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PRACTITIONER GUIDE By Becky Mauldin ND © 2014

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PRACTITIONER GUIDE By Becky Mauldin ND © 2014

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Who We Are: Pure Vitality is an alternative medicine provider and educational re-

source for both the local community and beyond. We offer nutritional evaluations,

health programs, educational materials, (books, ebooks, and videos) emotional coach-

ing, supplements and essential oils, and classes.

Mission Statement: Pure Vitality empowers people to transform their health

by providing results-driven alternative healthcare and education for optimal health.

We are a group of energetic, motivated crusaders who love what we do and are on

a mission to help people realize their potential for better health.

What makes us different (Our Philosophy/Culture):

It is not our responsibility to “fix” the client; it is to teach them how to eat, live,

think, and detox so that their body can heal ITSELF! We don’t focus on treating

symptoms, we work to get to the ROOT of the problem and help clients understand

why they got sick in the first place and encourage them to take responsibility for

their health.

We offer natural alternatives that WORK, through sound, common-sense modali-

ties, such as diet/nutrition, detoxification, herbs, etc…

We heal the whole person by offering holistic health: mind, body, and emotions.

We define success by the number of LIVES CHANGED, not by dollars made.

Our team is PASSIONATE about health and has a POSITIVE mental outlook.

We treat our clients more like FAMILY, not like patients.

We are real, approachable, mainstream folks, who live the Pure Vitality lifestyle.

We walk the walk and live healthy.

We offer delicious, tasty recipes that appeal to the average person, rather than

food that tastes “healthy”.

We are here to SERVE our clients. We are servant-leaders.

Every detail of what we do is done in EXCELLENCE.


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There is a clearly defined path that the client needs to follow to get well. While

they may want to start out with a detox or a supplement program, if they don’t ad-

dress their diet and lifestyle, they will only get limited results. Your job is to make

sure they understand how important their food choices are: food is what the body

uses to build new cells and tissues, and if those building blocks are made from proc-

essed foods, then the foundation will be weakened and not resistant to disease.

Lifestyle includes emotional health, physical exercise, stress level, or other

things going on in their life that can hinder optimal health.

Supplements just build on the rest of the foundation, but cannot replace it and

the client needs to understand that. Then once the body is supplied with the good nu-

trition, it can detoxify the harmful substances because it now has good things to re-

place the bad things with.

Longevity is how the client maintains good health for the rest of their lives, by

staying on some maintenance supplements, and detoxifying seasonally if necessary.

Foundation of Health






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Natural Food Proper Proportions Pure Water

Movement Relaxation Emotional Health

Herbs Essential Oils Multivitamins

Colon Cleanse Liver Support Toxin Removal

Healthy Diet Seasonal Detox Specific Support

















By Becky Mauldin ND © 2014

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Why is food the foundation? Our food provides the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phyto

nutrients, and other important factors that have not even been discovered yet. The food that

we eat becomes part of us and creates our cells and tissues. Food is the largest source of nu-

trients and affects our body more than anything else.

What is the RDA? This is the Recommended Daily Allowance for nutrition levels so that

a deficiency disease does not develop. This is the bare minimum that the body requires to

maintain health. But it does not mean that our bodies don’t need more than that to achieve

optimal health!

A deficiency of any nutrient can lead to poor health. Each nutrient is necessary by the

body to regulate it’s functions. If it is missing a nutrient, there is nothing else the body can

use in it’s place. For instance, a deficiency of Riboflavin or B2 can cause hair loss, depression,

dermatitis, dizziness, cataracts, etc… A deficiency of selenium can cause lowered immunity,

increased risk of cancer, muscular dystrophy, sterility in males, liver problems, and more!

When you look at the food most Americans eat, they are not even getting the minimum

amount that the body needs! As you can see from this chart below, most people are not get-

ting enough calcium, folate, magnesium, and vitamin E.


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There is a minimum amount the body needs so that it does not get a deficiency. But

there is also an optimal amount. When people have eaten a deficient diet for years, they can-

not make up for all the deficiencies they have gotten by just eating a few good meals. It

takes time for the body to correct those deficiencies. Nutrient dense foods along with supple-

ments are needed to help make up for the loss the body has suffered.

As you can see from the chart below, the optimal amounts of nutrients is much higher

than the RDA’s limit.

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The optimal levels of nutrition allow our body to reach it’s full genetic potential. Any-

thing less than this will cause our body to compensate for the loss of nutrition in some way.

To explore this further, lets look at the research of Dr. Weston Price.

Dr. Price was a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1930’s. He began noticing that the

children of his patients were having many problems he had not seen before: crowded, crooked

teeth, rampant cavities, frequent infections, allergies, and behavioral problems. He did not

believe that this was God’s plan for mankind. His quest for the answer to these problems led

him to travel the world for 10 years in search of people without these problems. His travels led

him to the corners of the earth where people were living without contact with modern civiliza-

tion. What Dr. Price found amazed him. In 14 different isolated cultures, he found that tooth

decay was rare or non-existent! These people had never even seen a dentist or brushed their

teeth! He found that they were free from diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, tuberculo-

sis, allergies, and infections. Even the way they looked displayed their vibrant health—They

had excellent bone structure. Their faces were wide and well formed. They had high cheek-

bones, and a broad jaw with beautiful, perfectly straight teeth, including their wisdom teeth.

They also had a broad pelvis that enabled the women to give birth with ease. Their babies

had no birth defects and were very robust and healthy.

When Dr. Price analyzed the food they ate, he found that it contained four times the

minerals and 10 times the vitamins as the modern American diet of his time. So, what did

they eat? Each culture ate different foods, depending on what they had available in their area.

In Switzerland, the people lived on raw milk and raw cheese, rye bread, meat, and fresh vege-

tables. In Scotland, they ate fish, along with whole oats and vegetables. In other parts of the

world, hunter-gatherers consumed game animals, and a wide variety of grains, tubers, vegeta-

bles, and fruits in their area.

Each culture had one thing in common: they ate foods in their natural form, just as

nature provided them. Their meat was from healthy animals on lush pastures, their fish came

from the ocean, and their milk was raw, not heat-treated or homogenized. They ate fresh

fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. By eating the foods that Nature had pro-

vided, they obtained all the nutrients needed by the body for it to be in perfect health. These

nutrients enabled them to have freedom from disease, cavities, and other health problems.

Weston Price found that in nearby, more modernized areas, where stores or outposts

had been established, the native foods had been replaced by foods of modern civilization:

sugar, white flour, canned goods, jams, pastries, and preserved foods. He noticed that when

the healthy people ate this food instead of their natural diet, they became sick, began getting

cavities, and other diseases. The children born to parents eating these foods had a higher

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incidence of birth defects and other problems that Dr. Price had seen in his practice: crowded,

crooked teeth, poor bone structure, allergies, and infections. These modern foods were not

providing sufficient nutrients to allow the body to develop and to function as it was designed.

Because they were not getting enough vitamins and minerals, the children’s bone structure

had not been able to fully develop, leading to narrow jawbones without enough room for all

their teeth, narrowed nostrils that created a tendency for allergies, and narrowed hip bones

that caused difficult childbirths. They were unable to reach their full genetic potential or attain

vibrant health.

When Dr. Price came back to his office, he did an experiment with some of the mal-

nourished children in his practice. These children were eating mostly refined foods: coffee

with sugar, white bread, pancakes, donuts, etc… Dr. Price fed these children one meal a day

of nutrient dense whole foods, while they still ate the same foods at home. He fed them rich

meat stews with vegetables, fish, whole raw milk, and whole grain bread with butter. The

children’s health and performance in school improved markedly. The added nutrients in the

whole foods Dr. Price provided enabled them to gain better health.

Weston Price stated that, “Life in all it’s fullness, is Mother Nature obeyed.” Nature is

perfect in it’s design, and has provided everything we need to be in optimal health.

As Weston Price discovered when he studied traditional cultures, the entire body is af-

fected when the nutritional needs are not met. In his book, Nutrition and Physical Degenera-

tion, his photographs of various cultures illustrates that when nutrients were not supplied in

optimal amounts, the development of the body was affected. Bone structure changed to be-

come more narrow overall since the body did not have enough building blocks. The body be-

came less fertile and more susceptible to infections. Allergies became more common and be-

havior issues were more frequent.

The body compensates for a lack of nutrition by taking shortcuts when our body is

growing and developing and our overall structure is weakened. When the body has all the

building blocks it needs, it does not need to take shortcuts and the body will be stronger, more

robust, and resistant to disease. Just imagine if you were building a house and you were only

given 2/3rds as many bricks as the house required. You would have to make adjustments that

would affect the overall structure of the house in order for it to still be built. That is the same

thing that happens when the body does not have sufficient building material in the form of

vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

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The Benefits of Raw Foods

A 100% raw food diet can bring most clients back to health if they adhere to it long

enough, but most clients are not willing to eat that way for the years that it takes to restore

them to health. Raw food diets will normalize weight, whether someone is underweight or

over weight. When the food is unheated or raw just as it’s found in nature, it can restore

health more quickly and even detoxify the body. In 1930, research was conducted to

demonstrate the effect of food (cooked/processed vs. raw/natural) on the immune

system. It was tested and documented at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in

Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff.

Dr. Kouchakoff's discovery concerned leukocytes (the white blood cells). It

was found that after a person eats cooked food, their blood responds immediately

by increasing the number of these cells. A rise in the number of leukocytes after

eating was a well-known phenomenon called "digestive leukocytosis." Since diges-

tive leukocytosis was always observed after eating, it was considered a normal

physiological response. No one knew why the number of white cells would rise. It

appeared to be a stress response—as if the body was reacting to something harm-

ful, such as exposure to toxic chemicals, an infection, or some sort of trauma.

While studying the influence of food on human blood, they made a remark-

able discovery. They found that eating raw food, or food heated at low tempera-

tures, did not cause any reaction in the blood. In addition, if a food had been

heated beyond a certain temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was

processed (refined, chemicals added, etc.), this always caused a rise in the num-

ber of white blood cells in the blood.

The researchers renamed this reaction "pathological leukocytosis," since the

body was reacting to highly altered food. They tested many different kinds of

foods and again found that if the foods were not overheated or refined, they

caused no such reaction. The body merely saw them as "friendly foods." However,

if these same foods were heated at too high a temperature, they caused a nega-

tive reaction in the blood—a reaction that is only found when the body is invaded

by a dangerous pathogen or experiences some sort of trauma. The worst offend-

ers of all were foods that had been highly refined and processed, such as much of

what people eat nowadays.

Raw food diets can help the body to heal and rebuild itself and do detoxify

the body in a significant way. They help normalize the digestive and elimination

systems of the body, they supply so many more nutrients that help restore health,

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and allow the toxins to be eliminated. They do not remove all the toxins stored in

fat cells however.

The Best Food Protocol

If a person has eaten poorly for decades, what it will take to get them well will be dif-

ferent from someone who grew up eating a good diet. It will be necessary to eat a more plant

based diet with limited meat, sugars, starches, and no processed food. They will need a more

healing diet to build their health before they can go to a more moderate diet to maintain their

health. Healing diets are predominantly vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Most people who are chronically sick need a diet very high in vegetables to give their

body enough of the alkaline minerals, vitamins, and phyto-nutrients necessary to bring them

back to a state of health. When people eat more protein that their body needs, it creates an

over acid condition in the body, and is detrimental to the body. Also, too many carbohydrates

in the form of starches and sweets is likewise detrimental to the body. Dr. Bernard Jensen

worked with thousands of clients over decades and discovered that the ideal ratio of foods for

most people is:

6 Vegetables

2 Fruit

1 Starchy food

1 Protein

In my experience, this has proven to be the best ratio to keep the body healthy and all

the organs functioning well. Eating meat with every meal will eventually lead to disease as

well as eating bread with every meal. Vegetables should form the most abundant food in the


Dr. Henry Bieler MD also found that his patients recovered their health using only foods

as their medicine when they ate abundant amounts of non-starchy vegetables. In particular,

he discovered that the chemical elements of the squash family (zucchini, yellow squash, cu-

cumber, etc..) supplied the liver with beneficial nutritional elements that enabled it to function

better. I have also found this to be true. If I have a client who is sick and has not been eat-

ing a proper ratio of foods, I have seen that the supplements I recommend for them do NOT

bring their body to health without adding in high amounts of alkaline vegetables. Juicing is

one way to get high amounts of the vegetable juices into the body. Bieler recommended his

Bieler broth to his patients, which is 1 part string beans, 2 parts zucchini, some celery, and

some parsley, cooked in a little bit of water and then pureed. He would have his patients rest

and fast only on the vegetable broth to recover their health. He only used food as medicine

and it worked very well. See his recipe on the following page.

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I’ve seen that when the body is sick with fever, the liver might be inflamed from eat-

ing a high starch diet and the body will not get better until it has the mineral elements it

needs. For example, when I had a client’s child who was sick and was NOT responding quickly

to some antibacterial essential oils for the sickness, then I recommended that the mother juice

some zucchini and carrots for her child. Once she did that and cut out all other foods, his fe-

ver came down within hours and he recovered more rapidly.

When the body is getting too much protein or starch, the stage is set for illness to gain

a foothold because the nutritional elements of the body are out of balance. The liver needs

high amounts of natural sodium and potassium to help neutralize the acidic wastes of the body

and without these, fever and illness is the way the body will cope.

So, always look at the ratio of vegetables and fruit to meat/protein and starch in a cli-

ents’ diet and make adjustments as needed for optimal health. Encourage your clients to juice

more squash since it is so beneficial to the body and is a more pleasant tasting vegetable to

juice. I like to combine it with fennel, carrot, and lemon for a very refreshing juice.

This is the most important part of the healthy diet and one that I cannot stress

enough. Proportions are everything! High protein diets will lead to chronic disease if contin-

ued long enough.

Bieler’s Soup

Your clients will feel and look better with just 1-2 cups a day.


4-6 Zucchini sliced (medium size)

1 lb Bag Fresh Frozen or Whole Green Beans

1 Handful of Parsley Tops (No Stems)

2 Stalks of Celery sliced with strings removed (Optional)

Fill a large pot with 1/3 water and add all the ingredients. Cover and cook in rapidly boiling

water for 15-18 minutes until the vegetables are fork tender. Then place all ingredients in blender and puree in batches until smooth. Season with any of your favorite herbs, i.e., pa-

prika, oregano, garlic, lemon, lime or basil. Serve hot or cold.

Do not add salt. You can add a pat of unsalted butter for extra body.

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Food Rules

Eat only natural, whole foods

Eat only foods as found in nature, organic if possible. Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables,

whole grains (not wheat), raw nuts and seeds, pure water, clean meats, unprocessed oils, and

natural sweeteners in moderation will enable the body to return to health.

Avoid all processed foods, sugar, alcohol, pasteurized dairy products, table salt, soft

drinks, coffee, fried foods, and unnatural fats and oils.

60% of your food should be unheated or raw

Raw foods contain more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and the spark of life and enable

the body to have more health and vitality. Cooked foods cause digestive leukocytosis, which

triggers the immune system to react. A diet of all cooked food can put a burden on the im-

mune system. A mostly raw diet is wonderful for improving the immune system and reversing

many diseases. The diet does not have to be 100% for it to restore health. 80% or 90% is

enough to reverse serious disease.

80% of foods should be alkaline and 20% acid

See the section on pH for a detailed explanation of why this is important and the food chart.

Starchy foods and Proteins should not be eaten together.

When people have compromised health, their digestion is always affected. Because

proteins and starches are digested differently, it is best to not eat them at the same meal.

This is called food combining. Eat proteins with vegetables rather than starchy foods and eat

starches with vegetables. Because the bulk of the diet should be vegetables, this can be easy

to do.

Cook with low heat

Always cook your food with low heat rather than high heat. More nutrients are de-

stroyed as the temperature increases and it also makes it harder to digest. Heating fats and

oils at high temperatures makes them go rancid more easily and difficult for the body to use.

Use raw, unheated oils if possible, and only cook with stable oils, such as coconut or butter.

Slow cookers are great for cooking meats, beans, etc.. Chicken can be baked at 250-300 de-

grees for 3-4 hours rather than higher temperatures for shorter times. Avoid Teflon-coated

cooking pans since they give off toxic chemicals when heated. Use stainless steel, cast iron,

enamel, glass instead.

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The Therapeutic Use of Food in Illness

The therapeutic use of food involves the use of broth or stock for the treatment of

many diseases. The reason is because homemade stock contains gelatin, which is very sooth-

ing and nourishing to the digestive tract.

Why It is Good for You

Stock contains the minerals from the bone and cartilage in a form that is easy to assimi-


The most important health benefits come from the gelatin stock contains. Gelatin is very

unique because it supplies hydrophilic, or water-loving, colloids to the diet. It attracts di-

gestive juices for rapid and efficient digestion. When foods are heated in cooking, they be-

come hydrophobic, or water-repelling. This means that cooked foods repel digestive juices,

which makes them harder to digest. However, because gelatin attracts liquids even after it

has been cooked, it aids in digestion by attracting digestive juices to the surface of cooked

foods, making them digest easily.

Gelatin-rich stocks have been used therapeutically in the treatment of digestive and in-

testinal disorders, such as hyper-acidity, indigestion, colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Gelatin has been used for anemia, ulcers, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, and even cancer.

Modern research has confirmed that stock helps prevent infectious diseases.

The soluble components of cartilage and collagen in stock are beneficial to those with

rheumatoid arthritis and other joint problems. Rather than buying expensive glucosa-

mine or chondroitin for our joints, it would be better to eat soups make with stock regu-

larly and get the mineral and cartilage elements we need from our diet.

One case study from my files is about a client who had gone through gallbladder sur-

gery a few weeks prior to seeing me. Due to the side effects of modern medicine, she could

not keep down any food or water without vomiting. The doctors didn’t know what else to do

for her situation at this point, and she was getting desperate! On the verge of dehydration, I

recommended a strict diet of only chicken broth along with some supplements. Starting with

only a sip at a time, she sipped the broth and her body was able to keep this liquid down

when nothing else worked. She was able to gradually drink more stock and finally eat soup as

the broth rapidly restored her health. If it wasn’t for this therapeutic use of the chicken stock,

she could have gotten dangerously dehydrated.

For much more technical information on the health benefits of stock, see the article,

Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease from the Feb/March 2005 Townsend Let-


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The Therapeutic Use of Food in Illness

For people with digestive problems/Crohns/Colitis/etc…

A diet high in broth and fermented foods, such as homemade kimchi, sauerkraut, etc...that

contain natural probiotics can help heal and soothe the lining of the digestive tract and reduce

inflammation. They should avoid all wheat, dairy, and processed foods.

For people with thyroid and adrenal problems:

When the adrenals are low functioning, the cortisol levels tend to be lowest in the morning.

Having sweet foods for breakfast can make this person feel worse and they might realize they

feel better with a more savory breakfast make of eggs or protein and vegetables. Because of

low adrenals they will probably crave sweets, but they should avoid all sweeteners, even natu-

ral ones, until their adrenals are healed. Stevia is the only sweetener that is allowable.

For people with cancer:

Because cancer is a systemic disease, diet plays a HUGE role in recovery and should focus on

a mostly raw vegan diet. Protein must be avoided since eating it will keep the body from us-

ing protein digesting enzymes to break down the cancer cells. Extra protease is given as a

supplement to assist the body in digesting the tumor. Raw vegetable juices are another vital

component with anyone with cancer. All foods should be organic as much as possible to avoid

cancer-causing pesticides.

For kids who are sick:

Most kids eat too many carbohydrates in general, so a healing diet for a child should be high

in produce. If they will not eat the vegetables, juicing is a great way to get vegetables into

them! Carrots, squashes, and some apple to sweeten it is a tasty combination that most kids

will like. Sugars of any type should be avoided when sick, as well as dairy products, which are

mucus forming. Homemade soups, fruit, applesauce, cooked vegetables, and raw juices are

what they need to eat when sick.

For people who are overweight:

The ideal food program for weight loss should be high in raw foods, ideally 80-90% raw food.

Grains should be strictly limited and other starchy foods should be avoided. The bulk of the

diet should consist of raw fruits and vegetables to enable the most weight loss.

For people with Diabetes:

A mostly raw food vegan diet has reversed diabetes. All sugars and sweeteners should be

avoided, except for stevia.

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Besides diet, someone’s lifestyle has one of the biggest impacts on a person’s health. Lifestyle

includes these areas:

Exercise habits

Stress level



Sleep habits

Emotional Stress

Someone can be eating a wonderful diet and if they are in a highly stressful job or rela-

tionship, they will not be healthy. The constant stress will keep their body’s adrenals in a state

of fight/flight, and gradually weaken the immune system and destroy health.

While everyone has some stress in their lives, you must try to evaluate the impact of

stress on your client and the duration of it. Long-term significant stress will need to be ad-


Chronic loss of sleep is also going to keep the body in a place where it cannot heal and

needs to be fixed as soon as possible. The body repairs itself during sleep and this cannot

happen if the client is staying up late, has insomnia, or other poor sleep habits.


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Emotional Stress

Our emotions affect our body chemistry just as much as food by releasing peptides

from the hypothalamus that cause reactions to take place– increasing blood pressure, tighten-

ing our muscles, stimulating the adrenals to release cortisol, affecting digestion, etc…

Clients need to learn how to have a healthy mindset as well as a healthy body, because

without this, they will still be looking at all the negative things in their lives, or expecting to get

sick, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As much as we all want to change our mindset and behaviors, sometimes it’s just not a

matter of applying what we know or are told. For some people, knowing is not enough be-

cause there is something that holds people back from taking the action that they know they

need to do.

This is called their “ecology”. To explain this, I want to use an analogy:

Imagine your brain is sectioned off into 3 different areas from top to bottom– At the bottom

part of the brain, around the brain stem, this is the survival part of the brain. It’s main job is

our survival– it’s always asking, “Will this kill me?” or “Can I survive this?”

Most of this is formed on your experiences. For instance, if you have someone who

was physically abused as a child, and they survived it, that becomes their normal. Having any

experience outside of that feels strange to them because they know they can survive being

abused, but they are not sure about a non-abusive relationship.

Anything that challenges love, safety or belonging, will challenge this part of the brain,

and it will try to keep you from doing it.

Then there is the middle part of your brain with your emotions, feelings, and we will

talk about this in a minute.

The 3rd part of the brain is the frontal cortex, or higher brain. This is the curious part

of the brain that says, “I wonder what it would be like if I weren’t being hit?” “I wonder what

it would be like if I was in a relationship that wasn’t abusive?” This is the part of you that

wants to be better, that wants to be evolved, that wants to do more, and it’s the reason that

your clients come in your door. But it’s their ecology that’s challenged by your recommenda-

tions and can make them fall back and not make lasting changes that would benefit their

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The middle part of the brain that I already mentioned, is where you emotions and feel-

ings are and will go with whatever part of your brain is winning at the moment. For example,

your client may get all excited after your appointment and this middle part of their brain will

say, “I’m gonna do this! I am ready to change my diet and take supplements so I can feel

better!” But then their ecology will be challenged as the survival part of the brain starts think-

ing, “But nobody in my family eats like that, and if I eat like that I will be all alone.” Or maybe

their spouse is not able to do it with them, and that survival part of the brain thinks, “What if

he won’t love me if I start eating like this?” “I won’t belong with my family if I start this new

way of eating”. This is the feeling of tug of war in a clients mind and it’s the thing that makes

them fail. It’s important to make your clients aware of this so that when it happens they are

more likely to change it.

So, how do you change your ecology? My favorite analogy is this: I had a client, who

when she turned 40 years old, wanted to bungie jump to celebrate. But when she gets on the

platform to do it, her ecology causes her brain to say, “Wait a minute! I could die, this thing

could snap, and 40 might be the last birthday I see!!” So, she got down off of the platform

and decided not to do it.

Then a week later, she went back because all of her friends were holding her account-

able and she wanted to do it. She got back up on the platform and made a decision in her

mind that she was going to be terrified, but do it anyway. And she jumped. She survived.

Then she decided to do it again, but her brain was screaming just as loud the second time as

the first time. And she was afraid but did it anyway. So, she taught her ecology that she

could survive this. By the third time, her ecology was no longer in control. You can only teach

your ecology through your experience. You have to be afraid and do it anyway. Fear will

keep you locked in your home, stuck in your fat body, keep you miserable in your marriage,

and is a liar and your emotions will go along with it.

When clients are more aware of their ecology, they become self-aware and therefore,

empowered. If clients want to change their life, they have to change their mind. They have

to be afraid and do it anyway.

We cover how to help clients get breakthroughs in their emotiona/mindset in detail in

the Mindset and Emotional section of the course.

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Supplements are next in order of priority. Because most of our clients’ health problems

will ultimately be fixed by changing their diet and lifestyle, we use very high quality supple-

ments to help to balance their body chemistry– whether that means correcting a nutritional

deficiency, supporting their hormones, cleansing their body of toxins, killing a pathogen, or

addressing a specific problem. The supplements serve a specific purpose and as you walk a

client through a healing protocol, they will change and address different things at times. As

the body changes, so do the supplements.

Supplement quality is everything. If the herbs are not freshly dried or if the herbal

tinctures are weak, you are not going to get the best results. Never use health food store

quality supplements– only use practitioner grade supplements for best results! You will not

see fillers and added ingredients in high quality supplements, like you do in inferior supple-

ments. You will have your clients bring in their supplements– read them the labels and edu-

cate them on the quality of supplements. They cannot expect to get healthy from grocery

store vitamins.


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Supplement Brands We have tried many different supplements over the years and found that many are still

synthetic, even though they are practitioner grade. We have found herbs, homeopathics, es-

sential oils, and food based multivitamins work best to get results for our clients.

It is best to keep an inventory on hand of the supplements that your clients will need.

You will get a higher compliance of your client taking the supplements when they can leave

your office with them and get on the program right away. But you don’t want to be ordering

from a dozen different companies—we have three main supplement lines we work with and

just order a few things from other places.

Energetix: This company was started by practitioners who were unsatisfied with the

quality of most supplements on the market, so they formulated their own line with the goal

of getting results with clients. I have found them to be excellent and highly recommend

them. www.goenergetix.com or 1-800-990-7085

Emerson Ecologics: This is a distributor of hundreds of different supplement companies,

so you can find pretty much anything you need from this one place. We use several differ-

ent lines that they carry, such as Physiologics, Pure Encapsulations, Geronova, Klaire Labs

(they have amazing probiotics!), Allergy Research Group, etc…


DoTERRA Essential oils: Not only are they an amazing essential oil company, but they

also carry a line of nutritional supplements that is phenomenal! Their GX Assist candida

supplement is the best one I have ever tried! We love their multivitamin as well. If you

are new to essential oils, we would love to teach you how to use them and mentor you.

You can learn more about the oils here: http://www.doterra.myvoffice.com/getpurevitality/

They are sold through network marketing, which we have found a way to make this work

for us. If you want to get set up with a wholesale account, we can help you with that so

you get the most support on how to purchase them at as high a discount as possible as

well as how to use them. Contact our office for more support: 770-920-7873 and ask for


There is a list of all of the supplements we carry in this course as a PDF file with dos-

ages (the Supplement Cheat Sheet) so you will know which ones we keep on hand at all times.

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We are now living in a very toxic time. Our exposure to toxic substances has increased

due to environmental pollution, chemicals in our food supply (pesticides, plastics, BPA, Teflon,

etc..), and pharmaceutical and recreational drug use. 100,000 new chemicals have been cre-

ated since WWII. Of these, only a fraction have been tested for their safety.

Even in the most pristine places on earth, scientists have found disturbing levels of

man-made chemicals in the wildlife, plants, and water of these areas. They are released from

smokestacks, dumped into oceans, lakes, and rivers….sprayed on food crops, and used in

manufacturing. They are dispersed by the wind, rained down onto soil, taken up by plants

and animals who eat the plants, and then by humans who eat the plants and animals.

There are more than 3,000 chemicals deliberately added to our food and the average

home contains more than 1,000 chemicals (flame retardants on our furnishings, chemical

cleaners, new carpeting, formaldehyde in furniture, etc..).

Because these toxins permeate our air, water, and food, they make their way into our

bodies. The average American now carries a “body burden” of 700 or more synthetic chemi-

cals. In 2005, the Environmental Working Group tested the umbilical cord blood of newborn

babies and found over 200 chemicals! The babies were not protected from these toxins from

their mother’s bodies during a critical developmental phase before birth. They found flame

retardants, pesticides, Teflon residues, plastics, chemicals from fast food packaging, and many

more. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, brain and nervous system disorders, birth

defects, and developmental problems.

Let’s look at some individual chemicals for a moment. Phthalates are the main chemi-

cal in plastics that leech into our food from food and beverage packaging. When you put food

into plastic containers and especially when you heat the food in those containers, the chemi-

cals leech from the plastic and get into our food. Once inside our bodies, phthalates damage

hormone receptors, which can cause loss of sex drive, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, or

even cancer.

Dioxins are another man-made compound that is created when we manufacture plas-

tics, pesticides, and other chemicals. They are a by-product of industrial manufacturing. They

are one of the most potent causes of cancer known to man. Dioxins damage the liver, thyroid,

and the immune system. Studies show that nursing infants can consume as much as 18 times

more dioxin in one year than the maximum “safe” lifetime dose as recommended by the CDC.

Is it any wonder that childhood cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in chil-


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ren. Pesticides are one of the most harmful chemicals to the human body because of the way

they damage the nervous system. They are designed to damage the nervous system of bugs,

thereby killing them. That’s how they work. Pesticides are sprayed on crops, used in schools,

office buildings, restaurants, and churches.

Pesticides are even used directly in homes! I know when I was young, my parents had

an exterminator come spray the inside of our home every few months. The biological half-life

of these substances is not days or months, but years. They basically do not break down, but

slowly accumulate in our environment and also in our bodies.

And it is not just chemicals we are exposed to in our environment. Our homes can be

just as toxic! The average new carpet outgases over a dozen chemicals, all of which can

cause disease. Anderson Labs demonstrated just how toxic new carpeting can be. They

placed a little patch of carpet in the bottom of a glass jar with some mice. In some of the

samples, the mice actually died! www.thorne.com/altmedrev/.fulltext/5/2/133.pdf

Construction materials like paints and wallboard, wallpaper, plywood, pressed board,

and furniture, contain formaldehyde and other toxic compounds. Sofas, mattresses, insula-

tion, and other home furnishings are coated with flame retardant chemicals and pesticides. Air

fresheners, cleaning chemicals, bug killers, bleach and fabric softeners, are just a few of the

chemicals you will find in your average home. Most people don’t think that these are toxic.

They don’t think they are being exposed to things at home that are endangering their health.

Chemicals are called endocrine disruptors, meaning they damage the hormone recep-

tors on our cells. These receptors are meant to receive the hormones produced by the body,

and then send the appropriate signal to the cell- telling it what to do. But the chemicals have

a similar structure to the hormones and can fit exactly in the hormone receptors just like the

hormone does. So what happens is that the hormone cannot get to the cell receptor site be-

cause the chemical is in it’s place. That is why we have so many hormonal issues nowadays.

This can be why taking a supplemental hormone is often ineffective because it cannot get into

the damaged hormone receptor site. These chemicals are hormone mimics that scramble

messages and jam signals in our body. This is one reason why hypothyroidism is rampant in

our country. It’s not that we are deficient in hormones, it’s that we have toxic chemicals

blocking their ability to do their job.

By blocking the action of our hormones, these chemicals can cause infertility, fatigue,

depression, mood swings, low thyroid function, adrenal issues, memory loss, endometriosis,

and loss of libido.

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Every chemical we inhale bypasses the liver and is taken directly to the bloodstream

where it has access to every organ of the body. If we put chemicals on our skin, it goes right

into our body and gets into our bloodstream.

Many times I have found certain chemicals to be the trigger in people suffering from

chronic disease. After asking several questions, such as “when did your symptoms start?”

“What was going on in your life at that time?”... they remember bombing their house for fleas

just a few months prior to the onset of their symptoms. Or how as kids they ran behind a

spray truck that sprayed for bugs that came down their street every week. Suddenly they

made the connection of what that truck was spraying and they were able to understand why

their health broke down. Or they moved into a new mobile home just before their daughter

came down with asthma.

One teenage client I worked with had symptoms of asthma. It started when their

whole family moved into a brand new mobile home. Mobile homes, when they are new,

offgas a tremendous amount of formaldehyde. I realized that the formaldehyde could have

triggered the asthma. Once I helped her detoxify her body, all of her symptoms went away.

This is an example of how toxic chemicals can affect our health.

The Cumulative Effect

Each toxin may not be much by itself …they are measured in parts per billion, and the

safe levels of each one are set by the EPA based on their harmful effects. But are those levels

really safe? When EPA sets safety limits, they look at each contaminant separately. For ex-

ample, they look at mercury, and set a safe limit, then they look at dioxin, and set a safe limit.

Researchers know what mercury does in the body, and they know what dioxins do in the

body, but what they don’t know is what these chemicals do in combination with each other

in the body. This has not even been researched! So, while we are exposed minute amounts of

each chemical, we have exposure to sooo many of them, that it adds up very quickly in reality.

It is the grand total of all these in combination with each other that cause the most damage.

So, in terms of it’s cumulative effect, in this case 1+1 does not equal 2, but more like

10! Parts per billion of these compounds add up when you are exposed to so many of them.

The human body was not designed to detoxify all of these foreign chemicals. The re-

sult is that we slowly, stockpile these chemicals in our bodies. Our body detoxifies what it can,

but it can only handle so much.

We will cover how to detoxify the body in a later section.

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This is the goal– to have gone through the steps of changing your diet, taking supple-

ments, and getting the toxins out, so your health can improve. Once that is done and you are

in better health, then you simply have to maintain it with a healthy diet, maintenance supple-

ments, and seasonal detox if needed.

Healthy living should be a part of your lifestyle, rather then just a temporary thing that

you do to get better. Most clients need to be educated on this and once they understand it,

will have an easier time committing to a life of health habits. It helps to explain to them that

it was their poor habits that got them sick in the first place. Usually, once clients know what

it’s like to feel great, they are more committed to eating healthy. I recommend the 90/10 rule

– what they eat 90 percent of the time is what matters. If they want to have less healthy food

10% of the time, that’s fine and will not hurt their health significantly.


