project-team mathrisk · 7.2.backward stochastic (partial) differential equations with jumps,...

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: CNRS Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée Activity Report 2015 Project-Team MATHRISK Mathematical Risk handling IN COLLABORATION WITH: Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique (CERMICS) RESEARCH CENTER Paris - Rocquencourt THEME Stochastic approaches

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Page 1: Project-Team MATHRISK · 7.2.Backward stochastic (partial) differential equations with jumps, optimal stopping and stochastic control with nonlinear expectation, risk minimization11


Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Université Paris-EstMarne-la-Vallée

Activity Report 2015

Project-Team MATHRISK

Mathematical Risk handling

IN COLLABORATION WITH: Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique(CERMICS)

RESEARCH CENTERParis - Rocquencourt

THEMEStochastic approaches

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Page 3: Project-Team MATHRISK · 7.2.Backward stochastic (partial) differential equations with jumps, optimal stopping and stochastic control with nonlinear expectation, risk minimization11

Table of contents

1. Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Overall Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Research Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1. Dependence modeling 33.2. Liquidity risk 3

3.2.1. Long term liquidity risk. 43.2.2. Market microstructure. 4

3.3. Contagion modeling and systemic risk 53.4. Stochastic analysis and numerical probability 5

3.4.1. Stochastic control 53.4.2. Optimal stopping 53.4.3. Simulation of stochastic differential equations 53.4.4. Monte-Carlo simulations 63.4.5. Malliavin calculus and applications in finance 6

4. Application Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. Highlights of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76. New Software and Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.1.1. Content of Premia 86.1.2. Premia design 96.1.3. Algorithms implemented in Premia in 2015 9 Commodities, FX, Insurance, Credit Risk Equity Derivatives 10

7. New Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117.1. Liquidity risk 117.2. Backward stochastic (partial) differential equations with jumps, optimal stopping and stochastic

control with nonlinear expectation, risk minimization 117.3. Systemic risk 127.4. Dependence modeling 127.5. Interest rate modeling 127.6. Numerical Probability 127.7. Optimal transport 127.8. Multitype sticky particle systems 137.9. Numerical Probability 13

7.9.1. American option pricing. 137.9.2. Convergence in total variation of approximation schemes for Markov processes 137.9.3. Approximation schemes for Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes 137.9.4. Convergence in distribution norms in the Central Limit Theorem 13

8. Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138.1. Bilateral Contracts with Industry 138.2. Bilateral Grants with Industry 14

9. Partnerships and Cooperations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149.1. National Initiatives 14

9.1.1. ANR 149.1.2. Competitivity Clusters 14

9.2. International Initiatives 149.3. International Research Visitors 14

9.3.1. Visits of International Scientists 149.3.2. Visits to International Teams 14

10. Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

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10.1. Promoting Scientific Activities 1510.1.1. Scientific events organisation 1510.1.2. Journal 15 Member of the editorial boards 1510.1.2.2. Reviewer - Reviewing activities 15

10.1.3. Invited talks 1510.1.4. Research administration 17

10.2. Teaching - Supervision - Juries 1710.2.1. Teaching 1710.2.2. Supervision 1810.2.3. Juries 19

10.3. Popularization 1911. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

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Project-Team MATHRISK

Creation of the Team: 2012 January 01, updated into Project-Team: 2013 January 01


Computer Science and Digital Science:6. - Modeling, simulation and control6.1. - Mathematical Modeling6.1.2. - Stochastic Modeling (SPDE, SDE)6.2.1. - Numerical analysis of PDE and ODE6.2.2. - Numerical probability6.2.3. - Probabilistic methods6.4.2. - Stochastic control

Other Research Topics and Application Domains:3.1. - Sustainable development9.5.3. - Economy, Finance9.9. - Risk management

1. MembersResearch Scientist

Agnès Sulem [Team leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]Faculty Members

Aurélien Alfonsi [ENPC, Professor, HdR]Vlad Bally [Univ. Paris Est, Professor, HdR]Damien Lamberton [Univ. Paris Est, Professor, HdR]Romuald Elie [Univ. Paris Est Marne la Vallée, Professor, HdR]Benjamin Jourdain [ENPC, Professor, HdR]Bernard Lapeyre [ENPC, Professor, HdR]

PhD StudentsRui Chen [Ceremade, from October 2014]Roxana-Larisa Dumitrescu [Ceremade, Univ. Paris-Dauphine, until Sep 2015]

Post-Doctoral FellowsArnaud Lionnet [Inria]Paolo Pigato [Inria, until Jun 2015]

Administrative AssistantMartine Verneuille [Inria]

OthersAhmed Kebaier [Univ. Paris XIII, Associate Professor, Partner Researcher]Céline Labart [Université de Savoie, Associate Professor, Partner Researcher]Jérôme Lelong [ENSIMAG, Associate Professor, Partner Researcher]Houzhi Li [Inria, Trainee, from Mar 2015 until Jul 2015]Ricardo Rincon [Inria, Trainee, from Apr 2015 until Oct 2015]Jean-Philippe Chancelier [ENPC, Professor, Partner Researcher]Oleg Kudryavtsev [invited professor, Rostov University, July-August 2015]Xiao Wei [invited professor, Beijing University, July-August 2015]

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Antonino Zanette [Professor, University of Udine, Italy, Partner Researcher]

2. Overall Objectives

2.1. Overall ObjectivesMathRisk is a joint Inria project-team with ENPC (CERMICS Laboratory) and the University Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV, LAMA Laboratory), located in Rocquencourt and Marne-la-Vallée. Mathrisk is based on the former Mathfi project team. Mathfi wasfounded in 2000, and was devoted to financial mathematics. The project was focused on advanced stochasticanalysis and numerical techniques motivated by the development of increasingly complex financial products.Main applications concerned evaluation and hedging of derivative products, dynamic portfolio optimization inincomplete markets, and calibration of financial models.

2.1.1. Crisis, deregulation, and impact on the research in financeThe starting point of the development of modern finance theory is traditionally associated to the publicationof the famous paper of Black and Scholes in 1973 [58]. Since then, in spite of sporadic crises, generally wellovercome, financial markets have grown in a exponential manner. More and more complex exotic derivativeproducts have appeared, on equities first, then on interest rates, and more recently on credit markets. Theperiod between the end of the eighties and the crisis of 2008 can be qualified as the “golden age of financialmathematics”: finance became a quantitative industry, and financial mathematics programs flourished in topuniversities, involving seminal interplays between the worlds of finance and applied mathematics. During its12 years existence, the Mathfi project team has extensively contributed to the development of modeling andcomputational methods for the pricing and hedging of increasingly complex financial products.

Since the crisis of 2008, there has been a critical reorientation of research priorities in quantitative financewith emphasis on risk. In 2008, the “subprime” crisis has questioned the very existence of some derivativeproducts such as CDS (credit default swaps) or CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), which were accusedto be responsible for the crisis. The nature of this crisis is profoundly different from the previous ones. It hasnegatively impacted the activity on the exotic products in general, - even on equity derivative markets-, and theinterest in the modeling issues for these products. The perfect replication paradigm, at the origin of the successof the Black and Scholes model became unsound, in particular through the effects of the lack of liquidity. Theinterest of quantitative finance analysts and mathematicians shifted then to more realistic models taking intoaccount the multidimensional feature and the incompleteness of the markets, but as such getting away from the“lost paradi(gm)” of perfect replication. These models are much more demanding numerically, and require thedevelopment of hedging risk measures, and decision procedures taking into account the illiquidity and variousdefaults.

Moreover, this crisis, and in particular the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and its consequences, has underlineda systemic risk due to the strong interdependencies of financial institutions. The failure of one of them cancause a cascade of failures, thus affecting the global stability of the system. Better understanding of theseinterlinkage phenomena becomes crucial.

At the same time, independently from the subprime crisis, another phenomenon has appeared: deregulationin the organization of stock markets themselves. This has been encouraged by the Markets in FinancialInstruments Directive (MIFID) which is effective since November, 1st 2007. This, together with the progressof the networks, and the fact that all the computers have now a high computation power, have induced arbitrageopportunities on the markets, by very short term trading, often performed by automatic trading. Using thesehigh frequency trading possibilities, some speculating operators benefit from the large volatility of the markets.For example, the flash crash of May, 6 2010 has exhibited some perverse effects of these automatic speculatingtrading strategies. These phenomena are not well understood and the theme of high frequency trading needsto be explored.

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To summarize, financial mathematics is facing the following new evolutions:

• the complete market modeling has become unsatisfactory to provide a realistic picture of the marketand is replaced by incomplete and multidimensional models which lead to new modeling andnumerical challenges.

• quantitative measures of risk coming from the markets, the hedging procedures, and the lack ofliquidity are crucial for banks,

• uncontrolled systemic risks may cause planetary economic disasters, and require better understand-ing,

• deregulation of stock markets and its consequences lead to study high frequency trading.

The project team MathRisk is designed to address these new issues, in particular dependence modeling,systemic risk, market microstructure modeling and risk measures. The research in modeling and numericalanalysis remain active in this new context, motivated by new issues.

