prospect - digifind-it · ( ,;„. -^.i $m^lidlo.fai; ':^i&^m$m it?'/" p *...

p * rotiOmo CHAIRS Grsafera, ». i. CRANFORD, tf.J.,THf TRSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. E. K, ADAM8, F1RELH80WWCK. a08Uf«ION AVENUE. CUawfMfj, N. J. K ' English & Knox, Sanitary Plumbing, Sttam and / Ca> Fitting, Tinning and Metal Work. ' /\ JOUIR. PROHPTir •TTKNDIO TO Mllltr Block, Cranford. M. F. WHKSLBR, ICE it tr i ( Cranfoil -i £*• Vbr the-ladlea at Cranford and Tioinlty. "'" Spring ane Summer Millinery. ;wl " iiki yi v Siliotlonj Farty, Ofrtuaa paid whsn making a purchase, Aganoy for Standard Fashion Oo.~ v L. A. BIHott, Wostflold. Prospect &'&•**'-> LOTS KJHBALBON Orange avenue. Pacific avenue. Lenox avenue. Union avenue. Sylvania place. ailaHxtoniuproraaiuiU. Hl.l»wi»lk«. Lvntlful atjade trae*. ate. Teo tnlnutoit' will k fromu>(>ot •mnuor F. E. C. Winckler, owner Willow itraat. 5. . / _, yha world down on tho man who- laoo mpeteut. Learn/to be practical | ' Vnioa Business, College, I'-'" ^ / ; ^- \ T A <£ /. CLARK. d I > d 8 U « Curb Blow net In fir«t-cls«s " ' ".mea. \" promptlj I j. m. i^t.y^afwHilSflt^- Ordsrsby mall promptly J", U KgpOIO STIttT. »asr_ Union "•"»». Buasbstb Talnboss C/o.. Vo. it (. UKigh Valley Coal ~ \ Kindling Wooc*. h Co FOB A, FAMOUS: two Minutes From Oeoot totnetor^ prctwml to W<»IT« pupil* for TloUn iMjtnicttoo. Farternu, sn- ply at <ir addn>M ; - JESSE WHEELEIl, S Colon av. (CltUen Uulldlng), ROBERT JB22VZMSZJS. Lchigh Coal, Lumber PIPE, LIME, LATH. PLASTER. ETC DIZDRICH KREIE. UBALBIt IN IIAIU)\VARB.< A nswdapu-lment luu receo'l/ b«en eatabliibed eontiitine of TINWARE, ETC. i Oire me call and innpeotmy l»^g-> asawrtmesl. POTTER BUILDING. CRANrORD. DIBPRICII KREIE, C*rp«nt«rand Builder. 00 YOU ajEEO HEW Window Shades ? «u tamUh rax with wj knawn kliSJ, ar can r«!J«Jr ruar old UDW. Do iron imal |aw CurtainT*l«*rar(xtant t eu fnrnUi ur ipn i»ai want. I fl ri Wsnuraaiint W. aj. Slosnaot Htw York Mudeanshow aaraplaa at roar homa. w» will call and b a n thani •Muud and f imbed. Ootum liuad and folc eariwt pspar always on hand. t * W. N. GRAY Unionfoe.Cranford - JtyHN MARIEN, PJ1JI R A C I S T Opera Ilouaa Block, Norlir Me.,, FISSflNELLI, MEBRIS & CO. FiraWliM work nnd fit. Hutiafuotlon guaranUwd 233 £f. FRONT ST.. .,- PLAINFI_ELO, / N J. WILLIAM , l.ivery anil Hoarding Slublf Adjoining Opern House, New J.L.BAUER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor County Cnglnatr. Townfthlft Cngl- Township.t Main "Office, 35 Dlx Building, TH.-N.J V , " _JOHN ISENMANN. Wasllington Market BnU'liiT All Kindi of Meals and City, Dressed Beef. -(No Embalmed lif-ef) Daily free d^lirericxi In Crnnfonl. Onl^rs may be lett ot rwideniw, Sprin«liekl live. orTland 192 WashingUip ."Arket fUSTCUSSUCCOMKdDAtlOKS. ' Z.A.RQE PLEA SANT R 00MS. BOAHDINQ BY DAY OrKW For ternu apply (o -"W. "W. Carpenter and Builder, Walaot arena*. ^Cranford PHILIP House, Sign, and — % ~- Fresco Painting, Pl.ln mnd D«cor»'tl»« ;_ Paper Hanging llass. Oil, Paint, Vafnishca ;__and.WalU?aper. raiiford,- ,- Newjertey ' ' Prlndle, our line repairer, was ratbaf altoder.- but with highly d»Telop*4 miwlji In dngera, anna and ebouUterf and with nerve to (ace anything. Be* eral yeare of labor, «!(,* the pllera ba4 | given him a Buget. gVlp wtrieh cameo . hla cbnma to atold slMklna: hand wttsY - him. He could iuafc»> nn insulator tie with •%!) Iron wlrt with apparent traction In the- finger luusclt* oo«a> eared him from probable dvatb. ! In I8U3 a local'Vpcilwiiy lu MytuU had Installed a telephone exchange. Sererai of their wires paralleled the telegraph wlrca along tbe trrtcke aud alao tboaejof tbe lighting und power company In the atreeta. Tb« reau't waa a bnd ease 1 of Induction, tbat ui>strri> ooa transference uf vUsMilcal Impulse between wlrca when* there 4s uo direct connectloti, tn lb» ml.Ml<- of lb» rwnt f- Ban- awinnt (tlKhtful Had Prindt* out ipoki'u It U p<t>aUil# to* robber^riiuM have fslMt on tita kn<v<a. tUaktny br <ni mu/ru-it«<l l.f a n-lrtt. kat wln^n b,- u h l .JIIIMIJ tt»iti\ti with Throw dp tour ham!*. i"t»tir. or I'll Bra," a eodden fury »«_rWTvr nwfcul tbe man. II* e*mr a-Tmutitx- n«>«n In Me long Irap and atnh-k sK*lnsI lMn- d> like a holt Tu«.| lln> man wrut asalK>t thif wall with a th*l, an I the pbMol (truck tbv cvllln« ami Tb* burglar whirled r\>ui>» JU.I >H>*p> peart d thruu^b au tuu^r duur uuJitijf Into tbv tb>*«>i|^"ay. Prlndlv baatllj f«lt aNiiit I:M- do,* for Uie rviuht-r. l>qt tla- v. ui^m I»H Bw«Un( hl» lid ltd at nun, lif n.»U>-0 atjt»r U)«- burslar Ilia l>..ul M I «;« flr« wltll anicvr. l.ia.t.Mhcjiu timtaui bahrartl twi, Ujlng u|> ilinrTilrfaivt* bill*. Al'p«rv_utl} tli>' r.)Ui»T t»nl piim. or<l to mmi* tu lt»- i\».if Miut, a,i>l« down a rain pllie Into ttm.Uark alli-y at th»n-nr. 1MMI1|«» >t>n>nir ii|>tdroiirh «rw rtH'f hatch aa the man VTIMMXI the nlnnot Sat roof tuward <li>* nitr and rouvut him m In- rvmlu^l tlu> luw tiarn|H<f wall at the ruor» i>«Ue, The ruliWr waa of tarjrir ami bwn 1 - Ibuit tin. llriMi.n nml vim »«""• | A tar nwia So great wa« the Influenc* of tb* tcl»| da«p,riit» Aa they gnipplnl he graph and powm^wirea ou the wlmaf to iny , a kn | f , frinil f, , ,,,m. e , | >U, of th« trlrpbotrit'eompiiny ^l«t ilie rM| prlmlle rluit'lint tin w n»ful nmtrrn ol tle and clfcSInu «f our ln»iruin«n<« "u lt - j i ^ » i conld I* b «f our ln»iruin«n<« " heurd In tb«- t»lw? pbone rpreheni, and tbo Kliiitlne a ' of the dyoamna at tb* [www Uouatt a noyr<l every on* trying to uae phone. T_he_ j_j ioine" cncniy~"o( lila thrown threadlike/ roppw w Irea acfoaa from wire to wire, tUux tangling op tha current a. I*rlndl'o "wi>nt over"the Into the juan'a thnun nnd tr'i>i»-d bitckw^ir'l Th« i mme ilmtn tn getber on the pilch nml wnrrl "f It" roof, but the riiah mid fall threw l*rtji die IWTIIIKI his nntM^ilut tmflnir hi* bold ttxuu* in 114 1 In r I n " h trier fully twice tfud reported that he. eonM find no "cross" of that sort. Htlll be kept atudylue nml lnapectlug the wat- te*, ^becuuso the telephone' uiauager|a daughter waa a tery good Hla. t; Knierglng from tbs, managar'a one nlgbt nvnr tb*jKtt»vo(_JA be no- tlwd n ibirk figure stealing down t aldo rtreirt. Touched wltb ITludle followett attar form, the "ttaUdoua ,enpmy" ire croaaed a moon- lit street and entered on alley leading between tiro buslnesa blocka. Through tbv ulley run tbu wires of both tbe tel ephoni 1 iiud power iittiipnliirit, nutt J'rludlc rrcpt i-nriifully forward tbruUKb tho shadows nt the basu of tlio 1IIIIIIIIIII;N. ki<»|iliiK bIK e>c on tlio man nhciiil nt him Hmhlrtily, nnd to tlK* Iliuiunirs iialonlshiiM'iit, llits man bcKtii iwllUliiK up one of Uiv'teli-phone poles ho liiiHii't Rot spurs Ktriippiil ou bis Hhoo^' 1 friM'KH MnunciT Towne must be rkhl: KUIIID KIIO'H thnipniiiK with thu «lrm! I'll nail tlit> rogue when bo cumi'H down." With tingling nerves he crept or; but, to hln nniflzt'ini'iit. the Htiii>|H'il ln'fnn ri'Hcblng th" crom iirln and Hklllfnlly Iliri-w thu Iron hoiked end of n wiw bidder rjtrr tin' nfll of an open window lu till! BIJI' of Ilif l'Ulldi Inn, IWIUO nix r<ft nw»y. 'Dje olbir end of the Inthler he str'apii/d to tbu nolc then (.nn fully cft-nt ^crom_tha 'itiun formcil and disappeared till! window. / l'rlmllf fetched u low, •wblatlo ami looki-d nil urotmd. "W^icwl" hu half n-hlspercd, "1'hls ininfereBtiliK nlMl.lio inlsUKit! Tbat cbap iias KOUO Ipto a room nlV)\e the bankl Mint btt bo's llcurlnc 011 KPttlng down Into tbe'tault rooirrl" 1 . / Hi- HtfKiit In silence looking up at the window and listening.---The slow, soft rasping uf Homo sort of Instrument caioo tu bis cars, l'laolni; his bnnd on hh) blp jiocket to (IPO If the little pWtol be r«rrie<l when out Inle ftt night was there, be tllppud off bis Jbot-s sud be- gan climbing the p»'lt- Slowly and carefully bo drew himself' up until his band won ou the-strap of the ladder, then he paused. Tbe ranplng nolae bad ately. . * , •/ Aatbey came itriklne nnd »'nic-;llnK Into thr> ntisle of thr> |>irn|Ht l'rtii'llp nidilcnly frit hlumrlf llfint l.nlili li-id the tu'Xt liiHtmit h<* nnn l»tpi; |ir<-*«i*^J A HOG'S MOUTH. BTrr ttif null. hlinulf K"I»I War It KiuktM lh. Aalsaal tsr KM Ulrk.ri %mtm. vlifn m'Uler b«w It la'tbat a biiL^ «.HU i;et ail tl<t» ke,ru**l^Dilt of a for Hint MIIUH^. wlifAtMt swsllowlng auj of thci.liFll." mid a man from tbe couutrj. lutt aa » ia.atter, uf fart tbrre "U'tuTTiuisiiosti'rloiui'alwuriae'proc- «»», M'uJ J*B, bos* dfcn'f swallow any of IIK-W hanfor autiaunce*. They g»t rid »t ih.-ui. «1B1 tben tt la Just aa easy for tlH-m n. gr( rid of tb« ake|l of a out aa it fo for a man or a squirrel. You mtsht tbtuk l«i»» a lnig cruahoe tbr> nut tutu mnnll fraghienta that ha would ui-v^»»«rU)' Kwallow a good nor> tton of tbo bull Hut lin dovan't Uo any well Ihlufi. !1 fi "It til artMnrrded Tact among n»n wbo kn)iTr>liJtblli|[ about tho aobject thai the liori'i la the m«M,t {perfectly con- ftruttrj nulninl In tb« World, cunshlvr* Ing the imrjMwn for which the bormhi used ami 111 imuhod and habits In tiff, fyut I ttant to put In a guod word for the hog itlwn It «>uie« to tbe thing of cracking ainl rating uuta without ««t- tloc any of the birder subttamtM Into tlm ttomacb. Tho horn has rery line teeth Tbv bark. Kwtb partlcularly-are. finely iiiitatrurlml wltb a flew of ena- bling ttio horan't» rnisb its fiiod w«ll beforr I-aiwliii; It Into tbn stomach. Thrwhciry grludrra, bnarlly out In Dip burse's N i*w, HIM looked upon a* nioni'ln Sn Ilit-y arv "Hut wlint's~tlh> mutter with tha teeth nf the ling! ^VhM'a tho matter «ltb thht inarieloua prvcvsn by whlrll they fw|iarnte tbu kernrl vuf this jtiut from theMliulI?_ It_liH1JiCC«irjSl lu-ioa Ibatttili la n»»nuill m hlcwnnint, am} ijSinrr lirWt \m*{ rutllktl tn solriil «4irt of trllMitc for her skill lu maklnit this rt»ul( mu(Hllit» J.njllj«_llrat plaro the hott M t^ttigUH U marv* MMisttlnr QTali « o u M - l « «ii|i[Hiniil. m»| it etin enally d<t>it the bnlilrr from tlio iwifler sub tie «rf hlflliisrrs Inn, the hlnp* <>f H<" ,!,,„«.« lly wimi aort of prowss tha burglnr'n left nrni nnd plnlmi»l huU, oa |, n t,] n | Owor |i Ull , uUg , lt |,| c ko- rlgllt bnnd In that itwrul mtiimnt fait tin* cords cif lils grini Atul llH^rs conlract until they tiiirmtl like 1iot [wires. 'With 11 rry of nuiiny Hit- mhlwr jerked him back I" U'r rixif. tliiu nhlrl and ran.ji.cyoM lh« ri»,f, <lranlnv fth»knlfc aa lie, (IIHI IVIndle miw th' t ellut of tha knife blade, and. (b Infuriate with- the naaalon of i— j "If tbat fellow bonw me,"he will like< ty conic to the window ami aboot-jno ln_ tbe face," waa I'rindle'a (EbogbC tf£ |IUD< perfectly rmrflonli-m for a time, Jiear^r/K notbliiK /oudi-r than tbe atrotig beating of bla'tieart. Then the raaplDg lu the nnulo of the wall, stritlng to r* gain breath brfure the iu>it ona*t. A po\*«*r I wIri* iilretched nrrtMis thtf roof B<im« right or nlmr f(i*t nUiire I he floor. l*r>llnlle ilrew n pnlr «f rntilur faced gliMit frnni his |MM*ket, drew nnd siuldi nly ICIIIH-II up snd Jie wlr« As be dinnnilrij the wire aimpptIKO-'TMI fill to tn<» r< M >f In itnntly iie 1 mifehl tip tlir l»ii>nj« of It and rtirntii: nt «he rulilxr, nib, In. I him with nplirteil killTe, 1 Tbe ('raiksninn reunid tnrtUlnetho torrlWu unurn—.if tin tiny »ui|Hin< In the llneinan'H hftn<l)«. Fur hla fni-r |jlane!n<!,«lilte In Hie ii.r^.ulJuhl I'rln din looktHl i<|uull> 1 .