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Porto Alegre, 2016

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Tese de Doutorado apresentada ao

Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Ciências Médicas: Endocrinologia da

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

do Sul (UFRGS) como requisito para

obtenção do título de Doutora em


Orientadora: Profa Dra. Cristiane Bauermann Leitão

Porto Alegre, 2016

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Catalogação Biblioteca FAMED/HCPA

Esta tese de Doutorado será apresentada no formato exigido pelo Programa de

Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas: Endocrinologia. Ela será constituída de: 1)

Resumo da Tese; 2) Introdução; 3) Artigo de revisão publicado nos Archives of

Endocrinology and Metabolism em 2016; 4) Artigo original ainda não submetido; 4)

Artigo original (em processo de resposta aos revisores no periódico Surgery for Obesity

and Related Diseases); 5) Artigo de revisão realizado durante o doutorado e sem relação

direta com a tese, publicado no periódico American Journal of Perinatology Reports em


Moehlecke, Milene Papel da irisina plasmática e da taxa metabólica de repouso no controle do peso corporal e perfil metabólico de pacientes com diferentes graus de obesidade / Milene Moehlecke. – 2016.

Orientadora. Cristiane Bauermann Leitão. – 2016. 111 f. Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas: Endocrinologia. Porto Alegre, BR-RS, 2016.

1. Obesidade 2. Irisina 3. Taxa metabólica de repouso 4. Cirurgia bariátrica 5. Composição corporal. I. Leitão, Cristiane Bauermann, oriente. II. Título.

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.

Willing is not enough; we must do.”


A todos aqueles que participaram dessa trajetória.

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A minha orientadora Profa. Dra. Cristiane Bauermann Leitão que, desde a época em

que iniciei como aluna de iniciação científica, foi a minha maior inspiração, pois não há modo

de ensinar mais forte e suave do que o próprio exemplo e tu és um exemplo de competência,

humanismo, humildade e bom humor acima de tudo. Obrigada por fazer parte da minha

formação, como médica e como ser humano.

A Profa. Dra Daisy Crispim pela parceria e pelas contribuições fundamentais para a

realização do projeto como um todo.

À colega de pós-graduação, doutoranda Jakeline Rheinheimer, pela dedicação e

cuidado excepcional com o processamento das amostras do estudo.

Ao Prof. Dr. Manoel Roberto Maciel Trindade, pela cooperação ao compartilhar

comigo seus pacientes do ambulatório da equipe da Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo.

À colega Ana Carolina Martins Mazzuca e aos alunos de iniciação científica, Ivan

Zepeda e Lucas Oliveira Junqueira e Silva, pela importante colaboração na execução do


À amiga Carina Andriatta Blume, pela amizade nascida junto com a pós-graduação.

Obrigada pelo incentivo e pela participação especial nas várias etapas do estudo.

Aos meus pais, um agradecimento especial por me proporcionarem os meios

necessários para a materialização dos meus sonhos, sempre com muito amor e apoio.

Obrigada por me mostrarem que para ser feliz é preciso muito pouco, basta apenas

valorizarmos o essencial.

A minha irmã, minha outra fonte de inspiração, uma mulher de personalidade,

generosa e linda.


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A minha amada afilhada Rafaela, por me proporcionar imensa alegria diariamente com

seu jeitinho meigo e carinhoso, e também por recarregar minha energia em períodos mais

difíceis nesses últimos anos.

Ao meu namorado, Géris Mazzuti, pelo apoio fundamental e pelo incentivo constante

por entender o quão importante é para mim a pesquisa e o trabalho como pesquisadora.

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Agradecimentos .............................................................................................................. v

Lista de Tabelas e Figuras .............................................................................................. ix

Lista de Abreviaturas ...................................................................................................... xi

Capítulo 1 – Resumo ...................................................................................................... 12

Capítulo 2 – Introdução .............................. .................................................................... 14

Referências .............................................................................................................. 17

Capítulo 3 – Artigo de revisão: Determinants of body weight regulation in humans: a

review…………………………………………………………...................................... 19

References ................................................................................................................. 40

Capítulo 4 - Considerações finais e perspectivas futuras............................................ .... 47

Anexo – Artigo de revisão realizado e publicado durante o doutorado e sem relação direta

com a tese: Low gestational weight gain in obese women and pregnancy outcomes: a

review............................................................................................................................. 49

References ................................................................................................................ 63

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Capítulo 3: Determinants of body weight regulation in humans: a review

Table 1. Summary of key peptides and neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of body

weight ..................................................................................................... 39

Figure 1. Regulation of energy homeostasis between central nervous system and peripheral

signals ..................................................................................................... 41


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ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

AGA Adequate for gestational age

AgRP Agouti-related peptide

ARC Neurons of the arcuate nucleus

ATP Adenosina trifosfato

BAT Brown adipose tissue

BMI Body mass index

CART Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript

CCK Cholecystokinin

CI Confidence interval

CNS Central nervous system

CRH Corticotropin releasing hormone

CV Coefficients of variability

DXA Dual-energy absorptiometry X-ray

EWL Excess weight loss

FFM Fat-free mass

FM Fat mass

FNDC5 Fibronecting type III domain containing 5

GDM Gestational diabetes

GEE Generalized estimating equation

GLP-1 Glucagon like-peptide 1

GLP-1R GLP-1 receptor

GWG Gestational weight gain

HOMA-IR Homeostasis model of assessment – insulin resistance


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IMC Índice de massa corporal

IOM Institute of Medicine

IPAQ-LF Long-form International Physical Activity Questionnaire

LGA Large for gestation age

MCH Melanin-concentrating hormone

MCR Melanocortin receptors

MC4R Melanocortin 4 receptor

ɑ-MSH Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone

NAFLD Non-alcoholic liver disease

NPY Neuropeptide Y

NST Nucleus of the solitary tract

NTD Neural tube defects

PGC-1α Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ coactivator1α

POMC Pro-opiomelanocortin

PPAR-gama Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

PYY Peptide YY

REE Resting energy expenditure

RYGB Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

SD Standard deviation

SGA Small for gestational age

SNS Sympathetic nervous system

TMR Taxa metabólica de repouso

TNF- alpha Tumor necrosis factor – alpha

UCP1 Uncoupling protein 1

WAT White adipose tissue

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WC Waist circumference

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Introdução: A obesidade, doença crônica e multifatorial, decorre de uma predisposição

genética associada a fatores ambientais e ao desequilíbrio energético. A taxa metabólica de

repouso (TMR) representa o principal componente do gasto energético e está diretamente

relacionada à massa livre de gordura. A participação do tecido adiposo marrom na regulação

do gasto energético em adultos tem sido avaliada nos últimos anos. Em 2012, um hormônio

denominado irisina foi descrito participar deste processo através da indução de uma

subpopulação de adipócitos brancos em um subtipo nomeado bege, com características

funcionais semelhantes ao marrom. Em roedores, este hormônio foi associado ao aumento da

termogênese, redução do peso corporal e melhora do perfil glicêmico. Em humanos,

entretanto, sua contribuição para a regulação energética bem como seu envolvimento em

distúrbios metabólicos permanece incerto. Objetivos: Esta tese é composta de dois estudos

originais. O primeiro avaliou os níveis de irisina em pacientes com diferentes categorias de

índice de massa corporal (IMC), bem como sua associação com parâmetros antropométricos,

metabólicos e de composição corporal. Além disso, foram comparados os níveis de irisina nos

pacientes após perda de peso induzida cirurgicamente a controles obesos. Já o segundo

artigo, teve como objetivo avaliar as mudanças na TMR conforme as modificações da

composição corporal após cirurgia bariátrica e a influência da TMR sobre o excesso de peso

perdido em 12 e 18 meses. Métodos: O primeiro artigo foi uma coorte prospectiva e o

segundo, um estudo observacional prospectivo. Pacientes com idade superior a 18 anos foram

avaliados entre 2013 a 2015. Para avaliação da irisina plasmática, 77 pacientes foram

classificados conforme o seu IMC nos seguintes grupos: Grupo 1: IMC entre 18,5 a 27 kg/m²,

n = 11; Grupo 2: IMC entre 30 kg/m² a 39,9 kg/m², n = 36 e Grupo 3: IMC maior ou igual a

40 kg/m², n = 30. Os pacientes dos Grupos 1 e 2 foram submetidos a qualquer cirurgia

abdominal eletiva, exceto cirurgia bariátrica e os pacientes do Grupo 3 ao bypass gástrico em

Y de Roux. Os 3 grupos foram avaliados no basal e os Grupos 2 e 3 foram reavaliados em 6

meses. Já para avaliação da TMR após a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica, 30

pacientes foram avaliados imediatamente antes e após 6 meses da cirurgia. A TMR foi

avaliada por calorimetria indireta, a composição corporal pela absorciometria por raio X

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com dupla energia e os níveis plasmáticos de irisina por kit Elisa (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals).

Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes avaliados em ambos os estudos foi composta de

mulheres (80%), brancos (82%), e com média de idade de 46±14 anos. Em relação ao estudo

sobre irisina, no basal, os pacientes do Grupo 3 apresentaram mediana de irisina menor em

relação ao Grupo 2: 8,4 (7,8 – 10,5) vs 9,9 (8,9 – 12,0) ng/ml, respectivamente; P = 0,014.

Uma correlação inversa foi observada entre os níveis de irisina e o peso corporal (r = -0,246;

P = 0,042), circunferência da cintura (r = -0,272; P = 0,024), glicemia de jejum (r = -0,259; P

= 0,039), hemoglobina glicada (r = -0,283 P = 0,024), e triglicerídeos (r = -0,414 P <0,001).

Os níveis de irisina foram positivamente correlacionados ao HDL (r = 0,280; P = 0,029). Em

6 meses, todas as medidas antropométricas e de composição corporal foram similares, exceto

pela menor TMR corrigida para o peso (P = 0,038) e para massa livre de gordura (P = 0,044),

e os níveis de irisina, que permaneceram menores nos pacientes do Grupo 3 (P = 0,006). Dos

30 pacientes avaliados no segundo estudo, a média de IMC foi de 49 ± 9 kg/m², peso corporal

de 128 ± 19 kg, metade do qual constituído por massa gorda (50 ± 5%). A TMR no basal foi

2297 ± 182 kcal/dia. O excesso de peso perdido foi de 54 ± 16%, sendo 45% como massa

gorda e 24% como massa livre de gordura. A TMR reduziu 19% durante o seguimento (-405

± 108 kcal/dia; P <0,001). Pacientes com uma redução superior a 405 kcal/dia em 6 meses

apresentaram menor excesso de peso perdido em 18 meses (r = -0,612; P = 0,035).

Conclusão: Os níveis de irisina estão reduzidos nos pacientes com obesidade grau 3 (IMC

≥40 kg/m²), bem como os níveis de irisina mostraram uma correlação inversa com parâmetros

metabólicos relacionados à ação da insulina, sugerindo um provável envolvimento deste

hormônio em estados de resistência insulínica, como a obesidade e o diabetes tipo 2. Além

disso, pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica que apresentaram uma maior redução na

TMR em 6 meses exibiram um menor excesso de peso perdido em longo prazo.

Palavras-chave: Irisina; Obesidade; Cirurgia bariátrica; Bypass gástrico em

Y Roux; Diabetes tipo 2; Taxa metabólica de repouso.

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Capítulo 2 - Introdução

O avanço científico sobre o reconhecimento das propriedades endócrinas e

metabólicas do tecido adiposo bem como a constatação sobre sua capacidade em produzir

hormônios, as chamadas adipocinas, atuantes na patogênese de distúrbios metabólicos como a

obesidade, diabetes tipo 2 e doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, está revolucionando

conceitos sobre a sua biologia (1). Ademais, a compreensão detalhada das suas propriedades

funcionais relacionadas a distúrbios metabólicos contribuirá para melhorar o prognóstico de

tais doenças, cuja prevalência vem crescendo de forma preocupante, sobretudo em países em

desenvolvimento (1).

O tecido adiposo é o principal reservatório energético do organismo. Nos mamíferos,

dois tipos de tecido adiposo são descritos: o branco e o marrom, com propriedades

metabólicas distintas (2). O adipócito branco armazena os triacilglicerois em uma única e

grande gota lipídica, ocupando aproximadamente 85 a 90% do citoplasma (3). Já os

adipócitos marrons podem ser identificados em aglomerados, mesmo dentro do tecido adiposo

branco, sendo caracterizados por conter grande quantidade de proteína desacopladora 1

(UCP1 ou termogenina) e de mitocôndrias, ambas relacionadas à termogênese e à regulação

da temperatura corporal (3).

Embora descrito em certos mamíferos desde 1551, a compreensão de que o tecido

adiposo marrom é encontrado em todos os mamíferos ocorreu apenas no último século (2). A

termogênese é uma das suas funções que tem sido reconhecida nos últimos 40 anos (2).

Finalmente, seu envolvimento nos diversos tipos de insuficiência metabólica, como um

possível órgão antiobesidade, tem sido discutido há apenas três décadas (4).

Como referido acima, o adipócito marrom é densamente enriquecido de mitocôndrias

que, por não possuírem o complexo enzimático necessário para a síntese de adenosina

trifosfato (ATP), utilizam a energia liberada pela oxidação de metabólitos, principalmente

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ácidos graxos, para geração de calor (5). Esse processo ocorre porque a UCP1, uma proteína

da membrana mitocondrial interna do adipócito marrom, atua como um canal de próton que

descarrega a energia gerada pelo acúmulo de prótons no espaço intermembranoso das

mitocôndrias durante as reações oxidativas do ciclo de Krebs, desviando esses prótons do

complexo F1F0 (ATP sintase) e impedindo a síntese de ATP, permitindo que se dissipe em

calor a energia armazenada na mitocôndria (2).

PGC1-α (do inglês, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator1-alfa) é

um coativador transcricional que participa de muitos programas biológicos relacionados ao

metabolismo energético. Originalmente descrito como um coativador do PPAR-δ, modulando

a expressão da UCP1 e da termogênese no tecido adiposo marrom (6), tem recentemente sido

descrito seu papel como ativador da biogênese mitocondrial e do metabolismo oxidativo em

muitos tipos celulares (7). PGC1-α é induzido no músculo pelo exercício, estimulando muitos

dos efeitos benéficos conhecidos do exercício no músculo: biogênese mitocondrial,

angiogênese e mudança do tipo de fibra muscular (8). O beneficio da expressão aumentada do

PGC1-α pode ir além do tecido muscular em si. A hiperexpressão de PGC1-α em roedores

geneticamente modificados foi associada à melhora do perfil glicêmico e a um menor ganho

de peso (9). Tal achado sugere que o PGC1-α estimula a expressão de uma série de produtos

genéticos musculares, denominadas miocinas, que são potencialmente secretadas durante o

exercício, incluindo o FNDC5 (do inglês, fibronectin type III domain containing 5), com ação

em outros tecidos.

O FNDC5, ao ser proteoliticamente clivado, libera na circulação uma miocina

denominada irisina. Este hormônio, por sua vez, é induzido pelo exercício e atua estimulando

a diferenciação de precursores de adipócitos brancos em um terceiro tipo de célula adiposa -

bege, efeito conhecido como browning, sendo identificada pela maior expressão de UCP1

nessas células (10). Dessa forma, a conversão de parte das células adiposas brancas em bege

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pode contribuir para o aumento da termogênese e consequentemente do gasto energético,

potencialmente refletindo-se sobre um menor ganho de peso e proteção contra o surgimento

de doenças metabólicas como o diabetes tipo 2. Experimento em camundongos submetidos a

exercício resistido durante três semanas mostrou aumento na expressão tanto de PGC-1α

quanto do FNDC5, além de uma elevação em 65% na concentração sérica de irisina após o

período de estímulo com exercício (9).

Resultados similares foram encontrados em um experimento realizado em humanos

adultos e saudáveis submetidos a 10 semanas de exercício regular. Um aumento de 2 vezes

nos níveis plasmáticos de irisina foi documentado em relação ao grupo controle (11). Então, a

irisina parece estar presente tanto em roedores como em humanos, com homologia idêntica,

aumentando após o exercício e com efeitos comprovados sobre a termogênese e regulação do

peso corporal em modelos animais.

Em humanos, sua participação na diferenciação de células adiposas, bem como sua

contribuição para a termogênese e envolvimento em vias metabólicas necessita ser melhor


Dessa forma, esta tese tem os seguintes objetivos:

1. Revisar os mecanismos biológicos responsáveis pela regulação do peso corporal,

detalhando as vias aferentes, eferentes bem como a integração destas informações no sistema

nervoso central;

2. Avaliar se existe associação entre os níveis plasmáticos de irisina e medidas

antropométricas, de composição corporal e parâmetros metabólicos em pacientes com

diferentes graus de obesidade comparando-os a indivíduos eutróficos;

3. Avaliar as mudanças na taxa metabólica de repouso 6 meses após a cirurgia

bariátrica conforme as mudanças na composição corporal e a repercussão das modificações da

taxa metabólica de repouso sobre o excesso de peso perdido em 12 e 18 meses.

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1. Fonseca-Alaniz MH, Takada J, Alonso-Vale MI, Lima FB. The adipose tissue as a

regulatory center of the metabolism. Arch Endocrinol Metab 2006;50(2):216-29.

2. Cannon B, Nedergaard J. Brown adipose tissue: function and physiological

significance. Physiol Rev 2004;84(1):277-359.

