psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it....


Upload: hannah-hernandez

Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to
Page 2: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to refer both to actions that we can directly observe and to inner processes such as thought, feelings, images, and psychological reactions. In their search for the causes of these diverse forms of behavior, psychologists take into account biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

The science of psychology relates to virtually every aspect of our lives. It explores the nature and causes of our behavior and feelings, our motives and thoughts.

Page 3: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGYAs scientists, psychologists have four

basic goals:to describe how people and other animals

behaveto understand (explain) the causes of these

behaviors to predict how people and animals will

behave under certain conditions to control, or influence, behavior through

knowledge and control of its causes

Page 4: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

PersonalityFor psychologists, personality is a set of relatively

enduring behavioral characteristics and internal predispositions that describe how a personality reacts to the environment. Psychologists recognize that an individual’s behavior is not consistent all the time or in every situation.

Page 5: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Personality TheoriesPersonality theories are a set of interrelated ideas

and facts put forward to coherently explain and predict behavior and mental processes. Personality theories focus on a few key questions:Does nature or nurture play a greater role in day to

day behavior?Do unconscious processes direct behavior?Are human behavior patterns fixed?Does a person’s behavior depend on the situation?What makes people consistent in their behavior?

Page 6: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Psychoanalytic Approach This perspective emphasizes unconscious

thoughts, conflict between biological instincts and society’s demands, and early family experiences.

Key features of this approach are:Our behaviour and feelings as adults are rooted in our

childhood experiences. Relationships (particularly parenting) are of primary

importance in determining how we feel and behave. Our behaviour and feelings are powerfully affected by

the meaning of events to the unconscious mind. Information can be obtained from dreams, irrational

behaviour and what patients say in therapy. The personality is made up of three distinct structures:

id, ego and super ego.

Page 7: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

The Psyche (Personality)













Page 8: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Healthy Psyche

Id Superego


OK Guys – I’m in charge. Anything you want has

to go through me.








Page 9: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to





Listen up! I’m in charge, and you are not here to enjoy yourselves.

Get ready for a double-size portion of anxiety with a side order of guilt!

No fun.








Page 10: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

The conscious. The small amount of mental activity we know about.

The preconscious. Things we could be aware of if we wanted or tried.

The unconscious. Things we are unaware of and can not become aware of.


MemoriesStored knowledge

FearsUnacceptable sexual desiresViolent motivesIrrational wishesImmoral urgesSelfish needsShameful experiencesTraumatic experiences



Really Bad







Page 11: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Humanistic ApproachesMore interested in people’s concept of themselves

and what they would like to become.Assume that people are motivated by internal

forces to achieve personal goals.Focuses not on disturbed individuals but on

healthy people.

Page 12: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Maslow’s Theory of Needs

Page 13: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Trait ApproachTrait Theorists study specific traits. A trait is

any readily identifiable stable quality or behavior that characterizes the way in which an individual differs from other individuals.

If a person’s traits are known, it is possible to predict how the person will respond to various events in the environment.

Page 14: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Trait ApproachCardinal Traits: ideas and behaviors that

determine the direction of a person’s life. A clergyman’s cardinal trait may be devotion to God.

Central Traits: Behaviors related to person’s daily life, e.g. self control, tension, forthrightness etc.

Secondary Trait: Specific behaviors that occur in response to specific situations, e.g. prejudice against minorities, love of spectator sports,etc.

Page 15: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Behavioral ApproachPeople LEARN from their environments.Personality characteristics are not long

lasting and fixed, instead they are subject to change.

Stimuli and ResponseObservational Learning, e.g. parents, TV

Page 16: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Cognitive ApproachesInfluenced by humanistic idea that people are

essentially good and strive to be better.People can change their behavior, their

conceptions of themselves and their personalities in a short time if they are willing to change their thoughts.

Page 17: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to
Page 18: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes and the factors that influence it. Psychologists use the term behavior very broadly to

Personality AssessmentObjective Personality Tests.Projective Tests.Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral Assessment InterviewsNaturalistic ObservationSelf Monitoring