2. production techniques evaluation

Production Techniques Evaluation Kelly Rodgers

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Production Techniques Evaluation

Production Techniques EvaluationKelly Rodgers

Graphic Design Experiments

Include an image of your experiments2

Graphic Design ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumThere is a large selection of places in which Graphic work such as poster or articles can be posted to ensure they are seen. Such as shop windows, magazines or online websites. It has a wide range of ways you can use creativity to advertise products, making posters that are unique a different to make them stand out from the crowd. Disadvantages of working in this mediumOne disadvantage of working in the Graphic Design Production Medium is that it involves printing and printing can cost a lot of money, more money than its worth.Not everyone who sees the poster and adverts that have been made in the medium takes much notice to them and dont take the time to read them as they walk past. Its limited to only being done using technology, posters that are used to advertise professional products are mostly made on computers which limits they way you make them.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?3

Graphic Design Production

I think this first poster went really well because its very similar to my layout plan and I have stuck to the design. Everything on the poster match's the theme and intentions. It advertises Coca-Cola clearly and shows a positive theme. If I was to change something about this poster I would add more detail to the cans so they dont stand out as much. For example the cans look modern unlike the rest of the poster so I could of made the cans look old and ruined it would of made the poster much better. The two pictures underneath are similar to my poster as they have a similar theme, font, colour and pictures.

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.4

Graphic Design Production

On this second poster I have shown more skills on Photoshop because of the effect that I have used on the colours. It has more of a modern theme and is very bright and eye catching. I like how I made the Coca-Cola cans fade into each other and the background with the colours. Its different I couldnt find any that were really similar. I did find two other posters that both bright and modern. There isnt much detail on this poster so if I could change something about it I would add more detail or a different slogan because I used the same slogan on the other poster I made.

Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece5

Radio ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumWhen people are listening to the radio its much harder for them to avoid listening to the advert you made because the only way they can avoid it is changing the channel.You know that when the advert is on the radio there will be a large crowd of people taking notice and listening to it. Theres loads of people who listen the radio in the car on the way to work or on the way home therefore you know that there will always be an audience on every single radio station or show. Disadvantages of working in this mediumWhen making a radio advert you have to be more considerate to other people listening and widen your audience target because there is loads more people listening. It takes way more time and concentration to make a radio advert than it does a poster or article because it has to be recorded and edited. You cant control who is listening to the advert and the people listening cant what's happening so you have to make it clear what the advert is about without showing them.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?6

Radio Production

My radio advert is similar to the one the right because they both have a Christmas theme and include a Christmas song/music. The difference between the two radio adverts are that mine has a shorter voice over with less detail. They both have sound effects of a can of coke being opened and they both make it clear and understandable what the advert is about, Coca-Cola. My final radio advert has a Christmas jingle in the background and then a selection of sound effects that have been put together to create an effect of someone walking to a can of coke, opening it and drinking it then saying how delicious it is. The end of the advert has a voice saying what the product is and the common slogan that everyone listening would recognize.

Discuss the content of your final product and the content of a similar existing product referencing the similarities and differences.


Radio ProductionI think my radio advert went really well other than the fact that there isnt much detail on them. If I was to change something about them to make them better I would add more detail and include a larger voice over. The one thing I did like about my finished radio advert was that it had a large amount of different sound effects in and was unique to most Coca-Cola radio adverts that I had found and listened to. To make the radio advert I used the Adobe Audition program which I used because I has a choice of different effects and is easy to create each sound effect to fit together. I used tools such as the cut tool and the move to so I could cut done the sound effects that I had downloaded to the parts that I only wanted to cut and then I could use the move tool to put them in the order I wanted them to be in, this was probably one of my strengths when making the final piece.

Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product.Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece


Video ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumIt gives a large amount of creativity ideas for when designing and making a video because it has less limits to what you can do. A lot of people watch video adverts because they are posted on TV, game ads and YouTube ads. Disadvantages of working in this mediumWorking in the Video Production Medium means that not other are you working with video your also working with audio which makes it more complicated.Video Production Medium does take longer to make and you dont get much of a different reaction. It takes much more effort to make and will cost much more to put together, for cameras, microphones, computers and other things.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?9

Video Production

Both Video Productions are based on the product Coca-Cola, they refer to the product as being refreshing and delicious. They both include a slogan for the product and vending machines which help advertise where people can get drinks of coke from. The include real life situations to do with Coca-Cola and real life people and dont include any fake advertisement. They both also have been put together by more than one different shot and have both used a large selection of different camera angels. My video has its differences to the other video because mine isnt professional and not to as good standard. Mines much shorter and include less shots than the other one.

Include some screenshots of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.10

Video Production

The end of my video production is the original Coca-Cola advert ending, this makes it seems more professional and sums up what the advert is about.

The first shot of the video is a close up of someone putting the money into the vending machine, this shows the steps to how people watching the advert can get a coke.

This shot is the first shot that include Coca-Cola, I think its better to not show the product straight away or people might stop watching as soon as they know what it is going to be about.

The last main show shows someone drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola and enjoying it which ends the process of getting a coke and also shows how good it can be.

Include a series of screenshots of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product.Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece


Video Production Overall I think my Video Production went fantastic. The finished piece turned out to be simple yet effective. I thought the planning and designing went okay which I did as a group and each planning piece help us develop the idea we had into what we thought would make a good advert. The filming took longer than we thought it would take and the editing took less time than we thought it would take. The filming we did was just a large amount of different shots, some of the shots we did were inside and outside. Once we came to the stage of editing we chose the shots that we would put into the advert and what shots would go best together in each order. The editing was fairly easy as we had no intention of using different effect. The music we put over the audio of the video was the original Coca-Cola theme song called The Real Thing.

If I was to change something about the finished Video Production I would add more detail and make it a little more interesting. We were going to use a paddling pool idea but couldnt get a paddling pool in time for when we were going to start filming. I would also brighten up the video when editing because the finished piece was a little dark.

Video Game Experiments

Include an image of your experiments13

Video Game ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumYour not ever going to be limited on the creativity you can have, your ideas could be out of the ordinary and unique.Disadvantages of working in this mediumWorking in the Video Game Production Medium means that you are limited to the audience you have, people who play video games are usually in the younger generation.Since the younger generation are the ones that play the games you can only advertise things that they would find interesting and useful or it would be a waste of your time. You have competition with other games and other advergames which means that your game has to stand out for it to get any attention.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?14

Video Game Production

I made my video game animation by using Photoshop. The difference between my video game and the video game below is that my video game isn't as detailed. My video game also include a coca cola theme as the only way for the characters to gain energy is by drinking coca cola. My video game is also different from the other people the theme is fighting and the two characters have to fight each other until they win. The similarities of the two games are that the are both pixelated and include characters. The game below looks like the aim of the game is to get from one end of the course to the other by jumping over the obstacles and collected life's a bit like the old Mario game.

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.15

Video Game Production

Video Game Production

Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece17

ComparisonWhich product do you believe advertises the product the best? Why?I think the best production method for advertising Coca-Cola is the posters because they have unlimited ways of making them and you can be as creative as you want. They can also be posted places other than the internet and have a large audience of viewers. Which of your products is the most professional? Why?I think my posters are more professional because they finished properly and include Coca-Cola a lot. They are also the ones that turned out to be the best quality and show the best skill. I did find them easier to do and had a larger selection of ideas I could of used.