3. Virtanen KA, Lidell ME, Orava J, et al. Functional brown adipose tissue in healthy

adults. NEJM 2009;360(15):1518-25.

4. Rothwell NJ, Stock MJ. A role for brown adipose tissue in diet-induced

thermogenesis. Nature 1979;281(5726):31-5.

5. Brondani LA, Assmann TS, Duarte GC, Gross JL, Canani LH, Crispim D. The role of

the uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) on the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Arch Endocrinol Metab 2012;56(4):215-25.

6. Cereijo R, Giralt M, Villarroya F. Thermogenic brown and beige/brite adipogenesis in

humans. Ann Med 2015;47(2):169-77.

7. Gali Ramamoorthy T, Laverny G, Schlagowski AI, et al. The transcriptional

coregulator PGC-1beta controls mitochondrial function and anti-oxidant defence in skeletal

muscles. Nat Comm 2015;6:10210.

8. Bostrom P, Wu J, Jedrychowski MP, et al. A PGC1-alpha-dependent myokine that

drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis. Nature


9. Xu X, Ying Z, Cai M, et al. Exercise ameliorates high-fat diet-induced metabolic and

vascular dysfunction, and increases adipocyte progenitor cell population in brown adipose

tissue. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2011;300(5):1115-25.

10. Pedersen BK. A muscular twist on the fate of fat. NEJM 2012;366(16):1544-5.

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11. Vind BF, Pehmoller C, Treebak JT, et al. Impaired insulin-induced site-specific

phosphorylation of TBC1 domain family, member 4 (TBC1D4) in skeletal muscle of type 2

diabetes patients is restored by endurance exercise-training. Diabetologia 2011;54(1):157-67.

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Determinants of body weight regulation in humans: a review

Abbreviated title: Review of body weight regulation

Milene Moehlecke1, Luis Henrique Canani

1, Lucas Oliveira Junqueira e Silva

2, Manoel

Roberto Maciel Trindade3, Rogerio Friedman

1, Cristiane Bauermann Leitão


1Endocrine Division, Serviço de Endocrinologia do Hospital de Clínicas de

Porto Alegre, Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, Prédio 12, 4º andar, 90035-003 Porto

Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

2Graduate student, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

3Digestive Surgery Division, Serviço de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo do Hospital de Clínicas de

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Milene Moehlecke*

Corresponding author*: Serviço de Endocrinologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350

Prédio 12 - 4º andar

Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil

CEP: 90035-003

55 51 33598246

Artigo publicado na revista Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2016 Feb 23. pii:


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Body weight is regulated by the ability of hypothalamic neurons to orchestrate

behavioral, endocrine and autonomic responses via afferent and efferent pathways to the

brainstem and the periphery. Weight maintenance requires a balance between energy intake

and energy expenditure. Although several components that participate in energy homeostasis

have been identified, there is a need to know in more detail their actions as well as their

interactions with environmental and psychosocial factors in the development of human


In this review, we examine the role of systemic mediators such as leptin, ghrelin and

insulin, which act in the central nervous system by activating or inhibiting neuropeptide Y,

Agouti-related peptide protein, melanocortin, transcript related to cocaine and amphetamine,

and others. As a result, modifications in energy homeostasis occur through regulation of

appetite and energy expenditure. We also examine compensatory changes in the circulating

levels of several peripheral hormones after diet-induced weight loss.

Keywords: Appetite Regulation, Energy Metabolism, Energy Expenditure, Body


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Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease of complex etiology, resulting from the

chronic disruption between energy intake and energy expenditure, involving genetic,

environmental, lifestyle and emotional factors. The body mass index (BMI) calculated by

dividing weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared, is one of the available tools for

assessment of overall adiposity. The prevalence of overweight, defined as BMI between 25

and 29.9 kg/m2 and obesity, as BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m

2 has increased

progressively in recent decades. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey show that approximately 70% of North American adults are overweight and 35% are

obese. Obese individuals have an increased risk of obesity-related chronic complications and

mortality from all causes proportional to the increasing of BMI (1). The addition of waist

circumference (WC) to BMI seems to predict a greater variance in health risk than does BMI

alone (2). Increased central adiposity is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and

mortality [11]. In adults with a BMI of 25 to 34.9 kg/m2, a WC greater than 102 cm (40 in)

for men and 88 cm (35 in) for women is associated with a greater risk of chronic

complications (2).

In this review, we synthesize the main neurohumoral mechanisms involved in the

regulation of energy metabolism and the evidence for their possible association with the

development of obesity. In addition, we discuss briefly about compensatory changes in the

circulating levels of several peripheral hormones after weight loss for understanding the

physiological basis of weight regain after diet-induced weight loss.

Integration of afferent and efferent system and complex regulator

The appetite control derives from a variety of afferent stimuli (afferent pathways) to be

processed in the central nervous system (CNS) (processing unit) and finally signals the intake

and regulates energy store (4). Sense organs, humoral signals, nutrients and vagals afferents

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are involved in feeding in the short term (5). Processing unit of the CNS includes

hypothalamus and brain stem. Efferent system, a complex regulator of appetite and satiety,

includes limbic cortex, thalamus, brain stem, insula, hippocampus and base nuclei that taken

together with autonomic thermogenic effectors will regulate the energy expenditure (Figure

1). The interaction between these components finally will result in increased or decreased in

energy stores.

Afferent system: hormones signaling energy reserves

Role of the adipose tissue

Adipose tissue is the major reservoir of energy in the body. In mammals, two types of

adipose tissue occur: white and brown both directly regulated by the autonomic nervous

system (6). Sympathetic innervation is mainly related to the catabolic actions, such as

lipolysis, mediated by β-adrenergic receptor-dependent activity of the enzyme hormone-

sensitive lipase (6). On the other hand, the parasympathetic activation is involved in anabolic

effects, such as uptake of glucose and fatty acids stimulated by insulin (6).

Recent evidence has shown that the adipose tissue also plays an important role in the

integration of endocrine, metabolic and inflammatory signals to control energy homeostasis,

through the production of a variety of bioactive proteins, together referred to as "adipokines",

which include: leptin, adiponectin, resistin, visfatin, tumor necrosis factor – alpha (TNF-

alpha), plasminogen inhibitor type 1, among others. Some of these are associated with

disruption in metabolism and obesity and will be described below.


Leptin is produced mainly in white adipose tissue and its concentration, in normal

individuals, is proportional to the amount of adipose tissue, being higher in subcutaneous

adipose tissue compared to visceral tissue (7). Leptin, which is stimulated by insulin, acts by

inhibiting the release of neuropeptide Y (NPY)/Agouti-related peptide (AgRP), and through

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increased activation of neurons of the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus that

express the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) (8). Thus, the NPY/AgRP neurons are thought to

constitute a potent feeding system that is actively opposed by the POMC/cocaine and

amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) satiety system (9). Leptin also stimulates other

anorexigenic peptides such as corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and CART, resulting in

catabolic effects of prolonged action and decreased food intake with increased energy

expenditure (9). In polygenic obesity, increased leptin levels suggest resistance to its

anorexigenic effects. It is likely that a failure in its production and / or action on its

hypothalamic receptor could lead to a positive energy balance, generating hyperphagia and

severe obesity (10). In human or animal obesity models with lack the leptin receptor or ligand,

high leptin levels do not inhibit the feeding; its absence is a strong stimulus to induce feeding

though (9). This can be considered an evolutionarily advantageous system as it allows for

excess energy storage when resources are transiently available but drives feeding behavior

under more limiting conditions (11). However, leptin signaling becomes maladaptive under

obesogenic environment with easy access to highly palatable and energy dense foods.


Visfatin is an adipokine highly expressed in visceral fat that has been associated to

numerous proinflammatory effects and glucose homeostasis (12). Obesity and type 2 diabetes

were associated with elevated circulating plasma visfatin in meta-analysis of observational

studies (13). It has been suggested that visfatin is significantly increased during the process of

adipogenesis, being involved in adipocyte differentiation and proliferation (14). Its elevated

plasma levels in association with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are probably a

consequence of the hyperglycaemia milieu (13). Its exact biological action remains uncertain

being necessary further investigation to clarify the connection between visfatin, and

pathologic conditions as obesity and type 2 diabetes (13).

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Adiponectin appears to play an important role in the modulation of glucose and lipid

metabolism in insulin sensitive tissues, both in animals and humans models (15). Its

production is stimulated by PPAR-gama and inhibited by catecholamines, and TNF- alpha

(16). It acts systemically through two receptors, adipo-R1 and adipo-R2 (expressed in muscle

tissue and in hepatocytes, respectively), increasing sensitivity to insulin, reducing hepatic

glucose production and stimulating fatty acid oxidation (16). In humans, plasma adiponectin

levels are significantly lower in states of insulin resistance, including type 2 diabetes (17).

