prince2 - practitioner papers

TM PRINCE2 61 The Practitioner Examination EX02 Scenario Booklet This is a 2.5-hour objective test examination. This booklet contains the Project ......... Scenario upon which this exam paper is based. All questions are contained within the Question Booklet. Additional information is provided within this Scenario Booklet for a number of questions. Where reference should be made to additional information, this is clearly stated within the question to which it is relevant. All information provided within a question must only be applied to that question. Each of the nine questions is worth 12 marks, giving a maximum of 108 marks in the paper. The pass mark is 55% (59 marks). Within each question the syllabus area to which the question refers is clearly stated. The exam is to be taken with the support of the PRINCE2 Manual only, i.e. no material other than the Question Booklet, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer Booklet and the PRINCE2 Manual is to be used. Candidate Number: . PRINCE1-GB-EX02-V1 8 PM Group Lld 2009 This docum{'fll TrMf' '\h (W Page 1 or HI 'lot lD be re-produced 0' re-sold without express permission from Tile \ nl Comm"'rt{' Th ga'" IS a Trarle of the GIfICl' 01 Governmen ef Exammer

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  • TM

    PRINCE2 61

    The Practitioner Examination

    EX02Scenario BookletThis is a 2.5-hour objective test examination. This booklet contains the Project

    ......... Scenario upon which this exam paper is based. All questions are contained withinthe Question Booklet.

    Additional information is provided within this Scenario Booklet for a number ofquestions. Where reference should be made to additional information, this isclearly stated within the question to which it is relevant. All information providedwithin a question must only be applied to that question.

    Each of the nine questions is worth 12 marks, giving a maximum of 108 marks inthe paper. The pass mark is 55% (59 marks). Within each question the syllabusarea to which the question refers is clearly stated. The exam is to be taken with thesupport of the PRINCE2 Manual only, i.e. no material other than the QuestionBooklet, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer Booklet and the PRINCE2 Manual isto be used.

    Candidate Number: .

    PRINCE1-GB-EX02-V1 8~ PM Group Lld 2009 This docum{'fll

    TrMf' Mar~ '\h (W

    Page 1 or HI'lot lD be re-produced 0' re-sold without express permission from Tile AP~ \

    nl Comm"'rt{' Th ~"lfl ga'" IS a Trarle Mar~ of the GIfICl' 01 Governmen

    ef Exammer

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  • Project ScenarioCalendar Project

    There has been a reduction in order numbers at the MNO Manufacturing Company due in part to theincreased marketing activities of its competitors. To help counter this, it has been decided to create apromotional calendar for next year for all its current and prospective customers.

    The end product of this project will be a prepared calendar pack, ready for printing. The design of thecalendar will be similar to one sent out previously, and must reflect the company imageas described in the existing corporate branding standards. Another project is currently producing anew company logo which is to be printed on each page of the promotional calendar. The preparedcalendar pack will consist of:

    Monthly calendar displays - correctly showing all public holidays and new company logo Selected photos - 12 professionally-produced photos, showing different members of staff~ Selected paper and selected envelope - for printing and mailing the calendar

    Chosen label design integrating new company logo - competition to be held as part of thisproject

    List of customers names and addresses of customers to whom the calendar will be sent

    The project is currently in initiation and will have two further stages:

    Stage 2 will include the activities to: create the customer list using information from the Accounts and Marketing departments confirm compliance with the Data Protection Act design the monthly calendar displays - this will be done by the internal creative team select and appoint a professional photographer gather photo design ideas from previous project and agree photo session schedule prepare a production cost forecast select paper and envelope

    Stage 3 will include the activities to: take and select the professional photos hold the label design competition and choose the label design assemble the prepared calendar pack.

    A production cost forecast, based on the options and costs for the paper, envelope, printing andmailing of the calendar is to be produced in stage 2. However, the actual production and distributionof the calendars is not within the scope of this project. The production cost forecast will be reviewedby the Project Board to determine whether the project should continue.

    It is now 05 October and the prepared calendar pack must be delivered to the print company by 30November, to enable printing and distribution of the calendar in time for Christmas. The cost of theactivities to develop the specialist products and the cost of the project management activities areestimated to be 20k. There is a project time tolerance of +1 week 1-2 weeks and a project costtolerance of +6k 1-6k. A change budget of 500 has been allocated but there is no risk budget.

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  • Question 1: Business Case Theme - Additional Information

    During the initiation stage the Project Manager met with the Marketing Director to find out more aboutthe requirements of the promotional calendar and recorded the following notes:

    There has been a reduction in the order numbers at the MNO Manufacturing due in part to theincreased marketing activities of its competitors. 10% of customers have not re-ordered in thisfinancial year and staff morale is poor. A number of skilled staff have left as a result and replacementstaff have not been recruited due to the reduced operation. If the project is successful, a recruitmentcampaign will be required to fill the existing staff vacancies and there may be a requirement foradditional staff. Operational costs are likely to increase because skilled staff are expensive anddifficult to find.

    In financial terms, there were a total of 1,500 orders in the last financial year, each with an averageprofit of 2k. The Marketing department believes that sending a promotional calendar to our currentand prospective customers would increase orders by at least 10% with a minimum of 10 furtherorders from the list of prospective customers within 12 months from the date of distribution.

    The Marketing Director will be funding the project from the business marketing budget. She believesthat the effect of a good company image portrayed by a successful calendar would last into a secondyear. She has forecast the same increase in orders for a second year and predicts that the annualemployee satisfaction survey will show a measurable improvement in staff morale.

    A number of alternatives were explored, including:

    20% discount for all repeat customers - not cost-effective and very short term A promotional calendar as a free Christmas gift - would target current and prospective

    customers and the benefits would last into a second year A series of television and press advertisements was too expensive A direct mail shot to all customers - benefit would be short term Creation of an internet website - would not suit all customers

    The calendar is seen as the favoured option, as long as the company's competitors do not increasetheir marketing activity. VVhilst the Marketing department wants a very high quality, glossy product, theproject management team must be aware of the cost this wilt incur.

    PRINCE2-GB-EXQ2V1 8The APM Gr(lUp Lld 2009 ThlS docurr r I

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  • --'estion 2: Organization Theme - Additional Information

    Chief Executive Officer (CEO): He started the company 25 years ago and knows his job very well.He injured his leg two years ago which has restricted his visits to the engineering area. As CEO hehas an overall perspective of the business strategic requirements and the authority to commitresources as required.

    Marketing Director: She has been with the company for three years, following a successful careerwith a publicity company. She has the ability to represent the needs of the business, particularly asthis is a marketing project. She has the authority to commit the annual business marketing budget,from which the project will be funded, as she sees appropriate. She will be responsible for monitoringthe expected benefits of the calendar, in particular the improvement of the company's image.

    Engineering Manager: He has been responsible for many engineering innovations in the companyand is still as keen and energetic as the day he started. VVhilst he will not be part of the project team,his staff will feature in the photos for the promotional calendar.

    Central Records: This group of five staff looks after all company records and document control. Theynow maintain all project files.

    Bright Lights: This is the local office supplies company. It supplies all the stationery and officeequipment needs of the company and will supply the stationery for this project.

    Portraits ltd: This is a professional photographic company with a number of excellent photographersand a history of successful work. This company has been selected to take the photos for the companycalendar. It has yet be decided which of the photographers to use.

    PRINCE2:GB-EX02-Vl.8011 up Lld 2009 ThiS d

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    IwrJP.J - Chief ExaTllllle1:1 (E f!'. a Reglslered

  • Question 3: Quality Theme - Additional Information

    Extract from the Project Product Description (with errors)

    Composition 1. Monthly calendar displays2. 100gsm glossy paper3. Full colour4. Selected envelope5. Chosen label design6. List of customers7. Selected photos8. Photo session schedule

    Derivation 9. New company logo design10. Previous calendar designs11. Internal creative team12. Production cost forecast

    Development 13. Photographerskills required 14. Internal creative team15. PrinterCustomer's 16. Professional photosquality 17. 10% more calendars should be printed than

    required to allow for any late additions to the listexpectations of customers

    18. Compliance with applicable corporate standards19. The calendar should reflect the company image

    as described in the corporate branding standards20. The calendar will increase orders by at least 10%

    with a minimum of 10 further orders from the list ofprospective customers within 12 months

    Acceptance 21. Appearance - each photo should be sufficientlycriteria attractive and humorous that the customer wantsto display it

    22. Appearance - new company logo promotesstrong image

    23. Security - complies with Data Protection Act24. Accuracy - public holidays match the list

    supplied by Marketing on 01 November

    PRINCI=~ 1'1 X02.18 l-'age6ol10 DoeumenlOwner-ChlefExilmmet~ r'lS dowment il; 1'10110 b fe-prOduced or rc-sold wllhoul express penrllsg'on from The APM Group lId PRlt.GET 'S a Reqi~lef'P1'l

    1 all< ollht: Office 01 Governmenl Commerce Tne Sw 00' " Trarl~ /;'811< 'rhe 1'1

  • ~estion 4: Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes - Additional Information

    Extract from the Communication Management Strategy.

