proceedings of the john bean (1660) association, at its


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or THE

John Bean (i66o)




AUGUST 19, 1596.


fl-<»^i^jii. Hl

> ^Lib' y of Congress

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JOHN BEAN OF Exeter. (1660.)

'POR more than twenty years before 1895, the de-

-- scendants of John Bean, of SaHsbury, N. H., (a

descendant of Sinkler Bean, of Salisbury), had been in

the habit of holding an annual reunion. In 1895,

descendants of other lines were invited to attend and

several were present. The holding of a general reunion

of the descendants of the common ancestor was favor-

ably discussed.

The descendants of Joshua Bean (son of Joshua and

,_^ brother of Sinkler) in Franklin County, Maine, and the

'I adjacent territory, had held two reunions ; in furtherance

of the discussion at Salisbury, in the call for the third

- reunion to be held August 8, 1895, all the descendants

of John Bean, of Exeter, the immigrant, (including the

husband or wife of any descendant) were invited to

attend for the purpose, among other things, of consider-

ing the question of holding a general reunion in 1896,

at Exeter, N. H., the original home of the family.

Representatives of other lines were present and

letters were received from others favoring the holding of

the reunion. After full discussion it was unanimously

voted to appoint a committee to consider the matter.

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with power to have a reunion if they should deem it

advisable, and Josiah H. Drummond of Portland, Me.,

Rev. J. Mowry Bean, of Raymond, N. H., Rev. J. Wes-

ley Bean of Smithfield, N. H., Dearborn G. Bean of East

Wilton, Me., Rev. Samuel C. Beane, of Newburyport,

Mass., Peter S. Bean of Cadott, Wis., and Benjamin F.

Bean, of Dubuque, Iowa, were appointed. The matter

was noticed by the newspapers, and many letters favor-

ing the plan were received by the committee.

A meeting of the committee was held at Exeter,

at which the five first named gentlemen were present,

and were met by several citizens of Exeter, who aided

them in identifying historic localities. As a result the

committee issued the following call:


At reunions of the descendants, in two lines, of John Bean, of

Exeter, N. H., (1660), a desire was expressed that there should be

a general reunion of the descendants. A similar desire had been

expressed by individuals in other lines. Accordingly, a committee,

consisting of Josiah H. Drummond, of Portland, Me., Rev. J. Mowry

Bean, of Raymond, N. H., Rev. J. Wesley Bean, of Smithtown,

N. H., Dearborn G. Bean, of East Wilton, Me., Rev. Samuel C.

Beane, of Newburyport, Mass., Peter S. Bean, of Cadott, Wis., and

Benjamin F. Bean, of Dubuque, Iowa, was appointed to consider the

matter and make the necessary arrangements, if they should deem it

expedient. This action was noticed by the press and brought out

from all quarters expressions of desire that such a reunion shall be


Accordingly the committee have held a meeting and determined

to hold a reunion, at Exeter, the old Bean home, on the nineteenth

day of August, 1896. While the details have not been arranged,

the programme includes a Historical Address and brief discussion;

music, including the singing of an Ode prepared for the occasion;

a Collation, followed by brief speeches ; a Reception for personal

intercourse, and probably the visiting of historical localities.

All descendants of John Bean are invited to attend, and the

committee desire that those who expect to attend will advise somemember of that fact.

Per order of the Committee,

D. G. BEAN, Secretary.November 25, 1895.

This call was widely circulated and letters werereceived from many, expressing the hope of the writer

of being able to attend.

As the time approached, arrangements in detail

were made and the following notice issued.


will be held at the Old Meeting House, Exeter, N. H., Wednesday,

August 19, 1896, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when the following

exercises will take place :

I. Prayer. 2. Music. 3. Historical Address by Hon. Josiah

H. Drummond, LL. D. 4. Music. 5. Poem. 6. Ode, written

for the occasion by Addie Kendall Mason.

The remainder of the forenoon will be devoted to social inter-

course, with brief addresses, if the spirit so moves.

In the afternoon we shall meet at the vestry for forming mutual

acquaintance, without ceremony.

We are obliged to give up the collation, but have made arrange-

ments for dinners at the Swampscott House and Hervey's Restaur-

ant, at fifty cents.

All Beans and descendants of Beans are invited to attend.

It is expected that Ex. Gov. Hon. N. G. Ordway will preside.

Per order of Committee,

D. G. BEAN, Secretary.

July 27, 1896.

The "Old Meeting House" in Exeter stands on the

spot on which the one stood in which John Bean, the

ancestor, and his family worshipped, in the yard of

which they were buried. It is a singular fact that, at

the time of holding the reunion there was not a single

descendant of the name living in Exeter, and but one

whose name was Bean before her marriage.

Several arrived the evening previous and spent the

time very pleasantly in becoming acquainted and dis-

cussing questions of family genealogy. The church

was opened the next morning before the hour of meet-

ing, and the Beans began to assemble. Very few had

ever met before, and some, who had known each other

in earlier days, had not met for many years and the

question, "Who are you?" was often answered in a

manner that caused exclamations of surprise and delight.

To the lookers-on the scene was one of great interest

and pleasure. As one gentleman announced his name,

two ladies rushed to him, one seizing him by one arm,

and one by the other, exclaiming simultaneously, "Why,we are your cousins


" and so they were, but had not

met for forty years ! It seemed too bad to interrupt

these proceedings by calling the meeting to order, and

in fact this was delayed for some time to enable us to

exchana;e sfreetinsfs.

The meeting was called to order in the auditorium

of the First Church in Exeter, by Hon. Josiah H.

Drummond of Portland, Me., who presided during the


The exercises were commenced by a prelude on the

organ, executed by Miss L. Adella Bean of Raymond,

and the singing, by the meeting, of the Doxology," Praise God from Whom all blessings flow."

Prayer was offered by Rev. J. Mowry Bean, of

Raymond.The chairman then introduced Hon. John D.

Lyman, of Exeter, who made a most appropriate and

felicitous address of welcome. He spoke extemporane-

ously and, to the regret of all, no report of it was made.

The historical and genealogical address was then

delivered by Mr. Drummond, as follows:

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen—• While my investigations

have had for their object the history of the New Hampshire Bean

family, and while, as you will readily allow, the growth of the family

has been such as to make my field of inquiry sufficiently large to

satisfy the ambition of any one man, I have availed myself of the

kindly offices of a friend in Scotland in an effort to obtain the origin

of the name and the family.

He says that the Beans, Bains, Baynes, MacBeans (his own

name), MacBains, and MacVeans, as variously spelled, are undoubt-

edly the descendants of the old clan, Vean. In Gaelic, the letters

B and V are interchangeable, so that Vean and Bean are the same

names, as well as MacBean and MacVean. The prefix " Mac


signifies son and is very much like our affix "junior." MacBean is,

therefore, "the son of Bean" or "Bean, Jr."