(IN- If lit <rmlO tench thf rubber s.ll< nil wltb I lie tmrc •nds of the »lri». he wiuiM nlti If not, he would priili.ili?) die I;} tlic otli er's knir<> , Jtj.wji* 11j-trnlit,'- ilu'L 1b«y felntid *r>\ehi1J tliiKii then strm k Wither I'rlndji''a nrjn, l\iit the Initiiljr Ml tn a knotted, 'lulvi'rli^ heup 1 lie (joint of .one of the llvr «Xr^_ii hu] sleew; thV otli'T \mil puiuturtd neck \yiirn jlhp burglaV reeirttre*! his souses, I'rlndle limi lihti »•'< nr<:ly HIM] wllh dctiii'liedji^lt* «Xlh'- Hire snd wna at,th« from _ looking nli and <N>iW3lfe Xtrirt for an olDcf r. \ ^ \ Tho bank iicojiln gaic I'rlaule hand some reward wb^'ii nip|«tllc\Clrriilts" bad lieyn ran by tb« t"l»[i|Kjne Vbujpa> uy onjiui su(ca<»l'i"i "»'l they twiud 1b» trvublemme ln<Iu<tlou ocrrrome, ^iinager T^wciv_il</elartnl the plucky J tlneiuau wi'/rlhy t<; l«) nny niun'a solr In-law, aud he was. _ ^Vfepre frna Is Sucred* Among Ou" Ba/alonga^n ijr«-at Afri- can p^ojile. Iron in 3 mi'.Tfl ul.'Jci t '1 In y aree»pert WcrUfra lxTui>in!'. «hi< h ihf-y istlll smelt from >fji n»tlv^ '.re by tlir most prlinUlni^nii tbwlH yvtr (!'•» (u-«l hy man, Tbbi>tft ^•Sd t»/lwiii In former days a source of wraltfr. Inltii' pow<sy<i»irt lhtt l-tfe/id peopjo Old nut itprics found In I 1 lineman drew brm>- higher. Then, taking"the pl«tol-ln lila baud, bo crept warily acyjoar th» rope bridge and tn i t tbo wHVjcrw. LttUBST blmwlf down; on' thfr floor, be stood sUU. Tbe ruplng^sound Mioe from a'-cldset at, the tia^k eud^of the room. ;i < j « / ' ."lie la aawinfe tUrongh-tlie Soor-wltb tbe eipecUtlou cf working hl» way. tbrougti tU«/»rlck.wor|c eo'verlDg the top of the >ank ->nnlt," ynf-'frlD^'t- uental-comment Wltb/plstol In band Ho began step- ping craftily toward, tbe Closet, bat a bjOfcrd Jn tbe\8oor creaked and tbe mat-' liSTuolM of the aaw eaddcnly ceaaeiL Tbe lineman beld bla breatb. A~51«ty- kliid of darkneaaX ailed tberoom,tbo moon's~ radjaW betag reBected- dimly from the oppoalte'*wall of the alley.' Ap Instant later be aaw'llw~door ofTI* ctoaet pushed opeii and,lne outline of/ B tmman fona rising In ' " Tp.tbc borgUr ry lint" hull over- to tho Hides uf lla mouth, tlm tniigun Iwlug um«l for th« punxioe, aud hem they nni thrown out nt tha TOrurm rrobalily, you haw oo- tlcnl tliat tha curnen of, a bog's mouth are wmewbat tllffurVoti from tb« cor- b«ra of the nioulhn of oilier aounala. Tbo linen of tbn fHOUtlililo not »ud to nrUlnUy, aud b«oca It Ua niucli aaaltr" thing /or the hog torwork the harder sulrttaiifcs which bo doaa not caro-to aWaQow out tliningli thww little open- Ing*."—Now Orleans Tlmi-s-iHimocraL thati wuin jol 1 line lit- tt,B lr brc»ik» a "»!••• rbjef atfiod betldi/him and wil<l. jr st«i«i «n>l/burn ll«m Vi •Pearat^' The AIK*' A'i" 11 *"*.!!_ nRniu and that theVyltr wan returned, and th" chl< f U*ike4 tuL lie atuod a long tltut anjl at saidi' ' ' - "My son, why' do yjii not olk-y fither)" « o to th« rt»» r, gal IHT « and make a* hut Crr After will see teoti wlUi your <•) m." Ttio.sftKC w'a* K/otJy trigfr feared some caliiiblty.'tjut (Unii fuae. Vi'btn \w ha'l ffl>*'J Iron cam* out of It. find tbxi tbe chlrf luid lAVjEfivX'lty &rt b s | ^ f (cnerttU ceultt^iot read hla note* and Itttrrjf j tjiwwrltlntf had not ]b«en lurenl«Li3i\d the trfUrtillng inanhaui, iNiylng and aorlTlng to ta-' tvrtiret tho Imlinclphernble rommanda, . wnndi'inl and did not come up to. tho x-ntob, or not' tb the right •rratrh Ttiua WaVrliw waa lost. Can- you fnjury ('Irouchy handing rouml Na|mleon'a> t\M<* on tbat eangulnary BuntLiy! "1 any," crie* the manhal to - bis alddv-carup, "Ui that 1 wordLHenj; btoux or SVavretTs'thfa Uluvhar or Hulowfr' »o pr«*nbty Clroucby toaaed up rof It,"and the real wunla tusjr ha»o tm>n none of thteit at w b l c h ^ ooVml hla nHiiertvrea. Aleanwhlle on tbe left aud isnilfr Il'lCrloii aud Juruuie and Noy werv eifOally-puialrd, «M ke|it ou , awndtnir ravnlryiltn planii wjier* tt w«a very mu«uifi»ftnb|« tttmugb our men aoldiiiu niHimgnl to hit any uf thn cat- alli>r«, flrtuK tno high) anil did no sort of good. Naimliwir nuty «i«v#r bare lieen •|iprtu-«l uf thi'M clrrumatanre*. Hla oM writing Jnaatur was not 'on the OMIO or acllnu Nolwily d a m l to nay. Hire, wliat doo* tills figure of a centl- nl uioaii, und how nrn wn to construa tbi.-'o two tbk-k strokes flanked by titular-Tbo tiuiHirlal t»inp«r WA* pep- / , Ihvgftoitruiaii would b»*o torn off hla Inlrrnigntor'a cpnulela nlul ilmni»l tujnii tlieiu. DMbo not onm drnwTTu plutul lu shnnl a little dog ?h»«.Jl'lrtr K LsLJiL«.l'»> 1 »<)*- And when thiOplatMl mlmMil dro tlm great soldlor tliriMvlfnt llioiinu Kiid Util not bit him. •rin< Illllo dug rntrnaled wltH tha ^on- on of war. — Hucli was thn lenipnr of Napoleou^. Vnil wn know , wluit Klarlborougll UHiuuht uf tlu> vnluit (it an equabla tcMuw'r SiilKxIy mlilil nsk Uouspartu tn >vr)(i> II h'Klhli 1 hund, no hbf gvuprala llvud n\llfii nr (onJcK'turti aa to bla N Walcrlix) wna not a auc- «'*>, unil tno I'inpi'ror imri'r knew 1 wbjTj Of all bin WIVII or i-licht theories of fnlliiri' nt Wnti-rkm, bis bandwrtl nut nut <iin> \rt if this okplans/tlon bad ocitirn'tl lo~tilin i crrlalnly lin\i> lilninwl hla pt>6a, Ink i A FEW WHY8., do innny employer" may their clerks am n aliiplil lot and uirwortky ot tlielrnilmiili-nillun? - Why ilo many clerk* lookfcwIUnonry on their i>m|i)iiyrnt ami ragixorVnirrery rurrccljau or sluirp won! 7 Why tin mnny penujnat bebarnimor* court«oua!y nml kindly to outildsrs than they ili> Ii, tbo one* they IreaJly lovo II."In-moral!) Why'ilo inniiy uieii laugh Bt'wooten'a lack of MaUir«« abUlty and yet sueor mi'l rnther tool, ilown on tbo il^ows shii lins sotnot j'jrt»jiiauy i hlldreu> rresnt a ' tirlr pnrenui any and ' ' i l>ori>« atnl I'inff bu^gruwi so *• to mcapu from tbeiu? Wliy ilo iuntiy_ricb folk I'Jnjt o / t b e l r po"r n'latltes IUI bofllK "ur^ajjs/iili jtlio loi-Loilt fur tntun and »n/[iryVent poor relAUvM /.twu. gJVLn«jJ*i(jii littlo preset* or tx'lug imturtil'w/lli Uieutt Why Jo ninny husband/ W6rk bafd for their wives and fauw, but n e w tliluk how tlmwife wtmld-npproclaUi aii Invitirnuii u/Ui» tli«ot«r«a llttln din- «v(>*> nfr • r-i ai*ifrif ti fi*' s *»»L_^jQ^a«- nf ft<JQt]Jf^ lioiuiMiiuukedT— at a p«t«nruiit fcoiuo Oowrra CMcftgo Itt'tonl He kl. T)m Jaimli<WillvIiIo tlm twenty-four boun ltitu twi/re pcrlwui. of which "II bOAn/ to Un-/nlKlit and »1» U» luo day. ttwlr day Ue/limlDic at suuriias and end- loic at sum WbeOier/lLe (loyor nlght'bo *.y,rt tli/n arn «|-wa;s alx pertodii lu nlUlii Uils the character* or on Vbrnmale nre adjuatable. tlu'iu uri* a**t, onu Ui ajgrev sunrise, thu otliur with sbnaet, fnnr cbarnr-U'r* Ix-twettu tlMD be died, but btt was a rain and, wishing t">show ht*OVITI"- made lroa In the prvrnrv of stno, t>f tbe an ill- Ui" spar« luti> ^IUHI portion*. I wln-ri tbn perloil Jfl dajrflgtlt la Oiaii tti" nlgbt tbo day boui* m i>ri K g y ill tm i>ri,t<ortlonaUily longer than Ai>!iUier p"<.-uHnd.ty lu their ecalSi la tk4t tb<y uw onlJTIi cbaracfn, thoa* "(mm tout to silnf, and Utean read back- ward.- Ixindoii Kipreea. \ Many waiters hot i Irwwurkei's. Thn •«*\UOUSUDW•Mmaa> 'ma, tfco-Ui*. ^TbeSeatjfkManaito -.,, their aklft atnl{to,malu»aMead^aur(kcet *%i? kee}l themVftt;'*-*- M "^*'* -l *^ a-l j *""- Ui!a$a.tbat ajnan touM out $u£f. I peupltt who ¥> to* tiiMte-iiav the waltcrailKiklltliJiigalla their hliadii for sa'm«.Um«>whtch'am too bot f<«_tlnrhand«<of<the)peopl* at -^v •. iV to regard lri^a a* sacred'a twre ao' other mrUla. . .j>. 'r er'a handjr'btccmuticallouey and /hard. hla trtbef but they haT«"aTwoy» fouun au tbat tbe -toogb, ak ...I i i a.•. ^^. ^^^ ^.Jk aA.b-^« b.» -~^ «*^j,».*aj *M% i n ai at ri vii^^ ^ ^ m . u M. . ti M ..^^ no more feeling thao_W^ of THRBB GBNTS r NAPOLEON'S AWFUL Oa* Tav««rr •( tfe* ara*i MSM'a favll- •ir* at 'Wsrimtea. NapoleoW Tfecordlng to Alexaipdar Purnaa, luSfnuch battle* aa ha> dldltoew b h | u!t^fl«ndlah hf"t Tbi/Mfi uf Nflapn |rt f Co| .i very liml "Ifyymir guna arn mi he'ttcr limn jniir Mna," snld % Uunlali olllii'r «lui cnni/In under flag or I mm hefiiri* U»/n«lit nnd waa •sked tn pill II llieNKI^ll Into Writing, "you liml liotter ri;llj/"-Andr»w Lang In I/ingiuan'H MimirifiiB, ' i t A SlCKROOiyT PHILOSOPHY. Nover conlWli' n patient to one room if you can iflitiilu itui uso of two. Nm<>r |i)A; tlm piano to a sick, person play mi strings or sing, "UtjiuiJ and fldgvt when a alck talking to you. Hit down, cuniplsln tbat you cannot gwt Kcup If llieru la a teapot to be Insji'itd N«v«r rend rayit to a sick person. Thu wny to niMkii n story aeem abort la U> tell It slowly. Nijvor juilgu tint condition of your luitlvnt (ruin lila appearance, during ion vermilion. Hco how bo looks oil' liour afturwari). Never put a hot watur bottle next to tJiu iklh Its odiclnnry and tho-pr- Uent'x safely am both Piibabced by aurroundltig tbe Ixittlo wltli flannel. ^ttaivlr allow tbnputlcut to take thai toiupcratarit hlinsnlf. Many patlenta n i H i m kiiowjngjlinji nunwe wbsra then In a <iuostl«!j!of Uwteraturp,-^ ,: Hal damm Haas, lu Its early daya, when, It la to U* - boped. It vi an mdru tootbaoma. than It - Is now, tbe hot cruaa buu played aome part In roiivnrtliig tbu people of/tbeaa lulu ml* to ChrlnUonlty. I'agan EngUnd wait lu tli* bsblt of eating cake* tiutior or tbv goddiNM nf spring, ai CbrlnMan rula*Uinarl«« found tliouglirthcy tould alter tbe view* tl|« pcoplo Iti reference to rellgniua matter* tftoy CouU-Wt-luduca them to wltliliold from tb»-conjiurrjption 6t C0O- f*ctiducrr. Bo tla-y put tbe s W of tbe> crusa upon tb«Ijiin of the Haxon era aud launc^jwl tt"upou jnbudoi prlao whU-b bua tntcfided tirougb tho lnbvrvfiiUig omturloi and.surrlTjfd till now.-Lotxlon Tlt-lllu. AWil Umk/alla. Nerer Ware an Smb/uIJarsTandlng on tho point In llio ordinary way when wet Tbo wator trickles down, apoUlbaj 11m iillk and a^kUut-tlie wlrea.rusty. It bi aUo a (DlttskB ta upon It and leairn It standing, aa tbu atretcbW' tbe silk, making It bagg]/ so tbat It U Impossi- ble (o fftd It smoothly. The proper | way la to tbako o'uf as nfuch' of tba I water aa poaslble, 'Uien stand tile-um- brella kill b40dle to drain. We talk oTaillimond being ao many , carabi In weight Tbe carat waa orlgt- j «aily,the ittei ot the AbzaataUn carat flower. These a«eaa are Tery equal la ] ~ •be and ao were at ona tuse used In '- rmlctdiig goWl and predoua atones. < Today tb* carat «s applied to pM " aeana almjly "the twentjTfotlrth PMt-- ot tbe.weight of any piece of gold o* [• aSllww«n#ataAlal- ^u^» * i •• ( ' 1- ,, f -i ' ' ^

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Page 1: Prospect - DigiFind-It · ( ,;„. -^.i $m^LidLo.fai; ':^i&^M$m It?'/" p * rotiOmo CHAIRS Grsafera, ». i. CRANFORD, tf.J.,THf TRSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. E. K, ADAM8, F1RELH80WWCK. a08Uf«ION

( ,;„. - ^ . i$m^LidLo.fai; ':^i&^M$mIt?'/"

p* rotiOmo CHAIRS

Grsafera, ». i .



a08Uf«ION AVENUE.CUawfMfj, N. J.

