project financial analysis hdfc life.docx

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PREFACEManagement of financial analysis plays a significant role in the organization as the blood plays its role in the human body .It not only provides energy to the business but simultaneously it is essential for the success of any business organization management of working capital has close implication with the two important factors that judge the overall success of the business profitability and solvency. Nowa-days, the major problem faced by every business organization is of finance because of drastic changes in the size and scale of business and increased competition, which results in the increase in credit business and shortage of financial brackets. In such an environment, the working capital management has occupied one of the key position in the business management.In our study, our main objective is to reflect our attention on the position of FINANCE MANAGEMENT in HDFC LIFE LTD. And discuss various aspects of Finance analysis in the company.The HDFC LIFE LTD Is leading company in the field of INSURANCE SECTOR. Our study is grouped under chapters where we Discusses various aspects of the FINANCE MANAGEMENT and effects there of on ultimate performance of the company.It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge my in deftness to all those who have helped me completing this project and bringing it out in its present form. I am very grateful to my supervisor under whose kind supervision and able guidance, this work has completed.It gives me immense pleasure to present this project report on FINANCE MANAGEMENT carried out at HDFC LIFE LTD In partial fulfillment of Post graduation course IN M.B.A.

No work can be carried out without the help and guidance of various persons. I am happy to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those who have been helpful to me in completing this project report.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my deep sense of gratitude to my H.O.D. ASHFAQ SIDDIQUI without her guidance it wouldnt have been possible for me to complete this project work.





B .company profile

C. what is insurance?

D .scope of insurance

E .objective

F .Award and accolade

G .product of HDFCSL

H .About ULIP


A. Factsheet

B. Profiling of prospects

C. Mode of contacting prospects

D. Total number of people contacted



During my summer training in the Housing Development finance corporation standard life insurance company limited (HDFCSL). I have gotten the work of Analyzing financial need and manage the funds of the policies. The main focus area of the company is to manage and focus of customer profit which gets through managing the funds of the policy. Indeed the work of financial analyst is very significant and gives more and more customer assistance to the customer so company can earn customer base and through strong customer base gets more and more policies distribution and company can sell the policies. The main motive of this project is analysis of financials of HDFC LIFE.

HDFCSL is one of Indias leading private insurance companies. It offers both individual and group insurance solution. It is a joint venture between HDFC and a group of company of Standard Life. I have chosen insurance sector as the place for summer training because in these days this sector is in boom and it will never go down. All people invest their money in insurance and get more benefited. In the sector the work of Finance is more challenging then the other sector because there is 17 insurance companies in the market who are giving competition to each other and the work of convince people for investment in respective company is a challenging work and success in the sector proves that the respective person is a good finance advisor. Today insurance sector India is on boom because all people want to invest. Those who dont know about investment in share market and dont want to invest in mutual funds they invest in insurance sector. Insurance sector gives them investment plus risk cover. Those who dont want to take risk in the investment go to insurance sector. It also gives income tax benefits to the peoples. Insurance company are now launching ULIP plan and gives chance to the investor to choose their investment pattern according to their fund investment table. This fund investment tells us that how much the investor want to take risk. Generally in the ULIP plan, the thesis is that The more you risk the more you have profit.

STUDY AIM OFDuring the summer training I have done my work through telephone calling, natural market, and contact person having gone to their home. In the entire work I have contacted person who is policy holder of the company or willing customer and prospect customers of the companyI found that most of person can earn as well as get insured through insurance company and save taxes, life assurance with little effort, which will give him back support as a HEAD of the family in the diverse situation.This project will help to understand the current market scenario and marketing in stiff competition. Being a student of management I can draw the relevant conclusion from the financial analyze and give the appropriate suggestion to the organization.The company can take decision according to the suggestions and it will provide better experience to the students for their bright carrier. My project will provide help in these matters which are thus:-

Analyze the people perception about HDFC Study financial markets and analyze the financials of the company To find out the competitive edge of the company over the competitors.


The project was an attempt to explore the Analyzing financial need and manage the funds of the policies in HDFC LIFE. The project was started on 10th June, after knowing all the relevant information about the company insurance product and policies and its competitors insurance products in accordance with the prescribed schedule mentioned by management of HDFC LIFE.

The project started in branch where covering all the investors whom funds are down and bearing loss. In this process I meet 90 policy holders who facing loss .I have tried to convince them to continue with company and remain with the company. During my work I found the perception of the people about insurance, what they desire from it, and if they suffer loss than what they think. What the organization should do for the policyholder who suffering from loss. Many of the customer is not aware about the share market and if they suffer loss than they blame either company or agent/sales manager. So I have to manage the customers to remain with us and provide them the best financial solution to them

As I can say this project gives the abstract of my work at HDFC LIFE as financial analyst


Risk is found everywhere. It cannot be eliminated together, only it can be minimized. Human life is full of risk. There is a risk when a man walks on the road, travels in a bus, train or an aero plane and when he is engaged in trade, profession or business. Also there is a risk when property is destroyed by fire, flood, earthquakes, etc. Thus, the involvement of risk is inescapable.






Insurance is a method by which we can spread over the risk. It is a way of reducing uncertainty of occurrence of an event. Insurance is entirely a method of co-operative endeavor where in the loss caused by a particular risk is spread over among a large section of persons. Insurance is a process in which a large number of persons collect their small contributions, called the premium, in a pool and out of this losses are paid to the suffering persons. The Business of insurance is related to the protection of the economic values of assets. Every asset has a value. The asset would have been created through the efforts of the owner. The asset is valuable to the owner, because he expects to get some benefits from it. It is a benefit because it meets some of a factory or a cow, the product generated by it is sold and income is generated. In the case of a motor car, it provides comfort and convenience in transportation. There is no direct income. Both are assets and provide benefits.

INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited. is one of India's leading private insurance companies, which offers a range of individual and group insurance solutions. It is a joint venture between Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Limited), India's leading housing finance institution and a Group Company of the Standard Life Plc, UK. As on February 28, 2009 HDFC Ltd. holds 72.43% and Standard Life (Mauritius Holding) 2006, Ltd. holds 26.00% of equity in the joint venture, while the rest is held by others.HDFC Life believes that establishing a strong and ethical foundation is an essential prerequisite for long-term sustainable growth. To ensure this, we have concentrated our focus on expansion of branch network, organizing an efficient and well trained sales force, and setting up appropriate systems and processes with optimum use of technology. As all these areas form the basic infrastructure for establishing the highest possible customer service standards. Our core values are drilled down to all levels of employees, as these are inviolable. We continue to promote high integrity in business practices and shun short cuts and unethical practices, as we wish to be perceived as an institution with high moral standing. Since our inception in 2000, when the Indian insurance space was opened for private participation, we have consistently focused on setting benchmarks in all aspect on insurance business. Beingthe first private player to be registered with the IRDA and the first to issue a policy on December 12, 2000, The HDFC was established in 1977, for the purpose of providing the home loan for long term HDFC is rated as (AAA) by the CRISIL and ICRA. In the year 2004, it was awarded DREAM HOME AWARD. It has got 3rd rank in the investment management, in year 2006. One of the largest financial institution of India with more then 2 million satisfied customer base.


HDFC Ltd. HDFC Standard life HDFC Mutual fund HDFC Securities HDFC Bank HDFC HDFC CIBIL HDFC Chubb General Insurance Co. Ltd. HDFC Centre For Housing Finance HDFC Distribution HDFC Intel net HDFC Securitization HDFC Deposits HDFC Home Loans


Founded in 1825, and is now one of the largest life Insurance companies in the world. Strong reputation build over 182 years Currently over 5 mn. policyholders benefiting from the services offered Europes largest mutual life insurer

1.Integrity Honest and Truthful in every action Transparency Stick to principles irrespective of outcome Be just and fair to everyone.2.Innovation Building a store house of treasures through experiences. Looking at every product and process through fresh eyes everyday.3.Customer Centric Understand customer expectations by keeping him as the centre point. Listen actively Understand customer needs and deliver solutions. Customer interest always supreme.4.People Care Genuinely understanding the people we work with. Guiding their development through training and support. Helping them develop requisite skills to reach their true potential. Know them on a personal front. Create an environment of trust and Respect for the time of others.5.Team Work Whole team takes the ownership of the deliverables. Consult all involved, understand and arrive at a company Co-operate and support across departmental boundaries. Identify strengths and weaknesses according allocate responsibility to achieve common objectives.


The most successful and admired life insurance Company, which means that we are the most trusted Company, the easiest to deal with, offer the best value for money, and set the standards in the industry. In short, The most obvious choice for all


Traditional Traditional plan is a life insurance solution that provides the client only guaranteed return.ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan)

Unit Linked insurance plan is a life insurance solution that provides the client with the benefits of protection & flexibility in investment .It is solution which provides for life insurance where the policy value at any time varies according to the value of the underlying assets at the time.


India is emerging a some of the two of the largest markets in the world for life insurance products, the other being China. In the case of India, the three key drivers of growth are a large insurable population, a high savings rate, roughly at about 25 percent and a low penetration, at a mere 2.3 percent. In the 11 months of fiscal year 2004-05, life insurance companies collected premium worth Rs172 billion and the market grew by a whopping 32.4 per cent during the year. Of this, the public sector Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) had the lion's share of the market with premium totaling Rs134 billion. Private sector players recorded a spectacular growth of 129 percent over the last year, compared to LIC's growth of 18 percent. India's GDP growth rate of 6 percent per annum holds great potential for the sector. According to one estimate real life premium are expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 15 per cent over the next ten years.

How does India's life insurance market compare with China's? While India's market is currently the fifth largest, China's is the third largest in Asia after Japan and Korea. Low penetration rate of insurance products is common to IndiaandChina-atjustabout2.3 percent. In China, the savings rate is at 35 percent while for India it is a little lower at 25 percent. A large part of the growth of the life insurance market in China was driven by the conversion of bank deposits into endowment products. Demographically China's population is ageing faster than India's FDI in Insurance Sector. The government of India is planning to increase the equity limit for foreign direct investment from the current 26 percent to 49 percent in the insurance sector. Liberalizations of the FDI policy, including the Budget proposals for raising the sector al caps in insurance is one of the main factors for the higher FDI inflows during the current year. In 2003-04 the total FDI inflows in the country touched $3.4 billion. Indian insurance companies have been pushing for the FDI limit to be raised. The current paid-up requirement of Rs1 billion for general insurance and Rs2 billion for life insurance have become difficult targets to achieve for the companies. The companies feel that injection of additional foreign equity would reduce the costs. The sector was liberalized for private players towards the end of 1999. Currently, there are 14 insurance companies, including the key public sector company Life Insurance Corporation, in the life insurance sector and 13 general insurance companies.

Changing DemographicsIn1999, according to KSA-Techno park, savings and investments comprised14 percent of an Indian consumers expenditure. The other items included grocery (44 percent), personal care items (6 percent), consumer durables (6.6 per cent), clothing and books and music (5 percent each), eating out (8 per cent), movies (1 percent). By 2003, expenditure on savings and investments had declined to just 4.1 percent. The other items included grocery (41percent) , personal care items (7.6 percent), consumer durables (6.6percent), clothing (6.9 percent), eating out (10.8 percent), movies and theatres (4.6percent), books and music (7.6 percent), vacations (3.9 per cent). Clearly, the increased spending on other items have had a huge impact on the amount people are spending on savings and investment products. (Source: Business Worlds Marketing White book 2005).