The true origin of the name of the family is not settled ; some

claim that the name is derived from the families living in a high

country, " Beann" being the Gaelic name for a mountain; but the

more generally received opinion is that it is derived from the fair

complexion of their progenitor. " Bean " means fair and is often

used by Highlanders to distinguish a particular man of fair com-

plexion ; as " Dhu " was used to identify or describe a man of dark

complexion. In Scott's " Lady of the Lake " Roderick Dhu is the

same as Roderick, the Dark. In like manner, persons were described

by their occupations or some other characteristic, or the place where

they lived. I have myself known families, recently from Scotland,

of the same name, who distinguished themselves from each other by

adding the occupation to the name, and the children took their

father's designation : for example, one family of Mclvors was known

as Mclvor Mason.

Of course, it is natural that these designations should, in time,

become part of the name ; and this was actually the case. Nor was

this confined to Scotland, for many of our English names are derived

in the same manner. The exceeding abundance of Smiths does not

indicate the wonderful growth of a single family so much as the large

number of artisans of that designation.

The Veans or, as more frequently called in Scottish history, the

MacBeans, were one of the tribes, or families, or septs, which made

up the famous Clan Chattan, so old that its origin, original home,

and even its name are unknown.

It existed and occupied Lochaber for some time (but how long

cannot be told) before the year 1300. It was made up of sixteen

tribes, which united in a confederacy, either on account of ties of

blood, or for mutual protection, most probably the latter. They

were a fierce generation and not often at peace with their neighbors.

Incredible as it seems in these days, in 1396 a quarrel of long stand-

ing between this clan and its rival was fought by thirty champions

on each side, in the presence of the King and the whole court of

Scotland. Walter Scott, in his " Fair Maid of Perth," has described

this battle in such a manner that the devoted loyalty of the Clans-

men to their chiefs, makes the reader forget the terrible scenes of

bloodshed and violent death. At the end of the fight, scarce seven

remained alive : the Clan Chattan was the victor ; the dissolution of

the rival confederacy immediately followed. " The Clan Chattan,

on the other hand," says Scott, "continued to increase and flourish;

and the best families of the northern Highlands boast their descent

from the race of the Cat-a-Mountain."

Fifteen years later was the battle of Harlaw, in which Lord

Mar, with steelclad knights, attacked ten times their number of

Highlanders, fighting with sword and target ; undaunted by the fear-

ful slaughter among them, the latter fiercely maintained the fight till

night ; but they were so weakened that they made peace the follow-

ing year. This battle, fought over again for more than a hundred

years by school boys in their play, celebrated in music, song and

story, "was the final contest for supremacy between the Celt and

Teuton." The Clan Chattan was in this battle and the fierce cour-

age with which they fought is attested by the fact that, in proportion

to their number, their loss was much greater than that of any other

clan engaged.

The submission of the Highlanders to the King of Scotland was

not followed by the hoped for results, and in 1424, Knig James

found them " in a state of the most fearful insubordination." The

vigorous measures taken by James brought a degree of quiet, but an

insurrection was attempted, the leader relying upon the aid of the

Highland clans ; but the Clan Chattan, to a man, joined the King,

and the rebels were disastrously defeated.

I have not had time to prepare, and you would not have the

patience to hear, an account of this clan during the two or three


following centuries. Suffice it to say, that the clan, in spite of

internal dissensions and external conflicts, continued its existence

and maintained its character for devoted- loyalty to those to whom it

was loyal, and for its almost ferocious bravery. At the battle of

Culloden, nearly one hundred years after John Bean had settled here,

a Macbean of gigantic stature set his back against a dike wall and

dispatched thirteen of his assailants, before he was overcome.

But during these years, it is evident, that many of the family or

tribe of Beans had left the seat of the clan and sought homes for

themselves elsewhere. Many of these advanced in civilization and

education, and became peaceable subjects, almost literally " turning

their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks."

Many of them were, or became Presbyterians, and on account of the

religious dissensions, which constantly prevailed, crossed over into

Ireland, where those of a similar faith and experience came to be

known as Scotch-Irish, that is, people of Scotch descent residing in

Ireland. At a very early date after the settlement of this country

commenced, these people began to come to America.

So that, while the family has not been traced back " across the

water," it is morally certain that it comes from Macbeans of the

Clan Chattan, who separated from the Clan and gave themselves to

the pursuits of agriculture in homes other than the fastnesses of their

native mountains.

It is known that three distinct families came to this country

about the same time. One settled in Virginia, one in Maine, and

one in New Hampshire. How nearly they were related to each

other, or if they were only descended from the same original family,

is not known. There is no evidence that they were brothers, as has

been suggested, and although the name was pronounced alike in all

three places, the fact that the Virginia family were largely Bains, the

Maine family Banes, and the New Hampshire family Beans, is

evidence of some weight that they were not brothers.

Coming now to the matter that most interests us, the first

authentic fact we have is the record of a grant of land to John Bean,

by the town of Exeter in 1660 ; when he came here, or in what vessel

he came or where he landed, has not yet been discovered, and it is

doubtful if it ever will be. He must have been here long enough

before 1661 to have satisfied the town that he was an actual settler

and intended to remain here permanently.

Tradition, which is sustained by much circumstantial evidence,


says that his wife died on the passage and that he married a girl

who came over in the same vessel. The grant of land was made,

according to our present calendar, in January, 1661, and he had

married his second wife before that. The name of his first wife is

not known ; nor is the surname of his second wife, and it is only

within a few years that her given name, Margaret, has been known.

Margaret Bean joined the Hampton church in 1671; among those

who were dismissed from Hampton church in 1698 "in order to

their being incorporated into a church state in Exeter " was " Good-

wife Bean "; and Margaret Bean was one of those who organized

the church in Exeter, Sept. 21, 1698; she was a member in 1705,

which is the last mention of her; but she died before 1718.

The births of a part of the family of John Bean are recorded in

Salem, Mass., (which was at one time the place of record for trans-

actions in Exeter) and those of others of his children, in Exeter.

But neither record is complete ; the Exeter record was evidently

made at one time, and not as the births occurred. The original

Salem record is lost but a very old copy exists. The consequence is

that neither record is reliable. Taking both records together, the

births of ten children are recorded, and there was one other, the

youngest, whose birth was not recorded. Of these, Mary, born June

8, 1655, was certainly the child of the first wife; she married, June

25, 1674, Joel Judkins ; four children stand to their credit on the

Exeter record, but they probably had others ; one genealogist claims

Daniel Webster as one of her descendants, but while he had an

ancestress of the same name as one of Mary's children, the evidence

of the correctness of this claim is not sufficiently certain.

