prokaryotes viruses, and protistans new slides for spr 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Prokaryotes, Viruses, and Protistans

    Updated Feb 2012

    Here are the new slides that were

    presented in lectureThe complete lecture is also uploaded.

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Did Alexander the Great Die from West Nile Virus?

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Historical Review

    Alexander the Great and West Nile Virus Encephalitis

    John S. Marr* and Charles H. Calisher

    Table.Medical history and physical examination of Alexander the Great Patient


    Onset of final illness May 29, 323 BC

    Death June 10, 323 BC

    Escalating fever associated with chills

    Excessive thirst, diaphoresis

    Acute abdominal pain

    Single episode of back pain at onset of fever

    Increased weakness leading to prostration with intermittent periods of energy



    Terminal flaccid paralysis

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Microbes in the News

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    E. coli outbreak alarms Germany as

    young women sicken (BBC 25 May 2011)

    Germany is alarmed at the scale of an E. coli food poisoning

    outbreak which is thought to have killed three people and

    may have infected hundreds more.

    Salads suspected health conscious women.

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    E. coli cucumber scare: Spain angry at German claims BBC 31

    May 2011

    Spain has expressed anger at links being

    made between Spanish cucumbers and a

    deadly E. coli outbreak.


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    Reaction to the cucumber crisis

    Country Action


    Consumers told not to eat

    cucumbers, lettuces and raw

    tomatoes. 1,150 cases of E.coli

    confirmed; 14 deaths


    One death and 36 suspected E.

    coli infections, linked to travel

    in northern Germany.


    Top European cucumber

    producer - threatens to seek

    compensation from the

    European Union for lost

    vegetables sales


    Ban on all imports of

    cucumbers, tomatoes and

    fresh salad from Spain and

    Germany pending further


    Czech RepublicSome Spanish-grown

    cucumbers removed from sale

    FranceSome Spanish-grown

    cucumbers removed from sale


    Ban on sale of cucumbers,

    tomatoes and aubergines

    imported via Germany

    BelgiumReported to have banned

    cucumber imports from Spain

    NetherlandsHalted all cucumber

    shipments to Germany

    Denmark Testing cucumbers for

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Bacteria-rich hailstones add to

    'bioprecipitation' idea (BBC 25May 2011)

    A study of hailstones has found large numbers of bacteria at

    their cores.

    The find lends credence to the "bio-precipitation" idea, which suggests

    that bacteria are actively involved in stimulating precipitation.

    The bacteria have protein coatings that cause water to freeze at relatively

    warm temperatures.

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    Bacteria 'linked' to Parkinson's disease

    (BBC 22May 2011)

    y The bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers have been linked

    to Parkinson's disease, according to researchers in the US.

    y Mice infected with Helicobacter pylori went onto develop Parkinson's like

    symptoms.Parkinson's disease affects the brain and results in slow movements

    and a tremor.

    y The researchers believe the bacteria are producing chemicals which are

    toxic to the brain.

    yDr. Testerman said this new chemical was almost identical toone found in seeds from the cycad plant, which had been

    shown to trigger a Parkinson's-like disease among people in


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    Foodborne Illness

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    From CBS


  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Characteristics ofSalmonella

    Gram negative

    Rod shaped (bacillus)

    Non-spore formingMotile (many flagella)

    Enterobacteria (Live in the intestines of manyanimals)


    Salmonella infections are zoonotic

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  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Gram Staining

    y Laboratory staining protocol developed to help identify bacteria

    y Two stains are used on heat-fixed (death by heat) smear of a bacterial culture

    y Stain #1 is crystal violet which stains the bacterial cells purple

    y Stain #2 is usually safrarin which stains the bacterial cells red or pink

    y Gram + bacteria appear purple under microscope because they retain the crystalviolet dye in their cell walls

    yGram- bacteria appear red or pink under the microscope because they do notretain the blue dye, but do retain the pink dye

    y Does not work on all types of bacteria

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    Gram Staining Video

    BEST Gram Staining Video Ever!!!


    Second Best

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Under the Microscope

    A Gram stain of mixed Staphylococcus aureus (Grampositive cocci) and Escherichia coli(Gram negative


  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Salmonella and Disease

    y The Salmonella family includes over 2,300 serotypesof bacteria which are one-celled organisms too small tobe seen without a microscope. Two types, Salmonellaenteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium are the mostcommon in the United States and account for half of allhuman infections. Strains that cause no symptoms inanimals can make people sick, and vice versa. If presentin food, it does not usually affect the taste, smell, or

    appearance of the food. The bacteria live in theintestinal tracts of infected animals and humans.