Composition of Household Financial Savings 1991 1996-97 2002-0Currency10.6%8.6%8.5%


Of which Deposits with non banking companies2.2%16.4%1.6%

Share sand debentures14.3%6.6%2.7%

Small savings (central govt. schemes)13.2%7%14.3%

Life insurance9.5%10.1%15.5%

Provident and pension funds16.9%19.1%14.3%

Source: RBI Annual Reports.Key Players in the Indian MarketWhile the public sector LIC dominates the Indian life insurance market with nearly 80 percent of the market share. It has 248 branches, 115,000 employees and over 1 million agents. It has also been improving internal processes and systems, upgrading skills of its agency force and managers And developing innovative products. LIC sold 1.69 corers policies during the year compared to 18 lakh policies sold by all the private players.ICICI Prudential is the leader among the private players with a market share of 6.69 percent after its premium collection totaled Rs11.54 billion. Bajaj Allianz with sales of Rs 4.9 billion had a market share of 2.86 percent. Birla Sun Life with sales of Rs 4.8 billion had a market share of 2.81 percent and SBI Life with premium collection of Rs 3.9 billion, a market share of 2.29 percent. With its combination of aggressive marketing through an agency force and the use of the banking channel, ICICI has emerged as a key player. Initially, the company drove new business by opening branches in new locations. The focus has now shifted to penetrating the locations for increasing market share. The company is also trying to get higher penetration in the High Net Worth segment. The company has seven bank assurance partners and this is the largest contributor to non-agency business. It also has 15 key non-bank partners and 800 financial sales consultants. As of September 2004, it had 90 branches in 60+ locations. It took the initiative in launching non- traditional products such as life-stage products, retirement solutions and child plans. It also focused on Unit Linked Plans (ULIPs) to target new consumer segments. It has a presence in 15 states through partnership arrangements and as of 2003-04, it sold64, 764 policies in rural areas.HDFC Standard Life has established its branches in 110 locations and is targeting non-metro towns. It is hoping to leverage its pedigree/parentage to gain more customer acceptance. As a result, it is focusing on quality not Just volume growth. It has developed some innovative products like the Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan which provides a lump sum in case of death of the assured life during the term plan. Aimed at the growing segment of home loan takers, the plan helps the family to repay the outstanding loan. Given that HDFC has a huge database of home-loan customers; it can easily tap into this resource to acquire new business. The company is leveragingIts large customer database of home loan and banking clients to cross-sell insurance products.

Birla Sun LifeBirla Sun Life was the first to offer ULIPs in the Indian insurance market. And this has been the primary driver of its growth over the last one year. The company has been investing in customer education and feels that as a result customers don't view ULIPs as mutual funds but long term insurance. As of 2004, the company had 33 branches, 10,274 agents, 79 corporate relationships and 10 bank assurance partners.Bajaj Allianz has been focusing on second tier towns and cities which are yet to witness the entry of other life insurance players apart from LIC. It is using first mover advantage by opening an office in the most prominent location in a non-metro town. It hires local people who are trained. Its mantra is to develop only the indispensable infrastructure so that it can match the pricing of LIC. Apart from that it claims that it is the only private player to provide policy servicing at the branch level .Standard Chartered is currently its biggest partner followed by Syndicate Bank and Centurion Bank. The biggest challenge that the company faces is the weak infrastructure particularly transport and communications in the smaller cities. It is also facing a challenge in terms of banking channels, particularly for customers who bank with cooperative banks, where delays in clearingCheques are in evitable. Tied agencies comprise the biggest channel (68%) of new business acquisitions for Bajaj Allianz. Bank insurance (27%) is the other significant channel of growth for the company.Product Preferences among ConsumersPension policies are becoming popular as people prefer to opt for solutions that can offer them a regular income after retirement rather than a lump sum on retirement. Measurable policies for a bulk sum are being bought only for limited single use such as purchase of a house, childrens higher education, marriage, etc. This consumer trend is likely to helpcompanies that offer pension schemes. Term policies are finding favor withYoungsters. Term insurance policies are also finding more and more takers among the younger generation of consumers. Because the offer protection at extremely low costs.It is assumed that life insurance is purchased only to avail of tax-breaks. But the fact remains that while the tax paying population in the country is just about 20 million, there is a huge population that has not been tapped. Only the urban salaried class who fall in the tax net has been targeted for life insurance policies for tax-saving purposes. The other income-earning classes such as businessmen, professionals, farmers, provide a great opportunity for life insurance marketers. There is a need to tap these customer segments effectively. Currently all their disposable income is going into purchase of consumer durables such as washing machines, TV, refrigerators and mobile phones(as is evident from the fact that spending on savings/investment products has declined from 14 percent to 4 percent in the past decade).Mutual Funds (MF) have benefited the most during the last two years. Take the example of the Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) of mutual funds. In just one quarter ICICI PRU MF sold 20,000 SIPs and it has the potential of selling about 100,000 new SIPs in a year. There are 33 Mutual Fund companies in the country and based on this trend one could say that the estimated fund in flow in MFs through this route alone could touch the Rs20 billion per month. Due to the good performance of MF during the past 2 years, life insurance companies have lost out to mutual funds.


For the Providing assistance of financial management there are certain criteria for the selection of policy holder. These criteria differ from different insurance company. We can divide the profiling prospect of HDFCSLIC in two ways.Which are thus:- 1.H.N.I (HIGHLY NET WORTH INDIVIDUALS)

Highly net worth individuals are those persons who having yearly income more than 20 lacs and they are specially treated as H.N.I clients and they have provided relationship manager who watching and manage their funds and provided financial advices and updating all information of policies2. LOYAL CUSTOMERS FUND VALUE AND HAVING DOWN

Every Company Want more and more business and market share and we all know that the work in insurance sector is totally based upon the customer base. The more you have customer the more you earn business. So HDFCSL provide the facility to customers that they can contact with financial assistant in the company and manage their funds which is in loss or customer is not aware about their policies and managing funds also.

TOTAL NO.OF PEOPLE CONTACTEDDuring the work of financial Assistance I have contacted 100 people including phone calling, meetings, and the other efforts. In these 100 people I have gotten appointment of 65people. In the 65 person I have assisted 39 people. The percentage of converting the profits at 9%.During the meeting time with the customer these questions are generally asked by them which are thus:-Which type of this policy in which I m getting loss!Our premium will charge by your company or premium is invested or not? How your policy is working?RESEARCH METHODOLOGYABSTRACT OF MARKET RESEARCH

Marketing Research provides information that assists and organization to define opportunities for product development and market strategy. It works by assessing whether marketing strategies are accurately targeted, and by identifying market opportunities or changes that are required by customers. Market research tends to confirm issues that are well-known in a market initially, but if planned well and effectively it will also identify new opportunities, market niches, or ways by which to improve sales, marketing and communications activities.


