processing food and nutrition chapter 46. learning objective 1 describe food processing, including...

Processing Food and Processing Food and Nutrition Nutrition Chapter 46 Chapter 46

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Page 1: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Processing Food and Processing Food and NutritionNutrition

Chapter 46Chapter 46

Page 2: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 1Learning Objective 1

• Describe food processing, including Describe food processing, including ingestioningestion, , digestiondigestion, , absorptionabsorption, and , and egestionegestion or or eliminationelimination

• Compare the digestive system of a Compare the digestive system of a cnidarian (such as cnidarian (such as HydraHydra) with that of an ) with that of an earthworm or vertebrateearthworm or vertebrate

Page 3: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• The process of taking in and using foodThe process of taking in and using food

Page 4: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Food ProcessingFood Processing

• FeedingFeeding • selection, acquisition, and selection, acquisition, and ingestioningestion of food of food

• DigestionDigestion • breaking down food mechanically, chemically breaking down food mechanically, chemically

• Absorption Absorption • nutrients pass from digestive tract into bloodnutrients pass from digestive tract into blood

• EgestionEgestion (elimination)(elimination)• undigested, unabsorbed food discharged undigested, unabsorbed food discharged

Page 5: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Cnidarians and FlatwormsCnidarians and Flatworms

• Food digested in Food digested in gastrovascular cavitygastrovascular cavity • only one opening only one opening • serves as both mouth and anusserves as both mouth and anus

Page 6: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Gastrovascular Gastrovascular CavitiesCavities

Page 7: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-2a, p. 992





Food Enzymes secreted by inner layer

Gastro- vascular cavity Food


Gastrodermis(a) Hydra

(b) Exhalation.

Page 8: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-2b, p. 992

Gastrovascular cavityEpidermis

Food particles


Food absorbed



Lining of the intestine Food

(b) Flatworm

Page 9: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Complex Invertebrates and Complex Invertebrates and VertebratesVertebrates

• Digestive tract is complete tubeDigestive tract is complete tube• with opening at each end with opening at each end

• As food passes through tube As food passes through tube • digestion takes placedigestion takes place

• Parts of digestive tract are specializedParts of digestive tract are specialized• to perform specific functionsto perform specific functions

Page 10: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Complete Digestive TractComplete Digestive Tract

Page 11: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-3, p. 992

Crop Gizzard



Mouth Anus



Page 12: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Explore various digestive Explore various digestive systems by clicking on the figure systems by clicking on the figure

in ThomsonNOW.

Page 13: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Food processing includes ingestion, Food processing includes ingestion, digestion, absorption, and eliminationdigestion, absorption, and elimination

Page 14: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Adaptations for Obtaining FoodAdaptations for Obtaining Food

Page 15: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Many animal adaptations are associated Many animal adaptations are associated with mode of nutritionwith mode of nutrition

Page 16: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 2Learning Objective 2

• Trace the pathway traveled by an ingested Trace the pathway traveled by an ingested meal in the human digestive systemmeal in the human digestive system

• Describe the structure and function of Describe the structure and function of each organ involvedeach organ involved

Page 17: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 1Human Digestive System 1

• Mouth Mouth • Mechanical, enzymatic digestion of carbohydratesMechanical, enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates

• Mammalian teethMammalian teeth• incisorsincisors for biting for biting • caninescanines for tearing food for tearing food • premolars,premolars, molarsmolars for crushing and grinding for crushing and grinding

Page 18: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Teeth and DietTeeth and Diet

Page 19: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-6a, p. 994


CaninesPremolars Molars

(a) Carnivore.

Page 20: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-6b, p. 994





(b) Herbivore.

Page 21: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-6c, p. 994





(c) Omnivore.

Page 22: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Tooth StructureTooth Structure

Page 23: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-7, p. 995

Enamel GumCrown

Pulp cavity

PulpNeck Dentin

CementumRoot canal

RootSpongy bone



(a) Human lower molar. Sagittal section showing the crown, neck, and root.

Artery (b) X-ray of a healthy tooth.