There are no

"incurable" diseases. If you

are willing to take responsibil-

ity for yourself and your life,

you can heal yourself of any-


Dr. Richard Schultze

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Steps to Vibrant Health






















This illustrates to your client the steps that they will take to achieve better health

over time. It starts with just one step and then keeps building on that as they move for-

ward. This illustration makes it clear that the more effort the client puts into their health,

the more rewards in improved health they will get. It doesn’t happen overnight either, but

in time, they will be able to do what it takes to achieve vibrant health.




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If you had acne and treated it with conventional drugs to suppress it, and now your

acne is “cured” but you now have allergies that you didn’t have before - did you really cure the


Most people think yes, you’ve solved the skin problem and now you have a different

problem to take to the allergy specialist. This is the fallacy of conventional specialization! And

it doesn’t take the entire body into consideration.

In reality, the acne is an inflammatory process that the body produces to try to get rid

of some kind of toxin, whether from outside or a toxin produced by the body itself. For some

reason, it couldn’t be eliminated at the level of normal excretion (sweating, urination, mucus,

etc.). So it had to bring in the heating quality of inflammation to do the job.

When you suppress that process, you push it more deeply into the system, where dif-

ferent symptoms crop up, and now they’re even more difficult to treat and begin to involve

tissue degeneration.

Homotoxicology is a wonderful visual aid and model for understanding how disease is

created, so that when you have symptoms you can see the larger context of what they really


The table on the following pages shows the various phases the body uses to try to get

rid of these toxins, and the various conditions that can appear at each phase. The idea is that

we want to get the condition to move in the healing direction, to push the toxins out of the


But commonly, drugs such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are used to make

symptoms go away, and they’re very good at that, but we’ll see how they actually can sup-

press this healing process and lead to a progression of the disease process.

To understand the disease process, let’s look deeper into Homotoxicology. Homotoxi-

cology is the study of the effects of toxic substances on human beings. It is a clear way to

understand how disease originates and how it is also cured. It was originally formulated by a

German doctor, Dr. Han-Heinrich Reckeweg, who was an MD, a pharmacologist, and a homeo-

path. In 1955, he studied the effects of pharmaceutical drugs on the human body. He stud-

ied what happened in the body when the body’s symptoms were suppressed.


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After discovering what the body does in order to cope with the toxicity of the drugs, he

created homotoxicolgy to explain this process the body goes through in it’s battle against tox-

ins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, all diseases are expressions of the way the body is dealing

with toxins, in it’s attempt to counteract and expel them. When the body can no longer expel

them, for whatever reason, the body tries through increased pathological means to make up

for the damage already sustained. This process goes through 6 distinct phases:

1. The Excretion Phase where the body is exposed to a toxin or microbe and the body

will then get rid of the toxin quickly through various body orifices. Examples: Diarrhea,

vomiting, sweating, coughing, etc…

2. The Reaction Phase is where the toxins are removed by the body reacting against

them through inflammation. Examples: fever, or any other inflammatory condition that

ends with itis. Examples: Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Thyroiditis, etc...

3. The Deposition Phase is where the body has been unable to get rid of the toxin any

other way and it will get deposited in the body’s tissues, such as connective tissue or fatty


The above phases are easily and naturally reversible. But once the body is forced to deal with

the toxins in the following phases, more damage occurs to the organs themselves and it is

harder and harder to reverse and heal from.

4. Impregnation phase is where the toxin build up causes disease to occur in the

body’s weakest organ. What started out as a cough in phase one, moves into acute bronchi-

tis, has now become chronic bronchitis.

5. Degeneration phase is where the organ is increasingly and irreversibly damaged.

From bronchitis, now it has turned into emphysema as it’s damaged the lunds.

6. Neoplasm or Cancer phase is where the cell genes are damaged and cancer is

created. What was once emphysema is now lung cancer.

When the body cannot excrete toxins, such as when medications are taken to suppress

the natural response of the body or from other blockages such as constipation, it creates in-

flammation to try to get rid of them. If this natural response of the body is suppressed with

more medication, the body has to deposit the toxins somewhere in the body where they will

be walled off and isolated from the rest of the body. Eventually this manifests in a tumor or

other cancer as the body encapsulates the toxins.

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The Table of Homotoxicology

Once the body’s symptoms cross the line of Biological Division, it means that the body

has more damage from toxins and will be harder to heal from it. Creating healing in the body

while the symptoms are still minor is the goal as it’s easier to reverse.

As the body heals, sometimes the person will experience an expelling of the toxins be-

cause they are working their way backwards through the chart (right to left) instead of pro-

gressing forwards through the chart (left to right). This is what a Healing Crisis is all about.

The body is finally able to expel the toxin that had been suppressed inside as it heals.

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5 Levels of Health

Using the Table of Homotoxicolgy as a reference point, you can see that everyone is at

a different level of health. In the chart below, you will see the 5 different levels of health.

The longer someone has been unhealthy, the more degeneration takes place in their body

and the longer it will take to get well. The less time someone has been sick, the quicker their

body will respond to natural methods of healing.

People in levels 2-3 will be the majority of your clients who will come to you, looking

for answers. Level 4 will be more compromised and will be more challenging to get better be-

cause it will require both more effort and more time. They will also require more detoxification

to bring their body back to health. It’s not uncommon to take a year or two for these people

to get well. People in Level 5 will probably not be able to even make it to your office. They

can be risky to work with and require an experienced practitioner because you have to work

with them differently and monitor them closely.











Needs Help


Needs Medical




Robust health,

No symptoms

Good, some


Several symp-


Barely able to

get through day

System in


Energy Level Plenty Fair Some fatigue Fatigue most of


Cannot restore



Excellent Good Avoids physical


None Survival issues



Alert and


Good Some brain fog Severe brain fog Unaware



Balanced and


Good Others notice

emotional prob-


Focused mostly

on the negative





Mildly toxic Generally Toxic Moderately


Very toxic Severely toxic

The Five Levels of Health

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The body is a wonderful creation and everything works together like a symphony- each

cell playing their part for the greater good of the whole body.

The medical system looks at the body parts in isolation of each other, but with holistic

medicine, we look at the body as a whole and look at how each system interacts with other

areas of the body.

Because the body has a blueprint for health, when it is given the right things (correct

food, nourishment, water, rest), it knows how to be healthy. We take this into account

when we help the body heal.

The medical system treats the body parts in isolation and does not treat the entire

body. It does not allow the body to be restored to health as a whole. Drugs cause another

area of the body to break down and further perpetuate the degeneration of the body, even if

one area might be improving. But everything is connected and you cannot work on one area

without it affecting another area. Our goal is to work on the entire body because, in natural

healing, when you address the body as a whole, everything heals!

So, it is important to look at the overall systems of the body FIRST, before looking at

the specific symptoms a client comes in with. Certain systems of the body affect the overall

workings of the entire body and if these areas are not working optimally, the entire body is


The absolute first system that needs to be addressed is DIGESTION AND ELIMINA-

TION. This is the entire digestive system, from mouth to anus. Absorption of nutrients hap-

pens here along with elimination of waste. If the body is not absorbing food properly or there

is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, the body will not get the full benefit of the food

they are eating. Or if the body is constipated and not eliminating waste like it should, a back-

log develops which causes autotoxemia, which causes the body to reabsorb toxins. Because

digestion and elimination are so critical to many systems of the body, getting that area work-

ing properly FIRST can affect other areas of the body that seem unrelated.

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The second line of defense is the LIVER AND DETOX SYSTEM, the filter of

the body. The liver has over 500 functions and is critical to the health of the entire

body. When it is working properly, it keeps the bloodstream pure and clean of any

toxins. It is able to take toxic compounds and render them harmless to the body. But

if it is overwhelmed with too many chemicals to detoxify (from environmental pollut-

ants, chemical food additives, alcohol, or cleaning chemicals) it will be unable to han-

dle the workload and toxins will be allowed to circulate in the bloodstream and be de-

posited in our fatty tissues. When this happens, the entire body is affected: the adre-

nals and thyroid will become stressed and try to compensate for the problem.

The ADRENALS AND THE STRESS RESPONSE are the 3rd line of defense

and are only responding to the stress that the body is under. When under stress, the

body goes into “fight/flight” mode and cortisol gets elevated. Our body is given the

ability to deal with the stressor temporarily but we are not supposed to stay in fight/

flight forever. The problem is that the body cannot heal while it is in this fight/flight

mode and if it continues long enough, adrenal fatigue will result and all the other hor-

mones will get out of balance. Sometimes this area is the first to break down if the

stressor is severe enough or continues long enough. Then the Digestion becomes

compromised and weakened, allowing poor health to develop.

1st Line of Defense:


and Elimination

2nd Line of Defense:

Liver/ Detox


3rd Line of Defense:


& the Stress


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When clients come in, their focus is on their symptoms– whatever is making

them uncomfortable. But as practitioners, if we only focus on symptom relief, we are

not any better than medical doctors who just use drugs to suppress symptoms and do

not get to the underlying root cause. Symptoms are like the branches on the tree and

can vary tremendously while seeming unrelated, and yet, could all stem from just one

or two root causes. Rather than snip away at the branches of the tree, which you can

do, dealing with the root will eliminate them altogether. You will know you are just

snipping at the branches when they just keep popping back up again.

The Cascade Effect

You also need to understand that there is not always a clear cause and effect

relationship between the root cause and the symptoms. With acute health problems,

the relationship is more clear, but the longer a client has been sick, the symptom list

grows because of the “cascade effect”. What this means is that when the body breaks

down and time passes without the root cause being addressed, more systems of the

body will become affected and other symptoms will start to manifest due to the secon-

dary effects of the root cause. These symptoms are caused by long term deterioration

of the body. This is another reason why you cannot rely on symptoms alone in work-

ing with a client.

Symptoms are important only to be able to see which system is being affected

and to explain to the client how the symptoms are being caused by systems of the

body that are breaking down. Some symptoms can certainly give you an indication of

the problem, but you can also get lost in the minutia of symptoms and not have a

clear plan to get the client well.

Finding the Root Cause

In a moment, I will share with you some case studies that illustrate how the

root cause can cause a number of unrelated symptoms, but first, it is important for

you to be a detective and find the root cause. While the causes can number into the

thousands, they all fall into just a few main categories. It is your job to figure out

which ones they are by using your detective skills and the electro dermal screening


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2 Most Important Questions to ask Client

1. When did this problem first start? (Ask a few different ways if you need


2. What else was going on around that time?

As a health detective, the answers to these questions will give you more infor-

mation that can lead you to find the root cause of a health problem.

Illness is usually precipitated by some sort of stressful event, an infection,

trauma, moving to a new house, chemical exposure, etc… Many people will actually

recall something stressful that was going on in their life that weakened their immune

system and that was when their symptoms first began.

Maybe they hiked the Appallacian trail the summer before their symptoms

started and you find out they had probably gotten bitten by a tick and still have a

chronic infection.

Maybe they had a flood in their basement last spring, and their sinus infections

and brain fog have been terrible since then. They probably have mold in their home

that is unidentified.

Maybe they had a baby that weakened their body, and now they have been di-

agnosed with an autoimmune disease or thyroid condition. And they can’t seem to

lose that baby weight, and you find it was due to toxins in their body, and the stress of

childbirth just triggered the thyroid to worsen. You know she needs to detox. See the

book, The AutoImmune Epidemic for more about this.

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So, what are the root causes we are looking for? Here are the main categories:

Root Causes of Health Problems












-Hidden dental infection



-Environmental chemicals of all types

-Heavy metals

-Mold toxins

-Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides

-Vaccine toxins



-Caffeine and stimulants


-Gluten and/or dairy or other food allergens

-Food additives

-Nutritional deficiencies


-Cancer: not usually a cause, but more of the result of bad diet and toxins

-Organ injury from an accident, toxins or drugs

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Symptom F


Symptom A Symptom B Symptom C

Symptom D Symptom E

Symptom G

So, if we could graph it, the root cause is what causes the body system to break

down. The root cause will cause the body to break down in 3 main body systems: di-

gestion (GI tract), liver (the body’s detox ability), and adrenals (fight/flight hor-

mones are stimulated). Symptoms manifest and then the list of them grows if the root

cause is not corrected.

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Here is what this could look like in a client. You have this jumble of unrelated

symptoms that the client presents with. It can be difficult to uncover what started it

all in the first place. Where do you even start? How do you walk this client through a

healing program without getting overwhelmed by all the various symptoms? Let’s see

how it works as we explain the Healing Template.





GI Tract Liver

Nervous/ Anti-social



Heartburn Nausea

Breathing Problems

Poor Diges-tion

Low Appetitie




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The process a client goes through to get well on a supplement program.

This diagram illustrates the steps you will take each client through during a

health program/evaluation series. This will help you choose the best supplements to

enable the healing process to be safe and effective. See the next few pages for more

detail on how this works. They do this while also improving their diet.

Digestion/ Elimination Nutrient uptake

Liver/Kidney Support

Open the filters

Detox/ Root Cause Remove toxins

From body

Cellular Repair

Repair damage from toxins

Healthy Maintenance

On-going Nutritional Support

The Healing




3 4


Support Adrenals




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How the Healing Template Works The physical body is a perfectly designed organism with a complex system of checks

and balances. Every body part works in cooperation with the whole organism to perform func-

tions that sustain life. The primary functions of the human body are circulation, respiration,

digestion and elimination. The failure of one of these critical functions is life threatening and

may be fatal.

The body is a flow system and works a pre-

dictable way. As we saw in Homotoxicolgy, disease is

caused by blockages in the flow system or a suppres-

sion of symptoms from drugs. The body is negatively

affected when the normal avenues of elimination such

as the colon, kidneys or lungs are slowed in their

work performance. Think of constipation slowing

down the colon eliminating or low fluid intake slowing

down urination. The elimination of waste from the

body is essential to life. When a toxin is introduced,

the body springs into defensive action to effectively

purge the threatening substance. There are five main

channels of elimination in the human body: colon,

lungs, kidneys, liver, and skin.

Many toxins or waste products are unavoidable like those introduced through food and

the environment (sugar, caffeine, chemicals, pesticides, dioxins, food additives, or mercury).

This is why it is important to maintain the organs and systems that eliminate waste from the


Blood moves through a network of arteries and capillaries that carry nutrients and oxy-

gen to the cells. Cells use the nutrients to generate energy. Whatever isn't used is released as

waste into the lymphatic system. The blood collects the waste and circulates it to the five or-

gans and systems of elimination. When one of the elimination channels malfunctions, another

is challenged to do more than its share of work to rid the body of the waste. This type of com-

plication will set off an alarm, creating physical symptoms to call attention to the problem. If

bowel movements become irregular, the skin may erupt with a rash or pimples to eliminate

excess waste that is not moving through the colon. Blocked bowels may also over tax the liver,

causing it to become congested and compromised. As the body’s filters become compromised,

more vital organs become affected. Then the body has to get these toxins out of the body an-

other way. It will even use other means to do it, such as using the skin as an organ of elimi-

nation, or other parts of the body that were not created for that function. Symptoms are evi-

dence of the body’s attempt to restore the flow system by neutralizing or eliminating toxins..

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For the healing process to work, your initial first visit with a client should address Step

1 of the Healing Template to open the eliminative channels which will eventually allow the

body to move to Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5. You will notice that the Digestion and Elimination is first

before detoxification, and this is because the digestion is the body’s first line of defense.

Absorption of nutrients happens here along with elimination of waste. If the body is not ab-

sorbing food properly or there is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, the body will not get

the full benefit of the nutritional supplements. Or if the body is constipated and not eliminat-

ing twice a day, a backlog develops which causes autotoxemia, which causes the body to re-

absorb waste products. If one was to start detoxification or liver cleanse while the body is not

eliminating regularly, the toxins that are released from the liver will not get out of the body

and will get reabsorbed, making the body sicker than it was before.

Because digestion and elimination are so critical to many systems of the body, getting

that area working properly FIRST can affect other areas of the body that seem unrelated. For

example, a client with cardiovascular problems can improve when you support their digestion

and elimination, without even working on their heart condition directly.

To understand this better, look at how the digestive system works. The stomach

makes hydrochloric acid and pepsin to digest the food. Then the food moves from the stom-

ach to the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum. While there, the pancreas releases

digestive enzymes that help break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates, and the gallbladder

releases bile to help emulsify fats. If the stomach acid is too low, several problems can hap-

pen: proteins will not be broken down into the essential amino acids, minerals will not be

made soluble, and the pancreas will not be stimulated to release digestive enzymes. This

causes nutrients not to be absorbed, and the food can putrify in the intestinal tract, creating

the perfect conditions for candida and bad bacteria, such as H.pylori, to thrive. No one can be

well in this situation.

Some clients with heartburn or acid reflux may actually be deficient in stomach acid,

causing their food not to be digested properly, or it can be caused by an acidic diet, which irri-

tates the mucosal lining or weakens the esophageal sphincter, causing gastric juices to get

into the esophagus. Correcting this first is more important to the overall health of

the client than anything else. Nutritional deficiencies should also be addressed during

Phase 1.

Step #1: Healthy Elimination

Bowel movements are a great way to check how well the body’s flow system is work-

ing. You can get a good indicator of overall health from looking at these indicators. The prob-

lem is that most people do not realize what a healthy bowel movement actually is. When you

ask clients, most of them say that they have “normal” bowel movements. But in this day and

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All the great natural healers of the past had one thing in common. They all believed

that the cause of most disease was a dirty bowel, constipation, or bad elimination. They all

believed that by our retaining pounds of old, infected material in bowel pockets

(diverticulosis), this material would be reabsorbed into the body and infect nearby organs,

make the blood toxic, and cause disease.

Now, for the first time in history, conventional medical doctors are starting to agree.

You would think that our intestinal health is in better shape than ever before, but it's worse

now than ever in American history. Our processed food diet and stress levels have caused

major problems with our colon.

Medical texts state that the #1 cancer among men and women in America is colon-

rectal. The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment

of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is on the rise. The incidence of diverticulosis

(herniated bowel pockets) has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. The text states

that in 1950, only 10% of adults over the age of 45 had this disease; in 1955, 15%; in 1972,

30%; and in 1987, almost half. The latest edition states that the incidence increases rapidly in

people over age 40 and that every person will have diverticulosis if they live long enough.

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In this age of processed foods and GMO’s, we really don’t have a good “normal” baseline to

use! Constipation is the new normal.

In Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book, Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, he mentions a

study that was conducted while he was attending the National College of Chiropractic in Chi-

cago. Of 300 cadavers, 285 claimed to have normal bowel movements with no constipation.

In fact, some stated that they had 5-6 bowel movements each day. What was discovered dur-

ing the autopsies was that out of the 300 cadavers, 285 had constipation issues! Some of

them had colons that were so impacted, that the colon was 12 inches in diameter. That is se-

rious constipation and will cause horrible autotoxemia.

What are some signs of healthy elimination?

There should be at least 2 bowel movements per day

There should be no straining, cramping, pain, or excessive gas

They should be somewhat soft and yet also hold together

The color should be brown

There should be very little odor

The transit time (the time it takes food to go from your mouth, be digested, and exit the

body) should be 12-24 hours. Most Americans have a transit time that is measured in

days! To test your clients transit time, have them eat beets for one meal or take 6 cap-

sules of activated charcoal and note the time and date. When they see the color in their

stool, they will have their transit time.

A colon cleanse is highly recommended to support the elimination of this vital organ.

This can be accomplished with herbal supplements, such as Colon Clear or OxyPowder, but for

some clients, a series of colonics is recommended to really get the colon squeaky clean.

Step #2: Liver/Kidney Support

The second area of priority, Phase 2 in the Healing Template, is the liver and kidneys,

the filters of the body. This is the body’s second line of defense. The liver has over 500

functions and is critical to the health of the entire body. When it is working properly, it keeps

the bloodstream pure and clean of any toxins. It is able to take toxic compounds and render

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them harmless to the body. It processes the hormones in our body, etc… But if it is over-

whelmed with too many chemicals to detoxify (from environmental pollutants, chemical food

additives, alcohol, or cleaning chemicals) it will be unable to handle the workload and toxins

will be allowed to circulate in the bloodstream and be deposited in our fatty tissues. When this

happens, the entire body is affected: the adrenals and thyroid will become stressed and try to

compensate for the problem. This can lead to thyroid problems (hyperthyroidism or hypothy-

roidism) and adrenal problems. When the liver is not functioning properly or the adrenals are

stressed, hormonal problems result, such as PMS, menopausal symptoms, morning sickness

and pregnancy mood swings.

Due to it’s important role in detoxification, the liver needs to be functioning well BE-

FORE the body starts any sort of detox or cleanse. This is a problem many people make– they

detox without first providing the liver with any support. This can cause a more severe healing

crisis than is necessary. It can show up as nausea, skin rashes, irritability, insomnia, and

worsening of any symptoms they may have. When the liver is overwhelmed, it will use the

skin as a back up organ of elimination. A client with acne, skin rashes, eczema, or psoriasis

should be on serious liver support as well as making sure their large intestine is functioning

optimally. The menstrual cycle is another way the body can purge excess toxins due to

blocked channels of elimination. This shows up as an extra heavy menstrual cycle with exces-

sive bleeding. Get the organs eliminating properly, and this will get better.

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Step #2a: Adrenal Hormone Support– Address the Stress or the

Body Cannot Heal Itself

While the liver and kidneys are supported, the endocrine system (thyroid/adrenals)

should also be supported temporarily. Yes, the adrenals are only responding to the stress that

the body is under, but the client will feel better when the endocrine system is supported.

When under stress, the body goes into “fight/flight” mode and cortisol gets elevated. Our

body is given the ability to deal with the stressor temporarily and several changes happen in

the body: the sympathetic nervous system gets activated, heart rate increases, digestion slows

down, muscles get tensed, etc...so we can deal with danger.

The problem is that the body cannot heal while it is in this fight/flight mode and if it

continues long enough, adrenal fatigue will result. Adrenal fatigue also known as adrenal ex-

haustion is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. It has been esti-

mated that 80% of adults suffer some sort of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue, also known as

hypoadrenia, is a dysfunction of the adrenal glands ultimately resulting in diminished produc-

tion of adrenal hormones which adversely affects your physiology.

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Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

The most common signs of adrenal fatigue include: continued fatigue, exhaustion,

trouble sleeping, trouble getting out of bed, depression, anxiety, sugar and/or salt cravings,

weight gain and inability to lose weight, increased effort to do everyday tasks, decreased sex

drive, decreased ability to handle stress, light headed when standing up, low body tempera-

ture, more prone to colds and flu and less tolerance to stress.

When under stress the stress/ fear-signaling impulses activate both the sympathetic

nervous system and the modulating systems of the HPA axis in the hypothalamus. Stress neu-

rons in the hypothalamus secrete corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) which causes the re-

lease of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary gland into the general blood-

stream, which stimulates the secretion of cortisol and other glucocorticoids from the adrenal

glands. This is cascade of events is known as the HPA axis and is a major part of the neuroen-

docrine system.

The stress impulse also activates the autonomic nervous system from the hypothala-

mus which provides a more rapid response to stress. This engages the sympathetic nervous

system and a withdrawing the parasympathetic nervous system. This is known as the fight-or-

flight response.

If you are under constant chronic stress the adrenal glands become exhausted and the

sympathetic nervous system is over stimulated. At this stage anxiety gets worse, insomnia,

inability to relax, nervousness and a racy mind may also occur and in more severe cases

breathlessness, palpitations and even tremors may manifest. A stimulated sympathetic nerv-

ous system also results with a decrease in production of digestive juices and gut motility which

cause digestive and gut problems which are very common in these patients.

As a result of decreased adrenal function people with adrenal fatigue frequently also

suffer from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), allergies, arthritic pain and low immune

response. Women with it also have hormonal imbalances such as increased menstral prob-

lems, PMS and menopausal symptoms.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is caused by stress weather it be emotional, mental or physical stress

including injury. Physical stress can include food allergies/intolerances, heavy metals, patho-

gens (parasites, viruses, bacterial infections, candida), biochemical imbalances, etc.

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Doing things that you know are not good for you also contributes towards adrenal issues as

you are not honoring your body and in complete disregard of yourself. This could include eat-

ing foods you know are not good for you, drinking too much, taking drugs, smoking, going to

bed late, not getting adequate rest and relaxation, etc,.. Toxins in the tissues of the body can

also stress the body. These could include: heavy metals, pathogens such as viral, bacterial or

fungal infections, parasites, allergens, etc. It is a good idea to test for these and if found to be

present need to be eradicated in order to allow your adrenals to repair.

Unfortunately modern medicine does not recognize adrenal exhaustion as a distinct

syndrome, only recognizing its most severe form being Addison’s disease. Unfortunately this

attitude contributes towards many unnecessary health problems for many adrenal sufferers

whom are unable to access the necessary treatment. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is a fully rec-

ognisable condition which can be healed.

The two main hormones of interest with adrenal exhaustion are DHEA and cortisol as

these two hormones are continuously secreted in response to long term chronic stress. Aldos-

terone, another adrenal hormone, should also be tested and considered.


A normal functioning adrenal gland produces a whole array of hormones but of particu-

lar interest is cortisol. The adrenal glands of a healthy person produces about 20mg of cortisol

each day which can increase to 200mg a day during periods of stress in order to help the body

cope with the stress. Cortisol is responsible for maintaining normal blood sugar levels, it immo-

bilises fat and protein stores for more energy, it is an anti-inflammatory, controls and modifies

most blood cells that participate in immune and/or inflammatory reactions, effects blood ves-

sels and therefore blood pressure, and electrolyte levels in the heart tissue, heart beat, as well

as influencing the central nervous system controlling mood and behavior.

During early stages of adrenal stress cortisol levels are usually high which can increase obe-

sity, cholesterol, blood pressure, alters brain chemistry causing depression and anxiety, causes

insulin resistance, disrupts thyroid hormone metabolism and osteoporosis, to name a few.

During late stage adrenal exhaustion cortisol eventually falls to levels which are insufficient to

adequately maintain normal physiological function. Therefore it is very important that cortisol

levels are maintained at an optimal level for normal physiological function because if levels are

either too high or too low they can both cause problems. Unfortunately for many cortisol re-

placement is erroneously believed to be dangerous by traditional medicine, failing to recognize

its important physiolgical role in fatigue conditions and failing to distinguish the difference be-

tween safe low physilogical doses compared to larger pharmacological doses which can indeed

cause many side effects if levels are too high.

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The second adrenal hormone of importance that declines during periods of stress is

DHEA. An average healthy man produces about 30mg of DHEA a day, while women produce

abound 20mg a day however during adrenal stress may fall to very low levels. DHEA’s main

actions are through conversion into other more potent hormones such as the estrogens and

testosterone. It also appears to have its own action on the immune system and endothelial

cells helps boost the immune system and preventing atherosclerosis. If production of DHEA

decreases under stress and is not rectified a hormonal cascade effect could occur resulting

with a deficiency of other sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. If

these hormones get too low then a whole range of other systems and problems can also occur

such as PMS, Menopause, andropause and hypothyroidism.

The adrenal and thyroid glands work together producing their corresponding hormones

which are responsible for maintaining and controlling your metabolism and thus energy levels.

During periods of stress when adrenal function decreases the thyroid responds by producing

more thyroid hormones in order to overcompensate for under active adrenals. This is where

you get the tired but wired symptoms. As time progresses the thyroid gland eventually burns

out producing less thyroid hormones and thus causes hypothyroidism which further exacer-

bates your adrenal symptoms. Alternatively the high cortisol levels in stage 1 can cause re-

verse T3 dominance, another poorly diagnosed thyroid condition common in adrenal fatigued

patients. It is obvious that adrenal exhaustion can be devastating to your overall health. It

causes diminished cortisol and DHEA levels which adversely effects thyroid and sex hormone

levels. Without appropriate treatment the adverse hormonal cascade effect will be amplified

resulting in very poor health.

Stages of Adrenal Fatigue

Stage 1: Alarm Reaction (Flight or Fight response). In this stage, the body is

alarmed by the stressors and mounts an aggressive anti-stress response to overcome the

stressors. This anti-stress response is mediated by an increase in anti-stress hormones like

cortisol. The amount of anti-stress hormone required is well within the body's output capacity.

Fatigue is usually quite mild and usually occurs in the morning upon awakening or in the mid-

afternoon. No physical or physiological dysfunction is clinically noticeable. Normal daily func-

tion is expected, though peak performance cannot be achieved. Adrenal crash may have oc-

curred but normally it is undetectable.

The adrenal glands are usually the first in order of endocrine function to breakdown in

a stressful situation that has overwhelmed the body's normal compensatory response. Unfortu-

nately, this sub-clinical state is seldom recognized as a pathological condition. Acceptable

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social compensatory actions such as coffee intake often mask the underlying problem: the ad-

renals are put into over-drive to cover up the early signs and symptoms of fatigue. The insulin-

producing portion of the pancreas is also affected. Imbalance in blood sugar level results in

low energy and this dysfunction is temporarily fixed by quick fixes such as high sugar content

soda drinks, energy potions and high carbohydrate foods such as donuts. Many people even

consider this state "normal" as part of living in the modern society. Those who require coffee

to "kick start" the day may already be in this stage and not be aware of it.

Stage 2: Resistance Response. With chronic or severe stress, the adrenals are

eventually unable to keep up with the body's demand for cortisol. Adrenal Fatigue now enters

into Stage 2. Normal daily functions can still be carried out, but the sense of fatigue is pro-

nounced at the end of each day as the body needs more rest than usual to recover. Despite a

full night's rest, the body does not feel refreshed in the morning. Anxiety starts to set in and

the person becomes easily irritable. Insomnia becomes more common, as it takes longer to fall

asleep and there are frequent awakenings as well. Infections become recurrent. PMS and

menstrual irregularities surface and symptoms suggestive of hypothyroidism (such as a sensa-

tion of feeling cold and a sluggish metabolism) become prevalent. The thyroid glands are usu-

ally affected at this stage. Sluggishness, feeling cold, and weight gain centrally, despite exer-

cise and diet, are the predominant symptoms that usually bring the patients to their physicians

for the first time. Thyroid replacement is routinely prescribed but ovarian hormones, synthetic

or bio-identical, are also considered. However, the vast majority of patients who undergo such

hormonal adjustment remain symptomatic over time and their treatments usually fail. Many

people will visit their physicians for the first time at this stage. Conventional medical work up is

ordered, but the test results are inevitably within range and patients are sent home with no

concrete program for recovery. At this stage, many people are prescribed anti-depressants.

The many warning signs of the body continue to be ignored, as most people will rely on more

and more stimulants to keep their mood up. Those who require multiple cups of coffee to sus-

tain them may well be entrenched at this stage without knowing it.

Stage 3: Adrenal Exhaustion. Adrenal Exhaustion refers to Stage 3 of Adrenal Fa-

tigue. As adrenal function is weakened further, the body's need for adrenal hormones remains

unabated if stress is not reduced. The adrenals are no longer able to keep up with the ever-

increasing demand for cortisol production needed to overcome the stress and they become

exhausted. Cortisol output starts to decline and this usually happens gradually. If the stressors

are severe, an adrenal crash may occur, to be followed by a longer than usual recovery. The

body enters into the stage where the primary goal is conservation of energy to ensure sur-

vival. Systematically, the body goes into a slow-down mode and starts to break down muscle

tissue to produce energy. This catabolic stage results in the breakdown of muscles and protein

wasting. Chronic fatigue is common and exercise tolerance is reduced. Concurrently, chronic

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appears. Toxic metabolites begin to accumulate throughout the body, leading to brain fog and

insomnia. Depression becomes severe and constant. As this stage progresses, metabolic, im-

munological and neurological single organ systems dysfunction characteristic of Stage 2 be-

comes chronic (Phase A). It then spreads to involve multiple organs (Phase B). This is evi-

denced by multiple endocrine axis dysfunctions, including the ovarian-adrenal-thyroid axis im-

balance in females and adrenal-thyroid axis imbalance in males.

If not attended to, the body is further weakened and enters into a state of disequilib-

rium with loss of homeostasis (Phase C). As the body tries to repair itself with the limited tools

it has, there are wild, exaggerated and paradoxical autonomic-driven reactions. These are

characterized by adrenaline rushes, labile blood pressure, and hypoglycemic episodes after

meals and anxiety attacks.

A state of near adrenal failure (Phase D) eventually occurs as the body's pool of hor-

mones reaches a level too low to prime the adrenals. Without sufficient levels of hormones,

the body goes into a full-blown shut down mode to stop as much of the non-essential func-

tions as possible to conserve energy in order to survive. Libido is suppressed, digestion slows

down and metabolic rate declines to conserve body weight. Those afflicted find themselves

bed-ridden most of the time, and have energy that will last for only a short time.

What separates Stage 3 from earlier stages, clinically, is that the patient often cannot

function smoothly throughout the day, no matter how hard he tries. The adrenal function is

constantly hovering around the adrenal symptoms threshold level and the smallest stressor will

often trigger an adrenal crash. Not only is recovery time taking longer but the body never fully

returns to the pre-crash baseline energy level. Something is wrong and the body's cry for help

becomes louder. The productive hours of the day will progressively decrease and it is not un-

usual for those at this stage to have only a few hours of productive time a day, while the rest

of the time is spent in bed resting.

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The 3rd Phase: Detox

The 3rd phase of the Healing Template is where the root cause is typically addressed.

Obviously, it can be addressed on the first visit if the client already has good bowel elimination

and a strong liver. Sometimes the client only has an infection or a digestive problem.

An infection (bacterial, viral, parasitical, or fungal) takes priority over other

symptoms and should be addressed on the first visit with a client. That client would

get digestive support along with anti-microbials to handle the infection. Other more complex

issues that involve heavy metal toxicity, pesticide exposure, chemical toxicity, etc...need to

wait to be addressed until their infection is better and their liver is supported.

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Detox is the area where clients can have more ups and downs as the toxins come out.

This is called a “Healing Crisis”. This happens when the toxins come out of the body and can

cause a temporary aggravation of their symptoms. The healing crisis can be intense if the cli-

ent is constipated and their elimination channels are blocked. A healing crisis should not be

too uncomfortable or severe. What may look like detox could also be the client getting sick or

reacting badly to a supplement. The way that you will know it’s a healing crisis, is that if the

client experiences a replay of some past symptom and it goes away rather quickly (hours or a

day or two) and they feel better than they did before. If they don’t get better, it’s not a heal-

ing crisis and they need to be evaluated to find out what the problem is.

