proposal project title: extended life concrete bridge ... · proposal . project title: extended...

PROPOSAL Project Title: Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking RFP Number: 2015-10 Submitted by: Organization/Institution: Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center and National Concrete Pavement Technology Center 2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700 Ames, Iowa 50010 Principal Investigators: Brent Phares Director, Bridge Engineering Center Institute for Transportation Telephone: 515-294-5879 [email protected] Peter Taylor Associate Director, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center Institute for Transportation Telephone: 515-294-9333 [email protected] Co-Principal Investigators: Eric Steinberg and Kenneth Walsh Department of Civil Engineering ORITE Ohio University Athens, OH 45701 [email protected] Authorized Agent: John Gilmore ISU Office of Sponsored Programs Administration 1138 Pearson Hall Ames, IA 50010 515-294-5225 [email protected] Submission Date: December 18, 2014 February 4, 2015 revised Project Cost: $246,966 Project Duration: 36 months Submitted to: Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Research and Development 1980 West Broad Street – 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43223

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PROPOSAL Project Title: Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal

Curing to Reduce Cracking RFP Number: 2015-10 Submitted by: Organization/Institution: Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center and National Concrete Pavement Technology Center 2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700 Ames, Iowa 50010 Principal Investigators: Brent Phares

Director, Bridge Engineering Center Institute for Transportation Telephone: 515-294-5879 [email protected] Peter Taylor Associate Director, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center Institute for Transportation Telephone: 515-294-9333 [email protected]

Co-Principal Investigators: Eric Steinberg and Kenneth Walsh

Department of Civil Engineering ORITE Ohio University Athens, OH 45701 [email protected]

Authorized Agent: John Gilmore ISU Office of Sponsored Programs Administration 1138 Pearson Hall Ames, IA 50010 515-294-5225 [email protected] Submission Date: December 18, 2014 February 4, 2015 revised Project Cost: $246,966 Project Duration: 36 months Submitted to: Ohio Department of Transportation

Office of Research and Development 1980 West Broad Street – 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43223

Table of Contents

1. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 1

2. Goals and Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................... 1

3. Research Context ................................................................................................................ 2

4. Work Plan ........................................................................................................................... 5

5. Benefits/Potential Application of Research Results ......................................................... 10

6. Research Deliverables ....................................................................................................... 10


A. Itemized Budget ................................................................................................... 11

A.1 Prime Budget (Iowa State University) .......................................................... 11

A.2 Subcontractor Budget (Ohio University) ...................................................... 14

B. Project Schedule .................................................................................................. 19

C. Facilities ............................................................................................................... 23

D. Qualifications of Research Team ......................................................................... 27

E. Other Commitments of Research Team ............................................................... 40

F. ODOT Contribution ............................................................................................. 43

G. References ............................................................................................................ 44


1. Problem Statement

There is an ongoing concern about premature cracking of concrete bridge decks despite continued

efforts to prevent it. Such cracking reduces serviceability, shortens bridge lifetime resulting in

increasing maintenance and replacement costs. Ideally, a deck should last as long as the support

structure with minimal maintenance. However, the current state-of-the-practice typically results in a

bridge deck needing to be replaced two or more times before the superstructure needs replacing. Such

a differential in elemental service life is inefficient, costly, and can cause unnecessary, repeated work

zone hazards.

A challenge is that methods used to improve permeability, and so lifetime, also tend to increase the

risk of cracking. The situation becomes even more complex when one considers how these “improved

permeability” concrete mixes interact with a bridge system that is already relatively stiff. However,

innovative materials such as internal curing (IC) and shrinkage reducing admixtures, and a better

understanding of mixture proportioning appear to offer a potential means of moving toward this ideal.

The team assembled for this project consists of nationally and internationally recognized experts in

the areas important to the success of this project: concrete materials and bridge engineering. When

combined, the Iowa State University and the Ohio University team are uniquely qualified to complete

the work proposed herein. Further, our staffs’ commitment to providing practical solutions to

Departments of Transportation (DOTs) is recognizable by our many on-going related projects. Two

specific examples of bridge projects focused on using IC briefly described in the Appendix

demonstrate the breadth of our experience in the very specific area of the use of IC in bridges.

By submission of this proposal, Iowa State University (ISU), the Bridge Engineering Center, the

National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, and Ohio University (OU) agree to allocate the

necessary resources to ensure the success of the work as proposed. Our unique laboratory and field

test capabilities combined with our recognized expertise in the pertinent areas, coupled with our

dedication to providing implementable solutions, will be keys to the successful completion of this


2. Goals and Objectives of the Study

The goal of the work discussed in this proposal is to assist the Ohio DOT in preparing a specification

that will increase the probability of achieving crack free, long-lasting decks. To achieve this goal, we

propose to develop a state-of-the-art bridge concrete that will give a unique consideration to


combining the best mix characteristics that will ultimately extend bridge deck life and delay (or

eliminate) the need to replace decks prior to superstructure replacement. By approaching this project

with a holistic view of the interaction of various concrete technologies, we believe that such mix

design can be achieved and demonstrated. Clearly one key to achieving a long-life bridge deck is

ensuring that: (1) the bridge deck will be crack-free immediately after construction and (2) the bridge

deck has the strength and serviceability characteristics that will allow it to perform for up to 75 years

of active service.

3. Research Context

The design and construction of a long-lasting bridge deck is one of the most challenging activities

faced by public agencies. If one combines the difficulties with constructing a crack free deck with the

challenges associated with installing a leak-free deck joint, it becomes very obvious why bridges tend

to deteriorate faster than any other asset on the transportation system. As such, the development of an

advanced concrete mix is a high payoff research product. To be able to address the problem at hand it

is necessary to have a strong grasp of the fundamental nature of the problem, while also having expert

knowledge of potential solution opportunities.

The deck is subject to cyclic loading, not only from traffic, but from seasonal variations in the support

system. Both top and bottom surfaces of the deck may be subjected to weather, while the slab is

coupled to beams that may be of a different material, all contributing to setting up differential stresses

and strains. Traffic loading and abrasion, combined with the effects of rain, ice, snow and deicing

chemicals all mean that the concrete surface is subject to abuse.

Failure mechanisms in a deck may be summarized as:

• Cracking, particularly at the surface

• Cold weather damage including salt scaling

• Polishing of the surface leading to loss of skid resistance

• Corrosion of reinforcing

• Bending stresses induced at mid span and at supports

Common practice is to seek to make the mixture as strong and impermeable as possible to address the

concerns about applied loads and environmental attack. However, such practices tend to significantly

increase stiffness and brittleness of the mixture, so markedly increasing the risk of cracking. Indeed,

many specifications call for a minimum cement content that may be higher than needed and have the

effect of increasing shrinkage. Regardless of the quality of a mixture, a crack provides a short cut for


aggressive chemicals to reach the reinforcing and the heart of the concrete, so nullifying the benefits

of the low-permeability system.