Page 24: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 2Human Digestive System 2

• Three pairs of Three pairs of salivary glandssalivary glands • secrete saliva (enzyme secrete saliva (enzyme salivary amylasesalivary amylase

digests starch)digests starch)

• PharynxPharynx and and esophagusesophagus• carry food to stomach carry food to stomach

Page 25: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 3Human Digestive System 3

• PeristalsisPeristalsis• waves of muscular contractionwaves of muscular contraction• pushes pushes bolusbolus of food along digestive tract of food along digestive tract

• StomachStomach • mechanical digestion by vigorous churningmechanical digestion by vigorous churning• enzyme enzyme pepsinpepsin in gastric juice digests in gastric juice digests


Page 26: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


Page 27: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-8, p. 995

EsophagusRelaxed muscle layer

Circular muscles contract, constricting passageway and pushing bolus ahead

Longitudinal muscles contract, shortening passageway ahead of the bolus

Relaxed muscle layer

Food bolus

Sphincter closed

Sphincter open

Stomach StomachA bolus is moved through the esophagus by peristaltic contractions.

When the sphincter (ring of muscle) at the entrance of the stomach opens, food enters the stomach.

Page 28: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 4Human Digestive System 4

• RugaeRugae • folds in stomach wallfolds in stomach wall• expand as stomach fills with food expand as stomach fills with food

• Gastric glandsGastric glands secrete secrete • hydrochloric acidhydrochloric acid • pepsinogen (pepsinogen (precursor of precursor of pepsin)pepsin)

Page 29: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Stomach StructureStomach Structure

Page 30: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-9a, p. 996

Visceral peritoneum



Circular muscle layer

Longitudinal muscle layer

Oblique muscle layer

Pyloric sphincter

Duodenum Rugae

Page 31: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-9b (1), p. 996

Openings into gastric glands

EpitheliumGastric glands

Lymph nodule

Gastric mucosa

Page 32: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-9b (2), p. 996

Chief cell Parietal cell


Surface epithelium

Chief cells

Parietal cellsGastric glands

Gastric glands

Page 33: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 5Human Digestive System 5

• ChymeChyme • soup of partly digested foodsoup of partly digested food• leaves stomach through leaves stomach through pyloruspylorus• enters enters small intestinesmall intestine in spurts in spurts

• DuodenumDuodenum • location of most enzymatic digestionlocation of most enzymatic digestion• produces several digestive enzymesproduces several digestive enzymes• receives secretions from liver and pancreasreceives secretions from liver and pancreas

Page 34: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Structure of Digestive TractStructure of Digestive Tract

Page 35: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-5, p. 993


Lymph nodule


Blood vessels


Nerve fibersMUCOSA

MUSCLE LAYER Inner circular fibers Outer longitudinal fibers

Page 36: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 6Human Digestive System 6

• LiverLiver produces produces bilebile• which emulsifies fats which emulsifies fats

• PancreasPancreas releases enzymes releases enzymes• digest protein, lipid, carbohydrate, RNA, DNA digest protein, lipid, carbohydrate, RNA, DNA

• TrypsinTrypsin and and chymotrypsinchymotrypsin • digest polypeptides to dipeptides digest polypeptides to dipeptides

Page 37: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 7Human Digestive System 7

• Pancreatic lipasePancreatic lipase • degrades fatsdegrades fats

• Pancreatic amylasePancreatic amylase • digests complex carbohydratesdigests complex carbohydrates

Page 38: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Liver and PancreasLiver and Pancreas

Page 39: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-11, p. 998

StomachInferior vena cava

Right lobe of liver

Right hepatic duct

PancreasCommon bile duct Hepatic

portal vein

Pancreatic duct


Page 40: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive System 8Human Digestive System 8

• Large intestineLarge intestine• cecum, colon, rectum, anuscecum, colon, rectum, anus • eliminates undigested wastes eliminates undigested wastes • incubates bacteria (produce vitamin K, certain incubates bacteria (produce vitamin K, certain

B vitamins)B vitamins)

Page 41: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Human Digestive SystemHuman Digestive System

Page 42: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-4, p. 993

Parotid salivary gland

PharynxSublingual salivary gland

EsophagusSubmandibular salivary gland

Liver Stomach



Ascending colon Transverse colon

Jejunumlleum Descending colon

CecumSigmoid colon

Vermiform appendix Anus


Page 43: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Insert “Human digestive Insert “Human digestive system”system”


Page 44: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learn more about human Learn more about human digestion by clicking on the digestion by clicking on the

figures in ThomsonNOW.figures in ThomsonNOW.