K '

English & Knox,

Sanitary Plumbing, Sttam and

/ Ca> Fitting, Tinning and

Metal Work. '


Mllltr Block, Cranford.


ICEit tr i( Cranfoil

— -i

£*• Vbr the-ladlea at Cranford and Tioinlty.

"'" Spring ane Summer Millinery.;wl" i i k i yi v Siliotlonj Farty,

Ofrtuaa paid whsn making a purchase,

Aganoy for Standard Fashion Oo.~v

L. A. BIHott, Wostflold.



Orange avenue.Pacific avenue.

Lenox avenue.Union avenue.

Sylvania place.ailaHxtoniuproraaiuiU. Hl.l»wi»lk«. Lvntlfulatjade trae*. ate. Teo tnlnutoit' will k from u>(>ot•mnuorF. E. C. Winckler, owner

Willow itraat.

5. . /

_, yha world l« down on tho man who-laoo mpeteut. Learn/to be practical

| ' Vnioa Business, College,I'-'" ^ / ; - \


A <£ / . CLARK.d I > d 8 U «

Curb Blow net In fir«t-cls«s" ' ".mea. \ "

promptljI j. m. i^t.y^afwHilSflt^- Ordsrsby mall promptly

J", U KgpOIO STIttT. »asr_ Union "•"»».

Buasbstb Talnboss C/o.. Vo. it (.

UKigh Valley Coal~ \ Kindling Wooc*.




two Minutes From Oeoot

totnetor^I» prctwml to W<»IT« pupil* forTloUn iMjtnicttoo. Farternu, sn-ply at <ir addn>M; - JESSE WHEELEIl,S Colon av. (CltUen Uulldlng),


Lchigh Coal, LumberPIPE,




A nswdapu-lment luu receo'l/ b«en

eatabliibed eontiitine of


Oire me • call and innpeotmy l» g->


DIBPRICII KREIE,C*rp«nt«rand Builder.


Window Shades ?W» « u tamUh rax with w j knawn kliSJ, ar can

r«!J«Jr ruar old UDW.Do iron imal |aw CurtainT*l«* rar (xtant t

W« e u fnrnUi u r ipn i»ai want.I fl riWsnuraaiint W. a j . Slosnaot Htw York

Mud ean show aaraplaa at roar homa.

w» will call and ban thani •Muud and n»f imbed. Ootum liuad and folc eariwt psparalways on hand. t *

W. N. GRAY Union foe. Cranford


PJ1JI RACISTOpera Ilouaa Block, Norlir Me.,,


FiraWliM work nnd fit.

Hutiafuotlon guaranUwd

233 £f. FRONT ST.. . , -



l.ivery anil Hoarding Slublf

Adjoining Opern House,

• New

J . L . B A U E R ,

Civil Engineer and SurveyorCounty Cnglnatr. Townfthlft Cngl-

Township. t

Main "Office, 35 Dlx Building,

TH.-N.J V , "

_JOHN ISENMANN.Wasllington Market BnU'liiT

All Kindi of Meals and

City, Dressed Beef.-(No Embalmed lif-ef)

Daily free d^lirericxi In Crnnfonl. Onl^rsmay be lett ot rwideniw, Sprin«liekl live.orTland 192 WashingUip ."Arket


BOAHDINQ BY DAY OrKWFor ternu apply (o

-"W. "W.

Carpenter and Builder,

Walaot arena*. ^Cranford

PHILIPHouse, Sign, and —%

~- Fresco Painting,Pl . ln mnd D«cor»'tl»« ;_

Paper Hanging

llass. Oil, Paint, Vafnishca;__and.WalU?aper.

raiiford,- ,- Newjertey

' '

• Prlndle, our line repairer, was ratbafaltoder.- but with highly d»Telop*4miwlj i In dngera, anna and ebouUterfand with nerve to (ace anything. Be*eral yeare of labor, «!(,* the pllera ba4 |given him a Buget. gVlp wtrieh cameo .hla cbnma to atold slMklna: hand wttsY -him. He could iuafc»> nn insulator tiewith • % ! ) Iron wlrt with apparent

traction In the- finger luusclt* oo«a>eared him from probable dvatb. !

In I8U3 a local'Vpcilwiiy lu MytuUhad Installed a telephone exchange.Sererai of their wires paralleled thetelegraph wlrca along tbe trrtcke audalao tboaejof tbe lighting und powercompany In the atreeta. Tb« reau't waaa bnd ease1 of Induction, tbat ui>strri>ooa transference uf vUsMilcal Impulsebetween wlrca when* there 4s uo directconnectloti,

tn lb» ml.Ml<- of lb» rwnt f-Ban- awinnt (tlKhtful • Had

Prindt* out ipoki'u It U p<t>aUil# to*robber^riiuM have fslMt on tita kn<v<a.tUaktny br < n i mu/ru-it«<l l.f a n-lrtt.kat wln^n b,- u h l .JIIIMIJ tt»iti\ti with

Throw dp tour ham!*. i"t»tir. or I'llBra," a eodden fury »«_rWTvr nwfcultbe man. II* e*mr a-Tmutitx- n«>«n InMe long Irap and atnh-k sK*lnsI lMn-d> like a holt Tu«.| lln> man wrutasalK>t thif wall with a th*l , an I thepbMol (truck tbv cvllln« ami

Tb* burglar whirled r\>ui>» JU.I >H>*p>peart d thruu^b au tuu^r duur uuJitijfInto tbv tb>*«>i| "ay.

Prlndlv baatllj f«lt aNiiit I:M- do,*for Uie rviuht-r. l>qt tla- v. u i^m I»HBw«Un( hl» lid ltd at nun, lif n.»U>-0atjt»r U)«- burslar Ilia l>..ul M I «;«flr« wltll anicvr. l.ia.t.Mhcjiu timtauibahrartl twi, Ujlng u|> i l inrTilrfaivt*bill*. Al'p«rv_utl} tli>' r.)Ui»T t»nl piim.or<l to m m i * tu lt»- i\».if Miut, a,i>l«down a rain pllie Into ttm.Uark alli-yat th» n-nr.

1MMI1|«» >t>n>nir ii|> tdroiirh «rw rtH'fhatch aa the man VTIMMXI the nlnnotSat roof tuward <li>* nitr and rouvuthim m In- rvmlu^l tlu> luw tiarn|H<fwall at the ruor» i>«Ue,

The ruliWr waa of tarjrir ami bwn1-Ibuit tin. llriMi.n nml vim» « " " • | A tar nwia

So great wa« the Influenc* of tb* tcl»| da«p,riit» Aa they gnipplnl hegraph and powm^wirea ou the wlmaf to i n y , a k n | f , f r i n i l f, , ,,,m.e, |>U,of th« trlrpbotrit'eompiiny ^l«t ilie rM| prlmlle rluit'lint tin w n»ful nmtrrn oltle and clfcSInu «f our ln»iruin«n<« "u l t - j i ^ » iconld I*


«f our ln»iruin«n<« "heurd In tb«- t»lw?

pbone rpreheni, and tbo Kliiitlne a 'of the dyoamna at tb* [www Uouatt anoyr<l every on* trying to uaephone.

T_he_ j _ jioine" cncniy~"o( lilathrown threadlike/ roppw w Irea acfoaafrom wire to wire, tUux tangling op thacurrent a.

I*rlndl'o "wi>nt over" the

Into the juan'a thnun nnd tr'i>i»-dbitckw^ir'l Th« i mme ilmtn tn

getber on the pilch nml wnrrl "f It"roof, but the riiah mid fall threw l*rtjidie IWTIIIKI his nntM^ilut tmflnir hi*bold ttxuu* in 114 1 In r I n "h trier

fully twice tfud reported that he. eonMfind no "cross" of that sort. Htlll bekept atudylue nml lnapectlug the wat-te*, ^becuuso the telephone' uiauager|adaughter waa a tery goodHla. t— ;

Knierglng from tbs, managar'aone nlgbt nvnr tb*jKtt»vo(_JA be no-tlwd n ibirk figure stealing down taldo rtreirt. Touched wltbITludle followett attar 0 »form, the "ttaUdoua ,enpmy"

ire croaaed a moon-lit street and entered on alley leadingbetween tiro buslnesa blocka. Throughtbv ulley run tbu wires of both tbe telephoni1 iiud power iittiipnliirit, nutt

J'rludlc rrcpt i-nriifully forwardtbruUKb tho shadows nt the basu oftlio 1IIIIIIIIIII;N. ki<»|iliiK bIK e>c on tlioman nhciiil nt him Hmhlrtily, nnd totlK* Iliuiunirs iialonlshiiM'iit, llits manbcKtii iwllUliiK up one of Uiv'teli-phonepoles

ho liiiHii't Rot spurs Ktriippiil ou bisHhoo ' 1 friM'KH MnunciT Towne mustbe rkhl: KUIIID KIIO'H thnipniiiK withthu « lrm! I'll nail tlit> rogue when bocumi'H down."

With tingling nerves he creptor; but, to hln nniflzt'ini'iit. theHtiii>|H'il ln'fnn ri'Hcblng th" crom iirlnand Hklllfnlly Iliri-w thu Iron hoikedend of n wiw bidder rjtrr tin' nfll of anopen window lu till! BIJI' of Ilif l'UlldiInn, IWIUO nix r<ft nw»y. 'Dje olbirend of the Inthler he str'apii/d to tbunolc then (.nn fully cft-nt ^crom_tha

'itiun formcil and disappearedtill! window. /

l'rlmllf fetched u low, •wblatlo amilooki-d nil urotmd. "W^icwl" hu halfn-hlspercd, "1'hls in infereBtiliK nlMl.lioinlsUKit! Tbat cbap iias KOUO Ipto aroom nlV)\e the bankl Mint btt bo'sllcurlnc 011 KPttlng down Into tbe'taultrooirrl" 1 . /

Hi- HtfKiit In silence looking up at thewindow and listening.---The slow, softrasping uf Homo sort of Instrumentcaioo tu bis cars, l'laolni; his bnnd onhh) blp jiocket to (IPO If the little pWtolbe r«rrie<l when out Inle ftt night wasthere, be tllppud off bis Jbot-s sud be-gan climbing the p»'lt- Slowly andcarefully bo drew himself' up until hisband won ou the-strap of the ladder,then he paused. Tbe ranplng nolae bad

ately. .* , • /Aatbey came itriklne nnd »'nic-;llnK

Into thr> ntisle of thr> |>irn|Ht l'rtii'llpnidilcnly frit hlumrlf l l f in t l .n l i l i li-idthe tu'Xt liiHtmit h<* nnn l»tpi; |ir<-*«i* J


BTrr ttif null. hlinulf K"I»I

War It KiuktM l h . Aalsaal tsrKM U l r k . r i %mtm.vlifn m'Uler b«w It la'tbat

a biiL «.HU i;et ail tl<t» ke,ru**l Dilt of a

for Hint MIIUH^. wlifAtMt swsllowlngauj of thci.liFll." mid a man from tbecouutrj. lutt aa » ia.atter, uf fart tbrre

"U'tuTTiuisiiosti'rloiui'alwuriae'proc-«»», M'uJ J*B, bos* dfcn'f swallow anyof IIK-W hanfor autiaunce*. They g»trid »t ih.-ui. «1B1 tben tt la Just aa easyfor tlH-m n. gr( rid of tb« ake|l of a outaa it fo for a man or a squirrel. Youmtsht tbtuk l « i » » a lnig cruahoetbr> nut tutu mnnll fraghienta that hawould ui-v^»»«rU)' Kwallow a good nor>tton of tbo bull Hut lin dovan't Uo anywell Ihlufi. !1 fi

"It til artMnrrded Tact among n » nwbo kn)iTr>liJtblli|[ about tho aobjectthai the liori'i la the m«M,t {perfectly con-ftruttrj nulninl In tb« World, cunshlvr*Ing the imrjMwn for which the borm hiused ami 111 imuhod and habits In tiff,fyut I ttant to put In a guod word forthe hog itlwn It «>uie« to tbe thing ofcracking ainl rating uuta without ««t-tloc any of the birder subttamtM Intotlm ttomacb. Tho horn has rery lineteeth Tbv bark. Kwtb partlcularly-are.finely iiiitatrurlml wltb a flew of ena-bling ttio horan't» rnisb its fiiod w«llbeforr I-aiwliii; It Into tbn stomach.T h r w h c i r y grludrra, bnarlly out InDip burse's Ni*w, HIM looked upon a*nioni'ln Sn Ilit-y arv

"Hut wlint's~tlh> mutter with thateeth nf the ling! ^VhM'a tho matter« l tb thht inarieloua prvcvsn by whlrllthey fw|iarnte tbu kernrlvuf this jtiutfrom theMliulI?_ It_liH1JiCC«irjSl lu-ioa

Ibatt t i l i la n»»nuill m hlcwnnint, am}ijSinrr lirWt \m*{ rutllktl tn solriil «4irtof trllMitc for her skill lu maklnit thisrt»ul( mu(Hllit» J.njllj«_llrat plaro thehott M t ttigUH U marv* MMisttlnr QTali«ouM-l« «ii|i[Hiniil. m»| it etin enallyd<t>it the bnlilrr from tlio iwifler sub

tie «rf hlflliisrrs Inn, the h lnp* <>f H<" ,!,,„«.« lly wimi aort of prowss thaburglnr'n left nrni nnd plnlmi»l hu U , o a | , n t , ] n | O w o r | i U l l , u U g , l t „ |,|cko-rlgllt bnnd In that itwrul mtiimntfait tin* cords cif lils grini Atul llH^rsconlract until they tiiirmtl like 1iot

[wires. 'With 11 rry of nuiiny Hit- mhlwrjerked him back I" U'r rixif. tliiu nhlrl

and ran.ji.cyoM lh« ri»,f, <lranlnvfth»knlfc aa lie, (IIHI IVIndle miw th '

t ellut of tha knife blade, and.(b Infuriate with- the naaalon of

i— j

"If tbat fellow bonw me,"he will like<ty conic to the window ami aboot-jno ln_tbe face," waa I'rindle'a (EbogbC tf£|IUD< perfectly rmrflonli-m for a time,Jiear^r/K notbliiK /oudi-r than tbe atrotigbeating of bla'tieart. Then the raaplDg

lu the nnulo of the wall, stritlng to r*gain breath brfure the iu>it ona*t.

