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  • 8/6/2019 Programming Standards Guide


    Programming Standards 1999 PDS Version 1.3


    Standards andConventions


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    Programming Standards 1999 PDS Version 1.3


    The purpose of this document is to promote a few common practices and

    standards to make systems more robust, have fewer errors and be more

    maintainable. These conventions and standards are meant to encourage thedevelopment of a common understanding of how a piece of software should

    be written and to set minimum expectations of the developers.

    These standards are intended to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to assist

    developers in understanding others work. They are also intended to reduce

    the learning curve of developers who are new to the team.

    This document is to serve two purposes. The primary purpose is to provide a

    record of the conventions and standards that were used on a specific project.

    To this end, the version of this document that was relevant at the time a

    project was completed should by included in the permanent record of the

    project so that developers maintaining the project can understand thestandards and conventions in use for that project.

    The secondary purpose is to provide a repository for the current thinking on

    how a project should be developed. No set of standards is ever complete or

    final. Rather standards evolve as time goes by as techniques are refined and

    as new ideas are tested and adopted or discarded. No standard in this

    document is sacred and cannot be improved upon or replaced at some pointin the future. However, they do represent the concerted effort on the part of

    the development team to establish an understanding of how work is to be

    done and as such they must be either conformed to or changed by agreement

    of the team.

    Programmers found to be repeatedly in violation of these standards and

    conventions will be ostracized, ridiculed, exiled and finally, sacked.

    Note: The terms program and code in this document can be taken to

    mean any file or other piece that makes the source for the

    executable program or the data on which that program operates.

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    Development EnvironmentConventions

    Whenever a program is written, the configuration of the workstation that

    created the program may be a determinant in the successful execution and

    maintenance of the program. The program may not run properly or be able

    to modified on a workstation with a different configuration. In order to avoid

    these types of problems all workstations must either be restricted to a

    minimum configuration or a standard configuration must be agreed upon.

    Directory Structures

    In lieu of storing all files in a single directory, an organized structure needs to

    be established so that there is no confusion over where a particular piece ofcode belongs or over how to find a piece of code. While there are an infinite

    number of ways to organize files into directories, in general, the organization

    should be on a functional basis.

    The following figure shows a sample development directory structure for

    storing source code.

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    At the highest level is the enterprise and/or client for whom the work is being

    performed, in this case rns. Under the enterprise are the major units of work.Here we have, gears, ibps, leader, leaderCounts, leaderDetail, legacy,

    newR&S and schemas. There is a special unit for code that is common to all


    Each unit except for the common unit, may contain any or all of the

    following three sub-units: meta, load and prod. Meta is used for storing themetadata for the unit. This is the information about the data not the actual

    data. Load is used for building the production schema from the metadata and

    populating the production schema from external sources. Prod is the actual


    Within each sub-unit and the common unit are subdirectories for the actualsources files. For example, classes, reports, prgs, images and forms. The

    number of these directories and their names can vary from sub-unit to sub-


    In addition to the source code directory structure there are two other

    directory structures, the following is an example of one of these structures:

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    This structure is the data directory. The data directory contains all data for

    every unit and sub-unit in the enterprise. In this case the directory rnsData,

    contains a subdirectory for gears which has subdirectories for load, meta-dataand production. These directories contain the database and tables for their

    specific sub-units. For the meta sub-unit, this would contain the meta-data,

    or data about the data, in the load sub-unit, it would contain any persistent

    data required to assist in the loading of the external data, in a prod sub-unit,

    the data directory would contain the actual production data.

    The other directory is the inbox directory. The following is an example of an

    inbox directory tree:

    The inbox directory is for storing external sources of data that are processedby the sub-unit. In this case the inbox directory is rnsInbox. Like the data

    directory, the units with the inbox directory are seperated into sub-units. In

    the meta sub-unit this could be documents or tables containing meta-data that

    is used to build the meta-database. There can be subdirectories to organizethe external data by set and by type. The load directory would contain flat

    files or extracts containing production data from other systems that is to be

    loaded into the production database for the unit. Typically there is no

    production inbox sub-unit directory.