    The project information in the table below is true, but it may not be recorded under the correctheading or be in the correct document

    Introduction 1. This document contains details of how the project managementteam will send information to individuals working on theCalendar project, and receive information from them.

    Communication 2. See MNO Manufacturing Company standards for all internalprocedure company communications.Tools and techniques 3. Use the staff newsletter to launch the label design competition

    and to promote the chosen label design.4. Using the number of responses to the label design competition

    as a measure, report fortnightly to the Project Board on theeffectiveness of the staff newsletter as a vehicle forcommunication.

    s. Use the company website to advertise the promotional calendarto customers.

    Records 6. A record should be maintained for each product of theproject. As a minimum this should show the project name,product name, product title, and version number.

    7. External email and correspondence relating to the Calendarproject should be recorded electronically in the project folder.

    8. Information received in hard copy should, where possible,should be scanned and filed as above.

    Timing of 9. At the end of each stage, audit and report on the performancecommunication of the communication methods being used.activities 10. Highlight Reports to be provided to appropriate

    stakeholders, at the frequency defined in each Stage Plan.Stakeholder analysis: 11. Photographer.Interested parties 12. Print company.Information needs for 13. Weekly updates will be provided by email to the individualeach interested party producing the staff newsletter.

    14. Engineering Manager is to be consulted when preparing thephoto session schedule.

    PRINCE2--GB-EXO;:Vl 8 Par .IP I ~o ~ tS (I I! be e- :ldl or 'e,sokl With It xples!>

    r mme e Ch SWirl )go"" s a Trade

    menl OW'1e1 - h' Ex n me'd PRIIICE'"

  • Question 5: Risk Theme - Additional Information

    A photographer from Portraits Ltd, a professional photographic company, has taken on the role ofTeam Manager after taking some time to understand the requirements of the project. A contract fortheir services has been set up and is being monitored by the Purchasing Manager and a WorkPackage has been agreed. This contract specifies that the photographer must arrange a meeting withthe Engineering Manager to establish a schedule for the photo sessions to minimize the impact on theEngineering staff. This meeting should have occurred by now.

    The Engineering Manager was made aware of this requirement but when asked he reported that hehas received no communication from the photographer. The Project Manager has tried to call thephotographer and has had no response. The Project Manager believes there is a risk that PortraitsLtd are overbooking work and prioritizing other clients' work. If Portraits ltd do not deliver on schedulethe project will be delayed and the expected benefits will be reduced.

    The contract is to be reviewed and Portraits Ltd reminded of their agreement.

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  • I...cuestion 6: Plans Theme - Additional Information

    Product SummaryA list of customers will be collated. This will use existing information from the Accountsdepartment about current customers, and existing information from the Marketingdepartment about prospective customers.

    Using the tariff of mailing costs available from the Post Office, a production cost forecastwill be produced to allow the CEO and the Marketing Director to decide whether tocontinue with the project. If they decide to continue, they will give the approval to launchthe internal label design competition. Competition rules will be required to communicatedetails of the competition to the staff. The chosen label design will then be selectedfrom the competition entries.

    The photos for the calendar must be based on existing photo design ideas availablefrom the Marketing department. The selected photos will be chosen from these. Monthlycalendar displays will be created to show the required layout of each page.

    Product Breakdown Structure (contains errors)

    Preparedcalendar pack

    I ICalendar Production Label Tariff of List of

    cost forecast Comoetition mailing customerscosts

    Monthly Label design Accountscalendar informationdisplays

    Com petition

    ~ Rules MarketingPhoto informationPhoto design



    Select photosKEY:

    Continued on the next pageExternalProduct

    , ,., !the .A;Q G{~ I

    Page 9 of 10 IT: Cllil!f Exam"l!!~c1 1 f :l wttl"lOUl express perm,s, 1:1'. ffc A RII\ICE!l'l Rf'9 ler

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  • Additional Information continued.

    Extract from Stage Plan for stage 3.

    (All entries are true statements but may not be shown under the correct heading or inthe correct document).

    Plan description 1. Stage 3 is the final stage of the project and will deliver thephotos, the label design competition entries, the winninglabel design and the prepared calendar pack.

    Plan 2. Increase in orders and improved company image.prerequisites 3. The production cost forecast must be acceptable to the

    Project Board if the photography and label designcompetition are to go ahead.

    4. The customer list is accurate and complete.External 5. A separate project has been reviewing the company'sdependencies branding. The company logo, required for the label design

    competition, is being updated. The new company logo is tobe supplied by the other project in two weeks time.

    6. Customer details will be supplied from the Accountsdepartment and the Marketing department customerdatabases for the customer list.

    7. The label design must contain the new company logo.Planning 8. A suitable entry will be received from the label designassumptions competition.

    9. The photo session schedule created two weeks agocorrectly reflects the availability of the engineering staff.

    10. Each photo must feature different members of theEngineering team.

    Monitoring and 11. The Project Plan is to be updated with actuals throughoutcontrol the stage.

    12. A Highlight Report will be created for the Project Boardevery two weeks.

    13. The Stage Plan will be reviewed at the end of each day, toassess forecast against actuals.

    14. Product Status Accounts will be produced by ProjectSupport, at the request of the Project Manager, tosummarize current and historical data concerning each ofthe project's products.

    Budgets 15. Cost 5k for specialist products16. Time 4 weeks17. Risk 0

    N 0,1 Dowment Owner - Chief ElIamlOerIhe APM Group L1a.t., 09 ThiS do Jmenl IS not ,t :l It_Eal" ,In JI xt' " on ftO~

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  • --


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    - -

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    Candidate Number







    1. You should attempt to answer all Questions.


    3. Do NOT use coloured pens or highlighters

    4. Do NOT use correction fluid.



    5. If you wish to change an answer, comDletelv erase your original mark and placea mark in your preferred answer.

    6. All questions have one answer unless specifically stated in the question. If morethan the required number of answers is given, the question will score zero.

    2. Answers should be indicated by marking the corresponding oval in PENCIL.

    The Practitioner Examination


    Answer Booklet


    Print your candidate number in the box provided and fill in the appropriate ovals underneathit. On the top of each page enter your candidate number in the space provided.

    Marking Instructions:

    Page: 1PRl~It.~T'-w..,.",_OlIce"'_~ .. _..-Kro;Oom _T"'"S.......... It.T.-_gl...Ofk.o,gI_~

    BookIeIID: 3

  • Candidate Number:-



    - -Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test-"""

    Exam Date: 03/07/2009-Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6 --Question 1 - Business Case Theme-

    -Part A-


    -2.00000- -

    - -3.00000-

    - -4.00000-

    - -5.00000-

    - -600000-


    7.00000-Part B-





    -5.00000--Question 2 - Organization Theme--Part A-


    2.00000 -"-3.00000--4.00000-







    -- -

    - -Page: 2 BooklellD: 3

  • Candidate Number:-



    - -Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test- -

    -Exam Date: 03/07/2009-Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6-

    -Question 2 - Organization Theme-

    -Part B-


    -2.00000- -- -3.00000-

    - -4.00000-

    - -500000-

    - -Question 3 - Quality Theme-

    - -Part A-




    -Part B-




    -Part C-














    - -- -Page 3 BookJellD. 3

  • Page. 4

    Part B

    Part A

    Question 5 - Risk Theme


    - -










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    -- -


    Booklet ID: 3

    The Practitioner Objective Test


    Exam Title:Exam Date: 03/07/2009Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6Question 4 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project ProcessesPart A



    Candidate Number:

  • Candidate Number:-


    - -

    -Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test- -

    -Exam Date: 03/07/2009-Exam Ref: GB-03/07l2009-EX02- V1.6-

    -Question 5 - Risk Theme-

    -Part B-


    -2.00000- -

    - -3.00000-

    - -4.00000-

    - -5.00000-

    - -6.00000-

    - -Question 6 - Plans Theme-

    -Part A-






    -Part B--1.00000--2.00000-








    -- -

    - -Page. 5 8ookletlD. 3

  • Candidate Number:-


    - -- -Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test

    "'"Exam Date: 03/07/2009-Exam ReI: GB-03107/2009-EX02- V1.6 --Question 7 - Progress Theme-

    -Part A-


    -2.0000- -- -3.0000-

    - -4.0000-

    - -5.0000-

    - -6.0000-


    Part B






    -Question 8 - Change Theme-

    -Part A-


    2.000 ~-3.000-









    - -- -Page. 6 Booklet 10. 3

  • Question 9 - Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project


    Part B

    Part A

    Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective TestExam Date: 03/07/2009Exam ReI: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6



    Question 8 - Change Theme

    Part B


    -- -,----------------------------------, - -

    - -











    - -- -


    - -

    -- -


    - --

    - -





























    - -'-0.=,-----------------------0;;;=""'.---------' - -Page. 7 BookJet ID: 3

    Candidate Number:

  • PRINCE2The Practitioner examination


    Question Booklet

    Candidate Number: .

