ps scripting and modularization

Windows PowerShell Scripting Windows PowerShell Scripting & Modularization & Modularization Don Jones Don Jones Senior Partner & Principal Technologist Concentrated Technology, LLC

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Page 1: PS scripting and modularization

Windows PowerShell Scripting & Windows PowerShell Scripting & ModularizationModularizationDon JonesDon JonesSenior Partner & Principal TechnologistConcentrated Technology, LLC

Page 2: PS scripting and modularization

This slide deck was used in one of our many conference presentations. We hope you enjoy it, and invite you to use it

within your own organization however you like.

For more information on our company, including information on private classes and upcoming conference appearances, please

visit our Web site,

For links to newly-posted decks, follow us on Twitter:@concentrateddon or @concentratdgreg

This work is copyright ©Concentrated Technology, LLC

Page 3: PS scripting and modularization


This is a demonstration-intensive session (very few slides)

I will capture a shell transcript and save all of my scripts

You can download these (in a week or so) from (there’s a “Conference Materials” link in the menu)

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Start with a Command Move to a Script Parameterize the Script Encapsulate in a Function Using Dot-Sourcing More Complex: Pipeline Functions Adding Help Building a Script Module Making a “Script Cmdlet”

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I’m going to be moving quickly through some seriously complex stuff

Rely on the downloadable scripts as your reference – while you’re listening to me, the concepts are more important.

This is a lot to cover in 75 minutes. Consider this an introduction to capabilities – that you’ll explore in more detail on your own. Don’t try to memorize right now!

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Start with a CommandStart with a Command

Get the command working in the shell, first.

Easier to debug – immediate feedback.

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Move to a ScriptMove to a Script

Paste commands into a script. Done.

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Parameterize the ScriptParameterize the Script

Add a PARAM() block to define parameters

Replace hardcoded, changeable information with parameters

Provide a data type ([string],[int], etc) and possibly a default

Don’t worry about making parameters “mandatory” or prompting at this point; we’ll evolve to that

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Encapsulate in a FunctionEncapsulate in a Function

Move parameter definition to inside a function

Bonus: Don’t output text. Never use Write-Host. Instead, create custom objects – enabled far better reusability.

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Using Dot-SourcingUsing Dot-Sourcing

. Path-to-Script Loads script into the current scope –

functions remain defined after script exits

Basically a way to “include” the functions from one script into another, or into the global shell

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More Complex: Pipeline FunctionsMore Complex: Pipeline Functions

Includes BEGIN, PROCESS, and END script blocks

With PROCESS, pipeline objects are placed into $_ placeholder

Deal with one object at a time Hint: Add actual “functionality” in a

separate function… will make evolution easier

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Adding HelpAdding Help

Help about_comment_based* Specially-formatted comments can be

parsed and presented as standardized help

No need to define a –help or -? parameter yourself!

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Building a Script ModuleBuilding a Script Module

Rename .ps1 and .psm1 to make it a Script Module

Load using Import-Module – no need to dot-source

All functions in module are automatically exposed

You can also define aliases if desired Locate in

…/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/Module-name/module-name.psm1 for easier loading

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Making a Making a ““Script CmdletScript Cmdlet””

Lets you formally specify parameters Parameters have attributes like

Mandatory, validation, etc. Parameters can bind pipeline input PROCESS script block executes once

for each object piped in; if multiple objects are given to a parameter WITHOUT using the pipeline, you’ll need to manually enumerate– Trick: Embed main functionality in a private


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Final Notes…Final Notes…

Please be sure to submit a session evaluation form!

Download slides & materials from within one week!

Blog, URLs, and other information is also available at for your reference

More resources on Thank you very much!

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This slide deck was used in one of our many conference presentations. We hope you enjoy it, and invite you to use it

within your own organization however you like.

For more information on our company, including information on private classes and upcoming conference appearances, please

visit our Web site,

For links to newly-posted decks, follow us on Twitter:@concentrateddon or @concentratdgreg

This work is copyright ©Concentrated Technology, LLC