pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Nadi Pareeksha (Pulse Diagnosis) AU i S t AUnique S ys t em KSR Prasad KSR Prasad Professor, Panchakarma http://www.technoayurveda.com/

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Page 1: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through gNadi Pareeksha (Pulse Diagnosis) –

A U i S tA Unique SystemKSR PrasadKSR Prasad

Professor, Panchakarma


Page 2: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• Nadi Pareeksha (Pulse diagnosis) is a fantasy of h A di Ph i ithe Ayurvedic Physician

• We lost the precision of information and t h l i th titechnology in the time 

• Still with the information available through the doctrines of Ayurveda we are able to relocatedoctrines of Ayurveda we are able to relocate and retrieve wisdom of Nadi Vijnana

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 3: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Nadi (Pulse)

• Nadi Pareesksha is one among the eight methods of examining a patient e ods o e g p e

• We examine a patient for the understanding of –of –– Rogi Prakriti (Patient Body Constitution) – Vyadhi Prakriti (Disease Constitution)– Dosha Prakriti (Humoral Constitution)

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 4: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

History  of Nadi (Pulse)

• Brihatrayee gives k l d fknowledge of –– SpandanaSpandana– Praspandana– Aspandana, – but not focus diagnostic orbut not focus diagnostic or

prognostic Nadi

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 5: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Laghutrayee• SHARANGADHARA (13th A.D) ( )

– First time mentioned 15 types of Nadi that include –physiological, Psychological and pathological states of body correlated with those of the birds, reptiles and amphibians. 24 notable nadi are described for Nadi pareeksha“D t di” (M l ) l i A dh– “Dootanadi” (Messenger pulse) – popular in Andhra

• BHAVAPRAKASHA 15th century AD –– Gender based Nadi– Three finger usage for thridosha

• YOGARATNAKARA (16th century AD.)– included different Sites and methods of pulse examination and

i / di i h dprognostic / diagnostic methodsDr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 6: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Check ‐ History  of Nadi (Pulse)B j (17th t AD )• Basavarajeeyam (17th century AD.)

• Ashtastanas for Nadi and Diseases coming under it are mentioned. The primary are three ‐mentioned. The primary are three 1) Wrist – Hasta (radial artery) 2) Neck – Kantha (carotid artery)3) Nose – Nasa (facial artery branch) The other areas where Nadi is witnessed are ‐– Ankle  ‐ Paada (posterior tibial artery) – Penis (pudendal artery)Elb (b hi l t )– Elbow (brachial artery) 

– Ear (superficial temporal artery) – Eye (supra orbital)Eye (supra orbital) 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 7: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

History  of Nadi (Pulse)• VaidyachinthamaniVaidyachinthamani• Mentioned Ajeerna Nadi along with Dosha

dinadi.• RavanaThantra• Ravana in his treatise Nadi Pareeksha included Nadi after taking certain diets along withNadi after taking certain diets along with prognosis, physiological, Psychological and  pathological conditions and diseases

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 8: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• Panchakarma is a procedural part of A d h i bli h d f hAyurveda therapeutics established for the Dosha elimination from the Body either from oral or rectal route (GI system)

• In due course the Panchakarma extended to• In due course the Panchakarma extended to get rid of the Physical and Psychological D h l t d b i t lDosha accumulated by environmental or Dietetic misbehaviors 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 9: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• Five karma are told as “Shodhana” / (Eliminative) “Langhana” in nature based(Eliminative)  Langhana  in nature based on “Bahudosha Nirharana” 

• But only two are fully capable (Poorna• But only two are fully capable – (PoornaShodhana)

“V ” (U GI l )– “Vamana” (Upper GI cleanser) – “Virechana” (lower GI cleanser) Th h h i l f li i i• The other three are partial for elimination as they are used for Brimhana

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 10: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• Karma are attributed to Dosha –– Vata – Vasti (Basti)Vata Vasti (Basti)– Pitta – Virechana– Kapha – Vamanaap a a a a