    ~., F. ~ J:'-'Thl"APMGro I hlSllocurTlenllsnAlo

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    _ - Chlef Exam ler

  • Syllabus areas covered:

    Question 1 Business Case Theme

    Question 2 - Organization Theme

    Question 3 Quality Theme

    Question 4 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes

    Question 5 . Risk Theme

    Question 6 . Plans Theme

    Question 7 - Progress Theme

    Question 8 Change Theme

    Question 9 Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project Processes

    ~TheAPM 1 h wmem if, nOlI! al~ ollheOmce JfGov

  • Question Number 1Syllabus Area Business Case Theme

    Syllabus Area ~i-I --,Q...u",estion Number Part Marks lBusiness Cas,"e,-T,-h",e",m=e ~_---,-,____ 1 ~_~'-A'-----l__'-7__J

    Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the ScenarioBooklet, answer the following 7 questions.

    Each question provides a list of true statements about the Calendar project, but only 2 statements areappropriate entries for that heading of the Business Case.

    Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

    1 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Reasons heading?~

    A The Marketing department believes that sending a promotional calendar to current and prospectivecustomers will increase orders by at least 10%.

    B 10% of customers have not reordered in this financial year.

    C 1,500 orders are expected, each with an average profit of 2k.D The Marketing department believes that the effect of a good company image, portrayed by a successful

    calendar, will last into a second year.E MNO Manufacturing is experiencing a fall in orders due in part to the increased marketing activities of its,


    2 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Business options heading?

    l' Produce a promotional calendar as a free Christmas gift to current and prospective customers.B Use a professional photographer to create the photographs for the calendar.C Create the photographs for the calendar internally.D Outsource the creation of the calendar to a professional marketing company.,EO Do nothing. ~

    3 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected benefits heading?

    .A Increase orders by at least 10% with a minimum of 10 further orders from the list of prospective customerswithin 12 months.

    B It will be similar to calendars sent out in previous yearsC The Marketing department believes that the benefits of a good company image, as portrayed by a

    successful calendar. will last into a second year and bring the same increase in orders.D The calendar will contain photos of both staff and company products.

    E The Marketing department want a very high quality, glossy product as they believe this will be moreappealing to customers.

    Question continues on next page

    xprl'S penTlt5SIOn Ilom Tne APM Group UD PRINCEiI!Ils iI ReglsleredIS iI Traoe Marr. ollhe OfflGl! of Government Commerce.

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    ~stion continued

    4 VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dis-benefits heading?

    A A high quality, glossy product will involve additional costs.t8 Individuals in the engineering team who are not selected to appear in the calendar photographs will become


    e The calendar may not result in the expected 10% increase in Because the Calendar project is a priority for the MNO Manufacturing Company, the delivery of other

    projects within the Marketing department will be delayed.E The calendar may not result in the 10 further orders from the list of prospective customers in 12 months.

    5 VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Timescale heading?

    A Benefits will be lost if the project is not completed on time.B A recruitment campaign to fill the existing staff vacancies will need to take place in the next 12 months.~ Additional 10% increase in orders in year two. yD The prepared calendar pack must be delivered by the first week in December./! The print company requires a 2 week notification period of the calendar pack delivery.


    6 VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Costs heading?

    A The MNO marketing budget this year is 120k.B The project will be funded from the business marketing budget Y-e 10 further orders with an average profit of 2k will deliver a benefit of 20k in the first year.D The new company logo is estimated to cost 4k. ;...,E Project costs are estimated to be a total of 26.5k.

    7 VVhich 2 statements correctly define a Business Case risk which should be recorded under the Major risksheading?

    A Operational costs will increase as a result of the recruitment campaign.,

    The prepared calendar pack is to be delivered to the printers by the first week in December.

    C If the calendar quality is poor customers will not use it, creating the reverse effect and reducing orders further.J:f If any competitors launch a calendar at the same time this will reduce the impact of the MNO calendar and

    benefits will be reduced.E Staff morale will improve as a result of the promotional calendar.

    ""AMp flI! -,... fE


  • JSyllabus Area Question Number Part Marks _______----'B"'u"s"'in"e"s"'s"C"'a"'s"e'-T,..h"e"m"e"-- --'-- 1'- ~-"B'-__-'5

    Using the Project Scenario and the additional Information provided for this question In the ScenarioBooklet, answer the following question.

    Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the reason explains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True False0 False True


    E False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 If the calendar solution is changed there should be a BECAUSE The Business Case includes options for r,review of, and possible changes to, the Business '\ the delivery of the chosen solution. ~ j)Case.The Business Case will no longer be viable if the The Business Case is no longer viable if

    ~2 BECAUSE ~prepared calendar pack is only available for printing stage tolerances are exceeded during t~in the first week of December. f project.3 The fact that the project's aim is to try to counter the BECAUSE The outline Business Case contains the ~fall in orders should be documented in the project" reasons why the project is needed and 1:

    Brief. forms part of the Project Brief.4 The Benefits Review Plan should include an BECAUSE The Benefits Review Plan contains details ~assessment in 12 months time of the increase in " of benefits reviews to be conducted during

    orders. the project 'I5 The expected improvement in staff morale should BECAUSE Only those benefits that can be measured

    NOT be recorded as a benefit in the Business Case. in financial terms should be de'Wed int~f- Business Case.

    PRIN B 2-Vl PaQE (; 0130" P d dowmenllll nOllo be re-produGed or re-so d w,lholll expre

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    DOCl.lmerll Owner - mel Ellammerpe"" ISS rm 'Tom Th 'I RI' r;E s Rf'glSl!

  • r tion Number 2Syllabus Area Organization Theme

    S llabus AreaOrganization Theme

    Question Number2



    The following 7 questions include a number of true statements about an individual from the project organization.Only 2 statements explain why, in the context of roles and responsibilities within a PRINCE2 organization structure,the individual is a suitable candidate for that role.

    Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

    1 V'vhich 2 statements explain why the Marketing Director should be appointed as the Executive for this project?

    A She has been with the company for three years.

    S She previously had a successful career in publicity.1,..- if She is able to represent the business needs of MNO Manufacturing.d She has authority to commit the marketing budget, from which the project will be funded.E She requires more experience working with the engineering industry.

    -2 VVhich 2 statemen\s explain why the CEO should be appointed as the Executive for this project?

    '"A He started the company 25 years ago.S He knows his job very well.C He restricts his visits to the engineering area.

    0 He has the authority to commit resources as required.E He has an overall perspective of the business's strategic requirements.

    3 VVhich 2 statements explain why the Marketing Director should be appointed as a Senior User for this project?

    -I She can represent the Marketing department.She previously had a successful career in publicity. '"C The Marketing department will help to deliver the benefits of this project. ' )(0 The project will be funded from the business marketing budget.E A number of the products will be produced by the Sales department and the Marketing department.

    Question continues on next page

    PRINCE2-GB-EX02-vl a Pa. 7II ;i'lY9 Th dor It' 01 to te fe-produced CIf re-sole wlltmul exp'~ n

    11 Comm~fce The SWirl l

  • Question continued

    4 VVhich 2 statements explain why the Sales Manager should be appointed as a Senior User for this project?A He joined the company last year with huge enthusiasm.B He would like to move into the Marketing department in the future and sees this as an opportunity to work

    closely with the Marketing Director.C The launch of a company calendar will impact the Sales department.0 He reports directly to the Marketing Director.E He is able to represent current and prospective customer interests.

    5 VVhich 2 statements explain why the Purchasing Manager should be appointed as a Senior Supplier for thisproject?j( He is responsible for the organization's procurement activites.Jl He is responsible for the performance of supplier contracts.


    C He was an engineer and worked in that area before taking up his current position. ,0 He can influence the external supplier's Business Case.E He is not appropriate for the role of Executive or Senior User.

