problem solving in specific settings (2)


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Page 1: Problem solving in specific settings (2)


Page 2: Problem solving in specific settings (2)

PBIS in Specific Setting: Steps for Success

1. Identify expectations.

2. Assess the physical characteristics.

3. Establish routines and procedures.

4. Create teaching strategies based on desired replacement behavior.

5. Ensure support systems for these settings.

6. Use data to identify problems and design solutions.

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Is there a problem?

Typically, the largest number of problem behaviors happen in the classrooms, as that is where students spend the most amount of time.

What areas of an elementary school would be the next most problematic?

What areas of a secondary school?

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Sample School: Location5

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Sample School: Example

Based on the data, the PBIS team noticed that there were a high number of office referrals for incidents occurring on the bus.

The team dug deeper into the data. They looked at the following: Time of day Problem behavior Students involved Others involved Administrator decision

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Is there a problem?

Step 1: Select and define problem behaviors. List all problem behaviors and determine

the behavior to target. Operationally define the behavior:

Measurable Observable Objective

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Is there a problem?

Step 2: Collect Data To determine the function, you must

collect data about target behavior. Data should be collected in a reasonable

time frame Data can be collected through:

indirect methods direct observation tools

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Sample School: Example

The PBIS team found the following: Most ODRs on the bus were happening in the

afternoon. There were a wide variety of problem

behaviors on the bus, but a large number of ODRs for aggression.

The incidents of aggression came from a small group of students on one bus.

The same group of students were involved each time.

The students were suspended from the bus each time for three days.

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What is our hypothesis?

Step 3: Form a hypothesis about the problem behavior.Use data to answer the “w” questions:

Who is doing the problem behavior? When is the problem behavior happening? How is the problem behavior happening? What adults are present when the problem behavior


Refine broad category into a specific hypothesis statement.

The goal of the hypothesis is to generate a precise problem statement.

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Sample School Example: Precise Problem StatementTotal of 12 ODRs for aggression on the bus

in the last month; this number is more than last year and shows an increasing trend for this year; these incidents are occurring on the blue bus in the afternoon, and the same students are involved each time.

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Connect directly to hypothesis by applying interventions that are logically related to function.

Focus on adult and environmental roles. Identify proactive strategies that prevent,

rather than suppress, undesirable behaviors. Provide strategies to teach desired skills. Teach replacement behaviors that serve a

similar function. Plan to help student generalize new behaviors

to all settings.

Creating Effective Interventions: Guidelines

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Discuss and Select a Solution: Creating a Goal

Prior to designing solution strategies, a clear goal needs to be set that can be evaluated using data.

Goals can be measured in the following ways: Percent reduction Absolute reduction Satisfaction level

The best practice is to use more than one measure of evaluation.


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Sample School: Goal Example

Decrease number of ODRs for aggression

on the blue bus by 75% by the end of

the quarter.

Decrease number of ODRs on all buses

by half by the end of the school year.

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Discuss and Select Solutions: DesignPrevent:

How can we modify the context in which the behavior occurs? Can we remove or alter the triggers for problem behavior?

Teach: Do we need to define the expected behaviors more clearly? Can we teach a replacement behavior that meets the same need? Do we need to provide additional demonstration and/or practice of the

desired behaviors?

Respond: In what ways can we immediately prompt the correct behavior? Does our system frequently reward the desired behavior ? Can we extinguish problems by withholding reinforcement of the

problem behavior? Can we develop meaningful consequences to correct the problem

behavior that provide a learning or practice component of the desired behavior?

How will we effectively respond to behaviors that compromise safety while ensuring the student’s dignity is maintained?


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Discuss and Select Solutions: TIPS Worksheet

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Sample School: Solutions ExamplesPrevent

•Assign seats on the blue bus-separating the identified students•Adjust route as much as possible to ensure shortest length of ride


•Reteach bus expectations to all students who ride the buses•Provide social skills instruction to students with incidents of aggression•Provide each bus driver with a copy of SWE and PBIS on the Bus pamphlet


•Provide each bus driver with PAWS tickets to distribute•Set up bus competition-bus with the most PAWS tickets gets to pick from a menu of prizes (popcicles, ice cream, etc.)

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Creating Effective Interventions: Implementation

An effective plan includes : tools for assessing progress data collection schedule defined steps to goal roles and responsibilities plan for reinforcement methods for ensuring fidelity

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Sample School: Action Plan ExampleTotal of 12 ODRs for aggression on the bus in the last month; this number is more than last year and shows an increasing trend for this year; these incidents are occurring on the blue bus in the afternoon, and the same students are involved each time.

1. Assign seats on the blue bus

2. Adjust route as much as possible

3. Reteach bus expectations to all students who ride the buses

4. Provide social skills instruction to students with incidents of aggression

5. Provide each bus driver with a copy of SWE and PBIS on the Bus pamphlet

6. Provide each bus driver with PAWS tickets

7. Set up bus competition-display in cafe

1. AP Smith2. Transportat

ion director3. Principal

and AP and bus drivers

4. Counselor5. Jane R.6. Erica N.7. Jenny H.

1. 11/16/2009

2. By end of November

3. 11/16/2009

4. By end of November

5. 11/16/2009

6. 11/16/2009

7. By end of November


number of

ODRs for

aggression on

the blue bus

by 75% by the

end of the



number of

ODRs on all

buses by half

by the end of

the school


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Creating Effective Interventions: Evaluation

Steps for Evaluation1. Determine if behavior has improved.

2. If yes, choose one of the following options: Modify criteria for mastery Choose another behavior to address End individualized plan

3. If not, choose one of the following options: Evaluate fidelity of implementation Re-evaluation function Find ways to adjust the plan

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Creating Effective Interventions: Generalization

Practice plan in all applicable settings.

Include a variety of adults when developing the plan.

Continue implementing plan for a sufficient amount of time.

Encourage use of replacement behavior and all acceptable alternatives.