John Bean had a son Henry, who died in infancy, who I think

was a child of the first wife ; it is true that the date of his birth, as

given on the Salem record, makes this impossible, if that record is

correct ; but that record is so inconsistent with the dates of the

births of the other children, that one or the other must be erroneous,

and I think that an error was made in copying. The reason I think

so is because neither Mary nor he are recorded in Exeter, where

the other children born there are recorded, and I find no room for

him between any other two of the children ; however, as he died in

infancy, the matter is not very material.

Another of the eleven, the oldest son, John, died at the age of

five years, but the other children, including another John, lived to

have families.

I must premise here that scarcely anything has been printed in

relation to this family which does not contain material errors. This

will not be deemed surprising, when it is remembered that not a

single family record has been preserved, that the town has a record

in case of only three of the children, and each one of those only a

partial one, that not a single will exists, and that the facts must be

obtained from the records of deeds, only a portion of which were

recorded. Nor was this all; they had the habit of using the same

given name in the different families (with apparently a strong prefer-

ence for names beginning with J.) and generally a deed gives no

information as to which particular one of the name executed it. Toillustrate: In Exeter in 17 17, there were four Johns; the original

John, his son, and two grandsons ; to make the matter worse, two of

the younger Johns had each a wife named Sarah ; the third had no

wife ; I cannot find that he ever married, and I have wondered

whether the reason was that he could not find another Sarah, who

would have him.

We have no history of John Bean ; he is mentioned in the

records frequently from 1660 to 17 18; he held no high official

position ; nothing is said of his character or habits ; but we can read

between the lines of these records that he and his wife were honest,

industrious and Godfearing people, respected by their neighbors,

adding little by little to their property, rearing a large family of

children of like character to themselves, and finally going peacefully

to their graves with a consciousness of life's duties well performed,

and faith, unshaken by a doubt, in a blissful immortality.

She died first, but at a date not known, and he died between

Jan. 24 and Feb. 8, 17 18, N. S., leaving nine children and many

grandchildren surviving him.

He divided his property among his children before his death

and left no will. His five sons, Daniel, Samuel, John, James and

Jeremiah, have been well known, but there has been much uncer-

tainty in relation to his daughters ;fortunately the record of a deed

has recently been discovered which gives their married names, Mary

Judkins, Margaret Taylor, Elizabeth Sinkler and Catharine Dolloff,

all of whom had families ; but it is doubtful if we shall ever get a full

account of them. In 17 10, three of Catharine's daughters, of the

respective ages of four, six and eight years, were captured by the

Indians and carried to Canada; in 17 17 their father petitioned the

Assembly, stating that he had been to Canada and ransomed one of


them and asking for aid; ;^io was granted to him then and a like

amount the next year. Tradition has it that after peace had been

restored he got a second one back, but that the other had married

an Indian ; later she came back to Exeter, but soon got homesick

and went back to Canada. The second of the three married her

cousin, William Bean ; neither of the other two is mentioned in the

will of their father, dated April 4, 1744; probably one had then

died, but which had died and which was in Canada, has not been


As I have followed the daughters but one generation, I have

gone a little out of the ordinary course relating to them.

The sons apparently did not marry young. I say " apparently "

for we have no dates of their marriages and, what is worse, cannot

discover the names of their wives, save in one or two cases.

1. Daniel, the oldest, lived in Exeter and died there in 17 18,

two or three months after his father, his wife Mary having died

previously ; his heirs were three sons and a daughter, Mary (who

had married John Quinby) ; if he had had other children they had

died without issue. His oldest son, Daniel, settled in Kingston and

was the progenitor of David, who lived at "The Island" in Candia,

and his brothers, including the Jonathan who settled in Maine and

was the ancestor of our Bethel Beans.

2. The second son, Samuel, also had a wife, Mary, and lived

in Exeter ; so far as is known he had two sons and two daughters;

one son Curtis was the father of Curtis who, late in life, moved to

Brownfield, Me., and has numerous descendants ; the other son,

Samuel, lived and died near Portland, leaving but one daughter, so

far as is known.

3. The third son, John, Jr., died in Exeter early in 17 19,

leaving a widow, Sarah, and six children surviving, among them,

John of Newmarket, the father of the Gilmanton Beans, Jude, David,

Stephen and Joseph. The last named John is said, in some of the

books, to have moved from Exeter to Newmarket, whereas he did

not move at all, but the part of Exeter in which he lived was incor-

porated as a town by the name of Newmarket.

4. The fourth son, James, had three wives, by two of whom he

had children ;the name of the first wife is not known ; the second,

whom he married in December, 1697, was Sarah Bradley; he lived

first in Exeter and then in Kingston, where he died, Jan. 6, 1753.

His descendants are very numerous. John, son by his first



wife, the favorite grandson of the first John, was the father of Joshua

of Gilmanton, who had twenty-one children; of Sinkler, the head of

the " SaHsbury Beans " and of Nathaniel, the father of Nathaniel, of

Warner, the ancestor of the Warner branch. Edward, also son byhis first wife, moved to Nottingham with his family, which spread

widely from that center.

The Brentwood records give him six children by his second wife,

but quite recently I have found reason to believe that there were

others who are not recorded ; four of the six were sons, who had

respectively eight, nine, ten and eleven children.

Benjamin married in Eastham and lived a while in Haverhill,

Mass., but finally came back to Exeter, and was drowned in Exeter

river in 1738 ; he was the father of the Benjamin of Epping and Bow,

who distinguished himself in the Revolution.

Joseph lived in Kingston : he lost five children during his life

and left two sons and three daughters surviving him.

Jeremiah married Sarah Blake of Hampton : he lived in Brent-

wood and raised a large family ; late in life he bought a tract of land

lying partly in Candia and partly in Deerfield, which he cut up into

farms for four of his sons (with one of whom he lived) and bought

another farm in Plymouth for his other son. Two of his grandsons

moved to Maine and settled in Waldo county.

Samuel married Mary Buzzell ; lived in Sandown and was the

ancestor of the " Sutton Beans," who also have spread into Maine.

5. Jeremiah, the youngest son of the original John, lived in

Exeter near where the old gaol used to stand. There is some uncer-

tainty about his family. He died in 1727. No division of his

property was then made ; Aug. 11, 1746, John Bean of Brentwood,

an unmarried man, was killed by the Indians ; many circumstances

point to the conclusion that he was the son of this Jeremiah ; the

next year the heirs of Jeremiah commenced selling a 100-acre lot

granted him by the town ; each heir sold one-eighth, so far as the

deeds are recorded. In those days, the oldest son had a double

share ; applying this rule, there would be seven children, Jeremiah,

Richard, Elizabeth, Tabitha, and Hannah, conveyed each one-eighth;

James Folsom conveyed the other three-eighths, two of which Mar-

garet conveyed to him ; how Margaret came by more than one-eighth

or how Folsom got the third eighth, does not appear. In addition

to these six children surviving in 1747, there was certainly James;

the Dudley Genealogy claims that Deborah, the wife of James Dud-


ley, was a sister of James Bean, and so a daughter of Jeremiah.