    6 VVhich 2 statements explain why the Sales Manager should be appointed as User Assurance for this project?A He joined the company last year with huge enthusiasm and is keen to increase sales.B He can provide an evaluation of the potential impact the calendar will have on sales.C He is able to advise on suitable stakeholder engagement of current and prospective customers.D He would like to move into the Marketing department in the future and sees this as an opportunity to work

    closely with the Marketing Director.

    .E He can resolve any conflict in requirements between the Sales department and the Marketing department.7 VVhich 2 statements explain why Central Records should be appointed as Project Support for this project?

    A They control the receipt, identification, versions, storage and issue of all project products within thecompany's projects. r-

    B They already exist within the organization and have been with the company for many years. -C They will ensure compliance with all company policies and procedures.D They perform a quality assurance function across all projects.EO They have knowledge of the organizational standards that will be applicable to the project.

    I.CE... Gt XO

  • r --coc--'S'1y"'lI"a"bu"socA'"a'---_____ Question Number Part, -'O"r"9..,a"'n"iz"'a"tio"n"--'T"h,,em=e'--- '--- -'2'--- --,---,B



    Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer thefollowing question.

    Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the reason explains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True FalseD False True~ E False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 The Executive role should be shared by the CEO BECAUSE The Executive is responsible for securing theand the Marketing Director. f funding for the project. \"

    2 The Senior User role should be shared by the BECAUSE Those who provide specialist resources to theMarketing Director and the Engineering Manager. project development teams should perform a L

    Senior User role.3 Although Bright Lights and Portraits ltd are BECAUSE When the Senior Supplier role is shared

    suppliers, they CANNOT both perform a Senior between two suppliers, one of the suppliersSupplier role on this project. must be internal to the business.

    4 A single member of Central Records should NOT BECAUSE It is necessary to keep Project Support andperform both a Project Support and a Project Project Assurance responsibilities separate.Assurance role on this project.

    5 The Engineering Manager should be included in BECAUSE The Communication Management Strategythe Communication Management Strategy. describes the communication tools to be used.

    lh APRN

    ,m.flll'"..e )f GOVCnl

    Pale90f~Ow I 11 e>xp.ess

    IOw - Ch f Examtnfr PPI'JCE"'~i1R'91 eo

    t lte IIf ()f~

  • Question Number 3Syllabus Area Quality Theme

    S lIabus AreaQuality Theme

    Question Number3



    Column 1 is a list of objectives. For each objective in Column 1, select from Column 2 the quality activity thataddresses it. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

    Column 1 Column 2

    1 Understanding the customer's quality expectations. G A Quality assurance2 Approval of the project's products. A f ~ 8 Quality control3 Confirmation that corporate management standards and policies are being C Quality planning

    adhered to. A


    PRINCEZ-GB-EX02'-V1 8Ci The APM Group Llll 2009 This rlOo:".l,mETlI

    Trade Mar~ ollh - I

    P'lge 10 of11 e p I Old ".IH"lOU -r ~ e, In AnTt,c Gr ./p_

    ,e,e TIle SWI>1logo 'f' a "1111" Mil' A Ihe Off'ce 01 GOllernmell1 Comme

  • I Svllabus Area Question Number I Part MarksL Quality Theme 3 B 4

    An address label Is required for the envelope. The design of the label will be selected from entries to aninternal label design competition. The winning label design will be Included in the prepared calendarpack given to the printing company. The label should be half the size of the selected envelope (+5% 1-5%), and use an attractive, large font for the customer's name and address. The new company logomust be integrated into the label design. The Project Board will be asked to review all entries and selectthe winning label design.

    The information in Column 1 may be entered in the Product Description for the chosen label design. Column 2 is alist of the quality headings (excluding Quality Method) in a Product Description. For each entry in Column 1 decideif it should be included in the Product Description headings shown and select the heading from Column 2 underwhich it should be recorded.

    Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all....., Column 1 Column 2


    1'!1 Half the size of the selected envelope. A Not included2 Attractive large font. A B Quality criteria

    A C Quality tolerance3 Project Board. yD Quality skills required4 +5% 1-5% of the required label size. Cl E Quality responsibilities

    wnE:r - Chief E'Glmrner~INl - Page 11 01'eprc 1lJ~ If ,('sold ""I'le

    'n T !fe)lpres~ peffi1i~slanhom 1he ':"1

    ;'TradeMarkllllhe0lfiu Go fINeE ,s a Regl$lerer;l

  • ____-oS~yr..:I::;la"b"'u::;sc;_A-"r-"e"'a'------___1~-------'Qo:u::e::s"f""o':n"N-'u"m=b"'ee-r --j-_'-P""a::-rt'----l-_ ___'M""a"rk"'-s ~Quality Theme 3 C 5

    Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the ScenarioBooklet, answer the following 5 questions about the Project Product Description.

    Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

    1 \Nhich 2 statements apply to the Composition section?

    A Amend entry 2 to 'Selected paper'. WS Delete entry 3 because this is NOT a major product to be delivered by this project i,>' Move entry 6 to Derivation because this product already exists. ~D Delete entry 7 because these will be produced by the photographer.

    E Add 'Calendars distributed to customers'.

    2 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to the Derivation section?

    ,( Move entry 9 to Composition because this is within the scope of the project. xI Delete entry 10 because this is NOT a source product for this project. ;cC Delete entry 11 as this is already correctly shown under Development Skills required. X.D Move entry 12 to Composition, because this is within the scope of this project. E Add 'Professional photographer'.

    3 W1ich 2 statements apply to the Development skills required section?A Move entry 13 to Composition because the appointment of the photographer is within the scope of this

    project.S Move entry 13 to Derivation because this is a source of information for this project.C Delete entry 14 because this skill is NOT required within this project.

    9 Delete entry 15 because this skill is NOT required within this project.,;;. Add 'Knowledge of Data Protection Act',

    4 'M1ich 2 statements apply to the Customer's quality expectations section?

    A Delete entry 16 because this should be shown on the Product Description for the photos.

    ,El Delete entry 17 because this is beyond the scope of this project.C Delete entry 18 because standards should NOT be shown here.

    D Delete entry 19 because this should appear in the Product Description for the calendar and not the ProjectProduct Description.

    I' Delete entry 20 because this is an expected benefit and should be recorded in the Business Case.

    Question continues on next page

    PRINCEZGB-FXf) Vl B Page 12 of 10 Oar.lImenlOwn - Cll I (,: ..~mT -r, Jp LI 100 ta I).. ,epWl'lIlc:ell or elll W Jtrt p",m"&~,on from The APM Group Uti PRINCE~ IS iI l-Ieg,slelclJ

    1- tn It If Of'ClYE!lrPf'lt>l1C()I'f1rnerce.

  • Question continued

    5 VVhich 2 statements apply to the Acceptance criteria section?

    A Amend entry 21 to 'Appearance - 12 photos each showing different members of staff. ~ V..a/Move entry 21 to Composition because the photos are part of the final product. /"C Delete entry 22 because the development of the new company logo is not within the scope of the Calendar

    project. fD Move entry 23 to Derivation because the Data Protection Act already exists.E Delete entry 24 because this is NOT a suitable acceptance criteria for this project.

    rh APt"PR ;~E..:- -EX ..

    " mle IJffll,".e If G

    Page 13 cl:;O III Owner _ CtNlf x"... '!thlted esoid w thoul exptes!> pe' R I;CE~ a Reg,slf.

    w!\&T.Met.arllf(h flee

  • Question Number 4Syllabus Area Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes

    Syllabus AreaStarting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes

    Question Number4

    Part- A


    Using the Project Scenario, select the appropriate response to each of the following 5 questions whichhave been raised by the Project Board.

    The project is now at the end of the initiation stage. Having decided that the Calendar project is arelatively simple project, the Project Manager combined the Starting Up a Project process and theInitiating a Project process. No Project Brief has been produced. Instead the Project Manager used theproject mandate to produce a simple Project Initiation Documentation (PlO). The PlO includes theBusiness Case, a product checklist and several Product Descriptions, Including the Project ProductDescription. Short sections are also Included for each of the strategies and the controls to be applied.The Project Manager has elected to use the Daily Log to record all risks, issues. lessons and quality -results.

    After the initiation stage there will be two further stages during which a small number of Work Packageswill be authorized. While these are being managed, the Project Manager will hold regular checkpoints,which will support the production of weekly Highlight Reports to the Project Board.1 There is no project schedule in the Project Initiation Documentation. How can project progress be tracked

    without a schedule to track against?A This is an error as a Gantt chart or some form of time line, where actuals will be recorded and tracked

    against the planned schedule of delivery, is mandatory.S Progress can be recorded and tracked using the product checklist, with the planned and actual quality

    management activities captured in the Daily Log.e With a clear end date of 30 November, and a small number of Work Packages, the Project Board should

    track project progress using individual Team Plans.2 There is no Project Brief. How can there be a common understanding of the desired outcomes for the

    prepared calendar pack?~

    A The simple Project Initiation Documentation contains the Quality Management Strategy. This containsdetails of the acceptance criteria for this project.