The role of market research, therefore, is to reduce uncertainty in decision making, to monitor the effects of decisions taken, and identify the performance of a company or a product in the market. During internship my market survey was related with the distribution enhancement of the insurance policies of HDFCSL. To be more specific, we can list five key uses for market research, namely to:

a. Identify the size, shape, and nature of a market, so as to understand the market and marketing opportunities.b. Test out strategic and product ideas which help to define the most effective customer-led strategies.c. Monitor the effectiveness of strategiesd. It will define when marketing expenditure, promotions and targeting need to be adjusted or improved.The variety of purposes listed above makes it clear that market research is not simply a first check.It is useful ahead of any action, but it also provide same answer of checking and refining views as operations proceed. Companies, especially those for which budget seem tight, who have selected one of these uses for market research are always concerned to make the research a worthwhile investment. Best results come when their marketing and sales planning is influenced by the results of research. In other words, when research pays for itself by providing a basis for change and improvement in operational matters.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying now research is done systematically. In that various steps, those are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind them.It is important for research to know not only the research method but also knowmethodology. The procedures by which researcher go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomenon are called methodology. Methods comprise the procedures used for generating, collecting and evaluatingdata. All this means that it is necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem. Data collection is important step in any project and success of any project will be largely depend upon now much accurate you will be able to collect and how much time, money and effort will be required to collect that necessary data, this is also important step.Data collection plays an important role in research work. Without proper data available for analysis you cannot do the research work accurately.

OBJECTIVE OF PROJECTMy project is being undertaken in HDFCSL in which finance management program and distribution enhancement of insurance policies of HDFCSL has been implemented as a marketing strategy. HDFCSL tied up with world class insurance product.Primary ObjectiveThe primary objective of my project is to provide Financial assistance and to increase market share of HDFCSL. In the insurance sector the main work is done by the financial planning manager who brings selling for the organization as well providing the best solution for policies which is not in profit. It improves the services of the organization.Secondary ObjectiveIn this point we can conclude the company objective which is to increase the market share in the insurance sector and this will happens it becomes more beneficiary and reliable to the customer. Customer should have faith on it. It is trying to do it. Today it comes under top 5 insurance companies. It wants to reach on the top.Working ProcedureIn my summer training I have targeted Delhi. I have collected my data some parts of Delhi. Here I have to approach various detail of insurance product of HDFCSL and the other competitor of it, suggestions, its marketing strategy and its advertisement. As a part of marketing research I also have collect the data in order to find out market share of HDFCSL from our sample space. During the period I was in continuous touch with my senior and sales manager and I have to submit daily report of my work and full information about phone calls and questioners. Questionnaire consisting of open ended questions was used for collecting the information.Sample AreaMy working area was Sagar. As we know that those person will invest in insurance sector who are salaried or professional. I have targeted those person whos age is equal or more than Instrument UsedI have collected my data form LIFE ASIA and through phone calling. Life asia is the software which used by every insurance company and this software help me to know the customer details and customer policy information which help me providing best solution through discussion with my seniors.Types of data collectionThere are two types of data collection methods available.1. Primary data collection2. Secondary data collection1) Primary dataThe primary data is that data which is collected fresh or first hand, and for first time which is original in nature. Primary data can collect through personal interview, questionnaire etc. to support the secondary data.2) Secondary data collection methodThe secondary data are those which have already collected and stored. Secondary data easily get those secondary data from records, journals, annual reports of the company etc. It will save the time, money and efforts to collect the data. Secondary data also made available through trade magazines, balance sheets, books etc. This project is based on primary data collected through personal interview of head of account department, head of SQC department and other concerned staff member of finance department. But primary data collection had limitations such as matter confidential information thus project is based on secondary information collected through five years annual report of the company, supported by various books and internet sides. The data collection was aimed at study of working capital management of the company

We used both methodology i.e. primary and secondary We take the sample size of 100 POLICY HOLDERS Sample location is Delhi This is stratified sampling

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYLimitations of the studyFollowing limitations were encountered while preparing this project:1) Limited data:-This project has completed with annual reports; it just constitutes one part of data collection i.e. secondary. There were limitations for primary data collection because of confidentiality.2) Limited period:-This project is based on five year annual reports. Conclusions and recommendations are based on such limited data. The trend of last five year may or may not reflect the real working capital position of the company 3) Limited area:-Also it was difficult to collect the data regarding the competitors and their financial information. Industry figures were also difficult to get.

FINANCE DEPARTMENTCRM is also referred to as Customer Service Management. Generally organizations are more focused on the path they travel through to reach the success or determined goal. The stages they traverse includes design, development, marketing, service support, analyzing managerial track, channeling the development phase, research and development and many more. These stages of ones business life are as a whole supported with the Customer Relationship Management features.In the field of business development, and short term goal tracking with standard terms and strategies, one must keep up certain flexible terms of communicational relationship and managerial provisions among the company employees, customers, and clients and with various departmental staff and members. This enhances a co-operative and comfortable zone to make the right move of the company development on time. Focusing on the marketing department, it is important to realize the important of promoting ones products sales via advertisements, and efficient marketing strands with better quality. Advertising has to be powerful means to reach the targeted customers in a short time span with less investment for a perfect outcome of the resulting sale. Sale includes product quality, competitiveness, advertisement, managing the service to meet the requirements of the clients and many more. Marketing ones product means to take the product to the customers who are into the track or into the field of trade. Sales department is specific in making the product move to the clients with respect to the deal of sale. This department is more concerned about the sales of the product that make use of customer service and management terms to keep up good terms on serving the customers with help-line service to solve problems related to purchase and utility of products from the company.Benefits of CRM techniques are more focused towards customer management and services. Customer relationship management attracts and retains the customers winning the growing loyalty of the customer and company relationship. CRM processes helps in guiding the way an organization runs that are targeted generating quality leads, sales and services that are more focused on the goals and objectives. They help in forming a tie between customer and organizational relationship that improves the customer satisfaction with the high quality service and makes the customers feel comfortable to take up business in futurity.In many industries customers experience with a companys customer service can significantly affect their overall opinion of the product. Companies producing superior products may negatively impact their products if they back these up with shoddy service. On the other hand, many companies compete not because their products are superior to their competitors but because they offer a higher level of customer service. In fact, many believe that customer service will eventually become the most significant benefit offered by a company because global competition (i.e., increase in similar products) makes it more difficult for a companys product to offer unique advantages.Customer service manifests itself in several ways, with the most common being a dedicated department to handle customer issues. Whether a company establishes a separate department or spreads the function among many departments, being responsive and offering reliable service is critical and in the future will be demanded by customers.