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    Default Directories and Paths

    In general programs should be written so that they function without having to

    depend on the setting of the current directory. If a program needs to create a

    new file, the path to the new file should be explicit and should never be

    created in the default directory. If for some reason a routine needs to changethe current directory the current directory should be restored before the

    completion of the routine.

    In order for files to be easily found and executed while developing without

    having to explicitly specify a directory, a path can be established to the

    various directories containing the needed files. These paths may depend on a

    specific default directory requiring the developer to change to the directory in

    order for the path to function properly. It is important to note that the

    development environment is dependent on the setting of the default directory

    and not the executing code.

    Whenever a path is used, a relative paths should be used whenever possible.Paths are not to be hard coded into programs. In code, the default path

    should be set in a header file and then allowed to be changed by the user

    during the execution of the code. Use the VFP path only to locate files in


    In development the following or similar path should be used:

    set path to ;d:\work;classes;forms;prgs;reports;sql;..\;..\..\;..\..\common\classes

    This path depends on setting the directory to a sub-unit. Relative paths then

    allow all the files in the sub-unit as well as the root directory of the unit and

    enterprise to be accessed without having to specify a directory when referring

    to a file. In addition, absolute paths are used to directories containing filesthat are common to all units as well as to the developers own local work


    This path breaks down as follows:

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    Path Description

    d:\work Local work directory

    Classes Relative path to the sub-units classes directory

    Forms Relative path to the sub-units forms directory

    Prgs Relative path to the sub-units programs directory

    Reports Relative path to the sub-units reports directory

    Sql Relative path to the sub-units sql directory

    ..\ Relative path to the sub-units unit directory

    ..\..\ Relative path to the enterprise directory

    ..\..\common\classes Relative path to the common classes directory

    Temporary Files

    In order to reduce the clutter created by temporary tables, test programs and

    other types of work in progress, all files that are not a permanent part of the

    project should be stored in a local directory and not within the enterprise

    directory structures. The reason for this is that it can be very difficult todelete files in a public or shared directory for fear of deleting a file of import

    by accident. This results in the bloating of directories with files that are no

    longer of use.

    The developer should take care whenever a new file is created in a shared

    directory to ensure that the new file is indeed a relevant and permanent partthe project. In addition and more importantly, developers need to make sure

    that they remove files from the shared directories whenever files become

    obsolete and are no longer relevant or needed.


    The shared directories are not to be used to store archives of data files or

    code. The shared directories should only contain the current state of the

    work in progress.

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    Required Options dialog configurationsettings

    The following VFP configuration settings are required

    Tab Option Setting

    General Year 2000 Compliance Contstants plus CTOD() and CTOT()

    dBase Compatability Off

    Data Open Exclusive Off

    Prompt for code page Off Remote Data Share Connection On

    Show Login Never

    Idle Timeout 10

    File Locations Builders j:\dev\builder.prg

    Forms Maximum design area 800x600

    Builder Lock On

    Project Active source code control provider None

    Regional Use System Settings On

    Suggested Options dialogconfiguration settings

    The following options are optional but suggested.

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    Tab Option Setting

    Data Automatic file locking On

    Multipule record locks On

    Buffering Record (optimistic)

    File Locations Startup Program c:\work\foxstart.prg (Example in


    Forms Show Position On

    Form WizardForm


    Prompt to save changes before

    running form


    Controls Selected Rnswizard

    Label Wizards

    Syntax Coloring Comments Green, BoldKeywords Blue

    Literals Red

    Operators Dark Grey

    Strings Light Purple

    Variables Dark Blue

    Required configuration file settings.

    Every developer should use a configuration file to configure settings that

    cannot be set in the Options dialog. An example configuration file is located

    in thej:\dev\rns\common\fpwdirectory.

    The configuration file can be invoked by using the c command line option

    for VFP. One way to do this is to create a shortcut to the VFP executable

    and change the target property to something similar to:

    "C:\Program Files\VS\Vfp98\VFP6.EXE" -cc:\work\rns.fpw

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    Programming Conventions

    Header Files & ConstantsPredefined constants should be used to define literal values in an application.

    The constants should be defined either in the program in which they are

    referenced or preferably, in any of the following header files if the constant is

    needed by more than one routine.