    S The Project Brief should have been produced and approved before the project progressed into theinitiation stage.

    e The simple Project Initiation Documentation contains the project definition.

    Question continues on next page

    I RINCE2-GB-EX02-V! 8 Pa'le 14 of 30Tl'le APM Group Lld 2009 Tlus doe!.".,., "1 '01 t" b.. re-prMIlCE'd ~


  • O>Je,.stion continued

    3 There is no mention of any Stage Plans, yet there are two further stages proposed. How will this be resolved?

    A It is appropriate for the Calendar project to be run as two further stages as there is a key decision to bemade at the end of stage 2. Stage Plans will be produced.

    B VVhilst the activities are divided into two further stages, there is no reason why the Calendar project shoulduse stages. The project will therefore be run as a single stage project and the activities will be added to theInitiation Stage Plan.

    e There will be three Stage Plans. the two management stages plus an additional stage to plan and completethe activities of the Closing a Project process.

    4 No Benefits Review Plan has been developed. VVhere should the schedule of benefit reviews be recorded?

    A As deliverables of the project, all benefit reviews should be scheduled and documented in the Project Planduring initiation.

    B Small projects do not require a schedule of benefit reviews as only one review is required towards the end ofthe project and this should be documented within the Business Case.Benefit reviews should be planned and recorded in the simple PlO.


    5 Without a Risk Register how can project risks, the progress of risk actions taken to date and the current status ofresidual risks be measured?

    A The Daily Log was correctly used to monitor risks during the Starting up a Project process. It will be used tocapture all risks, actions, decisions, assumptions

    B It was not appropriate to use the Daily Log to capture all risks and issues during the Starting up a Projectprocess. Separate registers should have been set up for risks, issues and lessons learned. This will now bedone.

    e In a simple project, the Project Initiation Documentation (PlO) should contain a register for recording riskinformation and monitoring project risks throughout the delivery stages. The register will now be added to thePlO.

    RINCE2GB ,X02_V1 8!~ Group Ll112009 ThiS QOCUITlE'nJ is floll0 \)l" repr ced r W +0'

    TradE' Mar" cl lh, C'ff f G. vernmenl ComlTl!"te Thp Sw j logl is ad

    Dor. ImeOl OwnE'f - Chref xm lJe ,." (;roJ!.' _Id PRINCE a f 9 1

    " mmerr.

  • S lIabus Area Question Number ' Part I Mark...1----S"'t"a-=rt'"in:::g=-U""p-=a"p"r:::o"'je:'c"'t"."'r:'n;'Ot;'Cat"in='g:"::-a"p;:ro=j:::e:::ct"p"r:::o:::c:::e=ss=e:::s:----+---"=="4;'-'=='-----r~B"-

    Using the Project Scenario and additional information provided for this question In the ScenarioBooklet, answer the following 7 questions.

    Each of the following questions provide a number of changes which mayor may not be required to the Extract fromthe Communication Management Strategy provided in the additional information.

    1 Which statement applies to the Introduction section?

    A No change to entry 1 because this shows the purpose and content of this document.B Amend entry 1 to read 'This document contains the controls and reporting to be established for the project

    management team'.C Amend entry 1 to read 'This document contains the means and frequency of communication between the

    project management team, the print company and other external parties.2 VVhich statement applies to the Communication procedure section? ~

    A No change to entry 2 because this is a sufficient description of the process required.B Amend entry 2 to include MNO Manufacturing Company standards for both internal and external company

    communications.C Delete entry 2 because only variations from the MNO Manufacturing Company standards should be

    recorded here.

    3 Which statement applies to the Tools and techniques section?

    A Delete entry 3 because the activities required to create the products should be documented in the relevantplan(s).

    B Move entry 4 to Reporting because this describes a report on the pertormance of the Communicationprocedures used.

    C Delete entry 5 because the customers are not within the scope of this project.4 What statement applies to the Records section?

    A Move entry 6 to the Configuration Management Strategy because it defines the identification scheme for theproject's products. ~

    B Move entry 7 to Communication procedure because it refers to the method to be used for communica. ,to external parties.

    C Move entry 8 to Tools and techniques because it refers to a filing technique.

    5 Which statement applies to the Timing of communication activities section?

    A Delete entry 9 because activities for controlling the project should be planned as part of Project controls inthe Project Initiation Documentation.

    B No change to entry 9 because it describes the timing of pertormance reports.C Delete entry 10 because Highlight Reports are a Project Board control, the frequency of which should be

    recorded in the Project controls section of the Project Initiation Documentation.

    Question continues on next page

    PRINGEZGBEXfJ2 1 8lp ) Id "{}flQ n

    Page 16 Qf 30 Oc J",e.

  • Ouestion continued

    6 Which statement applies to the Stakeholder analysis: Interested parties section?

    A Add 'Internal Creative Team'.B Delete entry 11 because the photographer is internal to the project management team.C Delete entry 12 because the printing of the calendars is outside of the scope of this project.

    7 Which statement applies to the Information needs for each interested party section?

    A Delete entry 13 because the activity to provide the weekly updates should be scheduled in the relevantStage Plan.

    B Move entry 13 to Tools and techniques because it describes the method to be used to communicate tothe individual producing the staff newsletter.

    C Delete entry 14 because this relates to the development of a particular product and should be recordedunder Development interfaces within the relevant Work Package.

    PRINCEZ-GB-EX02-V18 I il.1',he '>'PM Group Lld 2009 This dOl;Umenl 5 nOI 10 De e-p,oduced or re-sold With 5

    TfadeMillk ,fine fr t1 mmenlComml"ce Thl' Swirl logo STill t

    ,m, I WIll!:_j ~ GrOllp Lld PR " E

    mn" .,1 ':omml'fo.

  • Question Number 5Syllabus Area Risk Theme

    Syllabus Area Question Number Part MarksRisk The"'m'"e"- -'.__~ _'5"_ '__'A"__'__ _'6'___

    The project is now in stage 2. The Project Manager has heard about the possibility of a competitor alsoproducing a calendar to be delivered earlier than the target date for this project There is a threat that theearly release of a competitor's calendar may weaken the impact of the MNO Manufacturing Companycalendar, thereby reducing the anticipated benefits of the Calendar project

    Column 1 contains a number of risk responses identified by the Project Manager following an assessment of thisrisk. Column 2 contains a list of threat response types. For each risk response in Column 1, select from Column 2the type of response it represents. Each option from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

    Column 1 Column 21 Record the risk in the Risk Register and monitor the situation. A Avoid2 Decide not to compete and cancel the project. S Reduce3 Bring the target date of this project forward. C Fallback4 Wait for confirmation of the rival's calendar and, if required, include additional gifts with D Transferthe calendar as an extra incentive.5 Carry on with the project as planned on the basis that the MNO Manufacturing Company E Accept

    calendar is believed to be of better quality. F Share6 Add a unique reference number to every calendar and hold a prize draw each month.

    PRINCE2GB-EXn2-V18 Pal'lf! 18 of 30pI' ~r()u Lld 200 Th ;, 'Tmnl I ~ 'prCld\J~

    n If fl!:eolGu h,

    " .

    Document Owner - Chief Exam r rTh .co.P'" Gro 'd P~INCE(I" a Reg ~tE '01

    f - n 1

  • ___~S~r",ra~b~u'."sc.A",r-"e"-a -,- --,Q",u",e",s",ti~on~N"u",m,,,b"'e"r +---CP:;a~rt~_+----'M"ao:r-"k"-s--t~ Risk Theme 5 B 6

    Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer thefollowing question.

    Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the reason explains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True False0 False TrueE False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 The Engineering Manager should have raised BECAUSE Any forecast to exceed the agreed stagethe fact that there has been no contact with the tolerances should be escalated to the Projectphotographer as an issue. Board.

    2 As the person monitoring the contract, the BECAUSE A risk owner should be the person most capablePurchasing Manager would be an appropriate of managing the risk.owner for the risk.

    3 The photographer should have raised any BECAUSE A separate Risk Register should be created forconcerns about their availability for the work as each Work Package to monitor specialist risksa risk before accepting the Work Package. associated with the creation of specialist

    products.4 If estimation of the risk shows that it is likely to BECAUSE When the impact of a risk has been identified,

    impact upon time, the Project Manager will need an Issue Report will be required to implementto raise an Issue Report. any agreed risk actions.