Our Vision & ValuesOur Vision'The most successful and admired life insurance company, which means that we are the most trusted company, the easiest to deal with, offer the best value for money, and set the standards in the industry'.'The most obvious choice for all'.Our ValuesValues that we observe while we work: Integrity Innovation Customer centric People Care "One for all and all for one" Team work Joy and Simplicity

INDUSTRY OVERVIEWWith an annual growth rate of 15-20% and the largest number of life insurancepolicies in force, the potential of the Indian insurance industry is huge. Total value of the Indian insurance market (2010-11) is estimated at Rs. 550 billion (US$10 billion). According to government sources, the insurance and banking services contribution to the country's gross domestic product (GDP) is 7% out of which the gross premium collection forms a significant part. The funds available with the state-owned Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) for investments are 8% of GDP. Till date, only 20% of the total insurable population of India is covered undervarious life insurance schemes, the penetration rates of health and other non-life insurances in India is also well below the international level. These facts indicate the ofimmense growth potential of the insurance sector. The year 1999 saw a revolution in the Indian insurance sector, as major structural changes took place with the ending of government monopoly and the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market with some limits on direct foreign ownership. Though, the existing rule says that a foreign partner can hold 26% equity in an insurance company, a proposal to increase this limit to 49% is pending with the government. Since opening up of the insurance sector in 1999, foreign investments of Rs.8.7 billion have poured into the Indian market and 21 private companies have been granted licenses. Innovative products, smart marketing, and aggressive distribution have enabled fledgling private insurance companies to sign up Indian customers faster than anyone expected. Indians, who had always seen life insurance as a tax saving device, are now suddenly turning to the private sector and snapping up the new innovative products on offer. The life insurance industry in India grew by an impressive 36%, with premium income from new business at Rs. 253.43 billion during the fiscal year 2004-2005, braving stiffcompetition from private insurers. This report "Indian Insurance Industry: New Avenues for Growth 2012", finds that the market share of the state behemoth, LIC, has clocked21.87% growth in business at Rs.197.86 billion by selling 2.4 billion new policies in2004-05. But this was still not enough to arrest the fall in its market share, as privateplayers grew by 129% to mop up Rs. 55.57 billion in 2004-05 from Rs. 24.29 billion in2003-04 Though the total volume of LIC's business increased in the last fiscal year (2004-2005) compared to the previous one, its market share came down from 87.04 to 78.07%. The 14 private insurers increased their market share from about 13% to about 22% in a year's time. The figures for the first two months of the fiscal year 2005-06 also speak ofthe growing share of the private insurers. The share of LIC for this period has furthercome down to 75 percent, while the private players have grabbed over 24 percent. There are presently 12 general insurance companies with four public sectorcompanies and eight private insurers. According to estimates, private insurance companies collectively have a 10% share of the non-life insurance market.INTRODUCTIONFinancial management means procurement of funds at minimum costs and effective utilization in order to maximize the wealth of shareholders. The term of financial management refers to its relationship with the closely-related fields of economics and accounting, its functions, scope and objectives. Financial management, as an academic discipline, has undergone fundamental changes in its scope and coverage. In the early years of its evolution it was treated synonymously with the raising of funds. In the current literature pertaining to financial management, a broader scope so as to include, in addition to procurement of funds, efficient use of resources is universally recognized.

Financial management, as an integral part of overall management, is not a totally, independent area. It draws heavily on related disciplines and fields of study, such as economics, accounting, marketing, production and quantitative methods. A part from economics and accounting, finance also draws for its key day to day decisions on supportive disciplines such as marketing, production and quantitative methods, for instance, financial managers should consider the impact of new product development and promotion plans made in the marketing area since their plans will require capital outlays and have an impact on the projected cash flows.

Finally, the tools of analysis developed in the quantitative methods area are helpful in analyzing complex financial management problem. Organization makes their planning for the financial sources which are very helpful in the future course of action.Taking a commercial business as the most common organizational structure, the key objectives of financial management would be to:

Create wealth for the business Generate cash, and Provide and adequate return on investment bearing in mind the risks that the business is taking and the resources invested.CONCEPT OF FINACING 1. Financial Planning

Management needs to ensure that enough funding is available at the right time to meet the needs of the business. In the short term, funding may be needed to invest in equipment, pay employees and fund sales made on credit. In the medium and long term, funding may be required for significant additions to the productive capacity of the business or to make acquisitions.

2. Financial Control

Financial control is a critically important activity to help the business ensure that the business is meeting its objectives.

3. Financial Decision-Making

A key financing decision is whether profits earned by the business should be retained rather than distributed to shareholders via dividends. If dividends are too high, the business may be starved of funding to reinvest in growing revenues and profits further.


Financial management consists of four major decisions or functions which are as discussed as below.

1. Investment decision

Investment decision is the long term, strategic policies of an organization. Investment decisions have a long term effect on the working of an organization. Thus an enterprise should invest in proposals which maximize share value. 2. Financing decision

There are various sources of capital like equity, preference shares, borrowed funds, and retained profits. The finance manager has to select a proper mix of owned at the minimum cost. A financing decision adds to the value to the value of shareholders. 3. Dividend decision

Profits can either be distributed or reinvested into the business. The proportion of profits that needs to be distributed and that needs to be retained is a crucial decision. It is the job of finance manager to satisfy the shareholders as well as claw back into the business. This division of profit when done in an optimum manner maximizes shareholder value. 4. Liquidity decision

An enterprise needs finance for the day today activities for the smooth functioning. The brand of FM that deals with investments in current assets & liabilities, in other words investment is the net working capital comprises of the liquidity decisions.