Two loci related to metabolic syndrome components were identified in the same chromosome

(3q27) where the adiponectin gene is located, reinforcing the role of this hormone in obesity

(18). The fact that obesity is characterized by a state of adiponectin deficiency makes this an

interesting target for possible therapeutic interventions.


The main biological effects of resistin are associated with increases in blood glucose

levels and obesity in some animal models, partially explained as a consequence of increased

hepatic glucose production (19). In humans, resistin reduces insulin-stimulated glucose uptake

in isolated adipocytes. The mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear, although

data aim to the suppression of AMP-activated protein kinase activity by resistin, primarily in

the liver, due to activation of cytokine stimulation-3 suppressor. The phenotypes of

humanized resistin transgenic mice suggest similar roles of murine and human resistin in

insulin resistance (20). Elevated resistin levels are associated with greater risk for type 2

diabetes, increased inflammatory markers and atherosclerosis (21).

Role of the intestine

In the gut, chemo and mechano-receptors give information about the amount of

nutrients that is temporarily stored in the gastrointestinal tract (8). In the stomach, nutrients

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are perceived by vagal stretch and sensors present in the gastric mucosa (8). Moreover,

intestinal peptides, stimulated by food intake, mediate satiety centers in the brain stem.

Signals received by the brain stem centers to regulate long term weight use neural connections

with the hypothalamus to regulate total daily intake, by adjusting the size of the meals, their

number or both (22).


Ghrelin is a potent orexigenic hormone that stimulates food intake (10). The stomach

is the primary site of ghrelin, although lower concentrations may be found in other organs as

small intestine and hypothalamus (10). It is likely that this peptide is responsible for the start

of a meal. Its levels are elevated one to two hours before the meal, and are decreased soon

after (23). Its orexigenic action results from activation of NPY/AgRP neurons in the ARC

(10). The pharmacological blockade of ghrelin receptors in these neurons attenuates food

intake in rodents (24). The exogenous administration of ghrelin is associated with increased

food intake, reduced resting energy expenditure and catabolism in the adipose tissue (25).

Glucagon like-peptide 1 (GLP-1)

GLP-1, derived from the proglucagon gene, is the prototypical incretin hormone. GLP-

1 release is triggered by ingestion of carbohydrates, fats, and protein and seems to reflect, at

least in part, the direct sensing of luminal nutrients by the apical processes of the intestinal L-

cells and the hindbrain, primarily in the nucleus of the solitary tract (26). GLP-1 acts as

satiety signals through the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R). GLP-1R can also be stimulated

exogenously via long lasting GLP-1 analogs (27). In humans, peripheral GLP-1

administration to normal and diabetic subjects induces satiety and reduces food intake in short

term studies (28). Chronic continuous GLP-1 administration to human diabetic subjects was

associated with modest weight loss (28). The effects of GLP-1 on appetite may be mediated in

part via inhibition of gastric emptying and also reflect direct effects of GLP-1 on satiety and

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induction of taste aversion (29). GLP-1R stimulation reduces food reward behavior (28).

Peripherally, GLP-1 stimulates lipolysis, adiponectin expression and increases thermogenesis

with increased energy expenditure (30).

Peptide YY (PYY)

PYY is released in the gastrointestinal tract in the postprandial period. It is important

in prompting the end of the meal (8). It acts by inhibiting the activity of neurons NPY/AgRP

and stimulating POMC/CART in the ARC of the hypothalamus. Infusion of PYY at

physiological doses results in inhibition of gastric emptying and gastric acid and pancreatic

exocrine secretion (31). These effects are mediated by direct action of PYY on the dorsal

vagal complex (31). The peripheral administration of pharmacological doses of this peptide

seems to have a short anorectic effect in humans, suggesting that PYY functions as a satiety

factor (32). The mechanisms underlying the action of PYY in reducing food intake have not

been fully elucidated. Its contribution in long term regulation of energy deposits, however,

needs to be better evaluated.

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

CCK is released approximately 15 min after meal initiation by the presence of lipids

and proteins, inducing anorectic effect by vagal afferent pathways (33). There are several

known bioactive forms of CCK, such as CCK-8 and CCK-58 and two types of CCK

receptors, CCKA and CCKB (33). CCKA (also known as CCK1) seems to play a more

important role in food intake regulation. CCK regulates short term feeding behavior in mice

through selectively satiation, namely, the termination of eating at meal end (34). Deficits

in satiation signaling during obesogenic feeding have been proposed to play a role in

hyperphagia and weight gain in animals prone to become obese. The effects of CCK on

suppression of food intake of high fat fed obese prone and resistant rats and its role on lipid-

induced satiation was recently examined (35). Obese prone rats have reduced feeding

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responses to exogenous CCK and have deficits in endogenous CCK signaling compared to

resistant rats (35). These results suggest that high fat feeding leads to impairments in lipid-

induced CCK satiation signaling in obese-prone rats, potentially contributing to hyperphagia

and weight gain. Moreover, to evaluate CCK function on meal size and intermeal interval,

CCK was injected in experimental rodents during every spontaneous meal by intraperitoneal

catheters with extended of both (36). However, the absence of CCK signaling seems has no

effect on long term energy homeostasis. The influence of exogenous CCK-8 on satiety effect

was first reported in obese humans in 1982 and revealed that subjects stopped eating sooner

during CCK-8 administration, even though maintaining the same eat rate (37). Studies have

been shown that in lean individuals, the increase in postprandial CCK levels is high and fast,

which may result in earlier occurrence of satiation, while in obese individuals, postprandial

CCK levels remain increased for longer (38).


Insulin is a circulating afferent signal, whose concentrations increasing with BMI,

with many central effects similar to leptin (10). Mice without insulin receptors in the CNS

develop hyperphagia and fat deposition, while insulin agonists exert the opposite effect (39).

In view of insulin and leptin regulate body weight via negative feedback, the exogenous

administration of these hormones would presumably promote weight loss (10). However,

obese individuals become resistant to insulin and leptin, and remain hyperphagic despite high

circulating levels of both hormones (40). Researchers have attempted to elucidate the

mechanisms associated with resistance to the action of these hormones, as well as to develop

more effective agonists of leptin and insulin analogues with selective action in the CNS,

without peripheral anabolic effects (10).

Central circuits: regulation of energy homeostasis

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The regulation of energy homeostasis occurs through interconnection between a wide

variety of signals from the gastrointestinal tract, via either sensory afferents or via circulation,

at the dorsal vagal complex to multiple brain circuits to affect autonomic neuronal pathways

and endocrine organs (41). This interaction will result in appetite control, in satiety, defined as

sensation of satisfaction or fullness, and in the pleasure associated with food, related to

palatability and reward derived from food (9).

The hypothalamus and the brain stem act as the two main centers, which receive and

integrate peripheral signals that then cross-regulate each other and communicate with higher

brain regions such as the anterior forebrain mesolimbic reward system (22). Peptides can

regulate both appetite and energy expenditure as neurotransmitters can act in an even more

complex way, through multiple receptors. Its effects may vary according to the anatomical

region involved (42). A summary of the principal peptides and neurotransmitters involved in

the regulation of body weight are presented in Table 1.


Within the hypothalamus, several hypothalamic sites are thought to be key in

regulating energy homeostasis. The ARC of the hypothalamus contains two populations of

neurons that continuously monitor signals reflecting energy status and promote the

appropriate behavioral and metabolic responses to changes in energy demand. Neurons

making POMC decrease food intake and increase energy expenditure through activation of G

protein-coupled melanocortin receptors (MCR) via release of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating

hormone (ɑ-MSH) (Figure 1) (43). AgRP acts antagonizing the action of α-MSH at the

melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R). Overexpression of AgRP can lead to obesity (44). MC4R is

widely found in the hypothalamus and activation of this receptor by α-MSH reduces food

intake (45). Deletions or mutations in the MC4R are associated with obesity. It is estimated

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that 5% of cases of early-onset and severe obesity are the result of heterozygous mutations of

MC4R (46).

Neurons expressing orexigenic neuropeptides as NPY, AgRP, MCH neurons act

increasing feeding and decreasing energy expenditure primarily by opposing the

anorexigenic/catabolic actions of the POMC through both via competitive inhibition of

melanocortin tone at the postsynaptic level and via direct inhibition of POMC (43). The

opposite does not occur, favoring dietary intake and decreased energy expenditure in the

absence of reciprocal inhibition of the POMC system on the NPY / AgRP.

Two neuropeptides are expressed by neurons in the lateral hypothalamus: melanin-

concentrating hormone (MCH) and orexins (42). MCH stimulates appetite, possibly induced

by the flavor of foods (47). The MCH producers neurons in the lateral hypothalamus are

projected to the centers of smell and other areas of cerebral cortex, being inhibited by MSH

producers neurons and neurons stimulated by NPY/AgRP (47). Orexins have secondary

effects on food intake (42). The exact sites targeted by MCH neurons and orexins for

induction of feeding behavior remains being determined.

