pwoc keynote, january 2012

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Protestant Women of the ChapelVolume 1, Issue 6


January 2012

Keys to ConnectGame Night: Join us one Friday a month for game night at SHAPE Chapel. Bring your favorite games, a dish to share and enjoy food and fellowship with other ladies who love to play! Friday, Jan. 13 is Bunco night. Bring a friend! Game Night dates for the winter semester are Jan. 13, Feb. 17, Mar. 16, Apr. 20 and May 18. For more information, contact Trisha Raynoha at kujhawk97@ No reservations required! PWOC Fit: Meets M/W/F at 12:30 p.m. at the SHAPE gym parking lot for support, encouragement and group exercise activities to include walking and running. Contact Dana Maksimowicz at [email protected]. Prayer: Meets Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. in the West Chapel. Contact Shirley Houin at [email protected]. To lead or join the following groups, please contact the person listed during PWOC: Scrapbooking or Movie Night: Sheila Pollard Wine and Cheese Party: Laura Glover, Mary Anderson Lunch Bunch, Book Club or Recipe Club: Jodi Miller

Focus on Ministry: Portions for OrphansBy Trisha Raynoha The chapel was decorated in beautiful improve the quality of care provided to reds and golds, lights orphans worldwide twinkled and tables while raising pubwere filled with wonderlic awareness ful things to eat. More about them. tables in the back held Before dinner, so many items up for bidding was open auction there was hardly and everyone room to see them all! casually bid for PWOC ladies enjoyed items they wanted, the silent auction Dec. 5 checking back Stephanie Irizarry shares her experience with orphans in China now and again to during the PWOC proto create a tangible link between the auction and the orphans gram held to benefit who will benefit from the money raised. see if someone Portions for Orphans, a else outbid them. not-for-profit organization whose goal is to There were food items, jewelry, antiques,(Continued on page 3)

PWOC Leadership Board RetreatBy Karlena de la Kruz The PWOC board and their families met the perfect opportunity for them to get to at the chateau in Thieusies for a leaderknow each other better. After a fantastic ship and family retreat Dec. 2-3. Serving Mexican meal prepared by a few of our on the board is a privilege that we do not ladies, we sat down together to learn more take lightly. We about each other. know that God We took a survey h as c all e d that told us what each of us to type of animal serve this year personality we and we spend each have and countless we got to play the hours praying N o t - S o and planning N e w l y w e d for what comes Game. We may next. This does have, in fact, gottake committen to know each Board members and their families gathered for a group photo before other ment and time too well leaving the Chateau Thieusies Dec. 3. away from our through our families, so when it came time to do a laughter and sharing. After the little ones leadership retreat, we decided to bring were put to bed, many of us got in our pjs our families along. and headed back downstairs to play We spent Friday night bonding with our games and fellowship with one another families and one another. Many of our husbands had never met, so this provided (Continued on page 4)

