program book-global hr forum 2010

208 Open and Ready For Tomorrow PROGRAM BOOK October 26(Tue)-28(Thu), 2010 Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea

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The “Global HR Forum 2010” where representatives of global businesses, universities, governments, and international organizations will gather together to discuss global cooperation and fostering of talents will be held on October 26 ~ 28 at Sheraton Grande Walker Hill Hotel. The theme of this year’s Global HR Forum – which is to be held for the fifth time under the slogan “Global Talent, Global Prosperity” -- is “Open and Ready for Tomorrow.” More than 200 world-renowned great scholars from 48 countries all over the world will participate in more than 60 panel sessions and special lectures to present keen insights and words of wisdom on new supranational agendas to be faced by the world centered on G20. During this forum, (former) Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Alan Greenspan, who is a living witness to modern capitalism and is referred to as the “president of economy,” a “god of economy,” a “magician that controls the world economy,” and a “helmsman of the American economy,” will participate in the keynote discussion together with Professor Jang Ha-Jun of the department of economics of the University of Cambridge to discuss everything that has happened so far, such as the sub-prime and credit crunch that triggered the world economic crisis, rapid food and oil price fluctuations, global inflations and financial crises, moral hazards, and double-dip, including how these should be considered and if there are ways to solve these problems. In addition, the following will grace the event as speakers at the opening general assembly to present the blueprints of the new world after the crisis and resulting global leaderships in the areas of politics, economy, society, culture, and education: Planet Finance Chairman Jacques Attali, who is one of France’s best-known living intellectuals and a director of world knowledge; Professor Robert Alexander Mundell of Columbia University, a 1999 Nobel prize awardee in economics and the so-called Father of Euro; Professor Wim Kosters of economics, ruhr-university of bochum, who is a great scholar in the areas of currencies and finance representing Germany; Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford University, who is spreading the human-oriented management philosophy as a guru in the area of personnel management and organizations; Head Master Tony Little of Eaton College, who took revolutionary steps to reform education as the head of the prestigious private school with 570 years’ history in the United Kingdom, and; President Joseph Polisi of Julliard School of Music who is leading the world’s best cradle for classical music and an academy of elites in the international music world. In particular, this year’s forum -- in linkage with the G20 summit meeting -- will implement diverse cooperation projects so that the experience of Korea, which had realized economic growth through talents, can serve as the bridge that connects between G20 advanced countries and G77 developing countries. With the financial support of World Bank and UNESCO, the “UNESCO APIED educational minister and vice-minister meeting” to be attended by more than 400 high-ranking government officials and relevant experts from 36 countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific regions, a “developing countries’ policy decision maker training program,” and a “TVET (technical & vocational education & training) workshop for experts in developing countries” will be operated. In the “workshop for predicting the future,” distinguished futurologists including Chairman Walter Desco of Idea Lab and Chairman Michael Jackson of Shaping Tomorrow will give presentations on the smart economy & technology, ecosystems, future growth industries & business, and future macro science to provide business opportunities that will shape the next 20 years. In addition, to provide the next-generation global talents of Korea -- who will lead the future – with opportunities to become future leaders who will lead cha


Open and Ready For Tomorrow


October 26(Tue)-28(Thu), 2010

Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea

Open and Ready For Tomorrow

4 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

‘글로벌 인재포럼(Global HR Forum) 2010’에 참여해주신 세계 각국의 리더와 석학, 그리고 국내외 참가자 여러분을 환영합니다.

대한민국 정부(교육과학기술부)와 한국경제신문, 한국직업능력개발원은 각국의 인재 개발 이슈를 함께 논의하고 지구촌의

미래를 책임질 글로벌 인재상을 마련하기 위해 지난 2006년 이 포럼을 창설해 올해로 5회째를 맞았습니다.

‘세계가 함께하는 미래준비(Open and Ready for Tomorrow)’를 주제로 한 올해 포럼에는 앨런 그린스펀 前 미국연방준비

제도이사회 의장을 비롯 48개국에서 200여명의 석학과 전문가들이 연사로 참여합니다. 세계 각국이 직면하고 있는 여러

문제들을 인재개발을 통해 어떻게 해결해 나갈 수 있을지에 대해 글로벌 리더들의 경험과 지혜를 나누는 좋은 기회가 될 것


위기에서 벗어나 새로운 국면을 맞이하고 있는 세계 경제는 글로벌 차원의 협력 필요성이 어느 때 보다 높아지고 있습니다.

이런 시점에서 ‘글로벌 인재포럼’이 창의적인 인재 양성을 통해 미래 번영을 모색하고자 하는 세계 각국의 정부, 기업, 국제

기구 및 대학 등이 글로벌 협력 네트워크를 구축하는데 기여할 수 있으리라 확신합니다.

이 포럼을 선진국의 성공사례를 배우고 후발국의 교육정책을 지원할 수 있는 실질적인 글로벌 인재교육 정보 교류의

장으로 키워 나갈 것을 약속 드립니다.

‘글로벌 인재포럼 2010’에 참가해주신 여러분을 환영하며, 앞으로도 적극적인 성원을 기대합니다.



글로벌 인재포럼 2009

이주호 교육과학기술부 장관

신상민 한국경제신문 사장

권대봉한국직업능력개발원 원장

Global HR Forum 2010 5


■ 행사개요

•행 사 명 :

•슬 로 건 :

•주 제 :

•일 시 :

•장 소 :

•주 최 :

글로벌 인재포럼 2010 | Global HR Forum 2010

인재가 미래다 | Global Talent, Global Prosperity!

세계가 함께하는 미래준비 | Open and Ready for Tomorrow

2010년 10월 26일(화)~10월 28일(목), 3일간

쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔(서울시 광진구)

교육과학기술부 · 한국경제신문 · 한국직업능력개발원

사공일한국무역협회 회장

G-20정상회의 준비위원회 위원장

정부 국회








김문수경기도 도지사

송영길인천광역시 시장

오세훈서울특별시 시장

■ 「글로벌 인재포럼」 자문위원회

최종태포스코 사장

황철주벤처기업협회 회장





이윤우삼성전자 부회장

이팔성우리금융지주 회장

구본준LG전자 부회장

손경식대한상공회의소 회장

윤여철현대자동차 부회장

김기문중소기업중앙회 회장

신헌철SK에너지 부회장


곽병선한국교육학회 회장

김도연울산대학교 총장

김병진두원공과대학 총장

김선욱이화여자대학교 총장


서남표한국과학기술원 총장

이두희아시아태평양국제교육협회 회장

이기수고려대학교 총장

이원로인제대학교 총장

한 송강릉원주대학교 총장

오연천서울대학교 총장

한영실숙명여자대학교 총장

이종욱서강대학교 총장

이영선한림대학교 총장

김정길배화여자대학 총장

김진규건국대학교 총장

김영길한동대학교 총장

박 철한국외국어대학교


백성기포항공과대학교 총장

김한중연세대학교 총장

김태완한국교육개발원 원장

송병준산업연구원 원장






김주형LG경제연구원 원장







김주현현대경제연구원 원장


정 윤한국과학창의재단





현오석한국개발연구원 원장



이준승한국과학기술기획평가원 원장



6 글로벌 인재포럼 2010


10.26 (화) 10.27 (수) 10.28 (목)시간 장소 프로그램 시간 장소 프로그램 시간 장소 프로그램



프레시디오 룸







결정자 연수





홀개회식 및 기조연설




홀 3A1

코스모스홀 특별세션 1


미래예측 워크숍 3(09:00-15:40)


홀 1+2B1





비스타 홀 로비 Coffee Break




홀본세션 Ⅰ




홀 3A2

코스모스홀 특별세션 2


홀 1+2B2








UNESCO- KRIVET 녹색사회를 지향하는 직업기술교육훈련

전문가 회의




비스타홀 본세션 Ⅱ



워크숍 1(13:00-16:40)





코스모스홀 특별세션 3


미래예측 워크숍 3

(09:00-15:40) 프레시디오룸







홀 1+2B3


G20 특별세션 Ⅰ(13:00-15:00) 무궁화



14:40비스타홀 로비 Coffee Break


14:40비스타홀 로비 Coffee Break




홀 본세션 Ⅲ




홀 3A4

코스모스홀 특별세션 4


홀 1+2B4


G20 특별세션 Ⅱ (15:20-16:20) 무궁화


미래예측 워크숍 4



16:20비스타홀 로비 Break


16:20비스타홀 로비 Break



비스타홀 본세션 Ⅳ




홀 3A5

코스모스홀 특별세션 5


워크숍 2(17:00-18:30)


홀 1+2B5


G20 특별세션 Ⅲ(16:40-17:40) 무궁화





화홀환영 리셉션




홀 1+2결산 종합정리토론

■ 전체일정

Global HR Forum 2010 7

행사장 안내

위치 행사장 10.26 (화) 10.27 (수) 10.28 (목)


비스타홀 1+2개회식 & 기조연설 / 본세션

Track B, 결산 종합정리토론

비스타홀 3 Track A

로비 등록데스크 / 홍보전시


그랜드홀 2+3 사무국

아이다 VIP Room

워커힐 씨어터 중식

1F무궁화홀 환영리셉션 G20특별세션 Track C

카라룸 개발도상국 교육정책결정자 연수


그레이트 1 연사룸

그레이트 2+3 기자실

스튜디오 1 인터뷰룸 1

스튜디오 2 인터뷰룸 2

프레시디오 룸 UNESCO-KRIVET 녹색사회를 지향하는 직업기술교육훈련 전문가 회의

조찬강연, 마이스터고 워크숍

3F 코스모스홀 특별세션

4F 아트홀 미래예측 워크숍

■ 행사장 안내



8 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

개회식 및 기조연설

■ 개회식 및 기조연설 _ 10월 27일(수), 08:30~10:30 / 비스타홀 (B2)

시간 내 용


■ 개회식


•주최기관장 인사말

•주제영상 상영

•VIP 축사


■ 기조연설 [위기 이후, 세계 경제의 과제 : 글로벌 리밸런싱과 금융규제]

앨런 그린스펀

(前) 美 연방준비제도이사회 의장



英 케임브리지대경제학과 교수

좌장 및 대담

Global HR Forum 2010 9


■ 본세션 _ 10월 27일(수), 10:40~17:40 / 비스타홀 (B2)

시간 내 용


■ 본세션 Ⅰ: 빨라지는 글로벌 권력이동


■ 본세션 Ⅱ: 21세기 교육, 모험이 필요하다 : 사회적 책임과 세계 시민의식


■ 본세션 Ⅲ: 차세대 리더십의 양성


■ 본세션 Ⅳ: 질 높은 일자리 만들 수 있다

루크 웨버

스위스 제네바대총장


조지프 폴리시

美 줄리아드대총장


필립 브라운

英 카디프대사회과학대학 교수


댄 모트

美 매릴랜드대 총장


제프리 페퍼

美 스탠퍼드대경영대학원 석좌교수


잭 맥두글

美 국가경쟁력위원회부위원장


토니 리틀

英 이튼스쿨교장


엘리자베스 킹세계은행



프랜시 피란

빌&멜린다게이츠재단인재담당 사장


라인홀드 바이스

獨 연방 직업교육연구원 (BIBB)부원장


치엔 탕유네스코




(前) 대통령경제수석비서관

좌 장


현대경제연구원 원장

좌 장


울산대 총장,(前) 교육과학기술부장관

좌 장


단국대 경제학과교수

좌 장

자크 아탈리

플래닛파이낸스 회장


로버트 먼델

美 컬럼비아대경제학과 교수(1999년 노벨 경제학 수상자)



서울파이낸셜포럼 회장




10 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

G20 특별세션 및 조찬강연

■ G20 특별세션 _ 10월 27일(수), 13:00~17:40 / 무궁화홀 [1F]

■ 조찬강연 _ 10월 28일(목), 07:30~08:50 / 프레시디오룸 [2F]

시간 내 용


■ 세션 Ⅰ: 재정위기 이후 유로존의 미래


■ 세션 Ⅱ: 중국 위안화, 어디로 가나?


■ 세션 Ⅲ: G20는 선진국 클럽이 아니다

시간 내 용


■ 공정한 사회 : 상생과 성장의 키워드


충남대 무역학과 교수

좌 장


대외경제정책연구원 원장

좌 장


고려대 경영학과교수

좌 장


서울대 국제대학원 교수

좌 장

프랜시스 워녹

美 버지니아대다든비즈니스스쿨




英 케임브리지대경제학과 교수


자크 아탈리

플래닛파이낸스 회장



KAIST 경영대학교수


빔 퀘스터스

獨 보쿰대경제학과 교수


잭 맥두글

美 국가경쟁력위원회부위원장


로버트 먼델

美 컬럼비아대경제학과 교수(1999년 노벨 경제학 수상자)



한경 가치혁신연구소소장


Global HR Forum 2010 11

Track A : 미래를 준비하는 교육인재정책

■ Track A _ 10월 28일(목), 09:00~17:40 / 비스타홀 3 [B2]

시간 내 용


■ 세션 Ⅰ: 지속가능한 성장을 위한 교육인재정책 방향


■ 세션 Ⅱ: 미래 학교교육의 변화 모습과 역할


■ 세션 Ⅲ: 미래사회 고등교육의 역할


■ 세션 Ⅳ: STEM (과학 • 기술 • 공학 • 수학) 인재 양성


■ 세션 Ⅴ: 창의 인성교육의 방향

김광조 유네스코

아태지역 본부장

좌 장




좌 장


한동대 총장

좌 장

민경찬 연세대 수학과 교수

좌 장


서울대 교육학과 교수(前) 교육인적자원부 장관

좌 장

엘리자베스 킹세계은행 교육담당국장



연세대 교육학과교수





(APAIE) 회장









유아교육과 교수


그레그 왕美 텍사스대인재개발과



에바 베이커

美 UCLA 교육학과 교수미국 교육학연구소 소장


바버라 그라보스키 美 펜실베니아주립대 교육학과 교수


앨런 헨킨

美 아이오와대교육학과 교수


데이비드 파커

英 창의문화교육센터(CCE) 디렉터



자카르타 유네스코 교육프로그램 전문가



성균관대 교육학과 교수



홍익대 기초과학부 교수










해리 패트리노스

세계은행 교육경제팀장


크리스토프 코크

美 캘리포니아공과대 인지행동공학과 교수


바버라 올즈

美 국립과학재단(NSF) 디렉터


존 에인리

호주 교육연구위원회(ACER) 부위원장


휴 로더

英 배스대교육•정치경제학과 교수


피터 럭스턴

호주 퀸즈랜드주 학습청(QSA) 원장





OECD 프로그램 전문위원


12 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Track B : 글로벌 기업의 미래 준비

■ Track B _ 10월 28일(목), 09:00~17:40 / 비스타홀 1+2 [B2]

시간 내 용


■ 세션 Ⅰ: 내일의 직장에는 어제의 인재가 필요 없다


■ 세션 Ⅱ: 글로벌 기업 : 원칙지켜 혁신문화를 심었다 [인재경영 Case Study 1]


■ 세션 Ⅲ: 신세대 직장인 회사를 흔들다


■ 세션 Ⅳ: 한국 대표기업 - 창업주의 경영철학이 기업문화로 [인재경영 Case Study 2]


■ 세션 Ⅴ: 10년 뒤에도 이렇게 배울까? - 첨단기술과 기업교육




좌 장


한국그런포스펌프 대표이사 사장

좌 장


휴잇어소시엇츠 코리아 대표

좌 장


한국경제신문 수석논설위원

좌 장


액센츄어 코리아 인재조직관리


좌 장


삼성인력개발원 전무


제프리 페퍼

美 스탠퍼드대 경영대학원 석좌교수



한국코닝 대표이사 사장


주디 리휴잇어소시엇츠 다문화 컨설팅 리더





노버트 비닝

액센츄어 글로벌 교육 부문 리더



비브라운 아시아태평양 총괄사장


프랜시 피란

빌&멜린다게이츠재단 인재담당 사장






시스코 시스템즈 코리아전무



도시바 코리아 대표이사 사장


니콜라 쏘바쥬

NH-CA 자산운용 사장





마이클 레임바흐 윌슨러닝월드 와이드부사장


Global HR Forum 2010 13

Track C : 교육과 고용의 연계를 통한 미래 준비

■ Track C _ 10월 28일(목), 09:00~17:40 / 무궁화홀 [1F]

시간 내 용


■ 세션 Ⅰ: 대안적 성공 경로로서 직업교육


■ 세션 Ⅱ: 녹색성장을 위한 직업교육훈련


■ 세션 Ⅲ: 고령화 시대의 직업능력개발


■ 세션 Ⅳ: 성인학습의 국제표준화 동향과 인재개발


■ 세션 Ⅴ: 청년층의 노동시장 이행


성균관대 교육학과 교수

좌 장

라인홀드 바이스

獨 연방직업교육연구원(BIBB)부원장

좌 장





좌 장


듀폰 아시아태평양 전무

좌 장






연세대 경제학과 교수



동서대학교 국제통상학과




숭실대 교육대학원 부원장


쿠미 나카무라

日 교육경영연합 책임연구위원



한국직업능력개발원 연구위원


케네스 그레이

美 펜실베니아주립대 교육학과 교수


앤디 윌슨

英 웨스트민스터 킹스웨이 칼리지총장






크리스틴 에번스 클라크



토마스 라오

RKW 베를린-GmbH 프로젝트 담당


데이비드 아초리나

유네스코 ESB 디렉터







공주대 경제통상학부 교수



교과부 국장(세계은행)






교과부 국장 (유네스코 본부)


데보라 로제비어 OECD 교육국 교육훈련과장





마이클 레임바흐 윌슨러닝월드 와이드부사장



서울대 교육학과교수



OECD 프로그램 전문위원




김광조 유네스코

아태지역 본부장

좌 장

14 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

시간 내 용


■ 세션 Ⅰ : 전통도 스스로 진화한다


■ 세션 Ⅱ : 예술만 하는 예술가는 기르지 않는다


■ 세션 Ⅲ : 중국의 부상... 아시아 시대가 오는가?


■ 세션 Ⅳ : 스마트 워크, 스마트 HR


■ 세션 Ⅴ : 다문화 시대의 교육과제


토니 리틀

英 이튼스쿨교장



한국직업능력개발원 선임연구위원

좌 장



독어교육과 교수

좌 장


中 베이징사범대교육학과 교수


레바 조시

캐나다 토론토대교육정책학과 교수








KT 부사장

좌 장

클레어 무히딘

타워스왓슨 아시아태평양 인사조직 컨설팅 대표


캐롤라인 워터스




타워스왓슨 한국 인사조직 컨설팅 부사장


조지프 폴리시

美 줄리아드대총장


지아 퀸쿠오

中 베이징대 국제관계대학원



■ 특별세션 _ 10월 28일(목), 09:00~17:40 / 코스모스홀 [3F]





좌 장


연세대 정치외교학과 교수

좌 장



다문화교육센터 교수






Global HR Forum 2010 15

일시 내 용



“꿈의 에너지 시대가 열린다”- 탄소제로, 신흥조류(Algae), 신재생 에너지

- 미래의 테크놀로지, 테크놀로지의 미래


“보이지 않는 곳에 기회가 숨어있다”- 미래의 해양 과학과 나노(Nano) 생물학



“부의 재편시대, 新사업 기회를 잡아라”- 스마트 이코노미, 스마트 테크놀로지, 미래 예측과 비즈니스 구현

(1) 미래에는 어떤 산업이 부를 가져다 줄 것인가?(2) 역동적인 미래, 우리는 무엇을 해야 성공할 수 있는가?


“미래에는 어떤 리더십이 필요할까”

- 깨어있는 삶 • 깨어있는 리더십 • 미래잠재력의 극대화

미래예측 워크숍 / WCU 특별세션



조너선 트렌트

NASA 바이오 엔지니어, 오메가 프로젝트총괄담당


월터 더즈코

아이디어랩 회장캐나다 토론토대 교수


메리 제인 리디코트

지속가능한 건강과 삶 한국 대표


호세 코르데이로

美 싱귤래리티대교수


맹 저우

美 매사추세츠대환경·지구·해양과 교수


알렉산더 그릿시닌

美 매사추세츠대해양·기후·보안 연구소주임연구원


마이클 잭슨

셰이핑 투모로 회장


네이트 켄트

깨어있는 아시아 리더십 창립자


■ 미래예측 워크숍 _ 10월 27일(수), 13:00~18:30, 10월 28일(목) 09:00~18:00 / 아트홀 [4F]

■ WCU 특별세션(비공개) _ 10월 27일(수), 13:30~15:00 / 스튜디오 [2F]

프로그램 내 용

세계수준의 연구중심대학

(WCU)사업 해외석학 좌담회

■ 글로벌 관점에서 본 우리나라 고등교육의 방향 및 WCU 사업 관련 제언

• 김성근 서울대 교수

• 이바르 예이버 美 렌셀러폴리테크닉대학교 교수

• 윌리엄 고더드 美 캘리포니아대 공과대학 교수

• 존 우드 英 유니버시티 칼리지 런던 교수

16 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

■ 마이스터고 글로벌 역량 강화 워크숍 _ 10월 28일(목), 14:00~16:30 / 프레시디오룸(2F)

프로그램 연 사


글로벌 역량 강화 워크숍

• 앤디 윌슨 英 웨스트민스터 킹스웨이 칼리지 총장

• 니콜 바버 英 웨스트민스터 킹스웨이 칼리지 부총장

• 질리안 로드리게스 英 웨스트민스터 킹스웨이 칼리지 교사연수 및 영어교육 전문가

• 존 켈리 英 웨스트민스터 킹스웨이 칼리지 교과과정 전문가(창조 산업)

• 제프 사울 英 레스터 칼리지 영어교육 전문가

• 로민더 산두 英 레스터 칼리지 교사연수 전문가

• 폴 스푸너 英 레스터 칼리지 교과과정 전문가(엔지니어링)

■ 부대행사 프로그램

개발도상국 교육정책결정자 연수

• 일 시 : 2010년 10월 25일(월) 08:30~20:00, 10월 26일(화) 08:30~11:30

• 장 소 : 쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐호텔, 카라룸(1F)

• 대 상 : 개발도상국 교육정책결정자

• 주 최 : 세계은행, 교육과학기술부

• 주 관 : 한국직업능력개발원

• 주요내용 : 글로벌 인재포럼 참가 및 개발도상국 교육정책결정자 워크숍


지향하는 직업기술교육훈련

전문가 회의

• 일 시 : 2010년 10월 26일(화) 09:00~17:30, 10월 29일(금) 09:00~12:00

• 장 소 : 쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐호텔, 프레시디오룸(2F)

• 주 최 : 유네스코, 한국직업능력개발원

• 주요내용 : 글로벌 인재포럼 참가 및 녹색사회를 지향하는 직업기술교육 관련 사례 발표 및 논의


원탁회의 (비공개)

• 일 시 : 2010년 10월 27일(수), 10:40~12:00

• 장 소 : 쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐, 프레시디오룸(2F)

• 주 제 : 교육(과학) 협력 증진 방안

• 참여대상 : 중동 지역 국가 교육(과학) 장관

마이스터고 워크숍 / 부대행사

Open and Ready For Tomorrow

18 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Warm greetings. Welcome to the Global HR Forum 2010!

The Global HR Forum is now in its 5th year of facilitating important discussions on how to best deal with the most pressing global issues by and through human ingenuity and creativity, education and training, human resources development and management and alike.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), the Korea Economic Daily (KED) and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Educational & Training (KRIVET) have co-founded and hosted the Global HR Forum since 2006 with an aim to make positive impact and contribution to the greater community’s well-being towards co-prosperity.

This year the Global HR Forum 2010 organizers hope to project a message by the theme, “Open and Ready for Tomorrow.” This theme is to signify that the international community needs to be more open and further prepared for increased diversity and talent mobility, conscious education policies, inclusive decision-makings and changing market environments. Having the most distinguished former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (‘87-‘06), Dr. Alan Greenspan, speaking at the keynote, the Global HR Forum 2010 welcomes some 200 global opinion-leaders from 48 countries worldwide speaking in its conference, seminars, roundtables and workshops.

In times like the global financial crisis we have experienced and subsequent unstable economic scenes followed, the Global HR Forum organizers find that collective and collaborative efforts of the global community are imperative more than ever, above and beyond competitive or self-interested plays. Respectively, the Global HR Forum 2010 aims to provide optimal directions for global leadership and cooperation that are vital to reach the improved state of tomorrow.

We hope that the Global HR Forum will once again offer excellent opportunities for speakers, participants and attendees to exchange insights, opinions or ideas on common issues that are worthy of global attentions and open discussions.