There is no deed on record from James Bean or Deborah Dudley ; I

have been inclined to the opinion that, after the death of John, there

were only seven survivors ; but the evidence in relation to Deborah

is certainly very strong ; if one of them (James and Deborah) con-

veyed one-eighth to Folsom, and the other conveyed one-eighth to

Margaret, all the shares are accounted for, and the number of chil-

dren surviving in 1747 is fixed at eight. But a descendant of Jere-

miah states, on the evidence of old people, that there were still other

children who lived to old age. I have been of the opinion that, in

this tradition, Jeremiah Bean and his son, Jeremiah, are confounded,

and that there were one more generation and one more Jeremiah in

the same line, than this tradition supposes. But I am not satisfied

that this is the correct solution : the problem is all the more difficult

because there were three Jeremiah Beans in Brentwood at the same

time, and because in those days the affix " Junior " to a name did not

mean the person was the son of a father of the same name, but the

younger of two men of the same name living in the same town : for

example, Samuel Bean, living in Exeter, was called Samuel Jr., to

distinguish him from his uncle, Samuel ; but he moved to Kingston

and then was called Samuel Sr.., or Samuel, to distinguish him from

his cousin, Samuel, a younger man, also living in Kingston, who was

then called "Junior."

James Bean, the son of Jeremiah and grandson of the original

John, was the noted " Friend " of Brentwood, or " Quaker Preacher,"

as he was usually called : he was a prominent man in the communityand had a very large family, just equalling Joshua of Gilmanton,

with his twenty-one children. We had not credited him with so

many, but I have very recently got in correspondence with two great

grandsons of his, settled in California, still adhering to the religious

faith of their ancestor, from whom I have obtained a correct list of

his children : quite a number died young, but enough lived to makethe number of his descendants from his time to ours, rival in number,if not surpass, those of Joshua of Gilmanton ; but in the race Jameshad one generation the start.

The genealogist almost always has a list of "families not

placed," that is, families whose ancestry he cannot certainly trace.

In our case while there are a few families of the name, whom, onaccount of the failure of the records, we have not been able to iden-

tify, so far we have found but one male Bean in the early generations


whose parentage is not discovered ; in other cases we have traced

them as coming from some particular grandson of John Bean ; but

the exception is a notable one, and is the more difficult, because he

was born at a time when he may have been either a grandson or the

son of a grandson.

David Bean of Brentwood, married Mary Judkins, in 1736 ; after

the second generation they married at an earlier age, and it is not

safe to assume that this David was at least 21 when he married, but

in any event his birth is carried back to about 17 17, or before.

The ages of John's children were such that the earliest probable

date of birth of their respective grandchildren varies from 1706 to

1717. While persons born between these dates were probably

grandchildren of John, some of them may have been great grand-

children. To increase the difficulty there was another David Bean

in that vicinity, and as if he owed future genealogists a spite, he too

married a Mary Judkins. Of course, the earlier writers assumed that

there was but one, apparently not noticing the slight discrepancy that

one was married in 1736 and the other in 1748; when that was

noticed it was explained that the first Mary died and her husband

married another Mary of the same name ; and so for a time, David

Bean of " The Island " in Candia, was credited with having had two

wives ; but it was soon discovered that if so, he must have had them

both at the same time, and for years after 1748.

Further investigation discloses that the David and Mary who

w^ere married in 1735, lived in that part of Exeter which became

Brentwood, and had a large family of children, nearly all of whom

were baptized in the Kingston church ; in 1763 he moved to Chester,

and a little later to Sandwich, where he and his wife died, but when,

no one knows.

One by one almost we have discovered ten children and it is

probable that there were at least two others ; one died in infancy,

and others may have died young, but certainly one daughter and five

sons lived to have families rivalling, and in some instances surpass-

ing, their father's in number. The Beans of Sandwich and vicinity

belong largely to this branch. Hon. Benning M. Bean, distinguished

in public life, was a grandson of this David. Completing the account

of this family is slow work, requiring time, patience and persistence,

and must be done step by step ; but each step generally shows the

way for another, so that I am confident that it is only a question of

time when the ancestry of this David will be discovered and the roll

of those who rally under his banner will be completed.


It will be noticed that while the children of John Bean settled

in Exeter and its immediate surroundings, the grandchildren went

further from home ; as a rule they went " up country," into " forests

primeval," and made for themselves homes on soil that had never

known the implements of husbandry. In their turn, their children,

finding the land near home all occupied, followed the example of

their parents and went further " up country " and subdued other for-

ests and reared other homes. Thus, generation after generation, they

spread over the state until apparently they filled it full, and over-

flowed into Vermont and even into Canada. A few had gone south

into Massachusetts, but more had sought the wilds of Maine, and in

Maine as in New Hampshire, they avoided the coast and settled on

the hills. Agriculture was their chief pursuit, and among the early

settlers in the northerly parts of the counties of York, Cumberland,

Oxford, Kennebec (now including Franklin), Somerset, Waldo and

Penobscot (now including Piscataquis), were numerous descendants

of John Bean ; later they found their way into Hancock, Washington

and Aroostook. In fact, they have so fully occupied Maine, that I

have thought that, while in that state the crop may be less to the

acre than in New Hampshire, she has a so much larger field that the

total crop is quite equal to that of the Mother State.

But the family was not content with populating New Hampshire

and Maine ; they began to obey Horace Greeley's injunction, " Go

West, young man," before Greeley was born. They went West when

New York Avas " the West ;" they went West when Ohio was " the

West ;" in a word, they have been following " the West " as it has

receded generation after generation, until their progress has been

stayed by the waves of the mighty Pacific ; and we can now imagine

them standing upon the outermost cliffs with its surf at their feet,

and, like Alexander, weeping that there is no longer a "West" for

them to conquer.

Wherever they have gone, the school-house and the meeting-

house have gone with them. And so it is, that in every community

in this land in which the people are industrious, sober, intelligent,

thrifty and God-fearing, you will find your cousins of the blood of

John Bean,

In my attempts to call the roll, answers have come not only from

" New Hampshire rocks, Vermont's green hills," and " the piney

streams of Maine," but


" From where the stately Hudson floats the wealth of half the world


From where, amid the clustered isles, Lake Huron's waters gleam;

From where the Mississippi pours an unpolluted stream


From where Kentucky's fields of corn bend in the southern air;

From broad Ohio's luscious vines, from Jersey's orchards fair;

From where, between the fertile slopes, Nebraska's rivers run


From Pennsylvania's iron hills, and woody Oregon."