PWOC Board Selection 2012-2013 UnderwayBy Mitzi Roberts and Mia Basilici "Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you" (Hebrews 13:17). Spiritual leadership is serious business and should not be taken lightly. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews rightly understood that shepherds must stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for their tending of His flock. The writer also rightly understood that spiritual leadership comes with both great joy and heavy burdens. PWOC leaders joyfully serve to keep watch over Gods precious women using the four aims of PWOC: leading women to Christ; teaching women through Bible studies; developing womens spiritual gifts; and involving women in service. The search for PWOCs future leaders is now underway. Mia Basilici heads up the Leadership Selection Team (LST). Her team includes Cindy Weir, Evangel Hernandez and Mitzi Roberts. The LST works closely with the PWOC Chaplain Advisor, Chaplain Beltz, to prayerfully pursue women to serve in the Selected Board positions of President, 1st Vice President-Spiritual Life, 2nd Vice President-Programs, Administrative Coordinator and Financial Liaison for the 2012-2013 ministry year. These ladies must be members of SHAPE Chapel, though a waiver can be requested. All other Board positions are appointed by the new President with the guidance of the Chaplain and the consensus of her Board and do not need to be SHAPE Chapel members. While the transfer of responsibility in May might seem a long way off, the process of leadership selection necessitates persistent prayer, intensive interviews and thoughtful deliberations. Leadership selection is the key to a healthy, successful local PWOC group. God will both call and equip women to lead when we ask Him. PWOC International provides Regional training conferences to help equip leaders for PWOC service. Europe Regions next Women Intent on Leadership Development (W.I.L.D.) Training Conference is May 17-20 in Garmisch, Germany. Interested women should pick up an information packet from Mia as soon as possible. Submit Requests for Consideration for Executive Board positions to the LST no later than Feb. 28. All PWOC members are encouraged to learn more about PWOC leadership at The Leadership Selection Team is committed to filling the following executive board positions in this order: President Models servant leadership; leads the board and the local PWOC body to seek and do the will of God personally and corporately. 1st Vice President-Spiritual Life Prayerfully selects Bible studies and Bible study leaders; trains, equips and encourages the Bible study leaders. 2nd VP-Programs Plans the years programs, taking into account the PWOCI yearly theme, the four aims of PWOCI, the needs of the women of the local PWOC chapter and budget constraints. Administrative Coordinator Coordinates communication within and for the local PWOC community; coordinates all arrangements for board meetings and other board events (such as a board retreat) under the guidance and direction of the President. Financial Liaison Coordinates financial transactions for the local PWOC in accordance with local regulations under the guidance of the Chapel Fund manager. Appointed positions (appointed by the new President and her executive board) Titus 2, Participation, In/Outreach, Hospitality, Praise & Worship, Prayer, Watchcare, Leadership Selection, Publicity.

Meet Your BoardChristine HorsleyHometown: Cornwall & Suffolk, England Hobbies: Walking, Crossword puzzles Current Church: IBC Jurbise PWOC Position: Prayer Coordinator Favorite Bible verse: I love the Psalms; Psalm 23, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want is one I keep going back to in times of stress. How PWOC has impacted her life: I came to the PWOC Fall 2010 kick-off, three days after I arrived in Belgium! Id never seen womens ministry in this way before and I was very impressed by the depth of purpose and the detailed planning. I had become a comfortable and complacent Christian and through the studies I did that fall through this past year, I had a lot of layers scraped off, back to a greater dependence on the Word and the Spirit.2

Mary AdmiraalHometown: McIntosh, Alabama Hobbies: Piano, Guitar, Traveling Current Church: SHAPE Protestant Chapel PWOC Position: Watchcare Liaison Favorite Bible verse: 2 Cor. 4:7-9 - But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this allsurpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. How PWOC has impacted her life: Ive really been challenged, but exceedingly blessed with overcoming my shyness by being surrounded by an awesome group of ladies who encouraged me in using my talents, my spiritual growth, and by making me feel welcomed.


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Point of orderBy Karlena de la Cruz As we emerge from the end of our fall term into winter term, it is a great time to reflect. Reflections are a way to look back and see what God has done not what we have done, but our Father through us. PWOC is just one of the ways the Father accomplishes some of His work. Yes, God has been working through all of you. I love to sit back on Mondays at dinner and Tuesdays during fellowship time and observe all of you. You know what I see? I see relationships being built; I see hugs, warmth, laughter, love, acceptance, tears. I see women praying together, sharing one anothers burdens and sharing praises to answered prayer. Within the studies, I see women exploring Gods Word and growing together. Numerous ladies participated in the five studies we offered this fall. Through CTOF funds and your faithful giving during our monthly offering, we stayed on budget. We supported charities here in the Mons area, within Belgium and internationally. We provided meals for new moms and those who needed them due to injury or illness. We had ladies who visited people in the hospital and stepped up when others needed a hand. We have an active prayer ministry that prays over requests each and every day. We supported our Chaplains with their ministries, such as single soldier suppers and special services. I know I used the word we repeatedly, but I hope you understand -- this is all HIM working through us. I know I've quoted this scripture in the past, but it serves as a constant reminder: I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5). I have used this quote from Experiencing God by Henry T. Blackaby to the PWOC board before: We need to find where God is at work and join Him. It may not even make sense from our perspective. Having a relationship with God, a willingness to be molded into the person He has prepared to join Him will cause Him to reveal to us where He is at work and what He wants to do through us. As we begin this new year, I challenge each of you to begin to look around you and see where God is already working and then seek Gods will where He can use you. It is a joy and a privilege to know that God wants us to work with Him for His glory and His purpose. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21). Hugs,3