DEPRECIATION POLICY IN HDFC LIFEDepreciation is charged as per the below mentioned rates

AssetRate as per Companies Act (Written Down Value method) WDVRate as per Income Tax Act (Written Down Value method) WDV

Buildings Residential Units 1.63 %Office Premises 1.63 %(Straight Line Method SLM)Residential units 5 % Office Premises 10 %

Computers 25 % (SLM)60 %

Air Conditioners & Refrigerator13.91 %15 %

Furniture & Fixtures18.10 %10 %

Office Equipment13.91 %15 %

Electrical Installations13.91 %15 %

Vehicles (Motor Cars)25.89 %15 %

Companies Act

1. The rate 13.91 % is applicable to Plant and Machinery (applicable to A/C, Office Equipment and Electrical Installations).2. The Depreciation under Companies Act for Computers is 16.21 % (SLM). However, the rate adopted by us is 25 % SLM.3. Except Computers, all the rates are as per Companies Act.4. No depreciation is charged in the year of sale.5. Depreciation is charged for the full year in the year of purchase.Income Tax Act

1. Machinery and Plant other than the specified 15 % (applicable to A/C, Office Equipment and Electrical Installations).2. Rates of premises, computers, vehicles and furniture specified.3. If the asset is put to use for 180 days or more in a year, 100 % depreciation is provided during the financial year. If the period is less than 180 days ---50 % depreciation is provided for tax purposes.


1.Cash flow


Operating activities

Amount received form policy holder70,817,80454,747,190

Amount received to reinsurance-312,168-384,636

Amount paid to policy holder-12,053,422-5,414,218

Amount paid as commission-5,417,619-4,136,736

Payment of employee and suppliers-13,207,483-15,583,363

Deposited with RBI0100,00

Income tax paid-309,142-230,833

Net cash flow from operating activities39,821,18329,453,152

Investing activities155,217,80068,782,936

Purchases of fix assets-217,752-581,822

Sales of fix assets5,4443,159


Interest income48,17,5583,805,029

Dividend income1,338,737745,975

Net cash flow from investing activities-42,823,481-35,081,730

Financing activities

Issue of share1,720,0005,250,000

Net cash flow from financing activities1,720,0005,250,000

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-1,282,298-384,578

Cash and cash equivalent as at beginning of the year4,108,6604,493,238

Cash and cash equivalent as at end of the year2,826,3620



Share capital19,680,00017,958,180

Reserve fund552,892552,892

Credit change a/c184,435-77,610

Credit change a/c205,087-296,885

policy liabilities37,666,90829,092,419

insurance reserve0-0

Add: Fair value change27,516,164-15,302,147

total provision155,217,80068,782,936


funds for provision1,064,831531,970


Profit and loss6,95,56,3245,51,83,763



Share holder6,304,7574,291,597

policy holder43,415,38230,152,727

Assets held to cover link liabilities155,217,80068,782,936


Fix assets1,143,7771,451,346

Cash and bank2,826,3624,108,660


Current asset12,28,5858,820,225


Net working capital4,725,082508,321

Miscellaneous expense14,664,96611,913,122

Other Asset00




Cash and bank balances: 2,826,362

Advances and Other Assets: 4,917,758

CURRENT LIABILITIES: 12,281,585CURRENT RATIO= 2009-10 =0.63:12008-09=1.08:1


Current ratio of HDFC LIFE insurance, has 0.63:1, it means it is less than 1 that indicates firms ability to meet current obligations & greater the safety of funds of short-term creditors. It also indicates the sound solvency of the company is lover.


LIQUID RATIO: = 2009-10= 0.60:12008-09= 0.57:1

CommentThe liquid ratio of HDFC life in 2009 was 0.57 and in 2010 is .60 so increasing the liquid ratio and company have a good liquid position over the year.

(C)Gross profit ratio

GROSS PROFIT RATIO 2009-10 =30.25 %2008-09= 21.76%

Comment:-The gross profit ratio of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 21.76% and in 2010 is 30.25% so increasing the gross profit of HDFE LIFE over the year and company become a strong in his financial performance.


NET PROFIT RATIO2009-10=22.09%2008-09 =21.58%Comment:-

The net profit ratio of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 21.58% and in 2010 is 22.09% therefore the net profit is increasing. The company have good profit margin. The company should more and more profit for the future.

(E)Net retention ratio

NET RETENTION RATIO 2009-10 = 99.29 %2008-09=99.17%

Comment:-The net retention ratio of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 99.17% and in 2010 is 99.29% therefore increasing the net retention ratio of the HDFE LIFE. So company become successful for maintain the premium level over the year.


RATIO OF EXPENSES OF MANAGEMENT 2009-10 = 29.04 %2008-09 =39.38%Comment:-The ratio of expense of management of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 39.38% and in 2010 is 29.07% so decreasing the management expenses over the year


COMMISSION RATIO = 2009-10 = 7.50 %2008-09 =7.64%



(I) RETURN ON INVESTMENTRETURN ON INVESTMENT 2009-10 = 24.86%2008-09 =13.60%

Comment:- The return on investment ratio of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 13.60% and in 2010 is 24.86% there increasing the return on investment over the year so company become a profitable over the year. (J) DEBT-EQUITY RATIODEBT-EQUITY RATIO = * 1002009-10 =1.58%2008-09=1.25%Comment:The debt-equity ratio of HDFC LIFE in 2009 was 1.25% and in 2010 is 1.58% there increasing the level of equity against long term debt.



Share holder6,304,7574,291,597100%68%

policy holder43,415,38230,152,727100%69%

Assets held to cover link liabilities155,217,80068,782,936100%44%


Fix assets1,143,7771,451,346100%126%

Cash and bank2,826,3624,108,660100%145%


Current Asset12,28,5858,820,225100%717%


Net working capital4,725,082508,321100%10%

Miscellaneous expense14,664,96611,913,122100%81%

Other Asset00100%





Share capital19,680,00017,958,180100%91%

Reserve fund552,892552,892100%100%

Credit change a/c184,435-77,610100%142%

Credit change a/c205,087-296,885100%42%

policy liabilities37,666,90829,092,419100%77%

insurance reserve0-0100%100%

Provision for link liabilities127,701,63684,085,083100%0

Add: Fair value change27,516,164-15,302,147100%

total provision155,217,80068,782,936100%44%


funds for provision1,064,831531,970100%49%


Profit and loss6,95,56,3245,51,83,763100%79%

Conclusion:- According to trend analysis the hdfc life doing improvement in 2010-2011 compare to 2009-2010 so company is growing in following way1). The liquid position of the company improving around 145 % 2).The increase in fixed asset is financed by issue of debenture3).Higher improvement in current asset the compare the two year 717% are improvement in 2010-2011