The MathRisk project team develops the software Premia dedicated to pricing and hedging options andcalibration of financial models, in collaboration with a consortium of financial institutions.

The MathRisk project is part of the Université Paris-Est “Labex” BÉZOUT.

3. Research Program

3.1. Dependence modelingParticipants: Aurélien Alfonsi, Benjamin Jourdain, Damien Lamberton, Bernard Lapeyre.

The volatility is a key concept in modern mathematical finance, and an indicator of the market stability. Riskmanagement and associated instruments depend strongly on the volatility, and volatility modeling has thusbecome a crucial issue in the finance industry. Of particular importance is the assets dependence modeling.The calibration of models for a single asset can now be well managed by banks but modeling of dependence isthe bottleneck to efficiently aggregate such models. A typical issue is how to go from the individual evolutionof each stock belonging to an index to the joint modeling of these stocks. In this perspective, we want tomodel stochastic volatility in a multidimensional framework. To handle these questions mathematically, wehave to deal with stochastic differential equations that are defined on matrices in order to model either theinstantaneous covariance or the instantaneous correlation between the assets. From a numerical point ofview, such models are very demanding since the main indexes include generally more than thirty assets. Itis therefore necessary to develop efficient numerical methods for pricing options and calibrating such modelsto market data. As a first application, modeling the dependence between assets allows us to better handlederivatives products on a basket. It would give also a way to price and hedge consistenly single-asset andbasket products. Besides, it can be a way to capture how the market estimates the dependence between assets.This could give some insights on how the market anticipates the systemic risk.

3.2. Liquidity riskParticipants: Aurélien Alfonsi, Agnès Sulem, Antonino Zanette.

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The financial crisis has caused an increased interest in mathematical finance studies which take into accountthe market incompleteness issue and the liquidity risk. Loosely speaking, liquidity risk is the risk that comesfrom the difficulty of selling (or buying) an asset. At the extreme, this may be the impossibility to sell an asset,which occurred for “junk assets” during the subprime crisis. Hopefully, it is in general possible to sell assets,but this may have some cost. Let us be more precise. Usually, assets are quoted on a market with a LimitOrder Book (LOB) that registers all the waiting limit buy and sell orders for this asset. The bid (resp. ask)price is the most expensive (resp. cheapest) waiting buy or sell order. If a trader wants to sell a single asset, hewill sell it at the bid price. Instead, if he wants to sell a large quantity of assets, he will have to sell them at alower price in order to match further waiting buy orders. This creates an extra cost, and raises important issues.From a short-term perspective (from few minutes to some days), this may be interesting to split the sellingorder and to focus on finding optimal selling strategies. This requires to model the market microstructure, the market reacts in a short time-scale to execution orders. From a long-term perspective (typically, onemonth or more), one has to understand how this cost modifies portfolio managing strategies (especially delta-hedging or optimal investment strategies). At this time-scale, there is no need to model precisely the marketmicrostructure, but one has to specify how the liquidity costs aggregate.

3.2.1. Long term liquidity risk.On a long-term perspective, illiquidity can be approached via various ways: transactions costs [50], [51],[57], [64], [67], [83], [79], delay in the execution of the trading orders [84], [82], [60], trading constraintsor restriction on the observation times (see e.g. [66] and references herein). As far as derivative products areconcerned, one has to understand how delta-hedging strategies have to be modified. This has been consideredfor example by Cetin, Jarrow and Protter [81]. We plan to contribute on these various aspects of liquidityrisk modeling and associated stochastic optimization problems. Let us mention here that the price impactgenerated by the trades of the investor is often neglected with a long-term perspective. This seems acceptablesince the investor has time enough to trade slowly in order to eliminate its market impact. Instead, when theinvestor wants to make significant trades on a very short time horizon, it is crucial to take into account andto model how prices are modified by these trades. This question is addressed in the next paragraph on marketmicrostructure.

3.2.2. Market microstructure.The European directive MIFID has increased the competition between markets (NYSE-Euronext, Nasdaq,LSE and new competitors). As a consequence, the cost of posting buy or sell orders on markets has decreased,which has stimulated the growth of market makers. Market makers are posting simultaneously bid and askorders on a same stock, and their profit comes from the bid-ask spread. Basically, their strategy is a “round-trip” (i.e. their position is unchanged between the beginning and the end of the day) that has generated apositive cash flow.

These new rules have also greatly stimulated research on market microstructure modeling. From a practitionerpoint of view, the main issue is to solve the so-called “optimal execution problem”: given a deadline T , whatis the optimal strategy to buy (or sell) a given amount of shares that achieves the minimal expected cost? Forlarge amounts, it may be optimal to split the order into smaller ones. This is of course a crucial issue forbrokers, but also market makers that are looking for the optimal round-trip.

Solving the optimal execution problem is not only an interesting mathematical challenge. It is also a mean tobetter understand market viability, high frequency arbitrage strategies and consequences of the competitionbetween markets. For example when modeling the market microstructure, one would like to find conditionsthat allow or exclude round trips. Beyond this, even if round trips are excluded, it can happen that an optimalselling strategy is made with large intermediate buy trades, which is unlikely and may lead to market instability.

We are interested in finding synthetic market models in which we can describe and solve the optimal executionproblem. A. Alfonsi and A. Schied (Mannheim University) [52] have already proposed a simple Limit OrderBook model (LOB) in which an explicit solution can be found for the optimal execution problem. We are nowinterested in considering more sophisticated models that take into account realistic features of the market suchas short memory or stochastic LOB. This is mid term objective. At a long term perspective one would like to

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bridge these models to the different agent behaviors, in order to understand the effect of the different quotationmechanisms (transaction costs for limit orders, tick size, etc.) on the market stability.

3.3. Contagion modeling and systemic riskParticipants: Benjamin Jourdain, Agnès Sulem.

After the recent financial crisis, systemic risk has emerged as one of the major research topics in mathematicalfinance. The scope is to understand and model how the bankruptcy of a bank (or a large company) may ornot induce other bankruptcies. By contrast with the traditional approach in risk management, the focus is nolonger on modeling the risks faced by a single financial institution, but on modeling the complex interrelationsbetween financial institutions and the mechanisms of distress propagation among these. Ideally, one wouldlike to be able to find capital requirements (such as the one proposed by the Basel committee) that ensure thatthe probability of multiple defaults is below some level.

The mathematical modeling of default contagion, by which an economic shock causing initial losses anddefault of a few institutions is amplified due to complex linkages, leading to large scale defaults, can beaddressed by various techniques, such as network approaches (see in particular R. Cont et al. [53] and A.Minca [73]) or mean field interaction models (Garnier-Papanicolaou-Yang [65]). The recent approach in[53] seems very promising. It describes the financial network approach as a weighted directed graph, in whichnodes represent financial institutions and edges the exposures between them. Distress propagation in a financialsystem may be modeled as an epidemics on this graph. In the case of incomplete information on the structureof the interbank network, cascade dynamics may be reduced to the evolution of a multi-dimensional Markovchain that corresponds to a sequential discovery of exposures and determines at any time the size of contagion.Little has been done so far on the control of such systems in order to reduce the systemic risk and we aim tocontribute to this domain.

3.4. Stochastic analysis and numerical probability3.4.1. Stochastic control

Participants: Vlad Bally, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Marie-Claire Quenez, Agnès Sulem.

The financial crisis has caused an increased interest in mathematical finance studies which take into accountthe market incompleteness issue and the default risk modeling, the interplay between information andperformance, the model uncertainty and the associated robustness questions, and various nonlinearities. Weaddress these questions by further developing the theory of stochastic control in a broad sense, includingstochastic optimization, nonlinear expectations, Malliavin calculus, stochastic differential games and variousaspects of optimal stopping.

3.4.2. Optimal stoppingParticipants: Aurélien Alfonsi, Benjamin Jourdain, Damien Lamberton, Agnès Sulem, Marie-Claire Quenez.

The theory of American option pricing has been an incite for a number of research articles about optimalstopping. Our recent contributions in this field concern optimal stopping in models with jumps, irregularobstacles, free boundary analysis, reflected BSDEs.

3.4.3. Simulation of stochastic differential equationsParticipants: Benjamin Jourdain, Aurélien Alfonsi, Vlad Bally, Damien Lamberton, Bernard Lapeyre, JérômeLelong, Céline Labart.

Effective numerical methods are crucial in the pricing and hedging of derivative securities. The need formore complex models leads to stochastic differential equations which cannot be solved explicitly, and thedevelopment of discretization techniques is essential in the treatment of these models. The project MathRiskaddresses fundamental mathematical questions as well as numerical issues in the following (non exhaustive)list of topics: Multidimensional stochastic differential equations, High order discretization schemes, Singularstochastic differential equations, Backward stochastic differential equations.

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3.4.4. Monte-Carlo simulationsParticipants: Benjamin Jourdain, Aurélien Alfonsi, Damien Lamberton, Vlad Bally, Bernard Lapeyre, AhmedKebaier, Céline Labart, Jérôme Lelong, Antonino Zanette.