Construction practices may also contribute to the risk when concrete is placed during a morning and

then setting while at its peak temperature at the hottest part of the day. Subsequent cooling overnight

can set up large thermal strains. It is also common for staff on-site to add water to mixtures, or on to

the surface, to make handling and finishing easier, but with the side effect of reducing surface quality.

An added factor contributing to the cracking risk is that cement hydration is a relatively slow process,

requiring that the mixture be kept wet and warm for several days to get the most out of the mixture

ingredients. In practice, this may not always be easy because of pressure to use the new surface as a

work platform. Construction in severe weather makes all of this even more difficult.

Therefore, building a crack free, durable surface is a challenge; a delicate balance to meet conflicting

needs. Fortunately a number of innovative materials and approaches are becoming available that have

the potential to reduce the risk of cracking while enhancing potential durability.

Internal curing is the practice of providing reservoirs of water within the mixture that are not part of

the initial mixing water. The water is, however, released later to maintain sufficiently high RH in the

pore system for hydration to proceed. Practice in the USA is to use lightweight fine aggregate that is

saturated before mixing. Fine aggregate is preferred to coarse aggregate because the particles are

finely distributed through the mixture, thus maximizing the benefit through the whole volume rather

than concentrating it around discrete particles. The more common practice in Europe is the use of

superabsorbent polymers (SAP) for the same purpose. The most common SAPs used for internal

curing are based on polyacrylamide, a thermoset polymer with chemical crosslinks that prevent

dissolution in water (Siriwatwechakul 2012).

This practice has a number of benefits (Bentz 2010):

• Reduce moisture gradients through the thickness of the slab, so reducing warping

• Reduce shrinkage

• Increase hydration so improving impermeability and strength development

Typically, about 20 to 30 percent of the fine aggregate (by volume) is replaced with the lightweight

material. Unit weight and modulus of elasticity are slightly reduced. Other properties of the mixture

are not significantly affected (Byard 2010).


A number of decks using IC have been constructed throughout the USA including two in Iowa that

are being monitored by this research team. To date no cracking has been seen in the IA decks.

Costs of these materials is higher than the sand they replace, and a significant contributor to the cost

may be the transportation. There is one producer of suitable fine aggregate in Ohio and two in

Indiana, meaning that pricing will be reasonable and competitive. In terms of total construction cost,

the premium is relatively small, and will be more than compensated for in the reduced maintenance of

the structure. Rao (2012) have estimated that pavement thicknesses can be reduce because of the

improved performance, so leading to a cost neutral final product.

Shrinkage reducing admixtures have been available for some time and have found wide acceptance

in the flooring industry because they significantly reduce the risk of random cracking. They do

influence other mixture properties such as air entrainment. These products also carry a cost premium

and an economic evaluation will be required to determine whether the benefit is sufficient to warrant

the premium.

External Curing. Understanding is improving on the benefits, methods and timing of effective

surface curing, with a view to reducing cracking and improving surface quality. So-called evaporation

retarders have been found to be effective in the paving industry at preventing plastic shrinkage

cracking. Poly-alpha-methylstyrene has been reported to be the compound of choice in Minnesota

because it has been found to be effective as a surface curing compound, despite its slightly higher

cost. Researchers in Florida are investigating the benefits of a lithium-silicate surface coating, applied

to fresh concrete that reportedly reduces cracking risk, even in severe drying conditions, while

providing some curing benefit.

Mixture proportioning. A significant contributor to the risk of cracking is the amount of thermal and

moisture movement that will occur in the mixture. Thermal gradients are set up by the heat of

hydration of the mixture, which in turn is increased with increasing cement content. Moisture

gradients and total drying shrinkage are governed by paste content of the mixture. Careful

proportioning of mixtures with aggregate gradations that help minimize paste content along with

appropriate selection of supplementary cementitious materials (including using ternary cementitious

systems) will all help reduce cracking risk compared to plain cement mixtures with high binder


contents. Selection of appropriate supplementary cementitious materials will assist in reducing

chloride penetration of the deck, so enhancing protection of the reinforcing steel.

Workmanship activities can also help reduce cracking risk while improving durability. These may


• Control batch temperature, before and after placing, and during weather events

• Control system moisture state

• Avoid retempering or any activity that adds water to the system until after final set

Overview. While all of these materials and tools show promise in reducing deck cracking, there are

some barriers to their implementation that need to be addressed:

• The relative cost benefit of each

• Specification language and appropriate metrics

• Education resources for affected parties from designers and specifiers through site foremen

and inspectors

The aim of the work described in this proposal is to address these barriers in a structured way that will

allow the DOT to adopt specification language. The researchers have not submitted this proposal or a

variation of it to ODOT or another agency for consideration.

4. Work Plan

Tasks required to complete the aims of the project are discussed below.

1. Literature review

A review will be prepared that gathers and summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding

the parameters discussed above:

• Internal curing

• Shrinkage reducing admixtures

• External curing

• Mixture proportioning

• Workmanship


The review will include a discussion of how the technology works, where it has been used before,

and the bounds of its effectiveness.

Data will be collected using electronic and physical Iowa State University Library resources

including compendia and search engines. The ISU portion of the team already has an extensive

library of literature associated with internal curing gathered in preparation for other research

projects and hence the majority of this task will be undertaken by ISU with OU assisting.

2. Review of other DOT specifications and discussion with other DOTs

A group of 27 DOT materials engineers are members of the National Concrete Consortium and

they will be queried for information on how they are using these technologies, what specification

language they are using, and where possible, the relative cost benefits of each.

The New York DOT has a specification for selection and construction with lightweight

aggregates for internal curing purposes; a copy will be included in the review.

A document will be prepared that summarizes the findings of the first two tasks. The OU portion

of the team will focus on ODOT specifications while the ISU team will work with gather

information from other DOTs.

3. Development of laboratory testing program

A laboratory testing program will be developed and conducted that fills gaps in the knowledge

base and addresses concerns specific to bridge decks. A provisional plan is given below,

however, the final plan will be agreed upon with ODOT before it is started.

• Prepare a matrix of approximately 10 mixtures:

o Fixed parameters:

Single source samples of cement, slag cement, fly ash, silica fume,

lightweight fine aggregate, superabsorbent polymer, shrinkage reducing

admixture, and conventional aggregates. Materials will be sought that are

available in Ohio.

w/cm ratio, air content

o Variable parameters:

Cementitious combinations

Aggregate gradations

Binder contents


Curing compounds

Admixture dosages

• Evaluate the following in the laboratory:

Semi-adiabatic calorimetry (Adiacal)

Setting time (ASTM C 403)

Strength development (flexural and compressive) between 1 and 28 days

(ASTM C 78 and C 39)

Elastic modulus development between 1 and 28 days (ASTM C 469)

Ring shrinkage (ASTM C 1581)

Drying shrinkage (ASTM C 157 (modified))

Resistivity (Wenner Probe)

Relative cost

• Analyze data to determine:

Required performance

Means to achieve such performance

Cost effectiveness of alternative approaches

The large majority of the laboratory testing will be performed by the ISU team in their facilities.

The OU team will assist ISU related to material availability in Ohio material and will perform

minor duplicate strength and elastic modulus testing to determine repeatability of the results.