    The Local Header File

    Every workstation must have a local.h file in root directory of the c: drive.

    The purpose of this file is to allow the definition of constants that are

    workstation or user specific. This file should contain at least the followingstatements:

    #define localHloaded "Yes"

    #define ENTERPRISEPATH pathtoenterprisedirectory

    #define ENTERPRISEDATAPATH pathtoenterprisedatadirectory

    #define ENTERPRISEINBOXPATH pathtoenterpriseinboxdirectory

    The localHloaded constant is used to verify that the header file is beingloaded when a program is compiled.

    The ENTERPRISEPATH constant defines path where this workstation finds theenterprise source files. The valuepathtoenterprisedirectory is the path to the

    root directory of the enterprise source.

    The ENTERPRISEDATAPATH constant defines path where this workstation finds

    the enterprise data files. The valuepathtoenterprisedatadirectory is the path

    to the root directory of the enterprise data.

    The ENTERPRISEINBOXPATH constant defines path where this workstation finds

    the enterprise inbox files. The valuepathtoenterpriseinboxdirectory is the

    path to the root directory of the enterprise inbox.

    The Enterprise Header File

    The Enterprise header file contains constants that are common to all units

    within the enterprise. The enterprise header file is located in the enterprise

    root directory. The most important use of the enterprise header file is to

    define the locations of all the units and sub-units. The following is a portion

    of an enterprise header file.

    #include foxpro.h

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    #include c:\local.h

    #define EnterpriseHLoaded "Yes"

    #define CRLF chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 )

    #define TRUE .t.

    #define FALSE .f.



    #define ZORDERTOBACK 1

    #define RNSWIZARDVCX 'j:\dev\rns\project\classes\rnswizard.vcx'

    #define RNSLOGPATH 'j:\dev\rnsdata\logs\'




    * Change this definition to one of the above definitions and

    recompile all files



    #define DEBUGLOG \D:

    #define EXECUTIONLOG \E:


    #define DEBUGLOG \D:

    #define EXECUTIONLOG \E:


    #define DEBUGLOG *

    #define EXECUTIONLOG \E:


    * ----------------------------------------------------------- *

    * Default paths to sub-units

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    * >---------------------------------------------------------- *

    #define LOADPATH "load\"

    #define METAPATH "meta\"

    #define PRODPATH "prod\"

    * ---------------------------------------------------------- *

    * Unit path

    #define GEARSPATH ENTERPRISEPATH + "gears\"



    * Sub-unit paths




    * Load sub-unit working directories



    * Meta sub-unit working directories



    * Prod sub-unit working directories



    * DBC file names

    #define GEARSLOADDBCNAME 'GearsLoad'

    #define GEARSMETADBCNAME 'GearsMeta'

    #define GEARSPRODDBCNAME 'GearsProd'

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    * DBC file specifications




    * Project file specifications





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    The sub-unit header file must include the unit header file so that the unit,

    enterprise and local constants are defined.

    Every program, form or class in a sub-unit must include that sub-units

    header file.

    Including header files in code

    The header file structure depends on a couple of settings to function properly.

    What file to include?

    Depending on the location of the code, one of two files should be included in

    any code that references any constant.

    If the code is part of a common component and not part of any unit or sub-

    unit component then the enterprise.h file should be included. This implies,

    correctly, that common components cannot reference constants defined inany unit or sub-unit.

    If the code is part of a unit or sub-unit component then the #include shouldreference the unit.h or subunit.h file.


    This header file scheme uses nested #include statements to incorporate the

    other include files. The subunit.h file includes the unit.h file, which in turn,includes the enterprise.h file, which then, includes the local.h file and

    foxpro.h file. Since the #include statements do not specify the path to theheader files explicitly, the VFP path is used to locate the included files.

    Default directory

    Since the header files for each unit have the same names, as do the header

    files for each sub-unit, it is imperative that the default directory be set

    correctly before compiling any code. Otherwise, the wrong header file could

    be used or the included file might not be found.

    Naming Conventions

    Memory Variables and Constants

    Follow this format for naming memory variables:

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    Syntax: [Scope]TypeName

    Arguments: Scope A convention for noting the range of reference for

    the variable. For example, local variables are

    prefixed with l, which reminds you that they can

    referenced only within the procedure in which they

    were defined.