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    y Salmonellosis is an infection with bacteria calledSalmonella. Most persons infected with Salmonella developdiarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours afterinfection. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most

    persons recover without treatment. However, in somepersons, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patientneeds to be hospitalized. In these patients, the Salmonellainfection may spread from the intestines to the bloodstream, and then to other body sites and can cause deathunless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics. The

    elderly, infants, and those with impaired immune systemsare more likely to have a severe illness.


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    About 142,000 (reported) Americans areinfected each year with Salmonella enteritidisfrom chicken eggs, and about 30 die.[18] The shell

    of the egg may be contaminated with salmonellaby feces or environment (common), or its interior(yolk) may be contaminated by penetration of thebacteria through the porous shell or from a hen

    whose infected ovaries contaminate the eggduring egg formation (unlikely).

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    FDA ties chicken feed to salmonella in

    egg recall

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) Bacteria found in

    chicken feed used at two Iowa farms has been

    linked to a salmonella outbreak that prompted

    the recall of more than a half billion

    contaminated eggs, U.S. regulators said on


    By Alina Selyukh Alina Selyukh Thu Aug 26, 5:24 pm ET

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    So what's happening to the recalled

    eggs and the fresh ones?y Eggs from that massive salmonella outbreak could stillend up on a store shelf near you.

    CBS News has learned that some of the recalled eggs

    are being sent to egg processing facilities, along withfresh ones that infected hens are still producing.

    The eggs will be cooked, pasteurized and used inproducts like ice cream and mayonnaise. The FDA says

    it's legal and safety experts insist there's little risk toconsumers.


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    HPV carried in mouth linked to virulent cancers

    Number of oropharyngeal cases steadily rising, study finds

    The Washington Times Thursday, January 26, 2012

    The new study finds that the most prevalent HPV strain found in peoples

    mouths is HPV-16, a type that is particularly likely to cause cancers,Dr.Maura L.

    Gillison and her colleagues said.

    An estimated 2.13 million Americans have an oral HPV-16 infection, the authors

    said in their study, published in the Jan. 26 issue of JAMAs Online First edition.

    Men are almost three times as likely as women to have oral HPV, with 10.1 percent

    of men and 3.6 percent of women testing positive for it.

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    Discovery News

    WedMar 3, 2010 03:44 AM ET

    Researchers link flu outbreaks with low humidity levels of winter.

    Winters in New York are four times less humid than in summer. In

    Minnesota, humidity can drop five-fold.

    Linking the flu to absolute humidity could help health workers prepare

    for outbreaks.

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    Video: UK Mad Cow Disease

    From the Asian Discovery Channel


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    In the News


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    Molecular Mechanism


  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Videos: Red Tide

    From theMoteMarine Laboratory, FL

    San Diego, CA

    Amazing blue glowing waves at La Jolla Shores beach caused by the red tide that hit San Diego onSeptember 29, 2011. The bright blue color is caused by bioluminescence from an algae bloom. Thealgae is red in the day, hence the name Red Tide, but glows a bright blue at night when agitated,such as when a wave breaks. It's a really awesome sight to see.... when people swim in the water,the entire water around them glows blue. Truly amazing!

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Cat parasite 'is killing otters'

    BBC News website science reporter, St Louis 19 Feb 2006

    Cat faeces carrying Toxoplasma parasites

    wash into US waterways and then into the

    sea where they can infect otters, causingbrain disease.

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    Malaria deaths hugely underestimated - Lancet study

    BBC 2 February 2012

    The research, published in the British medical journal the Lancet,

    suggests 1.24 million people died from the mosquito-borne disease in


    This compares to a World Health Organization (WHO) estimate for 2010 of

    655,000 deaths. But both the new study and the WHO indicate global death rates are now


    The rise in malaria deaths up to 2004 is attributed to a growth in

    populations at risk of malaria, while the decline since 2004 is attributed to

    "a rapid scaling up of malaria control in Africa", supported by internationaldonors.

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    A Sporozoan Causes BagdadBoils

    Eck Family Institute

    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (also known as "Aleppo boil," "Baghdad boil," "Baysore," "Biskra button," "Chiclero ulcer," "Delhi boil," "Kandahar sore," "Lahore sore," "Leishmaniasis

    tropica," "Oriental sore," "Pian bois," and "Uta"[1]:423) is the most common formofleishmaniasis. It is a skin infection caused by asingle-celled parasite that is transmitted by sandflybites. There are about 20 species ofLeishmania that

    may cause cutaneous leishmaniasis.Leishmania currently affects 12 million people in 88

    countries. Wkipedia

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    Video: Euglena

  • 8/3/2019 Prokaryotes Viruses, And Protistans New Slides for Spr 2012


    Video: Diatoms



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    Green Technology

    From the History Channel