4. Develop recommendations for bridge deck concrete specification

Based on the findings of the laboratory work, a set of recommended materials, practices and test

limits will be developed that will later form the backbone of a specification. The aim will be to

lean toward performance requirements where practical. Some flexibility will also be included so

that local economics may drive materials selection as long as a minimum performance can be

achieved and demonstrated. ISU will lead this effort with the assistance of OU.

The recommendations will be discussed and agreed upon with representatives of ODOT.


5. Develop experimental design for test bridge decks

Working with ODOT D12, the research team will develop designs for bridge decks to be

constructed in Task 6. While the focus of the bridge deck designs will be on the specific concrete

mix design, the research team will also make recommendations on other applicable factors

including: reinforcing bar placement, construction approaches, finishing and curing procedures.

ISU will lead this effort with OU providing input especially related to typical ODOT details.

6. In coordination with ODOT D12, cast test two bridge decks and monitor early age performance

Working with ODOT D12 and a construction contractor selected by ODOT, the research team

will participate in the casting of two bridge decks. Prior to deck pouring, the team will install

instrumentation to measure internal temperature, moisture and strain. This instrumentation will

be monitored by the team from pouring to approximately 7 days after placement. During material

placement, the research team will collect samples that will allow the concrete characteristics to be

correlated with those from the laboratory testing. Specifically, samples will be collected to

perform the some of the same tests as conducted in the laboratory. These tests will be performed

by OU due to the proximity of the OU.

Further, the research team will make on-site condition observations while the concrete is being

placed such that anomalies in the resulting characterization might be related to environmental

variations, material variations, or both. Documentation of construction practices will also be kept.

When appropriate, the research team will also conduct “interviews” with parties participating in

concrete placement to ascertain their experiences working with the developed mix. Particular

points of interest will include their experience with material workability, set time, and others. As

soon as practical, the bridge deck surface will be extensively inspected for signs of early age

cracking. These inspections will continue for a minimum of three days following concrete


At approximately 28 days, the research team will: (1) conduct a follow-up inspection of the

bridge deck surfaces and (2) conduct a physical live load test of the bridge. During testing, strain

sensing equipment will be installed at strategic locations throughout the bridge. Once all

instrumentation has been installed, a loaded truck will be driven across the bridge (at a crawl

speed) during which time the instrumentation will be continuously monitored. The specific

instrumentation plan will be determined based on the specific bridges that will be used. However,

instrumentation will be placed on the girders (both top and bottom flanges) as well as on the


bottom surface of the deck. Collectively this information will allow the following parameters to

be investigated:

• Lateral live load distribution

• Level of composite action achieved

• Transverse deck behavior/strain

Together, these pieces of information will provide a baseline understanding of how the bridge

deck performs under live load as compared to traditional codified values.

The decks will also be inspected after 1 year to assess the degree of cracking in the surface. The

OU portion of the team will be onsite for a longer period and with more support staff in order to

alleviate travel costs of ISU support staff.

7. Develop comprehensive standard material and performance based generic specifications in the

Standard ODOT Construction and Materials Specifications or Supplemental Specifications


Based on the findings of the laboratory and field tests, the research team will work with the

ODOT to prepare a set of specifications that ODOT is able to implement that is aimed at reducing

cracking in bridge decks while improving potential durability.

The team has been involved in developing specifications for a wide range of applications

including innovative bridge construction in all materials, use of ternary mixture in pavements and

bridges, and airfield pavements. The CP Tech Center has published a Guide Specification and

Commentary for concrete pavements that can be adopted as a whole or in part by agencies. This

task will be led by ISU with assistance from OU.

8. Prepare Final Report

A draft final report will be prepared and submitted for review 120 days before project completion.

After review by ODOT the report will be revised and resubmitted as a final document. ISU will

also lead this task and OU will assist in the development of the draft report and addressing



5. Benefits/Potential Application of Research Results

Any activity that reduces cracking in bridge decks without compromising other engineering

properties will directly lead to:

• Reduced maintenance costs

• Reduced impact on users

• Reduced materials usage and therefore reduced environmental impact

All of these have a direct impact on the three legs of sustainability. It is envisioned that the outcomes

of this work will result in a marked reduction in bridge deck cracking in Ohio.

6. Research Deliverables

1. The team will hold periodic calls with the DOT to discuss progress and action items.

2. Quarterly reports will be provided that describe the activities conducted and any findings


3. Electronic copies of the draft final report and draft executive summary shall be submitted 120

days prior to the contract completion date.

4. Five copies of an approved final report, five color copies of an approved executive summary, and

a PDF and MS DOC version of both documents shall be submitted by the contract completion


5. Article for ODOT’s Research newsletter and/or other publications will be provided upon request.

6. Participation in the following meetings will occur: project start-up, research review session (1 per

year), and research results presentation.


Appendix A.1 Itemized Prime Budget (Iowa State University)






Fees Total: ‐$                       

Organizational Cost Sharing (if any):

ODOT Share: ‐$                       


Contingency Funds at 10% Total  Project 22,452.05$      

Other Expenses Total: 22,452.05$          

Organizational Cost Sharing (if any):

ODOT Share: 22,452.05$          

Budget Category Category Total

% of Total 


Salaries & Wages 60,443.60$           24%

Fringe Benefits 21,218.35$           9%

Subcontractor 77,450.00$           31%

Travel 7,080.00$              3%

Supplies 28,000.00$           11%

Equipment ‐$                        0%

Printing 100.00$                 0%

Indirect Costs 30,222.00$           12%

Fees ‐$                        0%

Other Expenses 22,452.05$           9%




FEES ‐ For commercial organizations only

The  net fee  i s  a  negotiated amount between the  contractor and ODOT and i s  speci fied in the  contract. The  overhead rate  and net fee  i s  fixed once  

negotiated and remains  unchanged for the  l i fe  of the  project.

Additional Details

Explanation for calculated amount (e.g., 10% of ABC's direct and indirect costs)

A.1 ISU budget continued

Iowa State University Budget Notes 1. Iowa State University charges salaries to sponsored projects on a percentage of effort basis as permitted

by 2 CFR 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, Section J. 10. b. 2 CFR

220 is incorporated in the FAR in section 31.3.This documentation method is based on monthly faculty

and staff personnel appointments and verified by semi-annual effort reports. The university does not

collect or invoice on the basis of hours or hourly rates. University budgets reflect the percentage of effort

by individual or labor category. The university can estimate the number of hours and hourly rates for the

appointments but such estimates are just that-estimates-and cannot be considered actual costs or billable

rates or hours and are not auditable in the universities payroll system.

The percentage of effort method for salary charges is approved by the Department of Health and Human

Services, which is the cognizant audit agency for the university.

The hourly rates used here are estimates derived by dividing a month's base salary by 174, using the rates

in effect for FY2015. Annual increases (July 1) and/or midyear promotions or rate changes may affect the

level of effort possible under this budget.

2. Fringe rates for FY2015 are estimated at average rates for budgeting purposes as follows: Faculty –

31.5%; P&S - 37.8%. Actual fringe costs will be charged.