    Expressions for Scope are as follows:

    Scope Description Example

    l Local lnCounter

    g Public (global) gnOldRecno

    t Parameter tnRecNo

    v View Parameter vnId

    r Report Variable rcName

    Note: The private scope declaration should not be used and all

    variables not explicitly declared as global that are not report

    variables or view parameters should be explicitly declared as


    Type Convention for noting the data type of a variable.

    Prefixes for Type, which are taken from the return value of the vartype

    function, are as follows:

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    Type Description Example

    a Array laMonths Use brackets instead of parentheses. Goal is to

    avoid confusion between function/method calls

    and arrays, since methods/functions never start

    with [, there should be no confusion.

    c Character,Memo


    y Currency lyCurrentValue

    d Date tdBirthDay

    t Datetime vtLastModified

    l Logical rlFlag

    n Numeric,





    o Object poEmployee poFrmMyForm = CreateObject(MyForm)

    u Unknown luReturnValue

    Note: Using a prefix does not dictate the value of a variable in

    Visual FoxPro, prefixes are used as a naming convention. For

    example, adding the prefix c does not check that only

    character data is stored to the variable, but it does help you

    remember that the variable was created to accept character data

    In some cases, explicit scoping does not apply. For example, in

    the main program of a stand-alone application, there is no

    difference in visibility for variables scoped as PUBLIC or

    PRIVATE. The type prefix is always relevant and is required in

    sample programs.



    Follow this format for naming objects:

    Syntax: PrefixName

    Prefixes for object names are as follows:

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    Prefix Object Example

    Cbo ComboBox cboZipCode

    Chk CheckBox chkReadOnly

    cmd CommandButton cmdCancel, cmdOk

    cmg CommandGroup cmgChoices

    cnt Container cntMoverList

    ctl Control ctlFileList

    cur Cursor curCurrentView

    cus Custom cusCustom

    dev Data Environment devDataEnvironment

    edt EditBox edtTextArea

    frm Form frmFileOpen

    frs FormSet frsDataEntry

    gra Graph/Chart graExpenseCategories

    grd Grid grdPrices

    grc (Grid) Column grcCurrentPrice

    grh (Grid) Header grhTotalInventory

    img Image imgIcon

    lbl Label lblHelpMessage

    lin Line linVertical

    lst ListBox lstPolicyCodes

    ocx OLE unbound control ocxTreeView

    olb OLEBoundControl olbObject1

    ole OLE oleObject1

    opt Option Button (Radio Button) optFrench

    opg OptionGroup opgType

    pag Page pagDataUpdate

    pgf PageFrame pgfLeft

    rel Relation relCurrentRelation

    sep Separator sepToolSection1

    shp Shape (circle, square, oval, rectangle, rounded

    rectangle, rounded square)


    spn Spinner spnValues

    txt TextBox txtGetText

    tmr Timer tmrAlarm

    Tbr ToolBar tbrEditReport

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    Note: Using a prefix does not dictate the contents of an object variable

    in Visual FoxPro, prefixes are used as a naming convention. For

    example, adding the prefix cbo does not check that the object

    referenced by the variable is a combo box, but it does help you

    remember the object referenced by the variable.

    Field Names

    Follow this convention for naming fields in tables:

    Surrogate primary keys are namedId

    Prefix any foreign key fields with the foreign key table name followed byId e.g., actId

    Coding Conventions


    Do not abbreviate keywords (even if the language allows you to

    abbreviate) in code.

    White space

    Use horizontal white space (i.e., spaces) between operators, operands, etc. to

    separate the components of commands and expressions.