A po\*«*r I wIri* iilretched nrrtMis thtfroof B<im« right or nlmr f(i*t nUiire I hefloor. l*r>llnlle ilrew n pnlr «f rntilurfaced gliMit frnni his |MM*ket, drew

nnd siuldi nly ICIIIH-II up snd„ Jie wlr« As be dinnnilrij the

wire aimpptIKO-'TMI fill to tn<» r<M>f Initnntly iie 1 mifehl tip tlir l » i i > n j « ofIt and rtirntii: nt «he rulilxr, nib, In. Ihim with nplirteil killTe, 1

Tbe ('raiksninn reunid tn rtUlne thotorrlWu unurn—.if tin tiny »ui|Hin< Inthe llneinan'H hftn<l)«. Fur hla fni-r|jlane!n<!,«lilte In Hie ii.r^.ulJuhl I'rlndin looktHl i<|uull> 1 .(IN- If lit <rmlOtench thf rubber s.ll< nil wltb I lie tmrc•nds of the »lri». he wiuiM nlti Ifnot, he would priili.ili?) die I;} tlic otlier's knir<>

, Jtj.wji* 11 j-trnlit,'- ilu'L 1b«y felntid*r>\ehi1J tliiKii then strm k W i t h e r

I'rlndji''a nrjn, l\iit the Initiiljr M l tn aknotted, 'lulvi'rli^ heup 1 lie (joint of the llvr «Xr _ii hu]sleew; thV otli'T \ m i l puiuturtdneck

\yiirn jlhp burglaV reeirttre*! hissouses, I'rlndle limi lihti »•'< nr<:ly HIM]wllh dctiii'liedji^lt* «Xlh'- Hire sndwna at,th« from _looking nli and <N>iW3lfe Xtrirt for anolDcf r. \ ^ \

Tho bank iicojiln ga ic I'rlaule • handsome reward wb^'ii nip|«tllc\Clrriilts"bad lieyn ran by tb« t"l»[i|Kjne Vbujpa>uy onjiui su(ca<»l'i"i "»'l they twiud1b» trvublemme ln<Iu<tlou ocrrrome,^iinager T^wciv_il</elartnl the plucky

Jtlneiuau wi'/rlhy t<; l«) nny niun'a solrIn-law, aud he was. _

^Vfepre frna Is Sucred*Among Ou" Ba/alonga^n ijr«-at Afri-

can p^ojile. Iron in 3 mi'.Tfl ul.'Jci t '1 In yaree»pert WcrUfra lxTui>in!'. «hi< h ihf-yistlll smelt from >fji n»tlv^ '.re by tlirmost prlinUlni^nii tbwlH yvtr (!'•» (u-«l hyman, Tbbi>tft •Sd t»/lwiii In formerdays a source of wraltfr. Inltii'pow<sy<i»irt lhtt l-tfe/idpeopjo Old nutitprics found In I

1 lineman drew brm>-higher. Then, taking"the pl«tol-ln

lila baud, bo crept warily acyjoar th»rope bridge and tn i t tbo wHVjcrw.LttUBST blmwlf down; on' thfr floor, bestood sUU. Tbe ruplng^sound Mioefrom a'-cldset at, the tia^k eud^of theroom. ;i < j « / '."lie la aawinfe tUrongh-tlie Soor-wltb

tbe eipecUtlou cf working hl» way.tbrougti tU«/»rlck.wor|c eo'verlDg thetop of the >ank ->nnlt," ynf-'frlD^'t-uental-comment

Wltb/plstol In band Ho began step-ping craftily toward, tbe Closet, bat abjOfcrd Jn tbe\8oor creaked and tbe mat-'liSTuolM of the aaw eaddcnly ceaaeiLTbe lineman beld bla breatb. A~51«ty-kliid of darkneaaX ailed tbe room, tbomoon's~ radjaW betag reBected- dimlyfrom the oppoalte'*wall of the alley.' ApInstant later be aaw'llw~door ofTI*ctoaet pushed opeii and,lne outline of/B tmman fona rising In ' "

Tp.tbc borgUr

ry lint" hull over- to tho Hides uf llamouth, tlm tniigun Iwlug um«l for th«punxioe, aud hem they nni thrown outnt tha TOrurm rrobalily, you haw oo-tlcnl tliat tha curnen of, a bog's mouthare wmewbat tllffurVoti from tb« cor-b«ra of the nioulhn of oilier aounala.Tbo linen of tbn fHOUtlililo not »ud tonrUlnUy, aud b«oca It U a niucli aaaltr"thing /or the hog torwork the hardersulrttaiifcs which bo doaa not caro-toaWaQow out tliningli thww little open-Ing*."— Now Orleans Tlmi-s-iHimocraL

thati wuin jol1

line lit- tt,Blr brc»ik» a "»!•••

rbjef atfiod betldi/him and wil<l.jr st«i«i «n>l/burn ll«m Vi•Pearat ' The AIK*' A'i"11*"*.!!_nRniu and that theVyltr wan

returned, and th" chl< f U*ike4tuL l i e atuod a long tltut anjl atsaidi' ' ' -

"My son, why' do yjii not olk-yfither)" « o to th« rt»» r, gal IHT «and make a* hut Crr Afterwill see teoti wlUi your <•) m."

Ttio.sftKC w'a* K/otJy trigfrfeared some caliiiblty.'tjut (Uniifuae. Vi'btn \w ha'l ffl>*'JIron cam* out of It. find tbxitbe chlrf luid lAVjEfivX'lty &rt b

s | ^ f(cnerttU ceultt^iot read hla note*

and Itttrrjf j tjiwwrltlntf had not ]b«enlurenl«Li3i\d the trfUrtillng inanhaui,

i N i y l n g and aorlTlng to ta-'tvrtiret tho Imlinclphernble rommanda,

. wnndi'inl and did not come upto. tho x-ntob, or not' tb the right•rratrh Ttiua WaVrliw waa lost. Can-

you fnjury ('Irouchy handing roumlNa|mleon'a> t\M<* on tbat eangulnaryBuntLiy! "1 any," crie* the manhal to -

bis alddv-carup, "Ui that1 wordLHenj;btoux or SVavretTs'thfa Uluvhar orHulowfr' »o pr«*nbty Clroucby toaaedup rof It,"and the real wunla tusjr ha»otm>n none of thteit at w b l c h ^ ooVmlhla nHiiertvrea. Aleanwhlle on tbe leftaud isnilfr Il'lCrloii aud Juruuie andNoy werv eifOally-puialrd, «M ke|it ou ,awndtnir ravnlryiltn planii wjier* tt w«avery mu«uifi»ftnb|« tttmugb our menaoldiiiu niHimgnl to hit any uf thn cat-alli>r«, flrtuK tno high) anil did no sortof good. Naimliwir nuty «i«v#r bare lieen•|iprtu-«l uf thi'M clrrumatanre*. HlaoM writing Jnaatur was not 'on the

OMIO or acllnu Nolwily d a m l to nay.Hire, wliat doo* tills figure of a centl-nl uioaii, und how nrn wn to construa

tbi.-'o two tbk-k strokes flanked bytitular-Tbo tiuiHirlal t»inp«r WA* pep- /

, Ihvgftoitruiaii would b»*o tornoff hla Inlrrnigntor'a cpnulela nlulilmni»l tujnii tlieiu. DM bo not onmdrnwTTu plutul lu shnnl a little dog?h»«.Jl'lrtrKLsLJiL«.l'»>1»<)*- And w h e nthiOplatMl mlmMil dro tlm great soldlortliriMvlfnt llioiinu Kiid Util not bit him.•rin< Illllo dug rntrnaled wltH tha on-o n of war.

— Hucli was thn lenipnr of Napoleou^.Vnil wn know , wluit KlarlborougllUHiuuht uf tlu> vnluit (it an equablatcMuw'r SiilKxIy mlilil nsk Uouspartutn >vr)(i> II h'Klhli1 hund, no hbf gvupralallvud n\llfii nr (onJcK'turti aa to bla

N Walcrlix) wna not a auc-«'*>, unil tno I'inpi'ror imri'r knew1 wbjTjOf all bin WIVII or i-licht theories offnlliiri' nt Wnti-rkm, bis bandwrtlnut nut <iin> \rt if this okplans/tlonbad ocitirn'tl lo~tilin icrrlalnly lin\i> lilninwl hla pt>6a, Ink


A FEW WHY8.,do innny employer" may their

clerks am n aliiplil lot and uirwortky ottlielrnilmiili-nillun? -

Why ilo many clerk* lookfcwIUnonryon their i>m|i)iiyrnt ami ragixorVnirreryrurrccljau or sluirp won! 7

Why tin mnny penujnat bebarnimor*court«oua!y nml kindly to outildsrsthan they ili> Ii, tbo one* they IreaJlylovo II."In-moral!)

Why'ilo inniiy uieii laugh Bt'wooten'alack of MaUir«« abUlty and yet sueormi'l rnther tool, ilown on tbo

il^ows shii lins sotnotj'j rt» jiiauy i hlldreu> rresnt a' tirlr pnrenui any and ' '

i l>ori>« atnl I'inff t» bu^gruwiso *• to mcapu from tbeiu?

Wliy ilo iuntiy_ricb folk I'Jnjt o / t b e l rpo"r n'latltes IUI bofllK "ur^ajjs/iili jtlioloi-Loilt fur tntun and »n/[iryVent U »poor relAUvM /.twu. gJVLn«jJ*i(jii littlopreset* or tx'lug imturtil'w/lli Uieutt— Why Jo ninny husband/ W6rk bafdfor their wives and f a u w , but n e wtliluk how tlm wife wtmld-npproclaUiaii Invitirnuii u/Ui» tli«ot«r«a llttln din-«v(>*> nfr • r-i ai*ifrif ti fi*'s*»»L_ jQ^a«- nf ft<JQt]Jf^ 0£

lioiuiMiiuukedT—at a p«t«nruiit

fcoiuo OowrraCMcftgo Itt'tonl He kl.

T)m Jaimli<WillvIiIo tlm twenty-fourboun ltitu twi/re pcrlwui. of which "IIbOAn/ to Un-/nlKlit and »1» U» luo day.ttwlr day Ue/limlDic a t suuriias and end-loic at sum

WbeOier/lLe ( loyor nlght'bo*.y,rt tli/n arn «|-wa;s alx pertodii lu

nlUlii Uils the character* oron Vbrnmale nre adjuatable.tlu'iu uri* a**t, onu Ui ajgrev

sunrise, thu otliur with sbnaet,fnnr cbarnr-U'r* Ix-twettu tlMD

be died, but btt was a rainand, wishing t"> show ht* OVITI"-made lroa In the prvrnrv of s tno ,

t>f tbe a n

ill- Ui" spar« luti> ^IUHI portion*.I wln-ri tbn perloil Jfl dajrflgtlt la

Oiaii tti" nlgbt tbo day boui*m i>ri

K g yill tm i>ri,t<ortlonaUily longer than

Ai>!iUier p"<.-uHnd.ty lu their ecalSi latk4t tb<y uw onlJTIi c b a r a c f n , thoa*"(mm tout to silnf, and Utean read back-ward.- Ixindoii Kipreea.


Many waiters

hot i Irwwurkei's. Thn •«*\UOUSUDW•Mmaa>

'ma, tfco-Ui*. ^TbeSeatjfkManaito - . , ,their aklft atnl{to,malu»aMead^aur(kcet

*%i? kee}l themVftt;'*-*-M"^*'*-l*^a-l j*""-Ui!a$a.tbat ajnantouM out $u£f. Ipeupltt who ¥> to*tiiMte-iiav the waltcrailKiklltliJiigallatheir hliadii for sa'm«.Um«>whtch'amtoo bot f<«_tlnrhand«<of<the)peopl* at

-^v •. i V

to regard lri a a* sacred'a twre ao'other mrUla. . .j>. ' r

er'a handjr'btccmuticallouey and /hard.hla trtbef but they haT«"aTwoy» fouun au tbat tbe -toogb, ak. . . I i i a .•. ^^. ^^^ ^.Jk a A.b-^« b . » -~^ «*^j,».*aj *M % i n ai at r i v i i ^ ^ ^ m . u M . . t i M .. ^no more feeling thao_W^ of


rNAPOLEON'S AWFULOa* Tav««rr • ( tfe* ara*i MSM'a favll-

•ir* at 'Wsrimtea.NapoleoW Tfecordlng to Alexaipdar

Purnaa, luSfnuch battle* aa ha> dldltoewb h | u!t^fl«ndlah h f " t

Tbi/Mfi uf Nflapn |rtfCo|.i very liml "Ifyymir guna

arn mi he'ttcr limn jniir Mna," snld %Uunlali olllii'r «lui c n n i / I n under •flag or I mm hefiiri* U»/n«lit nnd waa•sked tn pill II llieNKI ll Into Writing,"you liml liotter ri;llj/"-Andr»w LangIn I/ingiuan'H MimirifiiB,

' i tA


Nover conlWli' n patient to one roomif you can iflitiilu itui uso of two.