Detoxification can last 4 weeks to a year, depending on how toxic the client is. The

average time is 2-3 months, depending on the type of detoxification it is. For a sauna cleanse,

14-20 days is good for most people. Really sick or toxic people can need twice or triple the

amount of detoxification in a sauna. It varies tremendously. As long as the client is improv-

ing, they should continue to detox. Once they hit a plateau and feel pretty good, then it is

best to stop and move them to the next step in the Healing Template. Detoxification using

homeopathics or other supplements typically lasts around 3-5 months.

Several things may need to be addressed during the Detox phase since there is usually

not just one cause of disease. For instance, kids might need to detoxify from both

vaccines and heavy metal toxicity. Most people have a high body burden that consists of

chemicals, heavy metals, drug exposure, food additives, etc….A client with Fibromyalgia might

need a detox from chemical exposure, but also be healed from mold or Lyme. All of the root

cause issues need to be addressed during the detox phase for the client to achieve the best

health possible.

The 4th Phase: Cellular Repair

The 4th Step in the Healing Template is Cellular Repair. This is the time to help repair

damage to the body that was done by toxins. Not every client needs this phase, but some

more compromised clients do to rebuild and supply the body with extra nutrition to repair their

body. For instance, someone who has completed a sauna cleanse might need to stay on a

number of supplements if they were severely deficient to build back up their body. They are

not quite ready to go to a maintenance protocol yet. Their liver might still be weak and need

support, or they may need to continue to take larger doses of some nutrients to replenish their

body’s reserves. Some clients may want to stop taking lots of supplements too soon, but if

they do, then they crash and wonder why. Their body needs more support before it can func-

tion normally again.

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The 5th Phase: Healthy Maintenance

The 5th and final Step in the Healing Template is Healthy Maintenance. This is the

goal that you want every client to get to– the finish line! They have worked through their

main issues and are now able to cut down to some simple basic supplements to support their

body, such as a Multi, a probiotic, some digestive enzymes, etc… At this point, they should

only be taking a few supplements. Their body is now functioning like it should. Some clients

in Level 4 may never get to this point– they might need lots of repair supplements because

their health was so compromised.

Most clients will naturally want to cut back to a reasonable amount of supplements or

no supplements if they are eating a very good, organic diet. That is where you want them to

be. Their organs of elimination should be functioning well on their own now and their body

should be stable. This doesn’t mean they will never have to detox again. Because we are

continually exposed to toxins, detox is now a part of life. But it can be done once or twice a

year or seasonally once the client has reached the maintenance point, or as needed. Once the

client knows what it feels like to be in better health, they are more aware of their body and

will know when they need to detox.

During all of the steps in the Healing Template, it is important not to overwhelm the

client with too many supplements. Keeping the number of supplements to 3-5 is ideal. Occa-

sionally, you will need to give a client more than that, but be sure they are ok with it or are

used to taking many supplements. As you move them through the healing process, you will

simply trade out different supplements for others as they get better.

While you walk them through this Healing Template, the client is gradually changing

their diet and handling any other stressors in their life, such as emotional stress or work-

related stress. You are guiding them through that process by using the educational video se-

ries and by setting up appointments with a Health Coach for emotional work. By the time they

are in the detox phase, they should be eating well and implementing juicing and other nutrient

dense foods into their diet.

Clients with chronic health problems that have lasted for decades will take several

months to get on the right track with their health. Most people need that length of time to be

able to successfully implement all the dietary changes and lifestyle changes that they need.

Having regular appointments with you as you walk them through the Healing Template pro-

vides accountability and support during this process.

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Lets look at a few cases studies to see how it all works together. Case Study #1: Teenager with Asthma, Heartburn, and Insomnia This is the case that I showed in the graph earlier and I will walk you through

how I applied the healing template to her protocol as well as discovered her root


A teenage client came in with her parents, who had spent thousands of dollars

with doctors trying to get help for their daughter who was suffering from asthma,

breathing problems, heartburn, insomnia, nausea for several years. With such an un-

usual cluster of unrelated symptoms, I knew I would have to dig a little bit to uncover

the root cause.

Her symptoms were triggered by any exposure to perfumes or fragrances. This

gave me an indication that it was probably caused by chemical exposure.

Knowing that the doctors had ruled out the typical stuff, I began asking some

questions. No one else in the family had ever had asthma, so I suspected environ-

mental causes. I started by asking when the asthma symptoms first began. I learned

that they started when the family moved to Georgia, when the girl was only 5-6 years

old. I asked more questions to find out that they moved into a brand new mobile

home at this time.

The Electro dermal screening testing showed the causes to be chemicals and

pesticides. Knowing that new mobile homes emit a tremendous amount of formalde-

hyde, I looked this chemical up in my database and tested it on her. It balanced her,

which meant that this was certainly part of the root cause, if not all of it.

I tested her for food allergies and discovered that the heartburn was probably

due to wheat allergy. Then I tested for the best supplements that would bring her

body back to health. She tested well for Pneuma-Chord (a homeopathic lung detoxi-

fier), Catalyst-U ( a digestive enzyme for heartburn), Calcium/Mag supplement, B-

complex, and Theanine (for nervousness and insomnia), and some anti-



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So, looking at her symptoms from a systems point of view, the formaldehyde

damaged her bronchial/lung area, leading to the breathing symptoms– asthma and

shortness of breath. Her GI tract was weakened by food allergies, which caused the

heartburn, poor digestion, and affected her behavior. The liver was overburdened by

toxins, which caused nausea, low appetite, and as time goes on, allergies and insom-


Formaldehyde exposure from new mobile home




GI Tract Liver

Nervous/ Anti-social



Heartburn Nausea

Breathing Problems

Poor Diges-tion

Low Appetitie




Remove this

and most other

symptoms will go


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Because she was not constipated, the only thing I did for Step 1 was to cut out

gluten, add a multivitamin, and digestive enzymes for the heartburn. At the same

visit, I moved her into detox, since she was so young and her liver was still strong. I

put her on Liver-Tone to support the liver for detox, and added Pneuma-Chord and

Drainage-Tone for detox. I imprinted these with a multi-chord of formaldehyde so

that it would get that out of her body. I also added Theanine for the insomnia and Vi-

tamin C with Quercitin as an anti-inflammatory. She stayed on this protocol for sev-

eral months as her symptoms improved bit by bit until she was well.

Digestion/ Elimination

No gluten Catalyst-U


Liver/Kidney Support


Detox/ Root Cause

Pnuema-Chord Drainage-Tone

Cellular Repair

Repair damage from toxins

Healthy Maintenance

On-going Nutritional Support

Case Study #1:




3 4


**Note: Her protocol is listed in

red in the chart above.

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Lets look at a few cases studies to see how it all works together.

Case Study #2: Young Adult with Severe Food Allergies

Sometimes the body can be so overwhelmed by a combination of various toxins

that the liver is unable to do it’s job properly and the body starts reacting. That was

the case for my client, Elizabeth, a 24 year old school teacher. She was having severe

reactions to chocolate and caffeine. She couldn’t be around caffeine or touch foods

with chocolate or she would break out in skin rashes, her throat would get tight and

tingly, and she would get dizzy. Even tea that touched her skin would cause a rash.

She also had menstrual cycle problems, acne, bloating, anxiety, constipation, and sinus


Her electrodermal screening test showed issues with her stomach, liver and

gallbladder, and endocrine system. I found that she needed hydrochloric acid to di-

gest her food better and some serious liver support. It showed chemical toxins, but

no specific one was isolated.

Because she was not having bowel movements everyday, that was priority. I

addressed this by having her eat more fresh fruit and salads regularly. I recom-

mended she avoid dairy products, fried foods, and the foods she was allergic to–

chocolate and caffeine.

Needing to get her digestive system working optimally, I put her on Betaine

HCL for her low stomach acid problem and a good probiotic.


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So, looking at her symptoms from a systems point of view, you can see that the

reactions she was having to caffeine and chocolate were just her body’s way of coping

with poor digestion and a congested liver, caused by poor digestion, poor diet, and

exposure to toxins.

Unknown chemical toxins




GI Tract Liver

Food Allergies

Body under Stress


Constipation PMS

Anxiety Low Hcl Acne

Poor Digestion


Food Reactions

Remove this

and most other

symptoms will go


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Because she was young, I put her on step 1-3 on the first visit. I chose the

Acetyl-Glutathione for her so that she can start to detox her body from all chemical

exposures. I also added a calcium/magnesium supplement and kept her on this proto-

col for several months since she continued to improve each time she came in.

In 4 months, she could now touch chocolate without reacting, the acne was

gone, she had lost 16 pounds, sinus congestion was gone, and was feeling good over-

all for the first time in her life.

Digestion/ Elimination

No dairy Probiotic

Betaine Hcl

Liver/Kidney Support

Adrenal support PhosChol

Detox/ Root Cause


Cellular Repair

Healthy Maintenance

Case Study #2:

Food Allergy



3 4


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Lets look at a few cases studies to see how it all works together.

Case Study #3: Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, and Insomnia

A 42 year old woman came in who was suffering from severe pain from fi-

bromyalgia (an 8 on a scale of 10), depression, headaches, insomnia, and fatigue.

She was only getting 3-5 hours of sleep a night, and was pretty quiet and withdrawn

in the office.

On her intake form, she indicated that all her symptoms started in 1999. I

started asking her what was going on in her life then and I discovered she was in the

military (Navy), and was overseas for 10 years as a cook. This told me that toxic

chemicals and vaccine toxins were pretty prevalent in her body.

She noted on the form that her main symptoms started after she hurt her knee

and had to have surgery on it. She was never the same after that. This was probably

the straw that broke the camels back and started the symptoms progression due to

the stress of the surgery.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that responds very well to detoxification, so I knew

that was where I needed to go with her. But her chronic long-term exposures had

weakened her liver and I needed to build up her body first, before we did any detox.

Her diet also needed some serious improvement and I recommended avoiding

wheat, sugar, dairy, and processed foods. I told her to increase her fresh fruits and

vegetables so she was eating an abundance of raw foods.


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So, looking at her symptoms from a systems point of view, her body was al-

ready toxic and the surgery was just the catalyst for everything to go wrong. Poor diet

and constipation caused her GI tract to be unhealthy, and the toxins built up and

started causing joint and muscle pain (fibromyalgia), low energy, depression and in-


Military toxins, vaccine toxins, Stress




GI Tract Liver




Poor Diet Insomnia

Depressed Inflamma-tion

Pain in Body areas

Constipation Low energy

Poor memory

Remove this

and most other

symptoms will go


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The first month, she only did the Step 1 and 2 to support digestion and liver.

Then the next month, I added the Acetyl-Glutathione into her program and extra cal-

cium/mag/vit D. Everything else stayed the same. She was using Lavender essential

oil to help her sleep, which was slowly improving.

At her 3rd visit, I hardly recognized her– she had a lot more energy, she was

talkative and upbeat, was sleeping normally now, her depression was gone and her

overall pain level was down to a 3 from being at an 8!

Digestion/ Elimination

More raw foods Probiotic


Liver/Kidney Support

Adrenal support Pure Body Clear

Detox/ Root Cause


Cellular Repair

Healthy Maintenance

Case Study #3:




3 4


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You look at Systems first, then the Root Cause, as indicated on the electro der-

mal screening device. You look for patterns by taking the information on their intake

form, the comprehensive scan, and how their systems are working, combining that in-

formation to determine the way to help them heal. The comprehensive scan will give

you the overall root cause factors that could be breaking down their health, then you

look at their systems (Digestion: Are they constipated, is their body absorbing nutri-

ents well, etc...) and get their digestion working well before you detox the body. Sup-

porting hormones/adrenals at this stage will also help them feel better and help get

them out of fight/flight, sympathetic nervous system dominance, which will help their

body heal faster.

The electro dermal screening will help give you data on what is causing the

overall problems in the client. It is also great at giving you more specific details on

specific areas of the body. For example, if there are many digestive symptoms hap-

pening with that client, you should do a scan on their stomach, large and small intes-

tine to gather more data. If their adrenals or thyroid are stressed, do a specific scan

on that area. Sometimes, you will see more of what is impacting that area of the body

and it makes it all come together.

Whatever is showing up in that specific scan, as an x or V potency, will be af-

fecting that area of the body the most. Any of the root causes can affect any area of

the body. You need to imprint these specific things affecting this specific area of the

body into the comprehensive imprint so that it will address ALL of it.

*Any infection, anywhere in the body, takes priority over the normal proto-

cols. You would deal with digestion/elimination as well as the infection, whether it is

the flu, H.Pylori, a parasite, mold/fungal, or an ameoba. You simply have to wait to

detox until the infection is under control.

So, after analyzing all the information, you create a wellness protocol that will

walk them through a process- Digestion, Hormones, and Detox/Liver.

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Remember the children’s song “the shin bone’s connected to the knee bone”? Well,

what if I told you your wisdom teeth have an energetic connection to your heart?

Thousands of years ago, the Chinese discovered that the human body was flowing with

an energy they called Qi (pronounced “chi”). They also found ways to measure Qi and mapped

out the network of pathways on which it flowed. These pathways are called meridians.

The flow of Qi is essential to good health. In a healthy body, it flows smoothly. If that

flow is disturbed, disease may result. You can think of it like breathing, where air flows in and

out smoothly when you’re healthy, but if that flow is disturbed, disease or death may follow.

The meridians connect particular organs together to create balance. The meridians like-

wise connect each tooth to specific organs. Though the energy flowing along these meridians

through the body is invisible, it is not imaginary. (Think of the invisible electricity measured in

heart and brain tissue by EKGs and EEGs!) A disruption to the flow of this energy is a bit like

blowing a circuit breaker. A lamp in the bedroom goes out, along with the washer in the laun-

dry room and dishwasher in the kitchen. Everything on that circuit goes out, while appliances

on other circuits go right on functioning.

And how do you fix it? You correct the flow of electricity on the affected circuit.

Reinhold Voll was a German physician who, in the mid-20th century, found a new way

to measure the flow of energy on the meridians. Dr. Reinholdt Voll developed EAV in 1953. Dr.

Voll was trained not oniy as a medical doctor, but in classical Chinese acupuncture, as well as

electronics. After developing an instrument named the Dermatron, to measure the electrical

characteristics of acupuncture meridians, Dr. Voll established how the electrical characteristics

of an acupuncture meridian measurement point, remote from the associated organ, can reflect

the pathology of the organ to which those points refer. Another premise which EAV proved,

was that a seemingly insignificant process in the body is capable of producing a disturbance in

this meridian flow and creating effects distant from the site of the problem. Furthermore, Dr.

Voll found that the most common site of a problem is in the teeth and jaws ! Dr. Voll said that

in 80% of all chronic diseases, there is an origination in the mouth. For instance, if a client has

had their wisdom teeth removed, there may be a silent infection in that area that may be

causing heart symptoms since that tooth is on the heart meridian. Or that a gold crown

placed on the mandibular 6- or 12-year molars can elevate blood pressure in some people.

Pay attention to the teeth because they might be having a bigger role than you would think in

that person’s health.

Tooth/Body Connection

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Possible Disturbance Fields In The Mouth

1. Bio-Incompatible Dental Materials

In 1826, a revolutionary new dental restorative material called 'amalgam' was intro-

duced to the United States. The amalgam filling was developed in England and France and

contained silver, tin, copper, zinc and mercury in various percentages...with mercury being the

highest percentage at over 50%. The amalgam fillings were not openly embraced by organ-

ized dentistry in America, and in 1840, members of the American Society of Dental Surgeons

were required to sign pledges not to use mercury fillings. In fact, several New York city den-

tists were suspended from this organization in 1848 for malpractice for using silver / mercury

fillings. In 1859, a new organization was formed as a result of the internal strife over the use

of mercury in dentistry - the American Dental Association, and their filling material of choice,

as it still is today, is the mercury (approx.50%), silver (approx.30%) amalgam filling. In spite

of numerous published scientific studies over the years demonstrating the ill effects of mercury

fillings in the mouth, plus knowing that the FDA has never approved the amalgam mixture as a

safe dental device, mercury / silver / amalgam fillings are still the primary dental restoration

used by dentists in the U.S. (approx.100 million mercury fillings are placed yearly ).

So ignoring science, and just using common sense, here are some basic concerns:

1. Mercury before it is placed into the mouth is a hazrdous toxin in the environment.

2. The scrap amalgam which is removed from the mouth cannot be thrown away in the trash,

or the dentist is subject to a $10,000 fine by the Environmental Protection Agency! Instead,

the scrap is considered a toxic waste and must be removed by a hazardous waste company.

3. Therefore, why are we placing this substance in the patient's mouth? Is the safest place to

store mercury in the patient's mouth ?

However, there are many other issues in dentistry regarding the biocompatability of

the dental materials placed in the mouth. The main issue being that there is no biocompatabil-

ity testing required to bring a dental material to the marketplace. Besides, the mercury filling

issue, there are also issues regarding: the constituents of the resins in composites (white,

tooth colored filiings); the use of non precious / nickel metal crowns and root canal posts;

stainless steel ( nickel ) appliances; denture resin materials; and the composition of implants,

etc. The immune system has to "deal with" any foreign / non-self substance placed in the

body. The quest then is to pick substances which are the least immune challenging, and also,

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to minimize the number of immune challenges (ex...when replaced, having all of your filling

materials, bonding agents, crown materials, and cements, etc., be of the same substance /

brand. ). It would be ideal if you and your dentist would have your own personal "dental

menu" of dental materials to use, when dentistry is required. Holistic dentists offer blood test-

ing to check for adverse reactions to dental materials.

Tooth Decay

In order for dental decay to happen, three things are necessary: 1) germs, 2) germ

food, and 3) teeth. The key to preventing the decay process is not to allow these three items

to be present at the same time. The mouth is the dirtiest place in your body, and even though

you might be a fanatic flosser, there will still be germs. Mechanical removal of germs is not the

entire answer to decay, and loosing the teeth is what we are trying to avoid. Therefore, the

real the issue, the one where you can have the highest degree of control, is your nutrition.

Germs do have a preference of meals....refined sugars (sucrose), and since germs can't order

out, they eat what we give them to eat. So it would seem pretty simple to just not eat refined

sugars, right? Well, it is estimated that the average American eats 150 lbs. of refined sugar

per year.

It's still not that simple. Decay is also a systemic disease, and nutrition plays a huge

role. Weston Price discovered that primitive cultures who didn’t have access to dental care did

not have tooth decay while eating their natural diet. He found high amounts of minerals were

the key and what he called, Activator X, which is Vitamin K2. Cultures that were introduced to

sugar rapidly developed decay. In addition, the ph of the body has major effects effects on

the calcium / phosporous ratios and proper calcium metabolism. The end result is still the

same....deterioration of the mouth and another systemic interference field for the associated

energy meridian pathways.

Periodontal / Gum disease

This pathologic condition is characterized by symptoms ranging from swelling and

bleeding of the gum tissue, receding gums, bone loss, and loose teeth. This disease process is

present in approximately 85% of the population. Any degenerative condition in the mouth is a

potential energetic disruption of the associated energy meridians.


Oral galvanism is a condition created when two different metals are placed in saliva. An

electric current called a galvanic current is generated by the transport of metal ions from the

dissimilar metal fillings into the saliva, which serves as the electrolyte. This same electrical

generation process is what produces electricity in your car battery. Many people have a con-


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metallic taste, which is not viewed as a serious problem, but only as "an irrelevant phe-

nomenon". However, clinically, high current and elecromagnetic fields in the mouth can have a

negative impact on the energy meridians flowing through the mouth, and be a factor in the

lack of energetic nourishment of distant areas of the body.

Electrical currents in the mouth and their potential health effects were first reported in

the scientific literature more than 100 years ago. In addition, numerous articles have appeared

more than 75 years ago in both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the

American Dental Association about the systemic effects of these galvanic currents in the

mouth. In fact, even dental textbooks on dental materials advised not to place mercury and

gold so they are touching. In spite of these previous directives, a very high percentage (at

least 80 ) of all gold crowns have a mercury filling underneath! However, the subject of elec-

trogalvanism is not just about about mercury. It's about a subject that architects, pipe fitters,

metal workers, welders, etc.....but not dentists, are very familiar with... dissimilar metals. We

do not know nearly enough about these electrical fields and their effects on our biologic sys-

tems, as little research is being done in this area. Various galvanic measurement meters are

available for your dentist to measure oral electrical activity in the mouth.

Traumatic occlusion / bite problems

If a tooth touches it's opposing tooth minutely quicker than the adjacent teeth, that

tooth will receive more pressure than it's neighbors. This increased pressure every time we

close our mouths ( every 30 seconds or so when we swallow ) is what creates a traumatic

situation for that tooth. Such repeated unbalanced pressure can result in tooth sensitivity,

death of the tooth, muscle spasms, periodontal disease, or TMJ ( jaw joint ) pain. Beyond

these primary concerns, is the energetic concern of the tooth being an energetic focus on it's

associated acupuncture meridian, and the distant effects on it's energy meridian partners.

Residual jaw infections / cavitations

When a tooth has been extracted, and the bone has not healed properly, these areas

serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and their toxins. The reasons for this incomplete heal-

ing of the bone are many: chronically infected bone; poor circulation; poor nutrition; clotting

disorders / "dry socket"; use of steroids; to poor surgical technique. When the infection is

sealed inside the area, this anaerobic infection will create very toxic effects that will be re-

leased into the body from the infection site. Surgery is one option to handle cavitations or

light therapy is another option using the Photon Lumen light pad to heal the infection in the

bone. Some dentists are now experimenting with ozone injections, but it has not be validated

as a long-term way to heal cavitations. Watch for cavitations on the Asyra scans.

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The Problems with Root Canals

More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in this country.

Root-canaled teeth are essentially "dead" teeth that can become silent incubators

for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that can, under certain conditions, make their way into

your bloodstream to cause a number of serious medical conditions—many not appearing

until decades later.

Most of these toxic teeth feel and look fine for many years, which make their role

in systemic disease even harder to trace back.

Sadly, the vast majority of dentists are oblivious to the serious potential health

risks they are exposing their patients to, risks that persist for the rest of their patients'

lives. The American Dental Association claims root canals have been proven safe, but

they have NO published data or actual research to substantiate this claim.

Were it not for a brilliant pioneering dentist who, more than a century ago, made

the connection between root-canaled teeth and disease, this underlying cause of disease

may have remained hidden to this day. The dentist's name was Weston Price—regarded

by many as the greatest dentist of all time.

Weston A. Price: World's Greatest Dentist

Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth,

bones, and diets of native populations living without the "benefit" of modern food. Around the

year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that

root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recom

mended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted,

even though it appeared to be fine.

She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit.

The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the

infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered

from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane.

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Price discovered that it's mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled)


He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled

teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 differ-

ent causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations

between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price

went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link be-

tween dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried

for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance

of Price's work and sought to expose the truth.

Dr. Meinig Advances the Work of Dr. Price

Dr. Meinig, a native of Chicago, was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II before

moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for the stars. He eventually became one of the

founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists).

In the 1990s, he spent 18 months immersed in Dr. Price's research. In June of 1993, Dr.

Meinig published the book Root Canal Cover-Up, which continues to be the most comprehen

sive reference on this topic today.

What Dentists Don't Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth

Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body. In the middle of each tooth is

the pulp chamber, a soft living inner structure that houses blood vessels and nerves. Sur-

rounding the pulp chamber is the dentin, which is made of living cells that secrete a hard

mineral substance. The outermost and hardest layer of your tooth is the white enamel,

which encases the dentin.

The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone and are held in place by the periodontal

ligament. In dental school, dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major ca-

nals. However, there are accessory canals that are never mentioned. Literally miles of


Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch down into very small capillaries, each of

your teeth has a maze of very tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for three miles.

Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (front


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Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in under-

ground tunnels.

When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow

chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood sup-

ply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains.

And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are re-

markably safe from antibiotics and your own body's immune defenses.

The Root Cause of Much Disease

Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these formerly friendly organisms

morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobes that produce a variety of potent toxins. What

were once ordinary, friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking in the

tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.

No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reaching these tubules—and just about

every single root-canaled tooth has been found colonized by these bacteria, especially around

the apex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infection extends down into the

jawbone where it creates cavitations—areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.

Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied by pockets of infected tissue and

gangrene. Sometimes they form after a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction),

but they can also follow a root canal. According to Weston Price Foundation, in the records of

5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings, only two were found healed.

And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms. So you may have an

abscessed dead tooth and not know it. This focal infection in the immediate area of the root-

canaled tooth is bad enough, but the damage doesn't stop there.

As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the in-

fected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by

something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to

keep the infection in check.

These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood

stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can

be any organ or gland or tissue.

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location can be any organ or gland or tissue. Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored

by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He

found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when im-

planted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks. He discov-

ered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases

were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative

disease has been linked with root canals, including: Heart disease, Kidney disease, Arthritis,

joint, and rheumatic diseases

There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of the relationship be-

tween root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals

and breast cancer. He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of

300 breast cancer cases:

93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals

7 percent had other oral pathology

Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal

(s) or other oral pathology

Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to in-

hibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar find-

ings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating "terminal" cancer patients, 97

percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for

cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system.

Risking your health to preserve a tooth simply doesn't make sense. Unfortunately, there are

many people who've already have one. If you have, you should seriously consider having the

tooth removed, even if it looks and feels fine. Remember, as soon as your immune system is

compromised, your risk of of developing a serious medical problem increases—and assaults on

your immune system are far too frequent in today's world.

If you have a tooth removed, there are a few options available to you.

1. Partial denture: This is a removable denture, often just called a "partial." It's the simplest and least

expensive option.

2. Bridge: This is a more permanent fixture resembling a real tooth but is a bit more involved and ex-

pensive to build.

3. Implant: This is a permanent artificial tooth, typically titanium, implanted in your gums and jaw.

There are some problems with these due to reactions to the metals used. Zirconium is a newer im-

plant material that shows promise for fewer complications.

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But just pulling the tooth and inserting some sort of artificial replacement isn't enough.

Dentists are taught to remove the tooth but leave your periodontal ligament. But as you now

know, this ligament can serve as a breeding ground for deadly bacteria. Most experts who've

studied this recommend removing the ligament, along with one millimeter of the bony socket,

in order to drastically reduce your risk of developing an infection from the bacterially infected

tissues left behind.

I strongly recommend consulting a biological dentist because they are uniquely trained to do

these extractions properly and safely, as well as being adept at removing mercury fillings, if

necessary. Their approach to dental care is far more holistic and considers the impact on your

entire body—not JUST your mouth.

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The Importance of Acid and Alkaline Balance for Health

Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporo-

sis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body.

While the body has a homeostatic mechanism that maintains a constant pH 7.4 in the blood,

this mechanism works by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from other

locations including the bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. Therefore, the pH of these

other tissues can fluctuate greatly. The pH of saliva offers a window through which you can

see the overall pH balance in your body.

Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated

with excess acidity. Acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones. Whatever health situation

you are faced with, you can monitor your progress toward a proper acid/alkaline balance by

testing your saliva pH.

What are Acid and Alkaline?

Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are

in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then

the water is said to be acid. If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is alkaline. The

pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the

previous. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid

than 6.5 and 1,000 times more acid than 7.5.

Acid and Alkaline Minerals and Foods

Minerals with a negative electrical charge are attracted to the H+ ion. These are called

acid minerals. Acid minerals include: chlorine (Cl-), sulfur (S-), phosphorus (P-), and they form

hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Minerals with a

positive electrical charge are attracted to the negatively charged OH- ion. These are called al-

kaline minerals. Nutritionally important alkaline minerals include calcium (Ca+), potassium (K+),

magnesium (Mg+), and sodium (Na+). Also important for cancer treatment and prevention

are the alkaline trace minerals rubidium and cesium.

To determine if a food is acid or alkaline, it is burned and the ash is mixed with water.

If the solution is acid or alkaline then the food is called acid or alkaline. Ash is the mineral con-

tent of the food. This method removes organic acids and bases. It seems surprising that a

lemon or grapefruit would be considered alkaline, but it is the effect of the food on the physi-

A Healthy pH

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TER it has been digested and metabolized that we are interested in. The residual effect of food

on the acid/alkaline balance in the body is determined by the mineral content of the food.

How to check the pH of the Body

Collect the 2nd elimination of urine in the morning. Dip a pH test strip in the urine and

observe the change in color of the test strip.

Match the color to the pH chart and record it.

To check saliva, collect the saliva in the morning before eating food

Dip a pH test strip into the saliva and observe the change in color of the strip.

Match the color to the supplied pH chart and record the number.

Normal pH of urine is 6.4

Normal pH of saliva is 6.4

Below 6.2 is too ACID

Above 6.8 is too ALKALINE

Diet for Acid pH:

Need to eliminate meat and other acidic foods and eat more alkaline foods

Add fresh lemon juice to water

Drink alkaline water rather than acidic water

Add Vitamin D or Cod liver oil to diet

Add Calcium and Magnesium if body is deficient

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We are now living in a very toxic time as we have already covered. Detoxification is

all the rage, and there are so many detox programs out there from juice fasts, to colonics,


While it is important to cleanse the colon, the kind of detoxification we are referring to

is full body detoxification, where chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, etc...are removed from

all the cells of the body. Juice fasting and other food programs will help to remove toxins out

of the body, they are not able to fully remove all toxins from fat cells.

Even clients may not understand detoxification and how it works, they just intuitively

know that they need it. And many of them want to jump right into detoxification. The prob-

lem with that is that they must already be eating a good, organic diet BEFORE detoxifying the

body because the body must have good nutrients to replace the toxins in the cells or it will

simply hang on to them. This is why so many cleanses make people feel really bad– either

they do not have enough good nutrition going in their body or their elimination channels are

not open and working optimally.

Two things cannot be in the same space in the body, and if there is a toxin in the cell,

the good nutrients cannot get in unless the toxin comes out. This is an important concept for

you to remember.


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The Tipping Point

The body detoxifies these chemicals in our liver. Our liver is like the filter of our body.

It takes whatever we are exposed to and uses an antioxidant called glutathione, to detoxify it.

For each chemical molecule we are exposed to, we use up one molecule of glutathione to de-

stroy it. It is the most important antioxidant we can have to maintain our health.

The problem is that when our body uses glutathione to detoxify a chemical molecule,

the glutathione used to detoxify it, is used up in the process. That means your body has to

make more, and more. Nowadays, the average person has to detoxify over 500 foreign

chemicals a day! We are in an accelerated state of detoxification. This means that the

particular nutrients that the body uses for detoxification are being used up at a faster rate.

Our liver is working much harder now to keep up with it. And many times it cannot

keep up. It’s just like when you have too much stuff to clean in your house and you can’t get

to it all….you put stuff in the closet, the attic, or the basement. You put stuff there so you can

get to it later when you are not so busy…Well, your liver does the same thing. There is so

much it has to detoxify, that it cannot get to it all, so it will have to store the toxins in our

body instead. It stores them in our fat cells, because they are fat-soluble. Fat that is both

beneath our skin and around our organs. The brain and nervous system are predominantly

made up of fatty acids, so the toxins can also be stored there, causing many effects from mo-

tor impairment to mental confusion. Chemicals that are stored in our fat cells damage our cel-

lular chemistry. When the body is under stress, they move from the fat into the bloodstream

and can be carried to any organ in the body. As the toxins start accumulating in our fat cells

and as they increase, the body begins to have symptoms. And eventually, when you are ex-

posed to more than your body can handle, there is a tipping point in which these toxins be-

gin to cause symptoms and therefore disease. (Barrel)

So, what happens when your body is low in glutathione or your liver cannot handle the

load? Let’s look at an example. If you wear your dry-cleaned clothes to work, your body will

use glutathione to detoxify the trichloroethylene you are exposed to, and your body may fall

behind on synthesizing enough glutathione for later on in the day. For example, you might be

the only person at work to get a headache from the new paint or carpeting. Because you are

low in glutathione, you are not able to detoxify the fumes as well as your co-workers. You will

not have enough to protect you from the everyday chemicals that damage the body and cause


Because these toxins are in such a high quantity now, they overwhelm our body’s abil-

ity to detoxify them and they slowly accumulate. How high the total body burden gets, deter-

mines how fast we go downhill with disease.

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Three things determine how your body responds to this onslaught

of toxins:

1. How many toxins you are exposed to

2. How protective your diet is in antioxidants and other nutrients

3. How well your detoxification system (Your liver) works

What can you do?

As practitioners, you can easily overwhelm your client with thinking about how many

chemicals they are exposed to every day. Give them just a few things to start with, such as

switching to natural pest control or using natural skincare products.

How to detoxify the body

Juice fasting, colon cleansing, chelation therapy, raw food diets, the Master Cleanse,

Epsom salt baths, fasting, footbaths, etc…. There is a lot of different ways to detox, so it’s no

wonder people are confused! What’s really the best way to detox the body? The truth is that

some cleanses work and other don’t. Some are hard on the body and others are gentle, yet

effective. Let’s look at a few of them.

Some cleanses are only focused on certain areas of the body. For example, colon

cleanses are single organ cleanses and are great if you have had chronic constipation, but they

will not address toxins in your fatty tissues. In the same way, a liver flush will only cleanse

the liver. These cleanses have their place, but as you will see soon, they are meant to be a

part of a bigger detoxification of the entire body.

Unfortunately, water fasting and cleanses that involve maple syrup, lemon juice and

cayenne pepper do not provide enough nutrients to give the body the support it needs to de-

tox, and can actually cause more harm than good. Raw foods and juice fasts are better be-

cause they provide more nutrients to support the body, while allowing the body to start to re-

lease toxins. They improve the digestive system and immune system and while they certainly

detoxify the body to a certain extent, they are not as good at pulling chemical toxins in our fat

cells out of the body.

Ionic footbaths are a new fad in alternative health and only offer a limited detox, if

any, to the body. I’ve yet to see published research that supports the claims that are made

by the manufacturers of these units. I personally have tried them and have not seen lasting

benefits from these footbaths and do not recommend them to my clients.