While those of the early generations occupied themselves with

agriculture and its kindred pursuits, as time wore on they began to

enter the professions and all the other vocations. I have thought

that an unusually large number were ministers ; but while the num-

ber in that profession is large, I am not sure that it is out of propor-

tion to the whole number. Whatever has been their sphere of action,

they have preserved the characteristics of their ancestors.

The organization of the Sons of the American Revolution and

other patriotic societies, whose object is to keep alive the memory of

those who have gallantly served their country in its early days, has

given a great impulse to the interest in relation to genealogy and per-

sonal history. While my work has been confined almost exclusively

to the genealogy of the family, I have gathered occasional items of

history which may be of interest to you.

In the troublous times just after 1700, almost every man was

enrolled as a soldier and did military duty ; but few records, how-

ever, have been preserved, and the details of the history of the ser-

vice are not known.

But there is still a record that in 17 10 and 17 12, Daniel, Samuel,

John and Jeremiah, sons of John Bean, and John and Edward, sons

of James, and Samuel, Jr., son of Daniel, and grandsons of John,

were out on scouting parties to prevent and repel the attacks of the


Daniel Bean of Kingston, was in the Louisburg expedition in

1746 ;Jonathan Edgerly was a substitute for Joshua Bean, and Jere-

miah Oilman for James Bean, Jr., both Quakers of Brentwood, in the

expedition against Canada in April, 1759 ;Josiah Bean of Sandwich,

was "a captivated soldier" in the French and Indian war in 1757.

Joshua Bean had a son (not named) one year in the " ranging ser-

vice " at a date not given, but probably in 1761 ; and the sons of

other Quakers were also in the military service about that time ; and

Ebenezer, son of John, Jr., was at Crown Point in 1755.

When we come to the Revolution, the records are more com-

plete, but there were so many of the same given name, whose


residence is not given, that I have found it impossible to identify

more than a comparatively few of them,

Cornelius Bean of Sutton, John Bean (age 26) and John Bean,

Jr., (age 20), both of Canterbury, were in Captain Hutchins's com-

pany in Stark's regiment and were at the battle of Bunker Hill.

Among those, who served in the Revolution, were Jonathan

Bean of Candia, and his sons Nathan and Phineas ; Phineas

of Salisbury;Joseph of Gilmanton, brother of Jude ; Edward of Gil-

manton ; Curtis, who after the war settled in Brownfield, Maine


Daniel, son of Jonathan, who went from Chester to Standish, Maine,

before the war ; Captain Josiah of Sandwich, and Moody, his brother;

Ebenezer of Newmarket, and apparently another Ebenezer of Epping;

Benjamin of Bow, whose family afterwards settled in Conway ; an-

other Benjamin of Hampstead, and apparently still another of

Newton; Jabez of Hampstead; Jonathan of Sanbornton;Jeremiah

of Kingston ; David of Gilmanton ; and (among those whose resi-

dence I have not discovered) Daniel, and Samuel, and James, and

William, and, of course, "the numerous John." I do not say that

there was a John in every Bean family in New Hampshire, nor that

every John of suitable age, served in the Revolutionary war ; but if

you will take the volumes of the New Hampshire State papers and

try to look up the service of John Bean, you will begin to think that

I might say so. The name is mentioned over twenty-five times, and

while several entries undoubtedly refer to the same John, an effort

to identify them is very much like trying to identify unmarked sheep.

The same thing is true, to less extent, with other names.

I have recently ascertained that one of the Johns and probably

one of the Josiahs settled in Mount Vernon in my state.

In 1776, by a resolve of Congress, there was sent out for

signature, an " association test '" in these words :

"We, the subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise,

that we will, to the utmost of our power, at the risk of our lives and

fortunes, with arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British

fleets and armies against the united American colonies."

This was to be presented to every man over twenty-one, except, of

course, those absent in the army, and possibly old men. The record

of those who signed, as well as of those who refused, in several of

the towns has been preserved. I find the following Beans : Bos-

cawen, Joseph ; Bow, Benjamin ; Canterbury, John ; Deerfield, Ben-

jamin ; Gilmanton, David, Stephen and Jude ; Kingston, Jeremiah;


Meredith, George ; Newmarket, John and Joseph ; Salisbury, Ben-

jamin, Phineas and John ; Sandown, Samuel ; Sandwich, David,

Benjamin and Josiah.

In Brentwood, James, Jeremiah, Richard, Richard, Jr., William,

Levi and Joshua refused to sign ; so did Gideon, Joshua, Simeon

and Enoch of Gilmanton;James of Nottingham ; and Sinkler and

Joseph of Salisbury. The most of these were " Quakers ;" quite a

number of them "approved the declaration" (of independence,

adopted after the test had been sent out, but before it had been

signed), and would consent to be taxed to support it, but could not

conscientiously bear arms. The signing of this test was an act of

treason against the British government, and if the patriots had failed

to establish independence, those signing it would have been liable to

be punished equally with those who actually bore arms ; for this

reason, descendants of the signers of it are eligible to admission to

some of the patriotic societies to which I have referred.

In 1832, a list of Revolutionary pensioners was published; the

number was small because pensions were then limited to those desti-

tute, or substantially destitute, of property. Among them were


Josiah Bean, Kennebec county, Me., private in the New Hampshire

line ; Jeremiah Bean, Merrimack county, Ninth regiment. United

States infantry;James Bean, Jr., Rockingham county, corporal. Fifth

regiment. United States infantry; James Bean, Rockingham county,

private. United States artillery; Jeremiah Bean, Rockingham county,

Continental line ; Benjamin Bean, Grafton county, drummer. NewHampshire Continental line ; Daniel Bean, Merrimack county, private.

New Hampshire Continental line;Joseph Bean, Strafford county,

private; Ebenezer Bean, Strafford county; Daniel Bean, Sullivan

county, Massachusetts State line;Jonathan Bean, Oxford county.

Me., Massachusetts State line ; Ebenezer Bean, York county. Me.,

Massachusetts State line.

Under later laws, other soldiers and widows of soldiers received

pensions, and the pension ofifice at Washington will yield an abun-

dant harvest to the historian who can cultivate this field of inquiry.

Many of the family also were soldiers in the war of 18 12, but I

have not attempted to collect the statistics.

The official reports of the various states, especially those of NewHampshire and Maine, show that in the civil war there were Beans

enough for an army of very respectable size ; enough of the name

even, without counting others of the blood, but of different names.