Thank you for taking part in the Global HR Forum 2010 with your valuable time and interest. The forum organizers wish for your continuous support and participation for the improved outcome of what the Global HR Forum upholds and advocates – Global Talent, Global Prosperity.

Welcome Message

Global HR Forum 2009

Ju-Ho Lee

Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Sang-Min Shin

President,The KoreaEconomic Daily

Dae-Bong Kwon

President,Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Global HR Forum 2010 19

■ Overview

•Title :

•Slogan :

•Theme :

•Date :

•Venue :

•Hosts :

Global HR Forum 2010

Global Talent, Global Prosperity!

Open and Ready for Tomorrow

October 26(Tue) to 28(Thu), 2010

Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea

Ministry of Education, Science and TechnologyThe Korea Economic Daily Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Il SaKongChairman,

The Korea InternationalTrade Association

Chairman, G20 Seoul Summit Committee


Jae-Il ByunMember of National

Assembly (Chairman, Education, Science &

Technology Committee)

Sang-kee SuhMember of National

Assembly (Administrator, Education, Science &

Technology Committee)

Min-Seok AhnMember of National

Assembly (Administrator, Education, Science &

Technology Committee)

National Assembly

Moon-Soo KimGovernor,

Gyeonggi Province

Young-Gil Song Mayor,

IncheonMetropolitan City

Se-Hoon OhMayor,

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Local Government

■ 「Global HR Forum」 Advisory Committee

Jong-Tae Choi President,


Chul-Joo Hwang Chairman,

Korea Venture Industry Association

Industrial · Business

Duk-Hoon Kwak President,

Educational Broadcasting System

Suk-Joon Kim President,

Science & Technology Policy Institute

Tae-Wan Kim President,

Korea Educational Development Institute

Joo-Hyung Kim President,

LG Economic Research Institute

Joon-Han Kim President,

POSCO Research Institute

Seong-Yul Kim President,

Korea Institute for Curriculum & Evaluation

Joo-Hyun Kim President,

Hyundai Research Institute

Research Institute

Byoung-Chul Jeong Vice Chairman,

The Federation of Korean Industries

Hee-Beom LeeChairman,

Korea Employers Federation

Yoon-Woo LeeVice Chairman & CEO, Samsung Electronics

Pal-Seung Lee Chairman,

WOORI Financial Group

Bon-Jun Koo Vice Chairman & CEO,

LG Electronics

Kyung-Shik Sohn Chairman,

The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Yeo-Chul Youn Vice Chairman & CEO,

Hyundai MotorCompany

Ki-Mun Kim Chairman,

Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business

Heon-Cheol Shin Vice Chairman,

SK Energy

Industrial · Business

Byong-Sun KwakPresident,

Korea Educational Research Association

Doh-Yeon KimPresident,

University of Ulsan

Byoung-Jin KimPresident,

Doowon Technical University College

Sun-Uk Kim President,

Ewha Womans University

Ghung-Gill KimPresident,

Baewha Women's University

Jin-Q Kim President,

Konkuk University

Young-Gil KimPresident,

Handong Global University

Han-Joong KimPresident,

Yonsei University

Sung-Gi BaikPresident,

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Chul Park President,

Hankuk Universityof Foreign Studies

Nam-Pyo SuhPresident,

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Doo-Hee LeePresident & Founder,

Asia Pacific Association for International Education

Ki-Soo LeePresident,

Korea University

Won-Ro LeePresident,

Inje University

Yeon-Cheon OhPresident,

Seoul National University

Young-Sun LeePresident,

Hallym University

Song HanPresident,

Gangneung-Wonju National University

Young-Sil Han President,

Sookmyung Women’s University

Jong-Wook LeePresident,

Sogang University


Byoung-Jun Song President,

Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade

Kyung-Sook Lee President of

Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF)

Woo-Kyu Park President,

SK Research Institute

Yoon Chung President,

Korea Foundationfor the Advancement of

Science & Creativity

Se-Yeoung Chun President,

Korea Education & Research Information


Sung-Chull Junn Chairman,

Institute of Global Management

Oh-Seok Hyun President,

Korea Development Institute

Ki-Young Chung President & CEO,

Samsung Economic Research Institute

June-Seung Lee President,

Korea Institute ofScience & Technology

Evaluation and Planning

Research Institute


LISHOverview / Advisory Committee

20 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Program at a Glance

■ Program at a Glance

October 26(Tue) October 27(Wed) October 28(Thu)

Time Venue Program Time Venue Program Time Venue Program




Breakfast Lecture



Calla Room

EAP WorkshopProgram




Vista Hall

Opening Ceremony&

Keynote Address



Vista Hall 3 A1


Hall Special Session


Art Hall

Future Foresight Workshop 3


Vista Hall 1+2 B1

MugungHwa Hall




Vista Hall

LobbyCoffee Break



Vista Hall Plenary Session Ⅰ



Vista Hall 3 A2


Hall Special Session


Vista Hall 1+2 B2

MugungHwa Hall








Meeting on TVET






Vista Hall


Art Hall

Future Foresight

Workshop 1




Vista Hall 3 A3


Hall Special Session


Art Hall

Future Foresight

Workshop 3



Enhancing MeisterSchool

Teachingand Curricula


Vista Hall 1+2 B3

MugungHwa Hall

G20 Special Session


MugungHwa Hall




Vista Hall

LobbyCoffee Break



Vista Hall

LobbyCoffee Break



Vista Hall


Ⅲ 14:40


Vista Hall 3 A4


Hall Special Session


Vista Hall 1+2 B4

MugungHwa Hall

G20 Special Session


MugungHwa Hall


Future Foresight

Workshop 4




Vista Hall




Vista Hall




Vista Hall




Vista Hall 3 A5


Hall Special Session


Future Foresight

Workshop 2


Vista Hall 1+2 B5

MugungHwa Hall

G20 Special Session


MugungHwa Hall




MugungHwa Hall




Vista Hall 1+2 Wrap-up for GHR Forum 2010

Global HR Forum 2010 21

Floor Plan

■ Floor Plan



Floor Place Oct 26(Tue) Oct 27(Wed) Oct 28(Thu)


Vista Hall 1+2 Opening Ceremony &Keynote Address / Plenary Session

Track B, Wrap-up for GHR Forum 2010

Vista Hall 3 Track A

Lobby Registration / Exhibition


Grand Hall 2+3 Secretariat

Ida VIP Room

Walkerhill Theater Luncheon

1FMugunghwa Hall Welcome Reception & Dinner G20 Special Sessions Track C

Calla Room EAP Workshop Program


Great Room 1 Speaker’s Room

Great Room 2+3 Press Room

Studio 1 Interview Room 1

Studio 2 Interview Room 2

Presidio RoomUNESCO-KRIVET Expert Meetingon TVET Towards Green Societies

Breakfast Lecture, Enhancing Meister School Teaching and Curricula

3F Cosmos Hall Special Session

4F Art Hall Future Foresight Workshop

22 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Opening Ceremony / Keynote Address

■ Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address _ October 27(Wed), 08:30~10:30 / Vista Hall [B2]

Time Program


■ Opening Ceremony

•Opening Message

•Welcome Address by Hosts

•Video Clip Viewing

•Congratulatory Address by VIP


■ Keynote Address [Post-Crisis World Economy and Governance System]

Alan GreenspanFormer Chairman,Federal Reserve Board(1987~2006)


Ha-joon CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge


Global HR Forum 2010 23

Plenary Session

■ Plenary Session _ October 27(Wed), 10:40~17:40 / Vista Hall [B2]

Time Program


■ Plenary Session P-1 [G20 Global Governance, Seoul Summit and Korea’s Role]


■ Plenary Session P-2 [Imperative : Sense of Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility]


■ Plenary Session P-3 [Cultivating Next Generation Leadership]


■ Plenary Session P-4 [Innovation Economy to Quality Jobs Towards Sustainable Growth]

Luc WeberPresident,Geneva University (Switzerland)


Joseph PolisiPresident, The Juilliard School


Phillip BrownProfessor ofSocial Sciences, Cardiff University (UK)


Dan Mote Jr.President,University of Maryland


Jeffrey PfefferProfessor of OrganizationalBehavior, Stanford University


Jack McDougleSVP, U.S. Council on Competitiveness


Tony LittleHeadmaster,Eton College


Elizabeth KINGEducation Director, World Bank


Franci PhelanCHRO,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Reinhold WeiβVice President,BIBB (Germany)


Qian TANGAssistant Director-General for Education,UNESCO


Chong-in KIMFormer Presidential Secretary for the Economy


Joo-hyun KIMPresident,Hyundai Research Institute


Doh-yeon KIMPresident, University of UlsanFormer Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology


Tae-ki KIMProfessorof Economics, Dankook University


Jacques Attali President,PlaNet Finance


Robert MundellProfessor of Economics,University of Columbia(1999 Nobel Laureate)


Ki-hwan KIMChair,Seoul Financial Forum




24 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

G20 Special Session / Breakfast Lecture

■ G20 Special Session _ October 27(Wed), 13:00~17:40 / Mugunghwa Hall [1F]

■ Breakfast Lecture _ October 28(Thu), 07:30~08:50 / Presidio Room [2F]

Time Program


■ Session S-1 [Future of Euro Zone After the Debt Crisis]


■ Session S-2 [China's Currency Policy & Global Imbalance]


■ Session S-3 [G20 Seoul Agenda from Non-G20 Perspectives]

Time Program


■ Towards a Fair Society : Equal Opportunity, Win-Win Partnership, and Shared Growth

Chan-guk HUHProfessor of Economics, Chungnam National University


Wook CHAEPresident,Korea Institute for International Economic Policy


Hyoung-koo MOONProfessor of Business School, Korea University


Tae-ho PARKProfessor of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University


Francis WarnockProfessor of Darden Business School, University of Virginia


Ha-joon CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge


Jacques Attali President,PlaNet Finance


Yeo-sun YOONProfessor of Marketing, KAIST


Wim KöstersProfessor of Economics, Ruhr-University of Bochum


Jack McDougleSVP, U.S. Council on Competitiveness


Robert MundellProfessor of Economics, University of Columbia(1999 Nobel Laureate)


Young-sul KWONManaging Director, Hankyung Value Innovation Institute


Global HR Forum 2010 25

Track AEmerging Education Trends and Policies for 21st Century Talents

■ Track A _ October 28(Thu), 09:00~17:40 / Vista Hall 3 [B2]

Time Program


■ SessionⅠ : Role of Education: Pathway to the Advanced Society


■ Session Ⅱ : Emerging Schooling Issues for 21st Century Demands


■ Session Ⅲ : Inventive Higher Education Strategies


■ Session Ⅳ : Cultivating and Embracing STEM Talents


■ Session Ⅴ : Creative, Character Education

Gwang-Jo KIM Director, UNESCO Asia-Pacific


Kyung-sook LEE President, Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF)


Young-gil KIM

President, Handong Global University


Kyung-chan MINProfessor of Mathematics, Yonsei University


Yong-lin MOONProfessor of Educational Psychology, Seoul National University Former Minister of Education & Human Resources Development


Elizabeth KINGEducation Director,World Bank


Hye-sook KIMProfessor of Education, Yonsei University


Doo-hee LEE

President, Asia Pacific Association for International Education


Se-jung OH

Professor of Physics, Seoul National University


Eun-hyun SUNG Professor of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University


Greg Wang Professor of Business and Technology,University of Texas(Tylar)


Eva Baker Professor of Education, UCLA


Barbara Grabowski Professor of Education, Pennsylvania State University


Alan Henkin

Professor, University of Iowa


David Parker

Director of Research, Impact and Learning, Creativity Culture Education (CCE)


Mee-young CHOI Program Specialist of Education, UNESCO Jakarta


Jang-wan KOProfessor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University


Yun-kyoung HAProfessor of Science, College of Engineering, Hongik University


Yeon-hee JUNGManager of Educational R&D Department, Korea Arts & Culture Education Service


Sang-duk CHOI Director,Korea Education Development Institute (KEDI)


Harry Patrinos Lead ED Specialist, World Bank


Christof Koch

Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology, California Institute of Technology


Barbara Olds

Deputy Assistant Director in the Directorate for Education and HR, National Science Foundation(NSF)


John Ainley

Deputy CEO, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Hugh Lauder Professor of Education, University of Bath


Peter Luxton

Director, Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)




Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD


26 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Track BHRD Cases and Future Workforce Plans for Multinational Enterprises

■ Track B _ October 28(Thu), 09:00~17:40 / Vista Hall 1+2 [B2]

Time Program


■ Session Ⅰ : Tomorrow's Workplace for Tomorrow's Workforce


■ Session Ⅱ : Talent Development & Management Programs in Multinational Enterprises


■ Session Ⅲ : Characteristics of Next Generation Workforce


■ Session Ⅳ : HR Management and Strategies of Top Korean Companies


■ Session Ⅴ : New Ways of Learning with New Technologies

Peck CHO

Endowed Chair Professor,Dongguk UniversityProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University

Moderator / Discussant

Kang-ho LEE President,Grundfos Pumps Korea


Kyung-mee PARK

CEO, Hewitt Associates Korea


Bong-gu LEEEditorial Writer, The Korea Economic Daily


Jong-yeon CHOITalent and Organization Performance Lead, Accenture Korea


Tae-kyun SHINExecutive Director, Samsung Human Resources Development Center


Jeffrey Pfeffer

Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University


Haeng-hee LEEPresident,Corning Korea


Judy LEE

Lead of Emerging Workforce Solutions, Hewitt Associates


Yuh-soon YOONExecutive Director, LG Academy


Norbert BüningGlobal Learning & Collaboration Lead, Accenture


Hae-dong KIM CEO, B.Braun Korea


Franci PhelanCHRO,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Hong-muk KIMExecutive Director,SK Academy


J.W. Jay Chung Director and APAC Manufacturing Lead, Internet Business Solution Group Cisco Systems, Inc.


In-duck CHA

CEO, Toshiba Korea


Nicolas Sauvage

CEO,NH-CA Asset Management


Bong-rak YOON

Executive Director, Hyundai Research Institute


Michael Leimbach

VP, Wilson Learning Worldwide


Global HR Forum 2010 27

Track CHR Development and Strategies for Future Labor Market Demands

■ Track C _ October 28(Thu), 09:00~17:40 / MugungHwa Hall [1F]

Time Program


■ Session Ⅰ : Career and Technical Education as an Alternative Pathway to Success


■ Session Ⅱ : Vocational Education and Training for Green Growth


■ Session Ⅲ : Improving Skills Development for Aging Population


■ Session Ⅳ : International Standardization of Non-formal Learning Services


■ Session Ⅴ : Youth Transition to Work

Sang-hoon BAE

Professor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University


Reinhold WeiβVice President,BIBB (Germany)


Ae-sil KIMProfessor of Economics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


Kyung-ro YOONDirector of Human Resources, Dupont Asia-Pacific


Hae-ryong HWANG

Director of Strategy & Planning, Sudo Electric Technical High School


Kang-shik CHOIProfessor ofEconomics, Yonsei University


Hyun-joong JUNProfessor of International Business, Dongseo University


Ki-sung LEEVice Dean of Graduate School of Education, Soongsil University


Kumi NakamuraChief researcher, Japan Association for Management of Training and Education (JAMOTE)


Ahn-kook KIMResearch Fellow, KRIVET


Kenneth Gray

Professor of Education, Pennsylvania State University


Andy WilsonPrincipal, Westminster Kingsway College


Ki-rak RYUResearch Fellow, KRIVET


Christine Evans-KlockDirector of EMP/Skills, International Labor Organization (ILO)


Thomas RauProject Manager,RKW Berlin-Brandenburg


David AtchoarenaDirector of ESB, UNESCO


Jae-young CHOI VP, Youngjin College


Woo-young KIMProfessor of Economics and Business, Kongju National University


Sung-min PARKEducation Specialist, Human Development Network, Education World Bank





Young-chul KIMDirector, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology


Debora RoseveareDivision Head,OECD


Nam-chul LEEResearch Fellow, KRIVET


Michael Leimbach

VP, Wilson Learning Worldwide


Hun-seok OHProfessor of Education, Seoul National University


Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD




Gwang-Jo KIM Director, UNESCO Asia-Pacific


28 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Time Program


■ Session 1 [Keeping Tradition While Approaching to Modern Education]


■ Session 2 [Interconnections between Policy, Business and Art]


■ Session 3 [Rise of China & Asia's Geopolitics]


■ Session 4 [Smart Innovation for Value Creation and Great Place to Work]


■ Session 5 [Embracing Diversity and Inclusiveness]

Special Session

Tony LittleHeadmaster,Eton College


Mi-sug JINSenior Research Fellow, KRIVET


Sang-hwan SEONGProfessor of Germanic Linguistics, Seoul National University


Xinrong ZHENGProfessor of Education, Beijing Normal University


Reva JosheeProfessor of Theory and Policy Studies,University of Toronto


In-sil JANGProfessor of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education


Hong-jin KIMVice President,KT


Clare MuhiudeenDirector of Rewards,Talent & Communication, Towers Watson Asia Pacific


Caroline WatersDirector of Peopleand Policy, BT


Hyuna CHOIVice President,Towers Watson Korea


Joseph PolisiPresident,The Juilliard School


Jia QingguoProfessor and Associate Dean of the School of International Studies, Peking University


■ Special Session _ October 28(Thu), 09:00~17:40 / Cosmos Hall [3F]

Seung-hwan SONG

Professor of College of Culture & Art, Sungshin Women’s University


Chung-in MOONProfessor of Political Science, Yonsei University


Chung-ok CHOIProfessor of Multicultural Education,Kyonggi University


Ki-seon CHUNGHead of the R&D, IOM Migration Research & Training Centre


Global HR Forum 2010 29

Future Foresight Workshop / WCU Program

■ Future Foresight Workshop _ October 27(Wed), 13:00~18:30, October 28(Thu), 09:00~18:00 / Art Hall [4F]



Date & Time Contents

October 27



Replacing Fossil Oil with Carbon-neutral & Sustainable Oil : - Algae Emerging Technology, Climate Change & Renewable Energy- Future of Technology and Technology of the Future


Ocean Technology & Nano Bio

October 28



New Emerging Business Opportunities and Business Models(1) What makes us rich? / (2) What do we have to do to win in this dynamic business world?


Conscious Living, Conscious Leadership

Jonathan TrentLead Scientist of OMEGA Project, NASA


Walter DerzkoChairman, The Idea LabProfessor, Toronto University


Mary-Jane Liddicoat Head of Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) Korea


José CordeiroTeaching Fellow, Singularity University


Meng ZHOUProfessor of Environmental, Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Massachusetts


Alexander GritsininScience Coordinator of Collaborative Institute for Ocean, Climate and Security(CIOCS)


Michael JacksonChairman,Shaping Tomorrow


Nate KentCo-founder,Conscious Leadership Asia (CLA)


■ WCU Program(Closed) _ October 27(Wed), 13:30~15:00 / Studio [2F]

Program Program / Speaker

Distinguished Scholars'

Meeting on World-Class

University (WCU)


■ The way forward for Korea's higher education and WCU programs from a global perspective

• Seong-keun Kim Professor of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Nanoscience, Physical Chemistry, Seoul National Unoverity

• Ivar Giaever Institute Professor, Emeritus Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

• William A. Goddard ⅢCharles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science and Applied Physics, University College London

• John N. Wood Professor of Physiology, The department of Biology, University College London

30 글로벌 인재포럼 2010

Meister School Workshop / Events

■ Enhancing Meister School Teaching and Curricula _ October 28(Thu), 14:00~16:30 / Presidio Room [2F]

Program Speaker

Enhancing Meister School

Teaching and Curricula

• Andy Wilson, Principal, Westminster Kingsway College

• Nicole Barber, Assistant Principal for International Business Development & Employer Engagement

• Gillian Rodrigues, Senior Teacher Training and English Language Specialist

• John Kelly, Senior Creative Industries Specialist, Leicester College

• Geoff Saul, Senior English Language Specialist

• Rominder Sandhu, Senior Teacher Training Specialist

• Paul Spooner, Engineering Curriculum Specialist

■ Events

EAP Workshop


• Date : October 25(Mon) 08:30~20:00, October 26(Tue) 08:30~11:30

• Venue : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Calla Room(1F)

• Target Audience : HR Leaders in EAP Countries

• Host : World Bank, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

• Organizer : The Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

• Program : Participation in Global HR Forum 2010 / EAP Workshop


Expert Meeting on TVET

Towards Green Societies

• Date : October 26(Tue) 09:00~17:30, October 29(Fri) 09:00~12:00

• Venue : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Presidio Room(2F)

• Host : UNESCO, The Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

• Program : First draft of the international framework for greening TVET / Country Case studies / Private sector’s experiences

Education (& Science)

Ministerial Round-table


• Date : October 27(Wed.), 10:40 ~ 12:00

• Venue : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Presidio Room(2F)

• Theme : Measures to Promote Educational (& Scientific) Cooperation

• Participants : Education (& Science) Ministers from East Asian and Mideast countries

Session Description andSpeakers’ Profile

Post-Crisis World Economy and Governance SystemSpurred by the latest global financial crisis the international community is working to create create a new financial regulatory system to prevent its recurrence. As one such effort, leaders from around the world held G20 summits and announced a shared commitment to tighten financial oversight and regulation and to participate actively the discussion for reforming the international financial organization and its governance system to address the root causes of the global financial crisis which is seemingly passed. However, the recent discovery of alarming fiscal and debt situations in numerous European nations now worry many who fear that the world economy would again be overtaken by a recession after a short Several points to the distrust in credit rating agencies and the financial industry in general, the sharp volatility of stock prices and exchange rates, which may all pose risks to market stability and employment recovery.In this session, renowned Keynote Address Post-Crisis World Economy and Governance System economists will discuss what caused the global financial crisis, whether the crisis is indeed over and whether a stronger governance system (such as Volcker Rule) could applied to prevent the next crisis alike. Their discussions will include forecasting the outlook on the global economy and also Korea’s economy for the near future.

Keynote Address

Ha-joon CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge


Alan GreenspanFormer Chairman, Federal Reserve Board (1987-2006)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 35

Alan GreenspanFormer Chairman, Federal Reserve Board (1987-2006)

For 18 1/2 years, Alan Greenspan served as chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Greenspan also served as chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, the System’s principal monetary policymaking body. He originally took office as chairman and to fill an unexpired term as a member of the Board on August 11, 1987.Greenspan was reappointed to the Board to a full 14-year term, which began February 1, 1992, and ended January 31, 2006. He was designated chairman by Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush.

Greenspan was born on March 6, 1926, in New York City. He received a B.S. in economics (summa cum laude), M.A. and Ph.D. all from New York University. Greenspan also has performed advanced graduate studies at Columbia University. From 1954 to 1974 and from 1977 to 1987.

Greenspan was chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co., Inc., an economic consulting firm in New York City. From 1974 to 1977, he served as chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers under President Ford, and from 1981 to 1983, as chairman of the National Commission on Social Security Reform. Greenspan was appointed a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the Commission on Financial Structure and regulation, the Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force and the Task Force on Economic Growth.

Before his appointment to the Federal Reserve Board, Greenspan served as a director of numerous corporations, including J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc.; Mobil Corporation; Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa); General Foods Corp; and Capital Cities/ ABC, Inc. He was a term member of the Board of Trustees of the Rand Corporation, a member of the Board of Overseers of the Hoover Institution (at Stanford University) and vice chairman and trustee of the Economic Club of New York. Greenspan has served as chairman of the Conference of Business Economists, president and fellow of the National Association of Business Economists and a fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Greenspan has received honorary degrees from Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania, Notre Dame, Leuven (Belgium) and Edinburgh universities. He received the Legion of Honor (Commander) from France, became an honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire and received the Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civil award.Greenspan heads Greenspan Associates, a consulting firm in Washington, DC and is the author of The Age of Turbulence (September 2007).

Keynote Address

36 Global HR Forum 2010

Keynote Address

Ha-joon, CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge

Ha-Joon Chang, a Korean national, has taught at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, since 1990. In addition to numerous articles in journals and edited volumes, Ha-Joon Chang has published 13 authored books (four of them co-authored) and 9 edited books (six of them co-edited). His most recent books include Reclaiming Development – An Alternative Economic Policy Manual (with Ilene Grabel; Zed Press, 2004), The East Asian Development Experience – The Miracle, the Crisis, and the Future (Zed Press, 2006), and Bad Samaritans (Random House, UK, 2007, and Bloomsbury USA, 2008), and 23 Things That They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism (Penguin, 2010, and Bloomsbury USA, 2011). By 2011, his writings will have been translated into 20 languages. Apart from his academic activities, Ha-Joon Chang has worked as a consultant for numerous international organisations, including various UN agencies (UNCTAD, WIDER, UNDP, UNIDO, UNRISD, INTECH, FAO, and ILO), the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. He has also worked as a consultant for a number of governments (such as Canada, Japan, South Africa, the UK, and Venezuela) and various NGOs (such as ActionAid, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam) Ha-Joon Chang is the winner of the 2003 Myrdal Prize, awarded to his book, Kicking Away the Ladder, by the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). He is also the winner (jointly with Richard Nelson of Columbia University) of the 2005 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought awarded by Tufts University. Previous winners of the Prize include the Nobel Laureates Amartya Sen and Daniel Kahnemann as well as John Kenneth Galbraith.