    Use vertical white space (i.e., blank lines) to separate groups of statements

    and delineate sections of code. Use the following rules:

    All code blocks within a loop or a branch consisting of more than a single

    line must begin and end with a blank line. Follow the end of a loop or a

    branch with two blank lines. Separate dissimilar statements with a blank


    For example:

    do while len( lcLine ) > 0

    lnSpace = at( ' ' , lcLine )

    if lnSpace > 0

    lcWord = left( lcLine , lnSpace - 1 )

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    lcWord = allt( lcLine )


    lcLine = allt( subs( lcLine , len( lcWord ) + 1 ) )

    lnWordCnt = lnWordCnt + 1

    if alen( laWords , 1 ) < lnWordCnt

    declare laWords[ lnWordCnt ]


    laWords[ lnWordCnt ] = lcWord


    When to use Capital Letters (all UPPERCASE)

    Use Capital letters (all UPPERCASE) for the



    Constants MAX_VALUE

    When to use lower case

    Use all lower case for the following: Example

    Commands set help to

    File Names buttons.vcx

    Keywords order

    Paths (with separating backslashes) c:\windows

    When to use Mixed Case

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    Use Initial letters (ProperCase) for the following: Example

    Events getFocus

    Methods writeExpression

    Objects oEmployee

    Properties allowRowSizing

    Procedures getNextId

    Note: The initial character should always be in lowercase and if the

    name consists of more than one word, the initial-capital words

    are concatenated.


    Every piece of code created or updated should contain the copyright of theperson who created the code with the understanding that you are granting an

    unrestricted license to the client to use the code for the purpose it was

    written. This should include the date and time the code was created or

    modified, the name of the person who did the work and the company they

    were affiliated with at the time the work was done. For example:

    Copyright Feb 24, 1999 John M. Miller, Perpetual Data Systems

    The following statement can be modified to insert a copyright when a key is


    on key label f10 keyboard "* " + transform( datetime() ) + " jMM"

    The purpose of this is to document in the code, the persons responsible forthe code as it exists. If your name is associated with a piece of code,

    hopefully youll take more care in writing it.

    If for some reason a piece of code is completely rewritten the previous

    copyrights can be removed.


    While the importance of properly documenting work cannot be over

    emphasized, it is important to properly comment code in order to get the

    expected benefits. First of all, realize that a comment is no different than any

    other programming statement. Once it is created, it has to be maintained and

    since a comment is not a functional part of the code, it is the last thing to be

    changed, if changed at all. Comments are not inherently good and if

    incorrect can be detrimental.

    When the time comes to document your code try to answer the following


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    What does the code do?

    In general, nothing documents what code does better than the code itself.

    Therefore, be careful when adding comments that describe what the code

    does. These types of comments can be helpful when the code is difficult to

    read or understand. But if the code is difficult to read or understand you

    should also think about the possibility that it should be rewritten in a clearermore readable way.

    Also, these types of comments are subject to becoming obsolete quickly as

    the code changes with time.

    Why was the code written?

    This is probably the most useful type of comment. Every piece of code has a

    purpose and every piece of code should have a comment that explains that

    purpose. Sometimes the purpose is due to a business need, in other times the

    purpose is purely technical.

    Typically, the purpose of a routine is constant no matter how many different

    ways are used to implement the purpose. This makes these types of

    comments much more stable.

    If a routine has multiple purposes it is a good candidate for splitting into

    separate routines.

    How does the code work?

    This is similar but slightly different and more useful than the What type of

    comment. In this type you are trying explain in a general sense how the code

    meets the purpose of the routine. These types of comment only need tochange when a different approach to implementation is tried.

    Program Logs

    Every program, form or report should log its execution to a log file located in

    the Logs directory. The log should contain any and all information necessary

    to determine whether the program executed properly.


    All situations where an error could occur as the result of a programmer errorshould be asserted in the code using the VFP ASSERT command and the

    code should be tested with ASSERTS set ON to trap for these conditions.

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    Runtime Errors

    For situations where errors occur at runtime that cannot be avoided the code

    should trap for the specific error using the VFP error handling features.

    Preferably this would be done using the error method of an object.

    VFP Errors

    An application level error handler should be used to trap all errors and

    respond to the error according to its type and severity. This would typically

    be implemented using the VFP ON ERROR command.

    Application Errors

    The are situations where a routine reaches a point where it cannot continue

    and must abort processing. In these situations the routine should generate a

    user defined error condition. Then test for continued existence of the

    condition before aborting. This allows a subclasses error method or an error

    handler to trap the error and resolve the error condition without changing thecode.