Page 45: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Various parts of the vertebrate digestive Various parts of the vertebrate digestive system are specialized to perform specific system are specialized to perform specific functions; accessory glands (liver, functions; accessory glands (liver, pancreas, and salivary glands) secrete pancreas, and salivary glands) secrete fluids and enzymes important in digestionfluids and enzymes important in digestion

Page 46: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 3Learning Objective 3

• Describe the step-by-step digestion of Describe the step-by-step digestion of carbohydratecarbohydrate, , proteinprotein, and , and lipidlipid

Page 47: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Carbohydrate DigestionCarbohydrate Digestion

• Polysaccharides Polysaccharides • digested to disaccharide digested to disaccharide maltosemaltose by by salivarysalivary

and and pancreatic amylasespancreatic amylases

• MaltaseMaltase in small intestine in small intestine• splits splits maltosemaltose into into glucoseglucose (main product of (main product of

carbohydrate digestion)carbohydrate digestion)

Page 48: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Protein DigestionProtein Digestion

• Proteins are split Proteins are split • by by pepsinpepsin in stomach in stomach• by proteolytic enzymes in pancreatic juiceby proteolytic enzymes in pancreatic juice

• DipeptidasesDipeptidases • split small peptides into split small peptides into amino acidsamino acids

Page 49: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipid DigestionLipid Digestion

• Lipids are emulsified by Lipids are emulsified by bile saltsbile salts • then hydrolyzed by then hydrolyzed by pancreatic lipasepancreatic lipase

Page 50: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 4Learning Objective 4

• What structural adaptations increase the What structural adaptations increase the surface area of the digestive tract?surface area of the digestive tract?

Page 51: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Surface Area of the Small IntestineSurface Area of the Small Intestine

• Greatly expanded by Greatly expanded by • folds in wall (folds in wall (rugaerugae) ) • intestinal intestinal villivilli (projections of mucosa) (projections of mucosa)• microvillimicrovilli (plasma membrane projections of (plasma membrane projections of

epithelial cells of villi)epithelial cells of villi)

Page 52: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Villi and MicrovilliVilli and Microvilli

Page 53: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-10a, p. 997

Page 54: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-10b, p. 997

VilliEpithelial cells lining villus

Capillary network

Nerve fiber

Mucosa Openings of intestinal glands

Goblet cells

Intestinal glands

Submucosa Lacteal

Lymph vessel

Muscle layer

Visceral peritoneum


Page 55: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-10c, p. 997

Page 56: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 5Learning Objective 5

• Compare lipid absorption with absorption Compare lipid absorption with absorption of other nutrientsof other nutrients

Page 57: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Nutrient AbsorptionNutrient Absorption

• Nutrients are absorbed through thin walls Nutrients are absorbed through thin walls of intestinal villi of intestinal villi

• Hepatic portal veinHepatic portal vein transports transports amino acidsamino acids and and glucoseglucose to liver to liver

Page 58: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipid Absorption 1Lipid Absorption 1

• Fatty acids and monoacylglycerolsFatty acids and monoacylglycerols• enter epithelial cells in intestinal liningenter epithelial cells in intestinal lining• are reassembled into triacylglycerols are reassembled into triacylglycerols • then packaged into then packaged into chylomicron chylomicron dropletsdroplets

Page 59: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipid Absorption 2Lipid Absorption 2

• ChylomicronsChylomicrons • also contain cholesterol and phospholipidsalso contain cholesterol and phospholipids• are covered by a protein coat are covered by a protein coat

• Lymphatic systemLymphatic system• transports chylomicrons to blood circulationtransports chylomicrons to blood circulation

Page 60: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 6Learning Objective 6

• Summarize the nutritional requirements for Summarize the nutritional requirements for dietary carbohydrates, lipids, and proteinsdietary carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins

• Trace the fate of glucose, lipids, and Trace the fate of glucose, lipids, and amino acids after their absorptionamino acids after their absorption

Page 61: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

A Balanced DietA Balanced Diet

• Humans and other animals requireHumans and other animals require• carbohydrates carbohydrates • lipidslipids• proteins proteins • vitaminsvitamins• minerals minerals

