed by thallium scin- tigraphy, in our patient subgroups. The CAD pa- tients with positive ambulatory ECG responses man- ifested a greater frequency of ischemic thallium responses and a greater magnitude of exercise-in-

May 1993

American Heart Journal

duced abnormalities on planar and SPECT thallium scintigraphy. Specifically, these patients demon- strate a significantly greater median number of revers- ible thallium defects and greater median summed thallium reversibility score wit,h SPECT imaging. The reversibility score combines the assessments that, meas- ure the extent of inducible hypoperfusion (number of thallium defects) and the severity of inducible hypo- perfusion (magnitude of defects). The patients hav- ing a positive ambulatory ECG response also dem- onstrated a striking frequency of TID after stress on the anterior view planar images. One third of the pa- tients with a posit.ive ambulatory ECG had this find- ing. This planar index is notable because its presence is generally reflective of the presence of both exten- sive and severe coronary disease, extensive disease being necessary to cause left ventricular dilation and severe disease being necessary to maintain it.l” Thus the planar and SPECT thallium findings were con- cordant with the hemodynamic findings and the re- sults of exercise ECG and confirmed that patients having a positive ambulatory ECG response are a func- tionally much sicker cohort compared with their coun- terparts with a negative ambulatory ECG response.

False-negative ambulatory ECG responses. The pres- ence of normal exercise and ambulatory ECG re- sponses, however, did not exclude the possibility of myocardial perfusion abnormalities in our CAD pa- tients. For instance, 50’; of group 3 patients (nega- tive exercise and ambulat,ory ECG) had a positive thallium response to exercise, and 16’,! of these pa- tients still demonstrated evidence of TID during thallium scintigraphy (Fig. 4). This observation could be predicted from Bayesian probability analy- sis, whereby a test’s efficacy in excluding disease de- pends on the underlying prevalence or probability of CAD.g-“.“8 When CAD prevalence is low, the false- positive rate of any noninvasive cardiologic test is at its maximum and the false-negative rate is at its minimum (Fig. 5). Conversely, when the prevalence of CAD is high, the false-positive rate is at, its min- imum but the false-negative rate is now maximal. The practical clinical significance of this relationship as it relates to prognosis has been demonstrated in follow-up studies. For instance, Gibson et found that a positive predischarge exercise ECG had a high predictive accuracy for subsequent cardiac events in patient,s after myocardial infarction; they also ob- served, however. t,hat 27”,’ of patients without exer- cise-induced ST-segment depression or angina also had a subsequent event during a mean follow-up pe- riod of only 15 -+ 12 Most of these false- negative ECG responders had thallium evidence of ischemia.

Volume 125, Number 5, Part 1 American Heart Journal Klein et al. 1255




Fig. 6. Algorithm for selection of further tests among patients who have “intermediate” probability of cardiac events after performance of exercise ECG. This algorithm refers only to subgroup of patients in whom exercise ECG can be applied as initial first test (i.e., it is interpretable). If patient has low proba- bility of cardiac events after exercise ECG, then patient may be followed without further testing. If patient has high probability of cardiac events after testing, then aggressive therapy is indicated. In group of pa- tients who have intermediate likelihood of cardiac events after exercise ECG, however, clinical decision making is more challenging and further prognostic testing may be useful. Among such patients radionu- elide testing is indicated for the subgroups who have negative, equivocal, or only mildly positive exercise ECG, because, according to our results, of the relative insensitivity of ambulatory ECG for excluding my- ocardial ischemia in such instances. In patients with more than mild exercise ECG positivity, both ambu- latory ECG and radionuclide imaging may be considered for risk stratification, but negative ambulatory ECG response may not exclude absence of inducible hypoperfusion (i.e., jeopardized myocardium) in this cohort, according to our results.

Similarly, we followed patients with typical angina and a negative exercise ECG.30 We found that a neg- ative exercise ECG had a high false-negative rate for determining ischemia in such patients with high dis- ease probability: 25 % had reversible thallium defects in our cohort. Notably, the l-year cardiac event rate was three times higher in the subgroup with positive thallium responses compared with the subgroup with negative thallium responses, validating the frequent false-negative nature of these normal ECG responses in patients with typical angina.

Comparison with previous studies. Quyyumi et a1.31 recently examined 155 CAD patients undergoing both exercise radionuclide ventriculography and am- bulatory ECG monitoring. There are important sim- ilarities between their findings and our own. First, they also found that a negative ambulatory ECG re- sponse is frequently false negative for radionuclide indices for ischemia: the ambulatory ECG response was negative in 45 % of patients with an abnormal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) response to ex-

ercise and in one third of patients with up to 10 % fall in LVEF during exercise. However, a positive ambu- latory ECG response was associated with more scin- tigraphic evidence of ischemia than a negative re- sponse: the mean fall in peak LVEF with exercise was significantly greater (5.6 % t 0.8% ) in patients with a positive ambulatory ECG response compared with those with a negative ambulatory ECG (2.4% ? 0.9 % ). Differences in patient selection, however, limit further comparisons between the study of Quyyumi et al. and our own study.