G20 Global Governance, Seoul Summit and Korea’s RoleThe elevated status of the G20 summit signals the birth of a new global governance paradigm. The global financial crisis no doubt has quickened the pace at which emerging economies such as China rose to higher international standing. This has in turn paved the way for a more inclusive global governance framework in the form of G20 apart from G8. The first three G20 summits were deemed effective in identifying key agendas, namely, overcoming the global imbalance, guarding against trade protectionism, stronger oversight and regulation of global financial system, an agreement on the climate change convention and coordination of economic stimulus packages and exit strategies. The upcoming G20 Seoul summit slated for November will be chaired by (South) Korea, the first non-G8 country, the first Asian country and the first non-English speaking country to chair such a meeting. Whether or not the global community will sustain healthy economic growth may as well be determined by how quickly and efficiently it overcomes the current economic instability through international cooperation. This session is designed for discussions on how the post-crisis global cooperation should be organized to create a common ground for emerging and developing economies, on one hand, and developed economies on the other. Suggestions will be made regarding Korea's role as the next G20 summit chair and a bridge (between G20 and G77) and what key items should be discussed among the participating world leaders.

Plenary Session Ⅰ

Chong-in KIMFormer Presidential Secretary for the Economy


Jacques AttaliPresident, PlaNet Finance


Robert MundellProfessor of Economics, University of Columbia 1999 Nobel Laureate

Ki-hwan KIMChair, Seoul Financial Forum


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 39

Plenary Session Ⅰ

Chong-in KIMFormer Presidential Secretary for the Economy

Jacques AttaliPresident, PlaNet Finance

1992. 7 - Present Chairman of the Board, the Development Strategy Institute 2008. 9 – 2010. 5 Chairman Speaker's Advisory Committee on Constitional Research 2004. 5 - 2008. 5 Member of 17th National Assembly2003. 9 - 2004. 3 Chaired Professor, Department of Economics, Konkuk University2003. 6 - 2004. 4 Nominated Member of National Economic Advisory Council (Committee by Senior Economist)1992. 5 - 1994. 9 Member of 14th National Assembly1990. 3 - 1992. 3 Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs1985. 4 - 1988. 4 Member of the 12th National Assembly1989. 7 - 1990. 3 Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Republic of Korea1981. 4 - 1985. 4 Member of the 11th National Assembly1973. 3 - 1988. 2 Professor, Department of Economics, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea1981. 4 - 1985. 4 Member of the 11th National Assembly

Professor, writer, Honorary Member of the Council of State, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic from 1981 to 1991, founder and first President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London from 1991 to 1993, Jacques Attali is currently CEO of A&A, an international consulting firm specialised in new technologies, based in Paris, and President of PlaNet Finance, an international non-profit organisation assisting microfinance institutions all over the world. PlaNet Finance is the most important world institution of support to the microfinance. PlaNet Finance advises and finances the development of the microfinance in 80 countries. He founded Action Contre la Faim in 1980 and the European programme Eurêka. In, 1989, he also launched an international programme of action against the disastrous floods in Bangladesh. Jacques Attali then advised the Secretary General of the United Nations on the risks of nuclear proliferation. He is at the origin of the higher education reform, known as LMD, to bring all European degrees into line. Jacques Attali is a columnist for the magazine L'Express. He has written forty books, translated into more than twenty languages, with over six million copies sold all over the world, including essays (dealing with a wide variety of subjects ranging from mathematical economics, to music), biographies, novels, children’s tales and plays.

40 Global HR Forum 2010

Robert MundellProfessor of Economics, University of Columbia1999 Nobel Laureate

For the past twenty five years, Robert Mundell has been Professor of Economics at Columbia University in New York . He studied at the University of British Columbia and the London School of Economics before receiving his Ph.D. from MIT. He taught at Stanford University and the Bologna (Italy) Center of the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University before joining, in 1961, the staff of the International Monetary Fund. From 1966 to 1971 he was a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Editor of the Journal of Political Economy. In 1974 he came to Columbia University.

He has been an adviser to a number of international agencies and organizations including the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, the Government of Canada, several governments in Latin America and Europe, the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury. In 1970, he was a consultant to the Monetary Committee of the European Economic Commission, and in 1972-3 a member of the nine consultants to the Commission that prepared a report in Brussels on European monetary integration. He was a member of the Bellagio-Princeton study group on International Monetary Reform from 1964 to 1978 and Chairman of the Santa Colomba Conferences on International Monetary Reform between 1971 and 1987.

The author of numerous works and articles on economic theory of international economics, he is known as the father of the theory of optimum currency areas; he formulated what became a standard international macroeconomics model; he was a pioneer of the theory of the monetary and fiscal policy mix; he reformulated the theory of inflation and interest; he was a co-developer of the monetary approach to the balance of payments; and he was an originator of supply-side economics. He has written extensively on the history of the international monetary system and played a significant role in the founding of the euro. He has also written extensively on the "transition" economies and in 1997 co-founded the Zagreb Journal of Economics.

In 1983 he received the Jacques Rueff Medal and Prize in the French Senate; in 1997 he became a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association; in 1998, he was made a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science; and in 1999, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. He has received honorary degrees and professorships in several universities in North America, Europe and Asia.

Plenary Session Ⅰ

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 41

Dr. Kihwan Kim is Chair of the Seoul Financial Forum. He is also currently a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Korea Development Institute (KDI).

From October 2008 to January 2010, Dr. Kim served as Vice Chair of the National Council for Economic Policy that is chaired by Korea’s President. During the 1997-1998 financial crisis, he was Korea’s Ambassador-at-Large for Economic Affairs, playing a key role in the resolution of the crisis. Other positions he held in the Korean government include Chief Trade Policy Coordinator and Negotiator (1984-86), Chief Delegate to South-North Inter-Korea Economic Talks (1984-86), Vice Minister of Trade and Industry (1983-84), and a member of the Monetary Board (1982-83).

From 1999 to 2008, Dr. Kim was an International Advisor at Goldman Sachs and from 1993 to 1999, Senior Advisor at Kim and Chang, the largest and most prestigious law firm in Korea, from 1993 to 1999.

Educated at Grinnell College (B.A., History, 1957), Yale University (M.A., History, 1958) and the University of California at Berkeley (Ph D., Economics, 1971), Dr. Kim taught economics for more than thirteen years at a number of American universities, including the University of California, Berkeley, before returning to Korea in 1976.

He has authored books and articles on the Korean economy, world trade, and Pacific cooperation and is a frequent contributor to newspaper columns and professional journals in both Korea and abroad.

Plenary Session Ⅰ

Ki-hwan KIMChair, Seoul Financial Forum

Imperative : Sense of Global Citizenship and Social ResponsibilityHow to best educate students in a fast changing, shrinking world is a debate that is very much alive. Even though citizenship and social responsibility related education occurs, often it is reduced to a formal or ritualistic level such as voting, paying taxes, saluting the flag, recycling etc. Issues such as global justice, environment and human rights are, for the most part, not major components of the curriculum in schools and are still given little shrift in higher education institutions. Where global issues are addressed, they are often approached through the biased perspectives of ethnocentrism, national chauvinism, and global economic dominance. As the conventional thinking of the schooling purpose is to educate students for the competitive global workplace, there is an alternative to such thinking that the real purpose of education should be to prepare students to become stewards of the earth and participants in democracy for global social justice.The world has become a place at where information and capital careen around the world at breathtaking speeds, environmental problems are planetary in scope, and wars and hurricanes and human rights violations from around the world saturate the television screens daily. Under these circumstances, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and duties of individuals as global citizens are growing in importance. Perhaps it is time to assess how we are educating children to cope with these new realities. In this session the speakers will touch upon the meaning of social responsibility and the role of global citizens and how education and policies will impact strategic contribution to society as well as on the partnership between the business and the civil society.

Plenary Session Ⅱ

Joo-hyun KIMPresident, Hyundai Research Institute


Jeffrey PfefferProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University

Franci PhelanCHRO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Joseph PolisiPresident, The Juilliard School

Tony LittleHeadmaster, Eton School


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 45

Plenary Session Ⅱ

Joo-hyun KIMPresident, Hyundai Research Institute

▣ Employment Experience 2004. 1. - Present President & CEO, Hyundai Research Institute 1992. 9. - 2003. 12 Vice president & Head of Division of Hyundai Research Institute 1989. 9. - 1992. 10 Senior Research Fellow, Coryo Research Institute

▣ Public Service & Activities 2009. 1 - 2009. 12 Vice president of The Association of Korean Economic Studies 2007. 3 – present Director of The Association of Korea Electronic Commerce 2007. 6 – present Member of Advisory Committee of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2006. 1 – Present Member of the Advisory Committee of Economic Policy, the Federation of the Korean Industries 2005. 1 - 2006. 12 Director of the Korean Finance Association 2000. 1 - 2003. 12 Member of the President Advisory Committee of PCSD 1999. 1 - 2003. 12 Member of the Business & Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD

Jeffrey PfefferProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University

JEFFREY PFEFFER is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University where he has taught since 1979. He is the author or co-author of thirteen books including The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge Into Action, Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People, a collection of 27 essays about management topics, as well as more than 120 articles and book chapters. Pfeffer has been a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School, Singapore Management University, London Business School, and a frequent visitor at IESE in Barcelona. From 2003-2007, Pfeffer wrote a monthly column, “The Human Factor,” for the 600,000-person circulation business magazine, Business 2.0. Since 2007, he has written a monthly column providing career advice for Capital, a leading business and economics magazine in Turkey and, more recently, a blog for the Corner Office section of BNET (CBS Interactive). Pfeffer has presented seminars in 34 countries throughout the world as well as doing consulting and providing executive education for numerous companies, associations, and universities in the United States. Jeffrey Pfeffer has won the Richard I. Irwin Award presented by the Academy of Management for his scholarly contributions.

46 Global HR Forum 2010

Plenary Session Ⅱ

Franci PhelanCHRO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Franci Phelan, chief human resources officer, is responsible for providing the vital link between the foundation’s diverse and talented staff and the leadership team. She designs strategies to ensure that the foundation remains a preeminent workplace, supporting employees as they partner with grantees and others to make sure all people lead healthy, productive lives. Prior to joining the foundation, Phelan served as vice president of human resources at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, a DuPont company. In this role, she was accountable for all elements of the human resources function for the global Pioneer business and was a member of the Pioneer leadership team. In addition to her responsibilities at Pioneer, she was the human resources platform lead for DuPont Agriculture and Nutrition and was a member of the DuPont corporate human resources leadership team. Phelan also brings extensive experience from her tenure at Cummins Engine Company, Miller Brewing Company, TDS Telecom, Principal Financial Group, and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. She is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR). Her community involvement includes service on the board of directors for Hospice of Central Iowa, Special Olympics of Central Iowa, the Des Moines Public Library, and the Des Moines Higher Education Institution. She has also been deeply involved with the United Way of Central Iowa and represents agribusiness on the board of directors for the National Council of Ag Education (NCAE).

Joseph PolisiPresident, The Juilliard School

Joseph William Polisi became the sixth president of The Juilliard School in September 1984, bringing to that position his previous experience as a college administrator, a writer in the fields of music, public policy and the arts, and an accomplished bassoonist. His twenty-five years at Juilliard have been a time of vitality for the school, with the establishment of new student services and alumni programs, a revised curriculum, and an emphasis on the humanities and liberal arts. Before coming to Juilliard, Dr. Polisi was Dean of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (1983-84), Dean of Faculty at the Manhattan School of Music (1980-83). He holds three graduate degrees in music from Yale, having completed his Doctor of Musical Arts, a Master of Musical Arts and a Master of Music. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Arts degree in international relations from Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He has written many scholarly and educational articles for professional journals, is a frequent speaker on arts and education issues, has produced several sound recordings, primarily focusing on contemporary American music, and has recorded a solo album of twentieth-century bassoon music for Crystal Records. He is the author of, The Artist as Citizen and American Muse: The Life and Times of William Schuman.

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Plenary Session Ⅱ

Tony LittleHeadmaster, Eaton College

Tony Little was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where he was a Choral Exhibitioner. He read Law before deciding to read English Literature instead. He taught at Tonbridge and Brentwood (where he was Head of English and a boarding housemaster) before becoming Headmaster of Chigwell School in 1989. Some seven years later, he became Headmaster of Oakham, a large co-educational boarding and day school. In September 2002, he took up his post as Head Master of Eton College. Interests include music, theatre and poetry. He is a Vice-President of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition and Chairman of the World Leading Schools Association.

Cultivating Next Generation LeadershipSince the 19th century, education has been a continuing driving force for social progress. However, amidst the broader trends of globalization, technological advances, declining birth rate, aging population and talent mobility, the society has been significantly disconnected from the past one. By extension, we can reasonably anticipate the future that is even more disconnected from the present. Education must, therefore, change in its content and methodology in order to adapt to the approaching future society and the requirements it will present. Globalization and technological shifts, on the other hand, have served as forces that bring about these changes. This session will aim to forecast the mega trends in education and to propose how education should adapt as we transition into a different world of the future. There will also be discussions on effective and diverse ways of global collaboration among institutions of formal and informal education to train the next generation leaders of the global economy post-crisis.

Plenary Session Ⅲ

Doh-yeon KIMPresident, University of UlsanFormer Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology


Luc WeberPresident, Geneva University (Switzerland)

Dan Mote Jr.President, University of Maryland

Qian TANGAssistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

Elizabeth KingEducation Director, World Bank


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Plenary Session Ⅲ

Doh-yeon KIMPresident, University of UlsanFormer Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Luc WeberPresident, Geneva University (Switzerland)

Dr. Doh-Yeon Kim is the president of the University of Ulsan. He earned his undergraduate degree from Seoul National University, Master degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and doctorate degree from Université de Blaise-Pascal. Before he joined UOU, he worked as the Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Korean government in 2008. For 26 years, he was a faculty member of the Department of Materials Engineering at Seoul National University. He also served as Dean of the College of Engineering (2005-07). He has published 200 papers on various aspects of ceramic materials and he was a principal editor of the Journal of Materials Research during 2003-2008. He is a Fellow Member of the American Ceramic Society and has received the Order of Science and Technology Merit, the Edward C. Henry Best Paper Award from the American Ceramic Society and the Young Engineer Award from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He is a Fellow Professor of the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and serves as the vice president of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. Currently, he is also working as the vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science and Technology.

Luc Weber gained a Ph.D. in Economics and business at the University of Lausanne. He was a full professor of Public Economics at the University of Geneva from 1975 to 2008 and a visiting professor at the universities of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Lausanne and Fribourg. He has published five books and advised the Swiss federal government and various canton governments; from 1977 to 1980, he was a member of the Swiss Council of Economic Advisers. From 1982 onwards, Dr Weber spent more than 10 years in university administration and higher education and research policy in Switzerland. He was Vice‐Rector, than Rector of the University of Geneva, as well as President and then Consul for international affairs of the Swiss Universities Rectors’ Conference. He served eight years on the Bureau of the Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research (CDESR) of the Council of Europe, the last two years as chair. He was Vice‐President and Treasurer of the International Association of Universities (IAU) from 2002 to 2008. Professor Weber was a member of the Strategy Committee of the German Science Council in charge of selecting elite universities in the framework of the German excellence initiative. In 1998, he co‐founded — and has since been a leader of — the Glion colloquia, a respected think tank dedicated to the future of research universities in a knowledge driven global economy. For his dedication to higher education and research, he was awarded a Doctorate honoris causa by the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve in 2006.

52 Global HR Forum 2010

Plenary Session Ⅲ

Dan Mote Jr.President, University of Maryland

C. D. Mote, Jr. began his tenure as President of the University of Maryland and Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of Engineering. Since assuming the presidency, he has encouraged an environment of excellence across the University. In 2005, the University was ranked 18th among public research universities, up from 30th in 1998. President Mote has emphasized broad access to the university's model, enriched undergraduate curriculum programs and launched the Baltimore Incentive Awards Program to recruit and provide full support to high school students of outstanding potential who have overcome extraordinary adversity during their lives. He has spurred the university to lead the state in the development of its high-tech economy, especially in the information and communication, bioscience and biotechnology, and nano-technology sectors. He has been asked to serve on a high level National Academies Committee appointed to identify challenges to United States leadership in key areas of science and technology and to be a member of the Leadership Council of the National Innovation Initiative, an activity of the Council on Competitiveness. He has served as vice chair of the Department of Defense Basic Research Committee. In 2004-2005, he served as President of the Atlantic Coast Conference. In its last ranking in 2002, "Washington Business Forward" magazine counted him among the top 20 most influential leaders in the region.

Prior to assuming the Presidency at Maryland, Dr. Mote served on the University of California, Berkeley faculty for 31 years. From 1991 to 1998, he was Vice Chancellor at Berkeley. He earlier served as chair of Berkeley's Department of Mechanical Engineering and led the department to its number one ranking in the National Research Council review of graduate program effectiveness. Dr. Mote's research lies in dynamic systems and biomechanics. Internationally recognized for his research on the dynamics of gyroscopic systems and the biomechanics of snow skiing, he has produced more than 300 publications, holds patents in the U.S., Norway, Finland and Sweden. President Mote has received numerous awards and honors, including the Humboldt Prize awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany. He was named Distinguished Engineering Alumnus by the U.C. Berkeley and has received two honorary doctorates. He serves on the Council of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was elected to Honorary Membership in the ASME International, its most distinguished recognition, and is a Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science, the Acoustical Society of America, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In Spring 2005, he was named recipient of the 2005 J. P. Den Hartog award by the ASME International Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound to honor his lifelong contribution to the teaching and/or practice of vibration engineering. In Fall 2005, he received the 2005 Founders Award from the National Academy of Engineering.

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Plenary Session Ⅲ

Elizabeth KINGEducation Director, World Bank

Director, Education, World Bank, Washington DC, 2009 – current position Past World Bank positions: 2005–2009 Research Manager, Development Research Group, 2002-2005 Lead Economist for Human Development Department, East Asia & Pacific Region, 1994-2002 Senior Economist – Lead Economist, Development Research Group, 1991,1998 Core team member, World Development Report1987-90, 91-94 Economist, Education & Employment Division, Population & Human Resources Department, 1983-84, 85-88 Economist, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, 1983-84, 85-87 Lecturer, Economics Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1984-1985 Assistant Professor, Economics Department, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1976-1977 Instructor, Economics Department, University of Philippines at Los Baños,

Qian TANGAssistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

Dr Qian Tang earned his Bachelor’s degree in Education from Shanxi University and a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Windsor. Upon completion of his graduate studies, Dr Tang began work at the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa, Canada as Second and then First Secretary for Academic/Educational Affairs from 1985 to 1989. Dr Tang joined UNESCO as Senior Programme Specialist, Section for Technical and Vocational Education, Education Sector in 1993 where he also served as Secretary-General of the Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education held in Seoul in 1999. In 2000, he was appointed as Director, Division of Secondary, Technical and Vocational Education. In that position, he was responsible for the implementation of UNESCO’s programme activities in general secondary education, science/technology education as well as technical/vocational education. From July 2001 to June 2005, Dr Tang was Director of Executive Office for the Education Sector. From July 2005 until his present appointment Dr Tang was UNESCO's Deputy Assistant Director-General for Education responsible for overall coordination of the Education Sector's strategic planning, programme implementation, finance and budgeting as well as human resource management. Dr Tang was appointed Assistant Director-General for Education in April 2010.

Innovation Economy to Quality Jobs Towards Sustainable Growth As the global economy remains fragile, international community post-crisis is in urgent need of new policy designs aimed at sustainable and balanced growth of the economy and increased volume of quality jobs. The critical areas seem to be sensible, balanced government policies which can lay the foundation for innovation that leads to quality jobs and shared prosperity. Innovation and investment must be a pillar of such a new framework. The basis of competition and the nature of the economy have changed, and we should change with them. A growing economy is the only way to create quality jobs and raise people’s living standards. Over time, manufacturing and services have merged, knowledge has become a key factor of production, and services we thought could only be provided in particular countries are available anywhere. New ideas are imperative to provide the global community with new jobs, new services that take advantage of our globally interconnected world, and new skills that improve our manufacturing capabilities. This session will discuss the issue on how to construct or re-construct an innovation economy and what role of each stakeholder should play in achieving robust, sustainable and balanced growth and in creating quality jobs.

Plenary Session Ⅳ

Tae-ki KIMProfessor of Economics, Dankook University


Jack McDougleSenior Vice President, U.S. Council on Competitiveness

Reinhold WeiβVice President, BIBB (Germany)

Phillip BrownProfessor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University (UK)


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Plenary Session Ⅳ

Tae-ki KIMProfessor of Economics, Dankook University

Jack McDougleSenior Vice President, U.S. Council on Competitiveness

▣ CURRENT POSITION: Professor, Department of Economics, Dankook University Director, Dankook Center for Dispute Resolution 2009- Chairman, Committee of Wage and Working Hour Reform, Economic and Social Commission, 2010- Chairman, Timeoff System Deliberation Committee

▣ MAJOR EXPERIENCE Academic: 2006 Visiting Professor, School of Advanced International Study, Johns Hopkins University, 2006 Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Keio Univ., 1997- Executive Member, Korea Industrial and Labor Relations Association 1998- Executive Member, Korea Labor Economic Association 1988-1996 Fellow, Korea Labor Institute Government: 1997-2006 Public Member, National Labor Relations Commission, 2001 Chairman, Commission on National Human Resources Development, 1996-1998 Chief Expert, Presidential Commission of Industrial Relations Reform, 1997-2001 Member, Presidential Commission on Policy Planning, 1995-1996 Director of the Education and Labor Department of the President’s Secretary Office,

Jack McDougle is a Senior Vice President at the U.S. Council on Competitiveness where he is managing a new flagship initiative on U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness in the 21st Century. Jack’s knowledge of manufacturing, business, trade and economic issues has been cultivated from experience in both the private sector and the U.S. federal government.

Before joining the Council, Jack was SVP for Strategy and Business Development at United Elite Technologies, where he developed business strategies for small manufacturing companies and identified marketing/sales opportunities in Africa, Asia and South America. Jack served as Deputy Undersecretary for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington DC. He also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industry Analysis where he developed programs and directed projects to improve the global competitive position of U.S. firms. Jack’s time in the public sector also includes work at the U.S. Department of State where he was responsible for coordinating the participation of foreign delegations and leaders in the U.S. hosted G8 Summit in 2004. Prior to serving in the government, Jack was Vice President for Strategic Management at People’s United, a commercial and retail bank. He earned his MBA at Northeastern University in Boston.

58 Global HR Forum 2010

Plenary Session Ⅳ

Reinhold Weiβ Vice President, BIBB (Germany)

Phillip BrownProfessor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University (UK)

1986 - 1988 Head of the Training Centre of the Chambers of Industry and Trade at the Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Hostein business academy in Kiel

1988 - 1992 Head of the Education Economics and Continuing Training section of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft in Cologne

1992 - 2005 Deputy head of the Education Policy and Labour Market Policy research department of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft and member of the Institute's Managing Board

2004 Honorary professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen Since September 2005 Deputy President and Head of Research of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Phillip Brown is a Distinguished Research Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. He worked in the auto industry in Oxford before training as a teacher. His academic career took him to Cambridge University and the University of Kent at Canterbury before joining Cardiff University in 1997. The focus of his work is very much at the international level, global trends and cross-national comparisons. He is an advisor to private and public sector organisations on the future of work, skills and the knowledge economy; the global labour market; employability, recruitment, and the management of talent. He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia and Sciences Po in Paris, and is an expert panel member for the United Kingdom Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). He has written, co-authored and co-edited sixteen books including The Global Auction (2010, Oxford University Press) with Hugh Lauder and David Ashton.

Future of Euro Zone After the Debt CrisisAs European fiscal crisis unfolds and the Euro substantially weakens, voices of concern are raised about how this may dampen what seemed like a relatively smooth economic recovery. An initial observation of the financial markets and real economic conditions around the world shows some signs, though moderate to date, that the European crisis may be spreading to the rest of the world. The lack of political leadership, delayed action on failing banks, default risks in the Eurozone are all part of the European risks, which must not be underestimated. In this session, the current European debt crisis will be examined to determine the likelihood of a global economic downturn and double dip and how effectively we may deal with these possibilities.