Monte-Carlo methods is a very useful tool to evaluate prices especially for complex models or options. Wecarry on research on adaptive variance reduction methods and to use Monte-Carlo methods for calibration ofadvanced models.

This activity in the MathRisk team is strongly related to the development of the Premia software.

3.4.5. Malliavin calculus and applications in financeParticipants: Vlad Bally, Arturo Kohatsu-Higa, Agnès Sulem, Antonino Zanette.

The original Stochastic Calculus of Variations, now called the Malliavin calculus, was developed by PaulMalliavin in 1976 [71]. It was originally designed to study the smoothness of the densities of solutions ofstochastic differential equations. One of its striking features is that it provides a probabilistic proof of thecelebrated Hörmander theorem, which gives a condition for a partial differential operator to be hypoelliptic.This illustrates the power of this calculus. In the following years a lot of probabilists worked on this topicand the theory was developed further either as analysis on the Wiener space or in a white noise setting. Manyapplications in the field of stochastic calculus followed. Several monographs and lecture notes (for exampleD. Nualart [74], D. Bell [56] D. Ocone [76], B. Øksendal [85]) give expositions of the subject. See also V.Bally [54] for an introduction to Malliavin calculus.

From the beginning of the nineties, applications of the Malliavin calculus in finance have appeared : In 1991Karatzas and Ocone showed how the Malliavin calculus, as further developed by Ocone and others, could beused in the computation of hedging portfolios in complete markets [75].

Since then, the Malliavin calculus has raised increasing interest and subsequently many other applications tofinance have been found [72], such as minimal variance hedging and Monte Carlo methods for option pricing.More recently, the Malliavin calculus has also become a useful tool for studying insider trading models andsome extended market models driven by Lévy processes or fractional Brownian motion.

We give below an idea why Malliavin calculus may be a useful instrument for probabilistic numerical methods.

We recall that the theory is based on an integration by parts formula of the form E(f ′(X)) = E(f(X)Q).Here X is a random variable which is supposed to be “smooth” in a certain sense and non-degenerated. Abasic example is to take X = σ∆ where ∆ is a standard normally distributed random variable and σ is astrictly positive number. Note that an integration by parts formula may be obtained just by using the usualintegration by parts in the presence of the Gaussian density. But we may go further and take X to be anaggregate of Gaussian random variables (think for example of the Euler scheme for a diffusion process) or thelimit of such simple functionals.

An important feature is that one has a relatively explicit expression for the weight Q which appears in theintegration by parts formula, and this expression is given in terms of some Malliavin-derivative operators.

Let us now look at one of the main consequences of the integration by parts formula. If one considers theDirac function δx(y), then δx(y) = H ′(y − x) where H is the Heaviside function and the above integrationby parts formula reads E(δx(X)) = E(H(X − x)Q), where E(δx(X)) can be interpreted as the density ofthe random variable X . We thus obtain an integral representation of the density of the law of X . This is thestarting point of the approach to the density of the law of a diffusion process: the above integral representa-tion allows us to prove that under appropriate hypothesis the density of X is smooth and also to derive upperand lower bounds for it. Concerning simulation by Monte Carlo methods, suppose that you want to computeE(δx(y)) ∼ 1


∑Mi=1 δx(Xi) where X1, ..., XM is a sample of X . As X has a law which is absolutely con-

tinuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure, this will fail because noXi hits exactly x. But if you are able tosimulate the weightQ as well (and this is the case in many applications because of the explicit form mentionedabove) then you may try to compute E(δx(X)) = E(H(X − x)Q) ∼ 1


∑Mi=1E(H(Xi − x)Qi). This ba-

sic remark formula leads to efficient methods to compute by a Monte Carlo method some irregular quantities

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as derivatives of option prices with respect to some parameters (the Greeks) or conditional expectations, whichappear in the pricing of American options by the dynamic programming). See the papers by Fournié et al [63]and [62] and the papers by Bally et al., Benhamou, Bermin et al., Bernis et al., Cvitanic et al., Talay and Zhengand Temam in [70].

L. Caramellino, A. Zanette and V. Bally have been concerned with the computation of conditional expectationsusing Integration by Parts formulas and applications to the numerical computation of the price and the Greeks(sensitivities) of American or Bermudean options. The aim of this research was to extend a paper of Reignerand Lions who treated the problem in dimension one to higher dimension - which represent the real challengein this field. Significant results have been obtained up to dimension 5 [55] and the corresponding algorithmshave been implemented in the Premia software.

Moreover, there is an increasing interest in considering jump components in the financial models, especiallymotivated by calibration reasons. Algorithms based on the integration by parts formulas have been developedin order to compute Greeks for options with discontinuous payoff (e.g. digital options). Several papers andtwo theses (M. Messaoud and M. Bavouzet defended in 2006) have been published on this topic and thecorresponding algorithms have been implemented in Premia. Malliavin Calculus for jump type diffusions -and more general for random variables with locally smooth law - represents a large field of research, also forapplications to credit risk problems.

The Malliavin calculus is also used in models of insider trading. The "enlargement of filtration" technique playsan important role in the modeling of such problems and the Malliavin calculus can be used to obtain generalresults about when and how such filtration enlargement is possible. See the paper by P. Imkeller in [70]).Moreover, in the case when the additional information of the insider is generated by adding the informationabout the value of one extra random variable, the Malliavin calculus can be used to find explicitly the optimalportfolio of an insider for a utility optimization problem with logarithmic utility. See the paper by J.A. León,R. Navarro and D. Nualart in [70]).

A. Kohatsu Higa and A. Sulem have studied a controlled stochastic system whose state is described by astochastic differential equation with anticipating coefficients. These SDEs can be interpreted in the sense offorward integrals, which are the natural generalization of the semimartingale integrals, as introduced by Russoand Valois [78]. This methodology has been applied for utility maximization with insiders.

4. Application Domains

4.1. Application DomainsRisk management, Quantitative finance, Computational Finance, Market Microstructure analysis, Systemicrisk, Portfolio optimization, Risk modeling, Option pricing and hedging in incomplete markets, insurance.

5. Highlights of the Year

5.1. Highlights of the YearConference in honor of Vlad Bally for his 60th birthday, Le Mans, October 6-9 2015

5.1.1. AwardsJ. Reygner received the 2014 Jacques Neveu prize for his thesis entitled "Longtime behaviour of particlesystems : applications in physics, finance and PDEs" co-supervised by B.Jourdain and L. Zambotti

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6. New Software and Platforms

6.1. PREMIAKEYWORDS: Computational finance - Option pricingSCIENTIFIC DESCRIPTION

Premia is a software designed for option pricing, hedging and financial model calibration. It is providedwith it’s C/C++ source code and an extensive scientific documentation. The Premia project keeps track ofthe most recent advances in the field of computational finance in a well-documented way. It focuses on theimplementation of numerical analysis techniques for both probabilistic and deterministic numerical methods.An important feature of the platform Premia is the detailed documentation which provides extended referencesin option pricing.

Premia is thus a powerful tool to assist Research & Development professional teams in their day-to-day duty.It is also a useful support for academics who wish to perform tests on new algorithms or pricing methodswithout starting from scratch.

Besides being a single entry point for accessible overviews and basic implementations of various numericalmethods, the aim of the Premia project is: 1 - to be a powerful testing platform for comparing differentnumerical methods between each other, 2 - to build a link between professional financial teams and academicresearchers, 3 - to provide a useful teaching support for Master and PhD students in mathematical finance.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION

• Participants: Mathrisk project team and contributors

• Partners: Inria - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - Université Paris-Est - Consortium Premia

• Contact: Agnès Sulem

• URL:

• AMS: 91B28;65Cxx;65Fxx;65Lxx;65Pxx

• License: Licence Propriétaire (genuine license for the Consortium Premia)

• Type of human computer interaction: Console, interface in Nsp, Web interface

• OS/Middelware: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows

• APP: The development of Premia started in 1999 and 16 are released up to now and reg-istered at the APP agency. Premia 16 has been registered on 0303/2015 under the numberIDDN.FR.001.190010.013.S.C.2001.000.31000

• Programming language: C/C++ librairie Gtk

• Documentation: the PNL library is interfaced via doxygen

• Size of the software: 280580 lines for the Src part only, that is 11 Mbyte of code, 130400 lines forPNL, 105 Mbyte of PDF files of documentation.

• interfaces : Nsp for Windows/Linux/Mac, Excel, binding Python, and a Web interface.

• Publications: [12], [61], [69], [77], [80], [49], [59].

6.1.1. Content of PremiaPremia contains various numerical algorithms (Finite-differences, trees and Monte-Carlo) for pricing vanillaand exotic options on equities, interest rate, credit and energy derivatives.

1. Equity derivatives:The following models are considered:

Black-Scholes model (up to dimension 10), stochastic volatility models (Hull-White, Heston,Fouque-Papanicolaou-Sircar), models with jumps (Merton, Kou, Tempered stable processes, Vari-ance gamma, Normal inverse Gaussian), Bates model.

