pua academy 5 day bootcamp guide

Elevate Your Dating Life, Self Esteem, Confidence, Career, and Business With a Custom Tailored Program Just for You! “THE EXPERIENCE” 5 DAY INTENSIVE BOOTCAMP The Course That Opens You Doors & Lets You Experience a World of Fun, Excitement, and Achievement Most Men Will Never Encounter in Their Lifetime

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Page 1: PUA Academy 5 Day Bootcamp Guide

Elevate Your Dating Life, Self Esteem, Confidence, Career, and Business With a Custom Tailored Program Just for You!


The Course That Opens You Doors & Lets You Experience a World of Fun, Excitement,

and Achievement Most Men Will Never Encounter in Their Lifetime

Page 2: PUA Academy 5 Day Bootcamp Guide

DAY 1: Expanding Your Comfort Zone Day 1 is all about gearing you up with the tools and concepts that will make the rest of the bootcamp experience more meaningful, challenging, and fun for you. Here, we focus on expanding your comfort zone thru powerful infield exercises, demonstrations, and return demonstration – involving single sets, two-sets and mix-sets. You’ll discover more about the skills need to approach any woman, any time. You and I will brush thru day game, street game, and club game in this portion of the bootcamp (in-real time and real settings), paying attention to busting the myths and establishing the right foundation regarding the similarities and differences of these setups. This ensures that whenever or wherever you meet your “one girl,” you’re prepared for the scenario. We’ll cover topics like:

• The three rules makes a game champ out of you • How to open or start a conversation • Where the HOTTEST night clubs are and how to gain access (night game)

• Where the best DAY TIME locations are to meet gorgeous ladies (day game) • Effective lines even first timers can use effectively • What lines should you use

• The truth about lines that nobody else is teaching • How to study lines effectively (without the headaches) • What’s the least important part in the game but the most crucial

• Discover what’s the relationship between “the game,” an airplane, and an

escalator – this analogy can easily connect dating concepts that has confused a lot of people in the past

• The super simple secrets to overcoming approach anxiety • Techniques to transition smoothly from opener to mid game • Handling and using rejections to become better at the game • And so much more...

By the end of the day, you’re confidence level must have already expanded. And if we did our job right, chances are you’ll be so excited for the next day it will be hard to sleep.

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DAY 2: Mastering Attraction Phase In Day 2, you will be taken by the hand in uncovering the mysteries of attraction. I will show you step-by-step approaches to attracting a girl and not making a fool out of yourself (like most chodes sadly experience by overdoing or under doing things to attract women). You’ll discover:

• How to demonstrating HIGH VALUE to the maximum level • The art of confident and alpha body language • Do’s and don’ts of attraction

• How to handle a woman’s shit tests • How to make use shit tests to your advantage • The correct thing to say when a woman asks you do buy her a drink – this will

save you money, earn you a free beer, and make you even more valuable in the eyes of ladies

• How to setup and maximize social proofs to your advantage • Why most people fail in attracting women • The difference between “buyer” and “seller” mentality in your game

• How to transition smoothly from attraction to comfort phase • And many more...

By the end of Day 2, you’ll feel more confident in talking and interacting with people you’ve just met. You’ll sleep better knowing that on the next day, you advance to a deeper experience in your quest to finding that “one girl” that makes living in this world better.

DAY 3: Mastering Comfort Phase Day 3 focuses on making you at ease and in control of the “comfort phase.” You’ll still be learning the concepts in-the-trench, but at this point of the bootcamp, you’d most likely be shimmering with an aura of a man in a quest for transformation. You’ll uncover:

• The most honest and powerful insight into the female mind

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• How to project good vibes instantly • How to align your thoughts and actions so you appear confident and in control

• THE BLOCK / NO FILTERS building comfort concepts • POWERFUL escalation techniques • Rapid verbal escalation tips

• Techniques to transition smoothly from mid game to escalation • What to do after escalating • The truth about being physical

• How to get comfortable right away • How to raise a woman’s buying temperature • Important KINO concepts most people miss

• Explosive comfort building routines that work • Gambits for pulling and “bouncing” • And many more...

At the end of Day 3, you’ve most likely already experienced things from this bootcamp most people will never experience in their lifetime. You’re becoming better at the game for sure. Salute!

DAY 4: The Inner Game of Pick-Up At Day 4, we go to the sciences beyond pick-up. You’ll discover more about yourself and why you could be the most attractive or unattractive person in the whole planet. You’ll be shown what makes a ladies’ man, and a man without ladies – based on what their reality is inside their head. You’ll discover that a lot of ideas in the pickup world really reflect lessons in the real life. And you’ll understand that pickup is more than meeting and finding the “one girl” of your life but also finding yourself. Experience and discover:

• How to align yourself to achieving your biggest goals • How to build a solid inner confidence • How to take advantage of pickup concepts in your job and career

• More on dealing with rejection • More practical exercises

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• How to picture yourself as a winner

• The truth about your “self worth” • More insights about dating, social dynamics, and relationships that people don’t

easily learn at school or work place • And many more...

At the end of Day 4, you’ll find yourself understanding the process on becoming the ultimate attractive man, 24/7, deeper and better. At this point, take this early advice to controlling your heart, because by this time, most of our graduates explode (of course, not literally) in excitement with their seemingly natural progression of growth in “the game.”

DAY 5: Wingman Project During Day 5, we’ll be preparing you to leave the nest as independent as possible... but we won’t leave you alone. You’ll be asked to choose a friend (even a heartbroken one) who can be your wingman after the bootcamp. I will help you will teach your wingman what you’ve learned. Passing on your new insights and skills to your wingman is one of the easiest things you can do to retain what you’ve acquired so far. The system on how a PUA teaches another PUA is one of the best methods of passing a skill out there. If you’re creative enough, you’ll soon find out that you can take advantage of the PUA teaching system in your school or work life, especially when you assume leadership roles. Throughout Day 5, you’ll be immersed in in-the-trench powerful social dynamics exercises. Demonstrations and return-demonstrations still continue to hammer concepts to your brain.

What Can You Expect from this Bootcamp • 100 percent honest INSTANT feedback • On demand demonstrations with detailed break downs • A perfect balance of theory and infield practice • FULL written feedback from each of the trainers

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Here Are More Discoveries Waiting for You in this Intensive 5-Day Bootcamp

• Complete mindset transformation • The most effective methods in the world for attracting beautiful women • Conversation techniques that will never leave you running out of things to say

ever again

• How to develop the ability to read women and understand what they want • The truth, lies, tips and trick about phone game, online dating, text game • How to setup follow up dates (and actually make it count and not spoil it)

• Fast Game vs Slow Game • How to analyse and take care of logistics issues easily • And many more...

And That’s Not All... You Also Get: • Over 18 hours of training from the world’s leading female pick up coach for men

and her team • The entire collection of DVDs and e-books that can be found on PUA Academy

site • And a lot more surprises

And this is it, PUA Academy’s “THE EXPERIENCE” – the five day bootcamp that let’s you into the world of PUA’s firsthand. Experience the fastest way to advance and see results in your game. Remember, this is not just a pick up course that makes you good with women. This is so much more. Prepare for your lifestyle, social skills, confidence and self-belief to be re-engineered. Your new skills will shape your future to a powerful level! See you there!