Nm<>r |i)A; tlm piano to a sick, personplay mi strings or sing,

"UtjiuiJ and fldgvt when a alcktalking to you. Hit down,

cuniplsln tbat you cannot gwtK cup If llieru la a teapot to be

Insji'itdN«v«r rend rayit to a sick person.

Thu wny to niMkii n story aeem abortla U> tell It slowly.

Nijvor juilgu tint condition of yourluitlvnt (ruin lila appearance, during •ion vermilion. Hco how bo looks o i l 'liour afturwari).

Never put a hot watur bottle next totJiu iklh Its odiclnnry and tho-pr-Uent'x safely am both Piibabced byaurroundltig tbe Ixittlo wltli flannel.^ttaivlr allow tbn putlcut to take thaitoiupcratarit hlinsnlf. Many patlentan i H i m kiiowjngjlinji nunwe wbsrat h e n In a <iuostl«!j!of Uwteraturp,-^ ,:

Hal damm Haas,lu Its early daya, when, It la to U* -

boped. It vi an mdru tootbaoma. than It -Is now, tbe hot cruaa buu played aomepart In roiivnrtliig tbu people of/tbeaalulu ml* to ChrlnUonlty. I'agan EngUndwait lu tli* bsblt of eating cake*tiutior or tbv goddiNM nf spring, aiCbrlnMan rula*Uinarl«« foundtliouglirthcy tould alter tbe view*tl|« pcoplo Iti reference to rellgniuamatter* tftoy CouU-Wt-luduca them to •wltliliold from tb»-conjiurrjption 6t C0O-f*ctiducrr. Bo tla-y put tbe s W of tbe>crusa upon tb« Ijiin of the Haxon eraaud launc^jwl tt"upou jnbudoiprlao whU-b bua tntcfided tirougb tholnbvrvfiiUig omturloi and.surrlTjfd tillnow.-Lotxlon Tlt-lllu.

* * • ' '

AWil Umk/alla.Nerer Ware an Smb/uIJarsTandlng on

tho point In llio ordinary way whenwet Tbo wator trickles down, apoUlbaj11m iillk and a^kUut-tlie wlrea.rusty. Itbi aUo a (DlttskB ta upon It and leairn Itstanding, aa tbu atretcbW' tbe silk,making It bagg]/ so tbat It U Impossi-ble (o fftd It smoothly. The proper |way la to tbako o'uf as nfuch' of tba Iwater aa poaslble, 'Uien stand tile-um-brella kill 1« b40dle to drain.

We talk oTaillimond being ao many ,carabi In weight Tbe carat waa orlgt- j«aily,the ittei ot the AbzaataUn caratflower. These a«eaa are Tery equal la ] ~• b e and ao were at ona tuse used In '-rmlctdiig goWl and predoua atones. <

Today tb* carat «s applied to pM "aeana almjly "the twentjTfotlrth PMt--ot tbe .weight of any piece of gold o* [•aSllww«n#ataAlal- ^u^» * i ••

( ' 1- ,, f


I'-j «.V


- i• ' ' ^

Page 2: Prospect - DigiFind-It · ( ,;„. -^.i $m^LidLo.fai; ':^i&^M$m It?'/" p * rotiOmo CHAIRS Grsafera, ». i. CRANFORD, tf.J.,THf TRSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. E. K, ADAM8, F1RELH80WWCK. a08Uf«ION


<*« * l * n «ftlM «« « giMtttwfrr of

. MAliCII 6, 11*4

TIIP ilinrtinn of Tlipoitjv Imingfi,

goto twr-Mwy gray frami fWrfMBrown* ngarfro* brt mm wUk a je t*par* la II* ftfcfllrttty. {MM adoredto* pretty lurtJwr M n W ek*'Detertaiifbed at bl«; alao fcrnaoa* abe bedMg US* *?*• and • RUM of fl»fff~Sdgold UUf iffMferfy like • pliMTM 111 •filfjr lal». Tlwrrft**. »• « Ifiattrr of

unw( ilio t- >»>«T «D4 Mil t*nin i urvuglit (o ixT lo I* rbrla«j-ii«4.-full biia ]u«i." *u»nriMl C«(MUI»rwlrrl<k I^iint*, U* M T ; offlp«r.

Wtt» cb*n<*d that murhlnf (« f *^Tbl. h*d bappnMd (w ufUu

of 1*1* Ituil dv^acvr* wcrv brctnnlb«tn *uf(M* In prartntln*Hut tr d««r Mi*, IVimiMF wtv

tV rj

(litnklnc (if umrrrtnt afaln »b» couldnot <l I t t ll


lAWltfO, MIIUIll. In «««, good »-X*1B«and qull* Indttwnfalt of hi*

Wrrn ttii* iiw«* «f Tlx* Cititrtil*-£in« VUIIMHP VI. In , bxiktaphack o»t'r the fit^'ijar* *liirli j )«•*«•|>*WHX1 «<• an- |n/u4Vi *»jr ilt«< 1'J«rt'ilitt'ti li»« fully lit e l II|I t <|> "tin' a n u o i i j i r n l | i t i r j M > N . - r-"-4 -

to tunMi iiniiiawha]i (truing*, ami *"' ' tl«- Jirrt intrrwt* »f Cnmfonl at all ilm«-« il.«-lirrt roiirliltrmliiii, tu puihator to

i'f IIH1 t"trii.(.'ilip'ii l», of

'•(••I in tin- *toe. And tnrr iwe'ktx-w that Ufa.«i..n »f affair., it i . I M nalitfel "•**"• £ d l - r t l t t 0 * | lH l td"1 l t a t at limi>» «.mn ' " " ' * I""1*11*1"*ti-ri'M nmy' lia»r-with; yet,If CMCII lia» hern llic raw,it linn l«rn without matin', ll.tnllj'

- IMTc*»»ry to n«lil tlial |ln< )M>llcar ofTho Cillwii in tli.< |.aM, «iil IM<twiitiniiiil m tlio future,

AVilli tliiii Imiin DIMI, tin* |nilili-_ raliun day la changed from Satur-

Jiny tnv>J'lHin«Hy, for-» mimltrr ofrcnwitu, Iml mainly I Iml »•<<«•• nmy limn give a IflUr new*wrvWt1 to otir


(bat> « jMMM* tW<V*t* after r*f* ba*a to

h d toU BbI hat* far


In lxwt«f-

IW>IM bad •ttftmird' MM or two «fKM nutlMrtlon* and. rvrdrloc UMa

In lili avrHt-fMr-old Imtu. bad QOCMto lh» «rtHlu»l«i that *itn*thlM« por-IMrtoiuritjii ImpfjwiHur. ThtaorKWM-ttilnjr «H» OMda lilm rrganl OapuUiUwtoo'* avjsnrthm wltlt tijro«


ip|>ort' nlioul IOHII

; |iriiiri)iat

llo. AnImvc it o

nfVoh'J Sninnliiy nl^lit on


Tlinmati n» HU|x<rvl>intllc'jtriUj ll'Billlllig in nmailer <|f (an, AIIII «<<

tint braryf (niilidrtty, Un«lian mil j/'loTen UMII «tn»li|in'i| inllm- Tettl irn Coiiiinaico, wlilcji

~mii» i Uk<i notion b«<fon< titv llnonlvou<« on Ilio i|iic«tioh. Tlin-o newniuinbrr* of tlio Hunnl will I*

I don't, like that." be aald*lt tnlgbt evenknow."

He turned a aturdyand trudged off, with Xht naek

trrritr nnnVr bla arm. I'mewrtly cameIn light a frrah faced yotmg auhaltrrn.

"IIHlu, Iiobet Win** are ypti goingwith - wlmt'a hla Miner

baan't girt any yM," u U Hobby"That old Captain Uwton

Mid to mil him llag*. Iml I ahan't.llnw would be for) )f bit father badnamed him Itaga, I'd like to knowr i

"That la a qucwtyin which CaptainUwtim haa probably nevererwl" aitawived Obarterbt"Hut you might cult ihle little beg-gar after Orneral Kltcbenrr." i

"U ttonerat Kitchener • giwat eo).

took tt Into their keade to pUf fa aaKit rimer towel Ike Ixwt,

aa4 IWOe M Ibowajr l«to it Thrt tt4to*ta|MJ3]T Wtt&l tMt M N

AMt djiflwS 9,mf* TaM pUWG VaM ftS^ iMIfXMf IffittiiaWf taWtfttf MU*# Mft Aflatmoat dMrrUd at ttwt time «f day, aa4 otlaMa.' T» iCipe-iw tmmm. beat la aa

half frtgUUiwd. half jrfet*. baM Ins ireaact ettaer flakMa |M*n>, wendnriiw If It would be **»» tatlaw to

lo call for b*lji. A eoddaa g«at |A*u add. cat tuto awaUL•f wtad-airac* 4ha.«nft, and aonte- tt«d «r raw India mbU, .bew ut other the two w««t o«er tlM f flfju or tbe weight o* the eti,aloV idat a* (iairiain Law ton and Ura. Ulrrtng »aroe wlib a weo4eai:'apaMa~Ur«WM n u n irtrWUng aloag tbe tiler, witu the mi>lK>t to eouptftr Om&nA

Hn. .Itrowne r»it a <ty of terror. JJ» the oU; laetty. add hi give It « * * ••nmll aiuoant of pttotera* tea. PMBTlr.toai«ltal>leTeaee|i«dlat«oal. Oe»or two appltrstjoM of tbla are aaO-dent to {horotifbly waterproef a pairof boebt or ahpie for a eeaaan, ~ '"or tkoe* tbaa druaiid wtU take

With tta

*at allowed on dall- t«bincea at |80O aa4•ubiect to check. ^ T .

allowed oadepoirita in our S p 0 C l a l 0 * -of $100 ana. upward* at the rate at 3 pet

cent per amimn. , ' , ' • - • " ' I1 "Conduct a general Tru«t and BaaJr.ingbtiajne«a,«ct aacecutdf, admloittrator, gnardiwlan .truatee. Iawie

Letters of Cn$$i}. foreign and dome.tic, which travel-lera will find very convenient, , . i - i

, A moBHitit'a bnrfuttoa waa all fbataarad Captalo LawtMTa lsarti, and In that InHant a ff,navlutf form wrat bj I bra, drappadInto th* watrr witb a , trmwmdpw•plaab and awam with ^trona, aaaurwdatrokfa toward tb* dot* In Iba WaUr,

It wan all orcr In a mlualo, and Htm.Itrawn*. »im«anllfaa of i»ft ttlk dM<pttU* ami floatiuc l*(*». bad Hot*/ Inbar arnw. and UmiUnMt Ctxrt«rl«wbo bud cotoa runnlnc up, w « M ; I B (

'foo my word. BOIM, you and Kltcb-


?--\ / L.

tnllrSly WihV foellng i»J«k^ 4v-h»»I atU'lii|it«l (o rivale fur or

mt Mr. Tltimia* tlip vnUrn| l l» i i |or AH IHUWIHII tllOM<

nautotl only tlu> mvriu amito |in>|H>rl (Kirforin tlioinvolving on a nifinlwr of ilu> Uc«nlinf KtJuoatloii. 'i'ln< Hoard IIM j , ,tflmrgK tin* vlillilrrit of th« town, tint

• fulnrti jfciicmtlon', JUH\ jnuiy «lif.ft'ti'ltec* or «li»likc« fJmuld not IH>

" to iiirtiioncH \ot«n in tliln

"Tbn rrvatrat rwtt to lloba,M, ar«rr«dtb* llculonant. And tbit wrtlM ILHfiirofurth It wa» Wplw and KItebnMrto all lite Amrrlcan colony.

Mi«tiwbll«, n« the (QMlfM had MU-d

forofiloo* U»ln' tllli'il «t tlicu

In everyi

of nil, r«||rnruK'|4 or pam*. \"", "Tito fcitumitiiilioM of >tywrti Itau-ktn for TmTni»uf|i C'oiuinhov mul'J1, A. Critutt for

«fi | * H

tSe fututv. For it)»i»i»».sorv AlfmlH. Miller; a Uaa o/ami ]iosM«iitu{f • th,."williilguc<M to jHTftirm |n<luli«n jH'rtaiiiiug (o dial

named «ml n|iouliI of cvorv



- i

Mr,.HM;i|c)% f o r c ^ .miailoncr.of Apjtoklii, in .known to

jj9vwy!»odjf and ktiowu t>ri IK> wvllqtiaillilcdvloF UK« (lOKltfiiri'. That

"Judge Aton.MI «•«* r*n,,min.i<!a forogonu wmplunioii, for M long* * - . . " accept thu Jmljrp U ypcurvi'

" Nomination aiul eWtlon. .MrMr«

uileod. not*1 inotbt^waa pottdering lathe remote acplIM of bw aaboon-•clownean Ut«-^weatlea (CJaotaln Uwton. Therejrhen abe felt a longingand iwalMon whlfh be wuldglre bar,It trouM I* home for Holiby, too-ltab-tiy, who lookwl at her with hU t4tvhoa-t»U nduring gray vyea. ao like hit f»th<

Hut. rurlounly enough, «• often atrym met Iwra abe fell a etrong' for iAwton, with bla proclae

and Imtnaculate Uniform.Hbc had no Idoa ttwt Doblty waa tteo

r«iuilt|«trliig the tnetiUof « proapertl»»»l«-I'f«tbpr, but be waa,

"AIx. L'harttrla." he Mkt one day,rou aren't itmrrlod, are youfChurterla bluthrd all orvr bla boytab

fare. "Not yet," be Mid.lilpraute," aald Ilobby wltk 6»W»T-

aUoii, "I've tK*n tblnkln' It orer. todI teller* I'd rather hare you for" a

that'i hmi M » ^•1*gn.iwt 'liemrygwd'jof

jou. I'm •urt%" be aald, trootberlng aaliufulae |o laugh, "but your mothermlgbt har# aontelblng to aajr aboutthat."