This reminds me to inquire if it ever occurred to you, that, mak-

ing no allowance for intermarriages, in the eighth generation of the

descendants of John Bean, for every one bearing the name there are

127 bearing other names? But there have been intermarriages; yet

taking this into consideration, the whole number of descendants in

the generation comprising those of middle age at this time, exceed

those bearing the name of Bean by more than 100 to one. Whothey are, we do not know ; nay, we never can know ; it is not within

the limit of human investigation to trace the almost myriad lines.

It is said that the study of astronomy inspires reverence for

God ; it is equally true that the study of genealogy most forcibly

impresses the mind with the truth that " all men are brothers;

" the

mutual discovery that we are descended from the same ancestor of

only a few generations ago, tends greatly to break down the wall

with which we ordinarily fence ourselves in.

But I am forgetting that the average judgment of the community

is that the genealogist is a "crank" and that you may not share myenthusiasm ; and beyond that I am forgetting that your patience, like

Sam Weller's "wision," is "limited." Pardon a few words more and

I will relieve you.

I do not find that John Bean has given great leaders, "in the

world's broad field of battle," but I do find that he has given a host

of sturdy, fearless, resolute, patient, long-enduring subalterns and

soldiers, without whom great leaders would never have existed—soldiers, each in his own sphere, a very " hero in the strife."

The men and women who have subdued the forests ; who have

peopled our hills and valleys with a sober, industrious, intelligent,

liberty-loving but law-abiding population ; who have planted the

school-house and the meeting-house side by side, almost in an

unbroken line from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; though they have not

led mighty armies nor filled high offices, are well worthy of the

respect, gratitude and praise of their descendants.

It is, therefore, fitting that you should meet here to-day to honor

the memory of those who planted and perpetuated the family in the

New World, not forgetting that the highest praise we can give them

is to imitate their virtues in carrying on the work which they so

successfully began.


The following Ode, written for the occasion by

Addie Kendall Mason of West Bethel, Maine, was

then sung to the tune of " Auld Lang Syne."

We've gathered here this Summer day

From many a distant land


The East, the West, the North, the South,

All clasp the friendly hand.

Then give three cheers for pioneers

Who bravely struggled on.

Through Winter's snow and Summer's glow

So many years agone !

And this to us is hallowed ground

For early, here, and late


In century past the good man worked

Whose name we venerate.

Then give three cheers, etc. ^

All honor to that grand old manWho came from Scotland's shore


Whose stout hands tilled these same green fields

In long gone days of yore.

Then give three cheers, etc.

Descendants of a worthy sire

We hail him as our head


While we to-day commemorate

His worth, though long years dead.

Then give three cheers, etc.

Then fling our banner to the breeze

To catch the sun's bright gleam


And interspersed with stars and stripes

We'll weave the name of Bean.

Then give three cheers, etc.


The following lines, written for the John Bean

Reunion at West Salisbury, N. H,, in 18S9, by Mrs.

Emma Burrows Phillips, were read at the request of

the Committee, by Rev. J. Wesley Bean:

'^Behold how sweet and pleasant a thing it is for brethren

to dwell together in tmity"

O, Muse, whom both gods and mortals adore,

O'ershadow us now; thine aid we implore.

Our ideas expand, and our words O, inspire;

May the pen thou art guiding, be dipped as in fire,

Whilst we sing of the genealogical tree;

The tree, from whose branches were plucked you and me.

This tree, on which Beans so plentifully grew.

You will see if you've patience to follow me through.

(I'll be very explicit, my greatest desire.)

In sixteen and sixty was a plant in Hampshire,

But as years passed along and as seasons rolled 'round,

Its roots took a firmer hold in the ground.

On rain and on sunshine and heaven's own dewIt fed, and was nourished, those long ages through.

Withstanding the tempest's wild, fierce, wintry blast.

It grew stronger and firmer as years o'er it passed,

'Till now, like the mustard of Biblical lore.

On valley and meadow its shadow waves o'er.

And, if you're observant, 'tis plain to be seen.

That New Hampshire's the place to harvest the Bean.

In sixteen and sixty, as I said before.

From Scotland, came John to America's shore;

The wife of his bosom, he buried at sea;

How sad was the fate of forefather John B.

But ere that long voyage, so dreary did pass.

He wooed and he wedded a handsome lass

Of Irish extraction ; and so you may see

This lass is foremother of you and of me.

His descendants obeyed the Bible command," Be fruitful, be fruitful, replenish the land."

For some of their families numbered a score,

A score did I say? you must add just one more;

And several grandsons and these grandsons' cousin.

Of children possessed a round "baker's dozen."

They called them by names old-fashioned but good


They were Gideon, Betsey, Simeon and Jude,

And a long list of others you would recognize well,

Not forgetting to mention, "O, Israel."


They were sturdy and strong, knew not the word fail ;"

And when brother Jonathan twisted the tail

Of the British Lion, and caused him to roar.

The Beans flew to arms, and were ready to pour

Their life's l^lood out freely, in order that we

From British oppression might ever be free.

The Queen Anne musket still hangs on the wall


And methinks if "To Arms," "To Arms," was the call,

"The British are coming;" the old soldier who's slept

In his grass-covered grave while the years have on crept,

Would arise at the call, and would grasp with a will

That Queen Anne musket of old Bunker Hill.

If you had the patience to listen, I'd tell

Of the trials that to our forefathers fell;

Of Indian wars, of battles a score;

Of their troubles to keep the " wolf from the door."

They struggled so bravely, they struggled so long,

But conquered; let this be the theme of the song.

We'll never forget Old Sinclair and wife.

They moved to Salisbury, (tradition is rife)

In seventeen hundred and (I forget what)

They can show you just exactly the spot

Where he built his log cabin and spent his last days.

An Elder was he and a man of firm ways.

Phineas was married to Judith SnowAnd Colonel Jonathan to Lydia, so

The records do show, but if we should trace

Each member of this genealogical race,

'Tvvould be a large contract ; and 'lis very clear

That our own posterity sure would be here

Ere we had concluded.

Suffice to impart

In the drama of life, each one played his part;

But the lights are blown out, their curtains rung down,

Their drama is ended, forefather and son

Are crumbling in dust, but their children to-day

Are met here together; they're still in the fray;

On our seventeenth reunion, this bright month of June,

While flowers are springing and birds are in tune,

We'll talk of their prowess, their virtues, of years

That are past; of their joys and their tears.

On " McAllister's Farm," where their memory's kept green,

We greet you to-day, O descendants of Bean


Beans small and Beans tall, Beans young and Beans old,

Beans happy and glad. Beans brave and Beans bold.