3. ISU policy is to charge indirect on all direct costs shown in the budget except equipment items over

$5000, sponsor paid tuition, and each subcontract's cost over $25,000. Indirect rate is determined by a

negotiated agreement between Iowa State University and the Department of Health and Human Services.

ISU's policies that pertain to research or intellectual property can be found at Basic institutional information can be found at

4. At the request of ODOT, a 10% contingency funding line item has been included to cover unscheduled

requests within the current scope of work. Prior written approval from the Department’s Research Section

is required to access contingency funding and are not guaranteed.

Because of the sponsor's requirements, for this proposal ISU's indirect rate is only charged to the

labor category of ISU employees.


A.2 Itemized Subcontractor Budget (Ohio University)


Ohio University continued


A.2 Ohio University continued



Appendix B. Project Schedule

Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 361 Literature review

2 Review other DOT specs

3 Laboratory testing

4 Develop rcommendations

5 Develop experimental design for test bridge decks

6 Cast test two bridge decks and monitor early age

7 Develop specifications

8 Prepare Final Report

Project Title:


HOURS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Literature review 8 8 8 8 7 7 46DOT specs review 9 9 9 5 5 5 42Laboratory testing 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 162

Develop recommendations 0Develop experimental design 0Cast test decks and monitor 0

Develop specs 0Prepare final docs 0

Monthly Hours 17 17 17 31 30 30 18 18 18 18 18 18 250

Quarterly reports X X X X

Drafts for review X

Final documents

ODOT news article X

Results presentation X

Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking




Project Title:


HOURS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Literature review 0DOT specs review 0Laboratory testing 15 15

Develop recommendations 6 6 8 20Develop experimental design 34 34 36 104Cast test decks and monitor 490 53 53 53 53 23 23 23 23 794

Develop specs 0Prepare final docs 0

Monthly Hours 55 40 44 490 53 53 53 53 23 23 23 23 933

Quarterly reports X X X X

Drafts for review

Final documents

ODOT news article X

Results presentation X X


Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking



HOURS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Literature review 0DOT specs review 0Laboratory testing 0

Develop recommendations 0Develop experimental design 0Cast test decks and monitor 23 24 190 237

Develop specs 10 10 10 30 60Prepare final docs 20 20 20 60

Monthly Hours 23 24 190 10 10 10 50 20 0 0 0 20 357

Quarterly reports X X X X

Drafts for review X

Final documents X

ODOT news article X

Results presentation X X




Project Title:


HOURS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Literature Review 1 1 1 1 1 5DOT specs review 1 1 1 1 4Laboratory testing 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 19

Develop recommendations 0Develop experimental design 0Cast test decks and monitor 0

Develop specs 0Prepare final docs 0

Monthly Hours 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 28

Quarterly reports x x x x

Drafts for review x

Final documents

ODOT news article x

Results presentation x

Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking (OU)


Deliverables: Indicate the submission of all project deliverables listed in the proposal.


HOURS13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Literature Review 0DOT specs review 0Laboratory testing 0

Develop recommendations 1 1 3 5Develop experimental design 12 12 15 39Cast test decks and monitor 290 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 430

Develop specs 0Prepare final docs 0

Monthly Hours 13 13 18 290 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 474

Quarterly reports x x x x

Drafts for review

Final documents

ODOT news article x

Results presentation x x


Deliverables: Indicate the submission of all project deliverables listed in the proposal.


Project Title:


HOURS25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Literature Review 0DOT specs review 0Laboratory testing 0

Develop recommendations 0Develop experimental design 0Cast test decks and monitor 10 10 110 130

Develop specs 4 4 4 12 24Prepare final docs 4 4 8 16

Monthly Hours 10 10 110 4 4 4 16 4 0 0 0 8 170

Quarterly reports x x x x

Drafts for review x

Final documents x

ODOT news article x

Results presentation x x

Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking (OU)


Deliverables: Indicate the submission of all project deliverables listed in the proposal.


Appendix C. Facilities

The National CP Tech Center’s PCC Pavement and Materials Research Laboratory is housed in Town

Engineering Building at Iowa State University. It supports the state of Iowa’s national leadership role in

PCC pavement research innovations. Funded primarily by the Iowa Concrete Paving Association, with

help from Iowa State University, the lab also provides graduate students with opportunities to study and

conduct research related to PCC pavements.

The 2,600-square-foot research lab helps researchers discover practical solutions to challenges faced by

Iowa’s and the nation’s concrete paving industry. The lab also enhances Iowa’s ability to win nationally

competitive research projects, which ultimately benefits Iowa’s concrete paving community and motoring


Fully equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and furniture, the facility provides four major

spaces for

• concrete mixing and processing,

• mechanical testing of hardened concrete,

• fresh concrete property measurement, and

• durability-related experiments.

• Evaluation of new test methods

The ISU Bridge Engineering Center, along with the Institute for Transportation (InTrans), is located in

a 20,000-square-foot office suite in Iowa State University’s Research Park, roughly three miles from the

university campus. InTrans employs 40 full-time professional staff and faculty. In addition, InTrans

works closely with nearly 40 ISU faculty members. Because of the complementary nature of InTrans’s

and the Iowa DOT’s core businesses, the two organizations have entered into several long-term

agreements. One agreement streamlines research contracting arrangements and the other has arranged

joint hiring of faculty with shared appointments between an ISU academic department and InTrans/Iowa

DOT. The Bridge Engineering Center (BEC), which is housed within InTrans, manages several million

dollars of bridge research per year and provides technical service and advice to the Office of Bridges and

Structures at the Iowa DOT as well as State DOTs from across the county. The BEC was also recently

awarded a University Transportation Center grant (as a subcontractor) with the specific focus of

accelerated bridge construction.

Iowa State University Parks Library provides a wide variety of print, non-print, and electronic

information resources housed in the main, the veterinary medical library, and four subject-oriented


reading rooms. Collections total more than 2.2 million volumes, close to 22,000 currently received

journals and serial publications, and nearly three million microforms, as well as maps, photographs,

manuscripts, and other archival materials. The Iowa DOT manages an excellent transportation library and

keeps copies of many specialty publications, which BEC students and staff may access. This library also

provides access to the Transportation Research Information Service and associated resources.

The proposed work includes a significant component of literature search and review of technical

publications from both U.S. and foreign sources. The research team will be able to utilize the resources of

both the Parks Library on the ISU campus as well as a wide-range of electronic search and data retrieval


The Iowa State University Structural Engineering Laboratory consists of two primary areas that are

available to BEC students and staff. Both areas are located in Town Engineering on the northwest side of

campus. The department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering operates these

laboratories. Ten research faculty, a full complement of graduate and undergraduate students, and one

full-time laboratory supervisor/manager staff the laboratory.

