promoting your webinar

Promoting your Webinars How to get people to sign up and attend your webinars © 2012 Sharon Burton [email protected] 951-369-8590

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How can you get the word out about your webinar series without spending thousands of dollars in time and effort? In this hour long webinar, Sharon Burton will show you how to write up your webinar description that captures the attention of your target audience. She will then cover specific steps for getting the word out to possible attendees and maximizing your registration. At the end of this webinar, you will know how to: -Write compelling webinar descriptions -Find the markets you want to reach, (and do it effectively) -Increase your attendance by 25%


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Promoting your Webinars

How to get people to sign up and attend your webinars

© 2012 Sharon Burton

[email protected]

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Thank you for attending!

Sharon Burton

Been in the Communication industry for 20 years

Content strategy consultant

Run hundreds of webinars

Teach communication at various universities

My new book 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars

Available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble

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Our problem

We want

the most response to our webinar

engaged and excited attendees

qualified leads

Really, we’d like everything

Maybe with some chocolate sprinkles, too

Sometimes it feels like we threw a party and no one came

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So how can we fix this?

Let’s start way at the beginning

Our write up may be a problem

People are busy, and if they can’t understand the write-up, they won’t sign up.

Making them think and decode language puts a burden on your attendees that’s simply not fair

So let’s start there

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A good short description

Clearly state the topic for your audience

Not in product-specific terms

Your audiences’ terms

“Learn about our new localization product”

Not compelling to your attendees

No reason why they might benefit from learning about your product.

“Reduce your translation costs by as much as 80%”

Speaks to a pain point for your audience

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Numbers are interesting

Numbers are very good

For example

An 80% reduction in localization costs is huge

It’s an exciting thing for a company to think there may be a better way at half the cost

It’s inherently interesting to your audience

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Total words

Resist the urge to say everything you ever thought of on the topic

150 words, tops

Bullet points


People can scan the write up and decide

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For example

“In this fast and exciting interactive hour, you’ll see the industry’s newest technology leveraged to reduce your localizations costs.”

Rewrite it into something like this:

“During this hour-long webinar, see how you can save up to 80% of your localization costs.”

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The reason to attend

List three things they will learn by attending

Even if they already know one of those things

They see the other two and decide those would be good to learn as well

You’re asking for at least an hour out of an already overscheduled day

Let people know up front what they can expect to learn

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For example

How to improve your localization workflow overall

How Product XX streamlines the localization process

What standardized content is and the cost benefits it can bring you

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Make it easy to see why

Use simple and direct words that communicate clearly to the attendee.

People are busy, and if they can’t understand the write-up, they won’t sign up.

Making them think and decode the language puts a burden on your attendees that’s simply not fair

Your signups will be poor

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Make it easy to sign up

If one of your goals for running a webinar series is to get more leads

Your instinct is to ask everything you can think of to qualify the lead when they sign up

Don’t do this


I’m not kidding

Fully qualifying people at signup makes the signup procedure hard and time-consuming

People won’t sign up

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Getting the word out

Your website

Direct emails

Social media


Other user groups


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Your website

Link from your home page to your Webinars page

Include links to recordings of past webinars

Plan ahead for when you have 30+ recordings

Organized by?

Date may not be good

ALWAYS have 4 weeks of upcoming webinars

Maybe not 1 every week, but at least 4 weeks out

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Direct emails

Don’t include the entire write-up in these emails

Makes the email too long to scan

Put the name of the webinar and the date and time

Include the first sentence from the write-up

Don’t forget support emails and other groups

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Social media This is what you’ve all

been waiting for!


Great for Business to Consumer (B2C)

Bad for B2B


Good for both


Good for B2C


No one seems to use it


Fab for B2C

Maybe good for B2B

Many places restrict YouTube access

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Think hash tags

For example:

Free webinar: Reducing your localization costs – June 30 2012 9am Pac #techcomm [insert link to signup page here]

Set up different tweets (using HootSuite or

Schedule for different hours and days of the week

Use the analytics to see what your audience responds to

Do more of that

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You need a really good picture

People scan for stuff visually

I wouldn’t bother with B2B

Not business

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Perfect for B2B

Lots of professional groups talking about topics

Post to these groups

Watch the rules

Some groups are touchy about what gets posted by vendors

Don’t just post and never come back

People have questions

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Other user groups

Depending on your industry

Other newsgroups




Follow the rules for posting

Don’t just post and never come back

People have questions

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Ask for a small mention in advertisements with a link to the webinars page on your website

Maybe a Qcode specifically for the webinar page

Don’t mention any specific webinar by name in the ad

You have a new free webinar program available

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How often should I post? Timeframe Social Media Groups and lists

3 weeks before 2 times a week 1 time

2 weeks before 4 times a week 1 time

1 week before every day 1 time

The day before 3 times 1 time

The day of 2 hours before NA

After the webinar is complete

an hour later, mentioning how

exciting/full/etc. the webinar was


The day after the webinar

post with the recording link

1 time

The next 3 months, or until you see on-demand

viewing drop off significantly

Once a week with the link

Once a week with the link

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How do I get more signups to attend live?

50% of the total signups usually attend

It’s a global world

People sign up knowing they can’t attend live but they want to link to the recording

You have an engaged audience

If you are getting a lot of signups from another time zone

Consider doing one for them specifically

Even if that means a webinar at 5am or 10pm for you

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8 Steps to Amazing Webinars

XML Press

Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Available as a printed book or as an eBook

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Questions? Thoughts?

[email protected]