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Post on 08-Oct-2019




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Principal’s News Maths Team Challenge

Awesome effort to the One Mile

Students that represented the

school last Friday. One of our Teams placed second

overall, an outstanding effort as this was the first time in

17 years we have had a team place in the challenge.

English Team Challenge

Congratulations to all the students that competed in the

very first English Team Challenge today. The students

did an amazing job and although we didn’t have a team

place, the students represented themselves and the

school extremely well. Awesome work to Brayden V for

taking out the first ever Spelling Bee section of the

Challenge. Thank you to Mrs Cantle for organising the


Enrol Now For Prep 2020

If your child or you know a friend or family member’s child was born between 1st of July, 2014 and the 30th June, 2015 they are eligible to start Prep in 2020. We would love to get names down as soon as possible before catchment areas need to be enforced. Please contact the office and provide us with your contact details and be part of One Mile SS in 2020.

Free Dress Friday

Don’t forget Free Dress day this Friday. Items for the

bottle stall to come in free dress for the day. Also please

remember to bring back raffle tickets and money for the

monster raffle. Thank you to the families that have

collected extra tickets to sell.


Awesome effort Year 1 students with an attendance rate

of 97.1%. It was a great week also for Year 6 with an

attendance rate of 96.7%.

Mr Stuart Bell

From the Deputy’s Desk Positive Behaviour for


Our focus Expectation is ‘I am a

good role model’. You will notice

that we are keeping an expectation focus for a few

weeks. This will provide multiple opportunities to

discuss the expectation from various perspectives and


150th Historical Fete

Raffle tickets (for the Monster raffle) went home this

week. If you are unable to sell some/all the tickets,

please return them to the office. If you require more

tickets, just let the office know and we will provide more.

There are many awesome prizes on offer.

Have a great week.

Sue Eastwood

Student Absences Recording your child’s absence is an

important task when your child is away.

We have a student absence line for your

convenience. Please Call 07-5480-2760 Note: - Student absences of more than 10 days duration require an approved student

exemption form. Please see the office.

School News 5th September 2019

Tuck Shop News

Music Notes Next Saturday the 14th is our 150th

anniversary historical fete! Our students have been

practising hard each week to perform a song at the fete. A

timetable of performance items was sent home with eldest

in the family this week. In the lead up to the fete, each year

level will be having a practice next week (week 9) on the

Rainbow Snake stage.

I've attached the timetable below.





8:45 – 9:25

9:25 – 10:05 Year 4

10:05 – 10:45

Year 3


11:30 – 12:10 Year 6

Year 1

12:10 – 12:50 Prep Year 5

12:50 – 1:30


1:55 – 2:35 Year 2

We will practise hard so we're ready for the big day! We can't wait to perform for you and look forward to seeing you all next Saturday!

'Discover the Gold Within' Kate Airey

P&C News Monday 16th September, 2019 – Next P&C meeting. If you would like to come along to a P&C meeting they are held on the third Monday of the month at 6.00pm in the School staffroom. So, come along and make a difference.

Saturday 14th September, 2019 – 150th Historical Fete

Donald Maskall – P&C President

Dates to Remember Date Function Location

Friday 6th September

Free Dress Day

Donation for the BOTTLE STALL as ‘fee’

Thursday 12th September

Year 5&6 Broncos Challenge

Albert Park 9am – 2.30pm

Saturday 14th September

150th Historical Fete

OMSS 12pm – 4pm

Monday 16th September

P&C Meeting OMSS – Staffroom at 6pm

Wednesday 18th September

Year 2&3 Gala Rugby League Day

Jack Stokes Oval 11.30am – 2.30pm

Thursday 19th September

Year 5&6 Inter School Sport Development Cup

Various Venues 9am – 2.30pm

Friday 20th September

Last day of Term 3

Monday 7th October

Public Holiday Queen’s Birthday

Tuesday 8th October

First day of Term 4

Serving Tuesday Friday from 8.00am – 8.40am

Hot Milo Cup $1.00

Hot food is available first break only. Still a two bag system - first break and second break.