A major portion of one of the laboratories in Town Engineering is an 80 ft. x 25 ft. structural tie-down

floor with a load capacity in excess of 1,000,000 lbs. This space is equipped with a 20-ton overhead crane

and has 25 ft. ceiling heights. This structural floor permits the testing of large-scale specimens by load

application from either above or below the floor. An area below the floor is available for instrumentation

and test apparatus. A second laboratory is 80 ft. x 50 ft. and has a 15 ft. wide full length reaction floor

with 300 kip capacity tie downs on a 3 ft. grid in the middle two-thirds. A forklift is available for moving

smaller specimens between and around the laboratory spaces.

Major pieces of equipment available for testing include a recently upgraded 400,000 lb capacity universal

testing machine with hydraulic tension grip actuators; a 110,000 lb capacity MTS closed-loop fatigue

testing frame; two 55,000 lb capacity MTS actuators and one 150,000 lb capacity actuator for structural

testing, capable of static, fatigue, real-time dynamic, and sequential dynamic testing. This equipment also

has been recently upgraded. There are a number of other general purpose test frames for testing under

simulated gravity and in-plane shear loads. In addition, 10,000 psi hydraulic systems with a full

complement of actuators ranging from 5 to 200 ton capacities are available.

Data collection capabilities consist of numerous PC based systems. These include three HP systems

capable of collecting data from various instrumentation types. Two Optim Megadac systems, capable of


collecting data up to 250,000 samples per second, are also available for collecting dynamic, 16-bit data.

The latest addition is a new 40-channel Vishay System 5000 data logger. Five Campbell Scientific

systems are also available for data collection. These systems are typically used to collect long-term,

remote data acquisition. Instrumentation available includes an assortment of displacement transducers,

load cells, accelerometers and strain gage installations. The Bridge Engineering Center maintains

equipment for field testing and structural health monitoring that includes additional Campbell Scientific

DAD units, a PC based system for structural load evaluation, and three fiber optic DAS interrogators and

associated fiber optic sensors, accelerometers and strain gages typically used to collect long-term, remote

data acquisition.

For long term applications, fiber optic strain gages, and an assortment of vibrating wire sensors are

available, and when coupled with wireless routers and internet equipped computers, offer an accurate and

convenient way of remotely monitoring a structure for short and long periods of time. Using these

systems, deflection, accelerations, strains, and live video information may be collected on steel, concrete,

timber, or composite structures subjected to both controlled and/or variable loading.

The laboratory also maintains a wide selection of tools. These include basic woodworking tools, concrete

finishing tools and rebar bending machines. In addition, the laboratory has a wide selection of pre-built

formwork. These steel forms are true in shape and allow for rapid construction of accurate test specimens.


ORITE has at its disposal the equipment, personnel, and expertise to allow sensor installation

and monitoring for a variety of projects. The data acquisition capabilities allow researchers to

collect field data from a variety of sensors in real time due to applied dynamic loads either from

moving loaded vehicles or induced hydraulic loads, in addition ORITE researchers are able to

collect data over extended time periods to monitor the effects of environmental changes on


ORITE has at its disposal 10 16-bit OPTIM Electronics MEGADAC systems each capable to be

connected to 90 different sensors including but not limited to strain gages, Linear Variable

Displacement Transducers (LVDT), string potentiometers, accelerometers, with a sampling rate

collect data up to 250KHz per system. In addition, there is a 24-bit 24 channel DeweSoft system

able to connect to a similar array of sensors, in addition to temperature and video, and monitor


these channels with a sampling rate up to 200 KHz per channel. Long term environmental

monitoring systems includes 10 Campbell Scientific data loggers and 5 Yokogawa MW100

capable of monitoring strain, voltage, signals from vibrating wire sensors, and a variety of

temperature sensors. These systems collect data and store it internally for retrieval by direct

connection, or when available wirelessly through Ethernet or via cell phone modem making it

convenient for researchers to collect data. In addition to the traditional sensor array mentioned

above, ORITE is capable of collecting data from fiber optic strain sensors dynamically or over

long period of time and also the use of fiber optic sensors for long term monitoring of structures.

ORITE has the ability to monitor concrete moisture using an available data acquisition system.

ORITE has at its disposal a fully equipped mobile laboratory with an on-board weather station,

concrete testing equipment including, a computerized beam and cylinder compression testing

machine, temperature controlled curing baths, concrete air entrainment and slump tests, which

allows the ORITE team to conduct concrete Q/A tests from on-site samples. The mobile lab also

has capability for allowing the researchers a mobile platform with on board computers and data

acquisition to facilitate data collection procedures and forensic investigation of cured concrete

via electronic microscopes and GPR systems.


Appendix D. Qualifications of Research Team

A unique feature of this team is that it comprises experts in both bridge design and construction, and in

concrete materials technology. We are therefore able to address all aspects of the project to the depth


Previous Experience with Internal Curing

The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center and the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State

University are currently collaborating on two other on-going research projects aimed at the use of IC

concrete in bridges. Although those projects are currently on-going, these projects provide the research

team with the knowledge of IC attributes and how those attributes are important in the construction of two

very different bridge systems. This unique experience will be of significant value to the work proposed


The bridge on Victor Avenue over Prairie Creek in Buchanan County, IA was the first bridge project

designed in Iowa to utilize IC concrete. Although the complete project involved many innovative features,

the IC aspect was implemented as part of a statewide effort to develop long-lived bridges in line with the

current national research agenda. The Prairie Creek bridge superstructure was designed to consist of

adjacent box beam. Adjacent box beam bridges have been utilized by a number of DOTs due to their

many desirable characteristics: shallow structure depth, conducive to accelerated construction

methodologies, and others. However, adjacent box beam bridges are also known to develop many

undesirable cracks. Although these cracks are frequently associated with the joint between adjacent boxes

(which is being addressed by a current NCHRP Project being conducted by the research team), there have

also been occurrences of cracking in the box concrete as well. No matter the location, this cracking is

highly undesirable as they provide a direct water and chloride transport mechanism. Further exacerbating

the problem is that these hollow box sections then tend to trap these contaminants which then results in

corrosion of the internal prestressing strands. The IC concrete was proposed as a material-based technique

to help mitigate this cracking. The research being conducted on the Victor Avenue bridge principally

consists of both field and laboratory work very similar to that proposed here.


A second, conventional bridge was conducted over Pine Creek on Route 939 using internal curing in

2013. The structure comprised three spans. The break between the control mixture and the test mixture

containing saturated lightweight fine aggregate was in the middle of the center span. Prior to construction,

the mixture was tested for the ready-mix supplier both at ISU and by an independent laboratory. Few

significant changes were observed in the engineering properties of the mixture except a slight decrease in

unit weight and a slight decrease in stiffness – both of which may be considered beneficial with respect to


The lightweight fine aggregate was soaked for several days prior to batching, then allowed to dry

overnight to reach a nominal “saturated surface dry” state. Samples were taken from the mixtures during

placement and re-evaluated at the CP Tech laboratory. Both mixtures exceeded the strength requirements

of the specification. The mixtures were pumped from one side of the bridge with no reported problems.

The crew indicated that working with the IC mixture was little different from the control.

After placing the deck was covered with burlap and plastic to provide the surface with adequate curing.