• The selection of patient for the karma are commonly based on Disease y

• We observe “Fitness” of patient • But many times the expected results are notBut many times the expected results are notobserved as the “Karma” is not suitable for thesituation

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 11: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• Thus the “Selection of Panchakarma” through “N di P k h ”“Nadi Parrekshana”

• We need sound knowledge of –g– What is Nadi PareekshanaHow it is classified– How it is classified

– What is the procedure of initiation – How to interpret the knowledge 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 12: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

What is pulse (Nadi) wave?– An objective criterion for diagnostic or

Prognostic conditions through the waves og os c co d o s oug e w vesof blood transported in the vessels

– The wave dynamics depends upon theThe wave dynamics depends upon the stroke volume and contents along with the obstructions caused in the path waythe obstructions caused in the path way

– It offers even much more information alsoalso

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 13: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Classification Th l ifi ti f N di P k h b d tilitThe classification of Nadi Parreksha based on utility can be –– Predictive Nadi diagnosis – for Prakruti assessment –proportionateproportionate 

– Diagnostic Nadi diagnosis –disease understanding – by g ydifferent static principles of movements described in the text D i N di di i d f– Dynamic Nadi diagnosis – used for understanding disease & prescribing  medicine or procedure p g p

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 14: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Classification Th l l f N di di ti l

• 1st level –Interpretation of Disease 

There are levels of Nadi prediction also 

p• 2nd level – Interpretation of Psyche• 3rd level Interpretation of Dosha• 3rd level – Interpretation of Dosha• 4th level – Interpretation of Vitality• 5th level – Interpretation of Tissue• 6th level – Interpretation of Mindp• 7th level ‐ Interpretation of Constitution

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 15: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Predictive Nadi diagnosis• This is superficial in nature• Interpreted with Rate, Rhythm, Blood vessel consistency, etc. 

• Commonly used for “Dosha” involvement colloquially i i i d i h f i lin Disease interpreted with movement of animals 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 16: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Predictive Nadi diagnosis

• Index finger – Vata –movement resemblesmovement resembles snake 

• Middle finger Pitta• Middle finger – Pitta ‐movement resembles FrogFrog

• Ring finger – Kapha ‐mo ement resemblesmovement resembles Swan

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 17: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Predictive Nadi diagnosis

• Other examples are –• Index finger – Vata –• Index finger – Vata –movement resembles Earth Worm

• Middle finger – Pitta ‐movement resembles Crow

• Ring finger – Kapha ‐movement resembles Pigeon 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 18: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


CHARACTERISTICS Fast , feeble , cold , light , thin , disappears on

Prominent , strong , high amplitude , hot forceful lifts

Deep , slow , broad , thick , cool ,regulardisappears on 

pressurehot , forceful , lifts up the palpating finger


LOCATION Best felt under the Best felt under the Best felt under theLOCATION Best felt under the index finger

Best felt under the middle finger

Best felt under the ring finger

GATI Moves like a cobra Moves like a frog Moves like aGATI Moves like a cobra Moves like a frog Moves like a swimming swan

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 19: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Diagnostic Nadi diagnosis• The diagnostic Nadi is based upon the various• The diagnostic Nadi is based upon the various examples given from text to know a disease or condition  

• They are based on Gati – momentum • Different examples are given here with resembling 

t f th i t i lmomentum of the insects or animals  

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 20: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Diagnostic Nadi diagnosis• Krumi gathi – parasites , worms• Pippilika gathi – terminal illness• Mayura gathi – arterial hypertension• Kukkuta gathi – diabetes , albuminuria• Ushtra gathi – aortic stenosis• Gaja gathi – elephantiasis, lymphatic obstruction

h h bl k• Girija gathi – heart block• Vishama gathi – pulsus alterans , atrial fibrillationD thi f t l ill l f il h k• Damaru gathi – fatal illness , renal failure , shock

• Padma gathi – perfect health , enlightenment

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 21: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Prasad’s Dynamic Nadi Diagnosis

• This is inventory method of me with various i dexperiences encountered 

• In this a blind method is observed to assess the condition and inter relation of the Dosha– quantification – Organ ‐ sub dosha –– quantification – Organ ‐ sub dosha –system – dhatu – etc. 