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In order to detoxify the body successfully, the first thing you need to do is make sure

the body is able to move the toxins out effectively. It makes no sense to do a cleanse if the

toxins can’t get out! This is a serious mistake you cannot afford to make.

Why is this important? Imagine what would happen if you decided not to take the

garbage out of your house. Your house would fill up with garbage, things would start to pu-

trefy, and your house would become an unhealthy place to live!

If your large intestine is clogged with waste you are not eliminating, it is just like you

not taking the garbage out of your house: Your house/body will become unhealthy and you

will reabsorb toxins that were meant to be eliminated. There is no possible way you can

achieve good health if this first thing is not addressed. Every successful natural healer focused

on this area of the body before anything else! They knew if the bowel was not healthy, the

body COULDN’T be healthy. Nothing in your body can heal or rebuild you are reabsorbing

toxic waste through the colon.

Most people don’t really like talking about this subject, so you may not know what

good bowel habits are. You are supposed to have a bowel movement 2-3 x a day. If you

watch animals, that is what they do. And babies have their diapers changed after every meal.

But somewhere along the way, we got busy with other things that were more important and

didn’t recognize that good elimination is THE most important thing in maintaining our health.

When we eat processed foods that are hard for the body to break down, they stay in

the digestive tract for a long time. What happens over a lifetime of eating processed, hard-to-

digest foods? Because they take so long to be digested, a major backlog develops, turning a

healthy digestive tract into an unhealthy system where bad bacteria can thrive and all of your

eliminative channels slow down. This leads straight to chronic constipation.

We put so much effort into cleaning the outside of our bodies, but what about the in-

side? Our skin will never be healthy, our liver will never be healthy, our bloodstream will never

be clean until the large intestine is clean. Every cell in your body becomes as toxic as the con-

dition of the intestines.

A toxic, under-functioning bowel can also cause weight gain around your abdomen,

which is right where the colon is. People have lost POUNDS of weight with just cleaning out

their bowel with colonics!! One client had an area in her abdomen that she thought was just

fat, but when she got up from the colonic table one day, it was gone! Her stomach was flat in

that area! She sure was happy about that!

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Because digestion and elimination are so critical to many systems of the body, getting

that area working properly FIRST can affect other areas of the body that seem unrelated. For

example, a client with joint pain might find that their joint pain improves when you support

their digestion and elimination, without even working on their joints directly.

So the first step detox program is Healthy Elimination

Bowel movements are a great way to check how well the body’s flow system is work-

ing. You can get a good indicator of overall health from looking how well this area of the body

is working. It is the first thing I want to know when working with a new client. How often are

your bowel movements? Fun topic, I know, but the problem is that most people do not realize

what a healthy bowel movement actually is. If you were to ask people, most of them say that

they have “normal” bowel movements. But in this day and age, normal can mean once a

week! I guess it’s normal for them! But that is not at all what it should be if they want to be


All the great natural healers of the past had one thing in common. They all believed

that the cause of most disease was a toxic bowel, constipation, or bad elimination. They all

believed that by our retaining pounds of old, infected waste material in the colon, this material

would be reabsorbed into the body and affect nearby organs, make the blood toxic, and cause


Now, for the first time in history, conventional medical doctors are starting to agree.

You would think that our intestinal health is in better shape than ever before, but it's worse

than ever in American history. Processed foods and high stress levels have caused major

problems with our colon. Refined foods, like white flour, when mixed with water kind of act

like glue in the intestines and can gum up the works! Our sedentary lifestyles do not promote

healthy peristalsis action of the colon, and our high stress levels can shut down the entire sys-

tem! Stress causes you to get tense and your digestion actually slows down!

The incidence of diverticulosis, which are bowel pockets, has increased dramatically

over the last 40 years. The Merck Manual states that in 1950, only 10% of adults over the age

of 45 had this disease; in 1955, 15%; in 1972, 30%; and in 1987, almost half. The latest edi-

tion states that the incidence increases rapidly in people over age 40 and that every person

will have diverticulosis if they live long enough. Constipation is the new normal.

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In Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book, Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, he mentions a

study that was conducted while he was attending the National College of Chiropractic in Chi-

cago. Of 300 cadavers, 285 claimed to have normal bowel movements with no constipation.

In fact, some stated that they had 5-6 bowel movements each day. What was discovered dur-

ing the autopsies was that out of the 300 cadavers, 285 had constipation issues! Some of

them had colons that were so impacted, that the colon was 12 inches in diameter. This waste

matter, literally decomposing away in the large colon, begins to create a very unhealthy envi-

ronment where bad bacteria is produced, poisonous toxins accumulate and fermentation is


This toxic waste matter can adhere to the wall of the colon and builds up layer upon

layer over the years like plaque on an artery, narrowing the passageway for digested food.

Doctor Bernard Jensen in his book, Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management, reports that

autopsies performed confirm it is black and has a hard rubbery consistency. The role of the

small and large intestines is to absorb digested nutrients from our food. The nutrients are ab-

sorbed directly into the blood vessels which line the wall of the intestines and are then assimi-

lated it into our body's tissues. But if these layers of putrefying waste accumulate on the wall

of the bowel, it not only prevents the absorption of nutrients but the actual toxins produced

are absorbed directly into the blood.

What are some signs of healthy elimination?

There should be at least 2 bowel movements per day

There should be no straining, cramping, pain, or excessive gas

They should be somewhat soft and yet also hold together

The color should be brown

There should be very little odor

The transit time (the time it takes food to go from your mouth, be digested, and exit the

body) should be 12-24 hours. Most Americans have a transit time that is measured in days

or weeks! To test your transit time, eat lots of beets for one meal or take 6 capsules of

activated charcoal and note the time and date. When you see the color in their stool, you

will have your transit time.

For Colon Cleansing, there are two ways to do this: Colonics or oral supplements. Co-

lon Hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation, colonic, high colonic, or a high enema is a

safe and gentle internal colon cleanse. It cleans the bowel of waste and toxins through the

administration of purified water into the colon.

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Colonic Procedure: How is it done?

During the colonic, the client lays comfortably on a treatment table, with a towel

around the waist. Initially you will lie on your left side for the insertion of the small disposable

speculum. This is gently inserted into the rectum, through which warm, purified water is

passed into the colon. Shortly afterwards you will roll over onto your back for more comfort

during the remainder of the treatment. The colonic treatment takes approximately 45 minutes.

The water should be a non-pressurized system, which is very important. With some colon hy-

drotherapists, special abdominal massage techniques are used to facilitate the release of more

waste and colon reflexology points are also worked on the feet to support the cleanse. This

will make the cleanse even more effective because it is stimulating the colon to release more

waste from the colon, especially areas where there are bowel pockets or blockages.

The water washing the colon will gradually enable the removal of harmful toxins from

the entire colon. The therapist can determine what state your colon is in and determines if

there are bowel pockets, mucous or even parasites. You should also know that throughout the

colonics there is no odor, sound or mess.

Once the colonic is finished, you will visit the restroom and let the remaining water

come out of the colon.

So how often should you do colonics? One or two colonics are usually not enough for

most people who are constipated. A series of colonics for consecutive days, while you are

fasting is the best way to do it because they will build on each other, each day, as more is re-

leased from the colon. Most people will need between 4 and 8 or more colonics to get the

most health benefits.

It is important to take capsules of activated charcoal or bentonite clay on the days that

you do the colonics to absorb any toxins that might get recirculated. These are called toxin

binders and will bind with any toxins so you dont’ just move them around in your body. You

will also use them later when you do the sauna protocol.

After the colonics are finished, be sure to load up on a really strong probiotic to replen-

ish all the good bacteria that have been washed out of the colon. If you don’t do this, you can

have a lot of gas and digestive problems, so be sure to do this! You can take 4-5 capsules for

a few days to rebuild the good bacteria that were washed out.

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How to Detox the Colon

Choose the one best suited to the clients needs:

A gentle nudge: Use Colon Clear by Energetix, take 1-2 at dinner

Gotta get things moving: OxyPowder, start with 4 at bedtime

Roto-Rooter: Colonics, start with a series of colonics

Supporting the Liver is also very important!!

Why is this important? Your liver is working OVERTIME to help your body detoxify itself!

Any support you give it will be much appreciated! Keeping your liver happy will help keep the

rest of your body happy!

How to Support the Liver

Take one of these:

Pure Body Clear by Energetix, take 3 twice a day

Phosphatidyl Choline, such as PPC by Nutrisal

Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) or Dandelion Root

Liver-Tone by Energetix

Avoid these things that harm the liver:

Pharmaceutical drugs

Recreational drugs


Fried Foods

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Aspartame and other food additives


Heavy Metals

Strong negative emotions

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How To Get Toxins out of Fat Cells

Now that your body is able to eliminate toxins from your colon, and your liver is sup-

ported, the next step is to get those toxins out of your fat cells!

There are two ways you can do that:


Far-Infrared Sauna

Because not everyone has access to or can use a sauna, there are certain supplements

that can remove toxins from the body simply and easily. This is a good option for anyone who

cannot handle the heat of a sauna.

Using Supplements

The two supplements that I have seen work well for this are:

Acetyl-Glutathione by Allergy Research Group


I’ve given you two options to use and you can test the client to see which one is best.

Acetyl-Glutathione is a unique form of glutathione that gets into your cells better than other

forms of glutathione and will help detoxify the body. I’ve seen dramatic results with this form

of glutathione!

Natural Cellular Defense is a natural mineral (zeolite) that binds with toxins in your

body and helps eliminate them. This supplement is safe for babies and children and even

pregnant women to take. Just start out with a lower dosage for children (1-3 drops).

Taken for several months, these will help lower your body burden and restore health.

Homeopathic nosode detoxifiers (such as Energetix –Chord remedies) work best for

non-chemical removal of things from the body such as vaccine toxins, bacterial detox, etc…

They do not work as well for pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental chemicals.

We now have hundreds of chemical compounds in the body, so a more broad spectrum detox

is best for that such as sauna or glutathione.

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Using a Far-Infrared Sauna

My favorite way to detoxify the entire body of fat-soluble toxins is with a far-infrared

sauna. This type of sauna operates at a lower temperature than most other saunas, so it is

more comfortable and easier on the body. It has been proven to remove more of the fat-

soluble toxins from the body than other types of saunas.

Because it utilizes the skin as an organ to eliminate the toxins, it is a gentle way to de-

toxify the body because it takes the stress off of the liver and kidneys, which are already over-

worked when someone is toxic.

A sauna is an incredible tool for health and has been used in many cultures around the

world for maintaining health. Using a sauna regularly will enable your body to stay well amidst

a toxic environment. Find a sauna in your area to use regularly, or invest in your own sauna

that you and your family can use for years to come.

There are many different brands of saunas, and you need to make sure you are not

using a sauna made from toxic materials. Far-infrared saunas are better than other types of

heating emitters and enable the body to release more fat soluble toxins.

Because you sweat out the toxins along with the good minerals in your body, it is im-

portant to replace the minerals that are lost in sweat. A good multivitamin and trace mineral

supplement is mandatory if you are using a sauna 1-3 times a week.

Be sure to have:

Multivitamin/mineral: Food-based is best. We like Life Essence Multi by Pure Essence

Labs or doTERRA’s MicroPlex VM2.

Trace Minerals: If your multi doesn’t have enough trace minerals, taking an extra sup-

plement may be necessary. We love Liquid Light by Sun Warrior.

Electrolytes: Sodium and Potassium are the first 2 minerals lost in sweat. If you don’t

replace them, you will get symptoms of a deficiency. Electromix with a pinch of sea salt

works well.

Toxin Binders: While the toxins are being released, the last thing you want is to reab-

sorb them! Taking chlorella or other green foods will help bind with toxins and enable

them to be eliminated rather than reabsorbed.

Antioxidants: Acetyl– Glutathione, Vitamin C, or Alpha Lipoic Acid are great for support-

ing the body during a sauna detox.

Fresh Vegetable Juices: Drinking freshly made organic vegetable juice while in a sauna

is a powerful way to enhance the detox while in a sauna. Make it right before getting in

the sauna and you will infuse your cells with extra nutrition while your cells dump the tox-


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Cautions: Before starting to cleanse in a sauna, you must have had 6 or more hours of sleep the night

before. You must be eating well, a minimum of 3 healthy meals per day, not skipping meals. The

sauna must be in a clean, toxin-free, mold-free environment.

People with these conditions should NOT use a sauna: pregnancy, heart disease, high blood pressure,

lymphoma, lupus, organ or bone marrow transplant recipients, anyone with a fever or an infection, peo-

ple with a history of heavy recreational drug use, or people with a heat intolerance.

Journal: You must be sure to document all physical and mental symptoms on

your form every day you use a sauna. See page 28 for your sauna journal.

Turn on sauna to preheat. Start out a lower temperature, then after a few times of us-

ing it, you can slowly increase as you increase in tolerance.

Make 16-20 ounces of green vegetable juice or have it already made up and waiting

in the refrigerator. Have extra filtered water on hand.

Do light exercise if possible. This will help to mobilize toxins from the fat cells.

Get into the sauna with your juice and/or water in hand so you can drink it. And take

your multi-vitamin and trace minerals now.

Stay in sauna for about 25-30 minutes. ** If you get too hot, lightheaded, faint,

weakness, muscle cramps, or your heart starts beating hard, get out of the sauna and turn

down the temperature of the sauna. Drink water and take some electrolytes. If you get

nauseous, take some cell salts. Lie down until this passes. Don’t get back in the sauna

until the next day or until approved to continue using the sauna by a practitioner. **

Take a 10-15 minute break. Notice how you feel.

Get back into the sauna for another 25-30 minutes. You should be drink-

ing at least 20 ounces of water or vegetable juice each time you are in the

sauna. Keep sipping even if you are not thirsty.

Get out of the sauna, cool off, and take your electrolytes: sea salt and po-

tassium tablets- 2 of each or more if you sweat a lot. Or 1 packet of ElectroMix

and sea salt in a glass of water. Be sure to take extra calcium and magne-

sium if you sauna 2 times a week or more.

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Cool down a bit and then take a cool shower before doing anything else. Even though

you cannot see it, there are toxins in your sweat that should be washed off of your skin so

that they are not reabsorbed.

Take your Chlorella or other green powders with a meal each day that you sauna and

also any other supplements from page 25.

Write down any symptoms or feelings you noticed and if you feel better, the same, or

worse after you used the sauna today. Use the form on the next page for documenting

your sauna experiences.

Sauna Maintainence

Using a wet washcloth, wipe the interior of the sauna regularly to maintain cleanliness and

remove any residue of toxins between each client.

Be sure to cover all surfaces of the sauna with clean towels that are laundered with only

natural, fragrance free detergents after each use of the sauna. Pillows can be placed un-

derneath the towels for a comfortable cushion to sit on.

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Sauna Administrator Protocol

This is the exact way you walk a client through a sauna detox from beginning to end.

Prep for client:

The interior of the sauna should be clean. If there are any odors lingering in the sauna,

open up the door for 30 minutes or use ozone to purify the air.

Turn on sauna to preheat (start at 128 degrees for most people).

Put clean towels over seat cushions, floor, and put the mat outside of the door.

Fill water container with clean, filtered water.

Have juice ready for client.

Put 4 wet washcloths in a bowl to have available for clean up.

——-Client arrives————

Greet them and have them place all personal items in the bathroom. Explain to them

what they will be experiencing today and see how they are feeling. Make sure they have had

adequate sleep the night before (no less than 6 hours). If they are not feeling well, be sure to

get a practitioner’s approval before they cleanse in the sauna.

Explain how the sauna works and tell them what to do if they feel worse in the sauna.

Here is an example of what to say:


“This is a far infrared sauna, which operates at a lower temperature than most other

types of saunas. We like this type because you will sweat out more of the fat soluble toxins.

You will have 2 30-minute sessions in the sauna with a 10 minute cool down break between

them. I will give you fresh vegetable juice to drink while you are in the first session, then you

can drink filtered water for the second session. After you finish, you will need to use our

shower to remove all the toxins and sweat so you dont’ reabsorb it.

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“I can adjust the temperature of the sauna so let me know if it’s too hot or not hot

enough. It takes most people 5-10 minutes to start to sweat. When you are in the sauna, if

you start to feel lightheaded, dizzy, weak, or uncomfortable in any way, please just get out of

the sauna and sit down on the bench. You don’t need permission, just get out.

“Keep drinking plenty of water during this entire time. You should be drinking one 16

ounce glass of liquid each time you are in the sauna. I will have you take electrolytes to re-

plenish the minerals you lose in sweat at the end of your session. Let me know if you have

any questions. Are you ready to get started?”


The client can wear a bathing suit or sports bra or just have a towel wrapped around

them while in the sauna.

Let them go to the bathroom and change into their suit.

Open the sauna door for them to get in and hand them their juice. Make sure they are

drinking 16 ounces of liquids minimum for each 30 minute session that they do.

Ask them if they prefer to have the lights on or off, music on or off, or if they prefer to

watch a video.

Let them know that you will be keeping track of the time they are in the sauna, but if

they need to come out before their time is up, that is perfectly fine.

Set your timer and be in the room with the client as much as possible to keep an eye

on them. Put a towel on the seating area where they will get out and cool down so that they

don’t get sweat on our cushions.

After they have been in the sauna for 30 minutes, invite them to come out for a 10

minute cool-down break. Give them extra water as needed and ask them how they are feel-

ing. Make a note of anything on their form.

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After 8-10 minutes, they can go back into the sauna for another session. Set the timer.

Once their 30 minutes is up, have them come out of the sauna to cool down before they


They need to take electrolytes– 2 sea salt tablets, 2 potassium tablets. If they are a really

heavy sweater, they may need more.

Once they have cooled off, they can shower off. Be sure to have them leave any dirty towels

in the sauna. The bathroom will have clean towels and washcloths.

———-Client is showering——————

Use the wet washcloths you already have on had to wipe the floor in the sauna room to re-

move any residual sweat from the client as well as the hallway to the bathroom. Be sure to

wipe your shoes from any residual toxins you may have picked up from walking around.

————Client comes out of bathroom————-

Ask the client how they are feeling: “Do you feel the same, better, or worse than before you

arrived today?” Notate this on their form. If they feel really bad or are having a reaction, tell

a practitioner!! Only let them leave if they feel good or ok.

Have them exit through detox entrance door.

————Clean up after client leaves ——————————

Use a wet washcloth or mop to wipe down all doorknobs that client touched, the bathroom

floor, sink handle, toilet lid, seat, and toilet handle, and anything else that might have gotten

sweat on it.

Put all dirty towels in the sauna, gather them up, and put into hamper or washer. Wash your

hands before touching anything else.

Wipe down inside floor and door knobs of sauna.

Wash hands after clean up is finished.

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Safety Issues

For Nausea:

Give client Cell Salts– about 10-15 of them and let them dissolve in their

mouth. Repeat if needed. Peppermint essential oil can also be used.

Heat Problems:

If the client is having a hard time breathing normally, they need to come

out of the sauna immediately and not get back into it for the rest of the day.

Heat cramps (caused by loss of salt from heavy sweating) can lead to heat

exhaustion (caused by dehydration), which can progress to heatstroke. Heat-

stroke, the most serious of the three, can cause shock, brain damage, organ fail-

ure, and even death.

The early symptoms of heat illness include:

Profuse sweating



Muscle cramps

Later symptoms of heat exhaustion include:


Dizziness and lightheadedness


Nausea and vomiting

Cool, moist skin

Dark urine

The symptoms of heatstroke include:

Fever (temperature above 104 °F)

Irrational behavior

Extreme confusion

Dry, hot, and red skin

Rapid, shallow breathing

Rapid, weak pulse



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What to do for Heatstroke

Have the person lie down in a cool place. Raise the person's feet about 12 inches.

Apply cool, wet cloths (or cool water directly) to the person's skin and use a fan to lower body tem-

perature. Place cold compresses on the person's neck, groin, and armpits.

If alert, give the person beverages to sip, or make a salted drink by adding a teaspoon of salt per

quart of water. Give a half cup every 15 minutes. Cool water will do if salt beverages are not avail-


For muscle cramps, give trace minerals and cell salts and massage affected muscles gently, but

firmly, until they relax.

If the person shows signs of shock (bluish lips and fingernails and decreased alert-

ness), starts having seizures, or loses consciousness, call 911 and give first aid as


Do NOT underestimate the seriousness of heat illness, especially if the person is a child, elderly, or


Do NOT give the person medications that are used to treat fever (such as aspirin or acetamino-

phen). They will not help, and they may be harmful.

Do NOT give the person salt tablets.

Do NOT give the person liquids that contain alcohol or caffeine. They will interfere with the body's

ability to control its internal temperature.

Do NOT use alcohol rubs on the person's skin.

Do NOT give the person anything by mouth (not even salted drinks) if the

person is vomiting or unconscious.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call 911 if:

The person loses consciousness at any time.

There is any other change in the person's alertness (for example, confusion or seizures).

The person has a fever over 102 °F.

Other symptoms of heatstroke are present (like rapid pulse or rapid breathing).

The person's condition does not improve, or worsens despite treatment.

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Sauna Cleanse Log

Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms:

________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: _____________

Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______

Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________


1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today?

Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms: ________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: _____________

Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______

Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________


1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today?

Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms: ________________________________________________________________________________

Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: _____________

Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______

Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________

Sauna 1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today?

Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms:

________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: _____________

Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______

Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________


1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________

After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today?

Use this to document clients sessions (make copies of this form to have on hand)

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There are certain natural protocols that we use to help clients get well, such as colon

cleansing and sauna detoxification. But with every client, you have to uncover the main cause

of their health problem. I need to know if a client has an infection before they do any sauna

detox program. I need to know if the main issue with a client is heavy metals and candidia.

Knowing these things will enable me to create a protocol that will get that person well. Elec-

tro-dermal screening devices have been the best tool that I have used to gather this kind of

information. I use it as just one tool to help me create a protocol for a client along with these

things: the Intake Form, and the Systems of the Body (Healing Template).

We have already covered the Systems of the Body in which we use the Healing Tem-

plate. The next invaluable device is the Electro-dermal screening technology. We have tried

several different devices, and found the best results for this is the Asyra.

Electro-Dermal Screening– how it works

Chinese medicine identified the meridians, energetic channels that form electrical path-

ways throughout the body. Stimulation of points on these channels with needles, heat or pres-

sure forms the basis of many forms of health treatment, ancient and modern. The flow of life

energy or ‘Chi’ in these channels relies on them remaining in balance and free of blockages,

and our ability to stay healthy and fight off disease in turn depends on this vital flow. It can

be likened to the electrical system of the body.

Bio-energetic or Electro-dermal testing devices allow us to assess using galvanic skin

response (changes in the electrical resistance of the skin) the state of the acupuncture meridi-

ans and therefore of the energetic health of the body. It also allows us, and this is where the

real power of the technology lies, to assess how the body will respond to a huge number of

different remedies or other substances.

All substances, whether living or non-living, have a characteristic resonant signature.

Every specific tissue and organ in the human body has its own individual resonant frequency.

By outputting a software-recorded ‘copy’ of these resonances we can predict how the ener-

getic system of the body will respond to them. This scientific application of traditional methods

removes the guesswork that’s involved in many analyses (conventional and complementary).

This is the science of bio-energetic, or electro-dermal, screening.

In a bio-energetic health screening, the energetic signatures of a large number of sub-

stances are individually introduced into the energetic testing circuit and the patient’s response

is assessed through skin resistance measurements. Galvanic skin response is a well-established

principle that is also used in lie detectors.

Using the Asyra

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To illustrate: when a patient with a normal liver has the frequency of a healthy liver put

into the testing circuit, there will be resonance. The absence of change in the patient’s skin

resistance indicates that the liver is not stressed. If, on the other hand, a patient with an ener-

getically stressed liver has a healthy liver frequency run through the testing circuit, that fre-

quency will not resonate with that person’s electromagnetic field relating to their liver tissue.

This non-resonance increases the electrical resistance in the person’s body. The increase in

skin resistance in this case tells us that there is an energetic stress in the liver. Subsequent

tests can then be performed with other organs and toxins in order to obtain more information

on the nature of the liver disturbance. By conducting a series of organ and toxin tests, we can

construct a picture of the patient’s health status. This enables a practitioner to identify health

challenges at their root and devise treatment accordingly, rather than merely treating symp-

toms of an underlying challenge.

Conventional laboratory testing procedures are limited in the information they offer and

can be very misleading. For example, hair analysis may identify the presence of Iron. How-

ever, the hair is a pathway by which the body excretes iron, so we cannot conclude anything

about the level of iron currently in other tissues. In many cases there is NO way of using labo-

ratory testing to determine the levels of a toxic substance across the whole body (without kill-

ing the patient first!). This is why energetic testing is in many cases more useful. Energetic

changes precede cellular changes – if the illness has not progressed to the point where there

are cellular or structural changes, conventional tests will usually reveal nothing.

This is not where the implications of bio-energetic technology end. If every substance,

living or non-living, emits electromagnetic frequencies based on the amount and rotational

speed of their atoms, and if we can identify these frequencies, then we have an extremely

valuable tool for treatment. Remedies can be tested for compatibility with specific conditions

for every unique case that a client may present. Using this approach, the practitioner can map

out the most effective course of treatment. Furthermore, now that we have a database of fre-

quencies of substances and conditions, we can imprint remedies, customized for the individual

client’s requirements; a digital form of homeopathy completely customized for each case.

In years to come, as the demand for health assessment continues to rise, we will con-

tinue to witness the use of energetic testing as an effective preventative method in order to

treat illness at its root and at the earliest possible stage.

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The History of Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS)

In the 1900’s, Western science began to investigate the ancient theories of electrical energy and

wave patterns in living things and objects. A number of scientists (such as Royal

Rife) produced studies evaluating the electrical properties of various compounds

and concluded that each had its own unique wave pattern or resonant frequency.

When the theories behind acupuncture points first came under scrutiny from west-

ern medicine scientists, European researchers validated the existence of such points

by way of electrical conductivity readings. The electrical conductivity of these points

would become the foundation of Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS).

In 1951, a researcher named Nivoyet established that acupuncture points do in fact have a

lower skin resistance than points elsewhere on the body’s surface and that by implication, their conduc-

tivity is higher.

In 1952, Dr. Walter Schmidt examined patients that had a variety of known disorders. He exam-

ined the corresponding acupuncture points using an electrical current and found that resistance at the

specific acupuncture points that related to their disorder increased when that organ was malfunctioning.

In contrast, this resistance remained constant when the function of a corresponding organ was not im-


These two vital findings were not consolidated until 1953, when German physician Dr.

Reinhold Voll researched and developed a systematic approach for evaluating the body

through skin resistance measurements. Cumbersome and complicated though it was, this

was the world’s first EDS (Electro-Dermal Screening) system.

Because the techniques Dr. Voll developed were so difficult to implement, German physi-

cians went on to work hard on developing EDS practices that would reduce the quantity

of acupuncture point measurements needed, as well as reducing the quantity of remedies required in

medication testing. As these modified practices developed, they became known as “Bio-electronic Func-

tions Diagnosis & Therapy” (BFD).

Second Generation EDS

Dr. Helmut Schimmel, a medical and dental physician and clinical researcher from West Ger-

many, worked with BFD for nearly a decade until, in 1978, he developed a third incarnation of the sys-

tem. The “VEGATEST-Method” or VRT (Vegetative Reflex Test) was the culmination of some thirty years

development and experience of German Electro-Acupuncture. The new technology and practices be-

came hugely popular in Germany and spread overseas to the USA, England and Australia.

Computerised EDS

In 1979, an American named James Hoyt Clarke launched a machine named Dermatron. This

was the world’s first Computerised Electro Dermal Screening (CEDS) system. Clarke would go on work-

ing to perfect a computer system capable of taking electro-dermal measurements quickly, simply and


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After 16 years of research and development, he achieved this, introducing the LISTEN

(Life Information System Ten) System to the world in 1991. This second-generation computer-

ised system allowed faster and simpler operation with more accurate results. Clarke pro-

grammed tests against 18,000 substances.

The LISTEN system was the basis for BioMeridian’s

BEST System, which was released in 1998. Fully Win-

dows compatible, this system would test against

29,000 substances. Because of these radical improve-

ments in accuracy, scope and convenience, EDS and bio-energetic technology gained popular-

ity amongst independent practitioners worldwide. Since then popularity for bio-energetic medi-

cine continued to spread; and science began to catch up. Energy medicine began to gain wide-

spread clinical acceptance, with results now backed by scientifically documented research.

Fourth Generation Computerised EDS

In 2003, the EDS technology evolved from the BEST system to the

Asyra. Aside from software developments, by far the most important

change was that the Asyra was capable of filtering (through use of spe-

cific frequencies) the information it gathered to allow accurate single-

point testing. No more multi-site probing! Criticism of EDS until this point had focused on the

time and training necessary to take accurate readings. But now, with The Asyra, one site could

be screened to obtain all the necessary information, rather than dozens. Instead of using

probes, the practitioner could simply hand the client two hand-masses. This represented a ma-

jor advance in EDS and bio-energetic technology and would

make the screening procedure significantly faster and com-

pletely non-invasive.

The Asyra brought bio-energetic screening to hundreds of in-

dependent practitioners worldwide, giving them a better

chance than ever of high rates of positive treatment results.

This widespread application of the technology in busy private

clinics highlighted new demands: practitioners needed the screenings to be faster still; and

they needed probing that would be completely insusceptible to practitioner bias or error. Maxi-

mum accuracy, consistency and ease of use in minimum time would now be the focus for re-

search and development in the EDS and bio-energetic medicine field.

The Asyra marked a significant step forward for the technology. It was one of the first

truly flexible probeless EDS devices. Not only did the Asyra eliminate operator bias, it also en-

abled many of the ponderous techniques associated with probing to be automated. In a single

stroke screening times were reduced dramatically. So much so, that a test of all major organs

and body systems was reduced from around an hour to less than a minute. The benefits of

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What is the Asyra?

The Asyra is a system designed for health practitioners with the following purposes:

to provide insight and information about clients’ health needs that cannot be obtained from

case history, questioning or simple observation.

to apply that information directly in support of healing and health creation by way of built-

in ‘informational’ treatments

to assist the practitioner in recommending traditional therapies appropriate to the clients

individual needs.

How does it work?

The Asyra software contains digitally-encoded information relating to a wide range of

health factors that is output by the Asyra hardware as electromagnetic signals during testing.

Using a simple low voltage circuit ( 1 volt ) created by holding two brass cylinders or

handmasses, the response of the body to those signals is recorded by measuring changes in

the electrical resistance of the skin.

This information is relayed back to the software and a report is generated on the com-

puter of any responses that are outside certain limits.

Running an Asyra test is an example of a process that we call bio-energetic testing.

In the purest form of bio-energetic testing, we are effectively ‘asking the body a ques-

tion’ and obtaining the response directly from the body’s own physiology, without engaging

the conscious and language centers of the mind.

It is helpful to make some comparisons to other techniques that go part of the way to-

wards this. Many people will be familiar with muscle testing or kinesiology. This is another

form of bio-energetic testing applied by health practitioners. In kinesiology the subject may

hold an object or substance that is being tested. The response is measured by changes in the

contractile strength of the skeletal muscles, checked manually by the tester.

Polygraph testing (lie detectors) is a technology that makes use of the electrical re-

sponsiveness of the skin as used in the Asyra. In this case the patterns of conductivity are

changing due to nervous excitation created by the process of telling a lie.

These examples are all similar to Asyra testing, but Asyra testing goes one step further.

The challenges or questions are presented as an electromagnetic signal output, rather than in


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What really distinguishes the Asyra from manual methods and from many of the other

devices on the market is the skill and experience that has been brought to bear over 30 years

in collecting and refining the digital encoding methods and in improving the technology for re-

cording responses. The latest Asyra Pro system is able to run a very large number of challenge

tests in a few minutes and thereby build a broad picture of energetic functioning and re-

sponses in the client’s body.

Is the Asyra a diagnostic device?

While the results of the Asyra may correlate with a diagnosis, it is not a diagnostic de-


The information can often be used to help support a traditional diagnosis, but at the

same time, the information may suggest a course of action that is not in line with the normal

recommendations for that diagnosis.

So what exactly do the results signify?

The one definite and unchanging aspect of interpreting the test results is as follows: if

an item shows up as unbalanced (usually a red or yellow indication against the item in the

remedy list), then the body will benefit from further exposure to the informational signature of

that item.

In different words, the body has indicated some kind of reaction measured by galvanic

skin response to a particular informational signature, and that further exposure to that infor-

mational pattern will assist the body in better dealing with it another time.

Consider a couple of parallels. Firstly from immunology: introduction to a pathogenic

microbe initially causes a disturbance to the body, perhaps quite a serious acute reaction.

However, as the information is relayed around the immune system, the body learns to cope

with that particular pattern better next time. Secondly, from psychology: a therapist mentions

an event in calm conversation to his client and the client breaks down in tears – he has hit a

raw nerve. Subsequent discussion desensitises the event and places it in a context. In both

these cases, a repetition of information has allowed the body to become more robustly

adapted to its environment.

The Asyra test is identifying a set of items that the body / mind system can benefit

from learning better adaptation to, and these may be from a very wide variety of types. Food

items, pathogens, emotional patterns, responses to color and pharmaceutical agents to name

but a few.

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How do we use this to help get people better?

We can proceed down a number of paths. Firstly, we can follow the recommendation –

provide the informational signatures highlighted by the test back to the body. The Asyra pro-

vides us two ways of doing this: by creating an imprinted informational remedy (the same con-

cept as a homeopathic remedy), and by passing the information back to the body using a safe

low-energy laser. The exact protocols for doing this are covered in the practitioner training.

That much is simple, and is often quite clearly effective. However, most practitioners

choose to use the Asyra results to inform other types of treatment according to their particular

expertise. Most commonly this means nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy

or emotionally based therapies.

The practitioner working in this way can utilize the very flexible database and reporting

system on the Asyra to run the tests required to investigate different parts of the health pic-

ture and to inform, support and validate other types of treatment.

The Asyra essentially helps the practitioner to become a more effective health detec-

tive, though like with all detective work, some clues are more important than others and there

may be red-herrings.