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For high dimensional American options, Premia provides the most recent Monte-Carlo algorithms:Longstaff-Schwartz, Barraquand-Martineau, Tsitsklis-Van Roy, Broadie-Glassermann, quantizationmethods and Malliavin calculus based methods.

Dynamic Hedging for Black-Scholes and jump models is available.

Calibration algorithms for some models with jumps, local volatility and stochastic volatility areimplemented.

2. Interest rate derivativesThe following models are considered:

HJM and Libor Market Models (LMM): affine models, Hull-White, CIR++, Black-Karasinsky,Squared-Gaussian, Li-Ritchken-Sankarasubramanian, Bhar-Chiarella, Jump diffusion LMM,Markov functional LMM, LMM with stochastic volatility.

Premia provides a calibration toolbox for Libor Market model using a database of swaptions andcaps implied volatilities.

3. Credit derivatives: Credit default swaps (CDS), Collateralized debt obligations (CDO)Reduced form models and copula models are considered.

Premia provides a toolbox for pricing CDOs using the most recent algorithms (Hull-White, Laurent-Gregory, El Karoui-Jiao, Yang-Zhang, Schönbucher)

4. Hybrid productsA PDE solver for pricing derivatives on hybrid products like options on inflation and interest orchange rates is implemented.

5. Energy derivatives: swing optionsMean reverting and jump models are considered.

Premia provides a toolbox for pricing swing options using finite differences, Monte-Carlo Malliavin-based approach and quantization algorithms.

6.1.2. Premia designTo facilitate contributions, a standardized numerical library (PNL) has been developed by J. Lelong under theLGPL since 2009, which offers a wide variety of high level numerical methods for dealing with linear algebra,numerical integration, optimization, random number generators, Fourier and Laplace transforms, and muchmore. Everyone who wishes to contribute is encouraged to base its code on PNL and providing such a unifiednumerical library has considerably eased the development of new algorithms which have become over thereleases more and more sophisticated. J. Ph Chancelier, B. Lapeyre and J. Lelong are using Premia and Nspfor Constructing a Risk Management Benchmark for Testing Parallel Architecture [59].

Development of the PNL in 2015 (J. Lelong) . Release 1.70 and 1.71, PNL Library (

1. Release 1.72. of the PNL library (

1. Addition of a CMake module to include the library in other projects.

2. Improvement of the pnl_basis module.

3. Addition of the non central chi squared distribution to the random number generationtoolbox.

4. Addition of new functions in the linear algebra toolbox to build views.

6.1.3. Algorithms implemented in Premia in 2015Premia 17 has been delivered to the consortium members in March 2015.

It contains the following new algorithms:

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10 Activity Report INRIA 2015 Commodities, FX, Insurance, Credit Risk• Variables Annuities GLWB pricing in the Heston and Black-Scholes/Hull-White models with finite

difference techniques.• Variables Annuities GMAB, GMDB, GMMB pricing with Fourier-cosine techniques.• A numerical scheme for the impulse control formulation for pricing variable annuities with a

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB) Z.Chen P.ForsythNumerische Mathematik 109, 2008

• Managing Gap Risks in iCPPI for life insurance companies: A risk/return/cost analysis. A.KalifeS.Mouti L.GoudenegeInsurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations, Issue 2 2014

• Simulating CVA on American Options. L. Abbas Turki, M.Mikou6.1.3.2. Equity Derivatives

• Being particular about calibration. J.Guyon and P. Henry-Labordère.Risk magazine, Jan 2012.

• The Heston Stochastic-Local Volatility Model: Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation. A.W. van derStoepb, L. A. Grzelakb, C. W. OosterleeInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, to appear

• On the Heston model with stochastic interest rates. L. Grzelak C.W.OosterleeSIAM J. Fin. Math. 2,2011.

• Alternating direction implicit finite difference schemes for the Heston Hull-White partial differentialequation.The Journal of Computational Finance Volume 16/Number 1, Fall 2012

• Pricing American options in the Heston Hull-White and Hull-White2d Models: an hybrid tree-finitedifference approach. M.Briani, L.Caramellino, A.Zanette

• Efficient pricing of Asian options under Lévy processes based on Fourier cosine expansions. Part I:European-style products. B.Zhang C.W.Oosterlee.SIAM J. Financial Math., 4(1)

• Low-bias simulation scheme for the Heston model by Inverse Gaussian approximation. S. T. Tse J.W. L. Wan.Quantitative Finance, Volume 13, Issue 6, 2013

• Simple Simulation Scheme for CIR and Wishart Processes P. Baldi, C.PisaniInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 16, No. 08, 2013

• Importance sampling for jump processes and applications to finance. L. Badouraly Kassim, J. Lelongand I. Loumrhari.Journal of Computational Finance, to appear

• A Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo simulation technique for Lévy process. A. Kuznetsov, A.E.KyprianouJ. C. Pardo and K. van Schaik.The Annals of Applied Probability, Volume 21, Number 6, 2011.

• A Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo simulation approach for pricing path-dependent options under Lévyprocess. O. KudryavtsevPreprint.

• An Efficient Binomial Lattice Method for Step Double Barrier Options. E.Appolloni, M.GaudenziA.Zanette.International Journal of Applied and Theoretical Finance Vol.17, Issue No. 6, 2014.

The algorithms• “Pricing American-Style Options by Monte Carlo Simulation : Alternatives to Ordinary Least

Squares” by Stathis Tompaidis and Chunyu Yang• “Value Function Approximation or Stopping Time Approximation : A comparison of Two Recent

Numerical Methods for American Option Pricing using Simulation and Regression” by Lars Stentoft

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implemented in 2015 by CélineLabart will be included in the following release.

Moreover, Jérome Lelong has performed the following tasks:1. Add an importance sampling based code for jump diffusion models.2. Improve the internal enumeration mechanism (PremiaEnum).3. Update gnuplot files generation for reports.4. Everyday maintenance to fix various bugs.5. Clean the generation of the documentation process.

7. New Results7.1. Liquidity risk

Participants: Aurélien Alfonsi, Pierre Blanc.

A. Alfonsi and P. Blanc are working on the optimal execution problem when many large traders who modifythe market prices. In a previous study, they have developed a price impact model that takes into account anexogeneous flow of market orders, in which the optimal execution strategy is known explicitly. This year,theyhave worked on the practical implementation of this model. Namely, they have proposed an estimationprocedure to estimate the model parameters (decay kernel of the price impact and Hawkes kernel for theself excitation of the order flow). They have run this estimation on market data and backtested the optimalexecution strategy.

7.2. Backward stochastic (partial) differential equations with jumps, optimalstopping and stochastic control with nonlinear expectation, riskminimizationParticipants: Roxana Dumitrescu, Marie-Claire Quenez [(Univ Paris 7)], Arnaud Lionnet, Agnès Sulem.

R. Dumitrescu, M.C. Quenez and A. Sulem have provided a weak dynamic principle for Combined OptimalStopping/Stochastic Control with Ef−conditional Expectation . They have investigated the links between gen-eralized Dynkin games and double barriers reflected BSDEs with jumps and also studied mixed generalizedDynkin games in a Markovian framework and associated nonlinear HJB equations with barriers .

In the recent paper [43], they study game options in an imperfect market with default. They extend the resultsobtained by Kifer [68] in a perfect market model to the case of imperfections taken into account via thenonlinearity of the wealth dynamics. In this framework, the pricing system is expressed as a nonlinear g-expectation/evaluation induced by a nonlinear BSDE with jump. They prove that the superhedging price ofa game option coincides with the value function of a corresponding generalized Dynkin game expressed interms of the g-evaluation. They also address the case of ambiguity on the model, - for example an ambiguityon the default probability -, and characterize the superhedging price of a game option as the value functionof a mixed generalized Dynkin game. They prove the existence of a cancellation time and a trading strategywhich allows the seller to be super-hedged, whatever the model is. This study is introduced by the analysis ofthe simpler case of American options.

In collaboration with Jane Bielagt (Humbold Univ.) and Gonalo Dos Reis (Univ. of Edimburgh), ArnaudLionnet investigates in the effects of the social interactions of a finite set of agents on an equilibriumpricing mechanism. They consider an incomplete market where agents invest so as to minimize their riskmeasure. Here, agents assess risk using convex dynamic risk measures expressed by Backward StochasticDifferential Equations (BSDE). Beside the risk associated with their own economic activity, the agentscompare their trading gains to that of the others, and factor this relative performance in the evaluation oftheir risk/satisfaction. When a derivative product is introduced to complete the market and allow agents totrade a non-financial risk factor (such as temperature), the risk of each agent is lowered, as expected. However,agents then find it in their interest to be more concerned with their relative performance. This leads them tobehave more like a herd and this destabilizes the previously stable, purely financial market.

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12 Activity Report INRIA 2015

7.3. Systemic riskParticipants: Hamed Amini [EPFL], Andreea Minca [Cornell University)], Agnès Sulem, Rui Chen, RomualdElie.