At one month of age a load test was conducted and it was observed that deck strains were slightly lower

in the IC section. Two months after construction an inspection of the deck and no cracks were found in

either section.. Resistivity testing indicated that permeability of the IC section was better than the control.


It is planned to conduct a repeat load test and crack inspection one year after construction. The county

engineer responsible for the bridge is reportedly very happy with his experience with this structure.

Dr. Brent Phares currently serves Iowa State University in a number of different capacities. In his

primary role, he is responsible for developing and conducting bridge and structural engineering related

research and includes the advising of a team of graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Phares also

serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental

Engineering (CCEE) where he is actively involved in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level

courses. Most recently in this capacity he has been involved in developing and implementing innovative

ideas for delivering core undergraduate structural engineering courses. Dr. Phares is also an invited

member (appointed as the Group Leader for Performance Definitions and Measurement) of the FHWA

Virtual Team (V-Team) for SHM. This international group of experts and practitioners has been formed

to promote, advance, and implement SHM within the United States highway bridge community. Dr.

Phares has been involved in conducting research and applying nondestructive evaluation technologies to

the nation's infrastructure since 1995. In 2001 he led an investigation of the reliability of visual inspection

of highway bridges and the development of a national guide for the ultrasonic inspection of bridge hanger

pins. The data from these two efforts are currently being incorporated in the National Bridge Inspection

Standards. Phares has also been actively involved in evaluating innovative bridge construction materials.

Over the past four years Dr. Phares has become a nationally recognized expert in the field of bridge

evaluation. He has led several research efforts related to long-term monitoring of structures that have

developed innovative monitoring systems and protocols. Recently, Dr. Phares has been the Principal

Investigator on several projects related to accelerated construction and improving general performance

through better construction. Among these projects are two projects with the goal of developing pre-

construction design details for connecting approach pavements to integral abutment bridges with the hope

of improving the performance of each by minimizing the bump at the end of the bridge. In one other, and

related project, Dr. Phares has been contracted to develop a rapid replacement technique for correcting

failed paving notch connections. The first phase of that project has just been completed and he has been

awarded a field demonstration follow-up project.

Dr. Peter Taylor is one of the nations’ leading experts in concrete materials and their impact on mixture

performance, both in the fresh state and in the long term. His primary interest is in developing

proportioning methods for mixtures that will be both constructible and durable. He is actively engaged in

researching and implementing innovative materials, and tools that help meet this end. Along with Dr.

Phares he is currently engaged in evaluating a bridge deck constructed in Iowa using internal curing as


discussed below. His current research portfolio includes developing a mix proportioning approach that

helps to make the most efficient use of materials, while minimizing shrinkage. He was a part of a large

research project funded by a Transportation Pooled Fund that investigated the use of ternary mixtures in

construction. He led the final phase of the project that included construction of several bridge decks using

such systems around the country. Reportedly, Pennsylvania has now adopted ternary mixtures as their

preferred binder.

Dr. Taylor is also an adjunct faculty in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental

Engineering. His graduate students have been and are addressing topics that include:

• Roller-compacted concrete,

• Self-consolidating concrete

• Ternary mixtures

• Shrinkage

• Mixture proportioning

• Test methods to assess concrete permeability and workability

• Premature deterioration of sawn joints in pavements

• The fundamentals of an adequate air void system

A portion of Dr. Taylor’s time is spent conducting training at workshops around the country. In the last

year, he has trained more than 1000 practitioners from NY to CA on how to design, specify and build

better concrete, including for bridge decks and pavements.

He is the lead investigator in a recently awarded contract with FHWA aimed at implementing innovative

technologies and materials to ensure longer lasting concrete systems. He has been an active part of panels

convened by FHWA to improve the state of understanding of concrete durability and alkali silica reaction.

He is also an active member of concrete materials committees at TRB, ASTM, ACI and the International

Society of Concrete Pavements.

Dr. Eric Steinberg is a Professor at Ohio University and has been involved with ODOT research for over

20 years through multiple projects. He is currently the lead PI of the successful Structures Research

Services project commonly referred to as Research-On-Call. This team consists of multiple researchers

from universities and consulting and has led to other departments at ODOT introducing this method of

results orientated research. Dr. Steinberg is also part of the team currently awarded the FHWA IDIQ for

Program Support - HIBS Structures and Structural Engineering led by HDR, Inc. He is aware of many

ODOT standards and was even part of the team that taught ODOT engineers and consultants the LRFD

for Bridge Design Specifications during the transition to this format. Dr. Steinberg is also involved in


service activities including the PCI Bridge Committee and the ORIL Board, in which he also serves on

three technical committees for funded research projects currently underway.

Dr. Ken Walsh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Ohio University. His

research interests are in the area of structural engineering, and include the performance of bridge and

building structures subject to different types of loads. Dr. Walsh has worked on multiple projects related

to his research field. He is currently collaborating on a project funded through the Federal Highway

Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program to investigate high-performance

concrete in the shear keys of an adjacent box-beam bridge located in Fayette County, Ohio, as well as a

project funded through the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to evaluate the current inspection

procedures for overhead sign supports throughout the state of Ohio. More recently, Dr. Walsh has

received funding from ODOT to optimize salt storage in county garage facilities throughout Ohio. Dr.

Walsh has published multiple research articles in academic journals including Computing in Civil

Engineering, Structural Engineering, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Journal of Earthquake

Engineering, and Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. Dr. Walsh also teaches courses in

engineering mechanics as well as structural analysis and design at both the undergraduate and graduate



Brent M. Phares

Associate Director Bridge Engineering Center


B.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1994

M.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1996

Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1998


Iowa State University - teaching and research since 2001

MGPS, Inc. – Vice President - Nondestructive testing of civil infrastructure

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. – Nondestructive testing and structural analysis of civil


Honors, Awards, and Professional Society Activities

Secretary – Transportation Research Board Committee A2C05(1) – Subcommittee on Nondestructive

Evaluation of Structures.

Voting member of Transportation Research Board Committee A2C05 – Committee on Dynamics and

Field Testing of Bridges.

Voting Member ACI Committee 342, Evaluation of Concrete Bridges and Bridge Elements.

Voting member of Transportation Research Board Committee A2C01 – Committee on General


Associate Member ACI Committee 228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete.

Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Friend of Transportation Research Board Committee A2C03 – Committee on Concrete Bridges.