Brain stem

The brain stem is classically understood as the center for detection and response to

hunger/satiety signals (47). The dorsal vagal complex is comprised of the nucleus of the

solitary tract (NST), the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (vagal motor neurons) and the area

postrema. Sensory afferent signals carried by glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves include

indications of taste, gastric stretch, and levels of glucose and lipids in the liver and portal vein.

This information is relayed to the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, located ventrally to the

NTS, which is the primary site of motor effectors into the intestine (47).

Efferent system: regulation of energy expenditure, efferent autonomic and endocrine


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Energy expenditure

Ultimately, obesity results from an imbalance between energy input and energy

output. Energy expenditure comprises combustion of substrates by oxygen and body’s work

and is divided into four types: (1) obligatory thermogenesis, related to cellular metabolism,

functioning of organs, maintenance of the body’s vital functions; (2) postprandial

thermogenesis, or the thermal effect of food; (3) thermogenesis resulting from physical

activity; and (4) adaptive thermogenesis (48). It has been postulated that a deficit in energy

expenditure could contribute to the storage of triglycerides leading to obesity.

The obligatory thermogenesis is also referred to as resting energy expenditure (REE),

representing approximately 70% of energy expenditure (42). Most studies do not support the

involvement of a defect in REE in the development of obesity. Obese individuals usually have

greater REE than lean persons because greater lean and adipose tissue cell mass excess (49).

Ravussin et al concluded that the most important factor determining both the increased REE

and energy expenditure during 24 h in obese when compared to control subjects is the

increased free fat mass (49). Some studies, however, have shown that a low energy

expenditure could play a role in energy imbalance and obesity. A longitudinal study showed

that a low rate of energy expenditure adjusted for body composition could be a predictor of

weight gain in population prone to obesity (50). Another prospective study evaluated the

energy metabolism and weight changes in Pima Indians, one of the most obese populations in

the world (51). In this study, both total caloric intake and REE were significantly associated

with changes in weight in an average period of four years. Weight loss is associated with a

reduction in energy expenditure that is out of proportion to changes in lean body mass, and it

appears to persist indefinitely as long as the reduced weight is maintained (52).

The oxygen consumption increased (approximately 50 kcal to 100 kcal over a period

of 4 hours to 8 hours) after the ingestion of food is named thermic effect of food (53). There

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are many factors that can influence it, as meal size, composition meal, physical activity and

stands out the insulin resistance. In animal models, the association between obesity and

decreased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity has consistently been found (53). The

normal response (increased oxygen consumption) to a high fat diet is absent in mice without

β-adrenergic receptor (53). In humans, it is likely that obese subjects have smaller but

potentially important reduction in thermic effect of food from the insulin resistance and

attenuated SNS activity (53).

The most variable part of energy expenditure is that corresponding to physical activity:

exercise and non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which includes involuntary activities such

as spontaneous muscle contractions, maintaining posture and involuntary movements, both

representing 20% of energy expenditure (47). Physical activity has short and long-term effects

on energy expenditure. Acutely, it induces an increase in oxygen consumption (47). Irisin

levels are increased in response to acute exercise as described in the section “Role of muscle

tissue”. In addition, it may have long-term effects on REE, which may be promoted by

stimulants of adaptive thermogenesis, as excess calories (42). It is unknown whether obese

persons expend less total energy on daily physical activity than lean individuals do or if they

are less active (54). Obese persons expend the same amount of energy as lean persons to

perform the same amount of work during non–weight bearing activity (42). However, during

weight-bearing activities, obese persons expend more energy than lean ones because more

work is required to carry their greater body weight (55). It is estimated that in obese persons,

the energy deficit created by exercise is usually much less and requires more effort than the

energy deficit created by a reduced-calorie diet (47).

Adaptive thermogenesis corresponds to changes in energy expenditure as a function of

thyroid hormones administration, exposure to cold and food intake, and accounts for 10% of

energy expenditure (48). Thyroid hormones play a critical role in both obligatory and adaptive

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thermogenesis. In complete absence of thyroid hormone, REE could be reduced by at least

30% (56). In response to an environment with low temperature, the SNS encourages a

thermogenic response of brown adipose tissue with rapid increase in T3 levels. Although

thyroid hormones are critical for the regulation of REE and adaptive thermogenesis, their

effects on weight in the absence of diseases such as hyper or hypothyroidism are difficult to

determine. The effects of administration of daily injections of T3 or GC-1 (a synthetic

analogue, selective for the β type thyroid receptor) at equimolar doses, for 6 weeks, on

different metabolic parameters were assessed in rodents (57). In this study, animals treated

with T3 or GC-1 lost 70% and 20% of the fat mass, respectively, compared to controls, which

gained 80% of fat mass, with no difference in the gain of fat-free mass. The development of

synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones with selective effect on the REE, adaptive

thermogenesis and metabolic profile, without side effects on other organs, is a promising area

in the treatment of obesity (57).

The brown adipose tissue regulates energy expenditure through adaptive

thermogenesis, a process that results in heat production by mitochondria to maintain normal

body temperature. The activity of brown adipose tissue increases during childhood and

adolescence, reaching a peak at 13 years of age, with a tendency to decrease progressively

with increased age (58). The brown adipose tissue was not previously associated with

thermogenesis in adults. However, observational studies using positron emission tomography

and computerized tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose have shown the presence of

metabolically active brown adipose tissue in healthy adults when exposed to cold (59). Thus,

the activation of brown adipose tissue may be an important component of energy expenditure

stimulated by cold in adults. Moreover, the activity of brown adipose tissue is inversely

related to BMI, age and percentage of body fat (58).

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Irisin is secreted by myocytes and appears to mediate the beneficial effects of exercise

on metabolism. Irisin, secreted into the blood as a product of fibronecting type III domain

containing 5 (FNDC5), is induced by exercise and stimulates the transformation of white

adipose tissue into brown adipose tissue, an effect known as "browning" of subcutaneous

adipose tissue, by increasing the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1, thermogenin)

(60). This effect leads to increased energy expenditure, potentially reflected in the reduction

of body weight and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Böstrom and colleagues examined the

effect of exercise on FNDC5 expression in the skeletal muscle of mice after 3 weeks of

resistance exercise (60). There was a significant increase in both FNDC5 and plasma levels of

irisin, resulting in improved glucose tolerance and reduced weight of mice submitted to

exercise (60). Similar to what occurs in mice, the gene is expressed in the muscle of humans

(61). Although irisin is identical in humans and rodents, the reproducibility of the effects of

different stimuli in rodents is still doubtful in humans. Since that formation of brown adipose

tissue has shown antidiabetes and antiobesity effects in both murine and human models,

administration of analogues of irisin is a potentially attractive therapeutic target for metabolic

disorders, especially in patients unable to perform physical activity (62).

Efferent autonomic

Regarding the contribution of the SNS, several neuropeptides, monoamines and drugs

involved in the modulation of food intake and energy storage have reciprocal effects on

sympathetic activity and adaptive thermogenesis (63). Both serotonin and norepinephrine

reduce food intake and increase sympathetic activity (63). Mice expressing no adrenergic

receptors develop severe obesity due to impaired diet-induced thermogenesis (63). Decreased

SNS activity has been described in humans with obesity (63). Reduced sympathetic activity

plays an opposite role in the adipose tissue: in white adipose tissue, there is a recruitment of

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new adipocytes that will result in hypertrophy and overdevelopment this cell; in the brown

adipose tissue, an decrease in SNS activity will result in an overall decreased thermogenesis

by two ways: decreasing the amount and activity of UCP1 and, decreasing the number of

brown adipocytes (6).

Gut microbiota

Dietary habits are considered one of the main factors that contribute to the diversity of

human gut microbiota (64). Microbial changes in the human gut have been proposed as

another possible cause of obesity (65). Many studies have reported shifts in the relative

abundance of bacterial communities in the gut microbiota of obese relative to normal-weight

individuals, and each study has attempted to link obesity with a species- or genus-specific

composition profile of the gut microbiota (64). Meta-analyses revealed no difference in the

Bacteroidetes concentrations between obese and normal weight humans (66). Other meta-

analyses revealed that obese subjects present less Firmicutes, Bifidobacteria and

Methanobrevibacter spp. than nonobese subjects do in their gut flora (8). However, it is still

poorly understood how the dynamics and composition of intestinal microbiota are affected by

diet or other lifestyle factors. It is believed that gut microbiota could affect body weight in

experimental animals (and probably in humans) by several mechanisms, including effects on

energy metabolism, low-grade inflammation, and altered gut permeability (67). Further

studies should be conducted to clarify how gut microbial communities normally operate, and

how they may be altered by probiotic, prebiotic, and antibiotic interventions to promote

weight loss (64).