We study the issue of control of systemic risk in the framework of random graph models. The paper [16] byH. Amini, A. Minca and A. Sulem, provides important insight on the relation between the value of a financialsystem, connectivity and optimal intervention. More precisely, we consider a core-periphery random financialnetwork in which links lead to the creation of projects in the outside economy but make banks prone tocontagion risk. The controller seeks to maximize, under budget constraints, the value of the financial system,defined as the total value of the projects funded. Under partial information on interbank links, revealed inconjunction with the spread of contagion, the optimal control problem is shown to become a Markov decisionproblem. Our results show that up to a certain connectivity, the value of the financial system increases withconnectivity. However, this is no longer the case if connectivity becomes too large. This insight shows thatit is far from obvious that connectivity of a core bank should always be brought forward as an argument forpriority intervention and it may be sometimes preferable to invest in non-core banks that lend directly to theeconomy. The natural question remains how to create incentives for the banks to attain an optimal level ofconnectivity and how to design a guarantee fund that would represent an intervention fund that can be used tomaximize the benefits of connectivity. This is under study with the PhD student Rui Chen.

Moreover R. Elie obtained a CVRS PEPS grant on systemic risk modeling with graphs in collaboration withthe Inria team COATI and the economic department of Université de Nice.

7.4. Dependence modeling7.4.1. Estimation of the parameters of a Wishart process

A.Alfonsi with A. Kebaier and C. Rey have studied the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Wishartprocesses and in particular its convergence in the ergodic and in some non ergodic cases. In the non ergodiccases, their analysis rely on refined results on the Laplace transform for Wishart processes. This work alsoextends a recent paper by Ben Alaya and Kebaier on the maximum likelihood estimation for the CIR process.

7.5. Interest rate modelingA. Alfonsi, E. Palidda and A. Ahdida extend the Linear Gaussian Model (LGM) by replacing the constantconvariation matrix by some Wishart dynamics. This extension allows them to generate smile while keepingthe affine structure of the model. They have obtained a price expansion around the LGM for Caplet andSwaption prices. They also present a second order discretization scheme that allow them to compute exoticprices within this model.

7.6. Numerical ProbabilityA. Alfonsi with A. Kohatsu-Higa and M. Hayashi are investigating how to apply the parametric methodrecently proposed by V. Bally and A. Kohatsu-Higa for reflected SDEs. This method allows them to obtain anunbiased estimator for expectations of general functions of the process.

7.7. Optimal transportParticipant: Benjamin Jourdain.

With J. Corbetta (postdoc financed by the chair financial risks), A. Alfonsi and B. Jourdain study a generalformula for the time-derivative of the wasserstein distance between the time-marginals of two Markovprocesses. They have checked the validity of this formula for pure-jump Markov processes with a boundedintensity of jumps. They now study the extension to piecewise deterministic Markov processes.

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7.8. Multitype sticky particle systemsParticipant: Benjamin Jourdain.

B. Jourdain and J. Reygner study multitype sticky particle systems which can be obtained as vanishing noiselimits of multitype rank-based diffusions. Rank-based diffusion processes and their multitype generalizationpermit to reproduce empirical features of stock markets. B. Jourdain and J. Reygner have obtained the optimalrate of convergence as the number of particles grows to infinity of the approximate solution to a diagonalsystem of hyperbolic conservation laws based on multitype sticky particles.

7.9. Numerical Probability7.9.1. American option pricing.

Damien Lamberton with M. Pistorius has worked on the approximation of American options by Canadianoptions, which originated from the work of Peter Carr. This lead them to revise old results on the binomialapproximation of the American put. D. Lamberton is also working with M. Zervos on American optionsinvolving the maximum of the underlying.

7.9.2. Convergence in total variation of approximation schemes for Markov processes(V. Bally and PhD student C. Rey [40])

The main issue was to consider very general approximation schemes and to estimate the approximation errorfor test functions which are just measurable and bounded. It is worth to mention that the input of noise inthe approximation schemes is allowed to be quite general, while in the standard approximation schemes fordiffusion processes one considers Gaussian input only. In some sense this means that we treat invarianceprinciples as well. We also considered approximation schemes of higher order, as the Victoir Nynomia schemefor example. An important ingredient is an abstract Malliavin calculus for general random variables (whichhas been settled in previous papers of V. Bally and Lucia Caramellino.

7.9.3. Approximation schemes for Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes(V. Bally and PhD student V.Rabiet [39]).

PDMP processes are very popular in many practical fields as biology, chemistry or fiability theory. The mainidea is that such a model may present different scales: slow ones and rapid onces. And from a numerical pointof view it is extremely difficult to implement algorithms which take care of rapid scales in details. Then theidea is to average the rapid scales (in the spirit of the Central Limit Theorem) and consequently to replacesmall (and rapid) jumps by a Brownien component. This procedure is already widely used by practitioners.Our work was to derive estimates of the error which is done by this procedure.

7.9.4. Convergence in distribution norms in the Central Limit Theorem(V. Bally with Lucia Caramellino and Guillaume Poly)

In the classical theory, the convergence which has already been studied is the convergence in total variation(measurable test functions). The main result is the theorem of Prohorov, in the fifties. We have proved thatunder similar hypothesis (with more finite moments however) one may obtain a much more accurate estimateof the error, in some norms which are close to distribution norms. As a remarkable consequence, we obtaineda CLT for the zeros of trigonometric polynomials with random coefficients.

8. Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

8.1. Bilateral Contracts with Industry• Consortium PREMIA, Natixis - Inria• Consortium PREMIA, Crédit Agricole CIB - Inria

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14 Activity Report INRIA 2015

8.2. Bilateral Grants with Industry• Chaire X-ENPC-UPMC-Société Générale "Financial Risks" of the Risk fondation : A. Alfonsi, B.

Jourdain, B. Lapeyre• A. Sulem: Research Grant for the project "Stochastic Control of Systemic Risk", awarded by the

scientific council and Professional Fellows of Institut Europlace de Finance (EIF) and Labex LouisBachelier with A. Minca (Cornell University).

• R. Elie with Arthur Charpentier:

Chaire with COVEA on digital impact in actuarial activities (2015-2018).

9. Partnerships and Cooperations

9.1. National Initiatives9.1.1. ANR

• ANR Stab 2013-2016, Participant : B. Jourdain, Partners : Lyon 1, Paris-Dauphine• ANR Cosmos 2015-2018, Participant: B. Jourdain ; Partners : Ecole des Ponts, Telecom, INIRIA

Rennes and IBPC

9.1.2. Competitivity ClustersPôle Finance Innovation.

9.2. International Initiatives9.2.1. Inria International Partners9.2.1.1. Informal International Partners

• Center of Excellence program in Mathematics and Life Sciences at the Department of Mathematics,University of Oslo, Norway, (B. Øksendal).

• Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester (Tusheng Zhang, currently in charge of anEU-ITN program on BSDEs and Applications).

• Kensas University (Yaozhong Hu)• Mannheim University (Alexander Schied, Chair of Mathematics in Business and Economics, De-

partment of Mathematics)• Roma Tor Vergata University (Lucia Caramellino)• Ritsumeikan University (A. Kohatsu-Higa).

9.3. International Research Visitors9.3.1. Visits of International Scientists

• Oleg Kudryavtsev, Rostov University (Russia), 2 months• Xiao Wei, Beijing university, 2 months Internships

• Houzhi Li (April to July 2015): Study and implementation in Premia of the 4/2 stochastic volatilitymodel proposed by M. Grasselli; adviser A. Alfonsi

9.3.2. Visits to International Teams9.3.2.1. Research stays abroad

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• A. Alfonsi IPAM, UC Los Angeles , invited by René Carmona (April 13- 23)

• A. Sulem: Participation to the "Stochastics in Environmental and Financial Economics" program,Centre of Advanced Studies of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, Oslo,Spring 2015.

10. Dissemination

10.1. Promoting Scientific Activities10.1.1. Scientific events organisation

• A. Alfonsi: Co-organizer of the working group seminar of MathRisk “Méthodes stochastiques etfinance”.

• R. Dumitrescu: Co-organizer of the young researchers in Mathematics Seminar of Université ParisDauphine.

• B. Jourdain (with B. Bouchard and E. Gobet): organization of the 2015-2016 thematic semester onMonte Carlo methods financed by the Institute Louis Bachelier.

10.1.2. Journal10.1.2.1. Member of the editorial boards

• R. Elie

Associate editor of SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics (SIFIN) (since November 2014)

• D. Lamberton

Associate editor of

– Mathematical Finance,

– Associate editor of ESAIM Probability & Statistics

• A. Sulem

Associate editor of

– 2011- Present: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (JMAA)

– 2009- Present: International Journal of Stochastic Analysis (IJSA)

– 2008- Present: SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics (SIFIN) Reviewer - Reviewing activities

The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous journals.