"IMutil 8be wwUdp't InJoO." Midnobby «wwbly. -StieM like ywi |b fBiiwiint lH*ltt*jr ttott tKat ftiit tit¥T f#iiv-tain. My rather wa* a cav'lry oVcer,ant hi* aword'e baugln' up tn tho llbr*y

bmni\~Tin jruln' lo wear (I when 1but I won't l«) In toe nary.

n'» no good 'Iww iu> o n rkWtone waa ttut of long tet'tlun. AIM) In bla bwrt Cliar-

terla, aubatuvn bt hu«aara. with amedal won tirAMce., roajr haTo'agreed.with hint. At a\»« rati*, when UdtMiloa third that day ltt\» group WbwwlnevonnlMlng of Mra. Broxpo and Ountatnlawlon thi' tatter Imfrantly .curamllot Inclination of the tubaltarn to talk

Tn«n hla eye fell upon tba necner,and be broke hla eentenre fltf In themiddle to grab ii»e band of tbe bfetall, rery Wet man who bad droppedMe traveling bag lo lak«*u latproeapta•vim. There, wen IntrgdavtMmt in4bandtbaklnga and teara. When ilobby

itaue of Wtuirion, be rtarrdround «;edt awl when Wbarton heardtbe nane of Ilobby bit, too, aald, "Up-on ngr wordr to blmMjf.

rerhape all tbla had aoroetblng to dowith tbe fart tint wbcu on tbe following erfhlng Cairialn Mwton raint) forbla llniit amwtr t» hla mitt the prettywidow knawhrr own mind and «n»awcrvil Mia with a gra<lf bq( (J»vM O"Ko.".At atxwt tbe aame time Wbarteo

'W*» confeealng frankly to hla frkQdCharter!! that he .wai twwIedjBTtr forthe nret time In Ihu Il/Vand wouldthere f* any chance for him} Thatnaval officer, yon know— ,,

Charterta grinned. "I don'ftEla(~yoo~need worry about him." aald be. "OoIn, old vbap, and betVa luck." -

The rapidity of Wharton'a courtahlp•hocked tbe whole place, tt wai notowra than alt wctka after bla flnt ap-

DoatlMtbewai ' 't*ttha«k»nnland «b*-wa«

,.,,T.ja aoft tolce of here)-»«t It waan't all what you did that

ant nay, JWwetf. Ibongh I'd bay*been frtntda furwriv with any one wba>had aa«ed llobby'a lire, tt waa iU»tthat ytm were you, and-don't youthink It'waa fattr

"1 think," wild Wharton, with atwinkle In hla w , "that It .waa tbemachination) of Itol*"

And thon1 hjMofd bw. '•

lar»«lsn«U* Ibr IMIar. 'Suadnjf (khool Teacher— Aad It took

Noah 1U0 yenra to build tbe ark.Street Arntt-Wliat waa tlw nuttart

Waa there a etrikoWuck.

' U\l l


Cor. Broad and West Grand 51s./ •. lOrncciiss f .

wmMRnXf •• yVf^a^PrvsldcflttFMNK fCRCEV, tHOMikS N. McCMTCR.

Saertiiry and Tr^agarvr, x


nmualer in»Cuoice

.Veal,Poultry and Provision*

All blllalpayablaonorbcrfOrelMoriday aftardata anddayo'aale. \ -

Op»rn llouao ToJ, 94<«>



wtan't for »Hly b«aa the fo*wi bare bit r»puUUon.-Uf*-

A8B YOU NOT TIREDof board aidewalka?

They require continual re-paring and nrc in the longrun much dearer than stone

gging. Glad to give yeucutiniatea for the latter atany time.


AQ|CNT FOR W. L> DOUGLAS ^3^60 SHOES.roOn and Mock I'm clinic Mtnmpa.


\I C H

A okan light, a pure light, an oroamenUI IigbUnd an np-toKbto U t-jnUhedt

C0H8OMBR8 LfiiJT. OHB7!T J1HD POWER Co.• V »erjr raaja«ab>« ralaa they give electricity tor heat aw] power. Come

~ aee U*lr nUticai. H will coat yon nothing. Talkwallew orer and you nay aer» money.






Jeweler. Optician & Wate^makerliotei)—

Dnron Watep Compa(nyIncorporated 1870. - ' _ Orunli* . ISai

' 7. —« / - . - , " -= -. Tha Union Water Company anpuUoa the InhaVita ta of the Tillage*

offtnwood,Weatf;old,Omnforu-anaBoM>llo with Wl*rjo~r domeatio naa,

"Th« Pureat and S x t t l t i t that "aturt can Yltld."

laJaae,taM|l«tal«r«ippU«ttl>)rtli*('«iini<urwMuuajMdlvAUaoHum.K«L.' k^n..htur la OM at l|w Cuatpiiat't 1


The Company Refers to aliits>atrofl£do aol at

Now iaJ(hc best time to hnvc your French Clocks andOld Fashioned Unit Clocke put iu order. - .

Clocks culled for anil delivered ou receipt of order.


:''- 'aervlwwi|,cir

y hunta Iu KnfUB^mugh rMlttl <io tho |illa'<t>¥'aM]xwU<ld«*D«e aytr tbo African k*noo. Allthe tiwre rlolejit wai bla toiotlon aahe MW Ote rare color cone Into F*lr-

ChttrH>rl«. MM at the' coneliuton ofono of bit .atvrlpa. "*a big, ~lqrpejr' look-ing «ha»-on«< ot Ohm B M who don'tawni to ronio from any idace _ticular, though. I l*tlev« be wail Wln Kew Vork; chap 'that ~*ia alwmya.*ur« to do great thing* tome, day, hyJotvi" . - -

Ctwrterli1 «.ye had fallvn on a. I^I In the paper on hta knot. - .>>rhat 1* I tr Inquired it™. Urown*.

Intervetvd.rtrr man. He"a In IlrlgWon-

Ju«t back from South Africa.".Kobodj notlcM that, a» tbe

Qas and Gasoline Engines,t ntSrii v s R t M l - A » D HOWSSONTAL.

rHere for a nhcet of papw, an «)RV*k>peand a aump and, nrodudng a atubtty


tliprsWitm for

raada,U t a c o o k . ^ > ,be addmanl i f la • crawly but dl» j

>* i t a»w^w-»-o-«t.c>,

Diiion Water Company,'. At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth.


H-KaUf'.,J. F, NEWOaJIB. AMI'CaahiarT-


Ijoana and Inr«atm«nta.'Caahonhand«ndin Bank..

SurpUieandCSroolation ~ ."Depoalta... , . . ^ . , , . . . , , . . . . ,

^Dapoaiton ham tb* awurity of » IAROBa eonaarnUTe inmuagvovMat,, with every accontit a f i U I l '





Demand Ifor YoungAT GOOD SAriARlfeSAT GOOD


Union Business ~

Page 3: Prospect - DigiFind-It · ( ,;„. -^.i $m^LidLo.fai; ':^i&^M$m It?'/" p * rotiOmo CHAIRS Grsafera, ». i. CRANFORD, tf.J.,THf TRSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. E. K, ADAM8, F1RELH80WWCK. a08Uf«ION



a .:••

Mil l

0 0 . .


to ba ia*4a bytb* |<*t*»l„_»»»• awisai a»a**ia«. TU

• M«a:tUnM«-wa*aa««a*d:iu'ta*c*.laO»BfU> « « a » a t aaatory of aj iu _•,... .

: Ur, TMimr *ul*tl tfc« tnawoaa la .tWjaathana*'- iaiaurl** -"aooaaal•• mm •'<(•*'•»'addilfoaal^lcaeAtan'-at' U » HWaunJ**iul, >»#•Oraag* aad Oarwwd. aad

., a**i-X/raflr*»« 0/ fa*l i m t a u ta. Market*.Tb*. Mil

W h r w of tbe pataiaaaailtof U w d f

I. What h u IIXMI tKm* rewoltyM malfnal a i f f h

g n,The ooottoTcny orer tbo F«>fm«niMt utea«l«a blcM toJr to b l

Waw h i ia iJ of two 11 •, awtar**, aad aaab- «*f taeaa j * ' * - aaaaaae*ayaalatjiaa ia ba* Ua* Warn l a * a»•ai l * af tha l*T**tlgart»a, ,aiia hi**M • •".maMtrjr by Uk* 'tit*** B « i t t i t n « i * l . - ^ :Mr. But**, at* sadtf kaawa,. ft* wilt, I ?$-b*ti*r*,d*J thai Craalurd wHI U alaaaad * W**.•«*. atnnvwd IPgb HefaoJ. " ,•'•; - - :

'. AI» thi* cueJwtM* it la-walKito aayIbat a*.e.wa*VJe aow Kwaatod wiUwnl


aty, *ad wottKl ba M otaar


. - • • - - . - . , -— — dur-«aaalba,'aa>t'tt wiU auk*


The ooottoTcBtiMt utea«l«aMjr MUKid b

^fe^^^SSsS^iion the.w^.*vM IH UUIU,

weather permit*. -••..;-. -The Grand Jury ban at laat brought

In It*, verdict in the w — " "

. . , « I I M • ianr*r *ob* would harw otbarwla*. for It

I M frwljr *UUd. tbougb •ntm«nM)jriby ble »orkan that 00 ohaao* bid U«aglreoJUjDoiulQ*!* him •nd tbh


CUbom tba


him, and thkr pmal. by uf «*»*, Tbair*

, -—.» .mvt • eooaldwwW* iuUrr*l dur-! Ing which tba chairman rapaatorify aakidIf thai* «*re further notulnaliooa or

of "Iba'- m<i»l InipurUot nuirm r*^aanoumiad In N*w York lfa«a(*|.

OaiTajaailay afternoon tbe W. C T.t.'met mt I n . Glarke'a home on ,W«1- {

. ----- , JliTanut.W«tr*«k'.;• ••••;•;-. <Hra»tSe*<Hili

i r a w w e . h e . v e / - v . - ~ j .... ••••'•- •••--:?:'•.-11 Oilml fkwr», which lira* a ol*a»*r

' a|)|x>arai>e», pramtta duat and a**** U-

"L -Tlaliajr of Ui* acboul-ruotua, tot-*om* and •««"'-'-1- '•

Had it' aapxaary to 'aaad Ih* Vv*M P»o-p> out uf Wwa fur a thorougb Highrfabool aduoalioo. . '/ " "

I U » hHHtbad oa ataay, bat by aoanaana.aH of tba hapmtaawnta la OMr -;

acb«t>ta,aU»f wbtebha««ba»a*ff«sUd "Jurrng th* Ual two or tar**, yaara, It kt^ult* gMeralty kaown that tha laat.thraa'.yaara of tba gt—aww *abnal a** -eoaduetad Ins vary aaUafaotory aaaAar; >aad aioapv Is Ui* oaaa of Iha aobaal* aet :..'bafiaf lb*b*n*fll uf good aBbooliwaa*

I Uw w ^ ^ tba pHawry adkiola ha*b*aa Mtiafaaiory. - .- ' ••' • •

f b * klndargartaa ta ctill k l«a lafaaey,bjitfUlaa to»«Jatt-w*nt la our •ohoo**.Tb* work of (ba Arat grad* ta*eh*r ha*,I>I» aowunl of It, b**a mtwb mar* ay*- / '

i Mn«tl«.: - Ko«r fur a faw *latla*loa.; -.. "/ . -Ju^thrw yean-th* itiaodaiiea baa. In- \

M*M*d. bum 9U6 fan about &10, or orar TOpwcaou T*a«h*ra-h'atN» Inwaaail frow : -

roKi,gavonn lutoreatlng IU*lt«l U>at|T o*«h*PPommlu«*.'3,a WWwweUattended.ftttherwrdoniioof . : OcUaotor,Th*odor*A. '


* ** Triatty «hQieh metanwfctog « Mr. Moyta on


Gxtnr b

with Mra. Hioyt onit)

nloelyi home.

St. Agoea QutH wlU hold a

. Wednesday,

Ud Bocierror u» I T « .A wtM aeet March 11thut*. John Moody.

I i Tl«w of the faot that J Q muciBaa been said regarding - the-daopknowledge required In brdor t* per-formUe duties of asacaaor, It may beor interest to noto thnt tho whbloaaacMment ta gone orer—Item byItem, and changed a* may soem rightbinho whnln n»^

n tfteCbaataU. w nooiaatloaa wW.H a Ha»Mt i»

; l « on tba

to the ppularprioeo«,almilar to Uum whiohbara

m aoooaatfully playad al^tha_JJtaiut^p«ra-JHoaa»roD~Uri W

t. Thaprobably

riho wholo Township Oommltu*.U* 1« dono each year, and later on

the-pommliwlonern of Appoald meet tooortect errore overlooked by the coui-m l t t o e . -;-;:, ' 7 . • ' '.' ...' -••••.- ' ; - ' •

Mnch oratory t u expondin). lostnight at the dcrnocratlo primary laabuao of tha Itepubllcang. the' nrin-

ha. Jlranil«araJtooa»ronTha luwor Wa»t Hid*.

^Uthta "too, fall w>l" Mr. IW«r• • •**« to than*. Uta policy of fat*

UwStoek 8cb««, which ha.aBooa-ful am] w

Daol. Itrown and Aug, DitaaL

UeiiMKsrntlo 1'rliiiiaryl


, Saturday[by eotettalhjiiXs few friend*.

; of tbe rVjbllcGroundii

Tba Bt. Agneaauild hare>boUaoaJkeoan*1d B

_—.__ „ -"u .H-t»umicuOa. Hie pnn-«l»iaJ outlet being ou the so-called

yragto of monoy'.' on the new niai'Jid-amlzed rpod», Althodgli nt Icnit a««^o£tte--BfuKwnUa.-proaeht hod

night with It. L. Ouudwt, chalrmao,»nd Cbarle* H. Bttullt, »r.; **oi*tary;No time wa* waatad in getting to workon nootfoatktta, and thi* part of th*irork of Ui* .primary waa put throughquickly by the ncmUry carting, Uwballot for ««ch n»ro». for atpadiUouawork in putitDg throu)jb andnomination!"-- - ""'060 trol:

•; M-<<Mfoitor.~&~i

y •—•TIM>cinarjrana Easter^«to^»tt.lW«aa> befo,^&?tbeBectorr ' •-•, • •^F*:

f i _ r _ - . . by tlnrTowOTlripXMrniuJTfci',pep'dbig the completion of Jhe roada,DQt one hod the fairness to so elate.

den wa*for A

waa beatunjn theltaiwa* nam»il ( Camnijiaiioaar* _ _

MM- For Juatj«»* of tha fttac,.' yyyapd ty£. Goudert ware both nomi •

l .» i i^ugbth«»j .but ^"^^'•W.-.JL

apooiMful, and whloh will bararomwlduring tb* Summ*r mootlia only, Thainaugural attraoUon* • uod«r tha n«wplao will t * aonouncml in a few d»y a

[Th*" prlof* wdlraiwo from tl.W kt sifideal* foi' romtim\ *MU, and jh* eotlrabouM ;• *t tb* nwUnow\V*dn*ed*y*, Thunday* andwUlliaSSwnta,

Z'rX' '.. : . . > / ' . . [ ••;.,,....Will itun'Aa » nem«Krat. .