Short and long-term persistence of hormonal adaptations to weight loss

After a period of weight loss induced by dieting, the body lay hold on to a series of

adjustments in order to restrict the weight loss and prevent starvation. Calorie restriction

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induces compensatory short and long term mechanisms that will promote regain weight in

most patients in treatment. The extremely high failure rate (>80%) to keep the reduced weight

after successful weight loss is due to adaptation processes of the body to maintain body

energy stores (68). Increased hunger and decreased satiety are secondary to increased ghrelin

following weight loss (69). Moreover, significant and persistent reductions in energy

expenditure as well as reductions in anorexigenic hormones as leptin appear to persist for at

least one year following weight reduction and may remain altered indefinitely in a manner

that promotes increased energy intake and ultimately weight regain (69). As previously

documented, obese individuals undergoing weight loss through diet exhibit an approximate

28% decrease in energy expenditure (70).


The determination of body weight results, ultimately, from a complex interaction of

peripheral signals involving the gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissue and muscle with the

CNS. The increasingly detailed mapping of effector pathways that regulate body weight in

response to afferent information from peripheral adiposity signals has produced a series of

targets for new anti-obesity drugs. Although several components that participate in energy

homeostasis have been identified, there is a need to know further details about their actions as

well as their interactions with environmental and psychosocial factors in the development of

human obesity. For most obese persons, negative energy balance is more readily achieved by

decreasing food intake than by increasing physical activity. Therefore, dietary intervention is

considered the cornerstone of weight-loss therapy. Weight-loss diets generally involve

modifications of energy content and macronutrient composition. However, the degree of

weight loss achieved primarily depends on the energy content, rather than the relative

macronutrient composition of the diet. Since the adaptive biologic responses to weight loss

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are prone to promote energy accumulation, individuals must restrict energy intake and

increase energy expenditure indefinitely to avoid weight regain.


AgRP: Agouti-related peptide protein; BMI: body mass index; CART: cocaine and amphetamine

regulated transcript; CCK: cholecystokinin; CNS: central nervous system; CRH: corticotropin

releasing hormone; FNDC5: fibronectin type III domain containing 5; GC-1: synthetic analogue

selective thyroid receptor β type; GLP-1: Glucagon like-peptide 1; GLP-1R: GLP-1 receptor; MCH:

melanin-concentrating hormone; MC4R: melanocortin 4 receptor; MSH: melanocyte stimulating

hormone; NPY: neuropeptide Y; NST: Nucleus of the solitary tract; POMC: pro-opiomelanocortin;

PYY: peptide YY; REE: resting energy expenditure; SNS: sympathetic nervous system; UCP1:

uncoupling protein 1; WC: waist circumference.

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Table 1. Summary of key peptides and neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of body weight

Production site Stimulation of



inhibitors Action

Effects on



of hunger

Effects on




Leptin Adipose tissue


period Insulin

Fast Inhibition of NPY / AgRP

Increased release of α-



c action Increases

Ghrelin Stomach,

primarily Fast

Preprandial period Postprandial

period Activation of NPY / AgRP


action Decreases


Small intestine Postprandial

period Fast

Increases secretion of

insulin-dependent glucose Increases fatty acid



c action No effect

Insulin Pancreas


period Overnight fast

Preprandial period Production of catabolic



c action in

the CNS No effect


NPY Medial


Arcuate nucleus

Fast Ghrelin

Leptin Glucose

Increases food intake Increases lipogenesis in



action Decreases

AgRP Medial


Arcuate nucleus

Fast Ghrelin

Leptin Antagonizes the effects of

MC4R Orexigenic

action Decreases

MCH Lateral

hypothalamus Flavor of foods


neurons Uncertain

Probable link with the NAc Orexigenic

action No effect

α-MSH Medial


Arcuate nucleus Leptin AgRP Agonist for the MC4R


c action Increases


Irisin Myocytes Exercise Unknown Induces "browning" of the

SAT by increasing the

No direct

effect on Increases

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AgRP, Agouti-related peptide protein; α-MSH, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone; CART, cocaine and amphetamine

regulated transcript; CNS, Central Nervous System; CRH, corticotropin releasing hormone; GLP1, glucagon like- peptide 1;

MC4R, melanocortin 4 receptor; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone;; NAc, nucleus accumbens; NPY, neuropeptide Y;

SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; UCP1; uncoupling protein 1.

expression of UCP1 hunger






nervous system Environmental

factors: low

temperatures, diet

Weight loss Increases sympathetic

activity Thermogenesis

Lipolysis in adipose tissue


c action Increases




Thyroid Exposure to cold Fever

High calorie diet

Critical illness

Caloric restriction Drugs

Regulates obligatory and

adaptive thermogenesis Modulates


according to

the state of

hyper or




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Figure 1. Regulation of energy homeostasis between central nervous system and

peripheral signals (adapted 5, 47). The determination of body weight results from a complex

interaction of peripheral signals from the gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissue with the CNS. The

hypothalamic control of energy homeostasis comes from the ability of hypothalamic neurons to

orchestrate behavioral, endocrine and autonomic responses, via afferent and efferent pathways to the

brain stem and the periphery. In the muscle, peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ coactivator

1α (PGC-1α) stimulates the expression of the membrane protein fibronectin type III domain

containing 5 (FNDC5), which is proteolytically cleaved to form irisin, a myokine that drives the

transformation of white fat cells into brite cells, an effect known as "browning" of subcutaneous

adipose tissue. PYY = peptide YY; CCK = cholecystokinin; GLP-1 = Glucagon like-peptide 1.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Considerações finais e perspectivas futuras

A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade tem ganhado proporções epidêmicas nas

últimas décadas, com crescimento alarmante, sobretudo, em países em desenvolvimento como

o Brasil. Ademais, comorbidades reconhecidamente associadas ao excesso de peso, tais como

diabetes tipo 2, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, doença cardiovascular, câncer, dentre outras,

têm igualmente tornado-se mais frequentes, aumentando a morbimortalidade e onerando o

sistema de saúde público.

O mapeamento detalhado das vias eferentes bem como do processamento das

informações no sistema nervoso central em resposta aos estímulos aferentes permitirá o

desenvolvimento de novas drogas para o tratamento da obesidade.

Nesse sentido, a descoberta da irisina, uma miocina liberada na circulação mediante

estímulo como a atividade física, tem ganhado notória repercussão por estar envolvida em

processos relacionados à termogênese e regulação de vias metabólicas relacionadas à

resistência à ação da insulina, obesidade, doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, dentre

outras, em modelos animais.

Em roedores, o aumento da liberação de irisina na circulação, seja mediante exercício

seja pela criação de camundongos geneticamente modificados para expressar PGC1-α, tem

levado à diferenciação de precursores de adipócitos brancos em beges, com aumento da

UCP1, uma proteína envolvida na dissipação de calor proveniente da energia química em

nível mitocondrial e consequentemente aumento da termogênese, redução do peso corporal,

além da melhora na sinalização de vias metabólicas envolvidas na homeostase glicêmica e


Em humanos, a função exata da irisina precisa ser melhor elucidada. Até o momento,

permanecem lacunas a serem preenchidas sobre o mecanismo de ação molecular da irisina,

assim como as vias de transdução de sinal desta miocina.

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O entendimento do sistema como um todo envolvido até a sua liberação na circulação,

ou seja, o sistema PGC1-α – FNDC5 – irisina – órgãos-alvo, em indivíduos hígidos bem

como em situações de doença, possibilitará o desenvolvimento de novas terapias

antiobesidade e antidiabetes, sobretudo em pacientes com alguma restrição à atividade física.

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Low gestational weight gain in obese women and pregnancy outcomes: a review.

Running head: Low gestational weight gain in obese pregnant

Keywords: Gestational weight gain, pre-pregnancy body mass index, pregnancy outcomes

Milene Moehlecke1, Fabíola Costenaro

1, Angela AJ Reichelt

2, Maria Lúcia R Oppermann


Cristiane B Leitão1,2

1Post-Graduate Program in Medical Sciences: Endocrinology– Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do

Sul, Brazil

²Endocrine Division, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

3Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,


Corresponding author*: Endocrine Division - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350

Prédio 12 - 4º andar

Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil

CEP: 90035-003

Artigo publicado no American Journal of Perinatology (AJP Rep. 2016 Mar;6(1):e77-82)

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Obesity during pregnancy and excessive weight gain during this period is associated

with a number of maternal-fetal and neonatal complications. Moreover, a significant

percentage of women experience weight retention in the postpartum period, especially those

with excessive weight gain during pregnancy. The recommendations from the 2009 Institute

of Medicine were based on observational studies which have consistently shown that women

with weight gain within the recommended limits experienced better outcomes during

pregnancy. In patients with obesity, however, there is not a recommendation for weight gain

according to class of obesity. This review, therefore, aims to evaluate the evidence on key

maternal and fetal complications related to low weight gain during pregnancy in obese and

overweight patients.