Holistic health practitioners, just like good doctors, develop and rely on their intuition,

meaning that healing is as much an art as a science. The Asyra does not remove the need for

a practitioner with good training and intuition, but it can help that practitioner do more effec-

tive work in a shorter time.

Do test results correlate with symptoms?

The answer to this is ‘sometimes yes, sometimes no’, and it would be surprising if it

was any other way.

It is always re-assuring for practitioners and clients if the test reports seem to confirm

things that the client is reporting in the case history, perhaps even more so if it is things they

have initially held back from the practitioner.

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Almost every consultation does reveal a number of items like this, and sometimes they are of

the ‘needle in a haystack’ variety where an exact match to a previous diagnosis has been cho-

sen from among thousands of possible items in the database. As practitioners it is tempting to

make these items into the ‘proof’ of the device and its efficacy.

However, this would be wrong. The real value of a bioenergetic-testing system is to

reveal underlying patterns that are able to help change the dynamics of the condition, and

these by definition, are not the symptoms themselves. They may be recognizable as things

closely associated with the symptom, or they may not be.

A client’s state of health can be considered like a complex 3-dimensional form about

which we can only ever see a 2-dimensional snapshot. When we combine multiple snapshots

from different angles, we get a better impression of the overall shape.

When we want to help a client undo patterns that have been ingrained into the body

over years or decades, the process can be seen as stripping away ‘layers’. Bioenergetic testing

using the Asyra, especially using the Comprehensive Analysis at the heart of the system, re-

veals the body’s first priorities for healing, and those may or may not correlate with the main

symptom that the client is presenting. As we peel away more layers, different aspects of the

health problems reveal themselves for healing, and the symptoms will subside in accordance

with Herring’s Laws of cure.

Are test results repeatable?

Rarely if ever will a test repeated two minutes later give the same set of responses as

the first time.

This is a critical point. As the system is revealing the body’s response to informational

signals, and response to information is instantaneous – the response to the same questions

will be different if you run the test again.

That’s not the same as saying that a physical symptom has gone away – just that the

body has taken account of that information and can therefore adapt to it in any way it sees fit.

That adaptation may take a while to promote a physical change, and indeed the same infor-

mation may need fed back to the body repeatedly if aspects of the client’s environment or ha-

bitual behavior over-ride it. The imprinted remedy helps with this process.

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While the Asyra testing can be very accurate, it is not 100% accurate, and it is just a

tool for the practitioner to use to collect more data on what might be the best protocol for a

client. So, it is important to never go by what it says alone, but use the information in a big-

ger context of what’s on the intake form, and where the client is in the Healing Template.

For example, in one case study, we had a 3 year old boy who had not started speaking

yet. The parents had not gotten a diagnosis of autism yet, but it was looking like the boy had

it. Autism is triggered by vaccine toxins in many kids. On the Asyra comprehensive scan,

there was no indication of vaccine toxins as the problem nor the supplement scan. Because I

knew that vaccines were usually the culprit, I went ahead with what I knew to cause autism

and used the Asyra to do a brain scan. Sure enough, the vaccines showed up there as the

main toxins affecting the brain. Then I put Vaccin-Chord, a vaccine detoxifying remedy, on

the test plate to make sure he tested well for it since it was not one of the supplements that

showed up that he needed. Of course, it balanced him and I imprinted the vaccines that

showed up in the brain scan into that remedy for him.

We heard from the parents just a few days later that their boy had started talking for

the first time! So, that’s a great example of how I was able to use my own knowledge base to

dig deeper and discover the problem, even when it wasn’t obvious on the Asyra scans.

So, what do you use to create the best protocol for the client?

There are 3 things that are used to create a protocol:

1. The information on the intake form

2. Where the client is in the Healing Template

3. And the results of the Asyra scan

These all work together to give you the data that is needed to put together the ideal

protocol. When you give the client a supplement that is not on the Asyra scan, it is best to

test it on the test plate to be sure it agrees with the client. You can also determine dosage

this way.

Creating a Protocol

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How to put it all together to create a healing protocol.

Each circle gives the practitioner valuable data so that the best protocol can be created. All of

these must be taken into consideration– you cannot rely on just one circle to create the best


Think of it like a story– The main characters in the story are the causes/toxins from the

comprehensive scan on the Asyra, and the other data is the supporting cast of characters.

Watch for patterns and a story to show through the data in each circle. Something started the

health problem and then there is a cascade of other symptoms that happen due to the initial

cause. What was that initial stressor? Make sure that initial stressor is addressed as soon as

you can!

There are typically overlapping things that help to confirm what might be the problem.

For instance, if their symptoms on the intake form indicate liver problems, but their scan does-

n’t show the liver point as stressed or weakened, liver supplements still may show up on the

supplement scan or the comprehensive scan as “fatty tissue disturbance– Liver-Tone”.

Body Systems– How are they working?

Intake Form- What are the


Asyra Scan– What is the cause?

Create Protocol

How are symptoms connected?

Which organs

are affected?

What’s the underlying cause

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Or if they have symptoms on the intake form that are in the liver section, and on the

Asyra scan it does not show that the liver is stressed or weakened, but it picks several liver

supplements in the supplement scan– then I would assume that the liver does need support

and give that client liver supplements.

I always take the supplements that show up on the scan as an X or V into the highest

consideration as I am putting together a protocol, as well as what is on the comprehensive

scan. For instance, if a client shows a trace mineral deficiency on the main comprehensive

scan, but does not show any trace minerals on the supplement scan, I will definitely give that

client trace minerals to take because it was on the first scan. You must take care of any defi-

ciencies that show up on the first scan! Those are very much needed!

My Thought Process As I Put Together A Protocol:

First: Are they having bowel movements 2-3 times a day? If not, they need a supple-

ment to help them go often enough so that toxins can get out of their body and not get reab-


Or any other digestive problems, such as reflux, indigestion, IBS? Ok, better deal with this

first! I know that digestion is key to everything else working well.

Second: Are there any nutritional deficiencies showing up on the first or second scans?

If so, they must get a supplement that supplies that missing nutrient. Nothing can make up

for a deficiency of a nutrient, so this is priority!!

Third: Do they have any infections showing up or symptoms related to an infection?

This needs to be dealt with before moving forward. Whether it’s a virus, bacteria, mold or

candida, Lyme disease, a dental infection (cavitation), etc… this is the time to deal with it. If

I see mold or mycotoxins, I ask about any possible signs of mold in their home or workplace.

If they have had water damage or feel worse at home, and better elsewhere, I know mold is

highly likely. I will recommend a mold test to check and see if it is a problem or not. Espe-

cially if they have sinus problems, asthma, respiratory symptoms, or memory loss– be sure to

rule out mold!!

Fourth: How is their liver? Any indications showing up on their intake form or on the

scans that it needs support? Most people need liver support. Do they have liver supplements

showing up on the scan for supplements? If so, give them liver support on the first visit, so

they will be ready for detox by the next visit.

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Fifth: Adrenals and hormones are usually always imbalanced, so I need to support

those by giving an imprint of the hormones and adrenal supplements (if they test well) or a

grounding mat.

Sixth: What are the main toxins showing up on the comprehensive scan and else-

where? Ok, that’s nice to know. These are the main causes of their problems. The main

characters in their health story. I’ll write that down in their file so I can deal with them head

on in their next visit. I let the client know what it is that we need to deal with but I tell them

that I have to prepare their body for detox first, or they will feel bad. I show them our healing

template and explain that this is what it takes to get well. I let them know that most clients

need to work with us for several months before they achieve their health goals. This lets them

know what to expect and how the process works. Be sure you get their agreement before

moving on.

But if this is a kid, I know I can probably go ahead and detox them on the first visit, as

long as they are not constipated, and I also be sure to support the liver. Kids are the only ex-

ception to this rule about detox. All adults must wait to begin detoxification in most cases be-

cause they are constipated or have liver stress.

Seventh: So, looking at what the Asyra pulled up on the scans for supplements, will

these address a few of the clients main issues that they put on the intake form? If so, then

give them to the client– from 3 to 6 supplements at the most. There will be the tendency to

give a supplement for every health problem, but when you work through the Healing Tem-

plate, you will find that some symptoms will start improving even though they are not taking a

supplement for that particular thing.

If there are things that the client is dealing with that the supplements that the Asyra

suggests does NOT address, feel free to look up the symptom in this Guide to find what to

use. Then check the supplement on the Test Plate to be sure it’s in the green range and if it

is, you can give it to a client. For instance, if I see that I client has heartburn every day, but

the Asyra doesn’t pull up any remedies for that, I would test DigestZen on the test plate since

I know it works so well. But if the Asyra had told me that they had a deficiency of Hydrochlo-

ric Acid, or showed up Betaine HCL on the supplement list, then that would be what I would

give them to take.

You really do have to take what the Asyra says along with what you know works to get

the best results.

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Follow Up Visits

First: Ok, first find out what has gotten better and what has not gotten better. Client

will forget about serious symptoms that they initially wrote on their intake form unless you

specifically ask them about it. So, I will take their follow up form, and ask them about what

they wrote down on it, then if they give me extra details, I’ll write it down on the form so I

have documentation of it. Then I’ll flip back to their intake form or last follow up form and ask

them about other symptoms they have had and did not mention. Many times, it will have

gone away, and so then they just forget they even had it! Yes, it happens!

If they marked that they feel worse, find out what it is– did they go out of town and

fall of their healthy diet? Did they have an emotionally stressful month? Or did the protocol

cause them to feel bad? It may not be your protocol at all that made them feel worse. Stay

open minded and see where they are and what they had going on.

Second: where are they in the Healing Template? If this is only the second visit, you

need to be sure they going to the bathroom every day now. If not, keep working on this.

If they are, and they don’t have any infections you are dealing with, you can probably

move them into the detox phase of the Healing Template. Many people will have had chemi-

cals, heavy metals, pesticides, or other toxins show up on the scans. This is when you know

that they REALLY need detox. We all have toxins in us, but for some people that is the main

thing that is keeping them sick.

Are they ready for detox yet? If you have given them liver support for a month, and

they are going to the bathroom regularly, then they are ready for detox. If so, find out what

is the best type of detox for them. Do they love the heat of a sauna or does heat make their

problems worse? Do they have time to use a sauna or are they busy? Test the detox supple-

ments (see the detox section of this Guide) if that is their preference, or get them signed up

for a detox sauna program or give them the sauna protocol (in this Guide) to use on their


As the client does a detox, you can monitor it with the Asyra scans. Pull up a past visit,

and find the toxins, now rescan the potency and as long as it’s going up towards MM, it’s mov-

ing out of the body. If it’s an X or V, it is still very much affecting their health.

Keep the client in this phase until most of their health problems go away and they feel

better, anywhere from 2-9 months. Once they hit a plateau, and are not longer getting any

more improvement with detox, you can move them into Health Maintenance. If the client is

not where they want to be or still have lingering issues, you will need to look deeper into

something at their home making them sick, such as mold, or emotional stress that’s not been

resolved, etc…

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How to Do the Health Evaluation:

The first step taken by the practitioner is to discuss the client’s health status, history,

and find out what their health goals are. Go over the intake form, and ask questions if you

need clarification on anything, such as what could have been going on in their life about the

same time they came down with certain symptoms, etc… Note it on the form in the margins

for future reference. If they have pain, find out how bad it is on a scale from 1 to 10. Write it

on the intake form so you will know where the levels were when they first came.

Discuss their goal for coming to see you: Not every client wants to get 100% well,

some will be happy if just symptom “x” is gone. It’s important to be sure they are willing to

make dietary changes if needed. If a client is not willing to change their diet, they are not go-

ing to get good results, and you should politely tell them that they need to find someone else

to work with. Don’t even go any further if they seem resistant– escort them out the door!

Explain to the client how the electro-dermal screening works and give them an idea of

how long it takes. Ask them to remove cell phones, watches, and other metal objects from

their body and put at least 3 feet away from their body.

The practitioner then proceeds with the Asyra screening part of the consultation. Enter

their name and info into the Asyra and hit Save.

The Baseline Screening

The client is invited to take hold

of the two brass handmasses in

preparation for a Baseline

Screening. Each screening

takes around one minute and

the results displayed on your

computer monitor.

Select “Comprehensive Analy-

sis” and Imprint Specifics from

the right hand corner check

boxes. Then below, under “Baseline”, be sure the two boxes are checked: “Test” and “Post


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The purpose of the Baseline Screening is to establish an overall picture of the client’s

health and identify areas that may be at the root of the symptoms the client experiences.

The first scan is for the organs and systems and will indicate which ones are out of balance.


The Comprehensive Screening

The next step is a comprehensive screening to identify the resonance of specific ener-

getic signatures. In this, thousands upon thousands of energetic signatures are passed

through the test plate and the resonance that each one has within the client is recorded, in

order to determine which remedies will bring the client back to balance.

Write what shows up as well as the organ imbalances on your Protocol Worksheet.

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The second scan is for nutritional deficiencies, hormones, teeth, vertebrae,

etc… You check the boxes indicated below and also make sure that the “Test” box under

Baseline is UNCHECKED. This is so you don’t run the organs and systems again.

Pay attention to any of the V, X, C, and K’s because they are going to need to use a

supplement or are affecting the body more significantly.

Then the 3rd test is for Food Sensitivities. Anything that is an X or V should be

taken out of the diet for at least a month. It’s best to only focus on the main food allergens

such as grains, dairy, sweeteners, food additives, caffeine, etc… Fruits and veggies are not

something I would take out of their diet unless it was a food they were eating all the time. As

an example, if they ate bananas every day, and bananas showed up as a “V”, then I would

recommend that they switch to another fruit for a while. It may not be a true allergy or sensi-

tivity, it may just mean that their immune system is tired of that food and needs more variety.

The next scan is for any other organ specific scans or emotional scan, cancer

scans, etc...You select the particular scan depending on what you find on the intake form and

what is showing up on the first scan. You can test their stomach in more detail if they are

having major issues there, or their breast if they have had breast lumps.

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The final scan is typically for the supplements that you carry. Check all the

boxes of the supplements and if they show up as X or V, C or K, then they are really the most

important to give to the client. But also look at the others because sometimes they will also

give you more clarity on what the client needs to take. They are just more supporting charac-

ters in the story.

Choosing Supplements

Write down the main things that were indicated on each scan and see how they corre-

late and see if there are any patterns showing up. Sometimes, if they are deficient in calcium,

all the calcium supplements will show up. Make sure the supplements that you give the client

will address their main issues and handle the main issues showing up on the scan. Detox sup-

plements will need to wait until you walk them through the first part of the Healing Template.

So, be sure to start with digestion and elimination on the first visit, liver support, and also

what specifics they show that they need with the Asyra scan.

Go get the supplements that you think would be best and test them on the client using

the Test Plate area on the Asyra. This will help you determine dosage.

Imprint the comprehensive scan as well as the hormones from the second scan into a

blank or other homeopathic remedy. Make sure you don’t imprint any heavy metals or chemi-

cals as it can cause some detox symptoms and the client may need to detox later or another


Write down the exact way the client is supposed to take the supplements on the Sug-

gested Nutrient Protocol sheet. Note any food allergies or dietary or lifestyle changes on the

lines at the bottom of the form. Let the client look it over and ask any questions if they have

any. Be sure that they understand what they need to do and are in agreement. Be sure they

are on the same page as you are and are ready to do what you suggest.

Fill out the Bio-Energetic Evaluation Summary form so that the client has an idea of

what was found on the scan. Be sure to tell them that it is not a diagnostic tool….that they

are areas of imbalance in the body that need to be addressed for them to get healthier. Also

note any other modalities that they might need to do, such as chiropractic, reflexology, etc...

Let the client know what the overall plan is for them to get their health problems han-

dled and how often you want them to come back for a visit. They should book their follow up

evaluation before they leave.

Use the Client Checklist sheet to keep track of where the client is and what toxins they have.

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Subsequent Visits or Follow Ups

For follow up visits, you will want to repeat the entire Health Evaluation and track the

improvements that are made. You will want to track the toxins to be sure they are getting out

of the body, as well as any infections, and make sure they are going away.

As the client goes through this process, less toxins should show up on the comprehen-

sive scan. They may not change much if you have not addressed it though. One way to track

the improvements is to pull up the person’s previous scan and rescan those particular toxins to

find out the homeopathic potency. As it leaves the body, it will go higher in potency, going

from a X or V up to an MM potency and then it is gone.

Any detox protocol that is being used will take several months to completely remove

the toxins from the body, so the client may stay in the Detox section of the Healing Template

the longest. This can be anywhere from 2-3 months to a year, depending on how toxic they

are. This is normal. You want the client’s main symptoms to go away before going to the

maintenance part of the Healing Template.

Once they have finished the Detox phase, they can just stay on the bare basic supple-

ments that they need to feel good as well as specific support that any weak areas of their

body may require. For instance, asthma clients may be free of symptoms, but they would still

need to use Breathe essential oil or AsthmaTone to keep their lungs supported, along with a

multivitamin and probiotic or digestive enzymes.

Once clients have resolved their main issues, then they can only come back for re-

checks when they are sick or seasonally as health maintenance.

The following section is the most detailed because it goes over the intake form and the

supplements that would be recommended for those particular symptoms. Learning this infor-

mation will help you know what is the best protocol to give to a client once you see what the

Asyra scan recommends.

As always, it is important to trust your intuition and be sure that you feel confident in

your protocol. If you are unsure, or wishy-washy, that energy will be conveyed to the client

and they might have doubts about their program too. Be a great leader and trust that the

body will heal, as you positively encourage the client to go through the program.

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Health Evaluation Flow Chart: First Visit

Start Here: Ask Yourself These Questions:

1. Is the client constipated? (Bowel

movements less than 2 times a day?)


Give colon




have them

increase raw fruits and


Any IBS or


Yes No

Check for food allergies

and give gut healing



2. Do they have any nutritional deficiencies?


Be sure to give

the nutrients

Go to the next



3. Do they have any infections? Spleen imbal-

anced, viral, bacterial, fungal, parasites, candida?


Be sure to

address it

Go to the next


Is it mold or


Check house

for mold

DIY Petri dish test or have

mold inspectors come inspect


4. Any signs of liver stress? (On intake form

section, the baseline, comp, or supplement scan?)

Any toxins on Comp? Chemicals, metals, etc..


Be sure to give liver sup-

port but don’t detox yet

Go to the

next step

5. Is client under significant stress or emo-

tionally stressed? (Emotional remedies

showing up on any scans?)

Yes No

Find out source

of stress

Go to the next


Explain how stress

affects health and

recommend the

90-Day Program

They may not

need the program


6. Will supplements from scan address a

few of the clients main health issues on in-

take form? Don’t try to fix all of them!



to imprint


and Comp

Check other



in Guide on

the test plate:

If it’s green, give to them

Great! Give

them those

Set up follow

up appt.

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Health Evaluation Flow Chart: Follow Up Visits

Start Here: Ask Yourself These Questions:

1. Find out what’s improved and what has

not improved since last visit. Ask about

each symptom from the intake form.

Yes No

Then leave on most

of supplements

(Only add or change

a few of them)

Find out what the

problem is: Didn’t

do what I asked?

Stressful time?

3. Do they need to detox? Most do: Do they

have chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.?

Detox Phase: Keep client in this detox

phase until most of their health issues

resolve and they feel better. See cli-

ent once a month to monitor progress.

Be sure the toxins are moving out.

Regardless of which type of detox they do, pull up the toxins from previous

scans and rescan them to make sure

the potency is moving towards MM or

is gone.

They may be in detox for 3-8 months.

5. Are most of their symptoms gone?

Yes No

The client is in

the Health Main-

tenance Phase:



Keep them on the

basic nutrients

they need (Multi,


enzymes) & any

specific support they need

Find out why?

Need more detox?

Mold in home?

Lyme? Stress?

Emotional stress?

Write it all down on their follow

up form if they didn’t

2. Did they mark that they are “Better” or

“Much Better” on the form?

Address the issue

and don’t move

ahead until better

Move to next step in

the Healing


Yes No

Are they constipated? Keep on the

protocol if it’s work-

ing and add whatever

shows they need on

current scan

Do a




Yes No

Great! Do they prefer sauna or

supplements in order to detox?

Sauna: explain it and

schedule the detox in

office, or give protocol

Supplements: Scan to see which

ones are best

Scan and address

the issues that

are still lingering

until they are


They can come in

a few times a

year or as needed


Are they better?

Yes No

Refer them to

someone else if

needed for fur-

ther support

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Protocol Worksheet

Client name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________

Comprehensive Scan Results: V/X

Organs/Systems indicated on Intake Form:

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Organs/Systems indicated on Asyra/Qest:

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Second Scan Results: V/X

Food Scan Results: V/X

Organ/System: _____________ V/X

Organ/System: _____________ V/X

Organ/System: _____________ V/X

Supplements Suggested: V/X

Notes on what to imprint:

Final Protocol:

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How to Interpret the Data from the Asyra

Once you have written down what has shown up on the Comprehensive scan on your

Protocol Worksheet, use the check boxes to mark which ones are X or V. Do this for all the

scans. X or V potencies are the things that are having the most profound effect on the body.

While everything that shows up on the scan is still important, and need to be considered, pay

particular attention to the X and V items.

For instance, if they test for Iron 3X, then they need an actual iron supplement be-

cause their body is probably deficient in it. Or Magnesium 8V. You should give the client a

Magnesium supplement, not just a homeopathic imprint of it. The C and K potencies are also

important to pay attention to and the person may need the actual nutrient, or you can imprint

it, depending on the clients health problems and symptoms.

For the higher potencies, you don’t need to give the actual supplement, but you can

imprint it.

For toxins, the same thing applies– the lower potency (V, X, C, K) indicates that the

toxin is very much affecting the body, while higher potencies can indicate a past exposure to

the toxin.

All of the data is giving you a picture of the main issues going on with that client. The

main thing that I look for when sifting through all of the data is patterns. Do they keep show-

ing up chemicals (one shows on the Comprehensive, then more when you scan the thyroid,

liver, or other organs? Do they test for liver support or acetyl-glutathione/detox supple-

ments?) Then you know that this is the main problem affecting their health right now and it

needs to be dealt with.

V - X Potency C - K Potency M and higher

Homeopathic Indicates present 50% present Energetic

Hormones Too low– imprint


High/low– imprint


Too high– imprint


Pathogens Pathogen present

Currently– may

find on labwork

May not find pre-

sent, but still af-

fecting the body

Had past contact

with it and has

affected body

Nutritionals Give actual


May still need


or imprint it

Imprint it only

and do not give


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Interpreting the Comprehensive Scan

What shows up here is the main things that are affecting the client. Pay special atten-

tion to things that show up on this scan. You need to know what each thing means or what it

could indicate. Here is a guideline:

Antibody Disturbance: This indicates a condition where the body is creating antibodies

to fight off pathogens. It could be from an infection, food allergy, or an auto-immune re-

sponse. Decrease pathogen burden and detox if needed.

Bio-Availability Disruption: This indicates a problem with absorption of nutrients. It

can be caused by low HCL, low enzymes, lack of fiber, parasites, etc… Give digestive sup-


Cell Permeability: This can indicate the inability of nutrients to get into the cell. It can

be caused by a pH issue, lack of nutrients, or lack of enzymes.

Circulatory Disturbance: This indicates a problem with blood flow affecting the body in

various areas. Can be caused by plaque in arteries, pH issues, stressed heart function.

Supplements to clean out arteries (serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, EDTA, etc…) may be


Chromosomal Sarcodes: This indicates that the DNA are weakened by oxidative stress

and it can indicate cancer. Scan for cancer and look at other scans for confirming indica-


Chemical Toxicity: This client has a significant body burden of toxins and is a good can-

didate for sauna detoxification. Do not imprint this into the custom homeopathic. You will

want to use oral detox supplements once their body is ready for it (2nd or 3rd visit).

Dental Disturbance: any tooth problem on this scan indicates a significant tooth issue!

EMF/Harmful Energies: Client is being affected by radiation from cell phone, computer,

smart meter, etc...ask client about how close they are to wireless devices and recommend

less exposure to wireless sources, especially at bedtime.

Fatty Tissue Disturbance: This can indicate a toxic body burden of chemicals/toxins in

the fatty tissues. Liver support and detox are needed!

Food Sensitivity: This will bring up a category of food. The client has issues with this

particular food and needs to avoid it, and probably has other food sensitivities. Scan for

food sensitivities.

Fungal: This can indicate mold affecting the clients health. Might need to check home for

mold– See the Mold Protocol in this Guide.

Genomes: This indicates areas of concern in the DNA or cell structure. This as a homeo-

pathic will give the body the correct blueprint for the DNA.

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Geopathic Stress: These are energy fields that can be caused by underground water

flowing beneath land that causes health problems, magnetic grids that cross the Earth that

can impact health, or electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with normal cell function.

If this continues to show up, then the client probably is spending time in a geopathically

stressed location. Try moving the bed to another location if one of their issues is insomnia.

Heavy Metals: This indicates a heavy metal body burden affecting health. You should

not include this in the imprinted custom homeopathic, but rather detox the metals on the

2nd or 3rd visit with oral chelators such as zeolite, acetyl-glutathione, etc...

Homeopathic Similium: indicates a homeopathic remedy that can help the body regain

health. Be sure to imprint this into the custom homeopathic.

Hormonal Imbalances: Indicates significant hormone imbalances. You should imprint

the hormones from this scan as well as the more detailed hormonal scan into the custom

homeopathic for the client.

Immune System: This indicates a weakened immune system– check for pathogens that

the body is fighting or toxins that are weakening the body. Give immune support.

Inflammatory Conditions: This indicates inflammation in the body. This could be in any

area: muscles, joints, nerves, overall body, etc… Give anti-inflammatory supplements.

Lyme: This indicates a bacterial body burden of spirochetes that needs to be addressed

with anti-bacterial herbs, homeopathics, RIFE frequencies, etc….

Mental or Emotional Stress: This indicates significant emotional stress affecting the

body. This person needs to see a practitioner for emotional coaching to address the un-

derlying stressor. Also give Bach remedies, and other nutrients suggested by scan.

Meridian Disturbance: This indicates that the meridian listed is not functioning properly.

This can be caused by anything, so be sure to do a scan on that particular organ if possi-

ble. Acupuncture, chiropractic, essential oils, etc...can be helpful to unblock the meridian.

Metabolic Disturbance: This indicates a problem in the metabolism, particularly the

need for thyroid supporting remedies.

Mitochondria: This indicates that the mitochondria in the cell are not working properly

and a homeopathic of this remedy can help it’s function.

Mesenchyme: This can help the body by prompting it to produce brain stem cells that

can help rebuild damaged organs or glands when given as a homeopathic imprint.

Miasm: Indicates a genetic or inherited predisposition for weakness in a certain area of

the body. Homeopathic imprints can help the body overcome this.

Musculoskeletal: Indicates problems in the muscles or skeletal structure.

Mycoplasma: This indicates the presence of mycoplasma bacteria, one-celled organisms

without outer membranes. They penetrate and infect cells in the body.

Mycotoxins: This can indicate toxins produced by mold or fungal pathogens, such as can-

dida. Be sure to check house for mold or other mold exposures.

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Oxidative Stress: Indicates damage from free radicals and a need for antioxidants. Can

be a sign for cancer!

Parasite: This indicates possible parasites in the body. Give anti-parasitical remedies, use

zapper or RIFE for this as well.

Parasympathetic: This indicates a problem with the autonomic nervous system– the

part that slows heart rate, increases intestinal activity, and relaxes muscles.

Phenolics: Indicates a sensitivity to phenolics or certain allergies. Give homeopathic im-

print of the phenolic indicated.

pH Imbalance: This indicates a pH that is either too acidic or too alkaline. An acid pH

causes the body to pull calcium out of the bones to buffer the acidity and leads to disease.

Use pH strips to check their pH– urine and saliva to determine what it is and recommend

dietary adjustments if needed.

Polarity Disturbance: This happens when the spin of the electrons in our body is re-

versed and it can be caused by a lack of minerals or exposure to EMF fields. This can be

corrected by having the client do criss-cross movements, like marching in place with alter-

nate hand and foot movements for 1-2 minutes per day. If this always shows up, then

that indicates the client is in “fight/flight” mode of sympathetic dominance.

Prion: Can indicate prions or disease process transferred energetically by protein synthe-


Protozoa Signatures: Indicates water-borne pathogens that requires a anti-parasitical

protocol if the client is symptomatic.

Respiratory Distress: This indicates the need for lung support.

Sarcode Weakness: This indicates a weakness in an organ/gland that need to be sup-

ported with nutritionals or other supplements.

Skin Afflictions: Indicates a skin problem that needs to be addressed. Also scan the

skin and imprint what it contains.

Sleep Disturbances: Indicates sleep problems. Ask client how many hours of sleep they

get and make sure to address any sleep issues.

Sympathetic Disturbance: Indicates an issue with the autonomic nervous system and

that the stress response is activated. Find out what stressor is affecting client!

Vertebrae: one of their vertebrae is out of alignment and they NEED to see a chiroprac-


Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency: The client must have a significant deficiency for it to

show up on the comprehensive! Be sure to give them the actual nutrient, no matter what!

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How to Use the Intake Form

This form is set up so that the practitioner has a great way to gather data about clients

health problems. It saves a tremendous amount of time, since you don’t have to ask the client

many questions. It also allows the practitioner to have a way to track symptom severity and

monitor changes down the road.

The first page has all the important client data, their main health concerns, health

goals and supplements. The remainder of the form is divided up into sections that focus on

symptoms related to one area of the body, such as the liver. This helps the practitioner be

able to determine the area of greatest need in the body and the severity of symptoms in that


The sections are also listed in priority to coincide with the Healing Template. For ex-

ample, Sections 1-3 are focused on the digestion/elimination. Section 4, the Liver, and so on.

While addressing their symptoms is important, the body heals in a certain pattern as already

covered. Walking the client through the Healing Template will enable you to give the most

attention to the area of the body that is higher in priority. Correcting these areas first will

have a strong impact on other areas of the body. Many times, just getting chronic constipa-

tion resolved brings health to the body and other symptoms which seem unrelated go away

without the practitioner having to work on them directly.

On the intake form, each symptom is also numbered. This number corresponds with a

page in the back of this manual where you can go to and learn more about what causes it, if

and when to see a medical professional, and what supplements are indicated for the symp-

tom. This is an invaluable learning tool and reference guide to help you work with your clients

most effectively.

This form will also enable you to determine the client’s current level of health. This is

important because there are certain people that you cannot work with and need to be referred

to a doctor or other professional. If only a handful of 3 symptoms are circled, you will know

that the person is probably someone in the Level 2 or 3. For clients who mark many symp-

toms in the 3 category, you will find that they are probably in the Level 4 category and may

not be a good candidate for working with you. How long they have been sick will also give

you a good idea of their current level of health. See the chart on the next page to understand

this more clearly.


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The Five Levels of Health

People in levels 1-3 can work with you on their diet and nutrition with the methods in

this manual. Most of the clients we see are in Level 2 and 3, with a few in level 4. For those

in level 1 and 2, the focus is on prevention and keeping them healthy. For those in levels 4,

they have been more compromised by long term illness and may require a medical profes-

sional or a Naturopathic doctor. These are clients who have circled quite a bit of the 3’s on

the intake form and have been sick for many years. They have suffered long enough to have

mental issues as well and may not be suited to working with you. Each case will be different

and an evaluation will have to be made for each person on whether or not they are a fit for

the program.

Clients in the 5th level have had such a deterioration of their health that they are not a

good candidate to work with. They are a liability and should be in the care of a medical pro-

fessional or a hospital. This could be someone who is in poor health who is also elderly, or

someone on oxygen, someone with a life-threatening infection, or someone with late stage

cancer or another late stage disease who is not improving. If their health is compromised, any

major changes in their diet or even a detox program may cause a healing crisis that they may

not be able to handle. Please refer them to a qualified practitioner.











Needs Help


Needs Medi-

cal Help



Robust health,

No symptoms

Good, some


Several symp-




System in


Energy Level Plenty Fair Some fatigue Fatigue most

of day

Cannot restore



Excellent Good Avoids physi-

cal activity

None Survival issues



Alert and Fo-


Good Some brain


Severe brain





Balanced and


Good Others notice




mostly on the






Mildly toxic Generally




Very toxic Severely toxic

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This is important! You can only

help them transform their health as far as they want to go.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________________

Home Phone: _______________ Work #: _______________Cell #: _______________ Occupation: ________________________________ Hours of work per week:______

Age: ____ Birth Date: ________ Current weight: ______ Weight one year ago:______ Email address: _______________________ Relationship status: _________________ Children?:_______ Ages:____________________ Pets: ________________________

How did you hear about us? ________Would you like to receive our newsletter? _____

Present Complaints: List the your main health problems:

1._____________________________________When did it start? ________________ 2._____________________________________When did it start?_________________

3._____________________________________When did it start? ________________ 4. ____________________________________ When did it start? ________________

5._____________________________________When did it start? ________________

At what point in your life did you feel best?__________________________


What are your health goals: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Medications or nutritional supplements you are currently taking: List them:



Section 1– Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: Stomach Key: 0=no, symptom does not occur 2=Moderate symptom, occurs weekly 1=Yes, mild symptom, rarely occurs 3=Severe symptom, occurs daily

1. 0 1 2 3 Heartburn or Acid Reflux 2. 0 1 2 3 Burping or Gas after eating

3. 0 1 2 3 Bloating after eating 4. 0 1 2 3 Bad breath 5. 0 1 2 3 Sweat has a strong odor

6. 0 1 2 3 Feel better if I don’t eat 7. 0 1 2 3 Sleepy after meals

8. 0 1 2 3 Burning pain in stomach

9. 0 1 2 3 Fingernails chip, break, peel

10. 0 1 2 3 Anemia unresponsive to iron 11. 0 1 2 3 Stomach pain or cramps

12. 0 1 2 3 Diarrhea, chronic 13. 0 1 2 3 Diarrhea after meals

14. 0 1 2 3 Black or dark stool 15. 0 1 2 3 Undigested food in stool

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Section 2– Large Intestine Key: 0=no, symptom does not occur 2=Moderate symptom, occurs weekly 1=Yes, mild symptom, rarely occurs 3=Severe symptom, occurs daily

16. 0 1 2 3 Skip days between bowel movm. 17. 0 1 2 3 Stools hard or difficult to pass

18. 0 1 2 3 Cramping on lower abdomen 19. 0 1 2 3 Blood in stool

20. 0 1 2 3 Mucus in stool 21. 0 1 2 3 IBS or colitis 22. 0 1 2 3 Yeast Infections

23. 0 1 2 3 Nail fungus or athletes foot

Section 3– Small Intestine

31. 0 1 2 3 Food allergies

32. 0 1 2 3 Bloating after eating 33. 0 1 2 3 Airborne allergies

34. 0 1 2 3 Wheat or gluten sensitivity 35. 0 1 2 3 Dairy sensitivity 36. 0 1 2 3 Sinus congestion

37. 0 1 2 3 Craves bread and pasta

Section 4– Liver

43. 0 1 2 3 Nausea

44. 0 1 2 3 Pain between shoulder blades 45. 0 1 2 3 Skin rashes, acne, eczema, etc

46. 0 1 2 3 Age or “Liver” spots 47. 0 1 2 3 Greasy foods upset stomach 48. 0 1 2 3 Gallbladder attacks or stones

49. 0 1 2 3 Motion sickness

Section 5– Mineral Deficencies

56. 0 1 2 3 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

57. 0 1 2 3 Osteoporosis or Osteopenia 58. 0 1 2 3 Legs or foot cramps at rest

59. 0 1 2 3 Pain or swelling in joints

Section 6– Lyme Disease Traits 64. 0 1 2 3 Intense Fatigue 65. 0 1 2 3 Brain Fog

66. 0 1 2 3 Memory loss-short & long term 67. 0 1 2 3 Pain or swelling in joints

68. 0 1 2 3 Stiff joints in morning

24. 0 1 2 3 Dark circles under eyes

25. 0 1 2 3 History of parasites 26. 0 1 2 3 Coated tongue

27. 0 1 2 3 Anus itches 28. 0 1 2 3 Constipation

29. 0 1 2 3 Stools are loose 30. 0 1 2 3 Bad smelling gas

38. 0 1 2 3 Pulse speeds after eating

39. 0 1 2 3 Nightmares 40. 0 1 2 3 Feel spacy or unreal

41. 0 1 2 3 Alternating diarrhea/ constipation

42. 0 1 2 3 Hives

50. 0 1 2 3 Headache over eyes

51. 0 1 2 3 Easily intoxicated 52. 0 1 2 3 Hemorrhoids or varicose veins

53. 0 1 2 3 Sensitivity to perfumes or chemicals, etc...

