programme ss a4 01092015

International Summer School on Sustainable University Campuses Turin, Valentino Castle, 14 - 18 September 2015

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International Summer School on Sustainable University Campuses Turin, Valentino Castle, 14 - 18 September 2015

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A forum to talk about university-based issues in various research fields toward the post-carbon resilient city. Resilience: the ability of a complex system to recover and adapt to shifts or changes. Our society is undergoing profound shifts and changes today – we have seen them affect industries as diverse as music, publishing and transportation. Yet universities and academia continue to operate according to entrenched archaic models. Economic growth from the 1980s until 2008 transformed academia itself into a commodity system, in which not only education but also our social and cultural reality responds to the same political and economic logic. Thus the following: What could be a new urban model to navigate and lead a resilient university campus in the future? What is the role of the human factor vs ICT in shaping up resilience in the urban environment? Which are the actions to be set and developed to improve the user awareness on sustainability issues? Which are principled examples of real estate, waste, energy, land use, food, materials, transportation, water and community management within a university campus?These and other research questions will be discussed in the summer school days within the following three sessions:

Session I: Research and knowledge transfer, gathering topics on the University’s third mission, e.g. adding value through partnerships, fulfilling a valuable mandate, stimulating the economy with spin-offs, influencing a sustainable future, building community resilience, etc. Session II: Society and outreach, exploring ways of engaging with the public, industry and society, interacting with the interested stakeholders, informing government support, enrich and connect with the urban context, etc. Session III: Campus and environment, proposing the ultimate strategies for reducing campus emissions, optimising buildings and operations, conserving energy, redirecting waste, water and food management, promoting more sustainable campus lifestyles, responsible purchasing, ICT enabling social innovations, innovating a green mobility, etc.

The goal of the common reflections out of these summer school days should be that the rise of the resilience paradigm coupled with the shared sustainability-efforts in each case studies will help to develop a broader understanding of the systems nature of planning, governing, and design, while also driving greater interdisciplinary approaches and scholarship to foster the cities we want, starting from the pieces of it we know better: university campuses.

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The workshops and the summer school outputs The politoward workshop will focus on research and design for the resilient university campus. New modes of sharing information, spaces of learning, applied work and living labs will break down the doors of the classroom to define the university of the 21st century, one that is ecologically, socially and methodologically resilient without renouncing to the sustainability. It’s time to rethink the revolutionary potential of the possible use of technology and networks, both analogue and digital, to create institutions serving personal, creative, and autonomous interaction, respecting the availability of resources of all the other systems connected to the micro-urban dimension of the campus.

Research themes will include open access and knowledge creation, information technologies, education economies, campus configuration, the future classroom, and urban integration. Expectations are entirely open, but the final deliverables of the workshops shall be a list of indicators for each analysed sub-topic coming from the different backgrounds and case studies. Leveraging tools and knowledge from their diverse papers and expertise, summer school attendees may design a set of criteria, shared priorities and visions for a sustainable and resilient university campus, translating them into a framework of indicators. Temporal longevity and multidimensional resilience (ecological, social, methodological) will be of fundamental importance, but crucial would be to address the non-normative systems approach where cities are viewed as open systems connected to the rest of the world in many ways. Suggested subtopics for emerging issues and therefore indicators to enucleate from the three sessions could be: - Urban Integration: many dimensions of the campus-city relationship, including

transportation, ecology, economics, arts and culture, can drive the two resources: the academic population and the public/private/academic triangle in developing, implementing and sustaining complex and resilient urban systems.

- Economic shift: We must think in terms of relevance rather than efficiency and economic growth, and this includes retaining knowledge in the area, valorization of labour and how to prepare students to translate their intellectual and aesthetic work into effective contributions to their communities, aware of all the others communities that could be affected by their choices.

- Politics of academia: How can we measure the students involvement in the management of their university, and maybe the one of their children? Which can be the role of the students and professors to include a political thinking inside the academia?

- Creativity, identity and culture: is the campus a place where students and teachers understand why it’s important to respond to the current cultural inputs, and then, are there examples of works on how to design a proper response?

- Learning by doing: is university finding a disposition for accepting change, failure, and trial and error? Interpersonal and spatial interaction will be of fundamental importance to be evaluated in terms of community resilience building.

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Monday, 14th September 2015 - Sala della Caccia

9:30 -10:00 Registration

10:00 - 10:30 Welcome

prof. Enrico Macii, Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at Politecnico di Torino, Rector’s Delegate for International Affairs

10:30 - 11:00 Topic Introduction

prof. Patrizia Lombardi, Head of the Inter-university Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST), politoward coordinator

11:00 - 12:00 Key-Note Speech: The role of university in the XXI century

Prof. Marco Cantamessa, School of Industrial Engineering and Management at Politecnico di Torino, President and CEO of the I3P technology incubator in Turin

12:15 - 12:45 Participants’ Introduction

20 students, 10 Different Countries, 3 themes: lot to share!

