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Prince of Peace School- Auburn Bay

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Prince of Peace School-Auburn Bay

Prayer & WelcomeTrustee Cathie Williams


•Prayer and welcome - Trustee Cathie Williams•Introduction of Principal, Marc Pilon – Mike Ross, Superintendent Area D•Comments by Principal

•About Me, School & Athletic Naming, Construction update•Enrolment & Staffing of School•Kindergarten orientation, Junior High Options

•Communication with community, School Council Support•District Updates – Mike Ross, Superintendent

•School within a school model potential impact at Prince of Peace •Transportation

•Parent Q & A Google Form process•Volunteer Opportunities - how to get involved!•Closing Prayer

Introduction of Principal: Superintendent, Mike Ross

Marc Pilon – appointed principal of Prince of Peace School

Previous Principalship roles

• St. Matthew (K-9)

•Blessed Mother Teresa (K-6)

•Madeleine d’Houet (7-9)

Introduction of Principal: Superintendent, Mike Ross

Public Participation HPOF session for new principal hosted on October 15, 2015

Areas of Leadership

• Catholicity

• Fosters Effective Relationships

• Instructional Leadership

• Management of Operations & Resources

• Visionary Leadership

Introduction of Principal: Superintendent, Mike Ross

Key Links:

• Compassionate, empathetic and understanding

• Encourages collaborative relationships within all levels of the school and community

• Skills in conflict resolution

• Mentor to teachers

• Previous experience in school administration

• Create an environment where each child can be successful

• Approachable with students, parents and staff

About Me: Marc Pilon

•20 years with Calgary Catholic

•K-9 Background and Passion

•CCSD Family

•Opened up St. Albert the Great Parish

•Honor, Blessed and Excited!

School Naming

School Naming:• Naming Committee established prior to my appointment

• Thank you to our community members, students, families and St. Albert the Great parishioners

• Our role model! W.W.J.D.

Athletic Naming

Athletic Naming:• Decision needed to be made!

• Met all Junior High students

March 17th at Don Bosco and CTK

• Approved by CCSD Athletic Council end of March

• School athletic colours:

Silver, Green & BlackWhat we will stand for:

•Strength, Resiliency & Protecting our Values

Construction Update

Check it out!

Latest Photo: April 28th TODAY!

Enrolment & Staffing


• Growing & Growing!

• 598 students

Kindergarten 108

Elementary 403

Junior High 87


Our team is ready to serve!

• Mrs. Donna Johnson, Admin Secretary

• Vice-Principal: Mr. Jeff Schneider

• Assistant-Principal: Ms. Dana Legge

• 75% staffed with amazing teachers & proud Spartans!

Kindergarten & Junior High Transition:

Kindergarten EveningJune 1, Christ the King

7:00 pm

Junior High Options• Identify what we can offer first• Send out Google form by email and

attach to website May/June• All about student interest…

Offer complimentary courses such as:• Foods & Fashion, Design & Construction• Band, Fine Arts, French…


• OUR GOAL: Keep you in the know!


• New website should be released early May!


School happenings: website, weekly emails, twitter,

school connects…

Academic updates: JH: Brightspace/D2LElem: Agendas, Elementary (TBD)

Volunteer Opportunities!

• Importance of volunteers•For the school•For you

•How to get involved

• School Council

• Committees

Construction Update:

• On time & projected to open in September!

• Summer schedule to turn over to CCSD

• Finishes come quickly at the end

• School tours won’t be possible right away so we will come up with a plan before we open in September.

• School will be fully open with 16 portables

District Updates

•Prince of Peace School may support St. Marguerite School in September

District Updates

Transportation:• K-6 students who qualify for transportation must live over 1.2 km from school to qualify

• Kindergarten AM bus pick up & Kind PM drop off only.

• If you believe you qualify, check the map and fill in Transportation form

• Annual Fees will be assessed at a later date (TBD)

• Check website this summer for confirmation

• All Auburn Bay students in Grades 7-9 live within 2.4 km from Prince of Peace school

so do not qualify for Transit Rebate

Bell Times:

• Dependent on transportation

• Transportation will be proposing bell times for next year very soon

Have more questions?

•Submit on Google form: Q & A document •Closes May 5th

Phone # 403-500-2125Address : 43 Auburn Bay Blvd. [email protected]

Closing Prayer Trustee Cathie Williams

May today there be peace within.