54. 0 1 2 3 Pain under right rib cage 55. 0 1 2 3 Insomnia

60. 0 1 2 3 Bursitis or tendonitis

61. 0 1 2 3 Joints pop or crack 62. 0 1 2 3 White spots on fingernails

63. 0 1 2 3 Decreased taste or smell

69. 0 1 2 3 Muscle twitching

70. 0 1 2 3 Unexplained fevers 71. 0 1 2 3 Headaches/Migraines

72. 0 1 2 3 Poor concentration 73. 0 1 2 3 Sore soles of feet in morning

Ask them how

many days they skip be-tween bowel


Find out how

many hours on average they get per night

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Section 7– Vitamin Deficiencies Key: 0=no, symptom does not occur 2=Moderate symptom, occurs weekly 1=Yes, mild symptom, rarely occurs 3=Severe symptom, occurs daily

74. 0 1 2 3 Body jerks as falling asleep 75. 0 1 2 3 Restless leg syndrome

76. 0 1 2 3 Small bumps on back of arms 77. 0 1 2 3 Heart races

78. 0 1 2 3 Worrier, anxious

Section 8– Adrenal Glands 85. 0 1 2 3 Difficulty falling asleep

86. 0 1 2 3 Slow starter in the morning 87. 0 1 2 3 Become dizzy when standing

suddenly 88. 0 1 2 3 Difficulty holding chiropractic


89. 0 1 2 3 Arthritis 90. 0 1 2 3 Crave salty food

Section 9– Thyroid Gland 98. 0 1 2 3 Difficulty losing weight 99. 0 1 2 3 Loss of outer 1/3 eyebrows

100. 0 1 2 3 Mentally sluggish 101. 0 1 2 3 Cold hands and feet

102. 0 1 2 3 Hair loss 103. 0 1 2 3 Easily fatigued

104. 0 1 2 3 Seasonal sadness 105. 0 1 2 3 Low body temperature

Section 10– Blood Sugar Problems 113. 0 1 2 3 Crave sweets 114. 0 1 2 3 Awaken during night, hard to

fall back asleep 115. 0 1 2 3 Excessive appetite 116. 0 1 2 3 Crave coffee or sugar in after-

noon 117. 0 1 2 3 Headache if meals are delayed

79. 0 1 2 3 Nosebleeds

80. 0 1 2 3 Bruise easily 81. 0 1 2 3 Gums bleed easily

82. 0 1 2 3 Depressed regularly 83. 0 1 2 3 Numbness or tingling in body

84. 0 1 2 3 Loss of muscle tone

91. 0 1 2 3 Headache after exercise

92. 0 1 2 3 Chronic low back pain 93. 0 1 2 3 Clench or grind teeth

94. 0 1 2 3 Perspire too easily 95. 0 1 2 3 Hives

96. 0 1 2 3 Bright light hurts eyes 97. 0 1 2 3 Slow recovery from stress

106. 0 1 2 3 Sensitive to iodine

107. 0 1 2 3 Fast pulse at rest 108. 0 1 2 3 Nervousness

109. 0 1 2 3 Sensitivity to cold 110. 0 1 2 3 Intolerant to heat

111. 0 1 2 3 Flush easily 112. 0 1 2 3 Heart palpitations

118. 0 1 2 3 Get shaky or weak if hungry

119. 0 1 2 3 Sleepy in afternoon 120. 0 1 2 3 Fatigue relieved by eating

121. 0 1 2 3 Afternoon headaches 122. 0 1 2 3 Irritable before me

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Section 11– Womens Problems Key: 0=no, symptom does not occur 2=Moderate symptom, occurs weekly 1=Yes, mild symptom, rarely occurs 3=Severe symptom, occurs daily

126. 0 1 2 3 Painful menstrual cycle 127. 0 1 2 3 Mood swings around cycle

128. 0 1 2 3 Painful breasts at cycle 129. 0 1 2 3 Irregular cycles

130. 0 1 2 3 Heavy menstrual flow 131. 0 1 2 3 Acne at menstrual cycle 132. 0 1 2 3 Yeast Infections

133. 0 1 2 3 Endometriosis

Section 12– Mens Problems

141. 0 1 2 3 Prostate problems 142. 0 1 2 3 Decreased libido

143. 0 1 2 3 Urination difficult 144. 0 1 2 3 Pain or burning with urination

Section 13– Cardiovascular System

148. 0 1 2 3 Shortness of breath with moderate exertion

149. 0 1 2 3 Opens windows in closed room

150. 0 1 2 3 Sigh frequently 151. 0 1 2 3 Bruise easily 152. 0 1 2 3 Ankles swell at end of day

Section 14– Kidney and Bladder

157. 0 1 2 3 Pain upon urination

158. 0 1 2 3 Frequent bladder infections 159. 0 1 2 3 Cloudy, bloody, or dark urine

160. 0 1 2 3 Urine has strong odor

Section 15– Immune System 165. 0 1 2 3 Catch colds/flu easily

166. 0 1 2 3 Runny or drippy nose 167. 0 1 2 3 Swollen lymph nodes 168. 0 1 2 3 Gets boils, cysts, styes

134. 0 1 2 3 Uterine fibroids

135. 0 1 2 3 Fibrocystic breasts 136. 0 1 2 3 Hot flashes

137. 0 1 2 3 Vaginal itchiness 138. 0 1 2 3 Vaginal discharge

139. 0 1 2 3 Night sweats 140. 0 1 2 3 Menopausal symptoms

145. 0 1 2 3 Fatigue

146. 0 1 2 3 Pain on inside of legs or heels

147. 0 1 2 3 Feeling of incomplete bowel

153. 0 1 2 3 Muscle cramps during

exercise 154. 0 1 2 3 Hands and feet go to sleep

155. 0 1 2 3 Dull pain in chest, worse on exertion

161. 0 1 2 3 History of kidney stones

162. 0 1 2 3 Dribbling urination 163. 0 1 2 3 Pain in low back

164. 0 1 2 3 Frequent urination

169. 0 1 2 3 Poor wound healing

170. 0 1 2 3 History of Epstein Bar, Mono, Herpes, Shingles or Chronic Fa-


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How is your Diet:

Coffee: _____ cups per: Day Week Month Soft drinks: ____ can per: Day Week Month

Diet soda: _____ can per: Day Week Month

Candy: _____ times per: Day Week Month Chocolate: ____times per: Day Week Month

Alcohol: _____ times per: Day Week Month

Fast food: _____ times per: Day Week Month Milk/cheese: ____ times per: Day Week Month

Fried food: _____ times per: Day Week Month

Margarine or tub spreads

Current Diet Information: Give some examples of foods you typically eat:

Breakfast: ____________________________________________________________

Lunch: ______________________________________________________________

Snacks: ______________________________________________________________

Dinner: ______________________________________________________________

Liquids: ______________________________________________________________

How many meals do you eat per day? _____What meals do you skip? ____________

Do you cook? ____________ What percentage of meals are home-cooked? ________

Health History:

List any major illnesses with approximate dates:

Illness: Date: Recovered? _______________________________ __________________ _______________ _______________________________ __________________ _______________

_______________________________ __________________ _______________

Any family history of serious illnesses? Cancer Heart Disease Diabetes Other: _______________

Please list any surgeries, operations, traumas, car accidents, etc…:


What are your Hobbies: ________________________________________________ What would you like to do once you get healthier that you can’t do now? __________


Commitment Level: How serious are you about improving your health? Very serious Serious Other: ____________________________________

What are you willing to do to improve your health? Take supplements only Exercise only Whatever it takes!!

This shows you how serious they are about getting well. If they

don’t check “whatever it takes”, you need to talk to them about it.

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Disclaimer The computerized Electro-Dermal Screening device (Biomeridian or Asyra) provides a completely non-invasive method for gaining valuable information about how your body functions. The primary objective is

to find patterns of stress and provide feedback that will assist in developing a program to restore areas of the body to balance.

I understand that the Asyra or Biomeridian survey does not provide medical diagnosis and that my test-

ing technician may recommend further medical testing. If I suspect that I need further medical inter-vention, I understand that I should consult MY physician. I give my permission for the testing techni-

cian to evaluate me on the Asyra or Biomeridian. I understand in doing so my testing technician is NOT becoming my primary care physician. I understand that the testing technician will give me information about myself and make recommendations based on the screening. I understand that the testing techni-

cian will not pass judgements on prescribed medications and it is the responsibility of my primary care physician to make any changes to my prescribed medications. Any decision to follow through with the recommended program is my own decision and I hold the testing technician harmless.

I understand that the Asyra or Biomeridian screening does not diagnose diseases in the body. I under-

stand that the role of Pure Vitality is not to prescribe, to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, Pure Vitality is a mentor and guide who

has been trained in Holistic and Naturopathic health to help clients reach their own health goals by help-ing clients implement positive lifestyle changes. I understand that Pure Vitality is not acting in the ca-pacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist, or other licensed or registered profes-

sional, and that any advice given by Pure Vitality is not meant to take the place of advice by these pro-fessionals.

I understand that I am here to learn about natural health and better lifestyle practices and I will be of-

fered information about food, supplements, and herbs as a guide to general health. I take full responsi-bility for my life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of my family and children (where applicable) and all decisions made while working with Pure Vitality. I assume risks of trying new foods

or supplements, and the risks inherent in making lifestyle changes. I release Pure Vitality from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatso-ever, in law or equity, which I ever had, now has, or will have in the future against Pure Vitality, arising

from my past or future participation in programs and services, unless arising from the gross negligence of Pure Vitality.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Pure Vitality will keep the client’s information private, and will not share the client’s

information to any third party unless compelled by law. ARBITRATION, CHOICE OF LAW AND LIMITED REMEDIES In the event that there ever arises a dispute

between Pure Vitality and the Client with respect to the services provided pursuant to this agreement or

otherwise pertaining to the relationship between the parties, the parties agree to submit to binding arbi-tration before the American Arbitration Association. Any judgement on the award rendered by the arbi-trator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Such arbitration shall be conducted by

a single arbitrator. The sole remedy that can be awarded to the Client in the event that an award is granted in arbitration is refund of fees. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no award of consequential or other damages, unless specifically set forth herein, may be granted to the Client.

This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Georgia. In the event that any

provision of this agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining portions of the agreement shall be severed and remain in full force.

If the terms of this agreement are acceptable, please sign the acceptance below. By doing so, the Cli-

ent acknowledges that: he/she has received a copy of this letter agreement; he/she has had an oppor-tunity to discuss the contents with Pure Vitality and, if desired, to have it reviewed by an attorney; and

the Client understands, accepts, and agrees to abide by the terms hereof. Client name: _________________________ Signature:___________________________ Date:_______ __

Guardian Signature (if under 18 years of age):__________________________ Relationship: ____________

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Betaine Hydrochloride

Digestive enzymes: Vitalzymes Forte, Catalyst-7, Catalyst-U


Probiotics: Ther-Biotic Complete, Flora Synergy, PB Assist

DigestZen essential oil


Digestizyme Plus

Parasite products: Core Para-V or Core Artemesia

Slippery Elm bark powder


Probiotics: Ther-Biotic Complete, Flora Synergy, PB Assist

Colon Clear

Oxy Powder

Digestive enzymes: Vitalzymes Forte, Catalyst-7, Catalyst-U

Slippery Elm bark powder

DigestZen essential oil

Parasite cleanse: Core Para-V, Core Artemesia

Natural Calm (magnesium)


GALT Immune



Digestive enzymes

Slippery Elm bark powder


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Pure Body Clear Liver-Tone

PhosChol Milk Thistle extract (Silymarin)

Core Dandi Blend GB-Tone Core Hydrangea Blend

R-Lipoic Acid Acetyl-Glutathione


Liquid Light trace minerals Ironsorb

Natural Calm (Magnesium) Calcium Citrate

MicroPlex VM2 Multivitamin Zinc


AromaTouch massage Core Berberine blend

Lyme homeopathics Rife machine frequencies specific to Lyme


Niacin (Vitamin B3) Vitamin C Vitamin E

Vitamin K Vitamin D


Adrenal Force Adrenopath Adrenal-Tone

Phyto B-Complex DHEA and Pregnenalone

Core Licro Blend Eleuthro root/Siberian Ginseng

Earthing Mat—used regularly while sleeping normalizes cortisol

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Thyro-Force Thyro-Chord (and drainage remedy)

Iodine Kelp

Adrenal supplements SECTION 10: BLOOD SUGAR PROBLEMS

Chromium Cinnamon essential oil

Basil essential oil Digestive Enzymes: Pancreazyme Plus by Energique

SECTION 11: WOMENS PROBLEMS Core Cohosh and Core Dong Quai Blend

Adrenal balancing– DHEA & Pregnenalone Core Maca Gold

Evening Primrose Oil Solace essential oil blend Gamma Oryanol

SECTION 12: MENS PROBLEMS Core Saw Palmetto Blend or Healthy Prostate

Zinc Boron Core Maca Gold

SECTION 13: CARDIOVASCULAR CoQ10 Serrapeptase/Nattokinase

Gingko Biloba Core Hawthorn

Circulatory Health Fish Oil

Circulatory Health


Kidney-Tone D-Mannose

Core Berberine Blend

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Echinacea Astragalus

Core Cat’s Claw Core Olive Leaf Extract

XenoForce Vitamin D Selenium

Ezziac Tea with Cats Claw by Nature’s Unique or Essiac Tea Core Burdock Blend

Core Gen 2 Blend Green Tea Plus or Capsol-T

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Each symptom in the intake form is numbered so you can easily look it up in the

symptom guide to see what the indicators are and what supplements would be recom-

mended. The root cause is also listed for each symptom and you will need to identify

the root cause before choosing their supplement protocol.

You might see several symptoms pointing to the same general problem, such as

low stomach acidity. The more indicators that you see, the more that needs to be ad-


Used in conjunction with a EAV machine that will get you closer to the root

cause as well as the best supplements for the client, you can more quickly and easily

put together a healing protocol that will help the client achieve better health.


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Upper GI

Most people assume that heartburn and reflux is caused by

too much acid in the stomach. They usually use over the counter antacids to counter this or

have gotten a prescription drug such as Prevacid or Nexium to get rid of this symptom. But

many times, it’s not actually too much acid in their stomach while digesting their food, but an

imbalance of their body’s pH that causes and increased acid secretion between meals, leading

to inflamed and irritated mucosa. Check the pH of the body using pH strips.

When people are under chronic stress, the body will divert attention away from diges-

tion of food and put the emphasis dealing with the fight or flight situation. This creates low

stomach acidity, which causes poor digestion of food, where the body cannot break protein

down into the essential amino acids or make other minerals soluble. This can set up condi-

tions in which a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori can thrive and set up a chronic infection in

the stomach. Other signs of H. pylori include nausea in morning, and a burning pain in stom-


It can also be caused by a structural problem such as a hiatal hernia or a weak esophageal

sphincter muscle that allows gastric juices to get into the esophagus and creates symptoms.


Acidic diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)

H. Pylori bacterial infection

Hiatal Hernia

Low stomach acidity or a Lack of digestive enzymes


**DigestZen Essential Oil by DoTERRA

(use 1-2 drops in a shotglass size glass of water and drink as needed)

(can also apply 1-2 drops topically to chest/throat)

**Digestive Enzymes taken with each meal

Catalyst U by Energetix

Vitalzymes Forte by Klaire Labs


Alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, alkaline water) to shift pH to a

more neutral place if too acidic. Test to find out first.

Betaine Hydrochloride tablets taken with meals or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar diluted

with a little water sipped during meals can help restore acidity in the stomach.


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Upper GI

This can indicate poor digestion of food caused by low stomach acidity or insufficient

pancreatic enzymes. When food is not broken down properly, this leads to a putrification of

proteins and fermentation of carbohydrates, which gives off gas as a by-product. This can

also cause bloating in the abdomen.

The root cause of this could be low stomach acid since this causes a decreased output

of enzymes from the pancreas. The body requires a strong acidic stimulus to cause the pan-

creas to release digestive enzymes into the small intestine. Without these enzymes, food does

not get digested well.

Burping that is not after meals can indicate liver problems.


Acidic diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)

H. Pylori bacterial infection

Overeating or lack of chewing food thoroughly

Low stomach acidity or a Lack of digestive enzymes

Possible zinc deficiency or B vitamin deficiency


**DigestZen Essential Oil by DoTERRA

(use 1-2 drops in a shotglass size glass of water and drink as needed)

(can also apply 1-2 drops topically to chest/throat)

**Digestive Enzymes taken with each meal

Catalyst U by Energetix

Vitalzymes Forte by Klaire Labs


Alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, alkaline water) to shift pH to a

more neutral place if too acidic. Test to find out first.

Betaine Hydrochloride tablets taken with meals or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar diluted

with a little water sipped during meals can help restore acidity in the stomach.



Chew food more thoroughly


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Upper GI

This is an indication of a disturbed digestive system. It can be caused by low stomach

acid which leads to fermentation of food, which builds up gas in the intestines.

Can also be caused by candida over growth in the digestive tract. Food allergies can also

cause this symptom. Wheat or gluten is the most common one.

The root cause of this could be low stomach acid since this causes a decreased output

of enzymes from the pancreas. The body requires a strong acidic stimulus to cause the pan-

creas to release digestive enzymes into the small intestine. Without these enzymes, food does

not get digested well.


Poor diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)

Candida or yeast

Low stomach acidity

Pancreatic enzyme need

Food Allergies


**Probiotics: use several for a few days to build up levels

**Digestive Enzymes taken with each meal

Catalyst U by Energetix

Vitalzymes Forte by Klaire Labs


Betaine Hydrochloride tablets taken with meals or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar diluted

with a little water sipped during meals can help restore acidity in the stomach.

Candida cleanse: GX Assist


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Upper GI

This is an indication of a disturbed digestive system. It can be related to

chronic constipation, poor digestion, or overgrowth of bacteria or yeast in the intes-

tines. A poor diet will also cause this problem.


Poor diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)


Bacterial infection

Candida or yeast

Low stomach acidity

Pancreatic enzyme need

Poor dental hygiene


**DigestZen Essential Oil or Peppermint by DoTERRA

(use 1-2 drops in a shotglass size glass of water and drink as needed)

**Digestive Enzymes taken with each meal

Catalyst U by Energetix

Vitalzymes Forte by Klaire Labs


Betaine Hydrochloride tablets taken with meals or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar diluted

with a little water sipped during meals can help restore acidity in the stomach.

Chlorella or Chlorophyll


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Upper GI

This is an indication of a the need for liver or kidney support. If the normal or-

gans of elimination are overloaded, such as in constipation, the body will use the skin

as an eliminating organ and act as an excretory organ. If constipation is not an issue,

then liver and kidney support are called for.


Poor diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)


Liver congestion and detoxification problems

Kidney problems

Magnesium deficiency


**Colon Cleanse if needed: Colon Clear by Energetix or OxyPowder

**Liver support supplements: Pure Body Clear, Silymarin, PhosChol, etc…

Kidney support: Kidney Tone, Pure Body Clear

Magnesium supplement: Natural Calm

This can be related to other digestive symptoms such as acid reflux or bloating, which

makes the person uncomfortable after meals. If client also has these symptoms, see those

sections. This can also be caused by undiagnosed food allergies. While they may not be caus-

ing obvious digestive problems, other symptoms may happen after eating such as fatigue,

mood swings, depression, irritability, joint pain, etc….


Poor diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)

Digestive problems

Food allergies


Digestive support: Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Pancreatin, etc….

Elimination of food allergens



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Upper GI

This can be an indication of blood sugar problems or inadequate digestion. Sugar or

excess carbohydrates without adequate protein or fats to slow metabolism of the carbs can

create an increase in insulin. This can cause sleepiness. Having a better ratio of protein,

carbs, and fats with meals can help boost energy. Or not eating as many carbohydrates is

very helpful for many people.

A diet that is high in hard-to-digest foods or a lack of digestive enzymes can also cause

this because the body is using a large amount of energy to digest the food. This can also be

caused by the same things that cause other digestive problems, such as low stomach acidity,

pancreatic enzyme deficiency, H. pylori infection, etc...Low stomach acid causes a decreased

output of enzymes from the pancreas. The body requires a strong acidic stimulus to cause the

pancreas to release digestive enzymes into the small intestine. Without these enzymes, food

does not get digested well.


Poor diet (mostly meat, starches, processed food, sodas, coffee, alcohol, etc…)

Lack of digestive enzymes

Too many carbohydrates

Blood sugar problems


Digestive support: Digestive Enzymes, Pancreatin, Betaine Hydrochloride, etc….

Supplements to support Blood sugar: Chromium, Basil essential oil, Cinnamon es-

sential oil, etc...


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Upper GI

This can be an indication of an acute infection or H. pylori infection. It can also indi-

cate serious disease, such as cancer. Other possible causes of stomach pain are food aller-

gies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and upper GI bleeding.

Burning pain is typically caused by H. pylori and that should be ruled out first.


Helicobactor pylori

Also possibly IBS, food allergies, bleeding in upper GI


For H. pylori, use Core Berberine Blend as an antibacterial to address the infection.

DigestZen by DoTERRA can be used topically on stomach (1-2 drops)

Ozonated water can also kill H pylori effectively. The protocol is 2 large glasses per

day on an empty stomach for 14 days. Then recheck to make sure it’s gone.

This is a clear sign of low stomach acid which causes nutritional deficiencies because

the body is unable to break food down to the amino acids, minerals, and other nutrients.

Chronic stress, excess sugar and processed food, antacids, can create a condition of low stom-

ach acid in the body. Without adequate digestion, we cannot absorb the structural molecules

to build our fingernails. One way to tell is if when you eat beets and your urine turns pink,

you don’t have enough acid to break down the color in the beets.


Low stomach acid

Amino acid deficiency due to poor protein digestion

Mineral deficiency due to poor digestion


Betaine Hydrochloride tablets with meals to supply extra stomach acid

Pancreatin with meals to break down proteins more effectively

Digestive Enzymes

Mineral supplement



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Upper GI

This can be a sign of poor absorption of nutrients. The person may not be absorbing

the iron due to low stomach acid. It can also be caused by deficiencies of other nutrients such

as Vitamin B12, copper, or folic acid.


Low stomach acid

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Folic Acid deficiency

Copper deficiency


Betaine Hydrochloride tablets with meals to supply extra stomach acid

Methyl B12

Folic Acid

Copper and other trace mineral supplement

This can be an indication of an

acute infection or H. pylori infection.

It can also indicate serious disease, such as cancer. Other possible causes of stomach pain

are food allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), parasites, and upper GI bleeding. Burning

pain is typically caused by H. pylori and that should be ruled out first. In children, this can be

an indication of parasites or food allergies.


Helicobactor pylori

Food allergies



For H. pylori, use Core Berberine Blend as an antibacterial to address the infection.

DigestZen by DoTERRA can be used topically on stomach (1-2 drops)

Ozonated water can also kill H pylori effectively. The protocol is 2 large glasses per

day on an empty stomach for 14 days. Then recheck to make sure it’s gone.

Avoiding food allergens and Digestive support, such as probiotics, enzymes, etc...

Parasite cleanse: Core Para-V or Core Artemesia Blend



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Upper GI

Diarrhea can be a mild episode that lasts a few hours or days and is a way for the body

to rid itself of irritants or pathogens. However, if it is ongoing, it can be a sign of a more seri-

ous underlying condition. It can be caused by parasites or other pathogens, IBS, food aller-

gies, or emotional stress.

The dangers of chronic diarrhea are dehydration and mineral and electrolyte deficiency.

If it lasts for more than a few days, is severe and acute, contains blood or pus, or is associated

with a high fever, weight loss, listlessness, severe cramping, or vomiting, you must see a doc-

tor. It may be serious!


Food poisoning: E. coli, salmonella, giardia, amoeba, etc...

Food allergies: Gluten or dairy most common


Emotional Stress



**Stomach Rescue by Peaceful Mountain for food poisoning

**Slippery Elm powder: 2-3 teaspoons or 6 capsules 2-3 times a day

DigestZen by DoTERRA can be used topically on stomach (1-2 drops) and internally

Parasite cleanse: Core Para-V or Core Artemesia Blend

Electrolytes and trace minerals

Diarrhea after meals is an indication of food sensitivities. The body will try to remove the irri-

tant by causing diarrhea. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is characterized by loose stools after

meals. Too much Vitamin C or Magnesium can also cause diarrhea.


Food allergies: Gluten or dairy most common



Identify food allergies or intolerances and remove from diet

Slippery Elm Powder

Probiotics to replenish good bacteria in the intestines

Digestive Enzymes or Pancreatin to break down food effectively


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Upper GI

Black or very dark stools is a sign of bleeding in the upper GI tract. This is a serious condition

and needs immediate attention to rule out pathology or serious disease, such as cancer,

Crohns Disease, colitis, etc… Activated charcoal could also cause this or Pepto-Bismol.


Identify the cause of the bleeding– see a medical professional!

This can be from client not chewing their food well enough or a deficiency of pancreatic en-

zymes to break down the food effectively. The root cause of this could be low stomach acid

since this causes a decreased output of enzymes from the pancreas. The body requires a

strong acidic stimulus to cause the pancreas to release digestive enzymes into the small intes-

tine. Without these enzymes, food does not get digested well.


Lack of pancreatic enzymes or low stomach acid



Digestive Enzymes,

Betaine Hydrochloride



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This is an indication of constipation. Constipation is a symptoms where stools are too hard,

too small, too infrequent, difficult to expel, or when the client has a feeling of incomplete

evacuation after the bowel movement is over. Ideally, the client should have a bowel move-

ment 2-3 times a day that is easy to pass and not too hard. Someone can still be constipated

if they only eliminate once per day.

Transit time is how long it takes for food that you eat to move through your entire digestive

tract and be eliminated in a bowel movement. Ideal transit time is 12-24 hours, but for many

people it takes 50-100 hours. This is a problem because the longer the food sits in your diges-

tive tract, the more it breaks down and putrifies. It also means that the toxins and other

waste will be sitting longer in the large intestine and instead of exiting the body quickly, the

longer it sits, the more it is reabsorbed into the body, causing auto-toxemia.

Constipation is typically caused by poor diet with a lack of fiber and lack of hydration. It can

also be caused by a magnesium deficiency, food allergies, lack of digestive enzymes, or probi-

otics. Lack of exercise will only make this worse as well.


Poor diet lacking in fiber from fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole foods

Not drinking enough water

Magnesium deficiency

Lack of beneficial bacteria or enzymes to break down food

Food Allergies


Drink 12-16 ounces of water first thing upon arising, and throughout the day

Colon Clear by Energetix (for kids use their herbal called Gentle Pathway)

OxyPowder for more serious constipation– start with 4 capsules and increase

Probiotics: use several for a few days to build up levels

Fiber from fresh produce and whole grains: 1-2 raw apples a day really help

Magnesium: Natural Calm– start with 2 tsp. and increase until it works!

Colonics: several back to back days to clean out old backlog

For Kids: Natural Calm, OxyPowder (empty pills into water), prune juice

SIMPLE TEST: Test Transit time by eating a large serving of beets or take 6 capsules

of activated charcoal. Record the time it takes for you to see the color in your stool.

That is your transit time. Ideally, it should be 12-18 hours.


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There are a few things to consider with this symptom: It could be something wrong with the

appendix, such as appendicitis. This is an emergency issue and should be referred to a medi-

cal professional. Other causes of cramping include intestinal obstruction, salpingitis, ovarian

cysts, ileocecal valve spasms, or diverticulitis. This symptom needs careful assessment.


Appendicitis (pain about halfway between belly button and hip bone)


Ovarian cysts


Severe constipation



See a medical professional to determine the cause of the pain

Slippery Elm can help reduce inflammation

This can be an indication of serious pathology. You need to get information on the color of

the blood in the stool. A blackish stool is an indication of bleeding high up in the GI tract.

This could be caused by ulcers, cancer, Crohn’s disease, iron, activated charcoal, or a heavy

meat diet. Brighter red blood in the stool indicates bleeding that is from the lower part of the

intestines, such as from hemorrhoids, fissures, colitis, cancer, or from eating beets.




Crohn’s Disease

Other pathology


See a medical professional to determine the cause of the bleeding if it is dark red

or does not respond to natural methods.



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This indicates irritation to the intestinal tract as seen in colitis, food sensitivity, and pancreati-

tis. Mucus with pus is seen in ulcerative colitis, bacillary dysentery, ulcerative cancer of the

colon, or acute diverticulitis.




Food sensitivity or allergy



See a medical professional to get a diagnosis

Slippery Elm Bark powder to heal intestinal lining

GALT Immune by Energetix to heal lining of intestines

Identify food sensitivities and remove foods from diet

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS and colitis are conditions that have any of the following symp-

toms: Abdominal pain or cramping, constipation, diarrhea, mucus in stool, gas, nausea, etc...


Bacterial infection

Food Allergy or Sensitivity



Digestive enzymes or pancreatin

Slippery Elm bark powder

GALT Immune by Energetix

Identify food sensitivity and remove foods from diet



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This indicates an overgrowth of yeast or Candida species of fungus in the body. Anyone who

has taken antibiotics is vulnerable to this opportunistic yeast. It can start to grow in the diges-

tive tract and spread to other areas of the body. It will manifest wherever there is a distur-

bance in the ecology of the body. It is fed by sugars, starches, and alcohol in the diet, so any-

one with this problem should avoid these foods.

Clients with yeast or Candida typically also have an increased heavy metal body burden.

There is evidence that candida and heavy metals exist together in the body, so if you address

one, you really should address the other at the same time. That means that you may not be

able to get rid of candida without getting rid of the heavy metals.


Excessive antibiotic use in the past

Diet high in sugar, sweets, starchy foods, and alcohol

Lack of good bacteria in the digestive tract to keep yeast in check

Heavy metal toxicity in the body


Ther-Biotic Complete Probiotic by Klaire Labs

Candida cleanse: GX Assist by DoTERRA

Anti-Candida diet: no sweeteners except stevia, no fruit, no grains, lots of non-

starchy vegetables, protein, nuts, seeds, healthy fats

Heavy metal detox: Natural Cellular Defense or Acetyl Glutathione

Topical yeast remedies: For nail fungus, jock itch, athlete’s foot, thrush, you can

apply 1-2 drops of Melaleuca essential oil (DoTERRA) several times a day.

Vaginal yeast infections:


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This is a sign of food allergies. If they are reddish circles under eyes, it can indicate possible

parasites. Other possible causes is poor digestion or absorption.


Food allergies

Poor digestion

Parasites (especially if the dark circles are reddish in color)


Identify food allergies and avoid those foods

Ther-Biotic Complete Probiotic by Klaire Labs

Digestive support: enzymes, Pancreatin, etc….

The client may have had parasites

in the past, been treated, but may still

have them hanging out in their body without necessarily having symptoms. Parasites can be

very persistent and can linger for long periods of time. This type of infection can cause aller-

gies, insomnia, chronic sinusitis, and more.



Contaminated raw meats or fish (sushi)

Indoor pets that may not be wormed regularly can pass on parasites


Verify their presence using EAV or stool testing

Parasite Cleanse: Core Para-V or Core Artemesia Blend (can put in pack over liver)

Electronic cleanse: Ultimate zapper or Rife Machine frequencies

Black Walnut Hulls, Garlic, Wormwood

Clove essential oil and AromaTouch massage

*Note: Be sure to also take some proteolytic enzymes between meals while doing any parasite cleanse

to help the body digest the dead parasites. If you don’t, you will put an increasing burden on the body

to break the dead parasites down. You can use Serrapeptase, Protease, Bromelian, or Pancreatin for

this– take 2 capsules between meals twice a day.



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This is an indication of a disturbance in the digestive organs. The main indication is a toxic

large intestine or colon. Digestion support may be also called for, such as enzymes, betaine

hydrochloride, probiotics, etc...This puts added strain on the liver to filter the blood.


