

Upload: millerjess

Post on 07-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Props


Page 2: Props

When researching the music video for our chosen song, we found that props were effective. References to this idea of ‘idyllic England’ and patriotism are constant throughout the video, with consistent features of the colour red relating well to this idea. As a group we liked the idea of including subtle hints of Dohertys ideas of reminiscing on earlier times hence the title ‘Don’t look back into the sun’, it provides the sense of nostalgia. We found that flags were a main feature so we decided to place posters into some of our shots such as wider shots so it would be less noticeable.

With this in mind we created a plan of what we wanted the poster to look like and we refined this on Photoshop.

Page 3: Props

To develop from the layout plan we made a second draft. This was to see what the images all looked like together without adding effects to it..

This is the finished poster. I am pleased with the final outcome because the images put together have a significant meaning in relation to what we will potentially working with. The union jack flag was used to refer to the recurring patriotism in their videos. In addition to the nostalgic feeling of the title ‘Don’t look back into the sun’ giving a rustic old look. We found that with the draft above that there was a lot of space around the lyrics and lacked images so the silhouetted crowd was added to link with the gigs they do and the environment they usually perform in. The disheveled aesthetic is an important feature as it represents the style of the band.

Page 4: Props

When thinking about what we wanted to include as props in the video; small things that would help portray the atmosphere, we decided to use beer and crisps to add to the effect of being in a pub and playing pool. These will be featured so that it relates well to the attitude of the libertines.

A section from our music video will be needing a car which will shows the actors travelling.