hand-made gifts, pottery and more. We paused for a short time to feast on homemade soups and breads, followed by some delicious desserts. We heard two PWOC ladies share stories and pictures from their involvement with orphanages directly linked with Portions for Orphans, increasing our understanding of the direct link between our bids and the children on the receiving end of that money. After hearing them speak, bidding began again. As the time ran short, the bidding got more heated and at one point I think I outbid myself! The highest price paid for an item was 180 for a three-night bed and breakfast in England with former SHAPE PWOC chapter president, Dee Balshaw (won by yours truly in cahoots with a certain D a n a Maksimowicz). The evening was A table full of donations for the silent auction sits beneath a wall of photos displaying pictures of orphans who may benefit from the sales. one of the best yet this season, with a total donation of $2,695 (roughly 2,063) going to Portions for Orphans. It was a fantastic evening of food, fellowship and fun. I went away knowing money was well spent and there are orphans who will see a better day here on earth as they are loved and cared for by people all over the world.

Confirmation Classesat SHAPE ChapelAre you from a church tradition that confirms ones faith through instruction and confession? Lutherans, Episcopalians, some Presbyterians and Methodists, Anglicans and other Christian denominations joyfully engage in classes to confirm a personal faith in Jesus Christ, affirm baptismal vows and to fully participate in the sacred ordinances of the Church. Chaplains Beltz and Broddle have responded to requests from parishioners and community members for confirmation classes to start this month. Classes begin Sunday, Jan. 8 and will conclude with a formal confirmation service and celebration on Saturday, Mar. 17. Classes are forming now for adults and for children age ten and older. For more information, contact Ch. Beltz at [email protected] or 065.44.6037 or Ch. Broddle at [email protected] .


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over coffee and hot chocolate into the wee hours of the hours together. It was a successful weekend of fellowship morning. and bonding for not only the board members, but our husSaturday morning, we shared breakfast as a big family. bands and children, as well. Then Mitzi Roberts led As Mitzi shared in the board in a leaderher session with us, ship training session it is important for based on the life of Neleaders to continue to hemiah, a leader who learn and grow. We finished his calling well strive to learn ways in and provided us with a which we can serve great model of what God to the best of our leadership looks like ability and at the from a Godly perspecsame time serve our tive. As we worked families and show through chapters 1-6, them Christs love. we each discovered our We are committed to own strengths as leadan excellent year of ers as well as our weakPWOC with each and nesses. It was a great every woman who opportunity for personal joins us each week. leadership development We feel so blessed to as well as group leaderhave such great reship growth. In the A few PWOC Board members and their families enjoy a game of Mafia after the younger children went to bed. treat opportunities in meantime, our husour backyard! bands took off to explore some of the local places that were As we begin the final semester of our leadership as your significant in WWI and the children explored the chateau PWOC board, we pray Nehemiah's example will guide us and all its nooks and crannies! When the men returned, and God will bless the work each board member puts into they prepared a wonderful lunch feast for us all. We worked leading our PWOC chapter. We covet your prayers and as a team to pack our things and enjoy our last couple of pray continually for each of you.

Devotion: Spiritual RenewalBy Dana Maksimowicz Do I need spiritual renewal? Revelation 3:14-22 tells us to be earnest and repent. Do I desire a sense of joy like that given in Nehemiah 12:43? Am I useful in fulfilling Gods purpose here in Belgium and am I living as I should according to Colossians 3? I want to offer you ladies, at the beginning of this New Year, some practical things you can do to allow the Holy Spirit to begin a new work in you: Music add more praise music to your daily walk with him (Psalm 33:3). Christian music can be used in your life to teach you new things about Gods word and it can uplift your spirit and give you a renewed sense of hope. Often times God provides the perfect song at the exact moment you need it. Read the Bible obtain knowledge from the Word. What does God want to change about me? The one book that will help in the process is the Bible. The Holy Spirit will transform and renew your spirit and the more knowledge you gain, the more he has to work with Journal Pour out your heart on a regular basis. What negative things in your life can you turn into positives? How4