Toxic colon

Overwhelmed liver


**Colon Cleansing: Colon Clear, Oxy Powder, Colonics

Digestive enzymes

The client may have parasites, and this is highly likely if the client has unexplained diarrhea or

has recently been out of the country.




Verify their presence using EAV or stool testing

Parasite Cleanse: Core Para-V or Core Artemesia Blend by Energetix

Electronic cleanse: Ultimate zapper or Rife Machine frequencies

Black Walnut Hulls, Garlic, Wormwood

Clove essential oil

*Note: Be sure to also take some proteolytic enzymes between meals while doing any parasite cleanse

to help the body digest the dead parasites. If you don’t, you will put an increasing burden on the body

to break the dead parasites down. You can use Serrapeptase, Protease, Bromelian, or Pancreatin for

this– take 2 capsules between meals twice a day.



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See number 16-17 on page…..

See number 25 about parasites on page…...

This is a strong indicator of poor digestion, which can be caused by lack of enzymes or hydro-

chloric acid, yeast overgrowth, or liver detoxification problems.


Low stomach acid

Deficiency of digestive enzymes

Liver detoxification problems


Digestive Enzymes or Pancreatin


Betaine Hydrochloride to correct stomach acidity

DigestZen internally or Lavender essential oil (doTERRA ONLY!)

Fennel seeds, ground up and added to food

Liver support: Pure Body Clear, Silymarin, etc..




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Small Intestine

Food allergies are overreactions of the immune system. They can be caused by incomplete

digestion or leaky gut that leaves large food particles in the body that create an immune re-

sponse. A disturbed internal terrain creates the conditions for allergies. Abnormal intestinal

flora, incomplete digestion, and an abnormally permeable intestinal mucus membrane will

compromise the digestion and lead to a breakdown of the villi of the small intestine which low-

ers secretory IgA, the body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders. The body then re-

acts by producing antibodies against it, creating allergy symptoms.

The body’s second line of defense, the liver, can also be compromised, making the body more

allergic as the blood is unable to be kept clean by an overworked liver. Because liver dysfunc-

tion is so common now due to the increased workload from toxic chemicals and food additives,

it may not be functioning as it should and cannot keep up with detoxification. Lowering the

body burden of the clients of the toxins in their tissues will also help reverse food allergies.


Poor digestion or Low stomach acid

Deficiency of digestive enzymes

Lack of probiotic bacteria

Liver detoxification problems

Remedies for correcting digestion:

Digestive Enzymes or Pancreatin


Betaine Hydrochloride to correct stomach acidity

Glutamine to help heal intestinal lining or leaky gut

GALT Immune by Energetix

Remedies for correcting Liver problems:

Pure Body Clear


Acetyl Glutathione

Sauna Detox


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Small Intestine

See number 3 on page 20.

See number 31 on Food Allergies on page 37. Healing the digestive tract and supporting the

liver can help improve allergies of any type. While working on that, you can use the supple-

ments below for more immediate relief.

Natural Anti-histamines:

Quercitin and Vitamin C: take several capsules everyday to reduce allergic response

Lavender essential oil is a natural antihistamine, use with Peppermint essential oil

Use a Neti pot or sinus rinse to keep sinus passages clean of allergens

Local raw honey: use a spoonful per day to desensitize to local pollen

Pollinsosan by A.Vogel is good too

Wheat or gluten sensitivity is more common now and even a mild sensitivity can cause the

characteristic lesion of celiac disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged.

This leads to malabsorption, leaky gut, and increased congestion that can cause allergies.


Gluten sensitivity


Gluten free diet (strict)- give client handout on what to avoid/gluten free options

L-Glutamine and Slippery Elm powder to heal intestines

GALT Immune by Energetix




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Small Intestine

This can be an indication of lactose intolerance or an allergy to casein, the protein in milk.

Pasteurized milk is not healthy because it’s harder to digest, tends to create mucus, and

causes more of an allergic reaction than raw milk. Milk is made for babies and is not neces-

sary to maintain good health. There are other good sources of calcium besides milk.


Food allergy or dairy intolerance


Avoiding dairy products if there is a sensitivity is best

Some people can tolerate goats milk products better than cow milk


Chronic sinus congestion can be an indication of digestive problems or a possible fungal infec-

tion, such as candida or mold in their environment.


Poor digestion

Candida or yeast overgrowth

Mold exposure in home or workplace



Digestive enzymes or pancreatin to support digestion

Ozone ear insufflations

Mold test kit to check for mold

Breathe essential oil (doTERRA) applied topically to the bridge of nose and sinus

area of face. Keep out of eye area.



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Small Intestine

Many people have a gluten or wheat allergy and do not know it. Craving the same food you

are allergic to is a sign of an undiagnosed allergy. Delayed allergies can manifest a reaction

from 12-72 hours later. This can make it very difficult for the client to identify the offending

food. They may not realize that their chronic health problems might be associated with a par-

ticular food. But removing the food is not just the answer. One thing to look at is the reason

or cause of the food allergy in the first place. And the answer lies in the digestive tract. Low

stomach acid and a lack of digestive enzymes causes poor digestion of food. When large

molecules of food are undigested, it provides the perfect substrate for bacterial or yeast over-


Over time, the villi, which is the lining of the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed, gets

irritated and inflamed, causing damage to the lining. Then larger molecules of food can pene-

trate the intestinal wall and get into the bloodstream. When this happens, the immune system

will see it as an invader and produce antibodies against it. This causes an allergic response.

If the liver is congested, it will not be able to detoxify the body effectively and can add to the



Poor digestion

Food senstitivity

Liver congestion


Identify and avoid the foods that are the problem

Improve digestion with

Betaine Hydrochloride

Digestive enzymes or Pancreatin


GALT Immune

Support Liver function





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Small Intestine

This is a sign of an allergy. Delayed allergies can manifest a reaction from 12-72 hours later.

This can make it very difficult for the client to identify the offending food. They may not real-

ize that their chronic health problems might be associated with a particular food. But remov-

ing the food is not just the answer. One thing to look at is the reason or cause of the food

allergy in the first place. And the answer lies in the digestive tract. Low stomach acid and a

lack of digestive enzymes causes poor digestion of food. When large molecules of food are

undigested, it provides the perfect substrate for bacterial or yeast overgrowth.

Over time, the villi, which is the lining of the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed, gets

irritated and inflamed, causing damage to the lining. Then larger molecules of food can pene-

trate the intestinal wall and get into the bloodstream. When this happens, the immune system

will see it as an invader and produce antibodies against it. This causes an allergic response.

If the liver is congested, it will not be able to detoxify the body effectively and can add to the

problem. The liver normally takes care of any foreign substances in the body or antigens, so if

it’s not working well, they will continue to circulate in the bloodstream and create problems.


Poor digestion

Food senstitivity

Liver congestion


Identify and avoid the foods that are the problem

Improve digestion with

Betaine Hydrochloride

Digestive enzymes or Pancreatin


GALT Immune

Support Liver function





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Small Intestine

This is a sign of an increased toxicity in the body. Exposure to man-made chemicals, environ-

mental toxins, heavy metals, plastics, etc...will build up in our tissues leading to an increased

body burden.

If the liver is congested, it will not be able to detoxify the body effectively. The liver normally

takes care of any foreign substances in the body or antigens, so if it’s not working well, they

will continue to circulate in the bloodstream and create problems.

Toxins can also be generated inside the body due to chronic constipation or by poor digestion

which can create the perfect environment for bacteria, yeast, or parasites. These things can

produce metabolic toxins in the body, which can cause nightmares.


High toxic body burden

Liver congestion



Support Liver function




Detoxify the body

Address and eliminate infections


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Small Intestine

This can be due to a few possible things: food allergies, low adrenal function, low thyroid func-

tion, or hypoglycemia. Candida overgrowth can also cause this because of the toxins released

from the yeast which cause brain fog.


Food allergies

Low adrenal function

Low thyroid function




If adrenals, test for adrenal supplements (Adrenopath, Adrenal Force, etc…)

Candida: anti-candida diet and GX Assist, probiotics, enzymes, etc..

Support Liver function




Identify food allergies and remove from diet


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Small Intestine

This can be a sign of IBS or possible sign of cancer.


Food allergies

Leaky gut




Rule out cancer

Restore digestion:


Digestive enzymes or Pancreatin

Betaine Hydrochloride

Identify food allergies and remove from diet

See number 38 (Pulse speeds after eating). This is an indication of allergies caused by dis-

turbed digestion/body ecology.


Poor digestion

Food senstitivity

Liver congestion


Identify and avoid the foods that are the problem

Improve digestion with

Betaine Hydrochloride

Digestive enzymes or Pancreatin


GALT Immune

Support Liver function: Glutathione, Silymarin, Pure Body Clear, etc...



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This is an indication of liver problems. If the liver is damaged, the bile flow can be inhibited,

causing a build up of toxins that cause nausea. Other digestive problems can cause this, such

as low stomach acid or lack of digestive enzymes causing poor digestion of meat and other

foods. Instead of digesting well, they sit in the stomach and putrify. Pregnancy can also cause

nausea. Drugs can also cause nausea.


Liver damage or congestion

Poor digestion


Prescription drugs


Peppermint essential oil by doTERRA (take internally or inhale)

DigestZen essential oil by doTERRA (take internally or use topically)

Ginger essential oil, ginger tea, crystallized ginger root

This is a sign of gallbladder stasis due to referred pain from the gallbladder radiating up into

the shoulder area. Other things that can cause this pain are nerve impingement, bursitis, fro-

zen shoulder, weak muscles, etc...


Gallbladder problems

Nerve pinched


Frozen shoulder


Gallbladder support:

Chiropractic adjustment


AromaTouch massage

LumenPhoton light pad for bursitis or frozen shoulder pain



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This is an indication of liver problems. If the liver is damaged or overwhelmed, it will use the

skin as a back up eliminating organ. This will cause the toxins to be excreted through the

skin, which can cause rashes, acne, etc….


Liver damage or congestion

Poor digestion

Food allergies


Liver support:

Pure Body Clear, Glutathione, PhosChol, Silymarin, R-Lipoic Acid, etc..

Lavender essential oil used topically mixed with some coconut oil or aloe vera

Clearskin essential oil blend (doTERRA) used topically

This is a sign of liver problems. They should start to go away when the liver is addressed and



Liver congestion


Liver support

Pure Body Clear



R-Lipoic Acid

Ozone funneled over the liver



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This is an indication of gallbladder problems. Fats in the diet require enough bile from the

liver and adequate bile released by the gallbladder to properly emulsify fats so they can be

digested. If fatty foods upset the stomach, the body is in need of gallbladder support. The

bile can be too thick and may need thinning. Lack of pancreatic enzymes can also cause this

problem. The pancreas makes lipase, which is the enzyme that breaks down fats.


Gallbladder problems

Lack of enzymes to digest fats


Gallbladder support

Bile salts



Digestive enzymes with lipase

Avoid trans fats and hydrogenated oils in the diet


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Gallbladder attacks or a history of gallbladder attacks is an indication of gallstones. If it is an

acute situation, the client should see a medical professional.

Gallbladder symptoms are a sign of congested bile with the build up of concentrated bile that

can cause stones. The bile should be kept thin and fluid. Bile salts, and phosphorus are some

things that can keep the bile thin.

A gallbladder flush can get the stones out of the gallbladder and out of the body.


Gallbladder problems

Poor diet


Gallbladder support

Bile salts



Gallbladder attacks: Use Core Hydrangea Blend every 15 minutes.

Gallbladder flush to remove stones if it’s not acute

Take 15 drops of Orthophosphoric Acid 3 times a day in a little water

(This softens the stones so they can get through the bile duct)

On the night of the 3rd day, at bedtime, take:

3-4 grams of magnesium malate

Drink 1/2 cup olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice

Go to bed immediately and you should eliminate the stones in the next bowel

movement in the morning.

See number 43– Nausea.



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This is an indication of liver and gallbladder congestion. Sometimes they are caused by blood

sugar problems, especially if they come in the afternoon or first thing in the morning.


Liver congestion

Gallbladder problems



Liver support

Pure Body Clear



R-Lipoic Acid

Gallbladder support

Bile salts



This is an indication of liver problems. The liver is the main organ of detoxification and if it’s

not able to detoxify the alcohol, it will cause a build up of it in the body.


Liver congestion


Liver support

Pure Body Clear



R-Lipoic Acid





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This is an indication of liver and gallbladder congestion. If the liver becomes congested, the

blood that flows from the liver from the digestive tract becomes backed up. These veins that

are related to this area can become weakened and prone to hemorrhoids or varicose veins.

Hemorrhoids often resolve themselves once the liver function is improved. Surgery is not ideal

because it does not address the root cause and they can typically come back.


Liver congestion

Weak blood vessels


Liver support

Pure Body Clear



R-Lipoic Acid

Vitamin C with rutin and bioflavinoids to strengthen vessels


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This is a very strong indicator of the need for liver support. There are a few detoxification

pathways in the liver. This is the indicator of the need for sulfoxidation support in Phase 2.

Sulfoxidation uses an enzyme called sulphite oxide to detoxify sulfur, aldehydes, and ketone-

containing molecules, which are found in many perfumes, solvents, and exhaust fumes. Ab-

normal sulfoxidation makes it hard for the body to detoxify these chemicals, which can cause

sensitivities to these chemicals. Sulfoxidation problems can be helped with the trace mineral


This is also in indicator of a high body burden of chemicals. As the body burden increases, the

body gets more sensitive to more and more chemicals. Detox to lower the body burden is the


It can also be a sign of a possible mold problem, since mold gives off harmful chemicals in the

air that can cause sensitivities.


Liver congestion

High body burden of toxic chemicals

Mold exposure


Liver support

Pure Body Clear




R-Lipoic Acid


Detoxification of the entire body through sauna detox


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Both the liver and the gallbladder are located under the right rib cage. Pain in this area can be

serious and should be evaluated by a professional before beginning nutritional supplements.

The gallbladder can be in need of support.


Liver congestion

Gallbladder congestion


Liver support

Pure Body Clear




R-Lipoic Acid

Gallbladder support

Bile salts



Gallbladder flush to remove stones is it’s not acute

Take 15 drops of Orthophosphoric Acid 3 times a day in a little water

(This softens the stones so they can get through the bile duct)

On the night of the 3rd day, at bedtime, take:

3-4 grams of magnesium malate

Drink 1/2 cup olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice

Go to bed immediately and you should eliminate the stones in the next bowel

movement in the morning.


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This can be an indication of liver congestion, adrenal problems, or nervous system problems.

Correcting digestion and supporting the liver and adrenals usually resolves this. Stress also

plays a big part in insomnia. Deficiency of magnesium can also cause insomnia.


Liver congestion

Adrenal fatigue


Nervous system stressed

Toxic chemical exposure

Magnesium deficiency


Liver support

Pure Body Clear




R-Lipoic Acid

Adrenal support

Adrenal Force


Exercise can really help deal with stress and relax the body– 20-40 minutes is ade-


Specific supplements for insomnia:

Chamomile tea 20 minutes before bedtime or Roman Chamomile essential oil

Theanine before bed

Theanine Serene before bed

Lavender essential oil– 1-2 drops on skin or inhaled

Sleeping grounded with grounding pads or on a BioMat can be beneficial


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There can be several causes of this but most can be due to a nutritional deficiency of Vitamin

B6, Manganese, Zinc, or Magnesium. Or it can be from overuse of the wrist or from an injury.


Deficiency of B6

Deficiency of Manganese

Deficiency of Magnesium

Deficiency of Zinc

Injury of overuse



Vitamin B6




This can indicate a deficiency of cal-

cium or other nutrients that enable the body to assimilate the calcium effectively, such as

magnesium, Vitamin D, Boron, Silica, etc...Things that can deplete calcium levels in the body

are: high sugar intake, soft drinks, high meat diet, alcohol and cigarettes, and a sedentary life-



Deficiency Calcium

Deficiency of co-factors: Magnesium, Boron, Vitamin D, Silica

Poor diet



Vitamin B6





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This is an indication of a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, or trace minerals.

Make sure their digestion is good so they are absorbing the minerals.


Deficiency of Calcium

Deficiency of Magnesium

Deficiency of Potassium

Deficiency of trace minerals


Calcium citrate



Trace minerals: Liquid Light

There can be many causes for pain and swelling of joints. One is arthritis, osteoarthritis, or

rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be a sign of Lyme Disease, which should be evaluated if they

have other symptoms of Lyme. Pain in joints that moves from joint to joint is a sign of Lyme.

Painful joints can also be caused by heavy metal toxicity or liver congestion.



Lyme Disease

Liver congestion

Heavy metal toxicity


Vitamin B6 can help

Identify if Lyme is an issue

Liver support

Heavy metal detox




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This is an indication of a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, or trace minerals.

Make sure their digestion is good so they are absorbing the minerals.


Deficiency of Calcium

Deficiency of Magnesium

Deficiency of Potassium

Deficiency of trace minerals


Calcium citrate



Trace minerals: Liquid Light

This is an indication of the need for connective tissue support. Here are some nutrients that

heal connective tissue: Vitamin B12, Glucosamine, MSM, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, Mag-

nesium, Essential fatty acids.


Deficiency of nutrients


Vitamin B12



Vitamin B6

Vitamin C


Essential Fatty acids



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This is an indication of a deficiency of zinc. It should be used along with a general multi-

mineral supplement in case there are deficiencies of other minerals.


Deficiency of zinc



Multi with minerals

This is an indication of a deficiency of zinc. It should be used along with a general multi-

mineral supplement in case there are deficiencies of other minerals. Mold exposure can also

cause a decrease in taste, smell, or hearing.


Deficiency of zinc



Multi with minerals



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This is an indication of overall poor health, liver toxicity, adrenal fatigue, or Lyme disease. If

it’s Lyme, it usually accompanies other symptoms in the Lyme category. Walking a client

through the healing template usually corrects this problem pretty quickly. If it does not im-

prove, then something like Lyme or mold exposure in their home could be the culprit.


Poor diet

Liver congestion

Adrenal fatigue

Lyme disease

Long-term chronic disease



Walk client through the healing template: address digestion, then liver/adrenals

Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies


Mito 2 Max by doTERRA

Pure Body Clear

Herbal adaptogens: Siberian Ginseng, etc..

This is an indication of a a few possible things: Candida overgrowth, poor digestion, Lyme dis-

ease, etc...



Poor digestion

Lyme Disease


Candida cleanse

Digestive support

Test for Lyme: Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies



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This is an indication of candida or fungal infections, liver toxicity, or Lyme disease. If it’s

Lyme, it usually accompanies other symptoms in the Lyme category. It can also be mold ex-

posure in the client’s home or workplace.



Liver congestion

Lyme disease

Mold exposure


Candida cleanse

Liver support

Test for Lyme or mold

There can be many causes for pain and swelling of joints. One is arthritis, either osteoarthritis

or rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be a sign of Lyme Disease, which should be evaluated if

they have other symptoms of Lyme. Pain in joints that moves from joint to joint is a sign of

Lyme. Painful joints can also be caused by heavy metal toxicity or liver congestion.



Lyme Disease

Liver congestion

Heavy metal toxicity


Vitamin B6 can help

Identify if Lyme is an issue

Liver support

Heavy metal detox




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This can be a sign of arthritis, a deficiency of Vitamin B6 or essential fatty acids. It can also

be a sign of Lyme disease, especially if the joints affected are not always the same.



Deficiency of Vitamin B6

Essential fatty acid deficiency

Lyme disease


Vitamin B6

Liver support

Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies

Essential fatty acids

This is can be a sign of Lyme disease, especially if it starts suddenly after a flu-like illness or a

tick bite.


Lyme Disease


Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies



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This is can be a sign of Lyme disease, especially if it starts suddenly after a tick bite.


Lyme Disease


Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies

Headaches can be triggered by many things: stress and tension, poor diet, food allergies,

Lyme disease,



Poor diet

Food allergies

Lyme disease


Vitamin B6

Liver support

Test for Lyme: Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies

Essential fatty acids



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This can be due to many things: ADD, high body burden of toxins, candida, Lyme, and other

conditions can cause this.



Chemical toxins




Find the cause of the health problem and work on it

DMAE can help with focus

InTune by doTERRA can also help with focus/concentration

Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies

This is a unique symptom that is an indicator of Lyme disease. Once the Lyme is treated, it

should go away. If client also has joint pain and other symptoms in the Lyme category, then

Lyme is highly likely.




Lyme remedies and Rife frequencies



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This can be caused by a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, or Vitamin E. It can

also be caused by stressed adrenals.



Adrenal fatigue


Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin E, Adrenal support

This can be caused by a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, or Vitamin E.


Deficiencies of minerals

Food allergy




Vitamin E

This is associated with a Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is fat-soluble and can be toxic in very

large doses, so giving more than 50,000 IU for more than a few days can be toxic.


Vitamin A deficiency


Vitamin A (Cod liver oil)




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This can be serious, so a medical professional should be consulted. It can also be nutritional,

such as a magnesium deficiency. Food allergies or hyperthyroidism could also be the cause.


Heart problems

Magnesium deficiency

Hyper Thyroid

Food allergies



This can be caused by many things, but one of them is an imbalance of the endocrine system.

Hyperthyroid or hyperadrenal output can cause this symptom. Caffeine can also aggravate

this symptom. Emotional or mental stress can be the root cause which causes the adrenals to

always be in fight or flight mode.


Hyperthyroid or hyper-adrenal

Too much caffeine

Emotional stress


Thyroid or adrenal support

Eliminate all sources of caffeine from diet

Counseling and working on core beliefs to handle emotional stress

High doses of B-Complex (100 mg of each B-Vitamin is good)

Relax-Tone by Energetix



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Nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or bruising easily are all signs of bioflavonoid deficiency. They

help stabilize the membranes in the body, including blood vessels. They are a co-factor with

Vitamin C and are essential for collagen repair.


Vitamin C and Bioflavonoid deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency


Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids

This can be a niacin deficiency and B-complex deficiency. Gluten allergy can be a cause.

Counseling or emotional release work is also highly recommended.


Niacin deficiency

Food allergy

Emotional stressors


Niacin: start with 100 mg taken with food and gradually increase until a niacin flush

is noticed. Keep it at that level.

Identify and remove food allergens from diet


Emotional release or counseling



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There are many possible causes of this: disc problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes,

nerve impingement, or Vitamin B12 deficiency. Digestive support might be indicated to help



Nerve impingement

Vitamin b12 deficiency



Vitamin B12

Digestive support: Betaine hydrochloride, Digestive enzymes, Pancreatin, Probiot-

ics, etc...

This can be caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B1 or amino acids, the building blocks of the

body. Poor digestion can result in the incomplete breakdown of protein, so the amino acids

are not available to the body. Protein intake may not be the problem, but rather but their ab-



Vitamin B1 deficiency

Amino Acid deficiency

Poor digestion


Vitamin B1

Amino Acid supplement: My Aminoplex

Digestive support: Betaine Hydrochloride, Digestive enzymes, Pancreatin, etc...



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Being more of a night person, having a hard time falling asleep, and being slow to get going in

the mornings are signs of adrenal problems. Cortisol should be highest in the mornings and

gradually decline over the day and be lowest around midnight. But if this cortisol rhythm is

out of balance, it can cause it to be higher at night.


Worn out adrenal glands

Find out what is stressing the body and deal with it so the adrenals are not

stressed (can be physical or mental/emotional)


Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force

Adrenopath orAdrenal-Tone


This is a classic sign of adrenal

problems. The adrenals are responsible for keeping the blood pressure normal when the body

moves from a sitting or lying position to a standing position. When the adrenals are weak, it

will cause dizziness when standing.


Worn out adrenal glands

Find out what is stressing the body and deal with it so the adrenals are not

stressed (can be physical or mental/emotional)


Adrenal Support: Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin-

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force

Adrenopath or Adrenal-Tone




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This is a sign of weak ligaments,

which can be related to adrenal weakness. It can also be an indicator of the need for connec-

tive tissue support. If other adrenal symptoms are noted or show up on EAV, then focus more

on the adrenals.


Worn out adrenal glands

Need for connective tissue nutrients

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




Remedies for connective tissue:



Vitamin C



Essential Fatty Acids


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This can be a sign of adrenal weakness. Rule out other kinds of inflammatory arthritis first,

such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid. It can also be related to Lyme disease, which can affect

joints similar to arthritis. Assess the digestive system as well to be sure that is not causing

stress on the body.


Worn out adrenal glands

Inflammatory arthritis or Lyme Disease

Poor digestion

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




Remedies for Digestion:

Digestive Enzymes or Pancreatin


Betaine Hydrochloride

Avoid nightshade vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, cayenne peppers,

and eggplant. Some people are sensitive to these.

Herbal tea for Arthritis: Mix equal parts of nettle, horsetail, dandelion leaf, pepper-

mint, celery seed, turmeric, devils claw, and meadowsweet. Use 1 cup of herbs to 1/2

gallon of water, simmer, cover and turn off heat. Let sit overnight. Drink 3-4 cups per



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This can be a sign of adrenal weakness. It can also indicate a need for electrolytes. When the

adrenals are not functioning optimally, they may cause a larger excretion of sodium and chlo-

ride than is necessary, causing the craving for salt.


Worn out adrenal glands

Electrolyte imbalance

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




Remedies for Electrolyte imbalance:

Sea salt Potassium Trace Minerals


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A headache after exercise is a sign of low adrenal function. Chronic stress will lead to a de-

creased ability of the adrenals to function properly, and causes a decreased ability to control

blood sugar, with leads to hypoglycemia, headaches, and irritability.


Low adrenal function


Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force





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Low back pain that is worse with fatigue is a sign of low adrenal function. Chronic stress will

lead to a decreased ability of the adrenals to function properly, and lead to a weaking of the

back muscles. Connective tissue support and minerals might also be indicated.


Low adrenal function

Connective tissue nutrients needed

Mineral deficiency

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




Remedies for connective tissue:



Vitamin C



Essential Fatty Acids


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This is a sign of stress in the client’s life. Stress causes the adrenals to produce more hor-

mones, such as cortisol and over time, it can lead to adrenal exhaustion. It can also be a seri-

ous problem and may need TMJ or teeth/cranial support.


Low adrenal function

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




A person who perspires easily is a sign of low functioning adrenals. When the client has ex-

cessive perspiration, that is a sign of liver or kidney problems.


Low adrenal function

If excessive perspiration, check liver and kidney function

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force






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Hives can be caused by many things: Low adrenal function, poor digestion, and leaky gut.


Low adrenal function

Leaky Gut or poor digestion

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




Remedies for Digestion:

Digestive enzymes

Betaine Hydrochloride

L-Glutamine or GALT Immune for leaky gut



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The ability of the pupils of the eyes to constrict in bright light is influenced by the adrenal

glands. Many people with adrenal problems will have their pupils dilate in bright light rather

than constrict.


Low adrenal function

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force




This is a sign of low functioning or exhausted adrenals. Find out what is stressing the body or

mind and resolve it to remove the stressor and let the adrenals recover.


Low adrenal function

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Support:

Adaptogenic herbs to aid adrenals, such as Eleuthro (Siberian Gin

seng), Licorice root, etc..

Adrenal Force






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This is a sign of low thyroid function. The thyroid hormones regulate metabolism. Some other

signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold intolerance, fluid retention, poor memory, fatigue,

dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low basal body temperature is a way to check thyroid

function: if your temperature is 97.8 or below, the thyroid is under-functioning. Have the cli-

ent take their basal temperature for 5 straight days and see what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Causes for low thyroid: stressed adrenals, chronic infection, toxins, heavy metals,

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force


This is a sign of low thyroid function. The thyroid hormones affect hair growth and for some

reason, this is a sign of low thyroid function. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation,

cold intolerance, fluid retention, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking.

Low basal body temperature is a way to check thyroid function: if the temperature is 97.8 or

below, the thyroid is under-functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5

straight days and see what the average is. TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within

the normal range, but still be low due to the reference ranges being too broad. TSH should

ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Causes for thyroid dysfunction: stressed adrenals, infection, toxins, heavy metals,

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force




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This is a sign of low thyroid function. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold

intolerance, fluid retention, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low

basal body temperature is a way to check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or be-

low, the thyroid is under-functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5

straight days and see what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Causes for low thyroid: stressed adrenals, chronic infection, toxins, heavy metals,

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force


This is a sign of low thyroid function. Poor circulation and a low body temperature are classic

signs of low thyroid. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold intolerance, fluid

retention, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low basal body tem-

perature is a way to check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or below, the thyroid is

under-functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5 straight days and see

what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Causes for thyroid dysfunction: stressed adrenals, infection, toxins, heavy metals,

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force




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This is a sign of low thyroid function.

Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold intolerance, fluid retention, poor mem-

ory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low basal body temperature is a way to

check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or below, the thyroid is under-functioning.

Have the client take their basal temperature for 5 straight days and see what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Causes for low thyroid: stressed adrenals, chronic infection, toxins, heavy metals,

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force


This is a sign of low thyroid func-

tion. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold intolerance, fluid retention, poor

memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low basal body temperature is a way

to check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or below, the thyroid is under-

functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5 straight days and see what the

average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.

This can also be caused by Lyme Disease, poor liver function, or low adrenal function.


Low thyroid function

Other causes: Liver problems, Lyme disease, low adrenal function

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force




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This is a sign of low thyroid function

and low adrenal function. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold intolerance,

fluid retention, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low basal body

temperature is a way to check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or below, the thy-

roid is under-functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5 straight days and

see what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.


Low thyroid function

Low adrenal function

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force


This is a sign of low thyroid function. Some other signs of low thyroid are constipation, cold

intolerance, fluid retention, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and slow thinking. Low

basal body temperature is a way to check thyroid function: if your temperature is 97.8 or be-

low, the thyroid is under-functioning. Have the client take their basal temperature for 5

straight days and see what the average is.

TSH and other thyroid lab work may test within the normal range, but still be low due to the

reference ranges being too broad. TSH should ideally be between .5 and 1.5.

This can also be caused by Lyme Disease, poor liver function, or low adrenal function.


Low thyroid function

Other causes: Liver problems, Lyme disease, low adrenal function

Remedies for thyroid:

Thyroid Support:

Thyro Force



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This is a sign of increased thyroid function. Clients with hyperthyroidism, Graves disease,

etc...should NOT take supplemental iodine.


Increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism)

Can be caused by toxin overload in body

Remedies for thyroid:

Detox thyroid with Thyro-Chord and Lymph Tone II or Sauna detox

This can be an indication of food allergies. Check digestive system first to be sure this is not

the cause. Or it can be an overactive thyroid. Increased thyroid function can be produced by

a thyroid tumor, or by a diffuse goiter, as in Graves disease, which is marked by increasing

levels of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins.


Poor digestion

Food allergies

Increased thyroid function/Hyperthyroidism or Graves disease

Remedies for thyroid:

Digestive support if needed

Eliminate food allergies

Detox thyroid using Thyro-Chord or sauna detox



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This is a sign of increased thyroid function. Clients who are very emotional, have inward trem-

bling, and other signs of increased thyroid function may have hyperthyroidism.


Increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism)

Can be caused by toxin overload in body

Remedies for thyroid:

Detox thyroid with Thyro-Chord/Lymph Tone II or

Sauna cleansing

This can be an indication of low thyroid function. See #101

This can be an indication of overactive thyroid function. This can be caused by a thyroid tu-

mor or a goiter, or Graves disease. Can also be a vitamin B1 deficiency.


Increased thyroid function/Hyperthyroidism or Graves disease

Remedies for thyroid:

Detox thyroid




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This can be a sign of a few things: increased thyroid function, liver problems, menopause

symptoms, and acne rosacea.


Increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism)

Liver problems


Remedies for thyroid:

Detox thyroid with Thyro-Chord/Lymph Tone II or Sauna cleansing

See liver section for liver support supplements

This can be an indication of food allergies. Check digestive system first to be sure this is not

the cause. Or it can indicate thyroid problems. Check for magnesium deficiency


Poor digestion

Food allergies

Thyroid problems

Remedies for thyroid:

Digestive support if needed

Eliminate food allergies

Detox thyroid with Thyro-Chord or sauna detox



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Blood Sugar

There can be many reasons for this symptom: hypoglycemia, B-Vitamin deficiency, weak adre-

nals, Candida overgrowth, poor digestion, and food allergies. The more sugar you eat, the

more you crave it. It is very addictive!



Low adrenal function

B-Vitamin deficiency


Poor digestion

Food allergies

Remedies for blood sugar:

Chromium and Vanadium


Basil essential oil

This is a classic sign of low blood sugar. Check what the client ate for dinner the night before

and assess for hypoglycemia.



Adrenal weakness

B-Vitamin deficiency

Remedies for blood sugar:

Chromium and Vanadium

Cinnamon essential oil

Basil essential oil



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Blood Sugar

This can be a sign of: yeast or Candida overgrowth, parasites, poor digestion, hypoglycemia.




Poor digestion


Remedies for blood sugar:

Chromium and Vanadium


Basil essential oil

Remedies for Candida:

GX Assist

Probiotic: Ther-Biotic complete

Remedies for Parasites:

Core Artemesia Blend

Core Para-V


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Blood Sugar

All of these symptoms are a sign of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia involves the interac-

tion of the pancreas, the liver, and the adrenal glands. The liver helps to handle short-

term blood sugar problems due to it’s store of glycogen and can raise blood sugar

when it begins to drop. The adrenals will raise blood sugar when under stress. When

chronic stress is causing the adrenals to stay in fight or flight mode, the blood sugar is




Low adrenal function

Remedies for blood sugar:

Chromium and Vanadium


Basil essential oil

Remedies for adrenals:

Adrenal Force


Adrenal –Tone


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This can be a sign of calcium deficiency or a calcium/magnesium imbalance. Vitamin D can

also help calcium absorption. Cutting out sugary foods will help keep calcium in balance.


Calcium deficiency

Deficiency of other co-factors that enable calcium to be absorbed: Magnesium, Vi-

tamin D, Boron

Excess sugar intake


Calcium citrate


Vitamin D

This can be a sign of liver congestion since the liver converts hormones and if it’s not function-

ing well, mood swings and irritability can result. Low thyroid could also be the culprit.