10.1.3. Invited talks• A. Alfonsi

- "Dynamic optimal execution in a mixed–market–impact Hawkes price model", Workshop on "TheMathematics of High Frequency Financial Markets", IPAM, Los Angeles, April 13 2015:

- "Optimal transport bounds between the time-marginals of a multidimensional diffusion and itsEuler scheme", AMS-EMS-SPM conference, Porto, June 10 2015:

- "Dynamic optimal execution in a mixed–market–impact Hawkes price model", séminaire de lachaire Risques financiers, June 12 2015:

- "Optimal execution in a Hawkes price model", London-Paris Bachelier Workshop on MathematicalFinance 2015, Sept 26 2015

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• R. Dumitrescu

- Financial Mathematics Seminar, Univ Marne-la-Vallée, ENPC and Inria, 12 January

- Stochastic Analysis Seminar, Imperial College London, 17 March

- Financial Mathematics Seminar, Univ Evry, 26 March.

• B. Jourdain

- Conference in honor of Vlad Bally, le Mans, 6-9 October 2015 : Strong convergence properties ofthe Ninomiya Victoir scheme and applications to multilevel Monte Carlo

- Workshop on NASPDE 2015, Inria Sophia, 22-23 September 2015 : Multitype sticky particles anddiagonal hyperbolic systems of PDEs

- Workshop BIRS Free-energy calculations, a mathematical perspective, Oaxaca 19-24 july 2015: Analysis of discrete space versions of the self-healing umbrella sampling and well-temperedmetadynamics algorithms

- Workshop Probabilistic Numerical Methods for Non-Linear PDEs, Imperial College London , 29june-1st july 2015 : On a stochastic particle approximation of the Keller-Segel equation - WorkshopNumerical Probability and Applications to Finance, Enit Tunis, 30 april 2015 : Strong convergenceproperties of the Ninomiya Victoir scheme and applications to multilevel Monte Carlo

- Maxwell Colloquium, Edimbourg, 6 february 2015 : Multitype sticky particles and diagonalhyperbolic systems of PDEs

• C. Labart : MCM2015, Linz, Austria, July 2015.

• J. Lelong : MCM2015, Linz, Austria, July 2015.

• D. Lamberton:

- Workshop Numerical Probability and Applications to Finance, Tunis, April 2015. "On the Canadianapproximation of the American put".

- Workshop in honor of Vlad Bally, Stochastic Calculus, Monte Carlo Methods and MathematicalFinance, Le Mans October 2015. "On the binomial approximation of the American put".

• R. Elie

- 7th general AMAMEF and Swissquote conference, Lausanne, 2015

- Workshop Advanced methods in Mathematical Finance, Angers, France, 2015

- Workshop on current challenges in financial mathematics and economics, London, 2015

- Workshop on smart energy and stochastic optimization, ENPC, Paris, 2015

- South East Asia conference in Mathematical Finance, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2015

- 9th Bachelier Colloquium, Metabief, France, 2015

- seminar, Imperial College, London, 2015

• A. Lionnet - MS-EMS-SPM International Meeting, special session on Stochastic Numerical Meth-ods for Non-linear Equations. Porto, June 10-13.

- 2nd IMA conference on mathematics in finance. Manchester, 18–19 June.

- Workshop on Probabilistic numerical methods for nonlinear PDEs at Imperial College. London,June 29 – July 1.

- The 2015 conference on Stochastic Processes and Applications. Oxford, July 13–17.

• A. Sulem

- International Conference "Stochastics and Computational Finance 2015- from academia to indus-try", July 6-10, 2015, ISEG - University of Lisbon, keynote speaker,

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- Conference on Mathematical Finance and Partial Differential Equations, Rutgers University, NewBrunswick, New Jersey, May 2015, Plenary speaker,

- Second conference on " Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics", April 20-24,2015, Academy of Science in Oslo, Plenary speaker,

- Conference in honor of Prof. V. Bally, "Stochastic Calculus and Malliavin Calculus, Monte-Carlo Methods and Mathematical Finance", Université du Mans, 6-9 Octobre 2015.

10.1.4. Research administration• A. Alfonsi: In charge of the Master “Finance and Application” at the Ecole des Ponts.• V. Bally: Member of the scientific committee of Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée; member of the

scientific committee and responsible of the theme "Stochastic equations and PDEs" of ; Responsibleof the Probability team of LAMA (until April) and organizer of the seminar of the LAMA laboratory.Labex Bezout;

• R. Dumitrescu : creation of the ALUMNI of Fondation des Sciences Mathematiques de Paris• B. Jourdain: Head of the doctoral school MSTIC, University Paris-Est• D. Lamberton: Vice-president for research at Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée• A. Sulem: member of the Committee for technology development , Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

10.2. Teaching - Supervision - Juries10.2.1. Teaching

Undergraduate programsA. Alfonsi: “Modéliser, Programmer et Simuler”, second year course at the Ecole desPonts.R. Dumitrescu, Applied courses (Travaux Dirigés) "introduction to finance", L2, UniversitéParis DauphineR. Elie

- Machine learning for actuarial sciences , Institut des actuaires français

- Arbitrage et valorisation d’options, ENSAE

- Introduction to Python, TD L2 Université Paris-EstB. Jourdain : - course "Probability theory and statistics", first year ENPC

- "Introduction to probability theory", 1st year, Ecole Polytechnique

- "Stochastic numerical methods", 3rd year, Ecole Polytechnique

- projects in finance and numerical methods, 3rd year, Ecole PolytechniqueA. Lionnet

Stochastic Processes, ESIEA, Paris , 18h .Graduate programs

A. Alfonsi:

- “Calibration, Volatilité Locale et Stochastique”, third-year course at ENSTA (Master withUniversity Paris I).

- “Traitement des données de marché : aspects statistiques et calibration”, lecture for theMaster at UPEMLV.

- A. Alfonsi: “Mesures de risque”, Master course of UPEMLV and Paris VI.

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18 Activity Report INRIA 2015

V. Bally,

- Advanced Probability (Master 1 Recherche Mathématiques et Application, University ofMarne-la-Vallée

- "The Malliavin calculus and applications in finance", 30h, Master 2 MathematicalFinance, Université Marne la Vallée

- V. Bally, " Interest Rates", 20h, Master 2 Mathematical Finance , Université Marne laVallée

- V. Bally, " Risk methodes in actuarial science", 36h, Master IMIS, Université Marne laVallée

R. Dumitrescu, Applied courses (Travaux Dirigés) in " Asset pricing by absence ofarbitrage opportunity", Université Paris Dauphine

R. Elie - Imperfect markets modeling M2 Master MASEF (Paris-Dauphine)

- Machine learning and applications, Master 2 Mathematics, , ENPC

- Portfolio management and risk measures, Master Actuariat, Université Paris-Est

- Arbitrage, volatility and portfolio management, Master 2 Math. Finance, Université Paris-Est

B. Jourdain, B. Lapeyre "Monte-Carlo methods", 3rd year ENPC and Master RechercheMathématiques et Application, University of Marne-la-Vallée

A. Sulem

- "Finite difference for PDEs in Finance", Master 2 MASEF, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, Départe-ment Mathématiques et Informatique de la Décision et des Organisations (MIDO), 18h.

- Master of Mathematics, University of Luxembourg, 22 h lectures and responsible of the module"Numerical Methods in Finance".

10.2.2. SupervisionAnis Al Gerbi (started november 2013) "Discretization of stochastic differential equations andsystemic risk modeling", supervised by B. Jourdain and E. Clément

Pierre Blanc, "Price impact on marker orders and limit order books (from Nov. 2012), Ecole desPonts, Adviser : A. Alfonsi defended on October 9th 2015.

Rui Chen (Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris grant), "Stochastic Control of mean fieldsystems and applications to systemic risk, from September 2014, Université Paris-Dauphine, AdviserA. Sulem

Roxana Dumitrescu, (Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris grant, RDMath Ile de France),Contributions au contrôle stochastique avec des espérances non linéaires et aux équations stochas-tiques rretrogrades , Advisers: A. Sulem with B. Bouchard and R. Elie, defended on September 282015, Université Paris-Dauphine.

Antoine Ly, CIFRE agreement, Partner: Miliman, advisers: R. Elie and Arthur Charpentier, Appli-cations du machine learning en Actuariat, started 2015, Advisers: R. Elie and Arthur Charpentier

Sebastien Mollaret, CIFRE agreement, Partner: Natixis, Valorisation et couverture dans les modèlesà changement de régime started 2015, Advisers: R. Elie.

Ernesto Palidda, Advisers: A. Alfonsi and Bernard Lapeyre, Ecole des Ponts, defended on May 292015.

- Paulo Pigato, "Lower bounds for the density of the solution of SDE’s under the weak Hörmandercondition, and applications in finance", Advisers: V. Bally and A. Dai Pra, University of Padova,defended October 2015, Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée,

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Victor Rabiet : "On a class of jump type stochastic equations", Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée,Advisers: V. Bally (75 %) and E. Locherbach, defended June 2015.

Clément Rey (from Oct. 2012), " High order discretization schemes for singular diffusions", Ecoledes Ponts, Advisers : A. Alfonsi and Vlad Bally, defended on December 4th 2015.

Giulia Terenzi (from October 2015) "American options in complex financial models", Advisers : D.Lamberton and Lucia Caramellino, from University Tor Vergata, Rome.