Asset20102010 (%)

Share holder4,291,5973.66

policy holder30,152,72725.74

Assets held to cover link liabilities68,782,93658.72


Fix assets1,451,3461.24

Cash and bank4,108,6603.5


Current Asset8,820,2257.53


Net working capital508,3214.34

Miscellaneous expense11,913,12210.17



Share Capitalshare capital


Authorised Capital30,000,00030,000,00000

Issued Capital19,680,00017,960,00017,20,0009.57

Subscribed Capital19,680,00017,960,00017,20,0009.57

Called-up Capital19,680,00017,960,00017,20,0009.57

CONCLUSION: in the year 2008-09 the Authorized share capital was 30,000,000 and at current year the Authorized share capital are same there are no changes arise in Authorized share capital between two year and Called-up Capital, Subscribed Capital , Issued Capital were 17,960,000 and in current year increase by 17,20,000 so as compare to the previous year increase by 9.57 %



Revaluation Reserve552,892552,89200


in the year 2008-09 the Revaluation Reserve are 5,52,892 and at current year are same there are no changes arise in the current year,

Investments Shareholders


Government Securities 2,471,7022,180,149291,55313.373077


Debentures / Bonds208,675100,531108,144107.57279

Investment Properties 757,540757,54000

Infrastructure 1,108,284386,899721,385186.45305

Other Investments145,08564,79780,288123.90697


In the year 2008-09 the investment in Government Securities was 2180149 and at current year are having 2471702 so increase by 291,553 and so 13.37 % are increase as compare to previous. And Equity, Debentures / Bonds, Investment Properties, Infrastructure, Other Investments, are increase by respectively 95.64%, 107%,0%, 186% 123%. Working Capital

current assets2009-102008-09incre/decre%

Cash 279,148668,726-389,578-58.25674

Deposit Accounts1,340,5811,751,354-410,773-23.4546

Current Accounts1,206,6331,653,161-446,528-27.01056

current liabilities2009-102008-09incre/decre%

Agents Balances422,567525,903-103,336-19.64925

Premiums received in advance296,400278,74817,6526.3326015

Security Deposits21,44121,44100

Sundry creditors5,078,1983,894,5361,183,66230.392889

Claims Outstanding433,935198,361235,574118.76024

Unallocated Premium232,117274,095-41,978-15.31513

CONCLUSION: As compared to previous year, Current Accounts are decrease by as compare to the previous year respectively,-58%, -19%, 6.33%,0%, 30.39%, in the year 2008-09 the current asset of cash, Deposit Accounts -23%, -27%,. And current liabilities of Agents Balances, Premiums received in advance, Security Deposits, Sundry creditors are decrease or increase

Comparison of funds for year 2010:


Growth fund3873

Balance manage fund3248

Equity manage fund3462

Liquid manage fund2831

In above diagram comparison of funds performance for year 2010.

The above diagram represents the comparison of various funds. The growth fund in 2009 was 38% and at present in 2010 are 73% so increased by 35%. And second fund is balance manage fund there was 32%in 2009 and at present jn 2010 is 48% so increase by 16%. And third fund is equity manage fund there was in 2009 was 34% and at present in 2010 are 62% so increase by 28%. And forth fund are liquid fund there was in 2009 was 28% and present in 2010 are 31% so increase by 4%.

Equity markets

INDICES31-5-12 30-4-20121month rate of return1year rate of return

BSE Sensex16,21917,319 -6.35-12.35

S&P CNX Nifty4,9245,248 -6.17-11.44

BSE 1004,9425,268 -6.19-12.34

BSE Mid Cap5,9086,316 -6.46-14.50

BSE Small Cap6,2716,765 7.30-23.86


The process should be customer friendly in insurance industry. The speed and accuracy of payment is of great importance. The processing method should be easy and convenient to the customers. Installment schemes should be streamlined to cater to the ever growing demands of the customers. IT & Data Warehousing will smoothen the process flow. IT will help in servicing large no. of customers efficiently and bring down overheads. Technology can either complement or supplement the channels of distribution cost effectively. It can also help to improve customer service levels. The use of data warehousing management and mining will help to find out the profitability and potential of various customers product segments.

What is Welcome Calling to the customer?Welcome Calling is a call made to all our new customers to ensure that the policy chosen by them is as per requirement.

What is the objective of Welcome Calling?Welcome Calling serves mainly 2 objectives: First, to contact the customer as per the given contact details thereby ensuring contact ability. Second, to verify if the customer has fully understood the important features the insurance plan chosen and whether it suits the customer's requirement, thereby avoiding mis-sale occurrences.

The process of customer Welcome Calling of customer

A welcome call is made to the customer after the application for insurance policy has been accepted by the company. Before disclosing any policy related information, our Customer Service Associate (CSA) will do a mandatory verification by asking few questions. If the policy holder is not available, information can be shared with a third party who takes care of the policy holder's finances, post confirmation from the third party that all the discussed details will be shared with the Policy Holder. Once the verification is done, the CSA will inform the customer on all the Key features of the insurance plan.Once all the key features have been communicated, the CSA can also make a note of any query, request or complaint by the customer. If the customer is not contactable despite multiple attempts, we will send a Welcome Calling Letter to the communication address of the customer.

Physical Distributions

Distribution is a key determinant of success for all insurance companies. Today, the nationalized insurers have a large reach and presence in India. Building a distribution network is very expensive and time consuming. Technology will not replace a distribution network though it will offer advantages like better customer service. Finance companies and banks can emerge as an attractive distribution channel for insurance in India. In Netherlands, financial services firms provide an entire range of products including bank accounts, motor, home and life insurance and pensions. In France, half of the life insurance sales are made through banks. In India also, banks hope to maximize expensive existing networks by selling a range of products.

The physical evidences include signage, reports, punch lines, other tangibles, employees dress code etc.A. Tangibles: banks give pens, writing pads to the internal customers. Even the passbooks,chequebooks, etc reduce the inherent intangibility of services.