May our years be extended, our trials be few,

And may God bless us all, and to all an adieu.


The following lines, written by Mrs. Alice May[Bean] Lodge of Gilmanton, were read by Miss Clara

Fox Bean of Gilmanton.

Our Clan is to hold a meeting

At Exeter by the sea,

And I suppose they will discuss

Our genealogical tree—The trunk is good and solid

And bears the names of three,

But when the branches begin to start

It is like a mustard tree.

I once was asked to celebrate

A sixtieth wedding day


They met in a hall, and the auld wife said,

"They didn't ask no pay."

And then her brother got up and said,

" Her work was a sight to see,

But not so wonderful after all,

Considering her pedigree." \

In olden times the bravest deeds

Were sure to be kept along

And handed down from father to son

In story or in song.

But supposing the different scions

Of our ancestral tree

Should take it into their heads to go,

What a sight it would be to see


First of all would be the brothers

With their wives and children dear.

And each one carries the mark of his trade.

Whether hammer, or axe, or spear.

But in the crowd behind them

Are many we should not know.

But some we might distinguish.

If all were determined to go :

There are men of every station.

Of high and low degree.

But the titles are as manyAs the birds in a mustard tree.

But who is that with the sack on his back.

Looking so weary and worn ?

His children were starving, waiting at homeFor him and his sack of corn.*

There's one with the rank of captain

A long way must have come.

* An incident in the early history of Gilmanton.


Oh ! he's the one the Indians sold

For only four gallons of rum.

And who is that woman with long black curls

In a lute-string dress of yore?

Why, she is the woman they could not find,

The mother of Thomas Colmore.

And who is that in a steeple-crowned hat

Comes galloping up the street ?

That is Grandmother Blossom from Sandwich,

She's afraid that she's going to be late.

We hope the day will be pleasant

And all who're invited may come;

What questions they'll ask and how much they will say

Before they are ready for home.

This is not meant for a poemBut a simple " How do you do .'"'

For those who meet at Exeter

From others who cannot go.

Brief discussion of various matters followed, and

adjournment was made till two o'clock, then to meet in

the vestry.

During the intermission the time as far as possible

was spent in social intercourse, renewing old acquaint-

ances and formine new ones."f3


The convention met at two o'clock, with Rev. J.

MowRY Bean in the chair.

A committee, consisting of Dearborn G. Bean,

Rev. Samuel C. Beane and George L. Bean, was ap-

pointed to consider the advisability of forming a per-

manent organization.

The committee reported favorably and the report

was unanimously accepted.


Voted, That we form a permanent organization by the name of



The following were elected officers for the year


President, HON. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, LL. D., Portland, Me.

fREV. S. C. BEANE, D.D., Newburyport, Mass.


REV. J. WESLEY BEAN, Kingston, N. H.Vice J

HON. CHARLES A. STOTT, Lowell, Mass.Presidents, ] HON. AARON H. BEAN, Boston, Mass.


HON. MOSES DUDLEY BEAN, New York, N. Y.[HON. G. S. BEAN, San Jose, Cal.

Treasurer, REV. J. MOWRY BEAN, Raymond, N. H.

Secretary, DEARBORN G. BEAN. ESQ., East Wilton, Me.


REV. S. C. BEANE, D.D., Newburyport, Mass.< REV. J. WESLEY BEAN, Kingston, N. H.RUFUS E. BEAN, Franklin, N. H.HARRY E. BEAN, Haverhill, Mass.


Voted^ To hold a reunion in 1897.

Received an invitation to meet at Haverhill, Mass.

Voted, That any person descending from John Bean of Exeter,

(1660), or connected with this Bean family by marriage, may become

a member of this Association by presenting their name and address

to the Secretary.

A collection was taken to defray the expenses of

the committee for printing and postage, and it was an-

nounced that a sufficient amount had been contributed

to repay the disbursements and leave a small balance in

the hands of the Treasurer.

There was an informal discussion as to the methodof conducting future meetings, and the unanimous sen-

timent was that the plan adopted, of an inexpensive

reunion for social intercourse and exercises tendino- to

promote a knowledge of the history of the family andits members, gives much greater profit and pleasure

than an elaborate programme of formal addresses, music

and a banquet possibly could.

Letters of regret from the following were received

and read:

Miss Emma J. Bean, no Davis Ave., Brookline, Mass. ; EdwardS. Bean, St. Paul, Minn. ; Rev. Ebenezer Bean, Bluehill, Me. ; B. F.

Bean, Dubuque, la. ; Hon. Aaron H. Bean, Boston, Mass. ; Rev. W.

1831 2^^:


S. Bean, D,D., Clinton, S. C.; J. Bean Pulsifer, Lakeport, N. H.


Miss Viola A. Smith, Haverhill, Mass. ; Mrs. J. L. Bean, Atlantic,

Iowa ; Mrs. Jennie Bean Bosworth, Hiram, Me. ; Wm. A. G. Hooton,

6i8 Broadway, N. Y. ; Azel Ames, i6i Shawmut Ave., Chelsea,

Mass. ; Mrs. Vincent Francis, Camp Point, III. ; Peter S. Bean,

Cadott, Wis. ; Alvin C. Bean, DeKalb, 111.

Votes of thanks to all who had contributed to the

exercises were adopted, and the convention adjourned

subject to the call of the Executive Committee.

But the formal adjournment was not the end of the

convention. Those present formed into groups only to

be broken up and new ones formed, while relationships,

incidents of former days, and family history were eagerly

discussed;joyous laughter rang out, while many eyes

were dimmed with tears ; the murmur of conversation

filled the hall, so that a mere looker-on would have

heard only a Babel of sound. Every one seemed to wish

to be in several places at once and to have an unlimited

number of tongues with a corresponding number of

ears. But as the respective "train times" approached,

they began to say "good-bye" and drop off by twos and

threes; but every one remained till the latest possible

moment, and it was not until " late supper time " that

the door of the old church closed and the reunion was


D. G. BEAN, Secretary.


EXETER, N. H., AUGUST ig 1896.

It is to be greatly regretted that an effort was not made early in the day to

secure the names of all present. The following names were registered as mem-

bers of the Association ; very many who were present did not register; some who

are registered were not present and so far as remembered, their names are marked

with a star.

Josiah H. Drummond,

Mrs. Elzada Rollins [Bean] Drummond,Rev. S. C. Beane, D.D.,

*Mrs. S. C. Beane,

Rev. J. Wesley Bean,

*Mrs. J. Wesley Bean,

Rev. J. Mowry Bean,

Mrs. J. Mowry Bean,

Dearborn G. Bean,

Clara Fox Bean,

George L. Bean,

Mrs. Arthur L. Bates,

Mrs. Elizabeth M. R. Bean,

Lucy A. Bean,

Elizabeth A. Bennett,

Elizabeth O. Hutchinson, .

