principles driven leadership presentation

Principles Driven Leadership: Thoughts, Observations & Conceptual Model Dr. Philip E. Burian, Colorado Technical University Dr. Pamela. S. Burian, Colorado Technical University Dr. Francis R. “Skip” Maffei III, Northcentral University Dr. Mark A. Pieffer, Jones International University

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Principles Driven Leadership: Thoughts, Observations & Conceptual Model Dr. Philip E. Burian, Colorado Technical UniversityDr. Pamela. S. Burian, Colorado Technical University Dr. Francis R. Skip Maffei III, Northcentral University Dr. Mark A. Pieffer, Jones International University

2. PRINCIPLES DRIVENDECISION-MAKINGPrinciple 1: Treat every interaction and decision as situationalLEADERSHIPPrinciple 2: Make comprehensive based decisionsPrinciple 3: Set the example and dont become onePEOPLELeadership is about principles. Principle 4: Be honest and directPrinciples that form a foundation thatPrinciple 5: Speak out when you disagree or when you agreepeople anchor themselves to with aPrinciple 6: Take care of your peoplePrinciple 7: Show emotion and empathypassion to initiate action and drive aneffort or organization toward a common STRATEGYvision. Leadership often has no Principle 8: Dont live by the numbers, live by the product or serviceboundaries or organization chartPrinciple 9: Reflect on the past so you dont follow the same pathbiases. Leaders can be found at all Principle 10: Challenge the experts and the status quoPrinciple 11: Innovate; be on the leading edge but not the sharp edgelevels in an organization and Principle 12: Embrace reality, not fantasythroughout society with varying levelsPrinciple 13: Use technology as leverage and not as the center of the universeof experience, skills, and values.PRODUCTIVITYPrinciple 14: Stay focused and on-trackPrinciple 15: Follow current eventsPrinciple 16: Build your network and sphere of influenceSELF-IMPROVEMENTPrinciple 17: Develop yourself professionallyPrinciple 18: Know your strengths, weaknesses, and self-evaluatePrinciple 19: Be willing to change, adapt to change, and remain flexiblePrinciple 20: Be passionate about everything 3. Decision-Making 4. 1: Treat every interaction anddecision as situational One size does not fit all Every decision requires a different approach Apply a sound decision-making process forevery situationFailures of perspective in decision-making can be due to aspects ofthe social utility paradox, but more often result from simple mistakescaused by inadequate thought Herman Kahn 5. 2: Make comprehensive based decisions Be rational and consistent Collect best information available Dont keep putting off critical decisions Consider all major factors Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes Peter Drucker 6. 3: Set the example and dont become one People will mimic your actions Act with integrity Be ethical at all times Roll up your sleeves and be ready to help if neededLeadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.But if you must be without one, be without the strategy Norman Schwarzkopf 7. People 8. 4: Be honest and direct Dont lie, people are smarter than you think Straight-talk trumps manure Dont hide the truth, you wont like the feedback Be direct and up-front with everyone, dont talkaround issues Communicate, communicate, communicateLeadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stopbringing you their problems is the day you have stoppedleading them. They have either lost confidence that you canhelp or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure ofleadership Colin Powell 9. 5: Speak out when you disagree or when you agree Dont feel pressured to only agree or go with the flow Be professional, but say what is on your mind Provide your opinion and ideas I said what I wanted to say. You heard what you wanted to hear Evette Carter 10. 6: Take care of your people Listen to them Coach and dont micro-manage Respect them "Powells Rules for Picking People:Look for intelligence and judgment, and most critically, a capacity to anticipate, to see around Challenge them corners. Also look for loyalty, integrity, a highenergy drive, a balanced ego, and the drive to get things done. Praise good behavior Reward and admonish them Be equitable 11. 7: Show emotion and empathy Everyone has good days and bad days Dont be afraid to show excitement and passion Be understanding Listen and help when applicableWhen you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, thewhole world opens up to you -- Susan Sarandon 12. Strategy 13. 8: Dont live by the numbers, liveby the product or service Live by the numbers, die by the numbers Numbers and metrics focus becomes the focus Believe in the product or service, it will rub off Dont keep asking the customer if they will buy more,this is tacky and unprofessional He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money Benjamin Franklin 14. 9: Reflect on the past so youdont follow the same path Assess past actions and events so you dont makethe same mistakes twice Knowing where you have been will help you mapwhere you need to go Determine what worked and what didnt work Im always sort of reflecting on what I do on what Ive done. Usually before I make a new album, Ill listen to the previous albums just to see where Ive been -- Lenny Kravitz 15. 10: Challenge the experts and the status quo Consultants and elites are often isolated from reality, theyusually have no skin the game, only a fee Dont keep doing something that isnt working, stop hittingyour head on the wall if it hurts Dont accept that things are done that way just because theyhave always been done that wayWhen the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to view everythingas a nail -- Abraham Maslow 16. 11: Innovate; be on the leadingedge but not the sharp edge Those who fail to innovate die Create a culture of innovation and creativity Embrace emerging technology and learn how to leverage it Stay away from half-baked things, they will bleed you outCreative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt.It empowers people by adding strength to their naturalabilities which improves teamwork, productivity and whereappropriate profits Edward de Bono 17. 12: Embrace reality, not fantasy Dont tell people everything is beautiful, they aresmarter than you think and it is insulting Embrace the situation and not what you want it to be Living in reality will help you see things more clearIm not crazy about reality, but its still the only place to get adecent meal -- Groucho Marx 18. 13: Use technology as leverage andnot as the center of the universe Do not build process or business models around technology Learn how to leverage technology as a competitive advantage Do not implement new technology because its new Get rid of the old technology when the new is implementedThe first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to anefficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automationapplied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency Bill Gates 19. Productivity 20. 14: Stay focused and on-track Dont be sidetracked by hobbies and trivial activities Focus on success and the end objectives Follow the vision Prioritize projects and initiatives Keep your feet moving If you chase two rabbits, both will escape -- Anonymous 21. 15: Follow current events Be well-informed Collect and synthesize things that are important and pertinent Determine the potential impacts of national and global eventsA well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of follyand of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready toplunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness -- Ann Radcliffe 22. 16: Build your network and sphere of influence Dont burn bridges, patch ones that have been hurt You dont have to like everyone because some will never like you Get ideas and opinions from everyone, you never know what you might learn Dont just select colleagues and friends that agree with you Network with a broad breadth of people and experiencesTechnology does not run an enterprise, relationships do - Patricia Fripp 23. Self-Improvement 24. 17: Develop yourself professionally Advance your education Reflect and set goals Keep up with the latest trends Map out a professional development planEducation is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire -- W B Yeats 25. 18: Know your strengths, weaknesses, and self-evaluate Dont be afraid to honestly evaluate yourself Know yourself and your limitations Seek input from others, they may view you differently Set improvement goals Strengthen your weaknesses For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer has been No for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something -- Steve Jobs 26. 19: Be willing to change, adapt tochange, and remain flexible Change is good, IF the change is good Dont change just for the sake of changing Know what needs to be changed, why, and what thechange will impact Establish a target or objective and know when youare finished People dont resist change. They resist being changed -- Peter Senge 27. 20: Be passionate about everything Dont be afraid to show passion, some view it as negativity they will grow up one day or get left behind Have fun with everything you do Show interest in many things not just one that might becomfortableEvery great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember,you have within you the strength, the patience, and thepassion to reach for the stars to change the world HarrietTubman 28. Leadership is the blending of vision, values, and contribution to society,turning ideas into reality throughothers that share the same vision Were here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here? Steve Jobs