Alexandre Zhou (started November 2015) "Analysis of stochastic particle methods applied tofinance", supervised by B.Jourdain

10.2.3. Juries• B.Jourdain

- Head of the HCERES visit committee of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphael Salem, Rouen,November 20 2015

- PhD of Victor Rabiet, defended on June 23 2015, University Paris-Est

- PhD of Thi Quynh Giang NGUYEN, defended on October 19 2015, University Paris-Est

• A. Sulem

- PhD Roxana Dumitrescu, September 2015, Université Paris-Dauphine

- Referee (Rapporteur) HdR "Quelques contributions en finance mathématique, risque de liquiditéet finance d’entreprise", Ly Vath Vathana, Université Evry Val d’Essonne, November 23 2015

- Faculty opponent, PhD thesis "Aspects of Waiting and Contracting in Game Theory", PeterHelgesson, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 5th2015.

- Sulem : Committe for the recrutment of a Professor of Insurance Mathematics, ETH Zurich January2015

- Committe for the recrutment of a Professor ( in Financial Mathematics and numerical probability,Laboratoire de probabilités, Université Paris-Diderot, May 2015

- Committe for the recrutment of a researcher (chargé de recherche) Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, June2015

10.3. Popularization• A. Lionnet:

- article on Financial Mathematics published in the online popularization magazine Interstices

- Conference given for middle-schoolers at University Paris 8 during the "Week of Mathematics2015".

- Participation to the colloquium "Science and You", Nancy, June 1–6.

- The two entries of A. Lionnet to the contest SIAM Math Matters, Apply It ( were selected to be turned into a poster. One was on financial derivatites( the other on systemic risk (

• A. Sulem:

- "Applications of stochastic analysis", (2015), invited contribution for the Princeton Companion toApplied Mathematics,

- Responsible for the partnership of Inria with Institut Henri Poincaré for the creation of a museumof Mathematics.

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11. BibliographyMajor publications by the team in recent years

[1] L. ABBAS-TURKI, B. LAPEYRE. American options by Malliavin calculus and nonparametric variance andbias reduction methods, in "SIAM J. Financ. Math.", 2012, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 479-510

[2] A. AHDIDA, A. ALFONSI. Exact and high order discretization schemes for Wishart processes and their affineextensions, in "Annals of Applied Probability", 2013, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 1025-1073 [DOI : 10.1214/12-AAP863],

[3] A. ALFONSI. High order discretization schemes for the CIR process: Application to affine term structure andHeston models, in "Stochastic Processes and their Applications", 2010, vol. 79, pp. 209-237,

[4] A. ALFONSI, B. JOURDAIN, A. KOHATSU-HIGA. Pathwise optimal transport bounds between a one-dimensional diffusion and its Euler scheme, September 2012,

[5] A. ALFONSI, A. SCHIED. Optimal Trade Execution and Absence of Price Manipulations in Limit Order BookModels, in "SIAM J. Finan. Math.", 2010, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 490-522,,

[6] V. BALLY, N. FOURNIER. Regularization properties od the 2D homogenuos Bolzmann equation without cutoff,in "PTRF", 2011, no 151, pp. 659-670

[7] M. JEUNESSE, B. JOURDAIN. Regularity of the American put option in the Black-Scholes model withgeneral discrete dividends, in "Stochastic Processes and their Applications", 2012, vol. 112, pp. 3101-3125,DOI:10.1016/,

[8] B. JOURDAIN. Probabilités et statistique, Ellipses, 2009

[9] D. LAMBERTON, M. MIKOU. Exercise boundary of the American put near maturity in an exponential Lévymodel, in "Finance and Stochastics", 2013, vol. 17, no 2, pp. 355-394

[10] D. LAMBERTON, M. ZERVOS. On the optimal stopping of a one-dimensional diffusion, in "Electronic Journalof Probability", 2013, vol. 18, no 34, pp. 1-49

[11] M.-C. QUENEZ, A. SULEM. BSDEs with jumps, optimization and applications to dynamic risk mea-sures, in "Stochastic Processes and their Applications", March 2013, vol. 123, no 8, pp. 3328-3357[DOI : 10.1016/J.SPA.2013.02.016],

[12] A. SULEM. Numerical Methods implemented in the Premia Software, March-April 2009, vol. 99, Specialissue of the Journal “Bankers, Markets, Investors”, Introduction by Agnès Sulem (Ed) and A. Zanette

[13] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions, Universitext, Second Edition,Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 257 pages 2007

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[14] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Singular stochastic Control and Optimal stopping with partial information ofItô-Lévy processes, in "SIAM J. Control & Optim.", 2012, vol. 50, no 4, pp. 2254–2287,

Publications of the yearDoctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

[15] E. PALIDDA. Multi-dimensional stochastic volatility for Interest Rates, Paris-Est ; Ecole des Ponts, May 2015,

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

[16] H. AMINI, A. MINCA, A. SULEM. Control of interbank contagion under partial information, in "SIAMJournal on Financial Mathematics", December 2015, vol. 6, no 1, 24 p. ,

[17] E. APPOLLONI, L. CARAMELLINO, A. ZANETTE. A robust tree method for pricing American options withCIR stochastic interest rate, in "IMA Journal of Management Mathematics", 2015, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 377-401,

[18] L. BADOURALY KASSIM, J. LELONG, I. LOUMRHARI. Importance sampling for jump processes andapplications to finance, in "Journal of Computational Finance", December 2016, vol. 19, no 2, pp. 109-139,

[19] M. BRIANI, L. CARAMELLINO, A. ZANETTE. A hybrid approach for the implementation of the Hestonmodel, in "IMA Journal of Management Mathematics", 2015 [DOI : 10.1093/IMAMAN/DPV032],

[20] R. DUMITRESCU, M.-C. QUENEZ, A. SULEM. Optimal Stopping for Dynamic Risk Measures with Jumpsand Obstacle Problems, in "Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications", 2015, vol. 167, no 1, 23 p.[DOI : 10.1007/S10957-014-0635-2],

[21] C. FONTANA, B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Market viability and martingale measures under partial informa-tion, in "Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability", 2015, vol. 17, 24 p. [DOI : 10.1007/S11009-014-9397-4],

[22] G. FORT, B. JOURDAIN, E. KUHN, T. LELIÈVRE, G. STOLTZ. Convergence of the Wang-Landau algorithm,in "Mathematics of Computation", September 2015, vol. 84, no 295 [DOI : 10.1090/S0025-5718-2015-02952-4],

[23] B. JOURDAIN, T. LELIÈVRE, B. MIASOJEDOW. Optimal scaling for the transient phase of the random walkMetropolis algorithm: The mean-field limit, in "The Annals of Applied Probability", August 2015, vol. 25, no

4 [DOI : 10.1214/14-AAP1048],

[24] B. JOURDAIN, J. REYGNER. Capital distribution and portfolio performance in the mean-field Atlas model, in"Annals of Finance", May 2015, vol. 11, no 2, pp. 151-198 [DOI : 10.1007/S10436-014-0258-5],

[25] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Risk minimization in financial markets modeled by Itô-Lévy processes, in "AfrikaMathematika", 2015, vol. 26, 40 p. [DOI : 10.1007/S13370-014-0248-9],

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Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

[26] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Applications of stochastic analysis, in "The Princeton Companion to AppliedMathematics", N. J. HIGHAM (editor), Princeton University Press, 2015,

[27] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM, T. ZHANG. A comparison theorem for backward SPDEs with jumps, in"Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima", Z.-Q. CHEN, N. JACOB, M. TAKEDA, T. UEMURA (editors), WorldScientific, 2015, 8 p. ,

Research Reports

[28] M. CLAUSEL, J.-F. COEURJOLLY, J. LELONG. Stein estimation of the intensity of a spatial homogeneousPoisson point process, Université de Grenoble, March 2015,

Other Publications

[29] A. AL GERBI, B. JOURDAIN, E. CLÉMENT. Ninomiya-Victoir scheme: strong convergence, antithetic versionand application to multilevel estimators, August 2015, working paper or preprint,

[30] A. AL GERBI, B. JOURDAIN, E. CLÉMENT. Asymptotics for the normalized error of the Ninomiya-Victoirscheme, January 2016, working paper or preprint,

[31] A. ALFONSI, P. BLANC. Extension and calibration of a Hawkes-based optimal execution model, June 2015,working paper or preprint,

[32] A. ALFONSI, B. JOURDAIN, A. KOHATSU-HIGA. Optimal transport bounds between the time-marginals ofa multidimensional diffusion and its Euler scheme, March 2015, working paper or preprint,

[33] A. ALFONSI, A. KEBAIER, C. REY. Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Wishart processes, August 2015,working paper or preprint,

[34] R. ASSARAF, B. JOURDAIN, T. LELIÈVRE, R. ROUX. Computation of sensitivities for the invariant measureof a parameter dependent diffusion, September 2015, working paper or preprint,

[35] A. AURÉLIEN. A simple proof for the convexity of the Choquet integral, January 2015, working paper orpreprint,

[36] V. BALLY, L. CARAMELLINO. Asymptotic development for the CLT in total variation distance, January 2015,working paper or preprint,