G20 Special Session Ⅰ

Wook CHAEPresident, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(KIEP)


Wim KöstersProfessor of Economics, Ruhr-University of Bochum

Robert MundellProfessor of Economics, University of Columbia : 1999 Nobel Laureate


Jacques AttaliPresident, PlaNet Finance


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G20 Special Session Ⅰ

Wook CHAEPresident, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(KIEP)

Wim KöstersProfessor of Economics, Ruhr-University of Bochum

Dr. WOOK CHAE has served as the President of Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) since May 2008. He is currently a member of the National Economic Advisory Council as well as a member of the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness. He has been also the member of Policy Advisory Committee for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Member of Trade Policy Advisory Committee for Trade Minister’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Commissioner of Korea Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC); and has been Senior Research Fellow of Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Vice President of KIEP, Member of Presidential Advisory Commission on Policy Planning.As the Ph. D. in Economics of University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan US), Dr. WOOK CHAE has made a great deal of works including Korea’s Mid & Long-term Strategies toward an Advanced Trading Nation, KIEP (co-authored in Korean), Understanding of the Korean Economy, Kyobo, (co-authored in Korean), and Principles of International Economics, Pakyoungsa (co-authored in Korean), etc.

Since 1991 Holder of a chair in theoretical economics at the Ruhr-University of Bochum/Germany

1992-2000 Elected referee for the German Research Fund (Fachgutachter der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft)

Since 1992 Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European economics and management at the Ruhr- University of Bochum/Germany

Since 1993 Managing director of the Institute for the European Economy at the Ruhr-University of Bochum/Germany

1994-2007 Member of the presidential board of the Arbeitskreis Europaeische Integration (German Section of European Community Studies Association ECSA.)

1999-2001 Head of the department of economics and management of the Ruhr-University of Bochum

1998-2002 Chairman of the scientific advisory council to the Rheinisch Westfaelisches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung, RWI, Essen

1998-2008 Member of the board of directors of the Banking Institute at the Ruhr‐University of Bochum

2001-2003 Vice head of the department of economics and business administration of the Ruhr-University of Bochum

Since 2003 Member of the executive board of the Rheinisch Westfaelisches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), Essen

2006-2010 Vice chairman of the Arbeitskreis Europaeische Integration (German Section of the European Community Studies Association ECSA)

62 Global HR Forum 2010

G20 Special Session Ⅰ

Robert MundellProfessor of Economics, University of Columbia1999 Nobel Laureate

For the past twenty five years, Robert Mundell has been Professor of Economics at Columbia University in New York . He studied at the University of British Columbia and the London School of Economics before receiving his Ph.D. from MIT. He taught at Stanford University and the Bologna (Italy) Center of the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University before joining, in 1961, the staff of the International Monetary Fund. From 1966 to 1971 he was a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Editor of the Journal of Political Economy. In 1974 he came to Columbia University.

He has been an adviser to a number of international agencies and organizations including the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, the Government of Canada, several governments in Latin America and Europe, the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury. In 1970, he was a consultant to the Monetary Committee of the European Economic Commission, and in 1972-3 a member of the nine consultants to the Commission that prepared a report in Brussels on European monetary integration. He was a member of the Bellagio-Princeton study group on International Monetary Reform from 1964 to 1978 and Chairman of the Santa Colomba Conferences on International Monetary Reform between 1971 and 1987.

The author of numerous works and articles on economic theory of international economics, he is known as the father of the theory of optimum currency areas; he formulated what became a standard international macroeconomics model; he was a pioneer of the theory of the monetary and fiscal policy mix; he reformulated the theory of inflation and interest; he was a co-developer of the monetary approach to the balance of payments; and he was an originator of supply-side economics. He has written extensively on the history of the international monetary system and played a significant role in the founding of the euro. He has also written extensively on the "transition" economies and in 1997 co-founded the Zagreb Journal of Economics.

In 1983 he received the Jacques Rueff Medal and Prize in the French Senate; in 1997 he became a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association; in 1998, he was made a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science; and in 1999, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. He has received honorary degrees and professorships in several universities in North America, Europe and Asia.

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G20 Special Session Ⅰ

Jacques AttaliPresident, PlaNet Finance

Professor, writer, Honorary Member of the Council of State, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic from 1981 to 1991, founder and first President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London from 1991 to 1993, Jacques Attali is currently CEO of A&A, an international consulting firm specialised in new technologies, based in Paris, and President of PlaNet Finance, an international non-profit organisation assisting microfinance institutions all over the world. PlaNet Finance is the most important world institution of support to the microfinance. PlaNet Finance advises and finances the development of the microfinance in 80 countries. He founded Action Contre la Faim in 1980 and the European programme Eurêka. In, 1989, he also launched an international programme of action against the disastrous floods in Bangladesh. Jacques Attali then advised the Secretary General of the United Nations on the risks of nuclear proliferation. He is at the origin of the higher education reform, known as LMD, to bring all European degrees into line. Jacques Attali is a columnist for the magazine L'Express. He has written forty books, translated into more than twenty languages, with over six million copies sold all over the world, including essays (dealing with a wide variety of subjects ranging from mathematical economics, to music), biographies, novels, children’s tales and plays.

China's Currency Policy & Global ImbalanceOne of the hottest topics in the global financial market right now is Yuan revaluation. This issue has been especially contentious between US and China, often dubbed G2 for their hegemonic influence. China for one has kept the value of the Yuan artificially low to boost exports, to limit imports and attract foreign investment. This, according to some, has contributed to global imbalance in trade, and the US has continuously called upon the Asian power to allow its currency to appreciate. China, however, has refused to comply; saying that sudden rise in the value of the renminbi can seriously hurt its export competitiveness and destabilize its financial market. This session will offer an insight on why this issue has caused such a conflict between G2 and whether revaluation of the Yuan can really alleviate the global imbalance.

G20 Special Session Ⅱ

Chan-guk HUHProfessor of Economics, Chungnam National University


Francis WarnockProfessor of Darden Business School,University of Virginia


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G20 Special Session Ⅱ

Chan-guk HUHProfessor of Economics, Chungnam National University

Francis WarnockProfessor of Darden Business School, University of Virginia

Professor Huh has served on many private and public advisory boards in Korea and has maintained an active profile in public policy and academic discussion arena. He holds Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA.

03. 2010-present : International Trade Department, College of Economics and Management, Chungnam National University, Professor, Daejon Korea

05. 2000-02. 2010 : Korea Economic Research Institute, Seoul Korea, Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Research Division, Head and Senior Fellow, Macroeconomic Studies Group

08. 1989 – 05. 2000 : Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Economic Research Department, Economist

09. 1995 – 08. 1996 : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D.C., International Finance Division, Economist

09. 1996 – 11. 1996 : The Bank of Korea, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Seoul Korea, Visiting Scholar

Frank Warnock is Paul M. Hammaker Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia’s Darden Business School; Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); Adjunct Senior Fellow for International Finance at the Council on Foreign Relations; Senior Fellow at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute; and Research Associate at the Institute for International Integration Studies (IIIS) at Trinity College Dublin. He is currently a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on a project on housing finance systems in Latin America. He was recently Visiting Research Fellow at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA); consultant at the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB), for the World Bank/IFC on their Gemloc initiative to develop bond markets in emerging economies and for IDB on a project on countries’ optimal external capital structure.Prior to joining Darden, Prof. Warnock was a Senior Economist in the International Finance Division of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, DC. Prof. Warnock received his bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University and his doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While at the Board of Governors, he regularly taught a course on international financial markets at Georgetown University. Between his undergraduate and graduate studies, he was a Commodity Trading Advisor on Wall Street and a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thyolo, Malawi.

G20 Seoul Agenda from Non-G20 PerspectivesKorea is poised to take another big step in the coming November when the G20 summit will be held in Seoul. This meeting aims to shift the global economic order from one of vertical hierarchy to a more horizontal one. Korea, as the host of the G20 summit this year, will be at the forefront of this historic transition. The country was entrusted to perform the role of a de facto mediator as it stands amongst the developed nations while voicing the interests of the developing nations. As the first non-G7 country to host the G20 meeting, Korea must carry on as both an example to the emerging economies and a spokesperson to represent their voices. It must exercise the host country's influence on agenda setting so that the interests of the non-G20 countries may also be reflected. For Korea to perform this important task, it is most important to understand what issues the emerging nations have on their agenda.

G20 Special Session Ⅲ

Tae-ho PARKProfessor of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University


Ha-joon CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge


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G20 Special Session Ⅲ

Tae-ho PARKProfessor of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

Professor Taeho Park teaches international commerce at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) of Seoul National University. Currently he serves as Dean of the GSIS, Chairman of the Korea International Trade Commission, a member of the National Economic Advisory Council, a board member of the Korea Foundation as well as a member of the FTA Domestic Policy Council. Dr. Park received his BA from Seoul National University and a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and taught at Georgetown University. He worked as a senior research fellow of the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and served as the Vice President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). He also worked on the international commerce issues as a senior economist in the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea. During 2000-2002, Dr. Park served as Chair of the Investment Expert Group (IEG) of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Recently, he taught at the Jackson School of International Studies at University of Washington and at the Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) of Stanford University as a visiting professor. In addition, he was a visiting scholar at the IMF and consulted for the World Bank. At Seoul National University, he served as Dean for International Affairs as well as Director of the Institute for International Studies.

72 Global HR Forum 2010

G20 Special Session Ⅲ

Ha-joon, CHANGProfessor of Economics, University of Cambridge

Ha-Joon Chang, a Korean national, has taught at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, since 1990. In addition to numerous articles in journals and edited volumes, Ha-Joon Chang has published 13 authored books (four of them co-authored) and 9 edited books (six of them co-edited). His most recent books include Reclaiming Development – An Alternative Economic Policy Manual (with Ilene Grabel; Zed Press, 2004), The East Asian Development Experience – The Miracle, the Crisis, and the Future (Zed Press, 2006), and Bad Samaritans (Random House, UK, 2007, and Bloomsbury USA, 2008), and 23 Things That They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism (Penguin, 2010, and Bloomsbury USA, 2011). By 2011, his writings will have been translated into 20 languages. Apart from his academic activities, Ha-Joon Chang has worked as a consultant for numerous international organisations, including various UN agencies (UNCTAD, WIDER, UNDP, UNIDO, UNRISD, INTECH, FAO, and ILO), the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. He has also worked as a consultant for a number of governments (such as Canada, Japan, South Africa, the UK, and Venezuela) and various NGOs (such as ActionAid, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam) Ha-Joon Chang is the winner of the 2003 Myrdal Prize, awarded to his book, Kicking Away the Ladder, by the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). He is also the winner (jointly with Richard Nelson of Columbia University) of the 2005 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought awarded by Tufts University. Previous winners of the Prize include the Nobel Laureates Amartya Sen and Daniel Kahnemann as well as John Kenneth Galbraith.

Towards a Fair Society : Equal Opportunity, Win-Win Partnership, and Shared Growth

Breakfast Lecture

Hyoung-koo MOONProfessor of Business School, Korea University


Young-sul KWONManaging Director, Hankyung Value Innovation Insititute


Yeo-sun YOONProfessor of Marketing, KAIST

Jack McDougleSenior Vice President, U.S. Council on Competitiveness


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 75

Breakfast Lecture

Hyoung-koo MOONProfessor of Business School, Korea University

Young-sul KWONManaging Director, Hankyung Value Innovation Insititute

Hyoung Koo Moon is Professor of Organizational Behavior at Business School and Dean at Graduate School of Labor Studies, Korea University. He is serving as President of Korean Association for NPO Studies and as Vice-President for Korean Academy of Business Ethics. He is a President-Elect of Korean Academy of Management.

He co-authored "ISO 9000 Survey '99" (McGraw-Hill, 1999) and "A study on the Effective Outside Directorship in Korea" (in Korean, 1999), “Checklists for Effective Systems of Corporate Philanthropy"(in Korean, 2009), "Manual for Ethical Management in Social Welfare Organizations" (in Korean, 2008 & 2010). His academic papers appear in domestic and foreign journals including Journal of Business Research, Leadership Quarterly, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, International Journal of Production Research.

Recently he is developing checklists for effective corporate philanthropy with his colleagues. Also he is advising several large Korean companies and public organizations regarding HR system, business ethics, and other management issues.

Currently Managing Director of Hankyung Academy and Value Innovation Institute, The Korea Economic Daily (KED). He has been served as the business reporter at the Editorial Bureau of KED since 1991.

Youngsul posts his own column(Youngsul Kwon’s ‘Management Upgrade’) biweekly on KED, and serves as the Secretary General of global forums such as Global Human Resources Forum, Global Innovation Forum and Global Forum on North Korea Economy. He also holds the Vice President of Korea Academic TRIZ Association (KATA) and some advisory positions of the Korean government agencies.

Youngsul's areas of expertise are strategic planning, business innovation, media relations and leadership development. As the famous author and translator, he wrote 5 books such as ‘On Simplicity’ ‘Reflection on the Employed’ and translated several books into Korean among them is Gary Hamel’s ‘The Future of Management’

Youngsul has a degree in Philosophy from the Yonsei University in Korea and an MBA at the Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania (UPENN).

76 Global HR Forum 2010

Yeo-sun YOONProfessor of Marketing, KAIST

• Associate Professor of Marketing, KAIST Graduate School of Management, 2010 - present

• Assistant Professor of Marketing, KAIST Graduate School of Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2007 - 2010

• Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Ewha Womans University, 2005-2007

• Adjunct Lecturer, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 2003 (Winter)

• Instructor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 2001 (Winter) and 2002 (Winter)

• Innovative Faculty Award, KAIST, 2009

• Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Graduate School of Management, KAIST, 2009

• Winner of 2007 Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) Young Contributor Award, The Society for Consumer Psychology, 2007

• Innovative Faculty Research Award, KAIST Graduate School of Management, 2007

• Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Business Administration, Ewha Womans University, 2006 & 2007

• MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition, Honorable Mention, Marketing Science Institute, 2002

Breakfast Lecture

Jack McDougleSenior Vice President, U.S. Council on Competitiveness

Jack McDougle is a Senior Vice President at the U.S. Council on Competitiveness where he is managing a new flagship initiative on U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness in the 21st Century. Jack’s knowledge of manufacturing, business, trade and economic issues has been cultivated from experience in both the private sector and the U.S. federal government.

Before joining the Council, Jack was SVP for Strategy and Business Development at United Elite Technologies, where he developed business strategies for small manufacturing companies and identified marketing/sales opportunities in Africa, Asia and South America. Jack served as Deputy Undersecretary for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington DC. He also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industry Analysis where he developed programs and directed projects to improve the global competitive position of U.S. firms. Jack’s time in the public sector also includes work at the U.S. Department of State where he was responsible for coordinating the participation of foreign delegations and leaders in the U.S. hosted G8 Summit in 2004. Prior to serving in the government, Jack was Vice President for Strategic Management at People’s United, a commercial and retail bank. He earned his MBA at Northeastern University in Boston.

Track A Emerging Education Trends

and Policies for 21st Century Talents

Role of Education: Pathway to the Advanced SocietyThe current economic downturn has raised the importance of education as a crucial piece in the competitiveness equation both for individuals and nations as they prepare for the future ahead. Not surprisingly, many governments are considering policy alternatives to reform the education sector in pursuit of better outcomes. In these efforts, they may significantly benefit from an international comparison as it is difficult to conduct pilot studies on educational policies and much more so to measure their short-term outcomes. In this session, presenters will share their experiences in educational policymaking, existing policies and outstanding challenges in order to respond proactively to the shifting environment.

A - 1

Gwang-Jo KIMDirector, UNESCO Asia-Pacific


Hugh LauderProfessor of Education, University of Bath

Greg Wang Professor of Business and Technology, University of Texas(Tylar)

Sang-duk CHOIDirector of Office of Research Planning, Korea Educational Development Institute(KEDI)


Elizabeth KINGEducation Director, World Bank

Mee-young CHOIProgram Specialist of Education, UNESCO Jakarta

Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 81

Track A - 1

Gwang-Jo KIMDirector, UNESCO Asia-Pacific

Hugh LauderProfessor of Education, University of Bath

Dr Kim’s senior responsibilities began in the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea, in Seoul, where he advised and assisted the former President Young Sam Kim in the fields of education and social policy (1995–1997). Between 2001 and 2004, Dr Kim was affiliated with the World Bank as Senior Education Specialist at its Headquarters in Washington DC. During this time, he worked on education projects which included the preparation of lending schemes and delivery of technical assistance, as well as monitoring and evaluating human resources development projects.

In August 2004, Dr Kim was appointed Director-General of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOEHRD) in Seoul. In this capacity, he led and prepared cross-ministerial human resources development policies. From September 2005 to March 2008, Dr Kim was Deputy-Minister of Education and Human Resources Development of the Republic of Korea, and charged with leading policy development in the areas of higher education, technical and vocational education, lifelong learning and human resources development. He has also represented the South Korean Government at various ministerial-level meetings, such as those of the OECD. In January 2009, Dr Kim was appointed as Director of the UNESCO Office in Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific, as well as UNESCO Representative to Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Singapore.

Hugh Lauder is Professor of Education and Political Economy at the University of Bath. He specialises in the relationship of education to the economy and has for over 10 years worked on national skill strategies and more recently on the global skill strategies of multinational companies. His books include: Brown, P, Lauder, H, Ashton, D (September, 2010) The Global Auction: The Broken Promises of Opportunities, Jobs and Income, Oxford University Press, New York; Lauder, H and others: Education and the Knowledge Economy?: A Critical Analysis: London, Routledge (forthcoming). Lauder, H, Brown, P, Dillabough J-A and Halsey, A.H. (eds.) (2006) Education, Globalization and Social Change, Oxford, Oxford University Press; Brown, P, Green, A and Lauder, H., (2001) High Skills: Globalisation, Competitiveness and Skill Formation, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Brown, P and Lauder, H (2001) Capitalism and Social Progress: The Future of Society in a Global Economy, Basingstoke, Palgrave Press. Reprinted in Mandarin, 2007. He is a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, London University and a member of the ESRC Virtual College.

82 Global HR Forum 2010

Greg WangProfessor of Business and Technology, University of Texas(Tylar)

Sang-duk CHOIDirector of Office of Research Planning,Korea Educational Development Institute(KEDI)

Dr. Greg Wang is Professor of Human Resource Development at the Department of Human Resource Development, College of Business and Technology, the University of Texas at Tyler. Over the past 15 years, Greg has been actively conducting research on various areas including HRD measurement, e-learning design, development, implementation, performance improvement consulting, career development, and corporate university research and consulting. Dr. Wang is currently serving on the Board of Directors, Academy of Human Resource Development, and as Assistant Editor of Human Resource Development Quarterly. He also serves on Editorial Boards of six other scholarly journals. Dr. Wang’s research and practices have been published and reported by Human Resource International (HRDI), Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ), Human Resource Development Review (HRDR) and so forth. He is a guest professor at the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University and an honorary professor at Chang An University, China. Dr. Wang has extensive experience in corporate HRD practices. He has worked as an HRD executive for General Electric Co., Motorola Inc., and Pennsylvania Power & Light, and as an external consultant for Aramark, CIGNA, IBM, HP, and other Fortune 500 companies.

▣ Academic Background: • Ph.D in Education (Lifelong Learning) at the Institute of Education, University of London. • MA in Adult and Continuing Education at the Institute of Education, University of London. • BA in History Education at the Seoul National University.

▣ Professional Background: • Experiences in KEDI

Director, Office of Research Planning(present)Director, Office of HRD and Lifelong Education Research(2009)Director, Office of Higher and Adult Education Research(2007-8)Director of Lifelong Learning Policy Team, National Center for Lifelong Education(2006) Director, Office of Accreditation, Center for Academic Credit Bank System(2005).

• Policy Advisor for Korean GovernmentPolicy Advisory Committee, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2008-present) Professional Committee, the Presidential Commission on Education Innovation(2004-5)Professional Committee, the Presidential Commission on Aging Society and Population Policy(2004-5)

Track A - 1

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 83

Track A - 1

Elizabeth KINGEducation Director, World Bank

Mee-young CHOIProgram Specialist of Education, UNESCO Jakarta

Dr. Mee Young Choi is a Programme Specialist in Education at the UNESCO Office, Jakarta and especially in charge of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects. She has considerable experience in international education and environmental both research and policy research projects. Dr. Choi has also been involved in diverse educational and environmental policy processes at national, regional and global levels. She has been leading role in organisation of regional and international workshops, seminars, forums and meetings, specifically focusing on Capacity Building, Environmental Education, ESD, Education for Green Growth and Education for Climate Change. As the regional coordinator of Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) in Asia and the Pacific, she has actively involved in promotion of Education for Sustainable Consumption as a part of ESD project at both research field and policy arena. It is noticeable that Dr. Choi has received many numbers of awards for education for excellence in Science Education and Environmental Education, for instance, she was awarded Rosalind Driver Studentship as the first Asian overseas from King’s College London in the UK.

Director, Education, World Bank, Washington DC, 2009 – current position Past World Bank positions: 2005–2009 Research Manager, Development Research Group, 2002-2005 Lead Economist for Human Development Department, East Asia & Pacific Region, 1994-2002 Senior Economist – Lead Economist, Development Research Group, 1991,1998 Core team member, World Development Report1987-90, 91-94 Economist, Education & Employment Division, Population & Human Resources Department, 1983-84, 85-88 Economist, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, 1983-84, 85-87 Lecturer, Economics Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1984-1985 Assistant Professor, Economics Department, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1976-1977 Instructor, Economics Department, University of Philippines at Los Baños,

84 Global HR Forum 2010

Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD

Dr. Cheonsik Woo is a senior fellow at Korea Development Institute (KDI), and since Nov. 2008, has been seconded to the OECD, working for the OECD’s horizontal project “Making Reform Happen” as a senior analyst at the Office of the Secretary-General. Since joining KDI in 1995, he has worked on many issues pertaining to Korea’s development strategy and policies such as enhancing industrial competitiveness, upgrading education and HRD system, and transition strategy to the knowledge-based economy. He holds a BA in economics from Seoul National University, and MA & PhD in Economics from Columbia University, US. Before joining KDI, he has taught at Clemson University in the U.S. during 1991-95.

During his tenure at KDI, Dr. Woo led the Knowledge Economy Division as the division head (Aug. 2002 - Sep. 2004) and then the Department of Industrial and Corporate Affairs as the Vice President of KDI (Oct. 2004 - March 2006). More recently, he served as the Senior Counselor to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of the Finance and Economy of the Korean Government (Aug 2006 – Feb 2008).

Track A - 1

Emerging Schooling Issues for 21st Century DemandsAs respect for individual needs grow and our body of knowledge evolve and expand at an exponential rate, we can reasonably expect the ways and forms of learning to evolve accordingly. At the heart of this shift is the development of the ICT, which has been instrumental in realizing a ubiquitous learning society in which physical and temporal barriers become irrelevant. The ubiquitous learning environment and growing autonomy of individuals and societies may reshuffle the division of roles among citizens, the society and the state. This session will be dedicated to the key issues in school education, such as governance, accreditation of academic achievements, and methods of learning and teaching as well as the relevant policy implications.

A - 2

Kyung-sook LEEPresident, Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF)


Hye-sook KIMProfessor of Education, Yonsei University


Eva BakerProfessor of Education, UCLA

Harry PatrinosLead ED Specialist, World Bank

Peter LuxtonDirector, Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 87

Track A - 2

Kyung-sook LEEPresident, Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF)

Eva BakerProfessor of Education, UCLA

▣ Present &Previous Positions

2009. 5- present Chairperson / Korea Student Aid Foundation1994. 3 – 2008.8 President / Sookmyung Women's University1990. 3 - 1994.2 Dean / Planning Affairs, Sookmyung Women's Univ.1985. 9 – 1989.8 Dean / College of Political Science and Law, SWU1985. 3 – 2008.8 Professor / Department of Political Science and International Relations, SWU

▣ Professional Activities

2009. 5-present Chairperson/Korea Student Aid Foundation2009.2-Present Chairperson/ Korean Red Cross, Advisory Committee of the Future Strategy2007. 12- 2008.2 Chairperson/ the Presidential Transition Committee2007. 7- 2010.7 Chairperson/ Seoul Foundation of Women & Family2005.11- 2008. 8 Chairperson / Policy Advisory Council, Ministry of Education & HRD

Eva L. Baker is Distinguished Professor of Education with specializations in psychological and methodological studies at UCLA. She is director of the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), which has technology and assessment awards from the Departments of Education and Defense. She also co-directs the recently funded Center for Advanced Technology in Schools (CATS).Professor Baker has long focused her research on the integration of teaching and measurement, including design of instructional and accountability systems and new technologically oriented measures of complex human performance both in the U.S. and abroad. She was chair of the Board on Testing and Assessment (BOTA) of the National Research Council. She was a co-chair of the Joint Committee on the Revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (published in 1999), sponsored by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. In 2007, she was President of the American Educational Research Association. Recently, she initiated collaborative efforts resulting in the World Educational Research Association. She has consulted extensively with states and districts and has designed scalable large-scale formative assessment systems. She is a recipient of numerous awards and fellowships. She has an extensive bibliography, including a co-edited 2008 book Assessment of Problem Solving Using Simulations.