• Subjected for validation 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 22: Pulse to panchakarma

B i f l ti l

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Basic wave of acceleration pulse wave

• In a blood vessel the flow in a• In a blood vessel the flow in a rhythm hitting the two walls with a velocity 

“ ”



• Dosha “tara‐ tama Anupalabdi” is made with the intensity of the hit to the finger 


g• Pravruddha (a) heena (e) and 

madhyama (c) are observed Thi ld b i %



• This could be even in % • Time Duration between two hits 

at the finger gives duration of

a,b,c,d,e wave of five component

at the finger gives duration of specific dosha movement from its Sthaana (b) (dosha place) to reach Dooshya (c)(disease place)reach Dooshya (c)(disease place) 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 23: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Panchakarma reflection 

• As the Urdhwa and Adho Doshahara method f ll d i P h kare followed in Panchakarma . . . 

– Urdhwa Dosha Nirharana (Vamana)• Kapha (Bahu dosha) – Hrullasa• Pitta (Alpa dosha) – Amlodgara( p ) g

– Adho Dosha Nirharana (Virechana) • Pitta – (Bahu dosha) – Guda DaahaPitta (Bahu dosha)  Guda Daaha• Vata – (Alpa Dosha ‐ Anulomana) – Vayu nirgamana

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 24: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Procedure of PDND• Sit comfortable (both patient and• Sit comfortable (both patient and doctor)

• First place your right hand on the• First place your right hand on the radial artery (Jeeva sakshini)

• Select right hand for male and leftSelect right hand for male and left hand for female – Record your readings y g

• Take patients both hands in to your hands placed three fingers on the gJeeva Sakshini– Record your readings 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 25: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Interpretation of PDND• Each finger is divided inEach finger is divided in to two halves 

• The half toward the Kapha Adho Kapha Dosha

Dosha GatiDosha‐FingerZ

patients hand represents the Urdhwa Dosha and the other part towards


Pitta Adho Pitta DoshaUrdhwa Kapha Dosha C

Y the other part towards the shoulder represents the Adho dosha


Vata Adho Vata Dosha

Urdhwa Pitta Dosha B

X• When pulse is found more than 60% of intensity at former it is

Index Urdhwa Vata DoshaA

intensity at former it is subjected for Vamanaand for later it is Vi h

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/


Page 26: Pulse to panchakarma


Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Interpretation • Vamana

Kapha Adho Kapha Dosha

Dosha GatiDosha‐FingerZ

• VamanaA + C = Ajeerna, SwasaMiddl



U dh Pitt D h

Adho Pitta DoshaUrdhwa Kapha Dosha C


A + B = Ajeerna, PanduIndex



Urdhwa Vata Dosha

Adho Vata Dosha

Urdhwa Pitta Dosha B


• Contra indicated A + S = Hrudroga

Index Urdhwa Vata DoshaA

A + S = Hrudroga• Virechana X + B = Ajeerna X + B = Ajeerna, Grahani B +

Stanantra samagataX + B = Ajeerna, Grahani

B + 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 27: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

PittaUrdhwa (Sadhaka Alochaka)

Kapha Urdhwa (Bodhaka, tarpaka)

Vata Urdhwa (Prana, Udana)

V t Adh (S A )

PittaUrdhwa (Sadhaka, Alochaka)

Vata Adho (Samana, Apana) 

Pitta Adho (Pachaka, Ranjaka)

Kapha Adho (Kledaka, Avalambaka)Kapha Adho (Kledaka, Avalambaka)

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 28: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• KSR Prasad• Professor, Panchakarma

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 29: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• KSR Prasad• Professor, Panchakarma

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 30: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis


• KSR Prasad• Professor, Panchakarma

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/

Page 31: Pulse to panchakarma

Selection of Panchakarma through Pulse Diagnosis

Thank you

He can do Miracle – Even you can do Miracle 

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at http://www.technoayurveda.com/


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