[37] V. BALLY, L. CARAMELLINO. Regularity of probability laws by using an interpolation method, January2015, working paper or preprint,

[38] V. BALLY, L. CARAMELLINO. Tubes estimates for diffusion processes under a local Hörmander condition oforder one, January 2015, working paper or preprint,

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[39] V. BALLY, V. RABIET. Asymptotic behavior for multi-scale PDMP’s, April 2015, working paper or preprint,

[40] V. BALLY, C. REY. Approximation of Markov semigroups in total variation distance, January 2015, workingpaper or preprint,

[41] J. BIELAGK, A. LIONNET, G. DOS REIS. Equilibrium pricing under relative performance concerns,December 2015, working paper or preprint,

[42] R. DUMITRESCU, C. LABART. Reflected scheme for doubly reflected BSDEs with jumps and RCLL obstacles,February 2015, working paper or preprint,

[43] R. DUMITRESCU, M.-C. QUENEZ, A. SULEM. Game options in an imperfect market with default, November2015, working paper or preprint,

[44] N. FOURNIER, B. JOURDAIN. Stochastic particle approximation of the Keller-Segel equation and two-dimensional generalization of Bessel processes, July 2015, working paper or preprint,

[45] C. GEISS, C. LABART. Simulation of BSDEs with jumps by Wiener Chaos Expansion, February 2015, workingpaper or preprint,

[46] B. JOURDAIN, J. REYGNER. A multitype sticky particle construction of Wasserstein stable semigroups solvingone-dimensional diagonal hyperbolic systems with large monotonic data, July 2015, 112 pages, 10 figures. Alist of notations is included,

[47] B. JOURDAIN, J. REYGNER. Optimal convergence rate of the multitype sticky particle approximation ofone-dimensional diagonal hyperbolic systems with monotonic initial data, November 2015, working paper orpreprint,

[48] A. KEBAIER, J. LELONG. Coupling Importance Sampling and Multilevel Monte Carlo using Sample AverageApproximation, October 2015, working paper or preprint,

References in notes

[49] PREMIA: un outil d’évaluation pour les options, NextOption, 2006

[50] M. AKIAN, J. MENALDI, A. SULEM. On an Investment-Consumption model with transaction costs, in "SIAMJ. Control and Optim.", 1996, vol. 34, pp. 329-364

[51] M. AKIAN, A. SULEM, M. TAKSAR. Dynamic optimisation of long term growth rate for a portfolio withtransaction costs - The logarithmic utility case, in "Mathematical Finance", 2001, vol. 11, pp. 153-188

[52] A. ALFONSI, A. SCHIED. Optimal Trade Execution and Absence of Price Manipulations in Limit Order BookModels, in "SIAM J. Finan. Math.", 2010, vol. 1, pp. 490-522

[53] H. AMINI, R. CONT, A. MINCA. Resilience to Contagion in Financial Networks, in "Mathematical Finance",2013,

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[54] V. BALLY. An elementary introduction to Malliavin calculus, Inria, Rocquencourt, February 2003, no 4718,

[55] V. BALLY, L. CARAMELLINO, A. ZANETTE. Pricing American options by a Monte Carlo method using aMalliavin calculus approach, in "Monte Carlo methods and applications", 2005, vol. 11, no 2, pp. 97–133

[56] D. BELL. The Malliavin Calculus, Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Math., Longmanand Wiley, 1987, no 34

[57] T. BIELECKI, J.-P. CHANCELIER, S. PLISKA, A. SULEM. Risk sensitive portfolio optimization withtransaction costs, in "Journal of Computational Finance", 2004, vol. 8, pp. 39-63

[58] F. BLACK, M. SCHOLES. The pricing of Options and Corporate Liabibilites, in "Journal of PoliticalEconomy", 1973, vol. 81, pp. 637-654

[59] J.-P. CHANCELIER, B. LAPEYRE, J. LELONG. Using Premia and Nsp for Constructing a Risk ManagementBenchmark for Testing Parallel Architecture, in "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience",June 2014, vol. 26, no 9, pp. 1654-1665 [DOI : 10.1002/CPE.2893],

[60] I. ELSANOSI, B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Some Solvable Stochastic control Problems with Delay, in"Stochastics and Stochastics Reports", 2000

[61] J. D. FONSECA, M. MESSAOUD. Libor Market Model in Premia: Bermudan pricer, Stochastic Volatilityand Malliavin calculus, in "Bankers, Markets, Investors", March-April 2009, vol. Special report: NumericalMethods implemented in the Premia Software, no 99, pp. 44–57

[62] E. FOURNIÉ, J.-M. LASRY, J. LEBUCHOUX, P.-L. LIONS. Applications of Malliavin calculus to Monte Carlomethods in Finance, II, in "Finance & Stochastics", 2001, vol. 2, no 5, pp. 201-236

[63] E. FOURNIÉ, J.-M. LASRY, J. LEBUCHOUX, P.-L. LIONS, N. TOUZI. An application of Malliavin calculusto Monte Carlo methods in Finance, in "Finance & Stochastics", 1999, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 391-412

[64] N. C. FRAMSTAD, B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Optimal Consumption and Portfolio in a Jump DiffusionMarket with Proportional Transaction Costs, in "Journal of Mathematical Economics", 2001, vol. 35, pp.233-257

[65] J. GARNIER, G. PANANICOLAOU, T.-W. YANG. Large deviations for a mean field model of systemic risk,2012, Manuscript, arXiv:1204.3536

[66] P. GASSIAT, H. PHAM, M. SIRBU. Optimal investment on finite horizon with random discrete order flow inilliquid markets, in "International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance", 2010, vol. 14, pp. 17-40

[67] Y. KABANOV, M. SAFARIAN. Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory, Springer Verlag, 2009

[68] Y. KIFER. Game options, in "Finances & Stoahcstics", 2000, vol. 4, pp. 443–463

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[69] C. LABART, J. LELONG. Pricing Parisian Options using Laplace transforms, in "Bankers, Markets, In-vestors", March-April 2009, vol. Special report: Numerical Methods implemented in the Premia Software,no 99, pp. 29–43

[70] D. LAMBERTON, B. LAPEYRE, A. SULEM. Application of Malliavin Calculus to Finance, in "special issueof the journal Mathematical Finance", January 2003

[71] P. MALLIAVIN. Stochastic calculus of variations and hypoelliptic operators, in "Proc. Inter. Symp. on Stoch.Diff. Equations", Kyoto, Wiley 1978, 1976, pp. 195-263

[72] P. MALLIAVIN, A. THALMAIER. Stochastic Calculus of variations in Mathematical Finance, SpringerFinance, Springer Verlag, 2006

[73] A. MINCA. Modélisation mathématique de la contagion de défaut; Mathematical modeling of financialcontagion, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, September 5 2011

[74] D. NUALART. The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics, Springer–Verlag, 1995

[75] D. OCONE, I. KARATZAS. A generalized representation formula with application to optimal portfolios, in"Stochastics and Stochastic Reports", 1991, vol. 34, pp. 187-220

[76] D. OCONE. A guide to the stochastic calculus of variations, in "Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics", H.KOERZLIOGLU, S. ÜSTÜNEL (editors), Lecture Notes in Math.1316, 1987, pp. 1-79

[77] N. PRIVAULT, X. WEI. Calibration of the LIBOR market model - implementation in Premia, in "Bankers,Markets, Investors", March-April 2009, vol. Special report: Numerical Methods implemented in the PremiaSoftware, no 99, pp. 20–29

[78] F. RUSSO, P. VALLOIS. Stochastic calculus with respect to continuous finite quadratic variation processes, in"Stochastics and Stochastics Reports", 2000, vol. 70, pp. 1–40

[79] A. SULEM. Dynamic Optimisation for a mixed Portfolio with transaction costs, in "Numerical methods inFinance", 1997, pp. 165-180, edited by L.C.G. Rogers and D.Talay, Cambridge University Press, Publicationsof the Newton Institute

[80] A. SULEM, A. ZANETTE. Premia: A Numerical Platform for Pricing Financial Derivatives, in "Ercim News",July 2009, vol. 78

[81] U. ÇETIN, R. JARROW, P. PROTTER. Liquidity risk and arbitrage pricing theory, in "Finance and Stochastics",2004, vol. 8,

[82] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM, T. ZHANG. Optimal control of stochastic delay equations and time-advancedbackward stochastic differential equations, in "Advances in Applied Probability", 2011, vol. 43, pp. 572-596

[83] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Optimal Consumption and Portfolio with both fixed and proportional transactioncosts: A Combined Stochastic Control and Impulse Control Model, in "SIAM J. Control and Optim.", 2002,vol. 40, pp. 1765-1790

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[84] B. ØKSENDAL, A. SULEM. Optimal stochastic impulse control with delayed reaction, in "Applied Mathemat-ics and Optimization", 2008, vol. 58, pp. 243-255

[85] B. ØKSENDAL. An Introduction to Malliavin Calculus with Applications to Economics, in "Lecture Notes froma course given 1996 at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH)", September1996, NHH Preprint Series