production - evaluation

FMP Evaluation Your name

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FMP EvaluationYour name

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Production Process Evaluation

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ResearchThe strengths of my research were that I looked at pictures on the internet that I would be able to do and that would look similar to my own. For example I looked at animals outside in the wild and I got pictures of my pet cat outside in the garden. This is a similar concept to what I’ve now made. Other strengths of my research was that I looked at different times of the day to take photos on and it worked. I took photos outside in the daylight and some of the photos inside in the evening. All the photos I looked at on the internet decided my theme for my product and my theme in the end was animals. I started off looking at scenery and landscape pictures of trees and places with good viewpoints. The other strength of my research has to be the audience research when people gave feedback from a questionnaire I did and got some decent responses. This helped me figure out what the audience wanted and helped me what to focus on what I include in the photos. Also the interviews that were given helped me figure out certain things to include in my photos for my project. The interviews and the questionnaire were very similar and had some good responses.My research helped me with my product because I could base my product off a picture and change it slightly to make it my own. So as said earlier I started off looking at viewpoints and scenery then when I thought of trees I thought of adding something to it. This is when I thought of animals and including them with nature, however in the end I just went for animals in areas I could take photos in. The research overall helped me set my theme (over a certain amount of time) and helped me think of what to include on some of the photos, whether it was effects on the editing side or something in the background of the picture. The weaknesses of my research were that I couldn’t find a pacific photo of what I really wanted, however in the end I edited some of my photos to make them better. There wasn't that many weaknesses in my research because I got my theme within a couple of hours and was easy after that talking about them. However when I went out getting photos to edit and put on my PowerPoint for this project I had to delay some of the days because of bad weather and this was a disadvantage to me and made it harder for me to get photos and talk about them without anything. This was definitely a weakness, the weather and timing of when I had lessons and working with the photos. Some things I could have done better might of been the amount of photos I took. I didn’t take that many so I was stuck with a small amount of photos I had to work with, however I edited them and made them better. If I had weaknesses I didn't change to make them good my work would have an effect. The effect being that my audience would either spot the mistakes or wouldn’t like the photos because of those mistakes.

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PlanningMy planning was mainly talked about on my Pre-Production PowerPoint. On this PowerPoint I mainly talked about what I was going to include in my photos. This included texts, styles and fonts, layouts, risk assessment and a schedule. All this helped me figure out what works best for my product. So the style sheet that includes the fonts, colours, and different styles helped me figure out what goes together. I tried this and I ended up with the photos with a reasonable font and style. This was a good strength having a style sheet because it helped me figure other everything like said previously. On the PowerPoint I made everything organised so it’s easy to figure out which part I’m talking about is which. The strengths of the planning overall was fairly simple because I knew what I wanted to do so I got on with it and did the PowerPoint within a short period of time. The planning near the end of the PowerPoint such as the Contingency planning, health and safety and the schedule were also a good strength of the planning because it helped me organise what I needed for my project to work.

The weaknesses of my planning was when I had to fill in the Health and Safety and the schedule slides in. This was a weakness because I couldn’t figure out what else to put no the health and safety slide because I ran out of ideas. However for the Schedule I struggled because I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do on them days. On a couple of them days I missed out on because of the bad weather and this is when I had to refer back to the Contingency Planning. To improve these two slides on the PowerPoint I could have asked somebody to give me ideas or gone on the internet to find out more.

I had a bit of my planning on my Initial Plans slide. This was a PowerPoint I had to fill in about ideas of what I was going to do. This had only a few ideas of what I was going to do, but the Pre-Production slide has more information to talk about than the Initial Plans.

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Time ManagementI think I managed my time well in this project. I was ahead majority of the time until the proper production work kicked in and fell a bit behind. However I’ve handed in every piece of work in so far on time / on the deadline. In my opinion I managed my time well and I don’t think I would of needed additional time to finish my work to a high standard because I got on with my work and did everything properly. If I had more time to produce my work I would take it slowly and make sure I’ve finished something before I start something else. And after this process I would go through every step I’ve done and look for mistakes such as spelling, grammar and other language techniques. Also when I finished my work early it gave me chance to go back no other pieces of work and improve of them to make sure everything's at a high standard.I had my time managed on a schedule on my Pre-Production PowerPoint and honestly, I didn’t stick to it all the way through because of bad weather and lack of equipment. So the lack of outside photos was because of this. The bad weather and lack of equipment on some of the days prevented me sticking to the schedule.