12:45 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:30 PRESENTATIONS

prof. Marco Trisciuoglio, A campus as a portion of city

the Winners of the ASP 2015 projects, The Dynamics of Creativity for a Resilient City: a case study on POLITO-POLIMI university campuses

17:00 - 18:00 Best Practice: the ITC ILO Sustainability Management

prof. Antonio Giangregorio, Chief of the Maintenance Unit, Internal Administration Service at the  International Training Centre of the ILO

Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

Introductory day

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Tuesday, 15th September 2015 - Sala della Caccia

9:30 -10:30 Key-Note Speech: Sustainability : examples from the University of Cambridge

Dr Minna Sunikka-Blank, Senior lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge.

11:00 - 13:00 PRESENTATIONS - chair: Dr. Jacopo Toniolo, DIST

prof. Gian Vincenzo Fracastoro, POLITO energy manager - The Politecnico di Torino’s path toward energy use reduction

arch. Andrea Moro, president iiSBE Italia (International initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment) - Tools and methods for building assessment, cases from University Campuses

prof. Stefano Corgnati, Energy Department (DENERG), Politecnico di Torino, Occupant Behaviour & Energy Consumption in University Buildings

dr. Franco Gola, CSI Piemonte, Local Entities Business Unit Director — Energy Open Data

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00 PAPERS PRESENTATIONS, Session III - chair: Tiziana Buso, DENERG Orak Gülcan, Istanbul Technical University Francesca Maria Ugliotti, Politecnico di Torino Zeynep Özçam, Izmir Institute of Technology Dimitra Dantsiou, University of Cambridge Yeidy Sorani Montenegro Camacho, Politecnico di Torino,


prof. Isabella Lami, Inter-university Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) , Politecnico di Torino -Analytical Decision- Making Methods for Participative Evaluation Processes

17:00 - 18:00 I COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP - Sala Zodiaco and Sala Feste e Fasti 

TUTORS:Tiziana Buso, Simona D’Oca, Giulia Sonetti

Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

Session III day - Campus and environment

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Wednesday, 16th September 2015 - Sala della Caccia

9:30 -10:30 Key-Note Speech: The Institutional and Cultural Roots of Development in a Knowledge-Based Society

prof. Egidio Dansero, Dept. of Cultures, Politics and Societies, University of Turin -

11:00 - 13:00 PRESENTATIONS - chair: Prof. Andrea Bocco, DIST

prof. Takao Ozasa, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University - Evaluation for Sustainable Campus: A Case Study on STARS

prof. Fabio Pranovi, Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics Dept., University Ca' Foscari of Venice - Sustainable Campus in a historical town: the "Ca’ Foscari University” case study

prof. Riccardo Guidetti, Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano - The food Service as a sustainability index for the University: The survey "Speak as eat"

prof. Marcello Baricco, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Turin vice rector -UniTo and the local environment: an example of a socially responsible University

ing. Giovanna Mangialardi, Urban Planning Dept., Polytechnic of Bari - Bari city and the loose integration of the university system in the metropolitan border

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00 PAPERS PRESENTATIONS, Session II - chair: Giulia Sonetti, DIST

Yolanda Mendoza Cavazos, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Marat Karatayev, The University of Nottingham Martina Gonano, Università Ca' Foscari Giulia Cerrato, Politecnico di Torino

16:00 - 18:00 II COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP - Sala Magnificenze and Sala Feste e Fasti 

TUTORS:Tiziana Buso, Simona D’Oca, Giulia Sonetti

20:00 - 21:00 politoward Aperitivo at Mixto!

Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

Session II day - Society and outreach

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Thursday, 17th September 2015 - Sala della Caccia

9:30 -10:30 Key-Note Speech: The crucial role of education toward a low carbon society

Prof. Alessandro Balducci, Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano

11:00 - 13:00 PRESENTATIONS - chair: Prof. Marta Bottero, DIST

prof. Alessandra Bonoli, Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna - The Italian Sustainable Campus Network

prof. Ilda Mannino, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Venice International University - The Role of Universities for Bridging Different Stakeholders to Promote Sustainability

prof. Dario Padovan, Dept.of Cultures, Politics and Societies, University of Turin — Society, Consumption Patterns and the Opportunities by University Community Building

prof. Andreas Klemmer, Director of the Training Department, ILO Turin Centre - Third Mission and Training management: example from a UN campus.