' :Mr. iE, 8. Craa*, wKt» waa fairlyb*et*n In th* Ifapublioao primary IMI

Satunliy »%bt, wa* Jlaat eight anai

Ui* piirpia** for which It

V. uTh* olo*»t off from U* iabotatory,which aiakf* a oonywIantatooJUfoovl

Vi . Tha »took-roisaWUi*flr*t floor,wbjon la tnotbw oMv*aiaat addition^

V I I 'fh« nwuWing on tb* w*Ua uftb# tewar hall.::'-•-.v-^:i-*./.-• •;-• W=' s

VHI. Tb* ehaataa Jn U * naatlngand -' vanUtaUndr • araUm, irtaklog tb*achool for moat of th* tim* •ntlraly( i l M u a o t . • ' • • • - • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • — ' '

It ia uofortmi»U for Um agtboni Ibai0i* m«Quf U># towB ar* *u aegagad dur-lag lh* day In buainaa* away troo* Oraa-fordUiat they oaaaot vWl th* aobodb

jtriil **• Ihani In np*mtion WMT

\- Thi* tcliaiAJ* a**iiniin(t Ih* propor-' l\nu» of a ra*l mthimi building, *n<! mtonwVahMll bar* banutlful, oonimodiott* andtblHellnl <|uari*r« iu whtoli to *dU(«ti

. ineiviaing mtvabmt of vhlltlr*o InUiatwotlou. ;•:';• -,-A- .-.---.-i-..--—• l.V.~r

Tlil» l« trM*^y«o, of (h* Naw Qrang*. jhool, whlpljj*lll in) a .Muoh.-na*d*d»aot ID th»ila«lJty '

_ _ _ -.—. .» opanwioa. JJttl UMwoman at* not au haadloapptd, and weare flad to• *•» lh* io«r*a*ad lataraatmany of them tea* In Uta aohooi* aa,la• f IdMoaJ by th* faol thai tit* B'«nbar of• ( • ( K M par month laaMally froaaw to8 0 . m o a t l y W O B I * I I . ••'•:-. •.-••K-".1 ! - J J . - .-

I » e » ftwilno*'-•! langth aloa*f tbl*Jin*, but wll|:ooi»olud* b> aayiag tha) aa(niaatlgiaUtwi iMU ahow that whil* th*•ohool* am not all that w* oould wlab y*ttfa*y ar* doing a* w*II a* lh* eiraaw.Maooaa will parmlt aad much b*U*«than th*y might. '

( UrlWIy auwng th* ihlog* d**lr*d ara•lo«l* adjuftabl* d*aka, wbar* w* sawhat»th*j5ldatyl»0MJ-*ljurtibl»do«bJ*Oaakai.* prlntad eouia* of atwfy, anddirMtlotw t<> U*ah*r*: ohang*a In tatt*.book* tpo pby*iologya«d hiatory In Ih*


man • juwnampf-r tbl* imp

tba ot 0.a#*

__. / Tae an i sa l T«wnabJp ref»h b u•Dtwinaiiled t o tbe tatxpavera, Tbe.pdntan wenreapoaalttletorita delay*

; O K K L Joacph wfflvvorthJLe

8 * Tfcwdv,ax. Hayeai Wardc»axl/ 'B^i,IkSL,«rac

A meeting oT OaaKa a i t a n o o t X

. . : — . . — f w ; •

ladle* toet on North nv-nafternoon, at the oaraep^ot•traet.' The jmw 1

. Ujin« to aupplaijtaffactiooa of\her hnaband^ .iodienaotly drtijed. '•A- r*?S of word*;aooompaotod by^^reai*,. «(D»oed, fol-lowed by a furiona«<Uck whjoh re*uitedin U>« offenderh*ring\*-.'piee* .ofthar lip

|bhU)n oat Wltha waraW that furtherpojuahtnent awaited aoo(h*r, 6ff*n*»;'. 'Tba ii?jilr*d one met'-'tbit"'fihraant bua-

W k - a n d Out did nwat of Ihe Ulklogfor effect OD tba.gallwy, Th* real tanbegin when tho di*cuaa)on of ipproprla-ttooa b*«an. Thaa* ware Hn«lly adoit>t*clbr voting for Town*hrpparpo*»a, • » , « » ;Folio*; $3^00; apadai tor bbk-up,$lfi00-,mn Vipuriami. |I^W»| 5ToofiM » « : ••• « - - - • — — - - • • • - • - jtavckMiraijt

U M I vary wiaa up*. Of ooura* if jKr. Oran* ahoqlil b» (iloeUd th* town]would ba no won* ti<f tban in tu«b u t - H ' i i - - ; -" • ' • • ' -p u i p u t i

blUun I

jCurUa Culm, tf, Holly a(r**t; on* oftbatn JaRyMr wxl ona Uil* fmt\ al«otha »!«vaj>t UibU, prtaaoUMl by Mr*.WooaUr, and tlta Ubla for 0 » a!»Ui

y**^P«^.wl i »*adh*r^t^:^a»WUia* w*.i«a Uwroughljr.aliW and a»

*ar*. Ih<^o U l l , , ,w | b a l J U < i d (»7»0"*

ab. 2», 1000,

Oouotr8up*rJnUnd*nt8baaiwwa»a»WU>r during tb* tart of th* aaaafInk.

"»»"i V -i».in!uu(, M O U B wix*pajw*y#M*B-l*^« airaJgbtway itojier jtatb*# and

. _ _ . - ™ r . ^ - ^ . /,.ou,..W«B »JiOW*(ii^-«« l*r«0»P^tr-7^^-a>^

• Ml—Ia'.yii.i.' •a"i'^r;?1:F^ -^ -••-••-'-.i~.-T<Jr iK..^JWW.^'.ai*^J«'law:U;-itt.Clar-

^^^P^w#P«i o?.-?P#I»*' . ; f l i« ; 4««»»^ Ooe^U**vto: had

) i'i JMi|J''^aM''^,j'rpi Amj 1 iii'Mati um 'i I'ni'-r1*1'' •"•••• *ij a—1 •»"!•!• m"i*i[ai floq^gyegaaji*ijiiiiiiw^'Ti'-s^ jmji'ii^a j «>wwnii>afw*j- MWfcailln%ff w*r|

tod-n^ po^w on ecom* of m^^mmmmmm.•^Wffawainiriew^-<ltaaaa>a^fe»>tt • « * ^ t ^ J ^ ^ O q , ; A. J, B ^ L ^ c

<« *1«1», atwk to head. Mod, «fl«long r«ertloo, bo««l Wa yungbtet'aear* awl aeJd: "Now thou « t «Ten#*d.Tbyiuiba^_h«boiMthe«*^#f mydtto bdir, wbd I bar* tot«d tb* L *

: , tt*i;**f^- • ' • • • - • ^ • • • ~ • - • •• - * ™ :

r* Mi OIfotwam on* and

morning, burglar*, nd tlta Ubla for 0» a!»Ui

gtad«,' alar> a brfc. of attppUntentary r*ad>J^ybcwlw praMMad b M I

... . .--.,yjpt5tl^-:ar»^oai«r|''^t)ta«*';ne^^-£w^^;;*owe^i^:V«!«a»plMlr'*^*ip|aiB*porp^*c^S:^

AA < ^ aiT*ir oeenrr«d wli«»vJ iwiia;M | i '*il"Bf"«a*'"a«n'ia'|— -•'---' .'>-»«•-••'•—=.-La-i—«giM"W**a*y?


Page 4: Prospect - DigiFind-It · ( ,;„. -^.i $m^LidLo.fai; ':^i&^M$m It?'/" p * rotiOmo CHAIRS Grsafera, ». i. CRANFORD, tf.J.,THf TRSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. E. K, ADAM8, F1RELH80WWCK. a08Uf«ION

zs -N At the H*at*M of «ajour fcm 'oamn*i0 4 1 a *

ffBPtri)t y ^ . 4trfbwad (a an edjfcM** of i ia l t

Any Due brfUwiMlik duct wheatmixed wUM^frrtaln proporttwi of dryair will M&ledft. There I N a jtfwtoBe

W In'a Xnr 'Toff candyA tMtlflc ' ertfciott

' - <ft • ^

. dlaeorernl to I* don lo lUe fart that.iwniflm of ntif tdufi Mtgar JMWJ Ixwti«1Uiw«l to In^ ao> Hit- mow where tberanum* wm1-

An rmliiwil auiliiiriiy ou r*pt»*t»eadeclarr* that «ta«>> *>f O n * acrid««U

- l a rwitiniiirer-nfU.iiiT aftrilmted to Oredamp ban* b^w c*uirtl X * dry foelrfo»t aujqWiidcd lo li> galtVrtm baringIwen anidentnlly Orwl. K»rn BO apper*fully u» luwKTiit a eulwtnuw a* flourImrvnini fi'arfnlly ei|iloal»e whenrailed In nuluHilo proportion* wHh dry

Another aubetaM* that'bat prored tolujprmii whrtt Mored lat t» f-hkirntfl of potaah.

Aiilm*M aome frnritilto Itiatilg |(On-don T*olorj protnl the doatnjctl**poweraV ltila ultnple rerondy for colda.

Sugar anil rWnrate of1 |Mit*ah mixedfernt an MJI»»»*O which tain been triedfor blntlliui pihmKiea, but writeuyeronan ««Hii|wttnd-|a Htua l any eiploalferontaliilng three ingtrdletita In not like-ly to fiaaa the BOTcrnunmt t « U ta IhUi

Vmtrr tt>asod mmt'ld

P»t* H« rolledd * «»• U «Ualwriu,lr>it imatt-otlrtljr. W«h>nk and, «it<ik(a« AM")'tHa«ln] w» ib* tla* aw 91 f| Idm Marty la tto btMit,In

to lb»


ntry* .A good mam- JNfira ag*Jt t » l dle-

mTorpd thnt rrllulow aoiiki*tln MfSOfultrl!- add tlmnitnl fmm a 4<4«taiMeno nwtr Unmifttl thim paper lo a llercerlplntlrc. TUP uninUrr of uwlrrli«H\onwulrli nitric ,nrid will ltorfc • »l>ullar1riiit»fo«nntJnn In almcmlVtnoA. pflpfr. utraw; eoal. I**!-ulirrlu Kiignr. ^ a fan, |il«»atibortti, Iroo.Kliir, wpiter awl ui»Rtn>lilum art Wiljr •few tlut roulil U> IIIIIIP-I.

Onn <if tin1 lx*« Known and n«t«t l»r-rlblo uf tliette iiilxturca l« tiltruKljrivilo,wlilrh l» miinilr nitric ndd awl com-mon KljwrtH lulxwi ti*t>lhi>r and al-low « | t* ffnrmtn n ativaw of watw.

kI);namlli» l« tMlhlns moro limn hltnf^ r i i i nlmrtint )>}• mm* m«pu « * •

ii , | | |la, MtrdtiKl[, bran. mi>»l, rxru drl«d andpnundni |Kilnt<H<«, hnro )>M-II oiupUiyrd

/for DiU pnnxMc, liut tbn mitMlanrsoiott wiwumnly ruiployrrt la what lahtiowti aa "kU-M ttuUr." or m»B«y

f «laj fomwdof wlnnle fo«HI abclla, -groat liede of,wblcb are found in (Jorumny and oth-er parta of the world.

(liiueotUin. which wa« Drat made liarU> the farm at nllro KttnpouM

employed In war. It la mum-fntm ordinary ratton/waMe

with a mixture of ultrio andantphurte nci*«. ' / •>

There l«t one very curloiur point aboutffuitonttuti. It cannot W» uiado fromraw tottou In ll«> balgfiraeto oottun tatrtocaaary for It* uiowilacmre. It aeetna•rlf-thir fatatrhltttl t» which wniiufav*turud cotton bwalMvu aiittjevted liai•ouiethlnit to (W with flttine the wantefor becumiiitf «iplo»lve material. Oilywaitli la. bowt'Wr, catnptalely uteleaafor tnahlutt cunwttnii, mut If oven allttln In cnreiemly uwil it whole hatchof the niftuufniium) product' may twepollcd!

inwtloii la m> etfraordlniirlly ami-In |l» nctloit Hint n rniiall i|U»ntlty

in~cnntAdr with~a~nuit-liaa ralU<d to

•ot fir>-Jo IL i'"Tire K T W ndtantngf which inincot- itoil pwutwuM*. <>vt>r all pllicr exploalvea !

" la'iliol dauiiiNUK* not injure it. In 'fact, wet irniieotthn f tplwlea wltli.JJUlt.aa jrtnot violonn* ka dry, hut la otcoifrtw much hardvr^to flrv.quentlr It U «no of theNrnfedlalrea lo carry.1 aa It can btrtbnrf . .

J- wetted before packing «tu| kVpt wotduring trantnort Kor lululujXpuVtsM*^or for oetnin ^nr.guit(«itoa U ununllycotoprccttd into hard cakwt.

t\vo cor4lt« which la now uard loBriUah fulltiary rlflce U a ratlier tuore

rnirfar* anal at*tooWth,

with8<»l rlflo. TIKH tottntt waabljtrn In Urn* plntja, bat the.

dVii that ** fc-eVUA to can.Uio nkllf a nllndown the rlrer to whereour alup wai andmred. We broke theanile out of the boat aad together aaaa*ag<il lo lift the head of the alligatoraboard end tie It. We then tied th fu l W enrt, wfcva tbe repril* faaM toMo and landed a blow with ale tallwtdrh lifted me out of tbe akin* lutethe aaw graaa. with the breatb knockedMM of my body and my baud and facetadly cut by tba graaa.

Ikial and boatmen were npalxed. Aamy rlrlfl had fn*1flnau«ly linen left npoatb« lunk, t wa« able to kllMhetor again. We Wcurnd bin byth» l«Mt tinder liHn and then balHmt Itout, Tlie alligator completely filMHfcaIxwt m that my companion and 1 aatti|xiii lite fuirk an wo naddled .down tbertier with gunwal<* unplMaatrtly t**rI lit! «-»tlT. }*

It «na Kttiwlfig dark, and the wateramuud ua wai beentulng. allre wltb

U'hliV wb were reflatinguiwn one nrwHWtdml rvndlHon our alltr(tutor canto to life again and ahifted

until water poured orer theWe i|ulrkly balanwd the

Urn!, Wily te eve It again dlpturbM andlo »lil|) itum water. A Drranible for thealioro folkmod, which WB reached with,oiti «<i|i«i«in«t. KIMI where we left ourrlrtlm for luehlgtil after again killinghim, In tbe titoriitng our hunardrrtend fnttn tlie Itiymanaaaa rlrer, aur-

l«l I liy bii faiuiiy, waa ultttugip lilIn In llw tree lrnMIng for ua lo

' to uiir'earrltig dut)«*.-CeuntryLife In America, I \

r yeocuamateaM ta'aartUa*}

tuaoacr. ' -' ,OUfott. ttt

iilakattf *ija«« to la* laafc «Ttba m w i« tk* tawth «T tte graff at*.