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Obesity prevalence has risen worldwide significantly in recent decades. Estimates

from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) show that

approximately 70% of adult Americans are overweight (defined as body mass index [BMI]

greater than or equal to 25 kg/m²) or obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m²) (1).

Notably, about a quarter of women retain more than 4 kg after pregnancy (2). Pre-pregnancy

weight and gestational weight gain (GWG) are important determinants of weight retention

maintenance over female lifespan (3).

In 2009, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) launched new GWG recommendations,

which were based on pre-pregnancy BMI (4). Lower weight gains were recognized as safe for

obese women, but the guideline did not address specific obesity classes (5). This paper

emphasizes the importance of being assessed fetal growth especially in the management of

GWG in obese patients. In this review, we intend to focus mainly on aspects related to weight

gain in class I–III obese pregnant women, as well as discuss the effects of lower than

recommended GWG on maternal and neonatal outcomes.


The search strategy included electronic bibliographic databases: MEDLINE and The

Cochrane Library. The terms were related to “pregnancy and weight” describing population

and/or outcomes. There was no date limit for publication. The maternal and fetal outcomes

evaluated were: preeclampsia, cesarean or instrumental delivery, postpartum hemorrhage,

weight retention, fetal growth, fetal distress, and Apgar scores for the baby at 1 and 5 minutes

after birth, respectively.

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The first recommendations on GWG were published in the 1970s and were developed

to account for high rates of infant and childhood mortality (6). At that time, it has been

recognized the positive association between lower GWG and low or very low weight birth.

For this reason, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

recommended a total GWG of 10 kg, opposite to the usual practice, that consisted of

recommending an approximate 6,8 kg of GWG (5).

Since then, GWG recommendations have been gradually increasing. In 1990, by the

first time, the Nutrition During Pregnancy Committee advised that GWG should be set

accordingly to pre-pregnancy BMI, in order to optimize fetal growth and pregnancy

outcomes (7). Recommendations were based on weight-height tables of the Metropolitan Life

Insurance (7).

Despite the 1990 IOM recommendations on GWG, important changes in the

demographic and epidemiological profiles of obesity in pregnancy occurred worldwide. The

increasing obesity epidemics also affects reproductive age women (5). Several studies

described remarkable GWG, far above recommendations, especially among overweight or

obese women (8). It was estimated that 37% of normal pre-pregnancy BMI weight women,

and 64% of overweight women, gained weight above the 1990 IOM recommendations (5).

So, due to the association of both excessive GWG and higher pre-pregnancy BMI with poor

maternal and fetal outcomes, a reassessment of criteria was launched in 2009 (5). Recent

meta-analysis of observational studies showed that the impact on maternal and fetal outcomes

is related to class of obesity in pregnancy (9).

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The 2009 IOM guidelines (Table 1) development were based on BMI categories of

the World Health Organization (10). Recommendations included lower GWG in obese

women (5 to 9 kg or 11 to 20 lbs) (5). These recommendations were endorsed by ACOG (11),

and by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (12).

Current recommendations are based on observational studies that had consistently

shown improved pregnancy outcomes when GWG attended the recommendations of the

2009 IOM position statement (5).

The appropriate GWG for obese women, however, remains unclear. So far, there is no

official recommendation stratified by obesity classes. Few studies examined the effects of

diverse GWG on obstetric outcomes in obese women and there are some evidences that low

GWG and even weight loss could improve both maternal and fetal outcomes (13-15). Dietetic

interventions associated with a GWG as low as 3.84 kg were associated with decreased risk

of preeclampsia and shoulder dystocia, and no effect on newborn weight (16).


Many hormonal and genetic factors are responsible for the variability in maternal

metabolism during and after pregnancy. Leptin is correlated with the amount of adipose

tissue, and its secretion is stimulated by insulin. Higher concentrations of leptin occur in the

third trimester, concurrently to the physiologic hyperinsulinemia characteristic of that period.

Higher leptin levels were associated with greater GWG and postpartum weight retention in

observational studies (17). Elevated levels of sex steroids, such as high progesterone, can

affect insulin resistance which, in turn, could result in higher fat accumulation during

pregnancy and postpartum weight retention (17).

Several other factors such as ethnicity, age, marital status, socioeconomic status,

cultural beliefs, smoking and physical activity can contribute to the variability of GWG (18),

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as described below. Longitudinal studies recorded an average of GWG in African-descent

women 3 to 4 times higher than that of the Caucasian women after adjustment for pre-

pregnancy weight (19, 20).

Pregnancy in adolescence has been associated with increased risk of preterm delivery,

low birth weight and neonatal mortality (21). Current recommendations suggest that pregnant

adolescents should gain weight according to pre-pregnancy BMI, except for those aged 16

years or less whose menarche occurred within the last 2 years, due to the risk of

compromising final height (5). Conversely, in women over 35 years, a significantly higher

risk of adverse outcomes during pregnancy, such as stillbirth, low birth weight, preterm

delivery and small for gestational age (SGA) baby, has been recorded (22, 23). Moreover,

older women also have higher risk of hypertension, gestational diabetes (GDM), placenta

previa and placental abruption (24).

Regular physical activity can modulate GWG. The results of a recent meta-analysis

showed that women who engage in a program of aerobic or resistance training in the first or

second trimesters (20 to 60 minutes three times a week) had a lower (610 g) weight gain

compared to the control group, with no significant impact on fetal growth (25).



GDM, preeclampsia, cesarean or instrumental delivery, postpartum hemorrhage and

weight retention, are maternal adverse outcomes associated with excessive GWG and higher

pre-pregnancy BMI (8, 26). Studies evaluating GWG across different classes of obesity,

found insufficient weight gain or even weight loss during pregnancy associated with a

decreased risk of preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, instrumental and cesarean delivery

and postpartum weight retention (13, 27).

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The risk of preeclampsia raises two fold in overweight and three fold in obese pregnant

women (28), showing a gradient proportional to the increase in BMI (29). Blomberg et al.

evaluated the effect of weight loss or insufficient GWG in more than 46,000 Swedish

pregnancies complicated by obesity (30). In this population-based cohort study, class III

obese women who gained up to 4.9 kg during pregnancy had a lower risk of preeclampsia

with unaffected risk of low Apgar score, SGA, and large for gestational age (31), or fetal

distress compared with same class obese women gaining weight within the 2009 IOM

recommendations. However, there was a twofold increased risk in SGA among class III obese

women who lost weight. Recent meta-analysis showed reduced risk of 10% for preeclampsia

in pregnant with GWG below the IOM guidelines (9).

Postpartum hemorrhage

A recent retrospective cohort study from the Consortium on Safe Labor, including

20,950 American obese women with a singleton term live birth, , described maternal and

neonatal outcomes according to weight change and BMI class (32). Low GWG (0 to 4.9 kg)

or weight loss were associated with a non-significant decrease in postpartum hemorrhage

rates for women with obesity class I-III. Blomberg et al. reported a significant increase in

postpartum hemorrhage attributable to uterine atony at rates proportional to obesity class (13,


Cesarean and instrumental delivery

Potential confounding factors to be considered when evaluating rates of cesarean

delivery associated with excess GWG are the route of previous delivery in multiparous

women and the presence of comorbidities such as preeclampsia and GDM which most of the

studies do not adjust as covariates (5).

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A prospective population-based Norwegian study showed a linear increased risk of

cesarean delivery according to pre-pregnancy BMI after adjustments for parity (33). Recently,

based on a retrospective, observational database from the ACOG, the authors evaluated the

probability of cesarean and operative vaginal delivery for each weight change categories

using the IOM 2009 recommendations (32). Predicted probability of cesarean delivery

increased linearly as weight increases for all obesity classes, whereas operative vaginal

delivery did not vary significantly with weight change. When stratified by parity, multiparous

class III obese women with low GWG (0 to 4.9 kg) had a 33% reduced risk of cesarean

delivery, whereas no effect for multiparous class I-II obese women was observed. Blomberg

et al. showed that class I-III obese women who lost weight during pregnancy had a lower risk

(24 to 34%) of cesarean delivery (13).

Postpartum weight retention

Most studies described weight retention between 0.4 to 3.8 kg after pregnancy, with

different lenghts of follow-up, extended up to 156 months after delivery (34, 35). GWG

seems to be the most important predictor for postpartum weight retention (34). A recent meta-

analysis of nine observational studies classified women by the 2009 IOM criteria and found

that, compared with women with adequate GWG, those with lower GWG had significant less

postpartum weight retention, an average of -2.99 kg at short and medium interval follow-up

(36). Another meta-analysis suggested that women who exceeded GWG have a long term

trend of greater postpartum weight retention with increased risk of overweight or obesity at

21 years of follow-up (37). Nevertheless, the contribution of socioeconomic factors, cultural

practices, lifestyle changes, breastfeeding and other related behaviors for postpartum weight

retention must be elucidate.