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    Source code control

    Some form of source code control system must be used on all projects.

    There are three reasons for using a source code control system:

    To facilitate multiple developers working on the same project.

    Prevent conflicts among developers attempting to change the same routine.

    To track changes to the code over time.

    Configuration and setup

    Setup of SourceSafe Client

    In order to prevent accidental changes to source code, please make sure when

    you install SourceSafe client to mark Use read-only flag for files that are not

    checked out as shown below:

    VFP will allow you to work fine with files read only. With proper setup in

    VFP, (see below), you will be asked to check out any file you wish to modify

    as a reminder. If you choose CANCEL, VFP will open the file in read onlymode, thereby protecting the source.

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    Setup of SourceSafe integration in VFP

    Under tools options, select Projects tab. In the Active source control

    provider, select Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. This will open up the lower

    portion of the page to allow you to Uncheck all boxes except #2 (Check out

    files upon modify) and #5 (Display dialog box for shortcut menu commands)

    Very Important

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    Setup of Directory Structure on your local harddrive

    Everyone needs to create a rns directory on his or her local machine,

    preferably the D drive since it is the one with the largest capacity. This willthen become the root-working directory for VFP. Once you join each project,

    SourceSafe will automatically create the necessary units, sub-units on your

    drive. Once completed, your drive should mirror the rns directory structure

    discussed earlier.

    How to join a project

    From the File menu option, select Join Source Control Project. This will

    ask for your password and allow you to join each project. In order to make

    sure your directory structure mirrors that of the rns project, please join

    projects in the following order:


    Browse to your rns directory on your local drive (d:\rns)

    Under the text box Create a new project in folder, select the sub-unit

    directory where project exists.

    Make sure unchecked

    Forced reminder

    Make sure unchecked

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    Change the Working Directory to your local drive (d:\rns see below).

    This will create the rns folder and other folders on your local drive.

    General Policies

    In order to insure the integrity of the enterprise project, certain policies need

    to be adhered to. Because the directory structure for enterprise was created

    for maximum flexibility for both developers and SourceSafe, projects and

    even files must be added in a certain manner. For now this will be theresponsibility of the team manager.

    Below is a list of current policies:

    VFP Integration with VSS

    SourceSafe interaction MUST be done through VFP. Working through VFP

    allows SourceSafe to convert projects, forms, classes and all other binary

    files into text files for version comparison.

    Read-only files

    As per the setup instructions, files on the local drive MUST be read-only

    unless checked out. Under no circumstances should the read-only status of a

    file be changed without explicit approval of the

    New units and sub-units

    Only the team manager can create new units and sub-units.

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    Programming Standards 1999 PDS Version 1.3

    New files added to Source Control (SourceSafe)

    In the current sub-unit

    Any team member can add a new file to the project with notification to the

    team manager so he can broadcast an e-mail message to other team members

    of the need for a refresh of the project.

    Outside the current sub-unit

    No files outside of the current sub-unit can be added to source code control.

    This will invalidate the way SourceSafe refreshes and controls the project.

    Offsite work

    When checking out files for work off-site, check out the entire sub-unit.

    Source Control Procedures

    Daily Procedures

    Check all files into source control each day, finished or not. This will ensure

    backup of files. A WORKING version will be created frequently so as to be

    able to refresh a LATEST WORKING version. This is also a good habit to

    get into in case you need to back up and go down another path.

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    Programming Standards 1999 PDS Version 1.3

    Quality Control

    TestingAll code must be tested prior to being released into a production


    Code Reviews

    All code must be reviewed before it can be released into a production

    environment. Someone other than the author of the code must review the


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    General Recommendations

    Use SQL rather than xBase syntaxSQL is a widely recognized standard that is support on many platforms.

    SQL is also a nonprocedural language that is easier to maintain than

    procedural code.

    Use objects rather than proceduralcode.

    Objects are better encapsulated and easier to reuse than procedural code.


    If a routine requires a parameter, unless otherwise agreed, pass an object that

    contains the required data and let the receiving routine or method determine

    how to handle the object.

    The 15 minute Rule

    If you are stumped on a problem for more than 15 minutes, ASK FOR