Page 62: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Carbohydrates 1Carbohydrates 1

• Most are ingested as polysaccharidesMost are ingested as polysaccharides• starch and cellulosestarch and cellulose

• Polysaccharides are Polysaccharides are complex carbohydratescomplex carbohydrates

• FiberFiber • mixture of cellulose, other indigestible mixture of cellulose, other indigestible


Page 63: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Carbohydrates 2Carbohydrates 2

• CarbohydratesCarbohydrates• used mainly as energy source used mainly as energy source

• Glucose concentration in bloodGlucose concentration in blood• is carefully regulated is carefully regulated

• Excess glucoseExcess glucose• is stored as glycogenis stored as glycogen• or converted to fator converted to fat

Page 64: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipids 1Lipids 1

• Used to Used to • provide energy provide energy • form components of cell membranes form components of cell membranes • synthesize steroid hormones, other lipid synthesize steroid hormones, other lipid

substances substances

• Most lipids are ingested as triacylglycerols Most lipids are ingested as triacylglycerols

Page 65: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipids 2Lipids 2

• Fatty acids are converted to molecules of Fatty acids are converted to molecules of acetyl coenzyme A acetyl coenzyme A

• which enter citric acid cycle which enter citric acid cycle

• Excess fatty acids Excess fatty acids • are converted to triacylglycerolare converted to triacylglycerol• stored as fatstored as fat

Page 66: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Lipids 3Lipids 3

• Lipids are transported as large molecular Lipids are transported as large molecular complexes complexes (lipoproteins)(lipoproteins)

• Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)• deliver cholesterol to cells deliver cholesterol to cells

• High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)• collect excess cholesterolcollect excess cholesterol• transport it to livertransport it to liver

Page 67: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fat Fat MetabolismMetabolism

Page 68: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-13, p. 1002

Fat cell Fat

Fatty acids +


Transported in blood

Liver Fatty acid + Glycerol

Enters cellular

respirationUsed to

make triacylglycerols

Acetyl CoA G3P

GlucoseConverted to other lipidsKetone bodies

Other cellsPyruvate or

acetyl CoA

Converted to other lipids

Enters cellular


Enters cellular


Page 69: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-13, p. 1002

Fat cell Fat

Fatty acids +


Transported in blood

+ Glycerol

Enters cellular respirationG3P


Liver Fatty acid

Used to make


Acetyl CoA

Converted to other lipidsKetone bodies

Enters cellular respiration

Other cellsPyruvate or

acetyl CoA

Converted to other lipids

Enters cellular respiration

Stepped Art

Page 70: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Proteins 1Proteins 1

• Proteins serve as enzymesProteins serve as enzymes• and essential structural components of cells and essential structural components of cells

• Best distribution of Best distribution of essential amino acidsessential amino acids• in complete proteins of animal foods in complete proteins of animal foods

• Excess amino acidsExcess amino acids• are deaminated by liver cells are deaminated by liver cells

Page 71: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Proteins 2Proteins 2

• Amino groups are converted to ureaAmino groups are converted to urea• excreted in urineexcreted in urine

• Remaining keto acids are Remaining keto acids are • converted to carbohydrate and used as fuel converted to carbohydrate and used as fuel • converted to lipid and stored in fat cellsconverted to lipid and stored in fat cells

Page 72: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Protein Protein MetabolismMetabolism

Page 73: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Fig. 46-14, p. 1003


Catabolism Anabolism

Excess amino acids Structural proteins, hemoglobin, myosin, actin, enzymes, plasma proteins


NH3 (ammonia) + -keto acids

FatUrea Pyruvate, -


Acetyl CoA

Ketone bodies

To kidneys Acetyl CoA

Fatty acids + glycerol


Storage in fat cells


Enters cellular


Page 74: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 7Learning Objective 7

• Describe the nutritional functions of Describe the nutritional functions of vitaminsvitamins, , mineralsminerals, and , and phytochemicalsphytochemicals

Page 75: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Organic compounds required in small Organic compounds required in small amounts for biochemical processes amounts for biochemical processes

• components of coenzymes components of coenzymes

• Fat-soluble vitaminsFat-soluble vitamins• vitamins A, D, E, Kvitamins A, D, E, K