    C Regular Checkpoint Reports from the BECAUSE Checkpoint Reports should provide earlyJhotographer will help the Project Manager warning of any delay in the photographer's work.manage the risk.

    6 As a Work Package has been agreed with the BECAUSE When selecting the most appropriate riskphotographer, responsibility for the risk will response to take, the best option is usually theautomatically have been transferred to this third least

    PRINCE2GBEX02Vl Bup Id 2 Q9 Ih'S I1 r,lm,. .

    Pag~~ tle repro I ced 0' esold w,lh ul e I

    ,+ mm"',e Tt! SW logo'" ~'

  • Question Number 6Syllabus Area Plans Theme

    Syllabus AreaPlans Theme

    Question Number6



    Using the Product Summary and Product Breakdown Structure provided as additional Information forthis question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question.

    Column 1 is a list of some of the entries in the product breakdown structure. Determine whether each entry inColumn 1 has been correctly shown in the product breakdown structure. Select from Column 2 the appropriatestatement that correctly describes that entry. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once ornot at all.

    Column 1 Column 2, Production cost forecast l> A External product incorrectly shown ~2 Tariff of mailing costs J!, B Internal product incorrectly shown as an external product3 Photo design ideas

    "C NOT a product

    4 Accounts information ~ D Correctly shown entry5 Monthly calendar displays J)6 Label design ~7 Select photos C

    PRINCE" R-F.)i'O\t'm ,tl!>

    ,. I. Ihverf1

    P.. 20 of 30


    Dor.lImenl Owne' - Chlt'f E,,~mlr.ef,. ..., Th APM GIOUp Lld PRINCE". Is il Registered

    " .~

  • S lIabus Area Question Number Part Marksr~----;P~la"n"'s~T"hC'e:"mC=e'------+-----===;6;'-"==-----+-"B;:;'-'-+---"'''5='-------:-produl:ed or resold w'lt!oul express pem1I~$,,;m from The Al'f,\ G pIu. r ~If


  • ~( itian Number 7Syllabus Area Progress Theme

    f--- ~"'S=II"."bU"s"'AC""e".'-------+------'Q"u"e"'s"t"'io"n7"N-"u"m"b"e"" IIPartA.rt c--"M""",,,,ks'-.Progress Theme ~ 6

    Using the Project Scenario, answer the following 6 questions about the use of PRINCE2 controls In thisproject, At the end of initiation there is +1 week 1-2 weeks time tolerance for this project. Vv'hich statement is true?

    A There can be no time tolerances for any of the stages.B All of the project level time tolerance can be allocated to stage 2.C The Stage Plan for stage 2 could create some additional project time tolerance by allowing no time

    tolerance in Tearn Plans.-') Additional time tolerance for the project could be found by adding extra resources without affecting other

    tolerances.2 During stage 2, if the Project Manager decides to recommend that the Project Plan is revised to finish three

    weeks later, which statement is correct?

    A The tolerances stated in the Project Plan CANNOT be changed.B The Executive needs to seek formal approval from corporate management to implement this change.C The current project must close prematurely and be restarted with a new Project Plan, a new Business Case

    and new Risk Register.D The revision of the Project Plan would have to wait until the end stage assessment of stage 2.

    3 During stage 2, an early review of the photo design ideas from the Marketing department has highlighted theneed for engineering machinery to be operating in the background during the photo sessions. This requires achange to the baselined Product Description for the photos. VVhat action should the Project Manager take?A Log the change in the Issue Register as a request for change.B Raise an Exception Report to the Project Board.

    Revised the Product Description for the photos and issue it to the Engineering Manager to ensure that themachinery will be operating during the photo sessions.

    D Include this requirement on the next Checkpoint Report to the photographer.

    Question continues on next page

    PRINCE2"'~8- x: 2-V1 B" G' Jp _Id 2009 Th,s dor..umenllS no' ~ od

    T'~IjEMartllllh Offce"fGovemme m ec.e h So

    Documenl ,#,s from The APM Group _Id PRn, ....E

    I Govemm n' Comml.'ra-

  • Question continued

    4 As the project approaches the end of stage 2, the Project Manager has requested a Product Status Account toensure that all products are at their expected point of development. Although the list of customers has beenquality reviewed, it has not been baselined because the Marketing department have not provided all of theprospective customers' details. What initial action should the Project Manager take?A Delay producing the End Stage Report until the list of customers has been baseJined.B Raise an Exception Report to the Project Board to highlight the issue.C Check the target sign-off date for the list of customers.D Update the product status to baselined and obtain a commitment from the Marketing department to finish

    this work within the next few days.

    5 \/Vhilst identifying the mailing costs for the calendars the Project Manager was surprised to find the costs couldvary considerably depending on the size of the package and the delivery service used. For the purpose of thisproject, the Project Manager has selected an appropriate service but feels that a corporate standard forpostage would have reduced the time and effort invested. It could reduce the company's overheads by up to20k per year. How should the Project Manager record this observation within the project?A Produce a project mandate, outlining the potential savings to be achieved by the introduction of a corporate

    standard.B Make a note of the observation in the Daily Log to be transferred to a Benefits Review Plan at the end of

    the project.C Record the observation in an Exception Report to the Project Board.D Make an entry in the Lessons Log for future consideration by corporate management.

    6 The team member collating the list of customers has now forecast that it will NOT be complete by the end of thisstage as originally planned, due to a number of new prospective customers' details not yet being available. Whataction should the team member take?

    A Report the forecast delay in the next Checkpoint Report to the Executive.B Add the product to the next Stage Plan in order to allocate additional resources and complete the work.C Make an entry in the Risk Register so the Project Manager can decide on appropriate action.D Raise an issue to inform the Project Manager. ~


    "'he APM Grout> Irlll} 1t dOL me

    T'ilde Mark ollhfl 011 ce ,-,I Govc m

    Pg '4crf1(l:l Il1 tI

    rc.e The Sw,rllogo ,

    DoCl,.Jm~l1j Owne, - Ch,ef E~i1mlneAP',1 (";, D Lld PRINCE~ is a Reg stered


  • S llabus AreaProgress Theme

    Question Number7



    Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.

    Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the reason explains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True False0 False TrueE False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 The label design competition should be planned and BECAUSE A decision can only be made by the Projectmanaged as two management stages. Board at the end of a management stage.

    2 Quality tolerances allocated to the photos can be BECAUSE Any forecast threat to time tolerance shouldused to remedy a forecast threat to time tolerance. first be resolved by use of any available

    quality tolerance.3 A suitable point for a stage boundary would be after BECAUSE A stage boundary represents a golno

    the production cost forecast has been produced. go decision point.4 With +1 week 1-2 weeks time tolerance, the project BECAUSE A negative project time tolerance indicates

    is permitted to finish two weeks later than 30 the total permissible delay to a projectNovember. schedule before an exception situation


    5 If the project is forecast to exceed the cost tolerance BECAUSE If the forecast is for project tolerances to beof +6k, the Project Manager should send an exceeded, the Project Board no longer hasException Report straight to corporate the authority to continue with the

    c rhe production cost forecast should be reviewed by BECAUSE The Project Board reviews all products atthe Project Board during the Directing a Project the end of each stage.process to determine whether the project shouldcontinue.

    PRINCE2-GB-EX07.-V oBpfd' IS~'"


    Page 25 JlJbe le-prGdlJCed Qlle':!old without expless pe, I. ,on

    (' m "-~'S.liTradeMarI:Jlte if

    - Clve! E1l3mlneC1INCE IS .. Reg,Stered

  • Question Number BSyllabus Area Change Theme

    S lIabus AreaChange Theme


    Using the Project Scenario answer the following question. The Plan for stage 3 has been approved andwork has commenced.

    Column 1 contains a number of issues for this project. Select from Column 2 the appropriate category for eachissue. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

    Column 1 Column 2

    1 Although NOT previously considered, the Engineering Manager now wants to amend the A Problem orProduct Description for the photos to include images of his latest production machinery. concern2 The Marketing Director feels that the calendar may NOT be of sufficient quality to achieve B Request forthe projected benefits. change3 The Marketing department have identified some new customers and want to include C Off-

    them in the approved list of customers. specification4 The photographer has ignored the agreed photo session schedule. He has interrupted

    the work of the engineering staff to take the photos for the calendar.5 The chosen label design has been signed-off in error as the old company logo has been

    used. Inclusion of the new company logo was specified.6 The Project Manager has received notification of a postal strike occurring in December.