Implications for test utilization. By using thallium scintigraphy as an independent marker of ischemia, we demonstrated the heightened functional signifi- cance of transient ST-segment depression during daily life activity among CAD patients: such patients have both a greater frequency and magnitude of thallium abnormalities during exercise. These results help explain why cardiac event rates are elevated among CAD patients with ambulatory ischemia.5-s Consistent with Bayesian theory, however, a negative

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ambulatory ECG response in CAD patients is fre- quently false negative for ischemia, as manifested by the relatively high frequency of thallium abnormal- ities in such patients. This finding appears to limit the clinical usefulness of ambulatory ECG monitor- ing. Any potential algorithm for using ambulatory ECG monitoring is applicable only for patients with an interpretable exercise ECG, because radionuclide stress testing is clearly the first choice of tests when the exercise ECG cannot be interpreted (e.g., left ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch block pat,tern). Sequential prognostic testing is indicated among t,he subgroup of patients who have an inter- mediate likelihood of cardiac event after an exercise ECG test. Generally, a wide variety of clinical pa- tients fall into such an intermediate likelihood group, ranging from asymptomatic patients with positive exercise ECG responses to patients with typical an- gina and negative exercise ECG responses.lO, 28 A po- tential algorithm for choosing between ambulatory ECG and radionuclide stress testing in such inter- mediate-likelihood patients is depicted in Fig. 6. Ra- dionuclide stress testing is preferable to ambulatory ECG among patients who have either a negative, nondiagnostic, or equivocal exercise ECG response given the very low yield of positive ambulatory ECG responses in such patients. It also appears from our results that radionuclide stress testing is preferable to ambulatory ECG among patients with only weakly positive exercise ECG responses (e.g., those with late-onset ST-segment depression and those with ST-segment depression of short duration after exer- cise). Among the remaining patients with more pos- itive exercise ECG responses, ambulatory ECG ap- pears to provide useful risk stratification informa- tion. If the ambulatory ECG response is positive in such patients, it is evident from both our results and clinical follow-up studies5-s that such patients are at high risk and no further testing may be necessary in these patients. However, a low threshold should be present for performing radionuclide testing if the ambulatory ECG response is negative in such pa- tients, because many of these patients may still have substantial but electrocardiographically silent ische- mia according to our results. The cost effectiveness of ambulatory ECG monitoring should be evaluated in the content of this circumscribed clinical application.

We are grateful to Lais Haendchen, MD, Hootan Rahimizadeh. and Sheldon Goldman for their technical assistance, and Frances Katz, Mitzi Escuin, and Astrid Gonzalez for their assistance in manuscript preparation.


1. Ladenheim ML, Pollack BH, Rozanski A, Berman DS. Staniloff HM, Forrester JS, Diamond GA. Extent and sever- ity of myocardial hypoperfusion as orthogonal indices of


















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Dobutamine stress echocardiography: Prevalence of a nonischemic response in a low-risk population

The problems of population referral bias in the calculation of specificity in diagnostic testing for coronary artery disease have been previously described. Previous studies investigating the sensitivity and specificity of dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) have been subject to pretest and posttest referral biases, largely as a result of the requirement for coronary arteriography. This study determines the normalcy rate for DSE by examining a population at statistically low risk for coronary artery disease. The probability of significant coronary artery disease was determined for 828 consecutive patients referred for DSE at the University of Michigan, and groups were identified with <iO% and <5% probability of disease. Four of 72 patients (5.6%) with a normal baseline echocardiogram and a probability of coronary artery disease of <lo%, and three of 38 (7.9%) with a probability of <5% were found to have an abnormal DSE, yielding normalcy rates of 94.4% and 92.1%, respectively. The area of abnormality involved the posterior circulation in three of four patients (75%). This study demonstrates that DSE has a normalcy rate of 92% to 94% and is an accurate test for excluding the presence of significant coronary artery disease. (AM HEART J 1993;125:1257.)

David S. Bach, MD, Anne Hepner, MD, Pamela A. Marcovitz, MD, and

William F. Armstrong, MD Ann. Arbor, Mich.

Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) is an accurate and feasible method for the noninvasive de-

From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical Center.

Received for publication Sept. 21, 1992; accepted Nov. 6, 1992.

Reprint requests: David S. Bach, MD, University of Michigan Hospital, UH BlF245-Box 0022, 1500 E. Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

Copyright $ 1993 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 0002-8703/93/$1.00 + .lO 4/l/44922

tection of coronary artery disease.l-lo Using selective coronary angiography as a measure of accuracy, the sensitivity of DSE for the detection of coronary artery disease has been high, ranging from 68% to 97 % .3-10 The specificity of DSE, however, has been more variable, ranging from as high as 1OO%4 to as low as 45 % .3 Several factors may be responsible for the low test specificity in these studies. In addition to the possibility of error in test interpretation, pretest