• Water-soluble vitaminsWater-soluble vitamins • B and C vitaminsB and C vitamins

Page 76: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Inorganic nutrients ingested as saltsInorganic nutrients ingested as salts• dissolved in food and water dissolved in food and water

• Trace elementsTrace elements • minerals required in small amounts minerals required in small amounts • (< 100 mg/day)(< 100 mg/day)

Page 77: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Plant compounds that promote health Plant compounds that promote health • many are many are antioxidantsantioxidants that destroy that destroy oxidantsoxidants

• OxidantsOxidants • free radicals,free radicals, other reactive molecules other reactive molecules• damage DNA, proteins, unsaturated fatty damage DNA, proteins, unsaturated fatty

acids by snatching electronsacids by snatching electrons

Page 78: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Most animals require the same basic Most animals require the same basic nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and mineralsvitamins, and minerals

Page 79: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 8Learning Objective 8

• Contrast Contrast basal metabolic ratebasal metabolic rate with with total total metabolic ratemetabolic rate

• Write the basic energy equation for Write the basic energy equation for maintaining body weight, and describe the maintaining body weight, and describe the consequences of altering it in either consequences of altering it in either directiondirection

Page 80: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Measuring MetabolismMeasuring Metabolism

• Basal metabolic rate (BMR)Basal metabolic rate (BMR) • body’s cost of metabolic livingbody’s cost of metabolic living

• Total metabolic rateTotal metabolic rate • BMR plus energy used to carry on daily BMR plus energy used to carry on daily


Page 81: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• If energy (kcal) input equals energy output If energy (kcal) input equals energy output • body weight remains constant body weight remains constant

• If energy output exceeds energy input If energy output exceeds energy input • body weight decreases body weight decreases

• If energy input exceeds energy outputIf energy input exceeds energy output• body weight increasesbody weight increases

Page 82: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 9Learning Objective 9

• In general terms, describe the effects of In general terms, describe the effects of malnutritionmalnutrition, including both , including both undernutritionundernutrition and and overnutritionovernutrition

Page 83: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Form of malnutrition Form of malnutrition • causes fatigue causes fatigue • depresses immune function depresses immune function

• Essential amino acidsEssential amino acids• nutrients most often deficient in dietnutrients most often deficient in diet

Page 84: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Protein DeficiencyProtein Deficiency

Page 85: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• ObesityObesity • serious form of malnutrition serious form of malnutrition • excess fat accumulates in adipose tissuesexcess fat accumulates in adipose tissues• factor in heart disease, diabetes mellitus, factor in heart disease, diabetes mellitus,

other disorders other disorders

• Person gains weight taking in more energy Person gains weight taking in more energy (kilocalories) than expended in activity(kilocalories) than expended in activity

Page 86: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Basal metabolic rate is the body’s cost of Basal metabolic rate is the body’s cost of metabolic living metabolic living

• When energy (kilocalories) input equals When energy (kilocalories) input equals energy output, body weight remains energy output, body weight remains constantconstant

Page 87: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learning Objective 10Learning Objective 10

• Summarize current hypotheses about the Summarize current hypotheses about the regulation of food intake and energy regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis, including the roles of homeostasis, including the roles of leptinleptin and and neuropeptide Yneuropeptide Y

Page 88: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination


• Hormone produced by fat cellsHormone produced by fat cells• in proportion to body fat in proportion to body fat

• Signals brain about status of energy stores Signals brain about status of energy stores

Page 89: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Effect of LeptinEffect of Leptin

Page 90: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Neuropeptide Y (NPY)Neuropeptide Y (NPY)

• Neurotransmitter produced in hypothalamusNeurotransmitter produced in hypothalamus• increases appetite increases appetite

• Slows metabolism when leptin levels and Slows metabolism when leptin levels and food intake are lowfood intake are low

Page 91: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Insert “Chronology of Insert “Chronology of leptin research”leptin research”


Page 92: Processing Food and Nutrition Chapter 46. Learning Objective 1 Describe food processing, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination

Learn more about leptins and Learn more about leptins and body weight by clicking on the body weight by clicking on the

figure in ThomsonNOW.figure in ThomsonNOW.