    ~RINCE2-GB--El(02Vl 8H 1>1011 Group Lld 200ft Th l'IC'(,j

    T ~(1l! '1" t f fG

    Page 26 of 30I C' be re-prOllUePj 0 'E' III w,lh Jl ""f'

    C mm

    DocurTIen\ Owner - Chief El

  • Syllabus AreaStarting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes

    Question Number1

    Part MarksB 4

    Using the Project Scenario, answer the following 4 questions.1 During stage 1 the level of performance expected from the service provider was changed.

    After this change was agreed which of these products will require updating?

    A Project Brief because this is maintained throughout the project to reflect the customer's quality expectations.B Project Product Description because this contains details of the expected performance of the project's

    products.C Quality Management Strategy because this is where all of the customer's quality expectations of the project's

    products should be documented.

    2 VVhile capturing previous lessons, the Project Manager discovered several interesting facts about outsourcing.VVhich fact is an appropriate lesson for the Outsourcing project?-~ Outsourcing is a growth industry and is being implemented by many private sector organizations.

    ~ Four other government departments are also considering outsourcing some of their business functions nextyear.

    C Contracts with service providers should include the timescale within which readiness for service is expectedfollowing the transfer of equipment and staff.

    3 VVhile deciding on how the work of the project should be approached the following were considered.VVhich statement is appropriate for inclusion in the project approach heading in the Project Brief?A The Project Manager will involve the selected service provider in the creation of the Stage Plan for stage 4.B New up-to-date software will be obtained to produce the graphical sections of the Project and Stage Plans.C The detailed designs (future process, systems, operating and organization models) will be based on the

    existing high-level designs.

    4 VVhile planning the initiation stage, the Project Manager reviewed some threats that had been recorded in theDaily Log.VVhich threat should have been assessed for possible risk responses to be included in the Initiation Stage Plan?

    MFH has no experience in outsourcing and this may affect understanding of what is required, resulting ininadequate plans and strategies.

    B The Project Brief is a complex document and may not be approved by the Executive.C There is a shortage of service providers so there is a possibility that no suitable service providers respond

    to the request for proposals. This would prevent the Outsourcing project from proceeding.

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    PRINCE2-GB-EX01v23up Llll ~Q( 9 ~o 01 toe

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    Page 5 01 31e-~(lld WrlhJ

    D ,.

  • Syllabus AreaStarting Up a Pro'ect + Initiating a Project Processes

    Question Number1

    Part Mark&,.C

    Using the Project Scenario. answer the following 4 questions about the Initiating a Project process.1 While preparing the Risk Management Strategy, the Project Manager considered the commercial

    customer/supplier environment and how this may affect the management of risk.Which approach should the Outsourcing project adopt?A Plan to use the selected service provider's risk management procedures.B All project risks associated with the specialist deliverables should be owned by the selected service

    provider.C Due to the sensitive nature of this project, consideration should be given to creating a separate Risk

    Register to be held by MFH and the selected supplier.

    2 VVhile preparing the Configuration Management Strategy, the Project Manager considered the options forchange control. He decided to recommend a change budget of 250k, but was undecided on the ChangeAuthority to recommend. ~VVhich option is an appropriate Change Authority for the Outsourcing project?A The selected service provider to approve and implement all changes.B Senior User(s) and Project Assurance representatives, within the limits of the recommended change

    budget.C The Director of Facilities and the Director of Information Technology to approve all changes.

    3 While preparing the Quality Management Strategy, the Project Manager noticed that the corporate qualitymanagement system does not specifically cover project management.Which option provides an appropriate way for the Project Manager proceed?A Record the development of a corporate quality management system for project management as a

    prerequisite of the Project Plan.B Proceed with the project without a Quality Management Strategy and adopt the selected service provider's

    standards in stage 4.C Seek relevant organizational standards, then facilitate a workshop to discuss the Quality Management

    Strategy with Project Assurance.-4 Which project controls should be established for the Outsourcing project?

    A Highlight Reports to the Project Manager; Exception Reports to the Project Board when project tolerancesare forecast to be exceeded.

    B Highlight Reports to the Project Board; Exception Reports to corporate management when stage tolerancesare forecast to be exceeded.

    C Highlight Reports to the Project Board; Exception Reports to the Project Board when stage or projecttolerances are forecast to be exceeded.

    PRINCE:'-GB-E 2,r Jp lid ""'0 ~ 116,"10

    01 Governme'll

    'ilij Ch nerpr :.Iced or le-soil! w,lnoul expreSl> perm,& f'om The APM Group l Pmme,,;!' The SWirl logo'" 1& a Trade Mar~ Qfthe OffiCE Of Governmen1Comm ee

  • r ,tion Number 2Syllabus Area Organization Theme

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    Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the following6 questions,

    Each question includes a number of alternative actions supported by true statements about the proposedcandidate for that role. Select the 2 alternative actions which, in the context of a PRINCE2 organization structure,roles and responsibilities, provide an appropriate evaluation of, or alternative to, the proposed candidate for thatrole.

    Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

    ~ ~I~ '\Ihich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Executive for this project?A Retain because he accepts that outsourcing is the best solution.B Replace with 'Director of Finance Division' because she can ensure a cost-conscious approach to the

    project that gives value for money.C Retain because he has the right level of authority to be able to control the strategic nature of the Outsourcing

    project.D Add 'Director of Finance' because she understands the operation of the Information Technology Division

    and the Facilities Division.E Replace with 'Payroll Manager' because he is a very experienced and efficient qualified accountant.

    2 V\lhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Senior User for this project?A Retain because he provides the outsourcing resources required to support the project.B Replace with 'Director of Research and Development' because she deals with both the Information

    Technology and the Facilities Divisions and can make sure her division's needs are specified.Remove because he has no authority to commit user resources.

    D Add 'Hardware_Manager' because he provides computer hardware to all business functions and will beimpacted by the outcome.

    E Retain because he will be providing support to the Information Technology and Facilities teams during theproject.

    Question continues on next page

    HHlCEl-GB-EX03.-V23r 3roup L d 2009 This dowmc 111S not 10 be re~ odu e-j;~1 Xl

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    Documem Ownel - hie Ex- 1

  • Question continued

    3 VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Senior Supplier for this project?A Retain because she is responsible for the design of the future Information Technology organization and

    working practices.8 Add 'Director of Facilities' because he is responsible for the design of the future organization, processes,

    systems and operation models for Facilities.C Add 'Hardware Manager' because he provides computer hardware to all business functions and will be

    impacted by the outcome.0 Remove because she only represents the Information Technology Division.E Replace with 'Director of Facilities' because he supports the initiative and has many ideas about how to

    improve the service.

    4 VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed business assurance for this project?A Remove because he will be impacted by the project and therefore represents a user. ~8 Replace with 'Project Manager' because this is a simple project that does not require additional business


    C Add 'Outcon Consultants' because they carried out the feasibility study.0 Add 'Director of Finance Division' because she is responsible for checking that any supplier and contractor

    payments are authorized.E Retain because he is familiar with the Ministry of Food Hygiene business strategy, the business level risk

    assessment and the Business Case standards.

    5 Vv'hich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed supplier assurance for this project?A Retain because he has a professional facilities qualification and so is in a position to specify the needs of

    his division.8 Retain because he will be able to advise on many of the products that will enable outsourcing to happen,

    such as the 1O-year outsourcing service contract.C Retain because he is well-regarded within the Ministry because of the efficiencies, superb service and

    savings he has achieved in the Facilities Division. ~

    0 Add 'Outcon Account Manager' because he will advise on potential changes and their impact on the integntyof the project's products.

    E Remove because he is involved with the project and is therefore NOT independent.6 VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed user assurance for this project?

    A Retain because they are both very positive about outsourcing the selected business functions.8 Retain because their divisions will be the major users of the outsourced services and they can provide the

    user perspective on the impact of any proposed changes.C Remove because neither of these individuals are from the business functions to be outsourced.0 Retain because selecting only one of them may cause unnecessary conflict.E Retain because they are able to help identify stakeholders and their communication requirements.

    PRINCE2-GB-EXThe APM Group Lld 200B Tt> T

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    d -sOld W 'uf wre perr , from The APM GfOUp Lld PRIlICE IS. Rf'glslered!' c:e Thf' SWlfl logO"" Tfade MR'k of the Offioo of Goverl'lment Commefr.e

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    Organization Theme

    Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the ScenarioBooklet, answer the following question about roles on the Outsourcing project.

    Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the reason explains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True FalseD False True~ E False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 The Outcon Account Manager should be appointed as a BECAUSE Senior Suppliers are responsible forSenior Supplier for the project. 1"" the provision of supplier resources. T

    2 The Director of Finance would be an appropriate choice BECAUSE The Senior Supplier must demonstratefor the role of a Senior Supplier. f= that the forecast benefits are realized.{=--

    3 After being selected in stage 3, a representative from the BECAUSE The Senior Supplier is responsible forselected service provider should join the Project Board assessing the viability of the projectas a Senior Supplier in stage 4. T approach. .,..