B. Punch lines: punch lines or the corporate statement depict the philosophy and attitude ofthe bank. Banks have influential punch lines to attract the customers.

CONCLUSIONIntroduction1. It has got 3rd rank in the investment management, in year 2006 One of the largest financial institution of 2. India with more then 2 million satisfied customer base.3. The most successful and admired life insurance Company, which means that we are the most trusted Company, the easiest to deal with, offer the best value for money, and set the standards in the industry. In short, The most obvious choice for allFinancial analysis is important aspect of financial management. The study of financial managementat HDFC LIFE LTD. has revealed that the current ratio was as per the standard industrial practice but the liquidity position of the company showed an increasing trend. Finance department

1. The proprietary ratios shows efficient capital structure. Considering the turnover ratios, the management having effective collection system and low investment in stocks. 2. The Depreciation under Companies Act for Computers is 16.21 % (SLM). However, the rate adopted by us is 25 % SLM.3. Machinery and Plant other than the specified 15 % (applicable to A/C, Office Equipment and Electrical Installations).4. Current ratio of HDFC LIFE insurance, has 0.63:1 It also indicates the sound solvency of the company is higher.5. The net profit ratio in 2009 was 21.58% and in 2010 is 22.09% therefore the net profit is increasing. The company have good profit margin. The company should more and more profit for the future.6. Issued Capital were 17,960,000 and in current year increase by 17,20,000 so as compare to the previous year increase by 9.57 %


The HDFC company should now try to identify the gap between current level of customer service and customer expectations. Some of the strategies being recommended are as follows:

Brand Building:HDFC is a very huge Brand in US in Insurance but in India it is not known as a Insurance brand. So HDFC need to focus on Brand building Activities which can be done through Advertising, Road shows, Knops, Sponsoring Events in rural & Urban Areas. Educating the Consumers:HDFC should take initiative to educate the consumers regarding all these aspects & take competitive Advantage on this front as its Allocation charges are minimum in the whole Indian Insurance Industry. Need to Increase Market Presence:It should make more channel partners & do business tie ups with more broking houses & should hire marketing agencies for aggressive marketing purpose. It can also increase its Business Units. Concentration More On Rural Areas :HDFC need to concentrate more towards the rural areas as 60-70% of India population is living in rural areas and most of the people in rural areas are not insured so there is a huge potential in the rural sector.

Product Differentiation:Offering a product that is distinctly different from other products available in the market by other insurance players.

More Guaranteed Plans to be Introduced:As we know today the stock market is giving very less return even in last year the return comes Negative so the company need to introduce some more granted plans so that customer can invest in them and have assured return on them which ultimately is an edge in competition in insurance sector.

Need to commence Medical claim Products and General Insurance :There are very less which are having Medical claim products and also very less companies providing General Insurance with Life Insurance for example ICICI , Reliance and Bajaj Allianz so HDFC also need to come in General Insurance business so that they can compete with these players.

Flexibility:The companies should make their products flexible for the convenience of their customer.

Hassle Free Service:All bureaucracy in customer interactions should be eliminated.

Proper Policy Documentation:Wrong interpretations/ non-awareness of policy document by the customer may have serious implications in the long term and the possibility of the same should be alleviated by the company which leads to.Recommendation can be use by the firm for the betterment increased of the firm after study and analysis of project report on study and analysis of working capital. I would like to recommend.1. Company should raise funds through short term sources for short term requirement of funds, which comparatively economical as compare to long term funds.2. Company should take control on debtors collection period which is major part of current assets.3. Company has to take control on cash balance because cash is non earning assets and increasing cost of funds.4. Company should reduce the inventory holding period with use of zero inventory concepts.SUGGESTIONS:The company should try to increase his financial performance in the future.The company should try to increased his product cycle.Stable Managed fund & Secure Managed Fund provide low return. but less risk in Stable Managed fund & Secure Managed Fund.Most of the people are not aware about HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO.LTD so they have to advertise their company and their product.HDFC LIFE INSURANCE CO.LTD focuses on the urban area so now they have to focus on rural area also.HDFC LIFE INSURANCE CO.LTD should try to increase awareness of their UNIT LINK PLANThe company should increase their distribution network.


PERSONAL DETAILS:Name:Mobile Number:Adress:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation: _____________________

Age: ____________________________

1. Of the following what at present are your investment needs?a. To build a corpus for retirementb. To save for children education/ marriagec. To provide for medical emergenciesd. To provide for family financial securitye. To create wealthf. All of the above2. Which of the following you think as investment for tax- saving?

a. Mutual fundsb. Fixed depositc. Insuranced. Ppfe. All of the above

3. Have you ever been invested in mutual funds?a. Yes b. No4. Have you ever been invested in ulip insurance plans?a. Yes b. No5. If you had Rs 1000/- where you prefer to investa. Mutual fundb. Fixed depositc. Direct equityd. Life insurancee. Postal office deposit6. Out of the following in which Mutual Fund you have invested?a. HDFCb. Tata Mutual Fund . c. Franklin Templeton . d. Reliance . e. ICICI Prudential . f. SBI . g. Other If any ,Please Specify 0. Out of the following company which company ulip plans you have invested?a. HDFC LIFE. b. Tata AIG . c. BAJAJ ALLIANZE . d. Reliance . e. ICICI Prudential . f. SBI LIFE. g. Other If any ,Please Specify

8. To how much extent are you satisfied with the services offered by HDFC LIFE regardingULIP INVESTMENT PLANS?a) Exteremly satisfied.b) Satisfied to the lesser extent d) Dissatisfied to lesser extente) Extremely dissatisfied.

9. Do you prefer GROWTH FUND OR DIVERSIFY YOUR MONEY in various fund?a) growth fund b) diversify funds c) Depends upon the risk bearing condition


Books Referred

1. Maheshwari, S.N.;Financial Managemen,Principles and Practice, Sultan Chand & sons, 9thEdition 2004.2. Maheshwari, S.N.;Elements of Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2003 7thEdition.3. Pandey, I.M.;Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, 8thEdition, 2001.4. .Author:Evertt.E.AdamProduction and opration management prentice hall 5th editionWebsites References Life Insurance Life Insurance Companies Life Insurance Companies'sPlans/child-insurance-plans.