Mary E. Hutchinson,

Lucy H. P. Goodwin,

Enoch Bean, ....Frank D. Whitcomb,

Mrs. Emma Bean Whitcomb, .

Alice J. Whitcomb,

Elizabeth M. Tufts,

Mrs. Susan J. Haselton,

Mrs. Fred E. Stevens, .

Mrs. L. M. Hall,

Frank Chase Bean,

Harry Edgar Bean,

Rufus E. Bean,

Mrs Rufus E. Bean,

Mrs. Ruth B. Green,

Portland, Me.

Newburyport, Mass.

Kingston, N. H.(( II

Raymond, "

(< it

East Wilton, Me.

Gilmanton, N. H.

Newtonville, Mass.

Portland, Me.

Bradford, Mass.(I (t

Lynn, "

Passaic, N. J.

Lynn, Mass.

Berwick, Me.

Cambridge, Mass.


Medford, '

Chester, N. HHaverhill, Mass

Franklin, N. H.

Raymond, "


Edwin J. Marston,

Mrs. Annie Dudley Davis,

Cleveland J. Cheney,

Mrs. Cleveland J. Cheney,

Charles W. Bean, .

Mrs. Charles W. Bean,

John A. Bean,

Abram Bean.

Mrs. Nina J. Bean,

Moses Qiiimby Bean, .

Charles E. Bean,

Carlos D. McAlister,

Mrs. Octavia B. Prescott,

Alfred I. Prescott,

Weldon Ashley Diiley,

Mrs. Bessie H. Smith, .

Mrs. Deborah J. B. Ladd,

E. Frank Bean,

Mrs. E. Frank Bean,

John H. Blaisdell,

Alden W. Dow,

W. .Arthur Bean,

Mrs. W. .Arthur Bean,

Leonard S. Bean,

John Bean,

Faustina Bean,

Mrs. S. H. Rand, .

Mrs. .\lnieda Duley,

Minnie F. Bean,

Sarah B. Bean, .

Mrs. Mary B. Bailey,

Mrs. Mary A. Tucker, .

Nellie S. Bean,

Helen M. Bean,

C. N. Bean,

N. W. Bean,

*.\Irs. N. W. Bean,

Isaiah S. Lang,

Mrs. Isaiah S. Lang,

Martha A. Ladd,

Mrs. Aaron G. Whittier,

Mrs. Daniel W. Whittier,

Mrs. S. Jennie Yeoman,

Phillip C. Bean,

Mrs. Hannah E. Bean,

Mrs. Anna L. Tappan,

Abbie M. Tappan,

Mrs. James Bean,

No. Woburn, Mass.

Harriman, Tenn.

Lowell, Mass.(( ((

Brentwood, N. H.« u


Lempster, N. H.« II

York Beach, Me.

Alfred, "

Salisbury, N. H.

Gilmanton, "

Portsmouth, "

Boston, Mass.

Beverly, "

Raymond, N. H.

Penacook, "

Haverhill, Mass.

East Boston, "

Penacook, N. H.

Boston, Mass.

Freedom, Me.

Mt. Vernon, Me.

Epping, N. H.

Beverly, Mass.

Kingston, N. H.It «

Salem, "

Penacook, "

Lawrence, Mass.

Penacook, N. H.

Wakefield, Mass.(( tt

Candia, N. H.i< «

Deerfield, "

Raymond, "

Candia, "

Concord, "

Hampton, "

Deerfield, "


Mrs. ii. F. Page,

Mrs. C. P. Farrar,

Joseph W. Bean,

Willard B. Howe,

Moses C. Bean,

Alice M. Bean,

S. Ardella Bean,

Charles Nelson Bean, .

Martha Ann Robinson,

S. A. Blaisdell,

Mrs. S. A. Blaisdell,

Mark Bean,

George W. Bean,

*Addie Kendall Mason,

Manchester, N. H.


Derry Depot, "

Burlington, Vt.

Haverhill, Mass.

Raymond, N. H.

Penacook, "

London, "

Haverhill, Mass.(( it

North Sidney, Me.

Bradford, Mass.

West Bethel, Me.

Among those present and not registered were the following


Hon. Charles A. Stott and daughter,

Mrs. Sophronia E. Davis,

Rev. James H. Fitts,

Mrs. Charles A. Rowell,

William P. Bean,

Mrs. Charles Nelson Bean,

Fred Moore,

Mrs. Sarah Bean,

John Ezra Tucker,

Grace Bell Tucker,

Mrs. Rhoda Jane McAllister, .

Martha Eliza Dow,

John Ceylon Dow,

Lowell, Mass


So. Newmarket,



Penacook, N. H.



West Salisbury, '

E. Boston, Mass.

Haverhill, "

The following names are entered as members by request, received since the



Vincent Francis,

Mrs. Margaret J. Francis,

Azel Ames,

Emma J. Bean,

Ed. S. Bean,

William H. Dyer,

Mrs. William H. Dyer,

William A. G. Hooton,

B. F. Bean,

A. C. Bean,

Rev. W. S. Bean, .

G. S. Bean,

Camp Point, 111.

it <( i(

Chelsea, Mass.

Brookline, "

St. Paul, Minn.

Strong, Me.(( «

6i8 Broadway, New York City.

Dubuque, la.

De Kalb, 111.

Clinton, S. C.

San Jose, Cal.

Aaron H. Bean, President Hamilton National Bank, . Boston, Mass.

Cotton W. Bean, .... 149 Broadway, New York City.

Elizabeth Bean Mills, ..... Newbury, Oregon.


Sarah E. Tucker,

Addison S. Bean,

Moses W. Bean,

Charles Bean,

J. li. Pulsifer,

J. L. Bean,

Mrs. J. L. Bean,

Dolly Bean Corwin,

Mrs. Jennie Bean Bosworth,

Rev. Leroy S. Bean,

A. W. Bean,

Helen Howes, .

John V. Bean, M. D.,

lion. Charles A. Stott,

Isaac B. Bean,

Kev. Ebenezer Bean,

James Bean,

Joel Bean,

Peter S. Bean,

So. Sangerville, Me.

West Bethel, Me.

Ionia, Mich.

Lakeport, N. H.

Atlantic, Iowa.(< It

Athoi, Mass.

Hiram, Me.

Portland, Me.

Mankato, Minn.

Taunton, Mass.

Fairfield, Iowa.

Lowell, Mass.

Bean's Corner, Me.

Bluehill, Me.

San Jose, Cal.

<( <( a

Cadott, Wis.

D. G. BEAN, Secretary.