Second break food is now collected from Tuckshop at 1.30 p.m.

*Please ensure that you have - name, class and which break clearly written on the bag.

Donations Needed The tuckshop is in need of the following items. Zip Lock Sandwich Bags (18cm x 17cm)


Brown Paper Bags Margarine

All donations are gratefully appreciated!

Volunteers Needed The Tuckshop is once again asking for volunteers as we have had valuable families move to the big city. If you are able to spare some time and can help in the Tuckshop we would be very grateful.

Uniforms Available for purchase (cash only) at the Tuckshop See you in the Tuckshop Soon Roz Tuckshop Convenor -5480 2716

Hi Banking Buddies

Banking day is every Thursday This year rewards look fantastic, when you do your first deposit of the year you will receive a parent pack which has your rewards chart included. Term 3 rewards are: Arctic Owl Fluffy Keyring and Scratch Art Cards. There are still left-over rewards from 2018. If you are interested in those. Just remember to mark 2 rewards in preference of which you would like 1 and 2, just in case one is not available. If I forget to take your slip out I am sorry, just leave it in your book and let me know and I shall fix it up straight away.

If you have a little brother or sister that would like to open their own account, they are more than welcome, just put their deposit book into the grey banking satchel in your class with yours. When you have reached 9 tokens you will receive a reward form that you can choose your reward and return on your next deposit. Congratulations to Lily S – 4B, Bradon S – 5P and Lucas M – 6C, on receiving your Bronze Certificate for 10 deposits. Congratulations to Teah H – 1M, Amelia T – 2G, Madiline C – 4L and Gemma R – 5B, on receiving your Silver certificate for 20 deposits. Please allow up to 2 weeks for your reward to come as it has to come from Brisbane. When your reward get delivered to the school, I will deliver them to your teacher.

Diana Read –

School Banking Co-ordinator

Year 6 break up


A huge thank you to all of the

families and friends that bought pies and slices

and supported our year 6 fundraiser.

Delivery is Friday the 6th of September. And

pick up is from the tuckshop between 2.30pm

and 3.30pm. If you could please bring a bag to

put your order in that would be greatly


One Mile SS Historical Fete Parking Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help with parking on

Eric Taylor Oval (across John Street) for the upcoming

One Mile SS Historical Fete 14/09/2019. We are looking

for high school students or adults who would be able to

help direct orderly parking for a 40 minute shift. The

following are the start times for 40minutes shifts -

11:40am, 12.20pm, 1.00pm, 1.40pm, 2.20pm, 3.00pm,

3.40pm and 4.20pm. Please contact Andrew Martin

Ph.0422679263 with the time slot of your preference if

you are able to assist.

Maths Teams Challenge Bling! Four teams of five students from Year 5 and 6 headed to Gympie State High

School on Friday, 30 August to contest the Gympie Primary Maths Teams

Challenge. There were 39 teams entered from state and all the private schools

in and around Gympie. Everyone had a super morning and performed well.

There are two sections to the challenge: Part A the team of five gets forty

minutes to tackle twelve questions and decide on the final answers together.

Part B the team gets fifty minutes to work in pairs in relay style to answer

tricky questions with points allocated according to how many attempts at each


For the first time in the past seventeen years this One Mile team came second

in Part B: relay AND they came second overall! Hoo-rah!

Well done to these champions; Lucas, Tito, Emily, Jonathan & Bryce

The writing task for Year 4 students was to assume the role of a child convict transported to the colony of New South Wales in 1788 and write about

his/her experiences. The following piece of writing is of a very high standard for Year 4. Enjoy.


Hello. I’m Madeline. I’m nine years old. I was sent to two years in the filthy, disease-ridden,

overcrowded Southwalk Gaol. My mum was forced to steal bread after we almost died on the terrible

streets of London. Gaol is no place for a nine year old girl like me. Ma said that we better rest up and

that we would go to Bow Street Court tomorrow. At the court, Ma believed that the crime wasn’t that

bad, so she pleaded guilty.