88 Global HR Forum 2010

Harry PatrinosLead ED Specialist, World Bank

Peter LuxtonDirector, Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)

Harry Anthony Patrinos is Lead Education Economist at the World Bank. He specializes in all areas of education, especially school-based management, demand-side financing and public-private partnerships. He managed education lending operations and analytical work programs in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, as well as a regional research project on the socioeconomic status of Latin America’s Indigenous Peoples, published as Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). He is one of the main authors of the report, Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy (World Bank, 2003). Mr. Patrinos has many publications in the academic and policy literature, with more than 40 journal articles. He is co-author of the books: Policy Analysis of Child Labor: A Comparative Study (St. Martin’s, 1999), Decentralization of Education: Demand-Side Financing (World Bank, 1997), and Indigenous People and Poverty in Latin America: An Empirical Analysis with George Psacharopoulos (World Bank/Ashgate, 1994). He has also worked in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. He previously worked as an economist at the Economic Council of Canada. Mr. Patrinos received a doctorate from the University of Sussex.

Mr Peter Luxton, DipT, BEdSt, MEdLeadership, was appointed Acting Director of the Queensland Studies Authority in May 2009 after several years leading its Student Achievement Division.

Peter has extensive experience in education as a teacher and administrator. He has held a number of leadership positions in Queensland State Schools, along with Senior Executive level positions in Education Queensland and, more recently, the Queensland Studies Authority.

Peter has considerable experience at a senior executive level in managing a variety of organisations, and initiating, maintaining and reporting on a wide range of educational activities.

He has extensive curriculum development experience at a policy and operational level including leading change in a variety of settings. Peter’s professional career also includes an extensive list of educational innovations which relate to teaching and learning, curriculum design and development, assessment, policy development, and professional development.

Track A - 2

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 89

Track A - 2

Hye-sook KIMProfessor of Education, Yonsei University


Sept. 2003 – Present Full Professor, Department of Education, Yonsei University Director, Education Research Institute, Yonsei University (Sept, 2010 – Present)

Sept. 2004 – August 2006 Associate Dean, University College, Yonsei University

March 2003 - August 2004 Department Chairperson, Dept. of Education, Yonsei University

Sept. 2001 - August 2003 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Yonsei University

July 1994 - August, 2001 Research Fellow, Director of College Evaluation Team Educational Policy and Administration Research Center Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), SEOUL. KOREA Lecturer, Yonsei University & Seoul Women's University, SEOUL, KOREA

Sept. 1991 - June 1992 Graduate Research Fellow, University Of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.

Sept. 1988 - June 1991 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Educational Administration University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.

Sept. 1984 - May 1987 Visiting Lecturer, MARA Institute of Technology, (Teaching Korean Studies, sent by the Korean Government), Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Apr. 1982 - May 1985 Researcher, Korean Educational Development Institute, SEOUL, KOREA

Inventive Higher Education StrategiesGlobalization has lowered the borders between states, fostering a growth in the cross-border movement of students searching for better higher education opportunities. At the same time, advances in science and technology have enabled more flexible delivery of higher education not restricted to the classroom environment. As higher education becomes increasingly expensive for both individuals and states, greater attention is given to what additional benefits or outcomes it can bring. Moreover, the growing universality of undergraduate education raises questions as to the respective role of vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate education and how they may be interlinked within the higher education realm. This session will shed light on key issues concerning tomorrow's higher education and offer an opportunity for discussing their policy implications and international cooperation for dealing with those issues.

A - 3

Young-gil KIMPresident, Handong Global University


Barbara GrabowskiProfessor of Education, Pennsylvania State University

Christof KochProfessor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology,California Institute of Technology


Jang-wan KOProfessor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University

Doo-hee LEEPresident, Asia Pacific Association for International Education


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 93

Track A - 3

Young-gil KIMPresident, Handong Global University

Barbara GrabowskiProfessor of Education, Pennsylvania State University

Mar. 09 - Present Chair of the Programme Committee on Education, Korean National Commission for UNESCO Oct. 08 Chairman of the Committee on Science & Technology Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science & Technology, Republic of Korea Oct. 07 Co-chairman of International Futures Studies Federation Dec. 05 Director of Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)Feb. 95 – Present President of Handong Global UniversityDec. 78 – Jan.1995 Professor at the KOREA Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)May. 76 – Dec.1978 Principal Scientist at International Nickel Company, New York, USAMay. 74 – May.1976 Research Scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA), Cleveland, OHIO, USA Dec. 73 – May.1974 Research Scientist at US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab., Champaign, Illinois, USA 1998 Listed in the Book of “Five Hundred Leaders of Influence ” published by American Biographical Institute1997 Selected as Two Thousand Outstanding People of the 20th century, published by International Biographical center in Cambridge, England1995 Listed as a Distinguished Scientist in the Book of “American Men and Women of Science”

Barbara Grabowski, Ph.D., Professor of Education in the Instructional Systems Program, College of Education at Penn State University, currently serves as Secretary of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi). She was President of this organization for 6 years prior. She has also had an academic appointment at Syracuse University and the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

At the University of Maryland University College, she designed, developed and evaluated a premier distance education program for nuclear reactor operators, and designed multimedia materials for industry, the military, and medical environments. She has been nationally and internationally recognized for the innovative programs she has designed and developed over the years.

She has also received two outstanding book awards from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, has published widely, and has been an invited keynote speaker on four continents. Her research over the years has focused on pedagogical uses of emerging technologies, with a special emphasis on online teaching and learning.

94 Global HR Forum 2010

Track A - 3

Christof KochProfessor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology,California Institute of Technology

Jang-wan KOProfessor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University

▣ Positions and Employment88-92 Founding Director, with J Bower, of 4-week summer course, “Methods in Computational Neuroscience” at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Remains ongoing course.91-94 Associate Professor of Computation and Neural Systems, Caltech94-03 Founding Director, with T Sejnowski & R Douglas, of 3-week summer course "Neuromorphic Engineering" in Telluride, Colorado. Remains ongoing course. 94-00 Full Professor of Computation and Neural System, Caltech00- Lois and Victor Troendle Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology, Caltech

▣ Honors94–03 Adjunct Professor, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences95 Visiting Professor, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland99 Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize04 Bernard Osher Fellow, San Francissco Exploratorium, California05 Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture, Los Alamos, New Mexico05 Director, Broad Fellows in Brain Circuitry06 Foerster Lecture at University of California, Berkeley07 Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Jang Wan Ko is a Professor of Higher Education at the Department of Education, and a Director of the Center for Institutional Effectiveness at Sungkyunkwan University in Korea. He holds a BA in Education and an MA in Educational Administration from Sungkyunkwan University, and a Ph. D. in Career and Technical Education from University of Missouri-Columbia in the USA.

Before joining the faculty, he was a Senior Research Associate at George Mason University in the USA, a researcher at the Korean Educational Development Institute in Korea and a researcher at University of Missouri-Columbia in the USA.

His current research interests focus on the internationalization of higher education, student experience in college, institutional effectiveness, financing higher education, and higher education reform. His publications focusing on those areas appear in many recognized journals including the Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Journal of Politics of Education, and EDUCATION.

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 95

Track A - 3

Doo-hee LEEPresident, Asia Pacific Association for International Education

Professor Lee is a leading scholar in the field of marketing and a key proponent of Korea University’s globalization initiatives. Under his leadership the number of partner universities doubled and the number of exchange students tripled. His role was critical in establishing Korea University Global Campuses in the USA, UK, Japan, China and Australia. In June 2004, he served as the co-chair of the Organization Committee for the Korea-China 21st Century Academic Forum. In 2005, Professor Lee organized the University Presidents’ Global Forum for Korea University’s Centennial Celebration. Since 2004, Professor Lee has spearheaded the foundation of the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) and currently serving as the President of the Association. He has also started the student leaders program, Asia Pacific Leaders, under the umbrella of APAIE. The first one month APL Education Program ended successfully in July, 2010.

Professor Lee has been invited to speak at various international conferences including the International Advertising Association - World Congress, Internet World - India, COMDEX, EDICOM, and the Asian Production Organization - Japan. He is also an active advisor to Korean government agencies and a marketing consultant for numerous major corporations.

His academic research interests include internet marketing and advertising theory and he has published over 50 articles/cases and 11 books. He was awarded Best Article from the Korean Academy of Commodity Science and the Internet Award for his research works on the internet by the Korea Management Association.

He has bachelor degrees from Korea University and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. He also holds a Master’s degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. in marketing from Michigan State University. Professor Lee has served as president, chief editor and executive director of many academic associations and currently is the president of the Korea Advertising Society.

Cultivating and Embracing STEM TalentsScience and technology has become more important than ever as nations seek to level up their competitiveness and deal with global issues like climate change and diseases. Consequently, STEM education has become an important agenda. There are ongoing discussions about how to foster the curiosity of students and to help them enjoy STEM learning. Korea is in a unique situation in which its students rank very high in international comparative assessments such as PISA and TIMS while their lack of confidence and perception of values have been noted as problems. In this session, participants will share the vision and strategies of STEM education in their country as a foundation for discussing fun and creative ways of STEM education. In light of the recent tendency of Korean students to avoid pursuing higher education in science and engineering, the participants will be encouraged to talk about possible policy measures that may effectively motivate students with a talent in STEM to plan their educational and career pathways towards the STEM disciplines.

A - 4

Kyung-chan MINProfessor of Mathematics, Yonsei University


Alan HenkinProfessor, University of Iowa

Barbara OldsDeputy Assistant Director in the Directorate for Education and HR, National Science Foundation(NSF)


Yun-kyoung HAProfessor of Science,College of Engineering, Hongik University

Se-jung OHProfessor of Physics, Seoul National University


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 99

Track A - 4

Kyung-chan MINProfessor of Mathematics, Yonsei University

Alan HenkinProfessor, University of Iowa

68 - 72 B. Sc. Mathemarics Yonsei University, Korea77 - 81 Ph.D. Mathematics Carleton University, Canada08 - 10 Dean Of Graduate School Yonsei. University, Korea02 - 05 Dean Of University College Yonsei University, Korea08 - Present Member, Presidential Advisory Council On Education, Science & Technology Chairman, Subcommittee For University Education 08 - President, Citizen's Coalition Of Scientific Society 08 - 10 Chairman, Policy Advisory Committee, Ministry Of Education, Science And Technology 06 - 08 Chairman, Council For Promotion Of Basic Sciences Research, National Science & Technology Council 05 – 09 Executive Board Member, International Fuzzy Systems Association (Ifsa) 05 – 06 President, Korean Mathematical Society (Kms)03 - 05 President, Korea Association Of Liberal Educations 01 - 02 President, Korea Association Of Teaching And Learning Centers For University Education96 – 97 President, Korea Fuzzy Logic And Intelligent Systems


Director of Institutional Research, University of MarylandAssociate Dean/Associate Professor, The University of Iowa Professor (Higher Education, Educational Leadership, & Policy Studies), The University of Iowa, 1981-Present


Senior Fulbright Scholar/Visiting Professor (Spain), USIA Designated Consultant in Higher Education (Korea)/MOE-KEDI, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Kwangju University/Mokpo University, others (Korea), Institutional Accreditation Chair/Member for Colleges and Universities in USA and Puerto Rico and Commission for Higher Education (MSA), Federal Panels for Grant Competitions Member/Chair in the Social and Natural Sciences, Project Evaluator (External) for Funded HRD Projects, Strategic Planning Consultant, Technology-based Products Application Consultant for HRD (E-Learning/Open Source Software Applications, Performance Observation Systems).

100 Global HR Forum 2010

Track A - 4

Barbara OldsDeputy Assistant Director in the Directorate for Education and HR, National Science Foundation(NSF)

Barbara M. Olds is Professor Emerita of Liberal Arts and International Studies at the Colorado School of Mines. She is currently serving as an expert/consultant to the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) at the U. S. National Science Foundation on issues related to international science and engineering education, program and project evaluation, and education and education research policy. From 2003-2006 she served as the Division Director for the Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication in EHR. She is also a member of the International Advisory Committee for NSF and served as the chair of the Committee of Visitors for NSF’s international activities in 2008.

During her career at the Colorado School of Mines, Dr. Olds served as the director of the Engineering Practices Introductory Course Sequence (EPICS), as the director/principal tutor for the McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs for Engineers, and, most recently, as the Associate Provost for Educational Innovation. Her research interests lie primarily in understanding and assessing engineering student learning. She has participated in a number of curriculum innovation projects and has been active in the engineering education research and assessment communities, publishing numerous papers, making presentations, and conducting workshops globally. During the 2006-2007 academic year Barbara was a visiting professor in Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education. She is a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education, a Senior Editor for the Journal of Engineering Education, and was a Fulbright lecturer/researcher in Sweden in 1999.

Yun-kyoung HAProfessor of Science, College of Engineering, Hongik University

▣ Academic Background83. 3. – 87. 2. Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul National University (Korea), B.S.87. 9. - 92. 6. Dept. of Chemistry, Stanford University (USA), Ph. D. Advisor: James P. Collman

▣ Research Career92. 6. – 93. 12. Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA), Post-Doc. Advisor: Charles P. Casey94. 2. – 95. 2. Samsung Semiconductor Research Institute, Staff Researcher95. 3. – present Hongik University, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor04. 3. – 05. 2. Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Exchange Professor

▣ Activities09. 1. – present Vice Chairman, Korean Chemistry Olympiad, the Korean Chemical Society.06. 1. – 09.12. Director, the Association of Korean Woman Scientists and Engineers. 08. 1. – 08.12. Director, Public Relations, the Korean Chemical Society.

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 101

Track A - 4

Se-jung OHProfessor of Physics, Seoul National University

94.10 - Present Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University.

00.11 - Present Member, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology.

99. 7 – Present Director, Center for Strongly Correlated Materials Research, Seoul National University.

08.10 – 09.10 Member, The Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea.

04.12 – 08.10 Dean of College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University

04. 6 – 06. 9 Member of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology, Republic of Korea.

04. 6 – 05. 8 Chairman, Planning Committee for the post-BK21 project, Ministry of Education, Korea.

92. 9 - 96.12 Member of Korea-Japan Exchange Program Review Committee, Korean Science and Engineering Foundation.

94. 3 - 94. 7 Visiting Professor, Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), The University of Tokyo, Japan.

90. 1 - 90. 6 Visiting Scholar, Department of Physics, University of Michgan, USA.

89. 5 - 94. 5 Member of the Presidential Commission for the 21st Century.

84. 3 - 94. 9 Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Seoul National Univ.

87.10 - 95.10 Associate Member of International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.

81.12 - 84. 2 Visiting Scientist, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA.

Creative, Character EducationAs our societies undergo rapid changes and science and technology become more complex and converged, the future only holds greater uncertainties. Some predict the clash of diverse values and/or cultures as a result of faster environmental shifts and greater cross-border movement of people. In an age of such uncertainties, the people, the leaders of national and social development, must have strong expertise in their area of specialty. They are, moreover, required to have a sound character and creative capacity that will enable them to co-exist with others in a highly globalized and pluralistic world. These qualities are essential for individuals to stay in charge of their own lives, and to actively respond to new opportunities and challenges. Moreover, these qualities will help members of the society to build social capital based on mutual trust and care, which will be a significant contribution to community development. This session will be focused on the efforts schools--from kindergartens to tertiary institutions--have made to nurture creative talent, and also on the education policies and strategies of each country. There will also be discussions on the role of the local community and parents in fostering creative talents.

A - 5

Yong-lin MOONProfessor of Educational Psychology, Seoul National UniversityFormer Minister of Education & Human Resources Development


Eun-hyun SUNGProfessor of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University

Yeon-hee JUNGManager of Educational R&D Department, Korea Arts & Culture Education Service


John Ainley Deputy CEO, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

David ParkerDirector of Research, Impact and Learning, Creativity Culture Education (CCE)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 105

Track A - 5

Yong-lin MOONProfessor of Educational Psychology, Seoul National UniversityFormer Minister of Education & Human Resources Development

John Ainley Deputy CEO, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

▣ Education

1981-1987 Ph.D., The Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 1976, M.S., 1971 B.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, KoreaMajor : Moral psychology,

▣ Career

- Professor, Seoul National University (Current)- Minister of Education, Republic Korea (2000. 1 - 2000. 7)

▣ Position

- Editor, Asia Pacific Education Review(APER) (2006.5-Current)- Chairman, Positive Psychology Association (2008. 12 - Current)

Dr John Ainley is a Principal Research Fellow at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Up to July 2010, Dr Ainley was Deputy CEO (Research) and Research Director of its National and International Surveys Program. The National and International Surveys program maintains and develops ACER’s expertise in sampling, survey management, analysis of survey data and the interpretation and reporting of results This research program is responsible for the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), the IEA International Computer Information Literacy Study (ICILS), the Australian components of PISA, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), as well as the sample studies conducted for the Australian government National Assessment Program. He has managed ACER projects in the following areas; International Studies, National Studies, School Education, High Education and Professional Memberships.

106 Global HR Forum 2010

Track A - 5

David ParkerDirector of Research, Impact and Learning, Creativity Culture Education (CCE)

Eun-hyun SUNGProfessor of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University

David is Creativity, Culture and Education’s strategic lead on research and evaluation, and is responsible for generating key learning from our programmes by managing a series of externally led, objective studies on the impact CCE is having.

Previously, David was Head of Research at the British Film Institute where he took a particular interest in the uses of moving image media in the teaching and learning of literacy. Before this he was a Research Fellow at Kings College London, based in the School of Education where he undertook a series of studies focusing on the uses of animation in primary teaching.

He completed his PhD in Film and Literature in 1998 and since then has published several papers and book chapters on the links between print and moving image media. He has undertaken evaluations for a number of arts and cultural programmes both in the UK and abroad, including Lambeth Education Action Zone and the Media Education Workshop in Jyvaskyla, Finland.

▣ EDUCATIONJan. 1995 Ph.D. (Doctorat ès lettres et sciences humaines), University of Paris 5, France('Les relations entre la pensée créative et l'imagerie')Sep. 1988 D.E.A. in Psychology, University of Paris 5, FranceFeb. 1986 M. A. in Psychology, Ewha Women’s University, KoreaFeb. 1984 B.A. in Educational Psychology, Ewha Women’s University, Korea

▣ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE1996- Present Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University2004-2005 Visiting Scholar, U.C. Berkeley USAPresent Board member & President of Academic Committee, The Korean Society for the Gifted and Talented Board member & Editor-in-chief, Korean Educational Psychology Association Board member & President of Certificate Management Committee, Korean Psychological Association: Development Board member, Korean Association for Creativity Education Member of Editorial board, Korean Educational Research Association Member of Advisory Committee, Chonan court

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 107

Track A - 5

Yeon-hee JUNGManager of Educational R&D Department,Korea Arts & Culture Education Service

She had worked as an arts teacher for seventeen years, and waged a movement on arts education advocacy. Since she obtained Ph.D. at Korea National University of Education, she has worked as a manager of R&D department of KACES.

As a program manager, she had planed the 2nd World Conference on Arts Education and coordinated the academic programs. Especially, she played an important role in preparing the "Seoul Agenda: Goals for the Development of Arts Education".

Her research interests include practical competences to promote social values of arts education, arts and cultural education, and cultural policies.

She has published in Art Education Research Review, Korean Society for Education through Art, and other arts-related journals.

Recently, she presented a paper on "Expansions of Sustainable Thinking through Arts Education" in the ESD colloquium hosted by Korean National Commission for UNESCO.

Track BHRD Cases and Future Workforce Plans for

Multinational Enterprises

Tomorrow's Workplace for Tomorrow's Workforce

B - 1

Peck CHOEndowed Chair Professor,Dongguk UniversityProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University


Jeffrey PfefferProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 113

Track B - 1

Peck CHOEndowed Chair Professor,Dongguk UniversityProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University

▣ EDUCATION1979 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin1981 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois1984 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

▣ PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT 1988 - 2008 Professor, Dept of Mech. Engineering, Michigan Tech. Univ.1998 - 2008 University Ombudsperson, Michigan Tech. Univ.

▣ CURRENT POSITIONDistinguished Professor, Dongguk UniversityDirector, Center for Gifted and Young EntrepreneursDirector, Wee Center for Children-at-Risk

▣ CURRENT MAJOR PROFESSIONAL & PUBLIC SERVICEPolicy Advisor, Ministry of Education, Science and TechnologyPolicy Advisor, Korean Council for University EducationSuperintendent, Boystown School SystemChair, Exec. Board, Dream Tree Village (for underprivileged children) Anchor Team, Education Madang, EBS TV Program

▣ MAJOR HONORS1990 Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation (NSF)1991 Distinguished Teaching Award, MTU 1991 Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineers1992 Distinguished Faculty Award, State of Michigan1995 Eminent Engineer, Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society1996 Outstanding Teaching Award, American Society of Engineering Educators 2002 Induction into National Academy of Engineers, Korea2005 Selected as Best Book by Kyobo 2008 Featured on EBS TV documentary, Best Professors2008 Haedong Award, National Academy of Engineering of Korea

114 Global HR Forum 2010

Track B - 1

Jeffrey PfefferProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University

JEFFREY PFEFFER is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University where he has taught since 1979. He is the author or co-author of thirteen books including The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge Into Action, Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People, Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management, and What Were They Thinking? Unconventional Wisdom About Management, a collection of 27 essays about management topics, as well as more than 120 articles and book chapters. Pfeffer’s latest book, entitled Power: Why Some People Have It—And Others Don’t will be published in September, 2010 by HarperCollins. Dr. Pfeffer received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University and his Ph.D. from Stanford. He began his career at the business school at the University of Illinois and then taught at the University of California, Berkeley. Pfeffer has been a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School, Singapore Management University, London Business School, and a frequent visitor at IESE in Barcelona. From 2003-2007, Pfeffer wrote a monthly column, “The Human Factor,” for the 600,000-person circulation business magazine, Business 2.0. Since 2007, he has written a monthly column providing career advice for Capital, a leading business and economics magazine in Turkey and, more recently, a blog for the Corner Office section of BNET (CBS Interactive). Pfeffer has appeared in segments on CBS Sunday Morning, 60 Minutes, and CNBC as well as television programs in Korea, and has been quoted and featured in news articles from countries around the globe. Pfeffer currently serves on the board of directors of the for-profit company Audible Magic as well as nonprofits Quantum Leap Healthcare and The San Francisco Playhouse. In the past he has served on the boards of Resumix, Unicru, and Workstream, all human capital software companies, and SonoSite, a company designing and manufacturing portable ultrasound machines. Pfeffer has presented seminars in 34 countries throughout the world as well as doing consulting and providing executive education for numerous companies, associations, and universities in the United States. Jeffrey Pfeffer has won the Richard I. Irwin Award presented by the Academy of Management for scholarly contributions to management and numerous awards for articles and books.

Talent Development & Management Programs in Multinational EnterprisesWhen competition is as fierce and global as it is today, business enterprises cannot steadily grow on operational efficiency alone. Creativity and innovation must also be present to achieve sustainable growth. There is an estimate that only 3% of all ideas are actually followed through to action. If this is true, then how many creative ideas, or seeds of innovation, the organization has will be critical to its success. Google, for example, encourages its employees to dedicate 20% of their passion and efforts on work outside of their key responsibilities so that they may develop creative ideas for innovation. A prime example of outcomes produced through this initiative is the Gmail system. This session is for those who wish to learn how to build an organizational culture and system that encourages and rewards creativity, so that the members of the organization who best understand the company's core businesses may maximize their creative potential, share ideas and initiate innovation for the longer-term growth. Lessons in this will be delivered with best practices.