Expert Panel member National Science Foundation Workshop on Health Monitoring of Long Span


1998 Iowa State University Research Excellence Award

1996-1998 Dwight D. Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship

1995 ACI Graduate Fellowship

1994 Highest 2% of Engineering Seniors


1993 Phi Kappa Phi

1993 Chi Epsilon

1993 Golden Key National Honor Society

1992 Tau Beta Pi

Areas of Research Activity

Field testing of bridges

Forensic engineering/failure investigation

Nondestructive evaluation

Innovative bridge construction techniques


Over 75 papers in technical journals and research reports


Peter C. Taylor

Associate Director, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center

(a) Professional Preparation Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, 1995 B.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, 1982 (b) Appointments 2008-present Co-Director, Center for Nanotechnology of Cementitious Systems, Iowa State

University 2007-present Associate Director, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State

University 2007-present Adjunct Faculty, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State

University 1997-2007 Engineer & Group Manager, Construction Technology Laboratories (CTLGroup) 1992-1997 Engineer, Cement and Concrete Institute, South Africa 1990-1991 Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Town, South Africa 1987-1989 Research Officer, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa 1983-1987 Engineer, Stewart Scott, NCL - Consulting Engineers (c) Principal Experience

• Research related to materials aspects of concrete technology. Current and recent projects include: o Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis. TPF Pooled Fund and Federal

Highways Administration Cooperative Agreement. o Optimizing Concrete Mixtures for Performance and Sustainability. Federal Highways

Administration Cooperative Agreement. o Investigation of Deterioration of Joints in Concrete Pavements. TPF Pooled Fund and

Federal Highways Administration Cooperative Agreement. o Tests or Standards to Identify Compatible Combinations of Individually Acceptable

Concrete Materials, Federal Highway Administration, (CPTP Task 4), Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-03-X-00102.

o Improved Specifications and Protocols for Acceptance Tests on Processing Additions in Cement Manufacturing, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project No. 18-11.

• Development of innovative test methods for concrete mixture quality assurance. • Development and presentation of training modules about concrete materials for engineers

involved in building concrete pavements. Modules are presented around the US and overseas. • Development of specifications for airfield pavements for FAA. • Development of technical publications about concrete paving materials and cementitious systems

for FHWA, ISU and PCA. • Research and consulting for optimizing concrete durability for pavements and structures. This

work includes assessment and application of innovative test methods. • New product and materials assessment, including non-standard supplementary cementing

materials. • Troubleshooting and problem solving on a variety of construction projects, both in the field and

the laboratory. • Materials related specialty consulting to design engineers, owners, contractors, ready mix

suppliers, and materials manufacturers.


• Manage the Materials Consulting Group at CTLGroup, a diverse team of thirteen high-level engineers and scientists providing research and consulting services to the concrete construction and cement manufacturing industries.

(d) Relevant Publications

1. Taylor, P.C., Concrete Curing, CRC Press, Sept 2013, ISBN: 978-0-415-77952-4. 2. Yurdakul, E., Taylor, P.C., Ceylan, H., and Bektas, F., “Effect of Water-To-Binder Ratio, Air

Content, and Type Of Cementitious Materials On Fresh And Hardened Properties Of Binary And Ternary Blended Concrete” American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000900 (Jul. 18, 2013),

3. Wang, X., Wang, K., Bektas, F., and Taylor, P. Drying Shrinkage of Ternary Blend Concrete in Transportation Structures,” Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials Volume 1, Issue 1-2, June 2012, pages 56-66.

4. Yurdakul, E., and Taylor. P.C., “Performance Engineered Mixtures For Concrete Pavements in the US,” 12th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Prague, 2014, Submitted.

5. Xuhao Wang, Peter Taylor, Kejin Wang and Malcolm Lim, “Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation to Monitor Stiffening Process Of Self-Consolidating Concrete,” Submitted to ACI James Instrument Award Competition.

(e) Relevant Research

1. Taylor, P.C., Hosteng, T., and Phares, B., “Evaluation of Internal Curing in a Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, IA,” Iowa Highway Research Borad, ongoing.

2. Taylor, P.C., “Long-Life Concrete: How Long Will My Concrete Last? A Synthesis of Knowledge of Potential Durability of Concrete,” Supplement to TPF-5(159), Ames, IA, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2013.

3. Van Dam, T., Taylor, P.C., Fick, G., Gress, D., VanGeem, M., and Lorenz, E., Sustainable Concrete Pavements: A Manual of Practice, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2011.

4. Caldarone, M.A., Taylor, P.C., Detwiler, R.J., and Bhide, S.B., Guide Specification for High Performance Concrete for Bridges, PCA EB 233, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 2005, 55 pp.

5. Detwiler, R. J. and Taylor, P. C., Specifier’s Guide to Durable Concrete, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, PCA EB 221, 2005, 57 pp.


Eric Steinberg, Ph.D., P.E. Professor of Civil Engineering, Ohio University

121 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701 (740) 593-1464 (office) [email protected]

Highest Degree: Ph.D. in Structural Engineering (1991) Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. Relevant Experience: Ohio University

Professor of Civil Engineering (Fall 2012 – Present) Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (Fall 1997 – Fall 2012) Assistant Chair of Civil Engineering (Fall 1997 – 2005)

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (1991-1997) Publications: (Recent)

Steinberg, E., Ubbing, J.,, Giraldo-Londoño, O., and Semendary, A., ”Parametric Analysis of Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beams with UHPC-Dowels Shear Keys” 2014 PCI Annual Convention and National Bridge Conference, Washington, DC, September 7 - 9. Steinberg, E., Huffman, J., Ubbing, J., and Giraldo-Londoño, O., ”Finite Element Modeling of Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beams” 2013 PCI Annual Convention and National Bridge Conference, Grapevine, TX, September 20 - 24. Huffman, J. Steinberg, E., and Sargand, S., “Finite Element Modeling a Full Scale Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge Span,” 2012 PCI Annual Convention and National Bridge Conference, Nashville, TN, September 29 - October 2. Ahlborn, T. and Steinberg, E., (2012), “An Overview of UHPC Efforts in North America,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology for High Performance Construction Materials, Kassel, Germany, March 7-9. Walsh, K. and Steinberg, E., (2012), “Moment Redistribution Capacity in Ultra-High Performance Concrete,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology for High Performance Construction Materials, Kassel, Germany, March 7-9. Steinberg, E., Miller, R., Huffman, J., and Stilings, T., (2011), “Full Scale Destructive Testing of an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge,” 2011 PCI Annual Convention and National Bridge Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 22-26. Steinberg, E., Miller, R., Nims, D., and Sargand, S., (2011), “Structural Evaluation of LIC-310-0396 and FAY-35-17-6.82 Box Beams with Advanced Strand Deterioration - Final Report,” Ohio Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, September, 131 pages. Steinberg and Miller, (2011), “Structural Evaluation of LIC-310-0396 Box Beams with Advanced Strand Deterioration - Interim Report,” Ohio Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, May, 161 pages.


Funded Projects: (Recent) “Bridge Trough Maintenance Evaluation on Finger Joint Bridges,” Ohio Department of Transportation, Steinberg and Walsh, 2/1/15 – 1/31/16, $64,544. “Preliminary Evaluation of CoolCrete,” Ohio Department of Transportation - OPREP, Steinberg, 9/26/14 - 9/26/15, $49,152. “Structures Research Services,” Ohio Department of Transportation, Steinberg (Ohio University), Miller (University of Cincinnati), Nims (University of Toledo), and White (E.L. Robinson), 7/1-12 - 6/30/15, $350,000. “Reinforced UHPC Shear Key in an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge,” Fayette County Engineers Office an Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment project to FHWA through ODOT, 9/12 - 8/15, $177,400. “Evaluation of Support Inspection Program,” Ohio Department of Transportation through Mistras and the University of Toledo, Steinberg and Walsh, 7/12 - 11/14, $84,320. “Structural Evaluation of LIC-310-0396 Box Beams with Advanced Strand Deterioration – Addendum,” Ohio Department of Transportation, Steinberg (OU), Miller (UC), Nims (UT), and Sargand (OU), 4/10 - 4/11, $393,580. Dr. Steinberg was the lead researcher on the project. The project involved the nondestructive and destructive field testing of a full scale bridge.