do I handle the small things in life? What am I doing when no one is looking? How do I handle the money that God has given my family? Am I honest even in the smallest things? Isaiah 40:28-31 offers hope that we will soar on wings like eagles and he will provide us the strength that we need. Listen to what God has to say Let him pour out his heart to you. What areas need work? Listen and he will let you know exactly where you need improvement. Go to church pep rally with other Christians. Surround yourself with Christians who will help support your walk with Him and encourage you. Do not isolate yourself (Proverbs 18:1). 2 Corinthians 4:16 tells us, do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Take this as your encouragement and make some changes so that you can grow closer to Him. We will only be in this life for a short time -- are you ready for the gift that God has promised??

Winter Study OpportunitiesMonday Evening StudiesThe Book of James instructs us on governing ourselves in trials, temptations, listening, doing, speaking, wisdom, boasting, patience and faith.

Tuesday Morning StudiesFearless by Max Lucado Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundredyear lease on the building next door and set up shop. Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less. Can you imagine your life without fear? Behold, Jesus Is Coming by Kay & David Arthur Yes, the everyday Christian can understand the book of Revelation! This clear, helpful study encourages readers to delve into this important scripture and, by studying it inductively, let the text speak for itself. 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue Deborah S. Pegues How easily a slip of the tongue can cause problems in personal and business relationships. This devotional helps readers tame their tongue and turn it into an asset. Learn to stop saying the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong way, use words to build others up and avoid the pitfalls and consequences of lies, flattery and exaggerations.

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas A marriage study led by Mike and Mitzi Roberts, cosponsored by PMOC. Discover how marriage works to develop Christ-like character forgiveness, love, respect, perseverance in each of you.

Prayerfully consider which class God is leading you to join this term. Bring a friend as we grow together in Christ!

David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore Explore how David's life proves God will never give up on you. In this examination of the man after God's own heart, David will delight and disappoint you. You'll want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others.


Dates to Remember

January1 Happy New Year! 3 Teacher Training, No PWOC 5 PWOC Board Meeting 9 - 10 Winter Kick-Off Program 13 Bunco Night/White Elephant 16 - 17 Bethleem Food Donations

2012-2013 Leadership Board Selection If youre interested in becoming a member of the 2012-2013 PWOC Leadership Board, please obtain an information packet from Mia Basilici. Please be in prayer for those who will lead during the next year of PWOC!

BUNCO NIGHT!January 13 7-9 p.m.SHAPE Chapel Bring a white elephant gift - everyone will go home a winner! Food, fun and fellowship mixed with a little healthy competition and some awesome take-home prizes! Fellowship Hall Feel free to bring a snack or dessert to share.

Tasty Treats Schedule:Jan 17 - Board Jan 23 - Taming Tongue Jan 31 - Behold, Jesus

Happy January4 Jennifer Frey 11 Cindy Rogers 14 Helen Kisner 26 Shirley HouinIf you paid for a fleece jacket and still do not have yours, please contact Trisha during the next Tuesday meeting to get it. Thank you!

Chefs wanted for Bring Them a Meal. See Melanie Taylor to help.

Birthday!2011-2012 PWOC BOARD MEMBERS

Orange you glad I didnt ask who these masked men are?

This newsletter is published under direction and authority of the SHAPE Chaplain exclusively for the SHAPE Protestant Women of President: Karlena de la Cruz Participation: Jodi Miller the Chapel program. The views provided VP Spiritual Life: Sarah Becking Watch Care Liaison: Mary Admiraal herein do not necessarily reflect those of the VP Programs: Terri Taylor Praise & Worship: Danielle Yeager SHAPE Chapel and are meant for informaAdministrative Coordinator: Pam Giacomello Outreach/Inreach: Cindy Weir tional and entertainment purposes only. If Financial Liaison: Dana Maksimowicz Titus II: Mitzi Roberts you have questions, concerns or would like Hospitality: Laura Glover Leadership Selection: Mia Basilici to contribute to this publication, please conPrayer: Christine Horsley Publicity: Trisha Raynoha tact the Newsletter staff. Contributions are due no later than two weeks prior to the first Contact any member of the board via e-mail: [email protected]. You may also find us on Facebook: We look forward to serving you! Monday of the publication month.