Liver congestion

Low thyroid function

Deficiency of essential fatty acids


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Evening Primrose Oil

Clary Calm essential oil used topically on back of neck or wrists



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This can be a sign of Vitamin E deficiency or liver congestion and the need for liver support.


Vitamin E deficiency

Liver congestion


Vitamin E

Liver support: Silymarin/Milk Thistle, Liver-Tone, Phoschol, Pure Body Clear

This can be a sign of liver congestion, stress, adrenal problems, thyroid problems, or a hormo-

nal imbalance. Chronic stress can play a huge role in this too.


Liver congestion

Low thyroid or adrenal function

Chronic stress


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol

Evening Primrose Oil

Clary Calm essential oil used topically on back of neck or wrists

Core Dong Quai and Core Cohosh blend to regulate cycle

Adrenal support

Remove stressors



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Serious pathology needs to be ruled out, such as endometriosis, cervical cancer, polyps, etc…

This can also be caused by a blockage in the normal organs of elimination, such as the colon,

which can make the menstrual cycle more heavy. Liver congestion can also cause this. If it is

heavy with a lot of clotting, put the client on a more vegetarian diet with less protein. More

fresh fruits and vegetables, less meat and starches can help tremendously as a dietary ther-




Liver congestion

Poor diet with too much meat or starches


Colon cleanse

Liver support: Silymarin/Milk Thistle, Liver-Tone, Phoschol, Pure Body Clear

Vegetarian diet

This can be a sign of liver congestion, or a hormonal imbalance. Chronic stress can play a

huge role in this too because it can cause the hormones to be imbalanced.


Liver congestion

Chronic stress


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Evening Primrose Oil

Clary Calm essential oil used topically on back of neck or wrists

Remove stressors



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This can be caused by an overgrowth of Candida in the body or an imbalance of bacteria in

the body. Sugary foods only aggravate this problem.



Lack of probiotics

Poor diet with too much sugary foods and/or starches


Candida cleanse: GX Assist, etc..

Probiotics: Ther-Biotic Complete

Probiotics can be inserted vaginally overnight

Core Phyto Lavage can be diluted and inserted vaginally with a tampon

This can be a sign of liver congestion, and general body toxicity. Some toxic chemicals, such

as dioxin, have been linked to endometriosis.


Liver congestion

Toxic chemical exposure


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Detoxify the body: Far-infrared sauna cleanses, Natural Cellular Defense, Glu-

tathione, etc…

Ozone funneled over the abdomen is excellent for pain relief



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These are benign tumors in the body that are dependant on estrogen levels for growth. If the

liver is congested and is not functioning optimally, fibroids can result.


Liver congestion

Too much Estrogen


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Detoxify the body: Far-infrared sauna cleanses, Natural Cellular Defense, Glu-

tathione, etc…

Specific remedies that make the fibroids go away: Vitalzym taken between meals,

Sparganium 12 Chinese botanical formula.

This can be a sign of liver congestion, which causes the hormones to be out of balance. Caf-

feine is also going to aggravate this condition and should be avoided. Iodine deficiency can

also cause this.


Liver congestion

Iodine deficiency


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Iodine supplement– sea vegetables are best source

Remove caffeine from diet



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This is a symptom of menopause and can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Check the liver

for problems since the liver is key to hormonal balance. Adrenals or stress can also throw hor-

mones out of balance.


Liver congestion

Hormonal imbalance


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Core Maca Gold or Maca

Gamma Oryzanol: take 2 per day

Black Cohosh

Phyto-Estrogen (doTERRA)

This can be caused by an overgrowth of Candida in the body or an imbalance of bacteria in

the body. Sugary foods only aggravate this problem.



Lack of probiotics

Poor diet with too much sugary foods and/or starches


Candida cleanse: GX Assist, etc..

Probiotics: Ther-Biotic Complete

Probiotics can be inserted vaginally overnight

Core Phyto Lavage can be diluted and inserted vaginally using a tampon



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This is a symptom of menopause and can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Check the liver

for problems since the liver is key to hormonal balance. Adrenals or stress can also throw hor-

mones out of balance.


Liver congestion

Hormonal imbalance


Liver support: Silymarin/milk thistle, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Pure Body Clear

Core Maca Gold or Maca

Black Cohosh

Phyto-Estrogen (doTERRA)

Gamma Oryzanol for hot flashes


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This can be a symptom of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH), prostate cancer, or a deficiency

of nutrients.


Prostate condition such as BPH or prostate cancer

Nutrient deficiency


Have doctor identify the problem, rule out cancer

Saw Palmetto or Healthy Prostate Formula



This can be caused by a urinary tract infection or possibly a prostate problem.


Urinary tract infection

Prostate problems


Core Berberine Blend for infection

Prostate support supplements: Saw palmetto, Zinc, Boron, etc...



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See number 103.

This can be caused by a prostate problem. See number 138.

This can be caused by a prostate problem or liver congestion. See number 138.


Prostate condition such as BPH or prostate cancer

Liver congestion


Liver support: Pure Body Clear, Milk Thistle, PhosChol, etc..

Saw Palmetto






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These are all symptoms of cardiovascular problems. These clients should see a medical doctor

to assess their heart and vascular system. The risk of an impending heart problem is too



Need for cardiovascular support

Toxins: Heavy metals, etc...


Cardiovascular Support: Co Q10, Hawthorn, Fish Oil, Circulatory Health

Nutrients that clear arteries: Serrapeptase between meals, EDTA, Prime (Qivana)


This is a sign of bladder infections and the need for kidney/bladder support.



Kidney problems


Kidney support: Kidney-Tone, Pure Body Clear, Core Solidago Blend, Core Queen of

the Meadow Blend

Core Berberine for infection

Cranberry extract or D-Mannose

Apply OnGuard essential oil topically to skin over bladder 2-3 times a day



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This can be a sign of hematuria, which should be evaluated by a medical doctor to assess

cause of the problem.


Need to see a doctor for a diagnosis

Need for kidney support


Kidney support: Kidney Tone, Core Queen of the Meadow, Core Solidago

This can be a sign of several things: bladder infections, the need for kidney/bladder support,

liver detoxification problems, or lack of adequate hydration.


Bladder or kidney Infection

Kidney/Bladder problems

Liver function problems

Lack of hydration


Kidney support: Kidney-Tone, Core Queen of the Meadow,

Core Berberine for infection

Cranberry extract or D-Mannose

Liver support: Pure Body Clear, Milk thistle, PhosChol, Liver-Tone

Drink more water



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This can be a sign that the body is not keeping the calcium in solution.


Digestive problems, such as low stomach acidity


Raw apple cider vinegar diluted with water taken with meals can help correct the

tendency to form stones.

To dissolve stones: Take 2 lbs. of fresh beets, chop, and put into a pot with

enough water to cover and cook until done. Save the beets for another use, and

drink the water the beets are cooked in. This will dissolve the stones.

This can indicate a kidney infection or the need for kidney support.


Bladder or kidney Infection

Kidney/Bladder problems


Kidney support: Kidney-Tone, Pure Body Clear, Core Solidago,

Core Berberine for infection

Cranberry extract or D-Mannose



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This can be a sign of several problems: kidney problems, liver problems, or allergies. Dark

circles under eyes is a classic sign of allergies, either food or environmental.


Digestive problems, causing allergies


Liver problems

Kidney problems


Make sure digestion is good to prevent allergies

Check for food allergies and remove from diet

Liver support: Pure Body Clear, Milk thistle, Phos Chol, Liver-Tone

Kidney support


This can indicate a low functioning

immune system. Find out what is causing the immune system to be low: poor digestion, ex-

posure to toxins, chronic infections, low thyroid function, Lyme disease, chronic mold expo-

sure, cancer, etc...


Poor immune function

Chronic infection

Mold exposure


Immune support: Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Zinc, Selenium, XenoForce,

Core Olive Leaf Extract, Elderberry Juice concentrate



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This can be a indication of chronic sinusitis, candida, or a fungal infection. It can also be trig-

gered by poor digestion which sets the stage for allergies or candida. Mold in the home or

work environment is another thing to rule out. A sinus infection could be just beginning.


Digestive problems, causing allergies


Mold exposure

Sinus infection


Make sure digestion is good to prevent allergies

Candida cleanse: GX Assist

Check for mold

Use a Neti pot or sinus rinse bottle to flush out irritants from sinuses regularly

Breathe essential oil (doTERRA), XenoForce

This can indicate a low functioning immune system. Things to look for: chronic infections, low

Lyme disease, chronic mold exposure, viruses such as Cytomegalo virus, etc...


Poor immune function

Chronic infection

Mold exposure


Immune support: Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Zinc, Selenium, XenoForce

Find underlying cause and treat it accordingly



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This can be a indication of allergies caused by poor digestion, immune system weakness, or

liver problems. Remember that if the liver or digestive system is not functioning optimally, the

body uses the skin as a back up organ of elimination and will move toxins out through the



Digestive problems, causing allergies

Low immune system function

Liver problems



Make sure digestion is good to prevent allergies

Immune support: Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Zinc, Selenium, XenoForce

Find underlying cause and treat it accordingly

This can indicate a low functioning immune system. Things to look for: chronic infections, low

Lyme disease, chronic mold exposure, viruses such as Cytomegalo virus, etc...


Poor immune function

Chronic infection

Nutrient deficiencies


Immune support: Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Zinc, Selenium, XenoForce

Greens can help provide nutrients to speed healing. Green juices, chlorella, etc...



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This is a indicator of low immune system function and a possible chronic viral infection that is

still affecting the client.


Low immune system function

Viral infection, chronic or low-grade


Immune support: Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Zinc, Selenium, XenoForce

Core Olive Leaf is excellent for boosting immune function

Anti-viral: Elderberry juice taken regularly, Viru-Chord, etc..


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General Essential oils to use for all addiction recovery:

Balance – restored sense of solidity/grounded in life

Bergamot – self love

Frankincense – restore connection to divine love and acceptance

Peppermint – sense of recovery

Purify – cleansing and detoxifying both physically and emotionally

Serenity – calming and quieting

White Fir – if passed on generation to generation

Vetiver – get to the root of it

Zendocrine EO – detoxifying

Specific addiction use:

Alcohol – Helichrysum (see above and Neurotransmitter chart)

Alcohol, Sugar – Helichrysum

Appetite Suppressant – Grapefruit, Slim & Sassy

Appetite Stimulant – Ginger, Myrrh, Slim & Sassy

Caffeine – Basil, Slim & Sassy

Cravings – Grapefruit, Slim & Sassy

Drugs – Grapefruit, R. Chamomile (see Neurotransmitter chart)

Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia) – Grapefruit, Citrus Bliss

Entertainment – Balance, Serenity, Vetiver

Overeating – Grapefruit, Slim & Sassy

Pornography – Frankincense, Helichrysm

Sex – Geranium, Sandalwood, Whisper

Smoking/Tobacco – Clove, OnGuard

Sugar – Slim and Sassy, Grapefruit

Withdrawal – Grapefruit, Lavender, Sandalwood

Work – Basil, Geranium, Lavender, Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang

Nutrients to help with addictions:




Vitamin C

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This is caused by nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, and/or toxic chemicals or heavy met-

als from vaccinations or environmental chemicals. Both the diet and detox need to be ad-

dressed for this to completely resolve. Be sure to support digestion since kids are given antio-

biotics and may be lacking in probiotics.


Nutritional deficiencies

Food allergies

Toxic chemicals



Healthy diet: usually needs to be gluten and dairy free, no sugar, no artificial colors

or preservatives

Probiotics and/or chewable digestive enzymes

Detox the causes that are identified: Vaccin-Chord if vaccines, Metal-Chord if met-

als, Natural Cellular Defense if other chemicals and metals. Include Drainage-Tone

or Lymph-Tone if Chord remedies are used.

For focus: DMAE or In Tune essential oil blend (doTERRA) used on back of neck as



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This can be triggered by a higher body burden from environmental toxins, inhaled cigarette

smoke (even 2nd hand smoke), vaccinations, heavy metals, etc…

Avoiding mucus-forming foods, such as wheat, dairy and sugar are an important part of recov-

ering from asthma. Detoxification is a huge factor to address for permanent relief of asthma.


Toxic chemicals


Heavy metals

Inhaled toxic chemicals

Allergy induced asthma


Healthy diet: usually needs to be gluten and dairy free, no sugar, no artificial colors

or preservatives.

Ozone funneled on chest over lungs is best protocol, combined with Breathe essen-

tial oil and Asthma Tone by Energetique. Some clients have done well with just

Breathe and AsthmaTone and eliminating food allergens.

Detox the causes that are identified: Vaccin-Chord if vaccines, Metal-Chord if met-

als, Natural Cellular Defense if other chemicals and metals. Include Drainage-Tone

or Lymph-Tone if Chord remedies are used. Pneuma-Chord is specific to the lungs.

Use Breathe essential oil as a natural inhaler alternative. Put a drop or 2 in hand,

form a cup around it and inhale through mouth into lungs deeply. Repeat as often

as needed. Will increase oxygen levels.

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Back Problems

Back problems can be caused by many things: injury, herniated or bulging disks, vertebrae out

of alignment, nerve pinched, muscle spasms, damage to disk or bones, etc..


Back goes out: Support adrenals, chiropractic adjustments, Mullein root tea or tinc-


Disk injury (torn, bulging, herniated, ruptured): Nutrients to repair: Calcium/

Magnesium, Vitamin D, Silica, Vitamin D, Boron. Then use Mullein root tincture or

tea. Ozone funneled over the disk has helped some clients.

For structural integrity: Above nutrients along with Horsetail, Comfrey, St. Johns

Wort, Solomons Seal, Mullein root.

For muscle spasms: Deep Blue essential oil used topically, Other herbs: Black Co-

hosh, Arnica, Kava, Lobelia, Cramp Bark

For nerve involvement: St. Johns wort oil or tincture used topically and internally,

Sweet clover, Jamaician Dogwood, Mullein Root

For loss of fluids in joints or disks: Black Cohosh, Mullein, Solomon’s Seal, Yarrow,


Inflammation: Deep Blue essential oil used topically, Fish oil, Tumeric, Boswellia,


Bed Wetting

This can be caused by food allergies, other allergies, low magnesium, etc...



Cornsilk tea

Remove allergens

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Blood Clots

These are very dangerous and doctors typically put patients on Coumadin and blood thinners.

There are natural enzymes that will dissolve the clots naturally. See below:


Nattokinase or Serrapeptase: take 2-4 capsules between meals 2 times a day until

clots are gone.


Infection or inflammation in the lungs can be helped and completely resolved by ozone funnel-

ing on the chest/lung area.


Ozone funneled on the chest or back over the lungs. For adults, do each side of

chest for 10 minutes. Can also be used on back over the lungs. Do it once or

twice a day until symptoms are gone. Will get rid of mucus and coughing. 2-3 ap-

plications are typically used for early infections, but more severe issues may require

8-10 applications.

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This is something that requires dietary therapy, supplements, emotional work, detoxification,

and more. You must work to get the body back to balance in every way possible. Keeping

the pH of the body in the alkaline range and oxygenating the body are keys to better results.


Wobenzyme, Pancreatic enzymes, Nattokinase or Serrapeptase: take 6-9 capsules

between meals 2 times a day to break down cancer cells and dissolve tumors.

Alkaline diet: raw foods, vegan only, alkaline water, no animal protein

Immune support: Cat’s Claw, Ezziac Tea, Core Burdock Blend, Frankincense essen-

tial oil (10 drops 4 times a day), Echinacea, Coriolus Versicolor mushroom extract

Apricot seed kernals: eat 10+ per day

Budwig protocol: for people not dairy intolerant, this is a very good protocol

Detoxification in a far infrared sauna

Liver support is very important!!!!!!

Ozone funneled over the area or ozonated water used regularly

Rife frequencies for cancer

Colon cleanses

Green Tea Plus or Capsol-T: Make sure they take it every 4 hours


Canker Sores

These are small sores that develop inside the mouth and are very painful. These can be an

indication of food allergies. Check for gluten or wheat intolerance.





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Increase antioxidants in diet, since this can be caused by free radical damage.


High doses of Vitamin C and Core Bilberry (Energetix)

Can-C supplement

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This can be from overuse of the wrists, injury, or nutrient deficiency



Trace minerals

Vitamin B6 200 mg.


This is an important lipid that makes up part of the cell membrane and plays a role in nerve

function. Cholesterol in food that is natural is not the problem, such as eggs, avocados, or

coconut oil. The problem is caused by oxidized fats that are unstable, such as vegetable oils,

canola oil, etc.. An imbalance of cholesterol can be indicator of possible build up of plaque in

the arteries. Check the liver because if it’s not functioning well, the body may not be process-

ing the cholesterol properly.


Liver support: Pure Body Clear, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Milk Thistle


Policosanol and Guggalipid

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Being viral, this is easy to get rid of. Be sure to stop eating any mucus forming foods or

sugar. Only eat soups, fresh raw juices, or light food if desired. Fasting is great.


Elderberry juice is strongly anti-viral and will get rid of the virus. Use 1 Tbsp. three

times a day for adults, 1 teaspoon three times a day for children.

Vitamin A and D in high doses. Triple the normal dosage of Vitamin D for a few

days to help the immune system, then go back down to a normal dosage. Cod

Liver Oil is the best natural source of Vitamin A and D. A normal dose of Vitamin D

for kids is 1000-2000 IU, and for adults: 2000-4000 IU. These dosages can be tri-

pled for a few days during the illness.

OnGuard essential oil—put a drop or two on tongue and swallow with some water.

Use several times a day. Can apply to bottom of feet for children.

Vitamin C



Colitis/Crohn’s Disease

Check for food allergies or an infectious organism. Healing the intestines is the highest prior-

ity, so removing the irritants is very important. The diet must be strict: NO wheat or dairy.


Probiotics: use very, very high amounts. Pharmax makes an intensive one that has

125 billion in packets. Probiotics must be dairy free!

Herbal tea: plantain, calendula, peppermint, chamomile, licorice, and fennel. Use 1

cup three times a day on an empty stomach. The powdered herbs can also be

mixed into hot honey or molasses and the dosage is 1 Tablespoon of the mixture 2

-3 times a day.

DigestZen essential oil used topically and internally

IBD-Chord (Energetix) and Drainage Tone or Lymph Tone

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Helping the cough go away with the remedies below is fine, but there could be another reason

for the cough that needs to be addressed. Such as an infection in the lungs, asthma, food al-

lergy or other allergy, mold, etc..


Breathe essential oil (doTERRA) rub one or two drops on chest. Put a drop on

hands and inhale deeply.

Home Remedy: take a raw onion and cut a thick, 1 inch slice. Put it in the blender

with a small amount of water. Blend and strain out the pulp. Add a few teaspoons

of honey and stir well. Use it as a cough syrup as needed. It works great. Rad-

ishes can also be added to the onion and blended up. This recipe came from a Pe-

ruvian woman I met in Life Grocery.

My Cough Relief Tincture: make these herbs into a tinctureL

1 part fresh mullein

1 part fresh hyssop

1 part fresh red clover

1/2 part fresh peppermint

1/8 part dried comfrey root

Croup coughing

Viral croup is self-limiting, but spasmodic croup is usually due to allergies or asthma.

For croup, use Elderberry juice with 1 drop of lobelia tincture and 1 drop of blood-

root in it for a child.

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Give electrolytes with water first. If they cannot keep fluids down, only use chicken broth in

spoon size doses. Have them suck on crushed ice for fluids.


Electrolytes: Sodium and Potassium. Use ElectroMix packets with a pinch of sea

salt added, or tablets of sea salt and potassium.

Homemade broth: has unique property to be digested and absorbed with many flu-

ids cannot. 1 spoonful at a time, as tolerated, then increase.

Trace minerals: Spectramin or Liquid Light

Crushed ice

Dental Infection/Cavitation

Check the teeth using EAV or a holistic dentist to identify the problem. For an abcess or any

aerobic bacterial infection, the Lumen Photon Light pad will resolve it if used everyday for 2

weeks. If it is a cavitation or an anaerobic bacterial infection, the light pad will heal it, but it

will reoccur once the light pad is not used anymore, so it needs to be done forever.


Lumen Photon light pad: hold it over the area of the face for 20-40 minutes. Use it

regularly to heal the issue– 2-3 times a week.

Dental Chord

Core Berberine taken internally for infection

Ozone injections by a holistic dentist

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Diabetes is characterized by the body’s inability to properly produce or use the hormone insu-

lin. Insulin helps regulate the level of sugar in the blood and the conversion of starches and

sugar into energy. The diet must be modified to remove sugars and most starchy foods and

fruits. An excess of sugar and carbohydrates can make diabetes worse.


Chromium and Vanadium


rub Balance on the feet in the morning

take 8-10 drops of Coriander and/or Basil in a capsule during the day

consider 2 drops of On Guard in the above capsule as well

rub Lavender on the feet at night

Detoxify the body since environmental chemicals can trigger diabetes

Raw food vegan diet has reversed diabetes

Ear Infections

These can be caused by several things: food allergies which cause inflammation and trigger

them, bacterial infection, fungal infection, mold exposure, etc...Dairy products are typically the

trigger in children.


Ozone ear insufflations in each ear for 1-2 minutes per ear will get rid of bacterial

or fungal ear infections and reduce the pain immediately. 1-2 treatments is neces-sary.

Bacteria-Chord and either Drainage Tone or Lymph Tone, along with Inflamma-

Tone works well for bacterial cases.

Dairy free diet

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This is caused by smoking damage typically. Lung detoxification is necessary to resolve the

issue. Get their oxygen levels up before doing any ozone. Breathe essential oil is a great

thing to start with to increase oxygen and open up airways.


Breathe essential oil– apply topically to lungs, also put 1-2 drops in hands, cup hands to mouth and inhale deeply.

Ozone funneling on the lungs will detoxify lungs: 10 minutes per side.

Pneuma-Chord and drainage remedy


This is the body’s natural response to pathogens typically as it stimulates the immune system

and increases the ability of the body to destroy microorganisms. Fevers can also be caused by

a congested liver. Fasting or juice fasting is best during a fever. Use antimicrobial supple-

ments to support the body’s destruction of the pathogens.


OnGuard essential oil for bacteria and viruses, use internally or on feet

Elderberry juice for viruses (1 Tbsp. 3 times a day for adults)

Cod liver oil for immune support

Peppermint essential oil topically for cooling effect on forehead

AromaTouch massage

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This is typically caused by toxins from environmental chemicals, candida, or Lyme disease.

Find the cause first and address it. Detox is key to resolving this.


GX Assist Candida Cleanse followed by probiotics

Sauna detox program to get rid of environmental toxins

Food Poisoning

This can be serious and must be treated immediately once symptoms start so it doesn’t pro-

gress into a serious health threat.


Stomach Rescue (Peaceful Mountain) will kill the pathogens. Use 1 ounce at a time until symptoms resolve.

Oregano essential oil

OnGuard essential oil

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These are formed by cholesterol that has crystallized from the bile that is stored in the gall-

bladder. These stones can block the bile ducts and can lead to serious complications, such as

infections or jaundice.


Gallbladder cleanse: Take Orthophosphoric Acid, 15 drops 3 times a day with some water. This will soften the stones so they can go through the bile duct. Do this for

3 days. On the night of the 3rd day at bedtime, take 3-4 grams of magnesium malate. Drink 1/2 cup of olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Go to bed immediately and you should have passed the stones in the morning. This can re-

peated every week if needed.


This is a painful inflammation of a joint caused by a build up of uric acid crystals that get de-

posited in the joint.


Celery seed extract can work as well as medication. Take 4 per day, then decrease

the dose to 2 per day. Continue to take it to be free of symptoms.

Black cherry concentrate or lots of cherries.

Lemon essential oil taken internally in water.

Graves Disease

This is an autoimmune disease causing the thyroid to make and secrete more hormones. It

can cause a goiter, bulging eyes, increased heart rate, and anxiety. Detox is key!!


Detoxification will help this tremendously– sauna detox cleansing regularly!!

Lemongrass essential oil and Myrrh essential oil– rub over thyroid 3 times a day

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Hair Loss

Thinning hair can be due to low thyroid function, so supporting the thyroid can really help. It

can also be caused by overall poor nutrition, malabsorption, and other factors.


Thyroid support if needed: Iodine, Thyro Force, etc..

Essential oil blend: To 8 ounce shampoo or oil, add:

1.5 ml Rosemary

1 ml Lavender

1.5 ml Thyme

1 ml Clary Sage

H. Pylori

This is a bacterial infection in the body, usually the stomach, caused by Helicobacter Pylori. It

is a hardy bacterial that is resistant to stomach acids and is the typical cause of ulcers. Low

stomach acidity will set the stage for this bacteria to gain a foothold and cause health prob-

lems. Other symptoms that normally go along with it are nausea first thing in the morning, a

burning pain in the stomach,


Ozonated water, drink twice a day on empty stomach for 2 weeks

Gastromend-HP (Designs for Health)

Mastic Gum (Mastika by Allergy Research Group)

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Heart/Cardiovascular Problems

High cholesterol is an indicator of problems, but homocystiene levels are even more important.

It should be 7 or below. Heavy metals and other toxins damage the heart and blood vessels.


Heart Disease Prevention Protocol by Garry Gordon MD:

Beyond Chelation Improved 2 times a day (helps thin the blood)

Serrapeptase or Lumbrokinase, 1-2 in am and 1-2 in pm on empty stomach (this will help break down plaque in arteries and dissolve fibrin naturally)

Arrhythmias/Heart Palpitations:

Magnesium (Natural Calm)- use every 2 hours, or until loose stools


High Blood Pressure

This is caused by stress, heavy metals or other toxins, adrenal fatigue, etc...


Liver support

Kidney support

Adrenal Support


Flax oil and Omega 3’s

Prime (Qivana) taken regularly

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Infections can be bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitical, et...



Core Berberine Blend is a natural anti-biotic and is very good

OnGuard essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil

Oregano essential oil

Bacteria-Chord and Lymph drainage

Raw Garlic– 4 raw cloves a day on a full stomach or you can juice it.


Elderberry juice concentrate


Melissa essential oil



Melaluca essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil

Clove essential oil

Topical infections:

Fresh plantain leaves ground up as a poultice will draw out infection.

Essential oils: Lavender, Melaluca, Frankincense

MRSA infections:

Mix Core Berberine with some bentonite clay and make a poultice and apply. Seal it up and leave on overnight. Repeat till gone. Take the Berberine internally too.

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Immune System

These remedies can help the immune system function better.

Reishi mushrooms

Echinacea or Olive Leaf extract

American Ginseng


Essiac tea or Ezziac Tea

Core Cat’s Claw



Vitamin C


This is an indicator of liver problems, nervous system problems, or adrenal problems. Ad-

dressing these areas can typically improve or resolve insomnia. Remove electronics from bed-

room, remove wifi or put it where the signal is poor in the bedroom. Grounding is also very





Chamomile flower tea

Roman Chamomile essential oil

Lavender essential oil

Interstitial Cystitis

This can be difficult to treat, but these things help a lot.

Ozone funneled on the area for 6-12 times or until improvement, can

help resolve it and get rid of pain.

Mullein root tincture

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This is very contagious!

Geranium essential oil: Add a couple of drops to a child’s hairbrush and

use everyday as a preventative during outbreaks.


The liver is key to so many things, and can be the underlying cause of many different symp-

toms. See the liver section for more details. Check the client for liver or age spots on their

arms and face. Many people have these, but they can go away with liver support.

Supplements for the liver:

Pure Body Clear, Liver-Tone, PhosChol, Milk Thistle

Herbal Energetics:

Herbs that cool the liver: Dandelion, Burdock

Herbs that heat the liver: Mahonia, Berberis, and Rumex

Herbs that are neutral: Milk Thistle

Cool Liver signs: These people lose weight under stress (catabolic) and do better

with light foods rather than rich foods. They are prone to allergies.

Hot Liver signs: These people gain weight under stress (anabolic) and like rich, fatty

foods, but should eat more vegetables and protein.


This responds well to detoxification. Be sure to check for other problems, such as tooth infec-




MSM powder


Detox or sauna cleanse

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Mold Exposure

Mold is a fungal infection and can be very serious. Depending on the type of mold and the

amount of exposure, it can cause ear infections, lung/sinus infections, breathing problems,

fatigue, low immune system, hearing loss, allergies, and more! Use the mold protocol to help

client get rid of the mold in their environment and at the same time, it needs to be gotten rid

of in their body.

Ozone: ear insufflations, funneling on lungs, and drinking ozonated wa-

ter will kill it in the body. Repeat as needed.

OnGuard essential oil taken internally and inhaled in a diffuser

Cinnamon essential oil taken internally

Rinse sinuses with a Neti pot or sinus rinse with Olive Leaf Extract in

the water used to rinse.


This is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus that can cause flu-like symptoms, fa-

tigue, weakness, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes.


Mono-Chord and Lymph drainage

Elderberry juice concentrate

Molluscum Warts

This is a viral wart condition typically seen in children.


Oregano oil– apply to feet to boost immune system and kill the virus

Apply diluted Oregano essential oil and Melalauca oil to the warts topically twice a


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Ovarian Cysts

Be sure to address liver function and check for iodine deficiency.

Angelica tincture and Red root tincture

Peony root can help with the pain


This is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus that can cause flu-like symptoms, fa-

tigue, weakness, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes.


Mono-Chord and Lymph drainage

Elderberry juice concentrate

Molluscum Warts

This is a viral wart condition typically seen in children.


Oregano oil– apply to feet to boost immune system and kill the virus

Apply diluted Oregano essential oil and Melalauca oil to the warts topically twice a day.

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Find out the source of the pain and work with getting it resolved while managing the pain.

Lumen Photon light pad can be as effective as drugs


Deep Blue essential oil used topically


This is caused by hormonal imbalance, so address the liver first!


Liver support


Plantar Fascitis

This is inflammation in the bottom of the feet that is very painful.


Layer these essential oils on the area: Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and

Frankincense. Cover with an airtight bandage and put on socks. Leave on over-night. Apply Lemongrass and Peppermint during the day. Repeat until gone.

Plantar Wart

This is a wart in the bottom of the foot that is very painful and deep.


Use fresh wood sorrel herb (Oxalis) to make a fresh poultice over the wart. Apply

and leave on overnight, with an airtight bandage. Keep applying a fresh poultice each night until it is gone.

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Platelets, low

Find out the source of the problem and address it, while helping platelets.

Sesame seed oil

Horsetail grass, 5 capsules a day

Xei Xue Ning Wan (Bioessence.net) Blood Platelet Tonic 16 pills 3x day.

Prostate Problems: High PSA

This is caused by hormonal imbalance, so address the liver first!


Saw Palmetto or Healthy Prostate supplement




Bee pollen


This is inflammation that can be caused by infections, auto-immune conditions, etc....



Ozonated Olive oil applied topically

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Sinus Problems

Sinuses can get congested from mucus caused by food allergies, inhalant allergies, or a poor

diet. Sinus drainage can also be caused by candida overgrowth. Recurrent sinus infections

need to be checked for mold exposure, since many are fungal, not bacterial. Using a neti pot

or sinus rinse to flush the sinuses is very helpful to cleaning out allergens or mucus.

Remedies for Sinus congestion/sinus pressure:

Breathe essential oil used topically on bridge of nose and on face over sinuses.

Vitamin C with Quercitin for allergies

Remove dairy from diet

Remedies for Sinus Infectons:

Put glycerine in the bottom of a 2 ounce Sinus rinse bottle. Add 15 drops of Hy-

drastis tincture and 15 drops of Yerba Mansa tincture or Myrrh tincture. Fill the

bottle up the rest of the way with water. Use to clean out sinuses.

Put one fresh garlic clove in a blender with 1 ounce of water. Blend and strain.

Put the liquid in a sinus rinse bottle and add 2-3 more ounces of water. Irrigate

sinuses with it. Hold it in sinus area for 30 seconds if possible. It should not burn

the mucus membranes. If it does, dilute it more with water.

Use Breathe essential oil on bridge of nose. Put 1 drop of DigestZen on thumb and

apply to roof of mouth. Put 3 drops of Oregano essential oil, 3 drops of OnGuard

essential oil, and 3 drops of Lemon essential oil in a capsules and take 3 times a

day for a week.

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Skin Conditions

Any skin condition can be a sign that the liver needs support, since it can use the skin as an

organ of elimination when it is not functioning well. Skin issues can also be caused by a high body burden from chemicals, vaccines, heavy metals, candida, etc…..Find the root cause in the person and this can clear up completely. Also check

for food allergies.

Remedies for Eczema:

Vaccin-Chord and Drainage

Evening Primrose Oil


Remedies for Psoriasis:

Gluten-free and Dairy-free diet

Juice fasting

Silica or Horsetail tea

Remedies for scars:

Vitamin E taken internally and used topically

Helichyrsum essential oil

Skin Infections, sores, Necrotic tissue, etc…

Do not put any salves or essential oils that could seal in the infection. Use water based remedies first, then oil based once it’s healed over.

Use Core Berberine or Goldenseal tea and apply wet on a gauze pad to the area and change often. You can add plantain to the mixture as well

Take anti-bacterials internally as well (Core Berberine)

Skin Tags:

Oregano essential oil, diluted 1:3 with oil, and apply to tag. Add a drop of pepper-mint on top to drive it in.

Can be related to blood sugar problems


30 drops Eucalyptus, 30 drops Lavender, 30 drops Melaleuca. Add the oils to a empty 4oz spray bottle then add fractionated coconut oil and shake to mix.

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Strep Throat

This is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria. It can lead to other health prob-

lems if it is not eradicated, so be sure to see a medical professional if it does not improve.

Core Berberine Blend: 2-6 dropperfuls a day



Cod liver oil (Vitamin A and D)


This is caused by blood clots or other blockages that block the blood supply to the brain and

can result in serious problems. This protocol is from Robert Rowan MD who has not had a

stroke in a client for 18 years!


Nattokinase or Serrapeptase taken between meals, take 2 three times a day to pre-vent clotting– will also help clear out arteries

Gingko 120 mg 1-2 times a day to keep blood thin

Essential Daily Defense 3 capsules three times a day

Omega 3 fish oils

Unique E vitamin E 1200 IU per day


This is inflammation that can be caused by infections, auto-immune conditions, etc....



Ozonated Olive oil applied topically