May you trust your heavenly Father that you are exactly

Where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received,

And pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

May his presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the

Freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of you.


School Council

• Clarify role and responsibilities of a School Council

• Clarify specific role & responsibilities of members

• Election of school council members

• All parents of students attending the school are

eligible to vote

School Councils

“Provide opportunities for parents, school administrators, teachers, community members and

students to work together resulting in a more vibrant and effective school community. There is virtually no limit to what can be accomplished by harnessing the

energy of committed people to a task”

Calgary Catholic School District

School Councils

• Create a learning environment where students feel the commitment of their principal, teachers and parents towards a common goal: creating teaching & learning environments where students reach their potentialand achieve at the highest levels in all areas of learning.

• Work together in cultivating a positive school climate & culture

• Promote dialogue, creative thinking and transparent sharing of information

• Create opportunities to increase parent knowledge and understanding in all aspects of teaching & learning and school & district operations

• Assist with the spiritual development of students in our school


• Past Chairperson(s)

• Chairperson

• Vice-Chairperson

• Treasurer

• Secretary

**All executive positions will be in place for one year until the

new school council bylaws are created.

Committees & Volunteer Opportunities

• Fundraising

• Volunteer Coordinator

• Hot lunches

• Special Events

• Parish Liaison (St Albert the Great)

Principal Role

• In consultation with the chairperson sets meeting dates and agenda items;

• Retains a hard copy of agendas, minutes & financial statements for 7 years;

• Has the final responsibility for all school activities;

• Has ultimate responsibility for all school budget decisions;

• Supports and advises the council from an administrative perspective; and

• Receives/reviews monthly bank statements

Chairperson Role

• Consults with principal regarding meeting dates and agenda items;

• Calls and chairs meetings;

• Attends all parent/trustee meetings or send designate from school council

• Is familiar with the School Council Handbook;

• Ensures minutes are recorded and maintained;

• Ensures regular communication with the school community;

• Follows the existing (soon to be created) school council bylaws

and operating procedures;

• Solicits input from all members;

• Oversees all committees;

• Completes and submits year-end report to Board of Trustees by September 30

Vice-Chairperson Role:

• Assist the Chairperson with a variety of duties including overseeing and monitoring sub-committees;

• Chairs meetings in the chairperson’s absence

• Attend district meetings in absence of Chair;

• Promotes teamwork, and assists the chair in running meetings

• Records minutes in the absence of the secretary;

• Reviews bylaws/operating procedures yearly in

consultation with the chair and principal

Treasurer Role:

• Maintains financial records of all transactions for the school council’s bank account;

• Provides the financial report of the council at each meeting;

• Ensures accurate accounting procedures are followed;

• Manages all financial transactions of the council: cheque writing, reconciling, holding cheques and preparing deposits;

• Arranges with council for the new signatures on Bank Account

• Prepares reports for school council year-end report due September 30th


Secretary Role:

• Records minutes at all meetings and then

distributes these to the chair and principal

for review prior to the next meeting to

be approved at next meeting

• Prepares the minutes for council meetings; through the principal, posts on website and emails to all parents.

• Maintains school council files;

Fundraising Committee

• The fundraising coordinator will coordinate various activities including communications/ correspondence with the school community and oversee fundraising projects for school council in collaboration with school administration.

• Will follow School Community Fundraising District Regulation JJE (only 1 major fundraiser a year)

Volunteer Coordinator:

• The volunteer coordinator will work with administration to collect and coordinate all school-wide volunteers into a central data base to be used as necessary.

• The volunteer coordinator will assist with providing parent volunteers for school activities as deemed necessary.

Ideas: Book Fair, Displays, Shrove Tuesday, Family Fun Events, Recycling, Appreciation days

Parish Liaison:

• The parish liaison will act as a liaison handling correspondence between the school and our school parish.

Hot Lunch Committee:

• The hot lunch coordinators will organize and facilitate hot/special lunches.

Special Events Committee

• School Council organizes special events

throughout the school year.

For example:

• Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast.

• Staff Appreciation lunch or event

• Community events such as dances, BBQ, movie night.

Elected Positions for the School Year

Chairperson: Melanie Rogers

Vice-Chairperson: Melissa Neville

Treasurer: Loni Rikihana

Secretary: Mustang Randall

Future school council meetings:

•Establish bylaws/operating procedures

•Plan and budget for the upcoming year

•Create a financial statement

•Seek continued input in opening of

Prince of Peace