B - 2

Kang-ho LEEPresident, Grundfos Pumps Korea


Haeng-hee LEEPresident, Corning Korea

In-duck CHA CEO, Toshiba Korea

Hae-dong KIMCEO, B.Braun Korea


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 117

Track B - 2

Kang-ho LEEPresident, Grundfos Pumps Korea

Haeng-hee LEEPresident, Corning Korea

1990-Present President, Grundfos Pumps Korea, Ltd., Seoul, Korea 2004-Present President, Chung Suk Co. Ltd,. KyungKi, Korea

1989 – 1990 Vice President, Overseas Business Division, You One Construction Co. Ltd.,

1986 – 1989 President, Harim Corporation, Seoul, Korea

1981 – 1986 New York Branch Manager, You One Construction Co., Ltd. & Harim Corporation

1978 – 1981 Export Manager, Chin Hung Ceramics Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea

1975 – 1978 Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General Shepard, Chief of Staff of JUMSMAG-K Joint United States Military Assistance Group Korea (JUSMAG-K), Seoul, Korea

1973 – 1974 Platoon Leader of 60th Regiment 20th Infantry Division and Capital Security Command Republic of Korea Army & Capital Security Command

▣ Education

B.A at Sookmyung Women’s UniversityM.B.A at Korea UniversityPh.D (Business Administration) at Sookmyung Women’s University

▣ Career

2004 – Present, President and General Manager of Corning Korea Company Ltd. 2003 – Business Director of Environmental Technologies 2001 – Global Account Manger of Environmental Technologies 1996 – Sales & Product Manager of Environmental Technologies 1990 – Sales Rep. of Advanced Material & New Business Development 1988 – Joined Corning Korea as Customer Service

2005 Nominated as “Top 10 Women Executives to Watch in Asia” by Asian Wall Street Journal2009 – Appointed Vice chairman of KCMC (Korean CEO’s Association of Multinational Corporation)2009 – Appointed Special Duty Professor of Business Administration at Sookmyung Women’s University

118 Global HR Forum 2010

Track B - 2

In-duck CHACEO, Toshiba Korea

Hae-dong KIMCEO, B.Braun Korea

▣ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2001-Present President & CEO, Toshiba Korea Corporation1998-2001 Director, Compaq Korea Corporation1991-1998 General Manager, Digital Equipment Corp (DEC) Korea Ltd 1984-1991 Assistant Vice President, Citibank N.A. Korea

▣ BOARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS2007-Present Vice Chairman, KCMC(Korean CEO’s Association of Multinational Companies)2001-Present Chairman’s Committee, Jeong-Dong Rotary

▣ HONORS AND AWARDS 2007 Best Management Award for the Best IT companies in Korea (Consumer Electronics Industry), Electronic Times2004 Nominee for the Best Rising CEOs , Korea Economic Daily

▣ Professional Career

2004- President, B.Braun Medical Industries Sdn. Bhd., B.Braun Asia/Pacific2008- Managing Director, B. Braun Thailand Co., Ltd1988-2007 Managing Director of B. Braun Korea Co., Ltd.1979-2007 President, Chung Jin Trading Co., Ltd.

▣ Public Service Activities

2010 Conferring Dato’ Ship in Malaysia2004- Visiting Professor of Seoul School of Integrated Science Technoogy(aSSIST)2004-2007 Visiting Professor of Choong Ang University, Seoul, Korea

Characteristics of Next Generation Workforce

Many population experts anticipate a worsening labor shortage worldwide as baby boomers begin to retire. Imbalances are already visible in developed nations, where the population of young employed workers who will lead the industrial workforce of the future actually falls short of the labor market demands. Noting this shortfall, leading businesses are already studying the young generation to understand their characteristics and design the recruitment and retention strategies to fit their profile. Korean companies need to make similar efforts to secure talented workers. This session will cover what the new generation of workers want from the labor market and expect of their prospective employers, on the one hand, and what kind of recruitment and retention strategies leading businesses have prepared in response. Special attention will be given to the new generation of Korean workers, what characteristics they have and how Korean businesses seek to deal with these characteristics in pursuing their recruitment and retention strategies.

B - 3

Kyung-mee PARKCEO, Hewitt Associates Korea


Judy LeeLead of Emerging Workforce Solutions, Hewitt Associates


Franci PhelanCHRO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Nicolas SauvageCEO, NH-CA Asset Management


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 121

Track B - 3

Kyung-mee PARKCEO, Hewitt Associates Korea

Judy LEELead of Emerging Workforce Solutions, Hewitt Associates

Kris Park is a Global Principal and leads Hewitt Associates in Korea that includes Talent & Organizational Consulting and Retirement & Financial Management. She has been with Hewitt for 10 years and was appointed as Korea Market Manager in 2004. Since she joined Hewitt in 2000, she had acted various roles in Talent & Organizational Consulting Practice such as senior compensation and benefits consultant and the practice leader for Talent & Organizational Analytics Practice. She has expertise across the broad spectrum of HR consultancy services with vast experience in the areas of global HR programs, broad-based reward consulting, executive compensation consulting and M&A for due diligence and post-merger integration. She conducts lots of debriefs and workshops for leadership development sessions. She got accredited in a leadership assessment tool (Life Style Inventory) from Human Synergistic from Australia in 2006.

She has acted as a member of Performance Appraisal Committee for Korea Government Innovation from 2007 to 2009. She received the Presidential Award for recognizing her contribution from this activity in 2007. She has taught the students studying Business Administration as an adjunct professor for Han Yang University.

Bo Young is the lead diversity & inclusion consultant in Hewitt’s Emerging Workforce Solutions Practice based in New York City. With over 13 years of Diversity & Inclusion and organizational development experience both internally as a diversity leader and as a consultant, Bo Young understands the nuanced complexity of driving diversity in an organization, embedding it into core people, business & operational functions, and the need to balance innovative change with communication, education, and collaboration.

Bo Young has worked with Chief Diversity Officers and senior executives to help organizations define their D&I business case, launch & facilitate Diversity Leadership Councils, build metrics, diversity scorecards, and accountability models, define and articulate strategy and action plans, redesign flexibility & work-life policies and programs, execute qualitative & quantitative cultural audits, design culturally-competent benefit programs, design mentoring programs and launch affinity groups, execute crosscultural competency training curriculums, and embed D&I into broad HR processes including performance management & talent acquisition. Bo Young has also spoken widely on topics ranging from generational differences, crosscultural competence, and gender dynamics in the workplace.

122 Global HR Forum 2010

Track B - 3

Franci PhelanCHRO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Nicolas SauvageCEO, NH-CA Asset Management

Franci Phelan, chief human resources officer, is responsible for providing the vital link between the foundation’s diverse and talented staff and the leadership team. She designs strategies to ensure that the foundation remains a preeminent workplace, supporting employees as they partner with grantees and others to make sure all people lead healthy, productive lives. Prior to joining the foundation, Phelan served as vice president of human resources at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, a DuPont company. In this role, she was accountable for all elements of the human resources function for the global Pioneer business and was a member of the Pioneer leadership team. In addition to her responsibilities at Pioneer, she was the human resources platform lead for DuPont Agriculture and Nutrition and was a member of the DuPont corporate human resources leadership team. Phelan also brings extensive experience from her tenure at Cummins Engine Company, Miller Brewing Company, TDS Telecom, Principal Financial Group, and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.

She is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR). Her community involvement includes service on the board of directors for Hospice of Central Iowa, Special Olympics of Central Iowa, the Des Moines Public Library, and the Des Moines Higher Education Institution. She has also been deeply involved with the United Way of Central Iowa and represents agribusiness on the board of directors for the National Council of Ag Education (NCAE).

In April 2007, Nicolas Sauvage was appointed CEO of NH-CA, the joint venture between the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup) and Amundi (previously known as Credit Agricole Asset Management). Prior to this he was director and head of business development, marketing and client servicing for Asia ex-Japan at Credit Agricole Asset Management Hong Kong. He has been with Amundi since 1990, first in Paris, where he joined the institutional sales team, then in Tokyo and from 1997, in Hong Kong. He started his career within Credit Agricole Group in 1986. He is a member of CDP Korea Committee and a member of the board at KOSIF

HR Management and Strategies of Top Korean Companies

Korea has earned a reputation for its remarkable history of rapid industrial development and growth. Now the nation's large corporations such as Samsung, LG, SK Telecom, Hyundai and Kia, continue this reputation with their outstanding performance and business development. Just as Korea as a nation was able to achieve democratization and industrialization in a relatively short period through education, its global corporations have quickly risen to success through effective training and management of their human resources. In the four preceding Global HRD Forums, international participants have consistently expressed their interest in learning about the future HR plans and talent strategies of these major corporations. This session is designed to answer their questions. HR managers from prominent business enterprises in Korea will make presentations to share their past experiences in talent training and management as well as their future strategies

B - 4

Bong-gu LEEEditorial Writer, The Korea Economic Daily


Yuh-soon YOONExecutive Director, LG Academy

Bong-rak YOONExecutive Director, Hyundai Research Institute

Hong-muk KIMExecutive Director, SK Academy

Tae-kyun SHINExecutive Director, Samsung HR Development Center


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 125

Track B - 4

Bong-gu LEEEditorial Writer, The Korea Economic Daily

Yuh-soon YOONExecutive Director, LG Academy

Bong-gu LEE is currently a senior editorial writer for the Korea Economic Daily. He has been in charge of the editorial section for over 7 years with specialization in corporation, labor and financial issues. Before he assumed the post, he held the chief positions in the International News Desk, Securities News Desk, Business News Desk and Retail & Consumer News Desk. His career expanded from being an economics reporter for over 30 years. From May 1994 to July 1997, he was a correspondent in Tokyo, Japan, writing on Japanese economy. Mr. Lee earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Seoul National University.

Yuh Soon Yun is currently Senior Vice President, Leader of the Management Development Team, LG Academy, Icheon, Korea. She has developed the LG Cyber Academy, the e-learning system of LG, in 1998. Since she became the first woman executive in LG in 2000, she has actively been involved in various areas including e-learning, executive education, leadership development and HRD/HRM. She also has been playing an active role in developing leadership programs for LG Executives and high potential individuals. She received her Ph.D. in Instructional Technology and MA in English Education from Iowa State University.

126 Global HR Forum 2010

Track B - 4

Bong-rak YOONExecutive Director, Hyundai Research Institute

▣ Current Positions



2007 Director of Education Division & Regional Headquarter Manager 2004-2007 HRD Regional Headquarter Manager2003 Manager of HRD Consulting Center2002 General Manager of Planning and Operations2000 General Manager Knowledge Management


1987-1990 Manager of Procurement1987 Business Manager, Manager of Marketing

Hong-muk KIMExecutive Director, SK Academy

Mr. Hong Mook, Kim, known as “Mr. Fun” to his English speaking colleagues, is current Head of SK Academy Competency Development Center. His nickname is an embodiment of his philosophy of life which developed over twenty five years of dedication in the field of Human Resources Development. He received his Masters in Corporate Training from Yonsei University and holds a diploma in “HRD/OD Specialist” degree from Georgetown University in United States. His training in academia coupled with his experience in the field has helped in formulating a firm belief that HRD professionals should touch the lives of everyone they meet to enable them to engage in meaningful work, be happy while they are doing it and live their lives to the fullest by having “fun” in the workplace. It is only logical then, that Mr. Kim’s interests and expertise are in the field of Leadership, Core Values, and Communication. Mr. Kim is also taking his passion for developing people beyond his circle of influence within his company. He is currently the Vice Chairman of Korean Society of Training and Development and also serves as on the board of directors as a Vice Chairman Korean Association of HRD Directors)

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Tae-kyun SHINExecutive Director, Samsung Human Resources Development Center

▣ Experience

2006-Current Head of Leadership Team, Samsung HRDC2003-2005 Head of Consulting Team, Samsung HRDC2002 Vice President, Human Resources Team, Hotel Shilla1997-2000 Senior Manager, Leadership Team, Samsung HRDC1995-1996 Participated in Regional Expert Program in U.S.1989-1994 Manager, HR Team in Chairman’s office1983-1988 Associate, HR Team and Marketing Team in CJ

▣ Education

2006 PH.D, Kyunghee University : Business Administration2001 MBA, Boston University1982 BA, Yonsei University

Track B - 4

New Ways of Learning with New TechnologiesIn this session, participants will learn to redefine learning and to make education more exciting through the use of 3D virtual space, such as in Second Life. They will also hear about how commuting in the morning can become a learning experience supported by high-speed wireless audio podcasts, and how game-like simulations can enable learning by doing. They will come to understand how blogs, wikis, and RSS can be used to enhance communication and skills. This session will be filled with real examples of demos, simulations, podcasts, and video learning systems. Lessons will be offered on how the training of hard and soft skills can be practiced in the virtual space through various means, including flying between 3D objects, virtual role play, brainstorming, and chatting online with experts, etc. We are seeing the entry of a new generation of workers into the labor market who enjoy games and networking online. They are motivated to participate and contribute as a member of the organization, and the Web, wireless, and mobile technologies they are familiar with maximize learning efficiency and motivate all generations of workers to achieve more. Leading business organizations like IBM, Ericsson, Nike and EMC are including in their training programs activities, simulations, networking, play, and collaboration components to propel their staff to higher performance.

B - 5

Jong-yeon CHOITalent and Organization Performance Lead, Accenture Korea


Norbert BüningGlobal Learning & Collaboration Lead, Accenture

J.W. Jay ChungDirector and APAC Manufacturing Lead, Internet Business Solution Group Cisco Systems, Inc.


Michael LeimbachVice President, Wilson Learning Worldwide


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 131

Track B - 5

Jong-yeon CHOITalent and Organization Performance Lead, Accenture Korea

Norbert BüningGlobal Learning & Collaboration Lead, Accenture

▣ Working Experiences2008-Present Partner, Talent & Organization Performance Korea Lead, Accenture LLP2002–2008 Principal(Vice President) , Mercer Korea2004–2008 Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Entrepreneurial Management, Chung-AngUniversity2000 Manager, Strategy & People Solution Team, Andersen Korea Business Consulting Senior Manager & Team Leader, Strategy Advisory Services Team, Deloitte Touche Management Solutions Korea1995-2000 Consultant, Business Strategy team, KPMG Management Consulting Seoul Office

▣ Extra Activities2009 Evaluation Committee Member for Government Department, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affair2008-Present Senior Director, Organization and Management Development Society, Seoul, Korea2007-2008 Lead of HRD Committee, Government Consulting Committee, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affair (Best Consultant of the Year 2007)2006-Present Member, Korea Human Resource Management Academy2006-2007 Member, Advisory Committee for KIPO Innovation, Korean Intellectual Property Office

▣ Employment

Accenture since 1.9.1993

▣ Level

Executive Partner, Management ConsultingGlobal Lead for Learning & Collaboration

Mr. Büning has extensive experience since 25 years in the areas of Learning & Collaboration and Change Management. He has developed the learning strategy and was responsible for the design, development and rollout of major learning programs for several global companies. Especially he has focused on the business value of learning and how to achieve sustainability in learning. In addition Mr. Büning has deep knowledge in the different types of learning interactions and how to create an impactful learning program with the different types of learning. He is the receipient of Golden Cindy Award 2000 Siemens ACE Simulation, and European Multimedia Award

132 Global HR Forum 2010

Track B - 5

J.W. Jay ChungDirector and APAC Manufacturing Lead, Internet Business Solution Group Cisco Systems, Inc.

Michael LeimbachVice President, Wilson Learning Worldwide

Jay Chung is the Director of Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), an Cisco’s internal strategy consulting team. As the Lead of Asia Pacific Manufacturing Practice, he helps key clients in the region for building strategies of business innovation, new business model and operation excellency by the use of new technologies and applying innovating ideas. In his career of IBSG in last 7 years, he has led the strategy consulting for new business development, operation model and customer experience strategy with top manufacturing companies of consumer electronics and automobile manufacturing in Korea, China and India. The most area of his engagement covers customer experience, employee collaboration and product innovation strategy.Prior to his position in Cisco IBSG, Chung was a team leader of e-business strategy in the consulting division of LG CNS, a consulting and system integration company in the LG Group. He has led various consulting projects regarding e-business strategies for major electronics and wafer manufacturers, engineering and construction companies, and several universities. As a frequent speaker in industry forum and digital city development in the Region, Chung holds a bachelor’s degree and a MBA from Choong Ang University in Korea, and a doctorate in international business (foreign direct investment strategies) from the University of Birmingham, UK.

Dr. Michael Leimbach provides leadership for researching and designing Wilson Learning’s diagnostic, learning, and performance improvement capabilities. Wilson Learning Worldwide is an international provider of training and development research, materials, and programs. Since joining Wilson Learning in 1984, Michael has developed measurement systems in sales, leadership, and organizational development; has managed major concept development research studies in sales effectiveness, collaborative work structures, and performance management; and has also developed Wilson Learning's program evaluation capability, program evaluation system, and return on investment model. Michael has also conducted research and consulting for a wide variety of organizations including DuPont, IBM, United States Navy, Securex, ,General Motors (Brazil, Canada, and USA), Morgan Bank, ROLM, Honeywell, Mellon Bank, Australia New Zealand Bank, Australian Telecom, Pfizer, and Metropolitan Life. Michael received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, and he has made presentations for a wide range of professional organizations including American Society of Training and Development National Conferences, Japanese Management Association, University of Minnesota, the Academy of Human Resource Development, and the Minnesota Counsel for Quality. Michael has been an adjunct facility member for the University of Minnesota, College of St. Catherine, Augsburg College, and Fairview-Deaconess Hospital, serves of the ISO Technical committee for development is ISO 29999 standard, and is a member of the editoral and review boards for HRDQ and ADHR professional journals

Track CHR Development and Strategies for

Future Labor Market Demands

Career and Technical Education as an Alternative Pathway to SuccessCareer and technical education (CTE) has long been stigmatized as a second-class education for low-achieving and non-college bound students. With the ongoing disdain for CTE coupled with 'the one way to win mentality' leading a significant number of teens to college after high school, the college advancement rate in Korea reached over 80%. However, there are a considerable number of college graduates who are either underemployed or unemployed.

Given the compelling evidence that there is a shortage of technicians in the current labor market and that technical skills are a requisite in being successful in the labor market, it generates both economic as well as social problems to leave CTE-related issues unsolved. This session will provide the audience with the opportunity to rethink about the importance of CTE and explore the ways to strengthen CTE as an alternative pathway to success.

C - 1

Sang-hoon BAEProfessor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University


Kenneth GrayProfessor of Education, Pennsylvania State University

ParyonoDirector, SEAMEO VOCTECH


Hae-ryong HWANGDirector of Strategy & Planning, Sudo Electric Technical High School

Jae-young CHOIVice President, Youngjin College

Young-chul KIMDirector, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 137

Track C - 1

Sang-hoon BAEProfessor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University

Kenneth GrayProfessor of Education, Pennsylvania State University

Sang Hoon Bae is a Professor of Education at the Department of Education in the Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Korea. He completed both a Ph. D. and a MS degree in Workforce Education and Development (WFED) from the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in the US in 2006 and 2004, respectively, and earned a BA in Ethics Education from the Seoul National University (SNU) in Korea.

Before joining the faculty, he was Assistant Secretary to the President for Education in the Office of the President. He also has sixteen-year work experience in the Korean Ministry of Education. He has held positions in various parts of the Ministry, including Director in the International Cooperation Team and in the After-school Policy Planning Team.

His current research interests focus on education reform policy, career and technical education, and after-school policy. He has led policy studies for education authorities including the Ministry of Education and Seoul Office of Education.

His recent publications appear in many internationally recognized journals including Career and Technical Education Research, Quality Assurance in Education, and Asia Pacific Education Review.

Kenneth C. Gray is a professor of education, emeritus in the Workforce Education and Development Program at Pennsylvania State University.

Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State, he was superintendent of the Vocational Technical High School System in Connecticut and has been a high school English teacher, guidance counselor, and administrator.

He has published widely and is frequently quoted in the national press. He is coauthor with Edwin Herr of Workforce Education: The Basic. His latest book, Getting Real: Helping Teens Find Their Future, addresses the importance of helping teenagers develop career direction as a prerequisite to postsecondary success.

He holds a BA in economics from Colby College, an MA in counseling psychology from Syracuse University, and a doctorate in technical education from Virginia Tech.

138 Global HR Forum 2010

Track C - 1

ParyonoDirector, SEAMEO VOCTECH

Hae-ryong HWANGDirector of Strategy & Planning, Sudo Electric Technical High School

Paryono is currently the Deputy Director for Professional Affairs and the Research Manager and Specialist at the Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training under the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO VOCTECH) in Brunei Darussalam. He is also the network coordinator for the Southeast Asian Vocational Education Research Network or SEAVERN and Senior Research Fellow for UNESCO-UNEVOC.

Before joining SEAMEO VOCTECH, he was the lecturer at Malang State University, Indonesia and language instructor at Cornell University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Washington-Seattle, U.S.A.

He holds a Ph.D. degree for a dual title in Workforce Education and Development and Comparative International Education from Pennsylvania State University, Master’s degree in Continuing and Vocational Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering Education from the State University of Malang.

Hae Ryong Hwang is currently Chief at the Strategic Planning Department in Sudo Electric Technical High School(SEHS), a Meister High School playing a key role in leading Korean Meister School System. He is in charge of the overall process in managing the Meister curriculum in SEHS. Hae Ryong Hwang is also a member of the Curriculum Implementation Supporting Institute, responsible for offering advice on curriculum management of elementary and secondary schools in Seoul. Previously, he served as an advisor belonging to the Higher Education Guidance Team in Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education for vocational high school students and took the lead in developing special lectures and training for teachers and parents in terms of students' career after graduation. He made his best efforts to invigorate vocational education by participating in many kinds of policies managed by Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education including the development of career contents needed for the elementary and secondary school students' career counseling.

He has often mentioned it is necessary that the Meister School System, a core policy of Korean vocational education, should be successful to strengthen Korea's competitiveness of industry with enough technical experts and solutions to unemployment of highly educated youth, the so called Educational Inflation. He also insists that the employment of vocational high school graduates, many of whom are from low-income family, should be more expanded.

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 139

Track C - 1

Jae-young CHOIVice President, Youngjin College

Young-chul KIMDirector, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology

Dr. Jae-Young Choi is the Vice-president of Strategic Planning and Management in the Yeungjin College, Republic of Korea. Dr. Choi has also been a professor at the Department of Social Welfare in Yeungjin College since 2002.

Dr. Choi obtained Ph.D. degree in 1996 and Master’s degree in 1990 from the University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. He received Bachelor’s degree in 1988 from the Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

He did a research on Financial Management of Social Work Higher Education for his Ph.D. study. This research interest led Dr. Choi to be a professor at the Department of Social Welfare in the Kyungpook National University for five years, before he joined the faculty of Yeungjin College.

After Dr. Choi took the current administrator’s position, he came to have interests in the career and technical education, re-training, and supports for the unemployed back to work. Currently, Dr. Choi takes an active interest in the strategic planning and policy development of career education, as he makes great efforts in exploring every avenue in order for Yeungjin College to contribute to the development in career education in Korea.

Dr. Kim holds a Doctorate and MS in Technical and Vocational Education from Ohio State University.

He started his career in 1989 as an educational administrator. From 1989 to 2007, he worked at Chungnam Office of Education, Ministry of Education, Kyung-Buk National University, Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Energy, and Assistant Secretary for the Education to the President.

During his doctoral program, he has been a Research Assistant to work on several evaluation reports on training activities at the National Dissemination Center for Vocational Education in Ohio.

As a policy-maker in the Ministry of Education, he initiated “A New 5-Year Reform Plan for Korean Vocational Education and coordinated cross-ministerial HRD policy initiatives in areas of higher education and life-long education, job-training and skill development through the National HRD meetings. He also launched Global HR Forum in 2006. Currently, he has joined UNESCO in Education Sector since 2008.

Vocational Education and Training for Green GrowthWith energy conversion, carbon emissions regulations, and energy savings becoming the key global issues, various countries around the world are gathering wisdom and endeavoring to create new jobs and employment opportunities, and to promote sustainable growth by developing and diffusing green technologies. The keys to making these efforts materialize and meaningful are as follows: to create more new jobs and employment opportunities than those vanishing, and to make efforts to sustain the newly created employment. Therefore, it is necessary to project employment creation through development of scenarios and seek measures of vocational education and training to promote employment expansion.

C - 2

Reinhold WeiβVice President, BIBB (Germany)


Andy WilsonPrincipal, Westminster Kingsway College

Debora RoseveareDivision Head, OECD

Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD


Ki-rak RYUResearch Fellow, KRIVET

Kang-shik CHOIProfessor of Economics, Yonsei University


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 143

Track C - 2

Andy WilsonPrincipal, Westminster Kingsway College

Andy Wilson has been Principal of Westminster Kingsway College (WKC) since July 2004. Previously, he was Deputy Principal at Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College (EHWLC) and Vice Principal at the College of NE London.