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Technical QualitiesThese two photos are similar, but have some differences. The similarities are that both animals are types of cat and it’s a similar background with plants, bushes and grass. The main similarity would be the colors, there’s plenty of the color green and a mixture of others especially in my own work. The difference however is that my photo has more colors, a mixture whereas the other is only a few colors.

However both pictures have a few differences such as the skies in the background and the setting. My work is set in a garden whereas the other (which was used as a test picture on my Pre-Production PowerPoint) is set on a decent viewpoint of a town or something in the background. Another massive difference is that the first picture (my own work) is set in an area with no wild animals and in a garden whereas the other is set I think in my opinion in the wild where it’s open and free.

The photo from the internet is actually edited by me for one of my layouts and looks good with the effects on. They’re both edited with more than two or three tools so there has been effort put into them, for getting them and editing them.

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Aesthetic Qualities

In my opinion I think my work looks good because of the effects added onto the pictures. The stuff that made it creative was mainly the editing putting all the special effects on each photo. My work looks good because of the creativity put into it. The type of aspects I like about each photo are the colors because each photo at least has a different color or looks different.

The strengths of these pictures are that they are all different in some kind of way. For example all the photos on the left look the same, but have different color schemes. Another strength would be that they are all good quality pictures with nothing wrong with them. All the photos look good because they have also been perfectly timed because it’s hard to get animals near a camera, looking at one or to get a good angle on them.

In my opinion there isn’t any weaknesses or anything to improve on. If I was to improve on something I would improve on my camerawork and getting more photos so I can talk about more in these kind of situations.

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Audience Appeal

I think I have appealed to my target audience because I referred to the questionnaire for answers on what to do. From the questionnaire I took the reasonable answers because there were some stupid answers and I didn't pay attention to them. So I picked the reasonable answers and they were good and useful to me and my project. My work is aimed at people at the age of 10 and above. I think people will appreciate my work because I’ve put some of the suggestions from the questionnaire into my work. If some people don’t like animals, them kind of people won’t be interested in my work and I’m fine with that. My work won’t be aimed at people who aren’t animal lovers, but the opposite. I think people that are interested in animals or have their own pet will be interested in my work because I’ve used effects on software's to make them as good as possible. My work overall will appeal to people that have a pet animal or are interested in them. People care about their animals / pets so they want something to remember them by.

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Peer Feedback

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Feedback 1

• What did you like about the product?– I thought the product was really good. All the pictures have a high quality standard to them and are explained well

with what effects have been used. I liked the effects on the photos that have been used and looks better than the original pictures.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– Maybe instead of having a lot of close-ups have some distance pictures.

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Feedback 2

• What did you like about the product?– I thought the product was decent. Some really good shots taken and are decent quality. All have a different colour

scheme to them which is good and really do show the features of the cat. The angle is also important in these kind of photos and they’ve done a good job on this.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– No improvements to be made.

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Feedback 3

• What did you like about the product?– I liked al the photos effects, they really made them stand out. I also liked the close-ups of the cats because it shows

the little key features on them. I liked the text in the bottom corner to show that’s made by that person.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– Improvements could be the location of where the photos were taken, because they are all quite similar.

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Peer Feedback Summary

What do you agree with from your peer feedback?

– Yes I do agree.– I agree with the improvements I need to make and the positives on my photos such as the effects and the angles of

each picture.

What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?– I can’t disagree with anything because some of the changes the people want me to make will be changed if needed

and there’s nothing wrong with changing them because I can do it, but it might take some time.

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Peer Feedback Summary

If I was to change anything it would be the location and the camera shots I took. It was hard to get these cats in different locations because of bad weather at the time and because how they wonder about all the time. The camera shots are a definite change because they were all close up except one so ill change the distances of each photo. If there’s anything wrong with the photos I will always try to improve them some way or another. However if it’s something I think it’s not worth doing I won’t change, but if it’s something major I will change it. I would change what I need to change because I want my target audience to be happy with my work and not feel like something's wrong with it. Because of my age range being over 10, I want my photos to look perfect for the younger and older aged people. I want to make a photo good for people to remember and admire.