Ken Walsh, Ph.D. Highest Degree: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (2005) Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida Relevant Experience: Department of Civil Engineering, Ohio University (2009-present) Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Laboratory for Modern Fluid Physics, Florida A&M University (2008- 2009) Research Associate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida A&M University (2006- 2008) Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University (2005- 2006) Visiting Assistant Professor Publications: (Recent)

Austin, S., Stephens, D., Walsh, K. K., Moore, C. A., Wesson, G. D., Njuguna, J., and Rika, P. (2014). “Simulation of open microcellular carbon foams: periodic and aperiodic structures”, Journal of Porous Media, (in press). Walsh, K. K., Kelly, B. T., and Steinberg, E. P. (2014). “Damage identification for prestressed adjacent box-beam bridges”, Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 540363, 16 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/540363. Walsh, K. K., Kalyanam, S., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. D., and Cronin, K, J. (2013). “Design of viscous dampers in seismically-excited flexible truss towers,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 17(7), 1063-1081. Richardson, A., Walsh, K. K., and Abdullah, M. M. (2013). “Closed-Form Design Equations for Controlling Vibrations in Connected Structures”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 17(5), 699-719. Richardson, A., Walsh, K. K., and Abdullah, M. M. (2013). “Closed-Form Equations for Coupling Linear Structures Using a Stiffness and Damping Element”, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20(3), 259-281. Walsh, K. K., “A resetting semi-passive stiffness damper for response mitigation of civil infrastructure”, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (8692), San Diego, CA, 2013. Walsh, K. K., Cronin, K. J., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. D., and Grupenhof, K. (2012). “Dynamic analysis of seismically excited flexible truss tower with scissor‐jack dampers”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 19(8), 723-745. Walsh, K. K. and Steinberg, E. P. “Moment Redistribution Capacity in Ultra-High Performance Concrete”, 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology for Construction Materials, Kassel, Germany, 2012.


Walsh, K. K., Grupenhof, K., Little, K. L., Martin, A., and Moore, C. A. “Development and testing of a newly proposed continuously variable stiffness/damping device for vibration control”, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (8345), San Diego, CA, 2012. Walsh, K. K., Cronin, K. J., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. D., and Grupenhof, K. "Modeling and simulation of an amplified structural damping system in a seismically-excited truss tower", SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (7643), San Diego, CA, 2010.

Funded Projects: (Recent) “Optimization of Salt Storage for County Garage Facilities”, Walsh, ODOT, 9/13-5/15, $272,047.

“Novel Resettable Stiffness Systems for Response Mitigation of Civil Infrastructure”, Walsh, National Science Foundation, 8/12-7/14, $79,547.

“Reinforced UHPC Shear Key in an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge”, Steinberg and Walsh, Fayette County, OH, 8/12-7/14, $177,400.

“Evaluation of Support Inspection Program”, Steinberg and Walsh, University of Toledo, 7/12-11/14, $84,320.


Appendix E. Other Commitments of Research Team

The research team is currently involved in both teaching and research. However, the team members have

sufficient availability to complete the proposed tasks in a timely manner. A summary of other research

commitments of the team is shown below.

Percentage of Time PI -ISU Project Committed Available

Brent Phares 1. Iowa DOT Bridge Engineer contract 75%

2. NCHRP 12-95: Connection Details of Adjacent Precast Boxed Beam Bridges 2%

3. SHM Pooled Fund Project: Development of a Structural Health Monitoring System to Evaluate Structural Capacity and Estimate Remaining Service Life for Bridges 5%

4. Iowa ABC program 5% 5. Performance and Design of Bridge Approach Panels 2%

6. Training and Marketing Support for Every Day Count Initiatives pertaining to Slide-in Bridge Construction 2%

Total 91% 9%

Peter Taylor 1. Technology Transfer of Concrete Pavement Technologies 60% 2. Implementation of Bests Practices for Concrete Pavement 10%

3. Implementation of Concrete Pavement Mixtures and Design Analysis 10%

4. Investigation of Deterioration of Joints in Concrete Pavements 5%

5. Impact of Curling and Warping on Concrete Pavement 3% Total 88% 12%

Co-PI - OU Project Committed Available

Eric Steinberg 1. Structures Research Services, Ohio DOT 8% 2. Preliminary Evaluation of Cool-crete 8%

3. Reinforced UHPC Shear Key in Adjacent P/C Box Beam Bridge 8%

4. Bridge Trough Maintenance Evaluation on Finger Joint Bridges 8%

Teaching 53% Service 8%

Total 93% 8%

Ken Walsh 1. Optimization of Salt Storage for County Garage Facilities 15%


2. Bridge Trough Maintenance Evaluation on Finger Joint Bridges 5%

3. Reinforced UHPC Shear Key in an Adjacent P/C Box Beam Bridge 5%

Teaching 50% Service 10% Total 85% 15%

It should be noted that many of the commitments by the researchers from OU will expire prior to the bulk of the field work in which OU is more involved.



Appendix F: ODOT Contribution

For the field testing component of the proposed research, ODOT District 12 will provide access to bridge

deck construction projects for testing and monitoring to determine early age performance. It would be

preferred that the selected projects for the demonstration decks also have a note in the plans that

contractors will work with the team (ISU and OU) and that the project is part of a research study. The

team will also make all efforts not to delay contractor progress. Depending on the site conditions and

accessibility, the research team may need a bucket truck from ODOT to assist in installation of

instrumentation. MOT may also be necessary to assure safety of personnel and meet ODOT typical

safety procedures. A loaded truck will also be needed from ODOT to perform the bridge load testing.


Appendix G. References

Dale P. Bentz, and W. Jason Weiss, Internal Curing: A 2010 State-of-the- Art Review, NISTIR 7765,

Gaitherburg, MD, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2010.

Benjamin E. Byard and Anton K. Schindler, Cracking Tendency Of Lightweight Concrete, Auburn

University Research Report Submitted to The Expanded Shale, Clay, and Slate Institute, December 2010.

Chetana Rao, & Michael I. Darter, “Evaluation Of Internally Cured Concrete For Paving Applications,”

Applied Research Associates, Inc., September 2013.

W. Siriwatwechakul; J. Siramanont; and W. Vichit-Vadakan, Ion Filtration effect of superabsorbent

polymers for internal curing, SP289.29 p389-397. Recent advances in Concrete Technology and

Sustainability Issues, Proceeding 12th International Conference, Prague, October, 2012. Eds. Terrence

Holland, Pawan Gupta V.V. Malhotra, ACI SP289