“Seven years transportation to New South Wales,” declared the judge.

A tear rolled down my face but I had to be ready to survive on the Charlotte.

The ships were large and swayed on the drift as we climbed on board. We were fed just enough to keep

us going but with all the diseases spreading as fast as the rats scurrying from our feet, Ma got badly ill

and lay sleeping for days.

Days turned to weeks and there was still no sign of Ma ever waking up. It was time for Ma’s meeting

with the nurse. I anxiously waited to see if she was OK. I saw the nurse walk out. He slowly shook his

head then walked away. I burst into the room to see the dead woman laying on the harsh wooden floor.

“Oh Ma,” I said. I wanted to hide and cry but I knew I had to stay strong. For Ma.

The next seven months weren’t much better. I made a friend named Lily but that was the only good

thing. The only thing that kept me going was the memory of Ma’s warm comforting hug.

Months had passed and we finally set ashore at Port Jackson. The feeling of the wet spongy sand on my

feet after months below deck in the Charlotte was lovely and the fresh delicious air was too. Dolphins

leapt and twirled in the glittering blue sea. I wished Ma could see the wonders of the breathtaking land.

Straight away, I got sent to work as a slave to Governor Phillip, along with Lily.

One dark night, dozens of dark figures followed me in the vines. I came to the shore where the squishy

sand sat and the dense forest ended. They stood in front of me.

“Who are you?” I questioned.

There was no answer. They turned around and ran into the forest. I could tell that this was a warning

but I had to make a home on this strange new land.

Parents & Citizens News

Fete happenings:

Each Class Cohort has organised an activity, thank you to the teachers for helping prepare the students

for each of these, below is a summary of what and where each activity is. If you are able to make

donations of items or your time, please talk to your child’s teacher or contact the P&C.


PREP One Mile Gold GAMES Undercover area near office

Donations of lollies for prizes

YEAR 1 One Mile Gold Lolly Shop Staff Car park with other market stalls

Donations of homemade sweets

YEAR 2 One Mile Gold Bottle Stall Staff Car park outside staff room

6th September, FREE DRESS DAY donation for

the bottle stall as the participation ‘fee’ YEAR 3 One Mile Gold Panning Concrete near Year

1&2s play area Help will be needed shovelling gravel into the tubs during the week before the fete

YEAR 4 One Mile Gold Old Time photos

Music Room Donate or lend historical themed costumes for dress up

YEAR 5 One Mile Gold Old and New classroom display

Both rooms in L Block Wonderful willing adults to help supervise

YEAR 6 One Mile Gold Fairy floss Outside Library EARLYACT Frozy cups & Display End room

Many other activities are planned for the day, those that the P&C are running will be fund raising

directly for the school and will need support from the whole community. See below for ways you can



P&C Devonshire Teas Main Hall Volunteer with Roz Food and cold drinks Tuckshop Help serve or prepare food Market Stall

- Crafts - Plants - Cakes

Staff Car park Donations of arts and crafts, plants and cakes to sell at the stall are very welcome. Help serve

Snacks/cold drinks and merchandise

Shelter shed near Brisbane Rd entrance

Help serve

ANYONE Market Stalls Staff car park Those interested in setting up a market stall should contact the P&C, site fee is $30

Donations Monster Raffle Businesses wishing to donate prizes for the monster raffle are welcome

Advertising Gympie Times special Gympie Times will be running a special feature on the Saturday and are looking for sponsors/advertisers

If there is any other way you would like to help out with the fete please feel free to contact me on

0407 588 437 or email the committee on [email protected]

Many thanks

Don Maskall


Every Thursday

9 am – 10.30 am

Entry and parking via Phoenix Street or McLeod Lane. If you’re Interested in attending our playgroup please

contact the office on 07-5480-2777

***This program does not run during the school holidays