problem of autism in children

Problem of Autism in children: status quo and recent research

Upload: shreekant-deshpande

Post on 05-Jul-2015



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Autism in children


Problem of Autism in children:status quo and recent research


ASDs are characterized by impairments in social interaction,

communication and repetitive behaviors.

ASDs include mainly

Asperger syndrome,

Rett syndrome,

Childhood disintegrative disorder, and

Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD).

Autism (sometimes called “classical autism”) is the most

common condition in a group of developmental disorders known

as the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

A child with autism may appear to develop normally and then

withdraw and become indifferent to social engagement.

Children with autism may fail to respond to their names and

often avoid eye contacts with other people.

They have a reduced sensitivity to pain, but are abnormally

sensitive to sound, touch, or other sensory stimulation

Almost half (46%) of children identified with ASD has average

to above average intellectual ability.

First described by Leo Kanner in 1943 as early infantile



Early signs of Autism Delayed or lack of speech.

Repetitive movement such as rocking and twirling

Impaired social skills.

Problems with verbal and nonverbal communication

Severely limited activities and interests

Seldom eye contact with others.


Communication Behavioural

I can't tell you how I feel………

Occurrence of Autism

Autism can affect children in any family and has no

ethnic or social boundaries.

Males are 4 times more likely to have autism than


According to CDS (Centers for disease control and

prevention) study, which is based on 2008 data, 1 in 88

children nationwide is believed to have autism or related



• According to new data by CDC estimates that 1 in 68 children (or 14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds) in multiple communities in the United States has been identified with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)

• The number of children identified with ASD ranged from 1 in 175 children in Alabama to 1 in 45 children in New Jersey.

Statistics contd…

It is estimated that at least $17,000 more to spend per year to care for a child with ASDs compared to a normal child.

Costs includes:

Health care,


ASD-related therapy,

family-coordinated services, and

Caregiver time.

It is estimated that total societal costs of caring for children with ASD were over $9 billion in 2011.

Economic Costs

Risk Factors and Characteristics

• Lack of breastfeeding,

• Use of infant formula w/out DHA,

• Use of pacifier

• Watching too much TV

Risk Factors and Characteristics contd..

Children born to older parents are at a higher risk for

having ASD.

Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one child

has ASD, then the other will be affected about 36-95% of

the time. In non-identical twins, if one child has ASD, then

the other is affected about 0-31% of the time.

ASD commonly co-occurs with other developmental,

psychiatric, neurologic, chromosomal, and genetic



Music therapy

A 2004 study from the Journal of Music Therapy found that music in interventions used with children and teens with ASD can improve social behaviors, increase focus and attention, increase communication attempts (vocalizations, verbalizations, gestures, and vocabulary), reduce anxiety, and improve body awareness and coordination.

A 2009 study by Kim, Wigram, & Gold found that children with autism showed more emotional expression and social engagement during music therapy than in play sessions without music


“The most important thing for parents to do is to act early when there is a concern about a child’s development,”

“If you have a concern about how your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, or moves, take action. Don’t wait.”

Thank you very much

I’m just like Other

People, haveFeelings butI express it in different

Way~ Stop the