    .e;> A specialist outsourcing consultant from Outcon would be BECAUSE Supplier assurance ensures thatan appropriate choice to provide supplier assurance supplier staf1dards are met and usedduring stage 2. F effectively. 1"

    5 The Hardware Manager would be an appropriate choice BECAUSE The Senior Supplier is accountable forfor the role of Senior Supplier. the quality of the products delivered by

    T the supplier(s). F6 The Payroll Manager is an appropriate choice to provide BECAUSE Business assurance should be

    business assurance. undertaken by someone with an"\ accountancy qualification. F

    PRINCE2,-GB-EX03V2Gfl311P Ud 20'l9 ft1

    - , I

    Page >I If 31".

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  • Question Number 3Syllabus Area Quality Theme

    S lIabus AreaQuality Theme

    Question Number3



    Each of the following 4 questions includes a list of statements about the acceptance criteria that should have beenrecorded in the Project Product Description.1 \/IIhich is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the service level agreement (SLA) with the selected

    service provider?

    A The SLA must extend for the full duration of the service contract.B Any changes to the SLA must be managed through formal change control.C External consultants are to assist in the creation of the SLA.D The selected service provider should be located locally.

    2 Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the transferred facilities computer system?

    A Must be subject to regular back-ups.B Planned periods of shutdowns of the computer system must be kept to a minimum.C No (zero) loss of system functionality.D Back-up of data must be kept until the data is no longer needed.

    3 Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the transferred staff?1\A No staff are to be left behind.B Staff should be transferred as soon as possible.C All legal requirements are adhered to for the transfer of staff.D Retained staff should be of reasonable competence to maintain the SLA.

    4 Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the running cost of the outsourced service? r-

    A Must be kept to a minimum.B Must be kept to a level acceptable to the Ministry of Food Hygiene.C Subject to market conditions.D The annual increase to be less than half the rate of inflation.

    I Ni;E2-GB-EXQ3-V2 J Page' 0 3 C f E':r"'m fler(1;. The APM Gruup Ud 20lHl Thl$ doromenl is nalm be re-produced ar fesold wllhoul e:rpresli peffiliUlon from The APM Group Lld P J

    T'ildl" Mark ollhe Orftre "I Govemmenl CA:Jmmerce Thf'Sw;, Juga'" I!'. Trade Mart olthe Ollia' ('If Government Comm Cl."

  • Ir

    Syllabus Area I Question NumberQuality Th"'e"'m"e'--- -'---1 ---'3"--- _



    Using the Project Scenario and the Product Description provided as additional Information for thisquestion in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question.

    The Work Package to produce the service level agreement has a tolerance of +2 days I -2 davs. Theproduct has been delivered on targ'!!.and the Duality review meeting is takina pl!..ce.

    The following 4 entries have been included in the consolidated question list or raised at the meeting.Select the appropriate action which should now be agreed by the review team to deal with each entry.

    1 Although it is not specified in the current corporate branding standards, the MFH corporate logo should beshown on the front page of the service level agreement.

    A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to amend this within the remaining +2 daystolerance.

    d Raise an issue (off-specification).C Raise an issue (request for change).D Accept this error as a concession.

    2 The service level agreement looks like any other MFH document.

    A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to redesign the service level agreement within theremaining +2 days tolerance.

    S Raise an issue (off-specification).C Accept this error as a concession.D No action required.

    3 None of the reviewers have proof-reading skills.

    A Record an action to request that Project Assurance identify a proof-reader who can, within the next 2 days,complete the check for typographical errors.

    J Ask the reviewers present at the meeting to conduct a proof-reading exercise and pass any comments tothe author within 2 days.

    C Contact Project Assurance to find appropriate resources to come into the review.D No action required.

    4 The service level agreement contains a number of technical terms that are missing from its glossary of terms.

    A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to add these into the glossary of terms within theremaining +2 days tolerance.

    S Raise an issue (off-specification).C Raise an issue (request for change).D No action required.

    "'R1NCE2-GB-EXQ3Vl J aq ]131-, ftp G'O Lld 2009 ThlS do" '" '"\, 110 !le ft:-plOdutt,d J' olt! wllhoUI ~~p'eas III

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    ___Quail Theme 3 C

    Using the Quality notes from the Daily Log and the Extract from the draft Quality Management Strategyprovided as additional Information for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following 4questions about the Quality Management Strategy.

    1 Which statement applies to the Introduction section?

    A Delete entry 1 because the project approach is defined in the Project Brief.B Delete entry 2 because this is the Project Manager's responsibility.C Delete entry 3 because it is the Project Manager's responsibility to implement the Quality Management

    Strategy.D Move entry 3 to the Roles and responsibilities section because this is a quality responsibility.

    2 V\lhich statement applies to the Quality standards section?

    A Delete entry 4 because external suppliers are responsible for applying any relevant standards to theirwork.

    B Delete entry 5 because the lack of a change management procedure makes the MFH documentstandards unsuitable.

    C Add 'All contracts must conform to current employment laws".D Add 'PRINCE2 change control procedures will be used to manage any changes to baselined products'.

    3 Which statement applies to the Records section?

    A Delete entry 6 because this information should be included in Stage or Team Plans.B Move entry 6 to the Reporting section because the information should be used to report on quality


    C Delete entry 7 because this should be included in the Configuration Management Strategy.D Delete entry 8 because the results of quality reviews are recorded in the Quality Register.

    4 Which statement applies to the Roles and responsiblllties section?

    A Delete entry 9 because this should only be recorded in the Product Description.B Delete entry 10 because this is the responsibility of the quality review chair.C Delete entry 11 because only the Project Manager can update the Quality Register.D Amend entry 12 because this is the responsibility of supplier assurance.

    Tt APt' (,N -VZ I r)OCl

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    "m f)wnel - Chlel Elamlller, ,

    1 ",ove e 11

  • ~( ;tion Number 4Syllabus Area Plans Theme

    Syllabus AreaPlans Theme

    Question Number4



    Column 1 is a list of true statements to be included in the Stage Plan for stage 2. Column 2 is a selection ofStage Plan headings. For each statement in Column 1, select from Column 2 the 8tage Plan heading under whichit should be recorded. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

    Column 1 Column 2

    1 This plan includes the detailed design of the process model, systems model, A Plan descriptionoperating model and organization model.

    S Plan prerequisites2 A monthly stage status report will be provided to the Project Board. C External

    "~he high-level models, produced in the feasibility study by the management dependencies

    ~onsultants,will be used by the project. D Planningassumptions

    4 The Project Board has approved the recommendation to outsource both the E LessonsInformation Technology Division and the Facilities Division to one service provider incorporatedand this decision must remain in place.

    F Monitoring and5 Based on advice from the Ministry of Trade and Industry that, in their experience, control

    drafting a service level agreement is a lengthy process, allowances have been made G Budgetsfor this in the Stage Plan for stage 2.

    H Tolerances

    6 Time: +2 weeks 1-2 weeks. I Schedule

    '/3 p!>,r, p hill I:loumem 1!Io nol to be p ced III re-sold w,lh, e~j!

    " 'ar~ Ilhe Office cri Governmenl :lmml'rce ,!'re SW1111{fQo 's Tlade M~," III I e Gtile! Ernm,ner

    IS a Rel'l~lf'rel:l

  • S lIabus AreaPlans Theme

    Question Number4


    Marks ,,-.6

    Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.

    The project has a cost tolerance of +5% I 5%, of which stage 2 has a tolerance of +45k 1-45k.

    Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identifythe appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or notat all.

    Option Assertion ReasonA True True AND the r~lains the assertionB True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertionC True False

    '"'D False TrueE False False

    Assertion Reason

    1 If stage 2 exceeds its target by 20k the Stage BECAUSE VVhen the Stage Plan is updated with activitiesPlan should be replaced by an Exception Plan. to deal with any deviations from planned cost

    r and time, this is called an Exception Ptan. f1-.. The Team Plan required for the development of BECAUSE Supplier assurance should confirm that Teamthe service level agreement should be produced Plans are in accordance with relevant supplier

    in consultation with supplier assurance. -r standards. ~3 The Stage Plan for stage 2 should be prepared BECAUSE All Stage Plans are produced near the end of

    during the initiation stage. T the initiation stage. ~

    f1 A final stage (stage 5), covering project closure, BECAUSE The Project Plan covers all managementshould be added to the Project Plan. T stages. r:: ,5 The cost tolerance planned for each sta