At EHWLC Andy was part of the team that oversaw the successful merger of Hammersmith & West London and Ealing Tertiary Colleges to create one of the largest institutions in the FE sector. He has played leading roles over the last 12 years in devising and delivering major estates strategies for each of these colleges culminating in WKC’s £53 million development at King’s Cross which opened in February 2009.

Westminster Kingsway College has established itself as one of the largest and most successful London colleges. It has been awarded the prestigious Training Quality Standard with added endorsement of its Hospitality provision. The College also gained Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) status for Hospitality and Public Administration. WKC has a prominent role in providing training for employers in the Hospitality, Creative Industries, Public Administration and Business sectors through its Employer Training Solutions operation.

Andy also sits on the National Health Service Apprenticeship Advisory Committee. He is Chair of the Royal Institute of British Architects Learning & Skills Sector Client Forum.

Reinhold Weiβ Vice President, BIBB (Germany)

1986 - 1988 Head of the Training Centre of the Chambers of Industry and Trade at the Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Hostein business academy in Kiel

1988 - 1992 Head of the Education Economics and Continuing Training section of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft in Cologne

1992 - 2005 Deputy head of the Education Policy and Labour Market Policy research department of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft and member of the Institute's Managing Board

2004 Honorary professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen Since September 2005 Deputy President and Head of Research of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

144 Global HR Forum 2010

Track C - 2

Debora RoseveareDivision Head, OECD

Cheon-sik WOOSenior Analyst, OECD

Ms Deborah Roseveare was appointed Head of the Education and Training Policy Division in the Directorate for Education in June 2007. She takes the lead in providing policy analysis and advice to help governments develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning. She manages a team of analysts, economists and support staff as well as being a member of the Management Group for the Directorate of Education.

She has held several positions in the Economics Department since joining the OECD Secretariat in 1993 as a senior economist. In the Policy Studies Branch, she has worked on public economics issues including fiscal policy and ageing populations. In the Country Studies Branch, she was Structural Issues Co-ordinator, where she worked on policies to foster entrepreneurship and on structural surveillance, before becoming Head of the Denmark and Sweden desk and then Head of the Canada and New Zealand desk. In the context of EDRC reviews, she has worked on a wide range of education policy and human capital development issues.

Between 1990 and 1993, she was the Economic Counsellor in the New Zealand Delegation to OECD and was vice-chair of the EDRC in 1992 and 1993.

Dr. Cheonsik Woo is a senior fellow at Korea Development Institute (KDI), and since Nov. 2008, has been seconded to the OECD, working for the OECD’s horizontal project “Making Reform Happen” as a senior analyst at the Office of the Secretary-General. Since joining KDI in 1995, he has worked on many issues pertaining to Korea’s development strategy and policies such as enhancing industrial competitiveness, upgrading education and HRD system, and transition strategy to the knowledge-based economy. He holds a BA in economics from Seoul National University, and MA & PhD in Economics from Columbia University, US. Before joining KDI, he has taught at Clemson University in the U.S. during 1991-95.

During his tenure at KDI, Dr. Woo led the Knowledge Economy Division as the division head (Aug. 2002 - Sep. 2004) and then the Department of Industrial and Corporate Affairs as the Vice President of KDI (Oct. 2004 - March 2006). More recently, he served as the Senior Counselor to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of the Finance and Economy of the Korean Government (Aug 2006 – Feb 2008).

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Track C - 2

Ki-rak RYUResearch Fellow, KRIVET

Kang-shik CHOIProfessor of Economics, Yonsei University

Dr. Kirak Ryu was appointed research fellow of Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in June 2010. He is currently participating in a joint project with OECD titled ‘OECD-KRIVET Skills beyond School: Post-Secondary VET’, where he draws on the institutional approach to skills formation in Korea and develops policy suggestions for reform of both education and labor market systems in Korea in comparison to OECD member states.

He completed his Ph. D in Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA in 2007. Since the completion of doctoral study, he taught in several universities on sociology of labor markets and industrial relations, economic sociology, and sociology in contemporary societies. He also worked as post-doctoral research fellow for Department of Sociology at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, where he performed research on the issue of social changes and integration focusing on labor markets and social welfare issues in Korea.

His research interests include labor markets, inequalities, social stratification, political sociology, and international comparative studies. He published a couple of research papers and research reports, in which he investigated the interplay of social closure practices and state social policy intervention in shaping various sorts of inequalities in the Korean and American labor markets.

▣ EDUCATIONYale University, PhD, Economics,

▣ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE• Chair, School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Yonsei University, • Assistant Dean, College of Business and Economics, Yonsei University,• Director of Graduate Studies, School of Economics, Yonsei University, • Visiting Scholar, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University• Visiting Fellow, Korea Research Institute of Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET), • Member, Tripartitie Commission, April, 2007 – Present.• Member, National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), August 2007 – Present.• Research Fellow, National Economic Advisory Council for the President, • Short Term Consultant, World Bank, Nov. 2004 – May 2005.

Improving Skills Development for Aging PopulationPopulation ageing will result in the decline in the number of the economically active and thereby hinder growth. The governments and societies around the world are concerned as this will mean that fewer numbers of productive workers will be left to shoulder the growing burden of supporting the elderly. This may bring about a crisis in both economic and social terms. This session will raise two agendas. First, we will forecast the future of the aging population around the world. Second, we will focus more specifically on creating future jobs and vocational development for the aging population.

C - 3

Ae-sil KIMProfessor of Economics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


Christine Evans-KlockDirector of EMP/Skills, International Labor Organization (ILO)

Nam-chul LEEResearch Fellow, KRIVET


Hyun-joong JUNProfessor of International Business, Dongseo University

Ki-sung LEEVice Dean of Graduate School of Education, Soongsil University


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 149

Track C - 3

Christine Evans-KlockDirector of EMP/Skills, International Labor Organization (ILO)

Working for the ILO since 1995, Christine Evans-Klock is currently the Director of the Skills and Employability Department. Her previous ILO positions include Director of the ILO’s Sub-regional Office for East Asia in Bangkok and Director of the In-Focus Programme on Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development in Geneva. She has published research for the ILO on employment and enterprise restructuring and on policy responses to worker retrenchment. Her non-ILO publications include co-authorship of Start-up Factories: High Performance Management, Job Quality, and Regional Advantage (with Peter Doeringer and David Terkla). She holds a PhD in economics from Boston University.

Ae-sil KIM Professor of Economics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Aesil Kim, Doctor and Professor, is the the first woman economist with Ph.D. in economics in Korea. She got her Ph.D. at the University of Hawaii, U.S.A. in 1977. Aesil Kim has been a professor of economics at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies since 1980 and has been participating in various economic policy making processes in Korea since early 1980's.

Aesil Kim had served as a Parliament Member of the National Assembly of Korea from 2004 to 2008 and had been a member of the National Economic Advisory Council under the President Kim Daejoong.

As the Chair of the Gender Equality and Family Committee in the Korean National Assembly and also as the Chair of Economic Policy Coordination Committee of the Grand National Party, she had put her special efforts to implement and evaluate the policies related to creating jobs and employment.

Aesil Kim's main fields of researches are related to the female laborforce and the competitiveness of nations. Recently she has been making researches on the fields of the national employment policies for disadvantaged groups such as youths, women and elders.

150 Global HR Forum 2010

Track C - 3

Nam-chul LEEResearch Fellow, KRIVET

Hyung-joong JUNProfessor of International Business, Dongseo University

Nam Chul Lee received his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Oklahoma, U.S.A. He is presently a research fellow at the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET). His research interests include economic development, labor market analysis, and human resource development.

He has published numerous articles in international journals. In addition, he has presented his research on many occasions at academic conferences both in and outside South Korea.

Prof. Hyun-Joong Jun teaches international economics and labor economics in Dongseo Univ.(DSU) Busan. Since its foundation in 1992, DSU has grown and developed into a model of 21st-century university. It has more than 10,000 students and 300 professors. Through agreements with 80 universities in 21 countries, including America, Japan, China, Germany, and Finland, as well as with over 100 global companies, the students of DSU have worked as interns on six of our planet's seven continents.

Since joining DSU in 1997 prof. Jun has teached and studied international economics, labor economics and economics of strategy. He has been serving as an advisory member for Busan city and several government departments and national research institutes. He is also member of the advisory board for the national research council for KAEDC(Korean American Economic Development Center) in Los Angeles, United States.

Prof. Jun received a PhD in economics at the University of Paris 1, France. He had held positions as dean of school of international relations and director of central library in DSU and worked as director of IOKE(Institute of Overseas Korean Economy). He was also visiting professor for Study Abroad Program in the Hope International University in L.A.

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 151

Track C - 3

Ki-sung LEEVice Dean of Graduate School of Education, Soongsil University

Ki-sung Lee is a professor of Graduate School of Education and Department of Lifelong Education at Soongsil University in Korea. He completed Ph. D. in Education with specialization in Human Resources Development from University of Minnesota, U.S. in 1997; M.S. in Education from Yonsei University, Korea in 1998; B.A. in Educational Science from Yonsei University in 1985.

Before joining the faculty, he served as a director of International Studies and Cooperation Team in Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training.

His current research interests focus on HRD, lifelong vocational education & training, and International HRD.

His recent publications appear in many internationally recognized journals including Journal of Vocational Education and Training, The journal of Lifelong Education and HRD, and Andragogy Today.

International Standardization of Non-formal Learning ServicesQuality assurance of education and training may be implemented to affect development of human resources. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - Technical Committee 232 has been working to provide a generic model of non-formal learning services for quality professional practice and performance, and a common reference for learning service providers and their clients in the design, development and delivery of non-formal learning. It is expected to enhance the generic level of learning services and employability of learners. This session is designed to introduce the trends of international standardization of non-formal learning services as well as those established at a national level.

C - 4

Kyung-ro YOONDirector of Human Resources, Dupont Asia-Pacific


Michael LeimbachVP, Wilson Learning Worldwide

Thomas RauProject Manager, RKW Berlin-Brandenburg

Kumi NakamuraChief researcher,Japan Association for Management of Training and Education (JAMOTE)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 155

Track C - 4

Kyung-ro YOON Director of Human Resources, Dupont Asia-Pacific

Currently Director of Human Resources, DuPont Asia Pacific for Functions. Kyung-ro served as the Director Human Resources Development (HRD) of DuPont in Asia Pacific for 14 years from 1992 to 2005 where he was leading the development of the Asian managerial talent in 15 countries.

With his extensive experiences of leader development in both HR and HRD leader roles, Kyung-ro also holds the President of Korea Facilitators Association (KFA) and the Vice President of Korean Society of Training and Development based in Seoul, Korea. He is also a Steering Committee member of the Global Forum for Executive Development and Action Learning. KR helped major Korean companies like Samsung, LG, POSCO and SK Groups and the Korean Government with applying Action Learning for their leader development.

Kyung-ro's areas of expertise are talent development, executive coaching, and facilitation. He is now interested in changing organizational culture of Korean society to be more participative style by applying facilitative leadership with his team in KFA. He also devotes some of his time in developing students as future leaders of Korea.

Michael LeimbachVP, Wilson Learning Worldwide

Dr. Michael Leimbach provides leadership for researching and designing Wilson Learning’s diagnostic, learning, and performance improvement capabilities. Wilson Learning Worldwide is an international provider of training and development research, materials, and programs. Since joining Wilson Learning in 1984, Michael has developed measurement systems in sales, leadership, and organizational development; has managed major concept development research studies in sales effectiveness, collaborative work structures, and performance management; and has also developed Wilson Learning's program evaluation capability, program evaluation system, and return on investment model. Michael has also conducted research and consulting for a wide variety of organizations including DuPont, IBM, United States Navy, Securex, ,General Motors (Brazil, Canada, and USA), Morgan Bank, ROLM, Honeywell, Mellon Bank, Australia New Zealand Bank, Australian Telecom, Pfizer, and Metropolitan Life. Michael received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, and he has made presentations for a wide range of professional organizations including American Society of Training and Development National Conferences, Japanese Management Association, University of Minnesota, the Academy of Human Resource Development, and the Minnesota Counsel for Quality. Michael has been an adjunct facility member for the University of Minnesota, College of St. Catherine, Augsburg College, and Fairview-Deaconess Hospital, serves of the ISO Technical committee for development is ISO 29999 standard, and is a member of the editoral and review boards for HRDQ and ADHR professional journals

156 Global HR Forum 2010

Track C - 4

Kumi NakamuraChief researcher,Japan Association for Management of Training and Education (JAMOTE)

▣ EDUCATION98-20 B.A. Department of Anthropology, The University of Arizona07-08 M.S.Ed. Higher Education Management, The University Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education

▣ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE10-Present Japan Industrial Standards Committee(JISC), ISO/TC232 Expert(Japan)08-Present Research Institute of Information Technology, Waseda University, Fellow08-Present Japan Association for Management of Training and Education(JAMOTE), Chief Researcher01-07 Osaka Jogakuin College, Study Abroad Coodinator

Thomas RauProject Manager, RKW Berlin-Brandenburg

Dr. Thomas Rau manages in RKW Berlin the lines of business for consultancy and for international cooperations. RKW is a Germanwide network of centers for productivity and innovation. It has more than 3.700 members – companies and individuals. RKW promotes and supports the modernization of German economy focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). RKW develops and submits recommendations for companies and politicians. In its projects RKW transforms applied research outcomes into productivity improvement knowledge to be used for commercial application.

Since joining RKW in 2005 Thomas has developed new instruments and methods in quality management and international cooperation. He is chair of the ISO Technical Committee 232 “Learning services for non-formal education and training” and of the German mirror committee to ISO/TC 232 in German Institute for Standardization (DIN). He is also member of the advisory board for the DIN Services Standards Committee. Thomas has worked as a self-employed consultant and trainer for fifteen years. During this time he conducted research and consulting for a wide variety of organizations, including government business enterprises of Land governments of Bavaria, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt as well as of the cities Magdeburg, Mannheim, Rostock and Singen. He is visiting lecturer for international project management in the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

Youth Transition to WorkEmployment is one of the top national agenda across the world. More specifically, youth employment is more challenging as the current economic downturn has hit youth hard. According to ILO’s global employment trends released in 2010, almost 40% (83 millions) of the unemployed people in the world are youth aged 15-24. Many youth leave school without developing the skills they need to succeed in the workplace or in postsecondary education. They are the future to build the foundations of the societies as strong members of civil society. To this end, the concept of ‘youth transition to work’ is extremely crucial in linking young people to livelihood and employment. In this session, discussions will be on how to set up the mechanism of close connection between school and labor market and on how to make youth transition to work smoothly.

C - 5

Gwang-Jo KIMDirector, UNESCO Asia-Pacific


David AtchoarenaDirector of ESB, UNESCO

Hun-seok OHProfessor of Education, Seoul National University


Woo-young KIMProfessor of Economics and Business,Kongju National University

Ahn-kook KIMResearch Fellow, KRIVET

Sung-min PARKEducation Specialist,Human Development Network, Education World Bank


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 159

Track C - 5

David AtchoarenaDirector of ESB, UNESCO

David Atchoarena is Director of the Division for Education Strategies and Capacity Building at UNESCO. Prior to holding this post, he served as Senior Programme Specialist at the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO, Paris where, since 2006, he was heading the Training and Education Programmes Unit of IIEP, including the IIEP Masters Programme in Educational Planning and Management. Before joining the Institute, in 1991, he served as "Chargé de Mission" at the National Agency for Lifelong Education (ADEP) of the French Ministry of Education, and as Project Coordinator in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, in Saint Lucia.

David Atchoarena is also Special Professor at the University of Nottingham (UK).

He holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).

His work covered several areas related to educational planning and policies, such as planning techniques and tools, technical and vocational education and training, lifelong learning, or education and rural development.

Gwang-Jo KIMDirector, UNESCO Asia-Pacific

Dr Kim’s senior responsibilities began in the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea, in Seoul, where he advised and assisted the former President Young Sam Kim in the fields of education and social policy (1995–1997). Between 2001 and 2004, Dr Kim was affiliated with the World Bank as Senior Education Specialist at its Headquarters in Washington DC. During this time, he worked on education projects which included the preparation of lending schemes and delivery of technical assistance, as well as monitoring and evaluating human resources development projects.

In August 2004, Dr Kim was appointed Director-General of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOEHRD) in Seoul. In this capacity, he led and prepared cross-ministerial human resources development policies. From September 2005 to March 2008, Dr Kim was Deputy-Minister of Education and Human Resources Development of the Republic of Korea, and charged with leading policy development in the areas of higher education, technical and vocational education, lifelong learning and human resources development. He has also represented the South Korean Government at various ministerial-level meetings, such as those of the OECD. In January 2009, Dr Kim was appointed as Director of the UNESCO Office in Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific, as well as UNESCO Representative to Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Singapore.

160 Global HR Forum 2010

Track C - 5

Hun-seok OHProfessor of Education, Seoul National University

Woo-young KIMProfessor of Economics and Business, Kongju National University

▣ Current Position

Associate Professor, College of Education, Seoul National University (SNU)Director of Korea Human Resource Research Center, SNUEditor of Journal of Korea Human Resource Development QuarterlyEditorial Board member of Studies of Educational Administration

▣ Employment and Major Professional Activities

2003~present Assistant and Associate Professor of Education at SNU

2008~present Director of Korea Human Resource Research Center, SNU

2005~2008 Principal Investigator at Korea Human Resource Research Center, SNU

1992~2003 Deputy Director at the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, Seoul, Korea

2009~present Editor of Journal of Korea HRD Quarterly

2007~present Editorial Board member of Studies of Educational Administration

▣ Current Position : Professor, Department of Economics, Kongju National University, Korea

▣ Education : Ph.D. in Economics, University of British Columbia, Canada. MA in Economics, Lakehead University, Canada. BA in Business Administration, Kookmin University, Korea.

▣ Academic Activities : Board Member of the Korean Labor Economic Association. Member of the Korean Economic Association, the Korean Industrial Economic Association and the Korea Economics and Business Association.

▣ Policy Advisor Positions : Employment Policy Examination Officer, Chungnam Provincial Government, Korea. Advisor in the Tripartite Committee of Labor, Management and Government, Chungnam Provincial Government, Korea Policy Advisor for the Daejeon District of the Ministry of Labor, Korea.

▣ Research Areas : Labor Economics, Industrial Relations, International Economics.

Open and Ready for Tomorrow 161

Track C - 5

Ahn-kook KIMResearch Fellow, KRIVET

Sung-min PARKEducation Specialist, Human Development Network, Education World Bank

Doctor Ahn-Kook Kim researchs youth employment and government’s training policies in KRIVET. Established in 1997 to conduct research on human resources policies and support the Korean public’ lifelong vocational competency development, KRIVET carries out various research on human resources and vocational education and training(VET) policy, VET infrastructure establishment, qualification system, and the provision of career guidance.

Since receiving the doctor in 2001, Mr. Kim has researched and studied labor economics and human capital policies. He is also researching the method for evaluation of training policies and the problem of youth unemployment. He has published many articles about the effect of government training policies, the output of investment for training, the youth employment and job career, and the relation between HRD and corporate governance.

Researcher Kim received a PhD in economics at the Korea University. He worked for Korea Labor Institute in 2002. He worked for KRIVET from 2003. He now holds a position as dean of Office of Research in Employment and Skills development in KRIVET

Sungmin Park, a Korean national, joined HDNED in March 2010 as a secondee from the Ministry of Education, Science & Technology (MEST). While working in the MEST (1991-2008), he conducted various policy making on human resources development, teacher education and international affairs. Before he joined the World Bank, he worked (2008-2010) as an assistant secretary to the president for education at the President Office of Korea.

At the World Bank Mr. Park has been involved in analytical and operational works on TVET and the development of benchmarking tool for effective education system. He holds a doctorate from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Iowa (USA).

Special Sessions

Keeping Tradition While Approaching to Modern Education

Special Session - 1

Mi-sug JINSenior Research Fellow, KRIVET


Tony LittleHeadmaster, Eton College


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Special Session - 1

Mi-sug JIN Senior Research Fellow, KRIVET

Tony LittleHeadmaster, Eton College

Dr. Misug Jin has worked as a senior fellow in Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) since 1997. Previously she worked as the Director of HR Department and the Director of Career Development Department of KRIVET. She has also served as a member of several national committees related to education and HR. She had researched on HR policy at macro level and worked on career development from a life-long perspective. Recently she has been working on the issue, core competences of Korean college students. She got her doctoral degree in education from Harvard University and MA, BA from Seoul National University.

Tony Little was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where he was a Choral Exhibitioner. He read Law before deciding to read English Literature instead. He taught at Tonbridge and Brentwood (where he was Head of English and a boarding housemaster) before becoming Headmaster of Chigwell School in 1989. Some seven years later, he became Headmaster of Oakham, a large co-educational boarding and day school. In September 2002, he took up his post as Head Master of Eton College. Interests include music, theatre and poetry. He is a Vice-President of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition and Chairman of the World Leading Schools Association.

Interconnections between Policy, Business and Art

Special Session - 2

Seung-hwan SONGProfessor of College of Culture & Art, Sungshin Women’s University


Joseph PolisiPresident, The Juilliard School


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 171

Special Session - 2

Seung-hwan SONGProfessor of College of Culture & Art, Sungshin Women’s University

▣ Present CEO of PMC Production Co-president of Cultural Industries Forum Vice-Chair of Korea Musical Association Dean of College of Convergence Culture and Arts at Sungshin Women’s University Director of Gyeonggi Arts Center

▣ Work Experience 1965~ KBS TV Tallent 1989~1995 Established ‘Hwan Performace’ 1996~ Established PMC Production Co,Ltd 2005~2010 Professor of performing arts department at Myongji University

▣ Awards 1998 The Best Play Prize at Dong-A Play Awards 2006 Tower Prize awarded from Russian Government 2006 Grand Prize of CEO in Culture area at Korean CEO Awards 2007 Play area Prize at the 56th Seoul Culture Awards 2007 Producer Prize at the 13th Korea Musical Awards 2008 Seoul Tourism Awards 2009 Honored Alumni Awards

Joseph PolisiPresident, The Juilliard School

Joseph William Polisi became the sixth president of The Juilliard School in September 1984, bringing to that position his previous experience as a college administrator, a writer in the fields of music, public policy and the arts, and an accomplished bassoonist. His twenty-five years at Juilliard have been a time of vitality for the school, with the establishment of new student services and alumni programs, a revised curriculum, and an emphasis on the humanities and liberal arts. Before coming to Juilliard, Dr. Polisi was Dean of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (1983-84), Dean of Faculty at the Manhattan School of Music (1980-83). He holds three graduate degrees in music from Yale, having completed his Doctor of Musical Arts, a Master of Musical Arts and a Master of Music. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Arts degree in international relations from Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He has written many scholarly and educational articles for professional journals, is a frequent speaker on arts and education issues, has produced several sound recordings, primarily focusing on contemporary American music, and has recorded a solo album of twentieth-century bassoon music for Crystal Records. He is the author of, The Artist as Citizen and American Muse: The Life and Times of William Schuman.

Rise of China & Asia's Geopolitics

Special Session - 3

Chung-in MoonProfessor of Political Science, Yonsei University


Jia QingguoProfessor and Associate Dean of the School of International Studies, Peking University


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 175

Special Session - 3

Chung-in MoonProfessor of Political Science, Yonsei University

Jia QingguoProfessor and Associate Dean of the School of International Studies, Peking University

Chung-in Moon is a professor of political science at Yonsei University and Editor-in-Chief of Global Asia, a new quarterly magazine in English. He served as Dean of Yonsei’s Graduate School of International Studies. He was also Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative, a cabinet-level post, and Ambassador for International Security Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Republic of Korea. He taught at Williams College, University of Kentucky, Duke University, and UCSD. He also held a visiting professorship at Keio University and Beijing University. He has published over 40 books and 230 articles in edited volumes and such scholarly journals as World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, and the World Development. His recent publications include Debating the Future of China (in Korean) and so forth. He attended the 1st and 2nd Pyongyang Korean summit as a special delegate. He was a fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, D.C. He served as Vice President of the International Studies Association (ISA) of North America and president of the Korea Peace Research Association. He is currently a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy (Los Angeles), the Institute of International Strategic Studies (London), and fellow of the Club of Madrid. He is a ARF-EEP representing South Korea and served as co-chair of the first and second AFR-EEPs meetings in June 2006 and February 2007. He is a board member of the East Asia Foundation, the International Peace Foundation, and the Pacific Century Institute.