prof. Takeo Ozawa, Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University - “Sustainable Campus and a Trial Method in Architectural Education: A Case Study of Hokkaido University

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00 PAPERS PRESENTATIONS, Session I - chair: Simona D’Oca, DENERG

Haniye Razavi, Istanbul Technical University Mariia Rastvorova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Sakura Aoba, Ryo Sato, Ryo Matsuzawa, University of Hokkaido Athanasios Kourniotis, University College of London

16:00 - 18:00 III COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP - Sala Zodiaco and Sala Feste e Fasti 

TUTORS:Tiziana Buso, Simona D’Oca, Giulia Sonetti

Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

Session I day - Research and knowledge transfer

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Friday, 18th September 2015 - Sala della Caccia

9:30 -10:00 Institutional Greetings and POLITO Sustainable Path Presentation

prof. Romano Borchiellini, Dept. of Energy,

10:00 - 12:00 WORKSHOP FINAL PRESENTATIONS - chair: Prof. Stefano Corgnati, DENERG

Session I, II and III attendees: proposal for a vision of a resilient and sustainable university campus, new indicators for its assessment, ideas and suggestion for POLITO’s sustainability management.

12:00 - 12:30 WRAP UP AND CONCLUSIONS - Prof. Patrizia Lombardi, DIST

Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

Final day - wrap up and conclusions

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Programme - Politoward Summer School - Castello del Valentino, Torino - 14-18/9/2015

The International Summer School on Sustainable University Campuses is organised by politoward, a project for the internationalisation of research funded by Compagnia di San Paolo, and coordinated by Politecnico di Torino in synergy with the University of Cambridge.

Scientific coordinator: Patrizia Lombardi (Politecnico di Torino, IT)

Academic partner: Minna Sunikka-Blank (University of Cambridge, UK)

Politoward team: Politecnico di Torino: Giulia Sonetti (organiser), Stefano Corgnati, Tiziana Buso. University of Cambridge: Dimitra Dantsiou, Hui Ben

In collaboration with:

Geoffrey Shen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, CN), Takeo Osaza (Hokkaido University, JP), Yolanda Mendoza Cavazos (Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, MEX), Egidio Dansero (University of Turin)

Sustainable Path Team, Politecnico di Torino: Romano Borchiellini (vice rector), Bruno Dalla Chiara (mobility manager), Debora Fino (waste manager), Giovanni V. Fracastoro (energy manager), Paolo Tamborrini (communication manager)

SiTI Research Centre, Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l'Innovazione: Giulio Mondini (director), Marco Valle, Luisa Ingaramo, S. Fraire, Sara Levi Sacerdotti

Politecnico di Torino: Andrea Bocco, Marta Bottero, Isabella Lami, Jacopo Toniolo, Simona D’Oca, Federica Borio

Rete Italiana Atenei Sostenibili: Venice International University, Politecnico di Bari, Università di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Università “Ca' Foscari” di Venezia, Alma Mater Studiorum -Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Università degli Studi di Messina, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Università degli Studi di Trento, Università degli Studi di Verona, Università di Milano-Bicocca

The logo and the pay-off of the politoward project have been designed by [email protected]


With the Patronage of


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Useful Info Venue: The summer school takes place in Valentino Castle, campus of the Politecnico di Torino and UNESCO world heritage site. Please see for more info. The rooms where the summer school takes place (Sala della Caccia for the main lectures, plus Sala Zodiaco and Sala Feste e Fasti are located on your left entering the castle from the central stairway behind the arches. Address: Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli, 39 - 10125 Torino. How to get there: The location is only 15 minutes walking from Porta Nuova Station. For information on local bus, metro and trolleybus services please check Accommodation: The neighbourhood has plenty of Airbnb, hostels and hotels. Since participants are not paying any fee for attending the summer school, accommodation should be arranged autonomously. For any tips and suggestion, or general information about the summer school organisation, please drop a line to [email protected] or call +39 348 0574395 (Giulia). Aperitivo @ Mixto: On Wednesday night we are delighted to offer a typical aperitivo to all summer school attendees. The location is the Mixto restaurant(, in Corso Castelfidardo 34/A. The best way to reach it from the Valentino Castle is to take the trams 9 or 16CD for 9 stops toward the Politecnico di Torino Main Site (20 mins). Wireless Access: UNITO and EDUROAM account can be used over all campus wireless area. For EUROAM support, please call +39-011-5647975. Meals: For all the five days of the school, tickets for free lunch will be given to all attendees and speakers. To find out the restaurants and bars accepting the tickets and located next to the venue , please go to and select the circuit “launch pass” in Turin, near Viale Mattioli.

For more info about the overall project, please visit or drop a line to [email protected]