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Maternal weight gain above the 2009 IOM recommendations have been strongly

associated to an increased birth weight, later obesity and its metabolic consequences

throughout life (5). However, a lower GWG among obese women seems to reduce outcomes

such as fetal distress, low Apgar score, LGA, although with controversial effect on SGA risk.

Fetal growth

Birth weight related to gestational age is an important determinant of sibling

outcomes. Newborns are classified as adequate for gestational age (AGA), SGA (weight for

gestational age below the 10th percentile) or LGA (weight for gestational age above the 90th

percentile). Macrossomia is usually defined as a term birth weight above 4,000 g or 4,500 g.

Obese women who lost weight during pregnancy had lower absolute risk for LGA, but

higher absolute risk for SGA (27). For obese women, the proportion of SGA can increase with

every 1 kg weight loss during pregnancy (38). Adequate ranges of GWG associated with

minimal risks for LGA and SGA can differ across pre-pregnancy BMI groups in this high-risk


Blomberg et al. assessed the effects of lower GWG and weight loss during pregnancy

on fetal growth (30). Compared with GWG between 5 to 9 kg, women with class I obesity

that lost weight had higher risk of SGA, while a gain of 0.1 to 4.9 kg was not related to

increased risk of SGA, LGA or macrosomia. Bodnar et al. took the 2009 IOM

recommendations as reference and found that a GWG of 2.2 kg to less than 5 kg for obesity

class III women was associated with a probability of less than 10% LGA and SGA births (14).

Hinkle et al. evaluated the risk for SGA, LGA, and macrosomia and suggested that a GWG

below the 2009 IOM guidelines could be associated with more adequate birth weight (15).

A pilot study evaluated retrospectively GWG in patients with obesity and type 2

diabetes in relation to fetal growth and perinatal morbidity (39). Patients with GWG below 5

kg (mean 3.7 kg) had lower rates of LGA, preterm delivery and perinatal morbidity compared

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to those with an average GWG of 12 kg, after adjusting for pre-gestational BMI. Catalano et.

al suggested that weight loss or even a lower than 5 kg gain in overweight or obese women

were associated with increased rates of SGA, with a negative effect on anthropometric birth

measures (40). However, results were not stratified according to obesity class.

Other fetal outcomes

Preterm delivery, fetal distress, Apgar score, shoulder dystocia, congenital anomalies and

childhood obesity have not yet been fully evaluated or were not evaluated at all regarding the

2009 IOM recommendations.

Preterm delivery, defined as before 37 weeks completed gestation, is a critical indicator

of fetal maturity and is directly associated with the risk of mortality and morbidity according

to the grade of prematurity (5). In obese women, an association of lower GWG with preterm

delivery remains uncertain. A longitudinal pre-birth cohort study in Massachusetts, the Project

Viva, investigated the rate of GWG associated with the lowest combined risk of five short and

longer-term maternal and child health outcomes (preterm delivery, maternal postpartum

weight retention, SGA, LGA, and child obesity at age 3 years) for 2,012 mother-child pairs

recruited in 1999–2002 (41). The lowest predicted outcome prevalence occurred with 0.19

kg/week loss for pregnant women with a pre-pregnancy BMI ≥30.0 kg/m² (41).

Fetal distress was evaluated in few studies of class I-III obese women with low GWG

or weight loss. It seems reasonably safe for obese women to gain a minimal weight with no

increased risk for most maternal and fetal adverse outcomes (13).

A low Apgar score, defined as less than 7 at 5 minutes, was evaluated in only two

observational studies (13, 32). Newborns of class I-III obese women with low GWG (0–5 kg)

did not markedly differ from newborns of obese women that gained weight according to the

2009 IOM recommendations.

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Maternal obesity appears to be associated with a small but independent increased risk

for fetal malformations including neural tube defects (NTD), cardiac anomalies, oro-facial

clefts, hydrocephaly, limb reduction anomalies as well as stillbirth and macrosomia (42).

Mechanisms linking congenital malformations to maternal obesity are not known, but they

could be related to an altered intrauterine nutritional milieu as well as to hyperinsulinemia

(43). Moreover, the protective effect of folic acid supplementation in reducing the risk of

NTD may not be observed in obese women (42). Unfortunately, prenatal screening of

malformations is significantly limited because maternal obesity can lessen the ultrasound

detection rate of fetal anomalies by at least 20% compared with women with a normal BMI


A number of observational studies have described an association between GWG above

the 2009 IOM recommendations and greater adiposity in the offspring (45). Preliminary

results suggest that a low GWG in obese women could attenuate childhood adiposity related

outcomes of the offspring. Recently, a retrospective study described the association of GWG

with offspring outcomes at an average age of 10.4 years (45). The effect of maternal pre-

pregnancy BMI on several childhood outcomes was attenuated in offsprings of mothers with

adequate vs excessive GWG. A suboptimal GWG conveys no benefit or risk on children's

overweight and abdominal adiposity as described in a retrospective cohort study in Germany

that investigated the interrelationship between inadequate or excessive GWG, according to

maternal pre-pregnancy BMI (46).


Weight loss during pregnancy can have short and long term repercussions for both

mother and fetus. Weight loss may be accompanied by ketonuria which effect on fetal and

child neurodevelopment remains uncertain. To assess whether prolonged fasting (13-18 hours

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per day) during the month of Ramada could cause ketonemia or ketonuria with significant

impact on intrauterine fetal development, a prospective study was conducted in Turkey (47).

Thirty six patients above 20 weeks of gestation of an uneventful pregnancy fasted for periods

of 18 days on average. At delivery, there were no significant differences in ultrasonographic

fetal measures or estimated fetal weight neither in maternal serum ketone bodies when

compared to non-fasting pregnant controls.

So far, no randomized trials of weight loss in obese pregnant women are available.

Observational studies favors the idea of weight loss in obese patients, as it seems to reduce

some obesity related complications during pregnancy at the expense of a potential higher risk

of a SGA birth (32). A retrospective analysis of more than 122,000 pregnancies from Atlanta

suggests that a weight loss up to 5 kg in class II-III obese women, conferred a favorable risk-

benefit profile without an increased risk of SGA (15). As previously cited, Blomberg et al.

found a reduction in the rates of cesarean delivery, preeclampsia and LGA, offset by an

increased risk of SGA in patients class II-III obesity who lost weight during pregnancy (13).

However, the authors argued that the twofold increase in risk of SGA birth (3.7%) in class III

obesity who lost weight is only slightly above the overall population prevalence in Sweden

(3.6%). More recently, Kominiarek et al. reported a risk for SGA infants in class I-III obese

women who lost an average -4.8 to -5.6 kg weight when compared to women with GWG

between 5 to 9 kg (32). The lowest average predicted probability of adverse outcomes

(cesarean delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, SGA, LGA birth, neonatal care unit admission)

occurred when class I-III obese pregnant women lost weight (up to 20 pounds).

PERSPECTIVES - Areas of uncertainty

Mechanisms by which body weight influences reproductive function and performance

are not well-understood and need further clarification (47). The effects of maternal BMI

status, insulin resistance, and inflammation on placental function and birth outcomes need to

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be examined in greater detail (47). Furthermore, research on the relationships of amount,

composition, and pattern of GWG for overweight, obese, and severely obese women related

to short and long term health outcomes for mother and child is much required.

It is not known whether a high maternal pre-pregnancy BMI contributes to an

intrauterine developmental programming process that increases the risk of childhood

overweight and long term disease, or whether the obesogenic environment of home and

family is the primary determinant of childhood obesity and subsequent diseases (47). Hence,

studies assessing the epigenetic mechanisms that underline and /or potentiate the effects of

GWG on fetal outcomes are needed (5). It is important to consider that current

recommendations for GWG are from American cohorts whose offspring´s weight was AGA.

These recommendations have not been adjusted for variables such as age, parity, smoking and

ethnicity. So it remains unanswered which optimal GWG is recommended according to

variables other than maternal pre-pregnancy BMI.


Evidence from observational studies published after the 2009 IOM guidelines

publication suggest that a lower GWG (0 - 5 kg) could influence LGA and SGA risks in

opposite directions, with decreased risk for LGA and increased risk for SGA mainly in

obesity classes I-II. It is important to emphasize that each obese BMI class consists of a

distinct population with different magnitude of baseline and pregnancy-related risks. It is

important to note that weight management should be primarily based on fetal growth, since

this was the most widely outcome assessed in all studies.

Validation of results from observational studies must come from intervention trials

with adequate statistical power to answer whether dietary intervention as well as physical

activity to induce lower GWG in obese women. However, even with the limitations of the

power of the available evidence, it seems urgent to review the recommendations on GWG,

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taking into account the class of obesity as well as the assessment of fetal growth for weight

gain goals during gestation.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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