Jia Qingguo is Professor and Associate Dean of the School of International Studies of Peking University. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1988. He has taught in University of Vermont, Cornell University, University of California at San Diego, University of Sydney in Australia as well as Peking University. He was a research fellow at the Brookings Institution between 1985 and 1986, a visiting professor at the University of Vienna in 1997 and a fellow at the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution in 2001 and 2002. He is Vice President of the Chinese American Studies Association and board member of the China National Taiwan Studies Association. He is also a member of Standing Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League. He is serving on the editorial board of several international academic journals. He has published extensively on U.S.-China relations, relations between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Chinese foreign policy and Chinese politics.

Smart Innovation for Value Creation and Great Place to WorkIn today's fast changing environment, companies that keep up a smart innovation are better positioned to quickly adapt to market changes and thus achieve high performance and steady growth. The key to sustainable growth competitiveness is creativity and innovation. As the world becomes more globalized and competition becomes more fierce, businesses need to be more agile than their peers in identifying products and services that the market demand as well as in responding to changes in the policy or environment realm so that they may take upon value-creating business opportunities faster than their competitors. Such a commitment to servicing on-demand and bringing new values into the market determines the future of a company. This session seeks to case study about smart innovation in organizational structure, business environment, partnership orchestration or etc. Smart innovation helps businesses to quickly respond to evolving market demands, to manage changes effectively and to keep alignment of strategies and missions and in turn maximizing business efficiency and performance and creating values.

Special Session - 4

Hong-jin KIMVice President, KT


Hyuna CHOIVice President, Towers Watson Korea


Caroline WatersDirector of People and Policy, BT

Clare MuhiudeenDirector of Rewards, Talent & Communication, Towers Watson Asia Pacific


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 179

Special Session - 4

Hong-jin KIMVice President, KT

Caroline WatersDirector of People and Policy, BT

Hong-Jin (HJ) Kim was appointed managing director of BT Korea in January 2008 and as a member of the BT Asia Pacific Regional Executive Team. In his position, he manages the operations and all initiatives for BT in Korea.

Prior to joining BT, HJ owned a business which provided consulting services to start-up companies looking to penetrate into Asian markets. Before this, he was Vice-President and General Manager APAC at Flarion Technologies whereby he successfully built up operations in Korea, Japan, Australia, and ASEAN countries.

HJ is armed with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry with other major multinationals such as Lucent Technologies and Stratus where he established sizeable portfolios for the companies in different Asian markets. Coupled with experience in local companies such as Korea Computer Inc. and KCC Information and Communications, HJ brings keen industry insight in converging IT, communications and technology. HJ is currently chairman of the ICT Committee of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

Caroline Waters joined BT as a Clerical Assistant in 1979. Senior roles then held by Caroline were HR Strategic Partner for the BT Group, HR Manager BT Europe, Director HR Programmes and HQ Services, Director of Employment Policy and Director, People Networks. Caroline is currently Director, People & Policy for BT Group, a position she has held since January 2005. Caroline’s role focuses on creating tomorrow’s customers and employees, revenue generation through empowered people and BT’s inclusivity strategy, as well as ensuring that BT’s people policies underpin these strategic drivers. Her policy responsibilities include HR process design and re-engineering for employment, equality and diversity, contribution to community and volunteering. She has also pioneered flexible working in BT.

In April 2007 Caroline created BT’s Diversity and Inclusion Centre of Expertise which builds on BT’s leadership in diversity policy to enhance implementation of diversity practice throughout BT’s operations.Caroline’s work was recognised in June 2009 when she was placed 8th in HR Magazine’s HR’s Most Influential List followed by appointment as HR Director of the Year at the HR Excellence Awards later that same month. Most recently she was awarded an OBE in the New Years Honours List 2010 for services to diversity and equal opportunities. Caroline regularly provides advice and guidance to Government and Industry and is a member of a number of boards.

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Special Session - 4

Clare MuhiudeenDirector of Rewards, Talent & Communication, Towers Watson Asia Pacific

Hyuna CHOIVice President, Towers Watson Korea

Clare Muhiudeen has recently transferred to Hong Kong to lead the Asia Pacific Rewards, Talent and Communication business for Towers Watson. She was previously the Head of Watson Wyatt's European Human Capital practice based in London. In addition Clare is also a Board member of Towers Watson’s Middle East business. She brings over 20 years of experience of Human Capital consulting experience to the Region including managing complex strategic reward change programs for large multinational companies in a range of sectors including professional services and telecommunications. Clare is the global account manager for one of the Towers Watson’s key clients in the professional services sector. Over the years she has partnered with them on their strategic reward policy as well as being involved with local country implementation plans. Within the UK market, Clare has worked over many years on the British Telecommunications (BT) and BAE Systems accounts; working with HR leadership to transform their reward policies to better align with new priorities. Clare holds a BSc in Psychology from University of London and an MSc in Industrial Relations from The London School of Economics. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, UK and of World@Work.

Hyuna Choi is the director of Talent and Rewards in Towers Watson Korea. Prior to the merger of Watson Wyatt and Towers Perrin, Hyuna led Watson Wyatt’s Human Capital Group in Korea. Her primary responsibilities include managing the delivery of organization transformation and compensation consulting services for Korea, as well as collaborating with other practice teams to deliver cross practice solutions. Since 2003, as a leader of Watson Wyatt Korea’s Human Consulting Group and Data Service, she brings over 15 years of experiences in strategy clarification, org. diagnosis & redesigning, performance management & strategic reward, executive compensation, strategic workforce planning and talent management. Also she has served many clients from various industries throughout government & public sector. Before joining Watson Wyatt, Hyuna was a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. At that time her role was mainly organization redesign and HR system improvement. She also had a work experience in National University of Singapore as a research fellow at Productivity & Quality Research Centre where she consulted many Singapore companies in an area of operational improvement. She also worked for POSCO as a BPR consultant and helped POSCO to redesign its engineering and construction processes. Hyuna holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a master’s degree in management information systems from POSTECH in Korea. She also has an M.B.A. from Cornell.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusiveness

Special Session - 5

Sang-hwan SEONGProfessor of Germanic Linguistics, Seoul National University


Chung-ok CHOI Professor of Multicultural Education, Kyonggi University

Ki-seon CHUNGHead of the R&D, IOM Migration Research & Training Centre


Xinrong ZhengProfessor of Education, Beijing Normal University

Reva JosheeProfessor of Theory and Policy Studies, University of Toronto

In-sil JANGProfessor of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education


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Special Session - 5

Sang-hwan SEONGProfessor of Germanic Linguistics, Seoul National University

Xinrong ZhengProfessor of Education, Beijing Normal University

▣ EDUCATION 1992-1996 Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, USA (Germanic Linguistics)1987-1989 MA. University of California, Berkeley, USA1982-1986 BA. Seoul National University, Korea

▣ CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Comparative Linguistics (German and English), Language Acquisition Theory, Bilingualism, Multicultural Education and Policy

▣ EXPERIENCE Director, Center for Multicultural Education Research,2010-present Seoul National University(SNU) / Ministry of Education, Scienc and TechnologyProfessor of Germanic Linguistics,2006-present Department of German, College of Education, SNU.Guest professor of Korean Studies(1998 – 2005) the University of Bonn, Germany

▣ Academic PositionProfessor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Director, Multicultural Education Researcher Centre, BNU Director, School of Foundation of Education, BNU

▣ Education and Grand-shipFulbright Scholar, Education Policy Studies Department,University of Wisconsin, Madison, US. Sept.2004-March 2005Visiting Scholar, Center of Women’s Studies in Education, OISE of Toronto University, Canada‐1994-1995Ph.D. Education Department, BNU 6/1994M.A. Educational Foundation School of Education, BNU 6/1985B.A. School Education School of Education, BNU 7/2001

▣ Membership and Activities in Professional Associations2002-present Vice Director of the National Women’s Research Association 2007-present Executive Membership of the Ethnic Minority Education Association of China 1999-present Executive director of Chinese Children and Youth Research Association,

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Special Session - 5

Reva JosheeProfessor of Theory and Policy Studies, University of Toronto

In-sil JANGProfessor of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education

Reva Joshee is an associate professor in the Department of Theory and Policy Studies of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto where she teaches courses on social diversity and policy studies. She completed her Ph.D. in Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia in 1995. Dr. Joshee has a background working with the Canadian government as a community development officer in the area of multiculturalism. Her research examines issues of citizenship, diversity, and policy in India, Canada, and the United States. She is co-editor (with Lauri Johnson) of Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the United States (2007, University of British Columbia Press). Other recent publications include “Citizenship education in India: from colonial subjugation to radical possibilities” (2008, in J. Arthur, I. Davies, and C. Hahn (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Democracy), “Opportunities for social justice work: The Ontario diversity policy web” (2007, The Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations), and “Ahimsa and teaching” (2006, Connections). She is also currently the Chair of the Advisory Council for the Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace.

Insil Chang is a Professor of Education with specializations in Curriculum and Instruction at Gyeongin National University of Education. She is dean of The Institute for Korean Multicultural Education (IKME), which engages in projects and research on multicultural education, performs teacher training for in-service teachers, and develops materials for teachers and multicultural families. She has long focused her research on multicultural education, including instructional methods, extra-curricular activities, and instructional design both in Korea and the U.S. She was awarded the Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research and the Outstanding Research Award from Phi Delta Kappa. She was a professor and chair of the Center for Development of Instruction and Learning at Dongkook University. Also she was a director of the Association of Curriculum Study in Korea for two years. Recently, she initiated collaborative efforts resulting in the development of multicultural education in Korea, with an emphasis on promoting publishing and seminars. She has published books on the status and problems of multicultural education in Korea, as well as an extra-curricular activities textbook for teachers.

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Special Session - 5

Ki-seon CHUNGHead of the R&D, IOM Migration Research & Training Centre

Chung-ok CHOIProfessor of Multicultural Education, Kyonggi University

▣ Education- Ph.D in Sociology, University of Maryland at College Park, U.S.A.- M.A. in Sociology, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

▣ Current PositionChief of Research & Development Department, /IOM Migration Research and Training Centre

▣ Major Career History - Vice-president, Korean International Migration Association - Vice-president, The Population Association of Korea - Former Member of Editorial Board, Korean Sociological Association

▣ Current Research Activities - Joint researcher in the 2009 Multicultural Family Survey project by the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs. - Participate in many surveys on labor migrants and marriage migrant families and the projects for policy development for marriage migrant families- Comparative research on gender and family issues in Korea, Japan, and China

Professor Chung-ok Choi is the president of Korea Association of Multicultural Education Studies(KAMES). He earned his Undergraduate and Master’s degree from Seoul National University and Ph. D degree in International Development Education Program, from University of Pittsburgh.

He became president of Korea Institute of Youth Development(KIYD) (1998-2002), and was appointed as a member of Presidential Commission on Education Reform (1994-1996).

Since 2004, he has been the co-chairman of a NGO, The School Beautiful Movement.

He has published several representative textbooks and articles in the areas of multicultural education; Introduction of Multicultural Education (2008), Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education (2009), Understanding Multicultural Education (2010).

Recently, he is in charge of several government projects such as the Networking Forum, Teacher training program and Mentoring program for multicultural students and families.

Future Foresight Workshop

Replacing Fossil Oil with Carbon-neutral & Sustainable Oil: “Algae Emerging Technology, Climate Change & Renewable Energy”

“Future of Technology and Technology of the Future”

Future Foresight WorkshopⅠ

Jonathan TrentLead Scientist of OMEGA Project, NASA

Jose CordeiroTeaching Fellow of Singularity University


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Future Foresight Workshop Ⅰ

Jonathan TrentLead Scientist of OMEGA Project, NASA

Jonathan Trent earned his Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, pioneering research using SCUBA techniques to explore and characterize the fine structure of pelagic ecosystems. During his graduate studies of temperature and pressure effects on marine bacteria, he became involved in a debate about the upper temperature limits of life, which directed his postdoctoral research toward understanding the physical and chemical limits of life.

As a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Germany and later at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and the University of Paris at Orsay in France, Dr. Trent studied the molecular adaptations of organisms living in extreme environments, such as high

temperatures, high or low pH, ionizing radiation, or saturated salts. His research on organisms from extreme environments, the so-called “extremophiles,” continued at the Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine at Yale Medical School, where he discovered a new molecular chaperone. His continued research at Argonne National Laboratory led to additional insights into the molecular adaptation of extremophiles.

In 1998, Dr. Trent moved to NASA Ames Research Center to apply his research on extremophiles to questions in Astrobiology—the search for life beyond Earth. In 1999, he established the Protein Nanotechnology Group to use molecular recognition, self-assembly, and genetic engineering to build functional nanostructures from proteins. Using these intrinsic features of proteins, his team built nano-scale arrays for electronics and data storage devices, as well as enzyme arrays for enhancing enzymatic activities. For his research in nanotechnology, in 2004, Dr. Trent became an Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Biomolecular Engineering at UC Santa Cruz and in 2006 received the prestigious NASA Nano50 award for “Innovation in Nanotechnology.”

To acknowledge his contributions to marine science, he was elected in 2006 to be a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences, which is a lifetime position.

In 2007, Dr. Trent began a project called: “Sustainable Energy for Spaceship Earth” with initial support from the founders of Google. For this project, Dr. Trent assembled a team of scientists and engineers focused on Global Research into Energy and the Environment at NASA (GREEN), which ultimately led to the development of OMEGA (Offshore Membrane Enclosures for Growing Algae). OMEGA is a system of ocean-going photobioreactors to grow algae for making biofuels, food, fertilizer, and other useful products, while treating wastewater and sequestering carbon. Dr. Trent now leads a multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers supported by NASA ARMD and the California Energy Commission. The goal is to determine if the OMEGA project is feasibility on a scale that could replace fossil fuels in under ten year and have a global impact.

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Jose CordeiroTeaching Fellow of Singularity University

Mr. Cordeiro studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, where he received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Economics and Languages. His thesis consisted of a dynamic modeling for NASA’s “Freedom” Space Station (the “International” Space Station of today). During his studies, Mr. Cordeiro worked with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna, Austria. He later studied International Economics and Comparative Politics at Georgetown University in Washington, USA, and then obtained his MBA at the INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. He is a lifetime member of the Sigma Xi (Scientific Research) and Tau Beta Pi (Engineering) Honor Societies in North America, is also a honorary member of the Venezuelan Engineers College (CIV), and his name has been included in the Marquis Edition of Who’s Who in the World.

Following his graduation, Mr. Cordeiro worked as an engineer in petroleum exploration for the French company Schlumberger. He served as an advisor for many of the major oil companies in the world, including Agip, BP, ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil, PDVSA, Pemex, Repsol, Shell and Total. Later, in Paris, he initiated his relation with the international consulting company Booz-Allen & Hamilton, where he specialized in the areas of strategy, finance and restructuring. In Latin America, he has served as an advisor for some of the most important regional corporations and has taken part in the transformation and privatization of a number of oil companies in the region.

At present, he is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Developing Economies, IDE – JETRO, in Japan. He is an independent consultant, writer, researcher, professor. He has lectured as an Invited Professor at several major institutions, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and London Business School (LBS) to the Institute for Higher Studies in Administration (IESA) and the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), where he created the first formal courses of Futures Studies (“prospectiva”) and of Austrian School of Economics in Venezuela.

Mr. Cordeiro is founder of the World Future Society (Venezuela Chapter), chair of the Venezuelan Node of the Millennium Project of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, director of the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA) and the Lifeboat Foundation, cofounder of the Venezuelan Transhumanist Association and of the Internet Society (ISOC, Venezuela Chapter), board advisor to the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN), member of the Academic Committee of the Center for the Dissemination of Economic Knowledge (CEDICE), the World Future Society (WFS) and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), former director of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA), the Extropy Institute (ExI), the Club of Rome (Venezuela Chapter, where he has being active promoting classical liberal ideas) and of the Association of Venezuelan Exporters (AVEX), where he participated in the original negotiations of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). He has also been advisor to the Venezuelan Business Association (AVE) and other companies and international organizations.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅰ

“Ocean Technology & Nano Bio”

Future Foresight WorkshopⅡ

Meng ZHOUProfessor of Environmental, Earth and Ocean Sciences University of Massachusetts

Alexander GritsininScience Coordinator of Collaborative Institute for Ocean, Climate and Security(CIOCS)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 195

Meng ZHOUProfessor of Environmental, Earth and Ocean Sciences University of Massachusetts

- European Union Marie Curie Senior Scientist Fellow- French Agency for National Research Chair of Excellence in marine science- Chief Scientist, US natural iron fertilization team in the Southern Ocean

▣ EducationPh.D. Coastal Oceanography State University of New York at Stony Brook, USAM.S. Physical Oceanography Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaB.E. Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

▣ Environment In last 8 years, I have been the chief scientist leading the US natural iron study team consisting scientists from the UMass Boston, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and University of Hawaii in the Southern Ocean to study iron source, and carbon sequestration. At the regional scale, I have served the community by:- monitoring the impacts of Boston effluent on the ecosystems in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays,- understanding the processes causing harmful algal blooms in MSB, and- developing a Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays environment forecast system. ▣ Food-energyMicroalgae production is the future for biofuel industries. The key study is its scale-up from a laboratory scale to an industrial scale. I have been designing photobioreactors for different aquaculture firms based on known fluid mechanics theories, biochemical processes and behavior of algae species leading to a stable high production rate, that is the core for algae–food and algae-biofuel industries. My research interests for microalgae industry are focused on transfering our findings from test tubes to the production at industrial scales including:Designing photobioreactors for maximizing solar energy harvestingDesigning a production line simulating laboratory experiment settings for sustained stable production at an optimal growth rate Maximizing the efficiency and reducing costs of construction and production

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅱ

196 Global HR Forum 2010

Alexander GritsininScience Coordinator of Collaborative Institute for Ocean,Climate and Security(CIOCS)

As the Science Coordinator at the Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security (CIOCS) at the University of Massachusetts Boston Alexander Gritsinin helps create and maintain strong and interactive relations among CIOCS collaborators. He works on ensuring that the Institute’s policy work is based on comprehensive contemporary research conducted by faculty and staff at UMass Boston and its academic, governmental, corporate and civil society partners. He designed and is teaching a course on Environmental Management and Clean Energy at the College of Management at UMass Boston. Alexander has over 15 years of international experience in high-profile scientific research institutions, corporations, and international organizations including the Global Environmental Governance Project, the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, Uzbekistan National Center for Research in Oncology, Yale University, Coca-Cola, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, UNESCO, and the Nature Conservancy. He holds Master’s Degrees in Biophysics and Ecology from Uzbekistan National University and in Environmental Management and Policy from Yale University. He is fluent in Russian and English.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅱ

New emerging business opportunities and business models:

(a)What makes us rich?(b)What do we have to do to win in this dynamic business world"

Future Foresight WorkshopⅢ

Walter DerzkoChairman, The Idea LabProfessor, Toronto University

Michael JacksonChairman, Shaping Tomorrow


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 199

Walter DerzkoChairman, The Idea LabProfessor, Toronto University

Walter Derzko has been actively working in strategy and strategic thinking, technology foresight and business development since 1984, where he ran the horizon /environmental scanning project in the Policy and Program Assessment Unit at Ontario Hydro (now OPG) and latter a technology scanning project in the Business Banking unit at the Royal Bank (RBC) in the 1990's. He has also lectured at Conestoga College in Kitchener offering a popular course called Lateral Thinking Skills in Business and also at the University of Toronto where he managed and taught at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate program at the School of Continuing Studies (SCS). Walter also held the position of Lateral Thinker-in-Residence at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, School of Graduate studies, University of Toronto, guest lectured at the Rotman Business School and he was the Executive Director of the Idea Lab at the Design Exchange Toronto and Associate at the MUNK School of Global Affairs, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, where he ran the Scenario Lab. Mr Derzko is now a Senior Fellow at the Strategic Innovation Lab (or S-lab), OCAD University and an adjunct professor in the Master's program in Strategic Foresight and Innovation (SFI) at OCAD, Toronto. His foresight clients have include numerous branches and ministries in the Ontario Government, the Canadian Federal Government, the Finnish Government and the Ukrainian governments and various strategy think tanks around the world. Corporate clients include companies in telecommunications, energy, retail, food, consulting, marketing, advertising, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, finance, software, nanotechnology, biotechnology sectors and several university technology transfer offices and with scientists turned entrepreneurs.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅲ

200 Global HR Forum 2010

Michael JacksonChairman, Shaping Tomorrow

Mike is a Founder Member and our Chairman. He also advises businesses on dramatically improving their competitiveness through pioneering work on practical Sustainable Business Strategies. Clients include a number of blue-chip, international and national companies and small to medium sized UK businesses. He is known on conference platforms speaking on business subjects including futures, sustainability, customer loyalty and retention, business process re-engineering, change management, building strategic visions and values and people motivation and communications, ethics, alliances and corporate governance: he has many published articles on these subjects. With over 30 years' experience in Business Management in the UK, North America and Europe, he has significant exposure to corporate banking and consumer finance and, latterly, futuring.

Mike was Chief Executive of Birmingham Midshires Building Society between 1990 and 1998, then the UK's 4th largest. As Chief Executive of Birmingham Midshires he achieved a dramatic change for the better in the Society's fortunes moving from near oblivion to a highly profitable, customer led and multiple-award winning business in just eight years. He was previously a Senior Vice President with Bank of America who he joined in 1986. He held several positions at the Bank which included Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa operations, based in London, Head of Consumer Loans Services and Chief Financial Officer for consumer markets, based in North America (San Francisco). After spells with Hawker Siddeley, the Electricity Boards and the Post Office he began his financial services career in 1973 with Citibank NA as its first overseas process engineer, based in London. He then transferred to Italy, with subsidiary Citifin Finanziara as Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, later moving back to the UK with Citibank Savings as Vice President and Customer Services Director, and subsequently Consumer Banking Director.

He studied at Salford University, Manchester, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electronics and a U.S. accredited MBA in Operations Research. He was conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration by the University of Wolverhampton in 1997. He is a Fellow of the Institutes of Directors and a full member of the Strategic Planning Society, the Association of Professional Futurists and the World Future Society.

Mike is to receive the prestigious global STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AWARD, at the WORLD HRD CONGRESS 2011 in Mumbai, India on February 10th 2011.The Award is the most prestigious of the HRD Congress event and is the highest honour which an individual can receive for his or her contribution according to the World HRD Congress Advisory Council.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅲ

“Conscious Living, Conscious Leadership”

Future Foresight WorkshopⅣ

Mary-Jane LiddicoatHead of Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability(LOHAS) Korea

Nate KentCo-founder, Conscious Leadership Asia(CLA)


Open and Ready for Tomorrow 203

Mary-Jane LiddicoatHead of Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability(LOHAS) Korea

Mary-Jane has studied and worked in Asia and the Middle East for over 25 years. Until 2009, she was a diplomat posted to the Australian Embassy in Seoul covering political, human rights, environmental, disarmament and education issues. Prior to this, Mary-Jane worked for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in corporate planning, ICT strategy and business planning policy planning areas, as Director of the Australia-Japan Foundation in Canberra, and in the Public Affairs Section of the Australian Embassy in Tokyo. She speaks Korean and Japanese and authored a language textbook, Syrian Colloquial Arabic, during a four-year stay in the Middle East. In 2010, Mary-Jane resigned from the Australian public service to focus on bringing the latest conscious living information, products and services to Asia as Founder and CEO of Healthy Homes Asia Ltd, ( and as Asia Pacific LOHAS Korea Country Head ( As part of her refocus, Mary-Jane qualified as a Licensed Access Consciousness Facilitator ( in leading-edge conscious living techniques, training people to apply the tools to their work, health, family, finances, business, governance and leadership and any facet of living to bring greater well-being and prosperity to themselves, their organizations, and the planet. Mary-Jane is also a Director on the Board of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea and a regular contributor to Korean electronic, print and online media. As a professional mother of three small children in a multi-lingual/cultural household (Mary-Jane's husband is a Korea sculptor), she has a clear vision of the conscious, sustainable and nurturing environment she desires to generate for her young family in Asia.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅳ

204 Global HR Forum 2010

Nate KentCo-founder, Conscious Leadership Asia(CLA)

Before arriving in Asia seven years ago Nate Kent lived in the USA, where he gained broad experience in a range of leading US companies, including in insurance, finance, distribution management, and event management.

With a focus on prosperity consciousness and how that is applied both personally and professionally, he has consulted with executives and entrepreneurs on both sides of the Pacific using training delivered in Australia and the USA by some of the foremost authorities in the fields of strategic awareness and conscious governance.

Nate is also a certified facilitator in leading techniques used to assist people in looking at their lives from a different perspective and to generate more conscious living. In 2010, Nate co-founded Conscious Leadership Asia to train individuals and organisations in these techniques.

For the past four years he has been also teaching classes in media and intercultural understanding at a university in Gwangju, where he now lives with his Korean wife.

Future Foresight Workshop Ⅳ



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