JBaraalo, «a TaflMr 0ra« UwW |Mr. OlHort « M mat at lof daw of

Mtaw <»)r aa old wonait, whoth* A w and ajikcd lb» «rati»

!• flWB^cood letter in.

cornea next in lb»e( with

to-fill ont the

coroe* property/

•Can't Ut '• i*r jt» »mpp«t ooti«bm tw told bw, and utad la abut U»

id pat bb foot to-aide the deer and without waltWg foraenahmdoti poabed paat tbe enragedJanHnea and harried npeuln |e the4t«nery, Tarner mrt him like e.apJd*rwhoae web baa been Invaded. T»e in-trader Intmdsivd htiacelf aad aaldItatawhadretaelobajr. , . ~

want to aelir waa the *a-~

Ilare yooniwm our Binslngbam phVtvma, Mr. Tttrnarr Inqoirad U» «tolt>•f, u ralMfy «a If be bad. Jwm jw*tvrt


«f ,O*illa«

aa a g»ntl«tf>a« aaotiM b*."«»t*r htard nt 'no," aald T«Mr.llr< Oltlott took from Mt potMt

MRnlagbaM bank nolM. \"altro napar," remarked Turoat, wbo

ttlikmtly; cujayn] tU» JoU. . \T o , be bartend for u»f» eanrax,"

*J4 tba.vlaUor, watlmj MM band to In-dkaWUw wlotlng* on tlw wall- iliaton«->t>*rnana ala» ttM aigut' of tb*"vemm paprr"—«onqwr«d -Turner, and•rben Uw tliltor uVpurtt<<! b« bad b • ^

U d for aprafal raluaUio pletun*.

fill* ont the texi

/ • - = - - - "





THEl MI89INQ FOWL,** wUk a«

/m bMta all." Mkt a U w t m «»«>•»

ttrmw.-'whatctirtoat tblnjraw»and laiutur« tliat we can't •iplalo, VPH klugo orrr a lot of 'era. and tbarVi | « fout' Hint, you can't toll n« why It la.Tlmt'a corn beatiu1 np in tba«prliij|.

"V011 utiit a lot of «oru.' 1 don't car*If tt'a wlioltt corn or cravkwt 4om orvurtmieal. You kwp It In any kind ofMnn>houiH>-tb«r roniMon granary, Ilk*wo havo on tho fanna, or th» atoM ofbrick luilkllii', Ilkn many of tba gro-«r« ami f«<nl d«al«ra IUITQ It In. Wh*llIt roiiira corn plnntlu' tluif, that comuf youm 'II git ouuaay. Hoon'a tbcblodM atart ont of tint ground, thruyou'll hnvo to liimtlo (vaavo your grain.

h V gfur cHirn to bf plnnttd HIP com la thitbnts*, m mutter wlmt auapt iVu In, tw>gln» in l«at up. nm) when too plantmlcorn Ui-dlua to grow what yoti't* gotatumt will git ao Iwt It'll fairly amok*.

j y ' t t t k l f h b

It Utbiw

of Uilrty-eeveo.^ parta ot guncottonmixed with Hftr«Mt«t i

' aad Bve^mrurof inlnctiilformtid Into little oorti each

' •, eujbtlta or an iuch In 4Um«tor.are awdo tip Into little fagot*are ulactri.ln the cartridge*.• What jicetn* ft rery odd aMbatance

. trout which to raako au cxploalre la. percha." Out uy tbe aetlon of nl'

111 can be turned Into a

Onitcd State* uana plct«t»of ;Uw Vtobeu liave a t«autUul, attnl*

mul «|trmd It out ao It'll cool off oryou'll kwo It all. In a few day* It'll

down again, and you wotft bttfeno more tnwblo with tt durln' the turn-uit-r, nu uisitw how liot th». weatheralt*, tt'ui ykt when tbe planted corn4ttnr(aj that'a all.

"L'urlwuJ Uf couree It'n curloua ort mtuldii't »pp«k-of It I might under-ptilml lmw whole «mr would act thatwny, t'OtjffJic-u ^iwmea to cracked cornIMHI ntfiuumit then lt'» too much furmr. And I'll bet you can't tell why ItI*, Viin It'll Ji«m.itntur« trylnMo aaaortJier#elf."-;New York Mall awl Hxt>r«aa.

N y > m . , . . w . ^ ' / •Hoiufrpenmu* are of tbe opinion tnat

tbn tint wrilluB waa ujtou tiitu {ilecea" »VoXtb«(r coureuleuca thU

., itorh bwtnlajKrere uiedTat nn parly period Uy.thrQretktand,

Wllli InrltDd ttm to dintMK one aftw-boou wbeu I mitt him In tba Strand^ • I

l l rtHnludlug Mia that *» u»be bad better make

note of tuo nvMiiug. Aa tw bad uVpaper In hta poohft bo Wrote the dataon bit ahlrt evtt, WIKJH the appoints

nK arrirM'tweut lo bin ttixito.door w«» otwan\ by W11H, and I

could aw tlwt h* bad forgottan allabout tba appointment "Ah, oU fel-k»w," ha «xebtliucdt ^do not ba toobard on i*t. Tba tuff want to Okawa<b,«ndtb»4at«wUhlt. Dut thereta a fowl In the pot MUn»,b*»,M towU M Mr, Will*. "Juet cotaa In and

w « l t \ f « w minnioa,"1 had wy tulaglvlnga, but walked 10-

al&Taud e^t down upnn tbo only cbalrnot ffrowiW with (wlnt, broabea andpak-tto*., Af(«r waiting for abouttwenty mlmitp»,\fiv!iuB itnunxlly hun-gry, I gToanML-Ytibi had ttw effect ofrewinding U'llla that I wm prceeut.lln Wfilalmml In a drconjy Volfn, "Tbofowl iituat bu bollml hy tl»U Units" andcoining foi-nnrd bo ilB#d ttM« lid of lb»not aiKl |M-cmt Iniddv. "It In

Mat * a OVUM tU—Um.l i e waa poalHre tbat b* btmipe4 bla

bead whim be ML .' ' •"too a<w, it a» bappejwd JtMt aa 1

atapped off the porcb,- tw e*M aa berobbed tbe back of bl* tanoght. repeal-tor* \ ' J

"My bml toocunl tbe «rn*r of tbeaje^anillwaagoiMt. 1 nearly fractnrntWy akull. Tbe atara loouied. op IUu» aconatcllotlon. 1 ner« aaw -atara aaplainly In rojr life." -

"Hot, papar-lda yoong mm attempt*«d to Interrnpi. bat tbe etera parentwould not permit ItN-JKm't wwtndlct what I aay. Frank,Dexiluae you know I am oMer than youare." iald (IM patenmt "

\"But, papit, Y know you didn't tiomp

your bead. Aufl jf»o didn't eee ataraeither. It waa tbe\aabea from yourpip* 1 goeaa 1 aaw yWk-

And Prank waa reprimanded for hat-tU

The ElizabcthtoWnGas Light Company.

1 • - \

Supplies gas to the people of Crzn-ford for light and lueL If. you navenever used gas forcoqking purposeiitry it and you wili be pleased. The \Company will furnish and set all

x utensils necesBJtry' to use^gaa forTnel.A gas range is economical and con-venient /

\ x _- Address the Company at124 Broad street.


odd," h« romarknl. "but 1 entbe fuwl. Kxtraui-dlnoryl Nobeeu. KBHS ao the bird eanuotbevQ*


Well, tht< loug niMl abort of It JA that• wcok or two Inti'T t railed iCgaln attbe aludln. uotlcwi a pcculta/odor «nd'dlaiiovetvd tltc oltl fowl wrapped up fna piece of brown paiwr/ "Alll" aaldWllla, "now i

y | x |Itcwnna, «nd t«ire fr«^j»ntl|' covwtdwTfh vast, wbleh w»a of cwunw wowc*ajiy written iijton ii«n tba barewood. Wher* wa* wa* ueed ettortl Were.1readily'craiwil bjr^Wilng Wtili tbftMwit v«»n>t4t»o »tic«, of Dlklal t»hb^Avrrat for a poU.' Xu juak« Um writiniitortt vulUo It. ai>ix*» tbat «om« black•jitmtauwi wail euwwrrd over the au^race of the wiilt*>ai and nwualned In

V t & d kthe i l t*>a

UKVicntet&d inark*.

^ lirtw It AJI hap-peitMt- When tl>n fowl waa brought Inthere came a unnrt VMtor—Uily U.—about alltlng* ft* «W portrait I idnatbave'thiuwq, the fuwl behind a cent»aand forgotten, all About IU Uut'naw,old fellow, do «h(it

by but *ur-K U aeru Iu Bouituiy In all bia

wealth of height and Orce*.* The menany' without exception, MU, finelyl'onn«d aud alately 'and {town?* * ru-buaUioui am) tK«uty uultc nt cuatroatwith their Hindoo neighbor*. - ' •

Thetr atrert coelume ia n |tecuUa/loug white Cotton jtiwn, wkltf tmiftw.of the aatnv material anil rulor *ftd. Wtall mUcrjdMiN'tl but They tavo k

r m fur eobrjet -, frugal^ty - nnd "aagaclty, and' tlnV-.m-in <t>tuorouKbly uudmUnd tbe nccuujubi-Uon of furtutiva.-tutata teiptii reeetn*Ulng tbe llrbrewa. ' Tbe wwtUhieatnaideote of-BwutnAy-aw l'arieta,

It far aald that Itatac deteated naoWi.0m» hcrbnmght to the 8lwl« tb» intnXwicrlpt of a nor«l, which waa to follow"Um Trolia McuwiW'tnuTa,'* then IH-UISimblUbfil. Ho aaknl to be pakl 2Vifmtica n linn. The illrttior of the Jour-

hMltnttst. '•Yuu-are, M. l>uniaa l»being paid wty 3 froim n IU«-." "Ifyou nre> i^vlnc 3 frnnc* to that negro,I Rball j,-rt outf And Italiac atalkedoff.'

Dumax wim not Isnorant uf Itatxdc'afeeling* laivanl him amf did not *partf

"Mnt~ItTlBc fuyi-for the oucotTlBrnfcFJtalaac waa talking lotully in n K«'«1>/of lltcrnrjr tlu>ii, "Wlx-n I tiavo written

l out us 11 iiovcllrl, t shalll " ?Vou ran bvcln/

llt'd out liuman. /

x XA dlaeount of twenty-five oenta per

will bo allowed on gas bills of 1,000 fa«t andusad per month, if paid at this offlco withinfrom presentation of bill.

„' tb? n«n»t« of pobwalum _._^barium. .IKnaldea-tbeee ttoreamfdoaonaof cxjtioainvi with fancy n»mea mth

"iM uailUHltp, caunonlte, nOeite. randlt«,pUytotteulW Theae vatjrin «lae andJ uw~ _ •

' ahfljiejjf limla. colw=«nd powers but I «T»r-notr • , >H

thejr ail depend.'onU» nctton of jrftrte 1 "«« want* aottwtolng to Uaprm tin}atWJTqr their ««plotlT« f»rvo?**ilaW«. *P«<M •«» »» »»•»*! »tploalT


Akirir'and atayed quite hintuae abe wat

« h * M OtWeiLAr* lle(<l te H» aa«e«A.Too UUkluna on account of tbehV au-

ItcratlUou-atv^fery. loath to deatroy acobnu U appeara ptwploentlj bi (heirutytbolojiy, « tenerated both M« aymbol ot * maUdoot aad deetnid»ro pxiwer and al»o abtwflwnt on»-:

to" Mr. A, K,

The. lilizalKlii, Flainricli)ANOGENIRU JERSEY RY. CO,>tra h"AVo iHiinor pKWa)!tu(,,t 3outh«. Iu clthpr illroctloVon th« hour

niul.ovcry nftcen mlnutcs.x\AiVr 101'in. canj leave rvcry hnlf hour\^^

S t ' K C I A I . TICKKTH.aa 8t<iVxtl tk-ket*. , . , . . , . „ fXco


. Stalnid SiftsCLAUDE VU

IS BrlaJ St.

UA,N\\KK EGOW1K n>ake hena/ay when«l*o faili. "Try/it nod-ate.'. 1

by mail/400.; & lb»., $1.00 onbcwnl MDreae in New Vork. -•"

green f o o d

takea tbe

J d e .Ask for our Bpeolal Win Uat

Pare Bred

Hire*. Oetlea, \D d iS

i . » k a oo Poultry, KgeoMhnYVneret been


il«t«it*.l in the hotu»t oompstition.I>ricda from Woo to^W.00 each, ao-Mnliiui to aiza am) atyie.


SriI T I



are a neoeeei(y with every paultljWe b«v« oighl UilTereui kioda, and aeJIfroot 16 « B U to X oenta a doxan.Stamoed wfth four numbera or Inituta

-I!?*- A ' • ' onthianne:i We eell IVniltrj SuppHeef^ e«ry deeeriplKM), a full ltot of AbJab ^ . „

fouad ia our ImlnetuM Itluatrated CaUV«ue, which ire aand free to lay addratt

«f jut ^ w n e , * u * tbeI ta'plnaaa her,

I «ud lit I"* abaped


W i t t * 3 t ^ toeffle»aiT» pltceiri!tnoale «Unolt»neo«a»y Ifa taklns u vo>fjMradvantajM,~Jt#d<*iQ Mew*. -•

> V « r ronaatratlTe In air nattara aretheTurka, and eeppcUlljr •low to adoptntodarn lupntNiBenta of any kldd.

irbMaaaugultato chewtnt k« ft aot much

V 1 . xaaaf te »«a«*Haif£ yfii- <uw-trouble ia wetttac

yonr cfedltor*. old d g ^ r-«o dlfflwltr whtlenr I meet'cm

everywhere, okl boy,"

fodlv-What la TOUT a«a, nateml LWltaeat-l'n at leut a n jreara



Excelsior Wire A Poultry Supply:Kaaa«k • * It la. -a-M)« young man named

upon <at cuardUn g ^ ,%tm tber« la a Bengahseo trttdltloo. tttat NQ.BANTLE4lnka ceJIa on jrou for • ptcactipttoa, a tiMI* infant auapldoualr abKded hy *

ib 0pr

«ibra wlll coma to 0M tlirotw.

BARNETT- We Handle the

bwband earua ao Uttle )f be' workahard iu you aay.

FOR RICHa.llDS0H 4 ejO'TOH CeVmitMACrffj A D D ajajNa C



Bicycle Sundries of all Oescrii

WkNh fm $26 a?. GuaranteedI«awu Mowers Sharpened and put in

at." -3V- ".

* ! •